j ~ï ô~ ~-LW.INSU2ANCE.THE PREISS. GVEOTCS E STTE WE! EEI APRIZF FOR EVERYDODY1 à EA %TON.11011E INdTLOT FOR SAX 'VIXO 8U8C14113S FOR TIE 4 ~FR S ~J1AF, A.'lin, a lloe and Iéotsecond Wnn . MILL ruv (J~~otaity. The ûbov.A plae i boul'ni uu ~ c MILPIILEGE AND TOWN tTSatedknown a the relildeice or th teW A -LA W roicalAsuaceCmpn. NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS1, A ontigieus to the averton Wharf. A o osn. witii a good WeI r miseO~, by4 %yo~f l0a1% tte gum of 77'Mr-T FofrhrprtelsapyW t, 2na nd roundà , and intere8t., p'~i.- NSU britrN& EeTytdon Bldiasad P dû.Ç A D Di mo i.i oJ1)I IIJ SNtetdt wet ,«a ,<rtu m uneti.-vryifratoa au pldi A L W S A E R Trno,2tOro OPss J M S AR S R N , ~itb, C tinii tccuivofotra P EL NTT CE it lhreby geiven thiat the under. N. B.-There !a a firat-rate openlaIn ta- Witby, April 7tlî, 187.-f ti~ocd, re to ('untUcf Otarj. . KRLRR, IW N lit ' ORK W EI LX 11IPIZV:?j lis-ne a lîtq ini the Townshlp of 4e, vro frat aalihlitenFonr. - --- Gerl~'eedeç gedorh O.qi ntos. of1~Uitalbl inFa ti uth- v eo'i ferfthe sîfoga, 1. C., will bj? oun J. A. FARDI TO LEAiSE IN FICII< j MiTEAS If la expodientto rageby way ,ofc itraBîli okSree r- utoc)'ii1,'W1'"x lt' Z W- "nI leonthe sainof Tliirty TIousand OfleNt - Vetheriaflilige IrokStao dy Aaleqaro înhnla = orM.eupli ap aontth Rsi t get, BevrtnJIyS,187 - ONANIG f2ýAcre Arcrre%, '~~ l'tintais, for the purpoce cf hnproviing ertin tniirlt eoiceOlie Il' Is ,t cluîs fIl rî1Ig A%- " nir. t Maoe, on -andlafter ', îîrgileîttîlîîl ih )clîgjo ronde withillîthie Counity ofbOtîtarto, and it ter Lli<1 lCL1otNThYJLIJva1lAThiV til wIlctIttl1ltTOflrthoMlSîdhS BilitAeia uunic ek.h W N1iS,,i of NEXT MONTIÃŽ cfrzirvoti wat Four Shilliningif t r1crhotsan rndhontriish rnerc lisurnce ompay, wlîot For Shll&n.,;lieracreîoneiiyh tobcîpla L1 VERPO L. otMr 1utd lptis to lbc raîsîianulCoiaid acod luwu ,andi th ronainder in four eqnal amntd ERr LJohn McKîîy, anti now lmele wu't .1li: - JNCORPOItÂTEI) ndranAt fth h 11) ienan tl e eftofik pîîrsthîa Muni -fCi1al Ctl1on8essioMuni the îl ejî,er itli Provincial Pari .W o.tefrm-5c £ 100 01fi 1manunf-wk ntu4ltoeprcuan± BS.-&Shops ooagcâ 1pî. oh.esil llcgii 11 ciîio lth lpr umI- lîti o ah i ecif f reieh)îieIlni ndt lndtepac iredthe 1O tt ctolier next. ît oriîlîî%e"sOspvitelnratdelitîr thîayu uent -Urlic apîb.scanada.lnîoney-crop ire t t wacres tmunnally for encli onet POT Sa1e, te, _tpLet itILiverpoeil, Trm aylekotnhaplignfic' of sucît eluti, and lihe itteren tbtereof, isititin CAPITAL £100,0M0.-- No Triuilier fo ie rat or rpfeu'nu(,%" icsn- rWENyJ R TOTROIOAgîisWA.lîîîpEa.;oîttîe'>t t< vyentre frotlthe liyon wlielh titislivlaw pi- .y o ,on fa, zI., 1git..... 12fnA Five COitu 01of therDillent itret' t. bcI.imatied und' r acoAtrets.anEierttihedloJulyu10,n su._______of__an Acre of Land'QDMEDIOINES ttereant lrof' t vuà ,a ind licrateal ret laint h ne Ra alr acofrPr Tnpes ncca. 21tid . ji'(, ,, 7, E 1 t9, 1,fi, î1, 14, E 14 M .Thege preotiac biate beaunlatelyoected wlth- tlît titlîTony ofptes by-lo, antit euitter0etplicati........nt1.rig0etÉ i4 17, 1,8~t, 1il), É U 26, E ")S:in a short distance cf the Kïngstou Rondi. and FA 11M FOR SAL. _____ fi *andwlirete, llewh e talprMrindint orth ,onorfrarti Tsvsty-nuc ceopies oie ycar. anîd 21 gift'i 7l 0 te Oca )OoýAgn umnt nbt porty uf tht Connty of Ontaîrio, ua oriig oiJOINAINCmad --AGilNEiî,W FI il li 29.ta1 b'-,tetalayIeot on usns i oh ÂIE l GRI 18', uinîîcî t£2, ~ili 1 F, udi sîi Trav'lling Agent, hlrô >Sret htby Ini addition tu, tlecahove rîtî alii inr-îîlîn eî crtt7 t , 1,1,1 7,tadtha(bou y tedAadgodwck- 02 tc u Ecs :%î-îr1'2TtNi ,1i 18h7 es tte jît lu rc 2,î'ns lfor 16t'ila andfoorasir18 1i1162,?23 (120, 24, mnen.-îîF - UVie ' îîo. ofiii c,'l ' i0lie I T L reurert nttt 'ît f f&î-1.t ethpenlProtection ageinst Loi. and Damiage Tlt attl' , l4iiicaecîhrilcl 26 W1" W '.ÃŽ ', F o. PU etari ou î i, ei !tý 'di ii i îpytoscl.ci red or a littho lore tann 2 $d on the lîtnudroti by F1reiltisfnioiîglIi L'ot,, E = lii 7-819110,11,13,14, IlDRa'LGvSTpREl l)olîrilet, wpîîîisueli rateablo propcrtv as a -1 l I t IitSîî- l'ni)îe- . ,,-oo> 41>("u i ' t9101, 3 1, 516 ivroc.T artrer )îîta itlItck tees neu he'ot lipsilîtmiioffî iitnîîrîe'îî ".on flic---2 (doi îi'î (1o 'cci l 17, 1 q . 2'"2t1, 2 it -, 3 '.15, Ej 2 ,~ Jtiy 28,. 1557. 28 ite ie T ' a ii I î-eîîuc. u o îîî'et n115wESTERN NSURANCE iCOMPANY, - 2 '11 2.I"' r Âl.E. t 5t tîhneml i' îlîl t !-iiis îla 'ie i'if!îs Iîl lsrîe î ie fui'thie rvailiin (fciîîmting fîltu, p0 a yaîl it ,.;,. tti11 ,,'12.14i,i 14, 16~ i , 1, ý,2'F O S L E dii ii i i dbtblitîtirei', lu "it ~ie l e'u Ã11- CAP IA £100,000. 1 l:îsitlever 1 1iî¶tîî w '--i 7 IV , , .,2,E17 îr (' if i iiiî,l, %v. -î j'iei ..,A g ., 54 t1ille Itli t-lae stii etouitle ittu turc', iii ierit- ........1..t......1~ iieîlt~ îîroviljd. TN51'11îUE cifeteil " amîti îîicr )IWiletý........:. îîî actî <1' , 16 (190.1 tlîe Vîtlaire tf 1iverpool,Townsipof Pick- cii wiliiiiî li,t, e" t uilut%, EDCLHL, XRD Butildingzsatdtiir A il' ........ t o 0 li 017 (114,) I - ),1,20, 21, ,4,25, 2, ltia iloiitgfl, riei.aie a»Sain lx r(g ib e tîlî h iîlî'tyA'tt ~lîiit;.îd(I ti'hiOtrt- JOHN .AGNEXV', tuîthLites i 'i iii rîîiiî i1 ti1'i,,17 il4j 1 FI(105,) 19,rot, oiengcaî ;îMEIi!I'h fii(.t)<'i]lîateîotf fl u ù te nc C o î i 111, Iîiv ll iî u I r lî '201 L dis wu -îîîjîî r, :î, .......I 5 le fic.î i r r 5 7 ,> ' 0 10 , o to, c s.tag e c o ftah l g N n R o ut ,< i 1 - j t' t i "s î : , s : ;2 , :; ',Vîîr1l>Ititit..-< î tn i util iiiy t uiijli or fic o Travelling Azeut, By~ron S:rel, Wliitliv. Sli 'll!l »îî u"< iîîi 4î . ' > h 1 2 lC'ttae v cintuined g < ,, ie iîie, il teu, riL' i t e"uîîîîîî (ut îî î'uo îrTimeq and IDracon Assurance CG>mp)y. foi eiîîî!î. ...... lnOu'a te iW)c i'1' abrflelauuat; agelaSI:l'iig îî ,e-.i ,u tu te 'itIrutet, or polii,kilîo iay ' lle I i ' 24, tade- - tir-t experituce iii crime thelî,' .i ttîre liLeiîiîitlr inetîet', a sain 1 contents. Er'ary information anjîplieti on 1i1',ut1l21," '2j2e1 li' - î.îîel,'2t4u1 il, or tanacres of ronutFuati canun te siuc-rpto ' - -- - -I.1.lEllER GT 0fîioîc itcoîeiuî 11fi lil tecenof apiatbi o etlu ucnters* ned lSijrt St let.*ar" Gon, ad-conitintE 'ls< nI'- 21 11NAGNEW Tîtut4- tî- a îtui' i tî itiliurtitt 1 l17 i' 1h; 1 'aI? E J lin tiue Twa,,nship of 'ickererà %for ite conventi- FR~<ltte îdDigi T h i ix P t . i ei iî i 1 o î îî ie , a n i o7ll se th t sa n e-"6m'( î'u . 1' c I5 ii 1 > e tic e a n dtu ti c c s . f t e t ilO o ti l l'o beledciit th bItanduiis fthe Trc.'aîerier othîe Traîvelling AI(ent andi Bervdyor of Risks, Byron fon5 t-t ý. l- ____.-t_____rfi__ ______iIrmapl t te OW'.Oý- n i Cvi11it2' ut Ontariou. Street, Whitlit. sentie'- î.iîic ei-" i-til J-, l-il' -tcin ftle Township cîuricYîrkvillc or tWMr. %Williain tirdy' Aleut, ,,,tt- lt i;o ,tiî rîc,1' 3rl. B ,li t firther etacteil, andi 1his enacted lipio tIu- i i'er. titi t1 tt' I i i l ttit. A,.7. . 1. 1, 1 po tv h e i .\îuîîlve 4rJý ia 'sBa ,an P 1iii - Il 'ile anthortyaostl.tatbeadaciLFEADIE TIAS RACatiitttttiît'rittilituiti tttit ttit f. - - - - - -..'.the ý, - -, 2of 2, GEONGE BOSTWICKASG.RANCE.\RTNET.flint iisemîhiî'rretirtî I-iîeeittcore hhienkileu), hoh th îtil- weck loltiti»,14 l'luirelvti iuqiieoinrizz! and't. i t.' i i t "i "'t. ltiii'sîi Bttih Aneriia e«ea ly ocî.y 'iuorts et uer Lîîhîicor otbry 'ttv - ' - i for - nti i , 1'irk ille Ma, 1.15.17 Cuiiritur,7p S'i41,r)atii Jittriri a,' luMayct1ii7 STA~Litl1Eî FRTIEASURACEOF pjrizof tîî.W'trrter toi titi'th. v'tî'i i thîe tvlole tble >unui î f*Tlîirt% '1hotisatud ?liunt 1 pca .i.e . -" ' " .. tt et~ Jtne IREA SU' -1q.17.ti Ieîifa'rd ieii îl i- a4 iliiv huai 'uî, ,rl« ititî iitîStiiudyor 1.1 îîîîand cuaiti. I . - Nte y S îu'î istriuti"' itilOn il . Cm i.-tt..... ( if t -.~i a L _____'<.fori it-îreice oSale.ui'iue--li m I i i "îîîîîî"ttS i ti Miiîl'uh(iîtcl CAPITAL STOCK, £100,000. 'Atuîi iiittltî 'I '-tr -Aces learîsi. This lami fixsituateti within suitand Coiniy Ttea-tAilîfur Otictivetunu on theuiibyuTmrond-to W of Ciriit' ittili goi( ae tt i ie r ui-"i1ttî.ytît'ri î aei h ii' iuiti tîi'tUi.uetO 'iliiiiiZ ileeonti Offh l nanericeatMotra. ANI..l),Pi SRE RIFF LANfl"SALES. fgîrnlît u ieo'miitinhu rae onoreumîîhec t ii'Ihoie nIhat. i" I iiu ts aitn citîiîsttefutey Cii rut' au'ultî'îîiiîît j it î Auîeaît i feurîOfice- ts - -oal.Mire; the tlantuii;eof the hast quality, ant i i oî rriî hm < et ttttuîlactn ,i'îV'if t trîiiîrrecr, tI,' Wîriltîu siuti deeîi - 11 ('îîîî't ~'t'e't, cîo tht entr ut gîiîti sbiheîtîtnt, vitita Seîcol l'urk L;t No7s îtheIicentres toftaii Iti 'h ii> riiois t îiii- tii. Di' Sttif- &o. &le text 111111 iwlieut e uemlîteqs, thiat GaEqpt.Ar. NýT FORC. W., Jua. Buna:i.un ______________________ SIlERIlFS SA LE OF LANDS. iaîtî a Suuwuuîll cîînveuieub. 'if hl'liitbv, e'luiiiitic lufie cre,til tuu lut.iîaîtIîtiv1 Als i lbnu , 'ii etb iIlo rthlia iaI fL.t t. ,in flic 1(tth Conces- itîîise elrîiiît.uvuiiltrîlit tue,'ru ijrrueî curjtiu uieul atîr s0itim tits bv-law Proviues for rame- iLOCAL . u....... ES ..DG@N. Whiib.. <A'D'DAG~ES &. so t'iir.u'î e.iig f 9 oe- 1(f I11 1,ý 1 oev ffi thoîrrettem tion, nd tha, saidwlîieiî are etettri, andîifroumtîrî onte"'rag .M.l i>t1'cltiii'i". iiay lie puatmlle ini thît Cirotnt IZoat, iu r (utMoill.~o u otîtc î E>EHr9 n ateboiie Miitutu'f il' tt e 'roviicî', r iiin e'huî uoe ut R., W* Clark M. D., Medacal Referce, "î tei'.'tuti l.<stptîiîe eotuî Cu'a>t' Iýrti.luuti a nt ie 1t 'S (1 pmin lalce Wnm'rnB'. M I B RA uitttt ' i itt'tie' i itvîî5t.iiIiaiute thîreluex1ti'es 01 setthtlutereII.front tlîclr e- F.KELE1. ureos uusrumetu ~~ebv uaîi iyhîttatlim' 'clits erate' ý'PoIIicsaeffeebtid ithar tupon Illalth or D cAM.ýER"oN. or WtîF..G A AN[TN cil'm ixter eeîî ier mtiutluiic more, anutiteic(or boh a)înd cvcry infoermation afforded IBeaterton, lotît aîîîy, 1857 ti 22 ita l; l >ali(r eitîiti-c sîclia c issuied iumier thile y tiue Loiktl Atreut antlifs Milice. OFii Ast & . liv-lice, for a les.s stimtu lit>'we.îry-five pend Murcît 25. 1,857. 10 * C .Voî'x'r ' OTîrIi, Y VIir' I -_________ -- --Ditte'ireWît ci' laitaluil îîuîriy îo' Cuna'.di. ._________ M r, it li) vr t fieri Facias FOR SALE CIIEAP. 100 Acres of Laind forSe. An1141s. 40%. 1 Atitl1<w il fîîtttîcm 'etiactel, aidîtt i hleProvincial Insurance opn sielntofir InvCutIfFTlifLtil:1%i Ilirchîy î'iuii ti ,ucauttto(rity tît'îrcsauiîh, thiat te P u N ,l'Mtaro it W'iihy, andtîl n OT Nc. 27, i libtcmird CiînocSiiinof Wiibhiy W - .1 1 OF ETORONTO, C. W. di recteil, jajIi-t tî ttli is andîuuleIetî'r îet ci it i tN.îS "' jilt e Town -rf acres cheaciiîl -eiuiuîhitut ANSIS ati animtal ,sper'ialhrats of - inluthe b pottliTitîtu li dtr tî-i'iiat tt th samit <of eutau.s aIMbouseounbaril tilard 14.tiSntt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Limeuilut Ttîruui. i,*1iiltititl'. 1 baîve suizeul anti Whut s'. Apyîly W the Ilian. 1R. C. W'ît.u'.NS, whualoui'barîaî t'tli. TcItîisu' cititî,auerueaîeimehobiteOoruty SUBSCP.IBEI) CAPITAL, $1,987,780. tle i. c'acCarryiÃilg hl'ae, CulAs. Wiaut'.', Fsq., Bleailet, thte. vîrv Nuist ulity. TliiistohihaA IIE'hie.uX'îiieestugo po h e lîtim o ' utea tht' <iecuty fl"t e ttrrOet 'it IiifeI tt uuîi iteeat cil o iuixeti autlu thie ver> ;ct i- litnc l imtvui t îuuStirtr }tcuttc îu aiOiliiteeîtuîbg flfiereuti ie sail 'rîýtiu s Suih int ia thîrea store JorVt'oAMauite 21 utiles frtîîîîit lli' 'i'tii u iiiuiu îuîiY.i icîîî 't;'i t ttir fo be ee itui t'utt~7,ctuîlli ciiech PAît) uP CAPITAL, $420, 25G. 1Briok iiitldîiic. t Iuuîi"iiiiig Ilîirty 'apzirtneuts, ' 'album 3 utiles of Stcuitîlll,,i agnitli veli.qf(,rtie l'rporI ii i ie imuerert pt>iili bùsaid I aiuhre uà tcrçaiîîg ei - P ciiel'.S. tt'uss'irit, Eq. Vie-'Preidet as Suiiuin" tt'u htoc ithi iithis (tutan,.,, W itu184-Y. cati muii;rL'-ts. ' hii ti, fan:ltfur î~iican uic ct' iii ut btcu i-Ii'tn.gI.f'iler'n.îîî, tre anttdtiî'tiIlîii ereon bc ropfmenu ise. ny15 87 6Fur tens atnd p.ar'ui"-tlir4,G. .BXN T tut',', t-' 'o iuttcti îîtui" t ii- lit-uis', " ttîti Lu cuti uuuîtî chiccft.'lbStrit FOR N 'I'IouTOthe A1iuIy tc I lu tus' iery teut1ctSir-i, W'iiflu-y tu cisvtcs uttt Il t' ii -itieStiihI unttEbIsetuuiat a rr (, il îu ih s ofi'.. .'tree eut u.*ic tut t' 'tu'.', tnh.-îtii r tieutciiot.'iî suuatî'îîciid ' i iuiimtî 'o e. AitvII ITBY. u..n m. ' > wilictt .iecttuto i'.t' - ttuli l e iietîîl atove, anid lion. W. B.Iuutiu. E . WVIttniorc, Esq. trlîiihuiinile antiiî intit' ti"r tt'li l :td de-Murtitt. N tL)IDA 11f'O IO 1lS of's-ieîvc uaei Ir'ilts raituit or Ii et, i ,'e. 1Izgti gllith., br1. Geru.' Citaforti, Es M NursaeuttiiOSii.i ît'I'tur u~2, anti22. jrcr..m Aur.' StTUW.1.KE L R iîlorî'îîli'reîante i'uc îv iiclî orh c" ret t i t l.' u', humruie jurpo1sic ari.Eq. oiia ie ',î'îî' theîî' ' u'% f I1utirict, Cil ~ mt yueesCm c. p 'iep I tiI'oft1wti' -'uit ndicrespecti -veof upin1W lae.- lexut t %v tel iiu i'1,iîuiL. E M LI RA. uit» ýe il rlioe-i he iorpcrty .fi ra 1 Asu .ti onur -hit.J.I.eantiar Sbir. N.LSON G. REY'N\OIIDS, iu.iiian 1e hamadti 1AIJN EXCELLENT Ft'Alii OI-." teîuutll.' lu. îii hretmuua ' îuive,-iiiclt o'ut lSiulicfuii, eu-u iti>'part . j ."oulliîu.Es1,.teitu*Scrd..e S " " " "" "*'"~ "itiruï .oMRS. ANGELIINE W'ESTtc' Iu ii't.uutt cii'cîi e uîdhli utMi. .And le(- it t'îtiiit'r u'tîîehî tut it i Iu litre- NOT~ti lu iiuuhi.Â~.F±IES. jîtîut -. it liuistiftn IOrirng" pli.cstcopy mafrub u. F - Ueo ÂcREs, lu-t tetîl 'rI ii ttite.-tlf itdIk tut'eiet oi OtCE OPitti, antiheifli S leofLa dsiSAntECfllstîI fiiîuu,Zttttut ti lu" Iuiii -eî'î'îtii day I'l lead Office, Toronto StreceToronto.STloe NoIIE 2 ÂITESJ hnt'sSl iLui. . 4,îeSîîl 5'.4wieie ta' ii ti lstcpiuntg1i ici N in'i't , in iiivcrofuit'in or, I.u l. e' (fONrmt. i YîF VE12N S ILTAN , tsitli l)mîving li - ,e 121) a~ crwil iîe lIti.LTci;t ltri utVtitt' t mU 'ç' îilt'nsie.'tu(u1 tuî'nu tuy e noutic'e î tt"'u ittT.tii.iyvîr ~- AaiTw4>re Teei lo- 'iii.' And l(IF A îuti titi large ituehfsi,';leme le alît 'eIttu acres weI eutttivure-t---a cu,'it.ntîofî Ltndile t'tntDu-tir îi1îee littt tîtuiseitniieteu Tliýý Poivris 4 lidlit-rou file-tuAyr ieîst1Fmuit,#Trees.rTîiegen lech. ut andit.,>fnX Witt) &Cu, on fl(,,lIt i4 uttlui '<i ~~ ~ ra £liintb('lii ii:ît'iu'ndtail titi oui o tlie tIttt 1 '"'uli-w thellalitsirî'tu ts. h le uihumat rý,adý, and in0W, ît n:elltllit. t'ei.ît, iî cduon l'ut No. 1, il Coi).'tell tout Iad litîhitis lui nu t'., id iii i e t'h' i ittite ofiuulieituîs, r (ifa'mtahh siz:..-01tii lte lineetu r't,'it tii ttit tcilScn. 'chers adU tie alwant uof l'laceitîl dtt î.e uîte u 1 iui'-' h> itî. îîtta 1 d nIu u. ,ltCci 'tinis,'iittlai-Jn" îîîit1 ujttu chuimtcllu"t' tett'?uiuuiîtuî of i.. ttw'hiriy, Iuer hiriIeililt-pondii, 1 B at oîtrecltacl ' 'ii-,on cf \iu.tuî ulitlt!. lt' -ne ui.ththitit Xetiio icsebou aiit poprt hilu rîi uIla- Wlitî, t'iîîc &. "uthr Uttîiuge\'lîltti ri tittcct' iiMîuhs h lt ton p er otut. oict ltea iw jtir ,. h otha JOIIN F. .XL'BLO. iîîh'u,' - it e ti te- r uti'utite -aitI lue Guond- rml terini.. For ternist; îhumîeuaea, I o ---~ tliiî ~ "" 'cteili bc ietuîueiti ~ k Ilca4 titfieco. wiir thue tîeCes<ary t u' ., it.1 ppli E. S. VINIJIN ti' h iVtuýItu ýiIun t lcertainl puimt r lioeeoh ui ~ ius~I'rxtrh'X r 7 % tf'l' "alot31 iu Vi'iecl' ;i-ei tt etiîunti poilîs frontî jF. KIiL,ER eithy-onca4uiie4tv-y o "In Tet Sotflu rmile cf JOHN McDOUGALL, HIS PROPERTY' 1t4PLEAS11L' tht S'il! ere fi' rpuuutii, ho tfeleîrr oit e'iu-11AVeiui ibmiecy i,<î~. IN REFERENCE 'T'.)'THE AB0SE, seQulift etmoel(1tai.l Ie otulmierC Nxssvauy-rect i apne.TatIin ueuimtithiitg Ttum c Wh 1_________11es î'îutvtu iîil îî tii,' Nîmblulnu atdftMir publieto-utitaBronk strcee , db revhly ipo>"it ell utWthctti tulrîofclî ours) twts'o ro____ -W li' 0 iîit uirtîco nctl liiiupbi e the VIatetif lPort l'u'rcvi fict tt ' 'ueîî;i iicm Bmock, Decenuber 1,1837i. 45 nBoksretiîeh u1ou uieBm- i' httut.'ut Iiiîîit. tuîîuQuemeîrf ua 'tuwisuiu I EE ASSOCIATIO)'NIF Sî!'lLAND.- ner.aîl'Y, thtit bi ove olueluei anu.u111t:e lieru i e ll ii rtu' tiitit(,ut' iitzrt. . ttii ________ _____- hui't iîcitcep, cuotiiuiulieu îwuttti ~ r of W iitiuc. t" tî'î rail Luir' un'suiut i.ri -- thetit-.isuietii.,of al 1 ttu>i-i'-uentni.,eu i I il anl, ii)tu ortut',ii'theo mîutiletei hs100 Acres of Landt for Sale. acre cf landi, aitîî aboit liIi fetfon I'hecrill'ui 'tll ;tuiia. 'liceîuîutu uctt.uîsîîi NINETEENTII REPORT. Cuiu 'uîin'li1 .îIî'.rre.inn.:ut i<ittt ettuie cidiieuîr't tuerti. 1 stîhi ittfer focucle --'wliclu lu u'éreciîuu-l rnude,4oti tîcîch letuiliuttflite 'ihî,tere eutf-Agentse. Als i uiii.rY'rt1fore flic roieuut et tue u inîte,. it' cti ioututctiti 'G tactltof luot Ne, oiuî ,tho 4hlmCOMPOR'IABLE BRICKCOTG ______________________ bei i4i \'îetntucorners ît \'ialu'n- 'Fhi' loch Amtirtl 3Mtiiug ofuthhe Associatiton and isale if Luitter fir JLcul -r'n)filer Jp uui ' Wu'bv u trlntutu'et tarul Sot 3 cesc luciuîcclaei îibll otI'1- -a selet eI1-I toc r.fM m' .Inla vulpuuti.s, tf u'luîctitht suint of Thi-ti'ht o ntndl'onetis Stemhhna.. tetiatter tontNe ve tlat eeangventrrtsati-'2 o943 2. .......1M twot tiïýtltndT cuit hc îtintrot poLni ho e c Tht Polio>'lIolders entitlîdtt buparticipatini f-ilion t sehtina' fîu.ur Lus aitt a ccli.2 expctudduiNorthi -)f PrineAlliett, atdîficîe e- flua Profits, teho coupeted their aftla year ha- JOSEellH lUCKINS &C(o. e46 Là - anur1 e.'..'e.iilsdut..b....etingc00 înaiuiuglva-htel iittde ton the suti Sitnt-foraete date. j«tbalance, aiE ha antittti o a Briuokii, Novemiter luth, 1S57. 43 - 44 l5lega, cui ot22h....r...o..t....ena1b0 tot street, frouîî1rieioAlhert bueflic'Fouetlit lno ieduition eof 8e'5e. 7 par oet (sTpr£) fron t tbir -___7_________E î ast 10......... 0 ,-cpesaitu.Ti hri rhrtewuc of Whiitbhy.- ext Annuel I>reuniutur.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. N Portage R»ad, 5.1 IE hu nouaete rielreaonac -From tht incrmaing teealîluant imipomtcace si " 4"26 .......... 100 1lEEPKINS, 'COTTON On Brouie odtIittbvututnLots nuunler igitteen of Britishi Northi Amen ea s tetlias the x- Yvirfue of'a Deed fsitil teiticît cotdaI1t64],#t:#c..bave..bYesn duselIcamBrusd.tma-r ctuiittttt utbcuKtieitmotample et ether Assurance Ofliles, the DireetoraBnnttDai siuuelirs' s 554.....10 o uctaweu mxchiuge et tTi WrouibetflybyhetrmryrmtlpaSg anl iuttî,date M htht Srd, 185,q, tht nudersigneut di' 414c Lino ln the Tu,îeîuii u'oii î,of t fli 'Foan-lina hiave fer suma time entertaineti the, uta ut es- tees dnly appointu.tiAssig-nicefor te estuihe cf - -Store ocf the utdrlgei&,TN n'ohrws.-Tctpt~li elertau of lTxbrielge, Lieu ihoettvuid 1outis, anti fronu tcblialiirg Branolitathere. Tht> irave hoce n- 81 'uacmelu Ih.poare l.bi il trte tisbt e suId 'uit 'iInn, ho ttllen'- ailedtiiuelust meetingte sceemplish thia. A J OH N M A GEE, theTownhipX&ra eIoat WbI!bY, May 19, 1U8. 1 Ieei~l~~ u~~o.ho~~ anuitfor rOSl adbsveen the tirti anitfourthr oit- ttpiutatieuî trot, ti hre r s viiitedth le chiaf (Of theaTownshaip et Wlhthy, in t'hc Cotant>' cf - og Ontio'.- et sr~~ê i w W- eein u ite ficTt'aiuehiip ut Uxhniage, andti cns, anti accet tht co-otpeatiot et influtin-- Ouiario,, Yeomamn, for te bonelit cf .suchi credi- 6 pto -sd hot bceTinttltiuiC' t1. op _.aedesuey theuco tic>' bc al- me>îu choteiacl t ti al getiemle iunteth-Proviîtce. >libhreghthie tors as mu»' leconta parties tlierao, tnder thte J~'~~u-t" Y' dot ugetqsali~l7tttBW.i Towen liait cf. S'euIl, tréea fhoisnd pouns. branches hava hotu in eperation enly for a tea conitilons thameiii atttunrthu btfotbie fta day. T'r>ftn '- U liWare - -, ti.auvslti.uîa4auDtMrt tuontîts, thetrasctions have alroatiy litn con- otJeee, 1858. Suid Deci et Assigeteit oe- ..4c.oê3-4we-.u.18pe1citd y_ On thteuuîl utloîance bcesen thet tii nticd idombeî, as teei as et a moat setiafactor> ti- liet tebe otf NS. QIftz114ll1 e, l Tafo Norsut ....... 0. ,pvbl>'leare>d. lda IdPlaio i>yetrhl tm ~erth eoutcesiumie oftthue ToteuisiiloftSct, ho cription. Spec'ue hlanks are due tothoegentle '%'hibby,,Ion sagnature, cf wlich cipe'inl- "24-....-5oW ILbYaL&b1D te Townelino of' 41urgilla, cellb f cea d dmen actingace Dîecirs, MEIdicuI l lltue, nad terestei are rqed. tetuake notice. i m. i - s- ý9, *"p' r 'round baoin tiiatb'a 'csov5iI ruptt. fime hîîndreci puntis-,Ihîroce hundrapedoutis Agentîs blatre, teho have aIreatiy '1eteretqtýd Fa r etStaioai¶rT rc out Ofwn te tocks of -'lTI frotta thtemci 11!îauîbeai'1the titri anti thenuseltos nih inlthe ..soeitoe'sAifis j ~.~MISCELLAN'OUS. 4and 1'tit - an its branci ~ heso lc aey'r. hta ls. tcobo1'h1bisbt ~<a 12eiîmtli coieiîuteof Settohcu tht sida lino bc andt tlim h b aiQse exertioe sthere 18, ev r> iitbielots ary I1bhbUIY tutacan uhom' fie attel eL, telte les -Of oati prospet oftpermanent sacoasa. ioOtroîi letyli0tb 1 Frothe long eha amsen ] botyeithîe litihiantidxitcnesinanti the TicReport bythe Board of Dhl'ectolm ua tn- Whîb>'b, Miitoh thh, 1858. à Application rclbeougcpclnemtlscutbysnmuai.tbnmadyeecneaaspue iaaen tvaiunded tipoutis on ther e c s- a- e0mT 10 TtAVoeLeie lut0 tabà sbetib>' 1y-îaw of ele Tuauiip Counchi utf]çer4, acre-b hent *11e p ; and cftescial' ei , 1ltheaOwnet* ocuufrth u 8cott, btweserî LOts taenty-two uand twentv- -rote f tluaukî o he bcDireetorsat th:l3elertott mrcnd orgin e R* hênoy svc 'cr o ~ ~a~th epérs> lsrasllà tinte, on the tIbid concession of teasalutTei- Office anti IBmnhes, -nt a-Medital LL icertou ne tebeti lie thit et John WIAL EAND> htaI ok uiltgl lhclte LIlm'1uh sliF. Offcears, Manaeger, d&0., bb uectu* sprs 'tA XE ,tlai nOCote, masitlboni mMr Fu lutdbbe rB l eîrtsi ua ntte ~ 515 esrtetiIe -tc~it~ - iiIiI fi itpRpsnsge'ua t ei.Jt wwM 1wi QRQ<fERIq ~upread o supyIovn tuwU ieenieaaiActo. PrvdiAmwat tat ttie mart c btehe UpMeKr s- n Mons., gent fer hoausget Breotll. aargnuc gnj Yv iMaollkimd*cf Shohhiouian iii Wli recordthacirvolet tMu iti AnatexcellTenttîxec, Es . ofte y-tlai h cy M utu e t ' steh e p fôa- ___ -e -ATc- -AL: -sa# -badiinamans bythe irstdpy f J ue tonar of ll kndsof ,e bet quli4euCG - tLbR " B ,o toRoavB-is ftht tinty, iitb â ysadii - 5E A .......AEGa.I îïe it . aie 'îy ocord .lttee>'ersa for r0t' air AGENTS uRa"' ,FAq, ALm" tL-7 toe i Or ra g tin attMune B-laa, be alus bcLnf-C0ppE ' 0 Bylîofthew lua Kuicpalt, èiltctu h lait'bc GRANT. E.1.lImP fi tfà ajtigothteppcf akhNagset eWlu vtoet sew-W 1 J-, - vo'tefr iib.r, huttearofot bc Lord oteeth'AUT M abd' .jBy îw îinaiyNunic f tfy', ae uet~M svu Ot W 9réec.T)tule, ý 1U, 'th, i' '- - ' Ahe'Rü%Nwo4nx-Siarnuwhl iofl ofToono I, à k tth-iw --&1 E. y-fa erra HOLLOWAYS O0 rNN Tht à reat Couinter Irrtant 1 T 1 [I VIRZUS O' DISEýASE OPTEN iiekes île ait1 to thte intenai engans biuough the pere of hie siua Titis penctat mur vltineut, tmeiring tandon the band ja 1h la rîthaietinl, ha absob temboîl lcenh te oueac hai- nehun, anti, rcaehhng 'thec son oet inf1auliu, iprornptl.yanti invairiahlv aubtines lt, aetuher oltoeb'in tht kiducye, the liter, bte Iuttga or cm>' obler important organ. lb peacteches tbt sirfacetoe tijîterior, tiongli tti ounhheaa tubiest lant commnnicalte itit the sinaas sent mutr nain passes intobte fevereti eatti diffualng ils cool auti regeneabiag inftuncc. Skia- Disease and! Claudlar, Swellimgui Ese'yspcse xtrior irritationus laqnickly r ihoce leti 'Uicanîitlaliîihcbeuy sthou t cftli Olitînent. Angmy Eruptieuts. anti as SUt I1ýiueuum1 Ema'ahîsîhu,, Tenter B * scali tîtati, isttl Re1lu, Stables, ('or i di, ee. l iu, trelur no nmore, utne c itit liosptal opam u de he u at puIscf tel inîuicct, thcejoinha and tid'glauadà . lbers, 'Qoreoi nis!Tarnrs. 'Fle eIl'eet of'thcic niir"alet exltumnal nemeti' npcuu Scmouila, and i chien çioleuut-ulcu" iaund sorce, 6laclixîcst enircemlone4.-I filial dt-iehags the poiur shilihî vntimce sera don ati pronti laiutibtstht ceres abh ii huliedmg fo- tportuics aflerr conîplete areceasw a Woîundu, flmtudaos, Bu=»s, ands! Seada Slu cases uft he frictre of thtebhues,. intirt.u Sennti. ' e tetaun exploiuus, Brela, uruaB Z ells, S euallani. .Silfuesft of teJointsa contractien of the aineweit lbl empicyce id i terml r eometti titby hibIe ifacahly. Thit - rns-teeretuti>'ubas beet itbroduectI. bý a imveiter lunutereun imtu)alldthe leadl 1,hlnsp~ul or Europe, andtio t acutshouacol he n e b. Undeiabel estimemy. ilTTc Matihdial Staff ef »et'French -andlEngYls Amies Inhe îoCrimm-'huuc offiialy.signed thitr epîroval of llhlowav'us Lllaauti e-h (s me uable dresen urs,abueô ct, ab anq gcuu- lIt Aii i t L-e iý ht-.rge,>rwut teAlt, vicEtlnieu est La IX U, ' S xStliit Btln"et, GeIlstGluida, Cil' 'i;a cr lcca Fletuulâ, '- sotuI F; , Guut, -8--1 un î;oe Tiitute, Lunulr.go, ' Seofutl btts J'île, - Stirit j;tI t 1heumal'iceeu , -er, TIILÇsWae, &J the Maeufactei" ci Pro cui13euudon, Li>'al respettl Stutes andi the 1.t i9hlîre hîcut th. cents, rpC,14 cents, andi $1 ý2 la t:-O There ha a considerenl.- the lamger 'rs lu e eendîoden arej L.-&-CAUTION: the teerdà 1.- Lboutote =r discernable as avu the book oftiroctiou. lte simeta c'le plt Io the ii4kuu- Abseida to ayone rend asmyIaltu bc et hiesi wneutçrf* 'l th saIne, koi' hei .Juci nti, 1637. BUFFALO X31MD o;4 u 1f zmei Sa keu, 5Ptcspl i DeM4j Ifinric t-Net .v~ Na tueo o-3ws tE Pv1F fE BWO1IX MoaLife Pilla aUdPhODfzt"«' rATPOPULAEITY IVflIO14YO? effected 15b thir Weus, renrIS tait IecqYit the- merutoutoenter into ap«n'lla Mu& lie, aud bcvimîg thtu thau thnte tiiullicnae ofPMrOetA Wo eli>?ibft" mhetortutidW tee'y iDbe iefet lthé> liosI vagotablo inceiitne si:the i admnite oii iette. I li noalever>'Y: village in the unhc tiSate, ltber ore vnac>Whelo &&re rWsyltos>tify te Jahtii ewain ufl35n dînesat, ant i nlvizcg h b e hlia jtcm TOItlOwt vigcu' andti lth. e 1 .cass Pi' Sefola, M~SBUT yor Eruy biens ofte'hin,lmae cjjralon oftulieîtl*mWe- ihithatesla t nul>' astobih oeNell'mtulvllg lus fete ticyso, ever>' vestige e 'thms loathsoete dt sseb'titeir. purify »mg effects snuthblb. isas Foyer anti Ague .Dvs suDrokpyiat le shiort. unoa il ea sca oOflyludto ir ecurahire'.pnoponrikc. No fà iei1' hcuxib wih- ont thena, as b>'tho'rtuae'uiiyuluh»i*h anti expeo amc' b cutcd. - - Prepared b>' WYu-.AuuMcrnUr, I. D, 1New York, anti for Saleô b>" - A1 MICAL RYLVN TUE WORLI)UAIOS