T$y.USbAY MORNINU, BROOK STEET, WRiTBY, lar Nxt Doqsg to tla etisry Offlce. rI%îITERM,; OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TRE a.i~(rui lwilbu $2 Pur anr' Paaible strict]7 iaduaftce. rARSU5or? 4,DTISINc: 'ren Unes and unde?...ýî.........o 75 Âbove ten lines, ht nhertion. ........ Xvvry sub.oc1neut ilertion, (eil ......O A îbrlincounit fllowed b oMerehants andi -ter mvertlsing by lte year. > Tdigrupr Im jre(ý% al hniineiise uireulatlon l.n the Ciîntr, beaides bellig mad bv cvery bui- sinemssmnuIn hithv antilits viuicityt, a fbettcr advertlsin1gttediiiiiicou1d i îot be uriedWhils Ioeutllty. IL who s dvertîhe or think weii of do- hng $0, W11 iePIUselose lt)n finie i orwarding Nopaper will b.diaroutintied tîtilalarrear- age* are paid unp,. Leotters etteloging euîthlir i' rei il bie t a ha riâk of the 1I>ubUliiîrs whulie ddressed MilflON8 & à MAYElil l,>Fll-E, __________________ whiiîby, C. % BOOK AND JOB IPlR1NTIN(.' ESTABILISHIMENT. JL voil(lrtspvt lktI - Iii lit BOOK< AND JOB PRIN rING 01 every dit cri! tionî an Ig. t, tit it l tr -- *111 b. donc iia i iiîlr i t %elit thelt Wt The Proriuetorm lite ptireiîtteited oue of wltîi lt ilblat itenttli ttiii ut i tarlI ttil Ci enlars Iin a ý rv atipattiiit isilailiiar. Tit-i liii ou «hadçi a Itrge is(mîitit tr Il!idil atl tti~ a Statioîatry, ,A'r.. Mw it-ltlli itiL)tla liat -1%% riiitues, Piiiii aluhv itl'ikrfi l ii.s da!t Illet- wtt priccsansd eut t itt- -u-- llIGtINittlli C.W JLM E 0tW'LilIE CQUIN TY A-s Z,) AF le ýottrttt. l.11teit thetl tta ~tit- NEýLSON G. ILEYNOLI)S, cIERIFF.. tL- "a lFFICE AT '171 E' CUT SJOHN 11A31 FERRY, léEGISTUL O FFICEa()N 'S'I*.,K s JOhIN V. IllA.1, i.cKli IZ OFTII E ' tE NUX t * CURT. A NI) C liet, sraîr otftIie rroguite O4'iirt. t illiti Oie lingistîy lltî, Broitk -u tt. iif-N. I!îESi!N',ATll îL:v W. I'AXTON,,Jr.. Il. J. MAC)ONL.L, 0OAITO t 0.A I.-i F 'TiUE t UNTY tnititl il. the m i luti 1! îiiu- JOIIN 1S11IE, fiOUNTY ENGIN EEI. OFFItCE AT TiUE ' Coutriliiîi.sr L. FAIRBANKS, fiLE1iK F 1IE-T 1) 1 V i >l kN ti i U ET. o1- Fit CE lit! thet- dl iI htu- W. Il. "il LMA YN E, - J) ~matit- t-ilIn auA iiiijl N llrtn.k J. 1. hiC. W. JOUXIl. J'AANi<s, JONNViEIyI1 NI G Egl, îi Allieri.5 With calm Printed word., gsast thoughts _ Lb fez: _ e! an4 utihugIndustryo, ir advocafte Pencen. Promrosou.. VOL.. 20 WIIITBY, C. fW., THIRSDÂY. MAY 13.151q CHANERLES AI YN1ME. OI7STER After a silence of some minutes, lien- coieyo nario. TERECT 24 Tri~~rrr ette louketi up; an air of deterunination ALIIUT PRIG, _________________reSted upon her face; I am_ vîlling," t' su ALBER SPRNG, aid ini a yery loir roice. UCTIî>N EER,&c.,&c.,EPtSOM, TOW N- TO A BRIDE. si1) fRac.r 0 3,alae Bilin* Yng apoleon looked at ber in surprise, as if - - Srec, Toroto. Cltinie-a Liqnoor, Cigarit, Oh!1 takie ber but bic failliful tsill, lie lild not antîcipateti s0 ready an ansurer A. PRINC.E, '~" xiV.&rNS DIXON Aniîylt trdt tt o big proposna]. aulîl sec yau again," TAII(R, 1tlOCl< STRIEET. Ttir,ýtîuîu. .Iilt-5, lu7.2t Be nateui feld filsfter yearin, - adeanth metiucep TIO A D VRNL ATIONAL MOTEL, apartmnents for youiracomdtn as1 I l' 1 ,iilR,&c. -.GIlEEN STREET. iti Wliii emeuuber 'tleno coînmnaicLiehaldirect.' J3 tatI i XXi That biids yonir youthfcil bcanL; As Boon as tlîe door closeti upon th. fair 1-~ SaI A L. Et T t- t E:.1 eirt loa ttiiift>rrn laisfrlrtîdi; T'is 010 tint ouIytrattitclin breatîte, Petitioner, Naple-on walkie to the window, lui t t it.1 I iuit2laiqtitua Nitutanatd llratîdies. lExcellenît Thtejoys of htppy ehiidlaooti's hont, the lov1 e of tiiirl. Tuis e to watîiis M NS 1Tt, 'tiliilii. cartt tuaIatlautiitfor ui uti uiniit tc is. The liGcme if i per yen"s, telvrfhmil rctwta A ,I ti TII~li- ~El)WARI) RAY. Theat aa-urd sce of eartty youth jnaiture siw bai-q braved difiiculix and lan. 1. l ]Tlî.N 1 . -M-at ' Ii, S57. lia1>t NI XI i l-- 1-,t-.! - - ~ ________ 1tritiii4iieant i iiu earti. 1 ger Le bgfor liii rultacse." TIti yîarra îiie ier ottnt keur j low strong intit lue the love sue bears 0A fi %V001) Ml si, Il ., f',r I' A Il T i. F T -, u W I9T Il T .fr-in il W î 1P, N K- l: 1:lt i* l WiVEi'EiSSHAE EN Xtr her titirgicirt tuas fret., frii"saic te Empresqa.. ONT AuTO IOTEI., utr;tîlt t--tii-utfituti',utt au'-îtniiialitn.i - rot Irate tit. wttnhtlwith tlite. inubjeet this saine lnve e 10a lciere test.- rtiiiluii1.t îitiiliv and nrt-. Tîtare it, lir lotitnlulife a liced i itathLialîe, NI -1 - - tetersh vII gare lier t f C VltFl. 'Ii Fit 1-TitII t.irniigt-- o-- tiaand tutI i u litut tii-ai-life for lion. Ncvertlieless 1 will sec." 0> tua-I Fr-ithe. lui- l ptti rtf rt - i. tiiI i i 1- ,fiitt.t ii-Iititat. The ,î-- iîa -j ls îudtuiiIIti îaiSire," criot Josepîtine, Il yeti are not lI ' atI î-î-u-1tt-1.1. tut ii-h titiîîîîjpleîi uilli i Aai oc-l Ii tur w tilIlbct fier Itide hi 'R(N 1<41Eluei- ti Nua i u lirýandtti it hireg. littil -Tu sulliac atituonrrltent,. serions. Louis certainly mi-.n bc pardonel tl i w fi uagl y q witiae tntiilie!aandfina Iteitin tc painvitîhout the death of lciiett" tM aai, )nlvjey* inereaxeli 17 t anti couvcrsed inla ur oice. Fl L EIt' iOTI..RA.Il.RIAI> IJOUSE. l îu~îîealaitiîtc.a d \1 \W Elt . I tKli\N I. 4t. \V. 4(t'il 1 1 ItIIER i)F lEu ANX I A S Si iliHenriette utood salosie in a amagnifi-ent t-iut-ii- iititti-i tiltr-. XXI! u hait Wit-u-kuiîi.t Fli ttitl -i- apartineut. Tîntire etaseul înoscred, so - - at-rulutù-r l.-i , i i lltlîait- 4,iitht- iliahiitauil. if j . ~ j~-i l. il AI LROADI)IlOTE!., IVtLa atidt nttlii --niiult h,î e t I IC af intcuseîy uras she absorbeti inra cuerie. % F.wiot - ~-itît 1, îîîî tt'iîit- ut- u t tl titl.u1d u-i-t i tntr. __ _ _palier s-mitati.gllygrasipeiî iii i-,-Etuîtciau t - 1 - Illit- I auafil.it-iNapoleoila' 31e re>y. iroris, -A dse- r scod- -d l t( ONT ARio iioTEL, tiia.AIl î-iju IIrîcjitI 4ti heprnruuitarectre i -nlnnciiyi .1 .tlnit X lîlia - i-Isatîîtatt itil aluti TIONLS 1f)WNNG. uiish Louais Dlelamarre restitredte toliberty, 1-l'l -itlii'Nfrl J) - Napoleon wttatcon 'ensi ng w i Lis Josephi ne, 1 thc matans are in voîar powrer. Ere dav ESPA N-~D hOT~L. il. ,0B iE il O T E L -w itti noîrtf lisoflicona enterctIý anti an- tiairatslai mi hlieon bis wut-av1join ii >TFUE 1N1Ft W iFiltNI h-Nît, t - W. notîinel a vourag roînan frtunîi.vons. - - otîter urliaa ilie g) muclilae.' -~~~~~~ ti,.t,-t t t i-it it:t e-- t lit ,ait-ta Uni-.ti iotntaintidti- ith tf WXhast jelieribuiniaess iuith me "tSoîne .\Il "' muirtnireg'à lienrieîit d I o not I tiefi! lit-aitiîI tag tii -tthult!ilu -aiilI l'e'okpu I>letitinii," altswuered D fi e M ruille, the olli- ilv lu i hm tiri ?'" i1ressin.-lier-t- ba ti pon 1t< 10' ILTEL, ati, îa bu- lis Iprvdcia- ýI--or it tht- tîn tI-tt - a-n a- i t. --aîth-sua-I i *I Il lue aiewut--illl',rdtiz~al i --t - '. cen. -laret. asit si l sîl l tiitiit, s le tn ,st INI'. Y.i -XV.t uf rtitît- ttii-i vetuiencia. etunatcitîîî'it it, ltra Shownlber itîto our Irsncgaid lite.jpacedtlth(, Sputttnent. lti' or pnd 4' 4 t'iti tai l Iticatuaittlativ "..-iud n-tp n d t-îuî -nr-tt n S-t. j. B«l 1NNAR T Ihe offîcer inaonare-aîipeareul, ith a lady 1at 1t-rland Mn ieL-trt.N uIT. A Il. LiILE, lni.ikliit, Mt4u.îv.ui aleaning îapon bis anîn, urbose face, as ntîîcb astiecieurulateil, Il Matalcttoisellc" EIE"FTEas could 4be saniot hroîîgh tlhe tuaîcl 1arn rea1Y," replicti cuniette. IMy t-ai'u..N -l-- Iti t1 ifatîtituof the ueil. vas u'er tbeaîtiftul. Sedcso smd. -t- t - -I i -l~ A XFIE rDIn TXl l i I lA .Ftrtuieiassie jtrocbt Ltedotr D Mr'ile sttheti1 tomreeni h \VXUE________ I, uu-ltiu ! D Iervll appordtocd guidepilth N P wt t'eeN %hitt .iad-T l'tiîînttemos Fui' j lffir uid ipor'Ltuof lier wtîrds. 11e lookel uprîn ber A! iL I %LNIL11,E.IbId te â btwn ttflîted iah !ftiri.linuan M'l-.oiuoh."ie v'clil-îîl yl for fite aat'ootnxnalui-tiý. f irtat- k indliy, pressing lier itatîti, abke courage, in reve-rence as Wreil as adlmiration, as ehe I ITNI F i x Filti-- ii~i ~I~ -lt-r - ui-ry aitcuî)tiî-uî puiil)iitr-îIî-nu. aýd but anse-r prtatiptîly laatevcr question stooti witIte higb resolve iîeresseal on T-ruit. t- X. t tac.ti A ti-td~ tuttr asti-- li itti-iltbc Enpcror proposes.. lldtete i er ber îautiful brir. IlFolloir nie, Matie- i tnn. Vin tsheiii ler ntothepacouslniselie' saiti lie. Tlîey trarerseti long 131A.l S uOOî' li 1 J 1OTE L.,-'apartnent lie bovosi and retired. corridors anti nutnerous suites of superh t J. t;13AY;ý ]AITE "f; TIIF .Vt tlTNt ING SRE XES'1.T. i IENTtt. TUE-II rtluiggaT troiîngaoenapartîîents, anti tescentiîng a îlaircsue, Sunci.X5--t T- -tt. t ta-'Stipprr-."tii ttttu tuiin Illetht i a - It aSalpltt l - on whomliter fonacst beoles tiepoîtieti, for- tquacklyra t natecsimunctg Rrîrtt.lii -ui utlt i - li t 1-t lIttitttg, lii-1t4- ii n tuu- it ItNt-u Ftur- :gttt h l îf ant iet imiit , y lie hougbt t'.ith the guartl-Iouse. Enterinfr this, tutt --.'trc--I ,uîil'taitiledi. 1'.- t- 1.tu omtof atiotb T rovmîY'.g ide'c J<lN Er' Tl~,. ttitiitInri and uI t-cl tttiiiîou. ted en-roi rior.- erself i the leniette nos tashercil "ylber gidînîoa i -~-~ îu t.TtHOtASnra ititIiitittuitti-'chokei îuitl i etotion, -"Mercy 1 Sire, lu toerî. T rtaui...MatraI. I~it. ~suc for mercy and pardon."-, She coultid iiinLte clutir umas fiung a uniforu ol tlîe -- GEOC E 1101)l1(il E>IlI. ,iiRt)I &SAN)ar witiuate no naore. trogiment Loeausîicli Louis bolongei. Oni Klil.N> 7 -q Ea> TFA ;Lt t'N(N l thIFh FFdlthe Pub-rlho-RVL>RI> & eINI)Eltsfroni lier prilcon- a table a a large pliime.]cap, Jlenriette t I niun'- l: -ttri -- ti tB tIi-i Ittiti- fliLa c trdcoaluient, andt ten approacbing tbegronnd. 'conipreltneialiia oautQucl - rimLINe>4Ki - i rt -lotuîm Srn t o ck. ctribthed mnore b3' lier sympatliizing ialiting lierself in te imifortiu, sloe stooti La\tii.i, ut- 1F- it .. .t~i~i.- at-. i~ tuonls tif encrouragelucuat to retatorethe cou- bisire thte marron, anti gathered opplber beau- liiitItlIEtul BITCHR'M M-RT -rage of Lte *soumgpetitioiier, tlien et-ega the tiftit brov tresses in a knot,placed bte cap Eiper LIyte gruuiousness of ais ai ~F.yWT îo 'ist-,iinu. 1.1il l i pa trts uft* ti- 'Fi-tan, fi.y -li usrr.mabena-mt.upon ber beati.Seaintueeiacy Ilit i-itt i~det-m-, liedt. 1ni-r amsi a ir rs.ofiy at the suaccea sof lier transformation. FA11E.Ru'S IIOTEL, Cii ARLES BRUCE. - otir îciiuîaueîosle?"'sait i.. iSheistien- iuthashe iras Lobeled toete fatal . t~;t~iilxii~X<> ET, - ELN ÃN ictul. - Ilenrieite Arunonti (for that iras lier grounti ai the morning's doitn. The but- Tr. m 1.uttiti- iînplorimîglv ah tht' Emperor, 1lot irbicli voulti havte struck Louis Le the t Fxiitt'u tt,,lattieitet-l-. niecuind h ie I ask pardon 1 heart wnotlti pierce bier huart, but she (T.Am'aG-itt. ttMIN W A, foi Louis Dclutniarrc, utho is condenîniedte tstarnnk not back.-Lo-e riîîmpheti over t. Ail BOAI) IJOTEL, îu pesnîuîrriclîîr of tIif- actý1---twîil- tbc ,;it on to-nuorron- I Oh! granit biantlue thiuli oman's nature. Ilis motîter I IX Fl'~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~kicw îiteleI. tt. ii-aattia i-tin tuitit-vi lsam nbr aa ieibseei 1AZE1,Pl1till-rFitB. Tilis ltt tesaine. ha. ltî-t.ti ut-taI t ii1yoîar royal partioi! wlbesmeilericth wsped Il-u-t. t)u ad t(dlt il Ill li ttî)toli uai ittlî' t A clocati gtiereti on the brow of Napo- Louis blînsoîf viii net-etforget met Ah, ii. - awtiatIttttt2 -tit' iîuit. eon,asble anteiruptM iber wtis- A deser- often ltas lie sivome tluathe lovedrme bct- lail. flatu't iever titi tItat. Trutllorsatit a.itns - -o"Ielelastiedeetl. e hn l hn ADELPIII. tensioun, lit thiarge-i inunillainttitr:atc. Li.Mdmielbebstieeett. gter thon aIl hhîings ~ N"~lt - t IlFEt ilTRE17T, AD- GoîtatSîtetis antiStatbiîr, andi attttive Omitlert. Nb uLlemai neepefr1b oko ae hair fron ber bosoni, she j~~~ - ' , tut ie iitk rtt JINSTON (IIAIIANMI etaidr fte rimenL.'i.presseti iLtoteber lips, then breatheti a 7Trua . X'. .Liat.aîrjit-,tucrted an Ir1itBt. 'fut the ceuse of lus tiesertion Y' cric.] praver te bearen. Beason.- t. -__ t2 FRAIINK ANDi'1llsON. IWANTED, 1 Ilenraettc, mn agony t'"iehas compelîcti Morningiavned.Tlii.sountioffootunen 1 --- - -.--B--'-N--- I-?I'4VE îor Six iteit-hget % ounfi imen te Botak Itojoimi Lhe army against ltht yuL" aronseti Heniette. She starteti np, grasti M îSF BY N FAen1îr. Froit Forty bo FiIXv doilfutr-Jper 0 rrete '-- ' . î 1 IN. I GVEI nuni nfi b aned ppv oWbat wr h asso i bsrin c h ado air, asvaiting the suin- -trIfia- i ttale UEORGE CRAWFOID, iterrptett Napoleon. meons. The door openei, andti tv soltiiers %Vhit\\g> FtRTEr 1st, i/tat Il Tirovwekusuice," ansvered Ilenriette, entereti rcpeating the naine of Louis Dela. a lit ir i '.tlai:r-t nataieaî e, IBurt-tuStrit,ol, XL ai P.s Vbithy, Oct b ut l et, t s o bri. -iion xr,'.uîa'5'u5'"7 aahtsnedaapiy guiruos o atrc.ly jtorlie recciveti men-s that an onîy remaining umarre;tbey sutidenly led ber forth te die. ____habits___-- it-..-', t 0A. JOIS eA B, rMLu i E I -M'SIt', TITEi &Itt. tbe ab saiint T(tua t.a liitlira- FopUls nitLiacirn WILýIA. POWNiON, tin ur - . stiiati'. 4 fi )NEYAUEI, u.&c. MNtiESEILt FRANCIS KELLER. Reacit,, A _________ - -- - J St- l'ai~N t V-j, GENFALAG ENT, WV. O. EASTIVOODP A.-I & 3M. D i XXIiti .Aurait for tUie ltt-aieiucl lstr- ILeidutatt-uleI iitti-t'i it lie iii 'itiat - icuiIti aaliit-', Bnatek SVcL. Dr. R W. CARKA. C. WILSON, Dr.(R. 'iICL'E, îI'-F IT ER, GLAZiEII. AND l'APEU- S for bhc Cotuntu- tf Oi)titj. . IlttueWr. l'itiitb, iý, Gliu.tss, uti. l'a- Dr. CIIECI<IAlLy,Lthi.iatîiaSr-t.X'ib ERFSIDENCE, BROtCK ST1REET, TOXYN 0 bçy a. 9 87 R Xlutlty, 0111111Y (f tii itatia.1 CA PEL . N.AGN EW, X, D. JflOTAN1) S HEM AKR, ROCIK TIISICuXN, ' N tCUCIEII r -.0teet, XXltlty, (utcxt tic>ctr '. 11) bit(t.-.iJ, AnA, ).l>ttîtng's Btlrtinab 11110t.) IRipairs ~i io loidieelutlta reela, licker- Iutî aeaiin-- of m lkdctecii ng ~gootfsttyle, unid it a worknatauîike niainner. 9 - J. S. JONES, J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, I OCL ENTr-ti FFIlUE IN BROCE iON VEl ANCEII.&e., C)MM ISSINRI IjSret, ve .1 ligelouvi- Store, sud oppuisite C. P. & B. R., laSitt, Divitsion Court Ageit V-e Uiegistry OllIit. Ail operations inurraaiited. &C,. t)Iletý-otîe dotîr Ninrtit of A. D. Week6' 6 ftinc~lr trial. i Dnîg Stotre, Uxhrilgc, C. XW. 2.5 AMO.0S W. CRON, t-RUTRH-ER-FORD & SAUNDERS, CITUcivilEýNGIN RER, AN])D(ÂEJ.avl, i aogellb,XX'haitb>'. 1 T AILORS, c ARLD 54, KI2N(f STREET Wg.ST, TO-1 1. FROWD BEAVÉN, .2ronlo. Also 48 King Street Xett,iLamýil- AReli'iý44'CT AND CI1VIL, ENGINEER, ton.'- AjVmitdimi-Street, Wat~.Estituate tmatie -____________ si dsal kinds of tnessoning wr- arkerfaily atteai- PARTNERSHIP. dvp .o IIE UNDERSIGNED IhAVE E?çTr.RED) T iîîio Partlernlip an AUCTIONEER.S. ntier 'pIXILANqDER M. CLARK, the tie antihrnu tf iatnurttuxî sud Sri . l1MII CONSTAIBLE, COLNTY ONTARIOI, JAS. 1UTTEILSONi ALBERîT B f~G, anLnpco fUceisetsiniithie Municipal- .oen fs 5ea y o <th le Tewa of Wiitbt-. ~AUi oralat leflu t the Chroakk ePrnmîing ffl.., - I ~ M* CLARKWhiti prmtiy atended te Anetion »Jus P.a-t!Mi. dCoAR, i.tý ngdsye n treâueeëd pi. A.iKERNT T/nII.t-R, No. 74, KING ST. THOMAS nonixsoN's -'.!West, Tarantn. 1 ASITONABLE ILAIR' CMflING ATD -1 --- Shaving BcoomsB ok Street, Whutby.-- __- G. A., MrNI8TiR. A firet rate Ingiiab Iierbenid Har Dne..e. eof W-RUGLGIST. DRIJGS'AND CIIEMTCLS, longug i'in the bunaees, vili alvsab Suhenfumer, ,Dy, sbîsff , Clidej fudniinetw e Wattenad oungentleuin- ,lMginhad.DldwtretWbii. 1 8bavimig !la aproceM sto which eh psa n 1u or ~ I~n4 PnndnStret,900d reasOn,, are mach averse, bat uîder Bob- - - -ITÇRY IINNMoon s, band itbcy vIl Sud tha opér.ation b&Ii QIVÂnRGLZIEF, PAPERRANGER, geibetdlaat ayEOtaE DrAA1Ã"%11B HEMIssP.qBRVAN WOXJLD EIES'XT ~ COMISIONE ~R .1 fally anonnei ta the inhabitatsof -wlut- mmmt"n heQatn8,Boch &.hy sud ieleiby, thattbley pu"e edsje-. ýok ibekC.'W 1 leoaSehool fer te instruction ofx144jýýaieg. r ipk .The- Sehool Will opea n; tion tJItin A W~J~ JKOPSN, next. A]lU -temý COL tAR&Ti NK vitha raand Needivs gooi~ Colan, m tSrft. lÙty, Deo. 1, l4UI, t i Nà ~i ~a... - !!LfIr ~Alà PARLEY'S IDEST 13LACK INK. 1 TEIzIl-auttrticle lintise. WiloieîatIc and ROSS JOINSTON, Bu-ock Atrce. MORSE TAMING. Rarcy's Great Horse Taming Secret for $2,00. WE have EtareyNt Great Systeun cf Tamnint W ir ethe mottmoderntutti upp rovi plain for subjecting aud Trainitotr wiîd ant i - cins hormes.It. i s hvaluaihie t farmeni anti otiters laaving liorseii or Coitste 0tintu, sud is warranted genuise. We offer theni for 02,00 BACHZ in order to place thein witbmnLte rtiiiel of ail. We are tteiiing a great mnt., and part"e requiring theut had better order soon. Agents wanted. Almorican correspondentR addrea "Bo 249, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.". Ca- nadian, to CIIARLES J. UINES, pre.e.t%, C. W. Reference: Leutenant Colonel J~ru, Canatilan Rifles. Cash!1 Cash!! TIE bighest price wIlli b. paid ini Cash by Jthe underiigaed, (ait hi& NEWV STORI.. liol treWiitby, second door south oPtile IPeiiientury Bot &nd hoe tore,) tor OUtC% er lt, uter, ,Egn&o. &C. MICHAL MORIARTY. Wbi04tyjarbisIf855. ndth-eble IIïT'0ue alvmSaleJVrtniy% 9ï ES 21 B LS HH.ArT parent, a mottier, sir, vas -on ber doath- beti, anti longe.], day anti uigbt te beisolti bcr son agatn. Louis kmen- Liat relief or release froni lis post vas impossible. His mimd n-asfllledn-ith one though, that ahe mnigltt close ber cyes foret-en, ere they reste.] on a son aie lot-e.] so fontiiy." tDi.] s, die ?" asked tise Empresa vitis intereat. t"No, latiau," replie.] Ienriette, ttsie at lest rccovereti. But hardi7 bati Louis receiveti ber biessing, been - fee in ber arma cet b. iras torn froua ber grasp by tise officers of justice, anti tiagged bither. Oh i must b. tie I Mercy, sin, I beseecb yon. IltMadentoiselle,ti saiti Napoleen, sppa- reîitly softcnet;I; ~l tis vas tise second offece-name the flrsb--yau omitte.] that" Il v as," saiti Henriette, isesitating, sud coloring-ta iL vas-tsat lie iea'rd n-as te marny Connat Ferant, visou I datet as mucli as he does,"l anen-ereti }enriette, n-iis naivette.t "Are yen isis aister, tisat lie feels s0 great an interest in your fate 111 skoti tthe *Ohs InoShe," saiti Benietteber lcvely cheek assumning a sbili deeper bue aftie rose, i am onîy is cousin?' 'tAhl enly bis oousin," nepabotNapo. beon, -glss'cing a# Josepisinel vitis a halt auppnesadmile. _-Obh1 hre8f r., nidHcMi*ate,'relo tise anuis of bis îÈidovwed luothor, when, as ecell«ctatittbeaffeeta'os Miserson for-ber w4ii th~e auiof is deatL"' mm at"4 eiue4 an-. Ido -ta ,tari'oP ndf' a-thea pôoegirl8 forgettUng- tise presence of ryaty bustiInte lfoerý Theu utotutt-rs, wuoseoutiets wcre intendted Le pierce the heent of Louis, beti taken their stand, anti only an-mite.] the yard of comnmanti fron tise Emperor, n-ho iras statione t he bcwindow commantiing s vieur of tise vhole acu.. IltOh 1" ctied Josephine, n-ho stooti by hlm, but concealeti by Lise nindov tirapcry front the -ien- ot thosu belotat, I"Oh, sire, I can endure iL mna longer, it scout too sncb like a tireatiful reahity. Hfark the devoted girL-,No sbrnîking back. Sue, ase seens celmly avaiting the fatal moment," IlStop," cniedth ie Emaperor fronthtie ~indow, IlLouis Delamarre is partioneti. 1 revoke bis sentence." A hou.] burst of appiaue from tIhe lipa of tise soitiiersfolbowed tisis amnnouncerment. Net on. of tiiern but l-ted and respecte.] theïn comnade .Tise next momùen4- e tliey coulti prens around te congratulate tbe suppose.] Louis, De Mtenville had'cager- 17 tranntbe bevilticretiIeînitte threugb the cron-t, back, te tise gel fron wisich ée. lia.] emenge.] bat- a fevlminutes ,bçfore. j- 'ÃŽR1esuùme'your dresailgiMdmi ,selle," hiîînidlyvnlspereti .Wt'tseno titme.-Tise mpenor visises tb seo you41I wnil netus'aoon.îî Hennriette wvas likeone in a dnearn- buta gÈleam of delicijauu hope tlarjhledlier sout; se ftitl%» dan-nings of happinusa break upou ber lsat. Sooxuagin reaumiîg ber pretty rmatie habilimentm, De Henvible ns. appeare& anud' once falin ahe trod'~tis .L*54~J. If. are anc bhundred 1louit; d'ofs, as tiie t- riage don-ny of Henriette il, A cbarnîing blusb suffiaseti the cheek of te beautifil girl, as she receiveth te purse froin the banti of the Empress. "Long lire Napoleon," cxclaimed Lotuis, as urith marot too ful of grat -Ml motion for furtiier îatteremcci, ho took the banti of Ilenriette, anti, mokin-g graeful obeisance, qittail the- nptrtinent The Parsnit of Matrinon Under Dtiffisltics. trict near Newcastle, The niilitay rc- stored ordie. It was rumored that Qucen Victoria was again ini an interesting situation. INDIA.- Intelligence froin Lucknow to March 22nd. On the 20th tilt., Bri-adier Campbell's forces returned from the pursuit of the enenly. On the I st the 'Mobres Nana's retreat was stormeti. IU escaped and a reward of Colonel Morley. a'l gather froun wbat ojq)jr you ny hatyouarchercwit th inen. General O'itram's force ha.] discovereti you sc ttatyuaehee'ibth ne anti cestroyeti a retreat of ftic nebels in Luîcknow-; anti the prime mainister of thet Mtimry agnin,' snid Darrell, firmly.- Ex-King is among Liiose reporteti killet.- tfligbt. I snn.' I alwayt felt sure you Peace prevaileti in Outle. irotald marry again. Is Lb. lady lucre Some of the inhabitants of Lucknow to'?, ee rcturnimg. ,Wbat llay ?, 'The lady vonm bat-c cîosc'n.' 1 Sir hlope Grant lied ditaperseti a body oil 'tish.-T lîau'e chosen rnme. 1 corne rbesetKpe,-auim gus here Le chtoose ; anti in this 1 sa.çc avice The disemmingr cet %rss being enforceti in froni yotir experience. I woul d mlcrry th nortti veat provinces. mgalu ! Bath so il is. Yota km on-ail mo- - - CHINA. tbers anal rnurriageallc augbters tliît jIlong Kong dates of Marcb l5tb b.d I.ontlon-arn,,i ua"ri.-rears for nuptial heen receivitt. Canton vas tranqîîil. n 1tars--wnliera- aninngst theun, ihah T1, Giiy An imperiel edict degrades Yeh antIep- Danrell, bbe man uuhin yoîî tlimk 11 emvi - pointsluis succesgor, utho is acîthorizeti to allfindl the atate lttlpîiite, ushose bice seLle te disptîte n'ith thte llarbarians. n a earlitt-t -iact munîîcentjonttîre. to irbose clailîl lie may bcqiteatb Lb. namat luet liax nov no aac.soandtihIe n-eath lite bas no ha-art to speutl? Colonel Mtorley, utho, os n-e kmon-, is by liabil a mstcimakcer, anti likes Lb. vocation -uuamsa plai-lblut cogitative mien, rtîbs Iti- bntv gntly. 'antI sutygin li-,soft- est itest-hrcti acrents-îa You woauldti o marry a mere girl atsome onaetof suiltabie age ? 1 cmon- scutral stîperior yoîmng ut-o- men on ltîte-other side -of Lbirty, Wilbel- mima P&ymm, for instance, or Janet-' Darr4ll. - Olti naitis. No--decitiediy no, jLord Elgin anti bis colleagues lia.] gone nortlî. The sensation causeti by J3ernard's ac~- quittai vas snbsiding. ITALY. Nfaples lately refused the tiemancis of Sardimua. TURKEY. It is stateti that the Porte bas censtîreti the Viceroy of Egypt for girîng bis actiior- ity for a canal acrou, the lIsthutus of Suez, anti commandibim- mot Lo support the Colojrle Morley (suspiciotIgly.)-' Buat PERSIA. you woitid fot risk the peace of your nId Nn iiclte r1eoreibtre age %Çith a girl oi cigbteen, or else 1 do Englanti anti Pergia, the Engiisb complamn. knout- a very accomplisheti, well brought. ing that tbe treaty bcd been violateti. uip girl ; just cigbteen -irbo-' -_-_-___@a_---_ h)arreilî.-Re-fenter life by the aidle of A GRATa Cous.Tîca roa 'rua LAoîa.- eighteenl1 am I a nîssman The time for mearsiage ln Sparte vas fixe.] .Colonel Morley.-'a Neither olti uautis, by statnte-tliat of theutuen about tbirty non Young maitis; the choice becomes mn- or Liiirty fit-e yeans ; tiiot of tb. voîncti ah rovei. You voulti prefer e vidon-. Ha ; tabout tuertyor aîitteyoungcr. Aillmen 1 have tlougbt of one? a prize, indecti, wocnitedumrida-e h coulti 7011but vin ber, the widow of--' pno ctintt-ed umabltctialLroer te aP Danreil. -' peu!-a ugs oantiail olti baclaelora irere prohibiteti froni widoir tu me. A vidon-, vitit ber aff'ec- being present at the excrcise of tbc Spar. Lions lînrieti in the grave!' hnmies niueeteit h se Morley-o ecsaiy. Anii- ti respect anti honora paid to the aet.- case- Wly abouti 1 give yon a place,' crieti Darreil (imterruptinîg hbu and ti ongmnto nunnIidgnea,1 re tramth)--n eery ase 1 ellyou, n0 j yon have no chilti to give place to, me irben widow aoli dol! bertwectis for anc. Dîd 1 a l N araeprin .r she love the tirst man ? fickie la the vomn iwlt a nyof maeria e prins su t' who an ovetvce. id he ot oveneather pîroperty shoulti prevent s gallant, him ? irby diti abu aarry hbu? perliapa os ihshmt!iL ar otayL she so.Idi berself ho a rent-rol. Shaîlali. - trices. . pt i.utu ma - - -- . -. , selI berseif again Le nie, for a jointure? Heaven forbiti. Talk not of vuiton-t. No dainti' 80 flerorlesas na heant vanmetiup Colonel bMoley.-' Nqeithen inaitis, ho thcy olti or young, nor vidovs. Possibly you vent an angle. Lontiomn is flot tise place for ang-les.' -t . Darrehl.-'.î Igrant that the choie. seema invoîreti in perplexity. How ecclitiLb. othenwise, if oneself is pcrplcxed. Anti yuL, Aiban, I amt serions; anti do not pro- anme Le be se exacting as my vords bave implieti. I ask fol- fortune, nor rank bc- youd geutie blooti, nor youtb flot beauty, flot accomplishntents, non fashion, but I do ask one Lbing. anti on. tbing oniy.' Colonel Moley.-WVhat is that?- you bat-c left notlting vontis the baving to ask for.'i .DarreIL-NýîthingIl Ijiave left amlii1 ak norne one vhom 1 can lae'e; bethen tboa aH th Lbwold-not tbe eiar-riage de conemance, net the eaarrisgo'de rio4but thise r- irieute de amUtor. Ail other ma"rge, viti vova to love solemua, wth intimac' of cout ninne-so close. ail 0otisr smgia in my eyes la an acte.]' falsehood--a -tarnisheti sin. Aisif I atithouglitsa aln-ays. But aasy uitis regret anti nepentane i Tue future alus e s till befei-o m.- W7sa au ho ýd* awi4t -Blackwood. Fnrther by the Enropa. IIALII.AX, May 4. GREAT BRITAIN. issffe of S,000,000r exeheqüen bille, md vas, reati a second tise. nounei bis e&ihued 'opposition ho that portion -,Wb". 'mvsIisJws.ds On.the 2$md - ïn the BJou8e ofLorils, anIl Gr* -tmoiedfer a productimon ftise correspoadence in arefrencê i th army, 5tlll pr.esed ini theo TÇq ial. LeSgisAPiu giving excusbive rigi&4-.suy ooeoWoshai- 1isla tolegmpbiecooI'niajubetweou Gmtrehitsis and: othAtniica.- 1 hi mita intnis. Tu. parents of tnm'ee chiltiren enjoyeti considerable imnmunities, anti those vîth four, pai.] îoetaxes - whiat- ever; a regnlation uvbmcb aIl marricti men vihh large faînilies will readily admit ho b. most irise anti equitable. lb vas cas- Leunary for tbc bnitiesmaiti ta cut off tbe britie's hair ou tuhe wedding day' so that, for-somt ime at.lest, ber personal attrac- tions abonîti inease vithber yeans. MTXTncV AN!> Muiu0-; TiH IenUAS -The Sydiney papens just recciveti con- tain accotinha of an extraontiinary act of piracy and murder.' The foiboving parti. cuhars are from the Sindey Empir.,'andi fro thLie Syjdney HeraZd of Feb. 10:- "Consitienable -exheient iras causeti by the arrivai, on tise 1 It Jan. of the Amenr- can vhale-ship 1ttlJunior,"I of New- Bcd- ford, in charge of ber first officen, vbo ne. ponteti thet a. mutiny bati broken ont on board Lb. vessel on Cbristmas day, visicis bati nesulteti in ths murtier of-tise captsiu aud tise tisird mate, anti the'desertios' of. the shipby mutineers.- Tise mutineens toek- possesion oftthe shipvwitb the intention o! talcing bien te soane distant port anti selling; lien,-but, vene -unable bu do so from theiri'»goraone, Iofnavigation. On ýtise 5tii day aften thsir rmùtiliy, thib e nbnat'à of tise trnt officer lu theb lover- liold irasdisvered, an(tbis life, aithougis in danger frouatise violence of Ogrtha,-wbo sppem steohave entertained a bitter enmiby agaînat t fo fe previeus ijl-treatmerit, -wus spared, on condition that-be woiald talc t4 hsli lao thse %y et islîà &daNewr Zeslswb When theumen heft tb. .l4>ý tbey-imposed an ostlh upos' tIae chief mate to tate .thesghip con he New Zesland -Mati: b.done--tis- tlioy vould habs à :s ~cÃ"uiderable tins. beforo Ihem te prends for $hefr -own sà fety: 'Butof course ha nregardeoth ie oath tbus fore -upon hitutas iufpcsirigno mubpreLà liggiogn andi liedeterntud-upomi maki owarda fifty years ugo--a member fothe te' lature of New Hamspshire th saie kind of knowledge thait:-m'lltts have in thesodays, to know ee asb4î soon as intended or sugguutaditapg, u n the habit o folis sêrseolve, vt-'sa it. -An archbrotheir member ~t', wisdom, very gravily proposadfý'7e (being lilm Ç v;ve~ searce,) that *veyfrr pu w a bushel of ël -o WM t 1u hiswtovnyheh h "Sr! 17a tuj' à =.ý 02 t ma-s' :e , 'q i 1 1 Another incest trial was conclueied lI Lb. Cirçnit Court at Detroit on. Weduesday, The eomplaining witneas, Ms. Armntrougi, or the iown of Grenenlld, swore Positively te the commission cf the crime hy fbef brother,tbe prisoncrWm.Starr > 'bere -vas ne corroborative evidcnce te Espeak or. Her manner r,'as downcast and sQrrowful. The defence introduced witnessegs from thse family to prove that b.d feeling 110d exiit4d between the wornan and lier brother for orne finie, growung ont of business Atnd family quà ~rrelq, and that she bied decthnred that sh. would ha-ve revenge on hi iif it sent ber soul -. Tihey âIso proved Sb@ was not truthful. had a bad temfper &"e The jury returneti a verdict of not guilty. PROPER isr riur WOaLD. -God lied not taken il that pains ini forxing, and fratninge and furnishing. aud adornlrtg this *&Iid, that iliey wbo were made by Hins to live in it shoti deaspise it; will b. enougb if they do nuIt love It me immoderatcly, as to prefer iL before Him who made it. Piors CrHAPPJtss.-There is a secret belief amongst some meni that God is dis- pleaseti with man's lîappineris; and in congequence they slink about creation# aishanaed and afraid to enj.oy anything. Tjîe Dutch Castom-honse offers et Bon. enduael, a few dore utgo, scizeti a quantity of lace to the vaine of 1200) florins whlclî a lady comnn hy the railway from Antwerp had cnncealed undc'r ber crinoline. Thse anxiety depiclted on bier coVntenance is saîd -ttjýhat"3 hetrayed ber. To ucr osis Or TUE RVE LEPZ.aama PLOT.-The Jforituer of Saturday publisis. es a bill1 whicli bas been prcsented to thse Cops Leg.-islaf if for grantung pensions te certain persons who werc maîned or other- wise injurcd 1y the explosion of Orsini's grenandes, or who lias been dcprived orftbeir neareat relatives by dcath from the %rounds thus itîflictei. rhc narnes and circun~ stances of eacbi persop are stated in a sl dule annexed. IL is stated that 160 per- ons were more or Ies wonnded, of, whom nine bave dieçl. Fi-te of these :were men who ha-te left widows and orpbafls four were unnnarried imen. There are oiso thîr- teen persons wbo ha-te becu permrienntly ,eripplcd or disabled for lfe. It is proposcd to give eacb widow a pension ô( 1,000_ i rancs yearly for life, and to the parents er 1chiltiren of theu deceaseti a pension of 900 francs, except'one titan, whose injuries be- i ng especially serions, receivea, a compensa- ion of 1,000 francs a ycar WATS TO Pi.ç>,liait Mo'nIu-Jane Price wants Le flnd barniother, who qhe supposes iras Eliza Price,is nowv in Canada.' Jane irastaken fronuber parents and adopt- cd irben she iras a littie girl-by on-eThoutes Flether, in St. Andrew's Lower Canada. t R1e mnvedte t Montreal and Toronto, and then to Cruabb Orchard, Ky., viser. nb. irrites froua. 11cr futher iras insane, and ch. supposes im dead; but _hq1fpca ber mether lires, and ',woid gi-te tisa world Le sec or beair from hec< and knows no otiser 1 waylbut to ask u3 teunake, ber case kinown. jPlease pass round ber nie until tise mii- theran daugister meet Y. rri-iune. san~ A report wiras reccntly circîalated tisroubh- ont Ireland that Lord Rosse, thseceecbrnted i setronomer, lidt predicteti an exceedingly hot sunimer, and that farniers should pi..- pare for it by puttung up shecds te proit Sthseïr cattle froni the scorcbing beaurs'of old SoL Upon sncb publie rUrnier con- ncdwitb the na oso groat a mn, it isreportd that ndhxbernof the Irish far-