Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1857, p. 2

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disposed: upon ffl a Sait wýIMRM mi-'O cons eration te t0ad Or highway be an original road-al. leavo'behind Borne cf its niattier and thus Messrs. 0. Nourse 1 J. J. Davidson were JoL And the parchasers? 191 A» TEi» Xtntr£,t op Tan Go- grant that moderate degree cf assistance te lowance, or a road which has been opened poison our atrnosphere. 110Ikever, the appointed a Committee to audit file list hechanies and traders, wfi these poor men which they require, and ' te, by the Quarter Sessions County or Town- probability that a cornet will "er conte in year's accounts of tle Club, and report lit cri nearly £292,006-while which they would cerWnly seeni te bc OuII ship Couneils through any land, by which contact with the earth l'S about one chankle the next inceting on Tuesday éveii-ing. 1 lands, within the Municipa PiýOIW the "mep, A pril 224. titled. any -pmon shall be excluded froin Ingress that it vý,R' and tvro millions that it will , On Tuesday eveiiing, the Club met airain to bc Mted for little over COuld WO WhO an living in the year 18b7 or egrm te and from lait; farm or place of net happen. when active stops werc Lak 0 1 odiers, the farmers have tE 'ýmigràntab residonce, but all such roads shall remain en towards or- atfok't DM Mr lut long Éleep, two centu. How Aüstralia obtains L ganizing and comniencing practice the be discontented with bearir Wu hwkcd. and obtain a glance at the dis- AUSTRALIA APPOINTS A REGIMISNT OP EXIGEA. open for the use of the person who shall Nelv AdvertiSeMents this week. proscrit scason. the burthens of the Town. PMIWM Of mankind which will then ob- TION COMMISSIONERS IN ENGLAXIII. require the saine: Provided alyrays, that 1 -included within the limi taini, w6might'tirell wonder at the manner wlien the County Couneil, for all roads ýn- Ptire and WliLTl*ýonte Ttn-ltfePlàeri;on & Searle. Obituary. of the County of Oxitario-ý The tide of emigmtîou te Australia, both sl""' -and Tbi Trotter. fn which we hâtive Pubmitted te the prtis- fro der its supervision, &nel any Township in the ports of London and Liverpool, is M'e.,ýtern llou!ýe-,ýLLibaeI farms-lia,,-ing a market 11ture of &population occasionally hi excess rapidly on the inerease. During the past Couricil for &Il roads under its supervision, of G. P6eynoldiq. -During the past iveck two respectable auce at the door-tliev ai yew- 276 vessels saited from the Thames, )CZ otihe domatud for their labor, while regions shall déclare such road no longer te, bc Crowii lali(Ig DeTIartmelit-.ý,ndrew Geddes. c itizens, Messrs. James Tweedicand jaý, des, comprixirig countless lAy çpm, te our enterprise whîch, as will 12b vos needed fer a publie road or highivay, ti e '\'oticu-.Iohn Gordon. which ITIaI1ý, of the owner thon have, béenshown hy prâctical proô4 of a tonnage of 209,012 tons; and Buch road and flic repairs thereof shall no Cruwn Lin& Depe-irtinetit-Wititer Crawf-rel. 0 ' n Ila-11, both ]crig: rcsidents of ýV-hitliy, have sels loft the Mersey, of an aggregate ton- departed froni aniongst us. The d(,IIjiFýe 1 realized splendid fortunes 'we Tédiculâted te support well nigh-innu- nage of 140,6,52 tons. The tonnage of the longer bc at the charge of the public, but Firiii fIrýý_-le-WilliaraI'ùigIe_ e)"'Oý" iý' mue, I 11111el'iteIl and regretted Ï)y A cill of Ioi)t) Richardson. f If flic taxes of the L'fariner shall lie kept in repair by the party requir- itemble swarras of human boings. What vessels Icaving the Thames averaged 750 Tjc-lldt!r.; Wanteil-W. llattriek. a large eircle of L-ciltieincri increased over What tl à the secret ofthe enormous increase of the tons each, and those front the Illersey ],- ing the Saine. To PLi:ztilla!ýters. and :es within the Towns trnited States within the lut quarter of a VII. No By-law for the stoppîhg up, or 1 - 125 tons. Seventeen vessels, carrying C ý - - - - 1 Mr. Jiiue.q Tveedie, was a nativc ,fý ty; the vdue of their "fa *ntW7 ? It is sîmply that there is at the stoppin- up and sale of sny original al ent emigrants were despatched governm lie t,.venty-f(ild I)v tflopomd of theoyerflowing population of lowance for road Èhall bc passL-d ý,1tiI one à ! during the year from the Mersey, chieffy montli's notice therecf 1 e . h been %LI t ail grrat and oppressive ; M;tllirl IV '--t ;,,r. teIl to t1lýs colintri, a the old r înd more crowded States an enor- fr.. the Black Ball and White Star lines 6 1 av early ase, and was for zil>wargli;'of tw4init V- traous expange of territory, over whieh the of packets, and 7.000 persons were sent given by written or printed notic",:,,po-zted live yeni.', a I-t.,jjcllt (j ttýe TOwn.4111) fi", \11hich they seiA to be Swarms which may choose te take wing fron, th&t port by the Emigration Commis- in at 11-ý&st six publie places in the icinity WhilbY, Thunday, NaY 1857. 0l'ulid intch likc tu 1 bom the central hives may sproad at thoir - The emigrants crabarked net for of such roud allowance, and it shall'be the t iut end will lie prepareil i sioLner& duty of the Township or Cotinty Clerk m A rewaN of £l N, hm been offîtred for upright iii all bi.s dralings, alid eti.joyeij pleasum ;Who can suppose for a moment Melbourne only, as.large numbers weft larcely the (-ciI,,Iidctice and resp,-ýct of bis a il Ii thern ivinpartiall If the 'yeoman and artisans of our own is- destined for Sydney Geelong, and Adelaide. tu felloweitizens. te, (je the case rnay be, te, give such notice on arrest Elisebc Parent., who miirde d cI,1Iiinvçý of this Journal. the application of the p&rty applyin, there- the Seotchmin nained John Simpson ut lands had the same facilîties as theirTrnn-9- In the closing months of the year sis W* el plore h-ýs and severai ciildruii AIL-id -, Xtlantic cousins for moving Westwýrd, as in the March and June quàrters, privat1 for' on payment of the reasonable expenscai Beauharnois in April laý,L Parent lias valiuc.1 to niaturity, Mat we should he&r much more of dîfficul- attendant thereori. been sin,ýe arrestcd ut ýfontriýaL C'rand Trui)k Rai ries and destitution ? In our lar emigration becanie exceedingly active, and -0-11- 1 - -.«$* - iliul ut 1 ' ;j rj.sijjtýjjcc troýtd ,go lowns, above 16,000 persons left the Mersey in the Tur IL I.Tl. lýIAY(.-Am.-Thiï waq a field, ili the Oie 1Ii*iýjVy, ()ri the of course, as in the large tovrns of the North ships of Ja niabolical Xurdc". criiii,,'Yial I)ro,ýét-jtion for a libe 'a 1, ýd i j' 1,11M sl atenient of the mes Baines &nd Co., Gjbbs, !isljt fth iii.4t. Ili, rernairis werc %tttriu4e(j te American (ýonféderation, there vrill always e)III1,:LIlý ju-1 pul'IiI,ý1cil Bright, & Co.. Pilkington, and Wilson, P. George Wilson, aged 70, and lini sktcr, L'Y tiit (lefe;lýlailt iii the ûj,ý;c [iClLiI.lier Chkirili, on ýsa(uf-L1,%V 1ý!i4, 1 bit & Certain atbount of misery and 1,1,,Ior; Magice, and E. Thoutpson. During the &ged neurly 80, resîtiing toi-ether rieur NI(.- (,ri il,# management of the il o ý,IF R %Týrv large tiýiLlIlt.r ,I rclatl'IlIS itix.1 fOrwhOiO te e1iminatoentirely drunken- year James Raines & Co., sent out in pri- Kee's l"ortý_ on thie lýl(yiiongabela iiivz-r, Lunazýý: The jury dIý1,'a fi i( .1 tile flincral plIwiýî,4;oii rtess, and profligacy, and érijne from the vate vosscls 7,758 pazengers, and 8,4,f2 neAr Pitts ur-li, V. S., were found deJ gyrecd and ivere dit;ch&r,,Cd b(ýiiig ui.zkil,! fi) tiào.c' ttian a itille ili i. on the t conduct of humant affairs? Tiiese, how- passengers iii gore-tantuit v Messrs. in their hOuý#. a few inürilings a,-O. the Old 1 tO aýree Tipon r.VerL_1iý.t. Dencoa jabez 114!1 e(,_ i the Gran ever, and-theirdeplorable resultswould lýijkillflton & Wilson cdveved in private m&n stabbed, and the head of the wornait by t1le 1 Immelir affect in an appreciable degrèe the A gud deal of transacteil f 1-1 t!k(.' Uniteil lit, ha,_1 resided 1; vesepls 3, 6 '45 emigrant-çý and in governinen t literally beaten to fragments I)N wows frtail at tle of the Towri Coulivil lield iar.ý, wa, t Vftt 11004 tide which would spread it--,elf ships 1,662 pasgengerti; and Meîhrs. Gibbs, a heavy picec of iron. 'l'tir olil nian was thu ll.ýlItit -.1 1,; 4.7, Ili every direction towards the getti on !.,Lit 'î ucý(1àY eveni Lie ýwa_,q .4 r.:In Coil ng suri Bright & Co., scnL out in private vù,ýjsejs supposed to liait, in'allev, and In '"-seci repcrt îcd iv Were it net for the sal t ivater %vit ich la 1,360emigrants. The,, verrimentreturris ed te regulato the ae, %-. r flic proceeding.q. The ne'w L'y-lami; nirialy regar (À tli(-e ellI. ý-nuw hini, ;tý1(l ail rrests a youlig wom&n is implicate-1 àès tiie'lieriýc-- for hO, ri - a -11%, the PrOgt'e&,; of the overflow. We arc well of the entire einigratiortofor 1856 give 22,- trutor of the II)IIttier"ý. l'lie pif ý1arLIýt the îiru 1'u i11ýrfI1 ti) tilable the i QWXM th&t notnesbortsighted gentlemen ljrigad-, and to prest-ve I)C«ï,,e an 1 gt)od If fluuth 801 passengers-, of which number 11,101 of satuýd;lv lias dctails ifthe order ,bould lit- read bi, cVerv citizen. ILI mUrrâu'r about the advantages or cheap la- saîled under thc - Black- Bitil ', lia,. 1 terrible crime and the Ltrre.st r)f soute of'the 1 boUzý and the perils whîch might arise In ý ('ir SuIviV lut I qi first three MI)TUhs of the proscrit nIur(ifrt-r& l'lie persons -tire LvilL .%r rýT: wre gr' pi-111 l'il of* tilo G. if. PAllwky Tit. fMMAtOCexteDsi'voetnl*gration; but any yar the same line of 'park-ets conveved Charlotte Jonc-e. .Iiýout :,() ý-ear,,ý IL ' iK t ItIcOnycnience arising froin deficienry of e' A frûlu 1 from these shores-in January, 1,0(10 pis- Illece Of the murdieied and a verv pas w L il ýç_> t: r t Il cri l;1ýdviI_ :11 Ibu :!LI l.st Population is net among the evils trattic at fi-r the n;,ýtlt1t, e.icliIg of which sengers; in February, 2, 100 ; and in March, disireputlible wolliaà ; lieriry Fife. agcd -2ýý) l'et l't 1 7 the :ioth tif .ýiril, atufii.it,,d to $1,2IÀ4 these kingdoms need stand in drend- 1,000. In the present month of April the a shoeinaker front Canada; and INIonroe "IN 'TIj-ý ý;. il f'Qr Freiglit r,.Ïleive-1 aud îoriva!-ýjt, !N lit th1à nlli#)Illit W«111, the exits open, thousandq upon riutiil)fIrwilleictýed,2,(M. Thesentimbers Stevrart, about SOI alsü a shocinaker frjin - fi-. 'il * I'f thOuSands Would rush ont al first, but soon incluille both government and private eýrui- Stetibenville, Ohio, and a hard r-ue cene- the ftt Of entigration would flow in a caliu , lits. A still more active cati . ý7ation iLz tie 1,er rent ori prvcrdiý,g iii; LIN LI ,ru rally. Tliese hnve been !-Y andequablestreatn, while tlieir absence 1 thi. 1 would but engender noir supplies. We likely to mark the presentas compared clothing of the men M-it.11 the The (Tt neral of the Milifia hus vtw-ý P. 6, ali il 011621 c0i'li ýj,0Ij, iVith the past year. Aft,%r June the V;c- or their victinis. The ivonjal, had r0tjf(...ý_ ordt-red a f o>u de jt-l'e t,) - fi amnot believersinpanaccuof anykind toria portion of»it is te bc managed in Eng- âed, implicating net only the t'A-O tr,ý,fT loti- Active Mifitia of tbe Province, 01 ail( iirr for the total suppression of tJI the evils and by Mr. Childers, a conimissioner ap- der arrest, but two' cne of fin lit ber inet, in lionor A Iler birth dity. remement. (ýij1y tite lasi: Fal, e, . i the 25til cause to niourri over 111.4 lie- 1 t1w Illenlorial of, flic. Collil which afflicM humanity, but at jeast it state> that tbey tool.- The Guvericr C'elleral lias proclaiiued the 1 fine %-otzng 1 WÃ"Uld Beem to lie proved by experience pointed hy the local goverriment, and the own brother. She j:àdý illeeil vil I of danglat-r If ýIr. other portions of the colonies will romain $150 front the clàe,.,t of the old rikari, and a 1 dzF te be kept gerieral Dolida'y t1ircugh- Brov% r, lost dit iI.-ýe of her eve lIv gt tritl- i liu, . ý4, A th«40 Main stress of the pressure which for flic present in the hands of the eikiting watch was fourrd On lier person m-bich lie- out the Prov, nce, illý-:tuad Qf the 2Àjll, ilil, has beeli l'ail, wdgbji du overcrowded population down coninii.,isioziers in England. lfr. Chiblers lorfged te him The gives the M-11;cll falls o!] :SU1141av» Ae the dust may lie alleviate 'k by ')PC"'ng trill have, tee iinder#taýid, a 8alary qf £,ý following thcory of the murderh: up te &Il those who have the energy and TUE LI IVNSTFliN is a Ilew l'lie Petition of the 41 oppr(-ýçil-d9e F top the first of Jat 200 per annion, afid lie leili haro poucr te, Front the position Of the botiies of I ilottil'aiid 'l'avern, opened in bur.dus SII., 1'l o the ('of] Ifit WQI for action the mirions of escape. - fùr certain son and his hister, the frillovî-iI., is the by ýir. and Mrs. %IcU.tuley. l'lie ilouse is dul ýI', t 1nýý L -IL Now, we wîsh te call particular attention ZD te dAr te the cuè of a certaim di8tricte in the kinadom, to amîgt him in, niost jj1ausible theOrY Of file ('("ntilittal (If very neat, and cx)rtvenieritiv and sub-ýwI, LâLst We(,k-, Wû had if, ili*ro- 9, U, JI) I*tIltlCf-- th 1 Emall section Ail, dutici, tch~ salarie4 teill be fired ai file inurder:-Chaxlottvt J#ýne-, -* î ý9 lri:;- _ dure to wir I-caderi the pvtitiiiii of the community who would Appear to lavl-1 titsi'l)' built--being the handy-work of our' in the lj;(Ili!s offlie mi £ 100 per a n par in cetc4. i ted W i Ison's là Oitific, a ri d Ipeco ni i n g a c'l ri a; ri t - hy the. 1. - C have paiticular clainis upon our sympathy à 1 i 11 i il the ýl U- Of the emigrants, a large ri,, -espected fel!ow townswali, Mr. Franciý1.i 1 4- and suistartice in this respect. t'Iller Are ed with the locality of everv thing il) it, (,jark, e. 1 here is gocid room in the flous(." 1 nicipality of the T.,)ivii of' %viii(ley to the Irish altbough Aineriea is the fzvorite out- piloted lier frit:nd.,; to the ph'tce, ard spoke jind thp bLblitig is-exec-11elàt. 11ris, t"t- ýnen the Russîan war was drawing to I, Me 1 11.1,4 let for enterprising natives Of the sigter te the n141 mari to let lier ;n. lie MUSt cauley, itWill bc r ; irito the matter a cu.,Iii "-e itS Close artisans and artificers vrere on- fermerjy al, gaged in our various Arsenals and Dock-ý isle), but by fur the larger numbers are have ari.ýen delil>ernticlv, P!'t'ý)ti lIis panta- k(.pi the oId 1-lotel, north side of Durdas tle staterI)cIlL,ý ;cf furth in t1w pl supi)liý(Ifrora Englandand Scotland, in- -vre Io' id on hiin, rind 1l1cijTýV ýýecf, when sile aýs t i,ýv 1-L'IlIv T1ji-ý of' ilderest yards tq, speed the works tipon which, as cluding nuincrous drafts froin the mi ý Icione, irhich m lit ive glu %% iLLUI-it iiiut:, c')r tiier diaii l'Ir-411 it thon ýscenied, the ultitnate success of the nillg walked acro&q flic floor, t-,Iiened tlic dt,,ýr- districtl; of the north of England. when lie was assailed iitruggle-must mainly depend. The Pouce ------ a wi> h vu c ý men wiliî)tiL- time suddenly, as we 911 knov, and In .1 ilir. IgenjamînIs Bill, intitied 96 An Act Il , -ý;f, lie IL: r,ý- C'ass- lie retreated before the blows to tLu: of)- MECI;AxicýI' JIALE.-.A lectil-e WjýS de- Of thtL Of ýý Litbl te bide, when the fatu! ý,ztrç)kc wL.'ý ";i-ell liver ý1ýeüIU Us MOI JI-, iii(Let Moment 00 services of those men, who to provide for the disposal of Rond ed lit file fiail, 011 Monda), evellill, fàriii,,ýrs, iii or 1 4'l i 4 41 11. el' 1 ', i't ilit-Ilit îtad bSn drawn away frout their U.v and lie fell near the d,,or ut flic east nd. last, by the Rev. J. T. Byrne, Pastor Of t:.i- ý ',allie re- 1 Allowances in the Rural Muniepali. e stuck £198,000; aupatîons, were-no longer needed. Tlitir ties of Upper Canada.1 9 The coverlids and shcLtý of his bj were the Coligregational Chureli, in ' lis Town. u 1 000 ; stations 'ilid gtlit.t. wc turned down, as when one arises in the Sul)ject-".Self-Lau-lit ýlerà." The lecture tl;e 900d Of I71,ý 0 1 fý;.j:ect, the Un *u a hard one, for even during the 'Vi-hercas it lias become necessary to prie- c linne,-t truLI4 witL-oij*- 1 000, and £'éI30,211 foi- th Inorning. Tliere was no blood on or near m'as ably and irustructively conveyed. The any. chort time that they bad been calle-il away vide niore fully-for the stopping up and it. Ile cvidçntly did not mak-e iiitich re- subject, one whichaffm-ds ampje Ecol)etocÂ'- The fjr.st sUteio,ýnt in the I)tt;tion, that The tr-.tfiic 'oit 51 front théir usual errploymünt thoir place sale of original road allowances in 11--p- fil sistRnee, more than to ward off flic Olirs. citeitbe studious to persevere,>,tiid the indo- the- Y)etitiotiers' on, ')S of gniâling a l'ou(& e)r iveeh endliuli -Ith had been filled up, and they could net pet Canada: Therefore BerMajesty, &-e., living is by fariiiing, is one so notolîously ivas £6,7449 113-S. Tile trai igtinbetakdn in ut theiroldworkships. enacts a.-5 follows: Mrs. McMasters probably jýi)raî,,,g from lent te studions inda3try. It lwt nothitig in t Tinder these cireunistances they resolved L Se inuch of the one hundreil and » her bed to render Iiim assistancr. The 1,,d Mr. Byrne's liazi<!-Iinç,, There was on'y a vIlfoilnded, t4t ive lnust bcljtýve all the te make an appliczition to the (jovernirient eiglity-seventh section of the Upf or Cana- looked as thougli she fiad risen in great nioderate attendunce prescrit ; but, the.se in petitioners bad riot read over the document 1 of; .1;49 iiiiles te roail -for they had been in Government ein-' baste. She was assailed by seine person attendance werc such as could appreciate when they signed iL 'flic naines of eome 578 13s 4(l, aii iiici-ease ()f da Municipal Corporations Act of 1849 of them are tee well-k-nown, d ployment-to assist thern in a resolution ainended by the Upper Canada Municipas froin beliind, who seized a pol-ler front flic the lecture. and ive aregla al -they had formed te emi.6rate te, Canada- t -------- 11-411, __A wa coistGble"at £15 per The ount of taxes froIn all sources tllis Year itivited ai nded ÃŽo be'.4truck, is 2s. lfr Perry Uid; ýt lit exriectcd the G). tax.this yur, wGuld fillicli It.ss thail tliat of last year, there ý-jd n'A. lie so inéch in-o.-nýv vOted for th,,, of ruai4Ls, if putr' that did llot reconkmend sr),'Ue. iýr tü 1-c âbout the Grarranar 04A. It was pitiable, he said, the it£te the vras reinair rooklin or 0 ' 1awa pu*, tiri la giod Schl)4 ise, they tbe Gramajar 'A li the dvl)t due the CI the sclic-fi! RIIII Lie obl:g-C'l to "Cep it r. Perry said flig! fjnâ.-ýce Ç-f,'Irlttlié hitIl the Dialter bCf,ýrC- thevi, but fui-ind tf.at t4rü *-as a S1)týcîal Cora- ue alrew1y appcinted tý) deal -.Yitll thU Cr. reply to Calltàin Towe, " to the sal. ý,f titt: S rect Mr. Wallace t1int thc-re, w.-i a À1argý sum to be e]rý ýed 01. an-U thut as vet allie of Ille sý,rviCes te, ýe rendlerz-d by ,t! cut Iii.4tetýtt)r couid nfit bei accur. the SLndiný StrceL, and Improveinents 'W. C701- as Enginctr, and- lie 1,ý, Z-,n:,t bil the .1-1v, --fas adoptn WàPaý:ù, the Couneil oit', ai' the wlio!e on Dv- Dr the rifgILI-.m'iVrI ùf thiC PUillie Màrý î,)ý:r1,h to prevent Il flie t-IfitIýc. and liuxsters tli--ýn out- citizens; tD tI.C clause. ýi I-, it, arid tirL-eJ the - Free Traie clai-e wa, Oilt on a (Evisiom were made to I-A trie rùport %driptëLJ. efLýre tw-Av. e o'clock in the cf Perry, scconded bý etderetrthid the stand- cn propeltyr, berez ,il tI) t of nIffleted, and if any the reason. '-iUýý1S- Jacob Bryan ancl y 101- 1' LO f1awl £-C vvere ordered- C'f ýMr. V-aser the Ceuneil o i il! 1 t;; tûe of the whole on tÉý,ý proe;ion for the cîtler of the 'ïown and tu (1eu*jbý-iI#I.-&-s, Ilie report wag il. in C(;rj!-1fttýe vid the By-1aw- Li! iLs Ftaý cf M-'r. Fraser, secondeil by HoniPton &- RoberW zd liljrty toi pliit up an awni--ng b6,: eir 5U1è)jeeýt to the-approval Street I!)sPC.ý-tOr. 0,'iûll was also Passed directing the lr..ýîjector te advertiso for lenders :a0tion CI, Mîr. Keller, seco-n4ed bý -d thit fifty asufb an(j unsar actory st confirmed Of land within th MThe Isf Point of the poker was bent, could net bc, POis0ned Tea' which the petitioners have £tllen daptififr iron bridir entire quantity C Uni- ous in fore they have any le, ce, shall b; accounted for otherwise ; for in knockîng Of Wilitby, grata to ()aii&4 and the answer was net a la ry of the To%,vn the present structures is r(- ky a By-law of the County Couneil of the This ominous heading bas appeared to cipal hound ggt refmmi-which wonld have been, as County in which such Township is situ her down the bead of it was* used-when several ri ded ilaineiliately. Theý î on,* May gay, harsh mercy-but an intima- Rte found next morning, tliat part of à being ewspaper articlte lately anq bas co.iiiprLi;es about 4,000 acres: of. which y 91 at sorne ordînary session thereo4 held not crenteti no little alarm in the minds of! the 2,6tý3 arc lit pre.sent used for farming pur- thuate of the co;3t of doïng, tion that, if they would help thomselves dabbled in blood, and, a lock of her hair sooner thon three months nor later than tea-drink-ing commun;ty. Ancient danles, poses-say fiveeighthsof the whole. The ks J)ut down at 74,2401 over in »me meu the Geemment was net adherinÉ te it. It inust have been a terri- little m uret one year next after the passing thcrco£ to whose very existence Congou land annual as:ýesscd value of the wholç Town of wooden ýn ýrndj'apoud to contribute towards the laud- 1 IIL It shal, be lawfu, jor the Municipal ble conflict-that of despair against brute youn_ HysOnthe luixed green and blach- is £27,092. The animal apseeud value of double. This report aleo, rec &bleo1deýtwhichtheyhadinview- Upon Council of cach County or Union of Coun. force. From the horrible mariner in vrhîch -hgsobeen for a half a Sntury an indis. the farming land being £5,100; Of the re- sonié necessary! regulations- thîs intimation these Poo? men acted. the bodies were mutilated, the niurderers three tigiedis, Town and Park They gathored together whatever little sav- ties in Upper Canada from time te tinle te seem to have been determined to do their pensably nýý v, become si dumb found- iiiaininô serve(l in running trains oVe1ý make a By-law or By-laws for the stopping work wîth deadly aim J tècres, and-ir'on ed " at the bare idea of hayi'ng to forego Lots, coinpri:siii- about 1317 Jngs oAthtir own they could muster. Their up or stopping' and sale of any original al- thoir favorite beverage, and gentlement old 9Uý,2. The entirtè tax on fargiing'lýindthu CD 1&te fellow-workmen in the Dockyard con- lowance - for road or parts thereof within ------- and young, addicted te the "cup Jrhieh amountin'gtoolkly %v'WIILý that un the In the meino' al br the. i bibuted a day's pay. By book -or by Pt giye, njý.ythiiig buildîü,-,g of Mechanics a 1 iid Labo ri «oc&, And fu one fuhion or anoth y sucil County or Union of Countîes, which The Coinet and the Earth. cheers but net inebriates rers we find 'the fqllgwýi n-g pass 4-ge Cr, tbÇ is subject te the sole jurisdiction and con- but good wigheà for the etemalw'elfare of amoupts to about £2000, These arè tl fontrired---m desPerate men will contrive Some excÃŽtement bas been produced by . : ýý le trol of tbe Municipal Couricil thereof, and, theîr heathen felloyr mortal. Job4 Çhiiia. proportions. sa they fi -te produce açonsiderable suint and then the announcement that a comet would . 1 .- l 1 . § 1 ý j appesr rqr;i the Aý_,, net bc ing on the limite of a inan. It is no OF -indirect, whieh presentôd themdelves again hefore the De- ny ViHa9eý coule in contact with the eartb'some time t a Il tempest in a teapot, ' s'ès g-'Ïet' r Illey desire Town, oi City therein. urns f01ý the P.esen Tear, an4 vince to tmdertàkeýi is thitt partment. Some little time intervened, ý 1 soon, and occasion its partial àestruc(ion but" a false alarm," which Rois alarmîng- certal ly, from thein, vrie sec -no à0od IV. In AH cases w4,ere a Public Boad lm The unlikelibood of such an occurrence ]y on the ri à 1 1 1 grauted ; say 3,1,11,5001 ani and At length tbeir hopes were dashed te in lntt en the score of un-' - e in, have W those üàing the nu- groùnd for ce plai, been opened or whbre îi r>4 snin the provinc W the ground'by an intimation that "the ëýaü -tàx., - . 1 . new r"d éhâH be may be shown tri a'few words:_ a ün, by the fanners. Éersons opened in lieu of the original road aUow- lst--The êarth and the comet would : Joking asidet the talk about 9_ýp'_oisoned ownin'g farining lands t'O th an expenditure of nearly q subject had received thé serious attention," In . e extent ofbe- &c., 4' but it was with the déepest regro4" 9 v .ance, and for which compensation -shall have, te arrive lit the saine part of the earthl tea " is al] 94'MOn, ReRd Ï&-ý A"àés' ad- t-feen'fôur and-Ilve huÙclrcdaéres L'e 42,000,0001sterfing gîving, it have been or shall be,.paîd, the muncipal orb Sanie dýfjll that the Departmont had come to ÃŽt exactlyý At the' tiràe-ir elthei vertisement-he bas got the &Èaàë pizréý' not j6î cd in the ' tiÈýàý an OS Vr 0 W Council of the Tdw sb p or of the COUAIY were a little too soonýoralîttle toolate, tits le the conclusion," &c., Il that there *as no ri ýi and se have all the otherMéiélia ý the have sîgned i4 we fin-d the toUový-ing'dis- getlier, Mlith 25q âJiles Comp shall in their respective jurisdictions have there would Se no conc NOWý the Town, whose advertisementg wulýbefoùnd, crtpaneies; beLween the nurnbe r of acres 1 . ' ' ' ý 1. Il ý procadont" &ô., l' for the course suggested USSIon laliflàx fineï,'iuitiog-,eytýry power te sell such originalrçod eowance, probability of theïr keeping such time i inaeîted in the ChronMk $et -0ýO"S'itý théir, for the adoption of Her ma «tY'.s Go'vern- Dames in the petiti1 tjic Province by _Jtailw tà the party or parties nert 4djOil"g tO very smaIL In' the year 1836, a azid -the-number roturned the Ass, ment." cornet the Victoria -.,biidgeî making New, we gAy this is a hard case. The whose land or lands the same shall have crossed the path of the târth'é Orbi4ý aýout For étamplç,' Ilutton Stair his on the peii- imitionof theseunfortunate pm-onsisa run or be ru and. in cm of, hia, > 4e, 1uýs, -w 1 hile the number .4wü y or a month befo e the earth arrivçil at thé place tion,1207a tiOný thitughbut, 4118 lénéi peculiar one-theW nqueàtý modest their refusal te become the purcbaaçr or Wb ' - 04411, - . r - Engl mli despatche from Toronto V«Y eré it'had crùý and V'rà'4 S-om e mil- Et 1 ý , 1 hèhig-beenasseËsedÃŽs'-«oillý88laýres--S, Ca uneprsiuworthy; th-e egoct of if grAnt- purchasers thereôý at auch price or _prýS& _0,,,by the dtfferçnt Elles of steamers, Lynde bu ýon the -petitioft 8b- - -lions of milé's "diiwnt ut the tune of' the t" andthemte of Postage on letters ed>wouf4be a benellt to the Canadu as as suçb, MlmiciPAI COrffl tiOn 'cm 'the assessinent,-î-oli401; ýAý A£8aý ý 18, Monday', 10 a.Di, . welli&& tomthe petitionom They do net rusonable, then to any perunw . PUSOM Szict'-a-,Even if the collision t -ýrýýu p &- gX-ýDqDý& -13 the P titiôn,80 aerà-4ssésàýd fýi 4ý'Ïe à,1qk for &Dy grsnt of the publie mon whommy ligt for a less. BUMtbgn haPý 'Dard, 10d Verhalf Ounce. ý-ïhè- d :ý,ý a ý 1ý eyt but ef peint it would' Svàith on the, tit gs -ta' ran Tiù net injure the earth- À comet M Pe îéDý 86ý LýWtho', SimPJyýf0r conveymS over ten days Of theprice it llwofforedfor to *ç,p&rýy the memment e9j ýThc%ë; (1 ho ay 2184 Thursday, 1 p.»ý,, Queb M May be said, te bc aiâlost' taiL ' Now, gùtwua. Thcirpr&yercouldbegrantedý f1W4topuréha»Jt.ý, Can i4ý -oun ad perhalf C cý - ie passe f Ho -11ý quantitý Of'raatter prýo'ved te be c'outained 1 ?, - 1 , , ý ' ýcies which vri-Hý'be(likeiyl- '-ëý arc *ebeliéve, with sweely,.myadditîonto. V- ý Iu AHI çAffl wherê &,Public road h -as MJýy. 9.5th, Mohda -New eû(iui1ýr befýw'th:e. c are At been Offl all, and difrused over a c : il r r , *à p,4blie burderag, for, sw-ely, ther-e id, Or where a DOW road shaB be large s'pàée - indeed, soinie siý that the tail Either the -nuulber any raotupt plenty of QuEsy's ships in OPened Ir' lieu of an original - rond anoW, is dut, toý Jiction",and den&ýày, can.-, commisalon, workingJdly,ýwWch Wght ance, and for ýwhich no compen"on,,bu Dot Oiâtulo Cricket Ci 3ýÙeh peu just u well be employed ýffl ý thls servýS . been or shaH bc paidi the.Municipâ4 Couný ri .. .1 been $cent by a tel" pè, meetintý'Ot-Igiillaub *iÀ hold At tie eg up« sny other. u the w *àed ,cil of the Tow" means 0 when ,p or OolQmty intboir re. ii- ý aisoussion cantîot be ot.her*ii(r astiefvi to lhe genezid ruder. in. in a course - of personalities, MlÈt 3rove injiir'io-us to the ChR=terý ,enee Of any jOur]ýaL convinced ý»has been ogr en.deavour-,carefully ,ve the, cîîrûhjcjà &om ýfiàigý into LI this respect, 'our resolutîow b&U coxnpromýwed. -We,-. have -»91y tempttd' t'O ]ýetaùsàý, apon ipulous opponehý-WÈ6, excited-', and jeulousy as"iled üs inthe ysteniýticaHï,-have we been ,busèd,ànd dèsigna ,by_ gffl, thp, )us.épithets,,w 7 ib eh ýs to a mean, jgno=t under- WC -- weu . believed - tbe P14W however- his i nàüorw- Im'y t'O ý b6 inhocent lýe à by -pýpej. ýýj-týriy, s avowed bimfielJlý&ud Çbuws for- he oSupant of the editorw chair, to, s ti'y -Our-nunl=us eý rxk) Ai to the, von, ti.c 1 Itliainber ,,topo tû Ton Lake, the St , '11 sw&4it wi Id the boat, Rr(ý for the w 'Surate amalen OW)di- For ing et this porf ai tjJt it ic ZLS bhcfit to 4,- C"K n C-an lie is it will U-ý becarried oi; City Gil (if tin ý1 the trade f Co'ýi Tïuto. But only to bt MWADhal and ?eï1r;uýt the trade, ard £vmer who cletrs his with --butif he provides G"-lý own capital arià ammplis-hed Ile et ýmz -ci tics rw.%,.v n&. OfCheâmexican, but thý mmney ce, gri'doubL Wreck- of the Mariii fthApril we s-ailed from ». hiây cven.ing we It-ýst siý ýÈFda.y it arid the ciptau Ori SýuurýLv '"încreUinS, Le cltcN-e( w4LS

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