Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1858, p. 2

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- '- -' j mit' - I - '~that ho tarled la tck The evidence, ai- Churches in 'Canada, te which Rey. Mr. ul PIe tltegh altogether circumastantial, was sin- Lowry respendel Cr~ guiarly corroborative. The prisoner wu 4Mr. Wilson gave Ilthe Mayor and Town -2 convicted, and sentenced te tliree years in Ceuncil of Whitby," and reniarked upen > the Pcnitentiary. the great changea for the better whlch bad The Qtoecu. a..3irtin 8awymf-Utter. taken place within a short period in Whlt- '~' '~ .,,p..~ ~ ~ing base coin.-I this case the GrandJury by, the menit of which, in a great degree, ~z< ~ j' * oun atru bi. Te csewae held over hie ascribed to the public spirit of the cti- _______te the Assizes. zen. cf Whitby, and usefuineas of the i - fi--9 m _____ ~j. Thi Queen v& a. «or-AssauL-Tho Town Ceuncil. 0 ~ assault in tbis case was cemmitted by the Mr. Perry neplled on behaif cf the Town 1 ~ prisnner upen James McBain. Both were Council, and expressed-his decided hostihi- tt M bailiWa* and hlad seized the sarne property, ty te the petitien which was new geing te> 'Z 0.C Major under an execution iaaued eut ef the rounds for signature, te curtail the lim- -- , ~ ~ t thie Division Court, and McBain under a 'ta et the Town F p landlord's warrant, and enchi seeking te Dr. Clark replied te the sentiment et the ~ ~ !ci- retain it on the autbovity delegatcd to himmIlMedical mon of Whitby." Mr. Poelel, 'q[ the assault arosee The jury found a ver- Mr. Campbell and others, te the "lMer- diet of IIguity'î against Major on the 2nd, chants ef Whitby."- Mr. Howard te the 'Z and 8 Coopta ofthejdicttuent. Sentence "lagricultural and mechanicul interests, - -, The Queen v8. McBain-lgsault The - Mr. W. H. Docl next propesed Ilthe W ý e-Charge in this case rose out oethde preced. health of Mrs. Tremayne," 'which mas I z ~a--- ing assault. The jury acquitted the pri- drank with enthnsiasm. "ýOur Education- Cr, sonen. al inteneets" mero likewise giron, and nos- n~~7e Qucen irt. (7«,.. 11'neron-Lar- ponded te by sereral gentlemen, aftcn -0 0c0ce 0 0 è-n.Cr ceny ; sentenccd te tire nontlis impnison. mhich the coînpany broke up, having spent Éli o1ent.Rn evening of the greatest harmony and The Queen vs. Gifford--Larccny; sen- good fellowship. New dvetiseîcus ~ encd te9 nonths in the ('eunty Jail. * ~~The Queen 1-8. Jkrton-Larceny; sen- Tw ocU Sehedule ef Convictions-IH. J. M:îcdoncll. tcuced te 2 mionths impriseiment. Tnesday Ev'g, March 16. S-anstie'sa sonfrcxr(ieRbe' he n vo. P<it Lainerieu.-The Pýi- The Council met at 7 o'cleck : the May- Ov pcies Cr0kei-,&c.-. inîne.is case wnsproved te be a luna- or in the Chair. Gryctene, Hadocker, &c..-J. Nurse. tic' and ivas cemmitted te prison pending I'rasent, Messrs. IHam, Iodgsori, Mac- Building Lot% for Sale-J. liani Penny, an application te Gevernment. doneli, McPhersonTrnayne and Watson. Preperty on Brock Street for Sale or te The- Grand Jury in their usual present- YOUNG CANAD>A IN TRE iICIIOOL.ROoMl. oSLes-J. Iiai Penny ment found the gaol and ths piseners in A petition mas neceived frein the ache- iesanILtoB Y.o teo o Sl-gecU order. Tht-y reoommended gael cloth- lars et the Henry Street Seheol praying J. Hlam Perr-. iîîg te be provided for the prisonei-s duning for the construction ef a sidemalk te their LlfeAssciaîcrneSntland-jaines Grant confinemnent. -That the damage donc the School-house. Boots and Shoes-B. Oiiphell. Court House abouit the cupela ho oxamnin- A resoîntion was adoptcd in Conîmittee Parénership-Patterson & Sprinig. cd and the saine ncpained, and that the and passed, the Council authorizing the Adj4urtned Quarter 'Sesions-il. J. Mac- donei. 'nei.- -Town build a sideiialk te the goal. cominittee on Streets and Imprerements Appý-enticc %atd The Court adjourned on Thursday, te te have the nocessary sidewalk censtruct- --S2àturdav hie 2th Jlsrch. cd for tlhe accommodation et the i'hildrcn. IWANTED IMM.1EDIÂTELY, - ' @Mr. Macdoneldesired te have the job A rl'siii-c. pTyIL'ETTHE . Il TreaYnea let by Tender, but Mn. Hodgson and ether -_____The supper ef W. H. Tremayne imen- mnembers censidcred the advertising for ~tL.'> ,, ~tinnied in oun last, came off on Satunday tenders in se sînaîl a iatter an unnecessa- QbQ~,, lttfl $~J~ fl~ evencing ast, ah Wyatt's Hlohel. About50 ry expense. bêgentlemen, including Judge Bunnham, J. STREFT IN$PEcTeR'S PETITION. hlaro Pcrny, Esc., May orcef Whitby; Dr. John Bengý,oughi's*petitien praying pay- Wbifbi-, Thursday, 3Mardli 18, 18à8. am C. C'. C. 0. ;II. J. lîacdonell, Esq., nient ef moncYs due hum as Street Inspec- Chcrki of the Peace; Dr. Gunn, Dr. Clark, ter iras neftrred te the Connittee on Fi- Rcduciug the Limiita% of the own. 1)r. Checkhc1-, Thomas Pow, Esquire, nanice and Asseïsment. A strenuous effort is now, being niade by Rt-v. Mn. Lowrry-,,IR. J. Wilson ànd G. IL TtmT EELRRE YLW a portion of the citizens of the o 'rie of- Dartochll, Esqunires, soicit0rs, J. J. Bronn On tht- calling ef theoedrs of -the day Whitbiy, calling thieniscîres - iarmers," te of the Ontario Timneq, and a respectableM.ldgoinodtescndeangt hav-c the imits utf the Towetii taihed. The- representation et the inerchants and citi- 1Bi--hai No. te nepeal Bv-lav No. 3 gentlemen ineving in the m-atter, arc to zens ef the Towno, iere prescrit. Mn. Macdonehl cnquired uhether it mas wonk siently and quiutiy, but stircly and Dr. hiarn occupied the chair, and Mn. the saine lly-laiý- as that mhich had alneady insidiotuslj-, ebtalning signatures te thuin Maedoneil the vice chair. T'lie suhîstantî- been read a firit tiiee, and vyhcthen il con- petition; and bt-fore tho peopîle ef the town aIs oft he supper, and the usual loaIa and tained the nt'cessarvy tndorsement by the ft-taware t fit, the petition wil bc befone cornpliinentýavv toasts having been dispos.- lr n h ak the lieuse etAsseinbli-, and penhaps acted cd et,LDr. Ilin gare the "G iuest oie i Mn. lodgsen admitted that his Bv-law tipen. 'le effettof neducing the irniti- erenin-, W. Il. Trema rie, Esq., flhe Coun. a ettesni s CeDrgnl ylm et the Town, ill neeessaîily be,te-îinca.se ly Cnown Attortiey." In doing se, 1Dr. and that hoir as willing nom te ask for thre taxes on al nesiding ivithmn the Ifuni- lTinT ncmanked upon the great necessity laot aoteB-a odafa ue ciptIl bornîdmry. Tire qnantity et land ne. n-hicli existed (or the apmiiitment et sucîri The Maîyor declared that such a course i4eetmtedbvtir fain-nsmir jin n tt-an eflicer, arid described tti re -et negîcci wonld be out et order, unless tht- onden on petition itmoun-tsho some 1, 700 acres mith- in te administr-ation ç,t criminal justice- tr oe e iescn edn oeds in tho corporation. If this quantihv be fnequently nsu'lting in the deft.at ef Jus- tirad eut où, re can îiiagine mi lat rate ir ic tice nltegethtr-for mant of a crowin M.Mcoelsrao e aigtr pound tire taxesq wilbc on the ~ronainfiîîg prosoctîton ttv colkct evidence and bringebetomathtomihdehroaul portion et the Tow-n. The succesef the conviction home te thre guilty. Thre Crew-n Counicil. petitieners, would result in the- greateet Concil irben hoe caine don-n te an assizes1 The erden on thre papier iras thon dis- injustice te thît'Mercaiitile, Meehinnical, andI feht ail thre difficîlty et prectiring tire at 1hae, and tusé laboring popula~tion ef the- Town, tendance et necessary îitncsses, and hait1Mni. Hodgson ebtained leave te intreduce anid te thre trading interests efthtie Town ne liime te sift and colleet proper evideoce, a by.lam, No-to repeal by-lan- Ne. 34, generally. WVhile thie storekeepen, and ibting without any local knon-ledgc îvhat-I (Market by-law), sud the by-lan- mas read the inechanic, paidl a lict-nse tax, an inceme ever et parties or cfrcurns*anceg, and inI a final hume pro foîrins. tax, a dog taxLa pnoecny tax, a nailînail haIt the crimnal cases brougbt forward, The nero by-law coutemplates that I ta;, and erory-eothon tax ; the "Ifariner" Junies iree empotU»d te.acqnit-prisoers, butchers shal obtein a license te soIt frein owning- lu> acres et Tow-n Lots, mentil Jnet because thiere wgs a'nydoubt et their Conperationaud lhoat liberty te locale and £50 the fifth et an acre, and rendered va- gîilt, but becauuro lte evidence brouglit soU n-bore thoy pleaso mithin thre munici- luable- thi-ougli the indîîshny and enhorpuise agaiush thein mas fonnd te hoe insufficient. pality. None but butchers alloed le sel of the trading portion o>f tihe Towrn, niust, He (Dr. Ilaîn) %vats ghad that the appoint- shep, &c-- inless q iuantit;- i-s hanby4-r eh-ie icon lit ton-n lot, thîey n-dl tbnom Mn. Macdonell gave "tire Ladies" in a Mn. Macdonehl, t-emakt a be rapon hum tirte bunrtirmt payiog the taxes spot-ch mhich caused gi-tat uternimoot. phaced mhere il mas, by a majority of tire r wich go for the improyenieut oet tioir pro- Mn. Lan-der gave tire bar et the Connty natepayers efthtie Town, anddire sbouhd have Cr peties. Whliat the- farinons seck n-oîîd bcofe Ontario,wmincir nas rcsponded te sere- thre opinion et is constituenta betore ho va a gross injustice te tire Town et Whitby, raîly by Jndge Buroharo, Mn.- Dartnel, couldsusent te auy change. g snd! me trust te sec the ciizens rise up as Mn. Wilson and Mn. Macdonehl, in very Dr. Hamn, urged another reason fon the one man, o-t resist tire selfisirnesa, ingrali- appropniate teronît Lacir et the gentle- postpoement efthtie second reading, that t ttsdo and mant et patniotisin disphayesi by mon n-armly cornplinienhing Mr. Treinsyne il should bir penused by.somo logal genthe- th the "'fariners." arpon iris adrancement, sud expressing man. Dr. Ram cendemned tire by-hams tiroir greah gr-stificatieur t4aireho as select- previously passed by thre Ceuncil as net O - Court of Quarttr iSessions. ed te fil tire appointruent. meaning n-bathie parties intonded and bce-th ThîrsdyhrTrcr u 158. Mn; Pnnyexresedbis greati satis&ctren ing in ether respectsa lhegal. ef Judgc Burniram oened the Court aitirhe ah tire appeinhmeilh, sud said -tiat if tire Mn. Hodgson considered tirehan-yens usural heur. Tire fohoing naisitraîtpnem Counuy Attorney continued te dis- made more blundera than otirors, and lu- d oceupied seats on tire Bencli durng tro charge iris dutios as ire had begun tirei, shanced tire Provincial Statuts-some ofd day,' D. b. ITenett, Esq.,- War-den et tire l by oerertaining hi * -M44 Oyster Slip- mnichi no ene couhd undershand, as evidence pouînt>', R. Lunid, Esq., James Hodgson, pers, ire (Mn.r. t),l u hie satis. of n-hat tirehan-yens oould do lu the n-a>' "lq., and B. Birrehi, Esq. faton,,ugir eoneraL Joking et hungiing. TAe Qseemn vs. tias èec-Asuh part continued Mn. Pýr-y. I do indeed Dr. Ham, it just gees te show you n-hon Ihoe pisenor n-a3 indicted for assaulting fèeebglad that tire appoîntinont n-asgiven lan-ybrsiave so much. difficuit>', hon- mucir gr. Leonard, Bailrffl of tire* 6th Division tor a yourg ima T'esdenf -in thre Cqunty more mill Ceuncihinen (net Ian-yens) have Court, w-mnk acting in tire disohangeofet iis 0and &asnadian, sud, nef te an ohd iogy. in proparing tIroir by-han-s properîy. Tire duty. Tir e yidenos iras not sufficient to n- as tee mincirtir Practice te conter ap- am4ndmeut n-sa thon carried. t isustain tire inditiniît and tire prisener pointroonts upon starpgorg. - He sleuîd Mn. Maodouolh gave notice that ire would l *vas ordered le ire discharged. Tire net ebjechte extensi tire mrirad rs tie next meeting of tire Counoil, moresu Couit>' Attorney prosoeuhecl; N. G. Rlam pitaîihy te every macn-hosougrt. Canada a reseÃ"luhibn that propor stops bce taken for Counsel ton detendant. , ai a home, bel ho thouglit thatCanadiana -oirtairànug tender--fer nraking a aiden-rdk 10 TIW Qr;cccr a. j»s. Camcron.-Ason.- miro iad reughed i 1 h ie rusir, aud mere foot wide oppositt'e o Curt 1ouse. so Tire îudletient chaged tire pisener n-ith oeb4iged to, endure &Hithtie har-dships ef a On motion of Mn. Macdenehi, a résolu- toi iravlng set ftne te a stack etfmireat, tire yqung usethhed cbuuntry more ou- tien passedl authorizing tire cirairmnan -of iroperty of John Penkina, residin- on Lot htitled tetri. usianofbhùossdthie conmiitteeen sti-eets mud Ipeool No. 22, on tire 8th concession et Reah.- offies u O w.Prir naivprur.M.Pnyte emplo>' o0ne man lu each n-arî at 3a Dd ein tire ovidence 1h appeared liratirhe remindod tire reipiente of public offiees lu per dae,'to C htie cressings on Satur. ýr; pnisene and Penkins more on bad ternis ,tire Ceuuly, present,tinat they omved tire days. - -c and traI lire formerhiasi declrdtie oenjoymen t ftiofimces; ud- incemes *ifi*. Macdouell enRquired mirether t ea would bie revengesi, snd tiîreatened ho hum n imani> te tirego ý0 ù*tu glo ieCuny i'l« ' tetesud lmprovomentis, thre ironie even-Penkins' iread. TiraI aI frein tire.United -9Ceies -of York ansu d ,liad ikean,. meana< te keep lb. ater umi4ight, on tire 22nd et 4anvary, a stack Pet-I. o ut oUr wlich mad bieon overlomu ýf mieat behongiug te Penkina centairling Mr. Tremnayne exphtiriedtbat âýt1ougb incomnsequence fotteepairson thaestreta, , re &bout 500 busheha-bua only pnoperty n-as a Canadiean in host and entimen4: ho mas Re referred teMr LaiuÉs cellr and ots. for diseowered- tbi on tire, and waaconsumod st born inCanasda, He henever, wusa ,- Messrs.Ham,and Hodgson, repudiated Rý &àotwtÉataninlg ahI tiredflorté cf the, pros- Britlith aubjerst, a4,b,;ould say, It tillail ily on th part of tire équhittee lm *ý4tpr'nd hi& upigirbrs. - ooi markst,n-ho iras clnoSen Canada as lth adçited to eep ~pop1 eldars drained. i and lte mark, of a stick orsthe gr4ùnd d ounti->', h tb.y imZegIugo,- reland or T .àýfor me -tire Cowâcil th4at ww. .. igoord ewentiwe iore' cthand 'bôuld'ahJbeilookeâ ùpon as sien th~e RWl i o ll W n~h tot 1t e- ,le iL 'è #Adilie stick oet n-triaL Tira SIsaL Aof ne Conn.itàl.- c maL k i.T iand, 1'thd ,eerr.u, iWiLà.s in. . .,ýA4- Brave olti Minsten-! in n-hase keeping, Diroil tise C/îathams, Son arnd Sire, Once mono br-eak their sileni sleeping. Once mono higirt, themrirahiem'd fire. Hlank Itirai cheem, that glemions et-ir! Anthen-hike, ure' Cloistons poal'd, Telk to ait, or Fr-lent or Fe England's Flag, ehail Exiles shield," As etf>'ore, cries gualant, t8a-l>', IlFing aur Pennon, frtan d noir-," Thi a nmsaor, atout snd màn.)>', Non a Czar-nor Despot fear. Bnitons, bis mcli, kom in SIen>', Er scon'd th' Assassins knite. pùons util CunnxoCe .Barry; Irisrh Anehiieci et Nen- ouses' of Lords anti Comemens. .Uiussr; Wet-smniusî,n- Abireywmiere Chatami and Pitt aro buriesi, andi bavemnuments. Toi GREAT Durci or Budrnmsa.- iT-e tollowing extracht ram a M.S. in tire timnîelan collection mn>' ho cousideresi cu- rioua as giving a sîngîrlar apecimen. et tire luxuniens moagn ificience efthtie great farso- rit. Tire M. S. is intitiesi, IlAcceunt et the rail> rit-h cleallus oatie Duke et BuS- oghamon-whonire iront te Paris te bring aven Queco RlennietaMarisa;" I"Risfra-o hat for ia iod>'e tnentie-seveu rit-ie subIs embnoisiered, anti Iscesi iti sihk ansi h- vrt- plusires, besides ont- nir n-hite satin uhu relvel surit, set aIl ener, beth suit andit-boke, mith diamoosis; tire value n-bt-e- ut la £4û,000, bosides a festin- mde iti gront diamensis, mitr anors, girlsic,_irat- bandi, ansi apura set mitir uiamentis: ano- tuer miels suit is ef pumple satin, embreiti eros aIllaven mitir ri-l Orient peauls, tire loet mate atter tire Spanisir fasirion, tire 'aIne miereot la 20,000 pounsis. His etirer nuits are ail rit-h ai invention can trame or art fasirion. Ris suit for lire weddiusg is crynnion sud golsi. Tire numben et son- -anta are in>,,20 privy gentlemen, sevous gr-coinsoethtie ciramirer, 30 chiot yoen, O0 master cooks, 20 set-anti cooks, 14 yo- ian efthtie second ramiS, 17 grooms te irem, 45 laboees ielonnging ho tire kilt-ion, 2 paeslf24 teolmen, 12 grooms, 16 hirul- men, six ridera, auss eigirî stable fehloma, fier-e are eigiht herses toeaco acic-eth, Dgit score- musicians, 22 mates-mon."1 ,LEctTus-Tirere miIh bi alecture oelivered t, herMechýaios'Institute, con ('eduiess>' vening next, ah lbd-past 7 îcbock b>' Tiromas WdodgsnBsq, L bL. &, of tire Edicatiom imIo Subjet- tire Cilles of tire NVorld." Tire days on n-idu I malte myseltun- Dmtortable miti repiuing are isgbe sme as moîllas in>' iappiest, aeidnil1 con- ribrato as.much ai lie>' do te swell lte aira cfyeans te n-hlir ,m>'lite isZestrieled. >omv-Y.-Tirefirot meiji ~r mn, on tirs S aty-«irl' b d day lu - Psussteu t Il 2nd. Tire Tan-if!. 3u-t. Separate Scheols. 4tir. T"*.-NoPopon>'" lon-l. In support efthlie demoanai for tIre 6rst il mas conîlendosi tint Upper Canada n-il one reice demandesi tht-chrange, andi ývoui nover Ut- snhi.,fed witiro'u it. Tire pr-msi pIe cententesi for iras n juilansi tquittai. 000 b>'tire admnissiorn et the Loin-enCana dians tîroirselves, andt as nue nan ýn ti, West n-as as gond as one manu lust4 East -if tire concession more sieoieai1ont-of tIi tiigs wu ul ow, riz:-a dissoluýion i tire Union, an a Pt-donation et aih t he Bli - - tqd NoSrtir Ameicmk Il îiý'à -eu, edraI Annoxatien ? tlt 'UnitedoStales wonhd bo ciesen iry Vppea -Canmada, ini prefenence te a continuel sul iedeeien te lire yoke etfLamer Canada" In answ er it nas saisi b n o 1n 4 r bt-en tercedt utereUnion b>' Upper (an ada, mien in peint et numobens, iý lina tireet- luUppen Cantds' hio. tint Jppel Canada hast repenitidl>'rotuseti te y 1eld tc tire demansi t o-on Canada tonrItepre. sentatien matsid on population; tiraI 40 laIe as 1849, tire demnst hati otn matdr an- rejeted, evon>' memi'ber frein Upper ICafu ta voting agamostiti, andtihie Lamer Cana. dians tirmselm'ea, taithful te tIre tei:nsî c tire original agreement doing thirJsami, mur lire exception oethtret- jmcm- bers, riz., Miesars. Cirainesu, lJ4urn aenti Papineau. Kext it n-asi Ieged tira t-von supposing tbat tie Lon-emîCana- duant- sheulait-rtn consent te fereg > tht-i r iglit te s due observance for-al lime to ceme et tht- solemn agne ement.n4tie hit 1840, it mas unjuat te asS tht-m ta I do ao nam, or unîiltire rt-latine prepande4ýnce cf nuembens ln Upper Canada, was as g-ont as tirat in Lamer Cannda; ath tiaime j eir Union. Tien tire number mono aSslbQut 8 in Lamer te 5 in Upper Canada, ar il tira cemmon siecemicy requiresiUppen Qanada siroulti, non- hat tht- miole popuinhrai moet-tham douirles i th-ht, show 16 t10 lin Len-er Canada, on a prepousserance of siot 600,00o. 1h mas donieti tire, lirn ttire n-as stifficient proof, or proof t ala, tirs tire population et Uppen Canada n- yâ4ah aI largen Iran trat e o-or Canada, asd thi Hlon. MN. [(arn-ced, an old iner f tii Legisiative Council wo 1an ym sago nesigusedth ie office-Iý. believé, thotig1aman net qirits sure, in consequmence oftire Uni- o n-ansi n- i l h>'conversanvth' tl ir statishies et bath ,echieus, gave it ta iris jusigmtent, tIsat suci - *ÜÉ net thiree-' Mn. Rose, tire Solicitn Gent-mal Est, siron-es tint b>'thlr bsh ct-noua, mch mansitesth>' reluness inialler poplahian th"~g Lamer Canada irad, owing te item prevalenit thon, tiraI il -s taken n1)rtire pumposes et taxation, lire differen-e 10 fa- veur et Uppen Canada mas enly 8see601- 000; Ibatthie population.et Upper- nam. had-rn up by alarge imilmthon' lir thon cammnned ta diminisia in nubre- tiraIsince thien lire total irmuign-ati mdIi net amotmrtte oe y18,01,an' ra'c li nimber 80,000 «d&mor eraitenmaani Nor-megians n-ire ird iMrel>' ed ira"outirohir wsayttîe flir est-- TiraIt li te r-enýaiuihg 140,000, a nie Tablepr-epertio irait re malu ini non- Canada, se that tram ltis source, ppen- Canasiscouls i.let have adaiesi..mule more lhan'lOO,000 ho hmpoplation ; 't a1-the natoral re "0 oduecti nn Loer Ca9 - mWas *s krnonnte ire truci. poster, -thitaI oftUppet' Canada, (I believe it i Id t ire 2vt per coul greater-).ans-ihtiaI n-as geesi -ressot te blier. tis alI~oný wd a eaonmi' ir Meittv iruli o la-Sire, dasifon a ae ielsilie i ii,lnuor trmtes a spenint& cd f o r a ff o d i n g s u c . s c h o o l s t e e m iriaic hs I n I n s r l e - i n i e j r e p e s o i ç s o t n coutenance. Again M . o-att censures 91.'esr ikn~ Aîn , B. i- Bueuh esnue ni>a5 t s teonisty for an ailegesi intention ofgar,lBnon, Burmeil, Cirr-ishio, 19-WOn r W a-h A4 crplma»0 bt s c n i g B is irp C harb mnels Bilh an i usrC o elad,. Pol >',G OÛg .,H art- I 01 0 m>' ir onest convictio ns. T o para- - r p te aahea the neItf~I m a n, Hogan, Rcwan,, À.. Macdonalai, eph second, I have oral>'te say, tlrat i ondn au se th y melsn'î d e it. No n- in , Patrick,' W àlke n Po mef, - ym aht -nta ms about as m uc k trittA as it dom s - or i 'ry m o tais oulut e p oe ta con- Scatheurd, Wli.Iiàm oSeot, S irqt, ýS ito gýd s nse, sd of botir tirer. i n e hire t at tie agument asduces b>'M n ý W alride, W itit ans i Wight-82. . e5 deartir. ParagraphStrnJi8 devoted sp- - M o wv a tt f r nt-u sin r, c on fid en ce la t ie -M in - N Y - M s r a. A I y c, - A rých a m bia u l t I I y t e l i s i r u i n r ! i p o e igt- on lire pkr-t oethtie Upper - Canadians Baby, Bt-subie; BeIhiuianuh&à Benjamin, Met Oul'geied" s&YB -,iiatI " -srn n-a e oi posile ne e.prour iiemBuchanan, Bureau, But-Ion, John Casneron attemuPt te oontr4ctayaig -',oeer-tie Matoh >meon amelC1îug a- sis li ri tir-artice ;but mers?>' Pr6îts tntsupport. Net g ,' 'th a o -Ca' en, adbe Go rig 'C- s d i i memben f Sont-irtntornereyra;Ie ' , ' eral Cartierau- m deaattac!oli. TrttiIla S strings te iis- bo , orirotter,, two sets, of tchou, Chapais, Ciuré, Ci mro outee, toremarkith iat 1 id-lues~tio te in .à iau i t e h f Rome objectsa nd tie ie n, D uirqrd1 Dufreaime, Dunkin 1, . prof miic ule iadiàd t.àd l à 'ire bjecta ttembocauselse (Mn, Mn-att),lms ogirsOn, èerres, Fertier, GaltGau- eteuci cf furnisirg Proo--4 -B m - b. objecta te tire -chus-cluof R4ees Reoi Geiyre4Ù'ar*ueef oi uf eO,6p"jn n jt&,6 sucdl bogie. ~fthlitica vo-ynce - wiýîe lf&Ù od, Hben,Jai; ouses meolametabled.W irf si 1paeîl>'ù± s h natr epecta-iebel Lémiir, ajge, Mcbehstau>! e -l y1( 15 bleandÏpp ren jywell-diaposed gente-.* Geem l ahM ttlXIOlraJohms l f c- But~ - mtin ist iffe iris conri-sîlensn, iud' i <od, Iffttice, Mc(Janrnflit-Gos, McLeod, Ln ifete&tth ti e e f b -t l n s t c e m mu i s h i a l a d c : M ~ i k n M e a g h e r , M a in , M r r is c ;, O , 'A I a l o k y el- t desi aiprobation ot, hum course oftlir, Min.l a-rel, Ouimot Panetý Pmiineau, Pich., s ned ta istry u pe»n'- Sepdi-te Seiooli. 'But lek p4 far, POM w illiam FM penw it Pniý.i. pea4Ll " 4be Uit't-e ui.. of imas mi i., thre focuttil mont intri Coniml"teof tire n-lce tireen, M1r. Tremayne lu tire Chair. Tire report reoemmeuddsayment of tire follewing acceunîs: Themas Devereil for making-culvent and cressing opposite if'chanic's Imsttute, $20 45C. MIcLear & Ce. ton A ssesqors lista, $2 25c and$l 10c. Law- Journal, $16. IL Yarnohd, for repaira, $8. Inspectons et Tavrms, $8. Air. Mfaedonohî found tault miltirte firat item et $20 for making a cuIvr n th ie Nerthr Ward, on tire gneund tiratirhe coin- rnitîce on Streetsansd improvements sireuhd bave neorted 1hte lait year's Council, andi that tIhe sanction efthtie Ceuncit-sireuld have ireen obtained botore tire merk n-as ordcned, Mr. Watson likomwise founsi teult mitir tire appropriation as coming eut efthtie generah fun ofethtie Ton, inshead et being inade eut efthtie appropriation te tire Nortir Ward.1 Tht- Mayor explained and siremes frein tire repent adopted b>' the- Ceuncil, that tire Committce had tull authonit>' te make tire appropriation. Aird that tIse Nortir Ward n-ai fulhy enititlesi te lt-net having ex- 1 irausted prenions years appropriations b>' amounits amounting togethen te about £30. Mir. Macdonell t-xprcîrsed bimsacî satis- fit-s witir the iiayor's oxplanations.1 Mr. Watsoni still t-xpressed bis dissatis- faction. The clause n-as thon agrced ho, as wero lire otirer clauses efthtie. reportI, andi tire committot- rose, and 'tire rt-pou-t.was adep-1 ted.1 A rt-solution passesi for paymcnt efthtie soveral acceunts. Tire Vayor stated in repi>' te Dr. IHam,t that liceuse hiad been gi-roterî te eleremi out et tire it-Ire taverns in the- Town, and tIrt application had bt-en made by lin. Neville" ton tire tîvebftir license, for tire bouse ont the- hase ine. Tire Ceuncil thon adjourned until Tues- day, 6tr Asnil, at haît-past 6 o'clock, p. dé Brnions Nevor Shall ho Slaves.",, As ah olsi St Steplien's gîrzing, Viewing Bar's shituh mvork, Meirior>'frein lien ccili up-raising, Nantes of hat/whar,î, Pitt and Burke!o On a sudilebn-shril ly sounding, Echees ring tînre' Rurus lia-I, Loudl, mur toanis, my ht-art is bounding, Feans, lest trd shoulti befall 1 'Tiras tire heur et"- E.rd' ee"p-il. D ism al h ur o n for ei i reanh t ! Deanen far, tan Pearl or Bei-nI, V .Nen rtir>'jen-el, EnglunIa part llark "Diride," thnat w oîl knomn-wan--y cry, Summoo" ns m, itir cannost speesi, Ernrthasten!1 Scotia hie1ol Fret-dom aIl lien sens does need 1 I - - FREI NOMESAND COItIENTe PR£PARýM -T« WHnInTE - CURONICLL. Tenante,ý Mancir 15, 1 5& My DEAR Siit:-The n-bob blessellwi sinco I wr-eyen iras boen pasied. marin debates upon pait, prosout nod turc political issues. Tire usual èor n-heu a Parliainenhany Opposition 4s te1 tei contest tir igirt et an Adininistrat, te, retain tire reins of Govoroment,i is more eue ameodmeot totire address, imh ainendunen.t la regardosi as a wnt of coi douce usotio5 nsd tis mode is coný1enii in ai mucir aS it dees net invelvo eb upor aIl possible sd impossible hn But ton reasons bt knewn toetnýeI sud micirbt-gin te ire knen-n to ôtir tire Opposition chose te attack tireWla Represontation according ho Popuýahig thre Seal et Govrnmont, &c., but si gul 1>' eneugir, or as saine miiiay, net ~iirr lanI>' ah ahI, tht-y lot-lt hof vit-m th1q q lien micir et aIl ethers moat interea 1 per Canada, I mean tire Separato Sr4ho< Tire>' kon-thrat tire Lomen Canadiai s, a saine Uppen Canadians,'n-onld net go tire nepeal efthtie clause micir adomits thneir establishmient, and 80 1h n-as le% hoi Tire Rcpnesurntation according te -P3pu lion ides nas, bomever, pnt-served anld e bodied in an amendin*nt,îjetfn-hich à Brenn iirslftook charge. Thougý mv tire certabin assurance tînat il meuild- ;arr aIl Lon-er Canada agairtat il,, but tire cnt- of tire gi-est agitator mas ah atako, and ire had net been alleired te take tis con- tire ansmen ho tire spet-cIi werld pndbai have hocn passed iriirhoritchallenge ¶ Lon-er Cauîadians iucîuding tht- -7Ringq ansi even Mr. lYArcy Refle voted agii it Mn. J. S. Macdnnahd disi tht- saine, ai it mas expected hiis brother, Mn. t). MVcI)onalh, moult] haro gene against it hi but ho siaiouved tire plil,' anu threliot n-as intoninesi by Johtn S., tint tire Con ncpreseuiteh by iris brother, mould npta pr-ove efthtie voie for ire hasi sat for it long lime, andi knen moll tire sentimd ;nts tIhe electors orntire question. N. ID. ansn-tre tirat iris County disi net tÉoult, thresseli-es about tire queést*ion ai ahl, whii as yoîr n-il) perceiî-e, n-as a liaIt adnissi that .Johrn S. n-igii, and tirati n !Oti1 for it th-m niomben lrad gin-en iis sait te thre principie utiont théir concrnenc But 1 anticipale overrîs. Duiung lue!ireq at-vers) finiti rate xpeeches ivene inuàrIe( botir aides of tirefHouse. On thre Oýpe t-ion side Moesans. J. S. Mac-Donraldi,$ire Browvn, Mowatt andi Connor, moie tl principal orators. Mn. -Short's talk Wtouî hiave beeri nitici botter lia h it hi-en sliort sud Mn. Bro-i-n's hikeîijse, for lit- spol neanhy i- tire ireis, andl a sreecli nmustira, rare excellence if -ht-n probongesi t4 su( a hengtiî utLion-s net, menu-y tire lisrmncie On the- Ministerial aide, tire goodsinpoecir mero tan mornn ierors, and w-ithi wtirlng te puifrthom, Imn asa', et a MU. irigirn reacir tran tire odirs. If any oe douhts ttha, I nned roter tht-m on)>' te oti Olob'e itset, n-ht-r-, of course, tht- ný,por mill net ho changesi mititpanmialit>' in f ver efthe Ministons. i is cloaniliinpo rible Witiin tire compass cf a botter, tb- gil y-ou anything hike- art iles ot tire au-rumei ursed b h hmty o on tnmniî, irose unitt uleliverances irorrîi moake tmp a hopki lange as tthe Bible, butni1Im>'as>' yti tirce or four reput-s engaged tire attýntic of tire Ileuse, riz: lat. Representation according te Polulj -sutli G~ithiirÂ&dmythie aggr!egate ýWhere theno are te*. Roman Cathoiô Ps- Dm1>', Dawn-si, Dessauhuben, DiOnnkDu- moulsi amount te seule £9,000,000 i0 rè7nts aire net e peu-imd as to-bt- iusclssi- bord, Dufreafiie, IJunkin, Pollen-s, > rge. yca round nuaibers. [Hean, hetit.] Ou tie ble te tirese tlsings, and if tise>' declirr tire son, Fortier, Gaît, (Jand6t, Gauvreaura- acher Ride,, tirey tounsi hat at h tirime et asivanlagea, It nmust ne irecause a higinr or od, Lacoste Lairgevin, Laperte, Lebou. tire uniet.ire deirt et Upper Canada wui duhy, as lie>' bebieve, interfèrnes. tVilhl illier, Lenanger, M1acbeth, Atterrie>' Gen' £,400,0Ot0. Tire debt of..Lower Canada Mn. Mon-att begiahate Ihiose sacrosi convie- Ma.cdonald, MeCanir, MOLOO4 I ffMieken at ahiesasme poniosi amountesi te £35,t00 tiens an-a>'?Rt- mua> catI treuin prejmndices Mengirer, Morn, Mor-nison, O'FuarreItl'i& Pe lire expendihune et tir h jil> u if ire likes; but that dot-snoct affect lire met, Pane Piche, PIa>-air, Pope, Willara SRichelhieu CanaIs, £100e,000; rosais ansi questions; tirere tire yare, ansi mhst is more F. Ponech, Pnice, Robinsomn, Solicito?t-o-h fu- bridge,. £2801000i; iueludiug-tire Montrea] those mire entertai n thjein have a moral.oral 1tose, Rlichard W. Scott, Sirroosi, rse, andsiQuéec hurnpike trust, ÃŽ80,000 ; Que. nigiri to do se. 1 rontes hie suirjeet -us a Sicotte, Sinsard Simopson, Sincennes; Sidi- ýns bec fi-rd ban, £32,000 ; St, Lawrene andi diffionît one te douaI mitîr frein a Protestant ne>'Sinithr, Soervilbe, Stanns, Talbot, ten Atlantic Railma>', £486,000); Consolidatesi point of rien-, tonrmiaterer tire asivecate Tasse, Ternîl t, Toî,b'ibandeau, Tîr-cotte hOt Municipal Loan Fîros, £214,000 ; pro- for tie abolition ot separate scirools ina>'sud Webb.-. ,ni portion of Grand Trunk frein Cot-au Land-- amy, tire t tat these gentlemen are in N aMon.AinaAinBelBg t-n ng te Metreal, £9514,000 ; de. et deben- aImait evor>' cage Protestants ansi anti- gar, Bren, Bureau, Burmeil, Christie, mant turs, £36,000, making in aIl noarl>' Chuncir et Englansi mOn'te ireet, cannet Clark, Connor, Gook, Dorien, Deniansi, Fo- >ate£2,88,00.[Hean, bian.] Tisn-as tire but eoercise mucir infliience ont-r tiroir le>', Gaulai, Rartinan, Réert Hgan,Hon-. 1-n expenditure in Lamer Canada sinco the jndgmonts. Tht-y insit upon tiroir nigirl landi, Jobin,.Latramboise, Donald A. Mac. 05s, runion, as conîrastesi mitir thiret 10 r -- riatejusigement 10 tris matter, bitat denahd, Johno S. Macdonaldi. Mac-kenzie, ers, Caada durinsg tire saine peniosi. tré -tresietn-fdn't ie oa aio Mattice, MeGet-, McKella'1 MOmatt,Munr < las.)-Hobpesi after l is, tir te lieth ie saine pniviiege, tonr1hit s mockery Nrinir, Papineau, Patrick, Waîker Pow. ion freqnently repeated er--expimditure in htItll a man "lyen are at perfect liberty' el, Rymnal, Seatcherd, Shrt, Stirten,Waî. hanr- Lamer Capt ada n-auri cease te be an angu- te decide met-ording te tire dicttse orbi~OWrtdit.0 meu t e tison n-ont air te siron- that conscience, but if yen do net agree mitir un ne rauaerearng te tire ud-,oal. 15Lon-en Canada hasi a mmmo lan-ger quantit>'mie, yen muaItire placesi unden begal disa- Ba>' Territer>'. et o unsettbed-lansis tin Upper Canada, bilities. If yen mill net acceopt or>'planofet Mn. lienat movi a 'gerbaI ameodmnent, OIS micir oult ht-rcafter bt-conne et immenuje edricahion, yen mtt fort-go ait publie ahI beçause ho teared tisat -tire mords efthtie Rosi valne, sud freinthue sale andi occupation etfluntire edtrcalion cf yeur cildren, snd 1 Speech centainesi an impliesi admission of for mnich Upper Canada moulil aliko profit. mIli in addition, for-ce yen te pny -ton the tire Hundsoo's Bn>' Cormpami> tu tire terni-. eto lIon. Mr. Sicotte miren deaîiirg iiith tire educalion et mine." la net Ibat tire pilai- ntire>' ceupiesi. - )ut. simijert n-as desireus et knowing n-r>'tris tien tir-nb> statesi Whnt la tire use et toi- Ron. Mr. Lonanger àigniccd thai îireï i'a- deniansi nas mnade eh ait. Did tîte Upper lirg us that lire majoril>'of Upper Canada werds canniesi an>' aucir ieaning withi mn- Canat-iens t-nffer ru-nithtie aIbegel iieruai.- ar-e in tarer et Cemmon Scirools, as a r-es- thomrnsd thI-lIeuse divided-Yeas, 84 - Mrn, t>'ofethte Representation, andi merîsitire son for cueming a largo mino-il>' compost-s Nays, 81.- ilir addition cf six or soven meonhena gmvthotrnanoe 300,000 Roman Catholies, ansi periraps Tire n-ble ofthtie panrapirs bavng i'>' tire pow-er he>' antosi. le coenîsioi iaIt as many Cînuncirof Englamîs people, thugl beco carried. ,dit that the- agitation n-as net if infatct Upper andi otir Protestants mire do net heliere lMessrs Talbot, Maorin, Stanrts, andj 1if Canada egainat Lon-en Canada, but Englisir if) trci, ansi n-Ir are resolvesi nover to do Ateorne>' Gen-nah Macdoenaldi, or e; on ýrae againat Fr-enchi, Protestantisin against liu- se. Tire simtple and ironeet course, if tIremotion et the Itiat namesi, appointoti s ah>' mon, Catirelicisn. majonit>' intend to e at irir omon-nvy, is comiiet o dr-att an atidresa' in contermit>' ih Mr. Rose, irnit saisi tis in etîser mords; ho say,'Iwo- dontîcar-o a fig ton the convie- with tire resoluinons. 'es, iraing asked n-houer suppesing lioncr tiens o;f tie osinorit>', andsi s e have tire Tire addness mas spot-di>' breugint in bn nst Canada te be protestant, tire demansi mouisi peuve n-e mIll ut-o it." I1 have n-un r nsiisy tire consmittet-, rt-ad a fir-t andi seoon A. neveu- have ht-tn made. Ht- boen-ievdil tinonris a revi-e- et r. Mon-att's positions ansi orderesi te ire engressesi. A. oulti net, ton tire eastenn pmrt et Uppern s usunt nom humn te sovnethmng ciao. Atter tire usual termalities it n-s&'n- 10e, Canada sent a inuclu langer numisu-et nfe- 'Tic ",No Pope>" ion-I mas tiere met nounceti that His ExceIlency mouîd ho use pu-sentatives to tue Logisitne ini relation common tepie during tire mviole fou-înigirt's pleasesi te receine thre adsincs at 3 30 opi Il>' te its populiation than tire westen part, in. deirate, andi nas shown hyb ee 0ispa- Monda>', and tire'H-oat- adjouneti. aP- dot-sitic doscrepane>' n-s imminensqe. For t-ns, but especiahi>' b>'Messns. Rose andI Tira Legîsîntine Council sud nething ait ta instance tie Ceunit>'of Coeniwnl retunnesi Johun A. McDenuulî te have ht-en tire main mek, ansi its motmirs are getting net s etO b>'tire ct-nana as conitaining sorure 1,60() in- instrîmmontlity ah eor-k, lu tarer o et titile'wanies i ntI waiting upen tire As. A. irabitants#ihon Mu-. J. S. Macdonaidsaid il Oppositien. lIt-srs. Bron, Netinan, sombl'. Iftanr>thiog important tuns up ble~ hd nom 4,0011) st-rt one meunier whuile ion-att anI & hast et othiers deniesi tus, to-nigirt, on ta-mer-rm eein1ntr t-h couiîthes nimar Toronto witir n popuilationi ansi appea--rt-nvy sont- nht-n il iras charg- House, yen mîti have anotr but ahtorter iof cf 25,000 te 30,000 sent ente aise, ansi tient- t- upon thon, but Inlmnden mill cul," anti letton b>' Wednesday mor-ing; but I de Ing more a gond muamy suc-hi cases. Mr. Sicotte a pyramisi et evjdcnce n-as pilesi tp te- net anticipate mut-h bt-aides routine bnsi- ion tiren avent on te a>'tint lie Englisir ele- show tint but-fe tis tire electiona irouid on s. ~t~mont in tire Lt-gislature mnas 90 aganmst have gene, in s - large omajenit>' againat tire &I niSir, oSk Prencir 4Ù, ans thînt tht- Protestent fonce Gnits. J. W. Rose rend vanicus para- Yeuns_ trul>', on n-as COmparedwith the Romnnntholic graphs oint ef tireGlobe, et tht- precise COO0 N. ) s t- t i r e n e a n i > a b u t t h i l e . ha i i s r e - , i d t i a t - o t r o s i i t e " t i n o h o n - I " a i n n g ' ,r t-csac ie thougit î ol eeevsn thens timis ont-, - tire gmt-at protestant t-Igubar if tire Briti- lt-rent cotmîd net pro- heart et Canada is at basIt ubi>' raused in t 11teet itseîf, or tire Protestant unake ireasi opposition te pr-iegthy domination," andi ~ IXrtp rlJI e te a" iitire Roinan Catniolin-. Tis irs John A. MfeDonaldi gavet-hie smbject tire ____ kell'~i put, ansi neit a to thtIe oppesition "courp de gi-sec." Tislire sd by brn-e te -ltnsiransesiof t-hemr position, for it inupiies iiugtons-au-sitire eîectionoou-ing bills made oteD1rofheWibCrLl. ,e inene tactioiusness, andl shovesi that l i t-t tise et in tire varions constitu6ncies. Ht- DEAR Snr:-Allen mot- te at-k if the ns. th titintolevance oet Gnitisin md pu-croketi prodîncesi tîcinfrein iris pockts, tu-ena irisCorporation et Wiuitby Town, have tise t-SlibnalPneeaîntim t neistnce ani a-aneu- frno irefloon ath iis feel. (ireen, mondung et tire grand road-running nntir nt tirai allen ail it mas foi Lower Canada t wieanduraglareandsi ire tm n- ýn irnesisting thon, but Poesa tiai irrt rglag -ml, as fan as thse 3nd concession, if tire>'have, ne elfi-irdiatig is -lain riaestntiin t-foIme tirons«ridst hurso a et ini ten-nd I trust 1 n-Il net irethouglat intrusire te h peCaaa1bleeretumnorl 6:3 Pnotes- " Thire ntidsien Ministers." ' Protes Cnggett hmta lmus r ra ts tants ansi 2 Romnan Catholies, Loin-en Cana- tanhisin Fndnn-ere."S ete w dva oe eteoagca ont 9mge ~ da49 ousun Cthohca ussi10 rotetans, rintsi Sucr nou-eIhen-anis nti fe' tIaveihens, and a great bont da 4 Romn Caholis an 16 rotetant, p intfi lettons se lange tiret tiraI the pedeshnians, as hrtoen]YSQ 1.but efthtie Roman Catholie à' or 8 ar-t En- bhl ouse coumîsirt-ad a m hih e teire aIsabc hanilo nbfor d ývO glili or Irisir, se tirat thru-are juat 41 o ron sob t hi e ;Dhemopn-c, y etieiî-anisirtth-utonfra Mt 42 French Canadians in tire lieuse. Tire n annstatd ai det of tul S. poYceCa'ly on ts. If tire>' moult scnapà tire rond (d total et Protestants in the Honnît- s 79MRRforteQ N an a o et nn rte aitold ardt-mu oriaîl' on enornse bre as ansioh tht-se .30 votosi with Mn. Brenn < A rnuNedMiA, e e o A i -u adn ufru ali irn lt tht- asdress, loaving 49, er a caoit f 1 er9 ed Mnuneorcaltin aloud ai nigir moni net bu>' il, as itls tire fineit manture 30agint um Nie ce O ah tht- oepcnise cf tire es-petan t Attorney'ansi tien tirelarge stlets night ire pieketi On ga nstIl m. ow doe n t iris analys es G encral W est. He prove t hie in stinieeruty up anti broken te to m , aI lt-ast, a lest-I sioîr ver-y distinct)>' tint thongir Lp per et tire dr-y b>' themring lire anxiety mi rond, ahi'ah a ver>' uritiing expense, t-irs la- Canada wave.te senti liait n doser-imono mhsich thiro frits contéiendtiil bat nover ogtieacopiieAln et p1 ineushors ho Parliamont tiran Lon-en Cana- bot-o naiscai. oiz- ontourî0 yu. da tire chances ton Grilisin moulsi ho in neo -0 irise improveti, pu-cbabi>' lait cf tire h-uit 1 ochude Ibis lettonn-uit-h is Ion, - As -OU> IaQAD &Axza.L soen oulsi epudite tic factionists , neugi, b>'giving yen belon- tiedivisions themaortis uponimit;a the o upntevarions amenduents. To tire EdutofethIe Whitby Cirnonici,. t,~~r ajorutioss ouiti mmnirsns tho>' noi t h r a r e . 0 T h e 6 g a n e i n n 'ay > 'v i a s b h o t a - p u tnth et - n g b t - t - o T i reh e 1 1 t isi and lestb>' Mn. tir-on,ansi it iii>'Y EÂ es-s Tih AnBll i-- eemnlowng pettent erfudtations o ii -i o nvition tiraI ire stands m î> 5 .i rY A e sr , Au reau la B , i,t- "ouirseesma" f the O n a ro O s v s, gi-at-e ci- oitio e4-day tran r-ver lie sud bt-tort-gr rw, Bureu, ri-el, Chmristie, t"'t- columons aftie lasI issue of tha in t-- ,l Por-tnen Iris bon-or Candian supporters Clan-k, Cennon, Ceok,Dorion, Donlanit, Fo- leürg .qjQurnal: la htai-emt a man doser-ted. - ey,CJoulsi, famîman, Ht-bort, bogani.iom- 9"Mn Bromn, thre reporter fon tlreClresai.. he Mr Doron'samenmentonlie Taritt'ta land, Jobin, Latramoboise, Mat-donald Don- cle, aîno contributos a ccItt-in of U*rl ne Dre;tsnilantm ule id adA., Maedooabd John S., Mlf s i mers~ atter, in rt-pi> »o lhe impridC'?IIÈmnrm t, subsitue a eMattifr pe iecdu is ad. __ w V a poon n-un ton it n-as conclusirci>' show' MNtmam, Meot, Mebllar, >.fenat, Muno, in n-lei unwe presumes ho careuge tire -tinat tiere fniff n-as non- uW Srt exclusivel? PRy ap ctiner Suhthik, P-itIl, Walk- fincsas crr'on -m adnalorem anti thregovenninent expressoierRMr.Salcun-dSIrrtSimtn,-ce1 fà.uà" ibeir intentention et ixakiîng il stit mrie N&s - lynA ic "Se le se. Mn. Cauchron pn,ýsseul Mn. D ormon te , i enAYBelt-nham, ambaulýBab y'B eu - ace n o etag nhbeiusn's msp ech .na m itruan-it-, but igi Uppt-rCanadian ,Buerto ngiamBenjamin, Buchanan, ro1sithan tisaI concocteai- b>'Mr. Bn-o b-friends moubsi net allen- tu, anti aclual9 -ren Camer-on Johno, Camot-on Malcolm, ansi a more htft-hasod dcompliment te' -a hîrogi eunncei lraIit uasunjale>'Cr-inag, Canon, Cayley', Car-tie, Attenney body ofetmens, Iran tiraI paisi te tire Baud, îd ook a vote irîicîr of cour-se n-as lest,-as eeriCauchoen, Cirapais, Cbuncu,Cimo ceîsinet wl eiag4e.3 e a n- Ceutlee, DalP', Daeust, Da wrson, D esaul- senet e n-tlb re mainesi.e nter W nao ýdyern I l see-at foet b>' a lai-go majonri>'. niere Dienne, Duirord, Drufnesne, Dunkin, t-5Orquesbemerap 4 Th Seart Scohols tirugiras I ave Foh'sFngsaerrra otnat, ~ ~ -oaîis U Riai m ntI for amo Jn cou sne pld fert st inet an andm ort lu t ul fi- mm bm

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