Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1858, p. 4

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HE lindemigned wil] 14011 UtIN,020, ln the T of matipomi, containing of Zlrtievütlioôlol gt;toaçtae Biitigh À"'ica Assumuce Cëmpany, wudoi mi Aîct of' ihe ItÛizà F E 'S A #t N Ileventil Provinciû] Prth-1- llgj*, 56, und shc1à 20 ý< .50, a L>g Baril 30 >ý 50 ment of Uppur Catiada. witit (1 miiiirv RttftLIleýI,, a gom Log Iloume und a liéviit rtt!li;lg Ivell OÃŽ gootl'%Vitter. 'Mère i-m RISO a volin ()MIuttü of 50 beau t re PU4 M'el, y IU 'Ir ralïm, hild thon Intturnnce effeeted ou fluildings àn(I'ttieir SAWONS; _&c. OYSTER A DIEbICA VIE W01mi) UNANLMOV-3 ol y a deed of Assigument, bmy>lllg Tfie (11«tIrtIN!,ý'ý'I'ýý'titbprlllth 18é7- Ibeili4dtrhëigln? MIT BY . fôîý he es -J 6ne, »,Iqtnl.Ï imil à 110 h1gh, t-Lbil- '. ý 1, Ro*> pi;ulle ed %vert àffly ltl)bolltUý Aë!ý1#'I ixixipig Q -0 oi:, thtu of ILL lit 9011) By PRIVATE SA' libiiite, C ITP iëre ItI n sm*(eW.t' PR1N(1LFýs D,ýN,,IFLs w tilat ut tile village of Uxbri(Ige, Thr« Story Brick Buildir, us em truly bm)lue $11111gled but not eliclosed. Vie sittlution is tilerôth ý1-ý, ýrl1t h1 col t! tel*(Wt- the limt àày or Fur tenus luid fortiter partieulata, appl lat"tiiû 6ý, y sald dréd of ARmaigilment Il iLs s 14 'le X. CAIM ON, t-imte"of mes-M '41n donell & Dart»C14 of pjý Acrù*(tt*l." .1 --0 _A.Wý the DRUGS AND IMICINES. Perfmery, Reft Oils) &ce -wký- 1 - ODOP.S. Vilb JL S EXTRACÉS. ffollgr IrÀL' <1 ý 'SALOON 0. 135 Wallace Buildings, Yonge IkLy Runi. Cipire, Mti-&k, ttii(f Mqsk, 'Jot-kov (Inb, Violet al)(1 lkbiluct, DEVi'!Çýq & DEXON diLs, &C. Brier, - Toronto, Tillyl5, 2à Ileais 011, A larmifion, Fillid Wig, seutift Fl()rll, NATIÃ"NÀL HOTEL, Flowem, Mto of R0.140. 1 1 'for ÃŽighatu,,ê, 'of *hieh an 'Batn iiiii, suitittite un t'leu 1 t Chiff cil the proporty, 'Or lusi parties intero.,ý4ted'a" tequested tô tàke notim. -ýe4. Aisý lialf Aue Let oit Solith Side of Mret Laritit 'Of (v>ntoitts.t,,F-,N,,,ory ittt'i)rtntLti(- attipplied 01, al). lialr tu build lie wholi ri t PORT WHIT111Y. JAMES PRINGLF &-c., -« reqIlIr . e M-0. WALLACF, Stre.(-t,.wit--- - n'àltf Ontraen 'ln WC Pl, underlaigneil. fonn 6 otie and il lialf inilest, &out NOAV IIUCKINS on it. Ail %villýbe Sold t4igethIrr, or tu, suit pur- Marine Risks for the Seitmdtll Or fc)rPitrtia. 'M te) inforni la octoliser ý)q, Iscý la ý b ý ý ý1 Il il " rxit.4% fpr partieularla Tr,,rlorliw steam Millgt erraigned lit-g 41' .. 1 e _. ili Il C ilà ' JOFIN AGNEW, T rinduitil plitijie, tIfflt lit. ici pon, in 1 At M il 0à, à,., .4 n de- Travelling Agent, liVron ,treet, %Vllithy el tire a te Ilote!, tire blisirl"s tif ve X 111illa and A-k tuiles front Lindsay wilerc tjlc.re iý HOTIEL TO LET. el ONLIS of, 010. euït lýopIeý I,ýuI8ûY und lklaverton will in un re clirn, or,, sol 1 i On the Ilirentilles. ProteetÃŽoii against Xos à S 0wil 44 iniv es, isr,7.' 2s by pire. @ý alla lmùiage Good 'i Il ras, Wlitem unit Brandies. etairoum or retiring front ---- TNDISpUýTÀjL-,F Cart-fulattention fui Initiant NOTICÊ' WO CRtýl)ItOiw. Globe eopy tilt forbid. known uPon appli" ou, If by WESTER'_'ý ASSVRANcE COMPANY, 111iithy, Mav 4th, . 1857. tire disl". t qtf Isis inter EDWARD Il t'Mt in tire UIWO.of tilt' letter, petit pal "North American Rotel," ]W7 virtlue _dWI e. A-V, E*TeýN IIF-ÇRy ROGEWS, Prcsprietor, ditte Oi-lober 31Mt, 1-s57. tfle M PITAT, £100,000. WE-WrY.RN MOuýÈ) bitilaIte in tire Towii tif Ilort Espe, %vith Furni- were dilly appeinted A.-sigiiet- tor thu Fetate 8FOR- XALÈ CnEAP. P. 0. Il r N T) A a S T P F. F T Il 1 1 titre, ttxttql'(Is, %îzrý It, les tioceffl.itr% la, ýreaI nittf of MIIA, I'RWILEGR ANI) To W N LOTS Miuripoisil, Qvt. 2oth, 18:57. 40 rrIlE ABOVE, PREMISE'S IIAN fastly fier lovatioli suld, IL liti-re tl(Isii-itble Ai cointeiitA. Evérv information soprii 1 alla JL inst ttpelled H enry Da-aigl-ot A -C"nttglq wiwTf. es b% tire iiiider>i;.,nt liwileste A,%lv IND ÈANI). application to tire travâlers cati new good sitc"111111 Fur parlitbularias aýjIIy til Of tire N*iileiL'ýe'- t't, firriâlin. illerellant, for 'Ille lamo and lir,,Iitýl)lé Cati &. -10 a(. 1 liere. payorable ternis laits% lie triade witi Il A(,NE Tire liseuse is well fi riiWieel, well kel lanetit Ie'stivit ri, stitiffl beecoine rrirtim a PravtivAil ýNIi1Ivr. le 1) 0 R R thert ýing tiFttrtitieiit,, r t)tll% -t-I, solder the conditions tàerein ,et firili l'riýlirit-ti)r bv ,ait.(! and 1t;ry, lOtt ilope, Ili, I-îýJ7. 43 betî-re tire 31st dav of Ilemintwr, is.ri, illriid Amil) te A IIV m 1 m, w 1-ril f',oo goix ce tir tertable i-tit A iii.z. and tir(! ass,' M; of J.I M) Times and Bencon Asf4urituce (ýomp1PY. ti iit to tiiùii oid li-,rse. Initient now les lit tire 4. (If ;"le -lems WRF, AN 01, -û j Ileareil, nt I)tidin'* Creek, in the ia < Dartitell. Solicitors, rge e(,Ilvt!tkit:iit, and well Mlli'ý IIOTTSE FOR SALE. ('itriteron, Nlit(t(lottell & Ne B.-Yliere lai ý a first-nite , 01ýêiiîng et lka- t 1ý .1'î 1111 l' elcri-ilig front tif tire fillit cou- aile, willes, 11111ors tri Whîthv, fiir signature, le( %%-Iilqcli rail parties în- Vertou Air the Establilhuleut tla FVnIIJrý;- Therc are 1(k)'.crezi of, NgURANCE vff(.vtý-,I ,,, Biiiilillg,, nu.l tiieir the heet, id ileui li-r(,«4te;l lire M-illestè(l lo tilke lintiêc. 1 contents. Fvei-v information tIpplied tell soineIv fittud ail, sitting r-",siis f,,r 1, J. A. COOD IIARD WOOT) CFT).%P,, &%ppiie,.Ltig)tl to lis(. tics. Lrqb.%.l two stiery Brielc Ilousé lit J. S. M. WILIýCo*\,, 28 1 Ettest ýviliqetýt, withill the Boitvertnn, JIIIV29, lIý-7- MICIIAEL 31cCAU] a'"I ftb"I't ni-rt'ý $If l"INF. The whole tu be II o 11 N A (;.'ý F NV, hfflie Towu (if Whit- "Id 'Ir litý"ted, t'Igether tir te squit Travelling -,r-,f Hisk:, Ili r,,iL 17 L 1 V E R P O O L . s-tre-et, a Cvilar and Iltittery. Theré eAvr.poNe, & i a - jrùtijîýfIq tirs, si CARD.--CENTRE MOI lis ablet ta L'm"I (iar-loti and ait excellent leiiiiiiI.-- Provincial AssUrance Cont1pany. The I.ot e,,JitlIitý lwifiiii aerc. 4?, -Itti Blacksmilli,ý & ni, ell South of il.. Village % lifth casIl down, the Application tri bc iliada' te) A. pIERcE IV to FOT Sale or to Let lit Liverpool9 Ge-CIRuIf. BALLARD. CAPITAT. £125,009 lie f(-riiittie. Iqilli( and tliv trav Mlit the N OTICE -TV 1,11LY: FAST (fF rt)i.t)Nro Greenivoi-ad Il. 0., l'ick-eritig. Mittlity, t1int ýse tir(! Ill 0\1 1 1% il 19and station tel . tlie Grand Tritijk l'itil (1etober 24, 1 s:-7. 41 f1ritel, where lm, NOIl Nlt-i;flLl et gre liti.41 tIscir the h1irsii1er,ý; il flitilm, To Nere.'hautt4 and rarmers. way). ch Sh,ýjs ha--; a ('(Iltftge aud a 'Iliki content-;. EVOrtai. filler-niation glipplied 011 (pet lAr llfè?nixrp 1 sif ait Acre if Lialiti attraclied. FAUX FOR SALB. pPli*lti-,n to tire tIýiàerMiguû-I. left lindoile IF acquailit Ili> friendS rit", c preinises JIUV(I bVeil IlLtoI.ý fât*e(,I(ý(1 %vith- renfler thé llnllse r"lllf.,rtýtlle aild :tI, la. take L!MlIý -as .1 keep ýell4lic geu -I-.JIý, thist lie 1 a il R.,ad. and VAITAIILE FARM CONTAININtil 100 Ik si,, idiiitv sera For Sale or to Let, T itald the 't in' a short distauce of tlie IýiI Travellini! 1;%-roiï Street, Whitb . thf, Itrdlva. il £_ y tabl*c, alid ili'l;e blit the liest Winew al tilt (;ri>t NI! 1, kilom a as tl;e A.- gond Acrese In(ýr,, %et IeIss, 10 iteres cleured, bcing 'Wl)itt)v, April M. 1-2 IV 11711E IVITIT111 AM MILLS, fie hteIlç-ý to nierit il share -if publie le [Til RI'N 911 'TON F, K il' Y 7' 11 1 L L S trades clin bc dolle le% 1A)t NO. il, in tl'e 4til Coneeszdon toi Wçsek. JK Illeu. Therc is a gI,ýMI L. A. P 00111pletai, allil IsIo.ýt of Lliu gwtrilig for t lie unil forinvrIv IIN Mr. Y, Huître. iicar Fur furt'her il-triieitlarri a Il 'tl> LIFE AND IIEALTU ASSURANCE. fillithy, 'May 5, 1Q.17. 1 (,'ýNRDEN- & ORCHARD, third roti, J'a lirtýlKqttltl I)V il thirty ILomý liolever lirisoklin, itild M11.1 wrIl lttl)till(', 'rilt, -Nlill l'lis 11-11c il et -1 11-illese ira Ilw1)11ýiIIt- iii %VhIllhsI-ý and a niver-Uiiiiig srring tif Water ou The British American Friendly ýgorjety nitieo lu wlui in 1 pilwtilzilitý,tq, il;crit the : nlg), il Franir l'eilýn, Stable and of Canada, RAILROAD HOUSE lieu Ise .11iIv 2s, Iý1;_) 7. Ilit -I)qlill ilig>. i ORNER ()F 13ROCK ANI) DUý Mill lm lit-W. and ýI ' 1 ' il" Therv illa four puid TFI.M'i',: --- Que Imalf tif tbc morte. J Lifvaissil liculth. liimis-poratc-J Ily speeial whithy, (Ilate t IZ 1 ý-T'I N Li. if by letter, je#"ýt Iglitt, Farni for SalIB. will lette rixltèir,--d (',,.,h dom-ii. and a Niortulage -%et of Parliainent, 1 S Vit-., J'ap. #14. to tinnoiiiivr, te, tire ira] t1ilik.- ef 44iiavro _îîýs . I Fariiiçi-i4 and %,tire willbe tak-eil f"r tilt. balailev, uti lie plid by lits whithv. and the C(>UIDIUII ýI il.;IlllýNt RISS h, get tlivil. will'ât Fltittyrd, %%ill lie deult %litil -liF,ý (IF SPLEÀ r litial Alillvt,, 1 1 CAPITAL .14TOCK, MI00,000. has t.iken tire fîrýt eli.- Port i erry, lil)crtill%, . A viill N% lit obli , .\( - NDID LAN s htLîý titte.1 up ;n si rit-%v and « -)()0 lie in Irait, IVllilIN(", I! (Ir s'el, Flic Ifc N. A is 4t.1-ý-odut titis Il Port 1-'îý -.. cic,ýc,î. riii.. FUJI Is tell the UculiscM. flend Oflier Ili 4.1 -tir inile, Il . 1, travCI t si- if b> If-tic-r' TO"ý.tt jai nerý. Liiiielienn4, cati lie hal il! fi .,Il the V Nliira. tilt- land is of Ille h(-t 911.1litv, and iM in 1 notier. A IÀqlI1Iýs Izept ,en tbe X 0 T 1 C E 4,; wumtiitetl efl(ýnuité IL and LOT FOR SAI.Il GF-,FtcàiI AGF7ÇT 1701L CI tir(- et-litre of :a KeKol with tir _TIIE VI IAAG, E (,)F Wiq I,)K ' - il -1 t IL VI N C Iliv voire >t-wIý tel H. toid ta .L tilt, a ait'l Iýot ýceol1'I tt> Lie)tiý. in tire 0 R es Il E V ta, ith ail addition (Il« (-es Nittreh l'Ili, 'lit]% - situ- Daili Ig Aiso, North lizilf,-I' 1-4 4. iU Ill" 'oth (">Il TAII sýràNf.) priving 1 5IC live sil, tire llitt*, W ni. 1 tel* -f !è.'. avrk-M; 12 Ill l'lit )%to'l' kti Wil iý, besoin le . zý;ý - A New Stock, -4kZ are ULI&I t't..,titilig (?il tilt, l'ortzazu A lin4llq"x-iI larpr ghe*ýiit. Tirer(- irý 1 G L 0 B B Il 0 T E 1 Mest.. an nt-re -,f 14ind. litillt..Ii witiýlliniet-> R.W. Clark M. D., Mcdical_ Referec, uitli il tr,,ýxl well tif %vater, 1 l'sas est res)n. I -i % 0 ci dire satis- lý0Jàs1, »Car (,4ulw.roli, S il i 11. Wili-riey. ýstAbIe, Sheil milal &o., the 1 we titiller onrscIvçýs thut we cris Frisit ritre i, ta gýeId w,,,,,f Wiitür, i Fur flifflivr partîenlars nlilil% to, tatetioli tO tilt Illay l'avor il- itil si etill. ila, tire CO, ù'l ýIii T (Ili tire tend- 1001, Ille reIad to tilt- Tý,w1l of 1tItit 1 1.111d4av im.] CANIE ce" IcIIJ s., "Ill" *11ON. 1 lieuN t-rtý,n, which lerui 1 ' 11; 1 l'ver April lie, 1 -YrIN %%ill tre st.>Iel on« lit"-- bY tire as ir w-fts bv his ira tir, N 0 Il' 1 tu' E 1-111, -1111v, 26 1 rat ternes. Fier terni Ili] partieularit a ply to Mrireh 10 -t N le, trait tv'itli the, vie%% vonifirt au.1 ,tttetitl-li lie Il tire owièer nt Neil MeDillizall'e, Iýr-:,ck. IVANTED TO RENT. 31 E NT Y ET Line ý rieur Life Association of Seotland. til-it essr, V ,IL livr-4--us indel-tv-1 ta) illic EýIlitti, of L. Il. iTIIE »F-'ST INVENT Seh,,fitI1-1 t'i' are rtgliiircýIl tg, glu& lait. JOIIN of pa.vrrient ..roof t'O leviiiiitist iliv Aelit, nt the It-,rr litte.1% 1'.% L Il 1 EN G TOWN OF WIT ITý 1 Foi- -,r 7 il, I)r ilear the IN TIIE FI Tow)i 4 \Vliitl)%, D"islber l4. N I 1-I, selloiffem c". M, is tI le(. t-illid ira t halte, tif tl,,,t Lfiý ilic partieultirA lis t, 1011N lit t1ic ILI ell ta W IR ITUY B 0 NN 1, 1 N G SA z0, rosi, joI, pist a: 1 il V t l, Il v bit k. 1 Fi a 1 zt; F 1 xx es ce. , For Sale., illi'l IlIm 1,I'r sale l'.N lits Exi-ril- .Mt Uýth, J. V. pr, -_ - 1 -ifty» 'wo Acre ('RES Ifw*,ii l'and situt -Il in t 4 -tg. itic lisse lit, Irais ltýtLsa-.1 lit(, »tll- II-r ner, s of Land, 'ai', la,. CAPII'Al, £4( 0()0 :-,Ibtli, IS.',7. 4(I-tf. IlIellittifuliv linville ri II 1'oiltng" , 1 Ille tir tire tarit f s if là?t N ai. ed 1 ANNUALIN e-,.r. ami a' in tire 4th in Ille lit iiierit il thir Iliare -il* pair i Tiert i af triste % Il, 1 ' 11-le Af Fil-,lit% ftlld III' (,.Iilnt%, tir Vieil IA T ItUUS col,, NOTICIKI Ille \\'V-l and F:i>t t >1W IIIIIIIired atid tria. tlitibere.1 Allevs Ilavi-ah Ivels fittý.ýl Ill. ils fir NI I-1ý n'.Irk ý% illi Pilic, finit M itllated lvitlein r IIEAD I lit, i kr)lllttlc(l l'y th,ý Witt; n.-le '11Lt ; i Il , illile- lit 1-ilidstiv, the rowil, final terni!- geotland--Edinburgh---2 IlInnover st. î "Iliitil WIl-, vali il-, hors, Fleur Ro4p on the ',;tItitl Me Mlleeelli,,e and ý1llit1l a i CAlAý AT JINCE A N 1 b 'S A VE 0 )MITS If ý,..rt NN*iiii,ý., mis %w-:tttr fn.titzt,,(ý nus 'et . tit-e lltiw and nidIrea(t.- FIbgland-T.t»idomi - -20 Iiiàsg William st Pr t s; as frtýiei Tire tinder igrai4l lvill geil Cftuftda-.'dOdtreai- 9 Great St-James île illo lovaili ont s et r Ille greutly illervasilig, tratl;! 01, Ille jeter,, tilt, tri tt-tjug, or S #et' IL IL l'il%% dvi-have if1ýIr%1çt- '-(ýlnr4rt I's'r illll)noleeil prtolwrt%- il, the Towil of E N T ed tilt- III pla'.t. itil Ille Il.aIl.l. III, in ii;ýé %%'ÃŽll vûty tarpon be quite lit- eto tilt- rtI-illig-týtitt-lit, -f ilic bii.ýirit.,I M'Ititby. Fier ternis tif sale, ut tli,& r1plIE As:ýVcitLtii)î& 01, s4ý(st1aI1d Wh!(-Il has i ROBSONIS ILOTEA Site% an .1ýtt,,rtte% 11--r rail dvItý and itv,ýsiiiIts, and this fr,,iitjfjýr(. m 111 -t'4..Fv. Mixers lie q:Iit0ý . 1 air to the owuer, if by jetter to'be polit- J \1 a 0 eralioL)ii tu British 1 -'l' uill lm dise tlà(, Y--iiite, itililiediatt.1%. pissid. N-irth ý%lncrica, Le mln'cizil y by itra -ItN s-Ný THOMAS MOOPY * 1 . - lie tilt- III t1c 1,11 Ille III, and lit-Cill FF,1»11'7, 1 tire TIIE STMIF lit Suit. riv >&xýt1 lit- %% tact tref l'artittrn(,iit t,,r T.Ire AI;enr.itlecý Il' froittuge wIll -ulited fe'r'a-ard- AY, Of. Id sellier Ionie«, alitl im enabletl to otrcýr ilinnufacturitig un 117ehilby. ' (" 0 %vliv lm-tivveil \ý«Iiitl,%- .111II IA 111lithv, Mliv 27th. 1 -iyhitlýl, 14th De,., 195,'1. 411 ti- and 041Mwagést to Reitiieritist there. 114.tel 111;s l'ut-il retit*rd at'j'l fliritisi (Ir tes Tire is )lie of tilt Lu J Q 11 N IIELI, par " Ise M'c Ileti-riliitiel mettra mllinc issu extensive cellent the RCU LAIt. li.-Iv irt% in i stand prelaim SPLENDID tilt. w telle I, , -d lis ENT. and tire I1ritiýh lets. Fverv attentiý-ii 11-iiIi t, Ir i Offlees, and in the I1,ritiýh Altlerl the Ix-Mýf pr,,vided 'T-AG Et ýt-S lit lestes ";1). 'lit Me-riber, ,ai rt-tiriiil-, frIýin -tir(, Nlir- d.ý 1 IrA N ; cars l'rteiiitxý,.I hsLýo trac Ileileult ,r Lits- laruc, ail- 0ýtIcr aIwa) tiiiiii IIIIII tire arm'rant NOlieil il %% ', 11 Id prod cassis V l.(-Lrs LI, retorse thillks t'ý ee 0 N T A-R 10 H o ur E L aillai hiisillt!,.ý trlll".Cted 1. Illittilli suis sillet.. tirait trit-ti(lM for tir(- l'île- il, dars Jijel-IN, tr) W IIITICY. Iréliand. itiid tire simple âild il(.clltllll- --- - ,Il fiirtber partir latifiLy fillids, itljN> N ielditig ail i lefoille Ï)i iliývýt4rtIs FENEL0N4 FALLS 114 TO' 1 L 1.1 T Lzieti t, )iirii mliiit. ira Et a , ERT Il. 17AWDER. tif £1*2-,.()ýwi* p-r anuurn. [)uriig!z the i lie itim t-ý iiii'Orin tilt l#ar1icý ititlelett-ýl tte Iiiiii le.% »Ntiý.\1.1.ý\Ni t OFFEMS FOR SALE Nl.%ItTIN. PhO VI 1 ý*eUr cul iligr atli Ajoril. 1-s-57, the n'fer Book Accourilles, Noteils or Mortg"e.pi, ýýIlAAAN1 TIIE% T IF now aceuZiied 4 W This Ilfitel in e N ffiv Ibé-,t Iii-îtit,4« lb.,Irt (if tire titist plyptihir 1-IR I* il laIt hil1,ý. Ille whi tage 01 a streiut ýJwe.1,-d (hiles, éf ;1 0 -r ils 1."If-(P& .011111KWInue N-t-4itt)r.-i aud Tour '11w and past due. thât lit, 1,5 J.%con Buvýqx, having a fron ': el Whéi tes lffl e. laRoue larce iI:i%- The [»a>] NEW BRICK STORE, nivilus to, nscôt ut, ettriv datt - of Gel feet. len. iliclir Il.,ne ait tire riM1,8 Of tuitted witilin a fëiv re)(Is (if the > :é . 1: - -Il, ai il tlial Puing t,, FOR SA I'artnership. They aný frec tilt resjxpiisi- illidâtof tilt illu't duli-,rlltfttl Svene 1vervoit-Il le% tlp ressatiro lit N14, - ultitters, it is ueq.-v-8rý LF CM HAP. RODERT Il. LAWDER. bility and tirs- àcIttI are. in- oit tlifi L.1l'es lIliýýIIr1ezlS.ý âm I.-Artiali, beiI1ý. p, tý,t Wliltbv, Jan 2a. Is.r)7. !lie lýnliti"e'. ilu tri of Mr 1 fIlir Illui te Allaite i, and te, ebable liiiii il, A Shnre of tilt PrAits ofthe Bn>.41nem!z i4 all- and 9,ltIti4eVý et. (III S-,, he iM teleliged lo ilisist oil iltilliediats. pril t Lr N in tlie na-tl Ï(Ili Ief %Vltitl,.v ented erery ppir tt er, Tile 1 'aile is 41ve 1111.1 roonlv. iltilliris lleaIl. SI, 11 - -sý tirent ýXaII ainotitits (tue te) Iiiiii. othermi:e ) .111 i)tLrtieil-ý:ititi4p l'olivyliold- ftisd hala tire froiet -efon%, entier i fie j itlte Wiiý&iN% Fenu I Ktljaiiiiiig tilt, Town tif -n. vivre are doill-le entilliers. Th i wili lx. lie hand tile -unic ta. bi,ý Attor- Whitby. Applyte; the Ilon. IL III. --- P. ORTRArTS. Crie of ilive veur., stangilltfi,, IIII(J la; lit le. tiiiýs immi e - .,.r:"--ý-,ý.-.ý.-ý.----- ....... ducilig theli ilext I)rcitiigtitw. A. 4yge rüdnetion RARDW ARIE 1 uvy fier esbliperisal cii». NVii.KtN-s, Fý-q., Belleville, ! 111:1lor ýwrt lit' thýý, leilitititiý, 4-111 lx, l'et Nvitil tir D 0 of the-preluinmýý le tilurzýy effeeted. The Neso- efition bus Olt t a anni the anjâwil r0ttrn of proý:,' tel rtýtiiiii-cýi. 'Without Further Not 0' toi J. V. il Aý, LUI. lieriodZ fin M-hieh it ip, not 114 Wisli III (lie, -nt Barrister, A G R E E N , Ambrotypé Artis4 flt t, the PIîej-liolders of the Ililet ilerles IJUA of ll.INII, 1,11 the front wlint lie hart hitheriq donc ; bat froin the Wliiibv. TOI1.1) respeettuliv afillotinve thisit lie has 1 tiow renclied 35 per cent of the prdttiiitng--tlint, sif Mr. Arilistr'oig'es 1-rýein-rty, off Ditudsts Street, pre.,wlit talents, Il,- innet may. iwu-11(ýl li-mie. littitidwell*i4 New Briack 1 ira Ipay ônlý K that lar he see:., Ili) tailler eminst. iI tell IkÏtjl liloek, oit liroteli Street, wilere lit,- !.M pre.pared to lis laér;ý£l kerlingr of tý, -ttrMttýI. -a,- lisse lie- "POU IIILO.D OFFICE FOR T Ile trutý, that -al] %Viti t4 Tq,ýVN LOTS. xeviite 41 1 , 1 PhotographiC Likenem e, St- Juinela Stre II -.,ai. ls' c'f te. liait; natal -'tve IVILLIAINI LAIN0. IN TU E 1 -'-7- Z& Of J. E j 1rN TIIF TOWIZÇ OF WýIIITIýl in tlie verls-Autest style of 27, >7ÃŽ4. (if the liffirIzet. Iv Illade sýIne itlil;brbuit the ârt. 'le ha" lute- Mekf*7iu liert-Irtut-,; David Torram-211 wiitl)V, 0etelater 41 1 vivinitit TO LET. lut venielits lit bilst - - Aj%.ý-TfIREF NVATFR IPTS. lire Estatl. nt, 1) Torrisillec & Vo., Merchalitist ; George 7E-. ]III ternis to 1 JîIode ofoisserriting. Ille. whie'h the illoit "Illg"d M.Iïdt, ýTr' fncther partieulurs ta lltm are obteill*ed., Estq., of -Gillespie, Moffatt & Co., Ir WO lante rmýtn>, m-ell for 'Ir F. KEIýlýEl,- likq: ivusselli are ilniel,,L.,l lu muel, a Merelui. ta Alexander Morris, Ettq_ Advocate. VERY lesplendid as..;Cbrtilléi y ('Il, 1, and ,, he r N F*w aboee tire stibseril-serg Hardware Store. lit MEI)ltýiAl. Ptobp.rt 1'.. Iloward. IAM F iiita the enclosure tif the Sula- %Vliti, . jltl% S, IS47. 25 Insinuer that they mu never f.ule- Ml!;11'rrIZL-; ýcA (!tdilwLbll'te new finildings, Brook Street, S-outh J seriber, Olt 1,,ot 18, Ist (-'eau. of Brock plit up in 'f(-rmnce ý.1. Morris. J liât i,ýceived aitil tor sale bv end. lient. niarderate. w 1he 21.1tit of 0etobter la-aï, il LltvlliT Grant. AppIv tilt the lireilli.ýe-; tel si7 WILD LANDS. LOCKÉTË,' BU0AéflFýS RICE LEV*lý' GREY NIAICEtibjut 5 Near AND J. HUM pprrv. Ilow- J. IS. I)OSAlàl)SO'-"; Col Tite, (ixyitpr cati hâve iirr by provitig !il the neatertt inantier. intinville--re D. 1ýlr4hcr, Ontario. Iktilk-. Iort Dçe. 211di, 1857. tri and elutr;,,ee. j 00 01 Arres Wild IýJLns1 fur ttale on hkral Ilotim of (>Krat.ing i Ilope-Mr. Jititiés E. M*alsli, MertlituIt. 51 Plaie Warmers. GEORGE Ig»DEN. termes. in tir of Iland:ebille 11411 A Ve V Il-eeflil artieles. F. KFL1,E'R. saut regard te the iveather Broel,, Nl*-,v. 3A. lý'57. 4?1 ('&LI 1 ai id éaee S 1 'vei 1 liens ; whett le; %-i4ittirt4 Wish F 1TURIE, &c. Whithy July R 1 i ý)7. ce pet a rom or nul, lie will lit ail titiles bc happy tu, IÇOTICE OF P,&RTNERNIIIP. TWO -CO 0-D - -L- -0 -FOR- 8 .4, 1. Ik-. thtnt. RICE LEVIý MONEY TO INVB$T. Wititby, Novernber ûth, 18:)-,. 43. CABINET WAREHOUSE. hpmlt%, Lvivp notion thlst 1 - - __ __ __ - __ - -- - --- - -- - _ ___ 'r-tus 1. *.k. Town trif ils, Coal Vasis, 11odis and Pm WAY 0 Great Coituter'liiýitan't Y [BUS OF DISEASE OFTM s its way te the internai orgàm , porait of the skin. This pe e mt nf,.tn-elting under-the bùnd,,,àâ la L% bqorbed throligh tlýe oýTný,ëbtà- rettelling the ment, of intlitininat ton, Lnd invariablv subdueýq W.--'«hetb& lie killneyiA, the IV the1ý or wportwit o à It peStrt a thé iliteri , thoi 1 the opuiidiÏ; witli4lt'c'l , I§kiù," ýIktn tgsei; intt, the eurth, diffdgltig Ircgenentting indolence. eame an& Clandular I.ÇWellîngm eeies of exterior irritation 6 qui*Týy the. illitifigilleillut4,ry à0tion or this Angry Ertiptioits, j;iiclà. " Ult Tettùr Ringworm; MWd (tir lteli), iffixli ale trio i Iýo more, nild'er its appliýýon-. xpertenire ùi ùIl parts of the Word liýbijij..y in di.se4bîe* of the »Mu) the al ld the gl. cers, $ores and Tumors. --t if this titirivalleil externial retnedy tfulii, unil t4ier violent ulcers end iri,ýt It flirst (11%chnrgL-.4 wlii(-Ii-liri;ilti(-f. -4uperation and 1*»ud tiati-ý the eure-% whieli ite bealiuli two- -rwitrul iminplete arc ëafe as Bru1m", Burns, and litiUdhe tif Ille frieture of ilie l)ones, nyurieit .4tenui explé"ions, Bruise-4, Bttft)s, leilmati-111, sti1yneýs« or the Itdtiýti4iand il 44 the Sinews, itirq enimovede L-t"4)nllneltdeil bv the fateuJtý. 1 . ý rell)(Av lais- I;een li'v'its a iiitt, aH the h-,iilirt!t jlu!!OiWs lit no private shoitfid be dicul Stýqtf of the Fritricti tond Mngrtf§h the Crillicis louve ot1iCialhý iigilied their if oixotitient, as tht ornom. ressing forsabre ictits, ritltl)S, &ndgurà- ids. It is a1sd' ilseil, hy the itingeoiie;ot CIENTVENT AND P9T.1-9 811017LU BE ltggb XS TnF F4ý1LL4)WING CASES: sualds, Swelled Snre Sitre- Thrixits, Soreiq of âH kilidri, ial Ertilitii-,ii atisin, iriii, 1« levrs. tuait), '%'e-rierbl ý,4bre-%ý Witwids of all L-Indn 141 nt the Nlitnitf;st-tibrîc-e of Prýofe,.#,40r ý1t Nllli(iüll 1-aie, New Yeerk, Md 1,(Jrlttiti, bv all Ëe p(,Ctltlile Drn * ' - er, in Mediville throtighatit the =iÃŽted 1.1 the ui%-ilizt-tl wirl(l, îli pfu, at -2; and *1 encli. lie-re is a by t,,klý> r sizes. -Dincetimis fil- the guidalwe of fintienta di:ýurder are zitfixed to etteli 1».%. - !AUTION 1!4 1. mable te lit c%-crv leuf nt (if directidmis arnund etwli r.qitier lw)z; jilav ' lx- plainlv lit. A rewdrd %vill lýe 911 7ý c-ne rcýrrtleniig snels hiejrmatiS éait tf, the (leteet:li'>u ofenv partv or pez illedivineti or vent.% là@ W)Wille thelli to be spurlous. 3rd, PS.-ÃŽ7. AtO MEDICAJ. -DISPENS Ï;TýýlielýISIIFD FOR ülE CVRX or F;ïrer aoW DR. AÙOS & SON, 1 orlu.%I.%' AND QUAT Iff,., BCFFA MIE ON-LY PII 1 I.-i, Lon on tht! '--rni nuti of x ment t.,ýPt t 1 )f R -tuirj 1îýe and su l'on oit. iy3t invrittirate SOTtitlavs, atkI nature, ln 2 or a i1ay.ý, atla t»i>o1ýFme The étire effécted'witlioiit eïn trance front biieiùt-âï. N 'W MEN TI.&KE PAIMM.AR içoTbolivl ei-ý4anevil'Iltibit 4oinctliiiciq IDAItilgod 4, ils dolitilde, ften L"%Ymnw U > manhood , an-1 whicK, if iiol rmeî. tinte, not offly hezet'i ïk!rio" obeftelès .Pine's "Iliai hap s il giquett; use et-hode wlio give way toi t1ils perui" e art âwarc7 of the M-W - ait the nez-vous ttv,ýtçrn a t and unsecountablý vu«« I the uliml. -t MosT ME!Mrlc 1XVEN-riox. RE sub,,crilver twgs to Illi the inhai Thureday$ the 14th JanuarT, 18389ý FOPLý8ALK IN TU OF, County of Ontario, N 8 TUrRDAY THE me4;ýin* im prepareil to %nliply Town ýjP TOWN To -TweAl-ýt th*rd 0 T talifs of whithy glixlý-aitcmuàding, eonntrv unisbes Iltilnt».4, oils, »yu Stilfft;, *h liakery*Confee- et il olelook, for the purpose oféleeflng Officôîý, Jantiàrir 't 'ej'ack thut lie lias re*blill;ietteed butinelqi; nt his (,)]à ',011 stmmerm,% ramq ýu -tj at t)ýlq lillr of WOvè Phv-tiLt:uts and Y"Iiy. Prébéril tît)llfirý- dif lif t1le b"t qlin1îtý. f(.)rtbeen&ititigywaûdtheti UCK)n, -ý-il1 be sold ut -the Court 1104ae- in the Stand, corner of prepàred. - (MOCERIES ANI) PROVISi or busitit-sx ità t4inneetion ïvith the Soeicty. ýT OTý.qXt)s*.2, anKiâeý&1t£Y-ARE ';ITU,: Tiwi, of-, 4q 4 "Byýfd« orthe lfegtder4 i _IPjrltliy;, the ulidtrme tk èà IJýna6 BROCK & VOLBORYE TBEET,'ý, ý,ju ýatodpkl I)Y»44* ,$trço4 betweeu Mr. S 'h 1 tlieraolit miz.0e b d'k ,hé»4ý lfforoer aùd- 'CatgéýýIM lit wilt t le tellement. y virtuR. Wbere lie will Manitlhettire M cep 01 1. RITSC , Cýoébmue's'.Ind 711C XfýiSty a ail diieripýtiohs of Coffins. oiie, fq ofill klàd», 4mnmiet!ý- empon, wx ,v tg offéýÎj«ciàj liýàed ont ol r- hefetiew- iiishia. with, Brëi#t'rliat-£M, iir ôfý1',j%- lut, the 1primm. i TERMS LIBFRAU 0 1 G Ar li ti !Dg âlelt# niz John Ilami Perry, rIaIn ordèred. iel Ïe, Eock dothncbtat leu biim ràrîiýg> The. tiub6criber attends jFý=rà1e pemiin, Y all k ' jxjtý ruld wholol.&Ale by tJio--I*x ýo* """%Lo MI 'EST U A. BA-IC PlaIatit, i>& Daniel T Eà* debadme BUMDING EM ATIS. Let 8% Sth vincéssion Ditifington; défendtýlt*s right, titi. am ', TILL 0 Y $ T E R ý, S Rùtiu*wbid, , - au tb&týe"wn P"fti or trim or, land endpre- M 1w« ýmAj&Ip tante in t f-ir the Mille Of Oyetere, WbQlewe Mines Bî Moi llç-ù by the ettii or kegr. Of ý0ntaciow boingcomposed of po'rvof ON ITA NUY ON 11AXI) TirE "Ë, of aald Towiwlitlp et c luxepriiigand Sainuier Frosh Burut 4, NUMBM OF CHOICE I4M IN THE la, b "! Jk bAw POrt Wli Linè',nms-Ïiielt will lm iteld fur Cash ouly, at 29 Sd A Town of Whithy heàÙtifh1Iý' ilttit,,l in nc"bl- "-U"ug -DI now A lath, IR: acre, and inay t iwUo'k LARGEStockc of ý'ttrlli*hoj lier Barmi. the viewity of the ÜýrÏet. Terma Iàberal that w tosay--wmuieneing wbere a P...ât hm > No. 1 Copul, Superiorý Fiii MATHEW CARL' Apply te b plu ted S 744)Weâtý,fréu1 the îutqrîýîqu te 7 -JOHý,,SHAW, ogIlu Vesterly Une d simcS Street, with. the Btit-ýiliig Flilid, Lamp IF YOIJ WOULD MAKE 0 Oils, CA or,ýtbQ 811 ee StreetýwIùtby. $Outherlvline f "M of pmd in the ho],,. B-aupy for i ré È t -il 5 tt- 'rear of tji,6 gaM (kütemion 4 oîiüý-.38 links A. BANI 9- të uiticxet lmtùm ýwhiMP 1%;71 7._ l 0 1 - NEC 1 TION. W1 111 AL 8,-,7ooW*41 2 chfins NOF N HAS S', HE (IALL AT 9). ý, AS THE AV. the above a xýýeh - &CI b j"Iy menw for Uw- are 24M O-fer or on apprévm e1î,- aiz- Fùmt 'ýciàsï He el! amona 1- tering. in lrhitb%, ncer the Bay.- T'Si Q"1ý - _'REYNOLD, iwwtby,ýwhich, M'A on re be I.. )IV to NELSON G. manufutured bY IL llvlnpton,, Il ltltàliy Dà à M is Pli, 7dWa Creek, French- ', 't, ý - - , - Il ý11_.1 Ir, AMD les at inade UP in the bogt tst ie uxii Pott Perry. Il Z0ý1 Fanerais boticé; C() ial Buildiffl New ý,Y«ra Sfti Or et the face, W-ht 0&-17 leZ. W]Wý TLLL,ý 9ý __ ýï_ , 'T eý umM ë",fï M itt *ppýû Ll y 8;, ..... of Brock ýirGet,,whitby. anbiteriben havi bee lk4utcsd JL Agents here, for the :Fe of CUGOG POIL SAIe. y- VIEME OF 8 81111ses ý9,k A T L -Mme Dow P" BEUIZG 1"r No. 8, 7m CON- -Mapay,&- thwoez nnntal, to b4- Part 0$"* âtut4iréf, Augn%4 TRY T Il JAW P à& is InL"d ïvith thoumiù& eight 1 ý."êi-Mir'ons ana i MMEWgAgY IBOOT AND BIffOÉ -PIPE ÂY d2el - m 1w - ý,r HOMRE 89 of good ceau. ri For Land and CoUar Dminin lui LAWDM 4T f Oi WHITBY. and prim asSrudmd on appuéâti HA)MTON kl, Ce moit =0-Omple fi A*»».M &U&ZX as eou sa D'the? 4 li September le M . LCH, ON THE ï Tjiz y REJ M.IUXBICIR 'VAU SEMIGLIER on., 81ey, Acres clea"d, and under a C2. to LPI nglVA'RE or IIWWMO'ýq. Bowilre of Ernplrimand itinerant odt4f,' ffifflorâ whc ûýtteýiýMwcmw but n«tW$w,-' Ï' ed -, 1,11 ýM - Uffle-, ent of those W pm' ly.. I 1 pbý Pei 4 la the 'anadian p «Offl Liata, Or, tn xbom uîùm dés eRnbe ons in a fW th «îý eb, and rre* us îî 41b waù iti -, y 1

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