Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 May 1857, p. 4

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nit and 1 --le. Proper feeding ']glu rest nIlà NEWS. REAL ESTATE. SRPIRIFF ils SALES. IM es t , he use of neither too mach noir too ----- - ------ P. 'y mis __ 1 -- ý 1 la Dlistre" just stop 1 FUR 8,1LE. little gmin, and a duc proportion of liay' Look iuto mi, Shop f At jjji tille njeýc things takû a. blink 0" corn blailes, shuc", stmw, jecri-vineq, or OFFI,11S FOI? ÃŽSMr Ifthet4ci jou dont like.) the P [IF fi E 1 -1 is l' il 11 Il 1'. T rollerty ý:it11àtel in Ille Vit- other forale, ivhich hall 1,)utter Ilo cut bc- il A bargilin y01111 .4t'rik-P iai!, ot' T't il-a. %il.. ý1 Store My firat oft liang s jiIli a 1aJyýi4 arm, If you illit takt a pee nt týe Tinlicir. 1 ' li«!i,; I% fore lit is nonstinied. If this forage is p liNel! filt(.,l lirt. Xvith ljilw biich- SImpl 1111J good Ytt giveà à joalouli. hiviband Jiu 10arlite sourit], briglit, and was liarve-ý;të(l nt the eV gûeond dotli th CI NPW TEN '1511OP- , 44 fil-llet 0 fllace (if feût; SilllI)JY rig nitr WiLller 711 Ille lyreliii-ils. in file saille 10 Llioac ii1q noither %valh-, lier trulli ilor 11Y ht tinie, grain ivill suffice to lieup SHER11:11111.4 SALL Or LANDS. Iky thîrd*g tho rival Ur encli tel homes ina gnod condition. IVIiere Ille -Içi Storo aiA Titi- -'t Iar; weil t:,r eitlier i4li Ire Oi li t ]But Wholu it's moeit carellmed, it sulfurà West. lias neither hay, nor bladea, noir straw, f'l'i. tell lil, Il Iliil 'J'Il."I,., COVNTY P t T N 1 î V, E JOIIN Tl 2. inuch care should l'le lind lest highly nut-ri- 1-*11,:,.l--,,,.,l Curttes and blessinglil frotil ligy flrht procoed, tive food, lilze corn, produc'e ertiptions on Il MIE -,A 1 'S As very oft lu ILLitt)Q' ive read tel 01L in'oill'italibll'if fil!$ Towil aiill Coilliti N, -,wI, ',tIrp . ;,Ii 1 ', , -f the skin, enlargenient of the liver, velloiv ! l\11 The roiling Flot, mith eves, liti Ij:Iý iIl'etie(T Ille 1 illitid Ti il, le ;I*lll,ý,. J"F l' 1' il- j i ,r maladies. Ir no other If*']'iti-ýi are made wid repairvil. lotit In vain t' affeet niv meeotiil, triti water, and oth( erv ilesci-il)1ÃŽ.Ilii dolle 4111 file I111N IvIthout inv thirci, yotl"Il clettrly liote, bulk-y forage cait Le hwl., hoi>e, sliotild iv Nif, le C 1 il - il 1 iliv I, prt i titi (-fil Il goW Charade is iîeldoiù lirote. liýýre broNtil with tlà(-ÃŽr grain te laid in dis- Ile riI(1 il-",] il. tending the stmnach %titi intestines, foi, 1 ofi Ail "Il forw i I J. icnwivr and m ith tl,>,II;itl i-ki !>(ýt Iiiiib uilless uiisfurtune bear the 1-heme bnIk is an Important elenient ùi licalthy digestion. :111j li'efr!l Ille, -Xy Sec-ond thotigli it emi't rellewe 11 1, î 1 il fil, 4, t' ;, Wat.oil. lie ;.i lî 1 'Ide i, eýle;ipcr tiiil 1-Ill O r in ilsi, *ý iil-u iriz holil- The beavy loits, will hillie the t4lititiio tý,,r tilmi it cal, Ili. dont. !il wiv vii Tinli-mir iii 1 .. ...... Kiuds of Green Corn for Table Use. THOMAS PAXTON, F."., (,Prt!ltlt i -Il 9 1 ý;,: il. I '1ý . 11, MYwhole hast lire, illid Xving's flic air, JIl. Port Plli li,(Iftrh il] Il ý, % , % ...t itlc, If* S:r:-- il Sir 1 Il, (-Mt irt-ili, ('011toil find lilicil lIIs-1 f part-% 1 Il, Dolights il% mwvetiieý« tt, relloillop Everv farnier antl everv amateur grower -Wý ýftijl1e, ulimeîtrit, tittelide Ille Ihir, BE Y 1101SE' and LOT l'Olt SATIE. horficultural lirothiets Silotilil plat t il, S,\ LE 1 N Tif F, VI icoi-l ion vw Il - A nd fil rite hoite * N. of the ri ý%'Ilitl-Y gili I,1ý,57. file, :1 LIJll 1,IIt ýt-cýlllIl Ili il'ilif. in Ille (li'liil il-0 ý4' TIiii-1 Il 'aill 4. vàuýiotLç; L-illab; of corn, to be usud for ý0iI- PÉNÏTE INTÃŽARY - DÃ"Ã"T AND 81101E Mly firelit lirtakes niv Fielcond n livimi habitation, ing or roastili- while in its green state.- STORE, iS Iýl.;tjjjjjjjj;% ýitil- l, t.r-4l Ni-rtli, a 1,11mi il (If Ille fille Wni. ni't et' ýail My third provos hier ettre flor it y1leui4l golik:r-1- Now Nvltieli aile the best kiiids? Ansm-er, BIZZOCK STIZEET, W Il 1 T B Y. seli., el'ith le weil f Lvater the early Jefferson, m"Ilite Ilotir Cent, meil Sheil meil &c., tlierem. il-1 fi"( 1 i ItC. tiien South Soveiitt tý,iir ýN E. P. Iltibbard, & Co. For fürther partiefflam nlilil%, t(I West eiirCit.iiiis, then Sfilitli ý-!ii à 1 'ad l'ilip. Illý W N; . ý G TNvLýIveRowed Svvet nid StOwell's Ever- T0 ANý illititire Ili the If :]nit 1 1, i, i 1 vvi nt% -fimr devref-, r Three gentlemen mid thvir servant haviiiz Il, green, Illev have t Ile il etririssariver find a boat %liillimit il,, -,viier. l'lie E.arly ILIfriIrsr)ti, ir L-ýr(-,wn a feiv le- N .""tv' t1lat el !lýlý which van ortlyctirrytwib liersibris lit il tiiii" Ili grecs ftirther Soutit than r% liere the scvd TlIr BEST YET Elq il lit a tiiýtýiii,-e what inanner #ait thev six lierý,)tis trtmâl Itiký4 in il v'mi 1 1, Procured, will el-S fil Ille n,ýjw I-f tIlu ix-ty day.z from tliv time of iiiý,iiititi- 'Il 1) le i Illit 111 N G 'Fi ()F WIIIT entl"Illeil gilitIt I)eletl Ili il it , 1 ait%> (et' llnols, Nho.ýS, and Indinin Rtitblbfll'- jr N Ti! Il H., il'] ears are ilialit ci -lit iiil-1 ý 1 l,ý , ý, i Ili theticrvuiits, olvii ýt-riitiit il, he, IoIu_-ý mil Ille cA N \ 1 il N'N" A i Ili AN M i )i "'.\ ";! ý,ý IýTl:ý,l corn white and il little flint the ir,,l ii,,, l ier Ille 1-1 ;e If good fair iÀze, Illql the taste IjIljoý5t Ili- li, ii;,, i!IZ plie T- i - A mari coiiiiii,,, froiii the 1-cliriii ili.,tillen- ý"n-eet. te, thlit lit- ,lir ù te Afres mritji au eliz)it-I )i lit ja Il fil 11 (>Il si , i 1-i m ature, ,, e I ý i. e ( - .1, !, wiis nit t bl% 1 The Il Ilite Flour ('(>rit içi in 1 sliiiil "Iler Il a persongoing thither %vith il thrlil Ilitit ja'r, -mIl 'l'fil \L' J for roastin- or boiling pur Il tindur ire tlii, 'f eue of flve petits, borie citilit% about ninetv days. The cars are iiiiie to %V fortinie, he the jbt-rýýýiit wliu lNikýý reliti'n- Pl ý- r Ili 1 to givo film four flilit'q l'lit tir 1 Ille Illi:tlitit%" cleveil inclics loi);,-; the col-Il .1 ilill'i white MIL J(1111N Row are they t'j' itit-itýttre l'iiits cliuili-C". .1 very liffle fliiti- fair tiize, i,,>ù(l with those thrce jani imil Il Il- lie fai. cafin- ait'l a1Iý illite iii;.r. 1ý.ll ir :elle ,-hert ripe, will grind ilita illeal alitiost as rq lit(Ilit. Ili 1111-i The otitn of four fitzinlrs ili valtie l% ill lire. ý0ll,'i* ti 1 > lat', fi "' ""'i' XVILito ami hait(L lime mi the 1,(:àit of il-licat flizit ý,f' , - Ili . - About sevetil tlil-lti-ý,iiiid iiiiie Iiiiii(Iri-ýd atiti flour. three tho 1.1171,V lit aild tlil-r lklit whon they are halved, %-,bt The 'r%%-vtve Emvull ý%veet Cor n]-ti 'il finit %-(,r% il Ls an illit 11,111 in 1::>; l'il, )lî 1: %':lx proveinent on Il ('fil Commort Swillct ti, : - ;-ý,è - - IN in Imi. l"t. fui, B TE f-,, lit lvq- The muni Nvill bc nothing, inirtit!i 1 Corii, Imviiig largtlil cars awl larger 11a;i, ri l. -m-11,111 i% Ilivil it m collel I'n", W ATCI1 ES A N 1) 3 FV Ell R PtqTlmr IN' F-r privie. -,I fil rt4cr apply to is a varict%. Of le, eet flw_ t Nil ER 1 Il, PS 01 ll't N D,ý. fils, Sille, ill, 1,1, flint rVijlýiI-ý-S te) Ili titre thill ill NT V l' l"\ i:; - 'Il ariy otii(:r a 11elit-t's ej:ý,c. EnIIluý-. 11011AS Il il. i,-jlt.-eti corn v( l J- Iâte. in the T 4. 170R NALF, eaiS, lIIài1.ý of' tlL-lll, 10,000 Acres of W ild Lands. le up "L;1!1 t1.v 1 le( Il the 'l),inter. l el! ll-:lr lia, delb Clinck, and Ciil A dîstinguislied veterinary Pro 1:!!l(k Strem, t'il gno'l I'ot:ttr%( femr Dutui, of the Elinhu .1 c INSUI Collee cali's Rttentîmi to the fo still complailwd (el'. '1'%%-clitv N uzir: ni) fi) file TI,,tn .,I'Ti,, il L-»ý lit. fi i le rm inthedieting of fail horsee, lyl ich C roi) %VW.; Illl-)I'v cilli-l"Ill or olititule. 1. l'A I! ER YA lit 1), SII 1 N<; 1, A. W. )N'. aftnotlesscomiiion inthis couiitrvt;iaii in Scetland !rd, JsL Mucli too long an interval is 9'v' tO others the ',I-. T re or Sale. or to Lct, to ihtervene betveeii thie titrais of fue(iiii,ý THE' '11,V111TUV N*I'fý.' %31 p" , , l.%\.() Homes are froquently ývoiltietl iiix liours lit the firsi place, caru -hliuld be tak, !I le, .1 i fi. LIpý, Il, r Ili, i ;IýlI1-tJj_ !lit i 1 te 1 corisecutively, duringr ivIiioli tiiiie fliey re- t' Pla"t 1 î; cWveýno fooU whatever. This practice 1 t'Ur thaii vtljurs. 1 IIave a., fi;Il;,!jeý1 on tite Tiii et. > boula lotind by experieiice- te lit pruj LidicinI Iow ut- Ille lliq-»t mil ta their heilth, indificin- (lubilit)- and pre- "uý'j"*'t L) rot, I)tI1'tire or- ailler 7 Ci-c( il Siruet, 11,-hitl liffl S If ;in ilvre (il lititll.mitil the Mll. t eposing to discal4e.q of the beiiiI, anil atit reý,o11ý l to) plant ROSI,, tom. The natural habits and tiiieý,ti\-e o il - t'lie vr X% hat 'Suille cali, tilLi ])UN-Ur P, &N'I) GIýýNfA1AL Groicery alid Provision Store. Ï)r ,il t1w Pn inl', 5;ý î el g.am of the hme alike prove that lie is flot flat,)- P. lélldgned for long ftwt.ý;, as the stiialliiess If Km IN Il \V 1, 'l'lie 1, Il Ill of lard iý; t) l'O hà stomeh indi o. LAND IN SCUGOG 1101? S. 11 Il'. P ates the neccssity of ý,;up- planteil iii a Iowe, ýsojj, ILII ft!i.1 il, oliicr Ilr $ai(, FiIlir t la"Il, 900 plyilig lit livith coluparatively sniali quanti- and lie I"alltue ia Ille bill, are iâiorû ykirilj. offalîment at short intervals When S Part IIf tlýtl L"f il, five frein flot. Ili stich 1 fil tioI11,1 be lh'w lui hall Lilýl' lully botter el à. -ing olit of' 111411teildvel), eý,j tl ;lî, «- at Mile rty he eat;,' SCUGOG NAVIGATION. 1 P5 the tývefity-four hours. This ii.itjll'iýIl I)al)it dure a drmiglit. \V il ill'v, lait. et May bc n*difiet4 but pains sliould be tak-eli SOILle littve rci)(;rted dirait, the rot is flot i4 , - - - _. _ - .- - - - -- -- - - - (IF oNTMM41, SALE. 0.1I' LA'NDS. , 1, telle run into the extrvlne. A Se apt to prevaii where voit cut Vour liota- borse or mule wheii at work- throtilli the (IF 1';., 21ild a Writ ill, VI-iliiIý 1ýi l",il 't., fùr t fIif)icFý imm% iý; Ti &y onthe fililrui, shotild Itave sortie flutritill t je ini t Iýi(: Marliet. Teri*tis 012 -t!Q(j rots ljuiuJýt:r, aad i.ýi g9lic by the THE 1 .,!il I* lier ill'ik il-.1 J.Jil lit, ligll!ý me food every five ]tours at the outside, if' til to riitvii, aud the Litimose is not ta iiii Il;- - ... I.Ill .11. I-M XPMAL, CHEmis-r 1 Y 1, jý N -we 1 Ait -ki lit j L 1) 1 TUF f-1:1j DR. AMON SON, (IF v»LIN A "il> li >T'ýý- jIi'FFAF.-ýj To kir Ilifiy bit. tei I 'q ýqq il ýoIi 1 ,!*Ný; VLN TAKF P ILIMCITAR NOTIC4 fl lis .1 li- T ý1 fV'ýTll'T4ý 1, 4 1 V, L> ;Gier led by r4_-f rzrni-lý: bit, î:tlrc-.4 lut never S"19- fil ail e,;ýcns1vc lactfrt al) éiirt cerLà or lýr-,Fzt miiv lie imr- with a !ar 'Vl'îch livill lx-, returncd with the utin-, Iroill o6-m-mii N - --------- PI'P.Irl Y THE DLOOD. .Ilofriltlý,4 LiAc Piiýi-a-ud Phoenix Ditteil ùrce from ali MI - nerai Poi,&io". -1 T ME GREAT f_,*ý, ure Mfîý4- ;wd Pittmýliix Bht(ýr-.ý tili!,wd '14 I*1-I.-( -;,ýt-,- ell'ecteil by tcoi r' rend(il-.4 If iýUL1LlY 1nnýL 1,11tre it is LESALE AND RÊTAM. 1 IlultsedPili, ()IPi el, Tti-,U,-- CAPITÇL STOCK ofovei quantity, excés8 of uutriveness, or des" et' to dMÃŽ11 tho Leds- ; hure, if ur Ilini's re,.ýkies ' -T on un street. dirLetýY Uppu6ite judge Ba t rn- Heild Oilice ut M bad quality. BY tàkin- too lai-go a quart- 1 o M.110 ri itL' two fifttiýï of ail land is fîrst prepared as it should be, rio ýIF,3 BAT1*.ý BEGO, ilt) PrnIRN jus acru of abolit, IW fe-et 1l'on 4"Q' on AGP-N tity of food into the stomach at once, the such draina- to tlc- Loi.-AL Art", JâýSîl M 0 is ilecessary ; on the. con- aiid tiam eurrotiuilili,,, 1,4jr the %VhivIl i8 ûrý_-cùd a rb4 immediate bad consequences may bc wind trary, we want to so florin our garden-beds , 0011FORTABLk, BRICK COTTÂGF,, LIVI X_ 1ronýWf! hv ha.ý reeeiveil the lolig Ni(x";ToN RETURINS HIS 1$1 *Wic, inflaînation of the bowels and the and bordiers, that during the warni spr b un excellent Well lie has vzirried on alit(iligst out 131111iling 0 111ZID, d.i4z lo o tititte, that lie! i.; I)ri-ý- or Water and a Ls tfrL4 together wîth, a nt 1 e cere duit IK.ýr t> ikA te the iiiluébitantis of WMtbv sSmmfing membrantes, a founder; and every rhower of raîii %vill bc cauýhý and liarell ti siiiiiilv lý-&!,(-7ry atiel (ir , . 1 lni- 1 atid vit-iuity, for the lik-rýl snppurt t @ccsionýUy the s*elling of the food eaten romain on them, not run offliy wcans of a t s etilarti-al)pl>- to ee. Fur farther Inuli- iiiiii Mllille carrving on the btiiiinezs with Xr. C. c' l'O fw.1 to CI)IItItrv bc.rî,t valuzible Fruit Tm 'ille ujl(l*,iret ilable and F. Hall. In jamouacing the diasolution of wh,)Ie",itle ujl(l*,irettu lrirtilemhip bptwcen biiur>ulraud UrIIall, lie dry causes à rupture -of the stom a-ch or' in- ditch-walk. Mkake, thon, all your gardent. uiodurute. refiâ? W. SITAIV, on the premises. ZW-Pfýlieîâ efreeted cithe tutines. An animal scantîly fed froni day walks so that the contre of the %valks will iAlf&SBATRý3, Whitby, Féb- 1t)ý 1837. %vouldialie lente tostate, that the bitisitioss will Litef (or buth-) un-1 Cw'ry in be carrieilon. aa heretofore Il%- Min on his oývn -bý thé LocA Agiclit at lui§ On Port IvIlitl)Y. FOR SALE-25 TOWN L itecý)IIIit, nt the old Dundas- ý te day, sometimes gota loose and finds ac- bc two inches higher than the adjoiriiiig Mýarch slitt, 1857. il Street,, Whitby, where noue blit the beýt des- Su te a bpg or bin of grain, and being border. Every shower will then bc ru- TII TIIE TOWN OF"MMTBY, 11N TII Fý cription of wo;k vib W turned ont. hangry, gorges; himself alin'ost to suffoca- tained where the growing plants can have JL vic!uity of the larket riow in oeurse ef IL LIVL IGSTO.Y. SAW OX creetion. àli§o--TliRfpe WATER I.OTql April Ist. 1857. tfbîý ; or a bad fiervantmay fecd tu, exeffl the benefits of it. Fur ftutlier particularmi ana terim apply to and out of all reason. Wc have froquent- AIS Y. KULER. BÈOCK STREET, 'ýZCLDI --T L AREIZOUSE, 10,ffl Acres wud land for sale. - 0ý_ Jesse Vamllyke, P ly, vSdercidwhy grain or water taken in- INTEREý.SIT.-Z(; I. -:.% N PAPL>11 M.IK[N(g. W F. KELLn.ý to the stoinach ý of a herse should so imme- -A féar days agô (says a correspondent) $TIZEETI WIfITBY, 1 - ' Sefi!ÏÏ Ã"gChea for CA" or on "Short EGS RESPFJ-',TFL'LLY 1 S RITC 'IR Whitby, Jan. , M7, B oiillft>m tluuiIÇ8 to bis nfin ëately effect hîs feet, producing the in- we were short of paper wanted for an ex- IIIE, IN = RNING tliànls th titille, for the kind patti effl to his uttinerous > tA rons and the I>nblic âmation called laiyiiiàitis---an inflamed extra dernand, and could net find any of generally, Êor tfieirývery libelyd patro FAUX FOR SALE* Initrn him whife la nu.ge durinc RýiYTT,'ýs ON. A", READY W Qin eo, Mate of the extreine vascular membrane or the size ar.dqtialityttiaf wouid suit us *,We TO CAPITALMS %,ND O=Rs wiguLNG TO ûud carriages ofdi '.rent de:scril)tiý-niç, whidý ho Ilote] ho wunk the 1)9-'4t, seilson, takes titis opportufflit), (if in'- flor ati4ea Il T '0 $tOLýlý ()f "Pllelldid BtlggicÏi ho Liis b,,,w, ssee of tlie foriiiiiig, thein that Jiu has ut)%v on hauti a large occuplied by-Mr. Comior, in n Imina of the hoof, Lot us sec. if wu m. ri were recommended to call on JamcsGauný and well selected aellortinent of Dota" AND wili seil nt a trifle abvvc cost, aà hcý id, retirm" ,t at the philosophy ofa commun found- of our city, as the only one that could fur- 8LNG1ýE PLEiýURE XMR lit (;OOD ri fmin , the hu8in"ý8. di tig the G roee', ' Store and $j saddlery, Trrrnks, lYhipB, effillars & 'Z hi týtVIQ or. A traný;lation ofa positive dis Mr. James tu privai gt 3breli The buildingim been anwý case nish palier ut short notiée. y c-e rIpIlE Subscriher oo*t.,ri4 for "je that valuýable tio, '.., P All of wli»i(tb hewill,,Sell at the Lowcat reutiune. JL king en 't', kom one part of the systein to another, by Gaunt, ý is one of the Oldeà papier manufac- ý1 0 defritàrtý,fthe -tliRlfor ' iotN.O. 1, in the Wtàat doctors call, inetastaoiq, is common turers in this city, and a son of Old sco e J01,7 Or -Ptirticiilar-iittentioii Èûid te th Y91el ù»icû,ý.si0n et 'Victoria Si tia; biü;z I)qýliartnitut > The nhuve Farrn is beautiftIlly t1ituated in the enough; but a horse ïhay bc fouridered. and we gave him the order at three eclock- Whitby, Fel-. 1851. a lltniucàfrommarklmu carriages ofaU kinds flüife(ItotheP -grmçftho ' ag wheretherois popositive disorderinthe p. m., on Frîday, the 27th of April, V 1 and tNi'entj--etgylt from Toronto the&:Oublio., d5gutive orpris, and only an unnatural ir- have the paper the next day. Mr. 04unt stitt Pr, L=ýr ý. t 1- -thé M is a rare chance for purtiei *iiiiiing tp in- bwt 14iios velit in TUDI estate 'witjt the ftrwnty of a larice e 'OU premises. Étation froin the prescricu of water or food at once telographed to, hià MilPat Trenton, AU0tj0.,ý SALB OF FQr ternis &c a FýUM NG- 1HPLEMMITS, U, &c. rotern for tlicir outIay. Dhmur, -LunehE ýîf hy letter rst-paid kiproperly. itken into the stomach. The N. J. and had the paper here'next .1 1 1m;e Shoeing and lepairùig at Bho ýlcidaw, 'Iay by zAL ESTATE# 'te tho subi" "lu P. 0., Mar hmul r4,notiée. - -- ox«ciu and beating to which ho has been tivo deloek P. in., by express When the -«41W cen W. Agenta for C IL MeDilimies ootù'binedMowçk ' biisâýtba WILLIAM PINGLR and Pc4pe.r.,,-, tee subjeèteà on the highway or elsé where, order was given the, Matelials we 1 re « in the IIE Stibtribera have been instructed to,,O&r 1857. 17 jýrQFpoqrM TIM'N' 9 r, Ct T *trAütýtionbii , hive brought. tho'vascular and tender pets pulp, and had to, bc made, sized,,, call dur- -the Graitud, _MAY 1'. "MT-_ýeà en 50 Firot clafre -Buildîng ,*Dldn "the hooi into a condition app;ýoX'I'- 'cd, finished through the nigh4'and sent ýOOD_, Mzreil s1T3ý el m»ýWg inflAmation before either water or, fýô m., by the OR 84L4 Tj"rE Tuus A£\D STOCK BE- ýAM ViRage oi, 'Uni oýùVi11e,-., Fil Ternis WUITBY. BOWIJNG fmd la gvallowe The anteeedent hard -New Jersey railroad. The papqe had not 0,'ý TULSI)AY, JUtNE, 9, 185T, at OÀNE O'CaDeL-- ri of the Dimetly opp«ite S ae 1ffoticý, service of the fkk is a material fact, in the yet got cold from. the licat of the ' stc&m p. m., the property of F. ECKARDT, 1Eýq. be t"eýàiù tinna te au a 'cMe -,f«'withotit previous driving, and tont drying operation 7ýb ît :tg:, Oqr 'Trws el' ISAtr,-No money required down N. P ABicoim-t MIS T01*ýAe Mving, an acute founder is sel. oîfim 'but e iïër cent ot the puýrëhaào moey to, lie SUBSCRMZU,,-'_B Ay. 17N -There wore twenty-five reams of it eurf-d «by an appro,ýed note, due the lât Octô 18:i7l, L ý -ý -ý'.1ý 1 ý Il àô ï - -h %ée A etidden shock il& infîicted on weighing 1 7001b méas'uri cet next * the balanc-c- -in thi,,-éequm ahnnillnmvj- thàt ho Uîery St4b,!%,. - be -L to the t4«Wb!ýbYýAnd--,tbêpjUbl1ý "ItÀm in the etom# eh, which One nWe inlengtb, &nd made at the rate. n. tbc olm),ee 'âï' Ments froin t1im" Ilw"Intèreefiý= the d£ýý Ãœmtters fýrst, not cf sixtjr fect pet minute. 'This ȟh- r 1 wl whùipýA lem" a few years ago. on th "me ternis, =d on the saine dari will ëtiv, f -bufthe, hested, mfeýbled, thought impossibli ho Sold Ï&àéfýë[ inftarj»d $u' 4- whiçh ý ereý' con ir. lucw with the by abiondant Itýis stated thai fi,.. L.- FOLLOWATS. OUMTjuft, The Great Cýouater'Irritautl IIE V 1 P. 17 S 0 F D 18 EASE OFM its w8y to the"iütSý1w er. roligil the pUres oftlle fitki£L ThL4 - t- !M pene - LI olutmeut, llieltinjz llüdee the -handý de it is bl" la, ki ubsorbeil through the, &Mlë chma. and, mwUng tbe UM tlv and bi 1 til, kidneys, the livtr, thaý-lu»gillor, y Cher irnp6rtànt orgau. it poueuxim- j4 rfaS to the îutiàrior, ýttiotigh 7 - be that comwn4ýmte wltll-üjý tu ýeàýùtjexý, r -in pw;3ý intc, the foivered gam- oqoI and régeu. os Ern Jâý Sax > u SOU to returu nýD 'n ità spi ýves Its 'bil in ofthe skifý the $des, the joiatsý aud alinest oisoi - 1-' inan enL 3ea b, toain tmétka, ýf the ampe, rt vei iï 1-At F rua-

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