Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1858, p. 4

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Thée Victoria Cross. GR.&VEL ROAD B3Y-LAW.' nei Quen ies liee graclously pleased to s4nify lier intvntion te coinfer the deco- ruation of the Victoria Cros: on tue under- inentiotîed officer and soldier, svho have been recommended to lier Mnjesty for that A B Y-L A. decoration, on account of acts pf bravery T as i tiy -r perfornxed by thetn ini Intlia, as recorded 0 faoize <As aum of l7a te8M fTiz ty 2 âoiand .Pounde, and inteaut, pay- aguirist thuir res.pectve namnes, viz: able within twenty jears, f"r the im-J Lieutenant (now Captaîiî) Frederick Ro. pruvcltleuî<t o heIêeoaly, liereinqfter men-j bertson Aikrnan, 4thà Bengal Native Infan- tioliet, in the Corenty of Ontaîrio. triy Date of act of bravery, lst of MUarch, 11U1E As ilis expedienî tu raisqe by wa w f1 ltliui siiofutTliirty Tltuaei§tâ ý838. This offier,, commanding the Ord Pi d.f(r7,~ilpiOo ~roiî et Sikh Cavalry on the advâneed picket, with rowde witiiii îtlit Leeîîtv cfiicL-Lo, atitid 100 o thernen havn- obaine infrma-wiM req-ire the ïsotiftr*ee tholisaed anRilathm 100of homen hain obaind nfoma hrîxireîî pouils itii ho rt.i-cd nua:lly, accord- tien, just as tefrce înarclid on the '~~le itlsdo ii ceivsvit morni& otthe lt ofMar.'h last, of the s2tin Df "-thie, Upper cr Cîîd:î cNi ijcipu&l (-or- morningot thelot ofpýr1 eîîit r , Onid ei.lt iit icîcdrud proximity, thrcro miles off lte high roid, of adl<rtv-iiiiie, ie;.pcoil .1ratei fur îfii, pay ent of sucioaii, ced Ut itele- lcet .il a body of 500 robel nfantry, 200 horse, t". vvosrouIl, ic î1î. cîu wich Ibià bvlaw and, two gins, under Moosahib Ah Chuck- ehui Ct iclto fira 1cr the jeymont ana raz lide, ataced nd ttery rute thntJOO1ptiîu ofthue Du cbetu bc irso.ued acder h-da, atackd an uterlyfoutd tem i heuutlicritv outbtlii by-L w, uand theie uterest cuttingp up more than 100 moe, captxring t1t reoue: oicd wheroe icstt wholu ra"oblu pro- 0 pcrty of the Cocmity of Outarlo, aceordimi Le two:guns, . and driving the survivors intotIit n"eeinntrcturn.-îfur the vorur ofouer Lord and over the Giomtbea. This fcat %vas per- 1237, usxioUlutd tu £ 43033 8 , sud it will fornned undor every disadvantage of bre1oken rcquiru an atnima:l rate of, iiluthe potina groud, indparialy uner he laningor a litfe imore than 1, ouci theo innudred groud, nd artall ener ho lanibgpotmede, ulpili eur;tible proporty as a fire of an adjoining fort, Lieutenant Aik- -t)ecitiuthe or U ic o uîterest uthe man received a severe sabre cut in the face for tie crciiti,îu of a siiikîîîg fenld to pay and re- in e personal encoanter with several of the1 deei sucli dabeittîres in t wL-nt%- yurs fronthefie enemy. titne thi.s by-[,îîw all ib un o fource, mme bhm-, eneny Iinafter p rovidcd.17 Gunner Williain Connlly, Bengal Honuîe Artillery. lDate et ict et braiver ,, Jcmiv7, 1857. -Tîs iiLlier kreontuciiehfor the Victoria Cros-', for liï gallantry in adtoleri îith the eiiiîiy ut JlîeIimtn, on thec 7th of July, 18-57. Lieuitenaunt Cookes 13eng-il buse Artilluuy-,v. 1îortsthat t"abo ut -do.ybrounk un thuit div r trtvitlecdtiMy ha If- tu-ccp nt a g:iiIopcmid ettgagcd the etenîy within Citsy muslý.Imt ruingo. Tînt, sponge 2nd. Be it encuîied, and it le lîcreby enacted hy ithe lMuiicipil Ccucui eft clie 'oatin cf Oniarlo, iodertilu atiuui(rhîy îof tle MuoiuiciaCorpora- tiont Acte tlîît it anuiI îd îitv buo lawtifil tur the %I*orLitti if 'tlîte sd .Maîicipîil Cotimîil l rai-c l'y viv of loan, at a rate cf iîîlcremt uot exeesul- mgc six per coul per aoii flc l'inuiy penscu or periiuîv, cuîycrpirate or poiitie, wbo muuuy ho Nihliiie to aderiqe thelîox=mü upuu n .u~.î utriîeiiev itetcuoilîi ethe wboi ltîuuu Tbirtv Tluoîtsaîîd Pounei, anid to dlle liii satnec te bc p:îid luio thce bande ofîlie Treasurur cf tbeJ Conuty cf Ontario.J man oefonee cf rucy gins li:tvit),- been shob ird. Be it fîtrtler enactcd, aoei i is euuated hyIheîtîoriuyy cforosiid, that the ianlor o dtmirgt he îiviuc.Gtitner Coitiîiilly OgS- thîe rîaid Couîuty is lacyctioi.î u ià-( e sumned lthe duiesiof sucld -poigo teile, ( to u tcti-liy i ' inuer cf Düeletor l'or and lic h:id buireýy tîssistclin iti tocdis-hir- ' Ie:~ L orIlilscili tif Thint Ihîîîîe:îîîl iîU'11s gos of bis ,u, ti, w i amuliket bhall, u uy pers mul, u or ,Iisbzidy orpcratc, lîr tlirugh ht. efb Iligl feled lm L t cpoitio, .!i:Lll agice tiiiiinlvee onithîe cretii t o through tht li Iieei.ijti.r..i -wliLihsIiall ieis. -iucl uler grouni. i-othliuig d.turicîd by puitnand tii. Cuîîltîîîîu 0:ih'.1, thîlesid ii cipal h; l 1hi aîhnd iiei I s t:,e \Viurd,.i i0ii ont% Tlîouî& loîsscf bood. ho Ncaïc.ile-ivouint Le- ..inir, Lil l iizi otiilcha uanierandy- Esumue hîs post, 1vu lien iîlOVentiîuitlii lîlI se miîl', sud pqý- Vit rti e -t IL in rctirenmt, randîl thriitgiu uverelV Wou -xjclit IIlle iii.îi- i >alîltvl ded Ime oas mnlolltcl ]on bis hersc iii tetî ct e - iiîhh iî. l,,tl c I uîîile hiaie gun-teamu, anid noIe do the ne\t tpocLîlen uîîi~ iîîtn 0b ni!.,qr iii c' iî ii ir ir ,n tiiii c i, witich te gutis look tmp, aînd nnfuliy de-Ji 1o lîtili i i-î' h i i il, u 1ecu clined goiiJto tfie rein îvheui dthe tuoces.itv Mil Lh lit he iiihi l dî0e of his doinig 54 o -as rcliresetethCi 0htitti t c i ir,-ielî'itlî ilo u n -i ilicrni About Il alo i . n.tr., i. leutthe gu i i Fi t- i iooihirt îîIiii. i l o rt werc still ini actioun, Ilîic-uatnic lîincu, d. i i .7 il1 i' 10V spongingi %vas a in ho celte idon %tu by ae iiiii i ei i rmsket u..tiiustrikini iini oit the hitthere-c hib ttni1ronurttiiL t b>' c.usircg gre l ftiiiibi,s uhd lpartial ut- ierci Ciii.'d lie tl,ii ih iaut-.L, censciusnesn. Ion the p:i i :ilIi1ic.red exce u itiitiîîîîîîî 'h ia he uopcuniui sîve and the biîoul floived f.to:t . Ot ic ii l le -,c.uc.îru ie Ibis 1 gave directioni for lis removal oet t ir t!'i %,-;r -,f-i r I n isîuth c o of action. but buis brave maini, hearing ii iI iira ii- -c i u4 1îi Ltnîî istagegred tto hi e loc and sai, - o' ,II iiii iiilt i il, i iL iiiii'a-ii not go thû<o svhiie 1 inm vork lier-o ;" and i' ili ail :: ieii shor0l>' fter., .iids tulie ireu.-tned lisi i î --î, ii i h ii post as spongec-niuin. Lt in the arIer-Jli ~ ~ i~i c~îîîh h mn o f tIhe satne adc'y ib rec- uns ,?rel. LFii. tA i ti o- or h 1 I eîîgtcged:ît 10 ) ards frotmthîe iii tof li.a .îiV h i rL1t.1 - ..Iîuî 0 h i c t tlî anro irl village îvitlhe oditulc.îdiîs.iz :'Tho 11ih a it iii ici Native ifnc.i~nu uica itirilo stormi u~îru I uLi i. reiclec of bulleti., tl tni Ldt m tiitiuGt uuu.Liii 1 ner Conîuoliv, lithglt ufeicng cg i-el h i tuutlîî Oiii ii iui lii-lîre- ( from bis to- rviu nueLnls svwield-heut u ic diitli ing his sponge thh ait îi-rvand courage. ic -f l,(t! oo hrn iltiioîetoi wbich uuract-d te adimtiraionîcf bis c)i- i'îiîu il hi h Iiiiltîieiiut oyc rades. atnd wo-ldochecrlcîliv eticotragini- a i À-ilî ii îchtl l , i l ti. icrlitv tircl- woundedtmr o teashen in bringimig up the t d i îL lii h ii,,iy ut.iirei-ih h, iliat tic i-aU i-Lunu ametunition, a rou-k-et bil tore trouglii io L at, uî i i iIlotîî on heiiu the mnusces of Itis riglitlle- ;but, ivitit the i thu Berick id uînîîîîî tuie ltlurtli ccii Motudmtdbraverv, lho strug--Ied irdion îiict a h anid nît iicmliul d a -ix litutic.i di ii id-il îî icLîtu c, -i itîlxc,,-Ulàit pîîiiiunc thîs m i .; , tihrtihlus f .à adfni uîu the Villiteuo f -Uxbridge lic> fie IVN. Wiil t Z>uu iSS O 'îi ' cmJîîîiîttio'tiisuîc iulii truie blood,,ito e l in i ui>'amis aitd tplitceà i ntle ch icot liîsetc, 1toflue reur Qcille uTown-e on a ub-aon, w-uiicli sblortiy aftcro-ards bort.u at lll iiCtie reiiiiýlilliO i-ua tif' tîo a' . i oe ilu -i fot~îera t îLt îsliip huma ie a state ofunoitisciouSness fromte n lOt tOi t iio ,u;itberrhi lîe iteur ni u t l ticI iilc had llii u tL u ihîe Ofiîutît i ! h Il.kri't tîcgilu VictoaCînîo ietiad \oton- STu£ n MNE os"--lecost oflirt I hu' itrnth i e uîciLiif Stock hueù W'ÂV Mut/i Gocs." >Tbe1et i-i f ttt'ptctici-.id iid,.o iii .(fie etre L a thirteen-inch sliell, als i tliSes througît ru id. rmuN îît iiAthieriv, tc lc i Fc the air, is to-o potînîcs ton shiiiîugs sten irc- i, l ueii ie ,cietdlcld ieg. At cactu exploioniilirre goce hic Lis ýtvuilve ouidtiirtee, t:ulie,3oNirthun e I L guineas, banîg ! The ecnltl-n:îed co f ir- Vcsittavl uitu etîi oiî ewuu btLus t cyle and tiitirtî-on Othîe Toreltiîe oni ring autirty-six-imtch bomnb is fleur tbirty llnoek, and tue -ut of ltur tltusiaed rputu; id pcidi. Tlhesc fiures uflord soie ides oui tcfnic d ; teteuol Lots 5tucîc and tirteem i mthruicli thec first ans iuacuil ee ofsiriEu of the tuhellirîs club' îhich is nucossititcd liccekthuieuioluigli itue tilird, tocnrthu aîd I by wuaufae. fifl UeUîCice-iul- f irucek. outie rond e:tablbsb- e 0-1 bv î-tiw îof tile suid lu iciii-tip, thene e ast- a IcaivuIl t10Icd îllluietinhoIe fronît out SuXPLîcrury s Xîi -1 tla s mi th books tic SiKtlu cîîciessiîîîî ti, tie cide road betweeli as wi tha w'ouan, .ntere a certain plainness lt.icoiber tielc aind tlinî, and thîce ofîinentncd dress isuicore nggigtlan rLailiini ftruttuadptîd tisaI giire cf puinit, and airs, and apparut,, uutog the said TcwsulirI (iîf Tiorah, to te rond which mu a>'dzzio tbc eyo but roaches not , of th(:Lir .id T Io1 oil1, tIletinecaloi'--, the euid roud8 -affections. tuîhhwioî.it 4 tbh .ilbot Roadtheneimiiug io 1itl'romi the Talbot River tu the Village of Tint thertenesmy âne, f-li.irointeu-avhave a indicrous habit cf uluiititiný themeselves 1 iteCut Lcfotloo' sruto b, with thoir clilombib>' spe.ikieg i ii the plur- 'ne fftlh conicessieoi of Thortît1, cigit biuuldred Gentlmenc tho ptudI-,auîd twc liîuecred id, on lte twclitb ai nuieber. I Gnleoio te u-y, co ikiiuoune cfBkrock, froiutIbe eid Cooulty -C L 1i----.. - _!. le tho theCentre rond. same lunmoinar>' ou thee Istern cru-cuit, a t tise momntt bbc plicuian says be saw uci leitp, Iunjl proveo taI. wc woro locked up in thui stah.ioni-hounse, in a sUiite of intoxication. "Go MÂitia."-TEhe mo:t lhe!tîtiful flow-. -m are titsinownvich are double ; suc( a double pinks, doub)le raïsr, ai-I caluie- duiisias. What an argutiiont is buis agtiinst - the chiliimg ceforinit>' cf cingle bleoseti- nus 1 aiGo rnîrry 1" is o-iten ce every' tlîing be-atitul that te oye rest.e. upn- bogiening with bhe birds of paradice, and ending oitiî apple blessoms. -À GDoe Lut'nîtreMlede Somn- Oseu-y sa>'e, excelluuttlf, ?Toi con-eu-se uitish a peuson cf me intteder.itanding is atm diffi cuit as Lo lu-aid on foot oils a Lime maIn.t f Ne Mlot:UPOq TIXAT I ftn- op le Company, wtîbin i,; ssarvalît, cilleouct, Where is tisat block hoati cf mine?' A lady prosent answeu-oi, 'On youu- shoidors, Sir~. ~Aoyo Iýteo et lire siip ' coketi an emu- fgrant of the 1 cook, who was an Iriasmuan "No, sir,' repliel Pat; Iii tise mane. titet cocha tise mate.'1 A fermer eut West, ce being told that lis ougbt te du-es a badge - sihicis e- olosti bis gardon, repliedthtia hie wite dred over>' Monda>' b>' hnging out beu-- eioths on it. A. gentlemani was tbroaeening te boat a crog vute barked i toierabiy.-.Wlay" ex. oaiemed an Irlaen whc was puesont 'Would yen bet te por ducra animal fou- oiai ut r Ite beheld at a wedding kent air of the. paretsas ho away,' when, yen know ten ym ho. ha& be.sttry- *t huroffbis bans. 0 ---6'0 i- - JOn Sineot ctreet, coîtmeuoîeg rt tise Cocl>' lihue, Sîîuttuoard ho the Towiu une tof Wiitby, Ilîret, tIîocîs-uîîu ttde, ef selulein tue soin .-ocf two tocinti îîd lice lîuulreot poutîde to bc expcnded North ou' Prnce Albert, cudthie ro- miniing lis-o hundretu pouids ou theo cadd Sicu- coe etreet, from ni ice Albert to the Tow-e âne cf' whtby. on Snack roadtiseween iïtlenamiser iglileen and iiceteeii, comunoeiig et th) iKiîtgtoe ntad, le thte Towni.hip cf ticieeinz, te tîte Town ie of Utlrîntge, two thucý.acud pounde, cuti tromu tLhuuce uunthe usal,!Town lîee, t heuc luw- atce ft o no ehtwectnithe third seti fountis con- eei-eiouus of the Tiown.sip cf Uxbridge, anti theuce atotig the sud-i ruait aî!owanc., to th Townt lice ef Scott, tlcree thotusmeti piuctds. on the rouI rllu-wance behwee chue.tisird ced fcnrth Coucuesioîue cf the lowuusbbp df Scotte tute Tu% icebte utofGuongina, one titecsatudn tisve huudrcd peiudo, tbnuec lintretu pouuudà fnom tje recul aleivucce betssee lte tinui dd fotnboueeia ofsett, onthte side ltmte ho t-ecîn muaieberî fic tutti six, tte ulice of rocul hotweee thte tiftlu anti sixuis concessionsa, udlise rernaiebtur tîco indreti poua ndite ueroati e- toýblisheod b>' By-law of thp iTscwnsbbip Cotiacil et Scthtwe os omt -two 4nd twent>-- tlîeoce he hir eccusîon of tis aiti Ton- Providet ivs', tisat Moutretise final passage ofthle Byv-iow, it sîraîl be sabjeet te tine approvai cf tiseRatepaycra ufthe Ulouut>', te belomutib>' a reguaiuPolIV> tce Ieltifor tat prtrposeaocoi Maiiipildy. Anti that if tise mtjerit>' of the Ratepauce who record tisoir vuos feorrâas th.. Ily-iaw, b ami' ici1p Iy1 ainall ha un fat- vcar uthlIe 1>-law, aneis einieiueity situa ho ce)nsîdereti îtu ior cf suotu B>-lcw. Andt ta if a etujenit>" cf thne Ratepayere% who record their voesefor or eglingt tise By-Iew, ho agabeet the Il aece' nitiipalit>', mach Mueicipalît>' I be6 concidoret ai glet the B>'-imw. Ankd thcl tise Iheoire or Deputy Reeve shall cai a meeting fu- tise prpuce et takig sueis voe, et eus> tinte preou8n te tise Tweiity-fortn de> et Nevember, le tise year e! ou- Lord orea thoumenti eIsiht udreti and IftY eignt., as suout Rouse ou- DIoput>' lcouo May dote-mieo. NOTICE. i- T R1E above lJeae lue copy of aprp. y lair te he hekon intho-coasidlredi0ca by'%Se Municipal Conneil oethlie Ceunt> cf LOntariîo,' et the Cout lies. f lte Town ef Wlmtby, lanltae sald Ceuity, on lhia 27A-da# 4!FO VH4EMBER18658 *et lve of tiocloeli , nelat wbiclr timeand place, te o'mtere ofe-aidMmmlçipel Ceuni- éâ ,«e tý rqeled te attend Mr the pur- 4u ofg ciriu»*onnat~e, Paseed tr4o K ÂcoAgus$$Mt, M&~ î EL J. cONK A -PRIZF FOR EBUYBODY 1 Britieli America Assurance Company* NEW YOUXl WEEKLY PRESS$ TNCOBP'ORATED under a Ac tLime Third BAIT.UL 1. Session of theo Eicveutb Provincial- ?arla.aLu-rRA E uutcf Uppor Cusitîduî.1 L U T A CAPITAL .i100,OGO. PAMILY- NEWSPAPER. rl NEW YORK WEEIrLY PRESS l onee Insurance eticctcd on Buildings -and thei 'IIoftite lrgest and bext literary paeN os ctbuu cntets. Every inuformaution uppîied ce ap.- d1,y. ÀA. Large quarto contiiuig TW FNTY plcitiot o lire iuîecrigmied. l0AUDS, or eixty vcollumemîs of emtetîininee t- Marinue hilîks fer the seaî.soi or for Pitris. ter, amnd ELE<3A2NTLY IL.LUSTRATE evcery JOHN AGNEW. wcek. LLFE AND IIEALTI! ASSURANCE. The British-American Fu-leudly Society of Canada, E STABLIS11141)1'Oh'£rIIEASSURAN(,EoF CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. lleuad Offie t rut Muxtreol. GENEIIAL Fcî,TuOR C. IV., JAS. BUBLmEuen. R.W. Clark M. D., -Medical Referec, W n md!tr ucy. iouho Iivi. (n-r ot l i n I .îcrx utfimicttiou affcrdcd l tiie Licol .\u!cîît ut hi: i MEee.i Provincial Insuranco Comp'n- 0F TORLONTO, C. W. SUBSCILIBED C iîî u,î770 PAID >UP A rA, 412S. iIl. i i.C . Itu.il. l. I LîiB î . t- ilutiemuure, Emi I. . Dliîîunu. Ari. I'ai-rawfoti, ENMP. lt .rini l.a'i :rk. il-- . D. Cliiiificu. Wuthouc ietT'rn l'iie i-J s. îliiiu ti . t -n'rIMitmnr .. ; . tti î uýÏi cia i-]0 î,i-i- ;J î i-i - i l M alcnr v andtoirz.irr-ti - alsl c t it»ont o- ti per ve. -on-ca i e it. Ai-nos. t th li-i ite liu it ! t t.- ii r u i, ot Otitil itnt) bbu a. F. KELLERL SHIERIPF LAND> SALES. SherifIls slque ot Lands. COCN-TY oel, uu1 )Y X'IPTtJE 0F A To Viî : B IV>rit off.ieri Faeîias issued out cfIler Mcjî--t %'i Court of Qiieeîi', Bencli, ut 'rorouto, undd iii niedi rced,giust the lands ced teiciterits o'if Sud iOîodst Wljt taker. ileWfciat, imithîe ,ut cf Tiiocits Paton îclaictihl'. 1. have ,.cizedd iltakejiin cecîtiiie iii the estate or iLteret (f the soul Bncie Good- sit Wliittaker le Ihet eri: ai prt 1or piecce of land, beie0 ciou' po.sed cf' Village Lov ts unnhr -ixty-ouo eand 'sixt%--t-vo ou the Socuth sidu ut lQucen street and Lots nijînhr sevgnty-oie anîd eveîtwo on the North sileouf Mar; strect, in heVlceof Port Ferry iii tue'rowltii p o1 Reach, le the Ceeunty of littrio. Ail w leh lande anidtueimt, or the Laid defendant's etatu and interest thertiiî. 1chouI otfér for sale ut myl Offie, ie the Cou rt Hiiore, ut the Tocwuof Wlîittc,,lu the County cf Oxitrie. )n Satuirday the Eighteenth day ofSep. next, ut twxelve O'ciock, noce. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Shcriff'x Office, Wlîiby, June 17, 18i5. I23 The sale cf the above Lands is postponed until Mfonday the Eighteenth day cf Octo- ber next, et 12 o'clcsck, noce. NELSON G. R-EYNOLDS, ,SÀ4ierff C. o. htucrPer"J.OL.iceR. Witby, Sept. 18, '1858. 86 SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS. CoUMn r OSNTAw ,Il IRTUE 0F A To Wf: fLt>Bwriî of Flou-t Faia issned ont cf lier Mujeshy'c cl-haut>'Court, cd tise Cont>' cf Octaneo, cd Whlthy, anti tg la. titrocteti, against lise lends andti ecoeuetsout rhumes lisiury, defeuttant aI thie cuitL et Lovii Throop, -pluintiif. 1 Lave seize,! anti taien un execuice, al Uthe esute an nt ereet cf tîte said Titoînas Salîistur>', in a Lhree ehor>' Brick Buildieg, contaii thIulty apartmuonte, s3iteatotu ou tise nertis oldo of Fiu-t Street known as Salisher>"s Brick Ronce , vl4 ofLa t a acre cf Land tiatactiet. Vinerea ec Oodbaem and5etuitiiise oît-bnldiegs -on tseho mso. Alec hait acue Lut ce outîs aide eofirat Shreet wilis a splendid Gardon, Shberor, 'e Ai whicis lauda andti enemeimu, or t e sit do- fecdaet'setteo o r atetthercin. Isal cifer for sale anto>'<Office, Unthtie Cou-t Ronce, et the, Town et Wleiticylenthse' (lutnty etf<Ontario, e Monda>'lte T-enmy-seventis tic>'oetSeptember ncxh, et tweîve ceclck, necen. NELSON 0. REYNOLS Sheriff's Office, Whitb>'y etf, .O Jaune 24, 1858. Tise sale eofLina above lande la liereis>'poSi. poneti noîiliMonday the Elghteentin dc>' efOc other next, et twelve o'cioek ceen. NELSON G. REY?«)LDS, - i , shirff, .bÙ 8lceriffs Office, Wlntth>, Sept. 27, 1858. f8 RAKERY. 'Bà KIyA" C 9NECTIONARY î W1IOLEUALE TÂI rLEÂ. A GlPTworth.from 5oc.to $1000 00 icWl bd sent to îeclu aubscrcnr oie neceip Oof the asrcption moeeej TEÃœMS. One copy fur oe»ur, 1111111gift .... 2 riirce î.opes os.a- locîr, andl iinfi...... 5 00 Feive cpo ile ufr aud 5 Igfte .... 8 OC) Toi, copieis oeeyer and î10 gufte.; ...... Twîîî*ilty-Oto Cîipic- eîiit air ni a1iftis, 30 C0< Ceî,usubiecrilters mu-I lt e id .t; ti iîeL eaI ini addit',in t 0t.jîot e rates le l ie A umer- iran positage, 'chivit ou,.t lclîbe ii T'1i t- rtiele,. liibu, il.r:l)iiti.d îtir,- o iiomepriscd uti CLou Stt - ra-r îl.lil 1h5d d2' Iliffieach ...............1100c ccli -2 idWtle................lik ilc1 1 ki-i 1... .. ... . i uel,101 ,o Ladies gotI O .......s ;ii l e -lk,il%-Uer h %vuhiCnt.tfiîJîii 11,1 ch 'oo si]iver N IVti-, .. <h ) i hi i, îîO1IQens fb ch"ý.n.............. ni :,iîcci li oM ptetl C, atiîl îIt i i i11t 1 t;hirt $awl >.1 11.! .il. or Tronih'i l, alt i.1 l. UtIlîîcit wîtlîtuai111111 ~ ..1 î i i-- Ti . - ,rie lithc i tIi Ilirî:i mon 7:-- IIANIEUi 'DLF,111LI-1-n CARRLA.GES, &C. ____NOTICES. NOTICE 0F PARTNERS111P. T IIîE Uiiii7idlirlv'i' notice thiot lthey lia. 01thîs day îitc-ied into Part. crsýlîip Cbminmtoin d& Ltiulrere7tchaMfe, 6teeral Agcîct &,e., under the sitylo of the Firixucf .'iltru Septeniber 12, 1557. JOIIN YFALBLO. E. S. VINDIN IN REFERENCE TO THE ABO E, Wc Ieg t(-u iftirin oat fricuid îdtue pcuîiLe c- uienail , tiut tWeClii.. epeun art Iiiolure tut liii- tnui.paetiotii l'ail bei-lies enetresite(tu t u s u duiuu -i-Lu ti pig, Forccardittii-and (Lcîîor,.L Agets. Ahi-o oliiuen Yard fcr'the reecilui ud sale of Ltuiî>or fer Local or etiier piurpî.t-c and tic trus-t li promupt attentionte ail iîuîtters llacoti in ou i ads, ho unerut ind ob tinnhit cotnfidence anticupport. .ALBRO & VLNDIN. Poýrt upe Dccé. 22. 181.7. -- -49 NO TI CE. :e To Mouchan ts anti Firmers. _el1 11 ubeciher bogs le ccjuinit hic fnieudm T e i 0uLt~'l -rnihv,1thet hhbas takee the Gnou Mi 1, kutiun iu i K.ENVT .JILLS, andi formeic ccupied bY Mr. F, Routre, near Brueiilin, oi fn*hie lîanoud s-cl keowi expenlece u ii-iieii ii WtiLn*»by-, huope loy aîriol atthentiotî auîd îît.ictc.uiîy. to uni-it uu ciscre et pnuleyiiticouager. Particoler attentiton puid 14r !derehaumts, Farrîters and olisors wieiug te get thiter llueat F 'îuuuslîl be deait with lîhurali>'. A cudl wilI oblige Hl . N EVILLE Wity, Non-einior lîlu, 1S57. 43 H AVING ptirehai,ed the ectinee Etok et 1. Dauiils u&-Cc., suîb an additiont of ke- A New Stock, -j we flatter nurseive-, tlat sce cati gi ce caire ati-- f--otoe iialîc ljritunfanîur us witb a cîil. JOSEII lI[CKIN"S & CJo. Brookiin, Nstuuo cî,lt. 4 ASSI(INEE'S NOTICE. A LL poroous indi-btcd te île. Rotte of John ?toge-e. eituer c ouihoe nett, bonîd or Mont- gege, must settit the saiee Icithi itis. Pid iii persetis hasîuuug claiuuagaiei-t idilEstate wsu- pleu ase in t aecuieut. oy theie dm day cf Jante next. Agn o-HIRAM HO>I, lIýe t frte Atsigucc, Bncoklie. Brookle, Api/il, 15-r, 12 L.R. SCHOPIELD & 00., Importera aati Oneoral Deileslut Dry Gootis, Groccries, Creckery, Giassware, &é. CORNER BROOK à COLBOIRNE STS. SWhidby J'ai>' laI, 1858. 28-tf. 1 NO TIC E. A L ousons heving d~aims against us, 'A wlIpresent their accouaIs for pay. ment. i Jcly la8, 1858. 2-f FTTRTULER NOTLC. and' ' ettle te saine wi1thoitt deIay, md saye costs IL IlSHOFIELD)s o 'i a . . i., __________ I LIVE1~Y STAB~LES. REAL ESTATE. BEAVERTON. FOR SALE- CIJEAP. lin-r. Irirmu e riAi nav he mtade with the lruiirictr)'viîr l a iala 11r Aîîhiv I.- MR. JAMESAIMTOG N. Il.--TI:e!re s i un it-ratv.i iîui iing att Ba- J. A. llcaeueeton îtîîii 2,115-57. 218 BIac-ksmiths & Wgonukers Sbops For Sale Wor1 Let uut Liverpool, rWENTY MILE -.. i i i;)F T îiOiN3î i A Wu tNiJ. I r-aî.h I u aL iUn A ire f I o 5 i liii i ~ s u it* il hli- ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1-hîs îîi îî h For f'iirthiîr l. r. iîh'i EA EISTATE.» HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. V'O R SALE IN TUEÉ VILLAGE 0F BROfOK- -V lin, a Honce and Lot second to e ithe e Cournty. T1hîe abovic plae ldbeamtilully silu- ated, fcnowu uad the rei§ideittce of theImte W111. liedg sou sem., citb a good iei of water, Stable, S'b i îîîd 'coud-lîotîccu&c., ticreon. Fer ftrtlcr particutîis pply Lu 4 JOHN 1IIVDGSON, Wb'iitby, C. XW. Wbitby, Aliril 111i. jn37. lu-tf. FOR SALE IN TH1E TOWN OP L OTS.NOS. 2, anid 2.TIIEY AP.E SITU- jeatdond un mdai, Street, bctwecce Mr. S-» Cotlbranc's ud Lyitîdc*b rock. q TERtMS LILUIL. Appietiii te ho macleiii MIIS. ANCELINE lWEST, Lot 33, Stit conceissioni Dirliugtou. Christiaîi otilcýrilgî iIeas, cpe, until forbid. FAR3I FOR SALE. F OIZ Scle, t4 oE.îi t isrre-r of Lot No. 1, le thetc tuii . 4,f ltecî, ot cuicb 100 are cîeared, aid inIl a at:ottcf ciiltii ticu. Il Thero tare Twc Saw Milie titltil i e iiie ad a 1ult, if tlie re mi- unaîla Roret .Suou lt the denier of tielot. Tîierear 17 acres tiftSiimeuîuî e jLauîd jeex- cellerttuîîd lor 1iiiuity ut so;it l îîbileiic UxheiIgo Viiig. For 1turthur lîrmicilaunI opiply to -.. - FO <Or to ~R SA LE. TOWN LOTSN iî i, ih, icrrthe Biy.- 1 i.o V1llug Lu.-t-,iutl Creck, Freiieilu mus D4 ay, uidlMrt lerrvs Apjil3 lu Jîîîe 16, 1rh soiLLîtii. (e. jJnuek er-t IIL2u 100> Acres uf Lanmd for *sale. w &ET uaif 'f Lot N 7, iii the 2nd 4'il.r Of Vlnhtit, sit a getiuciiii:l e giold wrkiiie cîrden. ht irsof trie laiii u eliicd. Tictru. L, a icoul bteuse atnd luarii. Also. coo.n., ,,..II.I.IJ... -t'i un -')vi FOR SALE, J-- iî î. iuucii..-iec i II 4l*-tifiItl! it il p. :tilr. IlAllîu g l.c O retitlutuitc tlliti cilices.U ittilu1.it l tit , Pi k 1- t i -4 i . Ktr lTi -iL l vi r Cohr.rcolitaiinzt Nit- IRtris, Mriiîi 1cr F.KELLEIi su L bh :I iI i tic; t!a iiii.t, - Idsa d Lh -tii Vi it pIirýi%4100 Acres 0of rdfoSl. Iciuici i, ti - A FTuuil .î t , ttCGin. 1UXIuriLI4-, i3u hi tht U i c i Il ciii j a bu.i - bareiluci uiiu r ecitu iiii f i urNIîdî--. lit i llh.I Ilc aît 5 iii i i u- I I , , . l'i îIi- sorçt lu. i u.u.. L,' ioi li biît i. e i i tli ~r Ii r- I CK .-e Lciiiiitry n d iileihiici i h.lc uiuiu'c rcnksu- v iandîîLirk-h.,. Fcr terni.,stil d -îî Farna ft-ir Sal j .tMSELLER, I L.Idiitibie IL. i). iàouir uýl L -. - Ioi1ici M W11Lt by. utucîi 0.11..... i 1N EXCELLENT FUIM TO LET. à.ui;ilN11roî r là ( - i e f i--il '_, iLi..iu. r-. uî2 L) - O- Rj A L'M\ITED Nt IIUi (utFe E11S, hiil aunr . I ci -L;i i . ,c i nige FuJi--CI S hiuod, iwr u' t II,îcnurtrJ turing the NuîrIL ÃŽL - -- 0f i .t No 24, Snit MS c-oI ji-tir-- I dn iitl utIrcithluWct Ci tl ici ci- iof'Lut ut '24,4tiiitiAc'oi.t 'iiui-iLi i titbv- A i Oui ~~~~~~2')acres sîcîel l tetbchi.cu pirid f 1i (. XMLIION. Lre Ibm iniastîoi- cen pIci-tire L.ilifi e.) uiar Boaccrtcin tu li i;tq l~ --i*.i-iiiit oLren ii )etibirrî l'a I1S L1:CIUluAV.JOHIN DOWV, Ll~ikiM:î5~i-i ;: ~ - i i~uuiil'~ ltIn liitly June 15, 185. -_ ____ Whit Il, 11 v IL t. tîcuuVALUA.ILE PROPiEILTY FOR SALE en te IIISPROPERTY IS1'8 LEASA'NTLITU- J. v. I. Ta,- tcd in the tlcurishiuie Town-itot Whitbv, Barse, on Bruck rcluct, ciecetîv ipuiitoJudge Birfi- Wbîiîo1r. haimn'cresidoneci. 'eliîctitîtn -,tîco tit'lis of an Juty 15,t-26 «it acre cf Lied, etlu uabolitu-t) foc-t fnncmtga, ou - v.luletî lereneteci. F0RSALEl COMFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, AT0LVEILýN tT.tLNl>, scithî liLiÃŽ lliuse witlu suituble uut Builditigs, ait cîcclccd Wel and tsi'. large Sulit,. libre i- ahi-uc t- of Wuatur, andl a Ci.itertu, tegetiier uith s euume- taclucd ci ru- t alî.Iu wtie t h cliLict br of vdîiubbo Fruit Treea For fart~ehu arti- Frnuiit Trei,.neTfiluetbigît WvItl'fWater, eîîîarb aptply Ici sitb l'aloI, / o- ilItlîle iiu,i- - u Ibt i Lîo- W. SIIAW, cen the premmucea. c-1tail Lut Nii. . 1 I-tit (ni t Oiihe hduiul- W ibl ing nuo eItTati tuii, n - ~ Wi y, 1-ieh. 10, 1857.4 ni honni For temr nutd tarIbou iLrbLInsupY.te tho ownen e t Nctil MDoltîall'it, Bek, ,District Lino) near Coiuilitoel's Tuvorn. JOH-N McDOUGALI- Gcrpeete-r. Brook, Pecember lei, 1857. 48 A Rare Chance for a Good anti Pro- fitable Ircietaent. JWILKINSON îîow cifferx that tiret Close Houctse GLOBE II>TEL, in Bu-coklm, for scIe oi resonrible ternis. lntncdiate pos- sesseIon wili bc given. 1Broukil, Aug. 24, 1858. TINSMITHS. J. WILKINSON.32 PORTRAITS. PORTRAITS! PORTRAITS!!o XTOW le the dîne to seenre nc Ldcî-uuce lut Ling Portrait fromn A. A. GREENI ceOCta sruuo2, wîil-rByn, Over Mos8an. Doitaldson'8 Hardware Store. Ailm'y pictnreà musat bc perfect likenoes befer-rceoiuy gallury. hrt Pes iho- loras&cadictureseite tien.Zyloor Art taken. p-syec h PrîceA rcd uced extremriy low te sult the lime A. A. GREEN. Wh.it.by, April 2s,185&. 15 NOW IS THÉ IITDE. GEVTOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clalrk's let Prizç Picture Çallery IF yotm desire a correct and life-lika Ambre type, Camcotype, Lettetrgrîoph, or Loather Tran8fer, or a Likeneas le a 'ooket, Brouoh.or, Ring, for J. A. C. caL'uo k la hoLue beeiîtylei and ut short notice. as-W L x ZsQ+-îls BLOCK ÂT K8W 10.., SHEMPSKINSI n-COTTONrcIAND IN cf ccir e etc g.et t, e Tin IVire Store o!-Unendersigneli Stoveo, iu, yCopper, aud Shoot hrou Ware., HESbacriber bîm to inforun Lbe 15M2 nhabitants cf Wfiitbyiad theosur roundinoouentry, that ho lash' tsm sud tih. tSok r. Thoma afae uand intenda tW carry cn the b 1Wi~st anl ils branches, on th. saune p reMis'es. 1'rem tha long axpoieie n tilecountry'maa JP 1,, CT.1 VA L VWORI*4iN, laid es Pouemnfdr Lui. liastsevon ybars. fou- Muessumc. Georieg o hemey u& Co., f o! ~rôto, lie feela cenldent ln etating tlmat all woo-k on- Lrnsted te huam wîIlbe perîorMned icn a manne,. that wil glvëoentlre eatittaeton. S An, excellent esorhjeenhi of COOK, PARLOR- AND, BOX 81TQVES, alway"-n bÀnd. Mbau lkids- ofTimn ti Shseet froaWri Every de,,cpizonof c oPIPER W QUE; JOHLN RI&AN. PuTJIFY nilIE BLOOD. Moffat'e Life Pills aimeSPhoeixBitters Free froniali IimïeraI Poisons. TIEGREAT 110PLTLMIITY WIIICLI MOF liît's Lifo Pille aotd Pboi(nx.,Bitturts have ai, r.ained ini eOîecuquemleor ftlie extràordilO.ry cures etl'ected bý, tleir use, reedcrâ k cmfnemsarv foi- tieppriettir w enter ihu ti partictiior anutilysis of t icir eeiciolnirtuiisor properties. Iiay imîg hiii nîre tlii- ' 'wciîr'ear. bîfore dispub i e i î i c ~ uy t U t u lt o n y f t o re t thfrce e rilions c oraî 1,010ho aVu liee restored ho tie njeuNVrelit of. pefi1et lheath b> tuer, 1h le Le.lied but tliiir reliotation U8 thie best vego-gtub!e 1mecdtic' clw 1,îr li hoe blic amîituuof io di-ipute. 111 ulîcîost1cVery City oný vlgimtliîeUiic ti, nc-Sâs, tberci -are eîuny Who ur1ciytto tîfy thetîcr cfftcaèy Ili rcelovbng disuâi-, anid gpiig t.. ie w'bobcsttù, nicncwed vigîîr and Ihe..lL. Ii dises ofof fc lcrServy or Eru tices of te ktii, Le ruriontif ticlu( 1îe INIi' diries i.strulY otîisî liot lh'nrc:tii)%,iîg in a femw days, cveîy (ot~ if these lciutl,.a,îe il silse, lvIiîrpiiipg etrVtS u.)Iltîtbc voer uîan iu, Dv-1)rrjitps, Irpsl'ilec, Und iii i.iort, tiiiit ciUi,, .s,, cOt .cdt lor ()Ut t4liotii, aS bii Ibeir îifflely u»Se miualrouiucring Und eXIXe ie eîîhbu vtd. l'repared f1y WILLIAUM MOST, M. D., e York, ccid fr al y _____ A 3iEDICAL REVOLUTION 1 TIIE WORLD UNAN,"IMOUS! B Il sîh es, 'l'Ioiltet o Su IIls, ir il t flîu Mtîu ;îrs.V- by rtiî,linimig <lii, Piîus, lîk - ietr 'iipr. St ui I i-h,.Poorl,l;igii), tciij - i euistaîdDrîy-.HOLLOWAYIS OINTMENT -1GSAN M;DIINS The G.reat. Ceenter Irrîtant! - -:' -HE rplf VIP S (-IDjSFA g E OFTF4 l oi, h.. i.wiiîe i ue i îrî- i l L 1 i:i.uuî u ou Ii ole, r ..i- iL . bhis jkeuetrat- T o. îîe t lîîîîe oi tiLe icriîll irc %îe ith l i i' Sttlh.uii-o( Iltî*ii, îîidîr tl-,b cd as i Us Iicliecliai riti . it.i-i ip,îii-ttii nteiid i. fà-%od.trit- Ji tte aiie Chano- J. il. ltrLfiei Lnti tIi, ore y~i ncîh oi o îJlccutdcî~shte p & ' i tî. agntac ii- nO .,b sr to lngs, r I îîiîn lier uitILoort.rt linOutu. li rat orth J STOCK 0F PURIE Ditl("suinlin, îj1:tlî IIigt î-ot.tîes eý i~~~~~~~Nu ifvr lichîîuc iiýccec tir iii, iii tt.tliI l cîîîîîIî vîI t,-ti snr lcnîii cf WlLi iih~ itbh- -ccc i lt, dufflîsng l iueuli- l-it le -u- iiu Jils Cooil cIdrt --i. i Ilreand C itle lleici i i îîeît icinv Irii i.iusSi tu lteluti tî u u hîh i~tu) re;1t-rllU 11î11i . iuiliitiiu Io 'sres minl ramors. iluuiic Iî.cr-h-,f ttài T iiririvallrd nxtIerol reenl Xiîibt înt14,. ia-nd-c .~ctî îleîît iieiers ild J u e.. î iii(:t ienîctîlz.îî-. xIt irst di-wekarges4 talle uu . îîLî îiecclhiujir iiîaud proud ~ I îlf t ii f\ir~Loh -i îi-lt5tî i i airtc ard e eLeeare>i-ie as weIi zns J .hl. '-i I c i - î~ilor Iîii t-t t Wouxurl.%, Bruute, Bumes, andi Scuilds lc .itiiL1Jitlili? Cxý4. , tViuc l lin . (. i liic uîî t buî ~ l..L, ..~ .O. 1 lit r-ic. (t1 îl rit»tire -u' te s, inuorices t..A. 1 AtN NISf i nd liii >-uc t is. iruiLeS i i h) tIi t Tie Apn i 13,un-L 1 , in1-exij !icrit , bloen ittîtd bnb ts ~N OU INiliNIII l ut ilulo ~o-> ni..i. c inizeuieJouid <. wil speit tivc i.. h ro 1 !N S i il. t~te indeicoable 'Iestimnîoy. f, lu ýl(L louui i . Ulîh-cre . itr i: ~ i to.i i îlcd -in d J i-e le nuui i a o- !iî' 'et ci t i C u- îcdi t1ce..geuuâ (it i~~~~~~~~~~~ tîuîutii-îLtioi.ilti i tiltt tlci Naîîici- OtinCit dir. Buins, esuri dhCi.Ille Tii-litIl liieur to i. tus.itîcIýe aîlltLciiciilaui.4, :S(t'i rc v. il tint, ou en .ututoif Il ot rihiitiirot lioibs,'tr c eiltuItitig hitmuibcetii t i ii. .1 uChaunce -- Fl.til., ..Il i1 1h5ici/ tu- ctle luiadertu ,i-i t tiio al Jtîn*11tC-u n i g I lit. eau1, hiet*ure lie u dties ll it ch, tiî:tz lSie iluiiti-n,'I'1 ui-jtustlo ..uein tç.lrhr ttîu îi c tît i ii. liîi.inid ni îc i.,rucis, jCuIdt:, &C. Aitdc llieuîinteti tter, DOCT01. 1 CbSBitANT, JlLiccnc, Lcr - I oLîIirAi, Ntio lit l.ire. New Venk iortd andfleieri lu Mediîiiie tiirfoîî.nboiit tLe Lnit:d States tand Lbie ciitlc &I cd, Le pot, e t 2à cents, #12,14 Cenitsccud l àecel-. r-?- Ther e a:J.coe ,e uiingby taiti Rl. MORSE, the inventer of Mcr-ge's IndiauLthie langer eizes. Di)Rotot Puil, hits sporut tue greaIer part oif N. B.=Directioes %for it guidatce of patients hie litb e ln rvelliitgr,liutviuug s Lsitec Euiropein laever>' ubsuder are allixti lu cccli box-' Asic and tric-le,asilCIIe Nortu Atuttnica-hasu__ epetuyeir irecnang the lndiuuus of our 1 CAUTIO<Ntîîorennenls WeslItern ocntry-it W'" un tibe wuythlat Ihe the or 4 L..W&,-EWYý 02u)- ludian itoot Pilles ere tiret dhsýos'ored. Dr. ud -loLwnltwYui oiicu Morse was thse tiret mme te utabli.sh the fact a ru, inklaecer>'leut et LtaI cil diseuses arise frein impcitu of the bîcoul 0(11, eulîbc pion ruroûni c.hadpe t 1-box -that -ocr sturengli, heulfthand Lie dependdd hei(ht hnsoue e byAculd' inq egJ upue tiivital tIlîli. t eut. Aoehatidein resel ti 'i is-aca Whee theovatrcone passages béconue eo.nceî tse ca te tdtctni of suity r arc and. do net net in perfet hanneuy witlithe dit- tics c teféitkngte uiicufuyu or parig h feront foueblout e fthe body', the bloot oses ute aine,- . dlitg tii, surius action, hoccmues tinici, eiirptod and dlscased - aune 'rd,îugth1u8e7é. cpu- 20s thas cattaing cl peu-t iiekeese mund distrem of' dn 8d h3.2 tcor> name; cUr streegthle es xhausted, Our healih nse aie depis-cd cf, ced if natueu out, rea.!6ted le thro *egoff te siogoot uumnrs FLlEIA.DSE~R ,ise.blcodvwhll beumuchokot edd eaueie t, ESTÂIJ.LISHED. Toit TUE CvuidOF ant uts ccur liglut cf tife wiill broyer ho bloùwiî oct., Ilow important then titat we suhoutd keep DympsemG(oentDctt4-,Roer- ca ofA dîme vantons passlages cf the od>' feueand open. Çér6uml, O('ici Clu-enaitsas Jpulriuy 0~e Andi how pleasaut toi us Clint we hanve il la u r s&zilO icums, PKpeFetdc >idaeys piower licputea medicine ie yoer recs, eamelv, .DeldUY, aiiode f ut ellod ý gé, a&. Morsu's Indiau Boot Poille, mnufacturetifroin i plants ced roots i-shieh gu-uw ireeod thîe menu- IWN Ã"O lEltctlt usou.-,a Lainons olifs len Naturee garden for htsheicelth aud recover>'ofdlsccscdman. be ftise rottsDR. Amos-& sS , front whioh ctese Pille arecmrdtile î a Sedorifie - s-Iich'o~I5ns the'peu-esorthlie ekiti, cnd assiâs cttEt !MI NS Ui5y, tPL,,.. Nature ie tbrowutg out the ileer parte cf the RETU OLY 1iIIYSWIcANs iN THE corruplion within. Th-occceend lBa plant wbmcs EJ" -O--r f h Rvi as an Expectorant, that opons andi uneiogs thie ~STAVE nuucoare nueiber !te o'h passage te the langs, and tiss,àia ecothin-Collage of seoen3, London i am> bc onaulted nuancer, i peu-fou-ms its deîy b>' t i frciinSo'tlôek in lIme tiorni;tg, Uebtl 9 at nignto pbiegns, nt i ther huinorsfrointhe lingebhi movorystete anetyniptont cf flisece. copions spituirg. Tisethird iânaDiurote, s*ie0i Tis euneeltbtey edopt lethe resuit of ap] gnves cee d double stu-engtit to the kiiineys; su-aids o! 80 yWimcexnsve and eeeenporse- bhus eecourcged,- the>' dnaw lar.ge amantsecetlice la Lendon. The inoL. ,iýnvederute ~eCa of impuarty froln the blood whuuib.is thn throwe >Ltees eoradiected in S cr 9 tiys, andi esec of oit bocrotitali>'b>' the urmuary or wctcr passage, a eiligiialtue lu 2or duuy3, et a amoderâts' ex- andi whlch comlnt have ene discharigud in 'ence. Tis ecureoltteteti withouz otLmn te>' ethai way. The fourtis l Catharue, cea: or hindcatce front b"miness. 1cieleaUn the dr properies of bine YM PilleEPPTLULRNO whle.n6agdlanpurifyingleabloil he cocu- ou KNT EPÂtiiL evx =e atces oflinaprifr nrhbci ecannolt aub>' Tero Is an toeil IL chbt soteetiae,,3indulint lu, oUnher o o - ilue taken upandiconn e>'- lybys i siiadftci goin nwg edoù ia groat q tutitlos b>' ZteboWvelà. Itient e m1ainot . ai ,r.hCmi l ne reormoc1 BEER! BEER!! DRLJGS AND MEDICINES. JAMIES Il. GERRIE IAILL lhapIipy tic dueliîiîcold friecis aed NEW DRUG STORE, Crne.r DanseîiuandI Broek treit., riecrr lus uld plce ut' hîineî.c, liiîciyîle-sto.) d byire. %% liîtbh, Aîî1g. 211, l1;2 S IEDICAL HALL, UXIRIDGE. he Publ ieto Ille n.wun -Je tock ef 1 st *u-m 4 'i c -~ j- - - I le 1 Tràvelling Agent, liv rue ,,ret-t, W itby Protection against Loss and Damuage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000.ý I NSURANCE effeted on Buildings and huer oontentg. lEvcr), uuforinatiLn iîîîîlied ou applicationi to the tundersigneli. JOHN AGNF'-w, Trmvelluug Agoni, Byron Sîrcet. Wîiithy. T.Lmues and Beacon Assurance Cemp'ly. INSUTtANCE efectcd ou Boildingm adccii tcir contents, Evcrv ietilhimtioe sap>jlicd ou application to the audersigned JOHN AcgNEWv Travellln- Agent sud Sxrvdyor of Risk-m, Byron 1 1 tW]ù tbj, May 19, l8à8.

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