ho incter how long a it cfnines may bc oued in its favora In Ungland and Wales the, annual desths were, aSorîllng tte h Ssseci. 1780, l in 40. lu 1831 they were Iinl 47, M»d according toe i.laiut fwlich I have any accuntli bu O. Statistiee alsc show tuat durin the. laut hait century the number of deatha in the hospitali of Europe have gr.atlydiminished. Havi*ng, I'trust, now nÃŽutlrallZttd the venoni which the "atce centaine, 1 vill leftve the.re. inainder untouchcd, as It vili do ne halm -' and*cmntaifl seule truth. Merely iu con- clusbon, ssking the. learueti *riter whetbcî I" befoe.bhaflxed upon the. atartiing heading of his articlehe made it his duty te, enquire what vas thse nature of the. diffeent cases; the treatment adeptcj in each, and whether the, directions cf the niedicai attendant ver. fathfuliY atteudeti teor int*rferce with by soun.epresUmptieus andi deslgning qnsck Or ignorant oid voman, and lastly, wby it wuvas lit wbtin vcry latoly the sanie discere vas Couinittiug its dire ravages much nearèr home, ho did net flnd it noces- ary te indiroctly impugn the ski li et the ruedicel attendants. W. o. È. * Whitby, July 9, 1858, A rme fleroiste. [Fr% ite BoomingW!n (Ill.) Pantograpla] MUs. Jardline Ù. Straaaburg. vite of p. 91 rnbr;ett wciy as a passeuger Uin the. Pensaylvausia, whlch vwu burned tb the wates eotge Iu thi. Mississippi, sixty Miles below Memuphis, on Suuday mrnrinC 1.51h June.- MmrS.. loft hcr bortia just befere thc explosion teck place; and iwher sbe lbeard the reperi, whiclî shaok every Wpiece cf tiî.ior in tIie boat, she cnught ,'hold et bier littie child, wilîici was on,î two months old, su-d rughed inte the iladies cabin at the very momtent that a large pieceofet nactincry canin rnahing througb the flour. Sfie rau te tho c&aniii'g rouir and teld hini that the boat vas on fire, but h. aaid sihe wa s iliken, and advised laer te becaîni. She snid she vas net mis. taken, aud ber niantner was su eariiest that the captain thinkiiîg salinigbit be correct, went-down te thu hoiuer der.lie retumned lu a short time, and remn arked to Mmi. S. "There is no danger nov -the tire bas been stubdued.' Mune. S, however, w'ould fnot ho cenvirîced; she iii t hat the boat vas in flames, ald tire CaIp- tain W make pèparations. for s:tviîrg tht. passengers.. As site finiseel qlpcakiin tIreý daines burst tlrmough tIre caîuin flon 1r, in * less thian a minute, the cain v as illed witit anoke. Sire saw the tlune for acîjîri had Prrivcd, and site knew that lier lite ami that oe lber child deperîdel lapon hem ena exetlons;8ose Ie ent dotvti tîte pi vate staircase, and m-as fortunrite cna ýir to reacirtlirebolier deck in safe-ty. Kiîouing that she wî'eîlt periqh hy fiu'e if ste qtalid on lte boat, site deternmineîl lu louve it,'and rua the rnsk etfumeetingg 1ý deatii by a.etiîem methol. -Sue acconuli ~ghi-seiea e a boardl about seven tact long a d igti ît on ton Incites vide, an<l graspisg .-lirer cill iith une a an sd bbcboard wvîthie oaer, pungoti inte the river. The carrent, evîeîg te the higli staege et waiem, vas vemy repid, and Mnf. S. hal as muttc as abe ceultic te keep hersait anti child ahoe ote-surface; but abe rcs-ad ecquai te lie langerons situation, in n-iicir she %br'as piaed, and hem penilcuâ jeuraey dova tire river ivotal iel bave bocu ai- tenlel viii haifthIeIageor il vas, if lier unselfisi lacant bad nul prompted hem te Sas-o atinan'ho vas îenable tb sas-o lirin- self. A shert Urne atter lcaving tbc boat, $ie sa-tan simuggliung in tino ciater, and site know trou bis nîcrerents iliat ho wýas teemucli exhatastel te save hitascit frm oto ge elte bottera ; se aire getîcrous. Iy andi nebly jeopardizadliîer lite te save bis; ahe graspel hirn by lin amni, aItte nisk ot being puiled (rom hbem trail support, -- anti assisteti hbn in gelliag upon s pieceocf plank tti as hardly sufficient te keel> h erseif anti cill aies-e the surface et tie Father cf W'titcrs. After loatiag tor an heur sud a liait, the Iliree w6eorescînel hy #oeonmaea, vhe, I-tsiag lîcardtihue exi osion, iunclie a stali he&-,t anti stantd up lte streani te - -.ealer assistance te tbe untertunate sufltir- eus. When tho man viteo ias rescuel by -Mms Strabturg plaied is tact in te boat, be triel te express Ibothegratitude vitich be tait- fur hilspreserver ; but bis lheart «wa8te fulliofet tankfarmnoas tirai liii tonue refttsel te gis-c utterance te lus gratcfrl feeling. Mns. Strangnmg lcft this city about'thire inoulis ago, ad ven4tuluClinton, Miss., hem tirtitplace, virere hem relatives resile. She bock passage on the Penasylvania, et Vicksburg, ana vas tortunate enougit te arrive at her own hanse in titis ity on Mondayicveniag. True Story of 15i1ith Lord ofBDurleigh.", - The romance o e mclîlie is erdinamy enougit. Il ocîîrs overy day, andi then -neboly thinks about il. A ceutiîîg match beiveen a couple et 'rurailevers is ful et titis romance. But transfor It le higher Society, and bey lucîi It gieammatirongi, lie, a Sa.e painting, vîb a judicieus ceaI et varnisi bringiuig ils itierto concealeti r beauties into notice anti adefretien. rHentry Cecii, lOti Ear et Exeter, vith landeti eatâtes te the yeariy value et £100. OÃ"O, andtheti palatial regideace of Bumglcy, w it-h ils statues, î,aintfngs, anti articles et vert sai te be vorli £500,000, niammietia toisa Vernon, frcîn viien, îviug te ber violaton cf bbc msri'mag e vw, heotras di- i'erced in 1791. Ainuosî beartbroken by ils disgrace and misforînne, he reselveti te retire -Trou high lite, and 'lrnmedlately after the. dIorce bet-eek hiiuseif te a retir. ed, villag i Shropsire, ucai dBolas, about 120 uilcs froua bisevw beautitul e'- Burgley. 0f that place, hevever, lo vas net lord then, uer uni lb.hedeathhoethie unoie, t-ho 9th Uan, in 1793.- #But thon he vas beir-preaumptive te t-ho title anti e@toes, anihie pecuniary alevawýnce vas on a very ample scale, sulteti te bis fature -position. At tis lime, Ico, h.ovaonly -Ãagin Mr. Henry.Cçai. lly bectue a a (cibr-I 8,ý besidji hie faruca j 1faU mmpboy. (leiIsinue 5 milii aad ha laboretnietlore 14 fairly to eamnbs 'i maineu wu ito e loe ruts, 0teenpted te enter lnt~ onversaio, but h. SPEOXAL 9NOE. a spoke se0 veil, viien ho id converus, tiot Mr.Dicc o e ioi gave hlm -the TO THE LADIES. nain cf"Getlean lary."Itvo ~ LOWM I& Powxi.tare in-r.cept tub ay cq, ilong belern tuis a<b'iqs,-.and If cm qntuty cf choieseeacenslsting la part ef becarne kuovu te Mr. Dinkeutoja, w6e - a eîngnllceuî DreaiStkeelt Plaid Chou., (lieue lhinain he fmetP ,Burte, (lamelia 8tripe Irish Poplins, Pilin lu te wy o me thi astrange black and olored Pgea ees, Trench De rna-Illr's man, and became emc iter- ftiell'an sd fgle 1klres. Goodo,. o Bomuc hi - Ceue uargo Shawis, Ladies Moir Antique ested in bina that batea4l oflongaalg.d te capes,- Parasols, Bonnets Rions, Thread a ret sd i'freb Inthekitcen,"~maîe-Lac, sewed Muislian Gooels, Gloves, 811k and nmen Harry" vau regularly i4vit.d into tue Tle subsciers vonld more particnlarly ceaU ristdy wer. the. goed pastor useti tejein attention their stock et 81kL, nas thcy kel confi- studydent that thnry are the richest anad boit gonds of biinl a draught et home brewcd and eà ttie kiaîd betw,-eu Montatrecaid Toronto; hirviiig r pip cf be Neotain wcd. ben seleeteod villa greal came by our A.gent in r Pi of he -iStaan wed.New York.. Eue long, Mu'. Diokenson, vie hati frocly Asetutheir stock et Staple.< are large, wnll len bin vrbes ook, hntu bi s spa. p andgond <nhtatia gonds. e let hm vaion boos, intd bi supjîý Parieswauting tint coie G Col., and Gools ;cien that "Gentleman Harry belonged Otevery variety are reqaiested te ccii and judge te a bigiiet pisitin than ho thon eccupicd. The usual stock ut Gocres, Liquons, This vas eenfessed viti au assurance that, Crockery aud (llanswara. on basnd. LOWVES & POWELL, tiiore vras ne disgrace cotncected witb bis n-0 Brook Street, Wiîitby. ieoegnrito, and the, promise te, reveal the. èparticulars et the secret at ne distant day. IMlportant tu, Femaless Thomas Ilbggins, the milier md ene Dit. ('iiEcsuAMÂecs Paus,-PrepRcd by Conte- daugter ame SerI,, uov farandlins Il Cheasernaît, M. D., v York city. vide as the "Bcauty et Bolas." About aeth et fa-long andex lansie raie ll thislimeainevas ctrcl tonty amiThc.y are mild in tieir operatirtendl cortiin ln thistimerit wasscacelytwety, nd orreting al Ire larities, Paitfil Meaiisrn- thruugh the interventien et e moneyed tiens, rnuavting aI I obstruetionfi, mwlther frein aunt hs meeivd vat v herd cscib.cold or othelvise, headocino, pain in the aidle, aunt ha recivd wat w bord escib.palpitation ofthticheart, wtîlteeali] n' -ouiz ed, (ilihem native Sirrop.ehire,) as a Ilbet- atYcdetiets, Ilr Iei ai, fatigule, pai' la the btrek andlimes,1 C, d*tubedslaep, wliilh aise tor-niost education." lhtish cr~t c îtae sud wroeocorrectiy, badl seme slight a->2'bNorrit jLadiet,-Dmqheeen'riI'illilarc quitnewith French, and playeti toler- invaluebieh as they ivili hrtngon the inoittlly quaitanc ~ di mteglaity. Ladie.s wlc bave bt-ci ably veil upen thae barpéiichord. It cae rdisîippoiutod iu the useo f other Pille clin place r te asi tat Mis 11.tumnei a fvomeb e t utuiert conidcence in Dr. Chlci't, îe illti ýr o'pss hatMi, Il tuneda fvor b ingd ail tue yrceIscnt ho de. opair et briglît llue eyos upen II "tiarnan Wrrantel pr lyl vegetabie, aîîd trec froci: ay lijuriona. tExplieit direction. o :1:1 Harry.'" Alas for tire roinance ofthe stery, sinl .a auenepaî i:lt 'Prlce SI. bis premier jeunes was gone -for ho vas Senit hi muil Ou et~1sîî $1 tii i. l. 1litTui- îoNus, tien, 41MIl, l'est tflie,, M-w York City,- or I in ii is tity cigintîtyear. ut irappenci aise Uthe authorbind Agent. rthat iea brcaine inteeted in lier, so much N'II/ on >t 9iri .erîj 7T(nrn,jeth, rse tînetlire cailel at tire parsotîtge onie eve- a. B. lurîîiMq qn ietCrl.e:ltfrteVl tnitîg ho coasuit wbtii Mm. Dicketion-ina tel -' tltes 1 aca :tt:la.. Iftl-, Nvi r vs..M- ~:t:: wî:oîîail Whlulsale ruee:::1be Yword te entrait lini Lu rnrry tîretî pri- a:ldr"cec. s vahely; anîd thoneaek ing a dlean irreat oet ý- For nie hy G. A. liacri'ter. et-iNV. 1IL eit, " (jeîtleinaaa ilarry -cotntes..e:ltutet laDie l, ltTu. a:it:,.& r... i r as Mmr. tienry L'oeii, nexi ireir te the 1Earldoan rd slates of Exeter. lie bound NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tever tiree ergl ian ho secrec-, flot allowî- * itig Ilaritîr e itealose his personai secret te M O T 1 C E. *Mr. Iloggirrs or even tobite faim Sarah, 1h tl vas a diiuttmlatter for the clergymnan te A Tate \%iii lIebtcdtj t;Rio:fthe I1>.i)o eobtain tir en:illers consentLte u armage, Cxiriiiie, le' 34, 5.fi <ii. i. dIeaetaire vixicli vscecrcîed on the 3th ef Oct. izei'îvrfi r r,- tiset fi norer- cher, 17~91. Tire harppy couple livel apon MieI e'~i i: li illii'iazli:rit el 1 Estate crt- r jitese-i t:: iati-I ficesainîe in to a stirll tîrrm durnîgtîhe following t vo tîteto iet'rti-ii:î'ti:îîe lin aijiituwit, yu..,,.ît lr . eilt ualylearca ied 1 \1 .i~MIl.\.iLTo<N frotiar i ireivsbtîry p:îper tat tire dc:rth otf hili. i 4~l<i. À; 2 iris' tir ceieail piace a caronet on b is brow tard iltlîiense - neairth et la ladisposai. Whutbr SOitp VanndtudeFeey St:11 corceaiirrg the secret of' his ank pî:î:-r'ir1-rt.iifi îec-ntft rtu hi., bisv île, I.:cil tmidlirer thatlire bal 1 T :. tw îii< jiri-î:re:t ii- pe<tr i wl ennv t 'Ieîitcv if A1I 1 Si <A aI het c:bîac lieerîriiied <poi:: a chantge ut residence. W mr, itc ij: i , -:if flot .::p'ri:r to tie .lie lîrelurel te :iccolttpaery' iidaving let fi-.:t::iIJ.à ; t 1:1w piet., fur (tAs o r lier niative 1,ifusi%% îtiî regret, for- 41ie bcd ri«iiiii 1 i:. t. Prî i r:e il lpd- itlitcier-% lV'îhpytha'rc, ,!;îmaill i, iiteand me- eî -ir . : :ic f ter, 8h e accompaniel hemrlrusbaîid, and Wi-,. . JAMES .CE they carnte ai imet te Bcrgcy, the heauty of whlicb greatiy sraek ir, as thcy rodeo by X LDIC.IL Il ILL.r IXBIIDCE. t in Ilîcin humtble conv'î-aace. lifer ha a- mîFsî,:--l r.e.< .:' icteîi'i banrai oli Tien tîtat t nas a show place, and :Tii -îUl :ii iri'o: d-- -c.' sire gl.adiy assecîédto eiis invitation tO1>îg<ieiir- r:-tilli .e. tj 11 alîglîtaîîîsee it. 'lhea-engtered tede- ~~ < niecsae, waîkiel up tire broad avenue vitb !,r I ils double frînge cf stateiy naks, vent Reiie . .* i. . o--i thmougliîthc gardon and conservateries, i IeI Sad finaliy maIe a tour utftte axansien. Atiat, eturnbng clownthte grand abrir- 2anli' J case, imte tirestateiy hall, aroanti vrhich jIL) 1 N1) wene rael-cl figures in antique aniaom, tipI famil' portraits frin tre lai-s et Holbein iu. M' te "e ' A saine::i'y fi: lt-iiFgr lvr\an,::lviig fier 1 anrd Vandike dowa te Reynolds, hem hua- tluisadi-nveri-i:t. b and ak.ked lier hv aine liked tiîe place. Ai li, "Beautiful! " she cxc'laiened. I"Oh, lien- Wliitht,July t14,1< N Te TP mv, viral a Panadise te live ad die in!" By thîs Vine asmsail covîl et relatives and v ' R A 1LRO A.D 11()1 e-SE, anrîattendatits liad milee acirce e onad U WhItby. ile XANi T he IIsuli'. iliin.'arl, said ho, as h.e kissedl ier senier lfgige t-. ili,(-~0" . irilitîii:taiits nf %Vhiuihi-, and liii- tri:e-iiii cii:ttitv, tht litu whrite brou-, "TIhis place is yours. I arn lias takien tiie: :hover irst ciwls. Iooi. bc:hh Earlcf Exchc." Tion turning to the.cern. bs littefir p e it icv ni cteoieiai aner. party, lie saleIl"This la the Ceunics etnerm, Lieroi.&c.. enîr fie lied ai a noneut, [1er children iVorc a daugiter, boem et Bolas, in 1792, (whose daughtcr, wedded to Lord Chast. Welleiley, will pr.ubably be Duchess of Wellington cre she died), and two sons the ldcst of whorn born in 1795, is the prescut Mrqis.-The peasant. Courtess died in 1797, and ber disconsolate husbarid rnrried a third wife in 1800. He was elevated to a Marpîusate in 1801, and (lied in 1804.% This is tie rosi story ..fthe Lord of Burleigh," as narrated by Diekensen of Bicas, as lately as 1851, when h. died. %W1lIiB3Y M<ARKETS, Wedncsdny uly 14, 1858. The attention of tarmers te haying, and the bad roads frutin the reccnt rein, bave kept back the supply of produce the past few days. FÂLL %VHEÂT, ta Od e 4s 9d per bushel. SPRINo 0 VWLEAT 38 4,ÃŽ U S Pd Jper busthel. FLOCIt 17s 6d a 22s 6d per barrel. BARLEY 28 a 2s 8d per bus hcli 0Â&na lae O a le S8d per bulirel. 8EF 5 a 86* pet cwt. I>OTATOF-9 29 Cd a 3a per buéheci Birrsa6d a 7xaper lb EGes5d per dom. WOOz. los a 1 d par lb. BIRTH; At Wbîhtby, ýon the, l2th inst., the *-Ife of Robert Spurrili, Eiq., Deputy Registrar, of a daugliter. SIPECIAL OTIoz8. Dalley'o magical Pain Extractor. ln ail diseass n"lsîntion mor, or leoo pre- doininates,-now te xay inflaunation nke atý the root of diaesse-hence an inaxediate.cure, L>U,#ja egwePuisn 2rcSr, sad notIaug: else, Ycll auay intimnation At once, aud nkea certain ou. Da&1%'# agiw lPain zzbuctor viiimm tre followrnig among the, Catalogue cf diseso- humus, soald@, enta, ehaes, nocrenipples, oemn, bunions, bruiss, strolsbite N lsu cli tlains, bilesq, seofela, uers, fever facre.,ous, tur ache, pile%, son eYoa, g ontswellngs, Ihe,- mationa, s"d iiead, all rheu whednem ,eryý alle t n 10111m, herber, iih, imau» JJ9S, Tonme à ma u~inrdlous thot no »aCh augidos viii vawa'hen e mP te tac <tt tlaas*Iva ..Pd eltniefor ssliih Y ie x e.vîr -ogffdale i Èisiiitng Piîles, Kirby and Llîiiterlik B o n r glii anîd louse -; Sik, Sewecld, Ilair, bine-n and corotaLinr îte ; Floate, Sisive, Mie santi pjl oten kiîrds cff ietiig trcikl. A femu SpoaaLie sud "oliglineri, exprecals- foir triu iii ontihe uikea for aekua~ &C, on lbati. Calilandcisec, ah tjie o g f the ]Red I.l. DOEL. Whitb3-< Jnly, 14j 18538. 2f) 2îîî T IE POSTMATER GENERAL D-ESF. te asie the attenîl:iutofthbe Publie 1 te baîi- propmiheti te practide et' encuing %wrilten enitnnuieahionst, or otîrer enclosures, an trasi- ont Nevripaperesment bey Part. Petruzetera bhs-e stiet itisîmnetîons te etcp ail traenet inapers wIicis-itai-lie ftutidto cou- tain writiug, or written- Mark; intenled bu adn-c e tire prpose eocrerpoudeneec, or encloanures uof suy kInel Puai Office DeplIntm Toronto, loth Jul.y SIDNEY SMITHI, Peebuacater Geoa. ieut, - Y, 1858. 2-ia 1'fegottation of Debentdres-aud Real Estate Secuarities in Englduad.' rPihi UNT)ERIGNED HAVING TO JLvisit Great Britain At t6,colo8eeo ei. pre- %ent Parlilsnientary Session,, ou bu.4ness will bc pr.por.d te negOtit. sau1n MunÃŽiipal De- b.ntum or - E.ai Patate Securities,, msy b, plaaed latui itin hlm tbr tint lautpose. IHo, r heretirre, lui4teo Parties or Municipalliex whio M!ýTtlfi8rý>ufe bs drvýime, te correspond wt L idhuei ay on tho gajet, 'when he wilb apyt i t Ylw,&o., &o. Welltngtotn Street, Toronto, July 14,B nWrSndMo .y 28e JICMÊiED AUCTIONZEl, WHITBYr 1M a d prepared toattend sales lu ail parts cffthe Counîry.Aucnen.breincas Pt f very kia o, monpI yamnglandi attendel t.o. Résiidence -~ ~ ~~^ usateeJnaWindsor, Wlatby. AÀ nen Coie esinrcced la -accordante, vwith lte depreqsselconditiono e terade. Alil orlon fom sales reSe-a ethle"1'Cirenicle"l PntIîig ofIle, wlmere at luîlieahe bock la kept, aol aya and terma etfa«ies appointaI, 1a TîUB LUCKNOW IIOUSE 1 T1l'r tb.ciher voulI lie teo apt ize lit 'k fitidi ::r i: jlle uf1,ii guiica-ly, tira, ..u.lie lI.ei îI s-ne :1 lits CLOTHING STORE, inta lue 'i<iuî: iitels-i:cl b . ls-gni. A. rlIes- (i e- e stîî'er11( itiît tut ,'iiiie lie i suthie inunî t:: tîke oinî l ir.rtan '!:tiiIlitz, an:d fit up hîle îtte - tern- e:i tic t:r:'i ttiee. jefile IMolii::1ý 1aeiotie ni-rIilarî v rerciei 54E A B AT'rIl1 D URNGTilESt IMEII. RET1-IIN 11rCR- ee il!bc sol'i: t t: iiiîa atheiiodn GRAND TiltNK RAILWAYt Te PORTLANI) AND BACK, At s-ev i-liire:i Rtem, eucbHig parties te vsbu t ue W ftr. i l tl, s, Iîiilfl lur-Iniritis- tasor- PrýelericalIL.<iîthdu-ce Tickets n-iI be al- l..we.l t: s iý, -r c.: nS-t'the Stations on t1r. Ro:ute lld îil tbev ilI hit.o-o Nriveiunber li. FA i-I F. Ton:ii.i ol'iri,.l ti]iaek -8... 20 tN (fiii:rii:t.'r12 -e:n.ofl triehait fatirr; iciî: i i a- in-.fi-t-. T<)UISIýT' TICKET.Ç. Ttn-i:iTicrkets vill ieie furi fron Mon. triel t:: Qiref e, tire Wliite il.inu:tatns, Portlatnd iril Boauu.sto,itîî les: r ' t ay arC ut al points By î<:sas- ayilirntgiront-----------..8$12 <0l w Pliii-,el- l tald thecu . .siANIY, Mor:tei, jr:tie24, AICi-. r.24 NSOT'I"S SALOON. CYIIF t15:lh lilAS FI'l7rF}D Vl'ITE iji nr ni!ç a u, lv :0: 1lei.Mn. BIrieigl: (il i<uidae 'tree-! as a iret 'leýýs saloon. fie ha., reatedtldpcil 'rut n e I jr I um: -t : iitr-cieasain. LAGER 81ER, Fruit.sîof zill ki ds mn --,lhiin ses.- L..I.:ienî.. iluiriiiie, PoilSalmn, &e. Cî- gar,. if tIiebe-t frcni. WLIMSO WlL25M IOT LADIES' SELECT SOHOOL. M iRS. M. £CKEZIE, lEP 'lliMED TO receive a liuiLkd number of puilsa t her remidptiS THEý HOME FARM, aitlier ca Uarders or day echolars. T£tm- madle kiton on appl!cati 'n. Wliitby April 2.S, 185815 ARESFOR J ULY, 6 YANKÉE NOTION STORE UESF01R JULY, 6 YANKEE NOTION S17ORE LESLIE'S GAZETTE 0F FASIIION for 6 - YANKEE NOTION STORE BALLOUIS MAGAZINE FOR JULY, 1 YAIKEUNOTION STORE. HIDE .1ND SEEK, A NO TEL BY WIL kie Oel ins. at the 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE DAISAG BETWEEN WH[TJ3Y kND LINDSA'Y AND WHIITBY AND BEAVERTON. Peituer-;iaERScervel throngh (rom etePletihe urne dsy. The. Btages ýfrein Llndaay =d Baunrr rive ln tief, >Tthe cars g h1 and West 'N. -RAY. 8taeencbibyc, 14 ICG To VbALL THUJAT-ENYION OP THEERPRIENbS AND CfISTOMffl vhich are dall iysrviug. Aise iargo adidtionai supplies of SUIED TO TEE SEASON. !niioae tadlès smo hane net previded tbemseiives wlth a ecdi had better do so at once while the assrtnint ii; g00d, and the price low, othcrwise tbey meaY be toc late, sbould the Hon. Mr. Caley sece.od in having bi$ new Tariff bill past. L. & P. having t&ccived advikcg&'i icn Iallfai ofa large STOCK 0F GROCERIES AND LIQUORS consigned theni, beg te, notifv the trtde that they will b. prepar.d to seil Goodo, 1ý At Wholesale or Retai, at Prime equal to those of Toronto. Their stock of Goc<ertés and Liqiiors consist in p art cf lennessey's and Martell's Brandi,!'.. laie and Brown Vintazes, DeKi:yleimq Gin in hogba and quart emkai, Sqcoteh and lrialh Malt Wliskey,,uperi>r nid Janaica Spirit* i hodgs head and quarter cskiq,Port and Shrr Wincg. London andi Dublin Poirter, Paie and Strong Aies: SuFar, Muscovado, Yellow re6uned, oatrc 'Imnshed A, Ground for table tie, Extra grottoid for (;bflfectionary, Dry Crnshed No. il L;~& P. beg to say they cannot well tnn<imerate ahi thnie.gnôds, but *ish the public tu know they are Ready a~nd Wiling to Show them when Calleil On. BEG TO A.NNO1UNOF THE ARRIVAL 0F THEIR COMPRISING ENGLISH AND AMF«RICANZ STILA W B OMMVE TS JAMiD lBA1T& RIBONS, PARASOLS, SILK CAPES, A BEAUTIFIjL ASSORTMENT 0O' BRKM GOBO GE OVES'A?ÃŽB) RosigtYV - A FEW <JASES 0F GE"ST SlLK AND FELT U.ATS, - iNO. i & 2, Till%. Block, '5.SPIIING IMPORTATIONS,- '58. IN 'DRY GOOOS, lADIES'DRESS 46OuDS, MÂNTILAS p SERGLOVES, SXALL WA Oe8,PARASOLS, &c. FIESnoc#ierhs jst eived freont(eutreal, an nnall'aW stock of Dey Gooda, to which T hà o nieteatnto oftbaera, feeling aeared, 'tIat forug Durabffiqy, Stylet Finenees of Textur, and Oheapness, thoy cannot b. .nauifed in this market, The umal Stock of Sohool Blodk.g Eltatiorieiy, Room Paper, GroOgese, &o., &cep alvays on hand, Whitby, Aprli 14th, 18à 8. JOEL BIGELOW. Brook Strest xrW3 riM Subseibers iog t to u te to tiiaocualcua 1.remmunactWiusia in 'CALDWELL'S NEW7 BLî Souh.o b ih-Scioi,1 *Cei, viha mew ancl rvinlirgeh t tr q ued teoe"Ilfut ios te sit t tion ta tléi.ir8tof e Iudia ]Rubber Befting, *Ctos-Cî Ba :Ztel nd13erad Iton,&sPraI= 'l4GIA"a -obaasc f thssfr B3nJR1f 81oC bey .1se whitby, Jan. 18, 1888. 52 orsm s*ia tli»ptib$c- gemrsytisaItith"- SHEÈnRI.LA»SL. SHERIFF'g SALE O1Ë LANDSe Cotur" Or AMOY LT YVIETUE OF A Te 1i7 r>viî t fien Facies banal ontut ler Majaosty's (linnty court, eo' th. Couuty of Ontario, et Whltby, ald t me directel, againet the iaîîds atid tenemenîs et Tliorniro Salisbury -detan dajit ai the suit etr Lavitia Thnoep,' biiif. at-e ceized sud take n u eution, l the estaeoand inturrt of thne said Thomnas Salisbuîry, bn a three stery Brick BuIlding, contaitring thmay aparments, situatel on ltenorrth olde of lirbst t.recl know as Balsbnmy'î Brick lieuse, vith ytLs etan acre et aud att<ieiede. 'Thare la a golboa cuti ouitabie eu-buidîi a on the prerises.- Aise hait acre Lot on sotJ aide et Ff met Street wbth a splendid Gardon, Slîtibhery &. Al whieh Ila nulndtetrnient1k, or the '0i1dc- tendant'. estate or intrneattiirin. , I <hall effen for sale at mni Ollice, lu the Cort flouse, nt the Townr ot Whitby, in the Oruuty etf<Ontario, on Monlay te Twerrty-sevocith daw' ut September nont, at tweIve o'clock, îîourn. NELSON G. ]REYNOLDS, Sberifl's Office, Whitby, ShniC.O June 24, 1858. Siserill'. Sale of Laudo. COUNm-r ou OT3cARIO, T Y VIRTITE 0F A To Wli: fi.) Wit et Fieni Fadias- usued Ont of llSn Mjesty's court oe' Queen'si Beueh, et oto etnd to L e, r. t the landqe sud tencmenu 5retlliclieoeîaitWhft.. taken. lefendîuit, c bhe rsait ef Thomnas Paxton, plaiatifI'. Ilias-e seizel and takdiî in execotion idi the estate or intene,t ot tthe saià tue] Cool- sit Wiuitttrker ln utt ertain part or piece ut latd, belut: cotnîposced ef Village Lots nuimber 'ixby.one andl sixtv.-to on the Sontb side.eof qneen urreet anda Lot. number sevrant-ene and sevenîr-ia'n on thie Nortîr aide ot Marys-treet, in tih. Village of Peint l'rn- In hale To'wnship et Htegel', lit the Coîînty o? <Ontaioi. -AIl whbch lanuds antidatneirt,or thie aid deteadaa's astate aiint usrerrttiberejt.ià 1sital l o n orsale Ktrny Oflee, in the Coutrt lonae, et the Townof Whitby, bi the Ceuittv et Ontinie, On Satiirday the Eighteenth dae üf Sept., next, at twelve o'eioek, neon. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherlif',O ffic eW hitbv S ei - C 0 .hiine 17, 1858. 'Ç - 23 Grand Tnuiit k "tsavi SUIMMER ARRANGDEENTS (IF TRINS' 0 4n N anttier M-%ntay next, as-24th. Trais w) yl leave Ba Street, as uurlem T r arme. Dy E p rai t 1orea ,.87A. M. Nigh %al Tain ............ 37P. .. Possenger sud Fneight Train for Kintoan d vay Stationr...12 7 P. IL *'This Train viii udt go 1l'rîlienbh itnigston, en Satitrday olghit. Train for Guelph, Ijenliri, Straîeri .cS... .......... 0A; M. Train fer lu dc le" île 4 65 -P'.M. Preiçht Trains will leave tic Don Station sud Qneeu s Wharfldily. Corret lime treni Tomente Obserratory, te b. haît ut J. G. Jehepîr & Co, W; SFANL Moutteail, May 18, 1858. 1 CLEAR LTJMfBER WAXNtË!s T Euatiersigncd viii "y Cash for any quauîbty oftgeed Clear Pin. Lumber delivereti et Port Whitby. 1 CHESTER DRAPER. whitby, 7th Judy, 1858. 25-8w. TO AciniculTrTUIisS >1'1È1 Sabsonisors have jual neosivel direct -1 froua lthetnanîact e m arsa fine iassrtmen t et the uuderuuiition.d articles at pnices te suit tiretimed.: SCYTHES, rIRADLESe Whlby, IueS4-, 188. 28 N. YORK ADVERTISING AGENCY, BILAS L FORCEPropriegor. Office-No. 48 Hudson. Street New York. 7 Mud prouliut r.mittabbes IMOdê > liPRINTIN G INK,_M cf tIi varin Mnfctro ent n haen& ê'. COL' TOWN, VILLA, 'A~ B-?T Lots for Businsstirpc "ds Tors of WMetby, Couaty of Ontarl L o C% e:14 capd;IFt s o f Breck Streel, andiott ti ~olsi 9 l[baI a oiablo Loto No. i7 ntid 180. KBut atue cf Bmoti Street, North et PoleIsi'd'o tel. Pxrtiettdr'sir-w on theyen tici alstreotin tir. TgwU .Lots 203 and 204, a cerner lock ceMaplis and Pemystreets. Loto 71,72, 731 Y4i'M 1-7.sid 78; Thoe Eight Iota -are la ont fllbtkjulndedb - an4 Ciseuintsud Ash strGifta Lot 57,Wet cf Ferry Street, s&d dttetly op-f pocheë the Stouin Flour Miii. Lots 64,88, 66 67 82> 8,84, andB 5, Eato ý Perry Straet, and eiug gtue SteanI MIIpr4o perty on the North. 1- l Loto Nu. 60, Eastcf Ferry Street, Titis Lc-ý la veil feuced and othervise luaprevel: *if9SsrOP1RaOCK STEET. Lots 104,1l05 1181 sud 119, hotîiacrl',v; Cer.- tre1 WalntitsuA Kçentstrets. Tesré. a delightfully itutbd, iahdhilav,%iIzagi- threc sideam, are wd611 tditpted tWbuliling n- poses. Loto 124 sud 125, corner ut Kent and J~ Street-, 'Lt No 185 FuofetKent Street; and litn rev roda loirt1a utDuadasStreýqi. Thé foregoe'theice Lots vere seloqcted a lang nnmber, wlth the -,view c îlti« te- sa an ini-esirent, but art now offered ton 8iai t.: flaslly vtnd Op a large.tnaunaation. ot 214,.. ...linice............. 27- "221t... .0&...............20t, Lot 280,.,... Pr ............Sîi '231, ....... ............1 282 ... .. . .. .. Lot 0.98, ie........ ....520... 341 . "........ smon our2. Lot 860, ........ Pi,..... 162,...... . *............. -20( 2.5 Lots 849, 850,851,8351 M858and .154 eontaIL'ir,. nesniy one Acre aif ~halliti Mb.se- cheap in one biloek. Onelifth payable neit Decemnber, andtI C balant &tended over a terni cf fren fis-e te ttré Fersons Who *Fi eteet bulldins thi ese canr, the finitp' *nont *111 nidet emeoduer -Whitby, March th, 18-58. Property on EBrock Street-For Sle eî to Lease, ýjyotitt fe m ta 198 fe4a emp ni g Loi No. 6, fermnerly ocupied by Allaus'sîive-ry Stables, Brook stmee', mine sîze as . i- Bupiness Stands tics. 'Lots are equal i.- :;ini Town, sud viilb. oold on m&t aes:ri! ternis te parties eho îli erect gîtol Si--,teor BrIik Btdlîdlbga oith4fft.- 1 ON£ HecNUEns bFersFronumeon Brock--zr4.st [direetly opposite '13ryns fotei," te a a în 0 7, 14, or - in Wlaparelaet20>(att frctntag ITO SETTLERS--TO LEASE.. OR tem o Seenor NKm Ycaro1 es-la * O E IIUNDIIBD ACR& -EACH-. 'in the Te égnhip eif tAxlÀ Vounty of txrro The, Lèîzd toofîti fimat quslit:yinav'csu ohi Mrtewil U d dfor the e r ,c 0, ofa bhv e 2. if rsq ire d , tt h b e 8 ean hae the to urOhossat he tefeniOn of the Laffl I ATTRATIVÇE SALIE Farringl Lande, Town ILotne AN~D MILLL PRIVILEGE. Arsine.or thse Atate of 1B.F.Py' ..for ý ti 0folowiag vaiuahle ilcj' ,atf;ioli prithat viii1 provo aati"face- 100 -Adr- Buet <Let lji 4th Coneiosl 100 Acrea, Soutl$ uLt 8, ltCn of 200 Âcres, Lot 10, 2ud coesemnou n ,hai Th.s. Thue. totoisin thennty ofQrcr,, vore~pr5onaU I .otdds e eon iIIMPEr~ Oratorio. a No il, th4 bave 11acur ICouu. he Oili. 'ecandi icipaftlil !rt, And der lie r the la- vrqtifre mien, fer Ircti: ni nake ans', il, at scar.- -<and a the task iang tlen p rfssten tetietasu fmi ce et tiie lttiaýg fer r isîot a iiverssIly' ms un lie is gerrer. cav-c ift' - as apt t-e The me It pa9scl-- rl inili it fby stocrk eh vent mis. aI, wien motte orf-r .Sks wky ilci wil eoacs. 1.,;( tinki1 tritic'itaas ?ly whjch< la wbieh llfr, t-h. s it net bungr Ibat mouai bc hy betdo end tend te Lake t-ho lot- yfor th. a 's thc -ç r frm the r eveu'V ,Wmt br, 9til Mar", le