p (~4~tisstiuê tle quotienut of ire mîore Sftrom,'a-,y mebIng teentstlin th tbr Un« t mn *~uputll7 4oyc. -Au Ma write dçvrite is-tic e o!rliure L lld doyou flied the qiot[iutt W. &ad OIi twp-thii-tlaof a toe nanrtfise en aunez cuId mhen ti'5donc, ffu,$qothoc tre ef~spopý1; némay eatime ye viLesanie fuw sut- yellugi Won-Fanit sang. -Placean [d orfbigprvy adtl e so-ln a loaf ansd toInereatie dIversion, utI of oý mto~ntwo-notldttgs belvoon, tesd of!nation *,itd dean ilcii oeac o! at iuonareitmiose filear wbae e b>- lte melôti lviticitho leoet noting be!oro flft-four, To wvihi adne5.tbind o! tut cil- Te tiieso annxx ne notiig tmtre Antd add the centre o! a tisili, Titis. litenaanged fltlino express Wluat'. aflea amaI otte- hem ta dresa To mix sud a cypitera(id thten quick uici, 1'Ifty-oxie and vitt'a twioseon lununite Antd pisaimn ntrument iewv vitclu yen> WlLaitera daes oft mwect coumine. Two mitn, vltli thelr two vives andt ue SOILS ÉMd u A I litt~ed to'iceuother Thue tmetiar-e "a11 othom as libtr'm sud mens teoIr wi-es iltrue mi1 huitebaîtd tsudLiaiteildren'm fatiiera anti grcdfttiers; te vunien are tiue chljdrona mAtter- s ud otolatrs ; ante lxeys lire uncles to th ether. Mofcan, ttIslit, aund yot the paffide b¶iLftlam- tyitarriedi - P I 8VRYP RF C TMN1N ,,B X P TIl 8 P RC PTST N TheLtwo 1 îuesaburve re afilses la bitecomi- inunbon-tabla oa eansal ciîreh la Walesandse eontlîlued ta'ptusde tIhe laarîcd cougretion f«i moierai eetcrleis but e nglt ite incrip- tilStwmdctphlioeî. Witatilait. Pour peopi Rast down 0o ue n c'eniîîg tô play; Th.y play'd ail thant cvo and -parted ncxt day bould yon thtnk When your tlid as t'htuta tey alt, No ethcsr layed willi thern nor iras there one bet Tet whon tiuey rose up thcy ecdi iwon a guluca Tho' unone of the Iot tethe ainoint of a pcnny 1 M5SWuIl TO P YLP.ATLUE1IN LASCIIU1OilLL 1. A pwensseor 4 Chimuey corner. 1. Ont of te 8 plat jar fil1 the .5 and ent or Ibo ô ISI the thel thon 8 pluUt are left in flic 8 andSi 9 .lu eOe. Eiitlty the 3 plut jar m ite 9 and It wMUhave6 initl1 thehcîinpty tlhe 8 intu the 8. Lustly MIi t e eont 'o!flc 8 whieih hod lnic k md 1 ill"ibe Icftlunthe 8 then out cf the.5 111I te 8andI the:a *1i1 have four in it as wu requlrcd. 3. The four fiures arm 8$S8wbich bcing divi- d.4 by a lice drami t hrough bthe niiddic, the tutu WlIl'be eilhto('l or notlng. SiuRPBUnça Ence Toom~-Wce tran- slate the following froin a German Scienti- lie Journal, for thic bencfit of oûr mechan- le. and .grlcultxural labo rers : t las long been lcnown thà t the simplest unethod of ah".ning arzor, inte, put it for hait ant hour ln vater, tb which -lias becu addcd one twentleth of its weight of muriatic or ulphuiic scid, thon lightly wipe iL aoff, and £fter a fcw Irourg set it on aà liane. The a eid bero supplies the place of it wct- stoneýt-by corrodlng the whole stone uni- formly,ý mc that nothing furtiter titan a umooth'po11uh fs neeessary. The p~cs noyer ijures good blades, whio badly har- due.od.orne frequently improved by 1, al- ttagh, te cause of such Iimproveinent romains unexplalztod. Of lato this procesa bu, bon applied to many other',cutting im- plements. The workmmn t the. bcginiug o~f hi. noon spefl-oa' when ho leaves off in th.e v nlug, mostons the blade of his -tools wlth water scidified as 'aboyé, lte me~et fwhice la almot nothineg-, This mi eçgjeSpaumption of tiint. and iabçarin wMttng, whW nmooer speedily *cars on tb. blades., ¶fbe mode of ahwrpenlng hore lndeedi4vould bc found speodIIy suivat-ý tagaatbfr sikles and scythes, maIiuto bcai'ne, in effeét, a verifaýblo re- ligiont to himc;i~ nasuch that in hiî de&tit- lied, ' in t lu ttgony, ho gays Tout toI bis fritaticitat thebêolecms4 wihilis nrslle wa8 gu!iIy, and, as wu - a ssured, bolddhrright euatly, ln apite of t he rauaonsanauof, hiis e9efbssor. The poor confeasor*as ouly unubed for lits pains. wl M oerndto my vory lat grzsp1 lb. pu- ,fty of tg F rench language." And when lte gocg fther tried to.work upon hig PR- tient 1>7 Msribing 1hthe sof the life to £ mwht posy an& unp- tlw-ent lerouporn aslkqd if ,K"uhe dd hnet fécl> reatyearninsr of-l t>- sstLing mareý ied style viii dl&'- TrLr.-The Leap- e atronotnou-â et Tite> fixed tise, ours, eomrp-sing, lod tram one ver-, hoe six heure mes-a- hi oftou fatyeas-s, LtEXX3R~«I15 a t's fÂîu~oo~-We XZ8Q LAREA L ý,BTATEd wce le B iJrro6ione eveiiing ý it auarmisî,iPOL S.. - vite ourhabitt ticstotn ta visit thenro ,tr L-1i 1 ea~'kp f- - i . . , te business -of the day. Wo witnecsed At alilthenie t1 gaae a blnk ?or' H USRIE FRSFR~L rthe foilowing aflbctlng incident. I A eýoudo»U:ÃŽe,» T tie glwp- rprvmieaeine LtI MryMorgan wes ivont ta run If Ton put take a peep a -,TnO.lio Jla wso fccîvi tr noll-fltcd uh,>it , brgick Sl'top, catI good ne over ta the taver t l-a orne ler dtIne- NEW T1N SHOP. (cliîr.]heig1o ec»aj0,t, t>- ken flther. Just as sho wag enterieg the Ou OOLBOW1NE-OT*1 WiilTiY. rate Water oun the protulses. Algo, lu tire sine 'taf door onc niglit, Stade hurled a tuinier at (Rtear ai IBenjamntBryaui' id itStore aul Tut- 1biieck, a liergo liop wefl adapted foreéthter 4liocikers, ilnrness lMukers, nbitet %L.Lkt.rs lier father, but IL struck lier on the head, Wiarc bltop.) Tiusiiiitlis, &-C, for ail of'hcl rdu ihs andI resultcd le lier deatli. Morgan bcut JOIN- BRYAN"Ëîî.Pwmm&To arc fit ratoeuqg, oeising nuar. dowzt hise ar. r' 'BE SîIISCRhIBR IVOULI ANOUNCE -LO-- "YocwilI haveiaft" May ~aîî, itat<> ite iilîdiitîttso! iis Twc sd CentvA two ttori Stoe IIbbm,, WItlî e1anà er o 061l o 1>il -' liae lof, ayà it ia irs operrcd te aisoviy promises., Ail LintI attatclicd. Thre above la a verv desiruble "oui>-inother. AntIsite crics 'so nineh kinds of Tiu-ware cuide and i epaîred. Brellert, roperty-4 andt ay parties wllin - ta go whonyouare awy.1vîwrk o!fci-cri'descrilibiontdoce oi t'hoi.prenlilsa. tte Store besinemi, or avîy o!fte i1tisere Meilelin- vhen>-Oi ar awy."The Propiietor la a iturklug-iucehiauie---A nies, jîresctq an pproxivrat-sdi twitti., 1 won't Ibave lier, Mary, ouly vison 1 thtker mita morks at ii trade anad is tint i vi i i-a Iiu 1lebabtfee go to un>-work," wtisering back ta tee ahattueof i. Al ordera for vork c etoLd liu qui ai.:zItsil nt il tiect ie a tradeanuin-like manne? andI witb despirttot-i. Appi>- (if by itesm eA chuld, "andI l'Il nover go ont ut niglit an>- Ever> deaerîptien of vork mnade antIrepared JOHN A. MMÃŽLA tnors." ancgnaratttedgood and sound. -Utaca Rea4ci. ii4~ yo u~omis un thitPAl kitSds e! job vork dome c4ieper iînd-bet- Or to i- At ilpoie ar.tothntoeieoe v yotirukriiTHOMAS PAXTONJ Esuj. 1 Ah l'l pomis moe."town. "Wbst, fatlier ~~~,, ~ 0111dcepper, eant iron, catton andtI ilîtin 1 ., ~?5~X 0 Whtfthr 'rags takon iiî;ehange.- 'tNo'ter ta go into the. averna agin - JOHN BgYAjq IJOUSE -aud LOT FOR ,sÂlbz. WhltbV Apl eu$h 1857. neaût Jnacod #ôetLhe "No, neveu l'Il promise &tilb more." -PENfTNT AND à >T &m> Coitît>-. The aboya pla.mlais baut1fttittt- * atoll, known as te reidestce of t Is M<n. 'tahr'BR*OK fliET, WHITBY.-, Ilodoti mn., vitît a I wé ofç 'VriLter, Xietrer to a u rop o uf «uStabc, S itotand - 01na04, é. uaW as~ I-lv.. lluors -~ E.P. ftbbirtI, & Co .ie For frther Oh ahe oi-fthr1 advti W ~ OTLD RFSPECTFULLY f1 Ti74N - Ohfater du faherl" ià itli Onnedo te citizens of Whîily ail Whitby, Ge. Ct-y afje>- Mary startad up andI threw ber- yiiity, ttat tlteý have opeed tise aisove catch Whlîlay, April 7th 1857. i-tç lishaivttl inwsao »xLs Baocr, neit door to S. self upon his brcast. Moratgn drew his Setirle's Dry Gonds andI Grocery Storn, atid THE IIEST INVESTIRENT'z.ET arme tightly at-oued her, and rat for a long itearl>-opoieL.1.Seiiofeld &C(' 11,Dr (G"oda Etablabtnest, viterà teineleM bp FFR ime witb bis lips îîresed upýon lier check ing esnstanîli' on btand ailîhiýC e lection of IEFXTR~iiGTW FWIT -whIlst sho lay agalts.st bis basons as &tiltlau Booo% Siocs, snd hadian Rubbert, DY, V~i:stt t emf,î,d l intae rchas eo! litat CANAIANAND1) NDI AN Mt>CCIASlNS.'vlr elrpryo heIaf . iwl1kn deatli. *As duath 1 l'es ; for wicn te fa- We woîtîd pttrticîiiarly invite lte LAwEîm t- va.ltil r ertof n lthe Bese muo, il ue ther nclaped is a-ms,île pini o! ni d exam inete .-"ansymd ouvetlietoc ai TI ILW, endl nuit obrred foir aeb ie b zbI xeen- the unlased is-rms th spritof isýour Feniîîlc 1)iairtnicnt. hiaî-ing p:idl stri s é- terTffî l pu ty consista o!f citild wias iiLlthe atîgels of te resur t--îuot bhîtpart o!ciir i-ltting np vWCh.lt, - Ifyte -cres o Lnud roction. -bcefitronI-eli tir loir profsee. hlau ii ttiad, iaviîtg a FrolttegeC'altse ________________ t M NO SECU,ýNI) PIIlCE. I~~tt5 A totto u aeLtco lit id id.î FAtE TIAL. is the Vetîd Ec.tt idesi, ametiOe Ituntred a ntd T.&iLaxseDErEîNzx.-A taîlai- sesses Wiiby, Jati. 1l i8- Four Roeson<ttiLere nfirit ila hiot] edby tirs tli&qîtlities af nino umen counbined in onei$ ~ -______- Wates i hrt Wltîtbv. Tiis mater freià ttaîe as wiIi bc scen b>-te followiug observa- .01 ILINON îtt saiu ot-ofl ntie nftnly vitîbia as frein -5 fflS to e riuîrn i ttîs-utnks qta te grenu>- iuleroaing trade of ticeiPort, tire ins:- Bttir lii andt iii,. frienda lit Wlitirfaenos- lu tise wili ver>-ton lie qsulill- i. Asan eononsst, ie ene bi coatac~ e isrtîc-uier, for bliir valiiible acr- aîieîiii1wto t>ýIe te1uiretientaits usiness 1. r sing e bis cloth *s i ca a-viees lu savieg lus effettsfront iteanid titis frotaemtwl rery monli c qaue cix,- cordng t hi cloh. l â ýute i te. tultL t tt î1irelnîe(iîf the biisitosa, andI 2. s agatdenr, o l caefu o!bus Aise, ise visites t4i infuren tte Puitiîe, that uli tti-ifroitago yU1 rer>- sooiîho ale ned fîra-ard- Asa dcný, o îscarfulof iî nam nîw erected l ateiinporarv s»trop ottire anie iîîg, tdip-bîtilding, înantfactitîuilg teotiier eabae&prentises mIhcre lie can lha tiud rond>- lu mrve piur ^ aS. 8. As aiîaînoitiho itheusinefs eaprcltyaitTliu e i-iulot-sivng deterruinesi i nn aeiin, 8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr Asaeleh &er 1 lc-vri &,F EE u0iole 'roin l~le î1t lt. - andtI t'parail Lii le proper. plaactr, o W TCHMAKFR & FýEL C, r., dol o on .b> )AXTAG(E(ItUSTEIlIS, uai les 4.'Asà laacor h ofenbrnd&.e. aIeving a largetstock tif lîun bl iali aiut whiclà itILwuld produco if 4. A ofen ~areiske ~> WATCHM. AND JEWELRY laid out iii sîiali lote. ore bodkic. on isand, ho -wilr exclitago' thcuu for Baiidigiq Fur priitîtand furtiser particena l t .5. As a Iawyer, lie attentl--many aaîit*. Mteraon th ranet liserai ternie. li uIERT Il. L El .îANMS McALLAN, tE.nos 6. As an excentioner, ho provides 8se- WILLIAM THliEW, peco'eo-, or galloeoes for man>- porsons. T11019AS l L. 7ý As a cook, loie 1 genou-all fus-niïhed- FOR SALE,t wjtli a trarni gease. 1AN LO(' 1AK R 0,000 Acres of Wild Lands.î 8. As a sliciff's.afficen, ho dees-uttîchs li nr.No»tq oraar, wirnr. rlriEY ARE RITUATED IN THl-,TOWNý- tPOnt7ing. îîtÃŽiîusrut te ie lctple lt'f Wliliith) ttIndîsr- £ 4lis i4 f luîrtîu, lowick, Mtîrris, Gruv- 0. As a ratiana.I and Scriptusraili-ine, îo:îl cin, 411trs-, that ubc la uîw plierdtrau titi:; . MîeNormanby, Thornli,Roa bis gi-cnt aitîs is ta ternu tooe1li /eidils for te Watchcs-w, Clock anad Jeweilery. Afltt, jiiW.1 lieut-it of htinscîf antI athers. 11, i-. icurîîi~î E-!r>- artic!c wcrratled Arhilîcot,Civil En . R a nwae g t .A sIzr;e f ptî iiitîtlî- iirli,7Lu î., ,i-ttdrcSreWlilv Thr- Chinusc Abuse thai Jack Bujîl wiu<, teŽtuî. 1 ri Lite Toiitef Wliily, ra titiniber of Totu-i lftui Titis is the Britisht fljtg. LUM BER YARD, SUINGLES, &c. tor stuc. - A. IV. CRON. TItS s LteAr-ui' ita crned it li- îE UNDERSîGNRED RWýE>ETFI*l:î.IX Wily, Mîircli 4, V157. 7-tf. t tisit Flag. T lufouitlie î ui!ic Ith l tts ileîlte This is lus Excebbene>- Yet i w boat-idu ,itîtIur Yard labelv keîît hi> Mr. TitoîtuLî Grilla- irîter, Grein ISt:rectý, W itlli, misere lie is Cout- LAND IN' SCUGOG FOR SALE. tIhe As-ou-, antI insulted te Britli flag. staitl tispfflied wi ii îtttr of evory tescrip- ~I-~tACRE.S, BEING LO)T No. 3, 7v, O Thi i te ovrtmet ha sl)IGt tn, soefneulcui i-ai.nd îîhro? al leujgtlts. .. Tiisi Lt GvrtmeLhutSuinOt i l1 Cl11 ls.t1i.,Latta, &c. lc i. csui.lato iabtI ttî i Sir John Bows-lng,mita hunîliet is kEx.- î1lat ý t îur S un a10 incites. Miarelood i Lnl, lise renialîtder l' iti aieil mlii celleucy Ycb irIsaboarded te At-ioit'anti N tilldiug Matorial .furulaliced an tire îlcieinhrîîdefi aesogoCe. l- M --* - - siiortest notice. .AJîpl7s1__ _ unsutted tuetBrtish Ilg. Anti ira trust me shahlu a feue tIys bo enable La ade- Titsis lehie iberal antI publie epi-itetI llanse of Cortmons ut-ii wie ave ta the Dissolution that uitnled thc Coalition tuai defeatcedte Gevet-nient ltat suppox-ted- Sir Jolh ams-iug wunInubced bis Excel- lcucyYeh mita boai-e t the Asramw antI in8ulted te Buritish fhag-. - We knew i waisd rin. WVe kccw it wonld rain, for al lte mot-n 4 spirit ou alentIes-renos a!mial, Watt Iowening ils golden huekets dame buta lte rapor aymtlyst, Dippiusg tejewtels oui of te sou, To spt'inkho i-hem aven the land inl siiowets, Iu oldt imes lbe bibis of Iadiug commen- ced as !ollows :--Sbipped by Lhe, graufo of GotI in gooti condition, etc. Dr. Frankln usee ta ps-lut antI sou biils of lading anti some pions persoa objecîing ta the usual iteading he advcs-Llsed lI tat bo oldIbuis of lstIing mith tos- ititout ,tho grace ofGod. The pipons staNhat b>- an existing law ut Pennyslvanis te Policeman if-ýthe>-as -a ies thlit utset l ow necked droasat on are a ut4,mizç,tto tak, A'hom up. The policemen il gallant linn ould ask -ne bottes- enpîoyment. WIIÂTIîs Lxw ?-Law islico aflire; those whoo meItla wtLi 1h mu chance Lu bus-n thels-fingers.Lavwlu like an col ts-ap-t eaâsy tageL lu;but dlfflettit ta get o"..4 Law lu blika in. da os iri tise lande ufthle ignorant;. doubttul even'lu the hindsot an sdept. Law la like a slave -you m ay- ee-thirougit it, but yen i ylho naduced bafors you cen gel Ilisotîghit .- Lawis ler 1ps-usait,- acid-a .&datugorous romeci>-;:tae anallost tdose la sulflcient. "ptAERIA .4OE u' CEI "ir -i 0wDý- Ms Tîz.iaE .:"Tbhore uns an ariLSs tanner o! annouticiuîg uariages le '4te olden. tinsse"1 wbichla quitae frshing ho atIvert tus »eeaionally. Witneia the tutlowing frein the Wilbiamunry Gaçftte o 1770- On.Sdda drennglstMrs. Baies-by1 Dlxzon to Misa Polby Saundere, a ver>- agi-eable yaung lay." e*-A ee--~.. Wha's asionbi, Lilmalutain, Ie alwîyg ri git," cries eprigl>-Jane, ,4 Ah, *would ta ioaven," cris pver Su, Whierigît SV85fisiohtble, bo l, Fs-rn ballot-s'bills, doctorW pihbs, veOstes-a chinI, ,and olter llla-tdIivas- us. Pyom vint et golel, w o laIac* -mltdh, fanduitarpere s .slleldiu Prom aUngig lies, CeaI black oye, ba-s keius pies,-and babies' crfle-cldevers.~ T. C. LACE, GT(lreen Street, Whithy. 1857. SCITGOC NAVIGATION. 1857. THE STEAMIVR "PIIRE BRÂND," (Ilite Woodîutanl,) B. G. WHUITTAKEII, Master andI Owncr, lATILL ly betiwciet Port Perri- and Feonb F.--ls tli, isrý,ç;t a e=m, caling et thoc diffurnt Pprs on the Lake, onthe up-antI dovtward triîe-,Iî.ei-nltc!ruateday.' The prcscut oâner lu.; repailrod and fitd up thc Fire Brand linensatperlor iuanner, for the ne- txttniodatlun of usnuaat lancac of Freiglit. Mondays, Wcdccaays, and Fridays. IUPWAIn)a: Tnesdays Tliuradaye, and §êttwdayse. Port ,orry, May 6, 1M57.i. NOTICE. T lE 'EVIIOALI)IEMCTRY 0F TUE * Whitv atI eksHuron Railway Counîpan tran»aet theiir bultines% inte Poornis over t;e Cbsaawae4 Newipapc Establiarnt. Ga"e M RUNK RAILWÂY. (nWAND» APET moND2{ý,tI~ " inatant, Týxinswviii 1ae te tStaton1 Front Street, fooof Sreý gf06$-,i Toronto Tinse. lirongh Express Train for bion- troa, Qubec ortlnd et 6 40 A. M, ý1Tght fo4 Train Ãoa a 20 P. IL TRAINS GOING WMST. Pesengcr Train forGeelib,Berlin, Stratfordi 1.......8 14'X&.)L ?assenge'r Train for do 'do,%. 'B40 P. M. Frelilt Trains viii bave Dun Station- snd ýQuèeeîa Wharf dally. 8P. BIDDER. DAKERY AND CÃ"NFEVTIONÂRy, lOETIl. L.iWDEýR. Wititby,. Jan. 20,18,57 1 FOR SALE, A NU31BEIZ OF CIIOICE L4OTS IN TIIE Towtnîof Wliltliv, beanit!tlIv iuted ini ite ricluiL>- of bte liarit. TeGus Li4benu.- JOHiN SIIAWV, Whtlt>, Febrie> Byron Strest, Wity. a 1,185Ã. 5If SPLENDID INVESTMENT. 'ONTARIO HOTEL, 11110CR STIZEET, WIJIIY. rI llE SL'BS('RIBEli ()FFERS FOR SALE -1 'itotduhuar IIOTEL nair( accldir Jse-tîc BultÂri, luviîig a froutege ouilroc k Strat o! 66S feet. RO)BEUT IL LAWDER. Wititby, Jan. 20, 1857. FOR SALE IN! T11Z TO'WZf op T OTS NOS. 2, aîd 22. TlIEY- ARE TU- 1.4 d suon t ltds Strea t, eon Mr.. (xI-rnuesud L>-de*s Crclk. - Apiilicaîti i e mmdc l -- MSAN;ELINE WEST, Lut U, 8tt eancasion Dariingtiin. tChirlalan Offrng" pieaî espy intIft-bd. V4LUIILE 4l'ROPERty FOR SALE 1<R RRy IS PL-EASAi;nJy SIT- T ated le lte ioTîrlsitng Town « Miltbv, on » .dl-etyOppete., cs-s acre of aI, viti ,ab«, * ontage, on COMfflRT.4JLE ]3IUK OT&&GE,. vithit alale oct Euudgas ueesleatWeI o! Waten er, Ce ra welu n mttsuni- bier o ad "%sIu -Treei: Fer fillie pli- . SHAW ; o eus .prom Ise WbiitisyF11 obi 1837..- 4 voit gAïLÊý.à à TOWN LOT. TIIE TOWN 0f WRÃŽTBY, IN THliV Aviai>-uttseM-blnom in oune-s tf eretio.As-TIE ATER LOTU - o, ce WIid Laid for psle. F. KXLLE. ,VAPrIALI5T5AND ~u~5WISRHIl T i ~L$ A "VIENT55J. TA'M BÂTËS ÈGS- To ZRE1ÙRNHMs sieccre tiauk-s ta hI abitants o!flih Ie sud tba urrôunptIag ceeao e tittelhit ýs 'Vhei Ilies mcaried un busitosa angaut Lhimn lVItIa tai Ã40 se iomueld beg t teet t, a p ute- est l pcala ato s21>-Bakoin nd (Jtifectionasie8 of ?esint 1 - cuttoe - Miheo-eh SîI t, t657.v l andby Mar SHERIPP'S SALES. SJIERI-F'S SALE 0F- LANDS., Tu Wn-: L,» >a Writ of Fier! Fitia4 lianted oitut et 11cr Mîîjety's Cou nI> Court fior tlie ('ount>-of' Otitarite, acîdtd Lu ne direciesh, t ittattiete Landes andhcuýieiiuueîtts yliiehi vcre tif Johnt Grave Wjitectî, dtlt-keuic, ut lte tlîîeof liii 0do.tîltýinlite 1111t1(b o!fltillamîon SVatmoadu t- tîiiistriabrix, tiofiiutit, otii tIIandtusinuilar, t ho tala tîelan-de,îiutrgliute anducriedelLsof ftue maid Jtîîîluire v c ttitd-csd i i dult istureel, at thet- sit ef WIfiiiîiit L.Pirt-n, Plain- ëtlat or ett.tof tho misîdlftybri Grave Watsoîî dos ascit tle tite <ut lii-dctlii luthc bauds et Pîtittaîioti Watsonu, cdiniîiiratrix, it antI te te tlloiritîg lantîs antIlîtetîenîts, vt:Tîs erttiin tarcele of' latul it the Village ofOîaua ai bcWeluiIt i iitoe Street, Seing cui- -ýý 6o f !tp~5e ôf ieLNo. Etormu, luthLIe tlrot 5<155 follova tlîat Istoinur:-Cuîinîrnerone saf id 1ttlia, Ele :cq, ete -4otie i liy3-tvit clis 1, mtica ODU ei 0 ct ~eneiitIrees WeL frotthLie gon lii Eimtgiýof! seulLiii No. Eleven; ttaun h riisixtoéýi dterc-s, West tîre clins serre- L y-fiv Unks;,thon Soîtth Seet (fu-ieirreos, M'at foar Chain#;tiien S~outh. sixteen dettriios, Buat utreecbaimmv s~nyIelik -iuKn ëeteutuy-euï dtIt. t, 1u ' 1c cl taj, re ti tletmtîîttr.Atsiî, auittltîen- eitig on tlie-u4attrlv Iilttil et thee tutielLoit No. tvr-Rfec liakic nat mirtNi i itueenh îlgrî-t-s, wesit fs-niLie ithéothEast Angle of seu(l ot No Ekut-en; tit Nuintut i ititi tIgrecs, Westuu tino chitin tus*enty-fiî i tif-tub en itiuthuiLusi-stît- suixioe degruese, Et ir ritîli euutAlwoîv-fii e links; iei North evltîiitlî-grî-î-, Eti fouîr elîcins, more tir ti-sitii l ii vaesî gi ttinir, mitît alantIi c-vrv. Ibe t tLeiueiýCql thLe aft-retuil lunsiî. A Illiiîlabndo suanc ninents ur lt ult uiei-îdît1t- sbtt- titd ilitetî-îthLure.- inî, 1 slill it-r ti-r sale tut i 111vli tlite (is-it Iîin r u ite, ToiutoftWluit tii, oIiiStîturduv, tir-I îilttty-sVcleti th ti-itu r ol Twcte NELISON CG. rFYNoliîS, Silicriffa iOMM'c, ~ Sîrl,1.O wiiltttr, Vo itlu, iý57. 5 SIIERIFF'S SALE. 0F LANDS. COUNTY 0F (ONTARIO,J Y VIRTUE (F s-o vît: ltsWrt lof Ve-u bu <'uttitLt uiutbr tv f1nturiosît u lt l rocteul. flgtiItîstt hl tiau- ate ineîeutitf -iîtt. imiti FairtIancu, llitiffi; 1bac- st-eil ut. k en lut t,\c ut, iuutî ut tri t- un iittil-st f the *Suiu RItt-i- Mobî., in-lus utiiiltet iitiuit tansuindl î teetetuitl, %ilu, VlIct ils i -hut- 3111, 1til iîeuttîtil tsd f lupart ooi ihttltr fîî ilis tirttiit--setîtlcu-su1 u ul iîuu,îeneuuriîtea puttbas hi-eu îilauteil, uit tue iutIt W-st An-tr -sii tilt-ce o- ut iu un bfite uuth aide tifile Kitesut iisIk ltil eluIlin 1 MI t titk ibt teirînvfr iti Lte Nantit Wesi Angle uufýaiilAt i tîîîunlUri t-tu :il Sentit six- t-tc-ur , l ib uu tututuhts f110v Iilitk'; ilueuti North or-ii dfuu utgreert, b.;i t on(,eltii tirolut ' -ti in huis thi-tu Northi sit-i tIi-gnou-s XVe-si tu tuliîi il.ilv litîks ,titcne*So-uuthnL es- In-iurt* - rem, NVu s- mieuîîChautiîr te%-tve titiks~ ~ ~ o Is I- lii-tf giuuiug. i-oitiutiltt;g ir ecieisueiuttI1v muet-el u, lore tir tis5i tît Lte touueuuîeusiluothroito. AIl icltuslnds anud tt-ui-uuc-t, ut-tirth- stiis-ofe-hii:ius ostte eand iltterî-tL biertiti. I1eutils-ffr furirstît- lit Ttinl! O- lice is thee iirt Imsu, tiiithe Touwn M et 'iîb-, tit Sai s tu> lus-theTm-eitŽ%cc-set<u1it' oftJînre, til thliustuid eirlit llu uuîdnc-l tandi lily--ueiî,ut Ltess heur et i ti-I ni-e1-tet,, îuîsu. NJELSON Ù. REYNOLDS, Siterifi", OtIte Wisulty, Burt-h 21, 1557. I Ici SUIERIFFeS SALE 0F LANDS. COUNTY 0F OINTARIO, D YVIRTIUEOF ufo w it:- ç1> a Wnrituof Fit- ni Futielts, and ti aXVit eut Vcntlitiuiti Exptotims, is- aîîî-ubont t!f le-Mujct Court e! ('utî7utusîn i']tiL. anteho ume iircbod, agaitimt te Ltiitis and Ten-me-uts of FrdtIcrik k Jie, dlfeîdat ai th- suit if Ruohert lane-> Lawdcre, pluululf', t liarurscizcd cuit taikon iiiexceniien tui ltheeos talc antI inLerest of<ifte suiel Freelerme Itleare, iii andî ta the folreving Lande antI Tuneteubts, viz: _- -, -- 1 . _: I _ AI htpr f-It Nuihoer Lmenty-ihi-, lu the 811h euecsiot tif bt-e Tevnslip e! Wlà tib>-, mitereon sla intte tise MIII antI Duelliug llie o! bhe tsaltI tIfeudauit-. Auso, ailthe defeudantn rhdit nnd titie lu Lot Nîutîber EIiî, lithe Tsivnof Whitb, Eest of Brack Siret, heiugr comn1ised o! pent o! Lot Nunîbtweet-v-awic le tite Soeond ocsinof Lte Tovnsiip îWt bv JAil -miehti nds tend Tsuneiuienia, tus Lile #t loiifendenitq estuite sud hitbcrct -lite-Ie, I shal oth'et- fer ^mslent un1Officela Is te Court Ilottselu inte Toa-n of! itbyc, on Sabitrdar, the EIithth îdayet Angest, onu thasîmand- eig1t, hnudrcd andflfty.sevansul Lte our of'Twolv NELSON G0. REYNQLDS,, ýWbutby, Apilsi t il1 wmT3YCAUl*tIAGEnEP»OSITOU Y H LIVINOSTO$ -RETURNg IS 8six- e: octLhsuks te the inliaiitacts of- Witbie andI riinit>-, fanrte Iiioid ul wîrt ltaL lim while earr>elcg on tthe bnslnoela iLhMr.- C. F. HalLlu noaului the dÀluuuuoin et pas-nanuiip ip twa>u lsusof and M-.ilsij-hos votild take leà i-eta state, tîtat tisa isusiessbvl ho eas-icdan as hitorbnîihiimn oaiii up accon . t,,t, lte nId emt"bIment, DimIs- Strc-, WiLbry viira noue but lta liest deu- criptian o of w mili w a betn>-ned ont.,- -H. LIVLNGSTON-ý ApnilW-l1t.'187 - -- 11- HA.RDWS&t 1AKE.RE. rIIESU3TBSCRIBEIIS hJAVE NOW IN STOCK aver>- large ntI complete ittok of Shoif utt Iliciy Hardtware, inîpÊortd dircet froÉt Eng- land andI the Stat"i. Thir pricca atrc anlit as will induco totmita hfavor tonstriai, tLe x- tend tLitir ordorti, and thotrsmtock wl aiivays bu R. LEWIS & 8014, 41 King Struet, Turonto. rINkESU13SCR1BEnSIIAV1FNOW INSTOCK 1. thle uîost complote cand ltrgemt cosortmîeut or hanrdware ln <auadîîa, tuo iii thoy mouîdi- vite buyera' attention. IL LEI«S & SON. January .00, 1857. Iron Pipin g. 2,0(m) feot'lto' lu lci Patent Woided Iron Pipé 3,00o Stock antI Diea, Iron and Bras Plng Main Cookst, Eltows, Teet, Crosses, Bonds, and aLlier FiLctipg. For maie by P.Lýlç ON N Teil ipa Cor~estnd., Brs..Tit'e Batîts--Foolt ltitits, Toilet Sctts-13aking Dlabes. Patent Colice-Pots. Bier's nti otiier lPatent Fiitorlug Coffco-T'uts <lîîs,îîhîîtei Puts-iiffc-ticrs. S p--.sîigtr, and 'Tee Boxcts. Al iBlazei-liasliît mat-r hlantmq. MultoeXaniiir-Winc Mtilers. S i1 i tan tI K îif o T ray . îlout mater Jhngs, Travelling Ilttim, &c. For sale hy IL LEWIS & SO, - 41 Kinîg Street, Taranjte. Dccii andI Cash Boxes, A LARGE Al.S',(lUTENT-variotis size- I L E I & - S O N . Coai Purdenlana. AN ASS0IITMENT OF QUITE NEW Agt>ve i'ull turd-iiiaiim,, Vases antI les. jîîsL rccired undl fiii-mala liv RLEvis & SONX. Toro)nt, .Inniinrylil, 157. - 4 BE LTING I BELTING I h TNîE SURS'CRIBERS hAVE NOW ON bTiattî, and for.sait, ver>- loy, Indian Ruher Beling, Frout4a te 14 iîcliues. 2» Cois IBobosay andI MenillioRope, frotn31 te IMi i ucý-kt (tiI Ne,aIN,.ssrti-;i sieq. 5h> Tons B Iar, lloiq , antI Raud 1u0i, csse1toî 25 Buttîdios bcsL Spriug Steel, froîi 2,~ta te1* iîîî-tes. 100i FosteF's PogiMuiiu Ptuutib BItunus, Attnils, Vices, &c., &c., &r. -( iry T. S .u-i1iieît i)StOituul iu INSTJRANCE. Britishu Anerica Assurance Company. TN(OfRP(OIIATEI) udsir au At-Lethe tTiird A>esof tîue Elenutiî ProttIi wparîlaiet o! UluierùCinti. -CAPITAL %100,0006 l4iruuarîtc offtrebe-il oeut iuillugsanttt leur eeuteritts. Et c- ni- itiii ulplîeel oitap- julisatIuiiu te it iderirt-uI,. Marine l(lsks fth lIte- t-uit tr-te-o Porta. JOIIN AGýNEW, T r a i- nil u A y î-u , B y o id e t, c d ,' i ti Uy . Protection against Loss or Damage by Pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAl-. £ 100,000. à T UIN(E effecteti ontut tliligs atuii t-u A euîittut. Etor litiîu:1 tin uîîiîldoui ailicaton t h tiuilltiuiet. JOHN AGNE W, Times and Beacon Assurance Compl'y. TNSURANCE cfeeedon u ildings andtI teur e oibe-lts. Eror>- itfomuation sepied on application ta te utidersittued. JOHN AGNEW, -kvdlisej eenad &-Spu- ;IR b. PROVICIAL SSURNCE, COMPANYg Capital £125,OOO, IN U A N C E eff e ld on B uiil dIng s andt i sas 1.contents. Evcty informatIon suppied on aspplication , te ndnhgcd -- JO L .AGNEW.? l 9muigAgent,-JIgrm SeregWMb% o wiJFE A» EAL 811867.rE. Thoe itl Am es-Icaît rieaudy Soiet- 'ofCaaa- E STABLISIIED FOR THIEASSURANCE OF -Idflüraie*kali.- Lmeor.porated by. SpqeWai AeLt c! Parlliltacu 16VI., ,Çp. 84 CAPITAL STOCK, 8100,000.Ã"* Ht-eld Office nt Monts-cl. <S1ziERL AoxsrT FOR C. W., JAs. Bunr.xxeti L~Aussi, J&Am SIloooxe Wititýbe- R a W . ÇC ark ) , e l a t f e 1 t'OR-BLE OM TO LE., TO LET. Axý TWO STORY lIOrTSE S in ,g ood Garden jand Orc lord 1>nrnP te cadli of' theni. Tie Lot e'ntai,îs oinc acre end-a-half, situate in fthe Villuga 0orjLast W indioTwnhpo Wibnow eîid b y J . , r WI I l, h l ' yc Fur fnrther pertlcniaapplyto J. HAMER, Esquire, lîroprietor, Whitohll. A ISOOIIER LARGE marnesae acconiniodatiion and ,nîîidng a» the furegoing,bc- lxag.the promnises in the owcujation of Patrick Ogilvie, Eq. hoeland-on this Lût Contains une acre. Applyto J. HAMER, Esquire, A rr oprlcndtoru, withll iVidir, owalîI!of hithy.- Almn, angther large two story ilose adjoitning the smare. For furthr particulîaalpply to J. HAMER, Esquire, Proprietor, Whitclafl. Whitby, Apeglnd, 1857. i14f A ~tILmos rick longest .:: innýicipalit>- o! tht- Town o! Wlîî- SUI y. IL cousains 9s tuîirtiusntu' iLl a goed Cller adcut utteri'. There in al a fd(ardeu andl art cxcllcn-petip.-- The Lot co)ntains liai! itinet-e. Tinu&i-One flfth cash dowu, the alnce ta sulL the convenience o! pîtrchaeors.- App>- toe GEORGE McGILL, 13 Proprietoro-n thfie Premiaeg MXTSTONE, LIME,&C. NOTICE TO BIJILDERS. T TIF. UNDERSIIGiNe.i> lIA ViNG BEEN AI' îioint4xl Agent, ului e preel ed fîitislum] euh>- I tttin it v f L itte o o t re C u is us tie ,e Lu tîte (. ra rrî u i k Station in W lifthv , utýà ' pe bi.AplytTIIOMAS-DEV ERELL, Or te .WILLIAM SPENCE, LIME FOR SALE. CONSTANMJ~ ON IIAND DURING TUE ettsuiuig 1priutg andl Sutiitr Fresît Bturat 11 11u e m i h o ilhocsoldIfor Casuh oui> , et 2 m dii MATIIEW CARL, 7 Port TVIidiy. CUT STONE AND FRESII LIM.. T IDSYFAQUJAI C.,ARE NOW 14 prc~tarcel te sîîppl Cotrcitifl build- .Rockdale Stone and Lime iorkx, Eaquiesiu,, an -l Ilibe tIclîveree et the staiomns ou te Grasnd Trîînk ilReail oumeirenD.Iliitg- ton cutI Toronito, At Toronto Prices. !e-Tîie Stone la o! tha hoat qnslity, and la capable ofbeing lilti>- Ibulsseel. Tuec Lirue 6a sknoviledged te bc equal-if not aupertr-te any useel in thoprovince; and viii tic dulivrec ut tiîc Stations above inioedu for TWo Shillings and Six Pence per- Bar-re] Als>-Weter Vine esc ho muphlie t ats NI per barrai. Aor--D Uii ocard, Ositamu: Joitu ('i- mie, Beminrlîle ; Mr. Ilatiseritg-ton, Pîort. Ui- ou, I)tufn's £reek anti Frecclunun's &uy; Ju. Far-quhar, Scarbard andelYorkt-, and - . N. NEVILLE, Whitby. Wliith>-, 251h Marcli, 18ô7. - 10) BRICKS 1 BRICKS I 1 2 ,00 BRICKS for i- Secat l'ont Wiitb>- 2 , for Cýashlios on approved crodit, on rtealuable tcriesý. 7Âpplybo - PoGH rt vAIDE , Os- aitte 'ltroîiele Office. The Snbseriacri- 'preparctIte snakc îîand fur- ulit, et ii Brick Yerd, 'hits> -a suhierior au- tieie o! Brick, taéppt-tics m-isliung tacoutraet fr ttc saine, 'in mccliqtantities as uauuy ho contraet- cd for. HENRY COULTON, liermooti Hal, Ursanvood, Piokeî-lng, HUGH BRATDEN - - - Part Wliitby:ý 13 AndI at the M7roniel. Office. Hl FELITZ MRAS TO RN RS SIN,%- lt. cre hanks L tle i- ton, ant ho.-e mitj bava 1 se hoali>- spported lluaînéaIes ils eâtab- ilinset o!lininesa la Wliitby. Let anncgnengbils îatiromelit fironste U %iltru5 nIUdortakig Busiines, isebles te stite lits intention sliartly-tle open an ecaihhlu- ttîaut fer tit put-pÉqof ogiving- £tîaatruction in-Kusie..aM All time ilil Ii tur, bie dvoteo, l a- .tils be-sno. Fsenllyssnd pst-sons rsqithrlng liss n usica,,attonded pnivatol>- nt thei - a gie-attoPiano, MeodcOos,c iTo'sulbecrllir la iotostate liatitliim Ineto opkfors Dul'aaA as Ãiuiie Teseher an titse -A ncLal ERî: a t l a, t e b c h ë el C oiÇ - l b&,ojrt ý&JrtI, 1 1 For Sae or to LotI tauxno MES yAKS PAISTICLÂR NOTICZ Tisee n -uncr11iteitbit soruetlmes irxielgaiô ut>h loys, in solitnde, oflt gnevIng n p with thoîn lomeiiniso uani vhict, if notf4w li due tuis np it nît' iegc~ ets u Smye, nuttriuucîulllii-ss hbut giros n riscLa a set6e tiwfrtîtose vlîîa tiriii>- lu t tliisperaluno praclice are tas-arc uit te ~it - te>- ftulidt en---tic s >e-i iiittetieaf jei snianudîtlliaecoulttdlîe eîuatiî,nsmnvae, An ltislrntii-uiýt fo-lte dure otgenitai DeTakIy or INecturtual E 1i1ihî 0~re pprly 1rA curéd tn front fillte-t-î t îenîhty &.4.bri. e Um ofis lini strîuitcut, whnuedlýoigywtà NE.W REMtttFlt5 AND QICC r. - Dr. A mes & Sou take pîcastire lu amisneinir titat 111 ae>- ilîlunted a lîot inupesanu le- strîîu in ît ftr Iie t itc re tif tthe ibove tdise se . h lias lacin subJeced tsi a testbt he Lisenct cnbo - îiyicana inLIondontPris, Philadepbi mand Noir Yirk: i lias heîîidelared Lo te tisesl>- tîsu Al ln .trîîuî el tcrer yett i c ùrt d iti- lue t-tre o!SctitlilmIiWeakness, tireur tIllasse oti genitat urgas,cau fed hy teh~ e Býér ct- bebksa o >-otilii. Dr. Autoq 4 Son, lu order to satlsft- tise ast- ski-ptelnLas to te nerits of itein husti-uXsmns picdge ti-utsehres itat inian>- icnete viseno lii->-yi lî rître uiuîuaG, lter a 5,ii.tiat -lte laorîcv viii uc i-frîrdtd - y retu rs- nk é t .l lii.4trrttiîtei)tin uritiel rder. é icî4.1tlitvisluiubit_,te aliore useful Isrumcent ilt ull tueýrVetat tt- neo ilt Iit ec4=iatpeny. iutti ilieinu-tîî.., 4cîrely juacked tlndsentlb7 ex- prscs, lus ltondetitîra. aEM-ÂuE ü0FIMPOSMONto. le<l Professons vI t teiijit eures but euer s- Dr. Autos & Son ihare fur a long sierbes of voais iscen engigeel lu an extensive putee mi h treatîneut îof tliee d.Qiete couiplannu nt uM ttc ouI>- legutl>- qualiltiedlihyâxaiunmise DOW advorrise i l Ie (-ititaiuiPrt-o bt-eset-a ceinplahuis, or fi- otion GeIluinoEhss-oPMas letedies c aur hc obtitinedi - 'Lnions ilunaur prte!f tige World me'fit ee-- ee.4s4tuilly trected t>-firmurdîng u a ctr-cl deitil ifth ieir cese, wmlii a rentittsuitcc fatMculiehssa, &ce., wîuich vilt tc i-etiurncd miti thtut uîceat- tIespwethl, antI sicnre froîti obscrrftlun. PURIFY TUE BLOOD. monklIs'Lire PUIS euuM>iasseeix Biuqîuu 1 Pro. trom ali inerai Poisons. T IIE GREAT P01>LARTY WMHi<Jiop-. fît's Lif ilIs anel i'Snlx Bitteshlaive ut- tatliel ini cortseelut-ce o!fteoçt-nordins-curcs oufteeted by théit-se, rendes-s it tlnnseS"srv fof te projunseror toenuter itîto apas-tici8lfe'atft)ai o! theur mnieimI ivirtîtet*u or pm-pertieielav-, ing beau nioea arn t>- 'yes-befbesthespub- lia, and I ita'un tteunil1 eel stinsani-of more titan titr ilions a! pet-sons wmitavie tissu res-tored Lu the Pu ynsnt of pe-fet.hcdthw tons, itls6 1 6sre d i t re t litaIs- - m t4 host vegelaisie madieine n eoes-h- adlmnits ut Dodisputeo. I ms e t', - viilagedn theaUnited Sates, thtre aswny *Ééý are readtI>-t stify tt lir eflleey ina discas.,ced giviýg t te wmlé,à iyteuiteî in owtis of Serofuls, UlcerE eusriiy oE lions a!fLthe skie, te openîttan ofth dit-inca s laI>- toc4isi otér feait' deyovr *t i~ or-tbm oatb Z.. ucut thons,1 andI expSp CRO WN thurd e-n, ainet a-i s te o als u a-i- ifr atIn ffarded :o b>- uisLoca AgnI e lie Oll10 SADDLERY - À1 IIuND - NEICAL. W. S. ROBINiiIOi' FAK11LY CNEMIST &c (FBMONIVLL, EGLAND,) ÉROCI< STR~EET,WII Y (2Ve.d d&»r to À. 1. Lwe 1>ESPEC,,TFULLY I E T U R N hi sç R ~ er e a d grat effi l tha ka La îla rl od andI Public for the torv hîboralbîronage ud muppo)rt litii nuydsiiemueoeLCdleJ, r Gzauîim7-, antid stoais ire tlt£-ei t t lkey nuay rely 1poil the îît titand posoai Ù&nflu Le theoîr minditrnstng togothor w-trjità , Ssumoaquihity -tis' - Druge and Chenascais, To ean art incrmasod eontlsinazM e! tlis~a support wtièh lie hem nov t4 liil kueivledge. Ms1 stock of Pcrftlinerr, T4uit S 1paid " ro"" s,(" li at tt MS edici es, D r ScIlIoOL13xl STATIOIÇÈy, ~ Whitby, Jîlu. 21, m37. BUFFALO NIETUCAL D1SPENqAxr ESTAIILISJÃŽED FOR TUlE 'un or D~pepiee, 'sneAl fJil, Bi cer and YQW (M od ad -op,& DR. AMOS & soif" (C RY a OS M i A t>A T aisà ,& ., Bvt wvMo . A RE TIIE 0 YPJIYS*YCIÂNs i1 M (iîl e e o!f rg o wus; l uta- bc on gse4 front 8 'o'ck'lu thetiieoriiiiigi ntil i9 ut pigh% lu oror- atiatcnd 4sipoi uîîof! Diî4ee. Vie treaùaînt !t Vi>- allptL I the frestt fe ward, of 80 ar'etc n d . aîî nctem.faimj.'c Discaes cricatd lu 8 or 9 ays, ad ena.,t S lig(li t putare ln 2 or 3 îlays, lit anoe~m eubseqî ming m Al upaiel ti of te BOtG tlaL ttoy il deci dune in ýtiDg Pl nables t ad-s1t n et i 1