Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1858, p. 1

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TE EMITY- ERONICLI THUR$DAY MORNINO, HIGQINS &, XÂYECROPPER BROOK STREET, WHITBY,. or Next Doort e the Reglstry Gifee. OP TR~ S FSUSCRIVTION TO THE 1V Yrone, will ba $2 pur ann, RATES 0F ADVERTISiSO: Ton linos anti under,'ý... ..... $0 75 Aboa ton -linos, firot isrton.,.,..... 0 8 Every iaubscqnent insertion, (per 0 Y O2 A Uberal diseoitnt alIowed to Mrchants andi VOL* 2, i With calm Printeil wod, gmat tiaoughts aiRi untiiugiiiiiistrT, 'w" -B4vonate leCPrge Knowledge, Brotherhood. WIIITBY-j, C.W, IIIRSDAY, SEPT. 30,l%8. O.37 J,,., T o,- - orteVy 0t Naey" punst hemnw O.saHro3m7oe t- mli it to that shlp." III will do it, Mr. 'Washburn," Saiti e--s l ot more for the sake of thc mTnl3ey *"i for the sake of the boy.- WlIll was s~. kinte every one, and 1 witl engage to taku vrsfey h wavos are mtifl l nb. di, The boat shot over from the . n was soon riding on th billos, <> strong spray dashingp over ber, yet sway ing to the fall of the waves, as if conscious sho carrieti a father's love. The strong arm of Burns was severely taxed, but they soon came within hailing distance. Burns iifted the trumpet, which he invariably took Nvith i m whener a storm seemed Ito indicate any use for it. andi haileti the said Mr.W si - Ad yet' i gran t tut my Willie may flot bo flOSF this NEYERt DEÉPAIR. cost 1" Anti the tatong mn wept like a de air when tle darhi cleu i s .louring- 1chulti. sun, thoegh obaceot, nover cesises to H is oro4sn r ahunT shie; oi t rlheieola on~, sketi Michael. "Paul is my onlY Son, le fubmthsasfit hl, alearta orlre-Sir. If you baye other sons, you .con pi. hardly thiuklé what store wie-ht is, bis enm'ey of lie hatit li hlts nd is shadows poor mother and myseif-set by the lad.", aHeavon lu it wisdom teneab sentis a I b at anc4her son, Mr. Wayne," ra- rh onh b ta rat, vt ithresonttplieti Mr. Washhurn; but ho went to soa ýg oguid te od twt ea&o ouiany years ago, wheu ho was a more boy, i courage to eonquor, we'll neyer despair. anti since titan we have nover seen nor heard fromn hini. Ali, that was trouble, trdiasar when with troubles contendiug, my olti friendl Must I ho calleti again to Le bhor anti patience sa word andi as shieli, endure the sami? tin hrighter Iares witli coturage unhend- Mr stb nheAmgywild ing, M.WsbrteAmgt ild mnee eresined on tho blooti-tainteat. riinht by our ehildieh, saiti Michael. "Lot 1~Ira. Pas'UngtOa aud tlep Âtlaftttc Tetegtaph. "The Une is down,"I shouted iTke, as h. swung openlthe front door. Mjrs, Partington, thinkin- hc neant the ciothes-line in the bacit yard, dsrted to the window, but everything was righit. The night-caps inwung. to andi fro by their strings, jh6 dresses waved their long arias in the wind, andi Ikes' galligiiskins, infiat- cdi by the breeze, seemed, strugl-ing- to bce free. loci wi to if1 Ui ccasion for it. The line'is tiot down." "I mentit the Atlantic telcgraph ulne," tii a fade expressive -of the joy -of Foth emiBphres Iland Queen Victoria la going send it oyer to President B uehanan." SShe la, is she 7 saiti the olti lady; reil, that is very kinti of h4cr. I. wonder 7sh"e will prepay the postage beforehand a tdvance." >9 t isnIt a letter,"' criedhe, "it's a cabla ider the water -from ône country to thý bher over wbiclî messages cani bc sent." ho on't bielieve it cani be donc," Said ~etn ~~vcati messages'come without ~tIgîestheiVwater" pecha," rcplied lite. 7rapped up ini gutta "May be so," said the da". *ully, "may be s'o,-but it would gogt deal safer to senti 'em by the stetamer2R ,what il they should pget stucit hall way Y Sh Pndcere-1 on it. and i iti ot see that 1thoiperTas dsbituurnsyeeitilbti-II ALBERT SPRING, -.RAilLgOAU foUsE, PaoFreanaeTae u e nausit mau [n Whitby and tii viioinity, a 1o1ter ~UCTIoNEL-R, &e., &o., EPSOM, TOWN-C ORNER 0F BROCK AN] DUNDAS Steg., paired. 'IV«tising nintc431idti nt ha sctlu Intille jship of Hench. 6 i)Whitby, (Late Wilcockson'a.) Tho Sub-- E TONFR eilU)r. M vi deriooohn w fd-srbeegs te annountre othe Inhabiteuititof TEUNDERIGIiED BGT NO si i illonua île Citae in lorwarding A. RI LE Whia.by, and the travelling eoninnunity, that lie the inhabitants of Whitby sud the çieinity -Y "tr otce.EnRCHANT TMILOR, BROCI< STREET, basl taken tha abute first nias,, Bouse, which ho &d1icpbe erally that îbey bave 0 oud N~~~~~~~~~~~ buo l adscnint nlialere-~1hîy S itteti up luneatiewandti uniiclituntnur. as b1hguiesitltOTôWflOf WUItby, Xo apo ilb LoitnidutlS are paiti Ptbv I~EERLA firt-,rat Table is served at ti ii e. Pin- whîch ombraes the manîîfact riug, tiiinc-sand Noer Lottar eoid g ca. , THOMAStrotinul h et nis, Lunciconst, &e., en ho lied ui a nomntru epring tf musicl instriumenits. ta rtert co? ita 'uth tIs welcirý, addrc c t IDE , &o. &c., GREEN STREET, notice. AIl Liqunr% kepi on the prernticls arae Pan-Fortes inanufeetare te 10 der. MAcs, -T10é BieWhtltbof the Puilisteds hoen addesnedeu 1 L.D EotcCi . A etordeoiis, 5Y4ooeus, ant i lkntiaof string, IIIGGINS & MAYERIIOFFER, THOMIAS DOIYNINGY. instrumente. Bfr Whithy, C. W - MANILLA HOTEIL, llitby, Mardi 11 th, 1857, Theaattenion of puteOs inthe Town lm prti b ___________________ ~ CULTIAR'S OR-culaily reg uested te the aunvenlent facility now JO I.POA (ATuC, UIrpIADtor. 26OR-TERwitIlîin tuer ur moh, of lhaving thoir MinsoMe- BOO AN JO M-l.àrb Jeu Mrltn, »rP"itOr 26OYSERlodeonis Aceordeuns, kept propcrly 'ue adTe jet mRINTING ESTABLISHMIENT. OAKWOOD IIOTEL9 -repiirei Let their owu re.sitienes anti <ithout And O O(N rouible or annoyaueotoi tlîuselvasi. Thaobojet IIlE PRO1'IIETORS OF TuIE WIIITBY AXWOt)l) W. BAN KS, Pl<î>lRIETOR. CRYSTÂL - SLO N of the unutersigneti istot give foul publiecalis- J,. Catic;vi, rit onîlrcýsîîectfîîlvintltrutite 0 toti accommotitonlt¶ fetra leri;.38 ftion uwhich te) expeot 10 do iii al theirdeal- Thoug ihilsht they vlt)e ritrd soutîti of te icist ig -le,îstr i'1e ront, New York ila eidi- 0UO 1 0 T. 135v Wallace Building", Yoinge gFF.LITZ & RAINER, te thC.hce W.er, ptrt oexet oaTWB < NStreet, Loronto. Choie Liquoria, "uiiî-, Piano makertt anti Macle Tosehere, lHoward L1IT PROW LE, l'EOlRIETO'Lt- &c. Cottugè-near the Iletrv strec-C echool. Gooi Aconuîîdalon.il I3EVANS & DIXON, r Cg estusstnd tiâ tinstructions giveniNeu BOOK MAND JOB PRINTING E' _ ___nin ___e DI___________n ad unite ha wr Toronto, Jniy 15,1,957. 26 masc as heritofore. liai will bo dîne tut a supotioir stylcet th owetiONTARIo IIOTEL, W - -.ay19 1-. 8 ndU eonîiatîltg p1îres, B-YA ;Ir., i,<>i'RIETOIt, BROCK NATIONAL lIOTEL, TheaPlorc)îeburs lhava pireiti" u ne cf Stre,-et, W Lith. God iStshling and Iatteti- PORTVicT ivsr. cash I Caab 1 I whleh onales thtui tuetoriionit (ard isud it- Es-pLANADE TIOTELhII, utîdersigiieti bagttîtinforrnihis friands lIE higbest prie -11 bcpaiRinCaa b is ttnrg ar Sso n a î'îei tîn t STREET, TrORONFTO.uer 'owee fEs tCie DatOC etththtitlie s 10w inu possession JT thie iitiet igned, (uit Ilis NEWA nu ittîa iirt e t llis anis aiter. Tivluve ROT TIEtor. Eat<of.te MaketON i the aboya I-hthe bueiness o(if hlho Brock Street, W bitby, .% eui door south cf the Wh botetet.&.,lult hiîînî . ud( ta vry lhiv FTiriiege.) rwilin future cauýy tt, oi is own aeciOlll1.- t'enitcuItiirý Bot anti Sboee tore,> uer rates, l'riitiitg rail liec î11riiedtiut te owest ~iotl ~î!dî ________GoodiLiquors, Wluies andi Brnuilti. Exeellent b hec skiiis,Th prie aLit t1iùlishoteti-ditt*C fAI.--Y.(AMIBLE, Stabling. Carfel steuuioli fur mnan homIe. OuI(Iloper, Teb IIIGGINS î AYERIoiFFER IIBIE0 u OLG Fpvî EDWARD ItAY. lransc w U/iiîficeuOlerWhilhy, cW. caî'adSnre s, N. Y., ivîra i ht" e t,1 6la e tsM , e o f piysie, Stirgei'y ant iMidwifory, &c. Bte,~ e c 'à.A. nIVli W STERN 11011E, MICHAEL MORIARTY. ______________________c. ___W.________15 arutoAPS TBtiOT, WIIITBr- Whitby, sarcL, 8,ltt38. 7The il $I~A4W.MAMERICAN XIOTEL. 'IllE Allr llRSOHVE IIA" EEN -h e & r.VTF-ItSN, PITL>RiE- travellersec, l bvd eou whetc Painting, Paper nangîllg, Glazing, Wtir', eriter of Youtnug anti Front Streeîs. The llîîn-c I. ie w1 Citishict, velilkeltt, andth ie o Torontto, C. W. 15 s î n i)iîî'-î,trtittt'rt.eîîty sîand irv. Thern e ~ ILLIAM DEVIN,Paintcr, OIsler. De- ZACHEU.s BIRNIIAMx, -eu - go 11trtlle Sttdlingz, andthîe bedstti- W cerater, &er., begs tolu hforn bhis rints T CIt E OF TIlE COIUNTY & SI, U.htt)GAFE IERU %SALOON. in is pail tenait andti orse. Flic har-roctut ici and the publiec hat ie lias rainevetifreinth, Foriv -.- _ Cotî. -tit -ai li-i - ti_ __t-t\__ FAUIIi, 1LATE OF TUE" -'ONGte1tosî vintas, 1L1iiorit antiCigarié. IRend- ici ttc oplesîte aide of? CitePâme treet-one J.-1,i -, out'~,nmeiclti tit eultiiig renne fur private par- bicot kfuit ton Sout, gýopposite W. Il. Doel's NELION . RYNODS, striai. Wel~, Torontto, Cltcitn.- îî anMdictl Hai,.« htero ha lapreparedt 10un- W IIEIIFF. -.;W- OFFICE AT FilE COURT lerututtai ail houant, l MICHAEL McCAULrY, tienteke &II jouta-or lolse. 11 Ip - pitn, air agn,-ýif JOI[N lIA M ~ .jolIN METCALF, 1 ailaPprBaig &tn,&.lo EITA. hFiEu li>KSULElIK 0F Fil E FiFI îIINîOIT ROBSON 'S IIOTEL, sud to exectîle theanae with dispateh sud upon OGSRR FIEONBOKS. ,tiipiis itaeTonsipBrook. Ad- WH TR nîcticrate terins, W Ihir-s 'uîiî'tu. 14 . ,WII5, Ail kitîtio? lettaing,&e., doiuewllt£aeenracy _____________- NTE LAtIGSTAGE l<OAD IIALF a etîtieesi. il. J. ilACI)ONELL% GEORGEhet H Wîiiy nt UDtitge This Mixoi peints of ail kitits kept eonstantly on LEI<KtiF IlE ~li.tCE.uFFIC-."T (.EO(.E IODDIlohtle] bas bceaureitti snd uit trniiheiet ian ex- liant. lE îîrK OF TI.-1 î \OFFCRAT ERtîl A.S-r TAILOR uIt TFITTER elîcul tstyle ofur te lctttittltitof ucavcl- Aiwckeuttiiastfcoyinic. cthCutlble.Kiiîc 71StretFuels. t trtrt. (II'.IV. Suh > lem. Eve'rv tttitî,ipaiti to traveliens, andti Uwhitb , Jîtly ia1, 1858. luaner JOhN V. HA M ut~~iexu huprle Tttjliiuu itrritîte lttt1iisittrv. i te lx-t aciommodiliatiounurovtidel' or tut tit ___________________________ Cl Lhtl 0FFIlEtit SF î'il'iT. NI3herte. Pee t sieady LisCicr aieavii ilu attend- iLugisiOFTrUE hCsOtUgaTi uutllIR. ANI)'xii F~RANKLIN IîUSE. uc.48 DA.1LY STAGE. - -- ('uMFOlt-O FALSHOTL. ROM BRO)UGHAM TO FRENCIIMAN'S - T F .F\VTI hRl'~'~ ~ rlI.ÀM IsIRTNPROPRIETO7R.- Bas Staiton, on theGrand Trunk Railroad, uP ARDEN. IlEW T I J>*ttERttrutiuutluîtCiiTavîWrt V This litîtel ile utnutet.linuexcellenti clylec ccnneceling wilhtthe 4 Railla.ll-llEtArIhIE, Wiiv i 2l. te ouuîisaeVstr andi Touirt.is. îît- Morning and Eveaing Trains. -_M eil ~y Rtiuttt. - - - tusbcul nitîu a frw rno i lt bcFalls in th __-RAILROAD HIOTEL, niitltist of tinost icIighfnh SeendirY. ±lic fib- JAElýS HUBBARD. %V. PAXTO, Jr. FFI,î>Ui<Trrt Eit>fling ou tus Lakes i ,uncrpaiseýd. Fiulîing Novoiiber liti, 1857. 42 o hîtiutt'iu. i>hlî)iiRIETQB. ~-4r F1118S Tacitiead cuit s Boite vti. 29 -_____________ ft l1l) F ,ssXsiM cuot aebiaioîof or BOUSE & LOTS FOR SALBe. and Il.1. MAC DONELL, Trutiele. Golet Stabtlilg anti attcntive Oui.- THE ROSSIN HOUSE. OWTW& U oTU UNYlers. 5 - OTs No..1 aud 2, Hlenry Street for Sale.- ' OLiIIlR.& LEIK iFTUE CIUTYcOeit sor vor.ieK & N S Eltt5TenTtito. L Tey tire Ceornrtu i. The hIouse le a mou Couttuî t>ltt5 iitii'iutui luulue 1 J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, A C. .0$LIAN, 1liruPlflEFîiR; Tit getFratute une, eatcry antis bluhigît, cou- ao JOHN IN ItER, ('%ONEYAEIt lCMMSSIONER FOR A*lis lul I s titi'lart in iithe l'rtvittre, sud Tiiî6apîiuetts iis in goond reliait,snd t1IJNTYICNli 1 FUit. iFFIC AT Fil - takitg Aihiitîvp a.qAr.c;sûý .aciliLîtisîfior- lffollitlg for altittliig ti1l11ior îcIt pa- iteilpaint.e. Flice us alosscondont to 0UT FFC T IE akn ut,:vl! i iod'athtîti eaclliitg ithic.eutlelt Court A~~~~~~~~.oîi Court ',tut tiliertl Agent', I!xbride. Of- t lotuheIa -ibe.qa ote c __It fc-iiStetnuulyuhpuste Medical besi Rîtrojurn t holel.. or luti tisecr c.,thith - F R? A MfE -B UIL D IX G sau fle-KngSteo, leirI ni ent onuCie .ierteui 'cnutinient. 213 h L. FIllAKS llihu. ______- ---Shin£ieul, but net enchoset. Flic situation ia fL.EîK FiliSFilVSulN0i)U 1r. OFFIC'E N ..ll t Tneuttseil te.renl'IE TERRAPIN.doituiln. ct th',0mt 1 ii,î t-ele rotitîIv attîeiturul tu. -_____32 Fuir terni1 anti furtiier particihars, apply le bit _____-~ IIE. PIOPRIrVORS (IF TIIIS WELL ALEX. CAMERON, fis -I---.-B-ANM Tuown Salooi, a'u' are ît c ('ief <Cnstablei. 0 tNTfiN UES Fi> GIVE IN Chic dii s .NlC110i1. AS, Ki111,-cet c frierykpIIg r iire.GO W LAF the htave' tuecri îuetvV rent'ututlîxî litutitt'i, autti EO.WTALAG t~PTANO F0RTE..,~~ fititti np iitc ltirst u.ylv. Evitry uir,eirblie Wbhy - ti lier Fsate'îîrcsitene, BatiiàSreetI, w uVCbit lcare tin stilt. A ri uir hlm u i p se- t rilid12,18..41 tt - linu:telv luto nhit-Iu ututîr ebut the beît Ibrandis cli WIlI.T R E.MA Y N F, - bGIFELITZ, l ire Pettnîcited tu etuter,. K -FTE R iýNl ?qi'tNT) <lîtWN M î IIE 2. 1llie~:4~e't tt itttr.tutruugî Bralse anti ail kitt s ut W ELLINGTON IIOTEL. -Strintg litiuunttt ,is pnt.jaritd te (LATa LEON0>1)MII LiG-T-Ci it.iitÂW, e messRSs. WILISON & BlLLINGSL, r6ecette a fleî, lteaPupils ntt hucirTeu ft AihlFEl~&AlittEYS AT î.ANN uis ueresdetce. E re49lia uie -e 4 S1ulie-ltr- ihtetur'.îVtCht.41:R NCIS KELLER. Tie iluat te tame a lots liew îeti ireliti, lvaiun ! CENSED AhitTIONEER, WUITBY. 18ul-ktt uocbg etunnttiltCt ui-(ERE3ciiL i Nliset,\VuiltVu. l.ltAlNttzEu ANI). TNS1JANEdNi ONEAi AEN, at at]tuiteattenndcbet tye e urt tuhîlrI dpapilt ltpartsi als i oahfit tofth I.Wlitbh. Azeut tfirthé Prointc1iliten-t ta couiteictce. -niasulers aLdti vsitonît Ccuntry. Auctîonabusiness o? evsry kint lCý J. V. EliAIA tFIM -RChscet )V1s ii te Couit f-Onlantut. n-ll findt te ery Ct astceomunodslion anti al- rtoitut.ly errai et] eut îetdedt l. Re-,itceta T) iTR-TLA.-O ii.cè-Vitria Buildings, Brook Streitutentien, t charges tînenahly inedenSte. honda,, treci., 1kiat, Windsor, Witbt'. B>Sîraul. Wi lillu'. c. W. 1I .yUtdcrttu t'ltreiiîliththt-.e1 Attt Ooitiuîlts frc, teusit] froîn thicCars. Atîction Counutitinreacet lin eorkdencoail __________ (Jod Sheds anti Statiiug, suitattentivei haCheraý. n-t the dopresset conditiotn cf the itie. .il FAIRIBANKiSA C. WILSON, WILLIAM MAL>lEN, AITlcrde foSens crveivii'tathie "hroticle" OLCTRLC,&.&. ITRGI AZIEII, ANI) PAPER z-10 lru1,ricton- Printing ciliewhoea aduplicata beokila iept, tic C. W.tss Pit2 P- -_suitdtisys andi terins osales eppeinteti. 18- ttshutoa, . ViP l Ranger. ________________________________pli- - ~ tr-Itut itgs-for Sala. Wuitowasltblg suit fçe- ALMA IIOTELi JON IILINGS, îeIIa1 SELIGT E CIl VVANI G orn M~,ilas Street, XXhîthy. stMxî...DwELN TOLT Aw Clil,itzRIy & -tîîhî ,1îîîNut ISN. E '%OE FI RST-CLAb, ITIOTET. i now L______________________________ ewh enrrauged fer Chie bctiol ee frohaIe~osisit txeieev..i x- A. AISB. .,B. CAMPBELL, visitons. Tue ib ig been heci triy ketapIi. llent privelé tiwéiîing bouse, aituîutc'la nCa s TiINYAF A , SIL- O 5 A-9u NDS[ICAKRBROCK on-Tempérance pntitiples--aSiit CLhestilias the mouiclhty anti agrteable a prt.et'the N A -ltîi'ry CttA yîT L r, &a., MIuu trc, SN e, Witlhy, t iEXt dor te T Iccobtaineul. )seny attenittin paidte traval- TFnnof Whilhv, andiachoit0etoa mile distant MTartiut. aiv le M D-ningta itallrosîl Ilote-I.) Repaira lénut, anti the hast ecomtmotltteltprevitiet for front the centré 'of the Town. Thiere in a neat ___neatlîydouc, and noit of 01aitittexecuti iu matianti herse. gantait attactet, s field eoutaining about an - N. H AM, goot style, antdiin s worknatilki Itiatîtî. 9 q4FAn Ontuibas inattoudancé to andtirainacre of greunat luthe rere-pldasCia greunatnlu 'NY>T Athc Crs,fe of chtarge. 17 front, anti pientv cf fruit lori thé ase cf a ?atnily AUITRAI lT I,. T-tLcA, . tTIROD&SUDRJ. A. MASON. 1uille preitlises: Tlie-huoeut conutands an cx-W B lilc(e-over tae S'toref.1_______-_________________ sit-e andtteliglttful view cf tho laite-andtho opposite te Registry tuifire, linuek t-t. nrno iJiu ecutrt-.1tcQitiltXI sXrtinitis T AEJ tvi)QUN" L, gisitKitchen wiîl ûr"acae ntoVt, dr caznàeon, Mactiondl& Darn'telI,1 T A4 ING RSIZET&ESTTO- te. 3, 5ÂuLr-Ati-M.%TELOT STREET, elr-nia lîuîînp aen'd soft *wStsr tm ARITIS& ATToicNEXS AT lAýW. ND54 INGSTET ET W~E BTOtW N Q U E B EC. Zi-acÀe*. Flueailsa god rocmy atahliug, dry B .~ g ~Cau L flc &asiîeetLzn 'l aadapjh%. st, pd- ie ant i )ialry lionaett &c., anti evaiy LOCAL DETlF.-OyFI"1 :I ,tninlathe busin, buii-MUyA 12A LCgulRI5 tLitéJ Ugoý$sore, andy v euni maouainate attend oit .gentlemn.' viLhhoe5t5tb -éIiàA « le>îs. iaut E I I W a hvugl poes avleigatéaéafi - - - JOSEPH- IJJO (fevwi7diéeêip"CO(ooitbig'iParlor siB~ Ettfl id a ir'trht.a son a retîiii erelai itsie seté. Pl POCmTE CT, CIVIL ENGINEEII, AND)srebeuDts5iî . e tjjvé~&yorm- fe çmrt ie !rsd mps4s .Eatata Agent, WhtlY. 1 NTRÉ HOTEL, LATiE,5ICI'!t 4Doo-s stgéISars. <oIefiiO PULID' .CLARK, 8yOJest5XTvaisT rin is r. - ,ndthu t t __ iTQ OS'2A1fL~E COIINTYONTAR!o, -M-ERVAN SYLKER, PORIEQR B.TEGZtO uluforedbi /tid akni- thP el L.ldInspecter ofiolisestan Chie Muncpa-eJ u uberba esi etiCivp5 tes o teaf .18 lIta i whie ia pjjlath "thes inOTtIhis atro n & ublggb oinen w *rk 4ik» nwnaala T ano?- uutt - -i ;-ku CLARK b eîft Uptené h.onI n s e.tsl 4 ë»> et.W3tùéwdVl5 14TS 010B5& ce., ts Au astiefactie lJ est Tr9 OR, Ne- 74, KuINQ ST. hie vM'igluscltatoubefore the, bUlse Al snr. ER G ntÂN'W hE. Ccadtien-lpahîl fains', awynez nRlgA~ lIEIAS ~i t oior$ 0f 8Lxte ý - iDyé otsmtfeiColoisicbe aiI- vagapa~ui4.Iht1455tiétr'îlî 1 V ýp M on -West T HAno NAX,' * 4 N~~QLAZIE~S PAPRE RANGendatitba.Q;n-tto puLSbrtlt t ý»i StfLzA W. 6it ci shl b e5J- on hsm& IlW mbIan, t r1,gUUiNKh ns huuibly halicte Chut hoa yul, anti give shlp ahey 1I"tn lt irbI f rt etetnu îy as Chue har nth I e bea om cf tle n on ing, theu n t lii scare. hq willnotl y upon T1he Cygnet-Craw ford, m aster," nas tf te bel, anti wnuar, y (îl hen .lu a rem ote te u ycutug heants sFuning upn-anthodo sit] toi iar; n bevic boronstha wecat heu; ati Ie epl. -position prepariuigte senti messages of mis- t-ilt tar ofpron1,iuthelrftittret]olull , yet oi Mn. W ashbttrn, while I speait my "Aralahion o rd ?"-" iAil on board, chic?, hui a ' oîuit set heý '<ttniug te thé 11l lgît thén -t aioug antlIe'i neven des- heant telle me tai if my Peuh ig takan but one!" door t ec w iio as riuîging. pair.frei me sha robI uentlswh " Wasitbnrn startei. as Chat one *k ouk lu thte Ceipest greva ulkrg v rosis- At titis moment a lage slip cama on W ilie ? Hée suran t embllng ho the bot- Netbing h s sea tiful az the devotiox'i tanchesd elinn-C oametsus tom of telesot, awailing the answer te Peuh c>Atrs to lis parents. Hielias placet hoa nia te anu gain , uîuîsruîîsr po w-r- ecb s i y tg o i g u a d o is n m e, for n-bld B u-ns b aicalleti. -U îhem in e con fortabte hoie iu s ihc f tle fi-m selC-reiiauce, Cluat eeits n- agiiîsutce, ghashly-iookiitg objecis on ber sleck. As lengita il carne-t" Stephen Morrison 1' occer. Mirs. Waiyne's,ittincr-room isftlUet os cunt]r rejeicing tbrongh sanshitt andti she matie onte fCaniul hurch, a terrible antij chin-r; -prolongeai cry camie up froin ber, ihai "Flanit heaven 1" wvas alîthat Mr. Wasl- wn-h narinec treasnreu:, stîcils ceal anti iC i a slniugglae lt hi-y t10prom i1, îscnt t iefrbura conld utter. In a moment bus joy sea-mos, îvrught ie obeetiful pctu~e ut] truc lucrts grentarenger by labon sud îe aoah uyo h strucit hlm as sethiel, Semebodywould by ber sou's liant] ant ilso, vith curiesi- storin or tecep thtuntier of the neyes. Otird,"T tmuta teygt" atanci moun for Chat poor lest sailer 1 lies broîught freui:foreign cotîntries, form hbile ilope, lite a scraph, tîtilI nîtispers; Ta utb h yge, aaa l aboya s-setter henealthéhedut IIShe îs expeetti Tîey neareti the ship, andti -C diflieul- a perpciuai emusemiitt for al. 'Michael c r'wusnasueuWai, sc avat L'tiit -tialy ani M. ushur's rigt 111e y got tCclbar aide. A ci-on-to? enger Waynt Cao digtitîgîdish bis sOn' vesset son is board hon.> bras wn-e ceon standing on b r -dock, loea nyco is to savsaii sglt _________- t~f~ Waebbruholt up Sm " sit ooking cdonn pon thé litthe, ventrosfor la tIc upper roem Peut heu -fltted a 3~'ict~xurt.t-aya "Tcreboa.tanti cager te 'exehangae wod.,- w beaiaCl tolcacopa on ut freine, eund hihlc se mai! hoe yet Uouthi men n-ho n-ère luliehr A ligt boy n-heu they are expecting luin, -ihe give way sma !W illie nlll be saveti. - . 11.- appearoti smong thora, andti as te father tekes bis book anti liannh lier- khitting, TUE 81HIPWRECK. y n-as reiseti sîewîy in tle ship, Wittie's anti aiternateiy thcy peep through tbetCll- Ounwarci triftedth ie ahip, anti fest in arms nere around hum ! Even tha rougI t Ceétube, until oua, or tIe, othér-éxclutbnsï l'T n-ut ho a very vilti nighit,'"sait] lier n-sie shol forth the brigit liglut in Ct aîrwpe h ysnthe eaeee Io lc la coting Il baci Wayne, to lis ife, as iley movati binnacie oftelihthie schooner. Choir n-ater-soaket jacket1 anti oit Tom P90 cieser te Cthe coinforiabie fire. 1tit oui sons 1" exciaimeti Michael.- KiGCI&RF3TESLP ýNRS 01 Saunders, wnb bat trunk ratier freely 10CÀusuESML N i oa A, ad nighh for seemen, poor thuings G!" "G elp us Mr. Washlurn i1Ce" cs-T ro uitI hc lele his geei'ale' nfune -s5 et Mrs. Wayne, anti s realy tear On anti on thay came, non-,5 nsing viCI ina aa eitibsbt, lbéigi-et Chah Chaties, Kig of Franco, once ré- -uéd itséif cdonnlber checkts, fer ler ha billon-s, motintain hig, anti thon etlsstsato ntusCa oae marke t 1hlm.ho thought tieyhlid botter àer anti brethren had ait bon sailors, settiing on-n in he Crough o! the soit,,n- lice a Nov' '«este. change pisors. AsJoan tii net Iook n-all ecc hati found a grave lu Ce ses." ii l oCh vessais n-ena direetly la front o? Banne hang on te thé sida cf thé vessai pleeset ai tha prposal, Chrles asiteti hit à. terrible guet of nutcamataI hat Ce rock where thé lwe faîhens stooti, ne- frsuetelteso oe if ho n-oie net content et te idea of behxtg ment, sud le t in oa*neofte windows; garchies s o? Ce pitiles s storm ltai -as tiitie. At l t y a srmnge ff r a aking. 1 Oh, content enonghu," was th e tuer, anlte chimpev tîreatenîti te drenching Chem Chrouagi, anti only alive te itgl yasrn foth anti -~ epange bordantias o ptehei lxtorapt)- buI sholtibe exceein-ly ashthèd* ipe dona;anti the third scemet he danger of Choir sons. They gnspedt g idtcfCie -atte-îaOncrn- aet bevîng suca afooi." h n-ustitis fot s.ke tI - foun t ions of the cottage lu eutch oîler's hantdsn-ICI a grsp thet seem- t e m d tof telahe etnew - -ho eonce tCnet hua maser's n crsé y rush- , icI they ,liveti cd 10 lring Choir vory hoants anti soùtslu- es iadiene e m ti--h , n i - b s r om n or i z wt h tiiebeel ~ ~ ~ 0heati anti faca lied up, ant iis ar n aaaugitbsrotoumrn ,uito M c alW ayne n-as a poor m ati. Ail te contact. The poor m an an t he ric si a iti g n a .e caiîuaîiou, "î Oh, sire, , iuc li uews ! f or liCe 'frein bis yeutb he hati beeau mtan, now poor alize anti lending before slg na itigtin.iousant mati have tiso n uthe cdiy I,- iherman, btirely gaining enough lu sîl Heaven togetîcin utha Barne deep sur iouiib o- Ca atthti~ wiî " r eh startietid 1o "-i Be shoen Sommer anti Auhun to siupphy non!-! ue pnahn u. "s' lPaul v-batîintetioni have thy vison "-"eWell,5' ie n-anis o? the Ing Winter anti thé Thora n-a a ime-ht might posibly he Wayner sait Jean plueciug bis linger upôn b is tiose, rtiy Sprng. IBis foot was puer, lite tn minutas-but il seamed heure, n-hon tPaul Wayne, sure enougit, Burts, "probably tyîith the 'intntin cf ingu lthes n-ena poor, anti bis n-us also e puer Chie nole slhp wn-as-groatiing, reuuking n-bat is Iaft of hum," lhe repheti. l"I1have tie-"t gaiaet letime-' île, cottage; y t Micale nas nich in b ountig unden acii successive strain, gela siaîl battiing-not auelhtespésit,----- ~~per~n-i~u nertcy -cou~d- ç ~' î ~ n'a'~~ne -oa ut non saur; nhch iin e nife, n-ho n-es the vautageocf a teiupenary iultiug o? thea na, n-ith my heati anti somit on, my arm got a genteel psume, la -the.,itonsés o? thé iest anti piesantéet senltChat ever anti stooti off, n-ith han shivereti meut show- Iroken, aud "- educateti-anti-wealthy, n-ho, hon-aven, -hgteuti per mn'shoe; anti nichitîg strongi. uCttriirgt ls ht Haen-as.,runnhng on, quie ont of Psuh's coutidnet entiréty dispense n-uth the aid Of one chilti, nhose youCî n-as jusIoent- catne. But CIe schooner nilerewnas-Chai? usuel esinî and*iquiet -ay of taikiug, n-heu Iearia. Froin tus hnleriixing of rrl, ng hale manhooti, anti n-lue doveted et. Thîey missedthetlo rigili light Chat bhat oeeot tl1 sailorrs more consîdarato tîsir chinent te luis pareans as Ce theme e? showa itseif frea thehinnacté, anti et one tera, get Ca h urfto-aria(ose bCnpri ige fLespruirse) e .1 her eihhurs îe eefu CuCi semtirééaltiu~ ~ae nas déliiotus, anti advised i s haing ams (o a «vîe,éet'rO> dl bei negh our. te carul rut seme reeaed o temFraudci s uppreFssatthat riglt rèle iv~ Ou uhis shona)- day thé gSotianti afite- ln chftactere as burniug as the fiance Bé? c bttttestepof îe ffnd e -appreaflees- coate son-Ctae ofity andi tearly-lot'Od lightning Chat flashoti over the waters.- luis n-ons. jorcuenat- - -n-as otut on thé vavea, exposedti te eThé sii un rgitCiug bai bome donntCe t"Bino ens1l" sait Mn. Wasitbui-.- ,CLERIcÂL C03 YFerEtS I 15 ýLD- lova ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I onidetniCodrat conr He musC net ho 'permittet tesleop for Tc.T hbok.fté riýfi hurcii ghtettiig, andi thé pitiless haitn-hici Mr. Washhuru lad ne conifort le gise - severat heus. o.f Darliugton, the follting ppfr1 iuy hé cane rettiing cloenliké a .heet f1stones. te half4rttiileietfather, n-lie lay ou thé' The ann wnas uow d&Wang1 an"l seen ;-Item, for si£ quartes çof sacke o Neiîlen o? thetiicolttimeutien Paul's - net rock, unable ho aoveenorte centrôl huasreda n-ère comiug ol*ff ýrm ltae shoro e mniter n-o p rahéd hen Ié hot naine. Somteling-they kaien-net n-hat Catrilesg ttbunt fnom lta-t h hi.A n aibvuwstén uiistervîo assyste in -képi Iack te nélt-belovet naine, n-hucitNoting couit be knew, for thé slip n-o onnovelueaeute tor ilhe bak nICIo Jillet -y , fo eforo n-s ever on their lips, unli, e t sit staatig e tnter haro n hsra hm7utfeh~- asuéi; ht eugpraheti, 2s. 61t.Itemfr heitô not blndng lah tta Cie est, -alt a asis, anti ttane n-sne probabiltiy thet Wy 1 .de éicladh >udhmbraittye for Mr. George Bill, yei ýysh entder pel, as if thé Heavoas n-re hurst- any cottiinticttlniocouttlhd dnbihh-aptl ia nytrllue htpreache, l lu4.- iem, for aagr-w ng asunder, M ms. W ayne Utteet thé unhilao nng. Thé striciton fater erose otdh ondtad pae e h ota ptre t che, al - for' aI Word 'Paul,' eut sank tipon the é cM. ston-y, eut .turneti',ton-ards.'bis home.- ef île'hoàt. Another aU tlok thé Oars anur-brmndy ye days e»ohuo Mercifut indeed tpCep oo mthrn-a' M.Wushburn- suppotad hrl. le, batilfrein Bm-ns%,andti héi sen teucheti the preacità et éré1, Os 6dý _Püu4iigté tée death4iké aoon, anti Miéelt hought asteret blis en-n anxiety abou1t the Cig- siterE. -meg it satlut cel lo. anaken ler; bt hé o eck ;et[feling neanly su el oftév lier ltee--A rWsbrtShoeivSiîéit , 1er~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e iii rsladleonC.btatpc1,Caaen-ultd otttIgale; an d onufusion., The wrec&- t te point Hn .E balet.he ~tdbands anti. face n-itbssypthehnett6 li pue ieihhv Wiathren-n on ahore savoval pensons, 0o11Y bmd.Whihiho képtinlathe house as 'lu is sighs arkd esollatiea. jle bore hlm asifen- ofn-hem hit heen réstonedt te lif.- itey GnrI niCt auÇ,W.iTt a i neslorie for: Chose n-ho might ho euslup kjndty te his- home. MmNs, ayne, gla -a batiqbiboi iiç, busiaess-- Amott$ :,[,"tters pt té hoo~-nt pmed801 o f ~te hqng thesOuu¶tof footstepsjcý'fully h,b nbsuvc fltig tt jne-ee~ni thé l ru e On of thce shrb a " *lps..beiet niuée la e 4retulld -iCeha q4ut'usClit b 4aeovwb jiti ýw" i a- .nlh1Qver -11h~ mat h~ ~lireivs a i>ttvs, ena à sent ier s n bral e thlutir. Tîho o h é iw 4rz asbnu' ýoua2Cé, léel l it$t w h tyëuiý longenotil eiben Sie-fvéhn ~hC ae 0 h nonn41atteopenn-liSs h a 'knne~tai teen ,O4near vvan v e a5~ a.- tî~Yu a MiébeI't hêatil éOhoUî I~îé h, ~7lCi. s~ adb~thQur ljati ngQ- ~bia.ŽTh 1sthld ~ ~-on, 4aaltheli Înlie b og 0W fl m t o . avuT <k T~- ah un lf iain rootte,à C asiand - c - i fîotber h tI~t a~.1utg héebla, Sent uliercu tustiaht h baftheens-i Mnd w ê.avbéâiiy d w tty.tiwrh- - sfC - m e o - _tiu ih e , . 't tu e ahé. ço aW dfiio M r.- bWk.t9ash4a4 b ad ent s b o uset- . - Tno r bne1i~e é éI er caéer- baitAu iee nto,-t chtW Ciete tSh cg-a tsa>4ér ditiatc#e via:- MmgotifeTr t sIUutiw4 Cein n5le-n ber 4nn- heIao Ut5t9g nuabf s* hil 'oaseer alidt. Iond swoanbéant aoyé Wou8j>8hth onitlo h no ugnhr o? itr fe , n an-wivfce,of ~t tgb men tol aa nlee . withtinagg1es1Wng Wthoas'aPiQui4t ladÂl sid e, wld ot oax o lsveber whih. be ad fr butsbelo dr4ngý0-Provrbil. he, hil hut b-on-estred di a té ttrm nbie ~ Oi4-~P5 us*lil h et dfBchý. aP9P t ." l 'b fo [th ber îeaéd "but abl in'siste hear mont f the Sil tnZ F"o 3.1 4: I îîuu,'î IcI tut] Ihîcir lie- tutusI titI tîtti- Veut' 5,5 at tutu t . v age. battered shîp. 61 Ship aboy 1" he shouted withastrongandpowerfulvoice. "WbrLt

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