Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jul 1858, p. 4

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enalwsrmususud auacser reolu Stt1 g't b -)ýwI o aitt d l10w cciffcalu tuke Cutractste ttÎUrul bgeliitl foru' ç,,()r »uU 1I.u gs,, ~ ~aigo d~Jku t l3vetifer Ciueb, 6 > Gren Sýree4 Wbttby. Xciilber 1 Lumbéir L UMBEtOýrn i ndtt, gooti sonun anti Mo,- chwabîe t8r sale au prics te suittimes, ut Whiitoey'é ôd 5ev Mlii,uLot,,No. 28, lu the 2ud cetiffeseon o Pe rig.Aplyt 1)uuîhertouu. IiklgApril 2é, 1858. 16-4]n * TEZ PRE4SS. À PRIZI? FOR EVERYBODYI IVItO SUSltCutIluL8FRuiTUE NEW TOIiK WEEKLY PRESS,- IL, L TJST R ATED 1FAMILV NEWSPAPER. .L oîthi itrgcast dhet literuîry pa-er-s of tie dltv., A Iuro qc u1ntruo ntaiing TWF4NTï PÀEor 'tuty eoii,of e nterttuuuin at tr, anA' ELEU.NLTLY ILLUS'rRATED cvery A.6GIFZT'woutlfromn flQ.to $1000 (00 uit bc sent too(Icu's 'tscu'sa' oUrecùpt of, tieaîis>Ipticu nscy . uecopy for cte yeitr, ital 1 gi-....$ 2 où te ceiies oie yur iti I utif -e .. 15 11 Twciuty-out coeîîîus iii. y i-ut, sUlit21 gis, Sut îtt S C.uti't la mutrie s iut sc df eittl Iiutli' ttl iiaddition lttii iv bour rilitu, luto< te Miter- Tue1wtii ;t h o.ue trihîithed are entiracîl n t-le tolo ist : i~- 1 U ilited Staut e Tresssttry Nite $1000 (>00 ! te (i0 dia 5N00 Cari fi - te dîo (le LQ 00 CtchitI 10 (Ic, dtï , t(la 100 ,t eac-lt 10 Pattent lever liktîîin,, casut %Vth(e4,............... 100 (>0 eeuiî ý20 Uzit wateiic's ...............75 >00 eli , 50 do .... ... 60) (0 ettelt 100 de .... 5 (tut0 ai 1)00Ladie go1liiiîrt-..........15 00îcaeli 1210 S lrllitigtee atle 10 00u cris 1100 Sýilver WateIicea.... $1,)0 0) bu20 0ut ceeu iuiO Cot gurd1fsbalu fý1b chaluts,........10 10 te 80 00 cadi 1000 (ld elt ls and penis 5 00 tu, 15 00 eâeh GusîiLd kBBaeetlreoris, EuK ir rps, llrtute in, Cufinst11, $louve llitstuue, R-itige, t4Shirt Sîsid, Watolii K VolGetiant i uer Tittniica, uta sîrty e'f cter articles vortit frottu 5> cIa. te $15 (00 cacl. On rceipt ofthe Itbe cruptuon mncy t te eub ecribtr'a naine iiilube terodtinîtoiiots betuis oe!tîiits a nuteber, andthbtsgift currcqlîondtis us it it1iiaInutber sili bu fortrd var th i iiocie woek te lulîni, Sp iit c>' Ci/res8, jetîtipututtl. Tuiera la ustiier Iiitusbîug on ittery about lise bve us cvery oubstriber le sure tif a ditibrlbttion at4eitiiet nsof e gis-nuý a 'lar'g ettuusuuitgcuts,iviu.ule te cuit- struttr ite tseittittît usutuu d go te iatgent aisti111 tuaty cte ndr toit ioMor. Ail cutflnucabieuui esti ho eutidreasedtel DANiEL ADÉE, Pt'at.siiLuu, i13 2211 £Centre Streeut, Xruc )'Erk. F OR, SALE OR TO LET. 1IOUSE &i LOTS FOR SALE. 40 8Nslautl 2, ilttury Struc, firSle.- lA'i Tiseare CorerrLots. Thû1ue lisl, a p' t 'rlme iueola .tgu don tuialitaif iigt, o.1u- weititu& ' e itir î. l sun eet ud iat U 14gî ut at I tilloset. The biii- sin b, a For ttriàt uud fîtric artienlsurs, tiiîiyt ALEX. CAMERON, Cliet Cenetble. Ojr te Octeber 28, 181. - GEO. WALLACE, whitbv. -41' 11OUSE, andi LOT FOR SALE. 'Flt ALE IN T E VILLAG0 F BIZO9K- l2 bu. au lose sit Job seeuilu te nouaeu inte ceunis-. Tise tuboe opuiâ lebucsstb4hly situ) stei, knoivii uithbe rcridcec etIhe lutte WVnt. ,]lo olu ., 'tith s goorlvel of vaisur, k -tslSo and Wocilitue, &ré., thiereon. Fur ftrtler particutiars sppiy te 'Iluth-, C. W., Wbiîtby, -April 7t1î, 147 2-tf. TO -LET. T"WO large re r tui wl adlopti for offices, tabovc te euarleeHardware Store, iu Caldwel'e noi Buildigs, iru.ci Street, Souuth endi. ienti, souderute. Apply ounte prîu.uiues 0 J. S. DONALDSON & Ce. Whtby Dcc. 2ud, 1857. 48 -Brick, leuse to Bel1 or Reui. ý1I~T comunodieîus Bricki Cottage ut-b Brick X A!Rtchen, table oi lhedes, ecucpet at-lire ~t r. Joèeph C. and.io eutt ituabeti un 1h11 Sîrot, Town et Wlttby. Titis Cttage consiste oft4 Booms In te main building, und 2 liBeîoîne<offsite Kitete.- * Titere l l aibe lu> tue litcbien blut ceuit h matde luto -e hdruenua. An exce-llent Gardon et about '3< actec t nd, a geod Well, anti a CLIllr <ilii ix.e t 1liee. Tuile property vIli ho soiti cieap, anti ou good luris ot paymneu. Appiy te *JOSEPH . STERLING, whiby, Mr JAMES WALLACE, 1 8 19TORES TO LET. JTIM TORES IaWaly ocu pied by Tiltil& Roberta, inutbe ho Itf uisoapart cf bbc Tiýnct Wbit-, by, known s the oercW Biid.. Pffleaion giron n lmmadlaty. , .*pply te, - Wu. iMcPHERSON. Wlbltisy, April litb, 185. 13 TO l»E J*ry A COTnAOB E IN BYTRON ST. JJl .IApply te HJAMILTON & ROBERTS. Whltbly, 288uApi, 88.1 STORÉ TO LET IN WIfITBE, NUTIV.E5. NOTICE 0F PARTNEMRIP.,' TEUndersiRmed bercby giva notice tbitt Tliei- have tlisedaLy cubereittePartit-erôbip t.Pmrnîesion ,ausLtuier YecUi, genwad l AeW4t &re., tinter bie style o e tit in et Allure JOIN F. ALBLO. E. S. VINDIN. Supteuiber 12, 1>57. IN R1EFERENCEý TO TuEf' ABOVE, W'e eg lu' literm u tr trietuduenuithliiubpitclge- ertilv, tuitivsu-clisse upeuîed ul au t)tieo re toc tîu iîetratiounof ail buiiets eîtrusled bo us ans t'Stit-u lioiii, tuîiîîFerwnrdliiug anti Gencrai Age'it-q. Ah-uc a .t;i1oîter Yard foc the receipt andt gaie<oi tutîtben fer Local or ot-ber purpesea tint iretrust but prompiuti attentiont ti) ailmariera; phare- iii eutilustîts, teutterit tint- ohbaIn thel Iconfildentce asu -slort. ALBRO & VINDI'N. Port Hlope, Dor. 122, 1857. 49 NOTICE. ¶~To ilerchunts and Farmora. -é5 aîU(ltheîc iltie geiiereiiy, tuaI ho ha taken tite Grist MA,kittîsti as the J<EYiN'r31uILLS, asti Ibttricccujutet by Mnr. F, iloare, ucar llrotilii, suitfroun hisslong titti sull knoivu i-uicriu-l nttr tus tus bus. iss ut itiihy, itopes uv strict rtriitoti ai punctuality, bt tutrit aliitarr ei tth!clsuutge Patîcular atsentn upuit te gelt teir Wie.ut Flutit, wilhluc dwotit mt libutiiy. A ral il rbl uige Il. N. NEVILLE. Wltltby, Nevuinit)er t91li, 1857. 43 CIRCULAR. T RESti-terber ourctiriug fronu te Mour- hie uttîmuirotus utustoittona mtu tiemude fer lte lit- orai suptpot ii it tittu uluhle ii buinesa.- ie lise toitioris al purtitue luttebtetite tu hb Biook Acconuba, Notes or Miortgages, Now dti ti at u, titsbat lue bre large pay- ntents lum)l Ietuteulvdates, andt btI wiug t-o te prosure iii Mot iiýmtteb i il nccseiry for Iiutt ut te it e saute ; anti te enable hini te do «,s, ulu sobigu-d t iuidt eut intiedint aicps- mtuito f ntii uîiidttuue t te ittu, otîtermoLse(t us di lit. bliged te hu bthe sane toulis Atbor- it fer colecton Wit hout Fnrther Notice, wiliuilte tuet hits Vi cli to de, iandtidiIureut froutîtwlat lite lhue ittertu idoncu; but roui te presut ïpeaiaie f pusytients,lite nusi say, prhs ir tv ý,u thiuur cotte s,, 5eft hinu tii Purate. lie rn!is t ul il s s<,thieti- oeeeily oe ttenditug te tis ansd sure ests. W'ILLIAM LAING. Wlitiy. octobur 27, 17.41 LI vr-r-uc .L.lý ltti-iv ae <olL. Il. à- autIieti . r- ru-- irc 110ut tiii iu- tidîsii7 t utr tt-W il lian icuited ,ît ' 'i--lut, 11 11t ,, ui.-lâtely oeuîed ty L. Il. JOIIN fBOWLES. J. f. lA Ocluibér z it <70-ff. IAVI'NG p-urciîaseti lte tutiro stock of IL J.I>unicis& C o., %sidîttai addtion et r2-O A New Stock, -ff1Z sue flatter cnru-cixes titat w's eau glu-c cutire sats- fiction te ii luo iit e t ver ulis-t t a cail. .lt)il>l iUCiINS& Ce. Brookliu,XNvcîitblr luth, I1257. 43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. B Y virtue et a Docti of Assignunent, hcanlng date Marclu the SrtýIS 158 te uutrsignad was tiy appeiusied Assuguuec l'or the estate et JOHN MAGEE, 0f bhe Townshîip of Wiiithy,intht-e Ceuinty ot -Untat-lo, 1'eemati, fortbb c bandIt of oucl icetil- tors as tîttus.bieoute lparties theate, enter te coniditonstiiireiuu etîbrîlu, befere teiret day oftJnne, 18U>. Stldl jecofetAssiginet noir lies aitti t effecot N.,.Hlim, lhu ho Tofe Wiitiiy, for signtuire, of*- mlich ail parties iu- tereted arc reqtuirud tte enotice. J. S. SPRO1WLE, N. G.. HAMt, ~segs~ 1Witty, NMarclu 13h, 1858. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. AILL pereens indebtoil te the Estale cf John Mtgec, cther on note, roui, bondt or Mort- gage, muA et ctle thue sanietorthitti. Antial po-rso'ts havýig tlaitus ogainet iasitiEstato viii pi~e;lbandiin accounta Lby bbc lirai day et June neat. HIRAM HOW, Agent for t-le Assignee, Bruekilu. Breekilu, April, 1858. 12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AKE, nobles ibat Stephen Fuller, lateIy car- T rymng otebutusin" I'ofMerchant,aswl luire sud ther itingo, binboheTown et Witbr, bas ibis de y matie an asignumeut terne (ifié littuicnet William MoPhersen, a Mrchant ilu tée Thw of Wblîhy afureslt) focrbbheuen- fit o et rèditors utc are reUested te cotne lu anti execute tbbc salasigumeut, wvii l now in iuy office ferblut purpose wiUbIn, six menthefirnt thé date thereof, otiirvise iu.y %vil h erlutist freni ail beueit ef,- or adren- tage unudr thses"mc. Datethâtblsobdayu ofMarch, 1858. itreecllîsofoaof f e lueor h Caune Vuuls y he bbcarti lu citarge et tlteuperintendents and LochMiktrs haveTe oei veti rdeo t te permîtuy vassal se boadeti ýP be enteredti me sy et th", oéP4. s-- By order iteýlliu '~omAs A. J3EG ,, Toronto, uat PklWn Juno, 1858. 25 Ceuus DEPPI>'EI1T, rSEcL.no TcW'uuuoe. lit-h Juns, 1958. iLCuvancut, havrieg hati utder conuidraien oui flite 22d tilno, tL Depairtmental Ciretular eftihe Cntoeus DcpArlunsttt, dati d 2th Aprii, 1853, by vhîcb importera cf g ode, lu every case, are alioeet t dedutet the discotunt cctnally m-atie tur csor ubat vhicit, seeorlUng, tlte cusom oftTrade, la allowed fer cash, htas beau picased mrscinti the sanic, and te direct iliat ne sucb leductionshocallowed ltereaftcr, andt lut tc dtles bec cilesuted upon tbc éuueuutofethbie lut' dcc withoui regard te sncb discount; Andt nofte ;Sleltrehy giveto that sueli Orduir spplie, tut guowde tien iu bond, as wull as gods imp)orted uduxe the i aRAlug o e IsOrder il u uestion. Býy Coaucu R. S. M. BOITCHETTE, 123 Coimmls-iei o f Custome. INSPECTOR GENERAL S OFFICE, Tomonte, aislt May, 1858. ojTlCE Le hershy givsuthatsi&aExcellency, bite Govcrnor enmlhb esu pleîtuucby utn ortier in Cincil, bearlug tus day's dte, te urder sud direct bluet the soterageoftlifeur li. bch <lieds ut the Iseblue VC"uai lisut tMontroal bu intil obbcrwiee ordereti, goverueti by the tel'lowing regulablons, vi:- ý 1 -Flouti sh-te ho iloed te -romain li bbc shteda for tire irblt tisysfroc charg; 2-lt kopt thore bevontw tasys or 48 hours, suucb ftour te bho hable te s charge eofue1.cent petr dey per barrel, tur.4îefiat e dayÀftcr the expirtion Oftbs 48 o! exeutptlen; 3-Shcuuîd the fleur be kept làthe abhtis ho- veutt four dayii atoeecent par day par barrai, àteballîbe liabe toputy tire cents per day per barrel for eve ry daiy subsoquenalo tbe expira- Lioun utsucb fetir dts. 4-Amy part etafaY te lubc onsil«ord taoe IL .S. IK BOUCITETE 23 ~ muslurc utns Sscnraiv's OMMi Toroubo, ird gy, 1858. N "OTICE IS HEItEBT GIVEN, ihat ItuThs Brenigltant Stman Mille aud' Furtieltiig Cýoinpun,,'te ho couducbed i tnder te Prevu- stouit et su*anAdc ttohePalimuau ot thIis fro rince, 1lth anti14th VlcltrimeChapter, 28, att- tittled, Il Att Act te pruitstfur te inuteuta- tien et Ineorîsorat-sti Joint t Gt iottLtoauies for %Ianifactuiig, Miits i, MeeýLlualeal on Ciýtuiitul purpess"'anti afio oftatiier Act .t titis rorutue 1ltit-?tViotenite,(hiapter 172, ln- titu! ut, -An Âct te antou t de Act furtet tfontialion etfltcor1oratet Joint .-Stocik ('uts- *& latiis wi ueruttatctu ring anti other pitrpuc.e-s,'l tfor tue 1 pnie ôeetutti futit riing Latmber Build- ing naieials &0'i, ut lte Village ut Brotîgitunt, ini tite'Towne'ttioifPickeriug.lu inte Cennttyuf Outarie, udl rosiLecof e t ua, isavetu is cetuplied i mththettfontualitiuà prescribeti in nit Acte. liy Contumatit, T. J. J. LORANG",ER, in Cities and Coîcatica in Ufl~pr Canada, Dopartment of Public Instruc- tion for Upper Canada. Sut-i ihavethue bouton ir ttrasumit ven liens- wvith auit adv,tieeninloettheso ueuing, cund coursefet isusrctient tebetrseeti ni te Motel ilraunursar Seheel fer Lper Cwausas. As ib is s Provincial,ati nuet us local, lustita. lieu, the Cetutîci etflPubilic Instrut-iu haro ne- mels-ct te apporbion lise ppujulie i he udmuttedtul cielk Co'uuty. anti C!ty ilU I>pper Canada. - The.ob>eet tiiairculeýr hi te bu-ig thee euh jeet usderîbhe notice cf thse Cocucil ever visiel von previde, lu enter thai ifthbbc ouncil abotît itint lrolier afte ise ret,er suy future jicrioti, le select by examnution beibro s7. Cotumttee or Boaîrdi et Vxumiucrs app'oint-etifer that purpese, ibrcescf lte imosi meriboons pulie vithtte us jurî.Isîction anti ussisi the"t bu- sehueaitipeor tsersarues te attend Medel Grmnuan Scto[ th. pretcrcnce veuiti be gluten 5e tîeun esertaU l ther appictefothe sue ounty. Un'ilo a it t 6b intetutedti ltite Sehoi 1> liaroalilu- Vltot ils ianiubperle, Tour oledîcut servant, E. 1IYEISON. EDUCTcuueO OFuCE, Toronto, Jatte 8, 1858. MODEL GRAMMAR SOHOOL FOR UP- PER CANADA. Trhe Obj-eitet bcMedel Granmar Sebool la teeeily te beài unctetis o e eciug thé bronches reietly laws'tu be taugbtnl he Gransmar Sclîeehs-cespccusly bbeclciuentry Chiees sud Mathemaic-ésu a modal for the Gramnar Sehoole et thue Country, un s lte Mode]i CemuoiScbool a pattern for t-te Con- mon Seitoolaq. 1 id le180so teutiedtthat the Model Gruiarcio ll ai sfar as posîibte, aeccue lte é,advaânsges'of a y ma eslcziùai c eool le candidates for Uatersis anti tegcluorsitipo lu tse Gramumer Scbols; but sfeet canuot ho griven t-u Ibis objecî or the o Mel Onusmar Scoo uring thofiret fewm nunl4u et its-opara- bon. Th t nneal cme bas beon teken te select tinly qeelifietiandt able Masters. TVie p upils will huard in private heusca nsanctiontit by the Couicil, at priaaredupnbv lte paretacf bbc pùupils andth-e kepr < i tc uotuss. A pp wlbcalovati te board in aurprivate &ml tterequet cf hie parents. The foi- iov'nig are tise regulationo wiicl haro beau adoptet in uregard te c paniugoetthé Htrcet fromdbua . teetretof &A lamet fPuuwi ,troc- lio S01k Mitardi, 1858. Orrd , I., That - thle Model Gruusua Scitool abýâsll eopënei .forrbbc e dualo cf pupilsetont eo4Mfndâ!nAyuiîu en, 1888. e. Thatttc "qualilcalonaforaeiruflsiousitaR ho the saune as these requireti fer admission lu. t-te cConnty Grtuuuar. eoo s feloîs- Pupils ià order te ho aduiltiedtt t-be Grammar Sçbo»ol, must ho able.o. tTe ruadinhI0ly réadhng bock.21 To opei orretiy tho verda er an OrMÎUWaY aeut~ee. I.To wiat bud. 4. To vomI at l5dquitbn& lu tse siméple and compoud mies of arlthunotig sud luo ent-in ud phupeproporti , ia w able b'psrse an> easy sentence inpr=<Z d 6 ontliues etGocgrapity. 8. Tbat thc subject oft instruction shah b. tte saue os titos appoluteti fer the Counby Grausmar $Chbcols.* ,. eThat ne pernsus aluéll- dntted te lte lioel Granuunr iciooî vitetde notpumpoftek- ~u h rsri re o râ .cE A MILL. PRIVIEGE ArN) TOWN LOIS £'I. eontlgiotns te the Beavorton Wbarf. AsI Iware su rfia.il busmfflffbodop *bersc * Faeable teris i bt =4 ad*witthe 4- fJMJ fÀl~TRONG, Ni. B3.-There la a firet-raie opulu at Boa- verton for the Ilsablihmeut ofs Feutiry BIaeksmItks & Waggonmakers Shops F or sale or to -ut at LiVerpool, 'T'WENTYMILFS EAST 0F TORONTO (A JLDepo and tatiog ofthbe Grand Truuk Rail- "sY). FWcaiu Step ia e Cottage anti a quarter ef u Acre et Landi ataehod. Thèse prontises have bcen aubteiy erecteti with- lu a short dWtîsu ocf tise Kingston Roati. sud the EalwaY DepG%. A gooti busines lu hoth tractes cao le donc by Stcdadudgocti ork- muen. For tueriher parbicutiares a ly te July 28,1857. 28ejicl FOR ýALE, A (,onriîrtnbItv Fantily Reidence situsîtdinl tevilluze'Iitc h .ti srtuel oineliip et Pick- crug udliîdjýtktilbus'reuciecusu',lBay' Statiton o! ie (Irutti iuk Rîiiwcy, 18 tmlefrlhom To- Cottuge cottaning NMue Roons. witiî every uoonvetieflcre-quxisile; s lariceBaru anti stable aticiietl- i a uvî-r ailingwetul et va- ter; te Gretuniu are bastcfuuiliy laid out, anti piantel w ibh shaule Tr-ee; aie, a Large Gardetn %veil suou.k,-d ili Frutit Treecs: thue irole ceve>u two acres ef Gronit, tutticannot hoeurpassioti lu tihe 't.c ltil etorPickeren ig, fee ouveni- cuire aund rcaty access ie te Uiilway. Ternis moud-e casy.Firfrbrprciuraptec sultecriluer, Yorkville -. c t" NMr. Williamu Puirtit uttlte pretuses. ItPossessiont given fonduý- with. , GEORGE BOSTWICK. yorkviiie, May, 1858. Id Faim for Sale. 20ACRES 07 SPLENDID "AND. LOT 0o, lu loth Concession of Therab; 15 .&cres clearoti. This Fart la otuatetivititin four mile, et Ecavorton, on bho travol read te Mars; tise lanti is efthlIe boiet quslily, and is ini the centre of a iood nseulement, ibua Sybeol, and a swuinil coneuient. aia et Torh, ceuusisot,in e 95 h litcf Alu oft'.orlih ati of ,lu bcres*tit2ofs wbich carretM, and freuing ounbbel'ortege Rond, earCamerou's MiIl. 6gr-ltsLIBERISA. «M * Appy-to D. CAMEROIN. lixavertolu, 1lObu July, 1857 26 L OT N. 27, lu tbe Srt Concession ef Wblbby the ~ baWtr.cta FAsadjolnlngte Townu ut Ybt ' Appir - the lon. IR. C. Wunra cr tO .1. V. IgA »Mriitem Wluity. Judy 15, 18r. 26 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE T MS PROPERTY ISP1SEýA8NTLY SIT- atetiinuthe fleurzhing Town et Whitby, ou Brnck streci, tireeily opptosite Juttige Buiru- itan's residetice, eoutiiitt2 tire MLttofsutaeu acre et l5and imtîtabout Èlit tfedt rontago, un wiilet uterecti'!' COMPORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, wsitb snitahie eut ueii'te n excelent Wel ot W'ater, atit a (isierti ugther witb a nom- bero uit rtitabie Fruit TreetsFerfr ter parti- enlare apply tut W. SHAW, ounte premuses Wiîlltbvý, l'et. 10, 1b57. 4 FOR SALE IN TUE TOWN 0F WHIITBY. LOTuS NOs. 2. sud 2t). TIIEY ARE SITU L at<'su Dutas Streel. luctueen bMr. S Cechrutuies anti Lyude'o Creck. ~'TrRNS LIttEtAl.._j@5 Application bu bc uade te MtRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 33, SitIt concessionDarliugtou. "Chrigtisu Offring" pieuqe ceî'yunutil furbiti. FO0R A LE , ATAVERN STAND uitit Driving Rouge aundti i'arge Shede. Thons le alec ti- tacîtoul unsacre et Land, piutet mlbh choie Fruit Trucs. Tiiere le a geeti Weli et Water, wibb Pi>tp, &e., ounte premistes. lb les ituaI- et ouLob Nu.-Il,1*1 Cou. liîrpesa on t-be leati- iuratthe Town et Whithy, Lindsansd avrton, vhicb proper i viii ho lti on liho- rai ternis. Fer btue aitbà patilculars apply le te ewner at Noil MCtDO.ugsil'es, Brook, (District Lino) near Cartuicbael'a Tavrn. JOHIN MeDOUGAL4 Càarpe ntel% %Irock, Decemýber 19, 1857.. 48 TMN S COFO An - 1IE 1Wit.y, May l9, 1858. JOHN .KYA1N. 18 stOVéS, Ti, Oopp.r, a"ud Shot ion,Ware. te sdteai br 1s CAPITAL £12510fti, I SUENACE cffected ou Buildinugusud thoir content. Evory Iuatiaon uýpplied len alylictio tetheunderulgueti. il F. KELLER, ftsarct rceoimsgAge taO b heC. mof Onaieo. (illco - Victoria Buildings Brook- Street, Whltby, undor bbc Chronicle ôfllco. 18 1Iritish Amelos Asurance Cmay TNC0Reg9RATED undor su Act of theU i !hrd ISesslit et bbce Eleventh Provincial ParUet- mont of UpporCanada. CAPITAL £100,000. Insurauce effecieti on Buildings sud their contents. Evory intorunation aupÈplied ou ap- plication 'tu thb, undmegneti. Marine Riélus for the Sesson or forPurta. * JOHN AGNEW, Travellilng Agoni, Byron Street, 'Whltbjy P'rotection aganat Lou anad Dammage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000. INSUÎtANCE sifectoti on Buildings sud tuier conteunts. Evsry informiation oupplieti on applicatiuu te bbc utudersiguci. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent. Byron Street, Whibby. Times and Beacon Assurance Complyy. INSURANCE offeclet ounIBuildingesud tbteir contents4. Evcry- information supplisti on application te the undersgned,. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent anti Snrudyor of Iiaks, Byron Strcet(lbbitbv. LIPE AND IIEALTR ASSURANCE. The Brîtisi Aunerican Friendly Soclety of Canada, IESTABLISU E) F011 TIUEI AS-LTRA.--'E 0F 1-1ite and lealth. 1tctw-cated by Speglal Act et Porlianut, 18 Vic., Cip. 64. CAPITAL STOCK, 9100,00. Ilcast Ofilce nt Motrel. GENEtIAL AGENT FOR C. W., JAS. BIJuLlcn. Leutu. AaENT, J AUFS 10IeOusu, Whithy. R. W. Clark X. D., Nefficnl Referee, WIIITBY. WllPulies efleccid eiter upen Ileultb or Le,(rbt)andi cvery infuormnation cferdeti b'teI>l gtnt ue fle Marci, 25. 18,7. 10 THE SCIIEME FOR TUE CURRENT yecr will resuain open te nov Entrantseuly untiti MONDAT, bbc th APRIL et On that dcv te Beo>ks vil! bc nuade up for bbc lothuAnnuai Balance, and l4th Divison of Profits. A I inctued thie4-wl rarsk as qfonel Yrear's longer standing-tisas later, En. trant8, and toill partsizpatu Ose lear earlier at tise Dit' eions of Profit. L IFE ASSOCIATIO)N 0F SCOT.AND- ibuntict 18,38, aud empevereti by Royal Cnrer sud Ac t fParliament. MONTREAL-t' Grent St. Jamesl Street. EDI NBURGHL-Auueociatio's Buildinugs, Prin- cess Street. LONDON-20 Kintg WiiiLsin S1rcet., City. Exljtue-seiy usntitited on tise principle 0/ rsducing tise Erpense of Lîfe Âuurance cs low as ù mcuu"itent icith persaîncsn secutrite Aunidutithe matîy antd varions evuteme of Lite Asmucraisce prEsettedt te pubilicnotice, ihat <ut the Lite Asusociatieuî et Scoland le undouht- edly well stuitedt t the circnmgtasieus oethie mut- jorfty ot persens wbe effècb Assunrances, as ia evidsxt from tbc rapiti andi unexamplecti luces et the Pulicy holders. During bbc lai three years alouts, there have becnunpwards oftThrce 'thionssîud New Entrante,asesuring thir lives for nueriy Two Million Pounda Ster' The Picy-holdersof et bcAutolté uu noue cf btheiaka ef partnership. Tbey Arc frce froni al rospenebilty, sud the sua Asured are guarsutei lui any eveuut. ax'orrtu AT lem ANILxxgtusrge L1VEFS ASStJRED te thue numbeo et .14) 20-3 SUMS SUUED........ 48970tg ANNUÂL INCOUE frompinmum and litureat ............... ,1Stg CAPITALfun addition te aouu- iaied peuni] . 40OOtg Thse Association Ie nov laauiug Pçlcies/fy oaa several RBe- strictions commonÎ e> imposeon ouAsscroti livea ansi eontorring mni tsud important ilcilities sud privilego, whnch are ratd by ne other DIREOTORS AT MONTRIAL .1. G. -.-c '"-- Esqi G Ior- tr, 'V-- q PMIRET0 Oc.DgaJr., Paq. George CrawfordFe. J. 9. Hlowardi, Eeq. J.Cauerousq. P.P W. I. Perrin, Esq., A.MLCiark FEs . m Hon. J. H i Cainors, DeMscenl 1304 CapWan P. Wsilace. J. oodhou, Lq., .4e.iitc4st oe Beefrs.-Torocto-ity Bansk of M Rend OiRce, Toronto Street, Torontos. lav t-Ids Ouunu.svt havuiou Afflnclss woUl W EST bal! et Lel No 7. lu t-le tuti Cen. of- Uxbridge, vith a 'gooti saur miii in geel working order. 80 acres eofthie landi are elereti. There le a Ieeti bouse andt ban. Alec Park Lot Nu 78 on Dusudau.4stîrcet, ln the Town et Whitby, coutining five acres, witb s got loute onùt-alulugseenaparttueutà; tablc,barrn, ont ofices. Apply te C. M. KELLER, Tite.Omucu' UsiionriRle P. O. Murkhans. or F. KELLER, 22 Whitbi. 100 Acres of Landi for Sale. W EST hait Lob 1",li Cont. Uxbridge, 60 acres cîcareut anti ntter geeti cultivatuon, vitb a bouse, barn a.ud stithis. Thte landi ha of bbe very best qnliîty. The ircodeti landtisl mixet vit-b lite very uest ofetpins anti harti-eooti. Situste 23 miles trom te Town et Wlitby, sud within 8 miles of Stetitviiie, lut s good t ect country, anti couvaîtient te mille, nmanufactures anti markets. Fer berme anud partictilars, Apply te itle ouvten, JAMES KELLE, .uUnillc 1P. 0. r - Markhsn. 0.2 - Shitby. AN EXCELLENT P'AR31 TO LET. F OR A LIMITED NtTMBER OF YEÂRS, being t-ue North Wosb baif ot Lot Noû2, Srd coucooston, and-tbe SouthWeet 80 actes of Lot No 24, 4bU concesson, Townsbip ef Whiby- 120 acres iroilcul4rtod-a lago roporlIen ef the ýfart bas been itasturo lad or ton.- Yeats Puat. , Peeeeseiouion nOobr Aply E ON, OW, * .,,~,Whitby, OHARLEB VALE & 00.f B ,-oluuorm bhc pu4lie thabthoybhave re cons ti these extensive prêoises, on Front Street, (formerly jccupied un the Ontarie Bre6wery, l nbbcemust complote style fer carr- lng on tii. business of i , Inon Founding& Smiths work Iu ait e nbranches. They invite inuspection oft tlîir numnerona Pat- tores ef!Ornemental Iro enetces, Balconie, Verandaba, Vanît Do'r, PInsuad Ornamcital Cunt Iren Columnai, Window Capum, SU19mand ÂRICHI&!C.VUZML WORJi et oery descripitn; Cookiug, Parler sud Box V$toves; Orates, Uven Muutita, Caultirens, Sugar ~etles Plain Casting>. sud Forglnga, al of vhicf, ibcy efier te bbc Trade sud ethers ou cd- vantageous tere. W Coiuntry erdero putie tually attoudod te, Torento, October 20,,1857. 40ý-tf BEER!1.BERRI! - > REAL ESTATE. Splenâd d arsu and Preses for Sale lu Whltby. ILIT excellent taru theb property cf Mr. eT W15i ce nar ly llnd eigcutnjosetiofpat couiainitug l150 ace-,n all scurdad trec fronu sunu p. rThere i2 a good dwclliuug hunes, borne, tam"ld out-ou'uetunte premises. '118u a good ercluard and garden. There arc abouit 50 acres et excellett voi on the oest part. The landi le ie a 1gbmtutus cf ultivatiou, there is a geoti tstu nruituting blrouglu No l6, the prenui.ue are utîl wtptev<and tbe situtatieut tuurueelite place j.; witlîin 4 muilesofetihe Town ot Wh)itl»y sud S3unlies of (Jsawa-a-nd atligetîter a mure dieirtuble irinienuet issolduni ottereti for sale. For purtcflarr appy to Maly 19, 185>4. l SAW MIILL AND LAND. TO BE SOLD OR? RENTED, A SýW MLL WiTi l o>AIlEit etLAINI Ai a cres cleurcd, ai Dutfins Ureck, lu the Township etflPickerinîg, front of tht lftb con- cession. There urc 100acerne ot GOOD 11iARD )WOOD AND CEDAR, anti aboutt 50 acres et PINE. Thte vîole to,.be soli orvlctted, tvgether or 5epuratciy, te suit 9pffr The preunise--4are situateabc outt 134 utiles Suuith te bcVilage ot GreenuWoodi. Apitlcation te o mtine te GEORGE BALLARD, Grecuwood 1'. 0., I'ickOrug Ocîtu.>' 26, 1157. 4 FORL SALE. L'Wý%IOTS in Wltitbv tueur thte Bay- nuuts Bauy, and Port Perrv. 0ipi)t . H. DAITNELL, ulelicter, (te., J unel19, 1857. 22 WANTED. 0 ucacor rmnt, about 50 acres (4t guet T Inwtiuîuu tive mnile,,<of tue Town os' WVltbhy. Purchutue witlu tr vitheut l3uildiugs, eut easy 4>rlu» preferruti. Asldre.-tu HJ. MACDONELL, F.sq., If by bitter pool pai. Fobruary 2, 1858.8 Tmes te Ccpy. 100 Acres cf Laud for Sale. Western cZnutrvz-ubuse un thv Inis Ruot Pilla vore lirat disoi MMrswvs tce irst in=ute est-abUis bluet ail tiioess arise frent itpurit-Io -that our atrcngtb, hoalth at upon Ibis vit-ailniti. SWben tbe raricus passages beetats anti do net actlu Prfect itartun tarent fttuctlons et bie body, i t hieù action, becoune tlulk,,corropteLisut erery usine; aur--otrangtJbtilartsha boalh v. are deprived',et, ansi f ne reàalet«d lu throwing off thà stagnai thé blood ylbecouno ehokoti sud et aud thus Ouir lut of llffiEwill fOeve ont. Hov important thon lbàt vo el the variée tessi e etthe-body fro Anti laowplao=azt u bia oha, p er t-o puInb 4a ed einyour soie M ael Ilffm Root Plla, nsuis plants asu Foots widu grow Îroun tuisnous ea l QuoiinNsbnwi aardon for ofd rovy tdisesed man. 1bue fo tlchIeePIlsarc m ide in ot* 1)111GB AND EIDE.XDQL »RTJ An»JU~IC~NS. unw.y Tus BLOO»s I ÉI1R bn ber ictûrùo hig*sincol'e thanks- te Môfqtes LtueÉluls akaP ols Uite lfchhoba bénfvorod, ine.ope hui VT RE AT, PoP LARJTY )19ýMF gay ses erinri orpedja yMr . ft' Lf illsad Phwffeni t31 vise pied wtth thi largeajtù anmost complote talnoed lunsequenSo f theoozatriuil Ot« STOCKor PRE D UGI, effocted-b 'torsrendors k uno 'foar?4 f eorvo ,iltÇd~c ofevd <r alelu the herop etorbo enter iUtO ap. 'W Towu *t ierd W6 ntbhe u of n î me iilvirtuen or p . -o Town rf Witb n unutorth.pub: àbmIei, ïtitMedicine@, Perfuuuory, __c, sudmrs ho we:i 'imi t,ù Brunhos Paigus, OU, Dyo ftuifs-, A.& thn tbree mi~ions cf persansawhe 'bave bêsný Physicies uIan il1y Proscription» carefulk! rostorod te the esu1c""-nt of pbfeO8hoa1t11!>y prepared. thein, lb iabellave ft thoir ro utation as.the Horse nd' Catie Meicines bet vegetable Medicine nov booro théjnI~ oIl kîenda,-eeurstoly coing adinits of ne dispute,.u Inanosa very ty ar ofýU ina' Suâtlycompolancid S i village Iluthe tUnited Statien, thero r n a y wÎ héo te b othe = iprovomettsln Paruay. iieà Mi~o hi ffcc iem, Sjurgeous Iusirumoail. dutesso, and glvîug te tii. WhoIeysr l 04 G. A BMNISER, vigor suad health. D rlt&. Iu cases of Scrofule, Ulcers Searvy r i Whltb, Aprl Dunas StselWIt tiens et the skId, the opra iiet8. M W ibArl14, 1558. l&-3Y de.alstetruly astouisg, often remoVýg e ______________________________ fw diuys, evcry vestige o tliesa Ito "6=ë cf M EDI CAL HALL, Foyer a& uéEppuriyig ffDropstb1je ESTADLISIIEl>1852. lin short, mona c asessoon tytoldto tlueîr curative proportion. No'finuily olid bowlth- W. H. D O E L, ontriien, as bytboir tmel usentuch suda.rzg? *Druggast ansd Apothocary, Brook-St., sud enpenrisaYbc saved. Whltbu'. eTnd ~lby mizMoiM. D,2Noi F- 109 to inform bis customers and the public 13 enerally, that ho Lano doiug busines u AJEIA RV L'IN bIs NwStorewhor hle nalwayLs propared tei xecr\e th 1 oL have heretoibre faivored hlm TUE WORLD UNÂNIMOUS! Xwlth thoir custom, sud aise ail othèes whe wlsh te obtaln ,Geuuine Druga and lledineti« And at Price to Suit the Tim. Patent ,Modieinee, CombB sud Brunhes 1mB. Rubber loueds, Tortei,,e Sheil Combe, l'aeis Colore, Ouas for hnrniue and mîwchineryA.lcobol. sud Burning Mluid,Varnisieo for wood- sud irun, &c., &c. 1A finseaaaertmout ef Porfumery and Teilot articles, Stock ofColor%, dry sud tubebuhi Tin, Co suad SilverFoilio, Foil or Ticai 01 sud Oriental Palting.lursfrGecaR L OW Y1 1 lsCniion 0owers, Wbite and Black TeG a en«fd-tn 01e, &are propared front1Englih Rectipes.TieG atCuerIran Physicians Prewmiptioiu and Familt i VIRUS 0F DISg-ÂSE OTZI Jleipte carefull prepared. y TRmakes ils wa1 te the. lnterna,ý-ogu ClanIsd gct an 1LM4N.40 for 1858, sud thtou$h the pores of the okin. Thi pieuse remeruber the nIn tui,0t > doth hanelas*i SIGN " THE RED MORITA3." noes, sud, reaching tho 'seat ef in0Lznmablin% 'eiM Pedierâ sud Country Stores,- supplied prcmptlYsud invariably subdues it, Whebq with Emeneces, Caster 011, Hall oit, &c. ,ocatedu tokiucs,11elvrte ug, Wbithy, May 26, 18,58. -a3-m suy other important. organ. It penetrates -the* surface te the intcrur, thouglu the couetosa HALSEY.98 tubes that communmicate with the skinSasaumjl 1nier rain pas into le fv rds<uj Forest W ine amd Pilla, regrndratiug influence. siaeatvew Lm ofAppiMDroq, kiuDisaneandClantIalar SwelliagsÏ ni nt f>te ýnus LaAtive, rsnd pecieOfetextorior irritation is quickly mEa, <cusdiee, Aue and Ferer, reduc. b b ntfamtr cion cf tis cuw., Cuhu1,li, e' (?o iuie intmnt. Angry ?ruptions, sncb as, Sat &a~ lL8em, Affecives cf boad, l;ettleRusih, ýcabi.s o lhd. i me SÊ'nont, te returuneomore, under ia application, And ail cotplaints originutlng romi ore itlIexperieuce ini ail-partitof the~ boii ad habit of thc systom, (leneral Debîlity, proves uts infaIibillty lundiseaes of me skizltheu and feeble altet bte constitution, muscles, the joints sud the glande. For Ladies in a weakly sade et bealth, this Ulcers, Sores and Titinors. Winc laca del gbtfal ronîedy. -The offect ot thie unrivalieti externai retuody Wholcsalc gente lu Tfironto-Lynan lBros. tpon Scrofula, sud other violent uler s ad & Co., sud Urqubart. Kungelon-.-E W. Pal- nores a, u t-tiiraculous. lb fiuret disehage mor. theLpisn hih rodcosujpratlo1)sdpreË Retafl Ag enta at Wltby-W. S. Robinson, fhsdtutecuswbuuh sCeU inr Oh a-.J. Sutton; Pince Albert--Suttonprieafrad complote arc stas wod t as & Toraliraton; Markiua, Village-J.C.Duuham; permanment. Lindsbav -Trhomas C. Patrick; Uxbridge-,. D. Wounds, Bruis.., Durfla ndiiStaidu- Weeks; Canton-J. Bethwell, P. M.-Brough- kcss0 h o i'xe am.-LaWon & ilutoiduoe; Port pr -zJ Dficture et the os Blgclow bMetcalf-l> Matchett *Mount Pss-caused b~ stam expl Osions, fruaeam BuuMs an-. .iet; Evauajlie-J W. Joothutru Scltd, Eounustism, tiffnese cf tho Jcints,snd sud for sale by ail Druggiateansd Medilcine Des: contraction -of the ainowa, iis mployeti-sud lors iu Canada. watflhly recuunuuendied by the facuhv. This - G. W. HALSEY, marveou ermedy bas been. intrcduueodby lis 84-ly Sole Proprietor, Ne o in lventer iu poison mb ail thoeloadiospitals rkof Europe, uducprva "luoodseli A N OL)IYNDIAN DOCTOR WIIO 1ASwithcut il. Lmaode bis fortune sud retireti froinibuainess 1Undouiablèo estlmouy. will spendi the remainder of bis&tisys lu êurlng TeMdclSaffheFec u nls that ciretdftul dieeasec-ÇONStTMeTION-IuuaxThMlcui the Crimehehaenfchalyoigued tgiih 0F CuAiuGz;lis carnent desire bcing to comtu- Ariei heCie aeOlutincuit, os th oat nicate to the werld bis remedîca that have pro- apraeofssH Iirowabîe vet, cýote Mosgt ied scoSteuil l inere thsn threc thousatui t wuunllaled.lt us aluio ue by ,an gn ses. Ili requirce caeh applicant teo end lm a téAle ais E0~c minute description et the sym-teman, with t1wo disATHed Na ÀSfl q Stampu (6 cts.) tu psy bbc returu letter, luIO H 1%-UN -»Pwâeôj'xm vlcIr lle willlreturu theznihie sadvice reri 1,; THFR tiwvuaE .CAM: ri with directions for erc n Buthesnild duos, &l. Docto ppsrun t~5 ni Burus, \Scl&lus The q ( otrbopes that those affliteti Chiapei ns, Sr aaiq will net, on acceuint et dslicacy, refrain froui CFitulei, See lcat8, fconneuititug hlm bocause ho makea No Charge.- Fistul, SeIds His nole ohject lu advertising le te do all the GnSûesTbroats, gooti ho enu before ho dise ofuels that ho Lntnwqo, $oeset al l urda, la jusbly celebraed for thecemcf CensMpilon, emrwralEruption Sprains? Aathuna,Brouchiitis, NsrvcusAffeotons iluni Piles,StufJounta, Colts, &. Ad~s t!iunuatleuu, Tettar, DOCTOR UNOCAS BRANT,- Egorn iea ' alt Rhéuni, Veruieial Boree, sBOX 8531, P. 0O, New Torkl. inDsé Wudsfull k"na- j'Sold ai tho Ma-nufctores o, prolessot Uoi k î.OWà.r, 80 Malden Lane, Now leru,1 sd 244 Strand, London, by'all respectable Drugrista anti Dealers in Modihe ti'rousghout ts lliitea Statea: sud the-,eivilizedêvo la, in ýous, at ?j Asia sud Aericsas well asortndAsiereta ci CI I8MT. umer, copius SI gtres.sr blueseu iiewvia xz or prue%- a.. im eo="Ietl

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