Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1857, p. 2

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ui ub »drawn frmnithese fig. by some one inimical b, t te negh. Up NeW AdyeMs dok. are the@* of ('spt&l i>oe MmXorof blaut to t>. filied; tbeCrowti Land 0048 IDPOf utI7çion whicb invarna>ly ou> tnonths 0-tus good anad othryJu1 ~rr' a. i.Ltgmnocuîpat topu fPoica eu "Mcd eou1.Yar h a-miihdfltpomtt, lr-iW. .Eastwood. Esq., J. R %Warren. Fequ1, A. lbsr'owpll, Kç., Scotr.Thexe sppolntments «111l ho y hoe adGthngSao,&.A ru.Jonathan Foote, }4q, M, 11,' F.N. (iub4 , oltay<o lbo tuade in ordor to oompleo t upanlc od 1817 waia ahiobt enrely trust ho wiiî ho ore long, for Fur'1y hOth Ntice-H. N. NevilIe.Iarm te lvrimn ubi x«MJnI pMuW Cidby thi elecu0Of tipu lecto policy and gratitude irould auggest that la &,cw lBu-S. J. IL uayward.Esq., for the South Ridin.ToW dnth oonaet Pulaepltonl mjprcit tho real moning of the depres. times like these no instances of fidelity Wq1tq Bowling ieo-IL Laue.'. of the County, J. Il. Thonîpson, Esqq., 0010 on tip toc as ho Who the nov Mutaff ul $ton ln the bank rame. Between the and attiehmect n h e 1,part of the iiiD.tlLel ho Lot-Joi>Hn Il"&R.LGovan, ES andi W., Pouson, Isq., ho. Addiional strength 10te theAdmninla. b.gnalg e Ocobe i it fitl year and sildiér 0te, he-Englisi, ahould faUito be Caution--&.J. B.R 8ySwood.for whoni we Undemltand theoais à requi. tration wlli tof course follow tîtoir appoint- th* 2llrd of 'he monthhti e erve had fil- both publicly and privatel>' recognized and w<u tae-hmsBa.ste n ntcNrhRdn.W r-net leii-rom nearlY four millions 10 littieïmore rewarded." 1Take Not&Ic-Toms .Lae. ste u nteNrhIiig epe et than one!;and altbough the bank direcetors card-étcmeromas. ad e.DaIol. tend to nu knowledge wlîatever of <hl i. were amare that tuÎs dld not indicate any Irisah Engineer at the Defeace of Are-mb. Application to Parliainent. tentions of any of lte abovvo îîanied gen- spec'iaI session* or the Couaty Vouncil. rucl dîhnnutlmnoft toir risouices, the pub- Notice t0 Croditors-J. &. M. Wilcox. tiien, but gýive the naines al; we hFI&T xé lic bocae &amuid, and began to dMtruçh The public have roati with intercst the Xoic-Henry Daniclà. lcritîî avsei u.Arhr thebankis power te mford accommodation accounts which have alreedy appcarcd of Notie-Joq;fluckins & C'o. badtencn&,,e M.ArhmTrESPAY, Nov. lti. at he tii y moment wben the returns, if this extraordinary tiefence. Tic>' arc, Special Notice-S. S. Blotiget. Farewell is the only gentlemian with any. uruan i noticea-tom the Wardon the properiy read, -proved that'tic tide had howevcr but imperrectly cquainted. witb turned, and- tht émier times wur coming. the distinguisbed part taken b>- Mr. Rich-loiwm' iammom 'u~ hngstppthe bh.li itpolvte It wige to relieve this unfoundcd lrmi ard Vicars Boyle, civil enginer-a native special îtesaiuîîah the Court Housc in this iAht the letter o ipeuinwasont to oif Dublin, and a member of a famîly high.- Two usa atte1t ntn the drectors, adte ac hti nirl n oàtsered respetet-in theKitThe Whilby Rallway.Tunon uedylthootIsan iecame noessary to net upon if, bohh jus. success oif lta defence and the preserva Tii. objoct orthie special meeting to ti&ied thç &tep and showed how groundless lion of the European residents. The Cal- j_ __ -.rs] t&k f u rad onidrtheok r h. aouan oa £iOOOO waa thecP"icwhieh had previously p,.e-1 cutta "Englishiman" conhains a letter writ. Ci.5 ti ý BV-Sw in f avtyr of taking stock intota-oseotth ronof£ 0,0 vaiicdSuftr as caho discovered al pt-e- 1 ton ah Arrah,4 two days after tho relief of Wlultby, Ttlursday, NovemIbtef 12, 1857,; tie Port Whitbv and Lakc Huron îtl- in <ho contemplahell Port Whlýtby and changes which are now going on are in a ['the litile garrison, frion Richard Vicars i wav williii avc been eititer pa&ssed or re- Lakec Huron Railway. greAt measare; thougli nol entirelv, trace- BoYle, in whose fortifled houre the Euro- T i tt 1 abue toro ine 10periodic cause. Thc ro- Ipeans and thec-Sikhi jiolice at this station P@litil Gclldp. jected b! tie Conntv Counicil, Ve l. ahe ouncil mot atarue ocock. serve has (allen a shade more rapidly than found refuge, wlaich gives a brief but gra - lieve it wiihiPiiss. Norte of thee lne gen. Members present : Messrs. Hodgson, usuml, and someturther reduction anay tbc phie account of tie nole stand made by If we are to have a general election bc-- tiemen who signed the requisîtion for a RleDidn aeviCriEus expýctQdjn the net rturins, but before an tie refugees toi. seven days against Raj.ah fore another ssi: 1 Kudealvlk quca etigwud airdig o oBllerDrdn , Uibbs. Smith. ieman G sent. the telue position of the bank, ajRd the Koci. Si2gi, at th ead of a force of disci- it ail the hotter. Tic tinues ai-e dull-ex-guyoftcionisnr tf uigIoyGnheIlvtMDuaî Wte real import of the weekîy returnis, are su plinied Scpoýys and insurgents Of one hun. ceeingîy so--and anythîng likela- to cause gins y fthtic îîylaîv te n Ecof thir g oai Gaic edsou. Te Waden being ahit- much bohter understood' now than they dlidl ttes tiacir numnier. Il nu a singular a litho etcetement wouhe not ho ua-eel-fsîning ahe Richardson.n Thedgcs them to sent irere ten yesrs âe, tlîat titere ha ittie rea-. Icature in tis incînorable di-fence liait not altl xieetwudntb ne-sgnn h elisto ltgsteit et son ho (car a t-cernce of the frarîtic el orune of tie sixteen Enropeans irn the litîle icorne. In a gencral cleetion excitement, support th ineisîre. l'hat the IV i Inluthe ab-« nce of the Wardcn, Mr.. rrt-whici was almost univer:al at luis garrison ws*mmilitaryinu Tlîis is the tL, general imoney paniecxnay holui vf opscllheCnie ot týi. f,abmvdTa r(reduteth timne uf yesr in 18I37. tore ronatble when wc consider <bat si.'ht of!De.- t tç8rqiedse-wl epse i ýlecoicl11 ilý oe, htM.Cri otk h Considering lte strengt of our coninr i the defetice wss ciamacterized as tnuchb h i o p rî euteds e ari-fore lithoe doubf. The difficuliv -,iîî Chair witlî tle view tof adjonrtîiing tic cial transactions wît Attîrica, snd duit ni tlitary ikill as iiy lieroaic courage. Bar rate remedies, and siho knoa-s but ti'ta lie iu-- etlt appro-u-î ly lic ratl).auvers.Couticil tunhil to-mot-rose." 'art-ed. te preseth risis lins cutue Cupon us when Irîcad-,e ri,tc aIalrnttn i general clection eh <he pt-sent tinte, inas- Titerýî--isu-r. if th- C"untylva s M.Ct-ilce- tuc, cod doa ic aoe-narkef, 1< seili tic a, ineits ctnt1L<C na manner wor- At-e thie Crit&s sing blet-vliiy X t -xei. ga-lrod.I tcRiu-vfs.laI- bl Nr. Farcewell gave notice, <hait ha would grond ortstsfc~in f w-e sucteed-as i thy îef a tiitarN- niteu-r. Itlseas to Mr. ment ? We doutit ticir inclination. The wlîubeuns ont-itt-wnrdt-eaI-aw1a- there ha evcry rcauon ho hope tiîat une sliah Ril.'V.Bos les eaî*gint-"iiug. kill sund untir- ure appehensionof a disslution srions- îrcereul ont tuý rin" Offiera bylie Mtnici- do; otn honitc drcly liteetoi, o iuse the- iords of Mr. î - ot, axtheausels-es for îtîakin z v-el roi..pona ltrig01e othMui tIlongi at-tic in4>nveîîienî eo't of haistrg 1 -i-e repîort, thia t te g-rrison in a greet ly îskîîg place, lias already itartled tic -:heoaî ih ~I ~ c4aru o uli tWaîyEu aigcouits for ai fe wsveks aisesen ut- igit 1inca-,ut-e uwct1 tcir pescri-ation." 'l'le Guit members sili ulartn. Feoretf thera mal-te gras-ci roaî s -ili excLeti "la is Mr. Farewell also gave notice liaitlho pe-r cent. liî l noncy 15 in cager ade- Eurojîcins, altiaougia fea- in nunubor, coni- iare favorites with their-cunstituena.ies, sud a-eu lu coni-îrîict a railroad. A naiî-slsol nt-o-oeitrodue y-s msnd ail ovec- lte Continent, sud credit pIîliLîthe jndge ofni tedistrict sud other siisdislto1termtibrw,1%fhelauagatisctns cî ajuvh ' ultaaorizonin te ouuitrod10 ta *40.00 las lnost cessed to exist lii-rois hue At- valliable lîi-us, lc-eaillias-e, unler lPro- î. - ..- iriYrýn a; wl b uitaltorz n h oni t Lk 4t, 1antie, WC Cesunot'expeet <o retiain iatestock siîhoîaa-ebeen phrezervuel lay tic foresirhat A wmbysoulul bc hkeiv tecesse for ee-t. for £5.101 e Tih lwv opas-so4î-i. i n te Port %Vitbv snLakre Iu- that le necessary for our Coemuer-ce, except nsu kahl n-iai hi-l Mi..'Bisvle forttfit- Take for instance tic tail cii!of thie gr-its-l! ieai îIraî- uu use-ha nRiws- hi- keeping up its price; sud ans- coaýiîlcra- and p-osisioic-d lis litile fort. -i i ath-sbrqe ! hc M. osp oud -ies- shah nver bc î-aiedtapon oi, Mr.a-euclsrudu i.Reir itie iRlptorciieft in lte mrtket fis at-diviraîpossible to read tlia'. t-u'eaît ccOuail- is deqiguatt-d. I ih o nu a likels- repre- a '--nepen cîîitae£aa:O ms-u.fa eNap p re h i lu bc luokeul for tîmîtiltielieu-s arrives ni s' itianut seinz theiae lpor-aîauitl.aitg liais sentative <o he re-elci-ted l h le ilitelli- stuîckiii oie bie-l% elaie. ic 'un h,- ouriTs- li thie p(sull.esqt. tP.Pe -tic abateacqTn nfthie partie, sud the t-es- i aefénce lias bail tapon ftlac a-mia- carujpaignsoki isri.àv Tec)it tck oiivb oel Gud s. .P . laration of Confioence in thle U niteulStates. Itlihad th lict ( iil elay-iiîg fiir lia.SI).ce -gent ratepas-ers of Not-thu Ontariojo lirjte- w ill bealled'diiifj_,tic tXnl Uiifurtunmateii-, lie yicioths svstcî i l iiuk. a(f sus-en dssflic aiace up the-count-y sout lieraauanutiier Psliaent' e---- ui}ziyonvh i)?l- ' ohei u i u-oeo Ver as cettai portions -of th aetnd arec c-ui- preso.rvatiorî. Cant-lu-u. ing witieh hlascomipelt-al su mnay calaIti- ual bjaha Koer Singli, a-Ili thened nof t osp uss<bssdlk tht nt- pee. Ttsinalrac1isolltc r l'gui oesdiqutcli i li-haietts te saupendf spc-cic laiucts antisl di-'cip'lined Stpov-s. an-I sliuitit te sanie frm heicl',t h e4liîflesai rl fiene s i o a e have Éliaken lices-et-y foundatioris Of' ct-cit tiuilibeof i hi is 1-n alict-eTiii-i. inl th <lac u ehas, ho ntesi Ir-eon-idutrt-l a ,Lilli-ietiîtt-iant,,. Tict-, ofht-àuc-soiîd ehiscben hQouroiîgij sls-a ivr.-sîaay re es secre ahufelc'l andl lIe gat-rison w-as ril-asaiiuoegintashddfr-atoatvica iil c-îi-Žîl mna cle uheft-tittc. tirntra awholcsoinii'feelingaiti. .ail, how-- t-cies-cu liv th ut-ganat liainaIfroi Buxar it.uerlv iutas-or of adissolution tak in- place.hega Irtcsad oa es.taî,aaa TcCatmncuiee lwndhv ee-r a-c îray bt ic lposed lia groan utidenrauti-(r Major Viîîî-eîit EYre. Viii-arni. sud Tite greatest boasters are oet- <1lie most aSt-- eabmeltaturcatteit i nvlcuas w clli)odo. su. thie pressure of liard tiniesil i'a n sniall rt--civil servantis of tîh--- a;aîeruiîienî justlY ranI cou-ards ; as the înostviulent daicmuago- îîe lros-iadd<o îiîiî îîîu-eainount 'ho Mr. Gailoa-ay preued lhe petition of licilu orefleet.ltaWsC liav-enltplacrd! our cugrus touci <lie grèe shisrcof tie pubt- gunr1îala- reliance oun instiltions so uiîslabtle as thioie ilic ioiioiaii, becatise iht-liehavei-ernchhe gog(P'"ues tnt-notOlu le tie mut insineere sud becxl - i pon gravi-I ti f. As e 'e John Clerk sud otierst, p-ainig for tiet-e- whidi have proved inu .%rnerica îinable <o gi-caa-n l)on-en sud oppot-tuiiîs- ohft-cuder- unscnupulous poitcial ucheaicrs. A generalis- i..temlertYsi-siaîfsrpipl itit illesrs1tcBakrvr stand agaimîst lie railway pii-, exagg-c-na- iuaîg publie service; but wilàetîsuci iublic- ehection would anuihilate tiec(lest- (i-it, jinliii. -; AViii e Couruls- aid il, building t-e h onhi fGogn n ted as-it lai been-by ah imnpriuicipleil îancs.ý. st-ace lias beeu ufeted bv s s-ilinleen, as a put-tv. audsa h oiia eah gSot eerd But it aaay ho cotîfidentlv îîr'.dii-ted ltai a-ocantiinlb1301think, t-apeiilIV in suc-i- u s-Iti aiicldst-sa :laroad. or las I.seli ho su unlimitedl~ot eota-. the fitst indficaîloi of ait iiipt-oseuinl in cri-us a> thec prei.ent, filat tihe gos-iniiiit rrnt a ing ri-. i rt tcainothunt to m.iakc gras-el roands ?litis is TeroIaatin-lataov- betc the %anricaui ai-Lets us-utgi ve siaistaît i)of liis -unutit -hI bail utdoutlicir iluts-inia'Ci a-au-e of Ibis-, sud nutv-ithaL-,aiding ti 'usi u. d thlure i-i nu dodging it. abus-c-racutioieu gentheaien answee tiho relief bi our i. i -tltr~c, iand iiin .o he tilceiitii betow %ilponî l.tieir boasîi-ug tremible for lie t-asuIt on i ucetth-laîoilvbasaadin <i-thmnam. et-sc necul sec apprehuend thie aagrau-nlioii Ri-liard Vit-ar n iyiosorte signal utark of nea- eloction. IVe ouly feai that tihue n s e iis-£hiai'ior £1 ,_),)î iadetin a >:Onimotionaof Mr. Gi thieCouncil thon ùhe opfraitrc hcsionesruc ear istict-o.-.---O--cf a spa-cai- dissolution taking place, ha loti gras-ch tnic d eic-îîuc If the<ioantv dcu-s durîdotl<i <lc u hrua- VU stycomnuon adsu r d lsstty11e compllainl Mahonàmiedan Propheer relatingto gised to 1ue traie. Ail <liaI i-ciibeen suid ,nol ss-anî i l Iaîtaifý, lu- thie rî-a-- agaitst ont-currettry igl tiu.lait. Iadia. iabout il, up lutic pt-osenit, ha siînpî t-on- ocitiacir euncii liatiet- bthie alterniativ- 1 EON )Y Ibough il gatards us agsinst aituaI exiauita,-1ctitq lii-zaerntn lgi - jecture. andl in lhe absence of anv reasons Tut-s- are tlaseo t eil ntrsc.' tion, il f4Is at limies lu pt-e-tuttht- t-aiut- lt lrd i -t retiîiappt-efuension lte-isthat TeCuclrttat1 cok ieWr rence of semoans of paiic.Te truth 1 1 ('cain liarInIni-a orn~t gtserew-livMiui'tcrs sou isse osn -rrg--t m- o;'yittscd dissolve us-c.he Cabinetov. lt0 lt-onu ciîlinonî-eiuacit it.a-iiu;aahi:i sand tlihe weconfe-ss ont-su-ifdisinchineul lu belteve - sheTonof %Vîitiîs' a-hii - c-uu ;th dn nhate chair. Tic roll uf inembers igiîlalgiiug iin net-dît-s alarn. Thflac amis-fouat-rs oftue a-rritcil lotu, tubtu eiai)lcius thie thuaisanu sud onue amours afloat upunal -ttou buait au-I haut t is lte Tua-rofsu themnes-ei- t-aeal ls-ts- fait- esils oftiflis descrniptioa ~n iStes . Thrcotutin fte (oiit-h lit s-itii-tIliniloo duit>-, tt-e Queuta bv iteadno a-n i ctaooi luti laieu in iitît etcase oailti-i,. Ioni lIonusen,' p.uasseai <t-onglaaat the -claitc tcsuje. TerOunttiîaitue VhibIv alua it-lch silI tic benefitteulb heWrc nlhn l ei plgst ena-ef. Aeulfor the iiiarta7 -e in on-ins of lBritishlmudlia. Attentioînivlua Lois-et-Caliada sc,-ioiuaof lie Cabinet is une it. otlaiing c-ai e mot-o etrunw,- for lii absence on yesterday, a-bichoc- cald oîtb ýcohr ri i lidUof tic t-casons nuost boîdly put f Es-et-v nsmt-îîejavcr uuitsidethe Tw ocut-red thliogiheuîncettain state o h poibl te nlalt ie rsi s-ait-vS47,itkesui t- - g, lait nianoi4ce ias takietal'Yy -î-a dissolution shtoulu take place.'lIait %Whitv.ind t'lac more reînohe bis t-siîcnce weaat-t-, andaut akcd tht andulgence tif tic s-anc-e iIluis reosp4hiL. Es-ct-vv tnexlaci ,lto-i t,-gartniu-nl. 'Tite t-yamlaas cc-aseil tao îihtiug is aulvaaîcuŽdluopt-os-chast sui-'i ai -s -hegetihsiitr.t sas'ctni orayicneiec htmg 31ist ici thet- tsuctaIinta-iesl--aaitha tlýrelhave ras-et tand thae u-uoand iiaccuntahlecha-i ihrdsrdo osdrdn- aaii -îo~tcgeliutiaeeI i i uaclfnayiiusoinela ui pta-r-is insîart---linibo-ý u.1 n l'a~l iny silice tiec e-ana bt-e 'ie ltou iIeav iocane acte eielo osdnu e ut i ih tc-a iii the buildingm a raihi.oad have at-Lsen. Thue WNatdet. thncuresut the îiaaii.ogiîlvC0lllht-'l'lieiilt-l tîaoagîa Mhaveuaalatucessaity lutheticGos-errieîtt. Tiuc- pruba- 11_9 ate>l-a i ut osnn Wih tqtuisition placed in ii iitlanuls on sehici rescaaî diffictlties loua-t iîic re a oLita- Ilîci i tvslr%---anîld s-aula-one ahi s- bIc retineinent of Colonuel Tsac.- Tit. As-c nore "--. Th-t- difet-cce isjnsiat lie lacil callesi tic special session. Tiere i-au t iaon, -earp Confident at utlitev 1c iic-rn iîtta -i-Iin î- i-Provincial Secretary-, Mn. Terril's short- ltait n-Iems-as a rnu-hivýer inttIo lu-maeIll w-coaisosonie olier matters siut- ii isill nlotl lac !rvavitlc-l lus iiiiamc- ryfi-:tl-ý ' ii iiti n E-gisha ute slnth at -înil'- r) -'-the poniet faCrw z, IV atnd c:ý>n1y la face atud salt-inniitc nlait ai- bel t-i nkirig forwrard un thet-3-t- an d Caîtumisinaiaîtanaud es-eulie relire-- 'îî 1iinaandc--uaiihs stock for lte aail-u- abisc a-uîsidel cd hle Counnil and on .vria-n--acrir ltiai-sairi-im sie . a1ut- ii isîhi-i tc-v w-rt-t aient of Sir A llan !uacNah rmaiheairt-pro ae iara-unh i rtwmyi buît-aaci lic iad gascu auo istructions lu tIa- ri-attinof t ni.e ic ara troubnles oa urntregaiat- r aiiiiii niii thi- anc-lu-lit o- seaitaitioaa ni HanniItou, at-e al lironut ia ,I iat-doris-iriL!eul ne i-fteCek h olwn ouet e îa'îo tale~0atc--iùdn- s-ti.gu cai- I.,îlt e'.-aa piaet-ira lteas rt-usons wîv tic Ministry at-e et-pcitailît--t i eisa,îrhp r-tdrtI laCur.ti olloung erdua im -. ltilai iuh~. înîqi -i] aaîîJî1,11 ht'-1f1114 ho dissolve. Tiae specuhiaions upun -d'ii f ite£haaî,aaîIa st:ck. Vl'ite murcheiit, Comutanication frit-nuIuCe- fa Th alîx luiy 1ý7tt rv haissseit-itoi It occunaat-sIloîe eveuts, ss-ile they afford sand-cnt ichiiamnd lla.oi.t-t-siding inmthîe trwiat nui*ciîj.aity of he Cunnly Perthin re- s-oh, ai p.OF Aan. aS,18>7.i-tht-mes lui tic quiet inv-entiuons of soame a a h-as-sc orsrlofî,l i- hu siuîl cinlatnb iIb sl t-ilmt.lTYOt A ilrtaOa> TtîlaWla. - tlîing mie tu-day Ibat lt-ert- -)nanenprînies, siraplv excite lte litnier ii<lac cuaimaîrv-a n ttfoir 1lai -iulienat pet-ons. An Eaglhal la gi-es.himtag hi sias a iaualii'-cin t-àiboit b t1i liat ic - dî --ý ~ I uuancto ra i adno i Aliinediigt,,- as lny (iniy," analolukiug ia amues a-t-e lit-st obsert-s-cl ty stimeoftif li e nnMr. alcolm ai ameron -i us i n-se airs-iinc-ortvaiieuce i ùong e.For - urabug office nihar ýsigfo h hr tr indadbnute er for the Tow-nship of Eat titat l eavèntlhe is-ut-'., - iîy Allati,' liait In-gtaun1srii f-r lclu-tsMylinu nihaqeht take lis place.n lis ltes-las-t-bee up, irpr h itb-, a-as toncalleti. hoe wuoaul meect- r t-iIhie pl5aealive ahuue. ai tue hiiîdrlng, the adarm aias inmediately ius in samuely tho u nnorlhy a doicat fr- - cnsseturpocdu Uc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~o atied, IsiilIltaventbclitreurtntsi'eThed upasintlimi alagointern-tc eMrf. Fuasrewesllby utusiTi prsualintr- Mm.Fa-e-oI l int-ducnglusByia He inti, - if auyesiappons h yors yau n t ilitahngers assetubleut, but lit apite of sut~ artîîsn <ffer. est %% bici any ni lieue gentlemen bave saiti, il uould tic rcmembered by the may ueturqitcy hemi i-t uiiuctxriui fIances oh- o- dinîtatimlbyù tic uîîuertaain voulti never ho au ina- Counicil liat aIthe laist session a timilar Ia tic ovcuimgi- y useuttt hhe baud la tainaud lte matt- ns-sd t c-as -ithigi-eut a cuck es-en bal gaine. 1h is huu-cvei.only u-rcn uiireteisîe uIi0 ylwaaspseu.A itlm e - vsoiut suspicion ; anui at uskthîey o<-ditiralntythuaI theirravages secie prerettet an eridence ai hiow machthie sot-vices aifsition- A notIon and a bellot- mutive-the (Mm. Farea-eII,ý,frôm o construction of rirvd om hrsme, rÀchný fom slidig e hjuining buildings. M.GognBonac aud9.Thre it distance, anti on cnming on borne learmîculoleo imto av eand h tiat mone oftifle sowans ofthle ItI arty j anmetnnîlas past, tic fit-o is sappusecubIpupeu amlnli-emeu t rIin popdthteludo at.luInfatIil in lhete luelie ainmg ofthfle aords thIlnext haut beemi askingluna-uhi lte hbses haise ht-en lie u-omk ni uniinceudiit->. Ve order lu support a pauitical c1barlatan,thiey pry pdisntrete tisf ticir contact session aller the pa&çsng of 'thoeAct,". lu ie taaînryhinr. li oflcrsl~cidt1.lias-enIt beard lie calent of tic tous, but have sacrificedtheticintet-etts oftif i u ng - Bout-n Buekiai, hou-es-et-. ld theai 1teiare infaîaicut hast tic building a-as put-t- uouuhy. hIsving found out hou- lley icave Iwîicue hoertpyr fIem.u-sbîirhetnssinvslenxo fat- noîiing ;' liatho a-ouId praleet hem. rally insurcut. hootidapedt le>'nowstaou- ticir determitiy,opposed lu lie railt;-radto ho tat. If tic not. Ho hat s ince tien laIon aidrice up- At clevosc lockItie saine mgit ho uatsain< i-u-01 i a!u.uaid ierI- wn tof Whiihy ouI tof its ou-n strengh on thesubjeel, andicame lt theopiniont îîcy mut prépare 1e teave, as lie cavaIt-y Saie years since, Lord Talbtot a-as gran. sud it-ans baul a railroa t tiough ttus thut lie pt-sent sesiona-s<ut.2 vras agabna aming. "My hiLsbanti," con-.t-ila dis-once iy the* Engishi Hoans.tif Gril busgo!oo. Wheme a-bIh George Brou-ncounly-paties in lie eounty siould stilI session aftem the .pas(ting of tio c " sudt tinqes thie lady, Ilshastily coacmeudîng us Lards ; bis a-uc, a moulssst andnassnniiag faut a comitaituency *lu ropresont in li i oaiopsu ui.Tcgonio mt onati u reventf t i 1 le his aest-ofbt utatlunake pieparatuuns tlu u-nca ming bt-on chargedti -hian next Parliaimeul? VWiahcoastilacacy viii bo osito e stchli i l caeron fo . -ty fle aat atgbogt bti maIl hi bridg tite icavale-y àain h iOt ehanamiillitenate groom. Tic bo ounti ailling lu sacrificea ità prosporit>'coubttionanoer aane. l sg-Cor u Qee' Bac, h t uto the infantry lHues, sud Booran, plaeing us b i prncpaaain"s"Ials ii s'elilas coîitr>' cart, aud cus-ering ils open frot-uIniycerya.eRe- M0.crcnah at iosfie tCtear-grtiim? " IGos-- moat-stprejudice againsl lhre lctif a the By-lmw. I _14B-l»' -t 'ra sud bac icl s otsct, in te fission. pîac- sa-une iaI ie ba aufij-t 'hie in the sel of ernimenî inupossibiities" suci as Mr. Geo. t-*rsialuohe, rtcssico tfi.tmdscnti ee- utl e gda- liseti b>' titifamifles tif Mussadmans a-ion crimet. Tlihacereï aana.sa ien hlm- Brou-m, are o i ci hsn1 e re-siro lios hu ilsrt-hesicionhefpesta wtnd rti proe adla ii hout-e, proceedeci aI Ouri.sde tu a. place te perjuiret hiraseif b>' cospitacy, antiepeo h ono hib aein oni en nocmiteo h jisoaiîo îa-ntyr miles diittanl, wa-lianealat- liaI ho isul no reason 'te suspect lie state proveaieuh.s te homade anti adiocated.- doemrtiahirae-srel-tcon cul for a-tiace. Ve'conîbauc thle joaruey tif affair -luit-b ho bati su-rtira lu. fe is Mr.. Brou-as representation bas retardetisarods udn g aioreta ti. laet-shat bat 1ro. Baao ntccar ton ses-oral astcesiro days, lfIta-o raebout nasealmosl insane 'roIl retsmorse. Thel rgess f amlo a I uobuitiltdi'notgon s a riluaad. Pata png Ib Mr.Iaa on inpote chi.om mu A.ianedntiggtir, dn ouila cdeavoureti1 the hersecaian ni Lady Talbot matie ber a likel>' lu do, a-bores-or eise su titîngrush. t-o e oe efrt viole- time, b>'thietmost ig-ilant attention 1maniait, anti sh i itd aitioutre-ccui-riug et an inutivituai iappeae telbhomatiecount>', lhe count>' aould soc filu o lp mente4 eeut a third lime sud passed lad roi.ndd h, o uro tese oie fot- or seinr pmov. ordte-cfTfalbo iarged luis nchoice of. itsetC4-ký*e hou-n tof Wbitby btebti lit The second t-tee- uf the dsyFU.Me- FaWte th ra.\a>h - ftefu rwh rvdhrefo allecagdhsmunicipal anti pris-sIc stock bas Iskin bslf weli's notice ut lia.BY-Ia-muth'orazwg the 1 is-e tisys Ises-oral hiietaofered hiîn s hag fitstwa-uc u-ili anti soon utuseteti hirm. The body>'of Grits are in au botter posi- lie butten of cunsttuciag the roat, and Wartien lu subMcrii.*00000Stockknthe t cf rupees, whici i heggedu, ns>', heugîl Ho dieti hon-ibli h ale nitlof isbeaut. lion tia hie laad andti L And agrain itho coue >'rfue.l ore1ra d>1 Pr WIbysdlak 1rn g-- humtcotao-tal ue as'. auforbisounIe ras wfneacopiy eforgadilssyosen whava gneorgiesntyreua-bIhc aforacoanpPor n>' ohan Udegrsq aetaý -anIs as ours.Vut> I couiti enl>' persuada reumen, Thau vengoiueb soetae ae u't.e onr - aesgnlias-jinlitoi sove'o lWs(e ab o aa et aht, niwsaUvdtole. hbî b akerety sa-aI smi romlim ~al lie psrties in Ibis tilaboli Ui cospilac.tion liai hotter te the. démolition of Clori.tiche rai i-uno-thor loe se-utlit~ at1odya oB ur lit, as they-cru ,venietifor oui.,ex. -S/raitutaeCour. wGiianut'at ocs urat terb~a o er oent tiem eils- e r untilyote u te alath penses. Agaluanmud agaiin tla coutese. of ~ nh oI u otaRdn u i l e < i. lecaits t obuo'rH ~ laW-t oiur suhsceaaent intei.courueýknoa-ing u D5NGD s Posrs&r sBulot. 8 mytfOf:a;Iste.cw., lu, ho match eÏnulsraaed bysa lareo anti -Tic Nov Yor-k Evoatag Fogt ak ssymj"- . umtY, a-e Oaacarely offr ho tui a-buofor makiag gm-as-l mýs<sleft theC haair ûmmlitwo o'çlock Sue o unamsoltabiaddtionhilausual epeuses, feu- montis shace, t<be partner of'-& uist<lafthetimm"iMa-y bh.. Mr. Luas- thie OomttfftI as ha4 bes1am. m 1r y beg.d - himawith -great eartiesra4ss, tea scim bonite in Ibis cil>' a-astakota t as deWte uein the b.South, and me-. Joe Cage jýj -hé âb à.,hhemiirielirg ttna*uke up thewfr 'tia alovr nte t-reiseisaposîaor -en htnalicassylum,utri>' toramngot, svsas w tus aiiithe Mth, aelogse-u. ei-thie neanitmte.: Ça to iltmeshl-0induce hlm lute ti, b>' hias naparaiolled l PM Oay-iM-Te bu--l t lîste o ti hulwphal) to ist lauayatinsinosa.During theic ryca pt-cv bthtt Thirfr 70Pects1le reprosenta- Ttte honorable gre.'. h- i-g ho uigt require- Ew &a-huas, anal titipos- hautdemeut l $4,800.01»Q.« He diet in hie IL J- - OX&O<>O&MOI4 141;raIh bul - icPeosIntaiS re5ey5Ipdvi:" s a #!1ýhomltbeW ot4-çrsm y un4ad hiiaowa n ot4towu al siat8 utihm ;îndecd Wv cmnnot .hhlnik It nation hùs be1 Qpted by 9Hlm ýicèl1su. .->aius1 eteriats-g stranceus ; ie4 i wuldbe a '&rat 4Ws--$2,'500,000,,an ýiiavesed i te cncri of, elther ofutthemawUsrbor thé remetoia dm ofaY ty'he.&(seernor lietierai. Ille,ic.M >. , : 1ý , r grac, au4 hia. teho -1tie it-Mou tr ha i lctli o q- l57, â . oa1g4lafusvomaeln u ts.ois p TuiFwaitll htheOss. as ;Inui nsmlu b.ti. Eghshtuler>'in~c4sat, i~ 'If . o..ta& igtotluges ini n ase ToW.T.Sçb &> 1-*'-Theag.W4ts ab.r *M an atsu tý nd Inr"mtes eould of the t.cqoa eeta,- wua athiumd si Om'the ab" of, -~ - huate stock, hc Uohn f4h ~~fl f bi »ela. r et liesha" e ib. Z lue va.wï inèofdecam,11 40ua * $... .. an&wiA.m. W" . JB Y'-LA I iastmccrizing thse îS'aabsî-a--fit-tson wsiiiu'althiht- iiri itiri-aUcstinaisur'.]-a pae -bc -- oresve-l Niioqfor anIdt iagiiithen-ili-st coiirnrr. ivi ul niaat li- îu 5 phaîce uvhe aiitli na eftur vr .S/ares ftarCapia 'okof t/meIgui reniSt i tu- &ecidrau nîtî eit. Mil le, e Tegrapi -per o1 Pot hiïyaîd ak oi Ii1i1ieiite theii-unit- ni tht- pt-t-sun vtiiig, 90t rP lt bitereadin'- - oaa - --ae j-PortWhitt-a)IiuLake-L- be 4iafl s-ote f-,r u-agairea;t -suaIt, but ils situation seaus-vet-y suitleî, Raidray Cu;auiany, t/ti iau (f/th, 11-hase nuil ait 'l e ofii lthî1 11 andilfrora tic- s-idi- andutjuihaioas scîce- I ),nbw,-tuîre.s to pay for sac-h St o-nutfa-ir-oul ls u-sahal, ie auti1i an-ad t/he'lea-yiny of a ralt lurais îaumiber., ina lt'.- secoaaind rurîiîl--h c nsauM.reîignîhrn-auta ttenieoasfor rednci-g seac jD- and athichally tra-tnuit tii -n Al hi-uit ihit- 11 ilas MnV rIesgod management, thie linatures anad for t/uapr yan (f < 1e-tk nifttie l'miity Ciaccil o ieii ti irits- t-tailro a'ýctieaddint h litretthi tad tlr-iotuîg-htert- (rtf(axa ui- Tousn. NMm. Ynte inds-i, biosiàeh Lrueregt /aeecn ad fr u/a- p r 4s anainditrie st-amI ni thae muaricipi.jmi-i ioe-tcautig tQcimPbus ible tm, poss.lits- iofbicahi l l t-iek. situuss-t li i-ici- îîîte Wiiumeasthe construaction andI cumaplc- tijr ofi sttca lu t he tIi'.- rauarau>h'.rbcgnrisi hi iS 10 ho - t-us-t lion of tiehPort 'liitlîs-asd Laike flatrn uic- 1v-la- . i. itt-e -ek nof Ce auatî ba 'oua-fbout>' tlie a-ilcarne franaard a-bu Raillaa> will gresti>' adlsance tliee lut-tti->Cixari-il siail aphili -ctrit-rn ni thesa-verraI us-iigl t a.Atoaigaainv sud prosperil>' of tht- Coutl>' a zi <ario poli iuisuhîi iti-ic-r iti ct-ti ic.tianor flltetsu eulh zcran> uh anîd ih is expcdient thlaI lieMuînicipail Cor- -onitheu clt-rt-aftifcie i-ai-I rn-pctisrntica*(I- 0ninteowwuhbcerant pot-ation of lie Coumtty of Ontarin -ubotilil p;lithes ailtheuc ail uîun iiiy adliealto-;otiaot- c-hi ttptaup, anuthlImrioehulborute lie lenut ilssut hotalie salut sorIt lis-tatinntrue iaaiahirs uina-tineini usurcitcettai. umaîet-eatimîg bihegi-atet-a- ucdegre tf saup- stock lu lic salut RuilwaavCompanye. h c-att-sas vs-îi orftIhic-By-ha-, lu ot-it- a-potIit ldnîmci -eiive. I ep-saem us deciem b>'thie Municipal Cauancit ni te ira -tuumn, asuitIi), i,-nritrs -oting agaliit Ihate -nta siltcfrnu tiha utne-a saîd County otiiOntar-io auvismbhle <n b-ttc Bs--lasv- intinto-t- u oluan, au-i -hall cet-ti-hîŽe .custuntnarâiaea- oti sudsaii-tbbcfor- uiatetani itecani- f1 laUta l'urnv Cî thei toetanturtilerlar jua-ra p i nsaie stock st-rangement coulai tal stock ai lic salid Port Whiiby said Lake V'otimi-r hut-or aaiaiuasilte Iltîs-. luthif ut- fut-nitidi-stheiput-pose ; or coulut thore Huron iail*s Compn>' muounlting h f ýlacmaroity uaf votes siii ttetia, slialtIi hc iot lie înuelingdonc hou-at-duestatih- £ andl lu issue dehemalares of the- salul i luifats-a 'it-ile 13-lc;IL itql i bý1-aelalaaraia ma mcmnelu iii i Municipality tif tic amoul h ast saresalut thalt rite' Iajoit-otf tht- qiaralihieul nacaturca Min-a rnisntsîrît-. Lt-t ns etna - h but mnuer bereimaîter pros-idenl. pal chetr-ha ofilthue Cnuintav.hauvu'gis-cii Andt viemeus the suen of $ mlri ic hi- c-nnuttthie hyas- aat ackirag, reqtit-c la hoct-absout annual>' us s speelal nsusuc-tinion l socknith-'aîîî Tic FifltifNovemluer, e-ate, for lic pet-but f - years -e fsu;luthilai riajaurltvihe s-t-1 i insc-a- luom the uts>'on shici tuis By-las-liiil Su cet-luit ifml l rinuit le -h3atvo foitt îtes s vr, itt ce tdGn coume buta force for the paym ainsd me- diteu it uhal tic takeuLIath l :itaîattv lî- i50 a"îwnutice, s-en>' idely' tiemplion tii thie dehemabres l leta eaiclte qmalfientntiaciortIi-ns iuc -n;iliIiochrtnllasYen.W ar u er unte c uthonil>' tf Ibis Byhlau, anal Cuuintv. hiras-c mainîuiatlu-l-cotiseraIt ho tht-onia single&aet aof su-bnec au-Iît lie inlt-rest the-com. iîî yasau iaseiisucc ie M dîlig ltc u i lu-ta-ion. Anum-no Anti aht-rosatle wa- holrailoalle pro- ft-on. « 1, tl gPaeo teocso.Anme tpt-rty' ai thc Coamm>f'Oi<ntario, aceaîrdimag t rai l i i,;-rata- e-a clc î- ccdt-riinC-uî ni hhcnicîniieruonithae OrangeJIotges lu ta lie asseunasmenît-thras for lue yeaur o nd u ltu-lattii-ilth lîc îihig ipacc - tiarnui i-htrJclmiel bogeliet- aIBroukî o our Lard 1857, amounteu tua$ asd fticre etcIivc lttiiidhtuh)iitit-si-uraPOsinig lthe Fifîh, ho celoisaiete reday. Abou ut seilI requit-c su annîusl raIe aiof ltae Cotînts-of nimtartuio, sIalIh0asicif'i- ses-ti'get-ule-meni saut losn toautnner aI bu tic poumal, apon such rateailai piopaurt>', -loiss i ioeHI--i sili>s oss as a special rate for lie payainent of inter- A ndîl hahs fy-li silaathl telibhinill est on t thelientarosluti c" issatud fort-iue filnsvïng nheiicur.,bingLIeoal'Su--ags-msd sougis sangandtihle es-on- snc <lt-kanueilbs ylae, uutforticpapers pt-inut-cl lu tue Couri Ot <miaiiniug-, e unde-staau aas paisse inbutic geat- creation tif aisimking furaut 10 pa> sad e-ht-o i h o sas--bthe Whuihlus 'araa/,teethianinony' The Roi-. V. P. .Muyet-hot dleai sncb dobentures lu ycars Onario Tic-#thes, Osh0alaswa 1VinJtc,Jvtar- fer -A. M, D. G. C., presideai on lic oct-a- fruai the lime this By-la s sil came inho anal Boas-eton I>a.,onei ea cdiwetk, "- force as ht-retler pros-ides!. fIe- 4ursuccessive ws eipt-evs-inal sîusuTiontaMd>,Eq.D.CM, Be -il emacleti,anal ti luhcneby cuseted tilo sud davy ofl1 tai ,otupieu theicVice-Cfiair. We biscaee-t b>' tic Municipal Council nf lie Count>' ai'su aliîoiauIeaI fr t-uting tIre s-ntenito cm.the îIayîs-auralspken of bu aighly coau- Ontario, amacer lie auhhonit>' of tic Muni- ee-ur i bnsil mItatatp-i cipal Corporation Act.s,randcltle Ruila-a>'Ititis By-lawseîaîl alun o epal up il, four ah hiigtuar'athe fr icsyl ad-iti clauses consolidlation Act, liatit Mli!iai- I Iaast, af i le inn-at cunspicýuotus places ibutner. cîpal Corporation do anti sishate ci t-tof tlie Maimicipities niflIre suid Conge~o~Ct-i aui sia-us oftifle Capital Stock ni the JCouart>'of Ontarioalt-ast four cc-s clsh.-egtna hr Bz . Port Wihiy anti Lake Huron RailaIF foret-lit aking of hetisid vole as afonai- 'Ilic stuc raisecib'mastflea-- Ctimpanay, amoanting lu $ 0 by siti. sd lectreehieut îas luait the Wardten tof the Count> tf Onlanin (îlteefolloivu the tLLs:il notice oh the.- - a-octfhoheardu li 'bhic sud lieii naherci>' suliriseti anal di- Cît-t-. -frasnlIieC gregat onl ('bue-ci, rectltahosalascribe for, anti on iclusîf nof- i amuunett- ae arc bitioruncutalusume $200,- tic Municipal Council off lie Count>' ail ns-estigacon onithe laite Fire. lle luutn -pae.Te ti~- Omnse-io, for sbires of lie saisI capital 1-- t stock as aftrcsaid, apon andti len lie re- Dr. IL W. Clar-ke, M.L D, une of lie C~ atnt-s"snd ltce inopportune occaion ciosea' ceipî of a bond oxeemuteu thle dit-ectors muf tonegt-n ifIis count>', sauniainc a jury on e gatdw-ak.-Aaohrtie lie sait Raiseay Comspany', aelhing farti Frida>' cvening last'fan lic parposeofoîin- It-e siui-oulti bras-e hen sa-elîcdtial8so tiat noîuilistaatiing stly engagement o mn t- i-Aohe haceMy e liablil> baresaet aponhie st- tiflIt igai-gintu tic cause tuf thec.laIe fit-annaa'panuu nto euc n> o mid Municipal Corpuratbon of lie Curait>' on Bruci at-oct. The iahlowinbg gentlemen gI-nsie ies improve. of Ontario b>'tic tulsing of on ubci attended aallie Tou- alansd w-ecsuoru d AATA XXC bbng for siares in lie Capital Stockt Jto ait as jaromnrs1c.xs&C'sCcanxAZws of sid Cmpay, te Drectrs o te-utcFOR1838.-Wc lias- ocivèt--tltis pubui.- of aitComat>',lieBi-ceursti li san B. F. Pet-ty, Enuq., fat-cassa. Mesura. H. sbcib nl fifrain I Port Wiby anti Laike Huron altaa>' Frazert, J. Wolfendeu, W. Scoat, IL Reincaiou -c i ull'fifrmto.i Compan>' tit therein covenaint anti aipoo iz' couttuins full, and*Authicntic, comniereialt tuAI lihe sait compuny sialt nul sue, non James Wallace, L Haut-t, Tbus. Gallag-Iet- atlempt lu onforce payaient tif amy caihs,ue- Huhtou Starm, AIex: Prngle, W.'W at hiitciat.ouict eataaao- or instulments on mid Stock seiici b>'vin- -cIJlî ur . nuGt.Hm lesiasîbeal, duacatitinal, finauscial mnt gela ttu f sucla anhcriptbon tua>'beconie due i1- rapr, - J B aciinformation nclating tb Canada. IlUs- or payable, if in tie roin or steati tf sncb ton, CihetrDrpr W. Blair, Jacob BT-> waill priileti, sud baiss avoll execuhedmamap- calts . t- bustalumucas, thc saiti Municipal au, IlutranPusI, T. Doswning, 'Tiomnp. -Cnaahcid Fosaeb'Je Council ufthlie Couat>'o tiGuar-io shal, Istan, W. lMelulush, aud J. S. Spm-owIe. Bgeta, oksIe c,-BocSect.- a-hen cahot upon b>' suit Railyea>' Cota-j Tibiu a-aldesel> ceou-dt1oBlieI W Street,,,____ pan', Ps>' one insalmenul oh leniper cent Te'hl -sdney rwe nnh hty on tic Stock suhscribeti under lie uutîou.- ccaitiu, g-calgiereal biug mtaefesee il>' of tib By-laa- anti shall su soon in wiînessingUic examinralion tif tic tiffe- jAUie-ev.Canu.UehePt us thie fit-st 20 telles tif tic sabi Rail- rent wihnoiu;sos. Theo sitienca as hoaa-bore stan Balt, il a-ilh cleaum. e head meut- aa> (onthie sactiort leatbng nortie-lyf(mthle fineaas final t scovet-eai aas s-e-y Iporfecîl>'.aiaidait lie saine -imehuas-e the,-- Port Whitby) hu been gratet sud t-cati g ir o adhaty I si ra e beti prepareai for îles, puy os-ert-a saitivaua. Mu.. Carlton Lynde stiateti po- atmtatbat>.I ul rs e Comami' o acoatt o ti stck 0 sti-sitivel>' à h e liriee final peoceetiedtirotumaznyl b>'barbera for Vbis. Pour-10 oat12 sce-ibet for, a tue-r trsm f $40,000 and lie shetdt-car cf MePieon uaanti Seaules' ndtrops upon tiheimeati, sddiug a 1111e. soft ais»l, su soo as the deis anti rails ou sait d r ie-wein mtssmlasaee t ae-, e-nb the boudthorcagil>, andi wut section of 20, miles, have been laid and su netnni'alieoic-vus the haie- sith soft a-ater ciller w-m lrack prepseetfor eolliag atoek, psylos-ci. -ednaryal h o r î-ssswa F ta lime saut compauy5 ou same account, cxaimined sa fuar, confiras ticse* sat-colti. se-ctier satinof $40,000 -5 afante-lie- ondi- ment more or lbus. Mr. McPierson et-andDày or- HmXLiÂ?J0Nt.-TbO sat fficist lion. ufthlia.sait -bond Leintha alon thc Mr. Hlolsteaid sae-pesitirel', ou tie otier ateanolesW nu y1h.71 eemining section, of -lthee-ailla-'eaidbu i ntbt.i iWinergnteilatcda. ub poa etas t5ay « Q'2th fi-omthe nortieri>'teeminus outhlecfie-st L Piste-sua s l ayofGë section of 20 M les h escetn iesiia l ~ n l eaFast andti Humiliation, andi of prayr- Muinilcipal Corpoiration of, lie Conl> of lias-oheen lie..eoaIt of accident, but that Alnlîhby-Got fodr theen~cfls o - a-eÎ= Onti-o &hall puLyoy-er ta lie..saidPort, ilma i as-ebeen put-pose)>' csuied. e-. jurcshoringtre-u< hlnniuta,'- Whltb sud ake atuit RuiA- -C=i-, fons also swa-ees tu Ibis, anal idce t i la pavy osutn a e 000for eset-y iniW eof"- rod ratt ais!sua lid pepaetior s, ciel>' possible,,on liearing the es-iden e, l-btb. obserd freai an adWfi ati afiarhmor, mu-, of 82000 fore- eey mile and has;- a kmuu'wledge oif ail thetacts, ta ment ehuca-here, that Dr-. YÀtwMî no ofoï-c4 ovbih ie theis- anad -e-ailt hae ccoor ami>' other concus~ion' What lie locate4 imn Whîtby, 1e-1ai ~idta p. . . ý for srol pg invsetigation-will pe-pduSac it is Iiuu.le Taicr eblu M T'he "ralt-o y-élmw for the Comit-. ,!nt i ohfuthier enactet, ati il bu Disaiona of the Township *fP1"Cke-jni. yirh> jaclet b>' lha authorit>' aforessiti, 1410ov a- gis- e l ly-lav brouglal bcu-thtrun nual special t-ste tif inb A notice of appriasitia luô Pariament aI 'Wion-otle Counh>' Cotîncil, altriigtie pou id aipomi tte wiolai ralcaile pro- lic neait Session for 'a divisio 0 the Wartlon ho subscriho stock te tic part>' ofthle Counly toiOntario, set-utding tic Tow-nship c«f'- ioket-iug inlOtô sinount of *40,003) lu lic Port Whiti>'ltcthe essment relut-ms for the >'oau of sepat-ate Mtumicipalibet, appears in Ibis is. ont- Loi 1816, siraîl bau raiscd annuusîyh sud Laske Huron Estiva>'Cumpan'. B>' for the pot-ioit of voat-t, for lic "ne. il stilI also apPeat-la tic nos-I 01.ý il thc Compua>'yea ont>' cmllinlu$120,000 purposcofu paying lie inlerenat niman tiec ial Gazetle.' An aptulicahion of -lie kinu of tic stock on the obmpletion ut the fie-st saiti doienharos, saideatiug a stnttin'g-sionlut, pet-hlaps, la hateri place belore la-cnt>' miles, bunlIhe folloa-mng maner - ft fu.paiying sdrccnuî lcd it-.brut il inase dauhal>'nocessar>' silice tie $40',000 as trs1ai sua iulrIi 1--s -tt frfatlmn nnt $40,000 gpub. in ytars froratheliaihne îhis B>'- tTou-nship of Whuihby bas b-n set off into bIng anti grasling tic fWs-t 20 mibles, anti lau- thaîl couc intu force, ais iuert-aftci. lao sepamahe 34omitipalities. Wiîb an as; $40,000 on Iayiug doa-n lie lies anti rails. meutionel, wsihh speciai rtie uhîsil bc sesut-a vaillie oh neat-hy ta-o millionutoular Froua tecati of lh ice 1ma 20 miles ho Boa- os-or andI abus-e, sud irrespeclive Ofai"i Pic-kering huas a represeulation of tu-or veron-a distance of, gay 25 miles. The otice- rates raisout-un les-bon, or ho teise ai ediliners iu the Coaîmhy Cuiacil; wvilbe or lovioti for tic put-posaisonithliai - Com«n hae nlyth rihtte l- nuncipalily of tiec (iuuty of Ontaito, andltlitau-laus-It aun asssseul valua Of une ait- $0,000 per muile of tic Count>' Stock foi. irrespçctive tif anuflt-r ce-te ofteii lion anîl sevent>-threet-lhaousaud dollars,- gr.diag anti grubbing lia rosdth lal dis- neteahîla property ouf îaicî Coamly, sud ir- acna. Uxbibge seith uan sssu vic1u t a n c e , m a k l ag a u t ei e - s u r a o f $ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 . r e s p e c t v e o f a y in e e s l o r d iv i a e n a l o h t l i s e - ais m illi onDd e-s a s -e o s accrue mot-be deniveaqitiI l't-ck, fait-as ltl vrhl ilin-la8hv After tticis anti erails iras-o been ilaid-- 10 aforsaia or air.>' shame or intetor- a tn hie repmescnhation ni tuso nacuilacru uaci. -Tic Boas-eton, t-cady> for tie englua, lie cura- sarut Mamicipil Corporation in suclaMail- &aonPrainsie populaîtion of Piu-tt-rga-itî pan>' te have the, righal lu cal bua uithem waa>'Compamny, ou. tht-t-rraiIvsy, aantdi-- thie Toiwnrships nifliesci sud Uxb-ridge mua ti $200 et-mie fuaihieenu ti lemaspettive iif any irîcounetn bIii l it-ittltit - aoi l ai rpoto i i sum f $200 pr mie fom te en of heirom hie temaponar)- imas-etnent oai suaci guves ao--teli rprina h fit-st 20 tuiles-- amuunting tlu a> a fantheci siutiug fumut, or at-av partI hairef. usesset-l salute, siosviug cîearthI-le reason sain oî-$11,000. Tins limiting the ontimeI Clatise cornpc-hlinmgý tht- (omrpant>t tate md justice' nilirpeentouoPek- e x p cn d i t -ur o f c o u n ty s to c k fo r lie c o a m- t -e d cîe n uti t-s o i th et- o i tv a î p a t- in g fi ain g n iýrîrg nd . A n ll.i i n t l m pîction uf tic raihe-outi fuom Wht-iiby ta Iheioui-i- nuta it i,; 5liav-crie ist- ma i- A n cric t iv <l t h ecti>' fo-c-iailfliaIa divsion n f tic Toa-nsiip. Bouvetou lu $320,000. 0f lie $a400),000u tfis Ifs-lais-1411 allitotufore-anad laiteThettal vaIue of the tu-o, W'by's-eauh coant>' stock $80,000 -otuîd tiotS romain 1I ol*eirhtomît anî iiotr e - aatofnisd w-c-st, j-a nl>'y 3i,2;on boti lu. lu ho calleulibu huast-utscuiptetiug ticeaI inte ycar ni ôuur Lot-udh 5 ý-Lha S Atlhr os-tr a fifti nmore han >ick- nosut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t luheNi-us1icRiaa-lie qa rosidtinuiiî ual tt rtia -' o li rug. Ye at-c gladtitat tie application lors assuenteriug imb aahouai aithu lue unihadnaaiiuu -i-u-afh~omyliais boom tutauti- lot-althanagilale-ueti- count>' tu complets lie raîlrainbuthis stt ill hors-ît-aluî a Nate id saId latethan ut-set-. The passing tif a billraI maîmuer and u tecabus-e assistance fmain ce--toms to ba' tkren jri tuaiat-inuIiuuvlowigtlaenext Session seul be amaillet-orut lie count>'. hm Iins 1 ss-ïa ll silhI li- chicuetiincurse. A mot-t- ibenucl undertaking tian tuais un t-uch"ilmuniicipaitv ai tire Untaui- s-af) mta. tie part ufthie Comany, a-e cannot a-t-Il ;iv t-Ia srtaîlleuc tt-1î<lin eNfotu u l ildi5 Ridigioo Vu<d concoive People prale aboutsa gua.antee. jtuîinaio-olooithe<actateriloorai--tliit flic hate ire tiepi-iveal th& To1n of a hut at etoter garanîce, a-o ask, i-ami eho e dtre lclcof eacb amuînaiî-pailv suail uc-ta-ru tcîulitag-noonu. ýSince- thon allsebo bat gis-cm or requi-eut, tialtaIlie Raîlruol Poil clc-ts. randîl -'bruI urta lînîl l'ontu-ki- w I bt-en in Clite uabttofiresurlbng b tie4Resi. Must hochbit mile hor mile as the Couilts haîl cu tiharte< omrnn te liadvnl-al5 naîiiea of vlra -icoaul-fotrl Iw, rgraun lune t-senint. unusl hase fh Stock siil tic clleul inan-d a flaimul - u-aia - l-us'animi ~e -4tu t-he isaif ch s place of r-sot. Corn. ic<Mot-niug fiee-ik -CaPtIiDieH. Elpiustima Oftiie Ttipog-apiluîeai n ef i War Departmena tif tht.Sesrchary of Statî -othic- ambM Of tohetb,. - te raidue up te fi 'romn tic i-tut-n it Quns1 tioopa la Ind1a2 qOtnem anti men, tof a- 'Bma,2,e->5 in Madtir Toma. Qî_n'-npa Thsae hoInli ita>au ,aud mnotf iv-icttli h i Bemg&iu 2,42aî i M r -Tihe-ut-pt-an b- th ticEsiInuia Cotapa --' ufficers aut mon, in 'u aud matîn-us native i-u" The nuîîutj--r ni native' a-hem 4465.,a) artter 880 li Madras, sund -1> Tic nuami-r ohfats heèn cishinfleul ori lolu lic i-dris aui -BtibasLrv sensîa Tht native trcoîps thi" auniltea S,41eQ o-flia beoanging m lte hen exception tif 2"i uen n number. boa-e-t. ippa lhc Gailor nt-iiîii,n gents cf native pt-hue Lyuns,aricsLapruvo! - wsek prlck-ed on lie nl bathough lftiqiltie - oeannvance lc-tn AllerIfie loridlai &5gpeuh heigrhatanutaia Modical 5aisaj wiaa- days bat-liedci. l t fi>' mIsIlhaia nnrulai Onous.7 vit-us tatou le WfllTsY M Whîrîts- - 6d*- Pea, 2s a;l;Port 36Ë; Eggs pt o- s 1ils Tt-OONTO M Wlueat 41s' ed a 5S -Ne FPour mnsrkct a shtI 000 burt-cItaail$4 l$0lai %tue; $5 a e:')20for r. f10 for supeiot- 7Stei fot- comman tae itc -~ Canaiiu lorruni-btang- Rye flout- ulehaingetd. Grtaiui-Wuurat in sui Sp-n;$ a u~30,000 busiels aI ili SS'for a-bite Canatiaut. Cotra belt-n Ç ales2t*, -Western ut TnS3deliveno cbaxmgek. SIPECIAL- Once KucivulNei 1 - ..., - , , Léit; %, illIL ns

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