Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1858, p. 1

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~jWilson, " îtty; vW. tH. iiiitgà 0usîaa.à N. G. RIReM ..ABtl$TER AND- ATTORNE'Y-AT-1.AW. UlIIe-.cýver the Store of J. llielow, Ealq., q>pý t>., e % ,itryloffice, IBrck St. 1 D ARIUSTERS ATTOP-NEIS AT LAW. Lio~lieitort tte Coulaty Couîncil. 7I1e froru 10 Lititil 5. 43 JOUN MeNAB, B ARRISTEII TINE, &c. offie- site i1w Ccli ,tand,) Turouite. îv' - iLàii- POW SO0N, J1ONVEYANCE, é&e.,&u., AUIETR W. 0. EASTWOD, RGEON. & . c telaerc-ItLu eiîîid ly Jas. Bcd-- #.ti,EsAquire,. 7-,43 -D 6R.t W. CLARK,. SURGEON COCl U,&CORONER, Dr.-CIIECKLEY, 'n ï-ESIDEN-CE, BR(OCE KSTRIEET, TOWN OF W hitlay, Cou uty or t utrarto. WILLIAM TEMPEST,MDI.) 1GSTEET, QSIIAWVA, C.ANADA Wctt. 17 J. N. AGNEW, M.D UYIVSLAN SURGEON, ACCO0UCHER, &a.Raae~arie-UUut'~Crack, Picer- OCAL DEXTST.nuFFICE IN BROCK Stm!et, ovor J. Bigeiow'a.8tore, arid opposite ~ta «gWry Office. AIu aperations wtràuted. AMOS W. CIION, ..GT, CIVIL> ENGINEER, ANDI agent, Wliîly. I JýU0w» BEAVEN, Wr~ AND CIVIL ENGINEER,I lItreet, WhIIby. Latmnuttas made~ a of mIaaerig Work eure!nlly aI" LAXWER M. CLAIK, )INSTA4LOUNTY ONTARIO, petor o! Liaeisea l ime Mirniciale- rul of W lilby. Pi M. CLA K LNT TA ILOR, No,.74, RING ST. Toroisam. - 1., A. 1ANNISTEt. - ~RUGS AND CIIEMICALS e ye St Buffag, Colora *r", ai- EBNRV UÂNNAM. 1 miss P. DRYÂN, l)TNE~ Te GIVE IN struction o011 be 0-'PANO FORTE,_..ýS at ber F.tler*> rcsidence, Byron Street, Wlhit<'" HUGUI FELITZ, r IEA LR iN 1MUSIC, TUE I tr tul'ino Forte llarinony ttîrouru Brasa nul al kinds of Stiiriag lîarînctt aprepared to %rceve a tew maore Puplis t tliteir orh l uicme. 49 HIENRY J. PIIILLIPS, -ew. IANO FORITE MANUF%C- P tarer, Toronîto. Pianos of 111l kirids a, rîrîhed to order. Al Ititrniiicuts warrîîutedl. Soll iClieap for Cash or al)lîlruved credit. Pianos Tunedani Repair- eui. For Sale Chtap, sanie beanitiful ocaeVs,wi netallc liait. 17 FRANCIS KELLER. INSURANCE AN[) (GlEN-E1AL AGENT, %Vhitby. Ageitfor tMe l'rovittcial Inabur- ale C;tlaaî*i:îi thtautîv of Onîtarioî. l~ih{a-'Victoria Builiniigs, Brook Street.. L:Ujnderthie Clroujielo tlie.à A. C. WILSON, n AINTEII, GLAZIELI, AND PAPER- p er-Ilaiags for Sala. %Vtitowaahirig and Co- lorlîîgDon-ate Street, Whiitby. Whitby, Jeutu 19,157. B. CAMPBELL, £ W OOT AND SRTUE MA4ER, BROOK foi BStree:, Whîtby (riaIt door ta T. g kýl)wiRairl lctel.) Repaira ireatly doue, arîd swork of nu l ind executed lu good styla, atnd in a workniaulike mariner. 0t J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, CON VEYANCRL&o., COMMISSIONMRIN C CP.&B.Il LaZd'Division Court A#tane &o. Office-aria airor N'artli of A. 1). Weeks' Drug Store, Uxbridge, C. W. 25 RUTHIERFORD & SÂUNDERS, (LATE i. rrOV%.) 52 AlqD 4, KING $THYMTWEST TO- 2routa. Albo 48 King tsîreot Wea; Iâlmi- EABT WINDSOR HBOUSE, WHITB'y, T IE abuva Hotat lis îaated iT araimaant sand Lretired parI of tria Tonenulicefroutrirod. gIood amaaotnodstt olr Iilliro. Ga<> Stsmlng udatt ieosratl. 22 5 FAWBS OTE5, thle loang frotuBrgokUur 10 Grei- WIth calm Pîtated w.tù, pemt th.ugktu »d aa ira u nmîMIui -w»*0 mv.a. 1'emodj W'ogums, Kawlesge, Beotherhood.. WIIITBY, C. W., THhIRSDAYI, JJNIE 24, 1M8, NO. 23, I I I. * ----..-~.-.,-'~ I -~ THUFR8UAY MORNINO,' EUGIlq & t.YÈOPPEt ?BROCQt STREE, W1IXTY, M- Nex ot o t hoeegtstÜy1e oie I HP. TS2s oF uRIMION TO THE RIATESS 01. AITERMING Ton linos-anadtender,........ _ .%i0 75 Alove ten linos, liraI irnsertran..........O0 8 Evalry subsequent Insertion, (par lina).. 0 2 A libtiTal dtsoeîB'taIl odto Umtrhants âsud \TOL% 2t bthrtr advertising by thme yaar.. Thîs aper bam alresdy au Immense circulation l thie Caunty, basides boiug red b y ayary bu- P. G. MERGSt aintiss mati lu Wblhy sud ls viclitly, s botter D. -&c., TRENTON, CuSASA W11T. tdamrtlulng riaieuiaouetld net ia soeur-ad la tbisme2 laality. A B wlîo alvertisa ortîluk welIof do. - 1 s0, oLIl plessa inse ie tinie lu tôtwaruà4CALS ArE biIr uolieos.A UCTIONEER MANCMESm, REACH, No paper i lia ediseontlnuad nutil ail arrear- jjcoauaty af Ounario. &Vas are peal tep .. __________________ [setters oncl i ý? f1rStar-cal, tl lieat ALET RîG ho riaR or tae Pibîlahers wlieri eddrcssRed UjcTIONýEER, &oa., &ca., EPSOM, TOWN- UiilS&MAYERIIOFFER, B.laip of Reaeh. Wiritby, C. W A. PRiNGLE, O AND J OB ERCTIZT TAILOIt, BROCI< STREET, PRINTING ESTÂBLISIIMENTb _ _ _ 'r IEEQ>RETOS F TE IIIBY THIOMAS DEVERELL, wIX<aumrL,~otall rcespeetflrlly inforun the BUID E R, &c. &c., GREEN TRET pnabielltiat tley have proonrmal sine of lathtont w iitbyv, C. W. Coderu istylas of T,e fron New Yorkc tedIli- toeir-toffice aCre c prd exeentu INTERFN.ATIONAL IIOTEL, BOGKtn AND JOB PRIN ING BASf MrKE QAE 01ey îad gnaatea tlirt work JutsMi. 4 wll i deacrttia srie tyoatte -ogiMAXILLA HOTEL, tîleti l ne iii r s. anîmeSAor stAle et lIre io mCOt The l'ropriators Irave pureaasaedi nte of jtaara einMriaPale"rl. 2 R tG~LC ARD PBESSE7S! -O-AKWOOD IIOTEL, whlcli ensiles ttern tîîrr outl Card anîd Cmr- AKWOOD, W. BANKS, PRtCPRIETOR. cuis tria ver,'expedhtioms u"taner' Thlitnve 0 GoUaccommiodation for trnie'llers. S ,on band a larg4e Stock of iPleinianud Faîie%,'ardat,------- Ststtliiérv, &e., ohicir heing ha nmlît antaýry iow ONTARUIO IIOT)CILa ruae, Prltietiican ue titra1iheheal at tire lowcst s.y N c. W. Primea tnd rt lthe aulorreet uctite. T NPR1>ROPRIETOII. rrages to IITGGINS 41ç.MK YE1III<FFER, Te arîtalFruimue BoattFreie of Charge. ah . AyEasos'icl. . u. trlarat HURON flOUSE, fYriitie llce Wliîb, .',. reliT WH TIS e. W., IlltTT Sî'IOWITE, l'1Ol'iIETOR.- RAILRO11D IIOTEL, ________- ----- -~ t rDTOWN\,l 'lZ'Ol)lllETOI,, BROCE ST. ZAUIIEUS BURNI[ÂM, I W lit1ýy.(bal) 1Sttailintg andl attenative Ob- J DGE iOF TUE Ce>UNTY & Sl,*RIIOGATI,, 1 Coînt. uieruttie amntiiiise i ONTARIO HOTEL, NELSON G. REYNOLDS4, IBRY N, .Ir., Pi<lIct'TETmR, BRaItE LIEIIlF. ~-oi'i~E Ar IlE CURTl .9mri, 'Iîlthy. Livad Staliirg andi atteri- IIRO F W-oICEAT. liaOU T ,a.ln ___- ESPLACCIDE MOTEL, JOIIN IHAM P£-URY, -.îRO'T snEET, Tî>RINT(t. GIDEO.N R EISTTVI, FFICLE tiN ihiOtK ST., IIîri' iiimn(Erat cf Cie Market, R iilmy.. i appaue tire cldi i liilifgs.> Il.J. ACIONE-L.('OOKEeS IIOTEL, CLER tOF TUE PEACE. OFFICE-AT ILATE WALa'e,> tira Ctirt liiuiîit. T 1 N 1>5 k V a'C. Coiiifontible accoitottutdi- hEEN OF TUVIE COUNTV COURT, AND li. .W.GML, 'j e1iitraerr tti $urnigale tair. itoe t ELB 1h1a E TIE ilLE4 Pfl TSi- itlc.iaýe try OCitHe, ll rei'l .1 Mca chaii r mnte.î.N. Y., Inovinrial Eh- D. G. ItE Erl,,ll it >u '~-e mrrgeny audbifldwifter%, &c. WARDEN. RE-,IIuE.NC, A'fiIEILE\',Irki. .W1 ltiiiii I - --AXMCAN h1l'kEL. IVr.ITUN, AJr.,1 & PATT'ERStaN PROPRIF- IcEASU-TEIt.. uîl"'IaE AT l'îlE CoUliT 'f r, 4rb f y.uLrg aid liCti trst.. T litutase. t ruroîc. a. w 1 IH. J. iM.C)ONELL, I'ERU !SALOONt oLICritR, & CrEIK 0F TIE COUNTY $ Counecil. -OfiSon it lite Court ilotirae i TF"AIZTAII, LAVE 0F TIE ,-YO'U NG ____________ - - ------ 0 s aiila,' ieur rtirhel Lyvcerut, Kilrt JURY ! SH1LR. tsana ,î,'alet, Torntoiî. CiicSupperiqai rîl n OeNTY ENI'iNEEII. OFFICE AT TuIE itivlraotatl l oivra 1 VJ Cort hoe. - JOHN ftETCALF, * L. FAIRBANKS, LF.RK OF VilE FiFTII Di)ViSiON COURT, IlLERVI 11VDiVISION COUIZT. OFFICE C Q0atîprisiuîîr tire owarshrpil Brook. Ail- C iaI tIte Court Ilotist drem- (',titeti,,iil. 14 G-FORGE IIODDER, 'T TAILOR ANT a>UTFITIE KuSteetai-t, ttmwia, C. W. $Sîri utnct d.cr toVrrplitt'sCarriige Iep.iitory. i - --------- *------- -FRANKLIN IIOUSE. W. Il. TRI'MAI'Nt-, LINDSAY, Qc..w BARRISTLIZ AN]) ComNI mW'1B attoraia'r. aittle-lir Arrîalla. i cv iriekB FJWE',iOPCEo.CJ tR <"Boe~~Sîe.iloulcr. __1_____B iib. e f.r'ar, isscr J. Y. RAM, -- -__-________ T) UlItlSTER-AT-LA.ýW. OFFICE--BiD>CK . FArtMER'S IIOTIIL, .)trea.t, Iviitby, t'. %W. 1 AVE <IAIiAWS, SlMCOE STRTEET, 4 L iJaw4îirw illi.ran Madden, Pl'rictor. M. Il. V1IRil.NKS, QI reiiidatorfor ttie 'fn.aveilitag puolt. OLTCiTth, Nil l'AEV PUBILIC, &c. &c. ExokI'loiiSaCii and arr ttelativu 0,tlt.-. 48 ______________- - - --- RA Il ROAD HOTEL, JOHNILLINIIS, POInT u.au. 'g ÇAl-INCEiIV & CIViACN FARMIIU, PIIOIRIETOB. :e- TITIS .1 )hle ritce Allient. R.Il ioiuaoac.cgo ),i accoiiariodrtionti on A. MARS, Vn~mchies. Qod itrratîiiig anal atttentive Ual- A.TTORNEY Af B. A., icre. rri)R'iKY Ar T lýA 1V.SOLrICITOR AIN'II New- York, Marceh I9th1 657. - JAMES & CIIILTON, M. D., oàestiat. ONONDAGÂ PLASTEIt.- Sulplînte ot Lime--------------..<81,20 Sîîîpuaureî of Lima ..............luml Carlb umutecof Liînae--------------..6,30 Car-botte of Magnusia i----------1,00 Aliitniua .....................2,iiO S*ilie......... ............... 2,46 WrViter-.........................22, 10 Losa ......... ........ ..........>1-4 c-t-ma PLASTEIi. teulpîlte 01lAble. *............. 50,40 Sulp1 harelofLire ... ........... 2,00f Sîhtiia.........................411 Los............. ........... New 'Yor-k, Avril 2, 1h-52. JAMES 1IL CHILTON, M. D., It appeau- foni the aboya analysistlithelie r.Nienfiaa llten" iàsttîperior for laud Lo tîtiof lteI Cayngel," onr.4On'uurida," irasiumch as it camaîtins ldte largealt per centage .(thltarrSulphtee of Lire" wlrieb is Uic mosl ireaedeLd pr-apent>' in landal later.1 CIIESTER IDRAPER. Wtairby, Apr-ii 14, 1858. 13-3ui. COUNTY OF ONTARIO- Karriago Register Books A ND O)RUS in ccordauce olîbthStatuts 20tli -M'I'Chep 66. Nte>' lieolitained ut this office upon apileation of eny Miriister, Ciengyrnrît. or otimr penson etitetllesoliurize utalgi arm- den time pruvterons oaf the aimove Act. H. J. M 1CDONELL, Office ut 01er-k o!fime Pecce, WlaiIby, MySic'1,156I Z;- Ail pitpera. iur the Cctiamty ho gîte 8 ingten lions andl sari auuoourit thar-efan 1u0 lis olie for audit. Piano.Forte9s madIe Tunad and r-e pair-ad. r-T IIE UNDEISTGNED BEG, TO INFORM the inluaitaia ýo' Wiitby anal the vicinit>' t.rtd eue publ e erally that lime>' have openiea ae brîc uni ofut sinzes in tue Vow-n o! W nitat, outiclienibreathrc înanefactaning, luairtgand nepm'iiag e i,îicria-tauntents. Pao-Fartes raanuaihrad ta order. Asea, Accordeous, Melodeona, aiai&aU kinais o! string aastrmntiti. Vire attention of parties iunlima Town is parti- culeril>' requeteal .tulime conteraient faeiliiy utato wltrui atieir receni, cf'auing thair Pianos Ste- blodons iceondeous, kapt. properî'lytnacjana repara.1 aItimheir owin uueraaanal ltimont troubla or annoyanot t ei ia~The olijact ofthte underasigucd la ta giva fasîl public satis- faction wihh the> expeelta do in ail tîreir aleal- itig. - FELITZ & RAINER, Piano makers sud Musie Te=ctiens, it±war-d Cottaige -arear the Hleur>' treet scimeol. W Lasions sud sud inetruetiuns givan lu musc s hes.eretafore. whlitby, May' l9, 1858. 18 LAWI LAWII LAWIII J W. CALDW ELL BROWN, Couveymu-1' scar, Coîtiisisioner in C. P., &a., anîd Di- visio.n Coaurt Agent,liegî ta, InTerm thie inhrtbi- tarris of Epsout sud ltae snrruudibg ueighbor- Iîoodaa, Chat lie latta opaned an office ut Mn. Thas. Englisti's LVotaI Epioni, werelire =ry lia iountd o'very Weduesdy% froru 9 o'clock, a. ru. ta b, p. in. fflv prepareal todraw ariy instrmntaof Wntingug t iitra u yba raqiireal, uel a aMort- gages, Dead, ils, Louie s, rlùtramlou Boudi4, Clirstel Monmgages, Buis cof Sale, Boudae4ijre-a mentlt, snd every olimer descrIption of' vy "ucingktiowu. r. iihaalita propareal W ake CAsas in sun of the Superior Courts of Ibis 1'roviiieale I- no attauda. tha Divisoir Court bath st Manches- ter anl Uxtuitge, sud peraous wantirg lis as- titauce, oilflud bine ready ta attendlimerai au raoamable terras. àono> collecleal, sud prompt raînmua tamade. N. B.-Having seemtred the serviacs ofsu able draiiuensis is prsparad 10 sccommôdate aIl Who May Zc onii a:ahu.Nouaoîead lie disap- poanted. île solaatie patronageafthe publia. Charges Ilaal iasaa exlremely tuoderte.- ElI'tJM, every Walnesdav anor-ring froru9ta.- Mu. to 5, P. an. UXBRIIkIJC, evary Maoiiday, Fr-1dat anîl IS urdsy, at 4busual ioma ma1y 22, 1858.& BonuovaI 1 >m rnoai!. T 11E lte mini faa«ema GREBAT EXcITEHENT t baait>'of a hikeneas utias5 ad life-lika expreslu noFilth, leli=e brserber cànîot h.a' pwsmailun(e alai rut, never-Ibelusatros.) la eallmng the oun o! tic pulie eut 1er-go, to lime aboya andiln relaruing Ibanko lu thosewbc bave r-alIy pe±ronizadhe b ould .ay,1 'wbarehhm bs ttad eë villi vertle=dilsUal i yodl telaite llkensesea1 Clcesas-tte Obqios N. wm.aricla FO'R TUE OCCASI.ONq, GJo ahead-mnd do "0ot tarryv Ut nottmrsyoiar boson laIr-y' Soarch lthecauses of yûCr cnvrs, Gather wlsdùm fio= the paut, To the *lnd give aIl yonr terrors And you'll get ahcad n ati a4 Go ahcad-h, tief ni doing% ý Uet yoar matxi ba <Il I try ;e, lie who ever in despairiaîg, Bankrupî Itearts and lhopee arc nigh. Winta tiough you anîd wealth bca stratigrs- Unward, upward bo yoitiaralan, A, -d tiioe reat or faicied dangers Boon yo'il put tu, fliglit or shante. Go alcad-the çrnrld reforming, lu civil, moral, freeclott's naine, Ail thosefort, and oulpoatsA torning, Wltieh your ûeinie« may olaimt. Yield no bulwarlc, tmua no quaarter, Comproinii<e no chtriabed right, Frecdun'otryeaatre never barte*r, Bot stand for tliunm with ail your mlght. G i shead, then-d on't defar il,- Lie' hort <paii sou dits aï*; If vou'd fiish asnht of mnent, VYOt mnot ply yoiir tank to day. Set the bnil in mi-tarit mnotionl, Tu kt-er. it goiaig str.,irîeuch narve, Nor doubt tt ultimata promotiont, Will yield thee laurei you dexerve. The flnmpbacked Cousini. TSÀ%SL4TE'O PROUetTUE t'iiNCIL Behaold an eittfardinary aventnre o! thesa latter days. If il oere nol mn ex- tt'aor-aiiluty occurrence, eue naed ual r-e- late le. A father a! a lamil>' iuhablting lte Rue de la Michordicre recciveal, lasI stimtuer, a latter front bis nephico, wo w as ini the entploy o!filyder Abeti. Tire latter con- cludeal ihita "'I have receive t4liepocr-raits of niy bwo cousins, Marie anal Margaret. 1 hava treler imai im th sue o eing tîtent, as 1 havaelvcd wiîii Ilyder-Abal jice un>' yauh, but i1tnt curaeCiiey ar-e rasen- blancaes. I1oilarrive et Har-va b>' lie slip Inos Egro, aboutI the fir-at o! Octaber, anad ouini>'ar-rival I sut detlnrutineal ta mar-ry lime beautiful Mr-." Tita)r-esking open o!flime latar haul de- slrnyeth ie rest o!fltane. il oas lim- possible Ca -tel if lima cousin lial asked Mer-le or-Mer-gar-et lu marriaga. The twe siztlerauitad pravioras lu this lime, bail cantnta.cad ta Wr-a arrit 'render-stan.diugs, aach o! limn positive limatiti was par-t o! lier- nanta oiich oas trmoff lu br-eaking lima Seul. MICHAEL McCAULEY, 17 Prepa'ietor RAKLROAI> HOUSE, C ORNER tiF BRU,JK AND DUN OAS Sts., ý Wuitby, (LaIe Wiokumc)Tute Cub- snier beg t- 'auîntirnemtIrtheinliabitanta. cf %Vlaithm, analtet r-aveiliig corninunity, ttlitIe liace taîken Ithe aboie tîirt eW la. ouetwitheiho haue ltledu rin uma nîtand cenauieiiî murunner. A irsI-rate Table is serrea Ititiis Iloe]a. Dira- ns, Lne &orcM., carib ha hd e aira niritsn notice. AUL iqions ka'pm ion turpremiie,4arc warrantcd tire geraine artecJa'. (tai Cirn. THOIMAS DOWNING. lftlby, Mana i'tim, 157. . 8 IIOESON'S HOTELib AsUisutIs, iTa i csxo, waan'av, 'N VIlE LEADINO STAGE ROAD RAI.F 0Jway belween Witiî sund UXbige. This Iloate]lkiues een rafitted afid futriisbcd rn au ex- celleut style for- lie accommodation t <itîavcl- ters. Every attention perd te erevellens.anal thea b-t e'ndt l o rrvideal for miait and lior-.e. :I A et.aeiy O.&lltr -Ivays in attend- arrce. 48 FENELON FALLS JIOTEL. W ILL1AM MAICTIN, PEtiPRIETOR.- Tuhis Ileaimha ernueurlin excellent style ta accoummodarte Visitons aund Tourhts. Il i. ir- tutîteil oltait a foroda of te Fallsinthlie tmidrt ift lime most dcliiltful daucacryr haflair- il, ontahue Lnket s t rrstrpaâsed. Fiahing Teokle and lxarts provideil. 29 WELLINGlCTON HOTEL. (u.Àx .iu£ r rco's,) auna-s?.uero, T l£ prscit preprielor of lime above oeil- I>ow htlicbgato atnauce te lb. pnb. lie imaithie gsreaiim uo wliprlared,Prtaan tri aîrd fitteal n l hiee tylai ta auipnblic tte analccrieenicec Travellierua a vilons wilI flîtaltlitaver-y betal ectumodation andl &v tention, et charges uaahly utoierale. Aar tOmniurs fraie, toansid froîn tire Cars. Goca Shreds. anal Starliigr, anal atnttve Uchiters. JOIINSTON GRAHîA%1ý la) Pro-acter. rayante, Jul>' 15, 1857. the lngIi., tnis aitthe giIght ta , 8"tfch4 BEVANS & DIXON NATIONAL IROTEL, POlRT WIIIy. TfEudrsitgned bop te inform bis frinds s'!u limepublic, that lie la now in posseshion 0l the aboya Ilote!, the business of which, lie wiil in future carry on, on bis "wwso~eq e. (4'ood Liquorat, Witienansd Brandies. Excellent Stabllng. Cr.fal attention for manand home. EDWARD RAY. Wlîitby, May 6111',1857. - 1l WEbsTERN 11USD,) DUNDÂ5 liRBSt,llLUTBY. rrplE ABOVE PRU1MESAVE BEEN X jnstaapened 'b theia andersignadwhere travellers can now mmnd good 0oeommodaton- The hanse han weil fauishetl, weii kept, aud t1te sleeping apartmrenta rooney and a1ry. There in good omnfortable Stablni, anthie hast attin- tionilapaid tornausnd honte. Ther-roomis large and convatient, and weil supplied çtith the bast ies, Liquors and Cigare.Iltand- eotnely fitted ap gitting roornafor private par- tiis. OYSTEL JRYSTAL ALON lO135, W.llae Buildiags, YVo<ge oiLeat, Toronto. Ch"olcLiquars, Cigars, Tic ftelier-anpio>-ei bis elequence inn cainting lime arrgen o!firis to dauglutersb oluen a aamvant sent irr auvance, anriveal fr-ont Havre, snnouncuagblthir is nîster wanlta oParis witm tmae veîaing train. Time servant wssove-r-obîealoti questionis; r-eplieai limaishimaster oas ruineal ardriaibut ha bail, moreover an bha left tuhoulaler-, tli or-riaiprotibar-auce, wbicli lied canseal, accarding t lunter-ch, s0 nian>' nisfomîunas ta uEsop, lte Pimy- glon. Tira cousins dabermineal, bereupon, te reutain single forevar. bafora ntarmying a cousin that is lnupiackad anal tuined. As lta>' take titis ceeu for tie thmrtietit tinta lu twalvaerirs, tie corin uarrivas&- Bis mncies-ar-ml>' ermbhraced hlm, the cousins mada a politu bus sud lurneal as-a>' liit'yes. Tisa nnle limon expiaine lime Incident ef lte tarntlatter andalskaltemtr-imonil intentions o! bis nepimews-. 'Il a i>' *cousin Marie woir1 o cme ta marry," ha *Nvar-! neyer " acreameal Marie, "11 am citented with my condition, anal 1 s-ll r -mti inluIL" "M identiselle," salal lte nephes-, I have adopleallte custonof!'tise ceunIry s-bere I huave beeen educalual. Roai the customi Ot iyder Abeal lu Travisleër.- Timer-e, s-bon sYoung man la refuseal an offer uofnmariage, le s-llhdrs-s, hiseli fr-arnsocial>'an a useless beiug."1 "He kilts hintselfl1" axelaimed tlie other sisïtar, rgie 16Ha kilts ilaf 1t1repîleal lie nephas-, lu lime toue of a mn& boulta commit suicide, "The pear- cousin,t' nid Margaret. s-eel» ing, I "taCoule srici a distance la, dia lu bbe basicf liisfamui>y' "I kuow,'ý continneal lie napies-, 94tha my defor-mily sfflects lima igit of a s-oms», butm in ie eeyes o! a outairbecome haieblîneleathtalil hiugp.I kuew amp ,ihal my commeircial business s t ttpruspar- ou&. Tiroown ver-young ferlahelima.r moa uIness,lime cul>'occupation ec Hyder Abad, 1 blostimer-a aitlte fortune ti My fatiee ;blut, I hava acqnir-ed expeancel i ar yorug, activa anal industriorus Tises aft riches in tlrematelr-esY -" "Yern, yesý- huiupbacked as uie rined,' mullated Marie iiin batoiug toue.. "PeerYoung tian !" sali Marar- ani asi sdded,, I"n>'cous in, 1 Itâes- fqrsed, an9 you psyne alitenlion ta il" "-Anal4Y 'WhOm' refraedr' Iiequîred tbi coaui. -. 111.To jour eoby you ;.simqS-yom 4sV, ALMA IIOTEL, BOW.MÂNýVILLE. JT IIE AllOVE FIRST-CLASS ITOTL i., now newly arraoagcd for the accommnodiation of viu.tors. Trie Ilotel liatving been forneriy kept oni Temipernxîe priuipes--a Spirit Licenee basa bren obtuined. Eva.ry attention paid to travaji- lems, sou the hast accoommodation provided fur mn ad udhorst.. t-I An Omtnibnqe in attenidance to and f1roru tic C.ars,fre of charge. 17 J. A. MASON. QUINN'S ]ROTEL, No. 3, 5AtLT-Âu-MATZLor T StnT, LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. Sgwl ose tomdeeSteamboei Larn4inq and Oppohite *iis Britigh Amer-iaaa xpreu O$e.k T RtAVELLERS AND) VLSITIRS blite An- chant City of Quecc will fidid sttpe1'ior ae- comainodalioti aI Moderiate ehargeg aI the aboya hotol. The botelais averv Cotitenaiently aitureted -near tlmaLtikg,Stearnhýoat '*Iiarres, snd prin- cipal buriias places oflte City. 'fhe table andl bar are aaîpîlied with sa'erv erourble catiableartîcldnitîkala!e. Viitora will ,itd overy atteantion paid to their &amfort aud eonvenlaaec atnd every informnatinand direction as lu Lthe aurroiundlttg locaities, principal pîlaces of raison, sccnIerý, &c. Proprietor. GILOBE BOTEL, BROOKLIX. .YOD W]LrcihN o RCK 'roiBIS OLO TMIot'5AnANi. 1 "%IE unniergigned bar. againnea.urrted pôsses'- or the ashoee wen iloiwun hottl, wlîach willl bua oorîdnctad as forinerly wit theim strietoist pro priarty anal regrtrd for tha comfort aud converti- ence of the paublie The proprietor hiu;e bi mmsnfrienda limaI avernythiriz le raide ready as formierly to enter- tain them art tba Globe fibid, icima that ho will b ia porsonely lregaut mo giva tire u sel a rc- capton as watt his wout. The boume lia beau thoromrghly paperad, paînterl snd ranavatad, and la fittital n uevery respect ilu aeli smanDer as te matura aati.fac- lion. Thme bar anal table aupplel.ùa formerly wîhi lthe beat estables aud dukableiq. Oel sud sce. JOSEPHI WILKINSON. Brooklin,'May 26, I18..B BDf-t EGI far-tuMeis frinds and the public lim tat he la prepar-ed tosddo aU iditis of Plus -turer'e aid Brie laýyer-'s work-sb.olathini, ai*o., lu a g. od warknai-lrke ratatner. AUl knds of omnuatatil wor-k in Brick slrd .Platýr1ikawiâe exaatrted. Ail orders left st bis residencDnlap traet1 Wiity, wilIutelwîb puuctutil sttebdamtce. * JAMES--I. KILBURN. Whitliy, May 571858. 1 .v geta Foi otytûkprsaa0 try 1mopr habits noad apply. GO cm&h1 cash l rg'%] l rl1st Prie Ioowbo pale In Cashb 11h. mriiffdeMungmds, (at -11h 1NEW STOR Brook $treota Wùitby, sed dor ot1hbof $4 Pene.antiarm Bootsd 408os tar.),Iot lVhen a iele fiade to i àspearulargt a an elophArrt,#e Cdan Seo &H the winiev. fol parts cf its foundatuui, and aie agton- Iahed taofnd, that it has a coat of arnor much iiole compléte thon ever £ Wàrmiet iro. sud comnposéd cf strong polialie! plstes, fltted 'over, each other, eadh plate 'ioverod like s tortoirue-shell, aud wherta they meet, huudreds of strong quilla pro- jact like tiroso on the back cf the poratapinè, or hedgeb6g. Theea are the archad neck, the bright -eyes#5 thé trinsparer't casos. piortlers to puncture the altin, a sucer tu draw *ay time lood, six long fointed legs1 fourr of wbiidh ara foldad- on ltha breat ready rit sny moment ta ba llrrown out with immense force for timit Jump w'hicl bothars one 50 when tbey wisle ta catch him; snd sVt he end 'cf oach lem lotlked ..,, I . ...a.IJaha , i .. te c .K,.,inL o ur..5,.,.a YIMASJiAriREA. TU H unerslnodleving bess appoiniced TAgent for l.Sae cf Itha alcvs Piastor, <round et 1"1e xtensive Milla Of 11m Rahskîn & C'O., Ontario Couuty, N. Y., wold bec teogy tltat ho A nuoprspsrsd lu furish Merobautà sud Rotailers ganerlly, at rates quit. as aw as il eau le trwarded for- ront Osogo. ThePtia- ter wilîlibedeierdseCa-ta eoervr, or-et any of rtha nortlr sbure- Porta, as lta r- clissr suita. Tua followng analysis cf Ibis Plaster prepstr. cd iy liraenumoneminent Cheiniats in lima City of New York, is-proof of lteé supeilor qnalieb of titis article over se>' olmar uoo lnu use. Ia I havea sialype a aspeaimen ofIl Vieuna Plaster or Gypsuan," aur a6ola specimena of ICayetgue, asîd Il raîndtga Platen," sud final thaur ta yleld respoolj',ely as foloos: Vlt'NNÂ PLÂSTIBI. Sul p halaof ULie..a...........l.70,92 Carbonatte of Lime ............ 4,45 Carbonatte af Maugneua .......... 1,50 Alumina .................... 2,441 Siice.......................1,l" Prûtoîlde of Irori........ ...... 21 Lasa .......................29,3 IWO . .... ... ... ... ... ... ..1 2900 tSeo wlit I haveë carr-ed on ni>'slaouid- erg," said lime cousin, Il frcm Bombay ta Havre, ta offerttatonee uf My -cousins vrho would acept rne oui nimytaieepover- ty and Ueigned deforntity."- Tmera oas gr-eu joy nluhlieurse, wlriah Il vas, aslenising as nItnia>' seun, partiel. t4 patoa lu by Marie. Il is trie that Maria II îoad bar alster deazly, olithout dctestiug e the diantond.e p A Curions Naniage snd Devro sutt. EAUt«INYT A0115 TO ERCAPS 5150SATN raOil À DINNEs. fi [Er-uni lhe Parla Correspondlent of the Bastoar. PaisI! -r The r-aw gessip cf the week concerns ruait cspecurtlly thuse wo i o doon le lime v sea lu slips. andl tay serve as s warning a lesson laelimace wimu rrfer pmesenlsoctarilya te future life muid imçpiness. A year or1 to aea, M. Mafiiatma, lilnai', hepc anal I imair ofa a r-tncal caelicenprinter, atotkingc maker, sed nigmt cap vender of Rounr, sntE si froinHavre la procacai laSydney', Ilu arder ta superiutend-tbo business ohici isc farirercarricai on l im tat place, and whicm z lime darth of hic paerar-bd laIt olîhorît srvîeillanc. Ouua o! thosa accidents whiime will happen, lu apite of cuptain or-campurs, evnvau thie huat governea simips on lime acean, happenei, as a mtauler rf courmn, lu lime r-allen little bark lu ohich Mm. Maîfla-1 Ire set cil¶-and on the inhospitable shore4 of SV'allis's Islandl weasil wr-cckad b ery-1 tlting lot but M. lulalfilatre luobwont aveu'>.i îiing was lotît but taonr. TU p~luntp1 persan analdaîlencelesm stale cf Ihe young unerchaut bacante a greatit enpt.'rlion laelime daint>' iuiabitlnue afWallis's lilnri, who1 hava dusgrista lima miasiourias by enling acii othar and îiey ar-red binai aay t the Chief's hul witb 'lenal aouts of triiumpli stheiaswetielmorsai wicm tic wsves lied tiro-n upon ticir shime. The V aholic missionarles hava a sutaîl a.stab. lismnat o! thme Maristes ou the Islandl. They ws-rk uighî said day, ihthme unre- miîîing zeal of lime cilermeoaro! -timîrse savage, suad hava Rot as far as lime pr-aven- lien of infanticide fur gastronomie purpos- as, oimich is a greal slep; but lie>' have net au yat been able ta inspire ltat obole. smntedislika of brinan flash ohicit aboulal acu-tiini>form th imermIsta'p luinaven>' con- version ta Chrier.anity. T1he poar young muan, lin uit dilemurtu, appeaeal pitiously,îo time revarnel faterat but tbay confessad limat tha>' possessual nu influence; lhaî lhey wame ebarel>' toleratean d dara ual inter- féer-a Thte ul y reecue te be expadîcal canldba obtaineal by tbaasing a wlle anuongst 1the native omen, anal cousaents, imîg te reinain ou lia Islarnd forever. After mrici persutîou fr-arn the missionary, ha accepaad ime latter allernative, aend the bal>' fatier, aceardlng te lime Instan of uis nation, chosesa bride for lime yoimng mnan, suad tank eupeclal care ta chose a goud par- 1k--no leta a ona Iban te daugitar cftlim chieÇ Oua liiug howavar, lime fathar lu- sistad an; the mariage sliould lie solemu. iseal uer-brialy, -wiim Cathelic r-iaes; and aI aIl avents thra brideg-oaun sitaulal he baîtind by propar r-eglsters andl net be permitteal ta treal lte sacred car-ann' itblime saine iigmtmcas aIt is eawcoere. Ever-ylbing was conseuteal to by the yoîrug mean, oho lied groon attacmea te life by meaus o! a good supper; anal accord- ingly, on lima nexl da> lima beanîtnfl Sulcta, aillfreshu> batoealfron liesal Wfoot-r fair pr-oportions undisflgureaib>' crinoline, w« laid taelima aller o!fthe Maristes by IL àMalfilIre. But cf course, out hero, ftlon Rouen had treateal the wimala tiing asa lit- tIc itsrnless expedient la keep a safe akin anal a wbole boue lunbiais iringry land, anal sooruhagan ta look cul for an oppor-tunilY a! quilllug ltae cene of bis cunnubial tati. cil7. Soute mauiima alapseld, iowever, lie. fore Ibis oppetînit>' oécurr-ed ; but t Jlenglt, eue aflrnean, oaudering diacon. solat. on lime baser,, lie descrcal a vessai in limeoffiug. Itsa uEnglialivesel, ohose batIscrev lu ansoart te tie signal of dis- Irese lioisted by theimmidagmom, .Iastened' taý lisp escue anal bore hlm off taelime slip wlticut discovery arr lIe part oethlie us- tives,who smulal have killean d cabantirentm ail lied lime>'beau blare of the 1r-eachimy in- teuded. M» MaBilaltre landed safa anal esounal itfHavre ouuy bo u>onrtbuago. lHe fountra a great changeaslied taken place lu i bis fslher ' iouseholtl during isi ai- scauce. An iniar-rlance had (allen in- fnoinea l umiledmesl graciorisl>u-o oaa stayiug at an r bali n-Mancluuster, hsv- ingaleturmned otasteird thecSt'atfard races, -gave int the. bauds. of- time barr maaid, for ra-fet>', to notes af £100 eeaim.' On itis -r- tura, te lbis vexation anal distua>, lte gir-l cpralal net necalleet oviat siteimaul de t- tf;e notes Evatry place probatble anal im- probable s-es searcrea, but in vain. On $.dnday mroning the bopelcas serci s-as r-cnewada, etlest, lime rniesiug note:u ocra farud lu a cinden-box! 'l'ie>'buad a uat'mow escape, as hoat cindars fron tlb grae-abad beau ibrown upan lis ansd îimay ocre sligisîl>'singefi. Hoav lte>' got tera no ouaeca-ual guess Stuictos or MiRi. MtActuouc.-The L<ast* Nomnl., priblisitea aTirue Rive-s, gives1 ,iu ils isae of Monda>' lasI lte tolwing accounl ai! litelali b>'suicide ofM.%IMsnk<.- didon, s-ho for a long tite uatain h. Assembliy s. a represttlatîlc of a oft Cenadiai constituene>.ý' -"The Cilr-oer, icas jusi beft Ibis las-n ta haldan a inqu"$ cut tis bcd>'of Thomats Juar-childon, ok- mantmerol aIer-liueanîlfor lice Counîyof Chramplain, waube dslroyad binsil thi - mumning by lirowing- huîsel tithin, s l Mr. Mar-childon lied zone tiste oeds! fe s losal- of umber. On lhiarettrn5 bls friadsfodalbisiseral ail or-olg, -and sent, fr, s d'clur, but before lie acrrived, Mîir' Marcitildon ,uumrped lutt a a s-ciauid- ws - *An chalnge papr-says tht a muanilwha j= ïad yste=talaly sud wolllully set Cblieadlig the pr-inter, wetiid: ommit TirE Bar TEE SitEUeR no-amore ,5aYvrA <ai .atAp SAC U5A JAMES A. CLARK. I Wlnitby, April me, lassa. lb j CASH cAlgH s À) Parmai - iar rWhloryt Terhn oot r ià, lu a d a the $ o aligIs tapon. A fiaeaui leap ahuidrad eutcbng f ~4neream vsselà,. etragthes lrds uown lenglh, which- is lie same as its objections aqainst thea .policy of main, if antan junipei ta li eigit cf 700 feat iuning saquadron wýhich bas proveal se lu- sud ha gan drawa load!of 200tlimes its owq Ieftual for th1e end 1j& vie1w. It sayýP - aighl. lWhatevor the right cf -the cage, and hOw- ever far.Americare may ho re0dy ta go aItU Pirs-Terasfeshaar arasent lu complimnce for peace'sake, we tns moat sverey. N l te ar canuot but look for-ward 10 & day ohan i ie msîerlNt &Oh a. b or et'ill, wil! lie mare diuagreabla, and a thepré. steet o we Cake up. but liere are very pat- sent lime more rinneceasary for limueati- hetic, andl santeirs very limrerteesing eWns to sularit, aand a still greaer lot d 111calta t subwebrs to a <uop n I1 Il iâ for our pride to give oay.11 - Aftcr Pas orng jigilar thlseo uch trouble must, lbe cmne censuraeripon lima apaîhy cf theAme, taken by a pîtlhilbrbafora lie eau bandle 'ican go'vutnmauguu lthe suppreasi9n of the lime pallry ainunnts duo hlmt. Oua wonld slave trada, lt concudeq as foîîows :-rr Iftimink lieut notliig, couid ta pad al iser t'a do tnot campai hier ta the vîîre itie bus -tbhnIa n eoapsper anliscriptian, ns certain. test before ver>' loithe mrue atînpt [y nating ught lo bs paimilmare willimegly. t istt grn nafnru a.I tee np B rlticre are, apparerttlY, tîoum~nals oE br- hti iing n a fa-flwr ladethanowelW.tdo men lin Canada, woaappear le becn it bem a ing pacranda ohîci lake intense daliglîliit torlnring 41ia tinl'om- 1ae~ iîibeing optlaionul, sud if fo n- utunate Prluter, as if tlieid -lu i a lehfiuit b. nefetua? a tting telaatr-n d with on bis own hook, cauldul- pr-avide deftd except after the bass of lhirîy thon-aniongit of torture wiimeut any armo.iatance send ilvez on bath aidas ? je i ere no J.uetnolm ritr ma.crtil ir otimer- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tia ricatal aeoetboii~î of il Bead debta, dii Iirrîde, andl coull puît tire haîf million of valtuable livea draadfully slow pa>' re rgln-bt annuallf aunk lin tho" osquadrons ?11. aorlisra a e ra. Pay him Iu Lima city erîilîrof the London Timea l in sro ah rv ahm teaI <oica, gond rentder. Voa Justly came raflections are rmade on lthe saeastîl- aoc 'i but ie A rinply uriks for iruec't jech, ald it is asked wbether, strpposrngyorutns alitic tpestaj. Aineriata be unwillung Ca find sbips for lie u ad.H istie pel o u. the slave trada,' if the squarsdon ntlght flot or i làthe-Beplace conilie aylo by an agreeument have ana or tbu Auner- hca. e uCre . cran affirers ta ha received as per-manent gtîcsts on board Britishr vessais, wbiia sarv- STArTLINa DIscLOsvnaP.- 110oW do 3-ad iuug on such duies, and for ail scarches ta do, Mrs Toîvé? Hava you-bieard the stary be conducîed tandem the auspices of soduc outh ia Ftuy? Antricn olIlrsWhy>, nu r-ailly, Mrs. (lad 1 What is Thte London Daily Neues' editonial out it9 Do teil." lthe cama aubjeet iregards Cime all'ir n;as ,Ipousa m atî frallt dixagroabia ane, but thinks it is preruc- woridî1 No, nust never - 1lou't" bure to juunip 51 conclinrawltmat heur' Il Why, l'Il nover tll oru'h as long as 1: ing bath aidas of the question. Lt disere- liMsjust as truc as the ivurll. luat Ïsjtl dits lima reports mado byr sorte of the -Crnte t'eIL" Amariesu captains. Nwyuwn, a ntigaot1 Thme saine paper draws a coutrtbe-a.nover o a'tsyaylin bu t twcon lime ser trumaneipation policy of -Il'eell if youu'ii ýbelieve it, Mms. Ftîndiy cf Russie sud lime slave policy of Amerca, tld rue lest uigm tIraI Mru. 'Trut bld hec' and incidentrhly revicoil tha career of LtaI hemr sistem's htasbacud oas tld by a Tourqueutffantsd Edward Evaraîttupott parson Liat alearucal Rt, limaI M. iroule'a lima latîter of ohon t i casts soute bitter r-- deàît daugmter tlid P-Mr. Nichens litaI hec' flclions. grantotlacr- lisitral ly a letter- wimiaii aim Thte Londa o t -thinks-if Iniuirjlias gaItframt hem'sistWrs second httabrnd's aId- beau seatairtod. Englanal cannaI refusae1the est bruthrste-age, a iwe.- repara ion deunaîudcd b>'Mr. Ceass, andal mer-'s the a-dauglofactiam-bhoat- r-e- cals for such for1lbearane in the imalter ar-tve limon e ptaîeojc Ilan-dr, ut compleincal of asi oll ual aenagar tlimerai frout lime eeie lalanul, imaIlim friend>' relations setwcen lmthe tocola- linea tirade orul o! sbark-skins? tries. The-London .Starthllîcs lime danger is A"TR o W 10Ni.O immrinentl unlass the Br-itish Goverrument AVITIRO W 10Nvs-- rcede fron t is untenable position. àrcturday, a genlemaniru frcensmefild, whoc 1- s À JEWESS BEJEWELLED.-WO oenb (et Tangier) te calaI the lieuse cf a r-icm Jes- ici ordcm te seo is sife full dressai'lie>' reeiveal us counîleausi>', in a narres-.long moont, voith a bcd'. Al lime place Ours utade ver-y handsrne; ri-lmiakiumg mrpets on lte fluor,anal icii>'ernbr-oidered alika spretal alcng lime oeil aboya lima sofa, for ltha day, 1 suppose; strangel>' enengir, in lima saune roo ars-s a linge olal trunk cover- cd witb co or borate bide, wbich yoîî would net bave stîffereal anywbarc belowi lime allia. Thte Jas--sas a gcod, sensile-1 Iooaliug, braghtfor'oar-d meut i telady was, indecal, a sigimt oeeought tW ba:e viawcd hem olîh a catalogua. She oas ver> &itbut var-yitandeonte; net >dar-k, tieugit net fair, bu itsh a fine pinky blocom, fine cyclimoos close telime cyca. Her dr-os as a simple figreal nmslu, but ber- beaeanudneck, wr-iss and ianals-r-e rcemplendenl. She biel au ordriurnt in lte Fer-aniar-a for-m on imet' forebieal, Ohieht ie Jaws-cses ara found of, i il ic ne more titan the anal of agaudy iadkarciief ; but this- lady a lia sjesel, o! course. fier>peaml warings (isoops closcal b>' s-at lookeal like finger rings) s-ould bave, beau bue large fer -yentes -bracelets. -Timere..-sas a little Jewess, about savon year-s oIdl sitting b> bar -nieler, r-rt s-lu jes-ellery, butý s-l.b ptticoatea embreidereal lu gol&l, As wu tuok unr -icave s-e leokeal lnto thme r-oot s-berelime>' -are going tta aluner b as plain a 11111e parleur (but, neat and clean) asyou cantl see in tlimnost-modeal house-Le- Tn luu attz'i à-rDau:DoNitim.-À amal bey, net yel in bis lieausitad cierge of a denke>' laen iwit e.on -a receut day tn-spr-iug ;.and in,&aMîltard laine, fiic'#oay froi n ami> iunuhabitation, telii.ofked as -tbr-es- officias la Joadaltoc ieavy 'for-lime yenngster le raplace. fie set dowtn clown iu ciespalr, tookingaIlerutately at lie uack asetthl.e uîddy--tise latter- (nnfeeing .brûlé 1)>celirei> cr-oppiug lthe resalside grass. AI iats abor-semuan ho.. ein aigrt,. and gradîtal>'dr-es-narrer' sud nearar. Il i- les. lhe mbig fellos-!" criad lie lad latisah aix.ootAr-cdeson i-, Ils-ish tiee- 'stgeléfftby can,sand give ussa ilft s-lis il

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