Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1857, p. 3

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--w -- - sy . 1f. . 1n- ai -mabutier LNEW-4U ~sk 3se i Quh. ~uncbanged, obtansd, permission to keep 10W PIU 1 eS t JNCTUÂL 11 pole4 OU Wit Iîl th&U à àid, ode her for some tme longer; îhey8tlbooquent- thtougd be isir0ti. rîeu arg le obtained a h permissibn, sti-a G N U nIbnbl>e of e<4eersm dittâInt parts of Ievgthon the ninthdaY, t. he , who t6û rwic PTOY s e n t. h, 1mtc.t bar. ony in a lethargy, gave signa ot 11f auj mon aad uaiint~y >realld a thirrecovered;- 5h. âôon after appearisd In proSe4lne ,Thef'*wtag 18 'acomplet. Perf*ct heatth Ilet of the officersapp 91ited for tho enU- Ioi1UýyugmnP8woii JuAS c y.Oad ate-otiM- WIndnUp. P w ho doe1alsos GoIn 0--- 1V.GrndMate su Svoeiu-prisonuat P~aris tor tbeft has made a watch P C1~oge L Aliu, Eqitie. c straw. This littie Inaterpifco is two and Senior Dy. Grand Mater-George dhi f 1 sindamtraoû hl itd to eoniiet lu a iO5t cd a »e y j, thickand will go tr thrce hotdrs vithout fui rICUS or showbll . If Inu r!1t ward, squire windiig upThe dial plate la Of paPer the more emblematie ottastu Und batr Kinnon. j: and a pretty gtraw chain is attached to the thon t te OPcvlid1 Pnrhssd revonstothe commencmn,>tef HOsdMswthO sud Wii ho ooId at the sainepricesa do fonnerly, notvilthtalidlUl tmbiiatoauanlu thé NEW YORK À/DBSTON MARIKETS!!, QEEXN TMA,-btuiSo6, sci ~41i. . sad do. &Id. JILAII TA,-adand 'O..tI pposite l'Uer fi Kéfloes Turniture Wariroornsi, IDtputy Grand Matrs-Dr. Seweil, IL l.To ntumnesu aerta1furornote Job Powur Press umSl, w bm y 15, A. Yîtbrg, Dr. Daton, Dr. Allyn, FAqs. prisoner had st bis coimand wrvo o mroXta I tOiA DBuviiqqs,S Grand Chuplain-;Ror. A. Carden. needlea, a pin, a litle sbraw and bhrcad. BR0<J STÈEET W IB,9~ , -, Grand ýTreaaurer-William, Strachan, Sovoral persona cf distinction moved b y Andl show youir apprecintion of the besutiful, by i1 V & ./A A LE.I W. thia surpriaing goulus for mechanica, are crdcrln sonmo Fsuty Priitlnir, tnmbellisd udn Grand ScesyJ hnIollaud, Egq. owcudcavering te obtain his liberaticu 'sdornc1 vlth ois te tty propriate En- the-" stefunt" wrien, aud arc prtiThe PreaIdont cf Grand Conmitco-Mlchacl ropriotoras cf the Glroicle Oflice omploy noue Crawford, Esq. A philosopher who had m IulTedaSvul lrintcrithomscolves, cocsequently tbèy rau do -Grand Lecturer West-W. F. Sparliug, gar, but amiable girl,' uucd te cull ber Prlnting riuter, choaper Ibtter, sud qoteker, "Brou Sgar" bccauo, o sidshethan any cihor shullar WEaabllhnt n uthe laq.BonSgaI ecuslea. iacpros luiceLO IE11 "raM LcturerEaa-E.- F. WekS, vWU SWEET but Un(ge&rtOrders froin the Conntry'exocuted vitb O UTTFI TT IN G Esq. Ê ta îoio oie Grand Lecturer for Canada Eat--C'aaa. Arrivai of the Steamhip" Peroîat- P. 111!, - -THE WHITBY -CHRONICLE Grand Director cf Ceremnica-S. B. Nov York, June 23. is. Publsheil every' Tbnraay, by Carumeuts Ie1a Campb4l1, Esq. Thti Cunard teainship IlPersia," froinHgins&Nyrofe rs Dy.GrndTrestre-Williams Kiasock, Liverpool at 1 o'clock p.um. on the lSth, ATT9EROFIE - ~~~~~~~just urrived 71 o'clock this ain. Vcoi ulio ro t ht Deputy GrundSocrtary-Andrdlv Fient. The proctiodiugs cf Pirliamint >o5ss e' ' BAckCo. ln'~u.littie morc than local intercat. lu the Tanxs.-$2 per annunr, striotly la advaflo. mlae to Order.. Ba 00 Grand Tyir-John Cunînsins, Esq. Iltiase cf Coimnius Lord Palmerstou an- tDKTaNN. Uopuby Grand Tyler-Wîlliam MeGin- uounced that thc Frencht Goverument hadotelio ttteCt6iT.K i TREE STRNO hem~~ given no'opportunity for rcmonstrancc lu(li oeregard f)the Uicfriug upon a British mer- 10TiA î 911 yo lovm aii sue The Laigoui ilo*90comprlslng a.Nu xenieSoktaCndl To te Eîtorcf Ise hity Chouile. chan bya Frnchvar choner t Bll- your Joornal, b defend Myseif finin injuri- To he dItr o te Witb Chonelu chnt y FrnchwarScoonr a Bel-ou» reports tîsat are ,.sid to bc cirenlatiug rem- DRY GooL>.Ç, RE4DY.3Ç4DR OLOTIIINO, T4PLR AND FANY TDRr OOODS, hana bc ile but peeting me. A bien usme4 ragret ,Johnston, cf Thie ansai hobllowg 1 I know hdpopîy<xrAcdr ta hli City, a-ho bas iat4elv blnicoWulVlitfi>, igtry- New Dam sks, New Table Clotns, New Couterpaiies, lb 1 Three wholo Pbilanthophists 1 (T/ual'x;.te unjuatiflable occurrence sud dismissed ing te do mie serions dlimage bure. 1 vould a 'qw, Wiudow Ourtaifli th. Commneneath'5 orthograplîy> t,tl bbc officers who ordered t.he abot to bc fir- no attenîtion toIli$mtoiesbutho umel;enaines KYDER & CRARLESWORTII. scîrlos1 co f Whltby men freciv, as; bis ahors, aînouttK "Ilte a litie shanotifliy, silly, tirlu ed thotnuWtn. Glge, iÈ. E. Per-c T. Wallace, J Toronto, Miay 2n, 1937. I ucribling. JulÎus Cearl1 vhat iront je&- The oabba bill cf Govmmnut for the Mecîntogli, Werdeu <isige, 0. 'ianîîigtier, James -NLIE!iMLIUT lous enmty triake some cf you mnSd~o?- f ~ p * ~ Byrne and Il. LiviiîîCston. If these geîîtlielb .LIXR Fontak spite, ibisinti , beats ttewl)-mtil or;n cof thern haveo nîtt poken w inInjur 1 -but tîi bets lb ail liov. Wby didnt ut second tinte without discussion aithougb - wuid tobissip lîrte fit-e oiîîfornif ho Rou i i Ds4',0thta Idr liymn t ctply tes Sl 1. Tcsgcraunuocfibilinenion fatl ud a niaufer as wil itoic the state- ,0t pposite Wyattte Uotel, Whllbt you speak to r, ynt mlvtee«i L hs,,ranuedhsitnin îcntof johnitton ta liefalso. If they, or aily men to wslt uit table 1 Witlt s little lu. cf uovn ml nuiittee, that tbec "ing one elso lianýe sajd tisut I pilt ny Pro rty (ont of .BDDNfenlfri atruction froint hm, sud the addition'cf Cd5niv hbands lit order <o defraud m orior--that lanE BdDN ioen ot leot Ihave eciicted and wronged sînova pon LLEgsivi pn'n jobectonale entnceshoildbc nquredMILLINERY ANDS wh-ite cdean bibs; they cotid ho drilled t betal etenc sond 1 nq irc ~W itlv-infine, <liat 1iN%'" asIt,7= bai eu- asavr 'thceuurpose. Tdt ' vuld have it.Serinetoshae yteraiter thtisIî eiuld not live ausongstthie good DT~ anoy 1h"Gooda oblatt heîr »uth.t.- Iou don't undcrstand Duke cf Norfolk,liave risen in opposition pelpie of Wîiitbv, 1 lhave oniv ta say to thein, ho t uang tes ltteinttrs! ebb masr rsove t upor atod tatift inSd an individual viiotu I1have On Friday, làt Mayr. cowld panaghe Piithe l t at wuy . icuthe m o u! in ontmtee upot acni hîf rde or ruigod ontL of a dollar, 1 wiluurem- --lier Stck la ail newiy mmported, col Tha the lmindrnknprtter voutheibblc i nwu c itei, moy tore lilu ni rfusid. Ift ihoe er 8117 dIsio an~!Psd of the fint cloas. bbc Catholic d sudn rîtite wuldablteactl contttd l-me.duIlig thbc <vs-o os are rospectflly invitai te inslpeet lier neit haVe been brotuglt before thse Ru-ove i vearm I roidedinluW htb, Iu willing tiioev O tock bofore purchealng lsewharo. nei dylîidhoge laf dllr orvat. inetialize Parlilunent te faine ati otb for .houhî lic publishes tawthec woril. 1 huve huad Witby, April 22d, 157. iug on you ait te dinuer table. 1ity !- al classes irrespectinuocf creci!. It vas i-nditleuitcs n le umcoot iy egagud Whîîby.Loiftî Orange S SPR I40-R ATION- the peer ltâprn tI-buaIt 1liave gencraliv exîdeav rO 1E «~a fti.L.. the atio vrtebgot ipsy eout cf pure vez- fared that buis inevemntutvulp jeopard- ::2. 'brnal t sotîyegae onhyc the iLaîl, - Anti thon, lîugged ie sud somocf Catheica cp- cd ci11 isg ne iu.,L'y the peoplîe of Borun ttreuswcoud Tue8dsYJOLDG OW consable, barhuided and eofttless, thraugh itrfràe.Wibrsdvieilie uc uB uyallyrou intet, thi et, pn.H AS ustrleod a largo Stock of the is t thiestreets, in theuiddle cf tise open doy îose tie ialu>, at ollud ,uentp< hit iLputcnf7enc Byuiror Ah~yo snildhae pcacdforbb per srsNewal & Ce., cf Birkenhsead have 1 i r rovserîusg agnat dea- f it, and have ta SAMUEL CALDWELL, W d SPING DR Y GO0ODS. PIhianthrophist. icomplusbvd their baîf cf bbc Atlantic calle trust Lau othcr suarves for mcana. Wîtv a t i71 AhBVR iebasCL.Ri o -The sbort iîough'clminu uight ho inade cprncttuiu a! otntae!l i ui, TirBlao p.-settible, l'y etting tIe rersownend eng- Ieupofal nOx ~-ci-villse gg o ST.o rt lpo hs(irailienttstifatrythBargains cm forAz. l G7 Cash On08 'ratugan fr ah nil ritlrbraoetuonluishisuernet atifaturytht oigrahY.,ntnU 2- it AS l thlRELe- - ais Boîiset IuuFlavers Ribbcus Prints, Or- cunkcnaî,ce, auni! 1 weild liave made 5a110w nication leng Ite who"-nugthi of wire,wasIRusetr , Jue 7 3 A11prasarhresrutac!gintlitIrasGdS1ISsusate, -diJ,y e ,uycf ta help hisaajpcearane. perfect.'TR TO U TIN A Tjegctiîs prontisorn note for Fltti Selted Goodoi,Ilioslery, Glaneso, 5inwilvsee, i. b. marcununanaeable.It la runtar-d tat Sir W. F. Williamus, KING STREETPud is-cnsadb 'hcnaFlerI<jAagotcko bcmoe thrd siantebrchit prapodCo.. lu favn -orcJoliiu CaiýpboIl, payable si*i A -insu mu> vuriuulstlîat lie seelnu' tO hi, the hereocf Kars,-s ta ho prcmoted to te -îîashs aller date, as thosaunie bas. been iu.iàid H E A V Y GO OD S, i ~~lonlest. - Lion5Cltons, Sheotites, Tiekinga, DrIlînga BtunIitaIl i tîAîku> 3îuî .IN CAMpBELL. Tovllngu., Citrpotinguu, skz.,cfln - si! iiîuimi'îsuiwsu n theoncsz- <Iovrnorshlip cf Maltu. t ukaros obi ag î tiigb trubut iaiiîgig. [n France the ciectîcu meventent istah"eSea;t nkrifr.hslgetckfDy ail liadinhitic.y Th Fb lt-Ig.Brooklil, 20th April, 1857. 14-tf. Guodi. lha vil! salI bis Crachori- Glwasvaro Wha bb uiseiefunIabutI al prig opic heFch ousliiica _________-i Mens' W(laKp sud Casssoits t- bega tepacisce namsu1I abustop MY- iofficialiimfitutre in Il shapes vas being 1" % WIIEAT AND IVOOL. bea topetzenoan 1ca' sooiliv lin uetion, on S bb lfithe i - j Cost. Prie. for Ca8h. gol Btt! nyrlok ndbone-myT.rtd n aturdfahegoemntcTdiîlE Sohseiihor tepropred te purobase snYi Grocories sud Sehool Books, a lagesoiart- self Bety! ny roaksud onnt-nt cxrtcdlu aner cfthe oveninet cusdi daof .uiPlrc-., ltî11 o'eloek A . M., by isintitn î f Wlieut aud Wool eI, bedelivcr-î ol luyosbmu.IsIafDlu e new araseItte ? 1I nust walk Lu digest a date. Rcgarding tbc positions, acceuis - Seucrs. WÂKÈFIItLI)u CMATE &Coi., uà da moSoeltlyocpc! yM.Lw e asanaI lie on an lu <h Mu ollrket.i sone fr uenxbCutetca.jare quite ccntradictcry. lysru fspse f.igcuindl o-THiOMAS MuJUDY. iemsber the Add-res.l, JULIAS'A. ~~-.--.. ains Mur<gae, mnade thue l'ur<h day etAiigust, Wlîi<Iv, May 20,1857. 1 OLBGLW *-4-e-'-~-~ I -855l,lîJ. L. GOU LD, cf thme Tr'isn.4iip of Ux----- Breok Street Ptnrc' r~On Novlvsmw'a-etes WîIITBY MARKETS. bridge. That salsssbîc iroperty, lu the MgONEY, moxNEY, SIONEY. Wlsitby, ApilI 8, 1851. 12, Patent ofinvenition for fourteen ycara baveîî<TSCE 0cr VILIEOF UXBRIDGE,LhEscngfLb ndat booms gante! te tIse fllovîiug. 'W h itby, Jîsune 24,1 S57. Csntaining l'y moîiesnremneit oeeFourtlu cf un IFou ROCK< STREET, lu <ho Towns cf W bit-, lusitRece dlre.t filonsLondon, Othniel Stone, cf the Village cf Oshawa, i a<<~ j<~4. u od niis. Aéer,-'uvthe anus.niore or hlas hein« c:join od eBby, asA VKW uozuisu în the County cf Outaro, for "A candenti- j-- ---- 7lcue.iîlcOleTuiu'i fIxnde, L Er'nzABOOR, a.uiouflOD&-XaeoldCrustedPoxi cd atinsophericair Bath &c."-(Datoi! 121h - TOYRONTO MA.RRETS. to1ether-t<stho buildings therecu erec<ed, one O'ASii GRAND BROS., of wbichle ia cousmodiou . CONSIDERÂABLE Sux 0F NONE!! L oudon -Dock Vasata, Kig St., Tarent FIAN B IDIGnth sue bvprovingi t18. Ur-Iilsakins, Junior cf the Villagre cf IWcdnssday, Jua 24, 1857. F lANEI , The evoar Sau obtali- T ENTI . whest qs C q. nov occupicil as a store. property sud paying expenses, on applicattiotTK OIE Oshawa lu the Coýuty cf Ontario, for IlA Wîa T@SId. $1' TKRMS wl l e made kilo"u ut <ho lime cf THOMAS COWAN, imprvedrotry teamEngnè.-(Dted F Iuu)Ir-Futtic7$7 37%; Superfisne $6% 7,4@ al.Fuir fîrthcn particulars apy erIjitbKr bVn#>1re ruibs Euuiue~-(ato - - «Ms»8' si . ta wli-Wy. lIE tibsheesbera tIsavlng ctiorod frein bai robay Staru xtr - kessuji.Cuir.zvCAMaist MCMToronto. WILLIAI( SPENCE, the fii, thatGeeoJco, _geingeeof ii Williams Wcrden Gie fteTw f EILNTC.Tarante Juné l8Lb, 1857. 25-dL. Wa. usrbr 'hlgtebosa ahue ________________________ Or at the IlChronlcle" Ofice. nexuor oestu e Cdourt liese,!udt p WYlitby, in the Coîînby cf Ontario for ,A nxi a otfteCcoutlieiseethanis.p nev procesa for taniug hidou"-{IDated Ie~.WYSPunua-Rusit cf blood 'o GRAND TRUNK RAILWÂY. Chreonicloafce, Whitby,.May 2-M, 1857. pae'osld mliu--u t h in May fi9tIi, 1857.) the huadi l oftcn primanily causci! by absd SOE PRSi PK811Ibe the -fint of Jaîy net, wllIl bh bded lu BROWN a &JACKSON. WhlLby In thse Coaty of Ontario. Cooper, vigorate the stofuscit regulate thse exeoeI uérbrl nbn n urslsWikMy2,17 for Il A nov -churecaled ith. Dursbiedns sud purify Lb. fluids vith titis vorld:A aAI! rnsc.a rsedC u3trg()td5 )th15. elWidmdcn u!yuvi oOdnA»ATRrUSDY U 5rsT ts bîîi'un onu,/SNlevi aiCea oCs.i INO<DC ÂLS - pt foin vertige, dimneas of 4glit, headache 0 l.-Uis.at, Trains vilil leve the. Station iu STEPREN GROSE9. i Frnt iStreet, -foot of Bay Street, as followaq: Whitby, May 1Sthi 1857. 184ue udar tho ýGlobe Office, Ring Stroot, Witt man namei! sud othen alsrndng appopletic sympteins Torasnto TInte.EEN.- TR T.- John Mooney, frorn Nov Orleans, Jpi! bc reunl ccipn ysesasd IrubExpress Train ffer Mîon- WANTED-Â ROUSEKEE j<ý constipation. The impurît of ~tuetra, Qiule Portand, ..... at 7 10 A. M N XI,.et ý rvt u orfeli overboard 6frt tbe steamer I"Mon. -habituai osiaiulTemprt fNiglit Msail Tuail 1r hlatreai1&c, st 4 2,5 P. M. A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN 0F GOOI> Gioils. Rota ad aioun-ksepoa, Stovurdo trei,"~t b. eadcfthe Rihle aia ieblood as voîl as an excess cf it luntte Local Train teo*andfroint Oboar* vIii ho discon- Lcharmeier, vho u lseCeoking, sud Stîmboeusen tIsai now:* troijll *t the esdtonnthe thohlIen rapide, brin, cf muchitfiaiwita cein-bdors&cfornSporuspint vary, cf - on ber upward trip front Quebec, on lion. ban a uui ed ih oerl Affc-Àtrain vili beave Col'ourg on Monday sud ove- odbelÀstiu A1 t îHTE,- DI le --E day nigIuh . asoonebugLie 0eretiens and as Rolloway's Pilla operatetlpoti day ut 7.35)A. M., for Toronto, cait'ng at ETEM EI IDA P -E L i forIqor su 'va fpteui& astate roon te ch emical agents vhich generate t bat ZStatioins. WAiiIi. anddi Bèclày-A Peekin,"" Slebta, fourd asuvl!Iasndpwulb.ucircultiniseif N.Bi.-The NigisI MailTrain connectaetahPros- Jane md, 1867. -1 a d pdor Iocked on hlm, R.eutade bis fuda elgsuo tecruaio hotihu xrssTanl '0dnbh Iu à-tevr nflilei hicosao aW frNov York sud Boston =9.-' tiq jý»sdéd b toc much sonu arc b.d fu'botb vomen *ami4 -P d5vwera.FlpelaUe i la sel waiglcoat - NILK 1 - - u mfxto-whleb ms er vu u tha ve &auot thflk of puiîln unwlw4er lhwbl m n Wk1sbLj sehae ýught cold.-PolL mznkind te- C o , te the .ibbih f *làsItby y,_ý nO mowlf , u c A h iA c Tér . ni - qu n i :é o d lvered uialy a t ih eâ l&' d5ii lp l )"s~ x Oa b u io f Jeay0ibou1idbestjt"l1 e o» in - - u JOH.M WRITEr. - f'ý ý . , -L- ','- - ' 1E8ti un«a IITELIOUCUP~8vONE ~~jO3ruNAe '~~' -~- ~ aUu'iaitsubO tby, une 2..a'iut IHlb rei0S ru k2b- Te or 5Vuar-.M Bswik . Ms i'ils lui~tda11 iU.~ ,- llA~iLTN &ROBEIIT nov cmplete. To the flwfug «they Pà uldcmi pocual tetion: STAW- BONNETSAND RATS, 1tar EWePAASOLS Hoylp' Pit nGetVrey BHOIE IIrWIBUINGS. dA11I1T~, 1MtUG~TS, DAMASKS, KRE Will bý tound conlipitte hi 3ILK AND FELT RATS, .WHITE AND FANO! SHII~ 3TKA'Alt A!f AAARATS, OOLARS, SdÂitMiý TIFÈS & AND)KERCHIEF'Si NIW APS; WTest of Englaz i Iothesuad flocokins, Scotch Tweeds and, Yutlti&s for Dres and walking Suiba. The Bout sud Cheapost toiikof RUfDY-MfE OLOTH!NG EVEROFPEBEDINiW ITY Oon*Iting of Nov Summor Coats, Veisto, Pante 1&CI TEBA AND COFFEE WARlIOYSE. HAMILTON & RO'3ERTSY (giXCCCSSORS '0 < GIORE WALLÂGK,) JJAE rut$ luaddtio totheir former Promises, the Storo noat door, ¶st1occplei ATS ho u enStdup a hoir Grocry, DdprtUflhdillITdbtu TEAS, SPICE'S, COFFEES, SOAPS, SUGAS, ,CANLES, S ig A R S, B R O O S , B R U SM E S , & c. BRAZI9. 9OT.CII WIISKEYi GIN,DIErR ,NDAU IRISHI WHISKEY, Wbiby, April 90,1W5. STOYES AID IIA1DWAIIE. WHOLESALE A19D RETAIL. -- (hast (or km ornP ps iUt Woodser' pe .aapasubscrau1 s.. .9sn t J,"s". 8,ck, T whiiby. The paroissuet '*IRllE; ie -qÙi'ttldi oroot a Brick BuiIi1tt on the.JLo i ie ptiment yoar. For Pulc utomrts cf payinont apply Wd J. Il PEER!. 'Whitby, F ollrary, 18-571 A pose PEURY<«ý Count-I of Où*tÉrid'i A a N R L STOCK 0F WINDOV GLASS'. Town Lot INo. 1, Cerer cf Qeeaa d atof streots. -Dceiedly thse Most valuable Lot u FULLE & KELER, tisewviole Town. FUIJXR xQUEEoN STREYPi - F4stSide rclsStret, Witb. Lot No. 7, 6foetfront;' Loi J6.cýim tifff01 18 Queen asud Penny Streasa LI No*'<1,;Lt W bibby April 14, 1857. N o' il 12, 15 10sud 17, % 5 t'oet ïa u, con - taiý ning eue fouri f-su acre cauh. Lot No, 18, - corner et Qoeen sud 1111e Streets, nearîy od saf cf an acre. Aillof tiseforegolhg L-ots-mýoud tan tha t Madmized Bod, sud aen valtilileIbn- B'ina~is locetien. NEW I ITUBE I*88E 11L4 aSI'RRÊT. Lots 19 sud 54Y cnhIWcf Lill andi North Sbroit Lobs 21 28,24 27 28, 30,31, an8sd84aul y aide or iuth b<roeei5contamine geucli cao fiSI cfsacrem. Aie, No. blf n~--6jorth s~i oflthe saine treet. - MARY STREIÉ. t-Loto No. 70, 8385? on Mary Street, 0%#6uA cfs ou c esot. ý'7 WATER STREET. Lot No, 9,cor f Water sud C'ideu-olk Sté CINDERELLA STREET. C~ HO EB LE AN» -RETAILO «., -L0s0, 9, 941&an&d209, f[BISlltStedita TheIarpoiStoCk ifte O of1ê ozII -Forty Acres, - =.fLot, Ninluer ulueteeu, l bd t IS I G fDravlng Roo , Parlor ad Beulruoiii sots, Cn ni W o n T- ' a ocf Reseis, adjclnuîu tUe suéey bls eitai Barous, Secnotarios, SideoalidaContre, Meib, lau Msd ToBoiTablos. ,- ats ouc Pr or utIe-rb l ~~r t C h a ls, ~o s ts a td fr iv dlain t o ý-FQj ROM 2< TO FIVE DOZEXfiSOFAB CONS T.ATLY 12<STO10CK. Town»dPak at The Snuebenae.rae«l u de dising untsunding purclassers bIset foi quantity, qnqt7sud P1'c, Ana" yu be oldatît oPlaiiudlytolas the0r Estalisht embcuuot bc nipet;3a with by a orfoisy u11*. COIttfltIL F. & J I àI by, -- - a )Mud 4, ea« M BM ru et, W7Utby. ,~ W ibApil 41857. or t1 < h. foUcwinx L0 la ineus paru a e >nr- M bb - moleChamps,and onlOMY. 19 VOVNITY OF Wl&,L(Tox. - - IP1OLSTERY lisERÀKINI c -, £istngofula rgcStek of uCdL4 -aus eautm hy mno re& -t fmal ndk yCUIT bIjslneoa voula respcbfily liniste W ibthepublic Ia bys- ep.prdofnua n o ' foui te Cow îtry, req ulning , ir m at A fho .nn tice. t e R u 1r A staey pai orflorsos viitt a egnefnlpriverfun5td Iltêi-OesC"X wF~<RUs .TTRYDRD ÂT ÂLL lPARTS eîOP 2sN UJ<fl.àî -' W11PýAmbW'. " FeULT5IflL ,do No. 4%ii CRAWFORD & -GAMIB- BFÎI TO MNORK THIR NMRU UNME .D > Pe' Publlc,f8 th :ey bave jnat receuvert -a çq4oabe pot9MO'~~0 ~ i OPSUSma nain~ ",Q0L Ti m X"ý LOTSFOR Jiuonl.SFRPm l'ousfor rivate &gId.ncwi In TUE TOW" OP #WIIITB n, Mx acouxYr or 03MAMOP, MAST 0F BROOK STRET. L Ms JàaàI AND8S, ýofEAST QIff oelt veinablei -propüf detîdldng from, Brook ti ?erry Street&; Lots TNo. 177 sud 01 tIs4ofrc Streii t o f Polsfd'gÉfoiel. Fiiilr- Tt pp où cithë principa> otreéthi the Tovit wIMhJlctOil8 Lotswken, sittd Perry, Strefu: Lot a71,7d 70-74 7 5 79 77,all T.'h5d IBet loté ard z~lnfiii Ibôï,bo - ' bYI an Ohesnflt twid 8frêêëto. Lot 87, Weol udi'tftY Sréot, sud dItY OP4 Lots 64, 65 , 6d7î 9 8J45j1 t ofT PerryStreet, suPTd*- perty ontoNorth. Lote No. 60, Fut of Perry streét- ThiàIis - in wellfenced sud othorvis nprniiov«b West of Etoek streei Lots 104, ln5 118, aud 119, bonnded by Coe tre Waut àu Kent Strooto. Th;o otsar doUihtfully situated, suÎd aivin% a stro"t cd ibres Bide$, -are' veli aapÈtedtobu u bC&r ots Il24 1ad 125, orur f Kei sud Johà Street&. Lot-TNo: 185 Fst of Kent' stfflii S!udlm t' few roTutli of Dilud&q IStrntt The fore§ôgc-l< dluttd tolus eré e eted fniiu s-largo number, with the nov cof holdinthent ss an Investient, buit are uow ofèed fo& S.W finally wind up a large transaction. extre street.............* t e n t o re e t ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Z * ts f clid Street ..... ...3 xotau fflaefltreet.. às.. 4..... . 5oa uighltfteÏ............... .L.s Whitby, loth Jan..l1.57. VAîLUABLE BiNESS iiiLOT POI SALE.. atâ -- --ýell

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