Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1858, p. 1

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.- . - ý 1 1 -- -- - l - , 1 - -1- -. m- 1 1 -1. - wmM-âý Ti Tè oti aà I(m Itl %h p tel rq 'n'""ýMTBY CRROM= lie eyruy 'N THURSUAY MORNINGt àubs, raayerliofrer & Co., 11ROCX STREET, WIIITIIY, îr Neil Door to the. Regîttry Office. U 11 E TEkýIS' OF, S Il' WiC Ili PTIONI- TO TIIF, Whitbe %vill, bu t2 lier Lyable letrietly lu advallee. il untiring lndu,4tryp- we advocate Peace, Pro-eess, Knowiedge, Brotherhood. it.&,rrs or Aorigitilsixa: With calm Printed words, great th0H9ht-ýq an el% lines and ultçlcr, ............ 7--) very stihscçltient hisertiont (lier Il 2 'Y A libéral ditrecomit allowed to WIIITBY9 Ce Welter TIIURýýýDýýY, FEBRUAR 1ers advertising by tlic yeur. v O L III Tltim palier litis alrt,ýn(Iv ail imiliterise tlireulittion Ille- 1 C 1 Ir LIA L, l'Il tell character. When trhey carne ta t 1 the (,Ottlltr, Ileilig relut hy you time of the office." noses niftn in 'WititiI%- renti-its vk, wtv, te I;ettf-r 4) le, my darling Watichin-in voti've been Lamperin- lace 01 the Polive Minister he felt ni 'IVICK, *Tl)WiNS111P scenes [Ive hall. Tell me il ý'1 0 IvertiKilig 00,111d liot, Ille ln titis howyou are, aud whether you 14)Nlemë Witt) the devil figFlire(l. Jtjliý%n.ql)ok-ea few Word beallity. , A (,if __ lir go, willI pleiLsu lweLt lkqè tîlliu lit it>r%ý.ardiiig A. But 1 rejected the oirer." young noblemau, asid imniediately il ioir I.N Il., il, 8 qe 3.t)tlve beroine a grelit tuait IL 1te of rej e'ct(-d- tlw ofler of the Minister licleinen were sent awav: tii(t, Ili-il TIIE FLIGUT OF THE 11OURS. le Ali! d 4 INT TA-ILOU, BHOCK STREET, now, hetter t Iliglitiess. And, uioreoverl 1 cended tiie.sL«i hilip le. Na parler %vill Ile le 1 ItA 4111 arrear- ask if you 1 Yes, ýoiir irs, ami Ili tel tell have (-" ges ave pâlill 111). î Lit Vie lionne, are angels, c2re ailv thing for nie." titirelv rvronriled the Baroness Fcar nothiný," sit1il Julian, a And still go gli(littL' Ilv, A [id how tio voti know, dear Rose, thÉ lionnit with tili! Chamberlain P'lzoti." Iiiiii. 1,11ilip lv«%,4 a little anti lie ri,.4Pt.)f t1%ePtLbIishrrý Nviieii" Til[OIIA.-44 DEVERELLI, And record tel- hec-onie a, great mart-el, 'Il i Il NVIiii-11% af lis tilt) is iiiid or drelitiming, wlicre lie liad to %vait al gond whil 17 1 1, 1) F R. &.0. &-c,, GREEN sTREET, To Iliiii, w1x, sitl <,te Iiigil. Ali Plii- -est mie of the raval paires caille t Ili: Co. 1- Il toiril nit. yotirhelf Ï yIlir IlîglIIèesiý, 1 0 C. W niù poisnil of Ille neletar olilv brille Voit ell, . et c- %V. ()ri t lie raellollitia i-ý :1 therefore §(net crime titis way, the Kil INTERNATIONAL 110TELI, The heart's Ileeil fi,,%% (-r ielil, proud, li(tv tflât VO'l've grOwn lqo 1 icli. 1 lier lier %vortliv ill' vour attentiotil,, sue BOOK AND JOB Andleuve lis in t iie tielIl. And >4tiiltie still tilt- piller :Nvill, and not gooti enoil-11 and ptit off tire inec -iiiý,lit rit 11(ji. l'ýnilip was distiartil with féar E ' es 'FI cil tliiiIkiii,,, llotle." for you tiI)w-atiil 1 have Il(,' c SIloole; so that lie could hardi) wo-ild rallier 110,11i'la, ll,)%v iii Ille ilevirs Ile ]cil into a spleililid chalutier Alifl soute Il%- 1)y oit jiiiiI)jiý,I Philipe if %(.)il forsa"e Ille, 1 - Of gý1lI1 and lillie, 1 flid 'Vris gittilig have liall you continue a pour gaPitl"01 - 3 )il c(miLl fi) liI.:ir of hor al a table, lind F AND (;I«',()I'I;ll', And hoine fiy tell mit Il il rool -ing williz 'ed Alloifi4r t1iloz. W- MýItIiI V,-SI11-(41111ý ill 6 111,J ,,et si,,.%ive it, loth t,-,,-ri- ing, loil- and lIul lieur hiiii sU)o(l )LIh14ý c s Ofilorrows dari,ur litirc. 1.1v 1 in jbe cel- tilt- liollerli sl w)t ?" - to bout, Rwze ý lail. I.ý- dle toý of v0il to in the. roolli, Mill *'l'i i, Alid as %ve ilie.11il vrit-Il ilIlllaiýte li:xi art, vou tilk-ing a iS Loilif l'A T F, 1,01, fliat Ge.1 te, (14 !ialli e l'con 1,11t: K t 1 ig. 'l'lie K irig looked at Philipe %vho 1 ý 1 -ris 1 rite tliat tof- i);I'. liait lIour 111111, BOOK AND J 'YB PRIN PING .1, Ille Martio, Vie are knoivit Iwi.we Iiilc 1 loitt flill.- titille) LrAd voit all that ?" i off hiq great-coati with si. gooil 111 A tir-1 tlie lit)(> is toid iii lit-iveii. a prince, 1) it that %%as ti(I(illll;, -It(.Illll;tli azaill, aull Ir, L)I)or file, lit lue all-without i 9111 hý d'tne illý:L ýo lit 0'i lý,%% OA KIV()01) 11011 E L 9 Aod %ve Witt) lait, nIo-ýi;Iz t1icill, alil il a syllable-that, Yeu ha-ve doue -to- M . 1 1 IZ 1 Fri IR. IV ('ou departe, .as (7ver. 'J'M't Illilik lèe'il I-r- to the King. for 1 r a Lev art, linvering witli 1lis lI;ý,l-(-I'Inent willi Pliiiip toOk courage train the cond T lI:l% V 1 dollars in lin. Ilockt-t' Illat 1 got front - tlireýitt'fitlil Ilioi F-rec% er rorand (,t'Ir licart:., tll;tt M-11-i 111:11,0 Il, il" Illu balvr's dilligittvr. Iltit lie wauLs to 1 ing goolfiless of theoltt King and t RUGGLANý'CÂléel) Likv .4111111fler let-el * , ' t - t'lit, aLu, Ilit-v doit L lit lej"il r, wtiîelI vtIaM,.ý- 1 -;1 q W i il oNIPARlo 110,171li., wliole story train beginnin;,,, ta en AriItittl Ille idle nic vf'li 1tiow how the 1 id tlie wooll Sense however, tu col làl'il Carri te) I)Ilýe NVUS lie Ilail rheard among the courtie ail lit il liaic 1: uulitziiiil il ItIrý:0 Tibev grititer levery ao utiel :iT '17ilube salit Rose. liiiii Ille I)tlr.;e of g(,IIl Throlluil t1le Mal, I,,%% IIlIýI F rl.ii, t lit, B . :tt Vico -I rtittL.ý, I*r'iiltiiktz oali LI,ý 1 11- 1 .1t l >11.1l's w ife. Site t,,iIl :7,)Illfl tilt il te the prejudice of the til-a Jilltii bail leIN-t-ii 1:1,1l, ;111, ;jjjji she. hall actue.1 the 'The Kili', lau-hed a-flin and a-ain, F I)ri,:e.m noil tir tilt Il 1 110N Awll bc:er 'il 1); I-k N, iii- il. i> lIVýa\ N t,,i Ili I iii t1lu gli'l- I:Lt took tof) gold piec" froin his .'t 1,11 . lill by Tiii- ntis.,ittii fliglit, by* dry rer 1111-iit, li4Ii'lt 'Ille i the arin.- and gavo tllilTil to, phil;p Ile No magie power caii \ l*lIýIl ,umI 1 1 il le %et ith qll titis M v lie sail, "voii art. not. frieilfl, talie (liellw, but say not a 'l'i'liero diel voil get il, lotse If" (Irv'x Iiiii . close te) a ylui. , S., tetteli Ille, licaveiilv Failivr, Ili"llt's adventures, No hart ri, -pt-e4ti (.acte 11viniz h-ir, \,)il Ivi'n ri tri tilt, lotterv, lailli., and -tarteri wlieil lit! sa-V tir(, face of (..,t nlIý of it ta Voli. Noir go, illy le il Ila\ 1. 1 \%,Iii and t1iL:ý lairl Ilo- ri lirait illIno ý ri to and renieifflier iii-hat 1liavu told yo liat fis trtw,ýg,,,, t1l4.ý tel àv lien 1,11(-W 1. FT. MA Il k 11,01. :il the Ili\ C, ipI ât (Ili 1crs. ri in a coiici- Philip knelt, élown lit the ilii-r:ili ilw rdi l'%e \%oti' l'%' v U or 1 tilt, !Ir, Icit Ill'Iký,Ulf in tilt* kisseil his harid. W lieii ho stood -11, was le.'iv , 71.11,11,111 Hvit Nit %-ý14 1 1,11v ,lit iii- tlie rooii, l'rince julil ").ýe ! 11"%% ani Plulin fliil griérolent.r. l-on vour N(aj(,ýýty 1 rit I,**I'ý lý- \ (lit, Ilial, W, (;()1)1) rl 1-il-, . 1 i it ratilfr i.,ý it Ili' 1 lit; 1 1) the t ILI yollil, illail ta N' 011114. 01lov 1;'l t , lit 1 1 . i vait a féw inint X - v ri N Ilu ýi1il, 1 have - NEAISOIN' C. ICTOUI r1j Illik to', Nitl-11 YoIl 1 1 Ir: > t 1,11mN to IIIIII tell, tile illeolivellience lie 1 11 EIZ 1 F. v. 1 1 1. A 1 0V 1: UI V'rý \\ il ýý , . 1 NEMV YEARIS NIGIIT. 1; .1 F>S 1 1 VA N liolrI un ls'ili' Titat's the :il it Iiii-ie-i. 0i'. tal'Ic Ille K ilig noilfleil Ilis silliling ass RO NI 7 Il 1 G t.: Il Il %Il:. \I.i - 1: 1 -'l 1 t (- t 1 cil t 't'e :, l'hilir, left the apartinerit. a lit %ILI;() î1il ImTEL, aiA "I'r . sz4id the King, holdin 1: 1: j -TI ail rit, -IOM , 'ililip. l'e)l«ý'vk-. 1li4St- g('r4,;eriie(ii fore-finger iii :L tlài--IatC[Iiilg m I L'Ill t-,," lie-r 11.1nil. IIIIII tol.1 lier lie) N. ý)ii -'tis %vell forleoil voit tolil Ir -ard ýIo to ler, alartlit.-L 'Iliu laid his Il 1 31 A C lit t1il. il Ilicin-1-111III ile'ilt t , tile -'iil»,Il*()(illi 111iliii ýIeiit 1 I)laIlle Itru ko(l i 'ing'ltit Ille triitli. For this tifile oti -liltiiýlI-r-- ONT,%I110 1,111111. liall 1ooýv à al lie, rend Ili., IýIr Iý. 1 coqid tllrow III.N onil allils Il, ý Jrardon yo(ir wildiicss, but if slich le Il .1 aliti le% r, -Vd 1 IIýI L I,ýIe 1 M it, , ef lits 'l'elil - iiel-1 1 T % lie and itll IIý)tI1I1 liave happens again you will offond me sýt L, ý,lt. lien 1 t(Ilil Voit. 't, IPII (lI);Ilg 'il. 4 r,;c 1 - . be friglitent 1 illust take llerman in Iiaiiý !t. lIýIt IÀý,:i t 1, aos%% el, 00111c. lic bv no ilivaips I-lori-N, et th'. Il ICI. for 1 shall not bc --orry if we clin get l'Elil; oF T 11 K TIwic :.Iiuii iio liartii 4fidi yoti " b tltItiglit, ed -,i%'ilg 4aIýk' ilialitit, aliri %VIIII iva,; it that grave %ou . . 1 hini. As to the INfinister of Fini Iý0giýtraI. I il' 0..c - 1 1 el! -'t - 1 1 lier - P utt,> tl) lie ,ýýcIi,- ll,-Ii'ýlI oile of tilt! Call_ Vr F liv N 1 -IC., 1.1ultiz.L--l l'oeillet I-) lits siii).,titut(l, foi. lie l titis llvmev. tend (40,1 voil it %N'as 111%, 1.1,1z.v police, 1 nwst have fardier prooM ý-jjýj 1'l;Lble IlVizail tri find bigil Ille- liI)t quite te, hi: L"Iste. ili lieu ýiIttU[ly le 1 liave. 111%, ticket salie Ili al 'v. (io notiv, and give sonic J. il. ri 1 ().li l'sol.%', to the entrelenm lie his shown ii 1 ýd ri Il Iý,T- 1 AN. lit! %%as going to tilt! Ilomr, tièe Ne-ro tilt (11.iivcr ut humer and li(*)I)o(ij- lias ashýe(I ong -,%-itli i1v'liied Klilip ; 1 alti deri- yoril ?ýn, M-1ce illui e caille elle t..) leiln, alol vçIlisper t:'I, rite for it." irig illy duty. . 1 aire Ný-;itcliiiian of this y NIN 1 CEORGE . 1 eretion in our character thati yot XN 1) -plvase I)Iàk-e liernian is Ah Philipe doli't play off Vour jolles 9 1 'T l' IT Il i-ý I! %1 . il A XTO N Seuking lui- Viril evcrý N% toril, ai, Ille vou vour.-ielf tolà Ille et liait tilt 1 The lrince tank letive of the K Vtýt. 'L'e , . - l'il n t'li the reason we h EAS U I! E 1 :: -, 110 -c yon-come. N eg 'bbN., own 'J'lie Priiive forWard. Il Ilet th having carried l'hilir, hoine with 1- 14 1: A *f 'r 11 E i Il i le. 1 1 ra 1; 1 c It l r ilice 1 il- poN i te, r.% notice, but hurried oeil, followeti by the hillir agio, allil gave Ille the pirse %vith your lh llon,ù. i 1 hiin gel cever-word fur word-eve T 'Io. Wlicli they got ilitu the le tL 1-']tANKIýIN IIOL"ýiE. tlie Neerro ql-iUki Ont in alarm. - lj'.y hicaveu, Rose --try ta reccelleet vourself *rhis Mari Ili, (ýf)i>(l peoplirl", ho 1 that hâd occurreilL When Philip 1 M - for his purse. il. J. lit MIDOIN LIAI.I JAMOSAY, C. W. here coitius Voil ai, masse rail ýwe il,--ruet 1 ed in ail his pockets ;ýs ho ished hîi narrative, the Prince d, the I)Ilke '"-and slipt nioriiiij,, 1 saw folindl it Ille lie wasigoingteri whisper )LUIVroli, et- to-Ilight but, silice that tillic In 0 CoillIvil. olli'-il jet th'. L*ýqIrt Il.oi inio the liall. te) Inevt liere ti) l'hilip tel g1ve, il. hiul but the police on flic shoulder and said, B , a,ý,,riiiiie'edreni,,ii 1,lr Tra\ c ers. A tall black- iiia>k- fiercely up il, 1 have nul. secli 1 oit for :tu irisuiiit-" 1 - YonIve acted my part fauioui Plillili, and sai(L Il SLIV :1 moment, sir--- le No. cxce-it half an hour ogo when 1 k-ept that you have donc 1 highly apl JOIIN NIIIER, ieit)lll.llls doce But wha" fis ii -Keer, Illietire -tp.,trt," I.,Iim4ite(l file gorgeant anjratify every armugement y 1( E AT THF, IlA RM IR'S Il O'r l': 1', I've a %% oril oIýt%% 0 to Mý:Ly Le) yoki-l've been snu. voti ait S of the party. - Tièe illash-(-tl fellov Inust 'tekillI, for voil le)IIg." thai l>oIjýje urider votir itrio why arc Vou malle, as if 1 myself had âtérred %j C'éliti-t lltlluo. itli lis tr)o-,forx%-àu-(l March Nl E STIZ F ET. lip, "for 1 hav carte But, oil the other haind, 4joit miisl 1- Q[liel, titeti. éliiiiii! liiiiip!' lie %ittll.li-li. 1 le said Phi el without IL hall. ? 0 Il Not ýs0," Philipe you are in je. jýAIlCjj.%NIiS, rio tinte to luse. t't 11. AU that holri. iii-av turii your brai il the blaine et my doinn, witb the lord zI;ý ;ittrlIti%ý lent, sir- Philipe searrh of the wate-iiiiian. Jlere 1 ain. This staff., a punisfiment for you 'ILEUX Fi 1 Il ci À -licyl. 41 Woulil not waste a mon 1 been iiI 'tavern, lhilire, and 1 1 liat: iIi,ý C-IIII, gen!lqiii-iii lias nothitigl todo with, it.11 brotIý- nu dela% yoil owe Ille sati-sfaction, Icive driiiik inorë titan vou should. 1 lit el 1 * .11 - Nve floli't want any lessons frôlit, Vou 1, VOU shail. lose yotir office of W 1 yuu 111IN-C Ille ilii*aiiiou.-ilv tell Ille, what is in the biiii4ile Il %Vhv- - . 1 . 0 'You shall bc iny head--gardener 1 II :TE 1 Z."', 1 in Our dut v le replied the scargeant; b jy rit i.ýF-7r, i i Içot that ain awarc off. IL wonjali's :ilk go Nv 1 ip- ri n Il date ; and have charge of in ' w( Yoli (101), t h- iloiv Ille, w1i'l the wlieri: have vuu )jceii riie Ini-1 tao?" askea Philip, Il you at U.eiuilebon and Quellent al, SA)U EVIt 1 ilot w ith voit I)t1he, lifting ni? Ili, -now uliat vieil lialf ail hour ney 1 gave your bride Ïbe shall ý 11I5î1 C5.5 ý11rffl 0r1) ' le don*t; livant hel surely !', 2 4 V * Ille ago: yoil walit titre plav týicljs on nie, .1 fan- lier marriage portion,-Wld, 1 giv 14e(! IoVý will sav No, 41le liviv (rit; but'%ve must sec lier - . . M order of Xardhal BlankeÏàiwerd i YoUNG CANADA SALOON, cy ; %1 here have \.ai' got that 111011eY, i face, and talle dawn lier i naine and rusi- ttiousand-âoltaýi as a mark of ai yoq ail(j Ille curseil Nea2v.itan Salitio;ji Il :î1lould like tu îï-now A l! È, ll-îý%11_ I Ii i1i E 1 N IZNALUS 1,I)(,K STE "Er. le, 1: Il Bel ]',Y M. A. '(I %% 1 Ir- ra Il:, have de0vived Ille Ails%% vr nie tirst, Philip, Nvliere von got GO now, bc faithlul and trý:ë 13 i She is the 1ýtti;;Iite of %vido-.v BitLý;ier," tulles of t!!ë'New-yeues night Il -I kiloiv flothille- abolit it," gaid Philiii that %voiliali's goNNil. Willerc have jou 1I sai-1 Philii) ; nitIl %vas neW a little enraged OU ;4A i Prince uli4nyour friend.I' Ili, tll'it sliaitiei*eil scelle in the IlLeil. sir 45 '.,t lit lard l'Ille Ale. 41 when the %vliole part v took Rose to a lamp, of tlic baker's glanir der. Il %vas at your i:ist igation that Culotiel Kalt wade ait and Impeil noil -azed atl her beautiful face on , Ille ivith a éud.,Cl as this lvas a Iliver's quarrel, it end- ail cover-1 %vith teiu--; lind blustier- P.ùrther by th*'Èauzel, ADELPIII, LI. 87, ('Ili RCII 'ýT]1EFr, A Il- C & boule, Hose, an Il bc alarmed IN. Ille UI 1 R 11 N lis, 1, No tlàiii,, -1 deriv il." ed a..; lover's quarrels invariably do. When,11 GO Additioüal, telégriinsof Indlir ýZ & N. i-eiiiiii-, tilt- Baiik- -if Tlrerit.,. 1 1 Il, tryin.; to Tý Rose tool, out her -t%-Iàite poAet handker- on niv - What oit 41cil I,- it The lady Iýl. chiefand put it to lier beautiful eyes, and collitort lie", *'iilv conscri'l ken, ont by- the Europa have beé kensý%crgI, the Marsii- lice is clear. 1 from Mal ta. The dates um Calc al's lady, %va., ail eýýc j-- thýqI ariiiiiiIent, But Rose haýas tit) neuve cvtn the 1 leserveà fic'w his country. 1!4rlf;f(i rite 'Éhë Uld floulmsh sier which greyLupon hîi,, tonst proposýj b;911*ýï.Chair- Ilis ýVorstý1) _tbe 'Mayor and ,e Ton-t:1ý»f fil Pro- uast tKe cl)nirill;ï,ii di)SCrveli ýd 11poff the preielit mCýetiug spicious one. A iliecting\of ,lotinty Couhcîl hi ýzO(-iaI hný;, ér, énuld notItit bc prO'(L'Uc-,7ý, Ife hoped thut it was ordy of inally sucti re-Unions.- jé"o to cause t gdoil ' harino- ýL-jjjdjjjgr to prevail iiiiio-il,-,st the whole coulity, front Que Iýiyor of t if hu weve irmly wouhl flot have t[ILICII di ngso. Ilu firA S61-nQ ).,;çlf ' but with tile lowl of the )f ti-(,. rown of NVIiby on h-i4, L-t-Cat diflietil tv hi expresiling m afford. 111-almer 1tý picastire to, see tha cititity Colincil;ý., mut to-eihel, >ý cal it 'pqý;xib1C for tfic ÂO)y k) ýke oou Atep 10iiel:i ,est the Colliity ? and wils it tht'. Colinty to (Io allything :)t incerest ili-3 Cot.,iity Dr) liçý1(j tj;aýý the of Wilitl)y and the, Ocoirity tAz Ae %Vtru, te*; conlil be. It vint tive yuars of lowed to over be, rý)re SLIC11 the prescat t-oý)k pl-k-e, It takeri pk-ce bülore-tho fil-st Colin(,il-; Should havé bdcll wed the that 0 W)y and hl 11Lr a fif,ýVii ;lpacit1ý1', it lis if li.u thu prcient 'Flic plauc. , licople of Whitby, ho assureci ý tile gen- (,iiýiiiiy CO-uneil, witli -- 'Ment y M %v-'.tlt just a'i iotion of a rwtd, in the ilorthern_ - otliitv a.s t1wy did "C ili t'lie iiti IIL r li-rre"ýl tj Lne fact lien t1ý for ýie cain(s u».Iiitv COU!,vil - --everk the year rep;e-swita ives of t1le Town of -lit f*r tlie*ai. illie Toivit of %vlicit ot'i'iei- ' -parLs of th4 he-ar.) Vàiss1lov%'ý Town of mments and ît:ý-ai4î to their it.4 Own niti- de- iiito-iil;jro exteritlý.-.] iniprove- roNvn-or NVli*-tl)y W-, venturild t4) never bc i1nnfl to bc bellin-1 eers, ) 1101111- the opillion:4 àu subjuct of -;e railrea u cerý cd to sc- trtat, prt)ject advance, ce to ali -otiier Inil)rovemenL% gtion sfoýld bc droppedý (lue. -f ýc Mavor) -. id he we etisfied-, LI, miloke the mmitiments of a,ý , ýf the pellille of the Town uk ould -0 for the iuxt bust tblll*, 10 %Votll;l rtkc»%,rig,,, exprèm, hi.4 ýthat inany 01 those àën.demen,. )re him retinu ffic table wottl& sec the day xvIien they sheultl the 11bailvray By-law was not. Ife féIt as sari--tiifý.u about build- Iyoad as ever hu did, -- If it could I one way, it would-anoiber. iad not d Oppeil, a4d a& he y remarked, Xell'it coüldwbo %rould go fur the. next befflne 1-4clf and Cie Town Coahcll, knà nt the poil feeling exhibited on ing %vould still f.trther' bé culti, ceutinu'e eýàcreh.ý.ilig Of-ý the coutity ana1ýý-1'Tù« M'y. perry, i cât, checrin-aO pp efrý' Calle-1, Upon as', 3, ý1MuL e-_ Vil Comicil, and IikûwýiWS ànd hapeil for a Ond feelin- üxhibitéiý . ima Cr ýn ý , 1--, ý .., stin itirmer groix Xiifî auy an-ce alto C ublic quc.ý;iion4, and Ùîë iîùIwm h1ým , fli. nqjxýt.z:. ce- - - r hall, 1-1 -.- ...- -l AN 1) 11ARN l-1ýýS NI.% K EIZ. &,e., %ý1hat (Io vou want with nie ?Il suid prince Jiilian iii vour coat!" iye tio oýr dutye" sýid the sere=ýLt;-ý gly can punish ni; for that-We 1)r. R. W. CL.4,RK, The stories h had heird at the masquel; 4'ail bell sý,Ys., t4aç,,ý l'.12 Philip, soruly îri;ýlltened, and shovçd. off rade came into Philié7s head. Re asked. have DAMllad fcllàý sont, 1 licel. peýk as highl- and UR(RON t ol . if any body had called at her mothées t4ý thm'ateil as 4ercelY; Put-iiucli trie U- woe Sur the ju ail it, bra') I', ut l"ý Yoti sliall coule with Ille to the King. G n 1 W i %_ , 1 ment ut lie shali bear liov sliatuefully you illsult offer her inoney-if any gentleman Vras do-for ard 1" !bc a Dr. iiiiq(-Ii about Nlilk Street; if s4e saw any Whilè the ëonte'st aboutl the Prince went a stratiý,ur at Ilis court." out- j,ý s. aw one watcliing lier at church'- butïo, all On, IL caMage mîth eight hor"s, with liiDEýN( ', r, Very go()d," replicd Philip, who %vllitley, ur,01juaio. beàýu 1 drove put the lin 1 6:(jý1ç Tlil, LAUL; 110 hope of escape, except by continuin his questions her answurs Were,96 satisfàmr, riders bearins flau, -X, ()F %VAr(-,]tES JEWELERY 9 the charaeter of the Very good. tory, that it was impossible téà4ubt of b-r' churclu I- leekâo in" ïd 3. N. .1G N E ff. 1). strtet, lýowniuu- fipin the ûarriagçý_ 1 \- BiliIdiu-,ý, KiLig . 448 ice ýC(*()U(111.'R, Cowe 81011- then. liy good luck j lia total ignorance of ait the nuchinations of top peu to ýhav" the rascally courtiers. Ilu warned' lier as it was' e the a-rLeinent wîth we be- tVe.un you and the bak-ces daughter t ail the advances of philanthropical Who bad t4 -ana as cvM- 'e and compassionate princes The carrim liâted. %vhich -von prouii:îe."- J. C. STERLINILÀ$ thin-%vat5 now for idëmtion and a goutte fflt 3. s given, in cons Il -Nonsense ! folly !" answered the Duke M ;4ný j=Ped Ã"U4' W'th & bril ice.. v\T Bi, x*,I' U 'TIONICEIL A DUPLICATE BOOK Il that Nvas"oiily a piece of fun, that one nia' 01 the kiâà 110t huiving been Wilfully bc- liAtit star oÜýËjý breastçFfhissurtouL î* v J. tuid ulelio.ýltt% r Mr. I;tk3t.lilig's Auctiou Saleâ, is kept at mjný, pushed tl),roýÏjh the partym, imd çý"rn mmý- L a-llo%çed surel Lowed, lie was on îW point of clâti .4! lýr-1.strv 01-h(je. opci-iltiullis warrauted. ý(jjibcu. urder., leti ut the Vitruaield Ottit 'b y with a bak-er's d4u-htLý. S' fz - . . trial. 1 tiii 'Ili tilu "trict(-,t punetuulî- Sli for lifinsel ne of-,, 1 ýý [ýjfvrL-F1ve, il fitil 1 Ni j Il be Littencied tu %vl, ow it if you like, 1 w.illtxpWnallÃŽliaL" Il the 0 ivhich ý b ' e1ad been the heàd td IL T trè But it appearud . thut tilt,- Duk bis 6perationswer'e inter.;- aie., ilxed ou. 1te.4denec e vas not defmÃœd(,(ý whén tilt court lionse, Whitb%. -Cl- -ht; ew Ille bird quite sure of the explanation. cd rapted by an unexpëcted in kttiem Mâéâqý tire- you'? AIIO-s IV. CRON', -Ile press hi$ for, CIVIL AND ghti rushed, taken b >çà for in the OTEL, Philip no more to go before the King. Ilc, out of breath wit.h.his =pia- fli was however, insîsted more carnestly thau ever ûý'>aÃŽust them. By 'the great iii4uirer bc reco iz'44,1>4ýe ]4tr»4wLý- T Ii E -Coat, 9b ff, ATE S,_ J. 1,']tO'%%'L) BD, .1VE N jstageà tIl:5ý1Lig and Weàt thro tîng into his carriage, and g îng that and horn Philip recognized bis-4%,-p4ty Amwer 'in- on get 0 tiii:i ilutoi. - inrorinatit)n montent tu decide the iniatter With sword Ile, on the other Yffl' ef thunder. Philip, sxk ('111TECT AND t'[\'l 1, L U1., and pistol. Philippointed out the danger cloak and bat. à, wcre. Cartful 0*1 b lhill'his nutde wý,1al1IdjLdi l' 11i0ýLâ ariliè, IV orl, carefit Il v lit tu il- 1). P. WYATT, Proprietor. of such a proctwLliug, but the Duke- over- Il l'elle lire YGUt ffiiwïit 1 Wotddn't change zsadý the-,, ry q ly, Who it &'l tu. placesýwith you-liýmin 1 àWould be E bc ruled all objections. Ile bila madu ove t tý- » ' - - 1-, _k "' - i>4- preparation, and there coula be no chance gainerby the exchanj;fý,,,-. was bc had spo en toi 31. lliORTn AMERICAN HOTEL. .1 POILT IIUI'L. of their boing interrupted. Quick'! quick Il! rriod tbe Pï'ibc* - and He'i-,;k-ed thé policeine Il CoNSTABLE, 11111n Ilis[ýucttr I'f jÀ0e1l:seý ili tile Mullicipal- 01IN- 11JE-11), IRoPRIE'foR TAN1,-ýb Tilis 11.11 you are xiot the gruatest coward in in an instant thé tran#0 cortî- eT ù", his friundâ and the Eurýope, you %Till follow mu tu the caiwinge plete. Philip wý s ai drders tobring e wa kty of ý,f Metil(Id of ii_11*-ýrll n publie geauraljN, Élut lie il" cuitiiucuct;d buài- -Prince while Raose cow ' in M is, , r of Poli T ý ýhe in thi, .4 ï[I theabuve l)roxni.ýe.s; lie trust:s thut iliý duitig buàiues,,, and atteutioil tu his 1-aul-no-princc,"-at laot stutter- at the Princes C Ce. en. inisolf out. ýtý d mode of cd Philip, now driven toextm'-mitius. .4 my boy baid t ýji bl 10 0 ëý- Ur ý but that RU G Cr 1,*S T. Plý1UGS AND CIIEIlle-ils. t 4, e"i Yeu a til Yeu are-you are! I know you by by Jupiter, 1 havent- my-purse ivitil me.", tliattWbeà> se'reprâdn d Il -ýn 'h- 1)%(., :Sttiil'.s colons &C ai' it, A sàiLl P61lip and lieýd LAMB"S 110T£ L, your bat and mande You abadt escape rve talion hitma W stody. wa>. ýnî hau(C Cu TOItONTO. TIIE Mel" out- te hital, s* Yeu gaec it to ULY bride '-The man i' re, 11ENRY INZG STRELT W LIý'>T a pot of thý cm Philip lifted Up his and showed there; but pleaser your Righnessil abovu riràt civ--ýe iiuý:i, sittuttud one uiiii- mask -1 çjubt cd the Duke' Il Mi4pe wy,,word,ýI&I th*t, 1îéý,k , forbid all presenta iü'tiigtlliquarterltp ,LAZ11 G Ljý, gi:61 p AINTEli, C v - , tnost Uâtifiabl, mu e; Ire way PAPEIt 1jýj.N 's walk fr,)LII the liidlwav Pellot aild ;Stwtu- the-DUI,-U Ilîs it-C., bout Luidilic, Illu blwU refitte'l with New Fur- 11:Now, a prineý.-?" 66 My koâd fellow, keep *bat yotIlIvéret, uüsCý d and 11ILiâtod. iliture, Carlitte The 18leeplug Duk- ë flerinàn,' wlien lie saiv the counte- a be off as quick as you C'an You are h ADIr -tweuts art, larwe und wull v UË Oni- GEORGE BRABAZON, ofaiuan lie.had ni--Vt,-rseenbefore, not safe bere." ed t eý 9 0 ni tiàeud I&Iwtt%-8 un liaulci ou the arrival, of the nance lioNVEYANCEIL L'(jMàtlssloNEit FOR Cars aud:Swàliiiboa" started baéki and stüO gazing &A&if lie had The Prince wai flyiüg off u lie SpoL- et,- I»e,,Chamberlainoibigau phî1ip held. him, by thLL:ixîant1eý: lia jëgal 1t.-Lking 'Itndù%"Ità la Uxu 4ýuuCL1'ë Bullull, &C. THOMA9 LAMB, Proprictor. ben pitritie& Tc baie revoaléd bis se- but a js'. ick, Brock, C. W. Toronto, Ilarcli, 185;. cretà te ý a perfect strâýger 1 ý 'Týàý horri>_ One t my Lord, we have to Nv 1îli Ï11,kose w ords t tallieil back. >Cn a!-But btfôre hé a ; n bhice:. rerccom W . en Nv 1 blâ beyond coiiêeptîo il Le,14M THOMM ILOBINSONYS ............. - LLAX TRUNK XABLE ILUL had ýrecoveréd'frým bis surprise, Philip had '*Ruul ruel 1 tell you. They1re jo: inÏtheui ýnôt'to letýthc lrffiain esýape, gaye p- =è D riNG AND bis escape. IIAR'.1ýE,38 Go AS1110 > CUT sèarch ofyou." driS em. L Maulinoth Cullar," ojÀÜed tho dolorÃŽ and eTected k,,t výlîl rdersto ý" D ýien of the F 81in 1L90luâ Brook Street, Whitby.-- Strec I have nothing te rffl for. But your The, P&iiip fimt r- ;0 .11gli6li ikrber and livir Ditý»ftt, M no- re-- t NYhitby. Xi. lôn« titantiiii nii the baýinfflý, will e%ýoyabe purse, ficre"_ veal ýjpMlf now.would .40: ulake .hi%, ldînton: tg exi hé foünd -hý at l vil, ûr. to àâttmd on gentlemen.- -ýThc Moment iberty 'I-Keep 14 1 tell ydu.' Fi 1 ires th e é.. $haviug 6 aproms to whîc Tj0NýEER e'e., GIL.Fxl\ OD ood, àme, but ûilider i4b- 1e wok, off his bat and featber% and wral> life j» Siuý TiLb Cîty- "'%VO Ir rMiollé, are 1unoh'&vý U, If ilikëriiig. Unsonki, hand a n à Il Of Ma"hal Blank-enswerd'#- jaco 'itô '," ý e . 1 26 thpy will Ind the opeiatlou bth ping-them in bis silken mantlei ruàlie A d bi et am regory SI tîUýq-fflÇ04 throuzil the stréets to*mcli; st. G for. five thousand doll&W' li ALBERT SPILING9 carrying them under bis arm. There stood Ali I'WbÂt the dývjjýûo 3.6 0t comp tady, in a 'corner et the church irà. A- Mar on, UM ONEER, &cl, .&,0., GUM, BANxi dSr.sx hia val.- à' lie-kàidlit- *aï e-ýý 1inîÉ &bt-, ho M ES. MASON & PRILLIIIS HAVE 4&Àh.rhiliip),%ear am PhiliP," 8hO W'd, '110W owed vou. He and bis lady btarttol-net, leffl4 the, abuve Hutel, w" Je Dow TIIOMPOO nuLdomel--howlucky we, for t;býý t the i6woriunodatàou or,, ;AMI, you mad? ýh o ouk -het Philip, waw- -âüai lý .ý &-e., SC" pw 4ý,y BOW fW! tom, Tue Ilutel having been fnMily kep 011 foi, tlm, iter eïa imur,--butý novu, çeW gél*ï "WIml- - W 0>1 Defin ouuun z% attention paid tu tM%ýt1ý fvMt-ý,àu& oe, c4ARLES PAYNE lors, and the best àcou' tat,ýiL -and horse. ÇO!Iuty,ý9ï, Ontario. K u iz 4Lit t Im tif e ck. . -W eà CS ........... mm- t Ino. a lad fel. was 9PO- m of qlled Vhut box lank- se rd)y j»Y in a ngg ýnk- àke fcw' in a vy- up-

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