Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 May 1857, p. 2

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mqwwffiwmmmmmý ïm- Xe«ýdutite AMmbly. ]MIS RXID À Tjimb TIMM TÈefollowingblUsworeathir(itlmèaud Puscd: Bill tO ' Vest certain Real Estato of the Itte Thomas Lenzon in Trustecs. Bill te &Mûnd'tlle Lùwer Canada Muni- ciPal und Road JIct, and te crect SL Lain. Lert into a separatç Municipality, 'Bill te establisli Water Works in the Village of Terrebonne. Bill te znake more ample provision kor the incorporation of t'lit Town of Threc Bill te amena the Lower Canada muui- t-,ipàt.Act and te crect SL Aubert. into a rwparate Munîcipality. eill te îneorporate the Bank orDrant- Prd. Bill te Vest a Road allowance în- Wliitkv in J. IV. Gtuuble, Esquiro. *Ëlll te incorporate the City or St. jiya- BÃŽII te enable the Trustous of the First rr",-IVill Baptirit Church in llzttlû.y te re- 4ýQiV0 a Legacy beque-athed thereto. - Bill te inenrporate the Canadian Literary Institute of Woodstock. Bill te enable J. C. Grant and others to y)nfirin the sale of certain lands in the Town and Township of llope. , - Bill te incorporate the Toronto anil Oivety Sôund Central Itailway Company. Bill te authorize the construction of a lime of Railway froin sotue point on the ;',outliern line of Railway througli Brant- 1brd te sonte point on thu Creut We.stùrn Bill further te amend the Act ating the Stratford, Shefrurd aiLd L'haniMy Railroad, Company. Bill to alter and amend the net relatin -io the Galt and 6 ticipli Railway Compain r-nd te încorporate the Preston and Beriiii Railwày COMI)alnv Bill toý incorporate the D0ýilabcrry Navigation Company of 31ontreal. Bill te amend the Lower Canada M uni- c.pal and Road Act, I)v.allom-ing the ilarish èI'Ste. Sophie d'Ilaldax te fonil a separate taunicipâlity, and te divide the l'ovnsliii) cf llalîfax into two separate Townships. Bill te authorize the Munîcipality ofme- (Millivray te dispose of certain ruad. allov- ýaiccs in the said townships. Bill te protect the rights of inarried wo- Wen. ý. Bill to amena the act te enable the in- Lbitants of SL.Francois du Lac lbettq.-r'to it 'Ulate the Conirnon of St.-Francois du 41. Lac. Bill te authorize the City of Toronto to Water Workx and to levy a rate. Bill te enable the Trustees of the Toron- ù) General 110eniffl] fa P. 'A n Vote of the A'i;.senilily ; if it WRS ta Im nothing ta what had been said by the gcn. riciitsi whicli were inaudible in the gai. of the connty coulticil 0 7a Fimuade ut all, it should bc by act of Palrllia. jldeman who Yd just spokeîi, but te show lery. present WIis flic ti ibilt( Au jWrertisement êIsewliere in ourissue lie offlend, alid lit (dur ('liiiir.'Ii ment, Those of the Courteil who were the ilouse the villuable services rentlered Mr. Mackenzie moyed, Il That the (;o- & of to-day, gi-Ves, notice cd a medog of me nad dm bAlowing nss"e A, nominatea by the Crown reeeived theif by Mis olé! sohHer, bu woulrd nad Me ino- verriment bas alked and this Ileuge bas JUWW«d. C:lhI.a:ýe \%*Ilite, County Couneil for the Offi June next, 7ens of 1vLaby fi) ille j"V'l'd position as an honor, while those who degt gtabinent which ho had laid Imibre the voted a gmnt of $ljOo to public insUtu. r.-Peter Carniieliw]. Tuesday week. It CXdteS ILgOOd deal of' ou his departim., le wel'e clected, bring I)Iice(l their hy Meir Government, and which was fully corrobo- Wn known as the Toronto School of Medî- 'S da S. lîý,b1nsan. jdeasure in uq, the assembling ùf our 1*i',tl(ý ings ton-2rd-,, hini: people, were rboseii to discliarge a certain rated in levery particulan' Mr. Macdonald' cine, which grant lias noily becti revoked Parliarnuit in the cipital-of the Courity. duty, for which thvy liad ri ilght tu Ioo1ý then reafltliostit(--;-iietit Mat ut the insb"e of the Governinent, fini] %Ve smy in 1worperévey the vadmis grave, limor) Sir -un Ou nuar for indcianit Ci!- Biiiiock hall talion an active and es thut the grant of EPOOQ ta the Scha(il H. g;lý, tlioli,ý,,iltitIl and intellectual hroivs of Youi Mr. PaW Q v1waYs lwcn PppoFel tirignihal part UmmWh thl, wir of of Medicine ut Montreuil, Le also struck Vo., rlPlud dm Co»- 'il' to paying tlio,,(ý münillens Nvlio 'r,-Lýre noilii- and hafl held ri Ligh and important out.e autre-su Don y. in un u naWd hy the (Mown..Ile eoniIeried diat pnsiticii doring On, rebvilion. Ile thonglit The Spenter sèd Omt the Act part of Jmlnt Sm-Amul plns fw the naling or % omc q cousu OSA of M I, theille mmm a gmaL OMmewT bWeen their that this was a case of vxteme linnIcidiY de niritinn wns iurgulnn !Miel lonsp liriv- C., i Ar, 1: il f*fjlý_e. Ilulcap Cm gravel roale will tire ilot la inimdwt u iýhllil v:%1.11 -lied -ou hat( iiiii , flie lat ý-i% ýêm, j, Ir coci-le ls:lltms position and that el, tue iii(,,iOere and he had no Imlt Me justieu et the ing dmhmd timi Me iterii.iliaiti he snack inonde Iméng ne picily &mMes and turris né'l la FoIQ, scid the tuhau jiy clahn would lit by the Ihme outil it cmdd net nplin lie dinuseL The ISTE t 1 1q. but I'V(:ry ta thein as IvIllen oilu to bave witl'a the inember f)r LaInMon livas ri vrry Mr. 1folton výrI.-; or;-pý,,-ed in pensinnq, but lion. inciiiiirr iniglit, if lie chn-;,ý, rttirla ri il;, : l"!îers, :,il,] Ili.; Elle, in ordur fi) tlir,)%v his joirrivis oIF uanwariwl nt thoueht thnt this was ri spreil casq und e)ntitinii ri) flie grain to the of Rtrangeone for an a4voclite of the rignts tic seuât. AVhat IMHnmd slmerh(s me - aý, il, 0- di- orthe ni the pondu Ile snid tlw poit ion of the of Thi.s genflernlin dicine nt Montreal. DIAILOU&TLU BU"C illali hmp anl how nuiny coembd ps- a. or nieinbem of the ('oliiiru m-ho wMe n"sb hall liven dimimd nmé the nMec of Id- sin Mackenzie tien imevai ta add the 1 17 se1b!iTTiIe orafory viiil it not Ill, our priv altl%,,tir:ll fil, imêd by Me Cwwn ins n mom hnniralde, jurtant Ocmmd of mMla P, sua a polilicl irg j-,rni i.,rior. tu the tu hand down tu one than Mat of thow mho clucied' arràneuwrd of be fr-inè of bc AhnU that Ili part of tLe shný1llI I,î, J'aid d On e«nL IL wM In a bup wwL woh .1. 1,1 :;lx ynier a ICrlhu Ileuple. Geralral ýVcrt, aYA thi.s file inipri, initil un c(ii1-il riiiii b,ý and th.-- and m ý!!1 our- a :ri4.l% iwil, atul Mr. Brown exjdained thrit in dir crie pocy. oc Yxing Ulat ofite up wPh p4di- Imbi la tir IIMMO Sléoli of MMils svIt. 114)IV nially TljoIjtI1.ý file case the position vras F.n iliiir, in raýaJ1ain. Mr. 11,11toil r-,ii!d ?loi flic- M'lii- the cW the nwntlwrs %vere clisson ta dé- Mr. Dùriýf,ýi caid lie waq quite reridy ta tr--ýlI Sc-Illpll If Mcdicille lie dewin play 2,S1.11, IM5 7. 1 li"y ut! den lm appe a, dm,« tbý apay pn ýVct& charge certain dutiez. admit Mat ibis was a sixerial car and un- ul nf ir grant Imenume die &u Aliords nrwspntl conderning, in rio rlorinlit yàm : live Rllv'(1. Sir, i Dy 'A curaph. to j>cý-dition die if dley 00 lit» eçiý!"iou4 in r't-nificitili Mr. cN-IIrQFrd his hearty cou du thme cWmumMne-3 he should irait. (lf Mediriiic nt Torontln rhoý,,ýc ta ïlii-,rrt 1. - toits tlit-irlopeq êChanaccroina of thupro- (ati-inal iroerr"tý; of thic; %Q hnve lut liariicd I)y Tcleý-raIlIl fl rurrence in the dmw hi molim. At the spine flic In Nin Amire scrid ont Dir folis hai mi- bt-buv.,ý %..a, Vour Mr. liol)I'!l duit tb- lion., ililizzt 5:.,4y Oint lic troillii t')sce t!ie yc- t-llk".rl f1ý-! Th- Toro-ifo Si-1 loi la lhe 1, tr (1 la i (,-i, L ti Lent, leu rýl 1 pn. NLlv,,r bief iVIVI. . cnro fl'r, tbý- hermaxald "u Me pmpéry A thdnwi 1 h=24gmntiri«r,- l'imnd un a do M-Wiwr; W wI in A ri !ir_ý w* der nf a slméon td dm 1 ýuw v Fý ans vols 1 Il . 1 bis motion. Sent fuding si mist il mas nt jouerL rhmh roi M 1 "il : nad ]in Ript havO7 ci - ýîrxud ta. Gl wl up.n larron and idron the lords and RaHneuls Id c(AI;. C, fi!,- n'., Motion lest Vericz Io ; imys 7 y t ce 'hy thuy Mure art, q 1 a grent n pre- liaJ a wih Oin olher '10 l'lPhicu-0 tlkeq pirc f U. tbr (in file (liteFfilri of reý!y cltsrri 17 luer, P, and ci lbrsewq mléo- ho-il hi4 -vr hëapounc il in Ana a 1 ilV ;W, r Y Hmt cran h-bis ail gent uxpcnses trrluitu Id ÙPOnNity la anabcr lov t i giv cou t i n 1 mc uhl-, -nlpl '[ail Il fr: il. Prc Coin- V 1 î r,,Ousml mmni ut thp Ja-llxaqVwý ; ni to ý7' tue 1 11,11 nl. N% tc-) ý'L. rr-arlý To- of -Mledi, i,ý- vii-: tý (il-' 1'.- " ;i!ý,i,7 nad oýhCri 1 ' i in W hi0ýv- Kai1ý ý%lllIa hi de modo wwamlz, rzlwiv plir,% pur ci A olit 40V bel a nat nt tue War ?Y ald n "I ilia I,ý uý o, '.ýu- à rad Vourpricir awl nwp"Q aA iqlai tc"t Wlx don On chons Ur whiyn Mat th(. I-nziiiiir lý- ýtls of 11l-.--ýl il, 1 ýl- ce ýnqc'on'. -4 & I mhil Inq0col in IC ù9i9 and a, nne Liew W (r tlui-1 ý1:l ýv-,.iition, t1ict e iý 1)(J doui't, m-b«af,ý,,% (r. 1: i, ()ur Iar,,i,:ýt i; th-it, in il, Stfl-ý th-er- arc si:z (b'i- ImMed hy the 11 i L wo<ýwy Ci i m lyo f, frofil On ýr sua hm, imam" em NWA tu - ;-ni ayo tme Omt &W, or nal"e, of Me. :,rt Pr licr i; lý-l;- ýo-!.,1 ('11 vl, £71,000; ilint , 1;i (ý rý*,;,ý- t, tue! y hoit bay Femi il tir Win, no! 51X 15on-alil Imo"ý cilliws WH cWny the neceaity Fr pravri l"Q In D'a ImA '11-L Y Mccolitnt of flic i :ri ho un 1 m si :1 1, Sin M. n a 1 S n f cy- ýl; :ý irie. fle noui-Pel -de; y S 1 n, ' a"- Al, pu vich tubs do roils thneugh the (wuntv. imint mai 0 ryi port ther, -Au of dm ou univ U, c 0. L1ýl o n fý,(Y ac. ::!il! Ili 1, h:t v i n c'f ý ;tr', il"- lied, ina tu on mili h é! nru corz - micil ;-7V ci l:ý. o al die blîu,_- of (ýcn'c a nd ý,w -i Ci end m -Ill Lue un &P-C u la race K? Fnc. J Mi, Vive en- repu d in 1 y nui y V - ý 1 'i il , cýýi , 1, ench Tou iniCIL T he W. (léin ill ý,e t r:ý, , of èw cou un Fr is, laup-u et li let 1, I)r. 1ý, ic"w W h que a ci a p . 1 m- Ilny id one 11WIncs h« "a a the liresurit il'e !or roilspr uni t"slsg a u- 1 la 112 leur lar : . 1 ri.ql mul a certain anuými in la o qui il, 1 yq venu %"OAý un gr IL e, narires cf file jurens-mit -1 Wn 1. ýàiý1 1bat filin un à jaricillar locsileedwn Jurcy cf gi w- nu n". the all i výi Pn a in". in fl.- vilAi nul aU tlms- runds inuy 1 Y, q=- j! v, a C'f gr; 1 rýs il the l': 1 ial l- i ai ça 04 orsoi m Ln! n ili rq"id ail 1 v Il a ri La lmlâz sici i3 ur m ShO il MM ni th- nais apil voci et èwKý m) lkme m ili mil vue Ur Ow pr p- lui tary's Ir, re. U lýý tlIe à et il! Me mhep unimi hi, own pu crair :nt :p, Min Eril- Pnrir-i r) 1 lllby"ln Pl <VT% 'l r=ins MOMI in"nU 1 jrý nn th- PrI Pl a i lazA lý! i 'flc v 1 OW ra lis! pu ironie top 1q clirme Ile Oeueshsn. Th", -cp a il pay bon a -laqucw M% W -li ilimi nt L mO p (10 tu, v,*,1I-iý mrt, tniv in te( el Kar, l je P: W ;Avnýr (4 a wnill'inalAn n(the'ehecs nui Y Y . 1 laie LY inent v apneý !0. eeu" riqvan, 1 iiif, li ri. t'l 1 :lýr v U,,rý2 t!ýan v,-Ipe mas M :ri ýc-; Cla ci !la =O n-i ý',;C ý,1l),),1 0fýJI, to GIll ll!ý lýi *,,'.'.: iT , ý.U. anr -r rr Ici nous ýi i toi c uc.w î si m. a c y C ý.:l: ýî 1 l:v'l; ti; di', n put u't'. Y : ha Reeve arm e. thai. t h.. lw lui LtOl. fii,11 h,ý ImAîe ve Ihý tun ofthv raiiroad or"A;s lu- 1 a Ch of t %"r, Lý ntU !p "y ac l:ýý t: ýo lit tll,, tur, t>.z;, M anql. tir'. is a fi ctiln. t!iî-ir liLi Pr 1 ic qi -pris 1 m Lac- f v il - l r Iut ilif- a eý, thux kvding lirres uf une -t lan a lu; 1 c ;01 V Il wollia: 1 in ic-n W 1 yw mal p<n, no cA paherri be aLamlmel Il. unil Le 'aie a -rd n fa:r 1; il 1 i il,, l.:,e in ho enum- 'r', WIWM- 011W plun thu c-are usrkes wactu of the futrui uf the WW ,,f t1ic 011 flit. n-lrý: l rIA Pl: W 1 il 1 un mer c S a pou ira. Yýý,7: ilir. il. ty, tu build gravel roa la Kylc Il- Sb: l!c Aiýl) 'x fi 1. fi v wre 10n c-i ar- %AO thro"lh Un Lnp%. li a railnwl t >let týl- Mr, a 7: lu, Foin- cd (nu 0 crî; t or a 1 M a., (tu ime nls*,:l-il f r ii--ý in tý0 ' * ' r tfie' C'Lri on the haro., i:i i i c. Il i 1, rn is e li il l i i c 'i n ihiý àcome Pr m or, rnnuuneIit oi lý . iý(. ; . )le q'inty 'a, on olimr. Ti'l lustollis 5 y du, a M.snp w mhai !in tnuqc! t,<, trl:,,ý 1,1«,ýil -and dist whch m c uxp-1, , i 1 Pn ;uýld implupuds dors ho lore, tLan f, ler"ae é fDï"o In 1 . Tnit lu in- * 1,ý,>,* !Llin 1 rt,,")iinwnd hielriodie idtlpeey éthe spses!e fwtLe netcunnm ci v lu n !'.'. a dul ri p i la war; and implyswusi hp-bohgoc, ',,,,r (lie W el, l' hapilystate Fi Mr. in a c lamn tu Y 1 11-u-c &Wd un 1 aV îq tue w 0 le sucoary ne pn&eseud Sun j S> it >si a L w y aci ichur ru- railmad as the indn-enuik thmoigh tbc :enl ý-à1 e elf t lie (-if WInt 0% ci. su! > ML 1 m, a 0 Il n-1 1 e!mnen 1 S52 nad 1 C& ('ounty, ta c4ýUnIrnot grand rovin l--. rù1,cnî-Ufýil hi ý ýýUr're lie si spnol rec- - 0 et !n Sb 1 LA rilltii'l rilied illit (d orltr' t1u Op. Laon, 4en rocd and flovi Lfit! ilià",-,ruii. raillivny lwaeni tu the chérmnn awl Qui ligin. 1!1ýtil il f un ul la 1 1" c 1 t -P, in - - 1 1 10 % L Ay 1, cra: M nrnrý-- thrqugh the tE!Frent ïl)nsiss aS inaÏl lit anci uIýt, th'),igh r sin W-Ypée 0 un ienved des lon jw 1 1 L i n t Y - SOI labdo tii wC c Wqq huiýrânm, uci 1 c"Ile wNien et he psi de Hi l : ýi!ri or of 5-triv Ilf Oie C làs reluirc the:n. '00 ;a the sur y Und "F tbý' n -Ch- pýYt Hawmus àHM of tl ie fZe Uwn a Un"s L !y- li, lorm ni,-en icaL l.e7pnhlta ci à f Ki -- AZ na cap puy lurons!! pal zip-Il m-hý il tle,: l'rl!;ný ýi of t Grout ----- ---- t Av 1<1i!sturn ne (Ppris Connu! rur ci - par lion %ecre l'e the courre, 'l'lie Mr. -.-.oxt no Uper 1 a >- -là y 'c 1 1 j P,, OPudd un czim GS briwx mai in: lu nu pm, y le, -au K X IlanL Molor wotald give ail de nannmy LiHtài Ar 1 and baw mat hc ha! gricat Ilimnul 1, 1 tic. w tnienjmrý (lf tio Enantiie (sca- 1 .5 i-: '%Lýj Ir. e ra-. CI, and %votild bu have tir jlreý;i-nt nt th,,ýt iuecUng ta fil) 1 2-1 ta) T. j'. 1 aý or fu!I linilorni, Tite duit this iâ ttlt, ciurýýû they m il] l in iric lluvinq"! sceraeuT, shuail Lot ilicacruclou (J Ow nion rho had nmcYnd me fit ta, nikw. UN imy in wli in Ça; c to nui the inanner in whil lu f1wincr offhe Cmndi wu !rare memcg watgo up. And thue flic la ý 1 riý w, q h, Mr. succui thmpst tut soins ephaw On Inrf ai"td t0ir nommT ewle:mm en hw.1 cession te rmnw* filme !Mie mmnnue 1,pMual who otI-rýrwf, la jmq y! harl ýc % ci a CÀ Wa Ce! uc ii ll n as lu 'Ce !"'Puent cia-1 calcat u;pinose Yan thr (Micüni.. iniq mlikli 01. irl"90 in hPh!y gýîLifit-J, nt the unity- and le wh1h Mey are doubt. of (linyn puyn" amwn the IVUL Imm, Ly a psi p- l.nLýj (M r 1 cy Ri ci. (,f II,,ý vcas iniuwere of dm 14m CW the ruview Imil tvr:il;ila(ýlxj th._ý ofùý tlii)tiglititý-;-glyl an anc elcmtmï harlin, pcrlr,)rIxiý.-1 aUv i froin (Etily intercourlse and fi- ;le-. i.l t;m soi :1 W S ais- their fritends met ut less leil hdo Alifi whY, lie asked, eoIlý il (ILle C; ci ý nl'i'! 1. . 1 1 0. m 1 Ow va S la, in m, m Li a c oi mi ed ! sul ta dinner. Them musil m*h cadi ather; IL is the uniculi C f a- ilot lie ;t:cli a d*.S!,(bsi,,i4-.ýn always (IL-;: unt of this Iminlp% un n stn!ust on Y Mr. lerriii said that %-.-lienever tli.i niat- greýa, rel rn-ainst (h(:lIý ........ Le,ýt aol 1 tuenturv baldt ofadcbesliisons nnmlwr Ille A - .1 .1 -_ -... .., ___ . - r a purp e the Present YHUIVI %Vas reil,11 a tilir. flalil 1 %vo, liave a Secretary and Treý Ca fl inect fb 056 lik to aliv hoý1,4 still thouglit thL ýYaz, not the proper tiinc -tsurer at un doivu to p "yke ôf tea and Lie, the avor natalday of Mer Hajeaty--for . wh CITY OF Cilorirously hi-h figiire -tý-ho aiso receives *and quality of whith were highly -praised, c,)rporýLtii)ri. lui-ýurv or üther (.Iii!riL-ilýle 1, fur bizu te offiýr explanations ; but, had C ore unspitingly dcmo1isheýL- h ray: "Long 1îvèýý the Quc liellibers not six a handsozn- consideration as local engineer as theY w s Ouldsý.P)_' The Ruvereud gentleman )u the motion of 11011. ýjr. "Spence, the ill>tiýilti(,)Il or lintil a fiJl, truc certain bon. 1 tiie!%,tliat there is aliother Secretary -tà ar, Over tlie platform hung the banner of the ta athorize the Citv of IlaâLiito!i to aild pard"'I sition ta treat hilu ulliitirly, lie -ivould iiot f the successes of the Bible Socie hir accouiit in (LAail Lc trans- 1 sist his principal, and that about once a Sons of Teippèmnce .-of Whitby and'other 0 1 ., ,otiate a loan of 'td a iliý,, ýcCrCtarY of the Province, 1 e, ', C lit-ýsita-tttl to give it Mithout (101.1y. of the 8ons olTemperance, He vin( raonci ta consult with the IocýLI and drink TemperanCe flâgs deè0rated ithe walls Of and tinle the %Vh-î!c The fact ivas, tliat ilie grant for proL>s- Chriiipagne nt ý;(1ect dinner parties. The the -room The.-Whitby Brùs-Bind werCý the Town of Wbitby from the rem j(enhedy.,t and exalted the si )il the motion of the Iton. Mr..Spence, )nal scr%ýices reiidc.-ed in bro,ýking up a Played' a fè I.Advorzi,ý," coP1inu'eý; if these things arc sa likewise in attenxbnce-, and -W bold andextea-sive gang of furgers. and kindnSs'and libc;»itlity which pr 110'use went into a oie or other charitable 'it xs not a woît(tur that Wu shoulU bc we#ry tunRt--a - fow offijf, fôr. Reveond Mt] - 0' 'arýolàlpt ý-tçr citizeria. The preser 1 to aineild Ille Act for the Or far t1je i . ýe.zr lire- coulitti-feiters, who were lüczted in, the iig far the railroad. Our contempo- mén wore far not the firzt time that ClirWians çlî Yatcr Work-s in the City ofIlail Vlou, tc, Fucil grant, jmd that -U tastern suct;ün os' the Province. Ile lia'd, !iltcn. ch report raýy bapg orgw, of this 'mpany il; the compàÈy,, y4th the -mwic of thëir-own Till: ESTIMATES, lie LiLl l,ý.-fore this Hanse %vithir, fificen ý11izdu this claim befure h e ý-. as a w __ 0 cc . deiioiüihatî.-3n in tbo Town had in ' dOùbL1c-ý well infortned and woffl hàrýlI s«ýcet rk)icea, topermit - the rbguLu inusi- dzl),-- of the commencement of next ses. the Governuiený raid it had been reportçd, or, and ho boped that they woal )n the motion of J'on. Mr. Cavloy, tle ventum to write aà h eý ducs if ; ih m- were - -Clans to do so. After the disappeam= of e zneet al Sion. 11POri by th(- late Attorney Gcneral (Mon 0 though net under-cireme ,isc procetded wit.1 PiL ftirther cônsidu- not soine substantial reuoï- for 7t4 "Tea 4ck1e'1ý 8everal gentlenien as- Motion lost-Yeas, 5, ýjay8, 43. Mr. Druinmondj a1though net in tfle wa'y uite lik6 the presenL He gave au on of the reported froni ntgt. plafform. -Amongst:othei-s, Wè q On the item of £1,250 te Yariiýtý publie he had expectcý ordiet he,,thotigbt he had ýtc the ladies who worti e (or f0î1emoe nnlittee oit Sut)plv, on the iteni of £200 Rev'd. Mr. Gerric,,the guçstýofthc a right to expect. Othéïr perlions who hud gooa OnýAU ýworffiy occasions. ý(Che6 sion ta Widoýv Antrobus. Dz,&» D'"-.-Tn varions prarts of the CVc4nSý Rved. Mîý,Thornton, Rçv'd. Mr. The Inspector Ceneraal moved to stlilo been similarly Mployed had boëd Re-v-, Mr. LowýeY hýviA9, been e ý-Tôwn, on the most:ptiblieof our higù*Vàý 34yerboirprj. - RevtL -Mr. LO1ýry, liei'd. pon by the Ir. Mackenzie qaid that the late h7lý4b ln(l olit the £250 to the School of Medicinel, much more liberally. --this dimý,-nlstÃŽhg nuisance offends thë.sighL Mr. B -e4 Revd. Mr. Grizmcll,ý13aptist u ri(Id-ow Antrobus rei-civeýl a Pension Out Toronto. Mr. Sanbo.rn deniedïhat the Proiliuç al Soýîera1 complaints b"ereached us on the Miniriter, New York, Rev'd. Mr., Sharp, yrn, d ùpPrOPý&W, Speech, Coné ho public purse for niany years. Sbe Mr. Mackenzie eonsidered this a niost se,.r.e t tary had any right ta coraV.Lkin of fhe,ý with the, wordâ : of -the psalmis Wili îbe street Ingpector,'t.ake ILev'cl Mr., Wi11ougýY, Jaimes Hodgson, bold received a pen.ýýîrn ol' Ï800 a year for mysfiý,ous and extraordi how godd -aàd hèW1r.,P1eaý&Ut it narY course for trelieulent which, ho bad received at thé the trouble to lock ta i t *? 'the iunisanço, Eýquire Re tby, iy yetirs, ftn(l as she had nb claini ta if the Côverniiient to pursue. , Seine secret handa Of.meiz- bers of t4ý Ilouse. Ilad it Iîesýdes being one of the inost filthy, ils, John ýhould tnove that it be disreritinued. infliience had beeni nt work, ývhich was, noît Ileen for the extrem'o iudulgience of PO-ýiCVelY of a character, that, its non In the 1oýy of the M woalso obscrýed Uwrey" sPqýk - a ýWCl1 and" Wu lotion lost- removal is calculated ta breed checre - ' yeqs 1.), nays 57. pertial).ç, explained by the fact thât the the IIQIso, mat -imeçn the Town. Esqu ters . could have Thomail -'Dow,, gr the, Montrce ý the itein of £401) ta the late Assistant votes of the Ilon- Mr. Rolph were now brouglit ý up wbicb i4ûst have led ý to bis W, f,,e -the matter onTy -Agçpr-y- in ýthis ýTo -and âeYcra1ý by lnclulge4-iu -k fthe Legislatiye Asseinbly. given to the governuient, Min ro t!oiÈýbout h 1 quits sure that BU& W,% 7', ru imsen about. Irelaw resignation, ýor removal, frûm office. The, rýujres ta be - brought under Ur. Bën- other pro ont citizen&_ ýr., '.Nlý,ekezizie inoved that ît be Ptrucie Afr. Aýfiàns said ho would EU to hav* Whiç -Ilad at lut been ex- g,ý,u-4's notice to have the prôper'iiüwdy îennagh&-and Celtiî, sneaki jSt PI: ex0anit10jý h ()n Motio'h of Ur.-:Sheir,, it.-ýWUýunafii- ng- the stilliates, as Mr. Faril)ault hàd seine explanation, 'from. the Inspector tor;tzd, was '$=Cely- £aüs&ctory of that gentletnan';e activityinthe impràvë& t* the, *0 ir: appried. ý We alreadjy perceiv' thé result that Dr- "0 bla iïéýïý e 1, ' 1 Gunn - 1- abundaiÏtly conipensated for his ser- Gencral, for the reason of the witlidmwal fèrence te, ho drawn fromÀt bein- tbat the appearance of Our streets &ndiîideàral4ý a, having been paid the rate -of £550 a of the grant.11 daim for rollauneration was not advanced sua0e his appointment.u. Street J"Pector, -The Ç rmân exp The laspectoi'General Baid ýthere werg until hé round himself in'a Po ' idn t6 Cà- anie Ho4v'.ion, E.ýq., Reeve ýOr W the 4r&Cý -ùný es and, la otion lost-yeas 18, nays 50. difficulties w-ith-repidýto -this ývote, which, -forçe it. It was a fact that the ]Provincial Tfflé; -LEGIONoy 4o!ýoP.-7-T4 intýr4mee atte:hded da., rJýÀhé, Wàa"nutý Câllod upon, d n the item of £200 to Col. Richard procluded him from keeping it on the es'. Secrotary had not been eÏnploYOd altO- 0 f e ili tary hQ n o rs b e tw 9 eg the ,Fe-wà ie gr, , 7 ack. tungt«. , . 7 , g-, t4 gether in theprosecut,ý.on of 131i#sh #rra Yçt, emie& Art, the wr ies is, Rot The ions likë the i et on- Mr,-.Aildns ;said1he 1h do'e, (Mî. c esoi% of e- rs he hall referred, ta 1hý1Gî A. A. b6ri moyed that no new Prof, - knew Queeg h84 Onfin"d the ûrderý oftlxý-,MàtlÏ th= dons ought to be granted in the pro- i,,&gtïieiôn "bedswt iù a pttiti lia in soyeral instances hà A,1ý17 ýRPd thoý çQ. the 4n&býoÏý$1it out ÏhàV rectiti à6la & P"r stâte of the finances of the country, 9"-nt- ed in défending emý nFb G 4yer M1ýn1 hStàý6çý _ç týat t4crefore this item bc not passed. Mr. Mackenzie said their.ýwaà- something The H theu adjoýed uý de r. Sidney mid th&t CoL UuUoèk vm-a vindiclive in lkr- 'in-% , - monda onda rra(, Bight Wr (If jo force. ladies the de. ]E LIT Cle r wm lep. L. an 1-- ce emnc"'S it mils to ýIr. în th c le Town, ail-1 --A mtified t-) ý,o aumber rf vrho bwl ;ect or crixl. ,hat ehen r-alled Il uch a eligion ut lis L, very Ms Usses, âmd ù5sion is D Sow thu seud, ý,e Ve hopc that ýýii Uz-, ]ÃŽttees rül Le peaIer-ý, t!ý a tymeil IV itizcn-o,. The gof),l xngue couid bý,ý:ýOvç ýd= on this occaeior, WHEIZE llfp,, uj %-tencrai riospitai tu raise a iurtiter suin or moncy. pill tu incorporate the Village of Fer- is. Bill te vest a certain Road allowance in i>,rigliton in J. D. WcIlington. BilI'ýto, abohsh the riglits of prinia-CIni- tire, and te afford relief te parties succeed- trig te the rcal estate of persons, dý'Ille ÃŽatffltate in Upper Canada. Bill te change the 'J'entire of Iiidian LaniLg in the Townships of I)Iiniltt-, Bill te encourage the g("xivrai civilization cl the Indian Tribes, &e. Oill toi amend the Criminal J..ýtv ris re- the uttering of Counterfeit Coin. Bill for further inmasing the eflicienry zî4 miml)lifyiiiý, the proccedings of 11IL 1 c 1 t of Chancery. Mackenzie inoved, in aniendnient, hat thîs bill bé not now rearl a third time, llitehat it be ainerided by addizig n clause t > provide that thejitrisdiction onhe courts ct"law and equity should bc unite(l. Mr. Wilson explained the mode of pro- cceding in the Court of Chauccri and ,zLiited that the practice -was înexpressive, -ii-aple, and 4ccessible tu every wan who %vas capable of statiný the watter of his coniplaint in intelligible language. Mr. Brown could net support the inotion î ýi the -shape in ý whîch it was brought lie- Çure the Hogse. He was in favor of a uliîon tif the courts of law and equity, and would rýi porta motion for a coinutittee W en- 1 p - L tjire înto the best means of effectinir that Mr. Patrick thought the Governincut eegerved credit for this bill, and could not vote fur the motion. The -rnotion was put, and lost.-Ycas 15, , int, the >et Iwo jéri mi, OrC, (CI aud cou dm Y , ciUU the ther ly fi of tl ger enal the il D'on dan A Pm r the 1 nego secol 01 the 1 mil of IV Mr. Mackenzie thon moved that the bill iýo recominitted, in. ôrder to eàitablish in id bill ajust and znçxlcrate tariff of fecs, ý-!)d regulate-the salary -of clerks thereîn ,.-ovided for; Lost.-Yeas. 25, Nays 58. The bill was thon rend a third time. Mr. Mackenzie -thon inovcd to abolisli ,ueen's Counsel ; but the Speal; ý,x decided We motion to bc out of order. The bill was then pamed. Bill te authorize the issue hf Debentures tu assist the Law Society of Upper Canada tI encting buildine Bill for the imposing and collection of ToI.18 en -the Public Works. TIIE'ESTIMATES. flon. Mr. Ca yley, moved that the Ilouse Oncur in the Report of the Conimittec of ti pply. On the qucstion upon several items con- nocted with the Adjutint Gencral's De- Mr. Maekénzio moyed that it be resolv. that in the prosent embarrassed condi- ýion of the country, with mèney scarce, proviâions very dear, and the countr7 bur- dene(I with, the annuù payments, of about mie million of dWua Io bankrupt -railway Miijpanics, It is expodient to discontinue the, maintenaneç' of sixteen troops, of civalry and seven field batteries of artil- lery. - The amendment was lost on a division- Yeu 16, Nays 75. On the 'Motion for Sncurrence inthe, grant F)r tue enenses of, the' Legiélativé CouneiL )4&ckeDie moyed a rosolutiôrý in diseproving of any such sran4 which was lest-yÇU 5, Nays 68. --VULL yvZta ý& Ã"anadian, and Lad greatlý "n- gui#hçd himseN during the: Ameriçgn war, Ife $Lfterwords. gave yp a va] uable 1 oýfnce in 1807, to take, charge 9f the mili,4 And lit V., Or 11011 z ratio C01w pensi MI of wi pf th, had maD3 bc Sb Mc On ,nerl mi iroin lieen vices$ 'Year. Mc On Bund penali sent ý and t] Mr,

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