Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1858, p. 2

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A Rhuilai teguit Would ti ë ncl the iron Bpeedily anniilated. Mr. (la."s and our pin to ho a member of the. Ooveriuentif sition to adopt such a course1 titheCountry deny. The more so, where Afr. Ew ersr- trade, with ail lta vas midea1lctiàns -the (ovrnment certainly ought te avoid the *dbstep-dgtiseouet fwoadapadtebta t ,t. iOfused to slow the appropriation for tbo colllgntrate ahn s~ig peaac fsepping forth at thist moment Brook rond to- be introduced sitar the. lje.u dng .er te tsc ftoters', rte rves u trin £1,200 per annum, thereunto attached 1 riglhteously execrated by eY@ty gâoo amnV~r odwscrid n*acixical 114) wouldi .xperience the. new,,pi~L of inritiuie l.tw, as if for the Bldea, as & Truste. or a noar relative, ln the 'Province. Another election wIBeîe eu>zigte aS'Otr l same now denaand upon It, *and evcn the very- purpose of enabling thein b set the bu msy bai. te place out money and-to show these faIae-boarted (rlts that tls.ir approprfrting the. Logisiature 8cli1o grAnt, conimon laboror wouild Ond asuddenly on British cruisers at detiance. exorcise bis' dâcretion on thoe points? tenufe of power as M.P.Pi' ta at an end. and making a grant on the district lias eYery Mite a eall fur bit exertions. -_-4 s low thon ? 'l ho tu omit such opportu. Se tacte it bc, wiIl bc echoed and re-echooti through the exertiona of 1fr. JThotapsen, At the saute liime thbbcé~sitiesof gov- Wnr a' 4aser.between Ontarioa nd, Vitori o £5 *rnmeist woul give an impebtttieio tee T'bnn1 nîty ? fore-go a most legitimate chance of throughout thie length and brestb 0f Ciii. proide itragstdsBc i n itocumulateti spiec tgie. ntiîl hocal- tlitill Caîîî Tîbin. benefltting the Estate, the Relation or the ada-by fevery weli and rigbit thunking par-.gsned£Victortae ardcan for suiandia lsdfo, topocedoai~ht~Swtîîd h uc- The thiolid ay ho reassured; England Friendt, because forsooth hli i2(ternpoison, irrespective of political bisor party bursements, tbe Cauncil did little. ine 'tl adited enong the inech-May carry on in tue course in whicîî she is ly perhaps,) a inember of the (iovernment, predilictiofla. The day-s of Gritism are The County assomament roquired to b. Anics andisbovlng clusses, for the building now going 1 Psud there wi.l cho owar.- and a remipient of théo unpronounc4dde ro- inearly nuiuber4~ Theirss.nds are fast ritmsed by the different Municipalities tbis Ofshpl s Lting of guns, ruaking of elothes, Tevesoehuelb rts riqr eai sfloâ-rc,$,1 0 pp relraions, and meeting i ttu- inbte CarrenSoitadyoffîithe roiser venue namod f dropping outyMarisad a , oll1w.3B o ,i$Pickerin0; andi roqiilstionç; of war;an war prIces Cuba, arc Owed, inanîîed and sailed by Tlils theoey weuld b. ua monstrous as -' G610; Reach, $9,01P3 20; e ing, 6 ivoulfbilit once inruso life and lîoalth into Nottheru mon ; and thovigh the. South mav abstd! fEvent yet more nionsbrons would Cm5fiva l.60); Scott, $lOu8 20 - Thopalh $884; Ux- every hranch ot tarle. Oant- et-chnt me- buîîy and b ~ter te guatify lier hot indig- bc the argument thst befcuse s member of- bride, $2,027 40; ifhitby $18556; Whit- rine would bho lurnrÂd mbt privaters, and nto ae England for the Anti-SIa. 1 oo-mn Weodt eitrse lite Council adjournnd witlîout doing by East $8464; %Whitby' Townl, $2622; %he officiers and crews cone home with vr feiî1! ,Whielî ber people ehoose te h a ornt ton cotlumneete nthnotasujetfoad-lto à sna$12. oa $000 pockets fuol of prize înoney instend of pti-.indulgo, there wiil bu no fight! 1 -he i n one of theeruiner lino te wuicuiwe have a9hngo wiujetfoasttbuh O hnsva$u 25. Ton ýtal r ton0,000. pt-eoM oerhrn heithoulertioccofuphsing ei ghtth mae lwould ho tuîîddenly discovered po md ltilcommon riglits anly are et eliuded, Ihat therefoeMtat Line sbould hbe cnie-toic ii tbetWSteof aur apace, witthsayings in the shape of thàt we posssaeverv liîd of suit, clinuate stako; eand the fire-eatei-s, who have driven excluded from the. advantages which its main on. for calllng the Speciai Session, a report, aur t-endors have liore, as con- andproduction withlii oîîiselIves and the u- dou îg. et extrctnity, nill net, in Co-Lines (net se circîimstanced,) re- The Cotincil adopted tbe principle, that risely as possible what wau dons in the deve opement of haone industry woulid ho- defenco of commet-ce in wbicb they have ceiving 1 Tliat wouid ho hacking one's rasis were necesssry ini tiie ounty, amd Couuîy County Council at bihe June Speci- cotne a passidon tiiroughout tht country-. no shart, at-af rights which are not pureiyfin wt egac.that the pt-osent çias the moit fav-rable al Session, saving that iwe have omitted ta lu eçjunction ith tht-se ro'su1ls, %i'e ' re Iwt vnene mention thet the Somuion bas cost the Coun- Rhotild coase the cçnttintairemittanca ai soctional and Sotbern, hazat-d s combat uh r aMr alysps tne-segddtepicofab nd ysrie1,0)mrerls.W wl o)urlieWabrati ilifin empoyientsanie hi-ghh morung ,mighî t.ake possession tien. Naturally, andjustly, ho extelnded Inateriala, bbhecase with wiiich money caulti conclude wlth a ptrtt of the. ditTerent ewor atit honte ; while lte twcuty or* twieuty- of Chtarleston, Norfolk and Ilavana, -and tho partial aid taete Company ini wbich hoe obtained upan socurity of thbc ounty %tunicipalities, as- exsbitedi n blicir pt-e- f1t-e mllions nov annuaiiy p1iinluEurope there t-aise sb.ndards under whicb 'timna ohpetilt oitrsein a sîmilar iltbt-ntures-an sd the. good thatt wouid be sent Roepresentablves in bhe Catucil on tho for intercala on loans atnd bonds won i apndt cîtrsed be now clitteis, would ut once beore men,0 eC road question. Whîoh mny bpicàslded b sLop-ped ltogthler. Cneqeto"o h ony uThe rotates i nltdo -wtlithe--t-tht-v have bici- i*ihctn 1 W'r itîi En_ -no imînediate mîtestauîd for tItis foid-pitai etnp)loed. Ail tiiese bbc Council Wiiiri.-The Recto, an aid and tried <> iltLuqis ivoiuld Lbcdirii 1ythe evrs lnira ,intuaiSoutht, a sert-lic strmîggio chlc crime, thic i-oct Purist ofthe Oppasi- igreedti, as so magy fats. But when il representative of te Town&hip. Opposed ùh il - titýVouitaau miti e piîds or îoîeina rîseutnî;ilnd L w irwtlîslave-, ion gî-ossiyand sitaniefuiiv rcproacies anî came taeiith ie detatils Of appropriaI. to luit nprovemoents ta letoott to t-et-e ftshe -tid in it-iq ocur dc-f cit tssh tii B'iearî, il tbegi. Mr. rî:sili in ! Wiy! bcd thc Ilcietl-r ing- the- ainotints ipan the- sot-trai boclities, Twsis Votes ageluat al road appt-o- puy o tii . ald ie a f initî'irv un off -iite atinuithe suiti). t- îî t;tne-al adopted cny othet- coutrse of acionr, whi e otueîinîls, îfin pence, part prton.ndî-loi-gof-ame-eie- Jtr h-te omi lea aiiîgoI ~ties it- tht- bfiloret it a te Stnlie I>Who -ut t u-ilCt5i bt--propriahion, clieu it -rt-la notling cisc qu o enly dtase oh n;tvit-t.lt--andittse unc h-at-t-ls lt-ettion lie woîildid hve tood itiilime invidauls pas1 otht- s,î1jertiet i dsls h letlthim. qui-udeiîte o lvnto:trev iier i îlic:ur-- !rnîttie pent-n oit a tetsari-a 1î)sioîî uitv-nira- aplt--uretl ta reforg-oiten tilt Iittnflorof-I)eptit.Y lt-tvo, ditto. comet-e îar-esedmipn ue t-tai, h-rof Poor-a!l ' trshue avenutrt-iiii e, nnreqilired an' asltlns ai-ujot. îîruiiii i te scrimbtît, ta sec who Conti Emr\it-iv-lte--cu )ptv p suppiy of eotton cnt ofll a cessation afiraîl-de d as lint--vt-iid - ic - îslt ciradiiuîa-en-nauutwi amid ils specie balances froru \neriî-a ta to -< ~th - ~ ~ teoh iieh-n ncla uxtst -raitht-nin-t fonlits partirnlar liv kVi h--tmtgetatSrto teLa 1auis fvhih(tr su-t-n coplain %v twtl ae ena e f(iio i. Iuk i h al e nSii tetn suipply lte drain îtpîîaliert-for lit-t-r Ptitiiit-i n Si watt-rt-tii Itir î'%tite jii we ciudscat-elt' have expectldli tvt-, it pyneîtaftitilut--t îiîtith r -ilact stiit rt-laratioîn as I retBlri- 1tiat e-t-t Mn. B. lîlîseif waiîdhavuie tafte udîi\n-lî ulqan-tld o cntendi- (-i ww-e-eîofld take £7fO it Coninterîto<lue front t tis caunirciuinparli taiint1ic t-ti l aîenuer, tlio-t rna alt-c itited in the rfi-ydirintresteldetails au ol, on 40 rt-î-;teie trrics af Mine and the Nonrijun, and -ve uit the-atpaving- rt ltptîtliuînîe er hrg l islit îtrtiti iît< ,îcî itaniî'- h-ît-b il-n BtwelStt S' .* cs!An 1 hiv, ndinte (l <>r-el0Itite- portion ta te ý!ounîtv, cndi saraslie g-nb it ahles îo otnl ttr-itutiliI ltt-j, hat aur t-t-nt of national con-cii-nee nliOIWi rttîat. at tiv nt- i hfitt arexactît -wittthe-aintittt art- of tie suppulest and d iitto tf mtt-n-i i- of ()taitpnt.iVatatriui. M-.Caity' ofrîinucl at htifltej tftit ri- wiici t-t- orle 'ugote, a oatinonoh 1o d -tdc1aoitcuir%%uio i hrîlit-îibu -ut arrogant tltittg 1fiue jr twn utpan hni citb Iis nitual -a- iu-i oîttîig it-e te stitof >iat-i-.-R---- lit-ont- Cotaatl-lierrunculloi-s ir" l)epnlty lit-e- f-tifi ter-i;.o ititir *Eîglnttlixt oim{o-eriaînîiiibe ~t <. IA ot-itamiSuen- ila-t isluinsuitl t- Cva ualt-t- !MN. Cavlei-'s honîorable sut-ce- tte i1 - t-at-t, aur -,- itt-ei teapc.prvrliilho -oti etbi ocuicm aî al--r'ilrt tilttttîtu.Ilt-r fiigirown titadn' rthe-iiîelilt-uy In- -nala- 0fcirs-crîeîa~nhve eîr il -eil0th-t 'a thre suant- af titi' 'at-e ofi gites.ý poiticualImpoartanceitule catît-I lotî te de- -truî:iiînîa- jacktit taeeatfamîce.nîîti iii îeî-t-nl.e t-se th tiltr -er iirrl eUe f ui- ortimrcru smcnortyciiltr tcif tliprflitc tir-I woinan ineeuts.- as titjust, as tht-y at-ti maigmu.andti u t vretitan thitoeclirtîls'clîets ow-s w0t orît-t T he 'lre-tt _-relative position coultl uit-t- ré -lricti l:1î-ti tifomt t, ltr"Nçiili t- i- ttar! - close titis t-tise. Tht- other chtarge-s vihof tliti: f-,hlent-at-e, theh .îturtcilmutenliav-e rt-itre;cntnive mititht- 'Fa-tr cilpourl- h nît-15.lIt LiuitriSîttruiratilrie Fg-ant i îiglî st-mît)a litct tof ii-Ioats te G<iîcinsists ipon. aee cist-ly an a 1<1 n(ittiern haitlieort-a-e o ra chiudIît s-1 ittet'taivtautîi.i.hik- quit-e a 1îoiticei aniti itdustri il lîre-aîiltr- iS.î-ee aLîec- 'îîo' îîîîuet tnrondlit ttemtttt for 1luvr i-enat-i"oan- acc in the- wri front uthiviisie - tan pr iltil tt b-ei a-o.tlm t-tst -tit 11:ki-tt-tlt îaî ten .ni-r, cnd-Ilaitgbed ai as tt i 'du-g 10-hbho ui-t-n foîr cgies. inBtacknin1tt-uri tn f)b f* - u wo t iidfat-excïeel tic lintits of omît- Tiche iul enîîittc nppotitl e inlt-. tut uit-("titcil. iutctst îît iitvn- -Suit arett- s'ancvf tirc-lrtttatltis(utii-kR-îiîi'O î - tudth ita- iset trsi vih -a- tmt.fts ut r-tr pnu rc tltostiiig iil-tt tH-c t. tas ie art îe,,iiuin, u cmolilt ar1aî-aitriAscaii' tli-antithue SouthAs n-e remmrked, leut-etk, the country seul in t tihe tatnt-il lot-t. a n-ctk tacou- WVittîouîî irtll-tîeîcn':ntue 7ouritcii, or parti- ci-ls uutter te pi'tssu tt Lit ai îmtucs t-ilîro -l -tt rîi s aho-GI -îo-anti!pne;îcrc lt-lt- report, antd it n-rs ;ttiio out of it aekociei,~ fr t--tiîitt-tt'ltn < lt-! lti noat g . irsUm igttira ate, lite -têg-itelasuiokte tic inighhy put-t, cnd fisposeol of cfmicn tiree iours disrcussion ini hepttty ht-t-ie. Tat tint-et-edclihnoat, organrtoitmic ns, antof rîew trîlter t-ut)n t f iv-iî li1-tstr Iî uu-a-rtie ilrae birnif, iras scnrccly lt-su amiable, ciinnitte-cl thto ut-ites but lte la-ut bLu e- q-îîires niai-- 1îick, powuer aunIpalaer. irlucih o tîmmatnîtet ptlibicrualubtiuî.couti i,- the-country t-t-thui anj sd sia1(n-rlion ignominiotusly kiced out of Oit-r- ing sg-ced taoitee dniuittec dividuil on A cuttffl dreepectable nepresemutativo, àfot nI i tetaat-e heg-iiuiiiig- iit'ccawgnîir't li't-ttiî are te -tjoi.ttaitter ding-pu) talis the type of thit grent pagan teiatcas lii ri oia iiinhntvn the fuctthtat a nqtal %v ar wchtEiugia'd 'vithi lte g.4p ni' lde a tut osiniotI ..Sib"o ~ ta ao f 9 ta 8. Anti on motion, the cOmtitittee tht: mcmi. -R-cie Peys iitble. Votes ai- wotmitl bc te t-tamîdi-uh titattmfo--thinst-out-lichltalike ltdti itthe ityi a as thon rose anti lte chircan epotted bChat ways for tue goad ai hi T 'ownship antI ge. iM tarheti iclttyteîîscruof o it is ncep e sl als d. s, aeporuitmi tth0trupo eUty bal risen-vi-hmai'r ing off the. nerally igbt. An haut-at representaive. thetlcontry tcin a cu l titiail rof ti- i ~thaI ne abrunk ft-om tic enumerationof report, ater aIl tie trouble and imè spcnt l)cpnty Reeve. Ab. Ewem-s, schtering, tria,____________ad_________ olonithe -charges n-bit-bare indiscrimnincte.y it discuqssing ils ;mert-tlI-. as rîuined his Tow-ns-hip, and lofit ite Cen- Anrce l ita tt iaut vie h'rdît- iii NwAleienntluioeks-tirown at thc Ministry, n-c place tht-m Tie division c-as:contenta forbbc te- t-e road wnht-te it it I. f lier.e-eeno ýntrd ue(lint) te Snat veierav ili NeW Advrtieilent t portk.-Bai-otan, Eutet-s,liewsitt, Iludgson,En-et-s in Lie Conucil, there wouhd ho rua, i- -efotind boa sbrowiin lunit-ut- olitiî'îu fearless-ly bt-fore ont-rt-adera, wiLia sncb ex- %cr)unai rmvc-impou nisatcl n -eldsusos u i ansd comutnmeial-cice-, nrthenîi otcExcellent Fat-tu taLtbJohn Don-. planations as tht-y may requit-e. Stis-S. Noi-oneUimBartthiCamp- rnswudbcmd-n nirve h ~pi o fit eu he - ouis -at o atetahelîmprower-or Kuruîtat'tctu-uon MîNI,, 4,tuc. l- r yrse' is.Wib ea î l. îrdn Gnhin-a n idernabe-1f n-aticil. Rlilus lotî l infad ilâo t. t lite olity ofgvbog titiî'rciileub lie tai-et-,rM.Nx~r-('ht-t-i-on M liv, isl Tnne.- ai, itae Go-et-arcutta ann2erfor, tJSmtit.Saidiguhaiveitd v idtmeri1Q. teimicil. t-atftrtiili Smsathiîlot te prim't-VtttIle te-ietitîiouoaioutrtages, citiO -rd h )hdyofteSsin 'itAL Anhnsurgt atfl tg~ oltain rat-rs -blat rîcalst fLitaht<tî I-hirs.i. .Maln-h, bii D.a.Iasgre iso-oslubn it"uu-ta, ie îi lt of thst-(i ession, 'l'Il. J.iusta-An ltiiot?-DeatL, upriglîtis faisoltifn., t Mr. Ent-ri, seceiohty Mn. McDougmiu, represeotative. A gentlemnan honot-ed ald Couîgesa.Not-t-iIl. .1. Mît-daîtehi. lie nover attempteId -t~tece-i t-h f a inoredti lut te ('<out-il-g-o loto couîînihtee respecte luandcuti ntof the Counfcil. - *5,~--'Pi~~ao îitti. Y. Z. Ilie imagined LiaI hen-as jiigtified in adopt- of thien-bole, toiresimo bite corîsideration [iXBtInooE.- Rt-eanidlepuby. Wanl- ,Abuse of' the A&metiitn ilag tt e-tt< ttn)frtie.C .Rle. iog the courtsehli ii, st-d if lu et-rt, beofthbereport of the speciai comniltc au iug ronds, andlyct againsbthein. Difficuit [Priton tie- Nu-w Yît-k Tttrti St-aye-i Wc-.~ alter- linat-t nas at listfra-ack and open, andi stoad like roat,. A (aig dot-ste cosmtidas,;ta tounderuuland tram them xhat -ouId suit Tb&t-ecenb activiîy oftite Britisht cruisers asErt t Whrîit-t othitl W. GLit-. a nman on te defeuce ho ba t ae ffet-. To ththor ro tyssotion n-a iao-- ue iTh ownlip. idmuc anm hetra eut the cotuit of LCut-acnt-iespecially tht-m Wtoi Wanlcr. 1'loni Moi î. mpeacbhoheMinistry, for hii line of action nul, and te t-oeidpathy maintainel that il Smith knows enough iwtetan- a n at-qui- P-tappag-e atîd qtstitatiuug a f vt-t-st--h-ittuer Fat-u' it-sioe:John Snell. (be lb right or n-rang) la evîdentîy ahs v-d ras. The motiaonn-es receivei by thie sibion ta bis Townuuîuip. Future Couaîy the At-nrican fi14g, c-niait) e-n t- e ex- pirinulitul ectmihei ~trii' ttilrtcai1tati ft-sale in tEli on, taithy Victoria. Roi'. Mn. R. bas rentitrel gondi service ta Warden, cnl put iiti the foiîon-ing resimt. Cotant-ils n-Ilt-rng ont lie good tbat's in - iiaiiaioitte o vi t- - Cnnn-i t-n . I ~l it- lAn eîdtnentliat-ng1t-eng meot- t-'hlmi. eouuîinetî tn clettero ontttriî;îeadrt-- ri Landls D tmnt-a-. l-thec-bse gticeot s in IL" c- Mn. Wite, secondei iy Mn. itcliff, tiat Sco-r-Tiie let-o. A but-ltk, peniaps dIresseti ta Mr'. 1Cm-s, culdhie-.irtttbe te Land,-i t- Sain lut auîitouî, t'. C. Ct-oitn promotion of Educahion, sud aetr-ttit wu.siîuexpdciansd iutproper again ta tie bt-st pastel t-ip nember of lte Coutcil 1tiaimllite abo y t-x1tensatf ttat- Iit i i Landsielaeîrhtnb. jndgmaent (if sut-b bis be) is net htet-iecotsider lie report, and liatt upon the saint- (tiit t hieext-option t-f Mn. Ihiompson, th lt-cdclt-ai-tt-muxpstttiontlolft lvtetui - Dhs-tauiosiiof Pittiet-,ip. Tate & Clar-kt- bis s-îtat-lt services., If n-e ail shioltilvision.) Yens, Mosai.Ewet-s, Botton, Reeve of Bt-oct.) tion of a vitit-in i ui-istylet-I the-1t(0licures ot'L-nifoîr Sale.Janîtes Kellt-t-,gel aur deger-ti, n-ho -osthd escape nuip. Spears, Mcl)ougall, Thoînpson, Bratuizon, Btitoc--rst-nttl ith iignity cuti 'Eixpedibiiau ô'f Att-the,' i surtenuce of flousae and Parkt in1Whitt-y for Sale. pin-? Nay-iu Ibis case,wn-ouual litt-he iods, lr.-m ble, paiDgahioampIl- o disa. ic ilatIaot ut n-uicil k Opoti y evtîîonl, cîi cli1.4supnpoîrt- .M eir 'NyMsr.(abiSadnCm-rui iuat - I N. K-le..lsb rosounî rigiat menrily in King-Street ?hell, Rnmîciff lai-tlett, White, iIe- iSeoi-lsisreprosentative tat Can- soi iuy a ittie ttf kutantttalt -uI, nu it- _______Th _ le paymeut of £-29,000, t-y bihe(lteat mari, Stith, aîmd Dryden, - 9. The unLt-be houigit. An Iotailmat- has tlelibt-eau-i citptelhtie use of Amîen- (thWesAta bte iterGovmwmeub, luNovembet- Wandon voting nith tlie t-as .44in or- "Thc noblet t-atk of (loti" eau ~ ~ ~ se voa-iaullt tttaîun f tht- lai onte next n a i-r - - , e donrtai lte Oîmian of lte (Oaincii msy he Auuîricait hlag, for th u iniiseof ui&uX- A3- i bh.t aesnx, ta 5 uabr -fully exitrerseilant iiiidefotençej bcTothCan furious commeuirt-e.I proiy iast-tenu -iLob ns analyse the point. rThe tkt-nt Rte- nisîtos of tie ratepayors ofhbis awnn'Ton-- in at-dot-to Iat Litis frautal tipon tilucn, as I -1 17civer (loerai, andti tlGrat-L Westernt, sup"Titis report iras fat- giring£12,000 Mna vnnJn 4 88 n-cl as uptîn msitatbte Bittulishai-t of;t MVtitbV, 'flii .) ale1, 1858. - toull neh agree as ta tihe termn auc-it-lu ale etet-t à£,00t B-c-onaEetuu 14188 îc-tee ntarirnd, £V00ctori, £.0th heltfyt-Besrookdsea MPero States or itsaing Ccro iii-heîlots of Ctut-aulw ymjrte o ljrmGogeYle ersaigt haveo aijttauniivennttmiy atîiptii-iteîhaitbtearing self-t-ont-oit. l'le t-bainis of oat-l-t-tlievt-te iteMistry Ctoictice nuoyaoce lw - aioiisa lta 8, and ti h-Po ereYlSn-,saigta of ioi.çhitgiý-te ct-oms tof te Cuitedl Stzîlt' Oiryet->' rt-itibe lias long suahîpel artun- cousequeut upon the lisciosure of an ar-ltngticrptn-se-ieitruieticaneqeneoLteeaiam epeit M ~ ~~~~~~~~~~report.ed. On motion fat- receptian, tic r lnbrh, yth aeCuel h lt, tîtpartpose of. shulei t leutscli-es tli, aul wibhîuioliîg -ut Lot- rt-ioulinlis nangetuent, nlic) tA-udo nttdeferui. luit-yr u u uyw-eeclllfr r1as hurgitsupby hembo Cuncmi, i &sgaw.tt bite ttartciinuf lIt-it-lt t-ttiirttI'-t- d ggs-i, a-M isiae afotlion-s: YasIMss Bed n Gll-aewshcktpotoprmesn-ti - iîabitlti h-t utite -i ie --ss-utIt nin frotat lus ungaiarntis titisa- t.iiiitthu aert-ped t-bat-acter Yfor uitit.Bte-nto -al-ty himi (Tube) anti remîitithereen, climimu t-e .privilceaioftis llcg; andl Ct-t andpt-actibtelcharlatan at-ails tif ct-cty magneunil>'y, and uMt. Rapaîjie bavet-cenc-a>', Estet-s, Boyrntou, McougaliHodg- n-b4 a 20ot-ty t se r aeta hdesaroent queutly oxliîititti Auit.icaii aper, îtge O unity, itluuplifwel tantI, clevaitetidentlt witb aslho de#ered. As tis coli-ei rrumne paîsaniSelig i $24; ai $20 ope 0ui lt-oe or ot-tainei nL hfilseta eiCe rt-ahievoit-e, anti -t-ci)situlabet ii bu y t, l n- as notatedbyMr. Met-cor, Mr. Met a ide, Wess ampîre, Rfcifi; arîleTp- dthcaie rmbeCoai. iine~~oiut-os siutcenity, fiiog adoPte > ryc-ie sbeiiman hm- Of tic the Claief Superintentemat of etu- CustomIlause aitluoities otiti ttpont froînuithintpolutita ra;tojetles, a totant-Là t-savors. iloîmeiti batno alternative. Sa stauds Ibis son sud Smith, 9. Tic report beiumg 1«batceion- -wih1t-e hass uit-tl. th btest- shicciontu Iatitimosit-tccitt of titese laides, lue as- case. onthie casting vote af bbc Wartien n-ha Prom te ReSîeoGenotasDcpArtmnent v litî fraululerttsigiîs of inatkialuity lic dlf it-s te lu sr igent-rai, ant Iloai. M?. lic déetea e --d ffet- no groutd afvotaI nii the naya-bcvinF as hoiestti srtatingLie.emouant of Clergy Reetvais te Britlt moficert ta nise thelitcîtes un- aihs tanht- Miuifopniniouate stny -tg o heD niipliy hi derrn-îîîtiri ae steuiely t-l-finhue iaatia 'ai-yei parît-ierwit ciîrgcnas rassaccsatin. Tt-c' atecharrgesOpasutioco a expessinsaftopnn. fran y narecaumu. ta iOppositionuS ofnieditaLcI crime. lu sanie cases ts tht-yct-e g-orîndlesa. Tlue case s th-l. ehau-getruprove-t. W. therciore puae. Tbis dit net quite kili tht-rad business, Tic osbluaste et tha Bourd,.,ofSchoalp mnaster lot-s noLtuact ho concoal itis ne- B>'bte tornus entered i ioawitb te Grand those maltera camuitl>' before te public. Car au Frida>' Mr., MuDougaîl again brouglut Trustees requiriug tht corporation ta rais. ili fatou. put-poses. With Amnaricanifiag at-tr 'lrmunk Rals>' Directors, cttain sua We caý topon thecu n ta examtine cat-cfuliy, te mater up lu bic shape of a motion, ta $2,,ý70 thua yeam-for aoolptpa la uandmolAttetican pipers imi bis lit-tii, n. odraft0f-ce ho ai-an-shue abject of lis voyage antd i-tret- tavite hecîtellocated to ail in bic andt odelcbdç cautiotsiy, remunding, tiein «eppropriate £16,000 in iunproving lb eo TeCîtoetainUhanentdinents- rre camptuton f sme ino brnchs co tht bte f te G-~î - lis t-t-t-a-d. Mm-. jIWDougallli mi-eat gmet peoi t to e-nw unlcipail hiu],a t0 limy peints scot-uCtulI>'ta hi lsîrumuetsanan p- op ino oemnr rnhscn ttejournal ofthe mne t rit, 'i engti, reasons n-il>'tbe Centre road sîo-atd sepa tion ai Tawnm and Cities roumi Caut-a- piinc-efth tadehi nissk-dgýhi nete mth ha gratNa ionlunlet-tak- but a sink ai defaination, a sLaugihwie--lose ho iniproved-mud nhabcvem-tho quar-u-u-ties. Tlq eyr expimined 'tbat -4he slave uit-t-k crist>' laid, andl bic other con-ting. lThe vole of lic Hanse, in gmaning ai reputation. bng ai lie alter rosIs -mît>'bt--ttîm ýrô&d annentmeal pm-pased n-hem-e ,£OPrion dp veitso f nALit co.Hte r t 'f 2assistance ta tt-o National iedsi p chelni wttahinly partage ai thdm. The n-as fý,ýab-awtbsumt af Lino 'i he icI stipe- ese u- . a oiaez*"* Opjîosi.î. resolohion wn-n gatived the IMl olntg and vosed mpon i n sine omaof1as a der tie Amnt-iau fig hat-cen foîttnd ithlte-Ifor, anti santioinctithese ails. lite diviion foasaMessurs.ands-inm4thers b>' in-fr ---m s4çaves an t-ourd, ot, exhulitiutg indubitabue urgent pstona1ouea iooaua- lae bn me- an aswlh M P s sHodgson, 8patiUtm4gûuhmle ief lbue~l; rbdung esi, t-t-eC'où b>' £ Towori ej t signe aifbt-n intention ta cengage u inte lot-aconl iiibrook tic dola>' n-it-b siuld lthe Cleat Grit cm-en nibh inaiucerty anti Thompson, muid Brabaon.-.. Nays, i~è~oa fo-out'~tT~aOuçl slave traIe, for tie BriLtihotfiler ta give unavoidably iuierveoe, le placing at ttsthe benoa -the ii.UaprMiâbpletl mnd Mosaa.Campholtoi ; stlt, i e W7tomeehis onfelwenmi sgtsa-t e the master thie chiate of reluisiitng lus tcGatmanlie.n, e atou poito ede-db ttm s Spears, D-yden, White, TeaYe the . Pof ! u (iy-aCalq *<e pretentians toansuA-met-ltan chtractLer, anti disposal I teGanai k h fnsne atin ppston-ei n-bytet,ýlhi e èiIon-sm Muhs cîcaping %witi te itiniiture af suip cosser>' ta carry ont tiie eminer enter- lhe lieuse of Parismerdt1-on over>'lasi rii pmîa oa eti..o îsiIn~and i, _ont p thmat >P b anti cargo, tir of bt-ing takeou itutanauAment- prisc. -o cêiiài, ~pective t hç ,nri bs ssin ~ vru4e-Jb- ~~-ti T£ 3I eau~~~~~~ prtabeLieteteabiugb-c Uder iboso ctrcumsances, lion. Mr-. gad. Such reatures .as compose the timer attemishtoween- 4lcussii o nte Juty a#Jîagol exvmIIq for hislifé..But týcgtouod racentlytàLken Cyemd oèPrifveya TéMyïSnite b>' Mr. Seorotaryltuas, lie British t-essai aIymtenm arilai-aeetcfflZOpsto esol mmt a t heii. stii e l u -arubm uîfoi-4r p4q - 1 ' have ne rigit unutet- mn>'ironmstanccs ta PunIs, (lion dusposble,)bugpreb> aib'iipbI i. m -omliv,~-~- omadahmmot u een t »nsj*hat rtheupuwoth i 44 tlo e uîîderhake te enf'arccmcnh oi Amet-iccu safe an tte i e-imbemsement of th. cdviii- tunstely ferot-hei.Ceuntrygtt, ýr W anvaMm-, andit syoassted y , ewt 1ti>mgl.thspot o 1; nýO% ,eifôw uhm lrtwl, n-onld tiepruve tic Bnmtuai cruisera ces seonmade. - Amengsl otheit linos se aid-, men4the>'ahew neregard for the. pubUli h o eld havec votedti he e*in no b b'r lits vctob,,.s ]à ov~tmet uscisce an noui eab ay'euta he Cobourg andi Poterboro'. n-estA more unprîncipîod set of pauedol ilo~is m-asong sWO I e wesai bl iantobianveti n atrty It96 n e nedthat ~Ibtis ii eHa m' Ãœt-W oît tbo feund. Daypreaun , an tsmpie justfl Jf ahiubiaighia wisleam, e1 Aneionregis- TOeWi t~'Io. fbhe-rood for the resolaton fit is lmos OtDihît trto 1Mt thei Wl itbish nuvyat de- Mi. Cîtyle>', (asmlglt-hars-bmau te cmas ftsr day, nbghtsaftov niglut, hhoeyprsloid. Tî7 ontAQ wolhr Pwo . r 1ce, noimatet' han- ftgranLly caughti an-itb an>' one,) n-as, te s certain amount id sailurs Of oucmnty, 4ehhematly t-bo--.0M- uit$iiid4gln-epti theaî o s ella bvetrading. It s hot te hoinber"sod. In tlhe ohiiors bWwnas net. and, wibIs ' ice #!oretIoughst,» st terf 4Wît1ÃŽttâU WhawI oli >i. as h~ atrt lsNon- lb sueh> is not pretomded ht beeatfso lihe time of thse Rotins, and ha a i &éineto lihe ueliberatedeinocn-Pru - p e-tl veig the Amomicau faginoas cevertor & mani happaits te b. e onctsd n-ithm the.burdeson1ou i.Iaaiiofth $ ie rdy sons ut-*Mût UA é - -, alyetraders, and i th athoemistentoak o Gvr:nenthmh theretore, hoeh te boox e t o ' uii'bcu.tIsey <bs. *or taïVejuï r ff* the Cuban " Exped4>Uon of, Afriea"iitoa iciudedirrom preminog, invosting ln, or Qrits) cmnnot b. afloi-outto mt'ôy th. taken.î '_"1W 7ý- Parteroip WU oievess me 1thietuse o S aib Ifl b ýVYO Ou-i apd tegotogtion it sftiwds, but degfng n-th auch -allnay undertskinga as emupmetandibomotirs - o fie, -for i nq.nç . ~~ ~~ bis Own juIadgmeuit tua> select,, elthçm- for n-hhtbhey! inI~#$44~*l W-eeg rý i >p0 of teihs itimnt or spmicultieuu?Ir up oodcof hisrap 4mQqlpjle -'s T& mp m pmalmiesaving Agsncy'a lin ho Ton,a tdêths mmoqt3nb ey *nould contribute ta- w*attercaeÏof a tire eh«Iine, andi a oc&an ud boIt boiuig pu-tuumsd - -for thte dlfrent memnbers of 'the Pire BrIgado maid llook & Laulder Courpia>'.1 Tiie Mayor remit-bo upon lte Injustice- of aking tise yeung-mon of tbheVAro Brig- ade tg n-est-ont their onn cithos ln pr- lectung anti savia g th. proer>' cf thou neiebhors. He thautiitl u>'faim- liai theur requost ahouit b. rntei. They met-el>' askod for a coat adbl-te na- in---sed n-et-s amisfied ta put-chue tib ow an-n CiOdrosses.'The clothos n-ouîti aI- w-iys beleng te lthe Ton-n, &MN any îîeraen îeaving Tann heultiloave them bchind hlm. IfthbePire Comnpany n-mste b. kepi to@etier lbt-s nBoossa, yta pt-avide tiesa droesses for lthe mor. Zif. hI not n-lai to ut-go h attile-r uilier. n-oeil ho a fjil meetIng of lie Ceuncil, Captain Ron-. conaidaeed it euh>' pro- det té~ n-mil unlil a full meeting of bie Council n-enlt t- e -sent, and mavet that Lte comrnittee do non- risc reoprl progreas mnt ask lesvt-oasit agmin. Tic commutte, thon rase reped pro- gm-css anti obtaineu Imivt lasit again. TOWNSAINTtIti, lit. lIcPherson brougit up lie repart af lie Standing Committe'e, s1 iuîg liaI bbc>' bad examincti Mosans. Hi "ius & Mayer. liatbct'a accouaI ai $178 t7c. sud rt-om. mcuting LiaI $71 18erua hodeductel tiere- fnom, mnt $107 481c. ouI>' ho paid. luit-. McPhet-son mat-elLte adoption of lte re- part The'lio ayon informeil lir-, NcPbier-uaun LtaI c-ht-esareport mm-oIt-el tie cxpcntii- lure of matît-y, lb n-as usuel ta go mbt coin- mniLLet-of ticen-hale. On motion tie Jauutil n'ont int ocait- miLice of lte -haie oit tho rt-pot. lurt. Irmncynin te citai-. , , lie Mayor aste) Mn. NMclllirqon t r Canin tîme committe- olio-le luad ctrit-el et Lie ctentaionts inthe ccant ait) naIt- tie cieloictions th-t-oit. Mr. lcPliersti nctnot t-catit- lago irîta dtluet te pt-et-oh ue, lie ildiuufîrmîî- t-I liruîself as nitih as poassit-l-.and by h eLi nuext unou-hiîmg n-t-mldt-epreptnrel to siîon lutw lue c-as g-îitdt. Caîuteiu Itow-tuasRetohte t-hainman if hoe hal cehledtihbe Priutting Cornnîibtee to- g -t-ler. Mni.. Mcchr-aiîsaidIlmat imself snd Mn. Ilotigaîton badint-t,acut tNir M. AMc- Capain Roc-e,luit-. IeBrieon-as ch my hmouse au yustîerîay, imad- boldue- ttietu net-en reccivel aîmv notice oa i uuu-iuug fnom tce clîcinînan of l-cPrnimtiog Caîaunlttee. 1 askth hi-irman if et-or gave an>'ntLice te Ait-. 11 ct-rion teattebnd. Mr-. MePersoc atimitted flitthbe iI nat, but doete that it n-as bis besintesa ha nalify Mn. MeBrien la attend. luit-. Iîodguou titinot Ihinkt tiere n-as mnuci n-eight iu tic (xptain'sa rgumeimI at-ont Mr. MeBricu flot being nalîiel la attend. If Mn. Moflnien lt ot-xcption ta bhe report, stiil thi report c-as t-at oif s majanil>' of lte comrnilîe. Captain Ran-.,n-cii thon iL camnes ho this, tbt there ia naouse lu puhliug tire- members upoa a cammitteu an>' îiorc,n-ieu tn-a cen do aillhe business. Air. HoIagsaon atati tbat thoy icIMessra Hg-gios & AMayerhffe-' at-cotn nutuaasumnet t-y.« capable pt-inter (?) (Nim. Bran-n of tue Tin,) ati bat in thal n-eytlte ldis- t-atert-e icerrons, also t-ah on th- sce of bbc accaunit, lhe aIt-tisemeotu net-c chat-gel ah 8 conta perliUne insteal of 4d. Csptain Ban-e sut-mitted bte injustice ai au commilcee ofInw- aking upan thietîmacves ta report on Ibis itatter-tie nominal citaitian of dt bcommitee-far iu trutti nr. Hfodgsou bimseif n-as the wn-l-coin- mitîco, liriugiug a report befane the- Coun- cilh, anti actosîl>' Iot-ing for ilus adoption- cand htenhonw binthe report c-as tent tt-arn- ntittoe of lthen-hale, sud ho n-as- asteti ho oxplain iton he bal came te tic conclu- sions lu the repart tciling btte Council tiat ho could net da se, t-ut thai beon-aulI gel inormation on the sutje-t. Wras Ibis iloiugjn tice te the lau-n Pt-inters, takting $71 off their accaunt n-itluaut beiug aile te -ive reason n-il' ? Ias ilujustice te the editet- af the Clurantele te take. us ac- courut ta a rivai printing office in this Tawn, tiere ha g.h it averiaulei anti publisiei «as il hat t-cen b>'the ie lirman of the Pt-mb- ing Commithe, t- ratier b y Mr. Hodgson, tn take i pn thenisebvàes MA dobish-. ast-tl i l nas lue dut> aiflthe Pt-ut- Conimmttee te do jpàtmbict he h.Ton IPt-inters, sud nuit go *nt oblain inflormia- tien %,ne-sideti anti have hheni abuseti in the malter.- The lcôllailebat net useti Mir. Hi - cÃ"rteoaisly, ue n-lwihfam- pay., r ¶ wPas-in-ý,veYr of îppoinbing & Speciai commiltee te etiquire imitebthe The. 'Mayor eiiquit-et of Messt-u MoPher- stn snd, Hotigoas ter1wiat rnaaum-e ti.>' use I inmnostirligthe,-pilotdngwhsether pi'a- leng pr-inor, b4ieois, bmevipmr, tin- i,ort peu-t, but o èt~soellsiteof th, ukMIiu membomerofthe'aomimwtte eouid 1.11i him, -U Mfa- MvàttmA* &Uat ha ame rasa PARL AN"CXEN4T RY.R . Tiat W'ffuî'mfdtitoNitLt. -Toronto, June 10, 1858. Lest week'a cSeetMml sas>' te give, for S irice lhe fus bout.privihçge noIc nconsidot- -Iatly' mde b>'the. lon. J. S. McDonsîti rýegsrdîug lime publuication b>' tim Colrmist of a m-. Gahies draft ai a report ubt public taccammnts, the daings in the- Legislatere r bavec lîen mat-ted t-y ne pat-tionlar event, L calling for ciblier slreng censure or stroag rt-uuie-unittsa i except tho pot-sons) con- t ftaibnofai bie membera n-b teich on t li- on-tu book asgemet thorespnol- Ibilil>' af uettiug commO incdeeno anti pab- tlie moralit>'t deflanc O.ne ofahoslion aa c gentleman whbee repulahialu for courlese>' ) ând dîguificti best-ng ii ime hoAseutubî oa Sat-Il>' afford diminution nithiet t-eslctng iin tabhlael ofiadit-t>' leter.'- B>' saie pot-sans this geaitta la designited Ilth iconfidence ma," but whehite a pari-' -phase la mîsotinluallusion toa 5supposed rt-- -semilance tathie gentleuttmn In te States anti ehnen-lere, n-ho, by lucre fat-ceao ai ît -pulent protent-e pass îiemaseîire5 afffor pet- sous of large moas and gel credit for con- siterahîe qumullîbos of goals, or n-bolier -il is ht-ceuse lie preseri-etise sacredthl'le communications miade ta hlm sanie lime egaot-y a rt-b t aiMm-. Speaco I1tnn- da1t ; »han-em, lie is lie n-ath>'ofn-hem i bat-o fit-st ho apeat. 'Wil, i. shemble inbta lte Hanse ou a cet-tain day last wcck bu a at-at. of excitement n-ht-h thte vunlgar cal) b>' a n-adt-IlaI ritymos amaxingl>' n-cl n-ith trni, col of t-ourse be c-au particularî>' eager ta Icte part in te proo-eshitigs, bt-mî his Ct-ltnIa ual deeînimîg bis aid apecicîl>' opîportune ticI La quiet bit aend amoug attons ,;Mr. Whte. dhI so, but ho tireatened ta kîîock lis bu-o cycitoamite, 50 White g-ait-ilm np. St-tet-ai atîto nmovet n-ibb compassionu tilelthei-e. tst ta stop lutt, but L invain nnhiluit-. Brwnu iv' (ho exet-lion of toîuît-fi-rt-t-anmd 1i uppaseofo somne shnalegy lot i bni out. No 12 lu a French Canadien >gcnlleiiaun-ha ltaving iudetuiken lIme tlitt> ofcru-uýliatigagclltht- Lower.Canada ltutinn uî'qseem to tavte bot-n mut-b tbisgtîated ie:nth -Lelon. Mn. Cartier n-an totchln~1 atct-pt bis b-ill as as unt-tîtoha -Ifor is oc-n.Ilbis't-ill bas hoco 1tinted lu Frenuchi cud ite chted it trantalatedti m 1*En-lisit irfone tuuit of Mm. Cet-tienrn-as ai- 1i otrot ,hi>g-o iota oîînîiltet-,btit as thet- ran- simîlon in quesion i-t auimnîr se test ant i uit)not yet hocu commeucel, il n-a ait 'uidt-i oexpett et lis advaincedistage -of tic Sesqsion Limet a bibi oh the- importantc ah o Mn. Canlien's sîtouldt-e lelcycîl odelinf iteiy' luit-.Ii>iiceion-ct-ct-resaIt-edt tat if i le coul nat gel Mn. ('atit-n'aibill pub off b. n-omîlti a an>' rate pt-et-cut ils immeli- aIe progres, 50 be cot-çtiniiiatht-itet-o ofout- iomurs, speech tiat ail thte n-rts iu te t-ilefler tice-'ln-hereas" ini the pt-- amle behostrut otandcal IthbIe wn- at-ater the 'n-bot-enbis onnsubstittiteih lThe simple t-cadiug af Ibis extraorbuam-y sînmmeot, fit-sIt-by bituscf tien b>' lbe tSpeaker or Cherk, tien transiated froua Frh'ni inlo Etîglisi weull have occupisî iproabily ten haut-s, for ssid bill embraces te conftents ai aixty-aet-eu other Atta!- Thli motion cuti the speech wc-bthtpt-eute- adit ccesioned eutcesbsive menniuueut for t-it, et-boni un-lît. sud oitttiLs at-cia sinwsiiigoo al skiuig orî,r. îlot n-icI inltroducotia non- prat-tire lu eonooetiton wit n-chis mfot-ms taamusethue Mont-e. Ho 1 celieI for a bot-n andtihti pangewnnud gaI hlm ltelibqnmr, wc-it- i.ranle nb is lest i1Ibm-n by sud t-y muoller snd yet anotiter I I ton't taon- iaIttere lu a gm-et lilberence heIn-cen caming totehie Haumue timrunt or gettin g drunt n-hile in il bt-l il certainvoit lîaitst-ange to sec g-en- tleuuueo dcliheralely iunbibiog in suit-ia pince. If t-c practice gt-ons tic legitieation ton-at-Itht-cul oftifle.sitting n-ill t-e likel>' enouigi tat-coC a somen-isîjol>' chat-acter for sevorai ofthf lieaduuîg lauv-makers are rathor given lobe titst>' n-en the tiobates are prolaugrel, - lThe Essex election continues ta m-icelte jattention, but thte examinstiang at-sbh lu the îauarîiîg cuan alte>'da noatethracti ana utsiders, tiers la nagmestteImpta-1 tou te7 make bunteum speeches, sethe1 matcm- ptocteds ivithaut interruption- lie l)ttais's ehection was reporleti upan lest 'fhum-stiy, lie sihting unember M-. ScotI hoing declaretdm1>' elecleu, autdlte pehilion of Mr. Bell pranueeel i-tolaus andi rexatio-a ticisuion n-iich n-ilsai. Il. Lie laltet- witi ail tie costs et- sonne Mr-. Foie>' lhe Citait-man, ehflite Com- atioption the. liuse adjourneit anti I tout whetlîer lthe ebste n-ilho m-cii-et. ln- s Z m- t-tuIhe affairil it- t iIMm-. Me- col'1a taj ea ativîcefom-ou-Dm-. Canner, ho n-oeîd net have presse il-sa b. bas doute, for il was s cenfetendel'an-kn-ard thig for hlm to have ' .e!îsraelerize sat-sisse- tien isenctuonet a stsricl> correct by a dia-1 tinguisiod frlent1 as corrupt, fm-mmaudun, Tho Han. 1.-Cameron taokoaecsbiabmasb' weeocte la hrotece bis promised bill aflun- -iag represoi dation b>' populatsion, anti althoytg itt 's rntusual te disous abill ah t'ho firal readimu, il .xgited a détrate 'of &mno len.tbi. iThe b'91 I aile i .tbe-h# lit-ides -2Ovet'm2 MOTlîtiiSÂSSHES J. G. Bron-n..ii . J. W. Bren., f.. 0. Nemir»u. -..- . -0 IL L- Waltn. 1 J. J. Dmvidâon.14 J., cott-.. ... LBurns... 2. P1 riugie ... -4 -... J.Cîrc 1, Byes .... bbe union, -hon lie>'abaudanodt hii t-isa lat extra repreoeaan b>' p au tien for lie 800,060 extcs ai populations oeo' lpper Canada tic canît ien sien-, ini eoreitao eWablilu oncead for evert the Te Gloas yeu n-llbthairen, hma came from iLs rebebrous stiltsa ati mooths danails rEeut insiolent tirgats. Pet- comnil0fltmëspeeple attaclieulsut>'mean- bng la theso ebulliena ai rage, amu t ilj pleasnt aCter aIl la tee thât Mm-. Bren, n-ha of coursetii net n-rit. 1hht-asI, las interferedti laput himacîf right TtIlis lic ourse ai men lite un la bave aboutthems peopio n-ho lack dîscrebien, mon-liamuat eften be,1.11ta o heur onn oue, for the resson ltaI biof'o i6neo te tt- es ail lte>' 57110befare It gmestu 4119 putbié Again amainue as . fltowa nfrot frein bxu -tt articles in the Globo n-iicb b. bat net-ert- enu, and if hba stiîh continues the import-at trust of ediblug the Pa iLs preseul stafrfai term, le fr*ery ikly to- lie helt responsible fer- min> a piece of iaîly. T. D'Arc>' McGee basmaralrdte t-on- te sppîeof d iscet-t ffiOlt e Irihlu Canada, and seimsi ttemmnedt tamake- bimsobfhieir plitiobal11 er nt n-batever sacriiceeof t]heir lateres IhUs>'mialakur lie man, ant lu mista Ing un may doe bim ugm-viaus inustîce, for n-bitaIt1i -uid be sor-my, but Ienal Iiink 1 do n-len 1 ciaraclerise him as a ttoraoughl>' aolUhs, uaprîncipled ad inlalerahie egolist, for if n-e acetis conduct as expositary'of i&i matit-e, I du nohaureban- ibiÃŽS possible to arrive et au>' other conclusian. Etidenîl>' hoe assumnes that unfhobecame immoag us Shbere n-as no man capet-le aI unttetstant. iug lte position, n-anIs, n-isitan sd pan-or af imishiïnî. An-itat tas iedau'efor hii cauntrymnî>' ? hVy lhe as protegtel against orangeism 1! ! hA mîglit>' eitieve- meut tmuîy upan. wb-icli to plume hiseif. Titis -bat hocu lone b>' inIt-cIanho a lidno pam-tiuular cdaim te the gratitude of tht-lt-coutry. Titis bat t-cen louecfar mort- efficientî>' b>' prote*. tan-t Iri*t'men, n-boie matit-res otil ua hco eliebie la nîisoonmlrcionmnausisn-et-e, a met-t straug-Cr. a met-e aîvcnlturer--ia fat-t; a lt-tu-bertof lte peace lu'Non- York, sud a us d-uîp inutliore. But lie cames te Us c-itb i i ip~ancy, n-mu luis prt-I>'lcttres<t studieul maid poisIued ta catch -momentary epplanuse, anti bt-cuse poplue admnitlhoies ghiI-IngteI anti caeotf punis, be fort- gela hsis past disiraceCîîl htîbiones, and exacts tho set-vile ltamsge ai his tîrymen. lic bas tlmree yearii mart-t a n bism.acet-uit bis deludol dupes of Gruthln Towtn at-oct-en -non- llîing out lthe>' bae commitlel a fatal orrar, bave in fattnarmeî a viper loto life, uan-t-a lebaitbog hein an-ilb bite therun lesa niti anc consent tho>'use ad rebute hlm as te deserves to ho robuk. ed, n-e have caine te, a prt-ty>'par ns ludl, n-ion lte Shat-pls.e ,ti. yni, the O'Noils, lte Keihys, and te O'BeiIîys ' ai Que,- ic,; Moult-cal, Kiagalon, Tao-ontoandui Hlamilton, imeun-wbehave stoot b>'te Triai interet incethe coumntry wnas a comti ', rend n-ho ibavespeut lime, strengtb and moue>' in teir service-mut t-on- Ian-n in abject sub-inssion toas poor pirase -mntitimg puaster. George Bran-n sud DArcv McýGee ! (at-cadtu ais,), Damomi' and Pytias !Ht-roI anti Pilae! Fire sud %Veter, uni x tien nelb mp, aun- huit a beau- Iifui sotoke i San n-o bavt-e enewe love of Irishmin, ant-nheir ohd bats ; obeek b>' ion-I ; the Pope 'atId John Knox, tic tliurcb andtihie couenticle I Pism2 ion- long cen snîoh saunion last? I)'Aroytyr. in- la cfii-t;el George, ald Geortgemakîng a bol oif >'Arc>' ahi lieie, -and. a tbol le bott ; 1(hean-ioen Gmitium rules the rast D'Arc>' and bis Imismmen n-ill carry lte hol, ot- t-a it-ted otit---sernve toarighlt Sa aays Ibeir t-cal triendthte oidt cO0ON. Criciket. The tetut-imatch b.hween fighI snt Lefi handers of tht Ontario Club n-es picyedba lite grpumul opposite lte Shei fl's en Tuesna>' ]esti-ica the Rigits -n-an b>' set-eun-ictmts, The Lfts are ratier n-est imn numSie, *o Ibat-it wu sno wne tit tltiRgits wnha compose the gm-etstreuglt ai theclub siocl b. amccessfel, LE"RN DEfaY Smt-rtasT xtau -i THE WHITBM -<URSD)AV URIGGINS &Y, M~ ext Doom-tea AIxnc toi- In.rthe(tutïty sitios- inliit u i 'i 1 t, v uf t t BOOK/ PRINTIN(îG% BOOK" N"J nIuttt- - - - u hana u- u, S attt--x tt- cnnl rthe-r-i I jF~tai .il-U-- 15. J. Mli C Ltt-Kti it 1 TN C <~m-t? th ..-...... tft-e h D. G.TF"- utet -S P

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