Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1858, p. 3

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jjgL liperiom us.'&, FcM it The cominin oftri"dtâ ..Pul are the; reiuht. of a long "d extensive practice. They arc mild ln thei? ýparatn, aud cerwan lu »omrctitg &ail rzuglaitt.a, Palatal lieuss. lion@, r.movlag ah bbtrhiedlcn, whoths.r trom "odt or otiiersri&e, haadàoh%C antu i.the a palptaton cf te w t#ý Utwrvous an 5lmb, &o., tulid .1.., we e gram, lntcrrnpti n o f tnature. lI voInv blhi, ,t1îey.*llb lion thé. monthil> r rld wi iregalaiily. LJe *ho have h een' rbiho~einte nthe. umeocf othar 1>i.snu ae warraecf prel vwgtble, andt rou fromu an>' luaniM. z oitt directions which %botld bu reuti, aopanyuaohboL t> ro# il. senit b I )on etteel0lâtg ti K.B. irmu. km~,8x ,8,Pott Office, New York City, or he athoil" dAgent. SU y flqyj 4l oey bwu ,s * lt,« qft4 a d aada. XIL B.7ilcwuîuce 4114 GOUI Ageht fdi t1h.Uni- Wa States sud Caaadaam, 165 Cheutitbcs-t., New 'York, te wioui ail Whoosaie Oidues soulti bc tddressed. M-For-Sale b>' 0. X baxxIer. anti W. H. DWt itby î Lyi Brus. e& Co. Toronto. 20 1>' DR. TUMÃœLETY'S Vogotabie -Ctupeihu)ti Cures Rtcuuatiemn, M .TUMI£LTY'$ Vgetabl. Cottipounti Cures lVeik Bacho,1 DU. TUMBLETY'8 Vogotablo CotupeonutiCures Wcak Sidea, -,DR. TUMBLETR'S Vegetaéble Cnnipoutd Cures Boe Chicte, DiR. TUbi3LLTY'ta %sgtable Comu1poiiuti Co-ra Pptatloiie, DR.TUMBLETY '8 VYogtahie Colm id t fxevtr adAgue, Vuthble Coiipou urtjj .,ill Faver. V'ateba Cempount i Curs Choerm Morbmîe. Fo aet et ffi c, 111 Kiug Street, Eust, TlErntee Priait 50 cetts tend $1 per botte. Toroto, May' IV, 1868. 1 once KltcWt Never Forgotten. * f Our readers voutiahave à positive inaur>' frt.th* Toilette usc Blodgtt'e' l'r.MIsANBÂLu.-' For Cleani tiia'ethgiviiChuunpooLng, Bailiig, Beautifving the Complexion, îeînut'iîîgTani, illîites " Freekluei tti Mîke, sud il di*agrîxcebiu plu«rancems i1ýotn the 8kin t hnsoeulSodb> iDrtg-. .8 1ILt>DGE7CT &Ci., Proprictora,(Jgdcushurgh, N.Y. TivRY i ( s r 1louaLuxuex. For sale in Whiti)y b>' G. A. Banniater, Dun- .dgs Street; W. il. Dul. Ilrock Strot. Ilair Dye-Uair Dre-Hair »Yes Wu'. A. BATreeo'a I1" uDrL&-7hrcrliîaa a ti yt inthe twbuli!-Ali otliers tire lure itui- tatiotis, sud âhottitibc avoidomi, if yoo wtah te escape rdmeutla. î Gray, Ra or 1?y tey Tir Dycti inst&ntlý te e ab mititul and Niturtd lrowtx or htack, wtltout ttathe lnswl; r te clir or Skim. n fue .iedad d Dplmashâve btuc awerd- cdrVtl"Win. A. llitîbelor eilice M811, unxd ever 80,000 aepuiictiune bave beeit iiede t'à hic Hair of lxii ptrons of hie ilitollelice. Wiî. 4.iiutcheior'e lair 11hhe produce e tebor ultt te bu dlutitgtished fr.uîu unature, anid Waernie-Cat nette tu ire li tiei leeit, however logit lue',bu ectititîued, naid the îiii eti'cts o! WeIyea rendiati; thu Heulr luviguratet for Life by titis Splendid live. Marde, ieold*.or applierf(hiuil privete mooins) t 11dm Wig Feetury, U33 Brtuadwav, New York. Sulîlti ittacitlisa ndtowusoftlie Uulted ttcî sud Canada, ýby Drutggists and Faines Gouda Deitîcrur. Tite Gntinui llasthe naine anti aitres upon à %~eteclplate uneving ouifour ides of eichî BOeX, f FuI'LLI.4* A. BA TCHEL OR, 238 Iiruadwê'y, New York. WIGS-W1G$-WGS& Bam*c7îdor'* 1l'ig iad ilwes surpaie ah.- Thiey are legant, Ilhhtt eue,.-and duirable. ihtiig tun ti, uintiritgup bhliîd-no elirtikiux Otttolîotid; iiideet tItis îisthîe oui>' Esîablislitîtentwhere thte these thiîiges are lire- peri>' utîdtr.tood sutiiade. 20_3Brouxtiwu. Y. » trFor Suie b>' 11 , A.Baister, ta id W PiWhIiby; sud ILytanBroui & Co.* broute,201) NEW ÂDVERTISEME1iS. CB-TIEPOR!'- RED HQI0 ploit SALEs AT (iBOR 4B1 YULE'S 1BOOK STORE-. Kart door to te Pè8t Offices. . H. BOOIEL» là 00., Iîitporters tuict erai Deulec'd iu AL esns havliui lluns againat us, will prent e r accounts for psy- L. H. SCIIOFIELD &Goe. FURTUER NOTICEs A LL prsnsidbé o us, cdLher by, Nwe r ou ccun, ilp eseceli itnd seule the sane without dola>', and ftzve Cosa. L.I.SCIIOFIELD & Ce. lYhlt1$, Juhy lt, 158. 284t LANDS FOR SALE lu the, County *of Victoria.. I LIE UNDERMIN ED UFFERS FOR SALE ou edvtiaigeone t4rtue the fulowittg vtiu- abIleids elituute 1. the Tuwiishilp cfElîdon lui Corueti>ofut Vitorlte. Thialatuds ohireti are of thc Ire-t quallty sud cruitain a vainehiti growth cf tha-hegit plue and h8.idweod. Tii.> are situ- alidwitliiui&bout fiee miles cf Beavertoii on Lake sirnu-a liouisliîg village having steanu antiRlblw&y eouiuuunictun, -udantih the course.cf cytit* rm long ditiuxedtto cthe Acres. Co.I Lot No. 14.,.......... 200 418.........200 tg tg 04 19 ....:...... m à& - West 3< 22 ..........100 ' West 28 ..... .....100o lie 98 ..28......... 200 u46 .........200 ut 4i4 i.......... 200 "2 West 32U ........... 100 sru i ............200 -9 .... es~2 ......... 100 But Ea lu1I..~....100 x Prtge t94td, su. 10 ........... 124 44 i . 6 . 100 64 uu& r.44 ............117 à O athes Têwuhj, Ma, Coumtv Miltway btwe.n Quilhasnd Busvortou. Col Lot Acres. 13ett rln imua the lgur fr u Arieuttum'mpur. poeýam netoou*aedlin he rih onty of at rio.Thescenral rond truhteCu et1i tali4rau isareeti>' thli ots 4s 6 tpplle.tiomuho b. umade t4 »ZENRtY wRIT, the OUrueî 1gavorton 4&lW. or Se -UZOTOR CÂMER0N, F.sq, Butxer a t,", lus i1 ,I Il.A- '1 ACTIOX A1E 0rIdaV tii. 131teh Mof Auguet "%tg. Imich Iind Janes lie nderson. Lot 1, la tii. rd Cou.of the Townàh7p.orftMerîng ln the Could1y of Ontarlo, oontaUnll 100 acrgg mors or 0TERM SCASH. -M Mny 24th, 1S8. 28 I'D h4e-let1 me 'tee-No, I'd fot have a JL.b4au 'V' Foi beaut.ful women an apt be Vain Toit wfhb a omet) har., I 1' iâlt a du 'y 1 Tu tae her,bti thankful, and nover complai, Rl form ngat e O ond. lio art te eutra.a i. lad rai lier above, thati below milo sIm, A sonethiug, poiulet my brûautoeeîhili'lt, ikoeloqfletliiitgttalt2fletfiowfroiti e es Bbc et ho well bred, or ieouldnfot reeped Loi Qood nattircd aud utedeei5t, but uot vs7 Cey, lier mind weil infoiîed-'ti4 the purifie7nettar Thât. pweetens the cup cf hymeneugl joy. Rler home slte mut love, antd duiniitlce nploy-' menti Haveproiel knowladge of houiçohelti affire, And m~oi a part of ber hlghetit etijnymueitt, To sriftcii îny troublesan id lightem my cure&, Ne fortune i1twk, tor l've no predullection, For gitteiî and show, or the pomp of higli ife I wielî te bo buund lu the corde c f attlletlon, And now 1 have drawn yon a îketch'cf a wife, If ny eae h bverqlilî ndwish te o boond lu i the conjutal lUnd, They will pleiiee te tup frwar -they know the e. 'uditione Addreee am below, 'm always at haxtd. X. . Z 28 areenwooti, C. W. FAR11 FOR SAL1E. -oR sate BucEat 130 aQres of Lot No. 1, lu th. leth Con. et' Recuh, of whieh 100 ar-e cleareti, snd ini a guot statu of cuitivetion. lt is wel Wateeod. There are Two Saw Milis noar the. preiseaq, anti a geeti Solicol le witlîiu s short distance. Thiere are 17 acrest of8trmnmer fclow. The Land Là of excv-1lent quaaity, antd Las witlîln 4 uiles of Uxbridge Village. For fur- tepaiciriapply tii GEORGE MERRICK. on te preom i8s, Or to W. Il. ItGGINS, t7hronice Office, Whitby. ReAcl, Mdy 27, 1858. 28-2mi. Citowx LàxDe Drrmvims-, 1 Toronito, 2rd Juil>', 1858. N TOTICE le bherthy gircil îhutt thme uniler- Imentlont-3lland.,; lu the Conuity etWelling- ton, U. Cwil 1,e ufféeotut rSaIl bhi-Auction <ai upstprlces ttiti) b%,ite Resideut Agnt, Ameqaxw Ganesu- Ea utýre. et EIifa ou the 'FwENry-FIFTh okNX? MIONTI'. OntefIfth of thîe purchîsse îID(ie 't% o epsidi t the lime cf Sale, aud tîte reîîîiîîder in four equal an-nîal instalmeints with ittenet. TOWNSHIIP 0F ARTHUR. (tht Con. rs~c)a d 2i>d orRa. Eaat. 16, 4, (0 ce ah s d a- god 1 pet acre. TO>WNSHiIP OIF ERAMOSA. bth Cout. W X ~32, 20.) 'toWýNalhlP (OF LUJTHER. 2nti Ceux. W X 19, (1î7s. 6d.) ANDlIEW 'RUSSELL, 28 Aicistant Coînmigmionen. Cttows 4LAmNS DEPÂTMEIrr, Torontto, 2ird Juhy,1858. OITICE Aleael> gîve-,, thut the uatder- ,mentiene1 lotte, lu the Connty of Runfrew, U. C', vilIl be etlird for sale b>' Auclion, b>' te ktei î4nt Agent, WiLLiAM flAitits, Ei1uinet Adinllotton, tietaXienfrew, on tLe TrENy' NINTFilo! uext MtuNTI'I, t NOoN. UtiRTON. 7th Cou. WU< 8, (4si) MNIB. 14t Cou. J *I 25, '4e' W _I 21, <Os. 3d.) 6th 2,01s. ad.) llth' W X 4, (6..ade.) W 7, (6â. ad) PE51BlUKEà let Cou. , 5)AN RE RUSSEL. 28 Assistant Comuiwioner. TO CONTE ACTORSb TENDElIS viii b. ruceirurd fer thteeroction cf a COURT IlOUSIt anti JAIL et oucit of the tclluw4 lpacea, viz, Et.Behoiastiqno; Industrie;1 St, Etienue tie-1a,ý leo; StU Qcrnmîiimde Rinienki; montuugny, St. Joseph de a Beauce; St. Christophe d'Arthabska p Noar Nols onvllo1imathe. Towahlp of Dnrhxm; Chcoutimni. The Tendons, sased and eftod 1 bI'ner for the erotion of- a JilI anti Court Roese et adandeotaltinj"atidressoti te the nnderalgn- ed nonailg-tbe naines ofîvo solvenpsr- des whte are williÃŽeg te beounime seenty fer lte dde .4~i'orauencesofthie work vil) t;.recelveci untîl WCDN»IIDAY- te kÏ1f£TNIof SEPTEMIBER nexti !l'hePlana anti Specilica- tioua et the Bdiidinigseau ho seau anti an>'fur. ther lnftrnmtion obtet et thiha 0ofe-et %bat of Mr . F Ua rresu, Qnebeo-.th, echia Csmi Office., M. iitreal-Mr. Symutes' Office, Tires Rivera, antd t the Offiges cf the Prothonotsrio etof c of the abovc-named placesrespmely>. BJOrdlert 13FGY 8cpPublic Woîks. 'Ieron ........ "ntb t........ uk L...... A. MoDonald. ........g. .. O>ntario S. R ..... Robert Doddai »iir ~.. . Wt.lo ~ Waterloo S. R .. W. Bovnian. Drio(.pîed). Clarendon.. Otttawa ..... .. A. Wileon¶ L *Iton.......... ipg............ York N. R........josecph Lvnn. 1Pî1yfa..r.........Batîwr.eR........... . Crv . . eo. C. M~ille; t.Âbort14rlt..........S.e ~ Vee............ F. j.JOtl St. Jean deMa a r rando.,.,...... ...Joliette .... ........X. Lei TheDaeote Pest Office a# "6TÂNlBEE," COnnu l N*rbQro, changed te "EE1E" f 8mAguet . Th6ý -#Dot ADW,-ZLL," Oonnty Prooott, ho been cIoseed 8,00X AND LAD»E2 COMIPANY. DEQUAE nonblvmoetingr of No 1, Union 1L Hok nd Là4der Comp~any of the Town of W hitby, will bo beld on Wedneuiy EneiU«, Migut 4, 1858, at 8 o1éloà kprecly, at Th1) owning& Ilôtel. membera are iequeeted t.1attend MA ~busibeaâsof impoumS ill o! efore the meeting. S EDWIXRD CALDWELL, Wbltby, July 28, 1858. 28 -1w P'ETER OR .IOSEPJ KENy. I NFORMATION weanted of the above, wht> went tram New York teo Cifornîa about four or five years ago, b>' their brother Stephen, When lust heard from, were iu Sanfranoluco. Peter is a Biack- stnith, anti Joseph a Iricklayer by trade. STEPIIEN KE«N-NY, aire cf dthWiU81, Oronide, WAiWy, C. W. Wiuîhy July 26, 18"8. 28 LADIES' SELECT SOHOOL. m ffl. NtACKE11ZIE, TS 1RE ARFD TO recetive a limited nnin r of itiillluta liert rescicuce, THE HOME F'ARMI Eittîer as biardt r, or duîv !iteolars. TERMe mnade kiiown un application. '%Vhîitbv Aliril 28, 1a:îS 1 SCOTT'M SALOON. II'E gTtflUl11 Ar FITTEJI UP TITEt Ipreiii-oi.lateilv occup~ied by Mr. Borleiizh oimD.lus ssrpet as a irt claàs Soit. lie lias fiited ip il ncw SODA WA .,TER F0 UNVTIY., lins avrips of tltltltîii,anid cun i eîm'v n IlIi1 <rcttiiiî 5Lo lie, proured t1il hktrx a miou LAG ER BIE Ri Fruita of aiii kmidiiprocîîrvahlc. in stron.- Luncîreoti at al i ouriî, liiîier-iiid aujpîpîrs providel as ordûred. laîvATx SaTri uRoouAm. gare ofthe beat brandi.WILA el. t 25 l'roprie tor. Whitby Soap andi Candie Factory.1 THlE SulIcrit)trr hegs lii iîfîîrmî datiierâ tui hebuta no'V pcpa red tu .îi i plv tluin wir.lî ami>' quantit>*P' H IARII) 1 î i¶e tii bu" %Norks of eaqusiy eqnaief it îitlrior th the boat Toroto u nakc, ut low pricua ftrr Cflit or li ppoed paper. Thelictt rice ilu Cmxi ipaiiîtu Batierit afid others for Tallw ianiad , JAMES %WALLACE. WhitbyJul>'7, 1858, 26 WOOL I WOOLiIS îlIE uudcratgued will pav Caseh for an>' J tattof WOOL, dtvered oitiier in Wli,,o t the Store of W. A. McCulough,1 GreQnwood. THOMAS MOODY. Whltby Jue 1e, 185& 22 T UE POSTUA l'EU GENERAL DESIRES Tteak the attention of ithe Publie te the imi- propriet>' of the pruie of coucealing uwitten coiruiuoieitîeii*, or other encloaure#b in tranei- eut Newpspe'rasoetnt by 1ui.L Posttuter,. havre etriet intructions te stop ail trmmt;elet Papers wltich tmay be fodind to con- tain wriug, or writteu marks intendod to serve te pruâe cf crretçpondcuce, or enclosuros of SIDNEY SUIVI, Postmtter General., Poet office Departmenti, - Torouto, lott Jaly, 1858. 26 in Toronto, 8tlm July, 185. OI e icýby givexi that lots eNos. 1ilto 24 nclsve, on thec north aide et Adamu Atreet, and soathi ede of Stetile etreet. (16 acres, anti Nos. 18to 24 imcluive, on the sentit aide of A~dam anti nortit of Moulk etreet, (14 acres), iii tise towu plot-of Ksinpeufoldbt, riesi the town et Barrie, lu the count>' o! Sinicce. wll be offereti for salie b>' Anethon byrlte Reselîent Agent, ,Joa$ &LlxANi A iert, lat e At NOUN, on thecELEVENTIof IONTL Upset priCe.$10, (£2 10.), per acr. AeDRUW RUSEt Te Tniatetie 0f spa Scho6la. 1 theo ead-. tbai- ATTRACTIVE SALE 1'arming Lands, Town Lo%8' AND MILL PRIV1LEGE. T HE Aiimtlet of the DEattteof B. Y.Ferry ifmr glî ale tefollowtung valuablo HeU1 ^xtl(, utit4îuch priteA thut vwili prove atinacetoy h., pirclîtsio:- 100 Acres, Fast W Lot 15, (tii Conesalen -Coingwîîod.- 100 ,% cre,South 34 Lot 8, lot Conmauson et 200 Acre@%, Lot 10, emni (Jouoeeeon Buphmasa. Tlte-r TlireceLots, iii tlit Countîy et Grey', wcrepyetlv imîîpected aul eclectati ou se- comit tof fine Agriculturîd ,,oili und easy *cm&s tu Market. týi crci '.Mo11;' 9th Con. Mata, Count>' ci 290i Acrc'i, Nn. 1, Utih Con. SoînmüeriiUo. 107 Acrts i N. 1, Fronmt range do Gocid llardwioimd andtie oftflec at 01111 20(1N&crea .rt 19, lotît Concesion Murray. 1 Acre 1p irt 15, tli CnitecexioiiNlnrrav. V4 of atmit re, part 14, 14 t oîîce.ion Clark 1 Acu, part LI, lîtConcession t Jillitt. MILL PRIVILEGF}. Ti weil kîîown MilIl1Tri vl ge aititatet inl lte villiîge cf Hammpon, Toielliip eof Daring- toit, cortpriaitm - acere. Ti'te itecessary ex- cmvîtioijýriati fic Watur lRace und Mill, mimd the Leower,,tior f itonc %vork, cotînpleted. The ani tnatiiin of ihc proport>' e it thb bMaitaUne of île id betwtniti Bowuauîtilic and thie Noriheru Townships. For voilunme os' uiter, heîiltt c flal. atui comltliing img îitin te -otntrol ithe irade of tiie vîiiiiy, ÃŽtitisprivilegeltai nu supe« nrirituat liictîity. TOW'N LOTS-TOWN OF SARNIA. Lotis 1 2 1 32, Northi Ctmcro!Vtrpet ti 31, 231, iSentil Brigfmt do. BOWMANVILLFi Town Lot 1, Bloek Il. one-ftit of tan,sc. -HAMIfPT'>N. 24 towi lAts lu Haîmpton, cottslning ec froin dne-lii'h of an acre end upwardâ. BROOKLIN. Town Lots Si andi 35 - Pciry' Plan of Brook lin ' Bieig anxianseto wind np thé Y ato, samp dily av pomeiole the foregoing pi irrty wd hob "ild ver>' Iow for Cash, or part Cath, and ba lneon tUrne »may b Urie&. HLL Whitb 'Fë.18t1M8. Agent, Whitby. TO. AICULrURISTS. T UB Substerihace-havei.ust receveti direct frein the îiùLennk<rerea flne aseortmonat -oa the undet'umetioned artices sai ce Wtgit te limles it $CYTOEU SNÂITHS, - 2%r,"d ES 1- , Lro;ck 8treit, Whltby. WhiUly, J unei4 1858M U 1jRPEWS FOR .&TJUST, ' YANKEE NTION STORE Gg1ObYrà ?oRt &G si; BEG !~ O,ÀLLTEE JÂTTENTION OP TEE#'*flU E n«o ÀbOUBTOlmE *hioh a«0 daily anrviag. Alse large atIutIei 2ppiisOf Tua. Ldis ito aaiont providod themsoI i l ~s4t bdbtte.4go ast is é*hil, Lbe.wrtigl8t lu gôdnd thewce Iow, otherîlso te=yuul l Ifon.-1f. Oliy sacc e hbvinghi$new Tu1lirbihl past L. k P. baing riocivOd advîcos (rm àINifaz 1 large STýOCK OýF GROCERISS 4t1) LIQUORS consigned them, beg te notv the trade thst tho-y wUiib. prepared te s»Il (oods, CarAt WholMsl o e tailM, at Puces eqtô tOthôse o! TOrotý *~ Thefr stock of Groccries andi Liquore, conalat lunpat of Hnneasoy and 'Msrt.l'a Brandit.a Pale and Browe VIntaga, e.rs (;iinl hm.d and qusice anSothsd aIs Ist Whlakeysuperior ot1.1 itiSîrt ln hedgshas andi quart mlkiPkatiSe Wle~Loudon snd Dublinu Porter, Pal d togie. ug.,Ms8haYIlwmfed Batiirdo r C ru h ad A, G rutanad f or ta bl1ôeueExrsgoimto i Confesèctlo41eyDý rygYUte lotu.sdeNo . 1, Lk .be t tosay they ctiinot *êll enntitnetate &Hl thoi, gootisbût wish -t6i. pUbY - ~.to keow hey am Uaiidy and WiAzg tQ show thoiWiheft CaUpfl dOn HAMILTON & ROýBER«T-S BEG TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRWVAL OF THEIR COMPUISINU ENGLISII AND AMERICeN is TURsiw BQ.1V.1E TSM VD IRAITS, À BEAUTIPUL ASSORTMENT Or A PEW CASES Oé019U14Tà SILK AND F1 2TILATS,' 1 il '58. SPIRINGIMPORTATIONS. '58. MT--»0(DS, LAD sS'DRE-s G;oDS ,IrÂNTILÀS IM~R S abaribeîbn.reoeIveci freesm utreal,sîuan axa yIr stok cf Dry GootSewhloh Je itlis.atbet1aiof byelrs, feeling aared. hl" De" y , Yiaonesé of ýTëtviireand CJiupaos "tbeY cauuotbe .q4mMe lu tus nlkt. The. ususl Stock tif S4h#Uoket 8taù poryt Boom 7 p.r alwa.ys ou hani COLtTN *00W, *$00,4009 *300e $200 TÃ"Xfl- VILLAIifl )ý PARK LOTS, 0F LÂNDS, the County of Ontario let Whltby3, andto te iil directeti, againat.the YandR sud touemeuts of Thomas $als»bury defondant et thie soit of laevinla Throop> Ipilaintifr. 1 Laveeeized cand taken in execnuon, ai the estate sud Interet cf thte sai&Thomas Baibury, in a titrec %tory' Brick Building, conaining thiri> samimenits, sittiatediou the uortb aideo fFit t 8itkuowu as Baibury'a Brick Rouie, wlthNt %dxsofan acre cf Leund attacheti. Thtsre ha a goû~d bain and sîitable eut-buildings on the pretniffl.- Alec hait sce Lot on %outh aide cf imt Street witb a splendi4i Garden, Shrubbery, &o. AhU *hiti]hid& ahd teneîîîeuis, or te maui dc- fenduint'oetate orinuiereet-thîcrîlu. I shfih ffer for sasic'tmyOtHeluthe Courtlionne, aitIie Town cfW hitby, luth fiuty o! ()t:irin. tn Monda>' thb Tweity-saveuth day of Septembor NELSON 0. REYNOLDS, sbHft'aOffice, Whitby, SheifC.. jitue 2-4, 1858; bhieéi1*'sSale of Ianas. CoUMr or Ompton, D Y VIRTUIC 0F A Te Wt.. . - J Wrt o FierlFadas lssueti ont mf Rer Maje..tyis tliirt of tQueeu'a Beach, at Toronto, sud te mce directed.eagalnsit the land% sud tensmfiute utofBîtel CioduitWhit, taker.4defaudaut, et the suit cf Thoina Paxton, phaitiM If. bamv.e Izetianti talion tluexecution ill the estate or lutercat of the said Btel Goti- nit W bittuuker in that certain piart or* piece of land, beiunr coipooed of Village Lots uitiber sixty-ono aid eixity-tvo on the Sontit aide 01 Quea street an~d Lots otimber scventy-on)e and seveuty-two on the Ntxrtlt &ide of ?hlirv etioet, lu the. VillageoetPort l'e in ÃŽu he toisIiip of BeAch, lu the Couîîty cft ontarlo. Ail wth làzdagsud teueutelîts, etthe eaid defendant's estate sud interegt thlerein. li aiutleffer -erWae et uty Office, in Uhc Court floue, at the Townof Whttby, lu the Coutl>of Otarxtio, Oà Sturday the Elghteenth day of Sept., next, ai twelvc o'clock, noon.- NEc N G. UEYNOLDS, sherifrS heriff, Jwue 1782& J2 tor fWktby, Connty of Ona5arioà Us? dr . amocxlsTata?- dSNo14 Énd 33. Edal t o Brock Street Jcjsu ouh- èe à1 r O'11tol- avatsuble rprt a.tendumxg (ou ro to Psir> Loti a i qsd 180. !aat sýtie c f'Brock Btreet, Norlt ofPohlard's Hôotel. Vsrtielid cei Drm y ou he pmt4cpal atrwein lte. w *l]flind titeseLote xWeil uttate6.t - Uti2M 8 sd 204, a corner block on Mpleend Per>' Street&. U Lt# 71,72, 13, 74- 75 77 andi 78. Thoso Mtlosare lun004 Blollk, fUndetid by' err Lot 87, West of Perry Streot, and i dty op - posIte tho.Stoam Flour Mihi. Lot,* 64,6.516668,.82183, 84, anti 85, Ritlnt Perny St;eet, ancladjoktngth m M pr ýp y.pn the Northx. ,S lîr /LI o. 0, LEst of Peir>' Suifct. ,TlîLot la Wouh fenooild otherwisdc iriived.. 1WEST OrnBtOC% STiaEZT: Lots 104, 105 118, anti 119, boxnded by CenL, tre, Wahuut and Kent Stretei. Tlicselots -are Lobi 124 andi 125, corneê of Rént nti JolinL Streets. Lot Ne lu .Eut of Kent Precl, anti ituî à fow roda }uortýt of Dundat, iitrcct. The foregoiug choiceLoter were celecteti froni a large utiber, with the viev; of lholding tliem su an inypeatun, but are now offereti fer Sale ii f"Iaiwnd up a large îraiîsaetieu. Lot 214, ... Prce ......... ... $276 ............. 221, ....... ...... ...... ... 2W 22là ........16 Lot 280,. . P.iice. ............610 " 2811,. . . . . .. . . . . . I l "232; ... . ...............141, ..;....... Lot 298,. ne....... ..... 5 . 2M11 sou ...... .. . ... - 841,.... ........ Lot...... .e............... d "8629... . ... 260 '3677.... ........ 250 .87à8 .....2.14 Lots 84,., 850,851. a52,858 andi 854, coutaimîii uer!> oue Acre and a hall, willibe sol chesp inuoe eblock. ' .; _ Oacithp9bl.e ukkt Dbeiitber, andrth balançe erleodeti 07cr a terïi of from i re tW teà year. - Pensons wha vwil]etcbuuldhtgs Uic irosc-nt thefirt pymcitwýl1 net becoincdue tili WubIact9tlt; 185S.. ersta Property J13,Brock éStree-For Sale cf to Leassg. t11. yOfie,49[etf ont ,nd19 fetdap - Lot-WO. 6 erel>' occîtpied by Allan~A tiecv Stables, iàrock etrea , Raine ieeasu No. S. For BmdaWuaa8adit tese Lots are equal tD> amy i4 -To u nl- iie olti on ioti rnenblô t i t e e t i s W h o ' v i i i o r e t g e c ê s i en e o f On >Rl~umsaoFm 1'tEriuttgc on Brock Streei- dtMFmty oposite "Bryan's ifotel," loe a term 0 Applyto ~ RY * bl'y 84Mrc,1858. 7 TO BETT4»RS-TO LEASE. tefri amn r ine Year, Sceoi FLota o leutiet gr SELEM CT OOOL Smat'i 1~lByrrn iStTeet, Wtby. Eesdrl1hngAr .ioU, Kîglb Grata Teriper Quailmer ............... .., . MTa m :Exclusive of Wmting ant i %rthmtio..$.0 D etU 4 .REFEEICES. _th J.V.1Lm,UqL.D:*W.U.Tre"a POq. by, Coat- G1mtaW5tlIt.POR il *09 > OEL wwbl, .kprll 4tb, 18ft rio. i & 2TAII'a fllock Brok StreetW1htby, .April 14, f 8 1

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