Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1858, p. 3

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uht>' of Princer fflity o! Carte- rg,.,te be toi 0ity - cf. 1i:tWÇ-tu> ha the Towen of loir>' P>ublic li ion, t er a linotI 1w l Toimen of f4 liiut ora forl," - Às OWvu oif Pterbo.- en g11, M iller, fg tl>atc 1I-ior L11 Pattemn Maker Box , 1 IJournal 1 V]t1 jtlJul>', Llu'. cit -of Toron- il r, -r 'A Self nYik, fl ic Cit>' rkr f: a nom Sys- Aled " Dik's Ac- orch et tCity' York, tee a new of addr c-sitig pfr- ils, ferrflic paging ilar opueatioiis o! a Iio application of- eii, te be cal tnmar, oethLe Town.- Vork, N1i11mrigt, ýt Giratr,"-Dated wVillag'c of Inger Macinist, for " A idj intioofe!con- is, -{Dsted 2tlthi rqnof Bellevillet ginccm, for 1'A cen- :Sterilug Boz@d- Towna of-Winase; F~gnufor " An grar.lir, andi Robl- riant, boti o! tic t> o! W'entworth, g, dost.proventing enti:ttor,"-(Dated Towen et Presctt, Yeomnan, for " A -4)td Ith .ug- ho vllag e( cod SCity OV Bumig orthe Anstria at Bai3tafo 1ulw c ù It a. IgI l NT«IC. NE -cont that other favor4é, expressions hf. "50 BOULS ON ]30A"»1 bis, about 4' reased igbtning," tie appiiý Te >Ar" ý& Mp -Tý13 kuow bow ONLY ýcaibn tothe cable becoises ohlous, 1« goiieath. Hew *equntydwesgm NI SIXTY -SEVEN SAVED 1 1uMot certainly tis lighning stands li woe. feiprnsdresetlin moarnlng on saclnEt SUDDM NRUSH OP THIU FI1UI <tiineeti of soui.thiug tei enable t>;t ttit àusul o ,heboloota i h uro. i &lg witli mny deftnesso! motion.-, ai tboie tials Anti troubls tsaho pavoleti Ezposl>u f te K gaune iû"re...dlihtnn A genera,.ionr ,Whou besaheaunbcrestorat te aie ansd Exloi..f h LL.L.!an m inute the chill .Retoe. h. A nuibe Suhicaed Ii te Cahas~posed thiIs 10 bcamore sport of language. heal f !thic aother anti yon ohlate the neces- -- ~~W. of the next, recognise the latent mean.st !PraolQcr'Crioialnti oen- 0 Thc melaneholy intelligence of th loui ng c(-he f1guative expression. P 1nfial roYes r eotiftrcrNetheiL Wena N of thoeAu.tria la conflrmed, by teogr4ph an saules C*>-ett1 0ydiretrs, ut ar o procure D.in ae"e A eeWM thae M report asreati hiv'lsesshs are nt i i ndcoant- th 1 reportas tel~~s ; - gr.< yoturliglttentng 1 Propluetiz Crock- nsture's law iti - OtRet u Pat h*P. Pseuw.-Dnring tails critica erd H~iîaSept. 27. att. IlSonle thItugsamay ho donc saswell Mo0rae' inmRoot julsaWtU. reqoire l1eb DA Ta akLte ru Lvrol rieis otho.M" cana. the>J leunao tie hù4 r11tics. morbid dem Thebar Loto rot lverool arivd 0my ubiclaythee ondrfu wodshumera. aniati tomgily vee awav ail Vrm l uh in HIlifax harbour on Suuday afternoon, Om puiclythswodrl o'santi giveaseandi coustrt te thê mother. t with 12 of the 617 surviving passengers of te hesrt. When yon sec a railroad buble ona ew threet these 1511.s, tak#en two or tie n the u.tra, brut t ontiniea a week duritîg pm.gnney, Will eaus~ the testeamnstÉp Aa>ri, untat-sulo blown te fort>' times its natunal si ze --whcn motiier a safe anti eay delivery, aud will ho th 2hSeptomber, inlult. 45 1, long. 41 yen have tic teotiachw-when your grocer at eNeaaotie chilti. sttutonto r" 80,taken froni the bark Maus-ice, Captain 80lis yen limoti eggs anti cornes up, boiled, , Dr. Morse'. lundian Root Pilla are oiti hy ail, B,arnest Renaud, on the l4th in&t, At a for breakfat-whcn It in wet-wheu it ila deaers ln Medicines. littie .fter two o'clock on the iSth, dense dry--when your bouse is robbed-whon L 1 volmescf tuoe ura frin icattr u- yn akoa gandspculation- when an Ts zTEEQIExEeLuaHRxrr.$Sir Jamas.. volmesof mok bustfro th afer u- oninae agrad s aawZc4k raed FeusziePilla. Prt4eeteby ing. -trance o! the stecrage. The ship was iu- Omnibus driver gives you sotcage- R~î 4eaPUe ..pamvqd.f" - .esri-Umbn stautly put at haIt apeoti, at whici sic con- whcn yen diliocate your ankele on a piece din o/Sic . (Lime , . bPquu..£Jar -tinucti titi the magazine exploedt. Thc of orange pe-wbon yemel a rat- Th'is natibeMedicine le. unfiig in tic crofail those paintul snd dang&erous diseuses T engineers, it is said werc instantly suftoca- whcn -yen bur>' great-great-great-groit- to wichî thc femalo constitution iasaubjeot. It ted. Fiee wass uxt scen break ing througi greatgraudtather, or wien yen dig hlmn up iuodertes ail caceas and removes ail obstrue- the freigit amiti-shipai, andi travelleti aft andi zll ils resting-place at a tremendous nousanrld a sued uema c piedo.-~Fo witi fartul rapidIty. Seme persons let advance ou tic lnvstmnt-when yen la>' wili, in a short tme, hring on the motily - p1 o th regulurity. dwaimaba ru i pr ieeteqar- an Atlantic cable, anti Yen Pln.whec t% ' si~o tcpeoc u Dlar oithe Gev- ter dock, and sho mas tluughit te ho crusth- andI smokc 1t, anti bonfire it with yonr erumeut Staînp .0 Great Britain, te prevelut cd under the acrew. An atteunpt was bidns u oiayiat pcht'in &eejasS ~of Nervons anti Spinual Affections, O matie te launceh a boat on tic tarboard anti eut if, anti drink it, anti toast it anti Pain luthce lsk anti Limbe, Fatigue onu aiiht il hs er ale threaterletexertaItin, palpitation of the leart, lytterî,-y-, ide, but it wuaswaampeti fromen u i iuber eut it jute lcugth o ae hecte-ltand WWhtesj, th".eet>ilas will effoot s cure wheî.i mie rushet injte it, sud ail more lest. Ail yonr exultation ho checked ly, let your ail ethar mins bave fitileti, andi although a Meu, op coniteet antd your consolation ho tount inlupoerfl' renely, do not cuntain iron, euhotuel, ,,< tie frt cabin passougers wOCOOI4 the pc , antiuîoîy, or any thimîg hurtful te tice ostitu- wilh execpt a to gentlemen mlle îmust have the worls of our quotatien: "Soue things tion. The ben uithrtiluth mîkig o m mn'bhodoue as mcli as others" Fi ietosucuiaVoo akç». pi been uioteredin te smkîii roosoie Agent for tic United 'States anxd canada. go àfan>' second cabin passei1gers more aise JoB. MOSES, - on the poop, but a utîniber o etlin get 'et MYAPiir-i olong(Li R.c hesteru&N.?Y shut jute thjir cabimi b>' tic ire. soine tribtite te tic noble Preservativu Ait, vAC N. B.-$l.0O sud 6 postage stunîips eneloacti et iex orepuloi u troglith yn.flinit l a cotmporary: anti me coin- te anv autihnrizet Agent,1 wuII ousure a bettle of i1tsn wreplldthehoghth ePillraid y i tilter bu tc 'entr nruer oni enmoud strong contrait to tic intelligent te hi y returu a.i Erslebmai l Thi tiaobttegotrlubréudntrenter-" Uiela .oîîly a printer l,"Such Du41ts 2 t le extricateti. Tic lait wouîau tirawu up '1 h nein Make lae naT raidt îmro mvere six aIrcady soffoc-atoti. Ticmsthenein 1lUtkealaemi cportant to Femalas. ladies anti gentlemen u the op jipdlcWho as tecracy\-. tanho. c etiis qa'. i cl)a CziiaE1s',sPîs,-Prepared hy Cornu- Inte tic sua by twes andt hrece 'is- > Woma icEalo1Saneofli lins L. Cieusenunii, M. D., New York ity. thelades n tame. evemi esiateioui> a printer. Whatt h Prince Fredcrick Thec cembinution of ingrodiente iu thesî: Pille thelade,. i flmes, S-ýra1hestatdWilliam, latoly marricti te the Princesa are crcuItcf a long atntiextensive practice. but eredrien u i ut he atmomnt.TLuey arc mnu in ttaeir operatien, sud certain lu but weranehrintet attic l as te onicut. Royal et Englanti'lIt., tee, is a pinter. correcting al irrezenhrltie*, Paiufinh Menstruai- Iii haItnganlheur netuctseulàmasltetbec srcu Whio mas William Caxton, oeef ettcfa- tica cîvlgalostutoswhte ri -on te pooý TheFrenli bak Xauiceceitior ther%&ie, iheadneee, Ipaîtin luthe side, - ontic oop TicFrecli arkMaurcetiers o! iterature ? Re was enly a printer.plitton ufthtic lîart, a.iîtes, ail nervous Captalu Karuest Itenati caile alongaide affleltins, hiv.týerices, fatigue, painminiiticeiseit the steamer st about à> pi, andi receivot Va en .P oriN iIiJmssd imbq, &, distured sioup, wîich arise 40 assngea, hici> taorioITtlî hoe-Gales, Charles Richardson, James Harper, freux iuterruîiti>u ci nature. IeauGrool', IBayard Taylor, Charles TeM.,.i.dLadi,,-Dr. ClieoscemaW i'Plils arc Epi. A1u vr icked up ficatiug ,rae nvahuabic as ttîcy wilh bring on tic monthly «round at about 8 o'ciock. Une of th Dic Dlkens, Theirs, Douglais Jerreiti G. D.priod m-iwili rgularit,. Ladies melo havi beoni ixitaiieboas ame wit aout23por IPreutice. aud Seuators Dix, Cameron and aierppeiitcd lu tie ulýe e f tier Pilla eau place nietalic boas caile tip ith alotit 2 pet- ilesieevuto %uot conlidoWhatwas uh Dr.lCst conidence.auDrPillaL sens in i, iuluiding tihe(frît anîd third or l.-s 'îyte oepitri itmstoiug ailt tîey represent te do. ficos. titemeuds tiec or our lue ienjamin Franikli? IUc as oui>' a prin- Wàrranod purlIyvegtbl,fand free fit L wmec founi flating ou a pioce et broken tr At ai iug-nt iaim0tl ul oread, aeoipa cdibox. l'rice $1. boa. Tc scon olico ma taen x~îJames Buchanan, President et thc United sent iy mail on euelosing Al toU. IB. llxil- be Tescn lie a ae r tts9Onlvpi nte Ever>' sosnBe ,55, lcstUfîco ûsmvYiork Cil>', or ater swîmming seven leurs. Ile an1d tiche ~ apitr oecne the authirized Agetit. tîird officer more severely bummcd. One ho a Prnter-brains are necesaary. &I4 s inean yToursin tMe maie passenger mas huenit Irightfuli>', anti R. B.- iirrcnus"s, cGenrl Agenit for the Uni- roine otiers sligiti>'. Tiero more but six Togvebilin>'t tcees hu dSttes sud Canid-l,14 I,îbrs«.,Sc momoi saeti tîjco o whm moe buut.theni emrly if. night, anti open thenu carl>' Yerk, te mloin al Whioesale orders sieulti ho A bak cae upmitititistu inluthc moruing, anti lot thec mmd becen- îddreescd. ANermeeglaib a meîtwthth te-fe-rr Sain hy (G. A. lBanister. aud W. 1H. tue r~extmering ati hof. as bscr.stantly inteut ou tie acquiyitori of kuom- DuelWlithy; Lyin Brus. & Cc, Toronto. cd <,oing rounthte burning sip. They letie ro h~xrleo eeoetbl crF~ta nia>' have piekcd up % few pisons, but oc nw ee oiotu oui' afcm. he, lamru' hai 10 cuuta-WIIiTBY MARKeTS If ourrtenders could bave a PoÊbitive 1luxurv nicatton with thc Norweogian.- oteTîltus ccms h Tic Austria fasrbuht boilCeire,&uCe.Bld.tu umasBAI. Th 1,ýi;tiW wsbultbyCir & C.(',sîxx-cy.e mcFor (Cîeausiing tic Teeth, diaving, Ctunjooiug, of Grectiock, lait ycar, atîdi ai a large and Wedîiosday Sept. 29, 1858. Bthiiug, Bt fiîify-iug the complexion, jast e.St eogm ealîuug reuovilg Tan, Piiîîlos, FrtueIdees, siin St.rks, . liebeloged e R laniurgh WLuLAT--Ab)otit ,o btlicis, per day arrive end att disaî,,reabte apjxiarancem iroun ttc Skin cotuipan>', wlîicli liasi unt boon ver>' long in n Ton. isls . tie tîigheut figure paid, anti l' bai ne olNd yVull Driz'ist. S. S. ý1 dBLOI)GEq F & n., Prrie-î.ter.,<igîeu.hirglî, e1ue:ttiu.ini that tihehrîcca dlescoiid to 4e 1l0d. S dNY. TSiis ÇGREALT HOM E xX-stR. TcAustria lbcd on board : i.. the average. Fvr sale lii %Viitlîv by G. A. laiisÈtur, Dun- First cabin-'il pais OiOS49 Fsit WKEAT, 58 tid @ 43s cd per bulel. due; Street; w.I>i. Broohc -Street. First abin- ,iildrol............ 19 Si-lmuu Wuc.sr 4s Qiti@5le (d peu hel. - Fîsecndcabn-hlrpassorig.r.. Lor:I 12e GelIa 6 tit prarrel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. e ,Seon cbi-Fil pssngrs..... J' BÀnxi2A«2s.e;d SIpeu biLdiel. - Second ê,)nulildiOu .................)A la fl j( 4I.. Pd ptr bustuel. TUIE LXBRIDGE FALL FAIR. Stocmag-Full patsengers ............11) B $~ 41i4 $~5 per ciet. - îec-lilro...........0 omos i6.c (72s per bîîshei. I~TLL hbe ild in tic 'Villaige of! Uxbridge, - BrunEi cd >per lb. atugoMthfîot,- Total...................... .2 Eoua 714d per dur. On Thursday., Oct. 149 1858. -h - - - -te f OIt1(0 lThese mho lisTe Ileues, Cattie, 6Sbccp anti Thecree cnsitud e!abot 10 prsosBIRTII. Swinc ter sale wilîl Sud thiian excellant oppor. andi twouty or tuirf.> more stetertigo pas. tonltcfor disuon uifthti same.Bayers oftstockt Dermitzer, laniburg; Mes. Sophie Jegel doin-as -te a ainfanation o sitnseatmi *rita-r re -tt* o and hild A. . Sarmut, Nw Yok -tic roolt o! disea»es-hiice au ummedîto cure. J .-.OWE antichiti, . M Strmnut.,NemeYor; IaU,7ja Magica1Pain ExUractoa', anothing J .S'IOWE Miss Caroline Hemitz, Copenhageni; F. aieXlhalyini i0o.toce nimat H~ -IAM, -Âsgne 'Gorisun anti wife, Hamburg; IalicHlune cernen as&*eftwieoc tc-.3 Wulf, Copenhagen; W.! Resential, wite Aciowne atng the catalogue o! duseses:- antifiv ctilden iss Lena Meyer, Miss hurne scaldg cote, cbafesý, sore nipplas, cerna, - - anMicinna S nîti Mhui, brulses, straina, bites, poisen, ceji-SALE I SALE I 1 Min-tihTh. Glaubeuskîcc, Nue Yark; blauca, biles, seroffa, iilcers, fever sure%, folons, komusTw Fr. Bartuls, San Francisco; C . D. Trett, se e, ch pilassract yca, gent, Sweliings, rhett- r AT vplablie 1ropte kow yTw matismxaiti lad, atriubodes ,-JLlt ô 3, ?8 rd18ligreto B. Masue>', Zanzibar; Hlermann Thor. sipelas, rigonbreaiei ml e,-Boksre aeTn e shitby, M eilb beckc, Pilatielpia; Jes. Uope, Rd Adula- Ineules,r=, &c-, &cý solti on tie ground at Publie Auction,, d rk d Beget. New York;-R& V. D um- Manytiiscaseu'oaldhe ueiclied by onear"de;O.Setr ylt Ot.ux ILiorliand sncb an itica will viai ehen-reefiecin p<it. feltit, Drecadn; Ad Hermann, toute tcet., that. thea sa as corniueofifi- ?1 0tLC, <O iven chiltiren: ,Igillo;jtlius Busch, Newme grienalts eseianti Oe?eu- oe iaptYiii i per- the Loti frebtiu ii îtdùukStreet, anti la elhin fcct antidote te itas pped ilse N l'.ive minutes wmik of thecocntre o! tic businces York. aI." 8gcî eu.mrsL~jIsefeaprt ut thi Tewn. -p inagaglul, beesese th i te tassh ort betweon TEEMS :~Ote bnayll i q>s di e d. ni emanent cure; sud it in an cr- *t &, , sud 12 nionthi,, sud ae n ALay Cable Seruaýo i. raipor, int lras il dise uetettxcfee4 &udre4 anotes, the beof et ,îoië --part, leaving nature as perfects beforetie - vti interçt paable intwo yAt ii date « Tma.--t Saine thinga ua>' bu dloue as melal juryi>. la s stareely iecsate as>' aima ne aale,.na4 socuflbmotgî, . - utliera. 40f45m1 f David <>oeJ.eCLiouie, work-aiop, o naMte bulib ibrm~oruustmeii tiWdabc con b p.l> p g on ~eemoment mithot ih. 11<-! ýý,ý- ' LI LweRq, " ;Jh Vit PUI8LIC-ut ha ludeedti elnark-b.-, No PaenExiracter la genuntituiilcsusher to, ÈqTorno - h ubâbr that, in the solitude ot bis wildeiiitss, the hmapohIn i a tee plate engrViiig, ý- W. L ptatius man frein who e cruoeaFr al b' i slicild, with biB seage yo, bave foreseen dosions airouglios; é 1 fu f'i,. ryaixi:gaah.8 the coa .plishmen t fle!the 05p »s i un <Principal Dejaot, 165 Oimbers îtr4 Ne- SUBRI SALaE OF LANDS& ind nokeivable feat o! modern tiies- -Yen, CI. y. F LE.AO, _: -, 1 l . Miay, %iltheitiiaxe. lIadwe, lun aur weak oe Whiýy k/n Bos. 6,TtoutC ad Wbejudgment ofabhinga, imsgined ta'~ ursWasâthe quaterlunwhlch we ishouilt ~~4ma haLnaof siauc aent î Iar»sUir1*IJlO tt*ftld bavm gene te theii. lmned -of the wu. A- B 'a ,sarth-he mn uOfachieyntst l inte sta1 ýW&jksof t eei, thie pandits, sud 4h. il- eupe ..- ,4.1 zuinap*,t--bflt lIhow diffrat thu ways + Bdo M0 1W ï Dlaaaain th51(t the 1 prbe_ Tontoi 8l1it, 21, 1858. TICEla ereb ivn toý ube Holders o!, >.,OftamiTO.I55oAr½OI*.oastraetlon ef fonremCout oug,",tadsr Il12 Vie.' li, al te, auired to Prent u. ai this 0oftice on 0,'= ,, etho FIS 01? LNUARtY aura eqsning, for re- IOn la N i ;andti tafm n d AU lle iat the Intrest pxon ehiandi every one, of botr&*1 euee, in aseordancoe wth ,ntiflt xpte.asd ini t1bo bdy o! such T. ÎD. HARRINGTON, -Deputy R"evr Gene.ral. nSe, Sept. 24, 18P8. 37 THIOMAS MYER99 :CMSED AU TIONEER FOR TRE Townships of Scott, UxbrIiâge andi Pioker- Ail erdors addressed Goodwoed P. O., ritgo, wIll reeiee prompt atteition. 87 No. 10 18 OUJT1 il1E PO0K ER!! ýSale at George Ytîle's Bpook Store. JOSEPI IIJSELF AGAMN1 AT TUE la Norwwod Hotel, Greenwoot C. STERLING hogs to inform- hi 's numor 0ous tYjends, anci the puhlio. that ho has auîod the bu,.inûmsut aîs d.. ilotl Gre,-en :1I, whcro aU who tnivel inu that dlrt-o-ion, ho sciure Io find good treutinent àt Ihis handb. a oiuse has hen newiy reno<vfttetl and re- red, and nothing loft tnetteuded to suppiy > accomniodattion on fair day.. RUTJJERFORI) &4UNDERS, KG to inforin th&oir ustomoûri and the Pub- lie, thnt they have recoived %e Fienqt importationi or Spring Stock. & M4 King Street West, roronto, April 1, 1858. 12 P. S.-A largo quantity ot DRIBI 1 "Dy lc -- on -an s'.u alt .- ~ ---- Fi 8"1FLL. OOPCOLIJMN. - »ÊSRABILE INVESTET- MI' O W ~ ?~ ~ >$60)09 $609 $400, $M00,$200 BIOC SRE TWIIT YTOWN, VILLA, - PR LOTE~ BnO K SREE j W IIT YLots for BusinesS Purpome, &Pd IMPORTERS andi General Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries,, W'ines andi Liquors, are LOTXFORPRI=TDrES0' CI now recciving a large and desirablo stock ofTonfWht, .nvcOtal l SAPE IV *ot 8llid oW àvata for the falli trade, together wlth a large stock of ~oert etending from Bwtt rý LosN.177 sud 180. Bmu' oBrc 8tt, North oPoilard'a RoteI. Frisei on the principa instref i.Tow" eeLots elistse I1WSTAT ONARtY AND) MUIC WIN-ES AND LIUO S Lots 20a sud 204, corner boïk oiiM&pl*aund - LIC>UORS he OOPorr2ytreets.,78 74, 75, 77an 78. The ULJr., e* is nform his PIIRCIIASBD AT 1'THE L WEST INAnVEP Eýnuiotuwi n Bok ojdby Pery Geu0tmery ntitlcu ut andr- 11 UY L3 ~ù~i' RCES sAsh43treets:at GýncuR9tomom ad t $toluLot 87, West of erry Strut, sddel l ccivc d iOcet îok of andtut whicli thcy mos't respectfully solicit the attention of Cash anti prompt paying poslu> the Ste=m Flour MIII. ,Writing, customers. Lots 64,6,66,s2 8 4, sud B5, Ksst ub Fooiscap, L. & P. will continue te soit the balance of their Perry Streot,anV djoiegt. tem MIIPru. ~~ ~Jfl~U ~ _____ Lots NO. 60, at Of Perr trt.hi .aud ote aper, ~ > ~ ~- ~ ~Usla weil feuceti and otherwise improv.d. A ATnCOST OR CASH.WRST 0F -BtOCK SitRgEP. At COST FOR CASH.Lot 104, 105 118, andi 119, eoe yCn re clBrock Street, Whitby, Sept. 29, 1858.' 3 dteiightfnliy 4tuKed nd -living a rti i Pens ____________________________________________________- iiresiesare ivoli dp dt uilding p11rý and Ink; Lot 124 and 1251, corner of Kent andi JulIl Soho l Bo keLot No 85 Eat of Kent Street, andi but -a Slates fow odâ i'ort'h of Dundaà Streot. Siates;The foregoiug ohoico Lots were selecteti fr<'tn a large number, with tbc view of holding the in Copy Boksas an mnvestinent, but are uow offered for Slale V> at 2d eech; t&ywidu large traneaction. Blank D eds ET M WIEE. and Memorials Lt21,.. . e ......... r of a11sots; 21 ....I ........ >î ~~~2.........ci..............1td Cards, TUOLIJO 5TErE. Lot £30,. ... Price . ...........îl In& Stands;7 Portmonies, "..... ...,lk from 25a. 'oach; IDRBRS 38 Rogers' Pooket m 0RLt28 ....Pie... and Pen KniN*es; o C h e s a m e n f r o m ... .6.. . . . . 2 one dollar a set; BienLot 860 L t8 60........ P i ........ ..... . 8 200> Telescopas, "81,...... ..... .... 0 tg co pe, 38,... .........2k Fancy Bird Cages "37-9,. .......4 ,......... & Canries;-ALRO-- & Caarie; .Lots3350 2-51 852 SU and854, containlfl4f Chequers n lonn ekt.nfaha4vnb I Chequer boards,.&o.' h noebok A) O S hoi e lo tif urIO .I2 andln d AC . * One-fiftlx p yable next Deeber, and tIo MU-S~ SIC te) O $ sd 9rriINbalance erteudeti over a term-of from4e tu tex> STRIGd, efOOo, n8 * wil ereet bilidiga iPre "ut A lot o! pioketi Sterescopes, frein 75 et@. ( m\ T l pe, the fiest payment wilI noet ue tinsn upwards--and a great variety o! Views, gt 2 L183IN.%.~ui~ A lot uf No. 1 CIoclksp (warrauted), will U iu . II J fI 1~PR(pltRY te~ 8ild t creat hberç n 4 . T i P I ' fW it . M r h O i.18 8S MILS. c AllfPDLL, for, nuatuesa, ebeapucus anti wcrkmaiiship osa- not bc uxcdlletinluCaiada. - ilS UIZSE-TE-Nt-)EH, Ou;saimrmaAll the above arc first qitnlityt ootia mehici, L WaeIrriuv. Rfwuat ueMtla ut ewre bonlit chcp b>' paviî,g cas idown, and un et thc Towen, - 84 willibe 8oltat Cee>'1 i W iriea forcasai. WIludy, Sept. 22, l8SA. 36 TO BiE LET, COTTAGF IN. BYRON- ST. '11 lAMILTON &kIROBERTS. w Whitby Soap and Caudie Taçt4ory.CD lIIE Subscribar boas tn infoem de-tilers tat nà, i. e lanoce peep:tredto 1lv)u'ly tuentmeith til .utv quaixtity oet ilAîiZ) t.A Ut the above C z'l VYorkq of a qnality equml if tnt suiporier te the ~ .0-it Toronto inake, ai lome prIces for Otan or ~ ~ ~ ww 1ie Iligliest Price in Cash paitd te Betchera N%' :z and otiiers for Tallome mml Lard. ~__ JAMES WALLACL r- > CD WhilbyJnMY , 1858. > . t I CASH FO EWIIÂT T HIE undceeign a i i. pr paret t pur obae an >',y- quantit' cf Fall'or Sprtng Wiieai, dehi-eretid aittuor ut bis Warchou.%e, uîext door tu Mr. Bti tom'. storeWhitby, or ut tie Mils& o! Jo' O - Warren, Eq., Omliaws. THIOMAS MOODY. - ' r Whîtby, toti Augoat, 1858. 82 ~ Credît Sale of Parm Stock g Houzehold IFuiture, y&c. a TillE Subscniber meill sel bZ Ptiblid Auctien 1 Oa Tuesdal, ahe stli &av October next the foiiowig property belonging te W31. tioCHRAN, viz :-I sPan of eauxhelrses 6 years elti; 1 Mare. 7 Ivoues old, iu foal hy the imported herse " Èay Wallace ;'l Mare 8 )Oes old i nfoal bv do; 6 MXilch Cows in caif; 2 two- year oid Ster ;2 one year oid Stemr; 2 one year old Iliiera; 2 Sprinec CaNIes; 20udhîeep; 16 bop; 1 Wagon; 1 pair ef Bob Sleighs; 1 B - 1Cutte;i1set double Huruess; i set aYo;, 1 ron Plough ipair larrows;, 1 Turnip Dril; 1 Scuflhier; i Cuttine Bor, 2 Fan- ning Mill; 1 idilgSaddlc;-1>flUd Stone *20 Blog ;834 acres of TUrni ps; a qoatity of di-, rota; 1lçoekiDg Stove ; 1 Bureau1- 1 Bunk -_I lag miee Table aite Chîrs, Bedsttesd, àe.. aad uantity uorke1;articles tee nomerous Sale to cammdle tn o'ele & a. et TERMS -.-AUI sumns nudor $1ui, csh;j oVe tbat sein 12 montis credit vili b. givenÎ y fumiqhpný ro0d oin noeswithoot inter- eltuen1 wbi:?mduei o-itet from date." JAiU OULDAuctionesr. Pickering, Sept. 22, 1858.- ,S3 th ae Tow>i o! Whithy, a eemfortatoILouas ..wit4iaqüarter of su aseao!flanti. PILA1NOI&KELLER. Dry Go>.ls, Groceules, CrokerTy' TO LET. Spihife TO POITATiORTH i GOMPRISING ENGLIS« ! AN])AMERICAN S TRA/ W B OX7VVE TS AMID I)TS, RIBBONS, PÂP.ÂBOLS, «SILKCÂPES0 ABiEAUTIFUL ASSORIMEn 0F A FEW CASES 0F -GEÀnS SlLK AND FELT HATS, Noé 1 & 2, TIi'es, Blck, 1 Brock Street, W'hitby, Aý,rx 14, 1858!1 (LATE CRAWFORD A CAMPBELL.) BGS O ANOUNCE TUE ARRIVAL 0OF RISSPIIQ ANDpUUM R TOCCON- XiIltary Stripe Dre Sse , ikCesDobekftree, ]Paraaoles*-,Plounoed Dresses Bonniets a.nd Xibons, Barege md Delan rse,&. Koi~y d Glovea, &o. TH METT' PBARY1ff la refilètW ith a Sueneussortmont OifClOtli,-Tweed, 43iubaSons, Drifl,sùd Yeilng, Rut -sirta, Ce,lladker chies, Ünder Clotiing, &.0. Aiseaslarge Stock or READY DE CLOTUII IL.0..would ata e Sisthll continoustae Tilcrng Brascioe!the Business, ulatthi iptuuiuco f MZ.Frasr, ati estaui eubave-tudr GUseetimadie up la ti. luteat FuilonuaStvery IOI! leu - SCap%, T OWN LOT No. 5,Eamt aide of Erocit Strsti, hoibèng the Iritvacuatlot irth O! lis Regis. ti y Office, 49 (oct fronut anti 198 feltiueep w 4 Stables1,Iiock stree, saine c aine s w l. Ytr BunsaStands tiose Lotismre eueol to, au 'in Towen, and4 mil ho soltion menýt ressonal4e ternis te pÉrties Womie vl orect gootiStone or Brick Baildi-ngs onutieni. TeoLase. Oxa Nesruaro Fmr Fruntage on Breik Street directi.>' ya'a Rotai," tbe a tuo ahI4or ears ix la cf 20 fecS frontago >Antial a perce -T ,tmn" TO SETTLEES-TO j-'4ca tM of Beveu orIii IB. ONE 1as un caniave thér ['of !4 tic ils. JA w u '4 i - 1--1 E') ~E1ui.semibra bltmato toi er cuatoam t-esunld basinS a - --'.-TT-~TT CITa UTIirÙc - Il - I 11 Ïlm 1 -.

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