Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1857, p. 2

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Rus to the Grand I'ruinik, road 48 Tory lits Utmost te prevent it, full particulars ed ther-Nent, Il are ail out servants to go To" Conneil. rSky and coveftd vrith t wood, and or the cage should be reported te Govern. with us, or do you supply us with ser- SPC its býAO la si dense mmis of gardent; and en- inent ül the military departinent before vants ?'Y Tite, reply -,vas, Il Yes." On the --a- S mon 0 C> 'Il 0 0. 1. IV lu 10 2 M 0 g The Council met nt the Toen Hall, on 'ClObutes- IlerÏllaveý' been altricýIt ett Our the sentence. whatever it be, îs carriezl in- followîng day'though. suspicions were *w a - 2 0 Q.:g :g Tuesday evening, November 3rd. fýËbf& Out ttûops have been about 20 te c-ffect. utherwise the sentence should be tertained of the faith of the Nena s party, on Y lu ZIMI Present,, the Mayor, Messrs.. Hodgson, into effect forthwitli. stili they hoped ail was riglit. The Netm de te CD fines enrged, "Mutilues Ve y liotly. At cuxrriod ---4t1ý-_ Qý ;CI Keller, Pérry, Fraser, Wallace, Brown, and first Hin oo Rans homs wu out extrenie 4. If it cannot bc ascertained te wl-AL sent on, Suifflay te say the servanta werè lée'i right, imd ahnost m rv day the enciny regiuie'nt a mutineer or deserter taken bc- net te go? as the ladies and wrjtncn Could Ville. und toerm UV the ravines on every sido fore or apprellended by the civil iLtitliorÎ- look after tlicinsclves. Oit this Wng 0 ci of 7E r- Tite following documeuts were recceived suild attatk the batteries there. Tliereqraq, tics belotiged, lie is te bèýàqalti-ith as pro- lieira tl,)oy irere ail alarmed. At - e.s MA cg È !_: Ç$ 1 la, in., C'é C= r- C = r- '00 =_ and rend. of enurse, renly one result blit in driving vided by the 2nd Rule. the mutinects surrounded tYlic entrench- e- z ;W zi Memorial of l'ire Brigade te have pow- thent out of tho Subzemunde, and &oin 7l Èists showing the several regiments tient and ail the Englishmesi in their our men -net understifIndî . rig, light infantry and detachments which. have mutinied will power ; the servants ran away, and were .ît ers extendc(L Work, we used te sufier heavily. But out bc preliged with all practicable despateh cut down; a few escaped; Îll ;vere alitent- ce Meitiorial of Benjamin Yarnold, Town retributioù %vas treniendous; whenever in the niilitarv departnient, statitig in cach ed. Tite rebels reiched ý?) the intrench- Z 0 Clerk, praying te have duties -of file Hall Our ýroops fratiglit any of theni in any of case all knowý particulars oÈ the mutiny, mený and said,, I'Come te the boats, ail the gardens Nvitltùat their havin titille te and accomparied by nominal ToIls, with is rentl3,," keeper defined. 9 Lndies and children were sent Q bolti thoy used te bayonct-thein te a man, approprîate rentarks opposite te the liantes 1 on elephants, dhoolies. &c., and the men m Petition of John Wat-qon and others and ý4onietîiiies in this way $00 or 100 deud of those native otticiji*s and men who are ' hed te the river, and then embarked i marc praying for repairs ti) bc donc on a. street bodies have been counteâ round the posi- known te have been aUqent front theîr 1 In the bfaatmg. Q;w tg at the Bay, tion after one of those skirmishe.q. regîment nt the time of the, inutiny, and of %Vlien tliev ail sav food prepared, and 0 that out force lins been augment- those vli-ho if.present, are known to have ail conifortýbIe, they were deliglited.- lu .2 »ý m A ennimunication front A. W. Cron, (,il tivé have taken possesidon of the Stib- tak-en ait active part efflier in promoting or Whejà a few had gone on board, and oth- CD t4 Town Etigineer, with an accourit for £10 zeniutidee, and- stroh ly fortified the Se. suppressing the mutitiv, or te have simply 6s. fur services rendercil the Town since ers were waiting te embark on the river Y-aL IVe have nfqo rÈaeed a strong picket joined, or elstained frýut iL These noini- side. a gun opened on them with canister i QM Julie lasL In and fortffled tl%ë Papda down the hill nal relis, as soon es prepared, Nvill bc (ViLs gun and others hall been ma.-,ked;) -j.9 Z -9 l' ". , bc Mr. Perry brouglit tip there several re- and have maille strûng breach work right printed and circulated te ail àWil officers, one boat look tire, and then another gun Z-5 * 'r ' 0 , îm port.- of the Stsnding Cominittee on Fi- down -the hills. Our men are now se well and te ail tnilitary officers in te Mîmand. opened, and four boats were fired; on this, lu :E 0 E_ C W -0 »ý è: 0 1. Î t1 naiirr,, and AsqossmerYý which wore seve- rotectèd and their position altogether so 8. The Grovernor-General in. Couneil is those who escapeil the fire jumped into, 0 0 ff, rimproved that the inutîneers have quite enxious te prevent drenie the %vater. The Seroysalso fired Inuskets 4*7 rally adopteil, Thè first recommended lest heurt,, affittheir ntlacks are berottiùig ecessarily te. rterl te, or the Sowers enterei the water on horge- Cýcq r paynient of variong simili accoiints againgt feeble In the extreine noiv. Our onlv exi-ried te excesqq, or applied 1 ittiotit (lue back, and etit riuitibei-s dovii. Fifleen z 1 Yý '7: the iiitinicipality : to J. B. Ilawlev, £2 heavy loss arosé' front the iiiii-jetuosi't'y o»f discriminait ion, in regard te a s of rebel- boatloads of Eýngtîsh were mnssacred ; 10 J. J. Arnall, £1 '_ýs 6d, Thomas ýour officers, who pursued the etierit,ý' on 1 lion committed by persoris flot intifititters. woinen nnd childreti escaped this 'massa- ilift or two oeon.ýiniib; riglit through Ki il It is unquestiortable necess rv, in cre, but manv of them weee wotin(le(i.- £1 1'2s :ld, 1'lio-iiias' Beal, £1 l3s !Ill. Jiines 'Ils' 'Y . iiengtinge to the open grotind In frünt or the flrst attempt to restore order il a dis- The Nena s Don't kill these, blit put ai Baiti. £i 8s Hd, B. Yarnoid fýeIecting if the citY, and so lost il itumber of men f)y trict in which the civ1 atitli(-)rity bal, been 1 tliein iii prison." ()tic boat, il) which Ge- naines of jurors, -1 j (lays, £2 lis. tilt, mayor grape front Pie %valil. rt lias been lIfft etitirely overthrowii, to adminietter the la%%- 1 neral Wheeler. wns, was ptilled ofF by tbe New Adi-ertiýwmenl-S this week. acting lis as-z(.>«;-ol-, £l laines figlitin Z altaefflié Our Ujutant General %vitli such promptitude and severitv, as soidier& The poor lftýolile, on file buýilin- the Quarterinaster %vill strike terrr-r into the minds o? the of the borits, arid N%-Iicii in the ere mterFition of T. IL-tilron(l.- lettifig S tà Ils 1) . N auctioli, £l .5is, jolili elvewrided ; file Gtlitles, itli evil-disposed itniohF 1 lie ïNcople, and induce Calfing Oit Cod for liell). ý% dail . %V -Iiter Of' 1,'or Sale-Robert Rartistlale. i Shior for iii.ilig, £é 111-. tlieiii lIv the féal- or dicatlà te abswin flolji (ienera-l %vas tak-Pli oî, by VIIIer Canflila College - IV- coinilletnent of etnir offioers, liaye lind W. '9telliictt, Tliu iiext statt-il the tenderi rer' (Ille killed, and Ilille %volintleti. Tite gal- plIiiideý, te restore stolen property,' and Soivar, and put into his house alang m itilli Nev Post 0iliccý4--R. Spence. ed hy flic Cliairiniii ef file, Cominitteu for lant liffle 0lioorkefl ' are relluceil froill 440 to . rettirn to penrefui oirmipations, ]lut his fîtriffé, near the churvli. Tliv girl re- C_ rd - Loves & l'on-ell. r Not, il regililont (If 1-'fi)-OPVRTIS ir; tlliê; obitect once ý1I a greni deg-ee efflined, rniined till iiiglitf-.tll ý and wlicil lie catile Anderson. epairs id Ille ildiieli vari, more fliati 45n strotiý,,' '['%vo.gelfcr:ti- Icive I file ini-ni.,Iiti)eiit of criiiir,; regill- 11011W dt-Illik. alifi feil as1cep. sthe touk àl' Corfim, fil; the fil. eil froin to $Sà, the latter beci il i et-1. WV have huit ont, eligitiert killeil, 1 %vith diseriiiiiiiation. sworti an(j cul oir iiix 1,eail, lits iiintlier'« k reepteil. Grelit Bargaiw, 11,ivril, teiitI(ýr of Anios l'a et Nviiicli ýN-zS fiiret, one (lvati .111il 'l'lie ('f)lltilititýÇI a4m iIIiý;tra t ion of thv lan licad, tvo etiilili-en'm liertils, and his Dailv The third report reconiniende(I pavilielit two ilivalilled. 011 t1il: Nvilole the trfif>IS 1 ili it,,; aller flie rellilisite and tlteti walked out itito the Tiiglit skirand Intr;ý,at[tm )IIIII of ÎE 15 to T. N. S(,rilIttir(,, fora new wa-_ bAve stood the expostire ývoilflerrîiIIy, ].lut impression litus becii malle 111)011 the rebf-l- wlien she Soývqrz, site s lit], Sillith. ilirre hall beefl et groat drel of clioleri. lious and disoriierlv, and after ortier Iiftýz- - Go inside, anil see liov iiively 1 liave Firei Firtý ' .-J. S. & goit illatle fýfr the lieltk- ariti Ladtier Coiti- Everv fleil,- WN, WVIIt Mal reginient is gorie orgoing. partiallY rv,ýtortfI, file ef- rubleed the 1*,ýt-t." rl* 111 Sý1IIe cases thev llave allowed their oth- Iîýct f exasperatiti1g file people. nrid %vould ilisille, filid filillifi Ill of thein dend. Shv Vor rr oir nr' t report, rers to icecape ; in offit-rs they linVe mur- probablv indure ilierii to band top-ther in then iviiped into il %vell. nnd Purin f fýr W. j A. -Jamieson. NIr. Wailare oljt-f-teil to the iteiiè 4£' lus dered every soul, But rt-trillution, let lis larger iiiiiiiliers for 4lie protectiq Y of their Vr'oil ferir (if %vliiit this girl had (1-me, 1*%V,) lZaains to fi) NIr. ý,hivr, for the NfaIisý on th, gr'i)tirid hope, îs froilling', -The Sililis lire faitiffill, li%-es lilll'%%-itti a %-iew to, retaliation. a re- iione of file rebels troiild liave anvthiligr to Geddes. riid art! bichig enlisteil in ntiinbers. Those stilt inuch tg) Il(- #IvI recatt-il. iJt NN-t-itild sav ta the tliv Nena to that a CoI1IIIIýtI(-C bail b(."I& appointe(] to licre %vith us and the Cilioorkas have fouglit great1% add Io the of* setiling at'first pro' i(,r,, Safldivrv Sh(il) to 1,(»t-l.itnes Gefldes. posed to give to ilic. Soldi l'et ---jallies (ieddes. enquire into thuir arctirarY, whic-fi Coiii- the colintry lierenflor. if a Iilrit of ani- i ir, anil 1I%*ý 1'. Billifigs. Inittov I1ýII marie no report. it m-ert, crigi-mici-vd %%-i(li art%- for six 1 S. I)nIialil4oil & Co 'Illu as on(- of the Coniiiiittcr, Instructions Reintive te file rreaiment il, file ininds of thil jleople, ikli't if' thoir grain Iiiil sli(,)i stiol. The boat containing L'oliiii-îl-11. .1. 'ne'l of Nvere b y tlie reilluill- Gell. Whet-ler alici Sover-al ]adles and geri- exaini file Malis, Nt IlIvIl lle r)clievetl to tir '11je vivil tIcnirti got off for 22 tiiil(-s, tiif-%. W, lialsev. as far a.; he colild judege, 'l'lie The rollowilif, instilictifflis 111VP b(t0il ,fIi-ývr-; in (-rcry d ','Fi 1 ittfr.vt enfleavolit-, wore cized lit- flic ni Joa 1 :11141 Pills. in tliu iiiiilig ivaz t1irit plibli-illed by tý)1.41tlr of' the l""Ist 1111.1il (14tV. voildviniling aTIY lit-ill.fils lIar, and liait l'In-it friti-1, tivil liellind Illutil M r. )lý tilat tiu.-V iiiii lifft 0V Illaking arlY -,f par(.1-it 1,7- and bagi, to Ille Netiit. 'Io it frolil file proreedirigs (Ir tlèi' Nir'icil- his lIOu,ý. Right lion. file Govvrilor Celleral (if 1-lia rvtiiril te, thvir usaal atifi, Irick, Nir,. in G lillicil in file Iloille 1)(-IIiirtitIolit, undor I)tlllisllillg, onh sIjý-Ij fil' 01t. liriticipal zill, ririd Dr llarrIýz, aloi 'eVoi al zinil fliat lie prostinied tile Colincil July :11 fiers u4 cari b(ý te) NNert. ntijolig thtl partv. Thv Noiiii WiVý as Cir a: pos!4i .1c :Ill iiiiiIiiio ii)fliiir%. irito inticli plufiýzetl on-ing tel t1je General's old WhifIn. Thiirsùý. Nf)ý-('Mlwr .5tli. 1857 lot firepareil to ask- Nil'. Silier Lo fjo. lie 1, The Groverii44r (;etieral of fridia in (lolitical OlI éII(ýcs tintil finit, Yi, thf. If_ýù, hu :IiýL ,irui-." IIoý-Iitr 'Ille Ivi-I gonc t,) Mr. Sliier alout 01111cil lias obserNed %vith approbation th(ý Lrmerninvtit rire in let deal %N-itii Notival ', Ch ait Ife. 1 >ý,I,'t Ille illaie-e, Nho statvd that lic [le ý%-oIIH zoalous ex(ýrtiov§ý ofille loral civil .1qithori- tlIctil ili StrenglIt afit-1, Ill"roligli (te, Thu Ni-Ila >àid, lo titiv t1ling tjiiit ht. poitite.il des for the eoililigti Ibliti- liol. If illil le(- 110%1*(,%..r"41ý "ri fliv guaril, and lel Ille others Ite porroivd by a rintlec In our out -vul it .ýNftI1H lie, i,ýlitiIt,ýtit of Ille iiiiitilleer: 'tiol fli,11-1, t î, ajýjýý- ()op >(,]"ýy .111,1 coluiliris, Mr. Vinrent C. ýIa% - to point out (10fif,41111leil in th., rovoli. rt fler. t4i tillie t') trille of toi Eitropvai). 1 Ir. 1 larrii t% its infl- Ilv the and ifr,)ittlt jftin- If' %%Il-, inav lai v'l witil two Italis, alA illeil il tIo. i»rii,)!I'týr retired froni the fi-nii of Ili,,- tIIiIlg Nvroliz tlie.v here îmitilletit if surit of* critiiir-ais as, loutid ,f pel,-111 tir, j"'. lit(,, or k-ill lm, ; rnv giii- à- rio of tivit part (il' flic theïr ti-av iii the distriot, lit our port , t-, (el Niluf, 1'.\ 'l Il,,, ý.j f ý- % %vill :iý-vrize tri%- olvaili 1,f.-fýrt lon;, iblit-iý Frato-i' titât lie illie NI-11-oi-J of' and tlit-r(! wliere the m inds of* Ille il ýlt Y %, t, 1 re co(ilil illitiring ziio ý 1- trý 1, lo,_,rapli ter tt!tl-i 'l' - partiler %Vitil M us'irs. ' %%,, ýý oars ilifii rut 'I'l'l atl'l lltý 1*," Illir'-'. li;L'Z IILCI)lIl(' a lie- IIý1 -J, Ife ýoIIIV clilli.-Iilt%- flot blit lie ill U.Ver%, iso nI*(ýý t I- rf-q1-,tý 0- il(l- If' Ille Zt-niinfI:&rý hait iiot -ýciz 11le m en, for tilt, Inost part, I1ýid il') :Il( t%,tl ý 1 et 1 w il and .1111*Iis A. Nfaverhoficr. in iiiýik-i in il. ri- olie. front open ilititiliv. to 'Ilf)M- that tho ýjii-t tho Nvlif) Nvvre lirst ili t 1 le N f, (d g- g Y by %fi-. AI,14,)It, NIr. Ilainiltori, and -the old £rite fil' flic, Iiiiitii;ver is (Ivath, and tliat thf- 1 1. Alloillur p't 1 nf tel let- n'itioeil in c'01 11;I's jtri.ýoii, hall foo-1 ol tilt- hofft-r tî Co_ Printers, Illibli-divrs, an( 1 ri . ýý4idu;iL-z lit tlj(- Bav, %vrLs orilp riallv 14ligl Pritisli (,eovertiiiierit %Vas li(l%% orftil te) inflii-t rtq-xiýftl Ntith illi, i>; tlit, gt-livral description ftoir ille TeIl (ta%' (if the W hitlev M r. (tilt to i)c i;(,, rt-(.t wi ' '%v the penalty. Il âlso 1) tliv (If' villagn-s' Nt 1 Ille Il Ille this, he,ýviit tiolit tfya liaose tient tite 1 1 de, whercas it y K i,:iet- WiIIý iii future attend to the out-iloor 40f f-t-,,t. The IVest triffer of foi- ilie of' :tIl Geiivraj in G ittift-il lias rensin tx) fe.ir ille 1%rote i4in1-,ss, i*(,geiv(, orflurs for If) theok tilt, orirtitý of bveil carriv'l t'le- far I'Y ýd te, Pulili fillo 1 (-4,rrect li-cordiille to tlic (Ail lit oine of tIicý(- the ci%-il ottl,-t-r., lit and hu li-itl 171kun, aild 'job pr iiting, and 'L iiiiii t1i'. u;iýýt 4loillfl lie rk.,4îtll(ýlitýsi and Io Ill e orilvr. 11,*Îleil; ilistrilcliari, rf.g:lrfiiti'Z tht-ill. A due this oflioV. forililli reillovell to the! enlIe Ni tI.1ý ")rr j- ilit, further eular,_rt-Ilýunt of oiir el l' fi villaci. Il'i' a N; K Fr.iý4cr >tatud iliat tho inotifri ail'I 0w 1,111flli% el t,ý«1M V in. aloi rup )rtý-(t thal, efilt- of tlI(. iln- as t.xpcflttiý):I, lipoli a pav- as L.IIeajfIý. .111(l vît :11 Illit le'st seý'eri:Y ' Ill tý".1r lait :tri%' I.- a pri>ýfII- I ladio> %tritl(ýTI tel A liah:11ni'l' iiit-iit of NIr. for 0)v m ails, it Nas il bo I-oo lIàýo II I- roýý-T'tv-I to. lir ciii-ri- rilmi 1ýII.It :1 ]ar, ýu 1 >, 1, 1 ý 1) f K . 1 t of 1 -,ý ;Is :Le] offwe. Tho pli.,es of theil. fotilidi fafilt te(] toi.) far, Ilis lïfl'illlil) iii coillo-il tIIIIIký it If'1uýlrI %ý;iti(S inz im 'l'!i(ii the N --Il:i'ý, Il il, aloi fil , 11, r el(:,e-riibtioIIS let' J'f-ilit, riglit to isue tlvtail.ý,l un il - il- to illo gliiit lit- iiiii,,t 1-ilov !te- al, to k;ll ýýNvr%- olio, il) ýp1-rIk "Il %Nith, Init flic m otion ivitlilr;tvii fi) al- lZilbietii, bv %vllicli r(Il c1% il offi cur., "-Ili Ile bv il ITI-Iý,t Il place ('en thc 1 , 111 .11 Y 1Y, loiv 01t. Colliiiiittee :Ill tir Cott- t ili'tlie ol, tllit-ly. lit C-1. Aparit fretin Ille- eff- l mlli-li ýuvIl a lent t!i(- v-encrai :Iii(l Mthers, %%-]le) M r. Slii(!r. Town Properi) 010 (USf!eý of tivsel tel-i lind a %%-)filet Ikýtt, lit(- fi-clinur., i)rý,ilzlit ý%-ilIj Iiiiii. l' Illeil III 111, -2 ý 1 (1 f Nil-, said tbat tis Il%- the 'Iil lion 01(- Litlic- hcard oftht- el Thri 's rolisoli tï) bebf.,vo fliat in ý;ýbine (-tri Iw Iý,l il.fli)et t!ýA il pru \(q I. C lIf1ý%- iliativ of the lýatupt3-eri of the Nfayor, llie only oîýje4-_tion der te, 1,111 tlit-ili, t1ilev tlivir leven af'tho,ýe tiatîve rt!,ýttietit4; reý-,,It verit iii,,tii froili 1,11til 11iliz te) tlIeii- :111d %villi tlit. of Whitbv, knowtllat the 'I'ovli the mails %vas as to .11r, Watson s propertv has Ifeofl Wtýiitiel lfv file illost and IlIu cullivali.,11 tel 111, il il se(loild market site. N(,vei-tlie- milv. 'I'liere %yerf,ý Pc regiStered plans of ilieil ni;t.N- have li'Il fivM ý. a 1.,>irlt rit t1lis fr) of' N ital ini- I.: able disposition and tlïeir want liaving rii the note, saiqý 111 deg7ee as to enable us W recognize thuir property iâ certainly sornethini worth lion cOuld'hOld RI reIatîor),ý, 'l'lie colewort, a lylanty of scan- , pect to see our Mr. Keller, notwithstanding ail this; thy with those %vhoare now arine(l in open agree to anything sent this way by letter ; l ty, not weighini- half an ounce,'has been looking atter, and we dû ex is rebellion against the governrnent by dis- if the Nena lias any tu inake ' 'I Council lo,ýe no time in taking the proper thought the Committ« appointed- toi in- 1 couverteil into cabbage, and the potatne pvr-iinK tn their villages %vlien tlie;-eiÎnierit tel] hini to malie it in joei*soil." Nfrs, CI a- --vas derived froiti a sniali bit4-r rooý wild -steps in the matter. spect the maps, bhould have ruporte(4 and, It krok-e lit), atiiil mixing iltiît,ýtlv with the ru. eDbi tc)ok- the replv ) - . lavk to the Nena, who in China and Montevideo. Xletainorpho- ------- at an earlier day thaà the proscrit. lie sil ral population. It is desirable to treat said, - If the Europeans will cease tiring Ànaîls.-claremont Io Whitby. was the party that introdiicid the maÏw,, ses as Wondurful have talien place in hor- such mon %vith ell reasonablc leniencv. 1 will go z" and sént bick- a reply. The 1 ticultitre ; the tough covering of the al- ainly fult disappointed ait the 6. The Golrii - )r General in Cotincil general said, Il lit botli sides (-ea_,ýe firinm l mond into the $Oft flesh of the peach - the Wc have recelved coinplaints at varjous and lie cert therufbre (lecin.,îÀit necessary to lay down during the conference.- It was agrêed sour sloc into the Julici 9 matter being allowed tiD remain over soi. ýthî.- fullowing rules for the guidance of ci- : Ot's PlUM ; the limes on the subject, of a daily mail from to. crab of the ývoods '11to tle goldell Whitby tu Claremont; the enc i Ion vit --authorities hi exei-cisiiig the povers On the following ilav the Nena, his bro- austel ruas si le pippin. The apple itself has been repro- g 1 lfr. iloci.-son explaitied that the Coln- J' vested in thetu by recerit leffislation for ther Baber Dutt (?) and and a daced in endless variety, emuluting, savs wan t of which is every day becoming great- 1 rn t le ha reported, btit that the report Ir the piinishinent nt' native officiers and so ' 1- large party of soldiers, came op to the en- our author, in beauty oCform and cOlor, -ni er. At present the mails are conveyed to il i te d dîers rharge(l with inutiny or desortion. trenchnient. General %Vlietýler was ready exuberance of fertility and richness or fla- and from Broughani, Io )Vhitby each day, ! liad been withdrawn. SFc. Ist. NI) native officer oi- soldier bc- to meet them. The Nena sai(t., Il take vor, the rarer production f warnier re. Mr. Keller wu anxious to know whe- longîtig to a reginient which lias not inuti- all the %vonien and children-to Alla- il 0 whereas to CIaretnoný which is only bc- is nied is te ho punished hy the civil power bad and if vour men want to figlit come gions and Most popitous clit-nates. tween three and four miles furthur on, 1«ther the Committee believed their dulies as a more deserter, unléss ho bc found or back and do' su. We will keep ÎMDliCit there are mails but thrce times'a week-.- to have ccasedwith the bringing in of that appreliended with arnis in his possession. faith with 3-ou." Gencral Wheeler Isaid,, TnE PowEii OF MONOlSY4,&BLE-ý.-To Such nien, whon talion before or appre- Yeu take your soloinn osith là.ccording te ono.whose attention lias net been dratvri %Vhy the daily mail should net ho extend- reporL particularly to the siibjectý i will ýe sur ed toi Claremont, as well as Brougliaiù, ap- The item wasthen alIoý,red to pan. qi bonded by the civil puwer, are to be sent your customs, and 1 will tdke an oath on t Mr. Hodgson made ! le enquiry on the tt back to thoir reginien * ts whenever that can My bible, and wili leuve the entrenclinient.'ý prising to cati to mind how Marly of thé pears to be a great ovenright aqý well as a 0041 bedone, there to ho dealt with by the mil- The Nena said, our oath is, that whoever most sublime and compreliensiv passages adoption of the item of £45, for'a hook Ci V grcat inconvenience. Claremont bas - tri !ta authorities. Whien such mon cannot wu take by the hand, and ho relies on u in the English language consists wholIv or and ladder wagon ; it *as a large OUM,- ry Si large a populationt as its more favmd bc sent back to thoir regiments inimediate- we never deceive ; if we do, God wili chiefly of nionosyllables. Of the sixt;-Sîx and ho wisbed to know iwhether the Pire re ]y, they should bc detained in prison pend- 1 judge and punish us." The generai said, words composing the Lord's Prayer, forty- neighbor, and qUite as extensive a postal and Water Committee recommended it» ni Ing the orders of g6veimmetit,,, to whoin a I If' yQu intend to deceive nie, li-ill me at eiglit are of one syllable. Of the sèventeen delivery, we are informe& We wish Io report ils te be made, addresseil to the Se- once ; 1 have no arnis." The Noua re- words ce the Golden Rule, fifteen bring the matter - under the, notice of the P Ymn cretary to Government in the military de- plied, Il Lwili net decciveyou, only rely on are one = The most ýxpressiýc poit office Inspector. Mr. Fraser state"a th4ý t it was a m4tter -wi partment. us. 1 will supply you with food,'&c., and idea of the crésative power of Jehovah is left wîthin the control of the Enginéer Of 811 Sze, Znd. Native officers and soldiers convey you to Altaliabad." On this the expressed entirely in monosyllables: Il And the Fin Brigade, that thé COMMittW had ce being miutiriéers or deserters, taken before general went inside the intrenchmen4 and God iqaic'ý let there bc Iigbýt, and there was Wmzuy LiT£R",r. Soolu-r,-'We are or apprehonded by the civil pot,ýer, not consulted with the soldiers. Th-ey said, light," One of the most tnCouzging pro- glad to leam that this soi hu agun nothing to do with if. fiund or approhended with artus in their Il thore is no reliance to ho placed on na. mises of Scripture is expressed in fteen resumed its interesting mei the com- The item was allowed, ar posseuiùn, not chargelà with any specifi-, tives, they will doceive you ;" a few said, words, ail but one of Whieh are Monosylla. ho fimt ,rst meeting of 0 e mpyor refema to %à feeling which hi lion, and le .1 them, it il better to de so." On this ble 1 1 love them. thet love ing Winter. T th' net of robot loriging to a rugi- trust me, and those day fast, October 4o understoold, toi prevail bet'ween the Pire ne suent whichhu inutînied, but bas not been the general retuirned, and said, 1, 1 agree that seek- nie carly shall find me," géason, took place on Fri guilty of the murder of its officers or of tô. your tertus ; fte US &Way as fair as Fut, 30th, when the quiestion, Il là the Theatre -EneaM and the CýomMitt4)e., on accouint en ar#y other fflnguînary Mm, are'o be sent tepore ; from thence we can get easily to A FiGnT.-Patrick White, last night t bçmoficia4,,w&qý deb&" Mr4 Gould was of the former not being consulted &bout to Allatial:ad, or to, suct-il other place as go- All"bad." The reply was, Il no, sir, 1 extremely Il tightil) and eneged in a figv4 Chairman on the occasion, and gave his de- the making of the wells Wh i vernmont may hereafter order, and are will mle you safe to,.All"bad." On this by punching the headof a friend who said, cisioli in favor of the affirmative. The the providing of a bouse iorthe engine, &c. be there toi bc made loyer ta the comumndant the twenty boats were ordered, with co. that Patrick White was - n t quite n"ght ta be deaIt with by the military authori- vers to, them. Asý»ight lie supposed huit fio next meeting takes plam m Éridayl-.the Mr. Fnmr, bad believed th.at the Flugi- au iend'a Anger a. nothing to -do w ith, the miking tai ties. Sheuld any difikulty arise in send- When the Nena saw that -ail was settied, iose, and ho hit Pat on the nose threc very IM insL Quessâon for dýWuSioýn-«',Iat nelers had th busil, wl ing the offenders to A-11ahabal oither by lie said, 6' DoWt let the treuure bc takeni severe blon which as overy one knows,ïs the Press, ahould bc subject 40 le rg- Of th$, WOIIW-4bt it wâs' sole'y e remon of its dimtance ftom the place of'.ar- Pl busi- 1&.1 send thai Io me." The -general, said, lutte apt to disclose the -passions which stri nom et, the Coo.mittte The PMP« Tutil, or othenvise 1 the offendiei should bc Il You may have thî money," - There welle. ýveI1 in a mants bout whq, un The young men of our Town, imprisoned until the orders of goverriment thrce lacs in cuh at this time. well " and their 8erriors too,, pérhaps, mightapend ne$s Of tbe Bu ers "he ýUnde The -Nena' &Om drinkîng too mUch ý of whlgkey and on 1 1 can be obtained, unluss for fipecial rouons said, it you breakfut on bou-d, the boats "auëh-." The perso Und', ware diý_ a fow hours with profit at the meetings of i n Mati- toý the apparatgÉ4. hook and ladll, th iIiit qýay ho necessary to punish the offender &t 10 ng arc re -aad he Imd not', the" remoûot cal , to-morroviý and dine on board, turw by the soli and'couldu!t think of tlw Society,- Wç should mueb -deM 10 forthwith, in which me a report will lm- and le4ve the entrenclÏment dear by il & sleeping a win k, tintil the disturbance wu aft thëýn premt injargu aumbem_, Those ide%ý,that they-w«oto,4,oýtr ted__1ýith a* modiately aiterwards be madétothe Vv-, mIlle The genomtassýntedý-to tbk They- hushed, and the crowd cUsýpersçd. Xr. amonet us tbëdiàing of woll& Hui der. tic lerninent. were sll ready, when a message froni the White was put right on the Toad influence ý with tbeil ýpffl6né Jikûý_. of,"theje *éJ4, tg heSý Sice. Brd. Every mutineer or deslerter Nenaý came siying The boats will not; Lie home, and told In ail time to came', 0 - . T , 1 _. -1 Wise coineý foevrudý, 6q4, i thoo* 0011114 114ved the couitpittee of -tprehended ready Io day, you Muât leave-to-inorrow, off (Wnking rum, se 1 who, may bc taken before or,* -gnid cotfductbim efÈ . -hi for-, #0 1 .- IL- 1---- 1- AIL- - 19 MtL - - . . . __ -il ý- __ - - i - Ë04, wawm te an, imgtqtiýa « ýb bu Arrivai of the Indiaji. The ýtçwner Indîar) passed here befort list night The Governor Gerieral on boan 1 Na further news froin Indiâ. l'lie King of llrw,;sia is 1 1Y. Ilis 1,,'xceUene.y and Lady Head, jeft bi, special train for Montreal at 8 A. route for Toronto. t4 The steamer Aitglo-&t«-oit, from QueW loth tilt., arriveil-at Liverpool at il p. X.ý orL Tuesday '_20th tilt. lit the absence ofany more exciting tôpieý> the State of India and the condition of nw J netary affairs eontinue to absorb all the g. tentiin of Our le-ading -political. and coin. iiiercial cirel" genendly. Reý-,pectirti the fornieri public opinion is that the Imt news is most favorable, and liopes are indulged that werhall from thi tirn-e hear of nothing but victories of thi i British troopq. Delhi, it is thought, will fall before Christinas. 't'he pre-turé oit the Bank of EngIaný. which subsided affer -the early part of last week was retiewed on Saturday and -3fon- -(Iý,ty, and it was accordîngly notified late in tho alternoori of the latter - Iby that the Bwik liad mised its rate,.-of,:.discount tor, ciglit per cent, LoNDoxý Oct. 20. 11.1ilway1q opened steadily, aD4 prices re. Inained so ; Grand Trunk oM,,Lýnada, 40@ 4:21 ; G rent NV estern of Canada; ditto, new, 2j (ffi 2e,. l'lie Bank of Érance bas, raiseil the raté of discount to î J per cent. N artictilar inovtment in the bulliôn A sinall portion of gold by the -King PliiIiip w.li taken to the Bank. ne Il&-atiler RoIl nrrived firOfn Sy4ney bi-iii-ing gold w the value of about £78,- It is reported front Vienna that ina day ni- two it ivill bc officially to the public tii.l.t ni) more railroad shares will be broiight iiitc) the market before 185P. i The state of monetary a*irs in thit cify is deplorable. A letter Dated the 15, instant snvs ', Teti hou.çcs suspended pay. ment iii ihe course of yesterday. The cliief oii(ý of thein,-who liaving gained 1&,qt winter a lottery of,40,000 florins, had built - a titiiÏiiirt(,-ant ývaÎ(-IÏýu.qe at Nuremberg, lia,; omitnitted suicide, It is gaid that the faillire of Boseorits liad led to his embar- mssiiicnt. This is tliý fifthý,cuiieide Within The Mayor explained about the procur- glare of the next confiagration' lights up n ing of a tomporary home for the Fire En- the scene, when preciscly the game things gîne, and considered that thé committee- are rehcarsed. The matter is growing too, 1, had donc as well in the niatter as filicy seribus to bc iÈtrely tallied, abont. Soine collid do, and as the engincers could have Retion-str-ong and vigorous-,sliotil(l bc d done under the circumstances. taken, and strict scarching inquirj,.iii.t(le, as to, the oficin of the late tire,; whielà The matter Vien dropped. m d might have the effect of throwitig seine On motion of Mr. Wallace, the Couticil liglit, upon the camse of the others. The -went into Cainmittec of the whole, on the inagistmtes of the Town would, wé believe meinorial of B. Yarnoifi, the matter was have auîthority to suminon witnesses and referred over to the Coininittee on Town hold stich an investigation. The Town prgperty. Council inifflit properly offer a reNvarýl,.if lfr. Fraser, seconded by Arr. jIoqIgýq the suspicion prevails that the lire waii the on, work of an incendiary. Soinc such action moyed tilftt the bo',,I-d of etigincers bc as this is necessary, an(L the souner-it-is t authorized and requested to get the Fire , undertaken the better. Engine and Hose, put ilito as sufficýent a Tife good service to bc rendered by an state of repair as cotii(j bc with ail , ent ýompar.y Was well evidenced at ble despatch. Possi- the late 9-re. livîth derective en 'gifle and - arried. apparatifs, they certainly suceeeded-!ný*av- C ili- the buildings riorth and cast of those b.ini-ned down. Ilad the Town a brigade The Council Lhen adjourned. 0 - 640 -_ well organiied and properly iiiaiia,,e( how The Fire on Brock Street. inuch greater the security. liVith a ý4 well- disciplined Fîre Company, none of triat The figureS "Iven in the extra issued diForder which now invariably arises when froni this office 01, the morning of the fire 1 -1 fil'e breaksout, would occuir. Let oui- ' Cminvil lool, to lit. ý We were not pre- -Saturday la-st-were not quite correct 1. t This we féared froin the hýj . séýiitàt the late fire, but we have lecen in- i -te W't" fornied tliat the Chief Engiilecr, Mr Na- they were put i7mrether lit, the Cille. We thaniel Itliv, wný; a whole host in Iiiiiiself, i have since obtained al] neceý,s«eitýv infýIrim and il t fi Is exertions were mainIv instrtl- tien, and giee the following as corr(tvt. in 4zavin- Bryans Ilotel. Messr.-4. .1. s. Donaldqon & co., r Tltc 41ýiCk Plonghing mateil. ware, villile $12,000. Insurcd for in the follo%%ilig office, - The abovc s: 1 lie 1,01fflun and r, Matrlf took- Plarc Liverpaol, the I;eftce-il! and Pr'oViný.iaj' ýjist ()Ctoljel*, j)n t1je of property of %fr. George ll:L(idell, i or $1,20o. plonglis %ýerc 1 %V. Il. llilliilgçz. -zoli(-itt'l.. ltlll()Illlt Vliterefi, lui(] preinitmis awarded as fol- if, book-. papt-rs, &r., lows in the Britigh Aincric.an for l"i-st 1)1';zý', Beaton, Rearl), 20.,; Ainos ýV. Cron, ý\ri.*hitvrt, '211(l d"ý %%*,Ii. Ft-rgiis.s(eli, ffro(-Iç, 25)s ; frd Plans, specifications, Vaille 11111illowl'i. '11), Sàij;,ý -1 Brabamn, lircick, Los ;_ý1th (lo Carleton Lyri(k, fraine building ýVilkison, d vallied at Reach, Io.; i',tll do fier Nfichie, Iirock-, 7flI (Io Donalil Scarle, vaitiable 1 i Carinichael, Brock-, ;-).s sth -k- of I)J-Y Grocertet;, :011- du Olliltilig tif "11)01lt Insuregi foi. fi lî'-3,44rO in the jý-jiitv: 'I'lle %%ere Jolin Cilrov, llro(»I,, il, tile A'tim in the Iloille A lý1xl Mf 1-1. lte, 11, an( - 1 W in. 1 lodf,. I)i-trîçt Nitittial. jll'oe.k. P(ýn-y, frame ltiii(litig, So.% j, -ru %,; -'I«Iiý, Pei'sian Ikiliii is ne- t1irre fi-ainc bqiijIjjig,ý ledge'l to 1- tl- 1,eýýt artiv-k in ti.sc for the " --Il, 1ý t 1 At bis T" ce Vard 11Cwel 1 cif 'tiiiis Ti) vr i SPECIAL Once Kuown Ne If ourreaders wonid h for the Toilette, nec Mr-ie Ffir CleaÏisinr 11w Ti-eth, > r(irnoviig Tan., ýhpj,1e.mi. end ail disâzretatj1e ap ithamo- equilL iz01'i 1171 N. Y. Ticy nus GitLAýr For i4ale in WliitlN- l'y pt'rect -, G'. A. Dit. tnad é of dril gs cineý but thut tlk-Y -Lr virtiles firC Wf-11 grovrintr m-ilci in tlcliii,,,ýll!!! their nvýýdî4-al tb:ltltllýý>St- WC n'ý, in kinq kri,,wti ti- Dr. pl:t, ý - their nanlé'. >- fnl'-,ville un-1 tiýý plitation îw evc have been t1ikvii whiéh thev 'jfý rien the potiùut-pftr,;ýomr ;If j'art orMir papeil, At ret.,Iil'iii in C(wiela. ý4e1e York. VE ý,XBW ADVE c Er A R LES INTERNATIO _'EAST E"RN. TiFloiiP ftaS4 ?il. W. B ent nt 't'entre stre4,t,ýý BooA7,ý Ile-,-lied UM Confer u FOR IIE _Y0j7Xfý fi-e vüarà ijlîl hi-t 'ond a bât hur'd- 1 Fngland by th, TUE LA TE 1-77. T IIF. ty frVIII ()FF1CTý T Ille - 1;1,%*-,Iji 't', vit thr hiii. i)tirif3-iit,, thel e,ýitiiiitifi The Pýiyx says it is positive that the ýtjre-1 (,,y' lit Ille 4-.ýtt-rn llild Iýva- hrilliant Iý in- of Shah, bws propoi- Cori. !Fi ca."Il. tlir af-ill< tir tite iiiatitli, dstrý,y, ed terins totlie British Millitary authori-* tilrf)ilgll lii.i subor'dinate agents. tlle and lirevent.,; the forijl* t"", l'lie publishes a correspon- tion of.tartar. trial ()f it vvill iievci- I,(à Iiii-h affirifis that although there 'l'lie Molitrual h-is lwesi no fresh net of Ifflitive rebellion. in the arniv, the (liý,pn.sioWof that lie ý\-Iiiti)v & (ic-orgiaii Bay e vi-ill lie witli Itailroil inatters, .,.o, is -able, - (jefflor and that they are being ýtl;d 11,lxt wee'- (li.<irined rapidIv. niriiut whiq1i %vvru not in ii-ýe. The ('fjnilbari;, it is daid, lins ordered the Ritilrond piircha.;ýV ç)f 17,000 camels and 9'u0o ele- phaniit.ý;, therel) ' v sht)wing, that a long cam-' Gom'.s. :11,utlt Inýilreil fir 4)n saltirday, the 24th instant, i.s ùXpected. .ýj, joil il, tilt. and ,k IZO"-e, lir. Reller. and À r coiuits from Naples state that Genc- Nir.. llaivdur, of visiteti our town, ral Gueijon., the commander of the French ill Ille nii railroail The li.irtý. ivere (,)il anny lit Ptoine, was at Naples incog. I)i-ilgÏit, ýtl)ollt t!,(.ir retiirn front the , illage of Orillia. TÎee Paris correspondent of the Tisnes Ni? inairance. theï wert- rordiall ' %- reveived ljY the supplies hirn with an object. tle is charg- lunelin- who u.,ureil tle dele- et], it ls said, with a private mis le)%ves & Powell, vaitjal)1(5 stock ý 1 sion ta ex- of tile ileti) interest %Vhirli they took' amine and report on the inflitary force of of Dry and Grocerics, V-1111ud lit the accolliplishrilerit of the in tgrent worl, thexariousstates of Italv. Insiirvd for -,*.I,ýst)(1-->*ýl,-2()'ý in t..eN- m-ereitqlvo(ý,itiiig - and Ille ver- 'the bealth of the -King of Prtmis, ýJ.-2it0 Vi ýVt-ý;tern, î*,j,-_'iýf, il, of that part of the ý 0olillt.1' of' Sint- thou crii radier better-, is not sa far re-èstab- 1,'ritisli and in Prov; inlirlicipal Iiý:heil to give strong hopes of eventual private aill, tt)%vir(L,4 colllI)I(ýtin,- tilt' rerovvrv. t the best the progress of the ýV. CIMiý rt):iit tolthe Cetirgiari Ilay. - 1 . (»:ill.se1ý*1 it to be seen tliat for a long ing, &c. for the short notive ti ' lil time Ilis Majesty cannot attendto publie 'xo !i;iýl of Ille Viýit 01 mir ýVhithy friuliti.ý, fi, i i r.s. , u iverv Lrritillud to on our (!tituriii,, 'l'lie -Ift)rii;iifl Post says General Cod- tlitc Towil Ifilli, that .1 gowilv litirlll)týr of, rington positively refuses the Government liistirQil for olli. totý%-iisriii-ti were prosent. "J'lie iveetiner The inhabitants are desirous of' 'l'lie t(ital of the fil)oVe 'A-t)illll I)c, It vva, organizeil hy ralling Nfy-. ýMcDouz:111, a (-;vil griverriment, and an extension of large linimirit ri)r aiiv inte (il two Iits:iraný*v lieevil, fi) the vliair, nilfi IPI)Oilttill'-' »NI,-. tiieir lilýertt'èq. C. It. Secretarv. Mr. sherill* It is confirivied frorn Nfa(la--ascar that tllul, ;111, - ID the tneetiiig , at thlit Queeti Ranaralo has expelled all the will lie set-il, the luilmint i.,ý sj)reafl oi-ur zoiiie len-th, explaining the tviiifh Fre«heli and En-,Iish residents firom, her si) tJjý,jt-tho ttliotlt,.t 4)f Ijý>,; prev(-,r)ti-*(Î the direotors, nt ait earlier day. dominions. froin pushin- rnatter forwird au tbey horne hy eavIl. %villihe comparative- , t 1 l e Il ' ' The suspmsion lias been innotinred of , nov intenclerl t(i pusil it ; fl.1luilf-41 to tlàu 'Nfessrs. Auld and Buchanan, of Glasgow, Iv light. This will have die v1l'ect of pro-Va.1nt 1,enefits the construction of the road Nferchants and shippers, tiieir liabilites ducing a prompt scfflenient of the t7IýiiniS %vould rorlfer on the couriti, lit large ; the whieh are estimated at 100,000 potinds y M of the dillerent iii.surers. To M r, troniparatively sinall autourit tile renir Ti)%vn. are believed to be chiefly local. vr, tho fore- ýdlif1 1 WOI 1 Id liave to liay of the suin. 00- might, this fttvor.il)le state of thing-, i.-, in a (I(Jfi, required front the Coufity, and Arrival ofthe Arago. '4e'*ve' 1, that thsly hall an offler to-build the great dcý7,ee Iiiý;tead of en- r0zi(l l'or per utile, in everv respect terinfg ali the ibiili(-Kis« in (,il(- or two of- _Nýew 'Vorlc, Nov. 4th,-1857'. c as good as the Urand Trunk. with the fices, lie Iiiis, with prtitlence, ex iteam. il) Aragotom Hvvi and' , reption of the iron bridges, and fir.ç;t The s illi distril-puted 0ie arnounts betvreen different rlass stations. n 1 - Sotithanil)ton-,(,)ct.2larrived. thix morning. offires, thereby spreadin- the Imi-then to C'01- Cameron ask;-,4,,, a few qui ' She hrin,". 106 passen ý d t 1) whif-li %vere satisffictorily nnswercd. Capt. 'pecie. Il(,- borne, over a large alliotlil, of C-1pital. Roule stated that -he believed the roail The Ariel and- Cinada arrived ont on The -,Conll)fttliest all colild bc built l'or £5ý00ü per m'lie, lie liad the.1,8tiland the Angle, Sàxôn.on the 25th (the Nionarcli cxcepted) hail oit the rnme experience in ti-ese matters. h, kriew The commercial news front thisý sidw spot th-9 (lay after the lire taking place, the fine WZIS e most favorable. of the hall tinfavorable efFect ý upon the English, sanie length, efrý"nY yet projected in t Stock Exchange. On the Igth the Bank' with, the view of a prompt adju.ý,tnient ot bc province. Bri(lging is a heavy item of ex- of England haît raised their rates ta 8 pee th( claittis of the insurers. The absence pense, per mile, in the estimate of most 5ent,.qolely in consequence of the Amer- of an iligent front the â1ouarch, Office. may rnads, while en this fine there will not bc icati news bc accouinted for by the fâct that Mr. Ag- a bridge of any consequence, hetween l'lie Bank of France hall ' -raiged its rates nes il; no longer the acting Agent of t1mt ýVhify and the Narrows. Ife then r,- frOm 6 à te 71 Pcr cent- 0 0 Vdriséls closed at Sà 5-8 and 8.9 3-4. Cortipany. ferred to the prejudice created inthe pub- The rate of discount'at Hamb lie rni*nd, agninst railroad improvenients, -urgh bad No clainis have as yet been settled, nor . advanctoi ta 91 per- cent. At Bremen the in consequence of the chiselling and vor- ruption whicli characterized saine of thoise tiglitnmç was more severe. of course, can they he until the value of Entigration to America from Hamburgh the property saved is ascertained. lNfc,.ssrs worl,-ý, throughont the province, but stat- ed that - our charter was sa framed, that was going on extensively Lowes & Powell, as will bc seen--by- their there was but little chance of chisellin The WaHachian electîon had passed off' advertisement, have resuined businessin After a few remarks frolui Mr. Reytin ds quietly, lhe store under us, in ibis building; Mr. and Mr. Keller, the following resolutions' It is conArmed ûrôm Madagascar th" Robinson, Drugýgist, is in Air. Draper's old were passed unanimottgly. the Queen had expelled all English and Moved by Charles Robinson, French miden s. The remen vî8igned is Express Mce ; hfe-ý;srs 3fcPherson and conded by Henry White, Esq., . WS. thilit tlàeFurbpeans entertained, a project et- Searle bavý put up in a part of Mr. _S. Fui- 'çethat the benéfits a Railroad ftorn Pori dothroning the Queen and placing ýer son ler's cabinet store, and ail, wc halte, * wili Whitby ta Beavért,?n, and thence to talice on the throne.: soon bc in a position ta resume business Huron, - would conielr/'ôn the County of On- The Frehch le,-islative body t6- be con.ý again. The inconvenience'and lying over, tario là general, and this section of ie în vqked ýfor the 10th -November, and the out of business %vill be, ta many, the great- partiétillar are ftilch, as would justify the Conneil of State would resume its labom people of the 1ýownship- là miking every on the 21th Oct. est.lçm. The Montzgal Telegrapli Office is exertion ta aid in coïïstructing this highly The K*n of Prussia was improying in now in opemtign in the shop next ta âtr. important Wo-rk. It ilq therefore theopi. hcalth slow Y. The Germadle Diet wu to reuumbliat jainei-Baiit'r,- boot and shoe store. The nion of th6 meeting, that eleery possible Inderatigable agent Mr. Yule, having assisianée'ibniild-t.;é given' the Di - Fraâh-fort on the 21nd. of the Port Whitbl atid'tàke-Htiron Rail. Cotint de Glaten Wag named_ 8,Wefflsh 8 once gone ta work and opened business rond Company, bythe inhabitants of ifils Wniâter tà London. there un Mouday tnorning- The ii tuation ViIIage'nndýTowiîship "ingpriîrate stéelc IV. J. Fox was elecW membW . êt , Par-, liamient for Oldhani, witho t is a good one. in the saine, according te theïr m«n.% and U oppointiom eil, cordial su Phere was marked jLnprovment en We cannot dismiss this subject wîîthcut k1so, in grdng ih ýp ýorý in tà ne. Change nt Viena, dn the IVIL granting the Municipal' nid requi i dulging. in a fcw remarks ufiX the fre. lireadstuffs in Fi complish thisvery deqirqblë'object; ancé bad filllen te t1ble quent occurrence of fire in this Town. AU Môved by, Cot 'K. Clameront and second- ordînary prices of a pknmil the efforts and expenne pne to by the 64 ký Xrý , - Archib#ld XcXinnon, that the Lrd 110*deà ja sald to 41re Ud a IM8, thanks of this meeting are due th de _àî __ ý 1 - .. e 1,_ -private "Miù Corporation, appear but ta encreage the* n& fèrw gatgs of the Board of Directors, for ther on lioniish, affain% of,'lý,hiçà'the Ü' frequency. The minds of our citizo.no may ttoublê they have-takèn, and the informa. pleté acSrdanoé wu t1ilei"Wý - reasonably he excited . ta alarm,- nt the tion' they have given. Thq suspension of -W. ban, 00.i nuinb er within the part twelvel mènths.- Moyed by Charles Robinqo'n, Êsq., and Of Glas,-ow, at Ham'* "p' djýýWjÀ &ù., ýmrce1y have the embersof one died (su4ere seconded bý Henry White, %q., that the nounSd. naîr thanks of this meeting si are justly, due illeraiblé ËdlplumL wearecalleoi upon to-record'the ravages of ta the Chairman, for his able conduct In , The lgx-Buëen oý 0ûde wu dangerOQ8jYý anotheýj more dè3tnWive-tlAn anY PTe-, the chair. ill at Richmond. celling iL Reretofbre the breaking out of ý 1foved by P. 0, MeCullum, taq., and The.Amerié XW are wu regarded with consternationall. seconded by Itenrý Whi4 Esq., tbat the frora Botie wu ab&n.,ýý dianks of thià meillngle tendered ta the doned gt soi, YmUrlo Sd %round us ; but tho!nlghty alarra of ûre -C Secretaryý Apwn and ÇW* s" ' and ""à: -4 bas now become sa familiV, that the cry The- businésý§ of the ým"ng- over the Southa ' ton,ý àeaftelydisturbsour repoq* Wesimply stock 1jo'oký ýraîdàç6d, -»âcl the was bOýÏjjû ln4l(-,Tt*mw* ezhîUîiMý ait--- iýý 'BAILY FP13ay- the 4;!. lar 310ming and Zyp i c A R Y IIE theÎr eiricrp t te t low cýtizm fur the pr,-,iiii, fliem în relýütiiiig a W THE- LATE DFSý IIOTFIL

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