Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1858, p. 1

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'e- THURSOAY MORNINUt BROOK STREET, WHITBY. 0 fztDoor te 1h. egtetry Oice. O SuBstIPTIQN TO TuIE ps fhbe ti'yl larnee. b$2per annnm, itRATES or .AuvsxvseîIo: Ton linos ând tnuder,................. 75 Alsovu ten linos, trt insertion.......O8 Every pubmoqtuttt insertion, (pur lino.. 0 2 A Ilwin dicout tallovod te Morohant4ansd éthers adIvertlsing by thouor. Thim paper i»Aaalmedyaun irnmengociroulatlon Zn the Ctçunty, besides beilq oaetib ' very bu- sinesm mal uWtysdianviiiint1,a btter' adv,rtli,%ngmedluîn conîti not h. îced int tiis lj6e1fAIl11wbho ativortise or tbitk vel or do- In, viiipleouc loue cee ia lInorvsrdlug .4 Wortis, v.a~ ibougirlu asti uaflstag IaI!slly, ~ -tiveeale VOL 2e P. 0. FERGUS, .D.tcTRENTON, CxD mc CHARLES FÂYNE, WTBY, C.W.D y, JU-Ly?41587 -s irsr., hoi etnouoSm. - A-CTONEER, MANCIBETYY, £RACH No piquer wll bedimeontinned unti l li arrear- £ICuonty of Ontario.-i -Lotters teseu ah, If regltereti, l libe et ADR PIG 1ue rlak cf' tîce Pllshocg ven addlreed IUCTIONEEIA&c M ,TON IiIGGINS AMVROFE ahip of lM«.st.o PSMTW- __________ Wl4tby, CM W- A. PEINGLE, 800K AN JOB 1ERCHANT TAILOR, BROOK STREE,- PItINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 0F TE WIITY ~ THOMA" DEV3RÉLLg ,T iioety wudreaspectfully informu tMieB LDEtctcGEESTET "public tIet they bave procured semo cf thiims bty .W modern styleorcfTp'frein Nev York ini addi- INTERNATIONAL ROT"q, te tleir offeo., sud aro propmred: te execute AS AIZKET SQUARE, TORONTO.- BOOK AM, JOB, PRIM-LING E ame Mathews, Proprietor. 42 eI ever'>'duertptioii, sud g'tarsnueuit vert MIILLA ROTE!>, 'vil! bo done ini a superior stylo at the, lowtust E IPA(ATCOJTADSOR eermneratiug pries. R PS LT OUTA gCR Tite lroprltom-s bave iýiicied on,,et ners. Jofin Martin, l'ropriotor. 26 -R V'(OZR$ CABIJ)PR SES! OÀ]KWOOD ROTE!>, vhtcbeuusb)eeo thonitu turniout Cerd sud Cir- AKWOOD, W. B K.9, PICOPBIETOR. onlrpn vryxpdltoe. lennr.They have u.rGood acomdlm ý for travollers 38 os bond a large Stock of l'laht iî d Funty Carde, 'Stxtloner, &e., whlobbeing bonglit at yeryl'w NAI OE> valus, Preiting etainbu ftmrnîlled et lth u west aEAvEIiTOPI,. W. priecu tend tthe sîtertest netiee-.T'SNYDER, PROPRIETOR. Carnages te IIIGGINS & MAYERROFFER, Te and Frein the osI Fro of Charge. C hreucidu! offie, Whittbv, CAW HURON BOUSE, ________________________ PORT vne, C. v., -~~ ~ -"LLIOTT SI'ROWLE, l'ROPRIETOYR. XÀGnod Aomnmodation. I toitRAILROAD ROTE!>, ~ :~;;:A T E- T PROPRIETOR, BROCK ST. ZAC13BUS ]FqHM es OfËieat (lie Court lIoum,. ,1NTA9110 ROTE!>, XEL.SON G. RYNOLDS, - e.Str.ee,Whithv Goed Stahlîng sud atteli-1 Q-RERIEF.,iW- OFICE ATr TIIE c'lRT ti e Ottler. - ESPLANADE ITOTEL, JOHN IIAM FPERRY, FRONT STREET, TORONTO. GIDF.ON -\ E(ISTAR.OFFICE ON BROCE ST., Turir, 'roprietom. (RaEucf lte Markot, wl, tby. I'oliposite the oli Gus Buildings.) 8 Il. J. M4ACDONELL. COOKE'S HOTEL, C ORK(F TIIE IEA E. OFFiCE-AT (L.TZ WALs'8,) 014--.-CoUmrt IlIle,.. 1T INISAF 4".' W Conifortahl accommoda. - - - -'------ Aitiemi for +maveller,,. 1 JOIIN V. lIAXX, --_________ c-' LEnK Of TRE (UNTY crtTRT. AND R.A.W.GAMBIE, _ ltoRgi»trgr of the ,Surroete Court. Ofilce eti if EMBER 0F TIIE COLLEGE 0F PIlYSI-0 thee Regls>try Ofiles liroot ýStreet. 1 1-U cillanud $ureons, N. Y.lProvincilJ Li- _______ ~ -- -comîiaeo et Ivîic, bergcry sud îdwifery, t"c ARDE. RP$iIxECEATII EILET, lE!. 1 WV. PAXTOIN, Jr,, WALKER & PA'TTERSON PROPRIL- lRASURER. 'OFFIC-E AT TIIE CURT W tors, 0onier cf Yomung aend krout Street$. - 1TeonaC.PIERU SALOON. s OLICIToRl, &CI.EII OF TIE COUT7NTY FARRAII, LATE OF TuIE YOUNGc sJcouincil. u tth 'ut in. ie> * Cabuda," npeu- the Royal Ly6eumo, King ____- Street, Weet, Toronto. Colice Suppers sudà JOHN SUbIER, Refreehneciie t ail heurs.16 COUNTY ENOINEEII. OFFICE AT Tl!E -i C Oure iue J JOHN METCALP, b_____ ILR FTIEFFl IIINCUT - b. AIRBAKS, Tcoiprstg te TovneÉhip lrcet. Ad- fiLÂRK FIEST DIVISioý()N COURT. OFFICE drese: Osningîcun. 14 iîttte, Court in-ue 1- --______________________ ____________________ GEORGE HODIJER, '~ERCHANT TAILOR iND OUTFrTTF'R APA31 Kinîg Street Euet, Oshava, C. W. Shop rlitt"1rCCl f *. et duer to Taplin'à a Cmisge Depositorv. s2 d! FRANKLIN HOUSE. 11 R TESAVN., LUNuSAY, C. v. B3 A IIISTER AND CUN'lY CRbW'N BF..IEWET,PROPHIETOR. ComFOR- Attorîtp.ll. -1 mej uBOk *table itcemutodation fur Traveller.. Rluek~àfso oô ir. P!i'whitbv. Jan. 21, 1857. J. V. H AiT, FARMER'S HOTEL, c%) I<RIS'lER-AT-LýAW. FFE-RC ATE' GRARAM'S, SIMOOR STREET, 'I>ur-et~lt-y, '. W L Oshaura, WillizoniModlen, Proprielor. S. Il. FAC RIANKS, 1(iood accmumodation fer te Travnling publie. 01I1s ~ ti NOTACLy PUBLIC, &c. &C ololnulnadnstutue:lr I tCIýmNCERty & C)VYNIGR FARMER, PItOPRIETOB. Bl-' TRIS 14Il-j , Pýri'e oAlbert. -Re lo)t5<poi;âses good accommodation for Tatavelem. Gooti Stah!iug anti attentive OeL- A. IMAIRS, B. A., ers.. T(N'YAT LAW, SOLICITOR IN MISS F. BRYAN, .Ahuemonveyancer, &e., bMain $triot nNTNUS OGIVE IN ML'*IRu.WILON IILLINGs, SOl'IC(ToRs, &Àr. A&c. WriIITB, C. W.-- eilloee-oviir lItilton & Rbe Robert J Wilson, Whithy; W. 1. Billlîîgs Oshawa. t W. G. IRAM, 1) ARRlISTER AND ATTORNFXE-AT-LAIW. 1Olfie+over the, Store of J. Bizelow, Esq.. l it l~Registry (illic, Brolk St. trnon, adomteil & Dartneli, 3 ARRSTPS& ATTORLNEYS T W. sIei8 t theCou'îty e('uneil. ilio et the Cort l{oue-Suutl Wîing. (01'Q,,heurs fron, Io until 5. 4 JOHN McNAJI, KIIttSTR ToRNEY, &c. Office Cone f h > l nd Court treete, (o site the ('ab stand,) Toronto. WILLIAM POWqO-, ON ' ZA &E,&oMANCIIESTER, W. . EASTWOOD, A. B. & M. D. c OON r aYSICIA-N, SURGEON, &t. ItReieue-lately occupied by Jus. Ind - itou, Esquire.4 Or. R. W. CLARK,- SURGON CCOCIIUR,& CORONER, Dr. CUECKLEY, P.,IDENCE, BROOKýSTRLEEr, TOWN ,;OF Wht.y onty of Ontario. WILLIM TEXENTM. D. K (l STEET, SIIAWA, CANADA K West, 1 p &U. Itutsaideuc-Dulffiils Creck, Plcker- I.OCAL DIINTIST.-O4FFICE IN BROCK j Street, over J. Bigelow's Store, sud oppoite titi legiatry Office. M.l operations wsrnented. Rufteronce, a fir trial. AMTON W. CROiT, ARCII1TECT, CIVIL ENGINE.ER, AND) .tLRtt Ageut, Whltby. J. FROWDBAVN ~RCETECT A-NI) CIVIL EliGISEE, A )ha#Striot, Wliitby. Estintatca nde »Jall indâ cf rneauriur, vork cerifully ttent-' PIRILÂNDER 19. CLARK. um& luIeALrmm Im !!W~EPIANO FORTE,M at ber Fthor'. roidence, Byron StreetWhlthy RUGIT FELITZ, ~ ~EACHER IN MUSTO, THE LOrgsn Piano Fort, Iarmony throngh B asasd al kinda of Stng stramentx* s Pared to orhe reeve ale orea 4tth 106Y . PHLL9S I )INO FORTE MANUFAC- JLtmrer Toronto. Piano. of 1al hida ?mnuhed to order. AUl Instrumente varranted. Soid Cheap for Cash or approved credit. PiManos Ttined and Repeir 0(1. For Sale (ueap, tmre beautifal 8% octaves, whole metallie plate. 17 FRATÇCUS KELLIER. T NSURANCE AND GENERAL AGENT, 1Wlîit y. Agent for the Provineciailueumr- anee C.ompany tn the Connty et Ontario. L.ïrQMoe-Victoria BnildingsZ-rook Struit. CW'~Undor the Chroicle Ofllc._Mf A. Ce. WILsON, P AINTER ,GLAMIE, AND PAIME- r. Ains,0is,01 Pu tty Ps- lrlngD nîlasStreit,.Wititby. Whitby, Jetà. 19, 1857. B. CAigm~'ELLI -UDOOT AND-8OE MAKER, BROOK [JStreet, WhlLby (next door te T. I>ownfiugsÉra Ho tel.) Repare neatly doue, sud ork of aIl kinti exeutet inl good style, ud is workmanlke manner. -J.. W. CALDWEILL BRtOWNl, C ONVETANCER t&c.,COMMISSIONER'Dl % . P. A B. B. MiunDivision Court en Aie. ~ ~ ~ ~ 0lA Ofieeecroto ,D. Wees Drng Store, Uxbridge, C. W. s RUTHERFORD &SAUNDEES, (vEJ. sTol-E,) TÂILORs , &. 52 A2ntD 5461, NQ 8TRBEWzzT TO- ton. 9ýj âsbt nnoune tteiteàhbtant e iter, L .0. na ho hsd it s gt h OReT l 8ALOON1n:jét 0. Baiings, ouge Toronto, ;ely l157. BEVANS & IXON, PORT WUJTY. Goodjiquera, Wies snd Brandies. Exellent Stablieg. (ercWu attention for mon and homue. > ý ý EDWARI) RAY. !nitby, Mday 6th, 1857. - - 16 WESTERN 11013E, flVxN»AIC TRUET, Watzvr. rriiE ABOVE Pt'EbIS1ES RAVE BREN JLJatoe b y the nnderleigned whero truvellerseaucennw find good accmmodâation.-. Thie fouse ia well f4rnihecd, woli kept, snd tho Oie ,=astnentse roomy and i"r. There ie ioomartble$tbling, snd the begt atton- tion la psld to mon and bores. The bar-roora la larg and cotuvenlent, and voll supplied with te boat Wines, Liquors end Cigare. Rend- voonely iltted Up aittirag-rooma fur privute par- tics. MICHAEL McOALRY, 17 I'ropri4or. ItON'S HOTELe Asifumei, lviiONiOxutOx, urmra, N THE LEADINO STAGE UAI) H ALF w.Jay betureen Whltby anid UxbridRe. This Hotel hum been refitted and fnrniuhed an an ex- cellent style for the accomnmodation cf trs.vcl- lert. Xverv ettention peai to traellers, and tiie beat *eomm1odâtion provided for man tand horai. g'* A mteady Oâtler aI-ways lu attend- unes. 48 FENELON FALLS HOTEL. W ILLIAM MARtTIN, PROPRIETOR.-- Thîis lîtel i. nrranged iu excellent tstyle to accoînmodate Visitoresud Tourite. it in si tuated witain a few rode of the rais in the eidpt cf the,, :ot deligiieful Rconery. he flel- lng on the Lakes le nntusuesodFihing Tackle and Boata providcd. 29 THE RONSINHIOUSE. cOssxs MOFor vm AWKmu i in vai ", Tosorev. A C. JOSSLIN, PROPR1ETQOR; TIIIS otL io lsrguat lu (ho Prov-lue, sud poseses faeclities for Xa)im< itupnpoo ecm- muodation tu the travelling pnblie equal te the hèet Etremopen hoes, or Le am.v otherepiblhh- nient on the .lnieriesu Coittin;nt. 23 TUE TERRAPJN. T RE PROPRIETORS OF TIIIS WEIA. known Saloon, are aîuw In ocetmpatioa, of the old Sr. NICIIOLAS, Kiing street, Toronto, (furmerly kept by Mr. tuluk. Theio jreniaem have been newly renovated througl.out, and ftted lapi tite. Smt style. Evcry pr.eurable deU.cav uin teon. A r-igar divan fitd inp se- parateey into whiclî utoe but thce buet brande are pertitt.ed (o enter 23 CARLSLE & MCON,%KEY. WELLINGTON JiOTEL. (I.A1,zLsOorL3',) INai-e. OHwt T HEpresentpropictr oftheabove veil. ted anedftted up l the beat style Wo suit pnbllc teste aend conve neo. Traelrs sud vîsitorms wiU Sund the very bout acconmnodation and at- %entions et charges unsually moderato.. An Omnibuis free, 10 snd frein the Cars. Good Shedsansd Stabling, aud attentive Outîcru JOUNSTON GRARAm, ALMiA HOTEL, EoWUAIMvLLL. rPNE ABOVE FIRST-CLASS MOTELi. now X newly srranged for the aocomnmodation of vlsWras. Tne Ilotel b*ving been formerly kept on Tnmpernc prinolplsa-s Spirit 1.10nse hi& bien obteluued. Et'ory attention peid to travel- lers, and the boatulccmmodation provided for man sund herseé. ' jW. An Omnibus iu atteiednee te sud from the Cars,fre of charge. 17 J. A. MASON. QUINN'SHOEL. Ne. 3, aUAtL-ÂU-MAMULOT#MUT"? LOWER TOWN QUEBEO. W aïsmks o.&lasbeei Lsdm# a»d oppe.U. TIIRAVELLERSl AND VISITORS te the Ane- i oint City of Quobec wli And superior se- Smmoatin atModrato chargea at Ute above botel. The holt la vîry conveniîntly sitnated --near the BenksStoatbont wbsrves, sud prin- c 1buinessplseesof the City. proourebleable and deinus>&. sieowl liud ery attention poli! te thesir cemlbrt and oonvenlcnceaud every information and direction os t the, s'mrrounng oultle, principplace 18JOIUNNA W flE iendrlud bas tg"sM rsune esis T of the abovo veil kmon bote!, rwbl vil! bu o6udueted os fonuerly vlt tesirioteet pro priety sud rigsd rd Liteoomfort and couveel ene of theopâble. Thepropilotor assurs bis tnuds that everythngla mte ready os tbrmly toenter- tain tbsm antUeo lobe He an sd lti ho vil! h. 110rsaly presnîlo giîvo tenm olb e r osbn m smvas swout.- IHEUNDEESIG1ei < ' IiO1 1 theitlbgta e hb ni h ili whmiebro ebelmialleowmWi vblaib enels tashe muet »w Iibeeu Acoothdeéns, f lsmlti aIl biru= Xe - rn Thattae opmtiiln e w mtapat- treuble or sanoyanot te Ibummites. Th* abject or the, undirln la tSe give' II publ iei- faction wbicb he>, oxpeot te do lu ail thelrd.e- lng FLT &RIE Plane muekere sud Muai Teaoheus, Howard eâLeisns su sudinstructIons gi-en lu musie s hertofore. Whit,>, Msay 19, 18M. 18 T W. CALDWLL BROWN, Coni-cyau- e> a cer,COomtiiaonr ln C.Pttc., sud Di- visi o <ent Agentbega to reIbti e l nhabi- tentae fEpsom sud tie anrrouudlng neiglibor- hoodu, 1that ho bas opuned su offie nt Mr. Thos Eullate'a Hotel Epsom, vere ho may be fennd e,'ery Weduesdsy, from 9t o'clocle, A. M., ta 5, m.fi poreti te drav sny insti-niteto b. reqnlred, -euch os Mort- Wî leILessos, .-Ibtrutiou Bonda, ...el o,.guges, Bills of Sale, Bonds A<grée- meute, sad cior>'oter description cf <uovo>y- suigkiiown. Mi.r. l isn ropared te take Castelunuan of the, Superlor ourt t is Province. Ho y no ttteiis the, Divison Court botit at Manches- tom sud Uxbridge sud poriousns stlngisa- sisenc, ul ud'hlm roady te attend theni on reasnabl tenis omecoleloteulantiprompt retura madiî. N. B.-Having sccureulthe services of su able Ânanuensie la preparedti te scommodete a&D vite may Qal on hlm. ]Nono need bc dlaaP- pointed. Houelicitiethe patremepgofetb.public. Cbomrua in ail cases extrrnel>' modeat.- MMevery Wcdmieuday morniieg fron i .s m. to , p., m. UXBRIDGE, ovor>' Monda>', Fu"av and Satumrda', et te usnîml heure. May 22,1858. 19 cash 1 cashil1 T 11 bghgtpricwl l bepaid lu casalb th udesied (t i*NEW STORý Brock Ste-et, Wli sy ee<nd door suth of tihe Penittentinr>' Boot sud Situe Store,) ter Sheelukius, Oloupr Mi M O11RIARTY. Whitit, Mîer,,l, 3, 1858. 7 AUCTION BUSINESK A TTIENDED te us ncnl, b>' J. C- Stcrl!n. Ail erdere rolating tu Auc(lon sales bi- tbe undersigneti, ehoalihbe o titho Chroulofu 0f- Soue, Witby. Meurs. ligagine & Mayerlimilr are dnly antbomized te appoinut my tsyt of sale, settle tert, , an sd tW enter intnauscb etharj arrangements reiating te ni>' uction businesi au thiv na>' cotuid-m proper sud necoasar>'. 1 sitall Seon baud tW retit>'su mogmeent chu>' rales at onem 'bebaif. al s a t n c lu ailparte cf the C ount ry> . J. O. STERLING. PHOTOGRAÂPIIGALLWaYeX IE Glley o theundrsinedsituated inl Broc stret,(WilinsnlonewBrick Block) la oue of the largeat, Mes: oomvenient, acd. porbapo.,the nImet spaclous, and bost ltti- up tu a u Prouee.Separate select apartmieuia for ladies. Fvtrtraiù fumm 50ceMsomrde. Whît>-, Jmane 3n, 18.18. 2 DAN IEL BUO-KLEYlateocf tbe Pa" ot f Toinpiermirtin ocam latiidnmii, Commîty of Coi-k. Ue lai.n1'po*;d Lu bu et present In lipper Van- ada, bvn Land. Au>' eue knowimtg of il, and witing te lue idsâer, MAno.uuR&m- scash,, will esitni It a gi-uat laver. Direct te As&- n&v H&tems, Es q., Beliineollig, (cont>' titik, or te the office ofthis papor. 24 DAMLY STAGE.o F ROX BROUGRAX TO FP.ENCUMA"' 12Bey Station, ute Grand Tmunk Railmosti, couneetig vit thtit W Morming anti Evening Traies. .~ JAMES flHUBBARD. CAUTION. Ir HEY CAUION ALL PERSON8 A ginut purehoslng s note of baud matie b> me ilu tar rof Cbrixtophe.r llodgsonn,for time lu th.eSdI of 1857, as!.liavnet reeciveti an>' value for the sanie. ABRAM DEMERAY. ReoebJul> 7,1858. 25-4M ÇAIJTI01. ALL peoons reySnxed I Apure einga certain note of baud =d61 Edward Belley and Jose h Wilklusen of Brook- Uln. in fvr of me Qi'Uorte sum'et $13, datet Itelutim 8e, an, aysbleon. montb afteur dite, as I te .atd tw=ly have re- ceivcei o 1Ue tio or itesaine. . EDWM DBAT=E. Brookîlin, Jul>'7, 18M8.2.5 VEST AND PANTSPOUNDW. FOUND on Seturda>' eveuiung lest, Jul>' lue FDund a treet, ner the residence et Mi. Wil".*tBlii'a erd conteug &-veasti pair o ot nhth nov,-Ovi' con bavet Marn on apÎIleson te lb. undenslgnedb>' d Wbltley, Jul>' 7,1858. 25 100 Aceres .1 lami for Baie. h)IN a it of Lob so 2-% in the 4th M Cmu., s 80 ,Wacres of vItiéliases letred - anti luA gond F44" e cunitvation, leeséçout ci op onliàbauiug ba ae f.Thirlis a nee a 1 gptne ut ron tle prnits. An sda~aaneuugiee 70Fr pwdcswm ~set's Q.rm " mae1-ea meer, ae nelden criai, Ou.pluasana aunee 'aâ Whswtberilover byher acle, 1heyjoimam li ivoLplav laWhaefroy ai rnis,66 t !àmt "-ehe widly gala, lier Quen âseas the = srahi SpeA, Anlât leinonarclh1la.d, Suoh bol<Ineus lu ber uiein, lie id not for a moment 'e 10a King ofuld take herQueen 1 "A mate 1-sà mote r',st lust ho orledi Be: ooly aohmy darlU prldo-, As I would 'have from thie 11 fie tallitenamrund ber lovely toma, *é a - mto is Pmsaquie varm, Au uuaverlng love onibsed 1 tuA atWe-e mate Il, Yo0n7 upid sang, As throngh the roopiho ail!, "This a ea-hhobt yet 1 gnou. The. <ddeu garns btee I»nae Io esill tho same 1 ne-.- Wlien womaun weet sud man comlpute, Tbere'as ure'.a mcir bu VI The Surprise Pasly. avT ANNA I. CAR=&I "This la preposteroits 1" exclaimod 1Mr. William Looring as he glanced orer the novspeper, v:ile seetted nt the breakfast table, mne cold Winter morntng. It vua oOSy-roorn, vitb a briglit;cmal Oire Épsrkling in thei handuomegrato, eali. wng-Lb. viov fron the .large Frenche Win. vo lok inflnitely collder, vi th its vbiti, snow.covered field&. 'Mr., WU"lam oring vas a widover, handiome, rleh ad tovial; sate, laianneJIlarland, 'a viov ita enai! jointure,. end by ha aside vas bis- niece, Mjc. lariand à véry besutifual, self- viIed girl of nuiotoon. %i years ago, wheu bis brotheriu.sv, George HarIsnd, a poor clergyman diod, William L0rin g offeirh uis ter and ber daugliter a boo4., urbicli tbey bad thankfully accepted. The~ brother and aiter vere fond of eachother, and the tbree fermed à vory haîpy b ous.. hoid, their only point of differewo belngý the aforesaid Alice, whom ber mother pet- tedl injudiclously. This lier brother Wil. liane env and gently remnstrated about, but ail Le no effoct. Wleea -1fr. Lorlugt made the exclamation, bot6,ister =4d *auc looked oip, thougli neither spoke, valtlug some further rcntsrk, wurhwuva net long in coming; "Tiis leequally preposterouel In MYi opinion, the people of .Uhston are goiug crazy 19 " About vit, William?'l " About surrise parties M " What;- delightftel surprise parties, un. CIe Willam?" "Do yoti tbiuktbem 1deligbtM Alicr eut anycf lte trouble ofvwriting snd send-9 iug invitations, orderiug supper or musie, yen bave a splendid part>'. Tour friends corne vithout any notice, and tliere la niot tlie Bligiltost trouble. 1 wisli lbe people, vould taRe ià into their hesdsto gin eutwàa surpris." - Poob 1pooluilÂlice. it IbluR it la a bbar¶mscusom; pf3ctlypiralical. Tonuý look At only tb. briglit aide of l"N-sdur Alice.Look-1 at ny pictumr'. m in My librar', ismoking a quiee cigr, "iimnng te the sond of y oir voice, as JOB sin Morne of yonr pretty songe.- your mother sit$ near yen, quietly emhroedereng vhesà a ring is beard-lIeeîgostote~ expecting. te usher in sme ofour plisset-1 friends, vbeu lu rushouiýperhapa foty ao 1 111Ilowed bj servnti rrt g nbliüeo*s bxs u e'e russe, kege e« cyster snd ueody knovsu hai. Lke a eordeof OnUM&Bs-tley coeu, dlturbag ls i your quiet-aRe posession of yonr dom,. elcuet and ps"tyanA ha -crase b.eGok.g Then eoneesdeeuggan euisUganst , abott Wo eIocçin the morning thq talat tbeirluçaye>ad your bouge la a peed b"eel prSu Alice ber Pi une aLliSe- ffoü». - md le. Astetoni ar1 ae JIN tu PAUT WINSR lu8E UTB,î ru potft4 To, aao *lb él »d Stabling sud sltdev caets IÂ*E'moBokiTEL,« mme Wood.W ALn ns ~s~sanu ýv- - - -- -r-lý- mommmm 1 - toodo-;, lýl ý bAux SoIdo,ý' Alli, bât youe-uncle hai' thon u4 Ilttereltbyou tor - knovr-w - ~ubst* uiymcigu iae~en.. a dis- iliReshlm, because1do*"', sd b eh «anto e eo*ba4atlujldo1dU1bono d wbe han- Wj bis s usad 0 "OçhIcnMo0te0r e oMï metibiàen. 1 M tibiebe'llifever b M'Y bnsbendý ,4If 1 stapsaneli maid a " b.day cf nMy lMl" "AlaitAliel"ixcaimd ler niother' qebe listeneA lelber .daugbteea ptl exclamations. "o'àeksdcddy Ifyou love John àmarball arn sory; 701, unies. there are pWofg of his unvortineu, I cannot coutnsel yen wlolly le discard hlm, but you eau trust klm rallier, ooolly, sud net meeet hlm so fr-equatly-I bave an idesIt tItinext tinte ho caîls bore, ut ne nle viii forbid i Hmthe, bouse-gso Velly earefil boyyou .bebave.-rIl de abi cam té osait. your uncle look vlth "IYou are du, <ccc mother. Nov jusL listin b vbat klle uad, gi Aid not Manythiugverypartilr-pYelit vas too. 'Th irs egbt themcon lu full yonr houai may lie be.' Ws't IL pret- ily sid? -Just like hlm."t "Reaiiy, Alie, Isec no way of svoid- îng the caientl> for 1 agrco vith your un- Cie, lu thiuking surpriseparties aperfficty abeud culot. heon y yte espoï, viii b. toe y our uncielote taRe us to Lte thesit ete-uight. 1 TuaI vil! flievery- thlug nI1céy.We'li stay lu' nthe èdtp over night and g111e 1 h. evaasts abell day. The pal-ty vii ame, fluA lthe bouse shut up, sud b. oblgt o ge aa.A Capital Ides,19 ît net Ali?' vay.1 marna. tü&it: woud b. vcry mcan te serve people so. It han bicorne th. âhion to bate thèse parti lth. village,' Mud unele muaI abide by, It, for My parti1 tLilnk tbey ar e lighttlh.1»] They may se.rna 1o te yof , avngonly Attouded thent, but-;nly ïatttii they corne leur., imite onvou wbouse, and you vii se lb.,-dilference" 1"!sbauà't bave long ta wait, inis1 on- ly 1111 eveningY - "Tho~n yullnot kiree te, my-plan O f g o' n te l be 1 r " 1"nodiod. - drater stay ber.. tWeido ax pote liRe, but 1bope JOui' uncle yul not b. verp 'augny, or ýthlIe 'bous. vii uot buturned topay4um.,, Tbe-day soeumil ndiies leAlice.8he =raewseamofboer moet bill6lat pueces su tvest souga; seved diligeutl>', sud yul, wben site bcôkd at the ihntle cloek, v4iiionly tvom-ime fier ber uncle l-3 ýcorn hoae. Bit. stood at the dravug- romn vindoit, ldly drumrningvwitb ber fin- ge.ou the panes, and pain g dresmily tio n the aveue. > Suddeuly ahi ýwalked "W& ' sud- akng a sut au lb e atliest endi u<brobegan ltework as if, against IlMost tinté for pour uncle, ABlC." IÏts, heil behieuin afek seeiouds; i nv bi*ncoruup ùthte avenue ville Ibat boe MinyEis.- I don't se. vitlpos- Seis"d ncieto briug hlm honte to.daY, of ail days.. I ont bave muci t yt pLehlm, ihat bc'l lind eut" Yo *Hf ii tryasud'pIeuse pour oncle, Âlice, sud beleave -liR»a lady 19 ¶veiy spoke #Y& Iiarlaued'-frAt4ha:-o ollen wcealyjjid. té lier dauüglier, site vished &lwàsto hav.e Aflce plisse lier un- A-utaminiginithe-banlsud theceery voie Lr oi thon a 11111e Pause, and the dour openeand the . Ive gentle- men, entend lta heer>ulÎlegault roo, su d their &M 1eglovlg itb tleervslkin lb. colA & a m MiBatiand ýume fSmwi'edto vuleome lb.e oaea,hibut Alie ouly rose, boving stiffy rsud -sbyly, simostl vitheut 9asn be eue Sydney EBUis caükei u te er, sakIng -ber orleudeti imAver èo' ly.. - -AbissAle alm( aâlo seie no 100c810gu yul.",dthe vole vwu ver>' n4el sud-nausecal, sud frauglt it n8t mouruful cadence o uidtlr Harlsudtand sas ii ledWM " Uoulti g"el vey wu4ellent huadaWl oul -me Mylister Analo lookiug sa bish as potn d&ugltoL," 1 64HOçts po-rsister'Ibis vlutoe,?r> lur- Sb*e1aabeest lbthesame as mua In fteeb14 îhe né b l ut, mu c ntelpalet and weeker. 8h. fadesdal! (Fron thlesA imout, are-t caivea fre beun sueamb.a ir Yfo llng tem of ___ ___ ___ ___ tine, 1io1I 0 lubey -su - milkdliLvlw sure their co -' muet b. givi 27. quanîities ai' - -plut ofthe mIr sud oftesemn.WIM eperect politeisesl apdt and good -r atreï e.- edhs a ph rinlindof JO~t'Ki*bflL' Ai e ee diet il wu'O»dý#âunumflvble Ùfr lteé "' --e sieus amiclof ber .ulâcer a ît A e ol.LThe.faeshm iai a:>, l *"v igtL ons>, if1 boîd, te. oéuv@irsaignséniles d anti-mI ta Msudi 1evf4m utb ii mna hers bial aalikw memelieo çPl 1 sPte s ti,a'ja',nov gtm,"e h as nose, biclt1 1 bod . nid m n luInVain ah. on. rub on the Io deavoreti toabaite r.riftabhl offbut sIte mixad it it bad tý pem lldbs attetions tee long t e suf, vitice <let riti-Of hlrnsM iusil, âO, àe W e - onze. Ifyo:t siguh burseif ta be fte, lUffik blanig bus;Ijvii hersoli for lb., self-yul vblch midi lier re- a d o o ject ber undel'gmecmoate advlce. & e~5laudn s u p p e r A l e . v a n s s e t e d a t t l i t er o s n A î b s s lugjfor she bid a beautiful volce, sud sang corn-staleu, I wl lte sud feelinz By bersaide, sood Puntpkîue MI, Johtn Marsallilu sdevoted attitude, calvusi; <ru >ready te t1cm ovin lthe aves et l.mse os ra> b o, r surMér smeR ÈolthiiigËsin lb.,ino-Amed-se lthe> longr lfatslei 7~s A uce ehn,,ep inte vwint raisd be spe, su ilciteiectu h. yea-old calf mîaror.7opote t& ber lte form of Sydue>' frorn lthe it Elîla Bieyes vueàstenid viita okof biudrance,ei inanité couteiupîtpelier companion, anti cd thinge. Alice'. veice = urem ed iu sjpite et hersell or bnllock, - as sto saw Ibal couternptuoue ami change deformed by tes look et mourufuinees, as hieyes rus- aitogeLber. ed upon berfor smontent. On0 gan 1,We baye r ad Bydue7y lurned sud loft lte noolanc"e song fiuished, Aie rose, sud' with a mlu aIl ortj< v1eair>, heavy huert souglil the solitude of quiti s goi the - onservaomythere te shake oU tho sou vegllu*horrnd-to analyzehb'fol- , u lngs. à itadeep sgb, thu sestd her Iis by trial. self upon s littie rude seat, sud uncon -feiand bec sclculy ber opes filluA ultIt l A muR andpo voi, vhlcli caused ber besrt te titnil, -~<<<~~tt sounded clouse ouli. 055 iXpOlnse, "A fev Minutes since, I1 Msa MAlice BAT yMs: thé entre eofsàgay, admirng cire., Who talked sud ri listeWeAaimat brestthloss te lier aveel stoot by mat siceging-ov, 1 Sud lier atone, aîÊWon uchi, In-gensi ber lips sud team ns u er 9,e& W"s. are severai ,d the cause of your trouble ?r sakotiSydney as vuli aM dît pai, vItilo imat uueouscleusly bis voiS e. por bln Ilu grew l1ev sud tender.eau mieltaiU bc tA eommoce sud sot very gracion s esotlypiope camse for ta.ouble," aumeveruile, the ssd.. fuýmer vbo m fading gray- frém hlievet fàe-.ho muet mais 94unIr dlutlsfstin vith myWef sud Ivo- bue, bu.trst tlirds of ,Ibte -*rluL But hio19,uàtbat 1 ties as they 'aud y o en bereut?'y 7M1>'motter retaned esrip,4nA fiwnl. hmrd7g eti te 'thani ye f« rhlb beutffIji owers rai anA -wbiu -pou sent My sst.'. Yen viregone, ibe- chiedy,,exoci fore 1, could ýdemi, b tissfternoën. 1 Aid -digenous gra net expecesueli a eompsny. Oni t ou r elites. u n ce 'a bh a te d s r rise p a t e " AI* è lia e i e, then salA- Lng otpe, ÎiaVe=Z1psiked theni-Ibau h htthe l.fart that1 I atn ebut vben the 1 an brouglt M ailt uttitio hoet yo .h are lm sanet. TI su pontftin e nov- ffuy - *Éree wihmy. unc..ButlIoiandthes& .must rt tlhlb draiug.rcor-I shal h e talk, les b. mi sed."m atured sap "On. moment, Xias Aile.m ïut amon o peu on.e question, sud buievo me, if It enlfe pien feen l..1 n n ,I a 91 Ye reson lubot enîtie for, mi mesLteie stan xceme mo andsud 'ml C s st4 usin vrl r.ha> crop, ve' serve le mysef ithe îlberty or vefaing t le rgaa s suiventi if ilteeo impertinent." W.e onilde VWilpou lteillme, Allua-if..-lf-Mrriglel for eut 1LtabI is, or ivervwillbe *%lityyo bue,'-inte tI IlNe,.he nover vil! b.- I1-neust go nov anti iul*luce -our question snsvere&"' - are spplied "Qeod-bleusout" anti Aie felt ber mhneaunsbu ban aëmdanaa, an hlm meprinlti on bhoqueisfou il. " I must speak to yoe Aieliceu, .I th~e ld,tfl lève Yen-love peu dearly. Omit I bope môruing. If pouwi viI r love ein etoruli r' fiqsnly-flt l'Ye, Sydney, pi.,'tmanti vith a sudiden ic oi hennue bounti Me sprsng front bin, sud lu a cureeg ha>' l moment 'more vwu iin tb. draing.voom.- cordin*u îles Ste b.da tees in lb. ruent hut a feu min-t.aboula neyer, cites,~ ~ ~ ~ t vbnM auhi us er ierde. Betterýlet Ilýs ur unontos. un çpreaunte te. ' n ty o f g r a n s d v a t e r u l d i s i )f vhichey partako freely. idly' misa their- ateusibnted oun depived of it, and to -inm ontlnued-grovth, a substitute ,nin theshape ofcorn, ont or he Lhree, mized lu about etiai uebest gveuat the ra&te ýof a nixture eaeh euorning sud ove- St a day. IL msy be laid drYA us traugi sud wilh &_ àiglit fsalt on il, Lboy viii mon £%t The puarushaodd tillithe selt, andi after a mouthcf thé rn ay ho granaUly diewtin- >Yidlu higb onudition.* Ldok if any be foend, apply the -"e-. Mbhshed Pue 279 of lut viol- usy Places, a littdê soft geute a spriukling of common M&co<c-h v iii -cause lte lice te leuve at u bave net thte enuiff, te grépsc do . The lice take up tIfeir' or auirnals whiere.h ore ileo ce fuatural 011 exuded mon progressesfed therngreen finely out up if neessar. rheu ripe, are capital foodi jor-ý mn turnpeliet anticarret ,other greenfood they vii uaL. sbould progrese til ready -to, orquartLers. A gooti three- rhicit liesgrowu right along eo of là birth vIýthout cheeck or wli bu vorth Luo poor, ttý Onue corpes eut afâne 9ow,_ bul rhilo thç others. are piuclied, rpovert1% sad unsatielhotoy raiseti hundfeds of calveà, and of vvayse A third -lues pure Erom Lte test.hy Lte cag la l as Ltefu> qutity' oailkeJ dthon fed the caM , We knev Suckiugl itenaturel way, nt. But infeeding hioied her food may beaddcd, ansver, rposes, sud ruring te cuf aI crNs.-Trhis s'a a subject oeil ny fârmers, but pr;acticed,,lsg- wri, than understood. isre diffièrent modes -of hay-nlt'k ug [meut opinions about Lte pro. [tggrovth tocutgras. he eriglit, 0of course;- sud astle er lime can.not bu bhit by.-'ae> ýaaare4by cro toseure, a lt est a eera ime ýlhat nmg veather, and ollier caa m lay accur. - oimethy is AtSc rais of the United 8Stto&- %, red-top, bine grass, autile te lovers furuieli the tIïco oclto pcculiar "S'iad4 rAence, we.elilete, hassg lu protty much £11 grasuere u ln hày vben cuit 4,_jth &£ and hues.ae -h.., fhfl '- . 1 1«

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