lI theo vn» ,# -fla< iln~ kon up wlt the = 1ffiator Bar oftthe 1fo4ai, of a witl90- ~Ir bonloro EZictlton *tiIr. A' & and, iniffic1ent '.n?4 tard :o1o trutb co*uld taniat â15écin v need ot'amencllng our oection I' eommitto., theio hlo matter 'have boon fufly and oatltaç~to i But no, titis :wcnld not ploseei obi,tructsonutte,,whoao","Ily Kim le to gain for th.oiseltoa andfriený%0 pOwer> thre louvos and fiahea. bonai nearly ail the menîber ac tihe lions. had to adjouari for ih a urnlui. Day alter day-i rigt, theo. busineass cf the 'colin tarded, and Immense cxpenis aa on the deotod heada cf tûe tg ainew"' of tutu horo Canada, m a lafy a factlouanaud unprircipIog:a Glad was I te b0ave the. Alsoe{) and find'solaco titsm7ybackwo irbere 1 fooand mylt'ou Fr1c:aj d ausound sdi my righ, Ta.tho Editor ut the WhluhyC ~ t,-Wv l Itthat the r1 fothe Town to tho Railw& r alowqdj te rertain in an oinios' Ilaurablo atato for tihe isat i]îr'el r> it înot a ahaîsmo that ro no t It is a disgrsce te cither the' c RoadCotuipany, or ' b 1t, romnain longer lu its pltsent Wvill anybody look te ai.. Youara, &c., --Fot.araIBâTTALiON, ONT& Captain Fredorick Gareen, rr c deccaaed. To ho Captatu: Lieuitenauit John Veir. To beeiteuauta : Eusign Jamrs Whlteslde, - George Il. Burk. Tu b. Ensiguai Hlenry Major, Gentierni Auguste Verro,, r George litgginhottoin, INVENTIons i iWairsr...Le -for fourteen years have been Jlus Excellency, the Governor the following Inventors lu th4 of Wlaltby. 19ýAÀC '!ÇYOONF.tatat'a4 Townshaip of W hiîby East, co4 tarîo, Faruaer, for - The Exceý Foed er." 'Daoed 13th Februarý- - STEPHEaN S. CtîOUTia, ôo!thie' S wiitby, Couuty o!fasiî "AStuip,-Stotie and Shili Datod l5th Decomnber, 1857.1 eOttTf Qxritu. - Thet noui Csadidates, hock place on Tui Woodstock. George Broru ail the liustinigs ho use lis influcu rç tif Mnî McI)o ugsall, but ceail da 'barirg! Tte show-cf hands une lu fsvoa- cafr. Mcrrisou. Swas ta- on,' at the fig the Lot- 1rè stur3id 1rthe great aws. Had (ferrod tq a ngbt née mie of, the Beeme to b pl~ate and ad loft, and ho want of ligbt after1 itry la re- arç heapod Iboue aid1 .rly tosat- opposition. )f twaddlo, >ida homo, ay cvening, mind. ý'ÂMPO. luroniele. ~ad iesding a- iMatiou t.> , lutterly fin. ee nuQntias? e lias boum emuaiias, sir, owu or the Mluatlon.- (LAIE CRAWORD &CMJ&. S ~~eses 81kO~psDobleSkrtDresses, AUE NOW RECEIVING AN ýIMMEX8sFýe STOV0 o Ie, "O"ced Dresses, Bonuieti, and gibo, - sUsrp iid DOI8a1l D~resses, &o., Itosery and laoes,&v - -:0:- ---- iriclu shahbc soid extreuîolY loir, SA thauy haro bootsPur hbe at criais prieit. Thoir istook la coînpleto lu BONNC, la replte Wh~uo~eto lta Tweedso, Ganubeoons, )ril, and Vesting, RIBBCas, ONS, BLONDS, PARIASOLS, DRESS GOODS SIotot,, Çu# anir tidLerclule&, Jundor Clothaug, &c. Alan a largo Stock of IN GREAT V.ARIETY. Their Stoce Staples la tho largest ever offcrod in Whitby, sud St pricea that defy REvADY MAD]E CLOTHINGI competitican. Tircir Stock-of A~ frcseh Stock or G roccrieam at rcqçeived w,iPch will bu aold eohoap. il. C. woul~a tate thât lie atili contiinue,, the Talloring Bmrneh Of the Rusinegs, under the super- iiitencdance of Mr. Fraier, iiid Gentlemen ,~can i la'ýç,thuerx G nta 1ruade uap unthe lutosi tylo 01 Fashiot,, et vrY lwpi WVItbv, April 2 S 185. NEW 4DVERTISE-MENTS. Lost.--Reward. I bi Or I-f Iralaadâu-. rit -torai li.! Srarrtdaiy wea-k ai rlaIy.,. 1 . lit-I-,r ar il] 1,e reaarded lr arin sra rui rtI-u .lcrrtaOat liai &RO. N OTI CE! Tra1%'N aF M 11 TY, i. Il cr i pr--0a-t - iar-t rirrita? On the lôth day of May, 1858, TOWN HALL, At thla-a--n. iar aa taI a iii the s rat ti arrarra- ai tcra tteui.c -ar -- tar ii ane 1 - Il 'i IiNQ IITar r »a. an, IVlirt ya4,l;~ - Provincial Insurance Comp'ny O F TORONTO, C. W. ersai ted by Genoral to Township CLL. Of tihe uty O! (ha- Isior Strair 1858. 'owuship 0i ariner, for ASGNEE's NOTICE. ALL îpersous iudec7 dth .le Iatue of jli, MArgft, ultleor ou note, arenut boud or Mort - gage, muet attle the saine forilawith. Arid glî peros avi,gclairri" araingt t ad Fjnt. isli GRBE1~ES LrUOg, RUIKEYGLASIVARE, 4 1BCilELS&No.n" WRITE RU JIAMMTO'N & ROBERTS. W'II1TBY, Aprl 13, 1858. 13 1 - -- - - - 1pl- lu uo-Û ccnuita'hthle firsit dayof June StRIN DI O T T O S.'8 IIIRAM 110W, J ,P Iý1 1P R A I N 9'8 A&gent folr thie Assigna., lirookil. ]Rraolllia, APa-ira.1 IN NOTICE TO CREI>ITORS. p ARE notice tirait teplipii Fuller, k"]%. car-- DRY GOODS, LADýIIES' PLSSGOQDS, MANTILLAS Sa- ing oaatire larsina-srif Mea-oaat, ara sctd -i Ir raift aaifia.rîrer (af ant i -uer iri Fria-ri' HSEY VS L WARs?? PAAOL, trare nal atert talunrsai ira tira- Town rof' Wlaiîh, HSERDYII.t. AES o iiit ra- Iis ara iav i rae r u r-~anaato1 nie lla,. - 0 W aaIaaaaaa Vilianuà l I a-aa e a aarcant:0 ir he otrart Vliîri afs.a-a--alaltator tIae.beale- ?tE~aanb- ar raîrivecd a-ont Mtartrr, u raaasailaar! tc o! ryG adowri lit ra is dta - wliaaaa aira, a---p ieted tra c oule 1 IL laeiiavites . t lia t'itt o fîliari f ra ,.fa-dng avtiýr«4ire] tbh t lt;r iii arnd ecectilettr ti .the, seâid mIlrcl i i l-% -aitar tri raI tha l. iri Iarasa, ivillain cix D r b iy S y e i e ruirrallia tr iriaalia ite tire-rf, aallraiie tira-if extu erndbiityss t,,, somieaaded fa-onu ail beiiaa-it ut, or atidauî- DSye iees fTxue1 adCepes S i er titia saine. tiycno eeule nti ake. T euulSoko WVM. Mel'IIERSONa I 7 Storrc.iShool Books, Stationory, Room Paper, Grocerios, &o., &c., ahîvayas ou baud. WVhitbv, Apa-il l4th, 1858. StUIISCIZIRiED CAPITAL, $.a77o PAID UP CAPITAL, 4t,31 JOEL BIGELOW. Brocak Setrect. lliaiJ. 11. - ittrrona. lion. IW. 1B. tnrîra, E 3 Va illa-,inoa-aE-- ta-a. DI aaiý%rn.1.. ir--. ttart 'e-irr tarai. lsq. W. L. Para-iran - , .1-. Dlaaa-Ia. Er . 1. lionr. .1. Jil. r aiarra-r, Lua a1) iarri li ta riat.riaa I. 'CitiiiLace,. ll Vajlaaam-rr nrd o-y---lrr...7. nifra-itrr. . s - Ixsiotlnt Ya-a a-, Barkt, i R-a ialataia- Soalicitra-. Mettra 1(Il)iitkllÇ Ibuira. ination o!f- ýessy,, l iad Office, Torontoe Street, Toronto. uIpOarc,1on m in fai-or ot obtauin a U8 -two to Ftre amnI Marine tra-aurrtice iru.ires t r-aaaseted by thina Ca.nîraint it ts uaiunaArcaîe aai-i-l as uit the Il-ad 4>tliie, ail art lai, aatosau, itar ia rerr1ectable (Arie,. unaahalil larasea rat-itly bu*,- lilokers sallctera slowa-d ai ar a tlla paraar t, cri ail nesiraa- s baruglat tar rIra Ila'aat tttlta'îr t-tr-, taeaaa-r.. rm-- of..r - SPECIÂLNOT tieiria îi.bcha Iai SPlIî aïiE. 1è F. KELL.ER. #lPv i-aarNvtraAN ir lr-raaa-ar.-yrraa katarîs-irais - impoarrtatrt i lfra orar )ticlalaIra ta tao stara ciI A IS SL C SH kerrîr good liacaith: lra-freqa1ra-rrî sdo ire saa.e L DE 'S L C CE0 L fia rira, ùparents d m-sed iranrairrita. o raacet rf tlire rd-etat! ftîrair bcl)deir i d llarrea. Wiaa Rf i. 'MACKENlZlIE, IN'RFI' AlitD TaU * i t ie,vla, iîerai, by, 1irrItar cane aînld r naa-ira. . M re-erven aimaiti-d niauber oiii lnr>. ils tliera ailitIr-at airis N anîd'troralldsc- caa be ai alil. aariic W ha-n iealtît Onubcir ,rit l aa-itartilat ar-it arurd ' Ilaiair b~alairr t 1,Iei'nIr.ilara',tr, ra H riE H O M E F A RM n.ýJmittti of Corda-,Gidfa~ i (aaalanid athr a deiinati itir ntti rplie.ala ar iriaaitraa aa arrie'aforinaniag hiidrci. W iV i W ai April 12,7,, a.t-- Ina-it 3tr, i.- wt sar r t o i m~airparai- the condaitiontr Wrîr on a1rapnrreo n-rarla. Maraica, nianrav aad re ril liseariaes ire a-oa-a-i lunacm-rîarc anre"i.aJJAJII>EII'S FOR M AY, iaittra-e'tlattas itb inuîaaat loiotai d PlIaurtea. At i'toaNrr--.- ariagOli oit a rirad YANKEE NOTION STORE. Moue',, lithiiiitî out lilîs mii: be ra re ieh-- - - - __________ causeaintTev elesnîae tIre bodiy !raam th'so inca-bld (OL)EY'S lFOR IAX', lr11111m"r. iual tîr-aughlv dr iva- ur-aitailpainsr, 'G At a - eîî gis-e eaime a ndlcoaaîrtote cti ot)ir. Froîna 6 YANKEE NOTION SIORE. oauotri lirec o! tiose Pittia, takon tis-cor tlaaai ______ _________________ tue s e~kdauiraçprgnana-, mt!cause tiro untthor a s anîtd easy de1ia.ýar-'anad milI bu ESSLIE'S GAZETITE OF FASIIION for asnmwRve îaéastou.t and liaoutlay coi tiîtioaî ho L May. A t thre lildi.6 YAKENTO SOR -Pr. Morssié ndit Bout Pilla are sold by ail AKENTO TR - B ALLOUS MOÂ.ZIN-E FORNA, DIED, 6 YANKEE NOTION STORE. In Uxbridge, on. Thursday 29th uIt. L 1D AN)SEA OVLB WL alter a lonig sud painful illnesaF, Mordmcailn kue Cohllus, nit the -Wtýddifie1d, au old sund highly re.specIýed 6 YANKEE NOTION STOR. reidunt of tbat Townshiip. ___ WRITBY MARKETS, Wednesday, May' 5, 1858. Wheat,4s8d@&4s6L Oatals3d@&ls4d lIHay per ton $10 0 $1. Butter, 71d 0 fidt. Boof per 100 iba,$40qi4j. Potatoes, 2sOd, per bushel. TORONTO MARKETS. Wednoaday Miy 5, 1858 Wheat1 4s 2d 0 4.u. 5J Floua-, $3.50 -e $4:25. Oas, la 4dQ la 6d. Eggs, lod 0la 8d. Butter, lld <g la 2M. ay prtn, $10 0 4$17. NEW " ADVERTISEUMUPi. IV 0DS A ND FORESTS. Catowxc LancIa.DEP.AUTMERT. Toronto, 2îlaoh April, 1858. - - NCElabeebyývon tiraI HnExoxui.xccr beon pioased, b>' <rdor daeteRiaNititeenti instant, te asuspenid tLb, Ehveutir clause cf the. Gouerai Tiiaber lfioguulautlucftire Stli Atagut, -185s1 as regardstaie of, o! currTxt Lic"-ras AiLacssua irlucir nsy beounia furfelttied n the lât pruxio, antiail caauses sshilh bave a. ready bëen forltli sud 000o oferaed for sale, -shah umot b. offeradr orsaho on the lotir prorrluu, but shali be rtorsred for sale te sncbhum ine tlhe Qonmsiotier o!Crowai Lnsuaina>' deon proper.,T u6tty dasu'notios teabogluen in tRie "-epcieAqeua4eiéa Pr<çiooa t otire day of TO BunL"Tt'" A îPo Pr A OTAGE 1Iz' BYRON ST. AMILTON & ROBERTS. »E »R.A. W. ýGAMBLEO, M EMBER 01 TuE COLLEGE 0F PHYSI. dà 1,and tS Y Poa'inulLai. Y!'tor, ,corner ofYe«lig at rusSrés TW i6,C~W.1 r IURN-E TAMIi«.. liarey's Great Ilorqe Tamuing for $2.00. Secret t W F,,T brave JoV R roy' la-i .r-ta af Tairritria tlîaafr -betinq ti ara-t ta-vr a r- Ni rî -ata pji. r-ar ivr-r tajet içs InartTa-aurait ritl andi ct.0 rt lar,. ra. sey rii5 ts. u, a- tio-. a, rial -aL itraarid t-arine. Ve calter ilri tia *.r 2,00 EA<II in )rrder te place tua-rn i lilai ttce rradi fa-alal. We arcsellng a greait raarrary-, rand t -atv;k r cJuirnag them un buiiatter aradca arrn u'ralt-ti. Amoricau Carrra--panalcrtia m~ tirîj "Bxn, 40,OgdnlurgliaarN. 1.1% Cu CIIAtLES J. HNS iri:cratt, Ca. . s - Ref(.e-cce: Licuîcrieul CColontelJtssa-r, If U~ NOTICE. Shea-rby given. thattite lIAYOR vmil hoa-ada-o----- ICourrt à ail ti, 'r lIrN IHAILL oaanIÂ [nesday Mornismg, ai the heur of 1h &.m 111 rn t-acia îveek, for tbe prîrpseof di.41rasitrgfril t B. YSi itaua. -- RoL, ),BMG TO ANNOIJNCE THE ARRIVAL 0F THEIR - - 1- Clork, Pli 'lt rart. Wiiîh, th Match, 1959. 8 Tauxso-uau' Otfice. SPBFI* P~A*N COMPRISING ENGLISIL AIND AMERICA-N S TRJIW B OIVXE TS J/y'»-ILITS, aNOJTICE. roW-N 0F WHITIIY, 'lut 5t unja RIEBONS, PARASOLS, SILK CAPES, 17 Tru: ail CrIà oaet.agailimttABE TFU ASRT NT0 the purelhaiofa! certain - EUIU SýRXETO o! tii Muanicipauity, purportiug o ire uuiubcreid 7, 8, 9, and lut oaci for ttîc soin c! £#S 6d Mtari I Is s~.s. cuarency, no s-ulue hias iiag beu given for tire sanie. A FEW CASES 0F GENTS B. YARNOLD, SJLK ANI% ETHAS N 0 T 1 C E N o. i & Tg lysBloçk 85 IBrook Street, - hitby, Apill 14,185 1 TOWN OIF WIIITY±r, i cehbyg!iven that ____________________________________ r To WIT: rader8uiabc a- e- ~etad the clii.!tire Towua Clerk until the lSth DAY, OF--MAY, 1858, Kt te hatur of 12 o'clock1 o, for tire !olîowiirg --r-- Lunîber r- 37,000 fetet uf1 < inch laimbea-, loch measitre, 1L) anrd 16 foot long, 13,000 foot o! 3x4 scaiatilg, 12 ta, Ir, feet long. W5ity, April 20, Cr558. 14 BUTCJIER'8 MEAT SUTPLIED oaii-lparteof tîiiteTO!07 yth OHARL~ES BRUCE, RUTRERPORD A N B5 M)E te intbrtanthoir cuxtomerts and #1é j'i>- 1>lie, that they have reaeived The Tirât Importatilon of Sprig to ck. 52& 54 King Street Weat, Toronto4 April 1, 1858. 12 horiimeut4,utlol opensaughg boloot Sceeol, -Pïttpfls froti fout to aixteen year olo'real#*od. Rc~if~~VHti, i~E1lbh Grain- anar, Hiatory, (*OONÃ" pkyÃŽru(to La.dieà ',) nee- leAapeMr Qrarer ..............>. EXxoluasive of Wrltiig and tmtliei..,O FUEFEUÈNCX 1 LAKE IIIJRON TROIJT! HIAMILTON & ROBERTS LOCH FINE IN KEGS. IAMILTON & IIOBRETS. SUPERIOR i 1PRIEIBCOD FjSff>l HIAMIL.TON & ROBERTS. Thse Postusaster Geaseri al iotibliolieol the folld'w1ag new 'Post Onk" in Canada, a"d bas A.utlsoiza thUefollowl-g chan"* 4x s Naines ýor"' cerai Toweaaaa. ELsuroIuu .Coinnr N.&KX or omF1m.on unOfl5IE .Vonp.......... P 'lympton ............ Lmbtou............o ris let Aprl, C>oterar..-ý ... ...... Chester .......... ..l*h.~ 8 Covetry.........ibio...............~~z~; i~arld.........................., . ..W: W lihans ...'A.iaoea fi J r. ...... S ....... . .rnad 4ahubx,& W Mo>rau ...... ..m.r...... tub si ; -- Tbe nalal <rom it Ap!ni W hitbv, February 2, 8. 3 VIENNA PLAN~TER. CUo.,Ontario Couratv, N. Y., wnoarld beg tu sur thast li i,4 now preparod to furnirah Merchanfa and Iletuailerr generally, ut ratei& quit. rP8 luw a-i it eaube forwarded for frortswego,. TheP[las- ter will ho alelivered at Charlotte, Geee river, or ut any of the uortb shore 1lorts, os the pur- classer anita. The fallowing anah-sis of thrs Plaster prepar cd i hth otenlinérnt Ccmista in theo (itv 'If .c"Ilork, ' proof of the supeii ulteo thiq article oVIer auy other now in te. I l a vce analy tiod a sp eim en of IV ien ne Plaster or Gypsum," ad also apeciriarns of ilCaoigia," anadIl >noadasga lluter," aund fiaad thcm tu ) ield. reaapecivcly rafollows VIE\NYA PLASTEat. Siphatte of Linie ..............70,2 Carbnate of Lime............... 4,45 Carbonlate of Magnefila .......... 1,50 Alumina .................... 2,46 Silica ......................... 1,84 Prutoxide of trou ................ 21 Water........................ 1883 Los ........................ I00,00 New YTork, Marvh 19th1857,IT JAMES R. CiIILTON, M. D., ONONDAGA PLASTEJI Sulpîrete of Lime ..............4,0,o Carbonate of Maguclieai ..........0 Alhiniiias ............. .........1 Sllrca................ ......... 2,46 WVuter ....................... 22,10 L.oss........ ............. 2 CAYVOA à PL.STEP. Siphate of Lime ............... , 40 SuaIpliuret of Limae............. i0 Carbonate of Magnesia ........... 3,80 Aluiniara..................... 4,10 Siesa....................... 4,40 Protoxile of!Iion.............. 32 WVster ..................... 1,50 Los&........................ 'Xe York, April 2, 1852. JAMES RL CJULTON, rI. D., It appeare rom tho abovo anavaisa tat thc ii V[enna P1.ster" ila auperior for faud tou hat of the IlCayuga," or 1"lOiiolidaga," iriamucb as it coutalaas the laet pereet "Soahed1npauo of Lime "which atoostagoofhe rpet ln land i'îter. moobefri0rpry CHIESTER DRAPER. Whitlay, April 14, 1858. 1-m GOOD NEWS. TRY THE PENITENTIARY- BOOT AND 8110E BROCK STItEET, WHIITBY. JIUBBARD & CARI'ENTEII returu thauks for the largo ihavor of patronage wth wliarh ti.> hava bocu favorod ,dnie the openiig of îbu above estabraineÃŽit lth.; T own of Wlmit1by.- 'V~1doug so.hoywould intiimafe tlltl'ihov haelut cise Pro additionq ,to their Fil 44do W inter Stock or Ladici allad&a.îalorticaî' ]Boots sud Shoes, uaûà iri ii ag ppi> sntaowé ndai' their porsonal auri4qac. vsrota sud sy l r ite-s& .inve- 'Wbbleawo anti Ileti- Ctntry drxatineîg ro 7Meomndatdtcelu intlexanitta the St À. onaolaie.. -ýNO *SND PRICEt ts 'Whltby, Âuugtat 971857.81 7 ~ O kL:1ETO LET. Offlà te-'No. 48 Hudson Street, New York. AL ESTk T 1DVE RTISING DONIE JOL M lu ail parla o! the Uxli-tu Sr.uras Mid ClAs.C T N PRINTING BILL. COLLECTE]), DESIRABLE -1VE5TME*T. aud prompt romittnucoa9 mode. WIrPINTING INK,_, *00800$0030,20 O! the varions Masuufacturo, constuuntly on hand Érintlng 3laterlal ftnriankeoi TOWN, VILLA, AND) PARK LOTS, -ou sh o rt nloti e. L o% t s f r B ui ne si P n rp oea, an c Rzmxruit.P-Now York rline, New Yorkt, LT otPJAERSDNE Noew York Ne aNwYor ak; Niau ti k, LT otÈUA ER MD NE New York. 47rOi t SLEix<Tu E Town cof Whitby, Couty of Otaio .PAINTIN'G, PAPER IIA!«ING, -- GLAZING, &Ce EALST cOF atuoca TatU. - TOTS No. l4end 83. Erualo! Brock Sifat W I L L ItA M »E v i - , suLa d So th o! 'Jo ard'à Motel,. a vailablo <IlaierDecoaîo~ ~ ro ert xtending froin Broi--ok t i.r MÂNTEfainier eclat,&c., Coanroor- .rta., p Caul BildIngsPt, occir llaiailtoi & Rober.ts Lots 'Nô. 177 sud 190. Eutt aide -ofBroék Store, Brock Street, Wilitbv, laîforîns thacinha ita-tret. North, o! Pollua-d'a Motel. Partiosdaatr- hiiat, !thae Towiî cf Wlaatby rflaI vit-irutv I mgpropea-ty cia1îtaeprincpai streetiu the Town tuait haolinw prepared to andertako ail JQÉ- il l inad tUîoeLota Woll sttuaated ltioLoýts 203 aud 2jacorner b'-'ton 1Mapla ,and Patnting, Paper Ilanging, Glazing, &ù., 1erry$trcelas. 24 andrib aecaltthe isramne vith desapatîh, sud nup- Loto 71,72, 78, '74, 7 5,77 anal M Thost on iuoderater. ta-ra. EiltIat lotsi are hai onei Blocak, L6nnded by Peary l klilru rualtLttrn,&. oenlCliesnt suad Aralu Streets: witif fleera-andatr neatracaraý. Ljt $7, Wesat cf Perry Street, and dlretly OP. Mfixod Paint,, of ail kinds kept constantiy on lýosite tîae Sluur Flon;r Miii. hiarad.1 Lots 64, G5, 66, 67,_82, 83, 84, snd 85, Erist o! :--eAil wiak cxecrrtcd fi a âiatisfa(:tory iroi- pera-v Street, sud sdjoiniig tho Stesin MU! pro - 1Vhlt~. Ocoher,1157Party tar theaNArta. - h t . , c o h e , 1 5 4 0 -l -l _ _ _ _ _ 1.a î N o . A ), E s t o f P r rv S îa - c t. T h ia iâlacl fctaid nd tlrrw-giee itaîro.oal. D= Y TAGEWEST OrF nttocK STILELT., D.A.IL 104,' 105 118, and 119, bouuded byCeîa. Lic, W'alta Eicrt Stric. . T'riie l ots mai, I rlulagltftully anltuated, and h ir.vaga a-o onrt_ 1? RM IîtîUa IIA Ta FlENCîMîNrttIaes ldu., arc ivelI adptd . builrliai1 pUa-- Flaaî Stationi, rn t1tlie rnd Traînk l7aulîo), a-rîreic aithth na- h-n- 1*24 and 125, a-orner tofReu5 aud John, ý-e and Evening Traiuma. Strrarts. ,IXMi, HBEIRI4.L" I.l I Eat o! atuStret u u chî:IrgîagoipLaa ots mca-o solected frgra M R. JOH -W VIL-(1N 80ON, ra- riîuir, rvith the vieto ni lro]1ngzth-. 1a i rirv-tnrcîat, bu! are nom eabrtod for Saloa ESSbrt orefi ia-mirt tîai iaý-tai.frualsV 14L91p a large t ransaction. rfi> Ialwrtilieo hsar riiria-iii ti l at t i."lai, e tiaa-. froan the KN AIta, lie Wii-.-ti> itfonn the Publie thhe 't24.... ........ i ha. -o% ..i.1 t fprr yshpon te atue Il 214r,. Pri.. a.. ............7$ ha.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d riasia-rlat9r11ruysrpaiatrisarat ...........................20 lareris-rt, v ia ar- lt tita1- rota iaireîdly teserve 251 ......... 6 therra l ,ýlara uoli.îr-tr a t .-i:t 'V as 21 WATChIM- K El Il.JEWELER, lce, fxctnr araBT r - - lis rat 1avi to-! afLot 220,- Peu .............$160 1VATCI!E8AND JÉWELRY a'.... ... ..............160 ii and r, vl!tiit1 -ang- tlîi fur Building "270,.... '.. ...............21.5 Mattraial.-ai t bc as-il liberral trraiý. 41a SRE - -- -Lot 298,...Price...............$00 T HlE'geveral (lia-k-a at*tire Dîvialan Courts a'... .........a............... a-Is) i ..ithi lala tIre rita y v (tario, sud tire Cik " 3o8...... ..... 0cil1li( I11o aal irt, a re -taa- eriaaafter b a o . " ... 3à O alaie r iesur-lt a< tiuaaidrticrairs,aund at ........- ".... 0 saeh tiwoîrasass lhaayhaveaIttrr-terfore Variaiboaîud i ,45, -.... a ............ 180 Ila t4)la do t L-a.ahieTroaa..rrroff Ilie sai~i urina utDon e ara. unid ai-rat ia--,r fa-r. and.-I a aor to un il o 80 P-ce.A. 8 fa-a-t, fl aiai aalrratr*%sara-ceivsaible l'y tîrcain iraOI.... P ie.... .. .2 -r i i Clrta at p - : -îkî hi .'tairute t;- .. a.. ............. 0 <'apSl .., ...... . . . . .. . . .2 And at Magistrat- v(1t1hc srrid <outare a- t. . . .2a go liea-cby ma-îrdtla.d10 luto ueb lfilorînru -.a.... ............... 250 at , aeollaarr-,eta WtCt9,ridohr a f . .. . ................6 [ers a-iiùr-trtat asitîr raliiil charg, -lacretra-A-O foaf- ratiriltotatha- (irk of tiie Peuce, ltursu lt 4 f -i 015 u n a éontainin miiItte tut"0 l"r."I sait ~ %V tILh sr TP.E.AYNF t niarts(ane Acre tuïd a l i l bhc WJ I one bluek. 7 C~nr~i~ Atoraai, (. O.TERMS-:. One-,iflt -payable ne-xt Deecamber, sud the balance oxteaîdcd rver a tatarn of frin I fie te ton -- 1~pur.aoua.who avilI ereet buildings the -ptrésent veroa, the fiartplymnt will net become due mil. É-r plan8ansd paatiuzrsaaçý to * * Wlatby, March 9tli, 1858.9 ProPerty on Brock Street-For Side ari to Leabe. TrOWNLOT o. Et %ide of Brook Étréât, t yfiRco, 419 feet front aud Â9a feot deep tu à Ln. - ALSO, fLot No. A. formcriv occii piud bv Alln'." Lir'ey sîabice, Brock ,aîrea , gaule auze as NO. 3. For Bsns tud'those Iots arD equali b aatlyin Town, -and iwîll boa rold on montrrsoll:ubl j ,rsn, r t rti who wiu orecet good, Etouhor To Lease. Oxr llryrun Faav FroUOlsgeon, Brock Street, >i clyopoit Bryau'a Ilotel," Ive a taLriu et 7, 1l4, or 2 PI3 caerra, in parcera of 20 fcet..f1rontnga pjy to J.H MPR . JWhit'-y, -.rd M&orh, 1858. 7 TOi SETTLERS-TO. LE.Â8C.. F r? e n ouor Nme. Ycari!4Se va 19UNDRIED ACRES, CH in the 'towuiip ti; î3AtA, Co4uty o-'Ã"ntre. Thà ,Land la tho f r-st quxality in tbat Towu- sli. Molley* av'Ii hoadvanagcd toribe értection otrmhidiu<o, and if roqnirod, thetLeése. cati hav th. rlggi topnrcbaa tthetemiination of the Leaso. J.IHAM PERRYZ lieuse anti Lof on Byroa-street for laie on Byron Street, con- ofPorry. Terns roaaionable j»eýcrms reaI! Pn1blRY, Whity,8cUfro . A M . 7 Cash for Tallow. HE- li lieirc ia-eluCialafor TattoirSt the WialtyaSnsd Caaieie Manufircory, b>' J. TOULINSON & Co. 'WhltI>, Jaunar- quiî, 18,58. b2 v\7ERY hest article lu use. IVhoieoale snd ifetail b> ROSJOHNSTON, Whîtby, Dac. 9, 857. S4rtkilet WANTED, r4 WVE or Six intellig'ent uoun- ne uen as Bouok .JL Agents. Fruamai cry luel5ifty dollars par - uontiMay haceiuriaed.A piy ou P&EORGE CRAWFORD,- 'WIaitI>y, Octobor lst, 1857. P. S.-Noue but persours o! atrictl>' nmoral habits ueeod spph>'. G.C. SAVE YOUR« ASITES doGREASE Wluitbv Soap and , Caudlê 31aiquace-ry* MESubscribers a ivin g leîuaodtîte abovo tnannfactirtay, truke lbavai te ufurinOh. lu- habitants cf tIre-Towmof Wiiîa ud alinity, thait they mil commnceo I>sinesa thoncin naît .wotîk. beaillera oa procura' j-&-SOAP AND> r CANDLES, j nt Whioiesale Friffl. Asuacla ndntGreaset-tiken in exclasuge:t N. 1.-Tre niAcnibasm iii se;ndout Te>ans for the jnrrp of e olleetig Greimaoanti Aailms forthwith,- ireti. srfageinot. ii 1be inade %ibu partieasauipplyiuag the saine. r,]Encouarage Whitby lianuffaetures. : 1JOSEPfl TOML1NSON & l'Co. Wlriby, ]eî. 2P71.8-57. - 50 -GRANP-». TRjL g AILWAY. - ALTRÀATIONT OF TRAINS. - AMNAD AFTER 110IAY,4u'EBZU,&RY 121nda Dy E emTrinlu ill,,I-nn toa o"teainniditonfftheiuigbt MU14 fromn Baey Str.eut Stationa, - - - -- i 1 Toroný.>mTiano. AD MIL] oýIffors for sle tiý ýEà tste, alrsoch to pnrehaora - 100 Acre, Euts 100 Acrers, SoutbL t. a Changesl g WCaU sand examine for yonrselvcs, bet'ore purchasing eisewher._e2 Caldwell's Buildin~gs, Brock Street, Whitb-y, First Door North of J. S. Donaldson & Co.'s Hardware. than ce iu intro. .iintttittee ouel Ot b. rthe an, Mc. the as- -ee uap. 1.7,e -ýyý- 1 - . - 1 1 il ýèw/% ri Y-%"w -* -ir -% -v- z-,j 'M' ý ý - - - - . --- - - - - - - 1 il Ir