Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1857, p. 2

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A wost te N,#hm. déterred ly, none of those genth There la no ObiOct-in.ýlfe world Üiore which have been 'considered il pleaunt to look Reoil 'than a beautdui the female besoin, simulatcs, fo Child. Even tho cru, of a fW Paltry dollars, the throt stiest of old bachelors mut &cknow1e4geýtjjjg în hîs hart, hoiy. nity, and clasps to lier bosom 9À ever d"saPPOintment niay have soured his tlie otrspringof another. And tOt'aPtr. Unfortunatoly, hoivever, the frebli- worse. Slie finds net one, no neU and naiural bloom of cllîljllood arc tlii-ee, but many. who arc ready often marlied by dfisfigliring (lisorde in that wretched client There v IS. Sotuet'tnes wu "0 YOuthful fAces blemislýel dle which any one of cither sex with flory circles, ànd looking as if discast, or propose in this city, in whiel, hafl been at ivork LIP0.1 theni with a 1),î, may not fuid assistants. Of compagmeq dîP(ý(j il, red octire. Of course. vrery mothq recogriises thi.s description of New Mvcrýsemcnùs this Singw-orin, to Ille Still iiiore-disgiist- 'ng clitant0l's affection knoivn as Scald na"ro«ttl BY-law-B. Yarnold. llêâdisllextoÎk-iti. Probablynine-tcnths Alhery for Sale-Charles Piersa or-11» 'lave had a tOuch (if ilicse Unpleastint Cottage for Sale-Charles Piers Quarter Se&-,ions-.Nleisoti Cx. ne, .rruptive cetiU)Iaitits at uno tîme or other, 1 and. inost of us linov thal, they are not only Wanted to Relit-Box lo's. d j - 1 Once linown Never ror6-otten-: ýsî19urin9 but excessively ânnoying un d 1 painful. We arc aware toc, tlint ino.st of getL the nostrtinis rec(ýnlinen4lè(l for theni more. Special Notice-S, S. Blodgett. ly spread ami RK ý flollowny's Ofntment and PiUs. . ip-avate inflaniation, and t4at it freqtieiitly tends to confiriiied di- sense of the skin. Uiider these ci reum.. Cl'i 6 1jith (V.1 r a 1 stances it îs to bc presatnQd that all Pa- rente who are tiot tenversant, with the wonderful prcrpertiffl of Hollowny's 0int- Whitbv, Thursday, August 201 inmt, WM bc glad to learn, un good autho. vity, that it is a quick allil thorough reille- The Railway Dy-Law dy fur Rin-Nvorni niid Srald liend as wril m4 for othre exterritil The teti, In this vrecks isqitç Another lie mony whîch gocà to estjibli.ýkh tbe fact is of the Town.of ýVliiCt)v, to take incontrovertible, tinti evvry mother wlio 1LLi1%vý,iv stock, ll)nk-es its ap wisbes to sec the lact-, of lier darlit,6,s un. It does al)l)(ý,ar to be voriert thisti çlouded by eru'i.iti-ý)rjs alffl tlieir liead.'t butter still, it appears to give full crustéd with excresvent niatter, i.,L&iititli-ýd j tion to the ratejoavers, alinost w tu lilow it. exeeptigi. Therc woulil riot be 1<1(ýllý)ý%aýý bits oblaitied suLli a liad the Counolil auei reputation thýouglioiit the world for his C LI q:C' as we sullýlestetl ili external and internal remedies, tliat liLs lasf. L'ut, p-erl"Lps, N liatim illust of Course be f1liiiliar to all our 1-ilit P,11*11- Il ý teaders ; but alier all tlivre is no lifti-iii in tl1iý 'objection ý%i:l be a giviiig point an(l furem to, geneval m itli fi)e 01, Captain Il dativii. by certain tiiscasvs in taid that mèder the ýth c1ausc, i which vue knov,,ý tinit t!ivý- 11ave worliud Pllty call .ali iii, if t1tey d'-ile t womlüns. Illo vfl i,>ýt of Lige Oîtitilient im t0il per Cent mi , the L bcýft C4ýeî of ltiti -W01,111 :111(i scall, i, !-,It oht:1111 anv fartlicT suL, r1,ýL1on'üf a sj)ýýCimCn of its litari V!1ou.ý, 4qu'i-liCuil in t11ý1t t1li,; i, wreng, and thnt t1iv 811 ekýi11 iit yet wv therty arc 'h',11M have 110 Io inalie ill)(.Zl the Toivri until the v. the C iii addinoli to th ili, ( omi an v ni 01ý r- ilo cail illiffl liluy on'arkize 0v)UN tr v à im OUÏ %%, lia vt lit t'1ý t1ilil Il t ýAje vý ':1 -1% u il a J', 1 111,1 l' pic y -rit tilt, ()l'ilinar ' v rq1afýeoii«> ehilc'cen i'Y ani rt:jii1at, >u 111 dit, op-n aLr. but Alier the dis'ýrll1 r ha> cicrî., is iio l*tira,,j%(ý Jqý'ý jAr. Iiave in the 'd the amI I'V'idmz near L1ýJ1i was or ýlildl lie liad en- pho J4îse,114V 11wl filin 4L thu !)11ý1-';A t)t tlie Toi, ýt1tatý-k genvralli. acriceili-U of ilic f'ýdý 1:1til the lui 1 11c OC Lver.v vcýa(-ý1Y tilat (iýv fi(.- %Na' il :1-1 v' -ittii)lit aval!- was lui- 'i 1 M under datu mil 1&ý)'V it) tho ttlj,')Y- 'he Cuièninghain Miby nui its MoLlier 011 That Càtuwis bý)e1-'cs baby, that Il" had wnich te) llo wiLh the late arruýt of Mrs. illirilligliýllil, lva.s' taken altout lialflia't ve o'clock L>L floin Bulk.%U(ý ýospit.d to the Ariiericari wl4erc îth flie motlier it mill be A. Oakey IL11 p(vé the per- 1,ýioii fur il-s iýeiiv-)va1, and iicithur Mi% 1 ellvgg, the of out door le le emotions culture Occupying there her promient Polii- ground that there Wagýnoliw to warrant There is another kindred matter about Cýmpanyhave the power to cail in ton per TowNsE-.ïD.-ýfy own impre.-iion from increased, that 1-ft;u'i inherent în", t1à, with her magnificent ri" and rich the Co>uneil taking sucha course. If there which the publie his a right to expect cent on th . e £50ffl Ivlien £25 ý000 private privâté adà... firom 11-i: Iiinand, was, that il to keep lip with it 7or the sake Pi-Oductg, Ît'is notless impor tant that our wu nul s news-, stock w , M have been taken tjJJ.ý Y With this Townsend it in jail there-but the a * toi bcar out QiwýCounrIl in the ïsome hiformation froul Mr. Brown' Globe' inerc trillng busine Des of mater- euterpriaing mazzý&cturcrA,.%nd »Wehanicg une case - ho, wanted, tO IMOW hoW -it could 'paper. Everyw!ierothereÎkiststliedëçl-,- £25,000 private stock- and the Town's represents that there is trouble relative to certain individufil, 1 ul- hot own shOul"iýbit all the r" 'ta of their la. bo found In the othei. t ansiety to ascertain the exact popula- ý£75,000,'there ils nothing to prevent ti - the evidence. fit says: still be . afloat, and v Morie and genuity-anà skîlL Captain RoIve said the council had the tion of the new cities of Balmoral and Company from organizing and calling in ýAt-Jarvis, a sliort*ti;iiý.- silice, tIvo fellows j ed by its friends. ýOt two, net a@@ Ci' 1 power to affl int &nY Pmon they desired Deer Ilark. Cynical statists have placcol £5,000 worth of tllé-Toivn'--; doi.)enti-tres.- entered the bouse of ati imi-1: jained transaction that coti, Imported Stomek. to appoint to siin cheques ; las to the sign- the fi-ure of the former at 0. But for True, -the By-law provides that rio more te aid her Dee, and beat Iiiiii inost brutally, n)r rio tinue thè paper, alla is no swin. We visited the farm of John Tkonipçon, ing docunients ho thought it wiLs an unne- our part, we arc anxious to believe that thari one-tenth of the debentures e,)i- oflier tliaii that lie %%*Otlltl ri,-)t per- or ricarly ail that 1 can devise Esquire, en Tuesday lagit, to sce some cessarY Part Of the Motion-the Chairman there issome niistahce aboi t th_ Are we OOO.shall bc issued tintil the Conipiijy get illit thelli to carry on their ilryiik-ezi revel- hi- the . ', Iý ý 'e 0 pZ"cý ho or she well-bred importer! stock, lately brought Of the Couneil from time te time is poss- really to believe, that after ail the ingénu- £100,000 besides. 1-'ýut im ft neetsýýary tila ies in Ili,; house. ().lie cauglit Duc by the spread a ropoh tliat t Out by that gentleman from Seotland. We essed of all the Poweer Of the Mayor in the ity of the Brown family had been expend- the Companv shculd have the right to re. hair of the head and lielilihim down on &le 1 contintied on accotin were shown tIàrýee lieaà of short horned absence of the latter. cd, upon a scheme for Laildinry two cities; ceive £5,000 of the I'ovli's monvy while tile othcr belaboured Iiim creuse of the support Sî wCk. Durhani-one a* After some furthor discussion showing after the fine plans which the lithographer they get thi.s Thi.s report is year eld bail "Brîde- If il clin I)G in Liie niost and- brutal inanner. groom," and two heifers "Nc-rissa" and the inconvenience entailed upon the Coun- produccd-the beautiful avenues and de- shcIvri that it is necessarv, vrell and good-- Dee prooured warrants, and succecded in every partictilar ; aný nsequence of the Mayoes illness, lightflil villis-are we relally te believe Ive will liave the iiiIitter explaimA Lady of Athegtane," ých six months cil in CO ()ri havinc- thein arreste-I. biIt ý:loTnelLow or il or nuinber of mon, il c),ý id. They werc. bred by the celebrated the motion carried, that the restilt of ail this is to be:ýsüen in a i! TtieFd,,ty If it be not 1icci.1ýý.s11I1'Y, other one of tticin inanageoi tri escape, vie- look at my book-s à breefler Mr. Dougl2s,;, ci Athelbtanefzrd, Mr. Kelltr mOvcd that the Connuittee on Population of 0 ? If Nir. lirow,'n refuses Ive sur-ge-4 thait the sýth clailse lie aTnerjýjeiI two friends %vllio ivere silly enouglà ýjý,jtray in this assert, eynolds. from whom they were purchaseoi by Mr. Streets and ImProvements be authoried the di .8ired information, it will probably by striking ont tlic words "irot illore. tliýII, to go bail for him. A few days afterIvartki not stiffiee, let thein Thompson. The bull is a fine roan--co- tO let Out bY cOntract, the digging a drain becoinç necessary for us to send a spec one tenth, and by inserting flie word a Infini Mnio into Drjlti,,rty*s llotc-1, in Cale- co-lipositors that wor -S. S. Blod- lored animal-stands very square, and on the WeSt Bide of Brock street for the Commissioner te take the census of the histend. With thisalteration our i doriia, - and delnanded drijik- Ivben éluite ployed in the Ùlear-e shewing great- depth and length. The purposeof taking off the stagnaut surplus Population of Balmoral. AnY 8iinilar in- stock %vill bc satisfactorily securtA, - prt- driink. Ife was refused and ordered to tiletrâli of thi matjl large breadth betIvcen the shoulders, and water which accumulated from time to formation regarding the prescrit condition, venting one 1 enny of its; expenditure tintil luave the 110WY--, blit in-tefid of (loin- that ivith ré" d to, tl the shoulder itself, displayin- fine propor- time along the street. Thiis motion was population, et çetcra of Deer Park wotild, the conipany obtain zlock Witt) it. lie tù, liiiiiself and friends Illibiiem" 1 Ivill pla tions fur accumulating beef.0 lie was got witholrawn, and a resolution moved hy Mr. doubtless, bc equally interesting to, the Ili other re.spectý;, n-e t'liýý d(-týjij-j of wl,.vnýiip-)n Doherty got a ivliipi)lf-tree .ý1 has.inadesorne very c Yi on the first prize Keller instud, by-laiv was by "If mon" 'n-110 In- Passed, authoriZing the Publie. the 1,>v-lav to besatisfli 'lied the fell- cl,)wn. About i or, in other wordm, Il, against bu-Ils of all ages, ait the East Lothian Committee on streets and improvenle,,L,3, Wc inust admit, hmieviýr, that ail thesc read a finit tünc z m 1 teil himself as tû wi. M a speciiii incetiwy of tJjLý it is believed by inany t1lit tilose Agricultural Society's meeti to enquire and report upon the improve- are uiagilificel-rt vi-ho k-now 1 ovnýcrId perfectly II-eli are to, er.:tlle hilin to mis ng, held at schemes in tlieir way l Couricil on Saturday Iiist ou the motion of' )th, 1 addington in April, 1856, when only 17 ment of Brock street. and have doubtless, well repaid the pro Captjun Rowc-and, piittin- ri,; in inind ot afraid to give ûvidenco avainst the mari thé publie. Ife says- The Couricil then adjourned. ýjectors for their trouble-at le c montils eld. Ilis grandsire " Grand Duke" kst, Ive sin the 01(l ada-e tliat - Exl)erierire iii piol Lliero, f*f)r fe-ar ( -o tiiepd'iFior dame ÉÀ i c' 1 drended a r, cercly hope tbcy have. They lih-ewiiie, ar- -tile coi of the IV. was the culebratud bull purchased by Mr. A New ncil saw fit to have 7*,r,ý IvIlicli illiglit eilsue IL 1I14ý' some Thorne, of . 1 . 1 ford proot of a filiancial genili.,4 of rio tuean hun'l'.0-fl ropice of it Ibriiiteýl and Illiceil in of hiS of a new-ýpap( ew By-law guilleas. We saçv the pedi,,-ýreLs of -the We &rO given to, understand that a order. The 7ïe,,..,q sLtteil, a short tir(, ijands of the ratu-Paye:s bolure Pitb- c shares in lieifers, whieil, are equaliv well bred, their 1 scheme bas been set un k)(«ýfurc 1 tras fout for tlilforiiia- time -190 thlit there wcrii rit ail tiijjoýs t Ji, 1 il , 7 - IALIFAX, :jnýI.jýt 1 tlint o t. A s il. 11 e ra t e - 'f I a r', 0 f il, 11; ýý t U %V 1 Ive be l'lie Powder cori- ppearatice. dailli's Iiaving italien priï tion of a noix Joint d of il-milile tfýitt ntirnber, and s1holil-1 lim. t! tD es at the Royal Stock Company for fouliA l 'tilt liýt-troPolis a Iiii le inoni'v wollid bc g; 1 the whole stuck of' ili Il Ili- tinie-and Norti!iern Agriculturrd Meetings in 1856, the manufacturing of Fariningimplements, Amerivan or Caluidiali filianeiers, who fi il! üs t iiiforination en a of --o Il satisfac- The cattle look splundid, and alti this Town. The capital to bc flgly have soinc scliûmc, of grent wijr own ac- 4-xploih-il a tcrritit., c( tOn. 1 .1jpr-;it.to Mr. iough pur- In - advantzagc te rntich importanec, Ive shortly aitcr iiiijiii-lat. laý;t niglIt. Oile ýVithout an ehased from 1lie saine breeder, arri cach of thousand dollars. Theformation of such the Publio, to place tipon market. The F*Irý ton, if tiiis izi not th( 1.1ýýIlI i'vas, and i,-) qj,!Iel.s were a Company in the Town of Whitby wotIld Icading c% el an tlift*ert.it e*ock. 'l'lie naines and iiiiiiit)ers journal aillis, tilat tl2eîLýý gr of t)ýe %vit!i tlitý.sic r(ýiiiarks. 1 t retd, Tiie ivriter.-i,,.Illn Q vs entled tilt ol'llic àiii,ý and bullii froin which hih Le most desirable, and duit the inve--itruent WLrL. iiiarialilý- the firt iiijlIncjýrs of the r S lbllows Ivas to Il.e Our extra tI.N. are bred apptar in the Royal S f, U thev liaili.d. pubi in next _ýgri. would bc a profitable one we think Ive Placý', Nvli mr il, runior fii)v,-iýiiiii(cnt the neu, caitit hore. This 1 4 Wlivti Lliv Cýj1tiII'al SoviIZtý s lierald letiok-. would bc able ýasiiy to prove. The StatcS that (Ille of the Iýrovn farliilv, after (Ili rualiv ait ari time t barnu li ;, %Vul inilc y i ho takes We also hid il lonk, nt Mr. Thoinj).qntl', 1 Rmotint paid for Ilanufactui4ed Farmin., Il-Ivill,7 suc('telled so M-41,11 else- ni,«(-t to iliç- 1,v 1 è%v liair the aillotint Ivas Ili fil, of IlorL!Àý:rIi part as %ve are, Wlliý1'h is iperliaps unsijrpassed I)v Implements sliipped froui the otlier side Ivbvre, lia's to Fý'lýgland, Oil >ýIjue iiide- 1 lit v ers haIe iiiitil 0jat tirti,ý ic:1. 'l'lie of fillic. arulsi 1 - llowe. it any other in the Province. IL. contain, l this vear, and sold riglit in the locali t)" i,ý fili.ib'ýc finzincial vi-rand. ;I*ti"ýt*f-! shoul-1 bc :11li,. >11 k; oui - Ille thrtu liurilired acres ail un(jer % high state Ive are assured, littlu s e liort or nius f th fiiiiiliï iýý ktlt,%ý,n in stýver.iJ art)kritlit)tiit 'I*lli,,-t- "";l frit 1w -ial ol to do -'o, of rtiltivati,,,ii, and iveli croppe Jiu to have-beeil ter t pi ci. The If tLis amoulit were speit rit borne its-j coutitrif-,.,. Let tltis 4 our certifieate of time to lol(l a j;iý-1i!i,:ý, 1-iýt it ý,il! fîIi 1 fýv ýi:i uL F,)r buurs thu ex- tain parties subsciril fore (livy iliis vear, on this farm, is, if bellefiL; would bc felt in the addition;,] i the fiiiaiiç.,i.,Il capal)ijitits (If tlle enter. be Liie (110v of tlie 1 t 1I«ý-fýIý-:,L IN Ille to jf aiiý,tliInL,. better tllari last year'ýLq crop, number ot mon emploved- the PriýiIl" %viio lias g6ne to Erilgland iý tilt ainewh' i'. UP, - , toil, und 1 liave evur f iivtil,-, ofmiv of (ýLe as nýert il fron, t*1j(ý r arill tj0ýcr,; %,-Iiicli N%-:às more. than an average one- trade and conséquent growth of die Town. on a difficul, and delicite illissinri. A i)er- of thu'r Wàr,,14, liai !i: :iii%ý f'r tiivir li-ind asslqt,ýn ar)ý rail while the CroPs of oats, turnips. pota. Bv al] ineans then hcad the prqjcctýtherü -n wlic-i I)v Oie livre force of his gelIiU,ý As fâ- as can il or i c v i lu g a2i Ili tite silime paragi 1 - ' ) ex L'oi,à%pýmy, tocs, exceed iintuoinsely l will bu plenty forand to Lake stock. Messirs. i car, call i i.-itelli7e sticli Inagnificelit opF),,ýiti ýrI to Ulc [',% 1 quote the foregoin- 11 k! 11 010-Ne Of ears The beautiful Bromii, Post, £ Co., 'he proprietors of the zities fiallnoral an(] Düer Park- iiiii.st bv gi, ng a to 'l'lie dý o)l tilc Alauricaci A-ýýo(-Îatioij tt:ll>.-; the r.ititilic thai- ii-any ýIITI S-týiiij,7s oli tlii,.mý Iviiieh continue 1 pre-sent Foundry, will aý,jsiý,ït in it and no with the duièderhelidâ t h«e as- _411(i w) 1.11roligilmit lit(,, or heat-to (10LO)t Iiirg(-Iy subbcribe. Or rrý ! tlie London The laid or lit S114,,Uld Tý Élie -011 the 1 chool %irce wu pae of the TuwIîý wu deli,-7iitrui, à ý le laying t L a "ne The ittcIj'j;c:ý- -numerous ar,7 mon, bard un ApW'5prýýte dJý ultetilize retir,ýil 1', t ý, nenu weret madethtir -and «erv good tii %vas îwt out. ýrLei"cn or One ". UZAI Sparklinz the manner irý v-ýIý- her part. The P.er c r ý i mocting afifir Bis adfIreQýi -v., 4ý, > timed. J tbe ýùI n t i:ý ri,: t âpproprioý- 1-r---,.,a-ýel-ý- the The ii j ev thanU.to, tii--» r:r vained by theul* Arrival of tI_,ý The one arrived litre a: The ýo.-rtý.v le :Buiiday The "City of pool on, the kh- There is bitt Df the The ed with abrence of f-drther :t-'- India. In týc L(î Panmure-întri.4,,_iý-twi inilitia at any t*r4le-, March next, withf-Aut nient t3-cth,ýr the State of C2U-'ýeil a great (Il . rain mect this drain Iii nu be raLqed, atiti thf- vý-.: creased' to frvm and thcse 1,201). Mi thi- in- lyevond wuuld pany, but as timýcý m-ý provide this incr_-&,;oý. the intcriu, be ("in-c; bodiment r.f the mâlit cessarv, benre the nr fil Pi fil TI c, [lui liaps arý !i Luu iuI1(luil 1 1 -il at I r-il arý: ru fi -,%rtv.krýL contribute to raligeinell"- cuuld be made for the enlarg - - -II . ý - ---- i:J.ý ;Iýi'l appc,11, Ill e.*ýLt:ii.il) 1 LaItc, lilu*(ý q11,111 tell fýý ý w il ri ceaýî 1'. z, % 1 - e lroui Our Extrit. l'ent be paA lipon, render thil, farni remarkable, w; well as t, n'01L of t1je present eý3La1îlii.,hinent, and L'ýI !iUral trý. ti a.l 1 l' al. rS IlV101 dit. .f tile aià(j add to its -ilrf-.tkiv great %alue. Illenty of 1 carrying on the ýs of the i CIIIZo\*I('l.E 0FFICE, 1 The Latp Itaitivillý ai C priatc BLIý,1ýTiI)ûtl, Ille purr whole:oine wutei Io stipply the entire Foundry, and the cotitt.,tlipltted I'üztiiufar- Fritlav, ýlîilzl1>t 1-1, 1 7. t:, i t f11,IfzýI ILL '),14. ý- !i %vould 'till rUýuýle_ Ille Toq-Il (If could be led from these turc ol farining iinlileinenL, unite(ily. 'l'lie On Whiilll tht' Vffle i,3 W lie '1*1i;. 1wl iv'ial a Ili ).3t, a a, tý:1 p2r silolild 1w I), 1112- alid at il- di>tacý day-as the pu- i licert il.,-rlarel Cricket. ýit J)aiýI 14 ý1)rù là.-Y rýju',1 go ilit') pulaiioii et* Vil ilitbY encircases- when our Couli-, 'r Ille Vie t:ieiu là I,ýit iiitiv liaiii-owl i and the Town lit Tho inueli talk- el] of inatch il -illoi;ll have bern oil L.,tt Ille -a S 0IL3114-r 01 :1,11'l llIIiý,r filait the Countv ý,tock %vith gu, ive expect to sce the pipes laid t'nîted States, and Canada, oli 1.1m Years and :Iirl all"ut Mr. brapvr, atia a1iid à iiai r. tal%(Itl tif) a! pre>vlit. hut eveil if dovri foi tiier,).iv(ývatice of the pure cold ye,ýterdav, and nc)tivittl,ýt.iliding the iiiàr.ýt- t lias kiz:(!Il ca:;ulatud) lipon the ILir. i, cci-Lair.1y mi -'.îiýI alid Lhat £25,010 sLork- l1ad beell vorable lowering nppenrance of Ille (li.v Prt " ' 'ipit (in Ili.; !iis takuri in scine olher Ille î 0'il IL wîs plaved with -1-eat spirit. ime i, M-bi1l ýý%- c ;I1ý-e liot% -U) À fair to zký.ý ilille tliat the tlie IL lle:iliii-e,, for tl)c on file senibied froni all partýsof the Previnre, and Town Conneil. froin the other side. and flic terniiLilititil roud frutti livavurt,)n, l:linll issile. viffl, of 0à,1 Tý f,)r tý;e!ii 'ri LJ,,ýrt., In n ;iiio st. Vallicru S fir the L,)f %vniitý>nlY of tie match to-(IRV, nowgo fliii of illturest 01.1jer rvgi)l.-ets 'tl)e lýy-1aIv lias L,ýcn r. lici -,ILI. v, dý onc liutiilrud fuct, b .Safiirdav, itt,,tist 1,-,, 1S57. .;i) Ls tu eiij1jracý, the aniviiiLlitý11t, 1 IJ1:J1ýý l- rie ôr not, aq'! J'Ilev XvýuII(I liavû t', c-Ill ili the tvýI por m is looked to runst anxiouslv, on everv rucetý;U'.l ilalle The bptý\:ialiy ut 7 o'cl(,,:k. -hat Ib tho The týteveti of the United states arc lý'n- "f Fi ser anil %vell - tlio greater linrt iýf 1% gliellirren. t Yi Corill'ally to l1ave pý)st in the T :01 Iiic(,Ii!i ý,iI t') flle Dir ortil hl 1 îrasvr, liVallace, and Va4. OVer Unel i0'uve the ai;ý1uIit 10 be L«L'null bv à:111 ? Docs NIr. n- ol, thi.i C, .-lv-ý The second eleven of flic Ontitrio (",Ill in the T 0 wil tefý)te or -ailizing. or a i 1'. The ýI--iv filir voting (this day) lias in itli lhe of th,ý ToWti tauk- -Il is pIaveil a friendly gurne -svith their neii;iI- ;L puIllic Ille(!tlll-Z. lV()Illl llavc the slilzii- not tII4.ý, tl",) su i , tliu;l, o%% Il III'- the l' rz, *,It,ý;i:iI o, by Mr. Fraser, Il n ç: (q -4 ' ýV:I! . Thî! pr,ýva*liti,, tiret %veather hors of the Oshawa Club, on Tueslay last teeve. výýt linon 01- M(ý i we ýý1v)iJ11I not, týIe fîrýL of tli-te Railroad , , ; V iu Cotincil ti ill iII)IIieýiiit and licked them in one innings liaxiir,; )le- te- chOý.e to 4AV-,? T IL 0 rii ý Il 4, "ý 1 P, 1 fs-;It-lrkillv disastruzi-s to the %vlic 1111 rt %% Ili) !: a % ý,1 Intirli to 1iýse t 1, 1. 1 il ', v 1 sides, four runs te spire. 1% to take ilito alui the in t!-Iiýz 1orýtlity. %lith the failtirq. (,f Ille in thu .,rîtl rli fx(ýti fur Tuesday nert, -ont tlie illoctili lIiuiitii)!Iý-1 il; -- --- - 13ý -laiv as zirneifle(l. Il will be 0le lsth fi liglit of so ilialiv svi ilild IALu , k Ie.Zsý Iý)n of captain Roive, seconded The 14peculetting. Brown9e of the Cleilrir in the new.,papers as lieretofore, and chie wilv another sliglit proof of hizs g-ro (;rit Organ. notice given of the day of pollin- at "ill- l! the directors uf the Cairipiny are iiiit )ic1 liv Mfr. tvo I;uiidred copies of' in the de-sire tr) 1»,("tect Uuîr lt is seriotl.slv inconvenient, and cer- 1- Mr. Dý pýý-r beiýa!- l a iliv L'v law urdvred te bu Pl-iiited fur The Toronto Leaderdeals in tiie tollow- 1 be Fure fi) r The Il Postl' vs. the 6' Pu vl'ere hetler RIýàaniioI1 a lZailtvav en- Ille, ilJorili:I1,ýo'l of tlie ratepa% ers. ing plainly told, notoriotis facus colicierrillig tainh verv alli)(Il, illé', this alterin alid provisional onu Io terprise (Il% the other band, aIlàefidin-ý As the Points are piirely legral Le %vill ne-eur be elccted to au orgari izt.d i w4c say that tile Cozzpany wouPt liave IQ.,t Mn' !ýLlie that if it were in- that Parago., of publie virtue, George Bra" otiestlie laivvei-s arefè-sponsib!e for tliuiii, the importance of that o ro zi-e Fdit(-r of the Clirür fi cýijlý4 1,1 une ('ý_ýrtw ii'ýý amending Ille allil if not to the lals, d-ýl-1v, it is toý' tu pLt zý;i expre-ssioil of opinion afid his famÎly. ! - :,the and the littie, notoriety %viiich ive 1 silt.-Ille rirs-t numb, lave fi in tire nitelmyerà it wutild be desirablie The Clear Grit organ in this city refers ýVee1%IV - -publislied L obLai ii additi rial glc)riotis kincert.ainty of ]UN*l 10 to give -NIr. Draper, that -entle- litit. woull 0 t,ý rii,)Yu thin rupies printed, and 1 te the Mov'einent ruade lasit " ers 01 illi lis 1 - r - sLr(-llzýh in the support of a gentleula LI seý4""'on f" a that this fresh draw-bac is Lttribtltzl)lc, man nitist for tire pcýýcýrit a-iIl k N. ll(j(ldy, in the vilinoge of Beav 15) tliat every ratepayer niay committec tû investigate the affairs of the It niiv lie all for the better, however, as iiiIlLence in the Cour -'l wlien lie shirks a public inceting front the made its appearance, nnd cor liave a cýq)y. (Ila a IIlctý0n of 80 muci, Great Western Railroad Our clicar grit the new Bv.law will bc prepared in a min- -es. iion, we a t.l, Ils vcll.v giýeaL-But we CIat the ficar of expi sing ait liotiest opil it wws an imprudence te bepen- cotemporary, however, iiLs"d of vouchsaf- 1 er te prevent the possibihty of a divided ! zý linuit have feit heirtilly sick of thig î ri shall iiot allow him-ly--c.tuse lie happens lqte " Paclét," and ruyself in ný-wi>,e and Ing any information on the very int4.ýr(>t- ' i I eternally aniending and improving t1lieir 'vote in the Town. 1 OrIe of the articleil, alyudel tu, te own a press and type to coin(- forward Bv-latv,;', -rtnd no The m-,itter is Mr. was net acted ing question of the Bothwell tic thât con- i --------- torial, and the other a conim j and endcavour to, m-hïfllýl Iiinv-elf belland :, of litilt Inoinent front any pnilit of view if 'Li, and Caputiti R»Nvcýs motion was put nects Mr. Brown and his newspaper te the Prout Our Extra. si-lied Now, sir, 1 rieil. Great Western Company, is oiily anxious ca- ; an attack on respactable citi7ens. i,4 ut. In t') pýPý*1Hzh a new 1 1 te ftiý,sure the editor of the Il Pi ()il inotVý;i of Captaiti Rowe, seconded te know wbether Mr. Ilolton bas given this CHRO-NICLE OFFICE, 0-o.- the delay of waitiiig ariother inonth 1 Ilis Excellency the Adiiiiuistrator of the "ve read 1 1 'is nonseusicall and by Mr. Wallace, the Council passed a te. journal authotrîty te refer te thib- matter i Monda , August 17, 1 is the -reatest Ioss ;-ýts ameadment how- y 1 Government, exprleskws throu,,Ii the Cana- tack upon rue ýV ith contempt un r We beg te assure the clear grit writer, that We believe that a Railroad By-law - bas e Pitv, lie could'not have chosen s ever, lias giiiied the support of many who :_ (la (Airzetee, his thanks to Captain Scott - Fiillv seniI)lc of the punctualitjy of we are net in the habit of, ask-ing liberty atAength heurt produced in sue' t-4 m-erc with the former Bv-law, 1 J ! Li a shape li and the fflicers, Officers ',Ill)jéct on vrhich to write his a . - lits ýN'orsiiii) the Maýor at the meetings either of Mr. IloItQrà or any 1 v ltidtl Côniparly ani fiilly iconfident that the cou besides the serurity agaiwn having it body e.se, as as te muet the United appro, %I of the Rate- and Men of the Voltinteel' of the (20unéil if net preventud by se. te what subjects we should treat, or how payers of thLs Towin. Goodness knows it 'just adopted ivill bc the very n qui-ilied in six months timé. One month's vere indisposition, and that the Couricil we should treat thom. It is patent to ail is time. - Wc have had' Bylaws upon By- of Pet4--rljoro' for the Service renderud by very g-ruat extent, of lo-wering his more weary delay, and theti te the Courity. thein on the occasion of the-destructive fires expresse-s its s% inapathize and condolence the world that Mr. Brown and his, news. ira stibinitted te us, drg-,,vn'up by legal reputation in the ey, es -of ý th la% 0 , atthat place on thé nigh ts - of the 3d and -with Eis Worship and family at His paper have persistently vilified our -great gentlemen, after "mature consideration, J lotliilunelastandttiso forthoirassistance to What could have pronipted-hii Provincial Exhibition. protracted illness, and that national enterprise, the Grand T.Rail-way, anfl represented te us, byour'legal advis the Civil Autbolritiës in quelling a Iliot on the Clerk bc authorized to communicate while they haveslavishly defended cvery ers par excellence, te bc without a flaw. the 2701 ul me,> îs rèflorteil by thie ýfaý,.r 'lot have lift(i the manners te k > The President ofthe Provincial Agricul. ti wlien 1 had Ille suriiu." thing done by another milroad company. 1IVIIIen the moment for taliîn,-, action ar- of Peterboro. __ ,no effedtive meanrý," tural Assaciation, Gcorrme Alexander, Esq., myself? He lias acted the part C A motion to bring in j By-law te Ru- The publie natumlly asks what is the rea- rived, the by-laws werc found wantingand lias aIidre.,;std rirculars to the heads of the -e te, si ri the lailryers' opinion. L lia used and I if hinýi th t, 1 COSMFTIC-q.-.t lady in thorize the Rce% certain By-laws son of this difference. And it i5 but natu q diti net stand the test. wl yet.teaéli different Cutinty Al--ri(ýiiitural Soc'etlcs, durirt, the Mayor's iline:is was withdrawn, ml thaf an explanation of the phenomenon Some of the mte-payers dir] object on the one day a cosmetieý-that had been strongfly got a queer *& chicken" te deal w invitiriI; all to coitiliete for the lionr, t, b, the Council conceiving that the law RI hould bc sought from. the patent tacts of' ground of illègality, and È- --ru wëre others recominended te lier for improving the He says-" Weý balieve the distributed at the Provinrial Fair, to bc roady gave their cliairman thet pozVer. the me. What are these facts ? Why, who opposed the By-ltv with the vieiv of complexion. Attendin-apartythateven- have spent two years in Bgavert lictil at the Town et Brantford this re2r.- A resolution was passed authorizing that Mr. George Brown, M. P. P., who, in obtaining a better mensuile of protection 1 ing where the rooms were lighted with utiprbdtict'Nýý or "gond elther toý h The exhibition will be held on tile 29th ;Vy;7 the Corrimittec on Streuts anà improve- a spéculative mood, seyeralyears ago, pur- for the Town Stock te bu subàclribed. We gag, ber face turned a pçrfect lead col ic or- the Piblir-".ý il, 1 hopi the, and ý1ùth of September, and Ist and 2nd il inents te take legal advice in the matter chu-id a large quantity of Brown Lands now refer more partiçularly te the lailit by. almost blackýthc action of the c«Éburet- ecIipýîo nie in tbis rmpftt ; the, October. The cireular adds 1 of the imperfèct bridge being made by the from his then-ffiend, Mr- Price, et a low law passed by the Town Couneil. Thé ted hydroo- n upon the iheedients of the -and 1 am not er' There is one point, to %Vliicli it ils ini. G. T. R. Coin any, -x here the tmck, is in- figure, and a long terin, otpaymcrit-it hap- kgal points of objection rassed te that w cosmetic she had usied. 'n-ill fare portant you should drilv the attention of pened--and of course it was a mere acci- looked uponms dictated by a deterraîned If our ladies really wish te îniprove , ave elapscd, and, terscci by the continuation of Byron- theïr month , will the etiterprisifig and skiliftil faruiers of street. dent-that the fine of the Great Western plexion, use Dr. 'Blodgett's. Persi litiblieýeiD bevery'little bettefitU hnstility te the undertaking: and what- com 45 your County, viz :-That althoti-li it lias i On mýtion of Captain Rowe, sécended, ran th-ýough the lands ý-hich Mr. Brown then appeared to us the over-fi)rward d î Balm Th es re W beautifut pteparatio editerial sèrvic&. ' Biit 1 denýý net huent made by the Board a positive rem by Mr. Wallace, a resolutlon wu passed had purchased froin the Crown for specu- to, proteurt the Town Stock, we regarded as and augménts of the-ýs1zin,- tien' a'nd 1 àppeal te the inhabitar quirement of the successful Exhibitors of t4 Y Urposea, w __ harsh an village in vrhich the IL PackeV' v authorizing the grading of Byron-atre lati le p It happeneýd further- a feint to protracitl in, order te delléat the resteres it belli grain and other fartn prefltictsý (except for from the northern limits of the South another aécident of course-that on thir, enterprise,; and, as a covert . means LO bide- and ini'parts to'it a, delightfal"Ifýý*sh - nekl;. cd, te S&Y whether 'it was, or o the Canatla Coinpany's Pi-ize,) that they 1 Ward te the Market House- land, se purchaaed and ý»o, bçld,, by Mr a more open opposition te. ttie:,raiirract- ltg Use Will efface tho.,ze disa--recable 'ap- benefit to the community. If should render a written nettement of their The Council then adjourned. George Brown, M. P. el' "açd;tominal pro- This wu the Uglit in _i es upon the skin known ;u swer in the nçgativIQ 1 livill be si] respective systems ofhusbandry by vrhich prietor of the Globe, way, statio WM parties before the public, and although pheve' te whîeh ladies in ldelteâte ý,îitÙa-, 1 know very well that the' they have attained te such results, it is yet TuesdaY Augut 18, 1851- fixed. And, be it kn tiens are fiable. Try this spiebditi airtÎý habita OwtIl thait therewere reasons toi justify our, ý conclu-- nits of. Thorah, -and - of ýBea hoped that many will malté an effort ti: The Couricil met at 7 c'elo& portion of the public otill'"egnoýant of theý dions, they were; perbaps, too haoW farm-- clé.- y particular, will donie.-justice in furnish sueh information, for the Board of Present-Messrs-Hodgson, Keller, Rowe fact, tb*t to this "y ýtgtiQq ý,tbe vu» af elî _ The em*, partîîtes who, opýôsèd thé rnLqes, and'refute thi8 alisgrd and Agriculture te ïrrangWand publiah in Frasser, Wallàce, Talé and Watadn. it Bothwell" was givea. -1 Immediatel 'arii-, by-law have tqinS come in et once, wben > ou& assertion-an agsertion thatcf erit Stock Breeders in EnZý4n4. their Il Transactions." Such information Mr. Hodgson iii the Chair. ses a beautiful towa--on paîer. But't-he of the, originate by-law of whieh they cQuld COn-scientiOUSIY The Bedford '(EngUrid) Mecury should embrace the character ôt soif and On motion of Captain Rowe,, omnded quantity of w approye, bail Wn brou; lit forward.. This 25th of land. hich er.',G"r.-o Brown July says:-, eltall man. phatically,Ëý1y subsoil, system of roïatlion, the time and by Mr. -the ýÈýy--law te take sharee in if. ýp. -P., a" e44r of the 611obe newsp&- ci ard and bonestand Thé an n lettiné- of the celebratéd- onduct is etr&igýtforw ' o 1 Packet",hu donemuéh te in4ke manner of applying, ýrýatwire Quantity of, the capîtal stock of the Port Whithy and per had purýhased froin his then fast frieid would appeRr tojustify tbe sincerity of Babrahamr'amý,- Mr. ýVëbW4, 1hujusit týkêý seed sown, the belst and most practical LakeHtironlitailliWaý vos rezd a second )jr. tend- Prieý Commisâlioner of QrOwn Lands,, their good int«tions in tliair.,form Oppo- place -, and ittftdWd- a , numérous . RI; and 1 lias awayg enduv*jired.,-,to method of raising the différent root crops, -- time, and the Côuncil' went into Commit- wu' 1ý0 1a-rýge"t',ô be made evelà, into a papier sition. - We are, glad -to, be able todo thewi. 6è, , fidtn-alt p'a"rtà-bf th -At st rs-li,,, the most important points to be attended teê of ilie -çvhýle thýýeOn. town. motiyes this jubtiço JIONF, AR w "M »I ý l" èé', It ' wu noceuuy'to tu ' rn thé. ' resi e may prew -ptiblic'letti'n'g- 65' ' tàms - wercIr ý hired, ', and the in a ita : n te in cheese-makîng, &c., &c. Ex. Mr. "V'àlê fti the Chair. cerried,- . - due to some Other accelunt, Thia circum- viouslyhave judge4.them wrýongly,,,-.and- the toit&I ýýam'0u' t-fal hibitor studying how ho can impart knowý, , The seve -ml clauses of die ny-4âýr were stance afrords an ppporu'niti oý drawing placedtbeirconduçtinawmnglight 1n -hdalý ý This hl ur£s7,ý ýiW7l> per, gh' ledgebearing apon hi& parficular depart- agrëed te *ithotit ý d4emior4, atid an, tighter the cords ýhat boIlind Mr Brown te doing 80, we ýhAd, the assuratice'.0f eam ew Our, JO twO,-Y frm ment To bring ont ill the résulta of our aràendmeàt'-made by "&'dding'ta the lùt the. Great Waturn Cýmwy eXcMUent Cottrwilloirs t"týthe BY-lb'%-,Waa rw 195% 69,-=ýus; -ýwetýé let 119 in ree , P* ked lut ýý1 th . Proviucilil Exhibigonsi wgreqtàire i n,ýad- élérusei -the wor« Pauld by this Couneil fore Our' patriotic meImber of parliament perfect---ef th ersthat., , it,,w.as without, -foî, rabérl'in the year of and corruption-h t* dition te the most energetie offiew mLaý- ihis 21gf d 'cd Septe un insjourrtalist wu- a.. defec4, 41:14, tIacke by The napmenti ýthe zéalous ý c"peration of - tbe Our Lord, 1857," after which it waa adapt- tmetritgýýý"epl tliiteotlýpaü leadicg -practiÇal Mîn àf Our ea'nntïW- potg, 1145r Warden Dalv The mifflier lius 11j'it ettircly reegvei-Lýd from hei- Lite ton. 'A mont lias been conifortable fitted up for Itti(,'Ilf in LItýc Museuni, ý% here they will i sleeli durhig the, uf rite r,!)ow -a shoiv flint will douI)tjtý,ïs beýtt all ppe- vious, baby sljovs. The baby, %vlio had " Di-, Burdull's nose an-d..Ntr.q. Ctitinîr),,IiýLni'b v;'aýs bol-ri it m-ill be Iaýt ýýaturday week. in a pud ncar Bellevue Hospital, whither the mother -mbs going NvIien taken with labor pains. It is rather small of it-s age, and has an unu:;u.il quantiLy of liait-- brovn hýir-for so voung a ciffld ; oLher- wwe Ît louks not tifflike otiter babies of the vas an il TORQ-'q haine age. It is dressed in the clothes whÎch-3frs. Cuniiingliam w-.Is s,) kînd as t, bestow jýpqn it pr'evious to its beili- taken fiWaY frorn 31 Bond street by thoae, crueýI Policemen." It deports itself a dig-'!, nity, becomin- its position, but acts ýas though ' entirely tinconscious of the great services whîch it has already ren(lored.- Justitia is to be its name-as si-nificant of its services to justice-the mother hâývihS flnalby concluded to so call it by advice, in- stead of Eliza Ann, as at first intended.- The exIii4ition, of the interesting baby and ItA mother, will bogin this. morning, and WM îoou be added to in intereet by a wax figure of Mrs. Cunninglt&m, now naarly The Burdell Murderces. We bave traveled the circle, b«ed the Wppasq, if we May say so, of ahame and of Ain, maya the New York, Triburt& There ls not, we suprme, a single > law on the etatute book whic h lu& not been viol4Wd within the lafit year. Murder, usoià, rAK gr 1 and larcenv' pe#y larcony, highway rob- bery, seductiô ' n, adultery, abductilon, forge- ry, defalcation, ob"ininggooàunderfalse pietencee--4hese are common M1âes. -And "w we are ha* ing a taste of uncommon 0,M& Mrs. Curiningham's suppostitious child Sives a ro=dod beauty tô our crimi- D&I calender. Her new offencé is arare one made mre by ltt'ntture ; 'Ibr thé mont dit comparison'

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