Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1858, p. 3

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~rhîrtvus wi l ,Eitur, I.CA( ruts. Cii" to M trioCseamiers 1<00w N re of l 0Qe utquirics, iu or; ena iii the uoingof Faul ltitlI tbcm te jud.ige of thée avi-n part ofthie land fo ~Thtrt.fv rcturn s frein ltics ]lave biunreceived aud tigîîo'nof lioiecourtes -,C id 1ru1isthvbu c ouvery la CmP T Serieusly inuCre 'a urb, 1 utiLGrey, Net-' Simth i 'itcou, ork, Kent, Ém :, l'rh ssix, NYcuts - - ihortit- c ult ,)rcliîstea- lu Ili thrt-eu eruaI t i moi' tlic ttîdgct, wure vcry de. Iv, W ats'rîeo, Pleei and in eaom. uStrornt taid 1amt ii 1ti n luCan, itu f tront dis.ee C(epi I L UgitI ruaIstlu1Rus. 0 prwov uîc ':tii-i whle, mîlitl 11 ti4wls eîs r are 1,~ ~ ~~o itî - tt1at spring - a tiihtt- ut bibut 40 :III1, siiil ltîn0per ceLuI L, tint lit 1utv-r couL un sprlng - . wo-th ttîllîmg ii til It c- ito îmjîry froun Lite lt l) Ltoigtt) lute l'or te îsI. ý oti un itml te 20tIs nJ 'y,. - lseat thuls ale il: i It-util to receive tbe Iwt' sf-n i:t, alieti the gtst-F Utut itgbut does t? iîçhV up-irstiun utluer spatg sî lia-atcsiîdClub- rieaIly ~ :L t ttuiîî,uibeilig Li tî. i niiL bv 1mst as Ltcrfii--iittt, s'tliîare a s -ifttl dri - l . Il inay tino i io Ldimnp, chose1 i:t.td titi tius.ndden in. et *-aîî - 1 tuttIt, 1lithe tIi ' al IuI'tîut' ltestraw sand vardq, illilîed ef isin; ta r. I']'!lis i.-u ore probably 41 tial it'j, or iwi. cta, 1ta blýij( bt, hi am ot destruce.î é- [tE. -ttnt ruu,ýte( wlîeut blion, ,' flît i tebucranck- ly itb 'rupgto ethe onti cruo arly laud, gom di crainaîgeandi welI'- Is the sI pret-eBlve ; bu( cUiuuîîîics,1 thlnk a wît i IIte 80O1ln ini winter Ywheat, aud tisa ing W-h et, lûing te abOvé at veinel si repaate of' IliiuoSI gubof ti 'tmgtueatteutu( "a b e ailyrproi ahi ut U7ppor COs wi n a>'gre .ion le kiîling te 0 o( fertilily cf te îisru i te farti than Is t îizo iu Cai .k, as heinglte us; taI ho taseued tien tutlitîger-car t st-t-e et -sit t te s h1 m kii-Ld ur gret ct-opa, tite 'ecge yield about -a1rs: t-1, ' 19k D bu 19, 31. oIn U te etuI t ce freirnr il tigh-l i trutictiu Tel MOie, y.geit1obylapha, Who blasa' I!fW's heurs through, 18 thoe.one aared abrine where printers geain theil. duo ?-. Onenîantliug iush hor check diffused, llld tenfold gruce lmprt-a&soft, reipônasive s sigit replieci: "Ti& fcnd td i wôMan'e heartl" Telmetyéaueihsn omsugr ýf lave, shall hapleteaprinters boen bAiw, have ne redresà abeive? TIse aaikai bauds repîed-" tous is knowledge iin ý de- fluqueuita ôn thse printest'u bôok eau nover Àn aId butch farmcr,j ust arvda h ,digtity efJustice of tbe Pcace, had bis first eucae ofinerriage. Ilo did ib:up lu thie way, RIe firat saici ta tho maen:- ".Vol, y'u wants té ehomarrit, doeyeu ? Vel, you Iovish dis voman s0egpet as amy 'roman you over seen 7' îy8 auswerued txe nman. Thon te the ivutuan: "Yell, de yen love dis in s sbuttai- as uny man you ever séen 7?' She hesitated a little, andi bu% repeatcd. "Vuil, Vuhl, deyod tike hit80 velas te b. hie vifo r' "lYes, yes," itho rswvereà. V1eil, dat je ail any reasonable maen could expect 'Se yonaemirt; rnuc yeu. main aud vifJ e." rî;I rnu The main asked the Jusucice sthat was tb V Nothing at afl; nobhing aï ail, yen are 'releeme, if it vili do yen any geot." DeoGiNeo A MORAL-" That wlîich thon LaÉt ta do, do it With ail tby might," said, a lee'inauté bis son eue morning. 4t9o 1 dj Ibis meriing 1"'replicci Bill, 'With an enthusiastie gleani in his uyc., ".Ah 1w1neý.was il, darlipgi" aud the riuhrla fnef r through his-offsprisig's Why. IJivalaopeci Jack Edwards," said the yeunghôpeful, "ltill hc yeiledl like fury i 'Yen sheuld just her him bolIer, dati 1" ,The father lookuci unhappy, while ha ex- 'fained hat the Picept did luit ellply 10 uùny act like that anthdcoticIled nildly "'You should not bave donc that, nîy "'Then he'd a waiioppcd e" replicd the yeung hopeful. "Butter," saii- lieu sire, " for yen bo have fled front the ssrath tsi corne." "lYes, but," replieci hoeful, by way ut a fluai clinciter, "Jailk can mun twico as fast as I cen." TI.he good main sigluct,y.sent to bis sludy, toek up a peu, aud cutlcsourrud te comxpose ýimseliC In Our extra of last week we aflûdecl ta a ruiner then. urrent, that Itlu a day or two. or perbapj i less tinie, the Irish Re- Rouvi Catholicu would be ,re-baptfzed as »ogans,their priesta as, acouaidrels, their nuus aU haripts, sud thoir relîgieus hôuisea as'brothels."1 We thon -said Ilthée tbing is net credible," and It affords Us tte moat Intense satisfaotion ta ho able ta say thaý, thou-gb a, wekhassince passed, wo have ntathad, itherintbeeditoria%~of the GObe or i ts scissoringe, a single case of soduction,>or rape, by a "~han Cathollo priest; not a solitary instaace o1fôfui play by an ecclesiastic at the dying bed of sanie penitent Dogan, not À- Bible burning, not one programme of 'a Purgatorial Society, nýot a persecution cof Protestants, flot a Cor- rigan assassinatiohý hot an oxtrint frora Dr Cail, net a 1Aing et Bishlèi. Hughes,- n/t a single rib&Tjoke about Mary Char- bonneli, not nn insolent diatribe on Father Urùycre, not a lutter from John Hollanci about the worship of doils, mot a quotation froni Parson Climie about the brutal Ro- man Cothhica, net a darileatg-e cf the Pope; no, not one of these things!1 Hurrah!1 we are in ecistecies; for we hiad, almobt des- paired of 4nstice tb Ircland," and of toi- erance to theuI "Papists." Our harp was on the wilowrs, and we rueady te give up ail hope of anytîtinglie fratelnization among the several races in the Province; but thank-s to D'Arcy McGec and George Brown, we hare at last a cessation of hos- tilities, and henceforth the l>ypers andi the Learys, 'tho Hollands and the flonôghucs, wili eînbracc and liobnob, wbile theý Eu/to and the illirror, the Ilitnes&s andi the Trute Wilii-es, the G-uaed ion andi the Freeman1 will unite in proclaiîning a grand political milleniutni Amîem, wu say.-Tte Poker. BItTIL. At Agnus, in the Township of Essa, on tîte 2lst inst., the wifc of Jonas T. Bush, of a datighter. WVIIITBY MARKETS, Wednesday Sept. 8, 1858. Fe, aVir, F5q Od Gt6, Gdti arbnnhel. SÛi,ItN0 o'WirAr 4s 6d t7 hie id 1per busîtul. f i2-,6d (à,f'.1s d par barrai. Bac-iEy s'2, ý2-i45d lier bîtitffi. î.rslis 6d (it;lut Scl petr liuel. Ituer $*5 ttc-e'; 1cr cari. 2z4 4d (, i iii 3slapur blîmlel. ----- - 0.0ArantÈ 3,1 (lt 7.'-1lier lb. luit Kîia AND i-Hu PE.ASAN.-Tlie feseý Etuis Md per diii. îof' Chuerbourg bas set m-itera uit tise qui1 W CiL 1lt d C 1 s 1! ;dpar lb. rîre le hunit up retrospectise info-rmatiotn Which lîistory acdtira-dition meat- fnmnish 'cotcrrîng that liait of Franîce. Te foil- SPECIAL NOTICES. lowing anecedote is related ofthlIe visI it1- 1 - 1 -1,-1----1- _ to Lowcr Nornîaitdy madie by Louis XVI, flair Dy e-lUnir Dye-Rnur Dye. lu 731:- Ii ~utaiitgthrouigblCte i,i a.Al.utiomsIîr)u-I7a-qal 'couritryef Anige. the royal carriiege Wn-samtt iîs scfhitîIl-il thturs ara iare .tata- iascentiing a rallier slcup lîlil, heIn-cen taiiolîs. atdtîl slsiiîii leîvuidad, if You wieh tae !Aieiux andc Ilotitîcut', when a peasait. stbu escape '~rîii-itl. was walkitîg aleuîg lte cd et lte carniage CRed tir iitsty Tfiir Dvetl instanels- le a 1 ti ecttifl il iîid NactAiti Brownî or lilack, wythioul dour, sang iu a lou'! andi nul unplecsaiut tiea bit-t iiitry t(,ltaeitir or Slkm. Vice Soîne rmatiec Slplets iu prisu uf lte F Xeeî.iltitla -it! ])iloinsas s ie lîan awerd- singuEat travelier. II Ttat us a .)retty sang ail lu LV ii. ..liatt- oI or sitîea c tand tii-r you are siigiug," saiti the Kii, "Ilu-o t (tOahltlc-uItuucts have beunruade lu tefliair Pruliet C iItii of Iii iis tis oflils httiouis ie. Ùompesed t?" aiiie ieI i t Wlt-. .A. liteleloeim flair *bye proatncas a anyseif." "'Yen ! Realy !" said bis Ma«rjes- eghor riot te ha dhigti4riA-i fronti nitturaeand ty, aI the saine lime crýting ont, IlBis! ,unrr-ast(d lît t i injitre iiiChu es-il, howes-ar bi.'"PBis, li-" said the comntru-man, I)1t4Pttiluaiifl5Y l tutiîîuid, caîd tilt fliefcts of P ai De-trctitedied : hCita tir ini-igoruriti for 16L what dues that mcail " It iuanýs ChaI ite be tis Splendid Dya. yen are lu re-conîmcuce." lThe peasant jaie, atîlt or apîthiat (ini 9 îiscta rouins) at tltd se, sud wiîen he lied fini.shd thue son Ciliii W ig Fa-oy,21 rtiwat-, New York. te second tinte, tie Ring takitîg eut lis - fitilu1' b iis aitsuîtti t'ttif United Stite inirse put soette lous jlo ]ltis baud. lTe ati('ud, yJrgis.sdFc God ;singer iien wsith rcal Normaen shirpues, lishenîeatitdesipo lieut ent bisallier itand. and cuidcti n aieeel plait-etsc-ras-iug i-tacotir sidic i each Bis !, 1 1 'ùP Tl îngr lituitidhit-rtily, iBýof if-li'ILLL4Mi A. IL-i fl'£JIFLjî, 23 nn ni u rmi rccomntîucai lis couitiîbt- rttistyactiti- ltiens." - 'IS-WG-I 4. TPata-ic- i«-'elVgatad Tottjedsiisirptuiss ail.-- ArrUial of tise 6;tl'tllol." ft- tr,-th uililgiti, easy anti dnrab.îi. - Fint0i t- htrtît-utut Citnin; a1, behint-no Sr.JoiN'às N. F., SApt. 4. si tiii:1tititue heai; luttiecîctis i.6te oui> - l~-,tiiltctitiwluart- tise Chie itinga r nt The stuuumaiip Fuilton, fro I havre vuiaiterIr tunidrestooti and ruade. . .,î ltrastiwNsy-Y . %eutbaimîîton aI 310 p. ni. oldie 201h uit., t i4r~ For Salei hî c-. A. B.sn-iîtr, sad W. Il Wauu interceptet off tape Race en I'idei' l)uul, Whiittv; atît Lymiasu Bruis. & C'a., at 3501). iii. my thie nes achmet of tae Nui't orut.%V___ YorkyAstociateul Presse, but uwing te un- Trnt-20 "aLuibesu-ele trdtpîle i Once liuîowu Never Fat-gotou, recdiliera tili c laIe liaur iaet ee-uiig. lThe steainsii Indian, from Quehue un If (011'r t-eitris would huaise c positive luxury te 14th, tîrivet ait Liv-erpotol un te 241h.,for the Totilette, tuse igts'PuîAB..,' For Cieaiuîg tae Teieîh,7 Suiuive~, Chanpýooiig, Q ucen Victoria continuet hon progre-sa Bilihing, licarttiviug lte CuraipI aion, in German>'. She stas recoiî'ed ever>'. ît-ioviî-rngTiuija, Frc-kles Stit Marks, wbere with the mosI evtravagant tieton- enîd cli disurgrceabilu qeaîîue roni tlî Skin strations ef respect anti go-wiIi Pt-e- t lieu. no taa. 50Ihb",ix IIrurggists. S. S. psrt-alons were usaking for a royal t-lit te N. Y. TuLYt- m-tua THoE i:ur Leedis ounlte retulutor the e -e4un froin Fi -r sale ini L'hitbh' by G. A. BauaiîttrirDan- (*erunany. du:.; îtercet; W. Il. boul, Broek Street. lieu Agamnem'non hais beete un lire, but fertualel> stustaineti litlhe tiamage. Tt R yîrî eaui.Srhe Tbère hati heefi s collision betNeeu two Clris<lb-tdJ'wt ds Paetdb 'excursion trains on lte Oxford sud NVol- J'yi L PPienut. Pi-epardfrom t ePpcr I'erhanupton Railway, iuvohving droatiful tki 6j'Sie. J. laumk,, il' I., Phuyei4-iaâ B&traor- toneequences. Several persans werc killeti dinaî'y tam tk Quca. aud a great mmauy fighlfuihy injoret. fluis iisalaable tuedîcine us amirn u n the Acout uîh ar-stluGua lr0aucure of ail Cisosea iaticti d dtîerona d-3tiei Accontsofte haves inGrea Urtai tewhiab hefctiiîatae ostitutionu ta subjet. It are ery saîisfactory. lthelate raina cao-sud nodet-etes ail exuiesa anti retoves ail obstrue- some duela>' un Ihe gatiteting ufthtie cropa, tiens, antiaut ecti> cure naý be replied on.- bol no permanent injur>' wa doue. To Ment-ted Laidies it is 'ec-ailiarhy suiitet. It The lrety concluded wiîla the CIiinese will, in a short tiate, bring on Cthu nouthl>' ltriedti'lh rcgitlaril.. doas nta confet on lte allies lte igbt of ha- Eaci bottie, pite Que Dollar, bears the Got-- 'v'lng permatejut diplomatie agents aI Pekin, erumeut Statip , Ct-ret Btala, tu peuvent but thifi usuel conisui-generaîs, resident cotutarfeits3. be aduîiled te dirct inter- lccuses tof Net-vous antiSpittai Affections, aI u, will b ditd drc ne-palt iiithe Rack and Linubis, Fatigua on ieigist 'course with lieu cabinet uf the llmpuror. exertation, Palpîitation ofîbheIlemet, Ilystet-ts, A telegraintrnusMt. Petersburg says snd Ifiites, Iliese llaII witt cIecet a cure whuu tie Chiuese Empire is te ho open lu foreigu. ail Othiar uInetiS has'e ftiled, anti aithougli a frs, sud lte-left baiuk of the Amour River powerfui remedl>, de niA eoutala lt-on, caloinel,- Io henceforti.to taIhe boundar>' betweeu usnîuy nayti; ate etacusiu Rusa ant i snsFull dit-etions aceoînvamuais paôks0. Sole Agent fer Chu Uurled Stalus-atci ada Arrivai oftise '6 Fiion*1" JOB;. MOSBS, (LIte 1. C. Baldwin & C ol) Rtochester, N; Y; New York, Sep. 7. N. B.-$1, 00 Cti 6 postaqe, stanîFpemeloneci These teanaship Fulton arriveti sherti te sny aathorized Agent t1 wtI ensure s botlhou ~efre oo. Te Vntrbiî a-rt-Yi the illii by retnu msail. For sale b>' ail beor - - Th-Vndril arie- Dreggretis. 'Cewes, at 8 a. mi., ou tise 251h. Sise passati 'te At-agoau tiee 29t nlI, 900 mufés from Cowes. The news ,y tlii arriývai is mainly anti- tipaled. lite velei-an acter, Harle>'. was deati. Duniung a miilar>' roview aI Vienne a Hiugarlan Regimeut fired bail cartritiges tsu a germait Regimeut, kiliing'tsvo, anti Weuazdiug eigih The demauti for meuey lu London an 'iruesday waï ouI>' modertae. Tise ftnds Were *ver>' fiÏn, anti cloed at an improve,- - NEW Yoîa, Sept -7. Iité -parted. that Govet-nor Ring bas vone ta Albany' te prochai lte ceunI>' ef Itichmond inl a state of insurrection, andt 1 ilt ou tIse militar>' for the defence ef tIse leuarantiuo ostablishmen-to direct te suthorilies te rebut, ant-d ot- tIse At- torfi>' Gouerail ta preseente lte f'etioea, and euae the ceunI>' of Richmend for tamge& Affairgata Staben Ilandut are get- t lng Very 4krc*tlig. lte -Casîlélon Board of HÃ"aiIIs has- arPSSet raeoîutienia ta ' ~ station a'foee d Sf ty mont aIlthe iarn- tine gates, te preveit an>' eue pasug lu or ont. A. coillin betwëee a freightt sud pas- Nougertrin occurre t ieFihkll ou tIse n ivrr%>ad, jhhs mrn-ing. Two Carsp ot the rigit traiul #es'e enolisiaiti audits engineerkilled. Tweor thr.o pas- Sengé?* D thothe li1a1in er. 1clIted, and oseral wouutie4 - -New Orleaa, gCuëPL4. io FÂTaxas&ND- Mormum.-Yon ka o hirfportau iti isin 'r yaur ehiltirea liaalyossnsoeid kep gttid lntt. How fraqeetly>do WOeM feuble past-cuts dressef int mouamug on acount of the "oths of thei buovot4 ciltdrees. Wbat a pil' ilt î, whacu, by proper est- d et-modies,1 nil hesu trials andi - toublhes eau bc avoded.L- wiahesiteealt Cnb. restored la tise parent sud life sud bappise totahie flhid Re3toeatise isealfi ofethie ulotiser sud yotiobviaI. lise noces- .y ot Pst-agaric, Gocitre>".Cordiansd alter ranou arooties for et-yingahiildreue. W, au- trst na we denairele imùp rova lte ouditien ot-r'uce tluppt-anar Moré'sAlutna an sd resd how Ulsases are cuited.inlaaccordiaure witlh nature's Iswus witis liucqeau Bootsa nditPlanté. PM*Xeusueu. -Dut-tmg lias atidal 't-led Morse'. Indien Rool PM& fl8 v'be getiirZ ,be- cause lise>'cloanso lte body freu iu,âeoi, tbd humers. sud Iisorougihy drive awaiy ai P~a', and give e"ea sudcuifettot Ciothio~ei-. Froma oeel t tree oft liAual~la, aken twpoor tIti,. llMesaweekdmAriugnauoy1w lla5"'tisé noiar suad easy da r>yx'ý, anitwll ~bc ture togive asalet nt atihsàs onstiotta t heo ahild, D)r.,Motaes lutinas Rot 1là a#i sed biy ai dae0 in a ediano. Imaportanut to t. l o47cd;ja A I txvA41/. DR. TUrMBLETYgB Vtgetatîle Campouin cntlCuReEheenatlam, DR. TIJMBLE.TY'S Vegt4tble Cuxupoundc'oCres 1We* alç Yad,, Vee~l'DR. TUX3LÉTY'S iï4l inpound CaresWeak Bides, % . UM LETII'8 Vegotakble Compoimd Coures BorlpCans, DR. TUMI3LETY'S Vegutable Compouend Cures Pailpiatons,. _DR. TUMBLETY'S Vegetab]le Comipound Ceres Cholere Morbus. Fo a ' 4t heu ifce, IliiKing Street Euat, Toront.o. PrAU 50 cents iud 81pêr bote.' Toronto, May 19,1858. 18 DalIey's Magical Pain Extractor. In ail diBsune inifiaination. more or les. pre- donîinates-now toe llay inflâtnation .trikosata the rout of disease-hience anuhuniediate cure. Dalky's M gictalPain Exraeor, andi nothing elge, will ailay infl a îaion at once, aund iake a certain cure. U D)alLcy'8 aigicel Paim BEr acter will cure tise following among the catalogue of diseuses: burris, scalds, cille, eltaîhis, sure nipples, corna, boitionst, braises, strains, bites, pôlson, ehil- blains, biles, sarofula, uleers, fevor sures, ibelons, car ache, piles sore evua, gent, swcillings, rhuu- matism, ecuald i ieaci, a rheunu, baidues-s, ury- sipelsartunçwrm, barbera lîcli, snil pox, 0o sorn i tmay appear incredulloils that $0 many diieaseýs should bc reaciied b y miearticle; sncb ian idea il vanis w han refoon pcints tu the tact that the salve isi a cozobination of in- gredients, cach i aud eve ry 6e ap 1l-ing a per- fect antidote b is apposite cdtirYr. Da)4 lky' Mgwal Pain Edtee.tor ini its effets is inigies, bte.ausçe the lime is s0 short batween discasýes anti permanent cure; and it ia an ex tracter, ese til drws ail disense ont of the affecteci part, leasing nature as perfect as before thehuii I r t la scarqcc.iy neuecsary 10 Bey that no ouse, work-.shlop, *or ilnaxtîtfactory should bc one moment syi bout il-'. No J3a.n Extractor im genuine unlet4iqChe box has upon it a stcel plute eugraviî.g, with the narne of Hlenry )ailey Manutfacturecr. For sale iy allte brtggists patent mnedicinu dealers throughout thc Cuiled filtaeàandl Canada. l'rinci al Itepot., 165 Ciîanibcrsestreet, New- York. ÃŽ. F '.. - For Salaelis'0. A. Barîlsler, aind W. IL. Duel, WlsiCby ; Lýnian Bros. & Co, Toronto. '20 ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Examination af Teachers in the Ceea. ty of-Ontario. T lIE Annuel Exatinatitu cf Teacherà in lte C4)utty of'tOntario vrll bc halci On Thursday, 3Oth September at 11,1J 'clock, a ni., as iblowsc Forte sentit hait, t IWlilthv lutha Ilenry strect Schooi-bouse, andt for the North helf at .N. B3. Al eppliranis mtl pre.sent satisfitc- tor, Ccsim,îniais of mi:ral ciseriiter froni iheir R.IL.LTHOflNTON, (',b.innali Board of lotb. Intt. NOTICE. 1 Coursi-OF Oa-iAU, 8ISIEREBY G1VÈN T, 'LVt 1ltaI Chie Court ef A4- sire cati Nisi l'rin,4tiser anti Termner and Ganerai Giol Dt-1hs'rv 'in antd for the County of Ointario, wilh use holicis aithie Court* ilousu 10 the Totiwn uf Whiitbs-, Os Tnesday tIse Ttvcnty-lu-st day of $eptum ber, aI te toun ut tsalt-e o'elock noon-of wiîchî aul (oruttats, Jutstieus tof ltae Pce, Cýouituibles antitt tlters mcttcented yl take nueice sud goseru lltetutut-is-t-iuteturdutigiN,. .N EL SON G.,R É Y N 0LI) S, .'iuatt, C. O. Sharitfrs Offiece, Wii NO, 8 15 OUT I T H ? POK E R!! Ai 13Ir.-'DMoN IToILY. Far Salhe et George Yuîles Book Slt-re. WHEAT! WHEAT!! TIlr SUBSCRIBER WILL l'AY CASH fen ,,IV qm'uîitîty ofruuttsl Fal or spring I theast clivet-et nt M r. (ireein's hiill. WM. WARRE11br. Gracnwood Aug. 8, 1558. 3 MRS. 'CAMiPBELL, L ADIFES NURS-TENDER, GînEsaiSi-REETt J.Wîiirev. Refit-oence to Che Medical genitie- mean of the Town. 314 The :suxth Anuaual Exhibition AGRIGUTURAL SOCIETYj O FTHIECOUNTY OF (ONTARIO, WILL 0 b edaI Wliîhy, On Wednesdayt, Sept, 22,1858, whem tise pt-lies siready>'pubîlishod wiilI be awat-d5d. ItÙLRS 'N-D REG;ULATIONýS: isI. Thse puymemt ef $1, t tIset-esorer ou or bofore te lt day of Sepleuibet- coi.sti- taten a pet-son a niambet- for thea ùe-uit yaar; if mOt pedt1iîlaftur thatdtay, 82-lJi bechargeti. 2usd. Amy Mamnlierea cadmpaIS for any or ai tisa prficssoffereci nt tiiFait-softthese tC.- Pensona mcl membsn aucempeteinuthlie Floral 11M ounlise paymneaut f$iî Brd; Ail animues ud articles entet-od for cent- potilioh st.inaI lie&aide tiseprocut-oe>of tihe peaseaaterlig theni, and, l'iutis tisa exception ut animal,, mimsI have been gro 'Zn produeti ulafuiuetnred, or nuade in lie$0otZa idtiaugo tCo CusaI>'ofOntario, siuce tiae1atExhibition -by lise persan or pensons exbibitiag Ilium, sud asinaiaunsti efor eompetiltau nimust balise pro p rt>' ef pertiâ eu railg luthae outiaRidinÈ ut tise CoÛty fitOnterlo,, and If surdorubté arise on thc aubjfet, preet ivili ho requit-ad. 4th-u No person cen incie m-re Ihan aone ou- trvo etQtala Scedis, Rootd or Fruit, at tisamu varieS>'. 5th. lu tise abstce of,. competition, or if lté articles hael luifenior qualt>' the, Jeciges wilil exeroisa thair diserelion ai lu tie. valuc efthlis Prealminnn laeyrecomnineuti. 6à1. Disoe-tionsry promimmna>' bc awarded for si3ula articlei s smna>' ha uuusdere4 wol-eby b>' tise Jmdges, altholugta moleuumscited lu Ihe lis4an sdthe Diroetoru willldeternino the nuionul of pncmiutna Mti.. utreslnlete ho maie ivitfi he-Sretsury LfxltrPoal Ppalt] _p -vionSté th. day.ai - CÂSN F-oe -WunIE T. Tgedlmprpaac t urcle ii 1qtlatneLtyof or Spring Wbo"t, deIiverýI elther at liis Warelîuse, nuC ~déb o r, Bit.- low's store, Wlhitliv, or nt theeMiii. or Jëbn LTn q, - THIOIJS MOODY. Whîtby, UCth Auigual, 1858. 82 EDUC ATION. M s. POLE'S fchool for YoÃœeg Ladieu mil D). V.,repn On Mo0uray, Aù ý.t 30p 8~ Tcrmsg pur Session of eleven weeks. English .....................* .. $ 400l TwP meibers of the mine fatui y ..... ao Frencli...................... ...... 400 Englisli, French snd Mualo ............120 ADrawing Cie,. twi3c a week. Whitby, Angust 19, 1831.1si TO ýGfl1CULTUUIS. T lI Stîseriers avejust receiveci direct Tfrum tho nautiîeîcurera a fi"nis,9ortment of tho nndernîentioned articles itprieea to suit thei tinues: SGYTHES9 SNAITHB, CRADLES, RAXES, FORES, STONES, &çr. J~. S. DO 0N ALT S ON & C o./ lirock Street, ;Viiby. lltby, June 24 I155$. ?4OTICEý' CouNrTr oËrs-rARIeî), t F-1 IS IBIY GIVFEN To Wtt: 1- ihut tule<'ourt cf Geul i ijaler .a-5~ '-f Iliele e:ic. sund (Jolits '.v t iri ililibe ir,'ii in tamui f'lrtr hu Colils' if t nî'ti'î a iho t ,îtrt ilonse, iu thei Ttsntt 'Witîv, on u te,it tii,. Fîirtaenth davtf sjîeittmrA. D., ib6s-at [ai otr of tweis-e (t)<-itei. titî(n -cf shiîcis iCoronears Jttstioes t'f Itie lPe.n a-Ie, ci8 tt1aandi alf cttors tsuioe(rttl, iseul ie notice a81;d goygru liteiiiielvLs uo-tîi1i- N-FLSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff'ti Offloe, Sirf .O Wiibr, Ang-. 14, 1858. TO DIE LET, ('ITTACE IN BYRON ST. "1 l MILTON & IROBERTS. VINEGÂJI IVINEGAR I1i1 rPEcnudersignmît akeuï Iae tluutte-m ttse Tliliabitant8 if Wilîbv, auti tIse p tle, Chat bu las now tianaticuin,; Viaeger uf taS tunar qualut>' which lia us prepeetu etiuppi> w hale- sale Io ýiter-uauîtsaisd ot tuer,Z .rtautv reduceti }iniees. Ta Tr(tdc iburally dcc;twitli. Alh trier. by mil puituallyaîinîled mu.l NAIIN MILLER, A uignut 11, 1858. 30 et o- 'et té S 'i o n 'i ~- p *0 t.5 k O ~~isa ei~ii -~ g'3 tai t., CD o ~1 s, e ci Pt. CD~ 4n~ t7i lo tri w w' SCOTT'S 1ÂON T RE $UBSCRIBER RIAS FITTED UP THIE on. 1reluls a liy oeenpied bý- Mr. Eurluigh onDtdes etreet as a first clais Saloon. lie lilas Z~td up a new SODA, TVA TER -f0 UNTAJN, psyrupe of ail kindis, and eau sopply a deli ~bus coor)bevertkure-onu tif ltaegreatest desid- 'a tem'alaih proclured ut titis anlt ry season. LAG E RBI ER9 Fraits tif ail kinds prcoreaibla, in season.- Luncheonsa aail houris. l)iincrsand Suppers 1rovided as rdarcad. PEt xrrrlee o OSs. I PlcklcdSaon&e - WILLIAM SCOTT. 25 Proprietor. TJE LUCKNQW~iIi~~ HE subacriher wouldhbeg teoappl ize lut Ifrieudaud lte publie ecraflY, tha, lie lias openeci ils CI40TRING STORE, in ihu stand lately occiipîed lîy W ni A.Keiles tas a stove-anci titi so ittti sieabcawilll hafouîîd te take order,4 for Clting, atîcifit ti hi. custo- nierastitithe aliortegt ntioi. Ail orders punctially altendedti e, and no dis- appointmuots. r4-Cood fits warratîted. &ýarrhc Montiî1-y Fasliond îegulstriy recoivi-d M. O'flRISCOL. ATTRACTIVE SALE O F Farming Lands., Town Lots AND MILL PRIVILEGF}. T H1E A.9.iguice of the Emttt of B, F. Parry offers for --le tie fe.lowing vul"aie Ruai Et te,tt cliprimes ChativilI pris'a 8,fetoy lu pitîrclisers t- 100 Acres, East 'leIkit 15, 4tli Couceçelon Colhîngwoid. 100 .cfSouth YI, Lot 8, Ist Coîîeseion i Euphirasia. 2W0 Acres, LUt 10, fttd Cîncesmiotî Enlirasia. Titase ibre Lots, lunte Couney ut' Grey, were pcrmeiilly iîsecîed alid selected on ac- coultloffituc Agritît lutiriisoit, tnd eaAy accese lu market. 200 Aurais No Ili 11h Cuit. Mare, County el Otlario, 200 Acres, No, 1, 131h Con. Sumunerville, 107 Acres, No 1 Front rmuge do Coud IHardwoo andti sortieof Che uesSsoui i Chose Townships, 20 Acres, part 18, 101h Conces.sion litîrray. 1 Acte part 1.5, th Conecssion Murray, X of an acre, part 16,, Lst Coneesiou Clark' i Acre, part 2, 1let Concussion Oflla. MILL PRiVILEG&L That weiil tuowtî Mi lrivilege situated lu Ciih village.ôf! Haruplôn, Townahip of Darling- ton,' coiiiprising - acres. The necessîsry ex- cavations for tua Wàter Race andi Miii, and tihe Lot%ér story ofs1ýtol1o vWrk, conîpletoci. The si luation ofitha proîîert.y le ii the Main Uite ai Roati betweenî Iowtîtans'ile lici Cdhu Nurtiieri Towrnships. For volume ut water, heîght of fu, andt comniatding positji o1 coutrot Cthe rade of the vicinit%) tins jîrisilegt Ilm 110 à1sîpu> rior in Chat lotiiy TOWN LOTS-TOWN 0F SARNIA. Lots 211' 22, NotiiCainerou Street 2:1 21 oiittiBriche t do. iôwu Lot 1, Block H. onc-fifth of an acre. HJAMPTON. 24 Taa'îî Lots ini lianiptoni, containiîîg cacb front ante-fiftli tf ain acre at pviuyds,. BROOKLIN. Town Lots 54atîd 831: Ierry'â rIen of Brook lin Behîgeunxîois to srinr te Y itate, as Bye0 dily as possinile Che forcgoig P!i îerty wiilb sold very Ion, bar 'ash, or part Cash, andtiha. lancetou inte ais may ha arrauged., Whitby, Fob. Is, 1858 . gltWhby AIJOTION SA-LËÏ. JyLL BE $OLD BY PUBLIC AUQI ION nthe Uee ROîlua ef WAsÂïame Com, Toronto, Oi Wedaesday, theo 101h . o p nextt 'b e of aaowe , o cîatalned lu a !nseut and U93 en derson. Lots 24 iash ard on. oethtie Toivuship orPickerIug lutise County oet lei9o euntanngL- aws*c'emoro or lema Jel>' 24ti, 1868. 28 TO LEBrèê T tv,t-:gen'umRai Caldwvei'. uew Buldings;Brdi eu.Rumodçgate;- A1-utise pt-amis .to l J~S. DONALD W D«t$,-c2udi, 18i7. t PLAÂCE 10 FIND l. isw1us-9 a wswsiiu BEG TO AiNNOUNCE TO TIIEIR CUSTOX~ERS ANU i tI4 PUBLIC GENER- ally, that they gre clearing out their Stock to inake roomi fdr A ~LARGfE ?AL IXIOTAýtiUOX Aidld ôdtr t e ison will BELL GOO-DS FRON1 TIIS DAY TO 111E FIIiST 0F OUTOBEÉR NEXT, .AT ahan tlicy hat-e e-.'er before been offered in lMie Couuty of Qutari.. TIIE BALANOeRTIEIIZ WILL BE SOLÙi %0033"AT CO ST FOR Broek Street, Whitbv, Sept-. 1, 1858. LOWES & POWELL. BEC 10- ANNOUN-CE THIE ARRIVAL 0F IHEIR COMPTISINî; ENGLISH A'ND AMERICAN ,Ç RJ W BO MM? ET S a.L/VJ BalITsr RIEBONS, P AAOLS, SILE CAPES,7 A EAUTIFUL ASSOMTMENT OP - - -A FEW CASES 0F GENTS SILK. AND FELT HATS, IN.i& 2Tiil's Uak Jireck Street, W5itby-, April 14, 181$s1 R1E Subauribers l iat utala 14hir ecanCanier. sud thé Pùllù l anoiàl]Y- ih*t they ha", CALDWELL'S NEW JBLOGKI BROCK STRIWT9 Sontis afL. H. &ebofied'& Ce., with new al4la ndid Stockuof Sheifaàflola wbil he tbeadt,,rninùeIlsli a%8I âtptle laduit tetizîiiea; They *oeid m rlàý U ti e- ldon te tlerSok or Iudà, PRubbor BeIti1g, Crosi4Cut, OCircular auci XMM avas, BarHecand Býaud tron, Lie. Phititis 0118, GIassPnlby &,c., Carpeu4térs'i Joînçr'. an ad ss- ublîiT&dr5,,PlatîdWaer iîiesud >ookel Ctitlery, L&e', &.j' The bince of lilir flUENT STOCK thbya ai i m' in rs ... Wkilbyt Jaii. 13, 1$581. - 52 Goden SiLýv 4a ré*ali.. a-are store, li 48 - - 1,RY PIERRY'$ COLLTMN. DES.RALEIIfrISTMENT. $6001 $500e $400 $300; $200 TtWN, VILLA, ÀmD PARK LOTS;- LéTà ËOR PI2IVATe r1mi$$IENCE8 Town of i*'lttby, County or ëbsukh4#; Tr OTS No. 14 aud SS. E.nt ef Brook §treet suad South of 'hIurd's R? 14l, ahmieblo brpryxtoding rom ~t ) pr~ LtuZ';177 andi180. Eent midle $f BýQk Street, NMMitho! Pi1ard's HoteL.Partlueaesr- iugf properby.on tIsa priuchd s treethia thseTow Wil fied these L4ts wdfl zitrhjgpiI Lots 208 sud 22d4, i ne riciik o Mapleamd. Loýt S 71, 73, Ï4, 75, 7nd 8.Thýie oihlt aei ne fli., bt,ined h Fisc su Chetit and AshStreeta: Lot 7, eslofPrryStret' sud directi>' 4j. posite Chu Sn lu I L9ts6.4,65, 65, 67, 82> sa, 84, and 8. ÈOa t P an~tîtsd acljoining. tiésetesmn MiIIpro i porty du the' N 1, ur~reî LosNi.o;z~ si o f PemSre Titi. Lc4 is wcll feiîleed sud ouClterwL;fe hmproveci: wr.? Liv mesýct svlcarr. Lots 10-4 105,118,1 ed 119, bunuddtib>' Ccii- teS, WaInul sud Kent BtA1eto*. Thèse ilotsa ré- delightfally sltuated, t-andi tlvbtiga itrtet od Ilîrce Bides, are weli adaptti te îllidllu » ur ets124 sud 125, corner o ena *àXb Lot Nuo*36' Eaitlof RanI Street, and bi i few rI»dâ iicoiÏIa îf Didas Street. Th*e funCgoing clilda ].uts crt e eted front ua large mounher, with tUic iiiew f holdingthn as an, ird'eimt, but are no,# offeïed forlBal:ctd6 flusIl> litd op a large transe' io>li ILSO, axn'r nm. Lot 214, ....rc2 ......... 215, .... .... 221, .... .. . . . .. . 225, ......... LaoiSio.....pnie.. 281, ....... 212,... i ..1 ...... LoI 218, Iice...........20 303, .... . .. . . . . "906, ... .. "845, tg...... Lot 613 ne. ............. ?1. .. ........ 1567 *,. "* i879 . ......... 2m Loba 341), 8M0I351, 852,58 sud 354, conitnluuk -nearly eue Acre and a hli, 'al b hoa che7ap lu n ze bloci. - TEMB î balauce exbeuded ot'er a term of fram i'. ta tem PQreouu, Who ivilI ercet buildings the vraeed wear, th ise Iapaymcnt ill mot IsiUfUllaa dus 1111 VoIr plama emý d pàit fnxs v t Piroperty où. Brocksreeai-4'ô* *iai of r1,OW.-,iLOT No, h,East Bide oi Rreek Str.hi J.. beiug tbc lireS vacant lot Sorit fet lRsEgl- th>y Oflice, 49 feet front sud i9a .Teltdc[ep to Ltame, Lat No,' f irizerl i'r cid sy ..ilkiam5e V; Stbls - r e5f.., a - ix sNo. a. For Busiué'à Stsudâthiiaa Lotsp are e4ua1 ta any lun Tom 'en iltilbc sord , on et a ,,U 1 trwueWs ri£5 Wo l èrect Rgei tbne b mek Bamps o t.e- ?V ut caushe T nelai! (h BI,?,Ss GOOD Pf iTLOVEs lANDB110 itRY 'OSE

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