Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1857, p. 3

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-tstigtion el )Cen conopol tire batlle ouft the jWasl d nl oic tiite 1118s vear, wilthmort rlhe "praccsiionsa li ard froin, stud aaw, moie peaceablo andi )e ef muy former a ul heard of a knud taklng ron Montrdy lust liy of Llite procea- âNiiug ou' SundRy thlIs ut aiect roW eoc- atudysd thdpar. bî'oightbeu tbc he 1 punislied. A row r eitunîkble on uny i prt or tii Co)uty iIcùotr d VcLùf&#a very iiniioctmt, andi tilng hwirur ta thé sclucr t n Onllia [riocr,;ins tiiw.ro (ho curjonuly rorthe pro c,î ,oi o lGreen- r iel ltec-whlch i uwi t of iwru~trdg u, in Sirgiilb. y' rhsrigCaps- iihtuttlout, snd ini ititi dof the l llrrrýoklïIr, in th. Jtct itînter iGreehl. ntt trr-e, anutd ltSo lr'ttt.iire nus7 w5 -ur:, athitotigt he 'd uif ai ie othier tr'mttircIandi iiînltrtrtrt bands, >t l n .1: .'îîii-1 ioil,r c f th. sl 1irrttil of King ti rt Mi of Ilert t t' tir it ofi liin i, riii ia rj Mo tu ast-lb. Irnh'- ut agnle nspfow itip iti tri ufA Puu- il ,grucritpeua -er env kind; -pud- tlte i teui.Af- s agail 'rineS anti 1tiïntiI thlie Vil- ige laill; iwre the. ted 1-y ite iiffrent Wllijini tire emstehru hotemari 8tpaiat- Wh ilb y odge t-e. tnt er(Irîe, ntrcilîg runimikry Byr'e- 'piîîg at Brther B. , mlitenithe'bauti Correspondet. ITEIF Ii OYNE5 aim:. srvo h tt an Ir al ur a s, union rimscks> c nezfront -the -trni suipublic t-o- -irtut w 'resîretche, nlth 'si-Ieudor and -l *Lîv, ttil kept UP t il no'-lo. csve-. metu pmlfedd by, itoui mrmidet, of htil thpa. [whiçhricemed 1$ 'y Mastîr, the Rey. ~m~s LtsnuEu5~E, ar ft h# !LA aW.c tsivse È.Y. with one million and à l'pcb, July 18." 0 ftSil&da sailed on Saturday frein 8 toucer Roanoko has 250 et amein -two-thirds sick. .Jlg particular frroni Cslifornls. The ln the i.outherh part of the State lg- ueverely frontdrought. le"ont Peru statuti iat Vivanco "w J4r 'f hd WVat connected wl thi thie 0.hn& .ge front Sari Fransclo 201h, îWl4ch brought down nearlyt 8$2,000,000 iu *eo The, latter passed on the 251h, the toamer Sotiora witb passengers ani ails 'e'm' ,New York of Jue 5th, aud on the Srd, 4Y the John L Stevens witb the maità of ý un 0th. WHIITB MIARIETS. Whirtby, Jttly 15, 1857. IuitelOqe-no produce ot suy kind Dt4king taaperco flsymùling and fart labor keepM the à~merobuny at home, -Whsat go. rTORONTO MARKETS& Wardu.sday, Jrrly la, 1857. Whest-8a Sd is-esi i. \DJED 'Very. suddenly oà, tire norniuF cf the 111h, Mary Fairbanks, airtd 64, %ïil'e of L. Fiirbrtiiks, ,%q., of Witby, fcrnirly or Yet'kilic,ý To- roitto. NEW, ADVERTISEMEWTS. OYSTER eVMYSTAL '%e SALOONq, Oé. 135?. Wallace Ilildings5 'Ionge BEVANS & DIXON, f1orouto, Jnly 19, 1857. 26 41I1S88F.IBRYAN, C ('ONTINUMS Tu.)GIVE iN- Bi tructitîn ountire Athr PIANl> FORTE_,J4P AthrFalber's retidenee, 1it-o'u ST-naî Wtt-- ON'r.%RIIO JIOTEL, CKlua-rt. W. SNVDIIPII<i'ilETtll.Carrages to J an srtFrou tire BitiFree nf i 'itrgr. MÂNJLLA 1HOTEL, SIARI PISA, (LATE COU LTI LX RDS u'î uR- S iterm. JîltîrMartin, irîitr. 26 TO BOOT AND) 811EIMAKERS. (odJoureî os-ir i t irrurtier te urake <A0nineulmnrsèal hiiota8, seuttIorI tgd to witnt constant em nulnittcansîd lihienai wagen WM c ivn.Al)bl; -oJAMES BAIN. WhiblyJrîly 15, 1 s-17. 126 REMO VAL. T HF.Sînrac brs l ve tein lite pub- lic, ttliie liasr Rtrne e tis Carriage Shop & Manufactory TO BROCK STREET, 'A fei rod aï81tro' tire Centre tîntel, 'chine ire vil. entuue tu Murufacinerasgood auîurtrtrcot 1C AR Rt1 A C21 E SI xd ail desterilriionit. A largo and wel uiniîenied stock of tIre latet dnt ntrrlpvenî trie aices'rron isurd. Imesse osasd exairrne iefone ;rnnrlnsing I. LIVINGSTON;. A BY-LAW To autdlorù. LMe finti6ipatj/#f tkê Town o<Whitb to take shir.aM he LA. M 8tec of" Te PrtWAit> l aLak Huron Railtoay £Tof"P#e. I HEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE THÂT *thts Munlcipality shall asst *1The. Port 'Wl hitby sd ke Huron Railway Conpany" lcostructing their Rsiiway-mund for isuoh pujr g thattii Munbcipality sbould subsoribe for baremin thîe Capitltock of lthesid Corn- pan to the extent of Seventy-flve Thouaand oonydg of lswfui ntoney of Canada,, upon the. foliowing toruritand conditions,, iaI la teasy- For Fiftv Thousand Pound&a baolutely, aud fo-r tbe remntîlnug Twenty-ilve Thousand Pounda conditionsl , to be psid when the Railway bas beu corpleted front Port Whitby, uortharly to Bea',ertgn-aud that snuch Twenty-five Thon- sand Pounds bc lý1d out lu the construction of the Rsîlwuy uortberly front Beaverton lo the ter- minus ofitht line on Laite Huron. And whereus It ufli bc necca a!to. psy for suci Stock in Debeture-of tic Municipality or 1wa Iin u tob.raisd epon the securit oli sucir Debentuiresq, sud le? the redemption oi4be sanie DIbenînreta, uith interesta tihe rate of six per ceîrtou wrranni, uitiin tiheperiod of Tweîrty years f)rçn theb time, Ibis Byiaur la herby unîed tu take etrect, the. followmng pro- viaicu la ruade accordlng to tierstaatutes ilufilst behiaif. Thir whole roteable pftpcrtyotf lb Municipa- lity, Rctordi', to the airsetssîrrent returned for the liest p reccdîing Finauciai yesr, aruouut u £217,7 -" o d, currency. The sccvi 1o bc raised auanually, according tu the orie lirndred and seventy seveuth section of "The Upper Canada Muni-cipsi Corporation'. Aet cf une tlionmaud eiîirt huudred and forty,- nitre," ai a Speciai Rate fur paymeut cf tho siid but of ' 3î~-five Thousal ouudix, and 1he illteret;t tiiereof, withiîi the tinte iliîited forthie satifaction thtereof, it thie dtavr antd tinica lien tihe saure bccoite payable, ilil reqire to be Six Tlitrtian(i Five llusidred and Thirty-eight Poîrinds $lxîtenSîtillingâansd Elev.en Pence W. 4 100 Correiicy, suri the Annunai Speeial Rate lu the Potînî urltobc imposed uipon lte said arnîîtiit otf lateabie roperty for pyntent of tie intere.ît,.tord tih ehicin ot a stukinftdfo the Ipyitelitrt fthe Printiral ssnm % ive tnicrsaiid poundr, wil i acording to te Sîitutt, reqoire tu bc 4». 8d., - for the Fifly Thousand Ponudat, 3% îdi 'T "4 And whereas theiefiiXy thocusaufipoiruda of tire sid I)eienturrs wiii bc irrirned at one time, and th tirweirtv 6e-ve tiionuaad poondi of the îuld )ebtittîri. ut auctiter tlîrre,aud h l6 tberé>e fore u\brîliiit to provîrte tirat sucb propor- tiorrate -part oriy ni tihe whoie Anutai Sire- cili Rate for redleetiii the seventy-five thon- stind ("tltld4 xith irterestai aforcsrsd,iîruid he -raist-J,011iir andtIifer tire iîining of tire Slty thoosanrl pmidrsud béfirre andutil tht s0d- iirg of tlint wetitir' -1e thousnd poutîds, ase wiii ire iciffient tri redeeirlte said fifty thousaird piud %îtîi tii irrîerest as aforcîrail, ut the. tirues and ini tihe rnuur tein limnited. AndtI trnt tire ftull. apecia rate for redeeming tire îrrir eenuty-thee tiîourand ponîrds ii h rîrtereeýt as.îîîirrexaid1 sbould irpun snd aiter the iensrntîg -if tiie réunaittig twenty-five titonsaîrd port d., ire rrii-e-, tir redeem tu1e Raid seetî- le t rît nd ion ndes ui irtereest as afor...ji at tire ilsnauir tintes itercin liortted. Anrd winerraa titis Bv-iaw brui been pubtisbed for tire Inrformrathin ulte atepavers of titis !rlrtitirijrtriiî, for ut least ouneruontfr, and for at icanni fioir tintie, before thie final p.nrureing of the saire ini ear'h uewpaperpîintîeripr poibliiree weeeki.*tir otfenerinthetIre lloîieipaility, anti alan bv lîrrtirîrp tire sainte iuai leat frof. tire înitpl î~e pla-es lu the Munricipaii.v, wit a liti iCItieil liv tire ilerk of tit i rripaliry, tint tit -ri r;-f'thii.By law 50 putiliiibed are tesiîrietv i rneeoripiei, and tirat tItis lie-lae wil be- trk-rn iito cotîîideraîicrrby this Cirryrcli atler tire expiratinti of oue umontli-roin thre unit prtiiieitirn a.-arruiy",rid in smciinewspapers, andtiit ut îttire i t tuln oeicck lunlte fore- trir, I"itihe Sec thuday of Ao*nlst neit, ut tihe TownraltHrl, a generai meeting of the qîtali- tien M iiiiiirmi Elo!r.- ocf tire Muîeipaiiy wili Ire bein, ifor tire pitriise of corrideniug titis By -i av, uni ofuappÏoving or disitpproviug of tht Bairle.1 irk il tlire-frire enurted by the Town-i Cotrucil of Lre ITrti f W itby, Thtthe' Mrnicipairity of thre Tomil of I!t.. iniiiiiedirrtciv ufer tire parnin ' tf thii -arr, iritul i ibieribe frîr tirree t~ ousand trirarci in tire iCapital stack of tire sîrrd Raiiwsv Comptjanyv, 1 the extent cf seveniy-fie-e tîron- tnrtd ~ cîriintire uunuer sard opou the con- ýltiri> tu tiliiittr, tlirt ilabo sue-, for fifty thon- eârril iurticof tir e tid stock sbi4nrirttte, sud fr tire retniin iwenty-five thotitîsd potrnds ot' ttre stir-k ciirîlitionreily, to e irepinS whlen the Raiiwtnv citai1 ie rorupieird frin Piret Whitby July I4i, 1857. 2136 Ircrcrice,.nnrrn wýas nurgaîo, and ro ne expeuroco s -~~ iii t ire r rtactiro nr tir e srîid Rliiay front k-ice tutir tire termnutri of th ire uta Lake Farm for Sale. iuurrascaferresaid. 2 oACRES OP SPLENDID LA ND, LOT 2. Tînt tire Mat-or shah moibscribe for sncb '2 0 10, li lOtir Concesiounf Tirnal; 15 sit-ck mintire xteut and lu tire maunen sud ut Acres cleamed. Titis Furm is sit-s'edthiuutrnn thire inrf'resrntid in tire nanti of lie Munici- fOur miles of Beaverton, on lte truc c ronrd 1o paiity. inuild til sttaci lie Corpurete Sealiot Ymr; the hand is cf te mut qualtye, and la lun- arrciubàcniplion. tire cetre of a good mattîhurent, w ii a Snnou,i, htt ,) eetreqo h Mncpl Also, Norlt haf cf Liii 4, l in teloti<'cte- mnhi eisued for tire mu id muni cfrfiftyn thin sien cf Tirurit, eniting cf li5 atrt-s -1itf sard poudsansd lweuty-five Ibonssitd pondm, vh$och are eieumed, sud fronting on lte iortage 'uvieiraund a tCiresaidS teeril amounta u( Stock 1toid, nean Canicroii'a AIil. se Ir e subscnibed f -r 5ia11 respeceively beconte vERura tiuÊESÂ. _ai payable. Apply lu 1). CAMERON. 'eeavonlen, 10th JuIy, 185-4. 26 FOR sAýLE cfll2A1P. 'T OT No. 27,10n tire md Concessionocf Wirithy ,& (b lie X'ira5FAUXi) adjtninrutig the Towni e! W bit v. Apnpiy lu tire lion.il.LC. W~.m CSarTyug Plsr.', C8fss. WmLaiN-s, Euq., Beluccillc, ,or te1 Jily 15, 1857. J. VuIlIAl. Barrit r, W itiry. 28 FOR SALE. AValushie building. Lot in tire Villagze of Prince Abert. Ih l s tusted dinîcîly -op s uit. Mr. Boyuton'a Untel, and ià, nSeideedl 'trebeit itrîstion for buxiirebg li the Incalii.v.- it la tire tl tformnly occupied by Mn. Toîiluiq- uon'n Drug Store. Apply lu 2-P. J. O&NEILL, 29out-o Street. Toronlt. P. A. HUR,1-i Prince Aibetl. or to n JOHN McGUIRE, r Commercial Traeleler, uIternational Hatel, Prince Abeit, JuiIy 15, 1857. 2 moirdizig ana Day Sohool 1 mas1. RADCLIFFE, W ILL opee Schtoél for tire Edacahon cf Wyoong ladies nt ber residence, rieur Ontu- rieiituee, BvnsuilUe oslie Firmî weelr'Of ISpiamber nexl. The Enalitb branchbes viii b. 'tngt t y a ilrsI ciass Governeas: the Mtisie, 13lurglg, Frencht Gennian and Faury Nei 1-Vq \Wor:ktby Mnm.Radcliffe. anrsrd Etgllaban es one year£M150Q0 44 4 44 ntontins,25 0. O tne sin 3moths.15 0 O 'Dsyscbheolsrs 44 pernQur. 2 10 '0 1Pronts sending ni aretitan ne 1 Iesci -UMMer Qoarler - - - leo0 Iraroi, etda 64 4ucasss s- .0~ vrai-sjgi 44 49 ci 1 0 No-extra chtarte for Fancy Needie jWork.- Ue.h bourder to sit hBei, Beddiug ad Tom- uls. Pynmîfor Beamntiqrcrl ni ue- Wabug~4par nntm. n Mns.Radcle il l» rmai thfll 'v* Of Aue- lmi Z neslwddusce, over Mr Shulix'sIens, l.le wabD) XBe .C.-Satn, Faq, coburg t ïfý 0 &Boultou,1. .Chter- ut"4pilaae -sns ;te =$ 8 ac .14esviIls July 15tiî, 18a7. I2-4n. 4. That tire Debenînrea lu Irhe mseIsilet sirahi be onden lte Seul of the Munnîcpality, sud litalIre egnedby lIre Mayorrsud conntersigued lny tire Truttinurer, and mitai! bear interesît at the rate nf i'.'pin ceuturo, per atumi, vîichinl- teret nîrali be payable hlIf yeariv, sud for tire renrîrecticre payunuts cf mici fu'teresi ait lie urnes tbe satue respectiveîy fail due, Coumro smili be eltaclred te lb.emu4dDebeutures. 5. traItirhe Debenures shall b. roapectivehy fer suclirsomnoct lesa than tmenly-fie-e pouds, sud mny lire expressed eIluer lu sterling mouen cf Great Bitin un lu Provincial Cureuoy, a.â bc made payable, prnmcipsi anti intererst or chier cf thint, aI suc place or places in Great Biirin or în Canada, sud npch snob days sud limew as cira» Ire vithin tweutv veu. utt1he furnheat fron thle tinete iis BAvsh: Ial como inou opelration anS take effeet, (exelusive of thie firît sud ast due-s cf suci periud,) as lu lie -offEetrs elguiug ind conuîensgnîng tie sali De beitîrtes, lay soemi expedicul. 6i Tihat tic Amiral Speelal Rate iluthe Pound to e b.Irposed as afou'esalr, for pavrerit o! tIre lotereat sud lie cretio nt àa Siuking Fond for tire paytnenl cf thie aid srmn cf seveuty- fins tionneauiti pounda undortlis By-laur sialîhe rsi.sed lc-ied. sud eollccted opor tire viol, nuebepnopeýrty of Ibis Mudicipality euh ycrîr, in iAdition ho ail charrites sud assas- menti vritrîcover fro nsd asIen lie tinte mien ticMd saiSmnI'!Ïâly lbcusand porunda bas been coutrscted as s dot or loisiro Debentures *have issuied ticreft- ba fureWâ nisd te sud liu. t»l tIre atLAionaonsd disoirge cf tire fu ui cf aevetv-fie-e tlrhsant potmndsansd iu- tencal as aforesaid. 7. TiraI Debeuturea shan irmly ire issact te tie exteut of fifty tituad pounda oniy as aforetraid ,and lhiItire full Annual Speclaste for ncdeemiug lie sevent)-flr'e thousaud pounds vithir rterest as sfobreaaid, girahi net b. levleti virile pot more than theb.sum ocf fifty tierS- Ésird poonda; debl or lonn ha. been coutraltiti or Debecurea lasueti therefor, but a propar- tionrihe partconly cf th. fulAnual SpecWa Rate, liati» tao say, (Ive Ihirds of Ibe arn,) 3M. Id. = inuthe Pound, shall b. lovieti in oaci Yeu upon lie viiole rateairis prope rty of th. Muni- cipality, for psymntnlof tii. ttereut upena lb. asdit tiumand pactids, sud t- iii timOfuo a ilmgfond for payntent o! thei. mu ifty thle nmpud iin i.tire" rby S.Tthatfrem sud aft.rtiro tinte tine ferts edbt a'r hean of tlb. adtil l twh t0ty-dvO tlnssa E:Uzd bIas been àoenbursetd, 'tire D6benturos veeWn sued tliere t t.Irl smOunut e! tie muid Aanralspqcla'ite hll hbeiaI5eSSand leviod m sforesidfor pâymnet o tire sld in- terstandsthtle Ieattrr f a Suil !fo r tie Iaiabactiem 0 jcioiena svnY- fie-e tlnoummiti p*untis ithmnith ti ueoreby 9. Tahiil.By.a isal orn»s lri o oeîail0 sud tait. efoect upon tthe day ttemms shah bà finally ÉOUedly this thouneil, ancte oca6Uà ofba t y of. the quslI ..I.ta of<tis Murcp.t hmbn offivn te tise ima' the usne, sceesdlag -te tr sth i mli tI bh&haL LiTEST 1AND NEWESTI Victoria Buildin. F~4'H <Juiersluelira t 0op.nod thI i. n re mot omloesud ~talcted Stock of DRY GOODE, Xven brougil mb tiith Town of Whiîtby, con- Consistin of a fulsud choie. assortmntnl f Eugliah %rnican sd Franchi Gooda, aultablo for th.eA.aou. Hli as alto ltaciied hoeIris ox- ttdivo promises, A mihliiery »ejartmeat, urhîc i lîl bo under tIe, immediate superluten- donc. of Miss MoEven, of Hsmilton, a Youg lady who bas oonducted a similar branco atlb businsa lu one cf the . Irst Hanses ou Ibis con- tinent. This depaittul ui»compriase &i and varied stock of Engliah sud Persisu select- cd Gooa, ombraoing evet'y articl, lu lhc Busi- ness, aud wich for style, fenc1ilon and vs.ioty, surpasses anythlurg yoî introduced mbIbt ia lu- cality. OUTFITTINO & CLOT1t1!(G DEItAITMT. Iu tItis Departmonxitlhe Subécrlber la deterntinod nul lu b. exceiled b y auy Towtn on City lu Cana- de2 lu tIre style, fashion, quality sud uokian- aiuapf Gentlemen's Clctluug. lernt Clasai worknen-wio, front their ospn- city teocut, fit, sud make, bave been, speetelly "In, loyed. Il Isa brauci cf the business wlricb hau long ooeupled th. suboriber's attention- aud crie tbat hie feelsasiu.u»ure wlîlprove a greaI da.ida-tsm toe irs ciiaut of the Town cf Wbltby, sud the surrouuudng country. g9rEvery Gterment marte up teo oder...M~ Tir ip'ice etcf veryticstld. iirked lu Plan 1 co~nclusioni tire lbsaoiibr woild beg te atate that tire iivorable irentatancos undier whicbcirebaut purehaaed tire whole cf bis exten- sive stock, are sncb as ensile him lu mcii al 4on.ds lu hIs Establishment, eWTWENTY FIVE PER CENT LESq_é1lb su litheirlia naually cirsred elaewbere. Ail b usiness conucted un thre Cash Principie. One Prie. ouly cirarged. NOTE THE ADDRESS: j&- Iictoria Building8, Brock iSret, ont door Nort theL.Rcgi8ts-y Office. N. ]EL DAVIS. Whitby, July loI, 1857. 24 AGRîCULTITRAL IMPLIINIONTS. JiE the honur te annoonce, tIret se rappiue sole At-eut for the sale tri less. R. &R. S. Pstterio't--of Bell- ville - celebrûietl Aoricntirral lui piements, conirrpisinu PLiIUGlIS, CULTIVATO US, &c. Aise, MANING'S COMbiedMowlng & Uaping Machine. Titis celebrsted macbine bas bien newiy im- Pme ansd altere in luiach a manuer, as 10 chai- lentre t'rmpâriarrn as; te price, workniansuip, durabiliiy, eoueeniîuce, anid ttilty- Tîrose weLsiing tu se-id tie expeusèe of lte spr te maschines mry ds o, snd teil i fort hem filearýt expectations realized lunttne Corubincd Mftcie-wirtchrlu ee-ery case 'cillbc evarntid te du tie wonk. Sanles are now r eady for initpection ai the aniscribers, te iwmici lte atent ion of tire Ag-l cultuniâsa t thre ("'ontv hs invitent. ah tic Vic- turn Buildings, Brook Street, Whiîiv. N. H. DAVIS, 24 .dges.i MR. Hi R. FR11'?, S PREPARD TO GIVE IN- airucticu le a few urPîlein l Monine, lire Organ, Planoforte, Har- mony TIrrotrudr Basa, 4&-c. Application respect- lirg tentff, wlicb are e-aried nS l scondance witb lhe annoont nof ins5truction ret4oired, w bci ad- dreaseri le MIL W£.&TT4S HOTËL WltitIry, Joiy 9, 19,57. 25. *Grand Trunk Railway. Ses Bating aind Excursion Titikets. F OR flic aceomnîodatinu f tire public during rte Suimimer Sosirtro, Tickets iui Ir issouin from i TOROXITO TO POÉtTLAND A.ND BACK, Ubtildren tu der 12 yeunni ofuge, bai'f prite; itude r 3 year, Free i1lËnablieg familles te visil tIr- WHITE MOUNTAINS, PORTLAND, sud ail tht favorite Waterîng Pla-es in lis e-i iiity on tire COAST 0F.THE A TLAYTIC! WiîIr Icave teu atop ah ail pointa cf lierest, sud tb. tickets s-i i ýgoodfor tihé ietr rjodrfley, np lu thi laINuemier. S ýBD)I Geieral Manaager. Toronto, July S, 1857. 25. JIpRs. Kyt, JFA'Srruiestabliabed ber 1111»- nLL ery IBr.omislu tirerear cf ire sainelu3nldlug, wmmci i» l.b. open ou the Fintt cf Mue-. L.adies piese os» and&examnine Mn. Joues executea BECxno-PLerur on u il kinda cf Silver Watcies, Cisins, Jcwelry, &c lu a very penibet manner, flot to be recgniz from pure ai. Speormeus tW b. seen aItirhe BEERENCX5--N. G. Reyncîde, Esq, Sheniff; J. Hamt Penny, Esquire. Wbitby, Apnhl 21t, 1857. 14-lin. MR. STÉPHE'5, Magazines f«r July, At thoe 94 !rANKE $QTON STORE TORONTO'> KART, I~I- COABINET WAREHQUBEi. ESTAI3JISIIED) IN 1843. '1'HE ubscriber bas, siuce the. laie fir., r.- .1. bonitbis prermises, Corner of Brock mand Cohborne Streets wiere h. still continues to ntanufacture ail àeaoriptions of Chairs, TabUa, Bedntads, Bureau, Sofa#, &c., on as sîil urger scale than ever, aud hope. b y trictatteution tn business, to nienit a siar. cf publiepatronage. H e l well known by the. inbabitanha of Ibis section of tii. country. CeAll Ordersatstendcd puncuay.ffl WM. TILL. Wbitby, July S, 1857. 25 CoIFIF IN S. THE Subtacniber bega le lnforn the i labi- Ttauts of Whitiy sud aurrounding county tirat he firns recomnteuccd business et fls 0(>i Stand, corner cf BROCK & COLDORNE STREETS Where lie wili Manutfacture aud keep on baud alldiinrnltions cf Cofflus cf ditferent sizes, fur- uisied wth BrsI Plates, or of wbatever kind ordereri. fW7 The subacriier attends Funerues peraon y WM. TILL H E lIAS ALSO IN CONNECTION WITH tire abeve a First Class Hfearse!! rnannfactured iv Il. ILi inrtsin, WIritby, whie ià muade nîri)idire bt-st style. 1* 1inenrais sltended autlite siorteast notice.. L-'CÂU1BGS M0DEIAT.RJ WM. TILL., Whilby, Juiy 15, 18,17. 25 DAN RIC E'S GREAT SHOW. C REAT hi anse cf iL-r ruztuirde:-,GREAT xoit seet ýtIA'rtsta iurity river ailrt-i cri, cetee travelinig or Stitiuirary Estabili- metem. Great fer tiére eason tiat eut-i antI every sol unît-eue iîrtrodnre-td etoitd, ceparaici>. lui ClIRCUSSES OR. MENAGÈR1198, be cirnnidire.d a featrre. Grert in errniseqireuie of irueing -more Damcinf, Trick sud purf*oriit'it llsS ari MULES ltîtit al the Ciretrîset ulu hie United4tates (ont- bilred1 Great uýs ail tiratii nocirl ite Lqtîesu-lsun Acrobatie sud (eiru5rrit lin a u ie t csen only ru tisth, e GREAIESI 0F' SHOWS. Great for al l i adinit tîrat DAN RICE is thre otile entitien i nrie'an llrmtri-,t. G2reat il i:-greater titenanuel be. But greatesi t'fail arttire EDUCATED ANINALS. Tire Tiglrt Rope Elepisut LAis IAIOOK I Tire Penfoenz Canrel. nVAN cORD EN, And thie Wchder cf tIr9World, tire BLÂCE KEIIÏOC:ER OS! The Ifrai evern itrodnced outuof iise un den loto uopen unnîrlis itliefiral e-en mÙydued by man, sud with Rafeîy ntauured lia 0 l 1v- lut- Rhioceros i iEre o nei uud su 1iedad performed by DAN RICE. GreAlt, Grester, Greaheal of ail are tire rcomio MULES8t PETE & BARNEY. DA'N'S neir-trained AssmNbEn Wospxalj*ÃŽ1» lîppear lu eseI r pet-msuree. Their i1heslrious predocesors bhin%gouri. sld by )MýiL ite for fve theiliasut dollars, sud gene lu Europe, îirey vi» endeavor te tlnvince.ail auttat5ur Eqnegtt ans vio visir te distingulsir lIpmteies tiat tiey are rorthrtveuty Ibousamîd dollars. Thomnas Canhani's Keysteiie Orchestra. The neputaticu cf tic Leader, Mn. C&-citxut, sud lie ciraracter of lic gentlemen vire coin- pose ii orchestra, are a gufficieul guarantee Ihal net omly are wcrthy cf tire inportsul parti- tion asaiouacl them nt itisgi-est Eitabliâhmntt bot lte publie urihi have tIre pieanre o! listen- ing We he ie c BRASS AND STRING 13ANOSI liaI ever hravelled. And furnhermere il la the enly showr tuaI 1?BRFORMXS AÀLL 17TÀD VEUTISES! Tiie Comtpany conuidls cf MRS. DAN nICEg M'LLE ELVIRA, MONS. J. SlO WLES, MAST. (J. REED, MR. CHAS. NOUES, W. H. GREEN,- T. WINTERS, FRANK PHELPS, J. F. ALLAN, THE WHITBY FÂMILY. MAST WILLY, MAST. FRED, M'LL13ESTELLE, -DAN7 ItICE. Wil» Exhibit at Bo-manrelie, Friday, Jily 1Tth, 'Whitby, Saturday, JuIy lSth, 1 -Il rkitsmw, Mondar; July 201h. Thre Grand ýPxocaosaa, vilb s lire Aias Carnasge%, Vans. Wagons, Herses, Poey, ant PerfarmerÏs viii imie plue. sI10o clek. ADXISSION, -' - - - 25 Cmt Reerved'Seuls 60 Cents. Clildrenun rder 12 yem s9f UgO WRaerecdsra,25 cents. DAN RICE, Wbllr, Jly~ SlePropreter & Manager. WANTD IIEEIÀTEjLT, A. T, C i affQ suy BOYaboq4tich sg O 1,a Apprtiet jWPr$n ÈCnefi 14 the couritryprfr'd Y*., Jufyi8, $o ~o t'~ fEG "EPEOTFùTû y TO It IÊ -n =Fmte to thoir Cestomners sud thien Publie generaly, IbsI th.ey have fJST IIECEIYED, direct frouit ti - f1MH & AMEUICAN XMCENr, TU=I SPRINf STOÊK ofshâma sud àuq LIARD WARE, urhloh, on Inapecon vil b. oud the Most complete ila Western Canada, sud at Prms tirai defraoentition: BUILDERS wiii luth evtyhUrîg lanhelr Depsrrxt lu great Variaty. carpentcr's Jolnes & Cooper's TOOLS, of ever description, fron thhe Most Coe- ebraljà makifa. ' MILL ,WEIGHTS. Iudia Huiber Belting sud Lace Leatirer, Fliut,& Rowland Circolsr.and MilI Saura de Cg M m To BIakmta Scotch, Swedea, sud Butl Irli, Ciat, Springaud Blister Steel,, hom.Nuls, Fiesuglimotild, Ailvils, &c. To Cardage Makersu &xilds, TIrimble Skeius,BoIIa, sud every docnlpbomi ti Carniage Tnirimbugu, &a. TO PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Paluts, 0118, Varnish, Glass, Putty Brunies. AGRICULTURAL' IXIPLE lENTS. Spadea, Fonks, Scythies, Crafdles, Snstbn1 iakes, &c., fron t1h. but Mukers. WlU lods splendid asotIntl f1unso, Piatols, Fiatks, Bocks, Linos1 sud ove. r! requisite fan Sportiug. HEOUSEEEPERS. A mplendid assurîmeot cf table and pucet cuîtteny, Bitaunia Metai, and eleetro pisted wmrs oethl.e eal -- Wholesale and Rotait. IEBROCK STREET, WITBY, C. ,W.E wi1îby, lat July, 1857. 9 PURE ANDWIIOLESO-E TEA! HE Subecribera would uaure lie Publie, thtirIinplicit rt. anc. foay bux laced on hhoir TEAS iug Pure and fre. frontany kind cf adultenahion. Their Stock, wla i u-ga Puchased previons to the commencement of Ilostilities with Chin", and viii b. acld stt he mne prices as forntsrly, no's-ithstandiug tie laie ad vauce lu tho NEW YORK ANSD BOSTO-N MARKETS!! târREEN TEAS,-2à. 6d., 3s., I;au îdr, 4s. aud 4s. 6d. BLACK TEAS,-hs. 6d. and 4.M MfePHERSON & SEARLEY Oppotiite Pllerq Wlitby, May 13, 1857. ReKller's E'ufxitnre Warerooms, Brrcz-. Sritt, whU17. jCALL AT ONCE AND SAVE COST 1 TH.Assigrueca of R. H. Lawder-iae-e instruet- odte idersi-ued to place in the han&%i cf a!r Attorney for C'olfetion, ail debîs sud secunuts idue the. LEste, unleani sett.ied imniediately. TIIOMAS MOODY, liPitlbi',May it7th, 1857. WIiitbr 1ýoyaI Orante Lodge No- 3. liEF Regular Mouthly Meeting cf tie L.OL. T No. 130,takes lwao t the.ecianies' Lali, in eh mont ,at iaf putl 71 P-4 Iy Order. SAMU'EL CALDWELL, W; M.L Whitlrv, May 11h 1857. c16 LumI3ER YARD, UKINllG!L]98i, e. T im uNIDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY informs lhe public ttI ho bas opened -iie 1 LabYrdînn a y egt y Mn.TionisGalla-, gher, Greeni Stteet, W bitt vian.bu la cour-I roautly supplled with Loinbr of even descrip- 1 tien, seasaced andd pen. Limier cf ail leo tirsn Square 8be foteIc10 imues. te- Building Maleniai funnlasd cri thlr shoreâtnotce& T. C. LA CË, 7 Green Street, Wilby.l, XSICALE TUITION. gblE isel4bet tiisnkfiii for tire liber'al sop- .prt exteuded tW hlm donlng is nesîdee iii Witbyf botspecfally in lfrm thir ob- bitants i"bTwn, sud tb. urrounding Coun-~ try, liaI heie a ler reardto recelve ach sdi- tionul numeO f plpls aI lis reiidence lu' ta . tn nstruslUG1 giiuir on tire Piano, Melo4eon&aallsting Intriunnts Parties deslrocs o! receiving Icasons aItiroeir ne- siene, rlIl b. sttended by lie taubaciber.- Tia rfeuryquug ladies fronthtie ecoutry de- inous .of receviug lassons, ean b. aucotiuueds- ted *Iîhbhoard if ucccssary. liii. uIlbeMnber hareceived urbut nigitt bc teriie a Mtiàelca Eduication et lb. first sehiocl le Geruisut, au teslasta he need gve plate o tic M ---ILhe hoProvince-lu is knov- ledga cf ongan Musiei muid eu ail khruda cf Strng Instruments. WTE1t5LtUEERAL-.ff le dom eotsasume lie tIlle cfrPmeacri bol' Whbyi ,Jins lé, 185r l GRAND TaeUK RAIJ*ÀY, ALMI.Tti oO5r u . O %N AN4D AYMTRTJUP.SDAY, TE lIr " btnTrains viii lesve te Station ipl Front Street, footl u y Street, as foilova:- Toronito Tinte. Tirrough Express Train for MSi- tresi,2Qu ,lP09tlaTd.... at 7 10 A. IL NigblhlmaI .or luin &eat425 P. M. tinu ed t rgvl h iaos A train vilm" veCâbousy ona Mcuay ama- a7 Yat 7.80 A- M", fer Torontlo, oeilng N.B.~sNigttMalTt-1nOOlflettPres- COUt viti au Exprese TraIul.avimç Ogdeusbuni for New YornkantiBoeton rouohmng bothi CiLfe the taine evenîlng. TRAINSGONWST PsssengcTritunfor do- do,.. 8 340 P.M. F»1t- ~Tiraluis.11. Isava JPM gtstIt'u sud 1Vbtf V m nn jf . Animti. 19 ICED SODA WATER, F RO1 M the Fotinilin wili asea17chile assort. mentIoci Syropti, ai WM. S. IIUBIXN's, Ftînwiy cireit, &c., Wbiiy, May 26, 1857. BrkSte.1 TO Mill rOWÃŽNERS AND OTREuiS, ABOUT BUILDING SAW MIILL5. trIE ucibers are munuealetrngCirenilar defy thre wirrd lu sirrw their eq uni for Stngth Workurrrnsiip or Destign. They are frtrniîhed' with Cast Steel Nffandrills. Rrrnnitrg lunSelf Qiliot- Boxes, sud willl.ruu longer anti do mrore work thruri ay ocher Mha THE SIDING MILLS, Arc Self Setting, sud adopîed te thre Cuttixrg cf Siding, Floozng sud Feucîngi Alto, Stetm EngAmes andf Muley Saws, As usual, ah Low li n d ou favorable terra. JOEN DOTY & Ca, Ouke-ille.ltne 25rd, 1.17.2-9*. TO CONTRACTORS. T EN Wo Fiftecn Acres Standing Wood lot Sale, spply inmmediatirlve-u Ë. NV. IscKENzTE, Wiiby, ritne 10, 1e851, 21 WAtb. PENITENTIARY fOOT ÂAMl I) 9Oi STORE, BROCX STREET, WHItËY; E. IP. tubbeard5 & Co., W OULD RESPECTFtTLLY ]3EG Tu) AN- nonnce 40the ciixue! ofWhitity mort vicinitv, liaItbey have opened tire above euha ishnlluC nCàAuuwau.'s J3LocXnexî door 10 S. Seanie's Dry Gooda sud Grooery Store, sud 1rsryoppowte U L. .Sefithd & Cq.'m Dry G= aEstablishut, wviet hey lntend keiup- îng conaiaritly on Ihan&i.àut golue seleticu et *Boots, Shues, ant, IndanuRbbçre, We would partiolunly invite tire Lenuasmi.o call and exanr'mo lie vuriety sud cunvenletwic i on Femate Depantntent, baving paid stri.i-t - tertio u htapart of ourfItting up we he Ire fvield miitîrteir pneenoe. 'NOSECOND PRICL Rz7zme g -A FAIR TRLntÀL. Whiîby, Jan. 19, 1IS-'t. Law, Chaùcery ara ëCoiteyaacidÉ rPHE uudersia.ned itaviug reaigned tire Office .L of Dputyheg6t fo thepurposo of ne- aiutuing bis pracetice, l e Court cCucery, expeots lu coujunotion willi an eminent Chir- clUwyeté lopenitire office eue docan SOUWK eM"ü th'Expresfice for tirat punpeÉm4i a fi w *pka. HM Comnon an sd <ioveyanclng Office wilihi.scrosa ie.o 0 , heosth Ie, WAUS land Tilles or denveyuroeu ilbcl uiy teté-, ed le. N. R W=uled sh ortly-An lf * wtw'aVéry supener 0Cgnand JOHN V. HAM,~ .l r 11vUnamad S&eiins£%a"or. 1857. SIUNG fI POttTrATIOX$f i85- llAMILTON &-ROBEIT IRE41fWslufort llieir numaroris C3eutoiners; sud lte nlW Ia h stok 1111 sia o r ved !ncth, Btiati * Yoee kKatw5i n CmtF Gctho:fl0% yld s e tte bion. 1 ?N0veites in tinties sud Cafrs, STRAW BONNXETS ~Uf AS NEW DMESES, WBW PAlIASOLis HoylW ea'itln-breat Varietr, CARP-FT$, DRUOGETS, DASKS, MUEEN.__ QEN!MEN0' »EPA3R~T WiIl be found complete in SILIX A" ËD 'fài ,WHITÉ À*% iËÂNoy SHMý STRAW AND PANAMA ËATS, GOL4LARS, SCARF'S, TIES & iN>IRIES #ËWvCAPS. - West of Englsnd dloths dric1 Doeakins, Scotch Tweeds aud Vestings for t1ùMsdi walking Suite. The Ëeat and Oheapet Stock of REAY-IME OLÃ"THING -EVER OIPRE1)IN WEI1 Oonslstlng of New Sdnfnteri Costa, Vente, Paimts &J. TEA AND OOFFEFÈ WARE1OUtrg HIAMILTON & ILOBERTS, K -(SUCCSSORS TO GEORGE WALLAQE1) T]AVE rent.d, lu addition to hheir former Premia., ire Store ueiit j lsi$17 cield byen -2011 BAEuriiau beon Lietd Up as Ilfir Grocory,Depaxrt lii hhy are zlo* prdpari4 W TE. COI sUG Stock of Groceries, Wines, SpirlU, &eq AS, ~Spidet F'FEES, SCAtPS- GARS, CliL, WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, maIIIJMD, n±cInu.nU, Ioc. PORTER AND ALES, &a. RUAI, SCOTCH WHIKEY1 IRISI H I8IxEY, Nos. 1 and 2- Cotnercial iuildings, Brock-st, Whitby. Whitby, April 80,1857. 1 STOVES ÀAND IIÀI{IWÂRI4. 'IK'OLES3ALE ANDRE TAIL. ALL the reontiondabe oo in~ 'lir, and Ieatiài lStet ezw la Iiséï (tor Cotl or Wd) for s"eI bythe aubsériberSn - - Cash IronFups, teat, i, nc, Pipe, Japsnned Tinware, *& .GEIsTER..L STOIOP »I0F WZiOG LÀài~ _Il FULEOM KEILE WhiîbyA pnil 14, 1857. Et8..BekSrtWibu NEW fURITUSE dis£E f SOFAS &, CHIAIRS@ ffWWKOLESÂ-LE .AND RTI The largest Stock in the Oountry of Purniture -&Roue PiWttig CONSISTING oft>a gRcr s1i tdBeioiM. a58tsî Care anti Wodct&~hls.~* bues, Bedâhe&dâ, Breso, S.falri debMirda, Ctaim, 914 IBUll arItTUlat leî flOM ONY PO tIVtmE.POZBNSOFA.8 CONST.4NTLY I.i STOCK Tino Subsonbsibeul Isafo in atvising intnsmring Purohaserstlat fer quantity, quulity andi Prio* tii .Etab»bimenit caunol b.c cmputet i th hly suq otrmiW usef irehoCeunlrïi Whltby, Aprâi 4, 185.' .Y#& 8 Md4 4. Lit 8W. UPIIOLSTERY ý1INIERTAK EULKE LL avt sp± eà sedtockluntrade a5rruahLusiiuIm itgp supply Ydnotrai atut bis aitSunotice. A. lreapply atccofàs kept "onstrhlrtd orhimng 15 meet the eofialu frnth & ourreqoing ho trie abfhoz oice A steady pair o(Hloraeswlth î e&d:lDriver ftrlho& with the Heurse. 2rRUI~ ÂftBWR LTAUPARTI Op THÉ <Cû)J Whitby, Aprü là1, 1857. Sb# CRAWFORID -Ci BEG TO flfPRM 1857. ~CIJGOU~I NAVIGÂTION. Inip I -1 NEW Rr.BBONSi

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