Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Aug 1858, p. 1

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unspum, S0 5 mai bVM evenr oaftlutuulailii bLifTtruklftIwlIl*be st OOK AND JOB NG EOTA3LISHMENT, >PRItOBS 0Fr111E WHITBT woa"weldrueolllylnfhrrn h. thay have prmer sous cf tbe Most î4ofî .fri Ntoik luadii afia u reepar.d W execuhe MD) JOBFUN'N meciiption, sud guarnt.. ltat vork te laa s upetor style aI the lovest Z'ors have purcausd oeeof &LO CA4R» PIM$8£8 ýl theni to lern ont Cent 'sud CIr- ery expedltloua muer. They bve &Xg Sock of Plein sud Faucv Usi-d, A, whichbcbngboghl et lai-y lot t rEcan be fiîtrulaet iIevs t thehorlest notice. HIGoINS & MAYERUOFFER, OWi.-esîa Office, Whitiby, C.W. SACHEUS DURNH*.Nt JU(DGE OIF TUE COUNTY & SURROGATE court.. Ofice atthe Court lons.. NfELSON G. RZyNOLDS, S HERIFF, gâr OFFICE AT THE COURT Jou H TR AM FERRY, fl EISTRA&. OFFICE ON BEOCK ST., OLEEK 0F TUE 1'AÇE. OFFICE-AT the Court Nlouse.. OF THE COUNTY COURT, AND mx of tié Sarrogate Court. Ofce at ry Office, Brok Stree. 1 ». G. HEfWETTI EN, REuIDENCE, ATUEBLET, 'VA )D.-to., TRENTON, Capana Wan VHEABLES PAYSE, A ÛMOXM A1ÇORETEP, 8£BAC A L-llR? IR1G, ucroSERdm,&o., EFOM, TOWN- MA. PRINGT-2, MEICHAlqT TAILOR, BEOCIC STREET Whitby.I TRONAS DEVERELL, B UILDER, &o. *&o, GREE.sTEEEr, Whitby, C. W INTERNATIONAL IIOTEL, EAST MIARKET SQUARE., TORONTO.- S James Mathews, Froprietor. 4S MANILLA HOTEL, MARII>OSA (LATE COULTHARDS Coli- S ners. JeLn Marlu, Proprietor. 24 OAK'WOOD, J ROTELC.- 0 ICWOOD, W. BANKS, Pl<OPRMIETE OGood accmmodation for travellers. 88 ONTARIOIZOTEL, axAMxaTos, e. W.i 'pSNYDRI, PROPRIETORt. Carrlages te iT. ansd Frounthe Boat Free of Charge. HURONRoue, PORT tITS?, c. W., 1EBOT PROWLE, PROPRIETOR.- RAILROAD HOTEL, Tp DOWNING, PROPRIETOR, BROCK ST. L.Whtby. Good Stabllng sud attentive Os- ONTARIO HOTEL, BRYAN Jr, PtOI'RIETO(R, BROCK &I Street, whiîiy. Good stalng sud siteu- t! e Obtlers. ESPLANADE ROTEL, FRONT STREET, TOR'>NTU. GIDE<)N FTurner, lrophtetor (East of the Market, oppoite th. old Gus Buildîin.> COOIPES ROTEL, ("ÂTu WAL5't,> T IND$AY C. W. Comforablosecmmoda- Le ion for 'ir& vellere. IPR. A. W. GAIIBLE, MEMBE0OF THIECOLLEGE 0F PHYSI. clans and SuMgous, N. Y.LProvinil tLi- Centime ufphet, bawgey nd.1vfe"y, Zc Brookln, C. W.'15 AIRERICAN IKOTEL. W. PAITON, Jr., - 1JALKER & PATTERSlON PROPRjII- AT TII - M tors, coruier o? Youuug sud lProut Streoe. lUR. OFFCE A I COURIT,ý.t1C . To.onu, C1W.16 (iLICITOR A CLEURE oFTHEECOUNTY Coônuil. ôface ut tihe Court House.. pl JOHN SuER, 140UNTY ENGINEMR.OFFICE AT TUE /Ootirt Noue.. . % - i LO L. AIRBANKS, ILflRK FIET DiViSI3ONCOUZT. OFFICE /.t lb. Court Nous. - 1 W. I. TREMAYNrt, A RIB1S T ER-AND CIJUNTY CR(JWN e'Attorney. Oloe-I u asl'.Nov Bick QA- cent Fýdloor. - 10 - J. V. RAMi, A]LRISTRR-A&T-LAW. OFFICEt-BROCK i 8reel, WhItby, C. W.i 8. B. FAIRBANKS,- ilLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, &c.&ae. Oshawa, ?. W. 2 - JOHN BIILLINGS, 4W, CXNCERY A CONVEYANCING doffiee, Prine Abert. - , - A._XAIS, B. A., -TrRN EYLA-I&W, SOLICITORI IN L Cbancery, Cenveysuear, A., Main Street, lIlium. Il M@SR8.ý WILSON &k DILLIriGS, O)LtITOR, A.&fc. "WUITBY, C. W.- (llea-i.ever lIamiton & Roberts. Robert ft'llon, Whitiy; W. H. Bîllinuga Oshawa. à N. G. RAM, îAEISTR ANiD Â"IiNE-AT-LAW. 4>8e.&-cver the SteooJ. Birelot, ELq. Çpoie oit010,Ma Broolik atmI1 M "It~STEU$ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ~0iira lb.Ceunty Councli. Office i* bumt noume-SouI lg. Offe Ious ~4ISE.ATTORNEY, &c. Offie- Qesrc i roItand Cont ttt, (oppo f ti.(ibsei, Toronto. WILLIAM POWSON, ONVUYANCER, AoMANCIEMTER, i Beach r BÃ" ABTWOOD, A. B. & Me D. IOOIR PIIYSICIAN SURGEON &o. j luid.bea-lately oceup<edb>' jas. llodg: Dr* R. W. CLARK, uGEON COUCHEUR, ACORONERL Dr. CKECKLEYI WMIDENCE,ý BROOK STREET, TOWN 0F P Whiby, G of>'eOnlto. - tGNEW, Mff'. B. SUEGEON, ACCOUCHER, rIST.-OFFICE DI BROOK W, RlleStore, sud oppooile >5 W. CIRON, CIVILZNGINER,' AND CVLENGIN=E, et.- tâi. nevaea mute PERU SALOON. T FARCRAII, LATE 0F THEE--YOUNG ej e Canada," peur îhe Royal Lyoeum, Ring Street, West, Toronto. Choise Suppers sud Refraahmeuta at alItoura. 15 JOHIN' ETCALF, CLERK OF THE FIFTII DiViSION COURT, comprittîug the Township Brook. Ad- dfte-. a; Cuulgtou. 14 GEORGE HOD)DER. M ERCHANT TAILOR %ND OUTFITTER KIUg Street Eut, Osaa, C. W. Siiop nexi duor to Tupiu's4 Carniage Doposlory. 82 FRANKLIN 1Ious1. LINDSAY, C. W. F. JEWE.TF, lROF'RIETOR. COMFOR- Bu taleluScommodation7 fur Traveliers. Wlitby, Jan. 21, 1857.i LATE GRAIIAMS, SlMCOE STREET, L 0ebava, Wlliam Maddeu, Proprletor. Good accommodatuou for 1he Travuîliug pufflic. Excllent Stabîing sd suattenitive Ostier. 48 RAII ROAI> IIOTEL9, PORT ranar. DFATEMER, PROPRIETOB. j;V THTIS 1e * once pouseses good accmmiodugatiofr Travellers. Good Slabîing sud attentive Ost- MISSF. D1 A15 O.,N'INIJES TO GîVE IN1 c Jstruuctiou onitae OPA FORE,. at ber Fatiier's resdeunce, Byron Street, W hithy RUGI! FELITZ9, TL Ora iaoForte, U&rmoxu througlî ruesuandl kinda o S tring Instrument. le prepareuto 16receuve a lev more Fupils AI their HIENRY J. PHILLIFS, ' DlANO FORTE MANUFAC- i turer Toronto. Plane. of ail kinds ?urniehed to order. AUl Instruments varranted. Sold Cheap for Cash or spproved credit. Piancos Tued sud Repair For Sa. Ciieap, anme icautifal 6% oclaves, viiole metllie plate. 17 FRANCIS KELLER. TN8URANCE AND GENERAL AGER«, £. Whtby. -Aent for the -Provinciailueur- suem yi7 the couty o? Ongue. f 'Vfi ectorWaBuildiugs, Broo-k Street. lgv~udï ise Chronule Offlo..*M A. Ce WMLON,' P AIN TEE GLAZIER, AN" PArER-, Hangr. l'ami., Ols, Gluss Pull>' Ps- er-Haulg oSh.Wi eLn atC- 1ori-w udsSro, hiy eCAI&PBEXLL, »m)OOT AND BROU MIAKER, BROC fiU~>I rel W iby1(Mixt dcci- W I s- iel.) Rop"lu nesu>' toue, sdm or a uit executei tu1 gocit style, sud lusa vorliranlike, munen. i - .~*,-t-. - '~ , PiIat.I WOrd., great thowhtu ami mtirIg Indus ne Poamep Propres., KWoWlgoet eho WHT BY, W., TIIRSDAY,, AJGIJST 5,1^8580-. Whltby, (laIe WhlooWIao.)-The. Sub- iciriber bége to mannoole the Inhabltanta o? Whitk,j sutb tuetrvellIg ecenuit', limaiho- luains t ti.above-fit ulisa ne, 'wlebho l" ie 11up Inanet sud cueluumenr misa, Luncieona, &A4.,0"sab. had ala mormnul wnole 11Lluer h ho ie ram r . TBOX"S DOWNING. Whlîby,UMohluth, 1857. S BEVANS à DIXON, Toronto, JUly la, lut .26 NATIONAL HOTEL, jPORT WNaIBy. ot the shove Note!, th*. business of w hoh wll In fatumnre ono, on hi& otu aconn.- GeodLlquor Wnes sd Brsndîps. Excellent 8tabling. CsrrUl attention for mansnd horse. EDWÂARD RAY. WESTERN BOUSE, nUXDA. STaE?, WBITE?. The Houe la tel] t'rnlshet4 tel kept, and the slieeping apa=ente roomy and siry. There ià gSodcomfortable Stabling, and the best atte'n- tion la psid to mnuand horse. The bar-romln large sud convenlent., sud wolt supplied with the best Wîues, Liquors sud Cigar. ENaze- &omely fitted np iittlug rooms for private par- ties. MICHAEL McCAULEY, 17 - Prpisor. no -B' H TL, MontrsoR, TIt CONCESiIO, tilTS?, O 'N THE LEADING STAGE RUAD HALF vsaybetwean Whitby ud Uxbrldge. Thlu. liotel bas been refittod sud fünlehed in an ex- celleut style for the Accommodation of iravol- lem. Every attention pad te travellers, sud the bemt accommodation trovidcd for mn uand borse. 1[ orA sieady Oâtler slways iu attend- s u o s.4 8 FENELON FALLS HOTEL. W iTLLIAU MARTIN, PROI>RITOR.- VVThis totel le arranged lu excellent styla Wo accmmodaI. Vietors and Tourmite. Ihinlemi- tuate ti iu a few ruda of the Falls. lu the intdstôf the muestdeliwltful Secuery. 1hefiaIt- Ing ou the Lakes iie uusurpaued. Fiehiug Tackle sud Bonis provided. 29 TUE ROSSIN BOUSE. CORNER r ironx AiD xxsINWSRSIuToRoxTO. A C. JOSLIN, AP'RPIETOII; T1118 .Is hotel le the largee lu the Province, snd poses fl citie fhr affordfing gupertor acconi- inoditiou te the traveiing public equal te the bost Europeau batela, or te &av other emtablish - meut on tie Americau Coutiuen. 23 TnE TERRAPIN. T EE PROPIETRaSOF THIIS WELL Tkuotu Saloon are uow iuOcceupationi ut the oldtSTr. NICIIOLA8, Kiug treet, Torouito, ifurmerly kept by M. Hurley. Thc premuises have been uewly runovated tîroughout, ai fitted np iu thec irst style. Every procurable delicey inlusesn. A cigar divan fittetiup ase- paratety luto wliclî noue but the.beet brande a~e runttdCARISLE WELLINGTON IIOTEL. (lm TS RND'$,) Kfl<-e?. oSEAwi, R E present propruetor of the sbove tell- Tkuowu hôtel, begs te anuouce la the pub- lic thatithe amue ise been uewly prepared, painu ted sud fitted up lu the beat style to suit publie leste sud couveniauce. Travellera azdvuitors vill fiud-the very lest acoommodation sud ai- tention, ai charges nnsnslly moderate. Au Omuibus fte. W suad froin the Cars.. Qocit Shedesud Stabling, sud attentive Ostlors. JOHNSTON GRAHAMe 10 Prol.ietor. ALMA HOTEL, 'piE ABOVE FIRST-CLASS 1NOTZL is nov X1. nevly arrsged for the acommuodation of visitora, Tue Botel baving been formerly kepi on Temapersuce prinetple-a Spiri Ileenxe bas beau obtaned. Every attentiou paid tW travel- lmt, and thebuthasccommiodation providoit for man s"dhome. Wý An Onibus lu attendanea W sud froin Iwo Cgfr. of obarge. 17 -QUINN S HOTEL , LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. 0aCM otu tA &embeet LamdLaro ad ~ Mea Bràîukfl Ja*m Be"Ala 0s 19ce qWRAVELLKRS AND VIîSITOIIS te th. An- ILdot it f Qubec villi Sud > su - c iedtiona:ot e cheii ,a tea bo hotel. Tii. boletla ver>' ccnveuiently sitnatet -near tii, Bankî,$teunboat tharres, sut prun- entaI business places or the. Uts'. 'Tii. table and bar si-e auppiditb ever y M able etable sud diin ke.Vlsitrs i 7 -r> atlonlien pi ttwer couafor convenieùuield over>' iutematontud direction as Wo the aiidu" g localities, priucpal place Uortr, saner>',A. OLOBE ROTEL, EKOOKJLIN. ieam~lxeN SACZ Tu' Ml iiLOHBOUES £91Wt! IIE indotsigued bas 'Idinesumet pot.aoa- T r ethUe auve teE kunV ov l tel, thumeli tmî be Sîoeucted mfotInely wtlthb. it4 pro- prietyeuAnd regaritfor lii. cinfrl adntcuveul- emotes elIaPublic.,. ,-Te popreto usr"bis me"y fiemidathat *vrti&5l r5di¶ 4J se ferimer]>'to enter- ~a to a-h e tèl, sud -lieathe vi p!" Kt to ivoteins mciia ni-- PlaamaPoes',"mdé Tti da"d » 1thigIpabitent.o? WIItbh'a*iithle *vhclui sud te publiegnrl> bt b> aoee wdch enibrese th. manuhacturlngtunludgaD rerrIng cf musical iustrumexts. lano-forlee manufacturai t order. AIse, Aceortaco, Mekleons, asu I Lihinds of string Tha attention cf parties lu th. Town il parti- cu eqiyîeuestecd w 1h. conveuientfaelltynov vitheIum reacb, o? having tbeir Pisuos Me- lodeons Aecoordeons, kept. properl>' tuneX sud rerdlasttheir ovu piaidences sud u'lthout trouble or annoyance la theumltes. Tho objeci oftbe nndeslgned le W 'glve fuît public satis- faction vhlh8he apect tw do in al tholitdeal- Plane o s sud M"aloTeachera, Howard Cottae-near the Ilenry atreet scbooL W- Leaons sud sud Instructions given lun muasecas heretofire. whhhhy, May 19, 1858. - 18 LAWl LAWI! LAWIti Jr W.CA'LWELL BROWN, Conveyan- e ar, Connnitsloner Iu C. P., &ô., ud Di- vision Court Agînt, hga epWluforinthe Inhabi- tsnte of Epsoin sud the. surronuding nelghbor- hooda, that heoham opoued an office at Mr. Tho%. Eagllsb'ss Motel Epson, vere ha mey lie fonud e"ery Wednesdiay, froin 9 c'ock, a. in, tW b ý .fnllv prupared wo drat any Instrument o1 £r=itinihsMiy le required, mcii se Mort- .«go,De=' Wills assos-, 4rbitration Bond?%, Wt tel Morlgages, 'ille of Saleý Bonds dgree- monts, wsdd every othar description of èonveoy- 8fr. 1ln,'n.Ialo prepsred ti ta1k Casa Ilu an~ of the Supeior Courts of thus Proiio Hoea- *0 attide the Divison Court botp ai Manches- tor~ ~~ suanrlgsd persous antiug hie as- si»tance, tillt Sud him rsady toat4tend bai n reasonable terme. Mono) collecied, sud prompt roturns msde. N. IL-Having secured the services of an ala Ainanneusis ln prepared tw scocîniodâte al Who mav euhou hlm. None ueed bc disap- pointed. He solictsthe patronsguoet hepublic. ChnargeA iu al eaes extremly moderat.- EPSOM, every Wednesdny morulug fron if1a. un. te 5, p. m. UXBRIDG E, every Monday, Friday sud Saturdsy, ai LIhe naa] hours. May 22, 1858. 19 cash!1 cash!!1 THE highest priewlll b. peld lu Ch b~ Brook Stret, Wbitby, tetecoud door south of the PenituL*n îBoot and Shoc Store,) ior heopsi lu, l CJPpert l>per Rage, latter, lEgse&c. MCA L MORIARTY. Whitby, Mamub, 3, 1858. 7 AUCTION BUS14NESS ATX'ENDEI) b as usuel, bZ J. C Sterling. A.. AUl ordenr4elating tw Auction sales by the uudorsizned, el;tbold ha loftet lteé Chroulule Of- fice,% Whlthv. Maseira.Higgls& Mayerboffer are duly aulhori'zed wo appoint my dsys of sale, seule terme, &c., snd 10 enter intn cb other arrangemenuts relating to my enction businca sn they may considor proper sud neeessary. 1 shall be ou hwid t ratify auy agreemuent they u.ay make ounmybehalf~ EruIes tteudelu nail perte of the Conntre. J. c.qTR " PHOTOGRtAPII tGALàO.AnA - THE Galler y of the undersigned sltuated lu IfBrock treot, {Wilkinsou'e nov Brick Block) le ont of the larget;t, most qoivcicnt, aud perhspe, the mffoa elusm bMt ftted- up 8a41Krvic. eart s apurtmreuts forhl<es. Porfraits/rem 50 midi uewr.udi. J. A. CLR Whitby, J une 80, 1855. DAILY STAGE. F ROM BRO)UGHAM TO FRENCHMAN'S E ay Station, u te Grand Trunk Railroad, couuecting tith the gW- Morabe apd Eveming Trains. _M JAMES HUBBiRD). November BriI, 1857 4 100 Acres of Land for Sale. BDEI NG seut balf of Lot No 23,, i th 4tb' MCou., Scott, 80 acres of which arc clemrd and lu a gooti state of cultivation, the secoud crop onIy havinq been talion off. TheWinisa nover fi ing epnng ce taer ou the prendiea Au undieputable UU e n.:For particulars if bylettorpost puIdtWfg On the promises. wett, .July 5, 1l5s. 25-tf 040 ]REWARD. S h *a= O thîePature onelb.he o1 î belbr, on the. niLtot W Oduodn Juae à 0, 1851, a DARK RAFMARe, 8 yec old; about ,15 bauds highu sltoit c&fore Ilt right fore hofspllt mAIl durk pot nolf fianli, i%'alivito spot underbeellaftind ot There tis so atolen frein the.stablè,o01 ld preiea nt tiiesamt be aSM4dle, su tiartinpel, adudiso an ovri-eol Ttuïbove.revnird tl i. pid t tcsny pecu tho tiltfinit ssld Mae, su Iuit-h i i oa pruof to the oonvictiouof tha thi f. Broadfild, Wbtby, Julj715. 2 A LIARGEStWotVarieem sltitugOf, A NO. i Copal, sujýerlr F lture, Bre sud Br.>vuJ&ant (boich,. Whi Duotar,&c.. Bnr.ulng lui, Lm 1. aphane, Aie- G. 'A. B<fNITR ýWATCHsjKiNlt» JWI"DY j ~~~~bush inhntb.Aa' My IL.~ et.iye Mr. Joh I2 w4lmgs t. Choriai Thi.eyas bs look with love on th«., Thot brthten wiilx thy imill, Or utnatly id th.hos aan If thou aietmad awhî agQ; l The eyew that, when no words a resethed Gaa. foixlly luto thine- Ph chrtsh thern ore îhey gro,4dim; They my flot lwsys ahu4id The. faithfal hImrm aronud tii.., Thet glow writh I07e and vontb, Thatt imie snd cmr ne'er yot have iured, Nor raviahed of thoir trith - The hearte whose beatings wu have heard Whien tbrobbing near our own- Oh cersh th ,u,!- those beatinge hushed, Ëurth's dearus i onesero gone. The. days wbon thore are heurts and oyes Ttiat throb and beamn for th.. ; The faift es hours theu 1f. doth seem BIht nlu tellinnior seu; rbI illiag imomenta wthon tespeak The ful hearts Gy ln vain- Oh, cherleh ti.ein ! once gone, ae Thry ne'er retura-agun1 Mtrtut Larry Mfocre; or thtnk of to-nicrrow 1 AhIN tiSil E"ECR. Who tint bas ovon viuited lb. village o? .Banuov le anacîainted titi Lai-ny boore, lic Bai-nov boattuan -the luvuluable Lai- ry -tho, lipa>' or sober, asleep or atuk e, rota Iii boalt iti uudeviatiug paver andi precialonf Lock ut bie n ouasflua- munu> day lu Juno. Tic clifik Ibai ski-t the shore there lis boat la mocreti arecrottet witIt tilt furze; thile, bere asut Ilere, s luft cf white or yellov broain, apl'eutiug a littleabove thia bluisi gr-eeu of ils pichI> ueighboui-, 'aves is blossonis, anti ings is fragrance W lbhe pàssing hi-es.e. Devu lb. ver>' edge of lte lrippliîîg tares is aI- mont eue unhi-oken bot of purple thyme, gloting andi beautiful ; andti iere Larry's goat, tub ber lwo sportive kits-aly cuuning rogues1 -tInt ilo pasture, ne nlibbling lie broom blomtloms, flot spa t- ing ami th Ie furze, anti uakîug lte ecen i-y re-ecin titi tbîeii musical bicaliug. hoe littlo islant I e)1osite Lair>' conside bis ovu pariiculai roperi>'; neltntt a ingle set o? ils briglîtgreenoi-y belougs hlm -but, te use bis ovu tords, 'Sur it's aIl as one ni>'owu-ton'l I1sR" il on'î 1 vnlk ou upon lt -antilte ver>' ter Ibat iL's set lu la w>' evu; for srra' oee au put foot ounilwidouttmuandtlb boal, lIaI hve been haut anti glor o as gan fort>' years' But look, I pi-a>'you, pou Lai-ny: -thene lb. lies, stretchutinlu e sun-light, sI ful engili ounlte firm san id, like a man- porpoiae-sometimes on la Itack-theu aîovly lui-ninoe on hiesitdebut bis Most usual attitude lue asoito? ctlining position againat tint flat gi-y tse-jusl ai bigi wter mark; ho.eeus as bis constant restiug-place,ý because (again te use hie own torde) 't e iba teleit, sas apt te come fasl in u n a body, sud tient. tas a tale o! tinou e in merl'; but oven if onu chaned ottef asbeep, soi--a a mor-- sel of barni itsa wter coulti do ye on lie gi-o>' tone, a living nier.toman sat ever>' nov e-s night lombing ber black haïr, sud' akîng beauliful music te lie tilt var tro, cousequeully, tratet, ber ate vit grale respec-Wby not?' There, tien, s Larry-bis chest leauing on ltenmer ait's atone, an vo call t-bis long bai-o 1 gsstretchet ouitItehiud-kick- iug occasi ul1>, as a gatifi> or mori-y-iop per sip but vint ho natural>' cousit- eus laf prey:-iis lever garmeuls bave evitent o;nce besu Irousera; but asLai-r>', thon i motion, la ampiiblous, Lie>' have exp. uedtheb.decayingeftects cf alt wte ,anti nov ouI>'descendt W lie kue., vW tho> enunîrnate iu unequal fringant Iu bis frieze jackat is noe ua thinge. be, ngmuci muet at lie eliova--aut nao n-1ôtcn;forLai-ny, tien atake, la over lpo>'d, eibe ln peliug' the sos-gulls Wvho, le menfmsatIe truli, tUvat hlm .uitb ver>'littlp respect),l- rowing- bis boat, or wtliîng the circles vItîithe large anti sunallpebblebhéthi-ova inuforts ou' the surface of liae almwtlon-a7nd as'Lai-r>', olceurs, resa sbis ai-rn, vlle .pofomuis, abw&Wea- amed exploits'-the -eleev*> wiustemr r feze is no"lhnpenetrable eon6pf sun-bürnt straw,botkid b>' a ms-bapeîa-1bben, asuit arntshei b>' "teiek" zit ed dgree-ýhisaeutly.plpe mInuci Ibrough aslit in lhe b-im, thici beuté il: dimetI?' over theleft oye, and an oiire me .1nbero oc bis rude wide s'a>' ils et J1. W. CALDWELL BROWN, R UTRElLÊORLD * SAUNDERS, TAILORS, k&o. - i- 1 ý, -: ý ý, 1 - 't-There'a net a minl ltho hle pari~biii @f&nnov thitîkamorecofIl norlIdô' rr. I sponded Lâfy, s'Msbg blinsel if u ' "i d to prove Ilte y fe, madain dee,-ý v lu hav iwet-nlght-I selb ,ýsig o? ilforali the1 suu'a ge bright-both lu lbé air and lii saler.", 1"IThon, Larry, Iàk m-y a4ivice, go hoe. aud mendtlb. great bols that la lu the1 thaîci cf yohr cabli,." Is littho hole ? vberes the good of lo0- Lime about ih now, thon lb. teather laseg fiue?"1 "But wnthle raluconea Il'i "Lord blias ye, my lay, sure 1 csn'l binder lie ralu 1 sud sure it's filter for mo- te stand under lte roc? lu a dry spot Iban Wo gel cutlanthe Lemau to stop up a teste cf s bole. Sorrea' adrop comes ibrough Il lu -dry, teathern. IlLarry, yoù brui>' need not vaste so mucb titno; il inst hecba te one if you gel a single fane ho day-ckd bore you mIa>' deing uothing. Youruigit UsefuIl>' un- plo>'yous b>' a 11111e freslght" 46çVuld -you have in 'dosai-tiny truel. -Sure 1 niutlmmud t~l boat But dont bli.s ye, ina!nm, darlirt dont be so bard onti-el>' upon me; for 1 get a tale o'blame 1 dont b>' no mannér of moana tiesarvé. My> wife tunr at n as ticket as a teasel, becaso1[gave myni>sent tb our Naucy's nîarryiug Matt>' ucugi;. sud she snys the>' toie bat come logether on account Ibat Ibey batin' enough'tw pa>'lte piest; anti lte upsbo of tbe malter ia, that lte girl sud gran biltis come hack upon us; sud the hu baud is off-doar kuots "luto0yte heur liaI, La-i%. but your soumies b>' ibis lime, imustîbale ho asst OU." "The il la again, m> lady! Jaines vas nover v i-y brightI sud hie mothor vas ai- vays bum, plaguing bis life oui ho go te Mfr. n'a aichool, andti ying a dte about tic me te coma; but 1 tiitu't cae ho ko er lhe cratur-aut I'm sorry to sa>' he' turnet ouit-alter obstinate, andt even th priest says ii's bocase I neyer ihink cf inorlot." I 1amn glat in Rthle priegt la of my> pino; but tell me, have yen fatted theb pi>g Mr-. Hernlott gave yon ?" "Oh 1 in> bitter curie (axing yo'r par- don, iny lady) buupon îIi'lte pigs lu anti out cffitian thtiig bawbuohth le rein of mo-il bas aucW a-tnate foi-tsteing-youug tucke aiî noeor vas-lu the vorlit; anti I ai- tays Initiera hlm b>'tlb. begwthon I'm go- i ng out; but bu's se cule nov, bu culs lie tetber." *Wiy net confine hlm lu a stye-you are close té the quarry, sd coulti buldone lu hall an ienr r "4la il a alye for lie likes cf hlm !-a-cock hlm up witIt a stve 1(Ici. musia! musas! lte teilier keepabhim asy for lte dsy 1'- "But net for lie moi-rot, Larry- I"New,,yo'r ai mue sgain -yeu thal aI- vayashoot my frieudL Meal.a-muunrder, if there isu't Rashîcigh Jones making signa for the boat! Oh, ye'r lu a bur-> are ye ? -vei y. muast ait titi ye'r hum>' iii over1 -l'mn net goiug tWhum>' inysel! titi tuis>' luin>'y bettle, art six-ponce i My pocket, for pi-iest or minister' - "lBut lie more yot cern lie better, Lani->'I" "Sure i've eneugh for to-dy"- "But neot for te-moi-rot, Lsi-y,"-- "True' for yo, zra'am tiear-tougb peo- pie tikea als o'trouble, TP in lihÃŽg tihen thuy've full sud pleut>' et lie same t4ue;' anti 1-don' l le botherin' about Il -ie-ant it'l b. ill the saine lu a bon- trot years. Sure I se1.plain*énougi, Mas4ter RIheiglr-dear helpme-I -broke lie oar yemeerda-a ênevor Ibougiltet gel Il men d--and my headIts splitîing opn ith lie pain-I teok a trop tee mu âhlet ulgil, .sud maies me -fit for uotbini'- "On lie moi-rot, Larm." "Faiti I malam tou&r, you're tee bat.- Oh, tour I if I'had lthe Bouse ,te sel tha lobseenpesta lestuigb.t hat a powtr'& ha' caugil' Ihey're taun i e baya mer- -but1, dit netthllk" "Oh, tien, 1.1- me: a-*oue, lat>' dear W-bat wiII1dotwiIthe- or? -Jim Connor gave ' ute a beaptiful piece ot'strong ropo y es tertisy, ,411I didn'l vaut ilt-I--ý léiéyoone_ o? lie ebiltiregot boit of it,-I dida'l thin"- *Q tO!çiemoirot, Lanry* tR., A.UA y' ...... l-T AIS" .L. ut... eon dent s illedii 400 lis. lb. port ides I ui fi-cm the com- uul lie lte 1f stor>' Ohio, near borer "sIf settiec Kanai au uni nments thep.% sîlîl i perseî Isucc in tl corn yfiitd. Ori oui- h Wo -ver of lai inki 6"T lie cc Btl come al>' s tep.n mser tlne sait bell fi-on timat BU dotn vas liew milghî sondthlb.fatal bulle o lew>' onit.- T'approached w ithaut di8soovering myseîf Wo hitu until tithn usbocllng distance,, lihen raiRed mw>'pioce suit tiret. The bml-i lt spedtretno its mark, andthLe Intisun (eltidovu test. 1 Fearuug liaI h. miglit be accmpanied b>' , oh rI -eurued vitb ail seed to the cabin. and baviuoe fimulrbarricadedtheb .l - uNVreuus auna peupueu aDyj uauaa. ewrr - -'-lng 1abe'faces among whom bis sat dayi were lpaased, lu iesce and planly;undls - b2bedby the ýpeseuce of hisel OH m E Scosater Wilà a Neu*s s YNO~~~ 2 r.. D McPhaiîgives the flo4gp! Men1t l eetIae of:the- mney, tok p 1c.lu b.township efPuha'rto csiaéýo . privig*-.jha*vëbeard Wedueaday, the. l4th inst. On the. %Ibr~t U*~'1l.*~doés ~ fg of the day mentoned, Mrt. Jamees P, tcIp iD loÃ"àï igaitua$lou. but: ter, farinr on lot No. 4, test Md5ýft et' - b.vt ; bc . ~wbmu ai4 e road, -beard a bog Inaking a onsidbrib&o 'l,,tr thre p' aarful boitinin the neise, and sent bis so eu rfe,a ad. et 7y and4 permit letontmention, ilu-_seine15 yearsof age, teSee wbt wai tire wt-. othld nflt have 1h i.efated muette?, thonn u nning te the aoeuê 6- f î world) tbatt hua master coutil- not trouble'the lad maw that ho aup - * d te ly diamia hlm ou the charge o? heat. b. a large blacli dog belouging-tue ir Mii asl becau'se hbliseif ,poaaeaed-un- Phali, (on those laid the combat tas' 1à: bered proparty of feld and flood- -in& vaged,) tearmng aI tha neck of a boig id bill, vendant vales, andt pure gusb- belouginglou Mr. MePhail, and wltb 'If-a rets. 'Those f'air herilage rehot. intention of releasing his pigsbip, thre*&s unfortuuately pasaluz into the banda stick at lhe, rtthsu &gr sot her ï o 'er proprletora; suad -île hair of the bis, consternation, a. huge ba, instn-éU rusgbodnatureitlandlowdha be,eme lie .supposeid dg,- reîitiquished bis hôld s, u srrot bas fiurreveit hie, brow, upou the bug sud made for imeolE Bemne befora aixti umers a d gi det"p- tllyuamdsdn sitn e tbn is icui. La chilitren, tod not a quarter of n mile, ho at oncezaee' thtt atation lu society tu whiêb t.boir 1mllionwCod tree cf about 5 inôhes entiîtîes them ;-sud laterly b. bas not diamet.'r. Having got up the re, %that go often ou thç Grand Jury, nor at waa bis terror then bu saw the huge boir let membera dinners.-The pour love pulSuing bini hatily up liii brauohes>'bf às teli as over ; but the rich have the aaàpIi>ug. Hnu-ig recovered bs6ei acted3 ad e eisSw> eceiiuadfor lelpasd lu order tg rb- tabe bar. Rts illasalt.deserl ta dltheroressofbisaseailaut begn te lu bouse: bave nobles, thon, the saine0 shâe cthe aapîing, but bruin hud clutchéit tuait>' 1 Be ih s il mn>', the pariseb-the branches tb an imon grip aid evidet-t ibtld Moe, ln confidence, that ali the ly calculated upon a dainty mmrel Mor ge originated in our excellent frie4Ssa breakfaàt, and continued tu rais. paw aater r lbiuking of To-KoRitot. paw on.the branches, 1111 ho apprenu4 éd go near as ta be lu almoal reach. -Ta pqor lad screuxned lustily, and -andeavoredi A Thrlling Adventure. Wa brealcoif some of thbcirnches b>. kicir- ing îbem 'dotu with bis barfeet. Tuibis e question iviether lu Ibis history o? he partinîlly succeedei, wben tiie beïr hair breadtb' escapes., a parallel ta madie a vigorouasîsretch ofburîmusccs aiýd rloving narrative eau be founti. The seizeth e led by- the tou, sinking one. F as told by an olti anti vaîued frienîi ber fangs under the bail o? the great toe oýn residing lu thô country' near Dayton, the righî fout, sudsligbtly scralcblug thre Ibut those early dtiys weru apeut side oZ tbe foot tith her 'ohher nippier the scene of the tragie adventure téeth. Atthifijuncturelbesbaikingta 'A~ relaled inutlb. ords of the hero: fro of lte sappîing titi Ibeirunit:fiweigt-t f tas about lthe year 1696, tint 1 upon it, causeit lte bend-over until îe el.n Virginia; near tb. faîl ta lb. top uearly approuchethe. grounti, thon, sp.The country vas at Ibat lime providently, the muster baÈt bia.hold,amîd ibroken wildenteèse. But fet seitie- youug Foster, braveîy clinglngto bis grsstp sa badl been matiliby lhe thies, and wiIb unsinken nerve, was eîevâted by thle , ere go far spart as tu rentier vain aIl risîng othe sapllug. Bruid, however,di(l ?s o! sasLeiance'il uae o! au attack not loge ber deterninahout le feait up ibteboatile Indlans-unumbersf-whou bis body, aud agin-sprang tu helb. ,6- ÃŽufeat lie neigborhood. tas evidenl>' tuo much, fatiguita rise -n lived Ihoe alone witIt my wife o er eaender a latidor. At Ibis stage 'cf thle montha unmoiestcd, anti b>' int of conlttb. lad'e fatbur reacheit the ix,ô>, uverance, being young andi hardy, bad anti sawthbute utonster istandini;on-h6r mott i maingquio alare cearughind legs, ber boit> extendeit up lue Iree ec foi-est, whic hait planled tviti gtovling fiercely,' the lad nearly oxhametea, suad wuticb prumiset an abundant clingin& te the-trec, ouI>' a fot footý up, a. with tbe bicot sîreamrling fi-rn hie laer4t- te morning aller vu had despatCheil et foot- On aproacingtea te-nescue-ôf humble meal, snd 1 bad juat prepareti bis sou, tbe infurlateit beýt lurned àtpohl 'ture forth upon my regular-routine him.; buthe wtb a club lu baud showeit a Lbr, my 'attention tas arrested by the boit front:. aithougli cnt o? breath« witJ liug of s cot-beil lu lhe comufieîd.« rnuiug. 'Hia eldebtrson rnow arrivedTmôm rhe-s, sad my wfe,"th co laluanothon part e! the farin, tien -theq sue. cornfieltL" ceoded lun rescuing George fromir, retéat ilt the oar cf tbe backvoodamau b. Meauuvhile severai persans arnived on'7 th s, by education, very acute, especi- spot, sud a lad tas despatchét for Meààm' go Xhontlb. faci that his safet>' often WVm:und Walter Walkenr, tic ven e d utas upon the nice calcuLation cf ltaI on th. spot, tIlli a dog of more than ugtiï i. Ivas ot osil decivet î is-sze aud courage, which immedialel>' sais A-lie round'van repeated. ,Tbatl,edthbe at by the reolcof thé ear, andi lh li1 e niy wife,. "tas not the linkie of n the1 atraggle brought hum tea te grcuflit upentheneci o a ct: t i ~ ece> lininnovgot; boit on tbe sbtulder ofthh s GUou t ? lIntin tho wlsh l ei doganit nipped hlm setIgbt as 4o m$ih îme mute soune embuai." hlmi reliuquls is hb oit. B ut the ceung ul1ievîng this te b.' the caseI t O f bruin gave t.>', aud ah. madie an a0u i w' ot maku, sd sein si~t t.tempt le tree, when Kez "Xper 4Sn selr propeni>'leadeti, Iseecul l ed ber by tlb. ihgh and l*dnghiîéme ac' ndthe.l taAte epoint froin whig'. Sbe nomade fer alargeelinanioeén icunt seemed to proceed. As I sus- iug morne 45 féet and perched la- a -etèi ted, Ibère in a cluster cf bus Wu seau ber assaiauts. A lnxWs i thed cbed au Indiau vsiting for me aes dispmatched for ttc cf OU? Nimc ~i ta aave hi deur alltha hJames Ifoore and Wm. Curtis, ; ibI5 1joint-alla

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