Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1857, p. 1

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waitiÙs fôr M0Oyý Who ývilI 4c glaill to coom any hitn.l. "f' fortnight has bcen one ofalîîiý e B ' ft unequalled pressure in the moncy marteL th anIc n havin rèféed te - dis, coun t Court of DirectoýFblllg W.,É11 =Êa than 60ý days to run, ý or, te ka awl 4 10ang upon Gtovernment papërto the Qther bank-q. T4&,imraediat;eýcause of thesesteP3 is beliered te bc 4lie crippled position' ifie lýiink Diéectors find thçmselves in hy ha-. - tngadtl.,;rýdestý6alarge.extant upon Coli.- pany's papier without,,rêseiýing Ï sufficient mare,,in:to srculators and Others whd hi left the 'ban ý in the lurch with the paper, net Icein- able te tàke up the. loans 'or to 20 pay the 4iftérence between what it is rçally worth and theamount'ý4vanced upén it ý1Y the Banh-.- IVe le-ave,&ir reqdors tu judga The glitini in, Ifédia. W4 ' Of thç ' 'isdo'rn and abîiNý.,ihîch goyerni the 11% nk- of llëile"à,ý *Iiielt has. pro- Arrivatof- the wiails : 11ced sue , l' M69iQn'_ýý0f the 900d nowg-Wi Bebel we have cauge (kolinn since he1w that two of our local bank.q, 19, which. belà aý Jarge , amo'uiit of Court of l'ho Indiiin mails reulied L9ndon on the Directoi-s's bilks, finding thom inconvertible 15th of-Ortober. into cash, applied* tý, the Governmerit 'tu T41e de4.àÏiî oMbe*news add no them4nder disëouýt, which, has bc'en of importancz 'te t4pse ýp nem t'lets pay U > ýy-eertïjy tele- granted ýiïJer'the speciar -and will no doubt afford snmé reli f to. thf3 ':t fair'trading public, whose iùterests 'haývê corwýr *V the whole, in Proiloutict-%fh4roýW.U of the Europeans been so ruîhIess1ýr ecrificed by the dirër- more cheîn';ý,; tbo'ýq for some, titue pa..it tors of thc-Eýan4 of.Ben,,-,all tu the speculs- The Lond(1111 Globe doq'es; not1cIievýe th.%- *toh wi d jobbers in Companfs paper.# ariy intquMde-itM-ding existed betw-cen Sir Exchangro opéned àt 2:q. 2d' f4r--fimt -Colin C4mpbell, ud the mombêrs of the Class six months, >rigËt biIliý and in'. cù,n-- Cotincil in, Indi,% - sequence of the presure i; the mon ey'market It is 4;taCýd;that General Ilavelo-ck wîll advanced -to Ss. 31,1., but eloses trifle net be deprired of the dutv et, relieving casier. Lick-now, ëven when he is jýineÙ*by Gon,7 The -ral 0utraýà LM- his forces, Gener*al outram, ý%ptember, makeg foll=lnc, somewhIRi having ileqa-ned te -lecompýiny the ex- glozniy observations: peffit'ýion.in %Wpolitical Capacity anly. Woyesýéiýday,-IîubIished rrom 1jà.. Lýàez hi w the 2«11 of it eill ýý*frûtà lindix confidently predict bcý seen that Dnclbi'-ktîll b»Idiý n'ut, and iliat mail will brin- news.of the cà - -.41 for i t,_ý« Te. CD, , 0 bc fix P eelh.i. - The mutinters of that place are rrpre- dnction. With regard to oV1cr'dfiýtrirts sented w; nearly %vorn Oqlt. Rnil cartftil, ') far froni pe.,lec and r,,o(.)d erler bein- re- 1 people werc beingr sent wn-av from the city. establîshel, disorder and rebellion 0 _We Lik-0 the following s'tii-.iniarv fýoin extended te provicicf,ý; whîch in June.,wélr(,- the Bengal Mirk(12.) perfectly tranqtiii.- The greatest poýrLof of tile qth of ScPt. Bebar and the sntith-we-str-,rn frontier ý(W Seventeen (layq have glided by since the last mail left Calentta and it we have no ii Ben_"ý 1 are in and the important grcat quCCC5,ý01io record. there are at least flistrictof Gortir-,II)o.-eliaq been abandon--d no rresh massi, cres to 1, I)v the ord,.-r of thei.- (r'overnmënt.'. TÉle a riment. Se far as WC linow, Dellii has net yet bcen taken, garri.oon of Liirknow has net yet býen rc- and, cer'ý,tinlv Lucknow iý; yet unreiieved. i 1'eve(ý "d it appe.irs u-ulikely, that ' Our Aezt still Otit, and, th',Inli4 to the :! tronps rart rench it before the ënd'of th-*R month. The inu.tinerrs and insurgerits, Of' Scindia, it is net thrcatened thoii-h contemptible in the ftek4 - and t1ictigh the atinospherc seeins chargefl 0 1 ý 1. arc, en with thunder, the storni has not. broken 1 -L,;,to thrôlw grcat fliff.*,cu1ties"'iti- the way of an n(lv,,tnciiiw 'force, and the out afresh during the lut fonnight in any l 0 season in which, every streamnis.overflow- part of the distiii-bed dis " in- and the country almost impassýtbleý la When the last mail left wc mere enter- n âllitinal obsticie te Military Opera. in-, tipon the %Iolitirruiti-tii!tt season dur- tiens. ing whieh the- Mithonieilans, ofien work a (-4iinp-tign inevitably pro-Iiiices niuch fiir3*. jjcý,s, and Our theinselves un into vngovernible Ftiropean soldiers have suf- Thanks te the precautions foreed upon th 9ý! férel-1 verv severely froin it_ IV xpM (ioveintitent the (Ire.,iiicýl week has tliclefi c forcements du týce Il snine rein rinco, prosen over without the smallest attempt at djsý in nth, and bv the end of (5c'tober %ve May- turbatice or insurrection. N[Canwhile ever.ý vonibl v hôpe for the arri val of a fbrea L-ye li--vi bcèn turned upon Lucknoyr, and çu fri cien t'te put down rebellibn in - these etir heroic entintrvinen ýierc Who have se Provinres. Rx fate in-Upp.er.ln(iin mur-t long defendeil theïr position again ýt enor- lie dccided be tronp3 gent up the fndliq and mowý o Id-;. Their fate 11,1s been trci-t'blinm- the Pti11j-itib'leVcC.ýý' Order anflobedienee in the balance. On the loth 11se, -1 mav then indcc;l bc re--,toret and ân'entire intiin-ttiý-)n Wzt- conveyed te t;ý11erijiiipnt new systern be c4 tlili,ýzhed, whether mifi- that their provisions %vere qufn,,iiý.nt te sup- tarv or civil.- It ,,; te-) soon- te speculate port theui for six This brought 3 on the, course ilint ought te be or *111 thein up to the :32nil of That d ay, tir c be parstieel, at present it is- -,ufflëient to however approaclic-r-1, aw.1 there WerC no record cent.q which folle«, in such- rap!d sigris of relief. Diat fieneral flavelock, a-id which rniisf ultimately de- thoij-h he fitilefl izi his attenript about that termine the Measuws to'be adoËted. titue to relieve Licknow, ;o Èàr sticceeded We observe that the homo authe- f les that lie dreiv the ljegeigrors up-)n his sn'all bonst of thesli-ht depreci.ltînn *h . idh the force. This enibled the belenguered garri- rebellion h 1 ý1aused in Government iýe-_u- son te inake a whieli W.ts tint 110111Y rities. 1ý thý revolted ýist-iCts, -comrm- as te the de.,triiction of the ny's, pipei- for the Inst tnree, tù'oriti3 hm etienl3,, but enabled them te bring in a been sold nt from 50 te 80 per cent diq- further anie.int of for catint! This,-howeveË, affords no criteri- ab1mit three weeks con.ýtimt)tiotl. It Was on of publie opinion, as much se offered then ralckilateil that tL-tey *coiii(j iloid out Mi uD tu the Uth or loth of Septeinber -, and ty cither have been plutidered frroin itý rightfül emners or r)een the property à( it hope;l Lliat reinforcein,3nts, coll"i-t- thoý:c- in open r--I.)Ùiliôni te: whom it wes ing of ýhe 501' Fusileers an:l 91-ith 1'71)')t, Valtieles'. But litre at the scat efflovern- woffloi reach Cawnpore at thp latest on nient and tbc, centre of money tmnsactioncýi Scptember Ist, and tillig enable the fall has been steady and comsiderablie. Gencral Ilavelock te efFett the reiief of the Five per cent palier has becri sold at 12,and garrison before the 9th. T.Lere is, how- four C(W centpaper at 24 per cent discoutit, ever, an old adage that te,,) ni-t-ny cookr, 'ý ýind no considurahle suin could bc (Iispoý3Ca s il the broth. Sir Colin Campbell hàd of cvei, at aýMuch lower rate. becil ' aIlî-i%,ýèd 'né tha>t-, fîme, te, take nis The l1ank or Bengal fast week issued a sent in conneil, and lie tiie.refor-2 could ex- circulai- te the otlier Iooal bRnks. annotine- crcise no cffe,ýttiiI control over the move- 1 in- that the directors havc rï3solved upon ments of the troop.s. (jencrai Outram and ý_(Ipclining ta make àhy--Iôans or Qpenipg the offlieýr., commandin- ar Dinaporc and In cash credits on depriëits îif Companys p-i- Benares had all fingers in the piej and the 1 c 1 per, and that all applications for renewal result was thatilie two re-imente on reach- of existinfr, loans oit eehereditq':niugt-I" in- Mirzaporé, werc called back in Dîna- submitted kir the spoéîal consid-ération -df pore, and then on apin in t e M 1 1 ýj1@ C . 111 . Ir.tz- the dirpt-fnrq- childmq, who bave -gone. thrgugh . ý MI the 1 Lau vimuy LooK up rnuir iirsr, posimoT4ý-at-* caliedBadlee-ke-S-, - ittï Sùe4být Lnïers àà har rali -T! ý 1 -dshipwof the saîge, certain batteries and about lf;'guný, sorâe"of ttWim-' ýfor, the fate oF the Cawnporagarrisor. býd 2-1 poundër.4, Rnd eight'hom"*Uý' e Wj rcached ýhem) Qf a cruel death if Smpelled came on thý!M'bn -the 8th ýèf June,» ail gût by, famine or any other cause to surrender- a treiiie ddus pQùndiü- f,'- '6b We may -noiv almost look upon their re- hourý t n & - or, ýi Âef as secure; humanly speaýing it is ill vre stormed lhem' net, whèn' the ïnutineerý ]uite so. Generai Outrain, 'with ],ý0û good béhin«d guns, ., but potyr, ýtIre Pôn of the 5th Fusileers and 70th, w" at close quarterK .Illahabad on, the ist insL - They-were ex- -- -eà Wj then )ected at Cawnpore on the 11 th : there tmlc. -ci ourpný,;i ion on iL,,eetnniad ihg iidgiý IeY would find Gçnerai 1favelock- with the of 100-men and 20 gu nsý sorne of t4em of VrIl-de fVinIým rrlck Street.. (tit--i;t d rè girl, %vit1ý -lu - tist: illuýt pui-verteu in- - iinout. Liie Ii i&Lt!à"-inAr , ore to tfio «2-ILýPt' Mr. _ý,ilCtiofI Sa1eý, is k-ept ai striick with Was a fi genuity t4) friime.-.Ifornten's India,--ity ile. eve a Id 1 tnî-ý Ml orle- jell at ttic 1MI10c dark i black hair, who sat witil Lost or Stolen, or, tile njý,ht ot the con. atill prexl)c-ts. Will he 'titendu'l t'. %% itil t lie >t,-i(,te.ýt pulictuali- PitQSTILICTIVE SUFFE-RI'Çr..- It i$ 11ECTO; Cx.VkýIv)N, GEORrr IL I)AItTNELL, t soute friends ikfiý%v fortris distant. 1 liop- ecri -il the Tý)%v,1 liall'a Chain Brace- ed site iioticed me and mv bliie coat a let. It is liolight t( --ve bven taken A Few Words te illoth tli s than 30,000 working il ith , t -) li ors -it no les 4ýcne3ý of ('ilç)tiiiil Life Assurince Commin. Lt hor to frnin the 1, bras,; buttons. 1 look-cil. ady's terril hy, a pir -rien have baen thrown out of t WYATTIS HOTLM, attract her attention W both , atitl bt!*ii,ý -ýentleinan1y appearance, vrho wore a hlt;e WILLIAM POWSON, Tal. MORTALITY AMJNG CHILDRES. mentin Philadelphia since the fi ATE WIIITBY. TRE as friends %vould sav in a rather Croat, with I)tltton.';, arifl kept near th i crisis commenced, ail of whom hav( MAS C Il 1-.-$TER, r, La 1 in the entir.,e of the lady on leci i',titzneu, pa-iiiu, North, Eiï--;t aud %Vet thrù te 1 %vorked mysè leaviii tire fiai ali njethers kiiow, to theirsorrow lancholy prospect fqr thp winter. %t il N, ýtqe ut tý' -ery infurniation Aîý ILliel. Eý evellir- lip into a towering passion-of 1il- ý,l1 -a iitti.,iitum or suminer com, nayunk, and Frankford, Pa., atone, kr. eu t,) (:,tref(il i).,:tler*s alirays in i 19EN IN VAItNOLD, j love ! tint how %vas 1 ta coule ;et the ôb. lewl ti-j the di, etive di- -than 15,000 . pers-ons, 'men, wotùi JAM c0vurv (J the f)r;ic(ýlet or fflilint, is orle oý file illost destru* rr )%V.Ç çLý,RK AND TItLAýSUUER- OF- D. P. WYAT17, Proprietor. , 1 ject of itiv admiration ? for f was aý iliffi. the enptlire of the, tllli- children, who have iieretofore had i (lent a: devoted, "as sh v -es 1 was vain," will receive titea ef (if it lvw, ýolenj seases of oür climate. There is probably employnient for yearsý are now wa bovc, reward, on appl3,ilicty no coiviti-v in the worlil where the mortal. NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL. as an overcandid friend once said. " God to 7. Catirbrid-e Parade." ity éhiklren bears ù large a propor- ab,)ut în idleness and anxiètv, the f P 0 KT Et 0 P E. iýUvC the qLleeli," which contlti(led the 1 aths as -Drw IL W. CL.-'LRIf" i lerÃŽ2 vras a pretty I)Iim-ht--to bc ailver. j1j)n ta the suai total of de in the and wôrh-sh!M..,- in which .SUR13EON AC(-'()U(,'IlLur,, COROXER, concert, stirpriseti rite as unprepared as on tise ' )Aet, United States. About oue-third of th, ' JOIEN IIEAD, TAKMS THIS 1 iii the r)ýjblic papers asa pickp, tOfOrc been en d, bèing ç1üýecL eor the Cetinty ofOntario. uf iiifýrininlz I)is frieiitt:ý and the iiiv first glance te "improve the orc;t.siori," %ý-I)en iny only crirne w 0 e;ëity of publie gyencrftl1,ý, théit lie hils Couilliefleed basi- as like othellos re,,!ý,tered in jjess in - tiie ai)qve prt-iii.,es : lie truýt-4 thut his and the comparty xvere shaaling out, ivhile tha, of New-York tuav bc cilisseil tender tle lieail Dr. Ynode of doitif-r and attictition to hi- I stood inutely gýtzitiir after the oi-jeet of, not lvisf,.Iv. but too well." truith in the folloeing rùmarks ofà l: I D EN c t, B H K ,ý; r R ký ET TOWN OF %viii of infant nlorL;liýy, and- front Xay te No- 1 eVit a minire of public patronage. il iny love rit first sitým;ht," She and lier Tiowever there, wi,ý ilotnitl;,, te be one ýmijority of the yourig chilil- il î veaiber the' he nien whù ari Widtby',*->C*uttiLty of Outlirib. party cuuied for et %vhilc iseases of 1-hive found' thaî: t hy the inner door but to put the best face 1 could tj),, the, ren- vrhn dic. are swept off hy ý di dbf the, lailies--lýýho' PORT PERRY STVMBOAT HOTEt the bowels. We do not willh - ta speàk ýheî»ost fort C't-are ; of the concert-roorn, and ýti-cre then drawn avd se to No. 7 Ctinbrid, for.thèm-the highest resp J. 9. JOXES, 1 De P.t- Ie jýj ý1 Si), oà into the retiring etirrerit, and jost to rade, 1 rCIýolve(i at once te go, harshly, but il. -N & PROPRIE'rous, canne bc concealed t'10&t'POPulue With' the"9ex-ýý OCAL DEN f iS IN BR CK 'a.-ýttttothitt t1jey lkft%-e fitted reptile be- t ff and 6irght. th4t ;tre,-t, over f. Bigeloiv's Store, and opp dto ii abuve wýèll-kiiovil firt-elasm4lotel, in a ne, lý!ýok-ed et the door, aild askcd of th, ùmch of this whoicsale destrucLion is caus- t , Il Regiètry mllée. Ail opexations warnu ed. 1 saitable mautier. % iý,itors and tire travelling 1 followed qtiickly after, lest 1 s1jould servant who amiiered, the narrie of the fa- 1 ej bv carele', ;er-indulg--nee-and im' hung-whoýtnakeýtheir.'.ýýfàv"coriter,. - Ji iferoîiee, ý Ëàir trial. 11 cc)rntiiiinity will finci it in ever), rempect a coin- lese forever allol)lýortuniti, of id -,nesg, oç - eflt'fJ""i«n mily. 1laying, lierd it, 1 said, I-ij, proper treatment. Unripe frait and othêe respfttfât wùmen 1" .,tô "èèsper-tfut fortable borne. Gol;i Stablitig and Uri attentivc Illy i(jol'i' but, ajas! tbe lifAits in the outer i at ho e Yes, sir," replic,1 the ser* 91 ri- mista AMOS W* CRON, 10MW 4-Gin m ô alimerItý is gencrally the.-p - toward thern, and rfflpeet -is corridoit fa bebvecri, that them for negiect-or want ,flore. -cyle)-e so few and r "nt who shall 1 say wants -tint, and the 1 ",no g irlips v, lrjary catise'ef summer coalph 0 of niy star could getl' 1 : FENELON PALS IIOTEL. Emwte Aj1zý lit, Wliltby. lier administration 'Of dra.ýtic and pushed and elbowed flercely throtigh the iother Po d' te * o teà licad to fa. ILLLý,M MARTIN, PROP-RIErOR.- Ic 1 "Tell lier," 1 replied tliat the pick- The fam us ýPca1Iody corn beais ff J. ÉROWD HJEAVEN, W Tai.ý Iltytel i.s t&rs-àti)ged in exeellett t;tyle CrOwd, with the vieu, of gettiné te ttle pocket %.._ith IX k, and weighs 6ý visitore androurists. It is* i the gelitieniani restilits., Viidèr eÉese à -toi;" cars on à stal r4 - elter door before my fai y addre-s's, and rctintstances we RCIIII'I-'Ur AND CIVIL ENGINEER, r.onc's party noîajJology for expressirigtile busheL, IL Du Kidam 'Street, %Vijitby. iý;atlted witaiti a rely rods of thë FA[I',4 ý in - the etnerged, and thus gaining once nlorhad! bille cOat wifth brass buttons, Wh() stole î .1111LII makel Th(-- pýýqent, e a flan i lier bracelet îs here, and ivisti belief, that ýny casc ofeholera infant* populatilin of Canad al . t £ïl kinà of taettati log work carefully atteti- 1 sig t of My sweetîng. es to retut Il en Ir t1ife Liskes ià tiiisurp"eýd. FL4hiiig it té lier." er oubl iiig on 0 diarrhea in the adultetage of life, h weyo 50L) 000 It a es n [te. 'ýwkle and Boat-4 provided. 29 muttered, impatiently, 1 feit jet, til,, a' The woman looked nt Ine as violent in its nature, or whatever its oril-nin y ea "-3 - my colat skirt, and was instellitly corise-ous mad, and on n'y repea-ting if I were can bc ra. dilill' curedby the use of Hol- %Vbm Wali Streef PUILANDER Di. ÇIsARK9 NORWOOD HOTEt. of one of myhind buttons havin- hitched ray requegt to c y Ne,ý Sorke' IGIICt)Si£ABLL COt:iNfÏUN£ARIO, 0 . lier, site went in and delivered my nm- loway's, pliki. rs spent $1200 nighi Gr..E1ýNWuoij, PICVEltiNc. on te sortie lady's dress , my pro--ress was, fuld iii,,ýI)tctvr of Likildeà in the biunieîpal-- - V sage. Iftý-sayinrý'ih wc are mercly rcpeating, all)usementsl- It> uf the Tuwil of Whitby. ENRY ý\0UVf1O.N R.ESPECTFULLYM suddenly arrested. IlHow provokin-!" < ý & in 0 a Soon there came ont, not My fair One, it il, true, the pnoriil opinion of tho-world, Mr. John Graham of saèarraXaý M )rius ti)e publie, tlitit lie bas takan th thought 1, as I 'Vras brought te a stand, 1 but in àddiq, our pêrïonal dëclarâtion to 1 abuve ýveJl-kiiowu liotel whieh he haà ulterod fbr 1 could net pusIt on without losing a With ail that 8 best of dari the great mpss of te-qti'-,)ny w4icli haii been i aud bright, -in vine. %ybichlas, obtein oved to suit the publie -eoiivenience.- 1 - Il a ' illu ý 1 ".-. and Mceti gin zhtýýîeêtl on every fçi ilupland his Liqnorm will net bu Lurpaâsod , bl'ttl" or tearing a *ess; l'how provbking speet Uri Ã"E ci and, EfULX, ExotÂ-;»,) [Ji, table the modern fa,-,hions,-a la y noivllas as blet a -,talw«lrt brother. durin,ýý -twëntN' yëtt'r.'î, 'we f,%înt1ý' h. kir, AMM'y CHEXIST, BROCK STREET, by any ottier ilotel in the Province. Good Stïv- d __ýsomç of7 Il miny loops, as mahy tentaelles a bout h effid, mýay, perchance, more iinmedi et cru is a PUM F Wbltby, 1 blilig, er lianding him the -bracelet, 1qi q lat y interest Une 1 no 1 rmous'siiè. ."The 'YinQ W'&Ii ào 5 A. '13 OUr oWri Cireje of rMder8,ý thail if 'We con- paroi, as a 'èeà anemoné." It propertyi and thon ' above a âpýt,ývhere -a TITOMAS jao»iivgoxgs eh, " yeuýporcoive, 1 Uneddurselvestooutýideevideiico, 1fbut 04r hogwa& Go A* BAfM*TIKRj,ý some -irritatioqOI, stopped te undo the but. wear a bine coat, with brus buttons, and on-' L DitUUtS AND CHEMICALS AS111ONABLÉ HAM CUTTjNGý AND t , fl ýntqihàr ýcLs'upoà th " >- _' t« ý T-ý,RueGIsT, 1 , on, but with my, hurry made ýth im attcred té think in y nianners are noi one ýë1îild's ý liti fi theý0bj, 9-11,vea; %eë shitil JLF 1'erraraeryy »Ye Staitesp Colord &c-, al F S"ving Uoomà Brook Street W 1 , . The differ' cà, t more difficult, and, instçad of undoingi. j àhgentlenjanty 1 am ýonnrl en weenpersevemn A firât rate lâiRlish i" r and M& Dreàscý, of 0, in candor- to nôt have wýittýh iin'viirL-tk Qu hmi. I)WIdUA Street, Whi IP dbstinacy-tlië fir t'î-ïý'â stýôhg wil ]y banSIM, and more and-' F r am net a Pickpocket. rs feint Stitii(liug lit the ý liumî,ner4s, 'w'U] alweiys bc more twisted sa., Thé ', r»J totind iii, ru4din'est§ to attend ýù gentlemen.- the lente round the button. O'Then, sir, you shali 4a-ve the reward," seeond ïse& UENRY ILANIfAMt 'l sultsfèllowitlhýexhi tien f th' éd is a procatig te whieh gentlemen for LUllý14 PIffle lut me try, ", said the'lady he> soid the brother,'takingout his purse. in ýaIl affect 6 -G good but sinder-kob- se1ý as ý 1 buagied over the business ; she _N 0, il T replied'; .«"ror strangrî ofthep»toma4h,,tnd bowefiý, Three billsirom îhe îkëtorr,,ý Ume' r appear' ider q Me4,y.ý in m ï- in the witgle &CI, Wldthy. inson'ig, hand Ïbey,,î,?111 find the operation botil pnglovvd ho handý1t was a sweet white thOlIgh I UW'rio plckpocké4,1 stole ý, tý . - - &ýreeablc and i)léùunt. 'a 4 1 la X, fià4.Wý ýf 'theý E BRAj1AZON$ý hand; sÃ" 1 loèked at her £tee.. Stars and the lady's br" eC> CBORG ÉîÎters 1 but it waà the very fair one, black * f The man.ýlookedpuzzied7; but when jý ti h nat;on, o the 4" ,fQýtm le bair and, dark eyes 1 wu in prinsuit of. told thé,truth#.the wholertrut ýt Itaking AtM*vità in the Quenla Bouch,,&c, ING STRE1Cý W-b' T, TÃ"RONT0. TRE ne ,k, Bruck; C As she stooped over Above First Clà8s'Ilotel i4tuated one min- the entangled buttoni ing buC the truth,, and poin W. ied te digtinz-tlis ea irîyent»ýr,;>iîI ttila ute's walk front the lý&Uway'Depot and 8 li ht, flush tinted her check. rt e eau$- ýVh Ot ýçe Oh, it lvo is ment in the zame paperI as a roof- boat Landing no beeu rettted wit4 New ý Fur- ivas licious. 4 hoped she would nevèr that ýj din hôt 'ýÎsh'tô GRAND 13ROTM h wàýkoff kit j Ind Y Nt P il, T y, il niturý, (ý j and PAitlted. The sleep.ing indeed'shç Would net, he ýe£- eý 1A AND DEALE e c. as I7;ý ___ __ I '_ -1 uhdo tWlôdp rlroaéît 'l m rrntýhnmD rifimT. rRSD'A-Y MÃ"RNING, ai . Idayerhofrer à co., !ROCK STREET, *Rlisy, :t Dobr 16 the ltetistry olmee, ERMR OF SUBSCRHlýj0N,- To IF, m,111 be'$Ë rer. antintn, tly lu a ' d"nce. 1 1; - ---,-----------.Nlýz-- _ Linder, ,.,,. . :. » ............ ni%, 641, ý ý n 'th calm Printed words, gréent thoughts and natifing indngtrýq,Ï W2 adrocate, Peare, ef rire' -14 ý 16 1 -_ 1 - -- ý -_ . - . - 1 P*ê* , qýdwlc* e, Ëlrotbéthood. lx 4 = O,âltleutinsýrtion,(perlîne).-.-(ýR. id. -- - ý _____ - Il ý - .1 - _ ý 1 ý . ý 1 -1 -ý._ý--,, - __ - _. __ FLII()Wecl tô Merebants tinta . ý - l - 1 ý 1 - ý--ý11 l ï ý.= 1,.,1ý1.-i"nnt ý ý 1 ,_ ng by t1le yeur. 1 1 7XT il VOL. 1. 1 < ýý,MITBY, C. W., THUP%,SD-AÏý 1,ý ovp. ý .. et - - vý,x_.d,1BER 5-18-7. ,*#, ilit iLperýhmairpRcivý.nimtnê,n,,,.I,.,,Iti.In - - ___ - - I - _ ý ý1 - , ý Il 13 1, . _ 1 a. . 1 tire ý lI"tY, beillides ViýI'nu rend hv evem, fin- 1 - - - ..., ý - - »W.ýý __ Wh tbv and ifs -7- 7 ----- -"- - 1 e ttiantn ,Wh ViCinity, a f)etter PETER CARIVICHAEL, 1 ' ('111 40 rie' v-Irti-ii 1 1, î î-ýe tqi""ný bluç>,dùr, 1 pIafntý WIRngMO(Ilut 04tlIdnotboeectireelintiiis . nd's dress in onc hAntý and mv coat tei no le? - ., ,ý aýà i 'ndtuai ly, set in, we shalt à ItY. All who dVertiRe or thinl, Elf, &C., WICK, TOWNSIII ý D ef s "Il ürn er tail in .the other, and ,giving, et quiel, and hen rimer kàiýýI l ,_ , hfý--- ffre- h . . n, wil, -wolirf(loý- , A rocf 'D'roo cNýIE 19 1 M v + _ na ,Iaztd bIýr.% - ilvlo 'Iccomplished some good. " Di leaus loso ne titille in forwarding 1 ---- - ___ __ ý _ ____ . decideà ttig, severed fis. l'bc crolvil bo- pléiticé, ù ý*9ttiý-,ement, -iý îvhich 1-àm and-Dr, R « ', à, . tqt" Itl.,111 pleu V agimen, aay.-t4a qu1)ýInt t ellir notices. . A. PRINGLE, 1 hind bore on, and éme were,,Pl-.býtrated -, nôý puhlirir dcgýf'î'bý4 by My ô.,Wzi ,ýý,N.îfe, :tIg ,I, i " -me, fýe b*st pbypiciani'- in the m Ni, Pliperwill bc discont,1111101 utitil'ý,111 nrpear- ,1 . 1 TO 31Y W IVE. linivever. before 1 had given mir Il star 7 a lé pie ' ý _ Ir ".Vire p:ýId.up. 1 FRCITANT TAILOR, BROCK STREET. - ýk- I11-cke0 ý-f,ýtA genflemanly@ adilre.czc;.*' t but me M ist be Maire to place Dr. ý 1 _ýA1 whitliv. IookýwIiicIi 1 intended to gppaý- ,voIurIiý-ý When 1 (ýh;,- Il - Lette- OnclOsinq crisli, If rerpistereil. vrill lie nt II - --- . 1 [The foPow*inr exqtli.sftýc lo%,e-3on- i, re. er -ith thé libel, %he al- ý wav in the sàniê category and to 1 he r4k _ __ _ _ - ý - _3 the I t!ioti,-,ht she did notscetin tincorscions of ,t-tt"r.ý dl;e,-ýY , -is iiistý- this -moment Mend hi i 1 ' ý, 1 ct),,,.p,)ýition of Jit3eli', 13reprian. ci .-, , , ,4 #u, %bc 1, f.ils p IIF; as the best and sifest 'Of t1re Pttiblishers wFitili a(Idr(,-,%,.ted TROý-qAS DEVERELL, 1 à VoUlig Iriýli- i triv pie-tniiï--oilr etres mct 1 knili .ind Ni . - ' _a OPO. P'le îliý rge,, fer tbe.-gli ndeir ri e x s o O,! . a- -, iri, ii, cinc . . ýOmpIRint which annually, 'S, IIAYFRTIOFFF.R & Co. UITýDER. &c- &(-., CR£E.N-tTl-'EET, nill"', c'le of th p "O receiit'iv 1 this wiq the ni)lv conqokition left mO aitinu nt ;f lqMs * ' h - ' ' , ', 0 1 ý 1 111GGIN 1 ý f 14q, wil je,] .. , ., dûcl-ariTIýý t ilingh'no L a 1 aq a token of its ravageq, 90 mari Wliitbý., C. W 13 Wliitli.N.. 4'. W. of calisilinfition in New orleatiý. at rite lWe of 1 for' ilumediately .-tftervar(l.q 1 loqt lier-, pièI,èOck-ùý ewaq q t1rJ'i(ýr, nnd eole, her 1 placet; br thç domestie he ___ __ ____ ----- - __ -r----- ý»-__ ___ __ . NI'thi ted her britrelet. - ý arthiýý _3 ,, ne e-ultl bc mory. hpiat-ýfiil ilian tiii., ý and her party to vicie in the dark out- hoRert and __ 1. RO.-CII*S TIOTEI,, - bidla(l-,mb;eh 4511LAt te7: l:e get in MIIý;c. cziný(, ý E;,Iý'. 1 ý SO é'nds t , stenry of - ý -n e , et Truc N !a."% ý . ý 1-BO O K A N D JO B - " N 1- FRO.-ÇT A,1ýD GEORGE . tile l'oice or tlie 1, 1 te s 1 - Jý%iî,dQr*8 1. , . ý ý r-*. ' -1. 'WTllqG ]Ce ST AU LIS Ç)r ý R Z 6 1 oul.ý cet 1-iliger- clin d(ijas- 1 féruel rite ! Thlit ni-b't 1 liirillv cinsed _Pý?4tton.', ' ý 1 9 RI ù x EN T. ý CI S ,treillis. Toronto. Sn, 7 _.ý -1%1b1ý ý-pi , 1 m . . , ý, t. Loft , Ae-r-->*-&»».- ý - 1 - ------ .i(ln ; - e v es, thinkin- of mir 1' 11right, particii- ý ý -! - ikirter. . 1 tice toits tell(Icr PlIthoeé, and pluss -j I int, , ý - ---O-tl-e- . _% éohnecti' ri wi cý In an mi IcMy, f itil 7 - ' 'e ' 1 NKý t'tg -PIZoPRIE'?ORS OF THE WilIT13Y , MANILLA HOTEL, 1 * ' O . ý . ý 4 1 .ý r-()nwi ýI ai ',S 'e i^ll pý .ý, ro g 3 of 11e',',, "ý14rIl"',,3"ce11tlitt'*11pIr*'111 iCFIMNICLF., 1 ý ý c-nle In 'nt, Jearegt, l'in lone1v witliont thee, ý lar -tir," and what moins Tshould eniploy ý ' Thp ilindoo-RIF,11*gioneý ous pnetiril proý, y Lord Byro ' wniilli reqpettfiilli, inforni file 1 ARIP01.ý.%, (LATF COULTHARD'r, COP- lublie thlit ttiev hnve rrn(,llrpfi qonieî Ar rite Most ; M nvrs, .1viiii Dý.t2y-titite and niglit-ti ne Frd thiaking abolit , ten find lier out, 1 knew. little of the town, 1ý 'i 1 ýL - - . ý,< , been recalied te il, . It Occurs in Y>Odêft.iýttylrný,rTr-*,-.frnm Nem)*nrl, in .icidi- : - 11tirtin, P.roprifétor. 2fé 1 thee, - , %vhich wILs a lar-e one, .and to expect to ' to 'iýýýËÇ M-ý-1e,.,hlI we thiflutc tilftt Cilrse Of ýNfinervq," written 1811 a lto t'hiir OfRý", and lire rrerenreNI ta élýzêclite1 ý Night-tiine sind,?da-l'-tiimi, in draitins 1 1»-,Ilol!l 1,,irti tire naine o? niv fiair one by a mere !-prýptMti - Il . *ý ý 1 TEL, 1 thep- « OW'«,mind and depravity of hoiirt the collection of CiTeek mArble.4 ý . ÀKWOOD. IlV. BANKS, Plii)I»RT'FT«(-)PZ« ý rilwelcoin 1 , desrriptiren WaS hnpelcélzýý, as there flûut)t- i whîch haire ,sunic -Il great people inta deg- i the Earl of Elgin, Rnd runs as follown ý JOB PRIN TIN G ' Gié(led flecélinmoillition e the Wil',Cill!Z wiliell t,,ý,qF!CS to foi'l lp'-ý'nitiýt bc a gre-it in inv with (Jarl, cTP4 ! jii(ýètblc wrf*ý,.hé4Jnc,ý. , ud r ri - 1 ÃŽA; travelleri. .is tilee. ý .! -z, ý . . ____ __ ý illit- within tIte - bills; of mer- t 1 . cIcred them ý et L-lr tir, the rýiqtIvhcrc Grnzc-ý, cviv-1- 1ý'ýý 41frcrlpt1onmni1 oziinrgiite,ý tl,.ýit.7,zr'.z ý ONTARIO HOTEI[,, Cortictome, ilzirl,!,iz, iiiv ,ýrrw- ta'i--!,',en, P,-)ii blacl, 1 1 h(iýbiect of P(iliticn-l COnýClulit and mût,11 Shail fzliale volir tyrriiit empire îD Ir-; bf 1 ('tente in t1iv b""Ilt% , t'ý 1ýl-l; :1iiil t l - . , ' ' _ , PM bo élintir, lit P stiperier stylé, lit thè Ièýw,,4t ' briz 't'-il, talitv therv, wý el,ýcvlifýr:,. After brrak- ' . llhorre etil T;,ýi-,, .,tý.ýtý'(!r il; reailv obtaiii. t 1iét-ý): thereribellice, tmtfncmtitlc .I)Y!(,eq. 1 r'EAVFrr()N'. el. IV. ý c-ne in 'hy i%'ý"11:,till.") 1. lIi'.eKý%' ri'l'i 1,.,ývi . . 1 1 ', 1T. ý il re-trii lier ff has.tW fi i ý Y. fi,:t riý,.xt (llý 1 ,ý-t,1;icI ffý,-.I'li from my lin- e cli te Fil, P"1'4,'-5'titioi-ý, ti) t'rie prt- *r, Il -é S il; The Pr,)Iýiiirt(,)rs liftve rtirctinee(l ont of S'\'YDI"r-, 1"Pt)I'RIETI.)It. Carriageq toi : U'orne iii thy In% iiijllc.,s. .111,.;.Ill%- 4,11,1 1Iý ýv ý ' , r nIi_'-1ýf7 f, _vale ,re of a" Allez z1ilfres the Spnie.t ofnati edýtId 1 _ýý\1 ! J . finit Front il,<, ý . 1 Till Indi- r,,,.-»ý adeup Iiiirparcal gond, Blat 1-rfc, <-,fClitirir(,. t-l' rvl'i xv;tlk-,-tl the ILONVII in liolite of ,;reiný - ý- e;ri ot.'riji,,ioý-1,1; inilog*tiirt,,, ri.-; , li 'ý , 1:1 -----»- - ý ' , , - - 1 ý , >t 'ý 4*1 - *U 4ý ,-&$ . ý _,,iif -àý lginri _E,-G(7LEE,'ý' CARD PRESS ,.S p i ,ý;wallo-q évill frit . ý lwr, »lit no tri(c of the lelvc1w one cériiild nt l-ýÇ,ir:',iý,,xý oi 411 IV li , *;î,ý1,1,ýe ,ý lalinz, iý - -irrear. (,tef Né orthera h ý ý ý iI, 1 - SE,ý ý Tel 1 ; Il ý: ,. liullizSx ilou - ron'id t'tic de,,tolftte miné i, i - i ' Il 1ý ---- 1 cýM'üIt,, tl'Q-n In 1 ýisI nitt, Cllirti "(1 (->fr, jia"z of1ýpriilpalI(1I itýj-;i-l)làý r,(.!t(..,,ý-iii., - finfil., thni-,,Ii 1 -,t.lrtetl .Off ,îfl T)tIrgu-itpf,,,ý ;, ý ý 'h J t l e'.éýý,- ý , .ïr,-,.;, 4e-- , - Jtéeé 14* 1.144 ý -1- eu tri N't'r-%'Otllý"lîtllýiï'ainàiifi,,iý. T!,e,.-I!.I%-e 1 POTIT WilITUT" C. W.. ý And tiioue.ito. ()'etl)v lovel It . na i 1 . - ' _ii4ý ý ri mtinii*,)i(i'ti-«ý.i- ý ffiiMI;'a "siiiiiïàr fi-urt,*' in thc strplýtl,, (léri- : 8eing lnt-;-uI-tý4ýý,lI d' ',ýTTir oriloi-13 Qi,'ATOFtZE.- A, st «I . ý t . 1 ,, v e5aseg his rational ldalart-;eS'tn,-I',ýfl'lýiiiiiinýIF-.inrv*Carýl,. 'T,"Il.',ýl(ýTT 'ý'I'Pf)WTr. PRI)PPIFTt)r.- ý S 1, re. ý te'lit , Ar(, cireliri IN- te-) eli-over, on rny overtaking. elich oli- : (ýrlellii:ýr>,ý: ivllicll,'-upon the nmcýt, .oiitr,,ige- ornanient is noIv fostered to.t great e: = l nerv'ttite... 10ýielI ll(,illýyh4irl- 'Ir ýé,rv ir,ý,r ý _" ('Y,,,>ti ,\i,<-,initii#lilatictti. il -, 1- iny beart witli ri promise of 1.ý gI I il li, owpst - - * stire. joet or inv ,,,ir>:,;t, that she ivas not th .n-,.- atis-irjitl. ený1l;Lfl, and il; ci-rii!ienti.,,Iy termed thRt Of Ille rii il lit, rien lir-1 lit t!in, l' . , , IN , thic ni')'t ab(ltiliii,-i- ; r,-, - ý 3tet, l' ,i ýt1i ri PrI 1 and nt the éq'iort(--tý,tiý,tiefý, PILICEY?.S 116fi-L,---e---- , oli., SpritiLr oi* in.ý,.sýliirit, nlI,,,%Iýjv of nir 1 -",* n'If- 1 ,iv;ýhlll.I ,."f-,ý 1. 1 bit, vi.-fi, .1ad s'ý-ir., a ten,.ple to f4ti,ýe rierid ' XIV., blit w1lich, in fart. is the ile 1 Al N STRE ET. Ni i*%,RK H A ý%[, C. 11W Out nt' inv sotil titi ii b,'-.r-ý->,,;..iý.,"i.'ý,L)l - NI%- ln,,-v :::-ot,ý- iiinrc.qil r-.,.r(, virilt-nt :1 -i . ý . ý . i,ý ' mariner of the reiirn of hiq sucecq, IlIGGIN-";. )14%yel"11q1ýFER & co . 1 NV. GOOD ' Sla ý . 1 ttý"; _ #1('iliL"ý liý)')" t;"' riI;ýl,; of li,,i-ýii.tn .,, 1 M Al-,inrii.,,1.1tiý,ri and attentive OSIlers f) : -m- 0iléifinieie (.)tP4,n, W!li-,J).%., C.W. ý - -- - -- - __ - - -_ __' ý - - Tire w"ic of niv lire lin- -i rose-rnc,*, ,;r-7t::itl *.*. titu (-vI:'ýv ()f i!i,,, dal, : h-ii tlrvýI (i,,t à t t,ý,!iýý,i-t :1,11 lifilli in vil'ti)(1. If lïý'ere criynin-il ý 'n*l"(* 1 eo*cliqile varicties arc qubst _ _ - ___ _ i Ll;,ON-tltDgs iioTEL . , ___ - 1 ALlef illv !', i.lil« (2>iý al WIý:Lh %-,-:.tli.1r.%- search, 1 refurneil te) *,'tic in t'):'.'ý-il ()t-ntili4tt. t! , v rý - ! for el - -ri. ___ - _ -_ - __ ý il ' , W , 1 N(', s'rIý1E! T ( >,ilAýVA, C. W. (ý(ý()D ' if. lir)*i-1. ân 1 10, 1 ' i't,,' ,1ý_-ýýI-_ '.. 1 t i,ý à1l, the French rail the -,evlýý of Loui-ý XV ý . ) ' ; ItIY fi:-;ýýz-r.),'It fr,)Iil 1,1Y ,t.,tc.. ý f .cl rl;lý,iôn.inI ll(,-týr,,irlt("11! '.) f.,(.Ii il" '*f lx-st ý--tI Il, of Lotlig XI V.. il, th,ý RýnlIi:%. Aàý ý K v- Itiln-,,] itit;n, 7 i . .- II ':!le ("--f-ýl %'ý ,ýI li'l 1ý!1-' ' 1-'. ý, -,1-ý ý%-!i(e-!l thc IliTi- . 4 : T i îiziircý i iiiit il,, . ý . .- t il il) ý;tn,.It,, I),Jtl.ý, ., .'ý ,. ý IL ýý _ __ - ----- ,vf, li'tl-n fi s,,iý,z 1'ýri* 1,1ii, e% ci,- ý t h el ('(.,.-I *, 1 é ý l-; il , - i ( -in ý - 1 d"),- e%,i- .Il -) tir( -r-ý,ïý - allant stylcls inade more sitinipttloti., (f laitiltp v i a rs , , le 1 i1:.ýý Il ion ni, ii _ý îlniiiý ,attt)r)%z of ail fit ý - - ORIA SALOON, 1' t,-Iýii-c- lit llp hv a !-.ýtl,ýx i1l'1)(èýj%>l,1;__ (Ilat llwi ý:-L il-i,,,i ilice -!li 1(,;ý-eý-tiil("i%-init%-" %ý;ci-ý4 :ý:1ýI -n!'i ri,, -ilIIeýý whiuli (Il,- -ýillii,;; , the moulent Llrit the tir ote.,zqgie scren .. ... - m nt Ir- i 1 . ý . ý ,ý 4-,I g- 1 ý . _. - ---" _ l STUe .,ET. IVill'riiy, .il:ý,S,,r . 1 liý;!I. rmr iirl',,,-. < o !,,!il,-. II %%:i-ý lith ýzI-Q-, (!eýl ,-Il. 1 ?),).". , ili*li--.i,. Ir:Illreý ;.!li: týý.,-"n i.%; no , ermillirri in flic reign of [ýoiiis .',ýV., %y > 1 ZACHEVS DURNHAN. 1 B 11l.)'Kl ý, I'roprio(ýr. . ')ý. \t*tiýr(. ý!i:,ýi.,W :t1i'i'.11;, 1;-icarc cýià,,,i,1t,, (-iL,-ýl f. . 1 1 ' * . . ,ýa,,:tIJCi ý-41 ný ý - . ,," ,il',6. ivoi- 1 éviiiit i1ý.1 r."., 1),.ý"r.ý c.:ti-li 'il.- '11t1_I iý-) %-Iiiýtl!l\- %%.ý1: tr,)'l'tli.e(l, il interapted the elvistenc CM(7',-Ft)F TUE ('017NTY & -,T"RI'Zý)C, i1tTE ---------- ---- -- - --- -- --- ý ri (-!- ; . ' . ,eh -1-c- n,)ý reé-.uive Y'L'ouritée, 01110c at't lit, ('t#,irt 1 lolise. 1 1 RAILTZ0.1D IFIOTFý,1,, ',ttii',t,ý r-nfý!ý(-141-n. 1-111 ('1liý ýl:l-,r ;l"I ,._iý,ý'.. vve ; ,1 ir1---Jiýýi nf ý;- iz;!;ý 11ý");) of l!ý-l* 'C'l ýt- '!ý trý),.I t1l". (-"ýalIIp!Q (if ýz,),rjc or ý ý , T(tl> -. 1 ":Ielli 1 1_ý 1 11,; r ,>, (- ilroin t i.,,-,,,e.ýl,-. i i ', ý;i i> (ir(ýsz s!ýý! :tlr,..:-i,,l to 1 ll -, Ic i i tnn. t r -,ý, o 1 i)thi:r (if tý-(.-rii, 'J'ile vi1eý,t .,nil i ri,, -z t >;i w; _ __ _ - - - rr lie lw 1ý, 1 %,(,. ppol r'l 1, l,. 1'Uz()ý K 1; At!i i!ý ý : . . -ý el __ * O-*- NELSON G. REYNOLDIS. a W 1 I i t lý..ý-. G f , ')d , 1 tender -iii St', ,ýililz alici Ziti(ýiltiv,. (I-- rotiwi 'he ,'i:Ltiký 1 i-reý,k-(I il ta in-,- 1 il,: fýr ),iz iinl,,-:i-it-,- p Yvýlfl,-,ý t1lo'r iniviboli, ,v 'rý,,Dpi, v, P.ý,".iFNT.- ll ý 1 -, 1 I_)lIý tI..l-aký 10 t1ýv Silvàrýr. Ilint ('vril t':%. ' ' - - i ' 1 ý - 1 -" (TERIFF. ;e- OElile,1' AT Til E lý'4K 1',T -- -- - ___ __ _ __ __ _ _ ili', " '! ý it %-iý tiýf- lilac in (-,-Ni,,r-ýtý!ei ,ýIi,:fép ,i t-, 1 iri:i :1-11., is nturv(.veii II, ih ,,tý',! i,ý*, (,te' Ir ý . - - .. mont iî rarciv malle in a lecr 1 ma 1 ý __ -ý---- - - . - , 'ý - 1) t tef fi ait ý ; ý cl 11(éli'.4e. 1 ' Tý ýeft t,, -ý.c vxik, ,,, l', ý 'il l. : , ýi;-,:it:lTlý;!, i, rr"!Il L 1 rýt>.i ;iý t ' ' . :il nitre it, groein(Il.-Ork- allil ils l'copie Colliril ' ly clair ý , ONT,ý%,RIO 110TEL, 1 e r1ý,:",!l",ý*ýý .r 'r _. . . . . i - on - it with grime 1- ý ý 1 rliýý),.;ý,,ý. .11- 1,1ý01,111ET-11. T rfii'TN i . u 1 . i i î 1 v ;; , t ý ! , , . ; ý . _ý - ----- - - 1 .i;- 1 it %,urý, il i,(-,ý f4 Iýi,. tu":,lli)-c',7uý", ; Ls bcý-InlIi-- alie-1 it_ý end. Tiie . tion, vvltich Tnak-es it go tender in lair. JOIEN XiAx rnýRiti7. . ,ýZ1l-,,,ý. , Vou L,ý%-c 1, -71 ý ý i -,;ý-1 - , ' . ý.1 >1e!l,:i7i;z ;., "Il kn" , 1-- , ý: ý ý - 1,,%-,- 1 ,,;i,,', i, ý:r, %%-',, ,i - ' \*ý'!,ii".,. (;., ...1 c,:,ý_ ý 1 . ý . i 1i)Tl"-[hi!ý,_, (- ý:: 1 !;, - I I'ý,I, - ,i--- l)-tý l;iý go Iý ri-nill'ivý11l9l hciiivolýe-z man flov,; to anotiicr. ,tnýl é;,iýs, -Ili, E(;ISTI't.ýIt. olý1'1('E oN EIýq)(,'Iý ý,«r., t N 1- é l-l le --. , 1 11-- . . . 1 i . ýý 'in Ili.; R',t,-,ie')*, .,,g:.i;ýst t.he lif - 1 1 intis:t have a rprc, l 1. le, in týlv gl,,>-t ;,,ý(-keý. 1 ýilpýl- 1 1 fý:ll ll,,t el, I)Icýý-;!Ig fý 'ý0I1r M()ne-V ; I)Iit 4i %%Illht,.Y. 1 ___ - ---- ------- - - - - ------- ---- _ _ .,Irc. 1 -i -ý! ý-. - , , 10, -., ', -m , '.. '. -ýi:lW ii,-,ýýc,,. i, -:- ili Iliv n e i ý2-, i fini,. 1'tev(itif-,c ,,,4 fui 1 of ail diýii;,ýinil.-t." A tender te be _ _ -.-- __ ý __ - i 1 1 - ýý - i .:, r, - . ý , . . ý . ý - %'ý ý 1 i 1 l t 1 i! t f . .,k ::ý' ., _ .ý, ý . liý",:Il", t jirt!il-ýll-,.4,l tind Iiri-Ip-ýriv of iiis ,, z GLOW ;I', llor)DI" R. % , , ": t . o .", ;.l, 11ý :i:il e'ý('*,l1,uIit 1 ,i,,i'it,.-,It,) ,z,.:ý,n-1itj1,ý -,%- ýT ý l, . ! .1 .11- ý * ý !, , * .; . 'l .. 1 ,i ;iý rýili"4".,;, ti'l 1, k 1ýi7l i wicond nai one. cle,ýiee] .ý - - _e, 1 dt-il V. and 1 finist be an litio H. J. .lkIACDONEI.Iý. !-.,I(,i 1 A 'l 'J" T I,; I,(11,' lé N 1) i)L'-rFll'T'rýlý, ý * / - 1,1* -.lý ý-,.- ,.: l- , - , ,:it on ta;- iný, il, oïï t: f - Itigitt Il, ý'oii,. 1 -rlý,1!v. tý-.- nr,%f.-r.fýlili , 1 of nq),ý,ýipul;ltil)n w't);itever.--(13,trolï'.Mi -",ILtrK OF Titi.ý eIý..&(ýýIýý. e_)I-I--j(ý,I:_ \ý:ý ý_ 1- Kz '. ý,ý.,iý,., [ 1, il ý . . 1 . l;lý_ (",Illliilitoi s !ýl1I, J'é ; ('jl, Il - U ý, i),;ý il,,* ,!1(-(,ý; ",ý , , . '.ý , ý. - -, 1 1 > 'rl,ýý lý,i"" il, C . \ N. 1 .Il iý,l,-kýý-t. ( *fr l - _. - 01o Çotll, llvnse. 1 w \fd-o-ý i ýýýý!11"ý'-iý,ý;ý-.-tlý,,,,ý,ýi. ".v. 1.1 ý - - thril't 1,1ý- yý*"' '11-11;li ") t 1) ,t:, 'idaharlt. iý the f11i-!nrýi of tho ývý'Leni. T.Iii. , ýý_.;t copper roin clin fée tendored %vliei - __- - _. _ _ _ _ - - _. 1 Il - 1 ,;%-1ý1,! n"I ,ý __ - - __ .: c 'ýl ý'. ý 1 1 1 n ý ': ý- . 11;111:1 "Il. - ,výý:-t ,',iil 1 1),>Ilnl.l -%ý,ýiýtt týil i> n"f- nn-1 --,-I-J,ýq;l:t- ni*., \%")i-iliv of tli(. d0A is gueh an ama;tnt that it cati bc __ _ _ Y.ýII %x.ýi iiý,1 1;ilzu- i% i,,.i'ý 1 ý:ý;1e;ý ,,,,,, ' ýi, :.. - Joux 1'. 11.111, 1'it,**NlilýIN 11t)L'ýSLe. . lako ().I*. -'l lç-iilj cirvil 1-.-l(",ý-t 1 fl'1ý1i : iiir-v l.l!ý- Iw ,ý:I[Ii'l, I lip in till-ýý,-, ý ill Qilvel. 01- gnId. S'a tenéit-r <)f.;;;'i-;i-r -1t.Er.!Z OF Titi' (*eiI'NTY --ý-I T. 2\ND il,;[)«,ýýi-,- c le. Il , Ni :ý ; ý ,v il . iý ,ý 1 - -ýýý11,1 IllIý-,' - J'rýtýý-.- 1 nie wit!, n)v , ,ýý_',t , lý- i;* * iltifi ,ýr,è(ýlIv. - qllillill-;; i le- 1, and na . ý 1ý;1 t 1 ". 1. - i1r. e-e, 1 ý*, 4ý, - - ', , 1 ý-, ... . ý * - . , lýlt,,,1,-,, ý ;Ili,>,,ýe rlr*,% m S ,11, -) Rt-fzý4trar ,ýt'ttit,'.Z.irr(ý,,:ýtc ( .,ýi-i. i c ý'f- i't 1'. .!Iý'.7-, TTý I'Ri)lIý1V*rý)r,. ( i;*,,,I..,ï,- !:;-(ý ý-i% ili\ _,1 u- 1 l1ý;, t .'. - , 1 ý, ', -,ýt - r ý 1 , 1,.\- zýt :1 ý! ý:li-(, !Iwiv !1Ittý,; ; - ,. 1 , . . 1-!,iy_ý f-.Il,*, - ...ý l'-,ýl.ii- - z, ,;ý: V illi 1 1 -vý,1- - ar - tlie!;tc.itl«i., Ea-litild l' - a le -,il tender, (56 ie Regristr: offlor. Brock- Itrf,éý", ; , . . , * - - , ý lotes Ofe le ;, ý _ __ ___ - 130 ':,'--ý':ýe- -1--ýýil',ii 11,r Trit% e.ý'ers. ,>tt',-Ii.-,s*ý,:. - ý_ _ - 1 1 ý , w"i :";, 1 il, I ýýrý )*. 'I-1 1 ý., ,'_ ý) , 1 . ;., 'I!, cx *;,(,:Ili"ýt ;*?'ýil 11-11-rY (éf fin fn1_L 1'ý,i1ýliîý.,1IiI, (i,-",ý4,!,ý,ý,ý. t i i,-, iiiost bor- l H., c. 6S, -3 and 4 liv m., c. ý, -S. ) Si i i le ,\ l,:1,ý1. .1;ý - ,-,., ;,--. 1 . _ ", . ý fi') ,,, , -'l', !"'ip fr - l !1'.',- l),;.i.)ýI, lý,(ý :!" ". -ý-illl(,. It,)Iý ' J. 11.111103111soN. * 1. - __ - _ - - - _ - __ - ___ - - . %ý'itil'IS1,;Iz ,,,i --r !,.-" al'i.1 :ý - 1. ý, _. 1 -ý _'. .. - ' , - - ý_ Il 111 !1:1';I;*!, 1vý ' dýiycfi. fi-,.):., no1.cý; itre tint virtttall.v a leÏal tenilel ýnDiýýN. 1,'ESII)I-.'ýý,ciý'ý,(:.ýSSIN(;'F,ýN, BU 11LE1 ý11"S ý%AL0oN -C,:,ýci- 'l,,,ý : ii:ti -11ï-ý *,,,ri (.itl-, of 1,.--r réwn I)r,-lr(ý!-t. liv; i;, ý 1 tlip , 1 1 . l,:l - f Mc)ý1 1l),ln(1,ý7, . ýiI:z;-;i.1ter,; in inz convertible on (lernand at the ATBwlxký . : ý IY N i t ý -,,'1'1,1-:I* ,,,)P, lý.,- t j i, ; ý * ,.. :, ý , :;1;ýý * . , - .., - thý, 1". '1 , .1i);Ill,],îriý,d I).1rtý; 4)t ,!Irr'l)(ý i%-oillil ilitc) . 'T' tv IIIT Iiý'. (» ,ý*rT;Rý,ý, (1 ' 1.1 -1. 1- - . iii, ý1i:ý!I il 1 ý.,i1, il iýi,-t-i-iii.v falîien ifýtI lir, 9 e c ' i , r gold at à its Mint tirice. ;,*- ý;,:- l :; i, 1 ý;,. _ - 4, - t 'j' 1. - * ý __ ___ _ _ - __ _- - ý lýý.1,ýit!,, ýý,4IriiIl%é ý. &-cý Choil'i. ( : ýzafý - 1 ' I_ý-,,. 7 -r ?10 -,:-ý . . e 1, - ,%.i,,;l ný1i(!h 111, ,,,ý"'I.; (.1-tr 1. r'.f. -ýI. (-,i-r.ý ;lit,-) il-l!)11,. %v,ýbr'l1i;l: arvi tlt,- ' IV. PAXTO-N, Jr.. ý SAMULL DURLE1411. 4_.-lliýý ',Icý,ý- . ý. ,;, L'il, - - ý .il:,'ý ,f,),Ilý, . -I 7l.i,ýe iý, - ý '_ i:ý,-:ý,l (il I_ý- 1), ý,,!'I., r r'-ýl,',-ýil-ý al", I0.Iý,-(:fi Il%. ýlii,:11(.:ýu:ti;- 119)iv TUE 1,.iD[FS [):(,FS,-3 il; [jý%1,ý,Jý ' - - Ul'ýýSI'Rl-*I', OFFICE AT TIIE i'il'ý'lý"," ý--I 1'l-,e")-at"ý-. (' 'l-1,, tý i iý - i;:ý - ý u:, ,_ý1 .ý tý,, ."; ýiý . r-!ý7, , !i- ýïI :, T-cilli.!i'!ý.1 1: -:I#ý e- 1 _ý-)" p-lt ;f 4-1 fil,,i,,,it.," (ll, Iln"Pig El 11l'ilse, ' ý 1 . - ý . *, , F?-1ý, ý. ý -avy. 1 ý., , 1":«It tiflil;li)i',>- Kitil-aa IlLéter-ivriter, wha reiýeitiv - -- - -ý- ý--.ýý-- ----,-- - ý _. ý 1 (IVNG C.ýN.A.D.%, S,1.1.00N. ý ' ' il. .. . .ý i. . ll,)'%,rI 01 ý1 1 %vaz nric M-)Ir ýý-e1I riliI). :lit l rý-,ý-- f I*i-iil.ilp, whe) "%.,.:.,ý ",Ilý'"c e!ýv ;,-,ý,- elirvii the Missouri on the steamer ý0ýj 1 il. J., ll.*.(11)01.% fi., 1., Il. iý*()"K -l'IZIi-'I', \%'Iii*Fl> . . ý _ __ . _rf7ý- ý'-____ -- ---- _= - týi 1 il:!1.1.,.- liV critAllu:ieil ri)\-,,;(,-If in livi. i-,,z il. ;-.,l vuith r' *ltl_1lýý.ZlIoilý crorri. or with >ai-.-; :-".%t, Atchison, Ive tonic on fr) ' , ý . B ), '.\I. ,%. , == - , eý_)"n fil l'il:, - it i 1 1, : . ý . 401,[Cl'rt tR, ee, (.,1.1ýJZK or, 'l'il 1ý, t ")IN fY B t ,n- i ý,N - - ýý 1 . Vrei, Li-cit il*, i'L !,.t-,,. i)ý> - , ýI11e * di-, , , rol) hi - -r of' h-rJ-ýv(.-IcrY. 'Il il lýllI 1 . ' ' il Ili'lia -Ippen- yolill- lia-ilsits belle. whose oi-ly atter Celiliwil. iMifie, tft t'!c cfci Il i fi ,1-v. i !ý-. ý."1ý!-- ý 1 1, v:-_ý %% ýiýý an dntý-lie.-t'ir 1)(1 "ill t, - IIP.plo--,ý; of -ý11.i'l'i )II TheýJi in- w . N£ý .. iii 'ý',;ý.t-iýtý. The ,,ý-;- .. -ý:LI n Pl! l! 1 lLL,(-ý l'f) th,2 t. - 1 kvi a >ýolin,,,,- Missouri Wood. The __ - ý______ --ý----ý __ - - - - __ . _ i, . ' ' -. (' ', , l : , . , ý , _ ,ý 'r ttr'ititrr* ý ' l',N.(et ý ,4 ,I Ný !#*ý. 1.1 :,!ý,"ý all ý i lZat'- 4,ý,.Ilc- ' ii Il ý ,,,,, ý ý .. 1 %ý i ý 1 e, 1 ,,ý Iýe .,.,i.-.ý'.-. - (ý ) ) 1. r . II t: ý ý -l Iý. - Il, ýý ý ýýV 1 ( , t 1 Il, in Il;-rtN:cý rilé: lurinirv %viýl, it7 I;Içlv. wls .Iilepýtrentiv dresse(l in the 1 - .1al. -1! ,,, 1 1ýIfý !ýl(1-, i 1 - l, il ý eý 1 il,' k- ý i >! :!i t -:. t q fi., re ý rýiI-ý,,tI,.r, 1loIl,4:pIý 134Y 'Irý)III;'.%Iz %Veil ti: avinel- ind style of Êtgliion -, the e JOHN S111EH. ' le, - ' __ __ __ - ___ ' - - --- - __ , 1 ly iiý-, Cle lIv,ý1, C-ý;1,..I-t ri! lii,.,nf;rj:l.z ex:ll!iltii#71-Z, -11.11, INELIZ. t-iF 1 ,I tii-*Ii-,e anui ,,tra, 'NTY ENG Fit l' AT 'i'lllý' NATION.%, - 1-- ---- - __ - ' ___ - __ 'T'f'"I)')'ý"."i (ý _' . t 1 hat, zlic«innliniera')Ic flilitinces, ,j Ccnrt li4ý,.i'Sfl. ] i 1 . _.ý:,ý_ é 1'j,ý ,".'Cl' 1,f-ýilei ;ý I :lI11. 11!11:1:1,z if,; !IltIýt -ce, The IU.bchiýlor'ý, llill"(),I. i ,-': lie -'. ' l'. el- il] 1l,ýl',t ', ->t;t')Ie Tn )(leý. %é-i'le-.,I-,rýLtdiriýn, lioni)-..; of Wr git-v st - - -_ ___ - 1 --.-. - - - - t_ 3z -;ýT \V; 1 1,V '. ý-ýl)',ý .ý1-.'I) 1.'..ý'I' I'I,ý1- - 1 ýi 1 - 1 . , .es, ý ý ý a , ,i .itÀl,ýt ý - '. 1 : 1 (:Jiý,% n,ý-.,!1lln- ,ý,'ti !. 1't ',,i,, ý il pi*"Il ,ý-il, t ) iI-!ý,- *L n-ý,I-- ý 1 (), - --vi.-Iý, ]-'rý)!Il m li 1 lit lit-i'l sil(.Il ,"1;1ý (Il , "et of lie'r coiniriandîni, l,ý! A eý,,i,,,I)r;iteil iý*;, rýli,,p çn;ii l1ý- il. , il i' ". ý, f i , - ý_ -te; -r.i i lit It %,,N lits. , ", i , - ý L , ,- ', - e-I ý ( 'ý -ý» . : :ý a - ý'1J ;ý ', -- 1-il y ,%,,ý te) fý1l-,Jl- jl'e,-,I Ili l«L- fil* %ý-or,!!I:>!) tivhat Clin tve e--ilý-ýcý', letit, lier stature ntai . ý 1 :L 1 ' l"i q. . i il, . - , . - 1 V L'-.; - 1-IIC12illliV. 'ýL t,ý'ýl,ýlý "liýý.ý'1'1)'\'Iý,lý,)N t (ýý * ý1 ntit a li;-Ie:it - 'l; , ., c . 1 1ý - - e 1, F le, 1'. uý,i,, .,ý ý, ý,* :ýe. ý ý ,ý !* 1, - . 1, iýp. - 1, 1)!Iitýi!1" , ) -,; , , ;i ,; 1 1, il.i, 1ý l ,: lui -ý il-, J- tl, ý ý ý ý * *,ý.,.. ýý,ý.j 'ý ,1;,tlIý: ý,i;)iilI): (..ýý,L!iio ;ý,, ter i','vi',ýII n té - - ... ')fT,ý i 1 I;,ý,I "i - 1 ý . ý i,:,-, ,!:,ýý-Iý,I,ý i. 1 IliuS, 'z ) r . .s,.ý-. 1 baie ,a (iiiiiipý- %,voinan. ;:tt file c 1i1ýi*t liolisn - 1 h i!n , il.,l ýV ý- li,.f;Iý1: 1 ï- V, 1 '. ,ý*,,TIl-i'lýll'-ud ý-)-1iv in týl-q fi!-il. ,,-le-' :",7 ý lé -:-'* N. -,-,- ,ii:ýI ' .1111 u ý 1 ,-Z. (ý. ý1-11,','()N , ý_i;I NI il a !lil, .1 1 ý'.1 , ' 1 ý t--lý- i-,ýll-;." . - É . 1 ý ý . .-, iii.li--,-, tir(- 1-ictiest scelle il) relý%tion"to tJIiý, --.---ý.----,,- -.--------.- - -ý------- i ! I.r ,,,ti-,,. il'. fi. v Uý , 'l li:',Iýi , - C,- pýi-.Ioiiifýr l'l i),ci- It«' .- 'I., - 1 , l: ý . . é- . 1 le-tý'-'I l- ý >1- ; ý ,-ý .- il,- (,A l1,:I11ýl,,-ýI t. ,%ill :) , 1 , z , , ý, j , - ., ') f) I)ýIIf.i was bellind ilie etirtain-, and fi. ' ' l'il, ý ý ,- ,ý ' ý - ý . - i , litil, %vas ,nIpo"i;Jý,ý ; 1ýý't a l'ri -'It , ., ý 1ý n'u-, n -1 II;Ji%--,rýlI ,"!It:tlrlitliltigeli Ci)ill(,' yet. At Leavenworthour fai 1 iý!1r. ýlit-. "il-. i; - - -. l'i'! ., ý id II)it;-Iu h i-i l'it- :l! T h i . :,., 1 ý 1. 'r-.ý,11i_, '? ,> !',r , ,ý, ý 1 li.-V ,,,ý,,Ii_, ..l,ýî é% , ;, il. , . 1 ý . - . - ý e . ' C V Li po. - (-,Ii'-;-Ilaýi f, : !,,ýl ýz!;àI, ý, ili'.. a- il-&%-Ie%-e ;ýz'it,, i i-,il ;i 1 - "' 'Ï'ý"t'-'ýl-. (")-')ýe'l'l,"Icl' Gf inveýting lefi lis, and as sille %vas g'andirim (Il ', - - 'ý" ";I il !:, ""' ' '" *' ,; - fi "' - ý '" !", u ili t55 '11, i re cé ( il O r 1) + 1 ' ' ' "' ' ' , "" ' "'; ' ' ' ' ' 1'iý : i!, '-", ' ', «'ý . - . 1 . %N a,ý a il ;"I,-,(. l! ,.ý .t:1lý vain il., , 0-,?ý,', ýIll 1 :,(,w -:ýrt:ti; - , 1-ý :!,_ý (lit fil,- (-ý'f; ;ý-i-,_ .. le.,. ý ý i 'l 41 1,eti-iliz . 1 ý ;1.i-ý:- " î,.. 1, W ý,: , > ý e 1 . . ý1 11.i ia ", . , ri-l ,-) 0 .il- ,%-iýf1 TýI'_1 1ý Ir') 0 Il iliv iii. _1ý 1 C I 1 . \Viiili,%-, .,1ýý ý __ . irtil th? ,iil'ci;t fi. a;ý ill. t1,ý,'-:I t.-lIvýI, fi;! 1 ý ' Ili 1 1 k 'Casting -1 lalit. 1,,)nZ, lin-crînc _ _ -ý---,ý---. -1 -.-,-. , ý ý - - - - . ý ý ý el, 'l 1 - I: 1 '-r t;- bi-Il, ýltid i-i i - I; rýý 1 cd fi 'Il v wu i fi-, r lý, ,- 1 Il- ;tl c': i : ý le! ;.,,ii-.ti()ýIýIli,4.ý an, - .Lc!ý, 0 i 1 el. ý . !.ý. i ý , 1 . 1 1 >r u 1) «01-2 %vere tcrillit-ed t - ailin'-e ___ _: - __ ý __ __ ----..---- ý------,.- __ oi:! ' :1 i ta, f, ri t. 1 l 'l il V %ý , 1, e 1 (i ý, 1 l'),; u ý ý 1 1 a. (, , , i .1 , .- v !I ý _ý -itt fý-i', Nt : ý il t 1 i ý! (-r -tri il i . c IV. Il. TR lE_31 A Y N E, .T. '1ýf'. CALDW ELL ult(),ýi'N. 't'lilptýti'l liie, IIý,-ýýJl' _iýýiI lfl,ýi..(.i! 1, "ý.rva<I).llU,ýlcIý .ý'F,,- -1 . ý, ;'; -f r,ý7i- r1leiv ttirnet aril-les-Nwho crin re ,ly! il - , ". ýi_ .1 ý 1 * . . . . 1 - ' * li) )Irli'.',', , _ 11,t! ý---1.1ve!---ti. 1 5ai ,1,i1% il ,-,"; ý i i . i * :ý il n -; ý, 1 - - Lýl.L1 1:11-..,- ,ý,i,,t;týl fit-lieve ilifý,!Iý lacc(l égaiter or a péceping ankh .,'.rýR IST I,'P,. ()I-'i-'li'l-1- IN .*li',N .ýI.I:s 1 f Ný ý'i--) _ý N C 1-A,,ý é,eý.. Cf) ýýI ili, -ý i 1 o _'ý E.11 !N T hervi ale î-,,,ýýq1ýi-l;iý 1,.,)ý,V(,-..-,.-. 17111ilil Il :",.,i x%-ýl.-. ;:il .ý 1-oIr-1ý,-11,'1_'.ý1. ; it 15-il.i ili LI,.. Iii,,;ý. l,ý lýý.%%-ý-,i 9 (, ,(71.,l - ý 3t 'Ncw lîi,*ict;"Bli->týk-*.+7,-t-,-,ýil,1 Fi, ( C 1,.,(ý: 17ý R.. 1.,tiý'(, 1)î\ 1'l ,fi i ."ý-1, .*%ýý,11! 1 _- 1.111 ti!"ý.- 1lo t-yllq , 4 7 . - , ý,Iip btll(tl.') j- Irio;,e Ite,--ýs:II- tiieul tve:i . . . ý . . , i ewil. )-)'-',I')Id ! 5he hltdll*t any Ftnel -, ____ -.ýl.----- - ,Nl 1 1. ý ý.'. ., -,il, ý -l S-ý-I - ýi tir A. D. %% L. ý-,* 1 1 ý fili-iviýl ý v ý .rI - : i ;, ",- f i rcnaiii tri il ' o: I ' 1 a.ili unable to IaI.- whant the fi-t fi Ille l-ase -,ýý>ove rvf,ýI-l-c(I (O . lî ii ý 1. ;: 1 il- ý ý Pý "i-.11,11 Ill pll'.)Ilc thov Irivc bilerl is in K.. -%vllettie it i..; tivzhionab 3. v. w %_11, . Dr,-_ý - -,, V,,ý,ýý i ,- C NI . _ ý1 Il llIýir.iti(lIl ni 1, , 1 -,%v inv to re- - If Ili- f', iv, lv 1, 1 ý ý, , 1 1 cèý. g-ét (.ýit.-Ili- p7.. ý ;- ý . ý - , "lis 15; r ARrbISTER-ýIT-lA\V. ()Ff-TCI.--IýIZ()t K - - ý - 1 _ - - 'IV 11)1-;I"ý;ý'iz. al; 111 - 'l in il i-,cý,stlý'i'l'.Ii'*ý cfý - I)ti!týý,,i, iln lieini- ul i i ý ý il' t a r,--,ý, i r, 1 aý; tn-i-*tnrlotl-;? Wili 1,iI;eý for-) livithout Iingeorn L; Strci-t, \\ i;ll,ý.v. ('. ýV« , 1 it t-11 1 1 E lit, le a lit 1) & S.%, 1 - N D c R f', vitu flic f'.)Iloýi-li'i,, ,il!vý,llnll'-_, : - . - IlZ til,, (")Il(.(»ý-t, 1 1;Isý Wv I:iiýý("I %1-ý l% i.1 call 1 q p,ý,,,ý 1 1 ý 0 bil ý - - ý ý . , a"Ilor il, 01,C v,-ý)r1.,I that %ý-.ý:glýli thl-v tain 1 am that the ti test dreszeï one ii - ý----.----- _ __ - .---- __ - _ __ , - s,ýtl- ýt-lr,4 iý.zq, ,,.,,lýivi 1 f,.ýi,: 'i Q. 1 ý ý. , . 4 ý ý*F-, .1. S'rtiI,1:1.,) > ý 11110 ;il ur >(,I,.il uN Lile Anc 1 s 11,nol, -i1ý. %viii iýý.,ý'tl-,:i>-c :!I tilt- ý;IlIcltl-Irv? IL ivt,:.e ') ; . a' - 1 2,ý:t-,v iii th-- Turr2teiry dielti't, usc 8. le. 1;'AIRBAN-KS, T A 1 L 0 lit S , & er . ' ' . - - - - 1 - 11MI1. iti-ift di-titiiiin, (;Is 1'4(,-t .,;!11!p !-- il, ur i'f' ,,-;jýý iiiiiié Li-) 1'icr :vl'..il'.ý t-,,,.'« zi:_ 1 i ý h-1;ý-,-,, :1. .>lh2-ljl:i'1,)-) ,zl.-stein , artirie. ', OLIC'IT(»ýll,, Nf)'£-),IZ'Y l'UBLIC, &c. (ý, c. ,-q ýVND .-,ý, KING -STl,'Iý'F'r ",V1_;,Tý To- (le» Of (14)1"t)l' 1lîi tl-lý%ý lié -TI i Ill . c i Si destilleil s.ý-li-, i,-;-,C.t* 1 thotizlit ztiz: 1 ,,ýf%ý- ýlI!. tl 'it-,,! - il, ý,- -'i lt ., li ii-',ý: .11%7:111re ni, fl.i%-o"ri!lý;z, celle- ý to-liaNva, C. ý%*. .1 -errive. 1 %%(:il*, * *-)- i-ic.ý. .-%ý,.- 1,ý Kilt,, rS,.ýr,-c, Nve.t. ll.,tiiîl- . . ,O a (ýi)rlc(!il .il 1;1- ,1"),..,-ti t;.Zceiiý-it in -0le %-ý-'-til(-Iý, and _,ý fi) p-ýy f ýr I!iý-,7,;l,ý. iriel iicýglýe,-ýt-; in îWý.l!o;ito iriip,)r>.- IL)LLOWAY'S OINTMENT ASD PILLS- 'Ç ---,---ýý>,-----.---,---,-- - - 1- ý ý 1 _ 1 1,1t. . . ,Il ]la;! (,f - . 31il.-ic i4 1),->,ýi;cal:v :Iil 1 fiI.ý; jnýcriion in tilt, -- - i',,-,ýiý;rle; -ý.,-it iii:lý-,il 47111tiflIz. Bitt itr-pei-iiicii)tl., inifii- ..izz Trizim cn!:Ijp.-,TEALS«?-'[I)ev art N. G. HA_11. - __ 1. - __ -.-, - - __ - __ - __ - ' ' 1 . 1 GEORGE MOTT. proverbinfly "the iý)l)ii criov(ý." alirl in -'thorec if tilat viiii ilOt ýive a (Ileltl te-) 1-ýý;. elle, tir ,ýRIiI- . . n 1es Ilot ternirrie there ; it enforces provcd by the inost efflightelied go , ýSTEIZ AND Arýiq)lýNEY-AT-],,'tNV. iltal ttiit,ý, 1 C,.on-tlnle(-,i il, -zcloýI ,,%;iL, I'i-n:ii :ýýI (1-1ploa.ý.uit ý offi'v-_(ýN-er the st',re -'t, 'f' Biý_,v!ow, L-i(j \ ri DI, v 1, ' "Iv ý,eIltllnf- Aý;D il.ýIZNEýS-J .NIý\KFR, etc., . l' lileririvi, alil aL niii,-l'i tli:tt iý poý4tivelv evil. By the ingti- iàcnti.ý,anctiùae(i Ilý.v the hihest tue iotite tiie IZ(t;e*i>trý- Office, Broe k ;ý i. ï S ý - -, Ne ,il.el)ý7,fl ;t délai of- it. Not that, 1 bad aiiv cil, ' ' -1, ý,:%ilv- to lý!Ifjl%- %Iha 1 il V - - B. ý - k: i i l .et!,*l El -liii. 1 ha . ject ili Il iirll*,.Iilllll(l,>,s Ult:ail of'(_-uý1es iC e.-;,ràýi-e.-i illian froin his ' lititlictritv. Let. no victini oi' scrofula, _ _ - ýý - - ___ _ le ý)r;lile'il i't, ýri:%. busille:s lit 1--,p4o!n, iv;ivit, 1 lieel, vlc.%ý'. Mine Nvas ab.,tra(ýt love «. 1 vtli,ýiv:ii- ;-,. t'ii, fýitIs illýl>t i, i .et a(n- 1 be vvry tinpi-l)- f,-1!.),.%-zý iiiiii shilt,ý iip aven;i,ýý; of bcnevo- ; riieiiinor anv W . Il. 11ILLINè.9. ý le Izirý_,,. -,ý.,ý.-k (il) litind. and o2tri %* (ilà Clv kiiiýille- ed it, inc-re:L-ed rny stllck, se-) th:It 1 illiglit l; l . ý uleeroits or ertiptive mil . u1ý il- hricie--ie,, i lie ,wile a, 1 itî, -iý. Iérl-ý- ; inve_-xt--, one part or sociutr Ivith the 1 faticy a cure« iiiipn&,;i,'.)I#--. IL is never . lav 1 1 ', li %RUISTEIZ & ;ý,'Fl'()IlZSEY AT TAW, "' - . s nt 'El- e"ut)"'11- 1 c a iý1-)i_1 deal of tire tender passion in My plans brin- t1iiiý far .,iio-)tel. 1 nt- privi1v-rý ofuntrestrained in(l;tl,,'-"!Ice, ,C.*tst- 0, fIWIn at Bri), ki;1à. .,!# - 1 ý. té . 1 c . late te u:ie Ilollow;iy*s Ointment for - . ý11 Alto, ---- - - - ----- - _ ------ __ - _.- - ____ - - liand. whellever 1 saiv a fivrlr-.;,I(, U -.--,ýr thein Lit' in 4.'ýilLilif - ,rv N',ýt-irN- l'iilili ý 6plilil- il1ýr(,I (iiiiricr, aii.1 -ýiite-1 I,:ttieiltIý r ra- i i i _z (7, e c'-oil, of >,,trictit3-. how- ternal coml)l.%inLsor his Pillç for itit( 1 L tii,-,ýI.-I.Llýt'.1 \Vliill).%-"(,. ýV. IL . S. KLEASER, tunity of' investing ît. Well. lien rct:irý te) (livir i!ii;)ýiti-,-:itl"', t!le ;ilýp'-ýii-aii--e of the eti-cr 11--livorthy, .s'iiiu*lti!lý, thfýa1 froldthe ', (li.-;oý4ler.,;. The pubÉe are liereby infoi - .ý,ý.ý.,>ýýý -..--.---- - %ý____ ---- , S GN (IF Till-* --LA1i1_ýE ý4VATClI."" flic ý0nNzel-l; it ivas crowdI-(l to e-rvs., ' 4 1 .\ ,, ii(,,.%-,ýl)itli(ii. iiiiNt ïnOi-ý)in1-. If %vas br-lii-Ait co-ri&;tl -1-ýi,-iit(,,-; oî their .[et ïwiý, litivrever il L- , of a sure test, %vherel> toascertain zhe Ctý-,rlL'RON & .11ACDONIELLI, ý anil the crush, on leitviii-, In r,ýw-II f4ýý.:ý !11) t') !jlt y . >,.Il ýik lIv. 1 \«ietý' Il' and carri;i-uý livas very great. ml)f ily'Flý-l'ý oF WATCII l"S ,ý J EW E 1, ER Y O' , lnn'il d;1111,11 fretin t1je pre,ý,z, :iyii gitiîlii,ý, a.id ein(Iý,-nns another tn hopele.ss l' tiiiien,-ýs.% or the contrary of -theie il ý >Irtr'IS'rE]Z> & Aýrr%)RNi.,i,,,, . L ý iria 1.:iildLii--,ý.l, Kiiig .Street, Bownia . . il 1 1 ivoru on iiien 1 rend, in ait thci gl,)rý (If largi- type. jiii(l peI-p,ýftI.II #IebaýzcInent, witholit the 1 cinvs. , ý iciii . f,'rý to Ille ('01ilite; C1lillI(-iý- ,4e-()ý'tit>e %:Illi. that inctilorable niglit î lilliv cazli ivith lilv int-l'e:ýtif-111 «Inflotint-ellient. Bat lit%- eiia.,i--,-, of' einancipation or irtiptpveý-ne:iL ý This cangists qf a Water-inarkthe 1 W Lire If, lut ý , li't'iloil cý-,,Nititii tý'ili;-,.- ,)th(!,e bour'. N.Il.-Wiilvlii--mq-'Iý,ckgaii(IJem-elervpi-ýiml-tlv brass battons, atift 1 Ratter(l'i irIvýýelf tli:tt ý,t't- 1 1 - ý,,. vvilat .*Ili fI(Ivertiý(.Ilv ý . iliiquitoirs ! & . . , . . . 'nt %va A In lo Iltitil 5. 1 r-q) r(ý,I. 1 ' il - 'S it gvýzýfc.it inure .,iiiý,cliievau..; o- , i ' floll'ole til, Nec 1 ork and 1,91viern - -- - ý--.----- - - ----ý -, lien, Ivere ltvorse loc)k-itiL, men in thé, ritiver, ' f.-I!ntx.(. l'i', t!lý, -11- . -'. ý -ý-lý--- - . ir é ..* 1 . . 1 ý ý. . -1 . Counteir ik. iîý;krijtW%- irrit er te ap 1 t'a ()f the ak 1114 TL imors. m itg tird mare . Ond ffl IlI",A of the Le. ned the Àm 1, 1 lo 1 'ImI S.)ný"q. ........ il-le D r U it file el i)y tâý IlVery le pot or 1 i',Iipjq the P E XSAI ID m N AU lit? eýIn,ýIll at n li Ilk! rt-LIIIIL aud CM&U confluem NOTICK jndujgeý. t li'is pérnicW Un iImm and INVENTION. loniral Debilii 1,;-nili-rlv k1wu (.t mi in aIII1Ounehý IL ritseaieyï. 1 am to bc the 0ül, l'or t1ý di8efLýIc of th tiie ýe(-rct habits o t- 7ilitisry the m(w thýiir in,,itrurnej1ý any ilistunee wb«l litlur a fuir triA ro ýA lie B ori. B con bt tf teU

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