Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1858, p. 2

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_'he Irehud 'of thirty Voarsugo Uand tIbe Irelan i o oUIay. e [F'rein the Times.3,j ~I~oi "'Tis thirty years ugo," %vill nnw t'ke X . MviIs I od tichanical iniproveinents m.-, * vhich bave wholly alteredl the face orfci en - n thiis Island, but i a more intractable aud ' r~Gi *siîntroveable eleniciàt cf custoins and in-2~ ý,t1tttics. 'No wliercelcse is the cingi re Fi~i~~ ,,f utter asinhiIreland.Ilicre the 'vunders C> Z. o ooCD CD o0 4f art and science are surpassed by what 5* _ î-c nivost ~ the social regencration of the E I cotuntrýy. 1ad any one prcdictcd thirty 4 r ti years ago such clvents as these m-hidli Lord C" E Û > ltglintori gratefully ciainis for bis Yiceroy- ma 0 0 aly-teunion of tic two worldls by the C ' electrio cable, or the establishîment of a ~ î'acket line betwecii Galway amI New York ~ -----. ivitla steamers of 5,000 or 6,000 tons bur- . delng-be woildt-speedi1y have had bis pro- E; - 5 per place assignedu hiin in the, long list of -P ~~ Irish projectors. Nay, if anybody had _________ gotie se far as te predict several thousand 0 Z'Ký~i- m . mtiles cm railway, lie ivoîld have becai set dowvn ai lit uoniîîany for flie explorers cf ~' Wéxforîl gold immeor flic cooverteî's cf ~ I4lmlog cai tIinlto speriacet i camdlei.- But tlanic eviahai Steni- A cl. sel mail for Halifax including mat- ers, anmd Iri-ili Raflîî :ys have' hicei surpas- ter for N1etvfiîidlamid(, içili bc dispatcheî sedl li the chance iin the hîabits mid con1Ihi- ly RoYa: I Mil, Steiioier from Britain. Rates tien cf th elîop~le. Thei greater part of ocf pos:tage did amd Is respcctivcly per tliis lmge toi, lias occurrütd, oct w jtlin i oz. Pre-Umymcnnt optio. Letes n ~Itr atitin.' lmrcicrlicgoe le !'cs NcW AdV'ertjscment-S this week. the face of Uiec cîintry ami the apetof the people eqmally cmne.I le "ecs rc- Faîl Importations -Jeel Bigelow. picynlient, Nycaîthm, ctcrprisc, <rler, 1îC5CC Dry Goods, (iroccries, School Books, &c. and comîfort. Hec secs :a cobmnoity stesî(l- t-Joei Bigclow-. ily engaged io those works cf indîustry Noice-James Dryden. 1'bich. pllied lEtgao) a te earc 1v- Coborg, Port Hope and Peterboro' Rail- Iizetltnations. lic secs modes cf cultiva- ia-Joîin PorIer. tioi.nd grcihnrî iaciier ivic aFall mportations.îîaiton & liohivrtis. fte.ii, eansç)gowoil havc heem certain Dry' Gcodii-, Groccries, co f'ockry death to tiose vhio hîsil thc tcmnerity to Hiamniltoni & Robcrts. eniploy tlien.Ilie se.;s laluor rereiviog i ti \foecy--J. I Iam ferry. rmird, and 110mcloniger îogageeh mn an 1e 111- îîîstcm-v cf Iiiî1lon-L. Divis. lcss ivarlare Nitlm prepert. 10le -9 es tIe-lmpotant Notice-Thonias Gallagber. hom esnw FbFculs cf catl tI, and ul l but a 1 r(, a..uau.arumnr mmcii-race cf omon. lucre is omly oClu' i-cc W i)n& pirf-elaitz&1cifne&Robr. tige 0cf01()iureisoci still u1 leioc~ Notice-John Fros.t. if X is olomls ffleic cii- creesis vhichIjvuîerdsmuiet--nF. Tumblety. divid-ee li înluims sgaiuîst thluecaith cf Noficc-,Jolin Miller. Irciumi To Lt-R. E. Perci-. llime snîothlie-culfines of fuis qnrmient s-cl- Fuir Saie-Il...E. hîerry. Canmesf.uiIes-eh- antd soon break oNt, anud lIeses te Lct-Jamccî Wallacc./ Ctnestei o iinmg iriSolA c) fUst- numer LamdsfIr Sai lu the Cotnty cf V<ctwrirb- misent-s. Lord Egilmtoîs doces-lbis ber-tte - IIn'u Whîite, simd IL.,;putii. (oax sud cajol e icg0Y l coilde eofIXrnu- Ladi;elo.asid Shoes-Jceh BigeIow. ufto Christiiif3- andi gocti somse 'emi fuis Lannds for Sale in tflicCounty cf Ontaro- tender poinît. lIc refm-cs iii tle cmstornac3- Henry Whiite. foris to flic, fautnts defenîte ; sud grate- as !Cash i-M. .ocartx-. tuily eclsjoi-, bueflîast century, es-en Ait-cation tf '[mains--Joln Foivier. flic Ioiaa Cutimuils, liceul(hu ytimir bis.'- (ard-Alexanuier Thîcupsomî. hol), lunuf s godface ou itiL, uumjoimetii tbche lePoker-George 'ule. Tlme Paphî-ts don't likete be reiinleti AUCTION SALES. flu cicn uîhcm hmiilitifîmirseîc LIgi Sale cf Vaiuabie Tousn Lots -IV. IH. re- pmoscuibcuhflieir rel iglon, anul cofiscateti tutm Im~uiue'ty ComldIf ian ben ln-sale cf 'Ihoiiis Salisbucy's Fuitate-Nelsen agiumemi tiiirtv v3-crs -age fliat iuthe vycar, G lvuuls 1858 fis- menu cf iifh'reeit partli. am i sliSileocf 1B.. G. Wlîltf ilier's Estafe-Xeison Vice-oy sind an cx-l'ruuicm ,w-otlil he GReynolds. fond dcsîuiuig st.c-luas îîture cf Inish pt-ac amnd plcsuieity is timat gbî'eo bumhli 1speccebes cf bi'rd Eglimitointnd Lrd Pal-hn O rnid îuerston leWould saiîrediution cf flic. At- V-D lautic e'liu'gmaluiîlias-e been lucre disble- limemi 911-- ;. 1e i rhu uu'u euiilu utto ss? WIVIfbj' 'l'h ui..ah14.fohspr It is ftche-omiut. n-e 1cm-m-i admilt, rathuer of'--I~ es-cuts thian cf inuian 'îi îan. If is flue Tht- Globe anmd the Loadon Ecouemist wo-crinainml%'of Ileavemi.mmni net cf nai.- or more I" Kimigdom cf licrry Amueng <bu cau;ss-lulli liaoenfribited j Blujîders.119 wo mmusf mecmm flue r-y xsmgnecf -Thie Gu/eof l2tb bust., isibu cestacies- Xisi i îcis i.aundl fhu:ufshîrîli scuaui c fi nibgie tinea ulti inumi ivmiei caekdnt the- tresiiballast uvimiifboasts if bas 1 LI irecoiinto mt ks pelliencl barge, on ftue the u.oicî sd imd tIclhy r-uelic lîc-art oc'f iorceîsmitbatedqeto fteJl rss Irisli agitahionu. t'coiiell dug is 0w-n ieirm.finc1leJîl rss b-v an article imi fle Lonien Ecu-onon'st ; an1i gras-c. lic jus i-fl 1ctito sce- iii ccuuumry i pr tifrn s,'odcei o n tiiseutiiralleui, ot cui ni u~îsout-eciicus : -,itiîemu s cedcio, Ei en recttîfotis cmi ier lie uu- ut still more tirely wriften hy James WisnM Eqbe fren îbosil. 'lin aiieulat iihirt atiSecretary cf Lord Paîmersfen's Govrmu fri' '1tiii cf fluTeneie uytemmitîuiueuic- met-t,' simd atits oîr coemporsry, (fo suif s &froyeti ou' mres-e ito -bamubshmînemt flice-bis lprescrit puirpose) Il pnohabby flac mosf il sfamviig peýasmntry amni]eîm5fed tht- t-ncufi- able financier in officiaI life !" Rehying on d au-tn IuiO. ieifuleî t fu îid an imagiuam3' influence wibi this third or i feurth rate papr(npitociulin)I éiscoi-eries, andultimafg-est l jscrt-~eeui îc b on fdruain whii hlas r.îiscd flic comuiiomî cf laluor lmaondcontyfacGl. gis-tn ammli iinlis dc ail over ' hiee rîuî, juiups ýq tht- vemy satisfactory conclusion, t flo-hat- o miueî s ii Iuelnti Suhu1 -"thmat tht- ushole bodiy of Lihacals lu Eng-h flua part ushichi onmts ihave h1ud li feland, mill unife bu condemuiug Sic E. a Ileati," andtuiticuptacentiy prognestiaes, ri mxaffer. LegiAlitiui, toi>, dne somie- thaf if Sir BulwrLto hudatmtt tiliï1g, but if lias, wut bruei irlxaîs,aceoldlsc yfu hut tcp ouîl sscondouy pirt.It uasfolcu-ti u econtinue Sir E. Hleadi, in bis office cf tl ilie tain -o evens, iiitidirGos-ornere Go mmno Grerai, against the isisies cf £hu f~aiî f e-cits miemdig. s f i-cetire people cf fuis country, huaeuvoltiin- tIme ras-sgt-scf the tornade, îeling affervov irslindfcuieofwchLrda fleicocnflagration, but finmdumg es-enft aluesoîuelinfhaii-t aeai work better timan ts eîuu. XVc lias-e toe t-,acag f oeneti n tlaumk Provitience fori' relaiitl as if is, antid naeacagec0e-euatlu 0g it's siiii mmsl encoumragemueu-t te tiose unho ladheing flic suce resulti Cunubugly ai put, but curiously incorrect. Necrcocs the despuir cf tue inuprovemienfs they bave set 'omdashme lutsienenxtyf <hein lîcants upomi, tliat lt-y liffle know-, fo tuaeutat.Ion ! S;int.ense i, i e- et flac vasf epeniigs an] epportunities fiat j o h euaino i.B ytn tr-c any day uay hrnug. uncius ifs iemantisfer thue 'motivas'w-hicb C îmay have guitiet i lu in pauuing a de- ti The ris Figter, - spaf ch w-bichu if is haîbavet iehabas u'ritten, la- ThePrzeFigtes.anti in ushit-hi the righît ef Sir E. Headtteni refuse a dissolution, under the peculuar GUEnT mu C E Ntivrsm ATrsr smnrÂnO-Â-AVAL ireonitauces in u'bichlha w-as place], i-s Tiussu-oi' Tont"13EICImeA iiOu"-sia LEÂ-ES sustainati. Like an bl-roasteti "-"emr st'esa'a reu curs UKNos-a' ceeempcmnry is avec 'all ou eue sitic,'armiej as the quabify eft<ha medlar is fo ha rot- jin [Fi'omxîtuli utfuutc Cuuuuuuuerel it fh.] tan 'are bt is haîf ripe, se chocs he osachw- The "Fîuney" of <ha tow-n mi'r f hroaru maturbfy, th 'af is, arrive at bis singular con- c bute O liite n stafe cf e.vcitemcnmf by the ar- dousions, 'ara the pramisea hy w-hieh he rival, on 5sf urday iiening, cf a no less assumes to sustain bis theorias are haIt w persona'ge thamu theaIlBeri - i. Boy," w-bc pros-en. We w-bu proeeut howaver, direct Ps is te contend for the ahaupicnsbip cf the te the lkorocistunawech hy tha flourisb soi Prise Ring cf Aunerien.. It w-as nef long of tsumphcts 'm as te, fs'being conductot, w-î after the arrivaI w-as know-n befece Izzy if nef eatirehy w-iffen by James Wilson, th, Lazaroass ouse on Ext-bauge streef aras Esquiro, Seccetary cf Lord Palmarsfon's fai dons ly crou'dcd witb persons cf ncarly aIl Gos-emnment-1 &c."' Ie happen to kucw fia achs l'oc the purpose -of gctting n siglit cf soaiefhing cf or redoubtable Sacx'etary chi this ,renou'nel imdividuai. But bu this sud frona that knou'ladge féec perfec<hy as- Ige: auiiy a feu' us-re gmtfbfl~, as inmmadiataly sureti, t bat se weddeti is ti Secretary te -alter hrcnkfstba Iceft bu s private carringe bis Free.-Trade cretebets, that amy allusion Ps for flic country. Soon aftar bis dapartura, es-eu te that indidentai protection whicia118 bs celebriftd opponeuf flue challenger for purposes cf revenue may mequira, woult <ha figbt aris-eti y the 10 ocloek Central rondeur lina nexora&îik at-er >' Hi train, but heft immed iatchy for parts un- That Master Wilson knows' a thîng or Ho Inowm te the publie. Tîmir traning quar- two, w-e readiy admt; but we eau whispor fers if is hintetilsa tfafr frornahareoncminb bis car that os-an Englouti, migbty lu To tho Canada sida cf the river.- Tbey are ber skihi,' ber capitalaud hem' mineraI bofla renaahy fine îceking mon, sud pre- weaîth, titi mot venture to kick doi"ntheo seutt<ho apipeanca cf groaf museular latiter cf Protection, umifil ah. bat attabuied G' sfrcngth. Tho ilBeuicia Boy" la genfle- an omnleuce, whoue. she miglat ahuazot de- es-e maulinlu is mauners anti talks cf the cet fy aempetîfion. -Tic.Hou. Sécrotasry, w-e cf t ,ing figiat hopcfuly. Ho is about 2 luchas dispute iot, Lit quite aware "fti tant the pr- > Jot taler tItan Morriâsey, s 1ea at presauf is party elt rain, is9 to wet, YY-11fiant-a gi-et de] sligly ~ hasici'. His' <cUber, thae Cale- caesuiof the nigiat, lack of fiae sun. "- cf à iratet Englisia pugilst, Aaron Jouas, pro. But fiat ho Il nef equahy WoeUVaponi <a. ony ha w res~ ¶ tofrs~s ndfn~whch ~ f o.rzsation, wehold to be Fivo. yards .Fhaunel, Neil A.MLa;the- ordiuai'y way,'ba a requisiino faromiade cf" our friend the Globe, would most apt and suited ae ed a7u ine pl 2ndJmsRe-e'3d, Donald Car- <r'r ratepayers presentad to bina for that p Îl élsrrsdthat even ha,. who knows the rr. ThV côtiSgtlte thé device of the micheal. pose. Then, if a Muumcîpality or Muim :g utter absurdity cf the points put forward latte fiarl of Liv-erpool, and fittod bis busi' Coverld, Thos. Valentyne. ati fltobdamein-fthra <by the Lconomit, abould boa.st of a sup- fers ,habita admirably. -P Net without Piece work Qumît, J. & 1). Brown.oth dircfteWtbhoil. palites fi or hl etigc h portbased on sncb sbaloiw foundtos.- ý, toil dst1abor," Howv~,a ohv The Judges recommeuded Iiss Barrels SiR,-AS tbe time is approacbing wheu Deputy coming dovn -te the Oo4anty c M Nne, fmiend Willson, ou Canada questions anno.unced fe translation, lu omder that for an extra prize. paeso eoe ol.-h ve m Mfr- the Ratepayers f the several Municipali. cil, ad alleging that the law ges bn "7ou arebut a sihrunkipannel, and, like the' motte uiay suit the IlGHieh -h ief," Five yards Fulled Cieth, Jeohu Jolliff; ties cf this County wiih hoe calied upon te pwrt oshu sh onyCu green titber, y en a e beco ana sadly w é ra ik y - giv a ina the ben ft f Or 2nd, ] ejI A . M cLean. vote y c soeà n a yl c n r d ca n o p s y-i w ¶ h C x rssly d Il warpctl," in tho andlin. And now fr clerkslip. Our readers therefore wll pr- The Judgo recommeded iMrs. Keler teCut oacl oatoieteWr clares on its face, tlîatt befrnr the final-pa Ilthe prpofof c îhat ivo state: lisps admit or itimenuity; 'vhen we sug- for anl extra prize. den cf the County cf Ontario, te raise, by ing, Ilit shah ho subjcct te tise approv :à M y t the ]1 t, lfr ein E .remîser. 'stas the tru e rading , »I N ot w îtlout Pair f B lank ts, D onald Ca'm c m a a f b n t e s n f 2 , 0 t f r t e c h r t p y r of th e C o nty" ? In u , "The Macdonald-Cartier Governrment dtis'yt1memrl t" The latin phrase will, play- 2ud, Ileubon -1, ay. improvement cf certain ronds therein me-at-scase the roquirements of the by-Iaw n net ouly enacead laNvs ivhich restricted fully bear this version; and the coalition 2 dozen Turnips, (oee ntry), John ticncd, will you pernmit me, through your being complied with, îýould ituot ble cIea commerce for the purpose cf prometing pratmls fuly vjuàtify the application. Allen. colunins, te cirer a feu' considerations, ly bad bn itself ? There is likawi-se a gre j class intarests, but opènly abandcncd itscîf -* A coin of that day. Plough, John Valeutyne, 2ud, do. which in my humble opinion, should deter vagueness about the iast portion cf t 1 te -the principles cf pr-otection in their Harrow, (oeenatry), John Valeutyne. the Ratepayers cf Ontarie, from i gviug hast clause-"And that the Reele or]D u'ildest and most insidious fo.m., Wonder- Nri saj eee' soitoi Set Parm!,Hlarness, (oue entry), J, 8. their sanction to this by'law, especialhy at puty Reeve shah eall a meeting for ti fui te relate the executive cf the Unitedi Ca- Wc are very mucli gratîfled te learn that Andrews. the prasent time. purpose cf tmkiug such vote" &c. TI nadas, bas corna te the extraordinary pasa alucu' association, with the above title,haa James Thonapson had some uperior And flrst, 1 would say, that a by-law Reeve or' Deputy cf whare? A meeting cy cf rointieinteuc uontht salvfl-ien orddii Uc orh iin" à wtok n hegoudbu lofusqthee fleyig aoeyeqahy nth aaase o-fhotfhherteayrsofth Cu cy f roeciontonaiv inusry1" CouIty. A COPY cf the procaedings cf a his not paying his subseripticu bu time, luation cf the Ceunty, fer the purpose cf promiscuously, or cf' those cf their oW Yyl /c n.prcliminary meeting held at Ohvr's ball,- lie was net allowed to compete. lmproving roads, chiefly in tise back towu. Municipality I * The ebjeet ofthte returu to powrer cf Troomanton, ou the 3th uit., has been GEO. BRABAZON, Sec'y. shipq, i.s unjust, innsmuch as the front But again what right wouîd the Reo M. Cartier, and bis coileaguca, was f0 5.¶ve furnished us for publication, aud whbch The"N orth Ontario Couuty Ploughiug townships wouhd bho onlild upen, te psy thie or Deputy Reoveocf the Town cf Whitb the tarifi', whicb weuld otberwhse bave we produce belcu'. Match 'is postponed until Wednesday the harger portion cf the moey, witiîout re' havea to eal- a publie meeting cf the kmn beau lest 1" yhte3M Thea dasigu cf the Tomcber's Association 2Ofh inst. caiving any adeqîmate roturn. An asses- Ias the Ciuuty C .ouncil the right te -tal isto pomteth mtul enf- ad dia- ment equaily par acre, that is, 1 men thmct that power eut of the bauds cf the head( "And this," says the Ecom'îomiRt, "for tage cf its mermbers; te imProve thoir pro- The $120,00o Rond Dy-Law. 100 acres of mediuma qualbty in Thorah or the corporation. and te Test i t in the Roec -the benofif cf 7000 persans, out cf a popu- fessioniil skill sud usefuluess, anti t4 an- Ou this bond ivo puhlish iu this issue Mrsalpytesieas10arsm-ad )pt ev etil hu lto oft om lin 1"kinde profe.ssýional friedsips; ad se by ltesfen O iti o e mifoa J h dium quaity bu Pickerng or W hitby, with thnk net. WVe bave heard cf Leonidas amnd his 300 elevatiug bis social standing, andi extenti. tifReecfEt btyBtfd a scheme that wiIl give eqîmni facilities te 1 féar thut the samt clause in theBy-la, at Thrmpahcflltiassufis,,- hs nluncenal sdenoraefîtEatth hi hbBt d fin al parts cf the County, te ranch ail the lias beau improparly introduced-and thi g markthnouttarohwee r teTece in temrefien shrlmaksinit. t arn preparedta t support, as as it now stands, the Byr-lnw is imperl'e (0t aathon, UU b ýut uhcr, L where 117-cLtheaein tamreefcenichregreuntimI. Captain Rou'e's objection is that iik.,,t.iI nii n b r . ~ 'n'untL~tie mrsLmeeingpeseil te the prîmîciple cf the bill, 1"mas- - -ei& . -y Brumm.tgoni Warwick) hîiadsîrvived, the Thme meeting w-ns orgranizm ycligmct sflafotToubp ol athe distribution of tue money by tbo by. wsrti against the opinions cf the learue newi tariff!. would net have passed 1" J. W. C. Brownm, Esq., bia Scijeol Super- callcd uî;îiou te psy tlic larger portion cf lau' under consideration, but this is a mat- sud logul gentlemen whe drew up the 83 Thîis, aÏ orable cetemporary, the Lea- 1intendaent cf Scott sud Uxhrilgc, te thoý theamoumît witheîît rcceivbug sny adlequato ter which %weuld prohnbly bu s few years lau', but such at it is, i fool inyself call der, says, " ii the dresnicst nonsense. MNr Ichamn, sud appointing Mfr. E. Il. hliboru bnefit.", Both these objections deserve ha remedicti The. nsked justice anti ne- upon te giva it, andi trust it insu ha th Brown schialhy saiti that the nei' tariff Teacher cf No. 2, Uxbîidge, Sccretary.- h ls esmcainc hCuîyCa-.Csiyfmroving tlioroughfareq, passemi means cf directbng furthar attenti'on te th woumh net give Iimmii oetghi by 4îOo" Resolmtions passed i uàrng the association cil and the fmicnds cf the hy-law. M r. ovor bu the present acharne, %vouid force it- peints 1 have raiseti. A paradox tubs, trimiy -soi that it corusis! cf Teachers andi ether Rat.clif's objection, ia tha samne ou whîich self upon future Ceuncils, and cither a 1 u'ould respectfîîily smmgest te tha Wmi JfI h 517i. f..endso. uic;mtmn. y1îme. oioty te coni' thme changes have, over, andtI er again beau fresh boan, te the limit cf the lau',ecdi dan sud members cf the Council the pru ile àîLt fter a feu' thrusts - ist ctf s Prosiidentfhr,Že Vice- Pre-iulemisruglusu mt ftu oucib ta1îv-yaar, or direct taxation would ha the ce- priety cf obtaining a reiiable iegai opbnio naiveîy Secrctary anti demi Tôvçnrhip cf Whithiy, sud the Town_ suit, sud not enly se, but as the present on the By-Iybfiofmte xes îîiictoiird ,v the Ilomîme ;everm- tenîleits of North Ont.artjo techVicc-Pre- jsapcfPcemg. Waee sshmosebeme contempîntes making the ronds se incurreti. At all avants hefora the fim T1hi oumt-Ilretis lieroîl, ànui J.ileitim C. rn ELsq., athen for mmprovîng flic roaslsof the County fbas improveti .free te thosa who frayaI fhemn, p;ssing sueh an opinion cught te be ol shows theutter ignorance cf oui' position cmctcul President, until thmo Omxt ieetig; hm rugî eoe u omnyCîu irmch strenger arguments fior an apprepri- tainoti, ani gva the County hereaffer fi Surcly Lordl Palnnrston's Sccretary oîîght C'irs )ameron, S. Hiarlow', sod T. the cr3' ha;'aici-ys been raiscîl againat the aint eptorai urpicut xes falusi o usigf te have knou'n that the tariff having h een NMlier. Xice-President. Mr. A. 1). îWecks, injustice cf taxing tfli ratepayers cf fli andi woul bemîseti, than arceucu' madIetise By-law-' sanctioneii by the Goverior <emmralnin ftie Serretirv, armi H.Il.ieauhiy, Trea.sircr. A 1fromlt te biiilmithe renids cf fhioseocfthe ,o ,nanc Sir, of*i pesing tiîcir construction, se thaf I nni DerS, tiame cf the Qîmeen, i-i nit rcucîb1-ly the * uOmlitttuc w-ýsi ripinted te mdis'up mues Nr lTwohps hsisussrity, oldif aven ha impossihle to pitsi a by- Yotirs fatitlîfiilly, ImeilCoenin.andtihte izext mnrretimug appoimited otil oten orzhp- hi sa buèiy JAMES' ROWE. impnia Geermmint.tiitae and its faiiacy bas heen îroven ever anti iaî to effect anotimer boan, irresi.itabi<le-ic Myt/i e Gal.. place at )lritmnalntom, on the last Friilay ivraami h rmî e-sibshv anis w-oulti ha annuaîly madtimpon tîe "The Macdionald (Govel-oment, ladnoct in December. Nfess;s A. D. Week. anu ntvr hgaen.nTe fronis<~thaownships cfafiefCeunty Ceuncil, mihich wduild keep their r Address te"Ioly-Geordie."1 the confidence cf Parlianient, as bad] icen D . Caineron, iverc re.*iicsted te prepare es- t1îîorthcnmî 'low-nships. AIl tbm Townships ~hantis eontinuaily in theIcbîttepayers pcck. abundantly sbow-n lus'the mupenteul icufeaLfu, says le resuaf 1lime uîeczt neting. Ihianies c. 0a1,onneaMîncpai ftlees.Ti iiarstî h:twîlu aurîy < i iui n fim T'îroeto d-elti te~~~~~~ whcthybibem iljemî ' were voted te the 1Pres;îdenantnd the Countv, simd iieu if is soughtteopen flou' froni the façt, fhiat flic-si5cmproposoî T i i 1î)ui'place, tmy trcatie mivelin" "Qousme Linileimi," IHon. J. Wilsgon ?mvm'iimg.tbicmîsujourneti. fMîuyrami od o henft fthe qumîte madeqoate te thorough iinmîe ymc c limcîetttlmIn 4 ii s 1vsthy rteont)lia o-Oh araiî i1I AtI iis ludi thmy w-rt o ad ne àe- <m/udrU nty, the frontî'ow-nshiips as an flic roads on which if is propeseu(l te ex. Tîare'unoua liko timee, 'atrucsind W-illiu'. mi'ho bas goohn -towlIon.Wilso basntegril jart of themoutnty, are very pro- pend if, te say iietiing cf those w-hidiaireThubni av8 lities ondn."]ly mr H on. ilsnensa elyaeaedthbea fei shreof hebu Dowed rcE heqchrnre.ogLbe. oror ezWan pluIt- tav ath ms nidt muht nswmer for! %We arc quite satis- With feclingi 0 f tdeep regret w-e clîrfnicle îeiyahet e erthi saecfte u-thespraiuue tluy ruirnditchîesa uuighei fmed us mnllis e thethue earhy anti unexpectet imse (J John tien, cf the municipal pnrtnomsbip. I f ecrosnniu sdohr ta iltwhIiIst mauyhive beeu skmer'd cît-riglit, Pou' 'rtasatiavnt tckapnce ît us ntouf thf thy shuimido ethe hoadîluceti, I thbnk if mieuhd ba w-tIl for Tîmat tiîcuî hast 9till oii %adt GZDow. rei e a d lemit erthis Tlae lin * possible thiat every part mçf flic îunicîpaîitvte a fepayens o f Ontario, te pause before bteem ructen."!t fh P.a î' uerti Tw n' edn tersnoint a nouleeTo binnan hnsic , itru .us Soetiug bot lesirywih ihusla hstabutelivn 'cocc,~u m amm cquiaily participato in flic henefuts J cdngtof smcimit nicopceT0uu iini c ti t ou miîo lglît, lnse - om t te f a o th e " w od y w i" Ma 1> -a st bo i e ev n o' o k 1. . the expen îitî re, lt ough, ev ry c clity sch em e, w ith su inadequa fasu rn, i mv uving T mo c î ' a p s m e Mete, or he66 wo-ay9J r. oi wa inhis42fl ear 1fi. re m-ill bave te comtrihîîte alike accerming ta bfs fore cahis of îvhich haiesuànot forîn a pro- trreiî art ftion iii tues gcnemation, Premier, mains were interreti on Satmmday nt par ecul alue.Wher Uniteti Presbvforban buriai groi, u 5fiusuiîîuuî etmte. - Gru'aîlureîyîicr nd c damnatin,. IlcrmIdr-v snd heraidie lienors, mottos funeral cust'e, being the largest we îhave migblt suffice ibuoea ocality te nake a t esllybjeti m.s E tcr cudnn fVecnceir- dt thy diii Nr nuiîuesp sud devîces, have been flhe strong w'cik- ae eni hih.trreahtmdeigoul road, if nny cequire ton tirnes theae y-For jcerizu fitthy"iui ud Ifaction, nesse.ç3cfralnien frornithe carlii;tgstC.cig. ~wm oneiimtefmemlpo ammomnt ini suother for the sainme pumpose. lau'. Is this a finie te plumîga bute tibt, a Tbyfo u otisuiaineidne u tecargesn Fe us mc in came eneralir- BtwbhnftewioeCuiyb sgimrfnec nxmit sMatew-uo- IBy day sd îight sfremgth cf thibs cuin- passion, w-iich dates etteih-rdtsd orh~îat o- he ficimprovement of cny part cf the amy dcpactment of husineuu i isfeelinmg the Tlîo art indeet a elcuan saipItq, se ac mwk a th dsta ît stafiu g oif cf thae J h1ed Iv r h a td éhome su d ot h ~Cotinty ? U ndenia ly. The front Tow n- pressure an ti gr aning under the oatld î. Ii Iîm u.g gr îtti pecel s cam ple, Nohs ie.1ships by aidiug bu the construction cf iThat u'ouiti be thîeught ef the juîugineuf mmi om thy tue-ien, thonu dost tmcumpie, Nobsfn.naine %vas ext ensivciy anti favomnhly kiiemi-nrin A ceai ggaine couli, Thut wcrfhy w-as engageti upon the anu lha hibascîf pos7sasseti the goot iw-lî of ceamu te eopen upi thie nerthamn Townsuhips or sagscity cf that mnsu, us-b withotmt suY A guida-a hiiekIm-u eaii fionfiug fabmic then on the stocks bu bis anmm htke-hbn.l i.w n-jau iv h naiat ayaeci erai iocsd ss-ing clcoady iabili- To a' thv f1ot-k! antidlus-an dck-yrd <udrwhimacoulihtarketeinsastiofInsbngnnytîingu'ilmha ies equal te bis prospective incoune, sheult mod --1avi 1gbrho m os oswiItheogainers. Evcry imprevememif matinb horoi- ne no eafe tqsomo iinuprovemeut hy "kuiight" filren Ti-ey, .y rauiOl i.,y .'fla 8,y, IÙ e liC - j thme iiocfbrn *Icmi'ustips encreasea their wbe ebsieeluja.a 'ci fortn~Aa h ul,(uoter Lei-a hldht obi4od temmo hpin friand of the needy anti distresseti; and lus J rlfma i ortricks 'er hutile, fintbîgnerBick-ll wud av adygenerous heact sïu'ays openet inbuw-acm jvleatJntervleeceaes i ec at nieu st as w-elldispense ,nercBuud,,nm t llkîcer hî-r putbueott o cnectas e is kih b sîmiatimyte hoe whoseuhtbisconse jtheir portion of the sessmaut cf the u'ifhmou', filbaffer finies anable hini 'Gin.,îevemy Foe, thy aSeulrd"way, naval architecture, when a messnger ineor assistance. Mr. Dou' ahvays f ook a eunfy, s0 that insfeati ef the front Town- with spirit to underfake amu inmplete it,('utrpsu-mfa bot haste anti breathless, hiorriet inb, uho po etpr nfrwri. h -r-ships as ai prescut paying tw-e thirtis cf tho sud w-heu ote mopresent f meary ih-Treuuiebolul "MNiakanzie" when awakin' premnen pat b fewartingtheAgr- atirel taxation cf flic County, matters ness is ndded, the threataned anuîhiîmatmo, h e îe er u elaqai' handing up a huntile cf documenît,be- cult-an iterossecf his Cuptyrlie -as l- auli hy nti sotughî-lt the venerabît- suip-wu-ghtin u imipas celualocte wt fth Cn y.gIiclf or od yald y ho eversei, anti this for a time cf our stapla produets, if is sure- WhilâutC. Roumain steet pale and'shakin', sicueti termis, te save (lic precictus archives Sq aysnebsfmnto-cn f ie would lho the proportion paabley h e ly a- v nough in make ho ods as a I kcdw'det fia. pci'- nici- Sor )un- ne ase- )Val uch net cam- rest the De- tho g f7 ovo hby ako c f vyo îhd 'w cat, ced iy- led the tha ion bc naI -me- al r ren esmgiieue tueur ta te eds. - oe rbis is the solution (cf course nef for flac v imae.)- That woulti ha nectihcss. The uthor osf thaf brigbt bit Vil Desperau- !uua, cannot uceti soda. To ratucu ; this T ussion is, as w-e hava saitl, apparent in hi ag9s. Nou', if ha "Dieu et moni droit," T( lon gmay if -grace olti Engianid's corouet) w, ,aon, "ifon 8oit qui mal y pet-ue, aquivo- i ah allusion te the prbncaly ordar cf the tuc larfer, anti proof cf Edu'nrd's gllsntry,iu th ,be fameti Countess cf Snishumy's dilemme c. 1th flc all Obt Tnlbef's swcrd mias bur- pe isheti îitb the quear lafinity cf bis day, wl Suie 'Flîhei pro eceidare inimicos meos't gi Vri:isemper floret," is flue jeu atiopf- da: cl ly flic gallaut $amily cf Vernon.- aig iliotr est n Nilo," mihtuebl have beau of niertal Nalson's the letters compesing1 bbich, hy a7 mot singular ce-incidence, Si, nstitufe bis unae, IIIloratio Nelson.' Led by this rambliug train cf thouglat, An 'e commeucesi beatiug oui' brains, as n iLunter cocs cil upon a palleffe, te find1 )me apposite anti wreatiaed sentence, Mf haro with te garmisia flac" pennon" cf1 lat cistiagubabeti party, knowu iu this Wt roff Wesf, by the auphonieus appella- un cf IlClear- Grit," wiaoso illustriuous 1 Lef ras-aIs in the chassic nmre cf"I Browu" sou la woutrons pitiful that a party cf sucia1 magnifuees" dees acf possessas politicai Jol hadîa te bond thena, as w-as "lMonmoutia's a'ry," W-ho .2u II Wjtb-is, bea.ver on, 1 is cuisses ona his thigis, gaiiautly arm'ui Roi se froua fiae greunq lkofoaferd mer- J >witeia the world witia noble, hSosoman. 6hiP."2nd Thae coutrist betweený Prince Harr>" and Meral Brown, la net te ho dercbcds-,ow. Ohà r it nay bcelamied.fotiLtreminufonecrie tht betweeu the Falcomubridges, i 19 g lxaî bn, The coe"bail thie toucia of CorA Liou's face. And thaelarge composition Shi( a perfeet man," tihe ethor, -- ; "-Legs lbi&Èéidiug rois,z- B ms stuffd like cel-sklis, amad, a fa~e W-'büi ii in hi ear w ar.iwot e unrýslu 1 10'& rpiiens-be bas ieft ai fanaiiy w-cII pro- * owush']p of Brock Agricultural Show The Sixth Annual Fali Show of thc 'ownship of Brock Agriculturel Society, aýs held at Cannington on the Oth inst.-- rhe day was remarkably fine, and ail par- ies seemed to enjoy thenaselves-, until afey were made aware, rather late for some f them, that mine host had added fifty )r cent to the usual charge for dinner, which caused a good deal of muttered ,ruuabtr1"g, and the words extortion, scan. lous, shaineful, L-c., might be:heard on rery side. The following are the naines d the successful competitors. Best aged Bull, Robert Sproule, 2nd G. ;mith. Two year oluIflul4 'Richard Shier, -2id ndrew'HiIll Bull Calf Win. Baird. Milch Cow, J. IL. Tboipson, 2nd Hugh onroe. 4 Twd year old Hleifer, George Smaith, 2nd- Fm. Baird. One year old Heifer, Robert Sproule. Brood Mare, Jas.Doble, 2nd JH.Thomp- ), Brd John Shier. Two year old Filly, richard Shier, 2nd hnfi Jolliff. One year old colt or Filly', John Jolliff ad Nil A. McLean. Two, year old Colt, James ])obIe, 2n4ý obort MCully. Poal of 1858, J. Hf. Thoinpson, 2nd Jas.;- hile. Bpan of Working erse, James Dobis, id Johnm Hart, Bra Win. Oowaaa. Pen of tIaree Bwes, Charles Rosier, 2nd ,a,.leR VKL. cAT- t Tln A1-1£ 1 Th tby lmechaulca' I lacat te T Hal nmna mee ting t piaent<ho anHalrouportda the itmt., -an hal aowngaletw-as sulmted o<ha fs oi- theow ing emnwarc l ttofcr o <.Hamsuu yer.y s. rs L P J.Campel, stVerr es.desi . chCL Cnaphehî, 1rs iePreA.teF. WMeCab Rednti ie5Prdct.Ar. F. McPersôon Creodng Sereary. J. H Greew-ee, Crsreon. Fgseeretar J. Hds Tesurer. H. Frs te repLrtr: TReotfcheng i lcerepor teWit Mecpacf of <ho e offer f fia. Wonhsb eÙdig sf April, 1858. Tho receipts from all sources froua 1sf Janunry, 1857 <o 1sf April, 1858-$769 77. Expoudifuare tuiringSarne pem'od-$812 54. The labilities cf <ho Institute at thie pro- saut <mme are-t189 41 andi tha available asscffs-$109 68-J. Tho snuai Gos-rament Grant cf $200 la acf imciotet in the alioeo stimate, The-Lihmary Sow- centains M00volumes,j hesides' Phio0sophioSl apparatus to the value of $180. Thetiraqatesifru f<ous- fuiteb ia.heLaundantiBuilding la valued ataf $14000. The Sons of Temperauxce Owen -x ing the reraining fourtË 1 Dur iuag the . me period- 18 Lectures1, bas-been delis-.red oni varionis Sceemtiflo 1andi¶seiasaic&b-eua Tnde- 's 'I-zWU, JOHN RATCLIFF. Columbus, Eat Wiitby, Oct, 1, 58. [To tue Editor cf the Whifby Chitîniale.] DEAR Snut As the limas appreaches for <ho final passing cf <lae £80,000 Rend by-Iaw, people begin te enquire intoflac mérits ani accui'aay cf that document wivrth greater amestmess. There appears <o bemDo sîxail dis-ersity cf opinion as Ic <ho hegaiity of fia. by-iaw prernolgatat hy the Couucfy Council. Mauy gentlemen have enquirat cf mc, te inforna <hem whcn ant in uw-at ucamuer the by-haw w-ns te ho referred te the ratepayes. o tiseCounty, for approval - sud also <o explaln utier w-bat sta<uto <hoe e Cotmncil bat poweor te pass sucia a by-law. Thase enqoiries and suggestions have bu- duced me tc examrina the provisions cf <ho hy-iaw with soerne ittle attetionu sud ou" 1 vcmparing if witict<ho 1w, as ïif stands.- e Icoufesa myseif th ho somwhaut puzîd atgr the manuar la whiicb tho by-law has been d ti'awn uap.-Ticeý fohiowing1 clause of th . hy-law la ut <o wic ciaImore prticularly <00 refer; - tic Providodalways, th tbeforo lice flnalilasssgo soi cf-the By-law, if haU ho sabjoat te <ho approsal-n ' of theRato>pnsoof the Concf, o hhad by au rogutaa'Jll to e holdefor, tlmaf purposo in casciif Menlcipaiiy. .And <tâtif' the mujoityof -he w-i Ratopayoma w-ho rueord thoîr votas fer rautW"luth any cae6s-essel fer nany " yars: 1. Presitent, taie-heard cf. 2. Columbia, aillhauts sas-et. -S. Hfumboldt, ail bandassad. 4. City of Glasgow, nover heard c£ 5- City cf Phial4lpaia, ail bauds sas-et 6. Fraukiiu5-all bauds sas-ed. - 7. .Am-tic, 322 lbat-T navet. S. Paeil6c, nover board cf. 9. Lyounis, 144 lost-16 sas-et. 10. Tempeat, macs-r heaurd cf Il. San Fran eci, .240 lost--460 sas-et. 12. CentrifflAnerica, 422 Icast-110 sa-' ced. 13. .Austra, 530 lest-ST saret. The Paru-han sbip tlerceufa w-as wrock- .on fhias sfof May, 1854, and 781- perish-. , ont cf 820. A icrglary crfa most darimag ntur, and onevery adroitly oarried out, w-as comumit- id in - D. Macpherson & Co.s w-bol*Wae ,ocory stoe Wellington Street, on Fr1- 'y niglit. Wiue the store ie shut np bu me evemaing e .mremisesam uusuaIlv a-n- and the burgiars speedihy rew'srded them- - salves by appropriatbng aH the mucuey bu- the safai amoonfiug te $100 inbu ilsanti. siîlver. They succeadetinlu ticamping n., obsarveti, ant i a-anef since heen traceti It is gurmiseti that fbey w-are strsnges-as9 'rts BEEA INTa"UF sus. .-tappeams thaf the naw shoe cablo preparati for lime Vahentisaenti cf the Aîlantic Teiu'grsPi, is ouly fiffce or sîxtoan miles lonmg, andti tf the reason wby thie w-ork cf gettiug if- ready bas bee au cbedl, bs founuti buthe conviction thait the tisturbance lin tha stub, marget wira la more thuan 200 iuiles frei the shore. As the methoti y w-hid the, caîify cf any -rupture lun att-fegmapbic wire bas often beau referreel toi but never, se far as w-e areanwacc, satisfattcrihy ex.pbtIn\t-t te fthae aublie, -a oy wbatthe lectîdoi ba&athe poweîr cf ascemtaining hy triaus of the electriO fluiti ituicîf, the loculity cf the tiay ouflat, by w-hIdi it esca-pes imite *tb sa. Some fine sinca a .m ost imîgenieus place cf mecbauism w-as matie, -hy w-hich the alctricity coultid Lî--ihmd the fhuibti baiug niadc te sut up. n a mmagnet, anti this upen fthc anti o. an icoiy poiseil steelyardl, weult eul wbhaccoracy tt-e w-eli~ftuof the current transmiflei fruific heiter cuti of Proeor- Fnaday, at the i l'-ttj tion, pther cleetmicians bave arcauge(] n vory senisitive piccneof nachuiner3-, b hy s-cia flhe- anieunt cf resistauceoeppoezcd fo the paýs- sag cf flic aîcctmi-i-ty by the reontuctin- wice may ha comcactî-y sctertained lime aimount of masistance efft'reti throgm flic wbolo leugtli of flue Atlantic cable, or es-en mna-blf of if is sirnttliug veëy fumuch larger than any ivhic c-au bc mamkt-ti y the dlibata nîacinemy hithuerfo oMnployeti upon shertor distances of %y re. lie enseqtitce is that the aioctmbcians have net yef heeri able satisfacfenily te ascertaii the _place whara tha cable iscdefeci bse. 0f enathiug, îow-es-ar, tht-y arc ceu-tain, that 19, tÈi't tflue nuit deus not ocêtîr witmin tw-enfy or thirty' muiles cff lue lai.i(, amn we are bu- nmned that w-ithin flhe first tus -or fhurce huntreti miles the ccntinuifs-j stîli per.-- ect anîd cor4lefc.. Beyeoýq this distance ll is stili ticubt aud uncertainiîy, and ti flui la at pcascut te sîmaculate luîpon tluis sub- cft. Shoululthe tiefect be," fotundfo a xîst nthe deecp parts of "th(,- a, flic puiblie' The Ilarveit, &c., ini Ireilael. DUBiLIN-, Sepit- 20. Lafar rrt--s fmom the- provinces sb thaf <hoeft3qnder anti main uferumîs cf t lhuucsdny sud Fniiay ieme fac e -vere, anti likely te bc predlumcejie f more mischief, <han ws capetted fro tlac-toue oif tflilst scunt.;. lu Gal-fy and bim. erick tfal fud frain w-as ct-eout of fixa crumen curse. if w- mnare lika -the horsfing of ai-àft-mspo ,tht- fleet rii te cbeigla f:Jt soearoatis. lu Galw-ay (w-e bridges %îssre entbreiy carcit-ti au'ay, anti fiance s car-, fromu CIifden, w-ns w-eil-nighi sumtnpcd în flie rush cf w-a fers. Thet- hundcrstmnm w-as ubiquitoîus;, but bts cbieffrsarm te have bteun spont on thaWexford coast. 'Nothin- appnoacha- ing te ifin violence bas beau'wifn«essed sine JuRe, 1822. l Ic echlm flae aharm amy bas beea ain ruiseti u'itb regard teu tho pofuifo crop, <ha coutitfion cf w-bit-hla saiti to have undergone anunum'istakea'ble change fer <ho w-orse <w-amuis the anti of hast wcek. If is; laow-es-r,. aduaitfed <bat flac s-ast yield cf tbla seascn musf dissiîpate ail ideacf scarcify, aveu su .pposiug the hhigbt te, prove mo réeantenÈise than <bat of 1857. --- Arri-s&tof the liC jas Emâpare." t TRE CH3INESE TREÂ TY. BREADSTUFFS DECL MING. H.îs-AY, Oct. IL. - The steanaship. ludian Empire, Captabu Courteuey, frona Galway on the moruing eft<ha 2Sfia uit., passeti Cape Race at i o'chock eu <ha momAing cf be 7th instan t. She arris-et cf Haliflax harbour af 9 c'eclock_1 ou the es-enbig cf <ho 7tl Slaa bas 0-50 - passemgexs.She aassuccession cf stroiig westerlygalIVs tuimgthe %entire passage. The Royal Mail staamship Africa, frein New ýYork, aris-ad at Liverpool on <Iae --29th uIt,- (tRIT BaIs-AU. There w-are soea xpectatiomas oiýz me- ddction cf <ho rate cf interest7 cf tic. Bank cf Englanti,-owibmg te fieac cumulation cf- The Euglisb pulpers publisia an officiai symopsis cf <ha troatywit h China. Iteon- tains 56 articles.-A sapas-ste article pro- s-itos that <w-o millions of <cals shall be pikd on account of the- Britisha hosses- af -i 'i - I su) r s p ti b u m ci F ti si ai ai w 01 la di s 1 is al w Ili fa 4-64- Whitby Mechauic.%, justitute.

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