ég 1 TRE W la lrHURSDAy MORNING, < > 91GGM;à 3Û]MROFFER BROCR STRMT, WIJITBY Nert Door to the ý Regiéîtry Office. P TERMS -OF StMSCRIPTION TO TIM Y '%ýÎll bc $2 per payablu 8tnet),ý, in BÃ(vitlicc. RATIES OF ADVERTISING ton lines anctunder, .................. $0 75 With C81M Printed irordis, great thonghts and ilutiring industryts Above ton Unes, trot illeortion .......... E%'OrY igubi4equutit ilisertion, (lier line).. 0 2 otreà g!gp finowiedge? ]3rotherho (Ilse0unt ItIlOwed to Merchantis and Milliers ladvetthifing by the year. VOL. 2. WHITBYý C. W,- THU This paper lias alrudir an firmiienfiste, cireulation RIL 29lý 1858. lu the COMItYls besicles 1kýnq reffici bï. csvory bu- CHARLES PAYNE. idnesti ilittn In W, illiby alla. Itfq vieillitti a better Uc TIONFER, ?llANClI1SýTEP, REACII, OYSTER h u advertiginý modifiait enuld net bc seeu*" "naUtY- Il w4o advertille or th réci In thk A ctirilitý- of Olitaril). liA taî udices Which S ed carde for a larger P Iliz en, îll please lotte rie thilu ýnk Weil or do- - - - CRYSTà à l e M SALo()N, gélaiiders, she Lu's sixteenth birthd&y.. lhoir notices. lu forwarding ALBERT SPRING, pro Nu ' - i J Ui'Tl()Ný'ER, &c., &e., TOWN- sterling Worth, Was erPCtc(l at the foot Of PqIer will bc dL4cozitintied iintil ail amar- HAPPY LOVE. tho her Wth tranaParcà cies, and see am pala ni). r-IL 1411il) of Rtýueli. 5 0. 133 1VAllace Buildings, Vouge lack eue, mode. N An Spite of opposi- mangion bY a ceinvass covl M,41il If registereil, will bc ut A. PRINGLE, Street, rOrOuto. ý. t be ho finit: of the Ilul)[it4horg whel, ildlre@Lqel whichý occurred were 811-11pended rich chs 'S & ERCTIANT TAII,()R, STREET, BEVANS & M ON, 010AI IlIGGIN MAYER11OFFER, Toronto, July 15,1857. t0d M whitiev. 26 1 a daughter, Site licier kid for dancing t nul V. W what Ill the ineaning of the gong colin 1,ý lever Il little Superb garden were ai t 1 i THOMAS DEVERELL, NATIONAL TIOTEL, That rings go Ciuar oni.] lonl, Mini resenting bc, at festooned bly Mingling ofai ÃŽe BOOK AND JOB r 11, D E Ii. &c. &c., GREEN STREET, PORT iviirrnil. Thau Ilightingale amiti the copse- the PRINTING L B Whitliv, C. IV. Tiloi, Jark nbove the eloil(j j numissionj ob. ral flowers.'l il N T. to itir,,rin Mis friend,, What Ravm thy 8ong, il, Iil joyon th 1. IÃŽF lindet'igned beL - - ^th, tai for you mi(pht 1 will net attemptto deL IIE PROPRIFTORS OF TUE WIIITIIY HOTEL, T ant] the loi lie thist lie i 4 Tiow in pfisselssi-111 171, in lie fi ri bc ; wolild respeettiffly ilifirm the AST IMMRET SQUARE, TORONTO- thù blisilleils #if whieh he i ot be of servicé'to CulaIS attending the gca pliblic that, Ille? future m )Il Isis Owl, at.0 't'. 1 love niv lwf-ltt;se 1 kilow My have proeliretl sonie or Ille illost JE 412 ýisIJ1 ý1r- 'ý1'altcrs will and ILS cost, for réar or modern ýtyIe!I ý*)fT%'ýe frolit New 1'ork in uil 1" 1 __ __ ý ýE - 1 1- - - - - - - ---- or>4, and lirandies. F.xi-cileilt My Ille." Gnd bless yol, hylierbolical, Suffico it t1Iý to theïr of" art preli ' 1- M CAILXICHEAL, FDWART) RAY. your charge.11 à frs. ellualled, before or .9ince M IK ý AND U 1710NEER, &c-, WICK, T(IW'l\',,;TITP IThitbyMiý.v ftil, uu _JOB PRIN rING 1 et 1Vlliat is; the nie-ming of thy thotight, 19 , ---- _ _ 1 t 'the bercaved husband came the sent Of civilizatior of Ovelýy sIeserilstion, alisl giusrantec tiiiit work 0, milicien, fair nwi N,."inL- left he littie Minnie and foire, the pier glas,- Witl bu il' il Stll'týi-1çor btylc ai tliti joive'st WESTERN 1101,,sE, Vivre is stiel, thine tvers, t s1hat refl l - MANILLA IIOTEL, 1) C N 1) A MI 8 T R X E T , w 'Il 1 T n y Ilcrè t he sold his plantation of lier petite form JýI'Iees. M ARIIIOSA. ý IýATE.CoUIMIARD"S C0R- IFF BF , "M'Il Innýilý on th% toitzlie andk. q in ail ite b Tire have purtaasv(l v EN 1 Therc i> >11--li Lrlary*oii thy fiiç-ê- e9tablisliment tiers. Jchii Mnrtiii, I>roprietý)r. -1. T jfl+st s'i'tileil b's- the, wliere NVIlnt rail file ilifallilliz*l)u, and girlish beauty. Over (Y-1pip 1'up IN trJiv ilver lî re, lie procured tbe ýhe wore a, sz eflers czn iiox% OAKWOOD TIOTEL, The Ilotime is wdl ftirui-qljq,(I, ucil Ie1j.tý ali(j til, 1 Illy k-now *4 le forýilis daughter, %vaLst C11LiSPC(l by a flexible 8 theili to timi not Cnrtt find 0 A KIN*9)t)l). W. BANKS, Plig 'i g tiptirtin(-.eitý ruoilly illill lkiry. Tilere îs Ir,% CI. ives Ille Ois lictitil il littgo, 1-tot-k ofMaili au'l Ftwev Card-,- c(tiiifkýrbible Staliling, at1ýI Il:(* l"esl nt-teil- lit. Ments of relaxation jeweled., lier brown hair a rates, l'èiiitiilg viiii 1w ttiriti.,]iol ut the l' b large and enn%-otiieiii, niil weil îilppjitýll m-itil lit I;t.nlltvlq fect fro ta".11t to rend natural coronet was sufr(-.re, on*eý,t ONTARIO IIOTEL, 1 y lirieufi and Lit notive. 1 c. Ni'. tile 1)lý1t IVillvs, 11illors illisi Cigar.q. liei)ïl- sVe si nz theni cre our . riiiie, coin Who WOUIII tain have MOSS.V curiq, ornamented fr Il- MAYER11OFFER, i -r (l.etrrln$zem t-ýý . ý"l"e1% fitted fil, ,iii.iiitz roq-nis f.,r privute sur- er ac(ýôtnpli.qllment" to P) 0 find Fi-fil the Iti,!kt Fret. of Chril 's'. tics. Alid %% licil the eni-ly siirimerm rurslq, 1 her blossom Che-oitif,14 MICHAEL AriýI Car e"ille.s 011 with tirrie, 1 n'u she etYled lipr ; she ri.l7g1ýe0ctnn le,%V,,. lier Y Stijl ho il f, -temtiroi(lerintr mirs, iIi4*nrc,'.m :ni and Sirlging. IIURON là ()I,ý - - __ _ - , - - T- Placed this simple ornamei roftT W1111-TJY, C RAILROAD fri-e- Wh ttempt On the fiarp, m-hen lfflkedwitha-other',-qpridet ', 1 Iclve tri IýtVf, 111st & ,11 1J 1J CrS 1,11.1.10-17T ORN EIZ OF IIR( l4'K A N 1) I)L.N 1 ,,t. , , lie( le 1 know ters, illarriage plit to flight ellild, luý this fccling waq f( 'd Goo(l (Lute The slll;l M.V 10vp lý)%*es Ille." ail, niL -cri lýlOllt this time nie. Other. which produced a deE ber 1)(.gs Il, atiliollilet tý- Ille iiiliitlýifi tý th frither dear why des y, PII.KrVýN IlOTEL, r rit t introduceti in file Colo 3 ecame 2 ('OnvcrL lier mas- am sa happy ? LoOk Out, il & SI'RROGATE IN sTIZI 1,1ken the ahove firýI cla's 1 loli ,0,' ýhifll lit. Ih Courts. L 0iliotc, ut, the Ckmrt, 11011.4e. r, Owiied the RI)Jlelýition,) Land ! the night is ses enu, Iiý,ti1ù- Ail krpt iti tilt, pr,ýrlIi eu, NELSON G. REVNOLDS, RAIT-ROAD IlOTElîlý 1 fers ezif, Ill, llwl at a fin the new Sect and forbade lainps send forth mvs r4tar-1 tt'RIZ[b'F. ::ýjJý'0FFIcE AT TUE COURT f- tlie IVIlitloy C ILIS dernonstratirnq MNG. Plis)PRIET011Z, liht)t'K warrallte(i tilt! gris tiil' e 'rie which trees and festoone as e. aild attentive ()S- ci --Vreath, THOMAS C 0 R 'L êS T A 1 R ntiltned and enthusinstics she way SO sortiy sweeps i fillithv, 'Marcli iiiii, ]K,., hall th iMIN IIAM PEAtRy, esumed tO Object to lier Mis- redo,14(ent with perfume. for what (argued Nan) "corn. Ethelston with hil; ete al F(IlsTRAI,.. OFFIcIE. ON EROCK .,T., ONTARIO IIOTEI', G 1, 0 B E Il 0 T E 1, A TALE 01.' B) 0 ýN E 1) j y S_ rn il 1 IýR4 )f *U t', 1 d light ss,ýt rt-v , IV tb% st4ÀI>Iitig un.1 atti.li- lu Two Parb. Ivith darkness," and 1 Vcak L6 him-and before hei IL J--xýîci)O.NLm.. tkNe t)stlt-r-. IF t1l, ivell- neW that the 11111rable G. Cs Il the impII1ý4iVc girl ha, . - - - kii,,wi, li,)tI-1. 1tilýI illl,,.rlgjillg il, ý,llbIie t'f B y J A C' 0 B A mot LERK 0F TIIE 1 1 Tl 44VivO le Bagetele'l e eranda and imperativ ci the Con rt 1 I(swýe' ESPLANADEl IIOTEL, and thât h ' On the y' u- il was Il%- his predree'-ir ili fl- Il 1-'t ECOND. tri rdance with IL ,-oLwîthý,tand. ed lier ]ovor to thro,, aay Vý rim i with flic s'f f.lI*-ýr.Iirr ail th, JOIIN V. linsi - ne% or presurne to IsIpeak agair ters dislike te %;..,g conver OF 11,11P that (Mill 1": I)IaiIL9tiori mansion where the daily Sion on ailler the marriage of hiS Oh lady of my Soul, bea, Ilki Régistrar (4, 1 lio ,il C-m rt. 1 flo- of visitors, makes il one continuai 0111vo, lbri(2k S. 'l. B. , dauj 1 Ir, !.%f tiv 125, 1 S beaith, and wOuld have my fate, 1 obey, but do not ý_-__,_ , î - . - - 1 s('ene Of feStivity, where a variety of srhar- IlEWEI'r'l' 9 , 1 %TV. M .11 acters are 00nnec Nan read and pray by him, anrI this darkness, stind thivre awhile, 1 N T)ýz V, 1 «. IV. (. ted witit the nY as allie looks back- tc thor IS e 'eut MY eyes, before anot A-$Tttl-lts, 't-rql Of iLs' igill'ateF- it ils not an e48Y d IR-L fter lOr father's death If n TU E Ly ý DTNG ST,\ (-Il le. Rq l,-ý 1 s il ýN I'F ta-sk diséfitaili-fle the net, or to confine a col . C. hod yeu.It 3011N St 1 built for Nann7inthevicinitv "Toolate,"replied the Ji se, f Tisi- ortes rerollection within lxxinds. The prÃŽn, of he lýEASUIZI-ý*li. 0FFICE AT TIIEý coUWIý ib THE VIFTII DIV, IN L 'l Il'itel hlss al'i'l ilà ali t-%:- I1ýts I'f 1 et. 11 e 111 > 1 u f. ý r t 1) V wù f t ru I ripai vi.ýzitOrlî ut plantation si Plaisance," èr ave as she paused in lier entrance Eýý-r% i.ltvljti-ýil p:sij tý% loiti (0 SPend On hour with lier faith. filled with admiration reste NCre the Oflicers of P. Barracks, the gov H. J. lIIACI)ONFýl,.[,, fi b., t Do- ill(-,l f-r fiýcsii an.i fui OLICITOR, i)F TIU' lie On one Occ*sionhe communi. your cigar betrayed yout gO, GEORCF ýe- A teal if, ektt,.,,d- i.ýrrýnà elitolficials, t ir wives, and neigh- -M 1 boring plariters. Ainong the forme/ Ca X'annY, Alter much-hesitation lier 4*etýOir-" 1Zýý S Coulieil. ( lillee'itt tilt, I M FR1,11 \NT %ND (il 1 ýFI1 4>1 Kil)!z 1.4t.t. ()SllttNvll, ('. IV. >ilop capt. a ension of being a mother. JOUN SIIIEIR, tl. Tisi t arriage FEXELON EAL UN IIOTEL. G ragie, (then attached to the 'sthj was the leave, Yeu must , With deep anxiety ýf rF, t)tý'TY E-.ý;(IiNELR. OFFIIT AT TlIr NiAhl'l' lff YOur wanderîng Nanny a il teach daughters manner through Court Ilouse. 1 N, distinguished both, in person and in- ou IrRANKLIN 11rousE. Thi-, Ilotel î- etrniti4c.1 i.1 rN'-ý'Ilel1t >1 le : fine to handle it, 1 Shall be 50 -_ ! tellertuai endowinents-agile &S a stag, lie "awkward nt tuous night c. Nv. \14lor, ait,] if îs'ýJ- , 6 'Nan priotnified, --- - In the dance il. FAIRBANKN, aIleý il] il lie excelleil il) all iiiiiitary exercises, the SyM« 91v'ng up lier huck. Ching of air; her repartec, fui] ()FFICE tiiIIFoIt- 1l1iýj>t ý,f fil,, lle.lil,,Ijtful fil and exholUtionst te attend on her sarcasm. Wlicrever she moi fýýrTruveIItrm. ilIL! (M this j'ailes is etrY Of his YOutllftà l [Orm, a face gleiwing Jui,- 21, 1,,',7. illid 11nit, with Nivacitytlic, beauty of his brow over fGr.ý3er9 nurseling. 't aPPears only like beaux followedl is, stil YÇO- «dg«v Miss Nannie that our Xfamma bearts thought lier mother, hi FARMERIS IlOTEL, NORWOO'D IIOTEL wa"tO'Jl>' curled and uneurled a t Me never to Jeave, youf then a little untouelled, though odiou th T ATEý GRMIAM'S, SEN11s'01 1 STRITT, 1 (IýATE profusionof nut-brown hassir niade him M'illisil, Maddcik, I'rojriý-ttr. 1111E. lias Ia1sýjy fIttéýj Ili) the delightfal companion to, the aged, and and tell me the Same ; her, -tjiought NI 'r n0W you Put YOur baby in ruy I must warn fle tilt- Tra%(.:Iiiii: rallier dangeroüs to the young, lat Na sibove wt-Il-known ohl Iloase, lives but alas; how pleased she appc StÀtl>lirýg and ail atittitit-* 0stivir. 41 %%-if là 1 lie view of all'ording terly 'Wé Ilss TREXAYNE, ý , Ulleal'. 1 1 th, Cora s live th IZ 1 S TE R ANJ) C()U1NTý - - __ - J ici edulously avowed the societ 01 RAIX ROAD y et th- lighted with thffle unmeaning HOTPIL, Milliers, à c.. prepured ai ail honr.q. ArtttblJ*m Now Brick rascinatin r$o 10 , ýý'iiri , Such M rentainin thil; little liyu he constious of thoft st K-UT rintRy 1ýî0 Ji Stabling awl t*"Ili A ut- FARMElý 1IR0PRV7ý-"M Tri 1 l", te"t'v" A that gMnned hi$ fUs, and saw W lob 44-.- -.t « , - ý "' ' ' 13AIMMý-TEIZ-AT-LAIV. ý)FFiCr,-BR(,XK Tnt%-ellérs. 6-'"Z -sui =-Z and à tteiitive osi- 'Stre.ýýf, IViiitt),v, c. NV. lem. a *raille and éet, the B«tthtgý rushed in y and U quick,' F retreated, foe Mibeigtol, wu d At the co a.; nsèquenèe of hW - e StOOd uà movable for somI1ý seconds, but. ie servants entrance roused'him, , am@, and WU homided cing a stream of blood dowiti fi' > h r-ý-jm* Ltiýha-d broken a blSdreýýl. ýe surgeon was qntéklyln atte-rA&n,6e id Lu, like a braken illy, was CoûsI ed Afro. Ribitlig CAft Can ' P, yon ask why 1 betrayed such emotIon ? The tension ul at its âcYne, and -the sou-nd of that fe liaF naine, like the lightening>o llggh to Storm driven mariner, revea!ing-the, Pelessnem or hi& t1se, the ýCerwfitfôf, -rounding rocks. Soý al, that-she bat,,,, t the life lOng agonY, if she survived approaching acouchment, flashod6e 3 the beart atricken-*ife. oh, h mly she laid lookinglike the Inhabitant Rnother world, thât to that which abc 1 hastening, No person was pemitted ýeé her,'uPon Pertect quietness her fife endeil ; ýpoor San futed and ptiyed-ý' ýereIy, that that wicked sinner would the work of h is hands and reform. Tu )riet Lu recôvered slow1y, @bc required attendance of ber phygicial almost dai. ýotwithstanding. - Ethelston apin fell the old practice of _staýing late at tÊe s, and returning inebriated and crose. evening Lu feit M, very in, @ho pen. a note hastily te lier huslmnd, Come, 1 am very 111, Charlie, 1 am dy- t iis note was delivered tQ him st thé 4 he glanced over it, and ýarele«ly y it to the Doctor, saying, ÃŽou will be of rnore service -than ey bad only finished the first bottri lie rose, and was soon with bis pa- She faintly asked fur ber hiw )Ii, bc bas enly had his first- boule, ,ieed not look for hirn yet, but keep ind quiet, Mrs. E., i t wiü »on bc- - thought he tneant death, "and ffl iuffer me to die, Doctor, witbout S my husband e' the meantime, the demon ofi«IOMY. :rept into Ethelston's liead, and. hw )wed bumpers in succemion, songe- 'Cd songs. Soine pemon uked fûrý r -, who sang a good sfflg? h, bc is with Ethelston7s recluseý We dispense with bis song to-nightl" elston seorned surprised by that re.ý,- ho rose, drank the ýIÉîj and the drew bis belt tightly, and -walked y to Mm Ribifs. His wife was in a ing attitude.- Mm Ribit, bad jugt er to send another me#mgua£W,,, asband, th Ã" doctor held ber band, ho- bathed- ber .boa&, - HîÈS-ý eî4ý_. su tnieôssied -him, that tiot, until"' tofi stood i*fore- him, glaring Hire a ho wu conscious of bis, outrance-, started in perfect - dianiay, so -grest ho tranaforrnatîorà , but, qtÃick',Qs 14 the madman -held, hiM býy_ the Fortunâtely the stock Sava waly, - th one bound, the doctor rShed tt idow, and leaped out, quickly' upon of night,. chimed the report of twio à ots, 2co-mÃŽngied wîth the-, shrieks, roinaix _Lahadýjeý-_pîned the ind wjth Iýar-xcqttired strength, abe ïï1ýc gite t lie iLb Kttitlýl,) bis devoliot' 1 is it genu-line thin-i -Y-0ýù -?Iî'n' to take bazardons jeaps in thacirerdraifiilcysrziedeed% Sai'(ILNO, You shall net Shoot hit 41ýÀ- KELLE.It. M-ý,Nf)N & 111MLIPIS TIAVE your position how difficult te ascerta n a or would urge ber horse at ,6WNON, 1 1NsT'1ý'AN('E .%ND ,ý(;E:ÇT, 'IL leused the libuve Ilotvi M-1 ûften would tafnodotrýraschelo',gvilth no wish te sec you hung, for as Lu -bc seen a for the am l'el' 's "()w rnRdsln()tive! Itisalwaysselfishabest. a large New ble of visi foundland dog, figlit as you yenflenwn no 'I'né Il(,týéI havilisz beell foritierly kept ùý What à pity that we muet have sometbing to the parlor, discompose lier mother and ,novr Mr. Canning will nov« c r4ýriltlivt. Viý Street. 'jt»tii:irl.iii person into ee j.,rincip es-a exclusively 1 "Pirit I,Îýensc hall tangible to love, -so-mething à IIý1NJA.11IN YARNOLD, (lit, pihice. k: very iittelitiý1n paid to travel- estsb _J, Ilc E y leaDin over cha pursued by cIA?,IMý AND TRILISURER. 01 - ler,, and the hest R(x'ýomiikodution provided for ours ; were it nôt for this, how joyous gu - . 9 Ta a ta"get. ýNo, R A. C. WILSON, iiinii and ligirt-. would be girlhood, how calm old age. Neptune. Notwithstanding thffl freaU nilwst not, for I cannot afford ti) 1 W. 0. EANTWOOD, A. B. ï-lï lialiger. Paillis, 45 1 interfuptyou, pray go on. La had never addressed lier- PAVER- t-ir An oninibtis in attendance to and&om she was docile and affectionate, would rscit- given nanie; had never acknow' D. )il, I*uttN-. 1 pa- the - Carmjree of charge. dçmurely at ber motheils feet when Io lý(ýr- iltigilige fý.r Sale. \V litt-washing ýUd C(ý>- 1 l'ave'nOt decided because I dont knew c 1 ce>d(le lieu-) Me ly ve-lipied by JÃe.' é1)rliwý I)tin-ln4% Street, ýVhitby_ THOMAS ROBINSONYS him sufficiently to ()RONER, PlUlSICIAN, SURGEON &( Il love Ilm as 1 know 1 quelat to, reilà , or practice for ten minutes prefèrence before, an pion, iI"iiýiktir", 4 -3 - l'el, lý,57.- ý ý ASIIII)NAIIIA-.' IIAIR AND athordosire; butthe momentshereçog. knew that the Was W-ODVl Dr. IL W.-CLARK, F , -il Rortnis, Brockstreet, wiiithy shall love when 1 hilive onco yielded to 1 et& m B. CA31PBELL, A first rate'ý'4imh lkirber and liait 1) . of Passion. nizçd, b , fathera st Slia% the ere -chance re ep she would glide like not know th battle & CORON'ER, 9)()T J BR(')CK lutte standing in the 9 is penson is unexceptionabl% for t1je i)f 0uturio. 1 ND ýSlit.)E.NIAKFR -id busilleet bc bis conversation brilliant, as a jovial cola. At the a ýýà jd throw herself unto bis arms. 'produeed 'a revolution in bis fai ftl B Streût, ýý*liitb3, (ilext doi)r tu T. foiiiid in ru. iness tý0 attend on gUntie111115111 f fliteen Lu find quite as much noith bis persbnà l'4ttÃŽictiojis 1 Dr. CtlýECKLEY, . Downing's Railroivi llotel.ý Repiirs Shavinz is il process tu wliieh trelitlemen Ãor panion lie is indespensable, but let me âce eo or ncatly donc, and work of ail kind executed in Fflf)(1 arc iiiiieli averse l'ut linder hIlh admirati& als any gi4dy girl could desire. êould have olbWned fà i'bi il BROCK STREET, TOWN OF hirn with the suffering, mark bis receptîon got>d style, and in a workmanlike mariner. p iiimon'm,'hand they wili find the operation both It was woman a, fate. 4efýre thi ý%'hîtby, ("gplltlty of Ontario. agrecable and plensant. lier true disposition be= e,. ils J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, 2 of the poor and dispised ; could 1 but wit. ness bis unguarded deportment te bis or. manifi4m morbid desire ta, exorciser des., Eth" n had -ber pertniuiôd t TJYSICIAN, ý8ýURGEON AUCOUCHER ONVEYAN('Eli,&e.,('OMMISSIOýNERIýN' LADIES" SCROOL. potié r the heart of ber 'lov'em, ýhtT band: of lier father. - TW a, P &o. ltoL4ido.ýtice-Diiillii" ýCree , Ilicker-' c (.1'. P. & B. R_, Land, Diviision Gburt Agent derly, 1 would decide, for or agaînst hi= le door North of A. 1). We k âmon had entree te bfr. e& lab' upon the revélerg ýWbomý 1 0 rl IIIE MISSES BRYAN WOULD RESPECT, 1 must request Papa to reply to, bis lettet î Drtig 8torc, Uxbr.idge, C. W. 25 j fully anriptince to the inhal itants of M'hit- for I am st a loss for lan n, the' soeméd! ùttoo-shôiý'4ýt ail th .1. .4. by and ý,icinitv, that they purpZe penîng a ge- guage to express jo of à noble he 'Vru bave An-,enc'ý,bow*,r - gr , :: deli ghtfult OÇAL DENTIST-OFFICE IN BROCK RUTIIERFORD & SAUNDERS, lect. SchoQI foi the instruction of Young Ladies. my meaning, I dont mean t'o Bay 1 WJJJ to: the fi( The School will open on the first of Jan1ýftTY formed,.,*ith piie'rêing "Ircel' !11 J. Bigelow'e Store, nirici oppnmite (LATF 3. STOVELJ lish branche miurry you, nor do 1 like to gay 1 will not t'id l419ietrý 0111co. All ollerationà warrautüd. irtext. All the s of FAUcation, , ný titis of,' workin-e dilly, *orld.ý' 1 Rjl(,rcýncù, a fair trial, with Fâney Nos o work and Munie, win which my j udgment condemni as ' - 'i TAILORS, & o . 101à : bé trifling ; ý 1. AND 54, KING STREET WEST TO- tauRht. indeed thlis declaration. bas made AMOS W. citON, route. Alao 48 King Street West, liamil- Byron Street, Whitby, Dise. 1, 1857. 44 1ll1ýlLm_ - P 41ko. Sirl,ýhe songht, to jmd,Ãgnýý4eecbut'more,çraywarg llclrlrE(,ý11, CIVIL ANI.) te"' happy, would it be thua, if auspiclou r vrthaýAba:t te ýcQmprç4endý than, cver; ý.t J%-K.titte Agent, Whitby. W A N T B D "No, dear Cora, 1 fim tu and lie folt pleasüi-à !ri Was not one, of thornleu ros GEORGE XOTT, evathitour ýU him annoyanm. ffis lis )jy deýx child,- s4 id gr., 0. ADDLER AND HARNES$ MAKER, &o., guardian angel wam us by suèb RCTITTECT AND -CIVIL FNGINEER, S Br(xýklin and Epsom. 1 have opcned a d within live miles 'of the.Town et " W-hy should you bc unhappy M a', om- Py, pu me or rent, about 50 acres of good aigu l" in 11n nobleýbirLh, and flatter- océasion of one of one or heý U A pundu Street, WhItliv. Emtilantffl made a brandi of my I)usîtieà aat EI)sýin, where 1 keep Whitby. Purebue with or witliout'Build!nP, quest, W which. &U, the ladieg or D_ . X9 ad e knew wonld not fail to uýpn*oef4.41 remead»r, yS ut ail kinde of meastiriiig wiork eurufully attoit- a large stock un harid, and curry on the business on tuy terni referre& AddmW criante ul affection. How mîtted alwayli te elrer" yottr lo 1 in ail lia branches, the mine an nt my establiâh- of gratof do'l to. J. MACDONELL, %q, are contofilting'?l De 110, théught it wQuId Ille to'heve Lieut'lgt-helà tonis*oft4 ment ut Brooklin. 39 If by loitêr post qd- fathèr ta decide for loti, --WlcLANDER X. CLA'RK, Fobmary 2, IM8. - leoi1ý% Jour, the fle tyrant acknowledge. ihe by y fw, u miffll CONSTAIME, COUNTY ONTARIO, J. C. STEILLING, Mmes to Copy. own judgmentli I know thoit ventuany riv otir condùcL,-, My nd Iiispectorof Licenà sc*iuthe Municipal- UCTIONEEIL. A DUPLICATE BOOK cannot subb= your hi what èiýoi "y ad M 1 jour;,burt ýight e afd bis yon do n -91 (y of the Town of Wliltby. A of Mr. Sterling's Auctiim Sales, le kept ut ot foel a propmer ý love CLARK9 thiâoMee. AI] oraere loft at the târ«id4 office i RA" LlVjglty lie its decision.- Shortly aiteý-" coýver- in, -1- er- -14 became bis Motim ý But énce for - your ý destined huelm will bc attended te with the strictest punesuati- sation Com wu Qtlýl l 1 ý. . him, re more twd deeply ý inter.; take much paina to conrih J-1,Tï 018B & Co., t - Days of Sales fixed on. Rcsid E 8 T A B LI S'H-X EN ' 9êted Spectitom Lu's.Mother and;a'mr. approb OM FRCII NT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST. gimet, lueur tbe Court House, WhitubuyS-Centre Tl tary on the state of bei helart'from ber old w- - em Bilent, observera -or thins fô,voèLý > Direetly opp"ite iKeil6aul«, lutituteq Toronto. domesti ; hâw, betrayed wu to ber a , o n t 0 erinmb c' , , . Il Luhis= . ý -111 isrffli aftmi wwmr.,> mis- Luidie, and ber indi mi IlE UNDEILSIGNED IIAVE* ENTERED tery. It ignot a -happy. loveý Mîm con4 récep il*sguwd *dmire =ri ý Date ý'That i314 inother dear, lýd.elil " RTJ(40ýST. DRUGS'AND CHEMICALS TÃŽnto Partnershipu AUCTION-Ens, under rwý,i;umSmÉlt BEGS To iiçnmATE Your voice -sà uýds to mà 'ülî, etr' lika thé C., W, r% à fm him pale as mounmentai stï>né,ý .13 Stuffin, colore &o. qi! the lit < to thi inlMbftojita 4 WhItby andý'the'pübHo: o' ",red one (altw w1thout he Wa- . rm-ed inbà life di Ly. o and firrn of Patteraon and 8 » T d a flivery Stable at the a winid among, the- accuis leaves,. your itmmer 61 way-gonhand. Dundaëi Street, Whit i JAS. e.ATTFA*ý0x ALBERT eîZ'f,-idt oùte * '11kelhe d 1 sound th&tý4eJýýqIic»e hoyo - formuleýrm q biùdlhem and ý il i pj" wheri be wiU endeavor to géeoým iý!igh rç n Oh am - eL ippi -gof. the blôfi8qýU ' 1 , ý >, » - HENRY UANIqAllît à 1l wLo magy &ver hImýw1th their oMeri.: Ail orders le et. the Chrmid4 Printu qýw1 aplendid ored, Ouuùb uld, ýsafe1Y learpl. this woffice the grave stoup_ - Toumust, pluck féetýfi4tqrgý, -ffla and c9v one wholhglai. t'ho -,,olo'e tothe W AINTER, (4LAZIER,'P4PER JIANGER Wh*tb promptly attended te At;cUorpL ble of, carrying eloteon persons, and vm tbat lovei 0 the bun break in ýSS &o., Whitby. PrintZtin good style, and toit Queed' r ý -1 , Bütapropimt,ý' uarre4 - wr, à d&PW for OMY4 plésellare parties, 4Ding se, thiff; have it broken by him Of GEORGE WYATTIS HOTEL, hlm oa or of' to ber busbiand - où- iiçaateý ý 1 ' ýý ýïonërîwùie of ONVEYANCER. COýM.lÈS1éNER FOR N. ItAly "No* MmEiei-llhdýitagood time to rmon tci le TE SCRIPTUREIS, 'WIIITBY THEý Whitby,-ýJan. 16, 1$57., suffléiéà t ppôrtnni test hi Ing Atfidav1téý In the Qtieenla Bonch, &o. Atages passine North Piast ana W'est thi'o of Mi"ý, Lütu'a love and -mistà ke," 1ýà pJ4fïý > ;of *ty t'o ý .1 lie , t - dore& Çaika,ýBrock, C. W. t--" RZL Xvery Information oinng and is , princiig __8boý' haî 1AW !DY n«Wbyýfidfft# Ob VWous a] WXLLIAN THOMPS04N W ibis JW çuh 1 caab 111 is Nanny's narroltion 'endabitil for Me, littie 111.She commiencild b &DDLF, 11AItNFý13S, COLLAR & UNK D. P. WY,&TT, rro HE highenit price wM U "pu _jr relating ber _4di In Caâh pp Dfaker. S or thé Maminoth Coli T the t vtneément front the hoùse-ýeepW8p*n d Éh R uk stffl4 NORTU AMICIUCAZÇ Xf0TEj,ý ý'1Rrock Streeti W thy' mwnd'ýÃoor sonth of the to be ber. Misi-reW'hand iWd;.tbè W(iý th - - t4 1ça 19. Peuitén g JAMES GOUL»o POUT UOFIL éo 11arbodian planter, a young Xr4lab brW*. i9illit; W UCMoNFER &0 &0 GREPI;'WOÃ"D, TOUS zrco fll 44W 0, «Wty- hi 4î, xgsWAMP Of Pickering. 26 fi r4ethod, of filifb Old rnùnt, Ide' frieiias' and the- pubuc, aenerà uy, th" ho »bu oommen«a.t«. Pice tb1*pJ*jý& jM»Uu6 THOMPSON il Mrm, ýà ffl.iR the'sbpý premim, il r wer > illeçu . 9 - ý_, "4 -,Y, 1 ý-1 . >6 __ Y tte bi ëd .1 9ýf UCMONYMS, &c., SCAM BOITOR, & Modill of doing, biiýînens i-164- Otf»tg-,t4e . ý r, ý*xýed and &ýýtIôû îhi, -es ' ýL k=ARTI. M4 markham, tu juabo WM mi6ca obilgë Of à , brelilti lm 4W -, - "' lui cmie, 1- meiore, tne Jsheýf-d in anot'heê day, Dr. Gitt ,a lovély boy ÃŽnec the arms of Namy. 1 end a 'nurse Nanny- This la- engs- u"n &,ýà ingje threadý she &P1"Týýver hëlrÉênae% but 1 fur n . will: noi sô Ë06n rétum__ýpoor' ïng thhig ý1 xtor, whe, in, lePing 1 from the- 1194-80 à isloSt»dý hig ankle, that tmbleýta rise, received Ethelstýni& arra, and a slight. grau on, h*ýw It bis P*In Was go acute, th" he rà crowdiswn-SUected,-tbeerce 2. wu -cà nied-. into, an -&44&nià g d a gSrd sent lor, tà aý the In the ýnxmntime, sevek W" le thmugbout. ttm.houÉefor ]lm hi VaIEL ý. Mm lilbit enquiw Md dont with à , mercy ý'wh«re -à ceà broken Who, whewn hmken, xm"d me to ýj. bèwe, paramour, ,d &-bue à WhS.cý Z%44& the. mlle loft thè,room, vbm to.'. t, ton wu J7 plâcedwi WU oa 4n en eî