Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1857, p. 3

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m-1bi ide n ntihe -4th matai raiu nlowell or tiii town. SIPECIAL NOTICES. Ounce Known 1Neyer Forgotten. IfOur readers wvouid have a polti uixury )r the Toilette, nuse Blodet"PniN]1.' jenl Tecth, Shaviîîg, Ulîain = 1ooiî aUtifying .the ('omp MOiUa, à v Tan iplet, erocklct Sun Markt, t14 d roubl~he appances ±roîir the S bon Soin hy ail DriuFgists..S. S. fliial midi t p)tl-ilc Ohpil at finvorlibit ~ hC i frotu, victories of miil ruil b 3Mk of F.ng'i la0tto'e layt)t 20 îtcadiiy 'anti prtces ýri1k t 'Ltinaa, 40 « -c i. rt dthe tj ventt t'eet itii h utiUoh id hyfle Rf tueiJurl.epblc vbr' ii'eil frsin thàtin 1is p lntiiî.a ay ritrs' 'b k tii"ae Io pttry ibite u t11' ut 'i ' ua i. gvntis py i i tavîî' 'iuta d Iaa aii.' a tu i'îlee~ an ic tiilîtt en-a liuisi i If) pbi c u r ilti ttht tirehera fronilis i'r hier u tiî t lî't titrtîgc-it-' uva's clai' ire in, S1îî" tîî 011 titi:"an (i tut 'ut f nrrotb t t iti' iît'îîg' ateftse aniltîtb ui i14 tr Y~. 'trer:vnmoîîth - rohm;ilctttii ioti h ýiîî- Mala'i;aitato cil . arlEnglitn ~e Aragis iv a(x1 o nlie 2t nWhtîre & Ce., %'tatd, n-a an ad siî w a cotn-i NIEW ÂDVERTISEMENS. IJPPER CÂNADA COLLEGER. The Wintcr tern, commences Nov. 20. TUITTON FEF.....EI 3I BOAIIDINÜ, ll(riE FE,10 % 0 B OYS eitterirîg nîy tinte îiîring a trin are cinargî'iimfil or ite iiexîirud j)ertioii et it, aittîle tîbO% e rttti"' N - 11-1r ...VH17 Pincy1)i s - ,T'ra, UIs RJT IÏïE xýeîy71, Fo %e ibhy hy ýW. S. lRobinson, lireck eS t .ý 1nnnsterý, Dtanîlai Street; W'. Il 00l rkStreet. -Dit. 1IL8xr.srr'Feaurer W us-t mi) lNn0.Tit.Ctt ehomiidb() Innderâtood îîîtt tînese reniieditinreNOT CE ni(o o drns, rEw are nearlvaal chier iiedi eattu lFsr iinevfhauve liceu îroîiîîscîifroir I IE4F.'iiY ve nietientt 1 n-ll, on antdl f- 101greurt iieîiciniri ie-u5r'. We1- e i rliîvo Iîeîbrret enio n fotr cmîie iireîof itese iplants, 1V IJf ' '3'l' S R , Wîrirsîi r iti('ierrv - e-iitî vîrtnles arc' Nveliilitecia. 'V'ie otiters i'r~ i liirmigiotttiite1ntie tf i(attiiaeccîrdrit' grewirrg witldt inte mrnittnq iisrtiforces, antid uian li elu case mtade ati iproHviieii. thoir nicairur rperties lr tl tsgretrei iîsieir O HN GIRIION, tîranth e' ave iunieti.levîre il ntiii let itrfrteîX'îttfr itt ansPîlie uileliat istrîet'ît - itîutu ru Vitatin in eerv p t' ïtue eoujitiry. W vii-v lrrkçiew'â ingle, îîîstii,îe, s iretoeîrtîel wuv' bee tîikt.îîîîeecertliig tîîtlite tirceti-n7in'.ii whlelr thcv do îuît rtidnietlte niobdi 'i i 1 eSlt. Es-'n iin li t stttiig ti iitlioua i tih e tnt iere t f tin 7in h r r Is îtli NIM PONT OF0FCES, U Atrettaii i Wiitiîtjî 1evW- 5 tiitta ti u.' . ltn t i Caad. oielririeîiîr. G. W. I tist- Ne' t'I.'ni."nN . I'nti'it York - 1. Sll'~CE, J"~(itciiGi'itrtl. IV.STENN, ETT, WANTED, VIEo i nelietynLmcia ok' Agents. From n FOrtY to h ifty dollars pér I\I~liI'I'IItlJR montir niay hcýearruid. Appiy te IL.X GFORGE CRAWFoRD, k Whity Ocobr. Iis7, 17l.Arc nwopèni ng a Magniflent Stock of li1is eeYî as f rcty IariLADIES DR ESSU0OO S, MÂ1NILES &SIIÂWLS, N ê7T ýïiï- IOYLES' and 'other Pints, Flannels, Blankets, Stripe Shirt1ngý and Tickings. fLOW PRICE8 1 PU[NTULTY!-o : - AND)T~ac GENERAL SATI5FÂCTION!':zŽ' THE GENTLEMEF4-.N'ýS urEvjRTMENT ff w 1 z: 1Is relete ii Z ilise ('eîîî~.STmwîed8& Satilletîs,Pitidg, Iai'îWrapper.s, Ila.i'i& Caps, Undir Cioliiin2&c E - The'v nould r-eqiuesi t p' ttietion to their Wrîîîer Stock of TrIX E oRY OF BIWSI1NESS I B VE C A S U D'!TS E T A D P N S liCirenlar or Slitibwbiil .. . lhiirît CI-s \t t e l iltiîoi ' N1 e.tr s~î i tioi thet iire teinlletiiaiie ("f tiaittp tuand IwItý Art, No. i & 2 Coimmercial Buildings, 1 Nvho 11)ns -a'ae race (f ciu iIilit c ih? io1 Whtt o< k .r7I1 I,-7 tien c h e tut.Wtt, ttbeli Chroniele Job Pow'r -Press Oflice. BROO BULDI(~% ~ NU ofFE WARtEIIOUSE-l .%til show t'i {îri t btlt o H iiîitîjfitl, 1) N ' ~ ) ~ liit iri tw irki.il ti ri 'iIYoung HIIvon and G-ipowder reak;, Pns à-vcfe r.tet.:~Black Tea, a superior article. Jamaica Coffee.' ii . Muse iiiir oviri ta ' riîsled . LiU uu,,Frilits, *Piees lnis, o n ps, &eî5 &cé 'î1erl,1-IfLiiî'1 i titeill<ce.i Iiîtttq.s h A tittio ';ae lolls 'rirti,, uti ý"EWÂDVERTISEMENTS. ittt ittii1tie4,2. E UES BA1\iF£ Se. R'ftje {NSÇI t û11ALrýýs AYNEHIIBAN TOUNlRONIOLEY. ASS AND) EDINBURGH ALES & LONDON PORTIER. CJTARLrs PAVNE, t GBAN TRT'NI< RAILII AI fis Poiriished ea'ery Thursduny, by N ,CsmestiBrianu ------acfittrro t -' I Ifierri-.. M ayerhoffer & Co.I t t\itt tt 1 - i INTERNATIO-NAL1TELo'îI 'Aii I. LT TItEIR iFF AST Too INT - V toria Buildings. J3rock- Si. W1iflti~10~~RIES! s~e, î"nuîiho ~ t~t i:ttt i ii n' it AUCTION A LES - Tîitttu' itiBI ALBEU IPR1.i sî N 0_7, 'hI(Ilî II I -T77Auj)- "litlSAi1, o'ýIItIUTIN. 1, flSSIRS, JOSEPH' NOUEIBSE C lut, N M--lu.ail W. . IL -Ns, -il; iilNuil is il TucsdaylN.v(imbli 1OtIr,'&7, 421 FRANK (lie lit. ' i 't" i lit iIit'1tut ieywl cryon.i sentt e -iuiitîîu0, coin n t i I i itM.M . Ttt-'.ell- I I-1"11 i lF le C entre strC,tr i iti. IIt **U*STANI, fERRY'S RIQUO4e CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C., &.~ NOT ICE. ---i------ =R'S i t 'I . ni i7. LT plNii..' niai-:t if'GR-E HA' fs a.'t'ti-t t ,rttI.itu t. lI t i- t lu i tu . l tii. BALLO US' ie PIRE 1 I 011 1i BNY Oi- ' > >Iu. cf'e. 41'11iett orîî i iemnsliî'. t.-'.t riig - ruteTirv il, bY. S. ttNinIietit-ii i a.1 Wlui S.s, Nît- iîtiN k---7. 4 POU SA LE. j iv lIs euii les u i t et pluiril stiiît.. ttînet ali t ili h4ettuI iigli, hei. t t-ii. rît- i ui Euag1ird hy tîte îîlîtît i'i Price, ~5 ItOiEII'î' AN-DA, L~irLLu- LI.asriy 7i itiE -tt.t. 'ti-i, TJiiIF uîtidersigi 'd b tiiimutI J-tN iu d ii eiitiiit ttî i tikil! l.tt r- tii t A1ii uttlitre -iv ut, le , t ('11ROiNICLE ti-it -I DAILY _ ~JSTAGE! W' Moning anud gVening Trains, _-- Nouveîiuber Ir-.c4l. 4 . Mliu'îilt HIAMILTON & ROEBERTS i 'F -1 iý li n-i t' Iilug.fý Ï -E 'I I1E - A Of til- .I Borrk -contaNote,.or .Lmtmze t j t -t hi - t-te' '--..i. ti ii i t iii t i l rî. t t ! -i ti .t t u t' Without Further Notice,- tutl i'ttt1-t Ili,-i--i n -11 Lat 'ý ii T 't 't -i ; tît t'ný'îîthtei uttj-i'rniit ls'f" îý:l1 titt', l i llutî s '-et Iltitît 'r l' to, utt i 'ne îi> iî-tl it tii 't t,- t .! uIit i i t- the ti WI'rI 'M I 'Ni;. w' - ' ~ 41 N OT 1 C E. 110 Ag il :lV t tu' îlî-î ie lut 1ý.\ L Il i't"ltJOHNlti & t-ut JACOB MARR, ESQ- F ii I n i!1« s ,M llj1,I 1 o If-i , , t i t iuî. tin t4'2tIL tv , t I '-ar -- rl ti - LN h rzlbvl illLo 5 't ! i 'ii' a.t n i tit i i Gt,t..t-Crîî-î-, it' -rand Loi' inth Vilg t t r'I ..t 'tt-utrt' t1,1 ar Il . td a t .' .iîîî1,,,ttt- - " t ii b i ve i 4 ,i\ lll ]4li 18-57. u iite lag !ta\îI 'I A trUCT rsIt- 'rSAuLES-î --. r 't u-ii- I"it îi tF. ii L-- N ,-- ;,i- f 0 e to OTS &ceaiT-n o'iock iiit aiiii teetrolfots ii tt'r e '-cie i rt -i CA RD.J. t ?ie,-T' e-tetccranltase lM, ciîffiieituf iresaliH ttrî M U îurtereifîrsd - auiutC. ti> A ePLIEND tCHANCE oFFR1lt-cn-atarr ndttipuit t., ii ai toWt-ltamtion, tir causes t-uc saint' tiheir eluerp thlralti tir tirir trittlids anîd rfi-. t'elCA iti.tst.4t f (î>I lLl.S'7.~ ' .-PE(uLý T0h)J'i -ube da-Iîgelcittu innee Ilentier munit-us l'an-citizeus, fir the protiiitt silic-rîrelaIl I t "I e ,-tut ti-. l I tascii ltii uriiiiofl- sali1 filent ira reseiiiig tiportion orf iIkt rîîkizrîrit" lît.n 1j t.~î. ru îuî l -ieneol'aqa ttr'bei eqFTIIE LATE DESTTItC'i-'I IF111.G-OOD NEWS. F$- î,ceaeîr1t- alîlicid liaerti heh'iertitutit-, n- I ~ ~ r rtît~~enîtior titiiit o cf t-ic stiti i'tititt- untint' 'ri) t-le ittlies. apefii.tlv, tîri': îsuîti i e.sire lit '-Iiti i î 'i tir n jiintiior iliiîttti. i, s itil I' tend r titeirre.îeu tfîitrrks. TorlitiaIl t% i- ieiorettiuig agitiit i tt b proierî tUî Tir-y w cii sle tanke bans tiialu'iaiuetit PL'NITI1NTSARI' UOO'î'AND 511(5E - - -eoi1t; o'f lte 'a'lIb lîglh.liit--nwitltLet Cia t-bey ire c3-iqýinoec'uupntiona cf te New ttucttof thle iaoin -dfille cbit-e tsrii. t gSentisidatîe o licSORE, -ntI1FSOT NTI GtWDX:NELSON G. REYNOLDS, 'Victoria Buildings, Brook St., îtý uKS'Si-" iîrta. X -i 'e iiii.C. ).ý Ni-ti t-Ior tu tire lc-gltry nhice c itîre titev ~- n~î&u"nRi'NTFIZ relira îîîanks T W F P RT H Py.I. 3 i ili oprIlirnisin CH lin MN[1I)AY rsE'1î îl'etrï t' , o -uie'f paroa % iii s S}'îtiii2'stIc. 1 fi.-ittheilareoi -tuire 1'ail and WirterStoek n-iil tuce xteiii ncu ear- iîitthet- kiî iisini-dstîetlîsiteitîli'tif tbe tTJURSDAY, NOVE3IBIIR 5O, 1857, --- ged ti nurenewaed. In thle nictitirtie, (-rtiat- Bar- IiabîtheeTowniofl113,Townetit lii lite Tuortion (,t»lfile SHEIFIFS SAL E orLAND. a t gaint; wili ire oht'enid. thiiîluiii tg q-let. i tii- lil ilitlitt t l îite TrsnL tstrniat ottn iit l ee - LOWES & -POWEL~L, lia-te lii:t 'lavui Itrge atitito lteir K oirts"Iîn t I iL.îcf"( Mli.iiou Rtc io l - SA'TUIZDAY THE:I Vcoalnudugui. Bruîtk Streeti. Utuidiits'r S-kuc 'fuLles, antd Gentleuten'] Ç " utat- etbeieuieohlt Ti-n f7lott-ottnyofOutno Osst%--ttiir.i iiy (o WTiitht-e Konertibr r l.18537. 42t liiie. 'flnce L'ots are situateti tna PeterNe]- tiaîstei c ii uteii "sin!cIai :NS'Doots and osjir sort, Hoipe, Elgin tand DeBiaqiiie-aStxes- îditoon iiîllie'soId i tlc Curintlii>ise luntI iTE'L TO LETJ . Ire-ias a a iceo utlttiiiiintitfirettirteiI îaîc fain i -reract esrifeet-sfo eidîîî'stîttTowsn cf lliîtby, lr theuderritiiivel indt-' -110t-uir perqetaliiloeriuatetîuianree. 1corudha prtrc-itred wiitin the Townv. '1its: are aviththtcileeitthiereiuit, seitteti haetnue of", BoohoViII'rol Graunas'ooduitîtt- ot t-iliiiere. &c., i Iuit >gb Ili) on thte Lake Shtore, and )lti cîuîîaîd sa rits cf.#Îfici u- -. iszsui <u f ir-ia vr, ftoloai, tir e c ýodtiiwellknoe-i varii tiiŽtaitkof ai-ith tiîe 1 n-ti bo-ittit'ia i sicav cf Lake Ortario. tCnuis(tut and Qut-ci t i ýeV i i'itis1'attar neizLteogup l-t.feft:-s -~~0 iigS15 t7 Johin Siiu lerre, Pltdutil'troe.' 11Quens Ai-m , rcitîtitîdeu ilIl ennd oxaun i;e t ieteok. A Daniel'oft Eck uefendat-; Ahbramn Fcreaeehit-i hovlng eticalleui.accomauitioi'n, g' Oi tuttinuug eîce cf lilii. tle frtt ii~- 'Also luttitt sart reaîie u e itierncti li tii lu.DaiellT. Eckl, Iwtettetnt- uni-; ~'sd Sned, &. N SEONDPRIE hi-It- ned - îifettdatuts ,riglit-, tlit- cutdi iterest iitndt-si ý«n N SEON PICE1 1ail t-bat certain tuarcec or tract of laud cuinlre t' t -A S ,-yit', Aigir:7.î5VI LD LAN DS, /I asezseitiuale inii tueron-nislipf' cfeach>, 'Coa A..slTusiioIn the- - auitVillaogeoinBaout-cc.of i intario, heiiig coirposeti cf part of Lt- x;. 16, lu t-le 4t-lrionseee'non of saiti owuehip cI Aliutin NFORMATION' iANTED. 1Es ul fLtNia17, iiia t-h t-r-ast tliait f U tîacir, -ont-iîniîîg htallsduasiarr a! n I ~~Loi 25, Initia!7t-b Oti ti dlîtir :atre, ad itîtietybut cîbertriso knowas ina loe',! - t ASADfLEauHuirao-.eMtr'r' uo1, nut- F uutuî.'n:1îSERVIS îîiias Ilt7TCIIINS B cIiie A - )ellinrg HJLee attirciitd, Land it i i îîy ' left h lni unt t ite residentce of lte uncer- NEXLE. - ta tnea.'-cemuNenciug t n-tiers c ieli ro9ainsud uunritiy ailiho gitonain itliaflitefotre"- iicti aboautî4x veeks ttco. lices icýaotut 3 Nue l., 10 andti11, in tire 2riti octsunotiheî itte ine olVee. frnt tuOeStrest oatth gotG, 'arurdle. ApIaI te a-,crs utd, init-iiiiittieit f,îr .-ge. liaitit reanýU, NORiTHtnEST mAi'. t Soînt-lneris-litte lfor' the tallenites e!of mcd iratire -- JAMES (J1'CDDES, 4hallui utgraisliat-n-ed etat-,biacok'patintsba ra fÎi adCncsso,4ca blns lnfriairiiinROA.1tt-heu S 7oWeet, 2 ribain.-, direu Sont-b i6e,80, 'os'r W. A. MCJIO'î îv.lîc-uigIiun aili ire PoRTA(; OE Imiii. E 2 chiti0lus hO is, tu tire pisse efriegiu- Poetrnaet-er, ireera sekei.tttrIktly reeeivei-lIiv titi- uiitersigîiet. No 4,lu-ian usu iasbtiug on B41atitning '4at-eeuwoM, Nov. rd, 18,57. 4: CLAýRK IIUTCIiS, Lakeanu'd CxGItiRver Blo-~ t/t lPthe'.Stut, ndL 6 &nNELSON C. RERYNOLDS, On.a1 tlie Clrotîici OlSoc 40-4e No 12 Iu tie lt, î in thte mixth, 1, 3 anudl'u -iunJ .R thue nlutir; nhriral! of 7 tithae tendt; 10 ctand iaieOfie WHÈIAT AND IVOOL. t185inthtie tenir; 13 in tire ses'eriti, and 10 antiWirOt.1,d<7 1 4 in thel1lth con -maazies or .Noember, A t the ~IIJNJ(S STANDARD AEIA e a ' ni tivet,î t -I in 1 ii "t( - l- ili 1 8u G . CiIIiKE AT'lACIEENT; ('ut NY tEltNl'itu i. Y)V\IRKt- E i(iF PuU.1I1)il w-tif'Ai- taci etiît i:istied i-tI it er lit sit' i'tîis t i i eu ul tt i tsNitueuitit la titit' ituit-ýt, ente t ti'iiteigýltt irito-trud anid tlh:re oit l ii dîrittil.trgtuit iue-ttry-enuatt'eli lp' î-'nîlIiutnalte suit tif Dai id t'osirdtad tt"îet r'ttuiIîH.foi the ci ia "f iii!rt'--în- MAÀL MEETING o! tirs CeuntyCii> rtirs COànlY Of (>nt-anii,'waill bs irelti nil-toues,,lu tire Ton-nn ofWbit-y, on 4 Y 1 Ott doty o/NO TrJl.(BEB, hioar o! Ton o'tlock t-n tire forreoon, iî'pffl cf taking intu coýisidemniion a e ug~okltth.ireIot Vhltiry anti )n a-y compa, fl anti aeelu ether h blaQe ut iesi ës"rosteay r odiere War en S CJ. rDIO. O. CL-oi. 0. 88.42 0 FORt SALE. an Lt le Ceitrorel' irt»een *r os ud Markiet, In Ithe Ton -T t in 40 !e$ i tront, sud rans Inbt- 'The Bunilng le à subatair- C WF4LL, Q OUSEe wlrth afro <r!8O4ôfeei by Teosa Ce thtinsrtnnstirs ï t-tiUitlg, Iand la osntetd. 1 V lstesn carpable o! :f ;r, ogotetr witl su T F-s1bEShciher iz prcpnrod te ptuchase any l! iiaut-it-y of Wiat anid Woboi, te ire delit-er- ed et it-be Store ltcly eccupied by Mn. Lan-dar. TIlIJM4S MOODY. Wbitby MaY 20, 1857. 18 J- C. STERLING; -n-lbouat thirif'disposaijjt ~viesa rn- To IrOverttireOtaitnninde and disappouimont t-n Mr; Storling's absence, arnnrgem,»ets ve been madie te Innusunt ail buisines roating te .4uotion utatters, at tire OIIRONICLE PRINTî>wN( FpICR Ail psuise nlsIinKte soet hie Maervica, wl» Baure thsmselves tcme, troubile sud disappolut. mýent, by golng tirem 'drdet, wiers d"isys oae tilhe, ter"i, "e, n-lU aiu bs fed npo.s~ai torily, n-lotien 1fý r.slng- las absent ou- pro- meut. Ail ceInmetntifflrelating te niption birsineslonld ho sddre8sea tg ttraClutucez PaIner-mecOrne4 Wlitl^ ad - - houomptly atiended to, AUÙTJOýt j»LLs z- No 2 sud 8 la the Sur and 22 in tirslOt-h No 3 li tire 1lOtr, sud 9t and16 in lltir Noe4in the7Ith,sudg ithne Dcli No iuthie ltiand 8 la tire I7th 140os in théaa8d, auidEPstalf of 32 in the 5tlý aph,hîralf of 2 in lhs7ul; 8in theSthurand Sinthbe litir concessions' Netn b bal!oe10 in the md ti S tut 611-cd - FR>tHLOK. No 82 l. thie 2nd conoessiel Lolin lthe Oth - lot 22 in the th DISTILLEI) GRAIN AND RIDESi rp7Rj, subserihen is no4- prepareti te pur>"thei -ILlrigkhia market pnk-e for ooti etimples ofj Fail or SprtuGgý'&à WheBat, istilled Gram ]Edes > ILPHLIVMSED ATIý Mr. Miko' iil, Greewoost C. W. Rie aise talion tia 0pruailietf'm indebied te hmaeltier by iota, of daer o Book Aeteuut, tiras if meot tleel bci'erethe. 15tir e! October luti.,;ill i baanded tte sleu-ko the fi-u-t fou-collection; - WILLI-iM WAIMEN, Jr-, - roe n oodr Otober 187,a 8 TAKE NOTIcE, "TRTt4iê udsu-sW»nîd. Vhinoeat C.fiat bi. li. tat en jîtut ptiîýi.shed. Ih itns _)M' i-t' the.rt htsti ccdii rate ut o!Niltie tîinri,t. eeIl Lv,ýs tif*ttte kilid eer e utaI UPHOj ERYI UNDE TAKIN lîti1tt l. t -xtii,~ e-tt -tN.Lut. to)Soith .".tt~- ti nuntlieAt9 nttto'ie _aife 1 TEPIIEN Ft7LLER liasejjeat purehascd t-ie Stock in trarle and huilinese et ffgir Felitz, con- 'e -it -.e iuse.i11il t-he o titires trîttr te *.in T-o-os, »grt-k,. to t1i (tli l ý istn oiailreSck or' iiyintii, neiaruo andtualet-ber ioceeesary articles atpper-t-ining tetira 1;u , oiti.t-iîu.îliat Ctilritt. h sowsail'i !t - l i a y O t l tiS r i i - A la rg e s p l foo r e o s a t y on r tri mn m i g t tt he'a e ie l e f n r ti i' iti o thliu e'uttitlîit, andtihie differert rotes friuîitnc- Coiut-i, reqitiriug t-hei-ai c liai! hoturs notice. t - t i lt-e h u i i f. I t L u r i t i îi ie d o uit o l e r e 6 f e e t hb * , anîd I-ic. inautility- fer t-tseo f faminil 6tayP-air oflIores n-t-ha caurfol Driv'er burniiehed c-iiirtiere I-arse. liles, Iscltuuîo. ardtuhe geuteral p amis, ail thbe Mapr i. 'f tîtrtea ever ' et puhmie]. Z-FU ERALS ATrEeDED- 42' AL PARTS 0P THE C0UN7TRYff R je soîd orriy by Agents,. M . ), i' W . lm 6 i ber. t-e A gfent for t îis sec- S T P E F U E R tiun if thte Cotuitrt, la nen in '%Iiitba, ent-as:,- in- lfor Stilséribe-M. Br Fr',iiui tirenue ire procceeds toe Uafoîhocviiag Wlitby, April 15, 187.8reet, WAi1bj placesi, East:- i i aîrt w'innans-ilue, Poàrt IHope., Cobaourg, Bh-leuue KngtîorBror-kvtilIe, Ottýanu, Pres- c L IM IE FO R SA L E . J l i Q) W 7 f- CRAWFORD & CANPBELLL B> G rSPcctfily to informn thefir nImeroug estoners ant the pu-blie gneraJly, lat th&' ive .now rtived ter îtoek of w h ich , On I i p e i n i ih a f nn d larg e and com plote, and u t p ri ew U nt w i l hb oun d ow r rj h E S b rier hM Eg o cr n n d i, dsp Oo than c n o had in Irontreal or Toronto. Conaisting o! ari otie flo wliuR C liiQ Agricrltntxl,Let- D r e s ~ G o Q d , l Y a n t i s , - lu a rio n s p a ft tt o f t ire o i ti j', cie r.th n a fu r Clothe saCie Gic,, id on easy terrs 61pauyjpçti Drea Gods19uawis, anls Furs, Clts n iweeus, COUNTY 0F WEyLMNGT0. Carpets, Damairks, 11annéls, BiankcL, &C, &c.I YjW 'r ,M ydm. Jri-nt avrtir 10d. f r 71 à ; 2,00o yds. Figur d Orleans worth 18 for 7,1d. 1,000O O WI DP F LUT I t. yi.>inted Casîrmpre verthir le Qg tor liq.Nu.le), st Con. 2w3 ACTi5 T e a ove G ood t, 'yre o îlt t a decided bargain. ." 2,3, 4th tt. 0 COUNTY OF GREY; ~ ~O 1HN ~ C OBING '..4 U11¶!L No>. 37, 14th Cen. - .40 Acres- Inn tis departiaient aili hc found a large stock of Mens' and Boys' COUNT.Y 0F KENT: Ready-mado Under and Over Coats, Veste and Pants, TOWNSIIIP F CH ATtifl. liver bal 2i lth Con. 100 Am q~; Bing rmade tip on the piromises tire fit and worknransirip nntry he iepended upon. West haif 3, làth 10 'tl Gar ezt madz, up Io Ordei- in the laest Sye of Fa:1h ùmj.. TOWNSHtI F DOVEY. cei Stck l INo. 4 2, 200 Acres: .1 48, 100 4 jilsi recielen- lic-m rsll ire soid elctîtp for Cash. Remembor , ITOW1ÏSIIIP Oh FRA. Nt,. 13, Ct-h Con. 01k.&rts: CRAWFORD & CAMPBELL, .11,t-HI00 I'ery'e12,id îîi'iiCOUTY Oh' VICTqWA:S 11h eîîttittcr, 31p 17 TOWNSHIP 0F M Nlà2 -No. 11, lst Con. 200 Acred' - W. Y. 12, 2nd Con. 100 " STOVES AND HARD'lWARE, ,t1,2 TOWYNSUiP iou' Int2ERYR0uD'-: W HI-OLE SALE AND RE TAIL We.ýttti 0,3th Con. 50 Acres. LLtlî reeminerlaiie Cokin, Parler-, and leating ituvz o ri FrPassu em A sies, (for Ceai or Wuoui> for sa é by t-e subseribers. LP y Withy, 201h Aptil, 1857.1. - C ura IrîtrP înips, L u, Zn, Pipe, Japarted Tiirnar, &c. D ESIR A B LE 1-XVESTM ENT., -- 'i ËNY 'RA L STOCJC 0 LV O LA ' $600, $500, $40 0, $300, $ý OO STEPUEN PFULLEROR AL TOWN LOTe; J~s Sidle Brock 1'rerf, Wlriffy VILLA LOT, PAR--K LOTS, WVliitby, Api 14, 1857i 1 LOTS For BUSlNRSS' PURPOSES Lots for Privaie Resisteaces, IN ~~ ,THE TOWN 0F W-Ti IN TiHE c'IiNTY CF ONTARiO, liul t W funEAST OF BROCX STRÉEET. 1 Sreet andAIND 83, EAST OF EliO G 1-jStret ndSeutir o! PoiIard's IMotel, vatuable property extending frout Brocit Perry Streete. Lots% No. 1 ï7- and 180, Eritt aie of Broc'. Street, Northr of PuAlarrd's Bote]. Parties demir- inn' ,jet.o h po n o cstret in tlac Ton-n SOFAS & CHAIR.S. - w f, hoeLots el tatd eryStrecte. Beigit lots are in mire BIclb-,b ounded hy Ferry and Chrenut and Ash Streéte;- ~W H0LESALELot.37, West of PÉrry Street, and dirriatiy up. Ce W O E-L N R A Lposite the Stcrn Flour Mill. 4 *Lots 64, 65, I6, 67. 82%,83, 84, and 85. Eust of t'le Largest Stock ini the Country ofPFurnitire &HRouse Pittins's Prry Street, and adjoinng the Steam ipro C ONiX"3STIN(4 of Drawving lîneini, Parier anîd Bedr tn si, (Cane end Wood Seted Chairs, Ta- Lts No. 0Il, East-cof ?crr-r Street. Tis I. Ibics,.B3edstéa4s, Btnroaiîe, Secretahnes, Sidleboards,nCtilttre, side, Hlli and Tonlet Tables. is eliifeneed aud etirerwise improved. M?0J OS TO IEEDOZX~50.iSCOXT..ITLYIX T0~!t~ utsWetst of' Brock Street. 1 Pi OM XE T FI JFD OZV_ý9 OF CO STAYL Y V ST CKrIt-, lv15, lr, tnd 119; booundd byCt. tre, Winnnt iiaâ istrete. Thesi Lba are Tie Sîîleiber fad sufe in advisitig intgtnling purhaserq. tht fur ijantit, quaiifiy and prie, dt-lightfily sittttftd, and b-sn a Street ûn iie Eqt-bihment canot hcmpeid Niîn by any ether lIuse in t-in Couniry, t-hase 5sidïes,- are avtl adpted te uidinîg pur- REAlFE-RS*ATE LAIN ESER ATAD ORLEM.< 'Ltâ e124 andri12.5, erîruter ent an sd Jolî itrcet.s. 1Lot Ne. 130, East o!fKent Strc«e, and. lîti fen- rods Nortir of Dtidas Street. Tlie foresgoirig ebhoice Lote aerseslcted-frot a large nanther, n-thtire 'ien- cf holding traml as an inve-ttuent, but are n-offcred for Sae e d hiauliy mmd np a large transaction, Centré Street........2 Lots;. Kenat Street...... ...... ..4.Lt Etrclid Street.................3 Jtii Palace Street,.............. .5 1m4 Righ Street ......... ........ *4 Lob;. Wht-hy, 19t-h Jean. 117, ILBT P E-R y. STE!PHEN FU=LR., C '(>N\STANTILY ON HA'ND DURI3CG THIE cnsuig s~siug t n omer Fresir Burnt I - I l a v i h lI I s1- e d f e r C a s h n î L a I i s6d MATIIEW CARL, BlRICKS 1 BRICKS I h 2) 00 ( I'iuBUICKS ferSale atPortWbitby 41tn>J..¶ foir 0-abh or on epproved eredt-, oun reu.sonbletermâi. ýuylt Port Writby, Or ai the C'l,ijdeÙ1 Office Thte Siiasc-rituer Iii preparetto mciii sutd fur- nîl, rt it is Brick - YàÎd, Whiîhv, a supbror ar- ticle tif Brick, tu, parties n-ibag t contracifur tla maîu1t, ilt-rsncb qntities asdraray laa ent-raeý- HQNRY COULtO, Neîrveoul li{dtslGreeceoti Picering, Aise te HUGH BEAIDEN, Port Wbitby. 13 And: ai tieraokarniei. Office. DRAMN TILES. TI'HE stuhecrihers hsviug boon nppointed tAgnts er,* for tic surle o! Smar-t's,,Dram TiMes, Bbivnau4avilla, they are nivwprepared te offaT.at Len- Priocs, ahi sim0e, of IPE A4ND 19R513 170E TILES, F&al Land and Callar Drairiing seaaples ehoava anti prios a sertanin#d cm applicaion to HAMILTON & ROBERTS, Septenrtaer185i!alby rT'lHE UNDERSIQGîED ESP8EcTPUL.Y i. infmbu-ntire paiihltXSt1e hlae oporther inrubor Ysad Iately keplt by Mu-, Thomuas Oil.- gier, Gu-eça Str ~iaa - heu-e ir is cciu- îtnnly upplidwhLmo! ar veuy descrp- tean, iosoired andt-green. L ber of Urnalep~ru B u3aild ing M ater ial tu -ai a d on te' E s su n t i c e ; ' rir o r o i e l T . 0 .- L I C 4 Gu,'enStreeWliitby ýE TA B L1&8H .FLIITt j - ~33RTQt- T fl RG ItEBPECTFULLLY -TO IN T- mate t-o tiroir Customars arnd tino Public geaerurlly, tirai ihcy have JU'ST RECEIYED, direct brom tirs BRITSIL & AMRICAN MARKETS; THEI SPRiN jafi K of Shef and Ilesvy H1ARDWARE, whloh, on inispection will bo found theo Most complote ln Western Çanada, ud et 1rfl 1ta irudeiy ccupsitlon. BUILDZIRS WU-llXn uneverytlalrg in ui Drt5iou-tura in grent-Vuiety: Carpentes Join3,s & Jî 's TOOLSY e! evary duséiaip#on, frima tirhe stcols- obraleti rrakeas Indis ÈýubberBelig ad LceLestia.r, - Flirnt,& Rowland Oiruclse'ad MllSaws WBrROCK B-TREà e a 0 Mm, a,' s 1~I e. ê p. I a To Blacksmiths. Scotcir, -Saedas, and t i oi -o, Casi, Springarid B#lster Sisal, Ilou-s NauL PloughMoulds, Atavlle, &eC. To CarItwgeMakers. Axlios Thlimble SL-eies,Bolta, andi eveu-y dtfriptlon of carnage Tnltrruiugs, &e. Paits, Oils, V4rnhslai aa, ipttty eti Bnitat, 1PAIte, &ct., from thre best 1 Paes-Flashs, loks, Lrmbâ,sud e- FRSALE, Tonutlot No. 1, Cerner ol Quseea ana Siree. Deeldedly tire meurt vinable tire n-boXeToi7ua - , QUEEN STREET. Lot No. 7, .6 beet froitF ,Loit s8cor Qeen and Par-vStreetaLot No. 4 do Neé. 10, il, 12, 15 16and 17, 66 ibetïcou taiffing crie furtr tàO auehi7h. Let1 erner of Qtteen and LâUXa Sireete, nead irai! of an acre:.Aju of lte oregoIng Lot ou tire Ma*cnasiizëd- Bond, aurd are vullns sine" moctuona. - LTLLA STRE.ET. iLots 19 anld 5M, wooraof Lllland North! NORTII STREET. Lots 21232 27, 28, 80, ,333 and 34 of theuam c re . Lots No. 70, 8,85, on o! an sers gicl.., - WÂTER Lot No. 9, Corner of W OLNDEREIU Lioi ui,g81 4i lot alla irnIdf -mer eto ", ts tnt, Mr. Ed- 1 - tn P.- . f%ýu , iý - . . 1 'ýVliitby, Àpril 14, 18r)4,. ý___,ýýSH FOR WHEAT, r,ý7 %4

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