Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1858, p. 4

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w ~~alb seld fur Cash enly, A a4d' MATIIEW CARL1 LTRRYARD, UKINLES, c f'E UNDEESIGNED BESPECITFULty, 1 infonnasthe puble tlathoebuiasoit bad 900- a srtinent eof Luaîîber ofeverydescription îdle uew reàdy to talte Cout t e ofurniui MaborIal for largo or îrWsl Bûliding. W'ÂA largo discount allowod for Cash. T. 0. LACE 6- Green $treet< W tby 'VHO sUBUCIIInE8 108Tas NEW' TOR WEEKLY PRESS, AÀSEAUTFULLI I ILLUSTRATED 1FAMILY NEW8PAPER. a£E !NEW YORK WEEK'LT PRESSIR lee Toîthe largest sid bst litoriry pît crscfthe dyî A Iitrge quarto cotiîtiniug IWFNiT PGElS, or uicty coltîmni. of entertining it ter, and ELEGÂN'TLY ILLUSTRATED every A GIFTwortlêfroea 50& e t100000 cl . bà sont to, o«a rubicriber on reipt of #uscariptioa rnoney. Oue "ey fer oeue ycsr, and 1 glft. S ....£ 200 nbrc o&.Iol ome ycar, aud 8 Rift&s.... 5 0 Inve copiasone yoar. and gifts.... 8 Ni Ton copies oue year, an 1 10 gifts ...15 00 Tweunty-ene copies eue year, and 21 gifle, 30 00 Cinusi îhsïcrilîars ntist scud 26 cents ascii ln addition te the above rates, te psy thse A mer- Lean postuîge, ivlileiis ut,t hapre-p %iH. Thse articles te bse ditribtited are conprieod ln the fllowiug lit.- 1 lUited Statast Tremaury Note $1000 00 '9*9 do do de 500 00 eacli .15 do do do 2nfl00 pach )o deo do de 100 00each 10 Patent lever lînnting camed Watchee,............... 100 <0 cach 20 G ald %Natcllos, ............. 75 oi)c aci 80 do .. ... Guo0esei 100 do ....... 50 00> cadli 300 TMICSds gold watchecs.... 3.5 0 each $00 Silver hnnitiugcItbad vwthe%, 80 00 each m $1Siver waîciîc1c...$10 O0 te 20 00 cu 10W0 Geld guard vestt su f10etU6)s . .........l1 00toS80O00each 1000 1Jold 11:é anti petiitolis à 0to 13 00Ve.ch Goid Llekts, Brîceeletî, Broochiet, Far Drope, Brest ing, Cit l'use, Sieece Bittons«, Ringzs, Silit ltnds, Waîei KrsGt:ll snd :8ivcr Thuibles, snd a viiriety ii othcr articles worth frotéeci e. tc $15 OC) cac!1. , ' .On roc.loth t uti.ýcriltrou nmneyt îce sib ocriber's naine wil he entered npcoihooik* opposite as numbcr, ani thse rtcorrcapmiditig wlîh that numiier will ha forv.irituîl !viiiitoe -week.tohlm, bîj rail ne er-Prt8s, potpeid. 'hori î neither humini aor îuttery &bout thse ehc'e, as cvct'y msaitîriher [i. sure of a pritse'vaine. 'erert tsattilsriI dietrihùitioii aitnne tlîcm iuittc;îd ef giving sa large c uuliut»i arants,riril&r tute io ub- senier thse aiinnutitat wîîuid s- o te agent sud lu mmuy easte a hisj[rd olt more. AU cuoturtîtuueatiiîts suld h. sddresâod te »AXIEL ADEE, P1iaLîSHE1c 18 . -211 Cntre Street, Yesoa York. ]F31 SALE OR TO LET. flOUSE & LOrS FOR SALE. L TS07 Nois. 1 and 2, 1liotry Street, for Sale.- .LTey are Cornter Lots.e. 'iteon.e le a 9,01,Frine cite, aé story andl a hait higit, cou- taiuiug 6 apartitîtsiL,. It i.i gcod repair, and vell paiuted. Thieoii 14 it a second FR AME-B UIL DING0 #31tiISgIO, but net enuiiised. Ths situation la a eoWbf lle. For ternis and furtiter particufltar, spply te hLEX.CAMERON, chtier Contstable. rto Octosmi'28, 1857. GEO. WALLACE, Wliitbi>. 41 1 HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. F OR SALE IN TIIE VILLAGIIOF BROIK- JUlin, s ilouso sud Lob secuad Ltonsue ntise Cout>. TuieassUs-tuplare t.isetîàuttfitlly situ stet, kmowuî as tbite nid-uce of tIie late Wm.t Ilodgou emiý., w itia a gcu<d 'ol i of! 'cerr ElUble, ff i Wood-liuse, d'&., tisereon. Fer father pantiotîhars arîl>'te JOHN HUCDGSON, Wiitbyv, C. W. Wlitby, April 7tis, 1857. 12.tt'. STOREN TO LET, 11111AT Store latnly occnpiad b>' W. Il. Dool, 1 Dnsrilut, on Brook Stree, known as Com- mneAlBaiidinzub Aluso te Salouin latel>' ccru- pied bï Jasse Vieulyke, 'ciio, wth s-un> littie slaibonmi, c ocouvcrted ite s Grocen>' Store. AÀo.nf,rttible Vas-olin4 il ci olot wis cuber cf tis tores. Possession gis-eunimodiatl>.- WaiebtL moderato. Appi>' tus JAMES WALLACE, Assis-no. fer Heur> Conuo. wlsitb>', Suis Apil, 1858. i TO LE]r. lTW O largo rooine Weil aélopte/t for cfices, JLabove thes atissoitens Hardware Store, lu Cttdwel'à iusw ]Bildiitgi, Bnock Street, Seuth ioud. ieunt, usaderate. e Apply on Lise preni6sa to -J. S. DOAALlySON. & 00. Wbltby, Dec. 2nd, 1857.- 46 é Bkick Haear 10Sel or Rante. <1IIAT com'noiious Brick Cottage 'citIs Brick JLKitcheu, table sud Slitati, aecuîpied ai pro saut b>' 5r. Josepis . Sterling, sud ituated ou HillStreet, Townuo e t' ii>. Thii Cottagb oomAisial of 4 Rootns in tise main biildlirg, anduê 2Bo-.rooins il'ffiac Kitolîs.- Tîtare la-aIse ailesto tise Kitolson thUaIcotild ho mWs ulite baidron.. Au excellent Gardon oft Ilbout ï< <sesoftltnd, a gaod Weil, andt a Coller ful aiàe0et 1lies4e. T41% property w'clihe old cheap, sud on good tarinof et pyrcut. ,AppI>' te JOSEPIE C. STBUILNG, #%ý -Propriotor 'Whltb>YlMarot Or ins JAMES WALLAC, .h ih, 1858. . 8t> *TOURS TO LET. lflabusincess pars teaTown of Whit- - b>', kauwnam tise ComnierelelBulhd- P~#s~ugiven imneidatcly. 41A>'l e Wu. MuPHERSON. NOTICE 0F PARtTNERSIffIP. T R Undersguea hereby qive notice tisai Lii. bava tisday entered mte Part. onsiip as Cbmnieiosm & LmmbsrMrchants, <huereZAgentli &c., under t.e style efthtie Fin ot' Autre Vindin. JOHN F. ALBLO. -E.,S. VINDIN. September 12, 1857. I.NR£PERP,%ýCE TO THE AROVE, Wie beg te itfoit oucr frieid% sud tii. pubilic ge-q corail>', Liai wcithase opcued ait Office here 'fuii tite transaction et ail buttimcs eutritted ta uts a.% Commnisqsion, Shiti tg, Forwardîits- ud Gaîsurai Agents. Aistes a.mutilr Yard for te receipu and sale ef Lumnher fur Licali or otiser [arroses1 ,%nd s'atrast b>' promtpt a'elatinu test natter. piaced lu aur midst, bte nt sud obtali t teir COuIddCitce asetplort. ALBRO & VINDIN. Port Hope, Dcc. 22, 5157. 49< NOTICE. :W To Nerchauts sud Farmors. _W~ SI uisecriher togm te acquaint hic friandsn Ts1Ed dtheise plUle gamcrîsiiy, tat ho has Laiton Lte Griat Mii, inowmîilaxtLise J<ENT HILLS, and farmcni>' occupied b>' Mr. F, Ilîtaro, noar Brooklil, aud treni hi. long sud weil knawmt uxperiemice î inte business lu Whitby.ivlupeî b>' striact tmitti su ad piî.mct uaitty, ta mienit a caie ot bulmc.atrouagu. Particular atçcation paid ;Am Mercisantq, Farumers sud othors 'ishins- to gut their Whezit Flotned, wilI b. dotait aiti liherail>'. A euh 'cii oblige .q. N. NEI' ILLE. Wîltbî, Novein1ber 1<1,. 1857. 43 CIRCU LAR. T IIESsbrle, on retiring front the Mor- catîtile Bwiulus», hegâ ta rettoru thait tn Itui muumreaa etisluersatnd tieuds for te lib- erai Stlluport iron tu hlm 'chule lt in es- [le luis. te inurn ail parties iiidebtuad teliii b>' Book Acecon's, Notes or Mortgages, Nets- due sud past due, hit Uc lrs large psy-1 monta Lo it utet lit caini' ultes, mand that owiiig te tue pruseare lunMui'nattane,, t ta uocecsKry lor hi. line morthLe s c i aud te ensUis hlm ta do io, he la ulmigteulto tlit01a iniiediate pay- ment et ait ainouitsdite te hlm, etherwi6e lite -wiii ho ubliged wlisatid tise saine ta lis ALter- ne>' for calîectiuas Wîthout Further Notice, whiit i l net Ilis v'il te do, sud diffcrnit tramn what hoebusa Iitiierto demie; btut frotti h present aipcairanteis ai paysucuts, ho must as>, that se fur Uc ceci, icother coira slo Ift hlmu ta pursue. Ile trats titat ail wili ea tiseaie- ceasity cf stteudiug L LIsmnd sas-e cas. WILLIAM LAING. Wltlthv, Ou'noer L7, 11107.41 N 0 T I C E. ALL-pergcns ittdebted tote ist sate oh L. H. ttcttofleld & rUo., are rt-ai îurd te maite mi- uaed'mte payoncuît thercul to William Schiulid, m%* Agent, ut tihe Store lutel>' oucupled b>'L. IH. Sjsfed&Co. JOHN TBOWLES, J. V. HAM, So/iuifurfor Asgee Octeber 2tU, 1157. 10-tf. N 0OTIC E. TJAVING pnrcied Lise ectiro stock ot H. HiL utiela <& Co., witis au addition cf rýff A New Stock, -M w. flatter nunracves tisat we tan give ecatira sais- faction te ail wltc mauy tasor u4 'ils s cati. JOSEP>H HUCK[NS & Co. Brooklin, Novemuber lotit, 1857. 43 ý1OT CE TO CREDI'rUMI. Y ite of a Deed of Asslgument, boar{n ws dol>' pointed Assigne t'on tise estate et' 1JHN MAGEEq 0f tise Townshsip cf Whitby, in te Ceuni>' et Onttario, Yeoasm, f t'ehie teuclL of sacis credi- tors « as na> ecomue partes tisenete, umder the conditions tierein sîltfartis, before tise irsi day of Junso 1858. Sait-IDoed of Aus'gument uow lies et atAofficoftN. G. lRamni, l ti.Towns of Wiitty, for signuture. et' whisl partitie lu- tereistod are roquirod ta Laite notice. J. S. SPROWL1Ë, N. 0. HAM, Asine Wiitby, Marctî 9tis, 1858. 8 ASSIGNEZ'$ NOTICE. ALt perecus indebted te Lise Fatate of John AMage., olier ou note, rotai, bonud or Mort- gage, muât tettis tise sainie fortiiwitis. Anad ail porlions haviug daims agîtiî,t tsid Estate wil please iand lu accunt b>' tisa irât day et' Jane nont. NOTICE.i s-oun tisaitissuatn bt'can tise mandas Cnai bu=ài mla.55., TO uE LET, cou A OTAEzIN B1O T. tis UIAMILTON & RBERTS at .prl, 18M.1 TO JET IN WHITBY. IX R RIM '<Ietructlons w Oollectors aud TV otcse Offlors of Uustôms," dstud Feb- ruary twlftli, eue thousand tight lauudred snd Afty-eghtt have bea lssud from tise Trou=y De rntet cthe United fStatcs.prascrlbiLr o«tduiaFor=s &" Regulâtlons te U eobservd upen tise importation into tlsat country, front dçmiiq«mpt ii n o duty tond y t ti la orbygIvmn Ortis me, for the Informuation sud~ ~ ~ ~~~e gudneofalpno o rtlng articles ef thse grewh audprodeo of &*dte thse United States under the Reclproelty T " Thse forme sud Reglsiiens aoresad belug of tihe touer following, vlz, CIJCULAR ISSTIUCTIOtSS TO COLLECTORS ANOD OTHEMK 91.L2CTORSEOF- THE CUUT03M. Tum.sut D"RM.aNh T, 12th Febr%àary, 1858. Collectersansd other officors ofth ie Outonis.of thse frentier ports are lnstrned, tisat, on al mi- i ortation-. froin the Noth Amenîcan British Provinces iirning exemptien froni duty under the.sgtîpn'atiîous ef the reiproeitv treaty, the piot' rescribed lu section 3, article 122, efth ie growth or production et' the nierchandisc, le re- qntrcd lu ail ese*where the setual value ci te muercitandise ahalpxceed the vlue ai cie huit- dred dollars, sud where thons la ne Consular officer at or ucar the port cf exportatlor, the oath proscribud lu fermas Nos. 278 anti 279 uasy bc tnittfoeas local naglatI'ate, duiy suthor- ltedt byy Liet awt of tise coutry to administer ostits, whlcit osth, se takeu, sal be scempat- nicd byea Conaular certifioats ln the flbivilwtn forni:t I certif thtsat - - the pereen ifuing tise ahov;e certificate,sea s uagtrate le duiv an- thorized te admujîlter osths b y thitaws c ottis§ l'rovinoe, and tat 1libellev. tb. stat*mettcou- taiued ln the above certificate te, be truc (Date.) - - - ) U. S. O>sl. Tii. cailîspregcrii-ed mu forme Nos. 280 sud 281 are with dcispceed. In cases et parools or packages of merehaudise of a value net exceeding eue haîîdred dollars, tic saine msay be admitted toetîntry-witisent tise, atcreeaid prof, provîded thse Collecter sla Lis- ted that tîey are tise growtis or produte ef thse said provinces. A Ceusular certificate eftise origin cf thoenier- cîandiste, lu tii, fortu followtng,, miy aie ucre- ouived hy Collectersazm suffictont evidenceofoi orliinte ountitle tuerchandiso te enter ander te rocîptocity act: I oerttfy that tise gonds or mercisaudise de- scribed lunttis invoice are of te groietlà or pro- duce of th roviaco of -,nd of thse value wU.ShO.aet=. -. ROWELL CBB, S.rtejcfa T.curjv. Szonors Sd. Prxesdigt on ais-y of artîdicU liiu e esp- twanfroim duty ,ndr LUe R.oprocUty ll..tje. Art. 922.-On linportatIons froni the North Antericati Britisis Provinces claiuig exemption f1ront dîty unden thse stipulations of the reci- preclty treaty thte affdavt oethie owncr me re' qntred as tii thse place of growth or p'oduto of the. mercisandîse; snd 'chen tise sani s i- perted front a place wiiore thora je a Con-ai Vice Cunsul. or commercial aget ofe the Uniào Staes, theosM ust be e a"eenw bysaeer- tiicate oet suhis fefcr lu oueSÃ"T tise foiewing ternis, as te case niay reqeiesisowing te place of growtis or prodctton. F0231 No. 278. cf befede I " w re oea auur ecerof te Unte wn, s t"s Bru"s 1, A. B., do soleninly sud trîaîy swesr, that tise gooels, wares or mercisandise, descrihed in the. Invoics now prodaoed snd boreuto anuexed, were aciually pircitased rmer iyaceunt, or for accoumt oatmy self sud partuors in Lise said pur- chas e; and t h etsaid invoice coutaine a truc aud teithffia aootott ofthe actuai cos.tiere»f, sui all charges thereon' sud that ne dlscounâts boanties, or drawiZafr. are ceutained i13 thessmid luvoice but sucis as bave been actually allowed on the sanie; sud that sald goodis areotlogrowtit or produet oetteProvince cf (Sigued) A. B. Sworn teansd absribed before mue, -at te day ot' AD.18 sud of thse indepoence of tise Unito&Statos of Arnirica tise And I do futher certify tisat i ara satlsfled tisat * ,wito su'scribes tise fore- going oath, i% tise pemsou b. represeutaiinsoît' te be' sud that h. ilas creditebie perseit; and Lisat l'e staternsnts miade by him under said ostit (or &affntiama nas tii.cae tnia>'ho) are tte. [LSI Foai No. 279. P .Fireigs Owner'g cet/, ina ais tu es-e good a lce *atbmaus ecsy psru;assu, to e ha&n bîfors c CseO> /tar (0,49Sr cf tAhai ed Stesincet/t. BrithPr6eiincsi. W HEREAS ONTIIE 26TUIDAY OF JULY- 1852, - b>' erneinttteni Patent issue/t under tise GreaI Seulfetiis Province. alI liie certain tract on pancel otIte Demtain Lau/t situ- aIs, lying asu/tbains- on tise uatS sdeeof tisasHE,", Ris-or St. Lawrence, lu ah. Province of! Canada, pgli eoniouly cille/tau/t tues'b> tise naiseofthtiêof iduc <t Kls' Poste," telgetiser 'cis ail ami/t er-tise Storeoft 'charvesansu/tbuildings thareotndet su/= h- o lus-, an/t ail an/t e-rer> tis aippurtenancea, 'cane Whitbj ]eoued/tteteGovenuor sud (ompany oet'Adveu- tareraoet'f.nI lora tolsmi Rdseu's Bsay, - an/t thoisrsucscni, for tisa terni oftteuty-one t e s-cars, freintise Second, day ut' October, tisou laet pasi, ounliaé owoat o uug iethom1ti, If Ie Mjesi-BReJlitaandSuoeasrs.slseuid be dosiosef /teternmininýg tb. aidtenu tisersu- b>' grat-e/, andi/tsiould for tissi poqm.b>'ad- vertisaent tn t-he.Wada ratte U , pb- - r liss/t four auccosave ùtla give usgissea cal.. en/tsi mouhlusprovicnt notice et suais Rer or n'oir daslre, siien ;sle&HIytr ieex itsb riratien oet t-h. al/t'elgiisen usenthe, tise uai/t rom i an/ es-i eeVu> ng tisseluooetaiuelshould R osa, andlbes9 tuOly vol/tte aIlItetel u d ,udas M Notice la herely vos-n,udpr tise sutherlty > s cfi ssOrder pasadl ythse Go,sruaetah truue ic on the v t Mayinstant, thIs l U hede- t owlhj Rir, o 1;*,cýww ts ebrin oflise mui e shall b, dt.rniued, sud tisait the expirstion COOK, et' aiteas muhe fremintus dae thoiseidisaueu #W- ese ndbeaboltey vo eaU &latentsa su/tpnrposeewbatsoeer, 'cherenpocu the Crown 'cllenter luie po.aealenof te territory~,buiId- :Pd esal àlî thleus hlta dm11eo i ~~andp r immA r stipulated iln andby W'p0à Pstent. - i5ý V. SICOÇIT., BEAVE RTO N.1 FOR SALE CHEBAF, AMILL PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS Acontiglout th ie Bavesiçu Whsrf, A WarV sudprejfible MllifSg bbIflPMonabi doue bo. Favorabler ternis maY b. madle with tise. roprletoiby a r" mins.er. ÂP1t3AMS ARMSTRONG, N. B.-Tisere làa sflrst-mtieopenlet a Bea- verten ft'e sRtablisismentio oFndry. Baseerion, July28, 1857. . 28 LIVERPOOL. BlaksitJIs & Waggonmalors Shops FoT sale or to ULt at Liverpool, T W ENqTY MILES EAST OP TORONTO <A ýDeoiad Station et' dia Grand Trunit Rail- way). eaU Sisop àue a Cottage sud a quarter. cf an Acre et' Land îttaclssd. Tises. preumuities have beau iatel>' erecte i wtis- in a short distance o! tise Kingiten Rod. and tiseRailwai'Depot. A gond bustinetsslu bath, trades eaube doue by teady asud good 'cari- mou. Fer fltiser particuasti 1 PRDt Livernpool. July 28, 1857. 28 ]FOR SALE, A Comtcrtable Fanilv Resîdenco,itnsîed lu te Villge c f iivcrpctui, Towuîihip oet Pick- arns, adloinimtcr the Frenclmuuet's Bas- Statin et' tise Granid 'i'unuit Rsll'ay, 18 iniues«from Ta- route, consistiii2of a1 Cottage contiilug Nine 2Roouu4 'cish es-crs- îiuveuieneil requfiite 1 a larm tna and lsttthle 5ttatcled; iiaever fiiltuts- 'oul o! 'ce- er, te Groutis smo ie ýt.ftilale id cutI, and pîsuntectiwithi'sthuile Trers; aiso, a Large Gardtn. 'celi stocked 'cill Fruit Treen; thse ch-oie coe-en î'co acres of Groiutan d ctn,utb ho srunssod in thse Tou-it.ltip cf lPick eren!, Ifor ite comase-l ece, at-d rendy acicestth ie Rii 'av. Tenisà niade Iss.l rfmturpriuilt- lpyoLt sitserihsYcrkviiie; or tii Mm. 'iiV iltPrd>' upon. Lhe premicai'. los,u.ion gis-en forth- wcit. GEOR1GE BOSTWICK. Farm for Sale. 2 oACRES OF SPLEN.'DID LAND. LOT 2V10, ini lotis ConcesIon et' Tîtonal; 1.5 Acres cloareti. Thia Farnu lA sîtaated wltltlîm four miles of Beavertan, on the Iras-el nimdti Mars; bthe landi t oftLime'hest qualit ad, sdisl tise coune cf a s-ced settlintmuct, wits Sisùl, sud a Sawnilli ceasenicut. Aiseo Norths Ultof Lot 4, lu tUe lotis Contep- clou o1 riterait, conuistiiW of 1P3 acres- lh cf wicis arc cleareti, sud froaiug on the Prtg Boad, near Caniern'a Mill. Appi>' te D). CA&MERON. Beaverton. lothi itt>, 1857 - 26 FOR SALE CUEBAP. LTOT No. 27, In ilhe Brd Concsxsion of Whltbv Lthie WtmaiscsFàats) adjoiniug tise Town cf Wtittv. AppI>' te tise Hon. R. C. Wu*uee%, C*rriitgPlace, Ce. . xmm$Esq., Bellevilem, or tg Jul>' 15, 1857. J. V. HAM, Bariter, ,28 VALUABL19 PROPERTY FOR SALE T RIIS PROPERTY 15 PLEASANTLY SITU- atet u inteflioarishing Town et' Whitty, ou Brocit street, dinectl>' oppoite Juadge Buru- tai'. residauce, containins- two 151£6% of au acre et' Laud, with abou tl100feet frontaga, on w'ch in ercctiel'- COXFORTABLE BRICK COTTAGE, witit suitatîe out Buildingsq, ait encllent Wol of Wstor, sud a Cistern, Los-otiter 'ciLl a uni- ber of valnable Fruit Trees. Fer funther parti- Culans appl>' te W. SHAW, on tUs promises. Whitisy, Feb. 10, 1857. -4 FOR 8SALE UN TIRE TOWN 0F WHilITIIY. L Ole~ NOS. 2, and 22. 'TIrET ARE SITU atedon DndasStreet, tetwecn Mr. 8 Cociran's sud Lynde"m Creck. W' TERMS LIRt..3 Application te bo iade te MMIt. AN-iGELINE WE}ST, Lot 83,8tis concession Darlngton. "Csristian Offernug" please copy mii forbiti. FOR SALE, ATAVERN STAND with Driving lieuse sund 1wil large Siicn.Thore is aise ai- tacotîed an acre et' Laudl, pltautmd 'ctU chiae, Fruit Treesç. There irs a gacti Well of MWater, witt Puin p. <&., ou the promises. lbla iiiiat- cd on L«si No. L lei Con. Mauri posa, ou the leeti- lus- rond tete Town et Wihtby, timides>'aud Beaveton, 'ciitispropert. IwiIb sold on labo- mil tennis. for teron me d prticulars 5pPI>' te bise owuer at Neil >tDus-l',Bracit, (Dîetrict, Lima.) near Carniicitaei's Taveru. JOR.N McDOUGALL, Brock, Decmenbr U,1ff7. WSICINS, COTTrON AND USEN ,à,Cp or, Brasa, Coo t rou, sud aIl ki'i/s ac tiblcians-e aiLite in Waro tis rndeo.gucd. BYN bM' ýy19, 1858. - 1 Provlabda Assurance Compaay. CAPITAL £125,00t, I NURNACE effected ou Buildings ad tLier contents. Every information sapplied on application te the undersigued. P. KELLER., Gemas- av edUmg .igentfor. thea i. f Ontaîrio. - Offlee - Victoria Buidffl g Brock Street, 'Witty, under te Chronicle Ã"tice. 13 British America Assurance Company, INCORtPORATED nuder su Act cf the Tîtird Session cf tise Elveatis Provincial Paril- ment of Uppor Canada. CAPITAL £1001000. lusursuce titcctod on Buildings and lhier contents. EveU'> informnation saspplled on ap- plication te tîmeincdcrlgned. Marine RIeks for the Seasn or for Purts. JOHŽfT ÀGNEW, Traveling Agent, Bvron Sltreet, Whithy Protection againét Los and Damage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000. TNSUItANCBE ffectcd on Buildings sud tuier icontents. Ever>' informtation aappiied ou application tote tiîîdersigncd. JOHN AGNEW, TrarellinR Agent, Byrotu Si reet, Whitby. Tîimes and Beacon Assurance Comp'ly. i XISURANCE etl'tcted oit Buildings and their contents. Every Inforumation supplied au application te thseudersi net. YJOHN MINEW, Travelling Agent sud Survdlyorofllisks, Byron Street, Whitbv. LIFE AND IIEALTII ASSURANCE. Thse Britisis American Fnlsndly Society of Canada, Act of Parltament, 18 Vit., Cap. 14. CAPITAL STOCK, 9100,000. Ilead office e at ontreal. GENEtULL AGENT FRi C. W., JAS. BtiLEOMon Locai. Aoas'r, JÂIMis liccoscon, WVitby. R.W. Clark M. D., Moiical Ilefere., 14rpolii,'seffected titiier upon Ileallisnt Lite (or bath> sud everv informiation 411'rdc -y tile Local Aitent at lus Cilice. i Martch 25is 11. I THE SCHEME FOR THE CURRENTi vear 'ciii rmain open Le new Entrauts cuI>' until MON DAY, te 5Lh Al>RII.next. Ou that day tise 1Bocks 'l ciii aude np for Lise 1ttiAnttual Balance, sud l4th Divison of Profits. A Il indluded t/terein seil/i an/c as of oe >/ear'at longer standing tmain later En. trantt, and will participate O te Year earlier at thee Divisiont of Prdylt. LIF E ASSOCIATION 0F S(COTLA&'ND- t ounded 1838, sud eunpowered by Royal Ciattion ad Act of Parliamnt. MONTRE&L-V*Great St. James Streoct. EDINBURGH-Associntiou's Buildings, :rln- ces il.tretut. L<NDON-2V Kings William Street., City. E.rpreasly uoatituted on the princip/c ai ,'educicug t/te E.nperose of Life Assurance as low os cs cusisttnt ocit/- permanent tecuority. Amidpt tise mia'sd sarious es-stemue of iteý Assurance pnseubped btU e puble notice. tisat of!i Litfs Association et Scotisuti le andorubt- edi>' 'eli cuits/ ttesecincuuianu fth-seia - juit>'of et'ons 'cio eltoot Assnuaitee, as il% evideut front tise rda nd unexampleti iuecee oft tise Polît>' Ul/ors. Duning the lasatiuhree s-cars abuse, itane have becas upwar/ts cf Titres 'fitouxand Newc Entrants, aseaurlus- tfeir ls-es for nearl> Two MiliouPeu/t. Sterliug. -TUe PoIicy-laoidere ofthte Associatien inn mous cf tUe risii.o! ptrtuersipi. Tue>' are tree frai ail respousihilit>', aud tise sains Assure/t are guarautced in amyvi>'st. 1 eKs'eTnu AT luTU A."OUAL iMEETINGe LIVESl ASSUIRIED te tUe natister of...10).203 SUMS ASSUREP .......... £4;,319,760s'z. ANNUAL INCOME fropiîluni and lutenest .............. £124,318St's-. CAPITAL rf0 addition toacscuomu- hae/t pioniutms . .........£M00.)VOSt'g. T-te Association Ie ucw lssuin,, Poîiiestfreefrom ses-suai Re- strictions comnsoul>' impose/t on Assurud tus-es sud eeufern m ntan/t imporitanti foollities su/t pri-lIes-es, 'ciicluare graiubed t>' no0otier Aissurassce. MOfinu Canada. DIRECTORS AT MONTREAL J. G. MAcuvzm, Esq.i G. MoirsaT, Jz., Esq., Dàvin Tamieex, Esq., I Aux. Rosai, Eaq. Soucrrns.-Messrs Torrance & Morris. MzDiotoi.,nte -R.Patlnmer loward, EuiDI. sxousrsxr.-Janes.Grant.1/ AGENTS: Wnrrwy-Mr. J. Rai Porry. Bowcia,4vit-Mr. D. Fisaisr Outarlo Baule. NuwcÀsL-Ssnuel Wilinot,iiunk oftTornot Osuitw-W. E. BahliiîgsSolctot. POaRllorx--Mr. Jin * 11. *hMarchant. ]Provin" aInsuran e CornP'ny 0IF TORONTO' I C. IV. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, I1,98y,780. PID: 'UP CAPITA4- t420,256. Bon J. R.' Caunon. non. W. B. Robinn, Ge.Dtiggit J r, sq. J. S. rnd, Xci. W.r 1. Perrin.. itan. * Wlitteoî el Esq. mTiu,~~~ CpradSheet %Cou are. e pr(uss ugu TE riabe«errSs- ainfenuuttiw4uloe-4 Oice, Toronttos 8 lahabtanteeofWilitbanoduiiauur- - =,,n llgeur- -att a uucsu iresdaieInuee -wummguuW~. ATLAS MION WOIKB, W- Front Street, Toroeto. An0 OI14ARLES VALE & Co., BEG te inform the public that they h!ave re 2 contracted thoso extensive preutises 013 Front Street, (formcrly ocupied as the Ontario Brewory, in the uteat complete style for carr- ing on the business of Iron Founding& Smith's work in ail its branches. They invite inspection of their numerens Fat- tmso Ouwenta.l Iron Fences, Belconie Verandahà,t.Vaeult Dors, Plain and Ornemental Cast Iron .tolutune, lViudow Caps, Sis e nd ARCHITECTUIRAL WOrK, ofeavery descript'mu; Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves;' Grates, Cven Motnthsi, Cauldreus, Sugar Keties, Plain Castingt, and 1.orginiti, ail of wkticlî they oiter to the Trade and others on ad- t'autageoui; torons. WC~ountry orders puile tually attended te. Toronto, Octoher 20, 1857. 40-tf BEERI BEER! Co c REAL ESTATE. Splendid Farm and Pretases for Sale TIAT 1fcîî,,,fthe lîrproperty cf MIr. W 'IlitieIl *%110d, h ilci of arts et lots 15, 16 and 17. i te 3r>(*o:î. of %WI,itîhy contaiiitittîl iv.rî's. tnrv ail ecitre.tîeîtd frea fruitn stiotnl.n . r'i i:, a'i)id du (iliti housc, hartt,, 0 a12-~tl u l-o n tiie prenlise-. Aleo a ou-I cr-ndri gl ren. Tliere are abott ýitnt-e-i. t"ec'1 letit 'i c1ii te a est pa4rt. 'lite landii - ii t a ii "1:te i!i' ntioliic tiire î- a ti- r 'lilnin t n uNi) i, tîn t-e ntiia stretîl', i iturel Liun i iti1 m aiîsurim-ti , u t] n '; i iiii ('t i.tu oa*ired 1er sale.* Fr îiarttýiiir r. vto 0ltiawa. SAW Mlil.ANDI. LANI. TO BI' SOLD OR RIU:TED, ;A S~W Ni ,L W Ir 1T-il"XA 'li F> (-,fL-1NUD 151c-ý) ieilc-ared, ut I titE., i'ekin1the 'rowîtaîtîpitliekeriîîtr, 1rî>t >f nitt, lth cou- pstsiut. lcre art loui acr(t, iof GOOD IIARI) WOOD) AND CEDAR, snd about S5> acres""f lPIN E. The whole te bce Sold or liented, togetiter or ateparately, to sit pitreinuiers. ViTe promises arcettiittcil about 1%. uniles Sonth of the \'illazt of Greeniecotil. Aplication Lu Ut, tîaie to GEORGE BALL4ARD, Grecuwood 1'. 0., P'ickering. <ltober 26, 1857. 41 ]FOR SALE. TOWN LOTS lu Whithy, ucar tise Bay.- Ais,3Villago Lots nt Duhilus Creek, French- unanti LBoy, an dPort ?e rry. Ju1mue 16a, 18,57., GILDSaIlI, L0. Brsec .Strct, leAtWcm uiy W ANTED. T umelîss or rent, tabount 50 acrets cf s-ccd Lati.- I, si-itit mite ruil"s of the Town of WUithy. Puncitîcte n-ibis or 'citiient Builduigs, u easy ternie prefenreil. Addreas H. J. MACDONELL, Eutq., If b>' lutter haost paid. Fobruar>' 2,1i815S. Timesute Ccfuy. 101) Acrems cf Lanîd for Sale. W e-S T hUdf of Lot No 7, in tise 2nd Cen. of Uxiirid.u, 4tîit e gmod stswiii lu s-oui 1workiig orden. ;3i) ttres cif tis a nd are ciesrcd. Ttteu. i sgood huit-e sud bhen. 15io Puîrk Lot No 78 omu Duntixu street, lu tise Town of WhLtty, cotumiig fit- e ares, 'cih as ood botuse coutaingsevemt sp %rtinUnta; stutle<bant., out Offices'. AppI>' tu C. 9. IKELLER, Thae Cwmer Unionviiiia P. o. Mankbstu. or F. KELL MR, 22 Wl<ithv. 100 Acres of Latid for Stale. W EST haIt Lot 17, t Con. Uxbrids-e, 60 acres cieareildudcidngoc iitrttu 'cita a iauâe, b inn aittl mtinllezt. 'T'te ilad tace vers tient qitalit>'. 'J'aue wuauid Ltuit isl ntixed n;1th tite uv elîturiptillu t.duiitt.rlwoud. Sitittîte 23 utiles trou- taeTîu-t V-suri u! iby, îîîd wiit 3 tmilets of Stokl;l%îlle, iii a god ,ettlud coitîr>, amîdi cus'euiiit tun millet, tu.iaui'atere sud manitetts. For tenni and p tijultura, .Appl.s-te m ite ua'îor. J»A.%R; KELLER, ti.iiniix1lle P. O. Markham. F. KELLER, 22 -Wmly AN EXCELLENT FAIM TO LEL. F OR A LIMITED NLTMBER 0F TEARS, 181) ACRE, boiug tise Nanti s ettmim'il -ît 'No24i 3nd conesrsion, an/ thte Southt Wcst 60 acrets ef'flot Ne 244ta couîe-s.zioiu, Towu'ip o etbth- -120) acres w'cou tltîvat- thante proportiou ef tise fan Ua boon lîtîture Sun/tiîr ton .>'eaus, pîsi. 1*ouosàiu glib'cu is Octoben. Whitby, 19,tSi' WIiitUy. RE.&o. AN OLI) INDIAN DOCTOR WHIO l munado his fortntud mîiret'ined trotn isus'nmcsse 'ciii pnd tise rensmîludg of lis dats'-i cieitng tai trestifuiusasd1NC PIC mx oir Cuast; ils earnmest dusire hoing to commat- nheate Lo te worid hl.s;remnudies tthavese pro- yod sausst'isil lunmoire titan titrec thoiîaeîmd ca- ses. lis reqtiircAuecacippiicanit to-aeud Ihum a mimnute deuuertptmcn et Lthe symutostus. 'citis îso- Stamus, 16 etc.> te puy' ta netarntlebîer, lu wci e lue "ciiinoîauLtemu lîjaadvice Prescrip- ien, wibis directions for prelpsriug Lise utedi- cimmes, &o. Tise <'Id Datirbouses thai tîiose afflicted- 'cul not, on accounit o! deiicacy, refrein frain tnsnsulting i becausee Uc akes No Citarge - Ilis scie obleet imn adventistes- i. ste do al tise gcod ho cou, bel'ore lho dieâ. lie feois tisatise i. jumeil>' celebraiti for taecreof Cansuiption, Amtbbia, Bronchiti%, Nerveas Atciu.ogse Cuide, <&e. Atidre%% ,DOCTOR UNCAS BRANT, e Box 8531, P. 0, NewcYarkt. D R. MORSE, tie inventer et' Moree's Indiun 13 o lioFilla, hisa aîent tLise sresater part et' lis lire in iravellligi, isvimsg s-lite/t Etc, Asla and Afric, as welleasSNons America-isas spen thee yiff amoglte -Indiens et oui w esernootitrvit W iàt14 way taitise Inulla n RolPI8wr first dlAcovenc/t. Dr. Morse 'ce tise irai manta t est:ulbllu,tise fàct- tint ail disesse-4 aris&e from iminty oftis. blond- -tsai emar etrènîcti, istan& udlit's dopondod upon titis vite] fliid. When hîo e noama passges becoeo lgged, an/t do net sut- in perfect issmony 'ciltisth dit- forent fuctionte of Lise bedy-,'tite bloc/1tle.tasi action, booie ,tislot, os.mupied ana dsleasod; tisas causiug ail partitsilknets. sud dletiese e e-en>' noine;cen sirenst-ti .uesxhatustedt our he-aitit 'cetsre deprnls-o t,> au/tif nunre isneo reI.isteti in tisrosnia ot'Limeataguiitbaluors,- thse tloe/t 'clii hcomo cisoked sun eoum ~te setl, an/t tis uar lght eof lite 'dli tbrav-er Se blo)Wn out. HIas important titan titat'co sioulel keop tise varieons passages efth;ie bofe/t> tan sd opent. An/t utos' plcss.t te us tisai ws have il laiou pon'sr tO put a moeluto in your raach, naniol>' Moes's Indit Reot lIL4, manufacture/t froua plaints an/t reobwti isgnow arôucud tissu menu- tenouis cuIs iau $atuW sgar/tanfionthbe heaith an/t recoven>»'yet' dh4euae iman. .b)oeof the rosfle freun wiiich týiaas Pill16aManWniide-le a Sudloriflo, 'citicis e us iteB porcs cf ise a n autsmiîts Nature n u oal %tttie flnparu tees orminue le 'ithIsn. Tisecnd laspissat- ciicis la au Etepeoraut, t-bat opens su anducleg uta punsgo te tiieiangssund thuA a, s sene- meuïner,:pert'ermus l4aduty- b>' throwlng off piheicus, an/t othan unors frou lte longs b> sopteesspittiuiP. Thit -ird la aflimrehtiei 'hic h aivns osasad, u/ Inel treneih tetise ki/tu";s PuitîrY TUE BLOOD. fIKoffatla Lite Pilleands Ph«>euhý idtteua Frefrom ail Minerai P<oo. T HE GREAT POPUJLAIRITYWHLICH MOF fat's tif. Pilla sud Pîuoeix -Biblersisjave Bt talncd lu consequnenceofottheextraordiuarycanoed etfeoted b; theïrmnuse; rentiers ii'*nnecSsars' for Lie propniebor tri enter ies apmriulacîîr a luuysis of tieiruîedieinsi virtmos or properties. Hav mgbeon nions tissu wenty yesrsbcfore tisa pub ie, aud isavingtheunmitt dteaianon>' efmore tissu titre. millions of pemuoam iao h ave besu nesteredto te e joyîsanî of perfc't liualtitb>' theton, iL li» belies-ed timat their repimiation as tise beet teogetable medicino uow ho fore te publie admits et' no dispute. In alîcet es-en>' ci>' &ni village in te iUmlited tIlos, tluortiareian>' 'cit ue readv >' te osOi. -ta thin hCet>' lunremos-ing diseuse, sud -i%,ngtewLia'csle syatul en ewca vis-or and lseîlt4i. In cases #otScrofUila, UlcemrSc §ur-ýry'onErup- tiens of ttesktn, thte ojioratton cf th ise llé c- dieinm t rtls' atoniiiîlîs, olisu enem s- uina rew tisys, oen>' vestige of' lu(ýea oatitsanie ut sesses, b>' toir puiritviug effIctautsottleblood Foyer sai Agitet Dsspepsia, Drapsy, Piles, and lu short, utit ail àiaeaesoson y1leld ta tiser curative propentos. 'o taniiy sihul c wrtis- ont tisen. sue b>'tiseir blusel>'ai uie mchietierln sud expense uts>' e aved. - Preparod b> WtfLtI Mora; M. D., Nee,* York, sud for Sale b>' HEALTE AND SIGKNE-SSi51 DRpUes ANI) MEDICINE&. THE Stscrberretuarns bis sincere tisanka la, hie cestinsers sud patrons ; sud lu solici n onuiutanSe et'tire liSerai psimon 0o 'itE wciichsb. basbeen tavored, ainceopsninh usi- ness-on tise proises formelyooetpi dy Mn. J. H. Gerrie-weuid »y> thot hieS tore lainsup plied witb thse langeai sud Most conillete STOCK OF PUTRE DRUCS, 0f ever>' description, yei ofeéred t'onrsae lutise To'c f Wht dqua, ofney Ciemica lKant ediie,-Prue Bruanhes Paints, ile, Dye Stuts, &c., &ce. Pisysicians sudFamil>' Prescriptions canefull>' prepared. Horse and Cattie Nedicines of alI'kinde, accunstel>' cotupounded socording te tise latest Iiprovenieuts lu Pitranio>. surgeoslasiamMltse, 0. A. BANNISTER, ]Jruggist, &dreI Dundas Streot, Wii Wlmtby, Apnil 14, 1858. _____ MNEDJICAL HAiL, ESTAHLISJIED 1852. W. H. DOEL, Drtlggint and! Apothecar>', Drock&St.. I EGS te infrm h1biscostoutens sud ithe public ">gîenaill, timat lie lit uew duiutg busines in his Nqw Stor, wiere-he là amliavo preparoti ta serve tos. 'citahave icretufore fii-ored iin 'citit tisir catai, sud siso a&H otucra wiio 'cis ta obtaisi Genui2ne Druge and Medicines , And at Frices to Su the Times. Patent Medicinest, Combe sund Brueisea Intima Rabber Gols, Tortuise Siseil Comuîts, kpints, C.oorm, (ils fuor bttrmimîtitr andl itstliuery, Aicolîtîl aud Burniiîg Fluid, Varmilltea for wood sud iran, &c., &ce. - A il e.es.uu)rtnteni of Perfiimnery sud Toilet articie-4, Stock of*Colnm, datins' uibes, moitîtes Tin, Ccnpper sud Siluen itlIeFioi or Tmamail Oi iàud Oriental Piict'tis-. Iligi ConditionIlowderA, Whipi sund Black Oils, trepnepareul framîtEtgliL;sReceilues. I'hyussian8 Prescript-ions andi Fami4' ll'eceipti earefu/ly preparA~ Cal and igeL an ALMA VAC for 1853, antI pieus. remi aber tue SIGN à'THE RED NORTAR." w PedIsIîI Country Storeff, î.upplied n ttEte.eCastor Iii, hal 0li, <&c. 'itb,5>'28, 187<1. 1--3 Forest Wine and Pis, FR aTIIE PEIISANENT CUREtOFo Dgsep.;ia, bs Looe ss o f'Appetirs, Dropq>, Vtumplztetof teKidoaeqseLite', 11eart and JStmut,/t, Joîuii"t, Aquie ce FivËr, (.Id, ogqs, ad 0uasttnsptie Decine, &rofala, Erysiela, SaU Ithlmsu, Afeciione cf And alVeemtplaiutm -cigtuitlg frinpiire iload dhîabit cf tUe systein, General Debulît>', sud ff-etbit state et the cnstittioen. For Laditue a etîki>'state of isealtittitis Witme le a dellsitfil retiieds- Whloesaie Agentesu in'omto-tLyîan Bras. & CO., sud Untnhianl. Kius-t-E. W. Pal- muer. [telail Agrent, Ett Whitbv-W. S. Rtobintson, Oshawa-W. J. 8ubtomi; i'miuce Ali<ert-itittou & Toiitiîieu; araklaîliaiti ..umismt Lindtsay-f-homas C. Patrick, Uxbridget-A. D. lVeek%; Cantoim<-J. Bothswell, P. M. Brotugis- am-Lswsou & Ilutoimieon; Port len-l Bigelos'- Mîai-P. Mateliett' Mionut Pions- amt--iS. 4. licitîzEvmnssiIic-J'W. Joothan, sud for sale b>' ail Draggiâts sud Medicine Dea- lcrs in Canada. .G. IV. IIALSEY, 34-1>' Sois Prapricter, -Newc York THEI HOLLOWAYeý JI>LLS T IIE bîeuîd finailm, l te a ial cf os-or> tuinile , iu aul-iré iin tue litu ta a t'naimie. X'iaenpure it eeaýres h"allU te-en>'r crs-ai; 'chen cesuimaipt, il t e s rlî n-iaces» diseue, I1IOLLOWCAY'S PILtLS tiprate Ii- recîl> mpemitheie crens!aof thîe streautu ut' lire, nelttrulleiniz teuit ui hi1 fdi4esse, sud thUs radutaul>caiig ieuildsiiitliten ltucin l te tiers-esithue stoinaaci/ thue limer, tlmo-bo'cols, thte m'ueicc, ili- 'kin, Lishe braimo, on an>' other part of Lhe systeni Ilsed Thironglaoit t-ho WorleI1 IIOLLOWA-i'S Pý LLS arecq t~yeffictuclous lu enipaiitse cîmirý oput tise 'unieinonan race, and lu disorders peulatcr tanlcimatessud localitios. Aluar+ilmg Disorders. Dýyspeps*sasId c lletc of tise lis-r, tise soturceoYflunmo4tniy <mud simhicrimag, sud tise cause tut itinineruble ctttm, yield tu tiuescecuratives, lu ail casem,, làu et-en a1grava4t(d, acting lieas nild pUrgtiv 1- alteratîse andt'i n; ttes- re- lies- se e w ptrtfî tue luij;, tad invigor- aie tis yý e11auJ tise constituition ut tisesanie Genr'l 1Véakiuss.'-NeuvooiaCemplaisats Wbeu ai stimulants fiail, tice renos-sting sud bracing propertica o! tie-';e Èiils giv ri naueste ta ttiut ismkinnnes !§anti en;eobledi miatcltes ef tise rictini af genoral deaiility. -flicate F'emales. Ail irreguhutitios sud alments incident tu tise dohicate sud sensitive organs eft t e ccx, but lu-% fallibie alterabives. Noýmotet io csc'irde. lier cwn or ber ciildren'e isaltit eboald failLc>have -tisern i thtu-ier reset. Tise London IltLancet," tise Londau 'tMedierd Rýevlew," ammd tise moisbmenimat oethtie fac it>' in Great Bnitisit, Frauce, sud Germnisy, hise cnlogizodthéLtePillsa ud, ticir lus-enter. liollowas-'s Pills al'tisa best renie/t>'ln the wurid 1 or tle llowing diseuses.t Asâtisa fplaiutsllieadacises, plaintst, Iloivel coin- I l'tdt"e-tioî I, tiaa, Comuise-, Coldte, Iitljeila, Stoue andt Citeat Discase, tluiuse- 1, [Graval, Costis-ouces, - - Ed ticu Seeçîndar> DiyspepSie, tuIn d 'esit f' Imptonois, iarlmSa,)ropsy fea eeelAt- Debilit', Fus-or, towunesç otf t ftecbkuug. sud Ague ,Fe-1 - piij s oruna otfail maie ComJnipitsLis-or oin- 11[kindia,' giSold t aithse uauitfaetorists os Protesot RQLLOW'YAY,80> Malden Lace. Newc y <'r. simd W24Strand, Lotien. b>' ail reLspectaible D)rul;giste mad/ Deslens lu Medicinte througltottC etUnited Staema au/ theiicivilHzed -'ce i/tii pe, u t 21 contaâ, -412X cents, au/t$ il c W- TUere la a censi/erabo sas-ing b>' takbng tise lamper sires. -N. B.-Directions for t-h, gs/tanc ef patients in e-en>' disonder are affixe dtoe esei box. Ur CAUTIÃ"ïI I-Nons areogenuinoe nlosat the 'corda *1 HOLta5'AT. NEW Test 4I.' lo('i are discernable amas int mek ues-en>'lest' e> tue boi eof directione arouu/ encis pot or box the sunie me>' bc plain]y'vceat la>' /.s&th Le ka/ te auj! on. reuderlng suichis nferniatictp M a odte flic dotoction>'n party or par tiea tonnterfoëiitig ise netEiles or vending ah. sanie, ýuow4ngtison te b. apurions. Jane'B/t, 1857. - 21) laUFFAlLO MEDICAL DISPRN'SAar XIGGIN W feit- E T IlE TF-Pi Teuai 71L, a tuersrs-- L itu i alo I 3 s public lth' BeOK ct etvy, 'cili l .BUG(, culais11luî ensm bas pricea a"a V.-.ixt -u - I os . r7t; r OLICi'IT OGesTe c ouNT B R _ULICÏT Ofi e CH10 SE B ETTVEE IV j-,

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