h-, 1lhe' or jat effl m t1ý èf a, -Iéddth Toa te ýcbn tg olï&ge lvlll,*ÃŽdl tees. ARMA thmughout the entire length of this flour- the belt ishing County, is es3entially necesary for Mis soIrEs AND GOMUE.N > î 9 M But, we %vould caution our Readers _1rhe usual montwylmeeting of the Board bw 1rý East Whîtby Sprini pair 1889. the developement of îts^r,--sources, and the 12 e agairist sucli preniature decision. Il Men held' at the Chairiuan'a office at the T13E WJIITIIY Clil P I, Ej1ý ï-, 0 evallng the 'St Ë#U af' luià bvÀ4 £Çridag April 28Y j858ý cementing together the common luterests Toronto, cn ýe. S I.C w C.,% . know a little--presume a grent déal, and Court Bouse en Satür4e Vb X X! > ý solunp to a conclusion," but iný,ùnanc1a1 iist pre4ïiïý Me"tt. Birlow, Brownlt ofthe entire County. Diz*n Sin: - Notvi oý, c - . UST OF rauluËs:, Moved by Joel Bigelow. best possible intentior matters especially, as we have aIwaYý-'Ob- C., Lynde aîd 1511fiot absent geum oor. e n4.p go 9 t;I 0 xervvd, lit those connected with the pro- don, and MèDermott, Heuvy Drap rIs super-Ic FA :4 ght I10iÃes-1îiý 1). Round. Iler Uajeatj w . :,!' 'Seconded by Mr. Brown. That the assuming and graveling by the to interirupt business, 5 gress of a young and progressing country Mr. Gromwoocý, thé Smetary, being 2T1d'dÃ"ý, John -San roo iiiggItrd a 8.il8tern, applied to affairs of absentý it was resolved that C. Lyn derson, "Si Williae"Wall'ace," $.q Brd 1 . Wilson, Il Farme Glory,11 County of Ontario. The old Brock road to turn John A. Mel) National iiialniitude, is of very mischievous Esq., do act as Secretary. d Ale. rs to the ri-ht al e Horses for Generai pu leading front the 4th concession of Whitby fr:eitds M rpose9._Isý jo- COD M. P. SXITH SCBOOL TELCME ý 1 has '-)eeti inarkeâ bý si Co . 81b : seph Pierion, ".Goldôn PiPP6n," $5 2nd tO Epsom, and frtOm thence upon the most Indeed tlie inuttering ý4 1-9 M" Fur, we maintain, -,thaLmoneï pold for -The, Cb»jr ri" tbe. laward< of the, de, James Bell, Il Iridiari ý Chiefll $3 Srd practicable lire Bouvertont with a view wliieh like the muttnE 0 m. %Vilcockson, "North of EnglandI' to the extension of the sanie froin Beaver- tbllnjel-I Ilave ..1 teni, 0 ptiblie.,ýervice,.%(%vhieh isexpendednmon0- arbitrators in this case. The arbitreluiz the înhabitants of that cou' ama, ýwith a branch- titry,) does not decided that Smith was only entitied 1o S'idale and Carri&ge Horsm-ý8 ton tbr(iugli..Nlara and Il people teel grave, obli Rn' Utica or Ùn Ni $80 for one les.- salarydue 81st of March bert Rarnsdell, Il Phanôman," t5; tnd do, frotta said road commcncing M tion to beliave with R 0 0 j cency, and besides, a 5 It is paid by the people, and distributeil las4 instead of $85, as claimed. Arbitrî- Thos. Downing, $3. Epsom or at some point near to either of ?r 2r iz M among the people. tors-H. Hannam for the Board--James Blond Mares- - lst, Jitson, $4; 2nd, said villages . gind extending to Ùxbridge to be entertained by t James Stark, t3; Srd, Thomas Perriman, V If it bu so apportioned, as to bc a re- Hodgson for Smith-H. Fraser appointed t.?. age, and front thence northerly through their swaggex, that aný wird, to inerit, und give a proper tonc to, by the Local Superintendent. Aw Aged Bull.,;.-lst, Wni- of Scott to the northern bound- their nien might, with c p z industry, there is little danger of being signed by Messrs. Hannain and Fraser. 1 2nd, George Ormiston, $2. ary thereof, with the vie-v ùf extending the niony, give t'Émn the toù 1firisil. DEED OF HENRY STREET SCROOT. c w Ist, Joseph Pierson, $4; 2nd, the saine througli the township of Georgi- Ilogran, feels a very w r for .1 good oppg-)1-ttlnitý -1 12 The whole frnme worl, of Societv le- Mr. Bigelow on behalf of the Committee 1 ami, as soon as the said lownship of Nickcrson, $3, f1ellowshil, et mes in its c;rculation. The entrusted with th.s niatter pmsenteil their Georgiena shall bc annexed to this Cotintv, Plows. - 1 St. Georse Prentice, $3 2nd, 1 self-colliplacel together ivith nýrin(,r and the nierliniiie find at ready sale report setting forth, t4t thev had paid Mr. i Georee 11reniire, im,2. sueh other branchez to tile for their coyiiiiiodities. Thev are stiinulated ý%-ordeti tbe antourit dite on the school -lst, -N. N. Nickerson, said roads as the wantî of the inlialilitants %vith at first, and oný are poken ot'a,,; likativ 2iid, Jt)là tiCruse, $2. froin tiine to tinie wotild secin to reeliiire- atid industry constitutes the $560, and obtained the deed of the pro- i over a 11(tw leal, too. Z_ iD, Z. Z_ The Judges Nvere, 1Vm. Boynton , 0 0 Z Zý renl vveath of a Nation. pertv, vrigich thev laid before the board ' - 1 , WoUld bc the best calculated to coll-ý;0- hovever, imagine tli«gf N. Biy and Wni. Lensk. i CI ; lidate the niaterial intere.sts of the L'ourity These arv doctrines, lé which fire cannot duly executed and registervd. The report fers, whoui voit have inelt out of liq," and we wotild inipress wai adopted. Of Ontario. at all 011 Pickering 'Spring Pair 1958. theni (-,ariiestlv on all, Nivho de-ire to arrive VACATION. Moved hy NIr. Nfclllier-zon.* Mention Iiiiii, )lis flantif: New Advertisenienis this mce -al sr 1 -1Il ai ll'ednes(lay, April 28, secolided by Jas. Nfcliltosli. i connection with a I it jqi,ýt in politi( ýiený On motion of Mr. Bigelow, -econded by i Ile . "Love, Tin. Copper, &c.-John Brvan. Tliat it is expedient to raise 1'v way of! 0hedivnt to the slig-hi o doubit we 0iould %vitnes-ý il wonderful Nir. Brown, a vacation of two weels was 1 LisT oF ri,.Fmiuma lirown, or any of th( Carriýigres and Cutter,.-D. Ford. utopiari state of things, if Ili, Excelleney ordered ait the Henry street Srhool on ac- Stud Ilorses for Saddle or Carria loan upon the Credit, of the Co-anty the suin 1 ('0urt of Yarigold. tlie Uovernor liencral %-.ere piensed to ap- eoinit of the prevalence of scarlet fever in Ist, Roger Hawkins, $6; 2nd, D. !>CI of £20,0(00 payable in 120 vears, to accont- -S of' the part. Ailjotirneil 'Ilvi-tinz - do CI)ok, $4; 3rd, Martin Nicewar)der" plish 'the objects set-forth in the foregoing and iNtowat.t. Joseffli litillit l'o alil Gnulcl ùr Moodië) to the Town. NorNvood C. 4th, John S. Courtim $2. î resolutionq. ý4:tV1, his It-."on like :lit REGULATIONS FOR LOCAL SUPERI'.\TFI;DEIÇT. tiie tititics or the Exclicquer ; or, G. B. to i florses for Ueiicral Ptirpose L 1 _ _4 lb 0 - - ins*trii(-te(l p.in-()t, tin ;tilçl Ful*l'ýýsts.--L"-()Ný'Il Latd De- the Protiiier sýiijg! On motion of Mr. Bi-clow, seronded bv Thvn, %% il Il - v1"ý Ille er bis guide, and m . Tainü-ý Bell, $6 ; 2rid. Casper Wilson t; Ontario Iîpring Axtitizeq, 1145,8. 1 (10 so to t lie end of Lit( %Ir. Brown, a committre consisting ofî Ird, SvIvester Lynde, $3 ; 4tb, RobL r. to Mitiv it wolild I'rovineial Co _17. Keller. The Court of Assize, of Over and Ter- forinable t:ýsk- 11(jr a il go-1, Ili- end', --%% e -'lhotild have a Niessrs. Gordon flic chairman and the i row ýe Sttid Ilorscq for-I)rati-,Iit.-Isý S- j 1 ruiner and General Gaol delivery for this 1(.g-tilai to di.ýillav of "ehrese-jwir- mover, wu appointed to draft rijW; and Te. .1. pet. *1 L' ,, 1 t. Beattie, $4; ; 2jid, iloý)t. Arnistron,- Cotitity wns openel on Tue-sdav last Nfay ial S. 131tu _'\o (1t)-i to t'.0 1-conomy in cor& of'i gulations for the guidance of the Local Sti- j Ilis chali-v ('t'opinicmi, The (Iroétt 1.11gli,,Il '-Jot.). N10süs. :;rd, Leinon Connor, $.i - 4th, C. W it- 4th, I)v Chii-féitistice Draper. ' . t, A mipply of water ut fi)(, perintendant of the Town Schools. It livas 112 1 ble ot' change. ()il] 1 Il ï;ý)vcrniueiit lilluse %voià -1 necesarilv fol- ACCOU\TS. nid Fntire.-Ist, Wir o,(:14.)Ck, whcn the Court opetit-il. l'lie dittin-n year Br(mn and Fol(-,-, B 1- Criiiiiiial eaiendar wa t, .-cry li.,ht 01, l'ilis-Thos. Ilollowav. s 1 ibv, $2 3rd, 1, ivi perchalice lier Ninje-,tN lieges, -s. Sluiths account oi an(j N 12iill, Wi . Asi crreviii( Il t -tirl,)ri,,èd, by a i Bigelow's account for entri-ossiitm decd of 1 ar two prioners heing cotifined in the minty isus of a di.,;a1"ý1 Nfatv illeti Carriage 'I'lle tliii)i" is too ridici 1 Gaol. on the ot tittvriiig base colli. ,tiýiicri of tniffic on the Grand 1 tnarlýet propertN, postage, &C. of $t 43 i Nvilýoi,, ?nd, Win. $11 1 1 - 1 31r. I4)ý -as more thait ant aiill il!! for ille silly and suicial 1 were ordesed to be paid. ý%jatr1lefj Drailght llorses.- rjr -re The \'ixi Prinx busiiiess ý% -ea and wlv, 1iaý %I i Il.,, 2 n(j, 4 i et). Strand, PL iisuallv large, and commanded the of ing arv '- iille RATE-BILL 114' ADVANCE. si t ion previselv a: lie i U On motion of Mr. Bigelow, sce-gý)tided by i attendance of cwiiiý;cl at flic Whithy bar. fili tllý111, t1lat 'he, i,. Broý,il (;er). Hiz$ Whil 1n, Thurq1av. Mav 6, llý5S- The New Xt inicipal Bill. Nir. L-ý-ndc, it resolved thât the par- 1 which we have vet seen. Froin Toronto ilozen like loi, residing $4 Grcen, $3- Ille hall Messrs. John Bell (Q. L'.), Il. Cang- But-well, -,%'Ilo, ivileri 'C't 11-Ct e" ts and guardians of children 1 vrick Crcen, $1. -man, sav: a lN 1, and 1 ve L.ýide flic Towi i eron, Patterson, IL J. Jones, J. Du -or( iiiil,,,rt-iit invaiirc are, c'Me are lit- 1 (lu i liniits be suleject the pal- ý%'orh-itiz 4)xpn.- Ist.. Frost 1 ale 15(j cents il Wni. ýIiIlar, $2, D. jotiL-, M. C. C;tm -ron, J. C. Crombie, reproach j infint of a r. -bill, of from the first ofjunc nexL [>.l.<t Cow foi, Dair ' It Iliirpo-zeýz &c. Ni r. K irchotler, of l'ort Ilope; John t looks Hamilton, of ),fr. )OUgail of tl*i, riltullL,(l il Il the t' jý,r in, t4 btilk- of tiw x-linient al MORE SCHOOL UOOXý 4th, Geo. Ilci 1( t le , 1 \%'ni. Nfillar, ; Thp chairman of the Board, and 'Mr. i Belleville, and Nir. Robt. Nfiller, of Sr- 1 is L,!;I, -L'. of ail parto Or file the iiiari vrho was -oit Azed 13till,.-Ist, W Gatharines. All retained in important 1 I.vnde, severallv stibtrgitted reports the ni Mi %Olit.h the (',,itilliittt-e find it ne- civil cases, or entragred iii cases whivh were ers, biit dané-c with 1,(.0. iligginbottom, $3 rd The Bud'-et. ('Výý,:lr%- to i:ýx uainu. livere re- 1 loriller r0coinille'nding. in accor dell $- Il - Its 1«111le 111-14 11 Pet lain 1 ton, late to, bc tried at the Toronto (vived froni all :otirc 0 who the prayer of the pelition of Judge Burn- as;zeý' \niç), Wrightl who sýý "S froni th <p 1 Yearling Ge fkictIoli, F-t't't ofl ham and others that additional class rootiis and in which the ventie bail buco laid in Il Sitivelv liotliillçr, 1l(!ýe1 liad pnu-ticill k-nowledge ref the workinir - tidi Thomas Leaper, $2 fýr cilbal ia titv ignorant. lévcru v, 1 should be boilt to the Iletirv Street School, 1 >01l', this County. pose iievur will ; Ilivii hoL L!l,ý nj,)ýt fý,r 1 a léve, ib flot Ille Ir,)Visi"n- ol file ol-1 Munieipil la and the latter stating the inexpt-diency of I%,llg1liný- MLtch, Nfert The panel of Grand Jurors haviii-, been land, whi-, pour old sc . Uil I ihtý plirité-d 0111, will ilow be ' 1 The 'Zet of beautifill plougli M trýý, tila:1 :1 li,(, vU the n(.ýv bi,,. v providitig further schoul ri-Ilotii at pre-serit, led over, the following gentlemen an- j the 1 louse) lie was a in. pi(.te, value $40, the grift of I.iL*, ý%,(U ziý ý%ith P. but reconinienilinçr that if slich bc required j wered to their naines and were sworn: i ing, into Parlianierit, v t t1w ilillilicijlal bodies of tlie ý' rovInce, 1 MI , Tortlhto, was awarded ill'i't. ii.1% U d .-ld liait zing a riev school bouse be built at the cast sidej who took the first pri fi James Burris, Ksq., Foreman. Messrs. liaNe livt io tlluir aitiongst 1 r, (1 lat e t 1 iv 1 il u., luil k ef eorge Brabazon. Joel Bicelow, Aaron inirably. N'ext Nve ha tticiii. loir ùwn Toivri of the Town, and that the opinion of the the ('Ountv show last f 1. Couiicil-or rather i The Soclety's first prîze ý10an-,pbeII, Ainos Croi), TiionlLa8 IL;alla-har il, taluntcti ý1.jvor, aii-1 arc now i ratepavers of the Town bc taken on ti 0 1 Bigger, the staillieil -1 %vith a very ýandqome pai dgome -i ýky ýNfr. Walk-(-r tilu iný1(tcr* in the first instance. The Chair- i ý,jft 01 the inhabit. ames Galloway, Frederick Grahani -eýfii1 31r. Sttirton (À t1iu Gr.., VtrýV. 0ppu'iLluil tephen Grose, Jacob Marr, J. -e hl -Illy groi The amenditients ýu-gestcd by Mr. nan s report fell through for the want of a i :i%ý,-arded to -1[geo. 1). Btir 1 ý -t ha% iii lit) wiýe ýýj tn. In a iioveriiinuikt Il: -,econder. Mr. Lvnde*s report wlis secondý Niunroe, $3 3r(4 J&-,. P' Thomas Shaw, Geo. Stralian, Lynes i I)et-rv, ivvre brouglit bt-f'()Ie the Towil é prise offtilding theins ýi-tIai1cV, ed by Mr. B!,gelow. Mr. Brown (the other I)cter Viiiiiie, $1. pson, Jas. K. Vernon, R. B. Warren, ment, for thoiigh., the -il 'il the sluipe ofa ruport, and %vere Bav*.ýý7 Entries.-ist, Wu Henry Whitney. -e, lie liail (lui. wilich %vu h:1jq)iýv livv, it is : nieniber ofl the ('ommittee) dee'ined to Y, there beroi by that '1'!iey (liý'I)IZIY on and a very handsome pair IY noi, at't, wi\ ýlu(ivs iikore : bring in u report, but declared hiS OPI-10-*ý1- 1 gift, of flic inhabitants o is Lordship in addressing the Grand sion, rel-ahied ]lis seli' cillivé.1 or than a i(,ý al y, an ac- - 1 1 said that he was happny to iiiform Çonn0r_ýqlocs not U (litairitailce \ý ith the intiiýt(-il)ýil institutions, tion to any propoý,îtîoii to stibmit the mat- Thos. Burton. 2nd, Jas. Mi ati't-la ila") t1ic -Nà tlY- 3rt-1, John Anson, $2 ; 40 m that there werc oaly the riantes of (,envral, anil ter to the' ratepayers. of the é.-(-uiitry aied the work-ing of obscure Ki 75 ; 5th, Richard War at ersons charged with criminal offences en . 111:11iltest i1i(Iieý If :Ilid intricate provisiolts NV!I'Cli do Ilipil iii- WARRANT FOIL ARREARS. AC.IIICULTt7lEtAL imrL NE Iing111Vý 1ý t') commit hil in- in gaol. That there inay 4e others it is to the, >Ltjli(l and -eterna! 1 a il are soine of a il credit. The follov*ii,, On motion of %Ir. Bît-elow. seconde of C ýY Iron Ploiighs.-%bL M ho werc admitýe(I to bitil, before file ina- 13tit 1 ilittit go oil Nv t!ic ýIiiictidtiients sugggested to the netv bill Brown, it was resolred that the Chair- -1,Vooden Plough.-Ist, a i c'vents. Io liieli %veare advere, jlv N 1 %, trates, but that therc wcre only two per- ýIr Perry, and for their adoption he 1 lutch, man do issilehis %vari-ant.fý)rý-tli.-irreirsdtie *1 2 ; 2nd, Robert Il tlot to 01, inuoinc aizd --s.-Cha sin close custotly. The Chief Justice The ilgefeat of the glvt-"; conclusive reasons, at len-th in hi4 Double lIarron borately Aescribed the serious nature! difit-ation, bill, îs the the 8 1 st of March --the Secretarv to make tion, and à -tqltt, no. 'Single Tgirnip prill, out a statetnent of all arrears due on the Double W of the prisonen iiketistody- that th N EgY IN-Ct)HrOl*rED V i i.iýà r. Es. 11 th saine. Murrav, $3 ; 2ndll tering of base coin--and that until 1= it is doome French, or at ativ rate do 1»Uý71l sLrý Illut in ýinnexiii- incorporated srFeitL MEETING. Woo*llen ANle. illuel vlorc elli Whý t1yvrit bea Rý4droal tely it was n criminal offence. It rat-ely villi-es lvinz Nvithin more than one On motion of Mr. Bigelow, it %vas re- Set of Di y, -ire resolvE happenc( ofthetn, 1 that the parties livlio were found Truak ýiiý --ur a eoniity, the clatise Shotild he ronde to 1 NIr. Ithe ietys 1 the incasure, but for it lié palti-v à c- alili1% . té) lÃlectoi-al and Registration as solv d that a special niceting of the Board - ' a i ilar. ptitting the spuriotis coia into circulation le I)iijlntn.t for the best Set arrv. On Tuesday ,ýlurit clioppiniz, -or a, feveart- meil as intinieilial ptirptise. be called for Sattirday the Sth of.Nlav next, ne-Cs. cý - wEre the most guilty-those who sunk the wýLS'V(11'V near o)tnini and th.qt- -it Q-à M nlp,(»tiliý illi, npfit;afl ff 1 - 1 '. 1 1 1 - . - . . , . Captain Rowo seconded Mr. Ilacdoneirs-'-"'ý iction out of prudential -mùtîve-q,_ -thj, ýad petitions and counter petjtiýns, and lie Bar Captain Rowe) wanted time to exatùino hem. tru Dr. Ham again said that lie ShoUld-Ii2ý.ë enlit (0 bjection to put the matter-off for a ne+ reek, îf lie thought there was any sinceti- y in his learned friend (Mr. Macdonell,) ýe cQntended that Mr. Macdonell did not rant to vote on this matter, lie vranted ta mve the market by-law just as it wag, arjd to ý (Dr. Ham) gaw no use in ha'virg further narling and jangling on the mai tÊr, ait ta ý end. The vote having been taken, Mr. facdoneli's motion was negatived by the asting vote of the chairman, on- t Yea.% Messrs. Macdonell, MeBrien, Rowe nd Watson. Nayq, Messrs. NfcPher'son, Trcmayntil [am, and Hodgson. The mayor laid on the.*table the deed of îe market block, from Mr. Werdc-n, also immunication from Mr. James Wallace in Aation to the missîn- town debentures. Mr. MePhersen brotiglit up the report r the standing commÃŽttee on printing, and n motion t)iEtCouneil went înto committee r the whole thereon. .Mr. Hodgson in the chair. The report w.m adopted as amended, re- )mniending that in fnture the Corpora- on advertisements hepublislied exclusive.- , in the Whitby Chronicle, except wlien !qtjîred by law. or specially ordered by ie Council to be publi-slied in more than ne paper, and then at the sanie price in IL The repoi t -did ntA recommend pay-. lent of the Leadero account -for advertîs- REPORT OIF MARKET DY-LAW. .Nfr. Treniayne obtained Icave to intro- ,lice a by-law for repeal of market 14). a.1, and on motion, seconded by CapL Ck tnwe, the Cogneil went into coinmittee of i he whole thereon. Mr. Macdonell in the chair. Tite by-law was agrct(I to in committee nd reported. On motion for adoption Mr. 'Nfacdonell noved. in ainendinent,- thut the report bc lot adopted tintil the next meeting of thé 9 7onneil, but that it be reférred to a spertal ýommittcc, coinsihting of.ýlessr-,. Nacdonell, ;Vatson, Rowe, and flodgson, to enquîre fer nto the legality of clauses 2 and 4. , Tite - lmenduient carried on ý'a divi.sion. Ye.ls, Macdonell, Nfenrien, Mc- of %erson, Rowe and Watson. Nays, Messrs. Tremayne, llodgson, and Jam. 1- 1 Uli-î On motion of Capt. Rowe, Messrs. Njajt- lonell, Ham, Hodgson, and tho inover were Lppointed a cominifte to report on the as- ;essment roll of 1-b57. On motion of Mr. Macdonell, the Mavor, - -1 lit tnd Messrs. Rowe and Macdoneil, were alti- -)ointud a committee to procure some addi-, Jonal tables and desks for the Town Hall, ffie expense not to exceed BY -LAW TO LICESSE LIVERY ST.%BLE-KFE- , . % FER..;, &C., &C. Mr. Macdonell obktanecl Iea,ýe to intro- lace li'is-by-laýr, which was rea-il a:first tîme- on urofiorma, and referreà to committee of the whole. NIr. MePlierson in the'eliair. TiteL committee rose, reported prog-n"y and obtained leave to sit apin on Mcndhy next. The Council then a Ijourned until Mon- lay evening next, ait lialf p ist six oclocL C C To the etît-or or the W, Iiitýy Clironicie. 1 general throughout the Provin - ...... -C - - hv charge:; so rvýl-(lî1y wiife, and so repeat- 1 W'Llere lie ha-ý ýrop,.,rt ý. ---qilalifica t ion, easily remedied; and whether or net, the -ist Robert Ransdale, $3 ; 2nd., Th ce- The 84 per ton, w en the, llr s1jewn to lie lie on accoutit, of non-resilience în the ward. people .1 the north -western par, of the Downing. e2. time of the Court Tuesday and Wednesdaý four nionths, and of ELFCTION 01, ýN1,4.YoR.ýSUC. 109, te 'be Township, we bold te have an equal ri g d u --l ohn Dow;'ýpied was occupied trying civil cases, principally three nionths. This e (lie ilatiilial intellect by as lui- A e B Ils st, J aulended I)v deel.aring clected the Pei-soli Thomas Pea Fils tlÀuv are ri actions on promissory notes-the majority f llov, 1 liaving th' tD with those et the south and east, te parti- rson, $2. '7r rojn, the'American e greatest ritimber of votes Two Year Old Bulls.-Wm. f them bein- undêfended. Thé amount enable our fisherineu budget a failin- où in polled-iný,teafi of a rniijoritv in the agý cipate in the benetits of the fairs of the se- ýO 0 $3. inguît,,thisýussitesr on notes à lonè, *é are inore even terms witU gregate. That provisiori lie inade for a ciety towards which they contribute. " flit 1 Two Year Old Heifer.-Tbo& ýP curtain itetiltî'(rf revenue th 1 ' er an- who, f tin- vote for inaý or in the event of a toldllýis net -.-£20,M. Afýlla ouht ër z Jon ath ms , The East Whitby fair %vas the first be11 $9- d cc has been the ree Vil LI'ft fur woiidur? Is if iijatterof surprise tie in the Couneil, as well as un the poil Ilortie Rake.-14 Auffffleus, Cft»PW, Orthcp p ' éedinggý Èill appear next week. pfist, Ciat the hurricaiie of financial difficulties, boo!c. The ainendiiient of tire phrase- Ir. that Toivnshpip since its sepemtion..- $2 ; 2na, ïo -uO- , ý du roc, -favours . fréin h %Own 0 which Sillýung ni, sosaddenly at New York, oingy of Sec. 121, which refers tu Sec. It presented a most gratifying spectacle Ju dges for Horiým'-G. W. piX 't' 1 5>d"d undormýty-, in Re«istry OiRces. has besides enjoyed Naitd spread dîý.,IiiiLy in every capital in Eu- 119, ilistuad Of the last preceeding sec- in every respect, All the herses shown at Wheler, and John Shand, Egilitire& coinifig té fish in Glir Illille, prostrathit, firilis, l)VLrtlirovirig banks 1 Borne-new Ones niforulity- in, t le 'Brooklin last year and 'Éhe ý,want ýf h pulý7. Wiïhlittle niolestatiol -TESTED ELi-:crioN-&- Withdrawal of CO U ry fine flshi a"41 li«.ki-;tlvzitlg commercial enterprise, ils it CON were shown there. There were likewise A Ièadiùg Bead Throitglit the IR ýth> PIQvillcel ý is la veral, Vel Rew , , , ýç pover froin m iiicipalities te défend wn- Lower St. Lawrence. good many cattle and farming implements publie want now beginnin,,, to bc fel4 wq repeut, iliauer of surprise, that this our tested seats oMnenibers at the éxpense A caVed byý the, xayoý, Ont, would prodme, calluda, shollid lia%-e réit sottie P of the Munîcipality. exhibited. 9ý 1 4ýtoyhicWour.! attend .)ias b.èên plumant to reqUi8iùoný 10 c 0"dèr. sýmuch largé.rincoinE L » iýtt ýitorni ? Ratheý lot us be thankful, OFFICEILS OF -The amen'd'-' The attendance,'was mot, quite so numer- lit f 1 netrucu à 1ead-ý directe&, -Jxluotw5o;ýIof . théýýR&,48try-, i'sulmë,ï-ëihttô ipà y.the 1 Lii il: the v*ý1jlLs have bc-eli so littie disits- ment of Sec. 147 by linetting the inspec- ous ut the Whitby Spring, f* holdl ait the îleisrab' yio ý co vince is tl)o ïýÈt plafed a ;t.il exil'IL (hat isciti-cely ally grent lion of books to raiepayers. b tha-ýasnýeý Brooklin, nor did', the showof herses and ing egýatjèjjýffiè'1ýà ' arùë.ý ý ýThë'bôè ProPoëe, ý1')lwiwrcial of standing or note, liais ýI'DITOItS.-,rlie ainesidnient of Sm 168,, cattle appear to us sql&7e&t as,ýlwse of the was held T0w:ný- Hall, Wbiu*;- -,Publiê ùompetition. by pro-viding for the ru-appointuient of, and records in oije are.ke t - "'e*'- ' ivWyd (witli houest pride bu it ad- lig.- -attendimee, - ow lé previousycar. Them appeared-tg,4e no in- oir Tà esday' Ãii Tfie éve ho1ý,éver, are n the saine auditors front year te year. 'rà nneý frô' -thé o an6ih- MEérent a oùl t osé à -- sinjýlc bank bucutue, hisolvent ! 610ns Baý "Com'p'any) BY-LAWS CREATINt. LOAý;5-The amend-* fériority, hoirever in.,the classes. ýThe_ûf--thè-ratè-payers îëf * théýTè*üLý*à à ý ý 1 1 _ý '. 1 ý 7 '. - 4 ý , ý., ; ý. An er. Tbe mo4e'ôf registration. in. eaéh ant ;111 ecu-10111V, colnpittible %vith the ment (if Sec. 190 bv substittitin- thrée- fariuing implemeýa4 showed a fallipg of[ in n,6t, oùtjïjiéro-qjs- sum of ère wero,,a 911?0 OîCe V, 01, the Publie Service, fifths of the voters*for simple mÙMtýr. 'those eýxpO34 Wt yç,%r, AIO appeved,-tpi À aillesaccý6rding, to tlîe',caprjeeý ceived notice to 4u1tý, inany gentteiný,-ii,« ýof thé 'Coâtý pre-: :%ild tile out of the nuinLrous and That section 219, bu ainended by insert-ý pqem*ýg plau Which emli par- iiths, W9i exeftemucbleu,;nteMt. _The division, ofi - î q go in 18 mo ing k. au mal sipecial rate per -appurg. mes £60 wi esen.t, g;noùe Ahcm al, be multiplie( ssary tkiiigs ivilicil a youtig na. tic the TOwnshiwSociçýy into, two,,sepqr4LW prie County desi "Canada, han inciple," instead B ffl. - - - if of' the words azon,, jopfflug.. Tà ere îs no attenipt niade dreds, exîsteilée, niust jr for he pr trar, çf "an eqiiztiýspecial rate per nu i tîesý ýiraf, of course, the ç&ffl of 4heý&p. an ta", -and Socle E&(ýj Deputy RejýVq t(>f,,4rjWk pler unit.' Ldonot 1 Il-as beeli faitlifuliy carricd ýut a further rate te bc named in a sebedule parçAt IN jas- ýmniforInity,1 or. .-,to -the nieasure ýWW,1jé1 by Mr. Cayley, N),e fèarlessly usser4 nor,ý if sufficientto psythe intemtýannusillY- ment of the 'Agricultural inter" ,pf,,, q44we, Esq+ Reçve Qf '&ott,, &eý pracuce pamed ý irr, éaeh offlée. -ýate,-1ntýthat etir p tillie perluitted, s1loulli we déchue the ana- Aiso theamendment of clausefik 262 a-d î The;- opèalSný,,,rwere .Ue&qm! County aqý the encrease in -ùrïy;ýà tnôffift of" by the trade which lý-sis of eacli anil every iteiii in the budýet 2ÉI as te the reprosentaiion bf,.munici- godgson, Bigelow, Bën Moodyi consequen ,Instead-of the pal stock in Gas'M">Orks. of ivaprôvçd stock are copcerned there yvas 1ý âttendçd with' 18 gen iioýv Mure the Ilouse. But this duty can k tn r oajjý irie;,býu"tt le st ng o' if,,2bd, Jaffl ' Mdnto$],, -Whoïý ýfhe stqpîý and vil- eîw bebetter donc in thé ilýousri itself, n ri . - 'h ï-hi 'eich' w -bêfo Ainno or lagesto, have the,-p6ýý jO Ji se as Towns ip w as re concçn- ity > 1 i 't la . gll- -spûýý ,WoT èf, the- util of-good feel eue Particle of uneasinesg as tôýtljý" - ' 1 ý , 11 if dffl a u flëlt « ýtd lk --à wellýaà ,Counties 'îraý in one fair, and now divided -v: 1 ý -'l -1 1 Mr.,Bi&ttë, à igell-,b betwýen leýaMBË ýjine« of, cémin n thre 1 - 1 ý - il 1 ý It ý ý, ', Itisvýerycasytosei2ýétlpùn,,' 'Snor à ÈD TAvim.q Lîrccxses;-ý-The'lîîcon-' tw. the hi» ,rp ome o,ý was very p Glak ay ,meztoto impruvaithe;Adtni th solitaryýiteiii, to ridicule its necessity ý im. Irenieuce and inutility ýOfmakiog- -the al- t à ,960 ýyffl ÇýoMM Lands:, of th its extravagart tà Aii6n4ýo se èïï --dt peaâh Ce, and'holdinî' posed by»ýýéebî1l. Of à Èh otliër'l> 'helaît on y Ã" compel, ar a* aie% (prW te the prod uëtlon of thé neces. aOAD AxjËýID-ME e Y" u to be aménded b,ý pmbracing companies distà Êc-e'ilh e aume r üôdi mtigt, à ki t -7g t4oï ý4r It . te ii 8giry %'p'lanatîoný)'cry out É'rÃ"fnsioný 1 dl Mil and Wôtl-" alreadý in cxis --fievm Y-: là 9 71 mode of à ttà ýk, too frequeittly -adopté XAMM lit h "et" isciieme 1 ore e jn f; 'à ý&nd repultgod toi C[11186 any Vist amoà at-ý i ffiýZ of' &réa ïAtlïïfië ïéýà (&îsà à ac allýcô p P Y-lat me *8 tÉé 'and exciteinenL Two liriez vfslander-or mis. « repreMiltât4Orl iLl #8 61%lbe are euiýy eBW Botht" Mtearnem gf ifigli ýp MOM ae.) or t th le, il -Je modeiioft rying evi lied perused,ý,w!,tb ý,,av!dity, ýremembemd -ile 'Anglo-saxon, st' Qft4c '-'ââ-"tbe qub -cotte without unWh ldiffléuitYï,ýTlid only rebât ted and; thë Éu m' 'th l" 14 ü; to7j, by a prolix ainedry détail Of ýý.hLétq-ý emw Jan( lire t few. me;:Lo 10,Qk fDrior buni th ljqgi#tgy 0ý M .- when e bythé ôrïüer lit l"44 c4aaà balance. In amailact, consé4 mtlyt-,-b» té thcadvantageý He à 9 ever in filet, the first, 'Politiný, B y nw ft",m Mwed aidéi! ýh' 5e-, Ãà Y. TW à lel su se by ita Ûxrà eý 7 clus eýs 4*, the, 4tr 'Yé, e6 fflu. antfýt:ZP ffie i, =4 CQQIIY VW.& ýOff Und«ý oeaooiitka e .14» gRýW qMinor ;rif a#4mtitTa wà wiiëofîiQrý "a ex m1j .à ;)'- ll "lit 1 Ac M., 2 which 1 found to bc a most spadous md P-piendid affair. One of, the best hotels., if not the beiýt on the continent Altoether,--. it is the inust orderly hotel 1 bave"ever 3fy. next trip was te the Educatwo office" -here- 1 wu escarted through the differ- P iitaueries-of fihe arts, -and féasted my,, lenses on the many beauties thà t every- > wheremettnyview. ThegalkTybfpaint- ingsis inde(xl trulysuperb. fleré an ýome of the finest paintings 1 ý have' ever Been. This department reflects "t cre- diton the energy imd tastes of'the:'gevereDd. ftead Dr.' Ryeffln. ý Tt *60d be wdl woà h any ones wlffle when in Toronto to n hourls Y-Wit ta, "- ý'iwfitution; 'Uls, would nof be lSt At four eclock, È.ýk. 1 found myself oc- cupying a seà t'in-th«ýe4ery of the Lems. latuve eloq ce of son» of gin ý,géùd6-, men wbo-baïe, by somé h. b-",, - -we ti 'à aëiýt ùýJH tained M onorable H6u4dýý Kà 6rp rencour.4ter ýOý Michac ' 1 Foley eroù- in te& Il br lei by Mr. Camemn.to -s of the Tovm ùf J3erhxjý,,, *r. &4Uy jet be- presenUtive 6Uth&uT-6ý*h) s=îwd-,yf.ý Camera , qf-ýêf ý ý-'Iïytn - g -P -ïrý04", ted'- with Cree éýnËè to tym-001Eý- «iwý'î Foley to, wu mgùch, ib7e Speaker, ;î 7-8 ;Z I"Dtuy >gP pense 1 the' ukwdL" .