4Tb 444< <f <~ Y CHEMIST 4 1 T 11y 4,S' 4 i . ' «LS ir w 1t15t 1 a Aru'-ttîd Ii îtIr THM i ,4 ~ , 4 4 4 4 tl<41.lirefon .11 i 4 I- >< "4trrvie1 4>4,, .44 <4Ile u 4,'fi fOit. - 4 NON I 4. 1. %t' or VON '4-1 1 ri'fil] "P' 'Y CI r, -. 4,4 14'4 bel (~~~i-î~ 41. te v.'rIrit nt N 1,thîîe ita <,. «tioT a-d ii 4 '4 44 4,4î Rc< irl )goailt '11<4 i4 <<îîî.lîtar iq Un i rit lmiu'vue <Vre . Sî-te H 1AUF8DAY MORNING, BROCK STREET, WIlliY, .4Neit Door 10 lthe Regilotry Offce. IIFERM l() S41lCIi'TiON TO THE TJ' ll--a.ii,'îi., nil p'~2er iniutn, j&oTE4S (OF A LY]t1Tl,;tN<; ~ is <1 Il%il it- .. .....2. C. l~1tîr~ i'fts, fils', t ?ur<'uîîun su stir t' ,rt -iiiA4 1< x iii. 4re 1, v W' loî t <itW, t i<iu<ty. i.lî tr j'i51r. l «i sl or ic<r t11011k we-l l u 1.c.t' I)ývlints ime<' IIn irwt rdii<g 1N îîs i,!' .îs -tpopil' rîtrs-tt'r'l. alil u irrz îi#4e>:tr s, M XE:t<'.~~:lHtl~ cVîî< . N% BOOK ANO JOB j BOOK AND JOB PRINTING t tîu 1<dî t i <idI îlitris<t< e Ille %%w rk wilil: i i st 1 i "îî'<riý, P% e tt'. l itu . . o<5i<<<'4 <<.. li îi' iil<4 1.G4M'LIIl t al .% 4<14-. l'41<44 vaisl4'.4 fi44 triii-lied i It l.,< << y. I Iiu,'~ < oii1~ Yfhcr.1o t.' \ S 11111N A ST t 1 oi val1 .4<'iitIi NNEL.SON G.. It11NO)Is, Il. J. 31M(L)ION EI1.. hIe t .44 I JOliN v .il AIm ,t .îtîriz i i l i i, : IN )i, <f.T.AN 1 J. 1 o. ri.O MIit a 1'. PA X TON, Jr. JOHN NillEIl, .G. IIANI<, - W. JIL TIE.'IANS. t: 1: 1<-R &:170NYATLW AMON W. CRON, ýilW1tiiTctT, ('ilii ENAjINEEJI, AND I i Etct Agent, Wiittby. .7.FRO D BAVEN, A 11V'IIITECT AND CIVIL ENGIXEEIR. bi< tIal kiiods i)<ttiuaâiritîg o'urk cari'fully atten- PIIIT<tANDER M. CLARK, I .jatt Iîscu of 11 ~ la the Municipal- 1ky fthe Tuwn ofo'Wiiî>. C. IIITCHJNS, AXE MAKR. AXES JCMPED AND RF, &J.Pird aI l'oc shorteet notice. St<oing and ltbbinhltcty uxeuteti. Sop few ors <ho h fi 'oIlard',3 Ilotel, Brock Street, Whithy: WM. S. ROBINSO0N, (FttOX IIVLL, EXOLAN-D,) ~AXILY CIIEMIJ3T, &c., I)ROCK STREET, G. A. BANNISTER, ~*I.ALLANIS LIV1ERY STABLES, nlC -R '<STRE1ET WIIITBY, NEXT D>001 -E te tgi<try MSic. )ANTU, GLAZLER, .PA1-'ER JLA.NGER, GEOIWE.-BRÂBAZCÃN, <0jÇNVEYANcp£j. COMMI SSIONER FOR Vtkýng Affildavits in ti)p Queeis<a Bench, &c. rck, (.W I GRAIND» ROTUJEJS9 2PORTER6 AND DEALERS IN irtlie Winea,8s tKan ris flBer- i Tlultdertise "Globe" fice&ti Sret WMLLAM i'noitpsiq.l t' il lVith calm Printed Words, great thoughti mad untiring îndutry, we advocatc Peace, Progress, Kuowiedgee ]Brotherhood. ýVOL. i ALBERTISPRING, A 'îTi(S EI, tc, &-,AREENBAMJ A. PR INGL.E, " T.xlLî, î. ltFu'K NSTiEETr 1 Tise Fairy Boy. THIOMAS -DEV RELL, ffisi, r-cuisant h.-tievcn tiret. lly'tîintts t "'<- il, ' 11 1) E i --...-. &-, AilEEN sTREET, stolenIytmtreada eflf l t A. C. WILSON, A iit iîîr ratt- wlie<î ttîrs o crula] n I') .X IN 'r El. At.ZiE,~ NDI' .x'Eil I W'î.Ililigroîtli a lhiel %, ti XV titt'<', Tat. îî, t.'~. - tullii -il tl.i ir.% Kitig IMANGLING 4 'Wl< I pll- t«Y <cliilcrnni<g INXN A I*,Etl)R'11MANN EH AT A'<iît«hi i <fivj' Ja- Cll-tne 14,et, n<r rî Vi <iF -- X.I4.'uA 1O<rIAut4-iiti<<<XR«<1-Il1 Ille 1.,f M r. St ri ' %«<< 't ales, itîh'. t 't ati il 1 liq, <tt-ileltt.,'%% il4Il t lie st ri,'< 'îý îî <u.i W'ite dti. t. l <',r-< arc r i-1l 4.444 I)a_ ___ ". 1 T it r l iiîler. il v 1% 4 1%t<<<] N ima l ne tî:s'rANIAjII ( S r < c A ' f î î tt . < « 1 T E L ,( ft t - î'u I i l 4l' o j l l i 4 5 t r i .%1 4 'T '- 4.'u 14'.h«4.1<4.%. 'HURON BOU>SE, 1 1> J E s IIOTII., il w trituîre < I<r tru44i4 S4 N'Li:t-:ET. M. 110-XI.. XXrrr, RAIIRO AD IIT I-:LTiseIîappv l'armer. 0- 'N T ' 4R10 11(-lT11 - t-ii' I..O , 414 4r4<r 4 <' l.li *"-r4"<.X'< <4l'y. <<'<.1 tuI<lit<g a d«ti.t it4\V l'.il 44444r-44 <c 4<%'r <4424 I NATIONAL. IIATEL, FII.4NKLiN 1I1'SE. M Y ATT'S Il(TEL. A 'TE -t-îl1i""tII "E-. XXIIIITit". T IlE I peu<.4uu-4îîe. N-. iEtt-î 4and.tXX-t tlîu. ufl , i it '. W'Yp<T"f I- v <î4<4 NORTII XMEIRICAN JIOTEL. F iv giiiil , t1mti uîîîîe lin, -111tr i«th- o illi. ic-O in tl 444'l ct<', I<<i«: .'tr<<ts lît li ,'î,î-t'-. 'ulI ,îî'î ut loi f'~idi4< <<'u<.4 PORT PERRI' STEýXII3OAT IIOTEL. hic.,'t" <'««ltt(- t tit, « i'u ft4-toilp4tlî i-j.jjIjIuitî. iil iii,.i t jiii uir4' -ts .a u "rul hom.u. ln ga ilunateuiv NORWVOOD JIOTEL. JJF<NIZY tA FiTAANUEPEî'TFIlIX IN- f--rot'.the,îî 1<' t.t h«' las lukutii tlii <<1itt ti-rv< to <'tilt the ieîtblirccî' ueî" S is' îtble tutu tisI'. Iiiii-s s'il] 1lui4 bu sttrliiul liv tmi; t? hieIlote1li iii e r-rot iîu".e. Go<<,l 4ta LAIMI'S IOTEL, I 7<INC STREFET WESTý', Ttlli<NTO. 'filE 4.ative tii-st <'i.s liiteI. sulîîîted onti ir. <41,' s'< l-. t ront tiltitiv l) eîsîlansît St- btt l.n<iat.as bl.1 eu ttd cdsittiNewo' Iti-- uittre, Aa9ited aandl Paioted. 'Tue 81 » ' . I Ap'artinelite ir ar Ie cantI seu vent'iIateJ. iii- nitua ses aI'<.<ays onit l on the arrivai ofth le A 'sis sud t-tuattib<tts. THIOMAS LAMBL, Pi-oricer. Tontnt, Ma-cIa, 1b.57. 9 NATIONAL MOTEL, T'4 IIE îiiicersietaed Itegs hi infîîrnî his f,'k-nds un diît<lipu -blie, Ot lic is utea in piossessiont ofi thei abuive uiîte!,, lte busines cf 'iubch, lue- svil! in itat'îiiicarurny oit, on lMis o'aa auc,,ttt.- (iÀ441iti<ts, XXittca itl ilBuandies. Ezelleotý 1uthlitag. <'ni tt lattetntiont for.ninan.I horse. EDWARD RAY. w4litbv, IMu; att., 1957. li RAILRtOAD.H OUSE, C <AINEI )F BUt CK AND DUNDAS SLK., C whIithy, (1..tîu-Wilcoeks.ots) 'flicStib- iterit<-n i«gs l tîo IoHlIi'e tothie iîtltalijaîus cf WIilly', atnd the. travelling ecout)ioit3.-M,"tttho liés taakera ithe ah.îveii-st ei<tss 1ttItu-, whiciî tt los titicd ita)i tu a aew anud eoo.eiifll atianoci-. A firt-raie Tale is serve'd at titis iIde. Dim- tsers, Lunceois, &C., Cuitla eliad at a moetts altice. «Xl ii uior ke.îut on thie pi-etises are THO<MAS DIONING. Whitliy, Marctt i'<h, i857- B. BUDDEN, F A'OIONABLE AND) CIIEAP TAILOR.- E,_tabuislinaeolt, ut Mr. T. lk-al's 01<1 Statnd du-etl; opposite 'WYat Hotu1, Main St-cet, RUTHERFORD &SANE, (uÂ'.i- J. STOVEL,) T AILORS -&e. c~AND 54, KI NG STI&ET WEST TA)- 52 rente. AISe 48 King Bt-cet 'West, iUamit- ton'. 9 JAMES B.SMART, ~ 1ERCIIANT TAILOR, AND DRAPERt, TL'-euilar Hall Building, (neut-y o0positc Wyath"'T Itotel,) Byron StreelWiilsy ea- etade Clothing, BOY$ CIlohîl ilsGentletiisn's sli'ts, Collarii, Stocks,, &c., coonsantiyon band. Ai] articles ofeClOttuijin aade ni> in ticeIaest and utost fsldinaisle stle , aun t2te sitrlt tno- lice. * THIOMAS RBNO' F ASIONABLE flAIR CI'71ING AN] F ghavixugBooms, Brook 8trset, Whisily.- A i-tauc ilitali B1rber 5d llsr Dres eof Ingeasing lu e us iniess, oliaossl foubisn C este ai#twd'on gentlemen.- Shavlng là Ia pi-ceeue lo<wiie gatemou nfor good reabons, are mnucS averaje, bl t dor ib- lIt»tn's, band they '<ill 1usd lthe opeedtion both, ag-ealesand plcasAQL."< , .4 TI ."4-441 i 'r' < r. . i'. 1 ILI l4 1 Il t- bloio andr41: <4444 i t<,41 <<'t 4444< lu i. T «iukcIl;i- ma'ter, j<'y .Xîî.l egnir.it ,c4 u «. <i 'f <i. ft'ulii-ry pi'4'le lu <"t 41< r w t- Tf4i tar i% ds r i> t1loir t'ri v'îî. Aud -rth , 4<ri i. <' iii'4 i't r. .%,'>.u'trîî< 4, i. G'4.44<, j iii. Yii>4 4 r..î<i.4 '<. î .4u 'i' «I <<r Vo r II <41ca u <"w 'f ' 14<iir-141Ã. îîî A Capital StorY Of Boso'eil and John.. Ve Ihave- fot nieto'itha a stet-v for-<ouate time -oel btld as thau-ceeiluthierien' t-chinaiof Angelo'a Remnis,-rett-s niBos- o-cil and Johnuson. Augelo, it seeias. gels il fron thei landiord of te itn irlîcre lte lexieeur.ijtlier pot up. Jolittasoîa gets off bhue r-oc;. aîdlitheet- aitinual,ri-cieved front tic giaul, suueht bis wo- n mbtîecstable.- Boso-eli tishet-ed lie Dcîoi lto thie iouse, and heft hlm-to pi-r-at-elis dulicieus ruat. Jeohnson féecingbils ceaI natiter dituîp fi-ont the mist et tic moutainc, o-eut ittto the kitchen, andtI tti-o-bis uîtpei garaienot on a chair before tho fit-. licsut on a iol near -a itiha boy o-ho oas t-et-vbus; tt- tending tlîe meal, and Johnson did net iike tie appearance cf bis lead: "'len lie shift- ed tlie bnsîing ladie f-o<n one liaud, tho otier o-as flot 1de, aud <heDoctor tionglil at tiat tinuelic sao- something fa)i on tic meat, 01>00 wbicli ho dctert-nd te cnt ne mot-cnutten on ltaI day. Tie dinnet- o-as annottnced. Bosw-clexclaimed-<MIy dent- Doctor, here contes <lie iutton-whlat a picturo! Doue te a turn, aud looks so beautifu li; bnoon !" Thli Doctor tiblered, mcd after a short grace Boso<ell said, I suppose 1 atnt <c carve, as usual ; o'Iat part shaîllpî-yen te ?" 'ie Docton-r-elied,- II dbd nch tell yen before, bui I hat-c de- teroîined <o mstain front inoat to-day."- "'Oh, dear, titis is quite a disnppointmnent," sffid Bczzy. <I Sut; no more; 1 sialinako mysoîf ample- amenda o-bt.ithti pudding." Boso-cl commencoullte attaci auJdnmade the firtsI ut at <ho mutton. If 0w tbe gi-at-yt-uns!1 WhaI fiue fiat-crou fat-se, ulco and bt-owu, toc!1 Oh, sir-, yo.u would bave t-lisbod titis fine primo piece of mut. ton." Tic mont'rcmoved, iu came tise -long wisbcd for pudding,. <The Declor lookeul joyous, fohI cager; <ce; a feo- min- utbes ucar); flnislied lte 'pudding-. The talle o-as cleared, and Boso-elI aaid-"Doc- toi-, o-bile I1o-es eating <ho muîbti yen seemeul freqoontly incliineel <claugli; pi-a; tcil me wha< tickled yoor fà acy ?" The Docter- tison lilor1y tbld bhlm aIl -tisaI baul passed aI <be kiteluen fia-e, abeultis te boy and tise basting. BEswell turueul pale -as a paisnpt and si.ck cfo sof and "In- pan;, Se dated 'eut cf the t-oin-,, Some- wheat relieved'on re<ua-ning, lie insistedo<n selgthe ditt> littie rascalboy, W'hont.le seve r rprimasnded<'before Jittà n-- Tin oy ri;ced; tSe Doctér hîugliu& <"Yeu' '11<11e fltisi euvl liag boÃœmdl1» nid Bea-, o-ell, I<o-hon yen beuted th<bâ*y did you net put: on <ho cap tbat 1 saw you Nutvigation Comnpany- Thei Objeeto ii hill was to construct a railway' trc,n< the St. Lawrence to the naviigable waters.aof the St. Mfaurlce, andto hiave tise rig4t of rîtnning one or more steamers on thà t river. It was prciposed to aska grant of the eorn lands in the Valley of the St. Ma.urice t*" enable the Company t carry ont the ob-. ject. Mfr. Brown uuiderstood that'the object of' this bill was bto obtain a grant of a million: and-a-half of acres on the 5k Matiriée. Lie did nlot think that il was competeént -for a private member to introduce a bill of tbis; utter a syllable cf tItis abominable advco- JUlies f pain and rage weî-c appaling, ' Iy titis tinte the actutai condition cf the LgsaieAem-biy. lion. Attorney Ceneral Macdonald ti tnt-e te any <ou) liinîag whale vy«ît rath. bis lcetil cloised togethcr through the flesh body cf-Mi.s Willualils nnu<t have been as-uS -th&t <h o jet fthe 'anih) w b it for i AndJ <o, sir," -s aiy îo.sî,' OU liîa,,'eof Ihuat tom îinutilated ai. Net then did certaiticd, and <t is but fatir, afher exciting 111?lEotG.jtc ficrprtoadi ioidh o Tefloig blswr - oue b ij i n ebers opposite aftcrwards ;to the positiv.e faut frein Atie sin à i< toulh cf Mnf, Glenn 'iel<1 ! With certain death for the wcatdcr antI curiositx- of the pîîblic, i'he foiloin bihea wer in-rodandd y tcîp hon m vour humle servun r." ' liersef, shc wvotîi<1 save lier chiid, and with that the Cincinnati Fiqiiirei- tlaould let Mi-. Wilson, and rendi a firstt iee:- nywtte h rn ofln lihiws dcsperatc andI eeermitied bt-aveciy, slIetehe publc know the final resuît. Biill te confit- n snis u <rvypooe eakfr hudcn rnt 44 An Encounter wtt a Ponther. pîanged the sblearit again and again into of the Tcwnsl1p cf Delaware nande biy lc trustcd <lie hon. meniber weuld bec'suc. ~1Y CLARA AUGUSA. Ile neck of tîte infcriîîted beasît1 The Front the lijitured London News. Sauel lrsEqaPoinilLn es1li i bet combat grcw terrifie !gi-cana and howis The auspicinus addition cf a Pritnce oi rvcyr Mr. Broen qaid that if 14. was intcndcd. Wiltiatn Glenn, a yotîng, prerfuI, iît- filicd the air, anti Maggie shrunk bencaîli Printes te the Royal farniîy of Great LI)< noprt ak<ob'audt 'aelasgranth oentetsioi -tir toai, hleri'ortsmooutth a'.uariy as <i the tiovAerhanging rock, and hid her liltle Biuin' htgl eittgrloecnsdrdthe Chartered Bank of Canada. ' lke lte responsihllity of if. thi-mselX'et* x %-Car 1749. atnd, w<jtîa its wifu andîltre:fac.- it her arton. a novel or itttattitalet-cnt, alway.s excites 1 I)< nompt-aCoîayt enet <hi-o'..-it upon the shoulde<a of-'a pt'ivate tiI rite too'ver cf Motinut XX'a.Iitgton s«itiofni Irs. Glenit, lte pantîters entire tIlroa tyî. At suri Aunes, Manîacdonluilc fora'ningthe 4an out tIh- polar star. It a qutiet, seumt l wtas cluft in tw-in, and tloosin- bs ' 4 walh fh IOu'IN OJirEEMr. Mdne b acnadepotl thCa nyh.gast del-lw oipisdinte onsil 1le oled ulpon tegotn na aoy m ltjusîy, anti forIlite iitcrcascd happines IThe folloo-ing bills o-ci-e passed thi-ougli fortrtul; a.t lte pi-or-tinte tie Go'vern- .lîk ftiactxu.l i. -, ott4rli l"g <t<tc<boi ~ nt-, l()'.'cr andl u'A'r-iaigiir<g thue cf lier doînestie cii-cIe, lte peup.le intutive- Cotnuitteecf the whloe <tent wotiidbe rercrrd te cotne down and i ntdI îili IIhpi> .faitîily alttir. Ilroa<lac'res. il-y gra<y <ust ita clotitîs, in lte slmuggle 413'buthink tltenne'.e.. cf' those [tiivate and'Tocne<vrhooncfotri ltattItIou outk teaprriio of'f ri<-h wîw'<i-it t ini<<tiitfl 1Y he<virl tintntttiinedbutatlt-i ihle ublr catîtti 1 thleiacietiadpybuteraanulittieiaed a'iieiieo î<bhc v-uta b liv sce oe f tihiciafpi < eti UlPtui-tldit<at' i '.rîîh '.vts a<'s4id fdir, and littrusteil «lia <ltst,'ov<'it lîataîlofi" ii'."sîi<uu stretclwfi lîchru '<.'ts a contvulsiv<e twitclian- of Iii,. "' î < cîdet cnd t.apprepr(a- ri IQueuta Naictortasa i edgmace addig- i, liatn amnapîîropx-utea-ous W dt Ilicir glen 'v'.ing 141<of;r Iî,wartl . tr..<gl-defiut( ut.imtt-re8-ggrating cf lus nity, as weli as stretîgîli attd slubiii'<, t ob opoaeth' To<'.n cf Clin tort (antdtin î:îsRivet-, attd te tîtornitti stitntirie pne . j% a eyn ut cf thîlae i the rne. Stuct corîsiderations at-e - iriorprut i<ottl<rnî jaw, îyiu th lîgt u nu<-c amctdnent) . Mi-. Muckenzije then t-catI aclause frdm 1ok I do'1tt Iltlic dcliil1t a clA ha of -hik hurt-' cy, andlite lay istili and naotiott tt fpac.iitlceare ocuasioaîsn Toet-est ut J. lMîtuara paart of a cit ttr i) <111 X <-uti~i .~ rpsdt n lifu'giving îsover 1i< ils 1' tttî citit'<. ic--'-.icui.o'ich tiaey -ar-e more '<ttviottsit--aitrprtite rîdalt'îc nLnin ia atlinaî afc ce hî i liti triata a lo'a'li<'r 's1ot.thajît('rag Dll)<- tlllagint rIand alîttost dt-ing froit aînaitattr Aci ltvr Jo close uî< part of a Iloati aiowanici in "vnt hsCip' lecmlto ci<i4i <at tc efotittii fr h<-uguu ; a<ndI aitliii r -lin au-d iî<'.<of btto«d, %Irs. CAdunata lld .ti voccr 'casereîî'i'.ctieni<s t ho Trotl .gte e li ou<ai n<i cm<eiî thie nea.tulîîît i thaitati<ton %va s '<'un sîfii<ierll prusence of nind tro crawl liaik: <'i-tiyats-cfieoniatrtAtaoes.idmd itoua, i the wes".a<i-<'a îa.y fi:.(0tielarlhotae, tohI«.'.ed cosl>l 13<3iggc.bygalfîi îtt îtarit ia buî cnt. Il -et Rat ale.' ac itmiltes ra - slong-att-naee ctionstt5t îî1'-a tittie w'i'en nite of the gi-cal and 1often 'J.-l'oote anî W. 'I'îorntî. 't'e<t'- utilu tj-Vsttcllri He -oit- i<iivl'. 1'ittg. as.,lthe%'ditin <.a Iittlk kinag-< ontoul<i «caricc4uinreend tire tei-rifieeu.t- rc'sur".'-d foracttautl'sctltcttîcril donît of Alirir îo'tî unnio<.lcsted anu]l,,ît- i aflitir r I>t'uriy and ia the cmoat suffcr<gé xc<rtîgqetos .liha- l-y loepitntt-c esjrt îe 'ui etîdtsIteiti ntiu "t oicu t~~~~~aiii rit<ît.Irai <sc i oîtfe-ot o<u 'ii<-, frotidiscus.sir<n it a fi-eanti pri-- ty of Bruce fr-ontut totf 1Iliu-on. Cdtr ilhddcie h lu; N lo 1 ed. i peinlptlîe bi)elaadi-decft'<'ed t<lteelieuse b; <uatiIau nusttc atl f-în sPib iu ys -in tn in ttitlered b; tire îutonai unpoyîulatiity oi oprl ievlaec rqtl. ,a ciatti.e in tite bill acluaiiy îtacting that feat irv wic hveone trel ani fon bueey,-wlenStndngof the Su<urci-n. Tiose "<ho iaave itteliefi To iegulate tire UtCtoraunoftic Islaindsl he'. hould lbe tmade. île contundcd rnr-tietr '.î îtitfilrttv . '<t-i-, %ru alînrîsl i-e- lttside lier, sicefuît naoi-e <han rla. tr Iee-na ftcls itfcnuyan i fDuniu tddusBr1t-sfn îa-îî-Ilafbyoetnerc h ltsen itht 1 mm ii fi-catiCra'l4c11. Wi<iu flelti i f tîlibyititsiterides ofithedy, auJ ailohiat <lau cîrîand o li-at, ripe foîr tieliai-venttstl tuîu'il in tire future, enadure for lier chti)dad attîtk< îe-sr t hwta î inn)u-p-anebrc i e-rmu o vilîs' wlat-rethec statî-l'<'f're't ittî'narcîtl' ead lire. <ot fll oai otepeetoc Teicerporate tie Sherbrookhe Manuifainti -du abB-ltuiacas.Tiy liant cf lite tîttone b; lte utwi'..'u ocf i turing Comnpany3 (and attiiiutlmerîts., - couii.i nat br-in, lu a bill with a money' iîlad ti<lJe<ihau<gîtit1% tintic Iret-zu Jl'lie Wiliaîtî(lieni '<tas hio--tri(-cn o icîth Fe fClrso ',g cattint <'< atttr and< more hitrtte- liku rctîtittg i,,froim lus laltoratthie fri<"aft lCi'i>at 0tienee;c ille loiu-tlt u es fCe-nc u lue'n li;aaudntbrn na <1 i predeessors, niear or remote, aeth italOse roes a -atofu-i b%. rite hhmbletado(.lita- hg<idernedllien 'iaesnon thikt-a'eI) 'tet-ian Society' of IHamilton <o sel] cetatin hisn paî<-hl<.otadu<ritîs'oî" itciatt, and in taixicus féar aîadhlieelielt hsmmn vendh ama i r.Aer adta iecaieinie tvof ptel«.igî r cuut 'sond Iru'ilcglor-tle <'rtu usarvi ori Io, li os, 'ou iClutarcli pi-opet> eid by ltent. 1 . len au lat<i lttu nt r' reor'e I r, nd la l wescaed ) oeliteucvyj'Tcatnd<i.Catr teColoatial btll tthwas altiedti e o-ns piinted In i ct ath b«iîs.ca..a tite uie gîttss %îiîo t I.-iî '«'us ceai a- Ia3lrak-tlie l f ~~'tc-t lA os. ia i-iînld< 11triaistrough witichi <t tiuli,in iitIl IBatikofAC.ananda. t. t it'iluetiratit bg moren ltita an riebueee Iag;-ie. Ite siveul clîhi dwlt UI ingtecaslac 'uc<el mpta if Ernst, Due of uniberand ha sue-and -oliilicttl aiglits «fa British stth<Jcct.à %vsiacod 4 t .444 u' a<r <î'î<r'ssilu. ru t<auîtiItiot o«f ti ttiititcd lUnîlthue cti0ticsc<dciTo ataln heTonsis ofGaulway atni TcSekndad la t'AI nacrl "tt slî<ttlurto<rîtlg aî. îugei~«1o f ireserviug ife. Mrs4. (;Iettn did nîîeî e lite irroîl tea cf Iter pi-usent 'l:ti 'Ico'sit1ith the.-rtîesan i-ite oth j alîoil dtii goî«ut tg) a kti«i lîtita ic'<'<' ard'. litî<lî frontîtihle liying ot<oal, bui beieor sv Tpe<ueîc cfab ;îdaa nsrTle teULi c Coreltivf e tiireuott 01gi. lo bl t cinrflie(,a - ' ~~sîavi'<îi I - yitre.o T atcadli Ad rofi"telIe Rtj«'nl ' îottse t allit- oabih)a te intioteor a- froi rteiucalot, f<<o'irtl-..-"î- <<iti<thr.seu tirotaghcut '<iti4 ho nnf o XalX- r-c tre f Iep '-soalInstitution for te advuîtcettett of Lentr-t',ltuh1di)onanantt'--<110ra -rwvr hcadlarge ttueru, At i-st, Nlaqgie Aienu gru-'<vup a good and beauc i oc'in es-as< Si' ua 0Xc.iiCle-.caitg-ntg pr-oc ti a .u tttWli-nt<ho- Mrs. Gd-tnt demint<rcd, for tii-ru as tattat-li ttifu) '<oîiann-hacr lovec for lien motier lth lî ui<<oli f-e<Ioîn Lit lova <y cI BLL R' A <ECNTIMîîill -aIs sent te lte ColttTpnitee cf lte Whlîe, dne oleapeine rn ittic '<'ke-)lie rahladsntfcltrait in luir 1 htncs ie3onaia ASEh îE.ltttCottitailtte comililnet tale stttyh'a he ie-a fu ilputferui.ýtacc ir uetiulie fEn - e'Tite foi)o'.tingbills'At-eeread a secondi clmuse into cosdrtoi u o l e <t3l4i t-' we e tn, -l iea e ru <in teîi. un- icîte cf luis «o . E . 4 I<"<"'"'< 1 . . M Iv *, ' ual ai ast , o v r fro ît i scr t attIi itu-d 10 a liai- );y y o n g n îo uîut i ti ecn , o-h o i p r o m n c f p i< î c d u es, c t Oa hiîtac '-)<rcoti ntera-io ti4 1,ttt '<t-ouîd '<thid i.) Jloc lir iat-îtu cat t li-e n aplesan Itindcvtatiîîgadhe'eîtce ltte colashîtuhi ai jTe aaîtcnd thlicActi iiict-peratiug <ie btît erje ,v ~ g t1o oudlîtgîtg-ltîiicela like tte <matit>' cf iture;, andt Port Wi ny nd Laike llurcn l.il«it t- ntîonioa ujiei< ftdta bcitiattgie bave bero ctnsentarer-abouleiof ecei'<w<.-!-rte Governinent had gi'<'un il-; ai.tiein <o o it tîiuon lac- childti nu lugo «out of -'et-. pinipeCutnpanyai. Iwý Miltc iceiiu Accoanplisisments. Fiel-ce polilical tuaaaîîestshavelîat-u l n'doter To aînend thic 121h 'Vie., ch. 114, iiti-aîrniîe"'îeib udaw; îtoac >i'glit f te ca i.Il tbail cit-en, tlirot, ttheu zlttorne-(;crit- jW'it lu a mtoîlr'n îiîide and cnt-e dii) Mîs. Fraitaî lîntt il atir o tnu fanîop ilc teacesin«f<uep-ueti ld n.AtIt onoidt iu Los eit -)a asît:nc îtî cîtî etie<n- FeIiiii î.icttî '<t atrt lie lititonttîlnncihlaofnît- Qiiecu anîd if Engiaud luapîil; . encaped.li- te the Triaîity flouse, Qutue.'1: lIt,-e i-iiit ittdlae t1S's «ihoor-eushirt anîCapconuphilu- th-m iflueucc-hiugi ue priotu cf!J Te inake moi-e <topie prisinfi lcudtsod n iueetî1n oit' ,<ieatlîu ttcl basit' ttagd iica--<ient'.'Wuitauitood ii cr<vcred ailiup1itnepi-isemarbudueaethieono of tue Too'n cf 'lhreu-Rivera. any doult tîtat il tvs int'-ritdcd<tc git-ua i'h«îfîl ute -lc 'ctt -icdholir i- tiiiatlitieq. 'Thie <'<t-clseul '<te look fer j1stTid iîi-rporahio ctu nagto oiii ilhtnnî alc crsfrlt pa'îs o'e u aeAerutridt irsitlî a îuu1 ort urase cf lte peop4le, aîud tu tlitir long T îeudteAitrlhig< 0 ntts i'.t'rutttiaîiii hi lis; uitt f 'lÇt jis iîst iîri eittlerings ofFrecth, muttie, anti < expenietîcu iuthOe art of self-gcv(r'ueitct- sioners' CousittaL oi-ct'Canada4c tttit p<a phtll~.Mtt u u j- Cradtln<iebs liio ieLesnl rs;tefi usac 4 dig-j To divide<lue Townshipofî ' liorilont-. lic hope'), loth~,lattlit o ilied t'<otid crase; atîd lteé îîolhaer's face u. tti rs;lt ai usac sdsti-no sîtali portion is due, also, lu lie exalled i pi<cf 'Ittbylute ould bce extutd-j le oter parts t îrese e<I uioitow, t., i-eif Xls"'"îe !titi je 1linisillits, cuttcu and crinoline. . lady itho, in an lage cf teptublican tenden- <t-o e crtie Munir-palities.pinpl reniiid ionteknl. tlatse '.î" saîeuiee.inpcult ie as ît «f cultre dces, ktiew htow <o make Rly ;popcnr, To atllotize tié contîruction cfa Ratil- ic u ciit'y. 'liure is ele tract, of loukud forth, and a onie.tlfoI cheaîmarifo) cir-.ure<l-and codent- il te tire Isaut as w-cil as te tice waa;frontSeitte poitut on tlîc Soutiern li.ncabout ,oneuçidîed tifes it cotent, othicli loo.edfothan a i-iý,itfilchace el up ilie thotigîsl night easiîlv bu cpened up¼ oui lier «as sic hioked ! lier ceeitbe<~tîcaintiteoona fcutr," e lC3Itg1, udgenîcnt<cf lte nation. Inb ail ethlen M cf-heaconsaructionongli Braîttford <o soule < ' -in ! "aec BtIlcr ivaaalude.reie liBllet" - J oiî o < a G-nt«Vstrt aui)<"a.ccstucictofa ,aîrtol24miesî wh'vîite as aslus-a Odeadly t-.lneis 'AtlItd j couîtaliica ct-coyala s îongi t iscul> intin tlcGeatVh t-tinoilay bet<twne<-tc cltuec îîdfusltnbrene andi ieshrihgb;foit-ccfbaancî ;andgifI <o tahtorzu <aes ; Aacîot Gnllendun-frPitlesutn Pleslthhi it ail her Ilîtul.'.; site 'ou.d have siîrieh-ed, c ad<tog yfrccftyoeh; ni T tuiiesle yîcto n.te'îi-eyc li i ie eeniin btier laut-i wct-caed. co . lslîttueuts. Tise formrnnuca nines Ii t lchytt lohfitse ciic -ceunit-y Districts.--< IS.Li--ooRtu- ftetctrti Ther, o th bod rck wichovehu hliari, inaprov<esthie mind, and beauties pj ig anddurable asut looits, ooîîd Toeatcuid lie Act reguiatint ho uuspcc- otitidcroscaît lvitlia1ew 'aat cfin- for J'ît-,on<iebIJtetko-u-ho erlug thet son!, and is not incomnpatiblîe witîu ttitinpufposee'Wiltndviu'<'<kho1 -in <h t ite kîtol. o'lere Maggie >et kuneit in uluild- iouih oes inirfspee'ly <or-rle tu lte guouni. Titerc iltio csBe aJ eie. ct ~<fait-lt-befere tl ottn«, lac o-lU, on j stshsa-jn ititgtcekt <"1houeo - c, adirftbrac-aoeuing wecldle, until a ncw mnan with a greni Toestablislt 'Watei Wcrks in tue Vil- I ler-un..'.'-oclea n immeatnse n -jsweepiung floons, enrpente-s woik, and g- la"'e cf Terrebonne. Monda;thnoM, ot-e nrGnraLs oies. 4 ' ' I-coig. Bot aeconpliahtîneitn are diffnumbnîner cf bayonets siould lie rountd te Ieciee' hClteno jtea, o ois Ilier, cidently reparin for theleap.- roning. ut scioilieup agniar. Fofbtu tatclyupforin<hortBt-j-lfTo thehdi- lie Lowethe -oCanadaadMunicipal' c Ilur c.'îlttlyîîeîarngto <ueler--eut. , You mtust kuo- a lie Frenchi; l nnnbo-cfrunil sifor- aud Rend Acd, ttu<o ecttSt.L .titîb«rt«alccrsedtcbeoenli ttn- j îtlteas jndge tic feelings eltitat motlat- alehoItn uom <iepin, nraig îo. isu i- sdadmaier-c it asearbeMuiipliy.J ioerc Coon a"ds r ueetse mm Falut fi-cuti Iuttatuaid-lien lutsbaud ah '<onkanue British perle--n uhad e n. To anuhîtotie <ho nining o Laky. a ers of <ho Got-crntent, -and ',Ir. HaIl.il lu thi tîervaI, twoomiles bloo'-and a<t rs run teu otier pa i igyad rdin <bis counti-y. The Tlîrone us T utoîz h Da t o Lk W-1relation te <ho grant ef. a portion cf 1tise pautier abeut ho Jet-ont-ciie)y vcîtd etin «lohertýguo; '<'<'ui- bnsed on reeson and liberty, ais oell as on '<tanosnthe < u <> y,<of Sarnia. j pubielands da leii*htrpl Thblden ic ips ohidbcdabbo oftin bct < ewaJaieaa leni t- r3 hiee n <lie ordaeitth e i lituglulan feel et adcornce wh ,n cc cnidr- To acîhorize George S. Vikes tou se*<ho tThe bill o-as tlii'eail a <fit-st time. j riessed <o h-'s in lte riha iias cf lioly af thli and elognet incoiice ithlions add ferveur te tic prm;ers offered î>' waters cf <ho Grand River aI "l.hmcsdttle tiHn. iSpl t lsniu- cae e'a fuclin, wold le<ethoandsaguesludnbu'cthepeontifor hla ialiuand Iappinsa cffor Hydraulie put-poses. Jtroduco a bh eamend- tic -PosOffice Soveruige,,Tooauthorize<ho Tndnship cf bG- the peonple ffr<lie Proince.andyhalpi<lie Pof tocen <lie rai enous jan". cf <hue meausîci! Tisose hands, sir, mnuat ntvet- sheve a cthlIe pi-eont S ' mmgn ad te tlie cordial T uhrzteTonipf2Uý i aso h rvne y,î-tePs 1 pcnte<4aplane, orwoetk in moi-tai-and ryt ipà acrti odAlwnc OfficeDepat-tztentwoil ho cna-bied te nake' TeiteoynWoai nbat-synîpahi;in ahilie evenîsboul publice-yt i1oec eti odAîoac ie ittuî lifed;ine"'inwn u euibrick with a mason's ti-owel ;iand yoursand <ivae- f a rein <bhat;lias hitherte thercin. "up bts retura hothe -301h-of Scpt-emlsr ian fîi"'iiIle na motment woond le <a - t-aal. o g 5iaielti naagogig i fene pj-mitta or niadant, must le innocent cf dough ens usiiu. -To autiorize <1>. Courts cf Quccnhs 4 è acl cr n~a fthe Iti of Mae-l. litpe f as-ld ea-n, *gnra t f wsltub, uJ i-e f-c <lc - b- ond, seinUppr anaab ami Il 4e vrinslausesof tieBlgatn nere La aitL ont wtittd. ci îeug ige. tie trounds, ciýedted ho thse Cinciacati -E4-, some cases sligil.lcendeucy <o advance.-thle à typfEse, thte.'Lèglaaiie 1518-llt4Atte --t In an instant, Maggie o-as atruggling i qssrerAob-<hole cl <ala &young )a4Y' Qootatierua t-afleur hiad unlergoe n J.r,<< <<<<< ' "(Apii w d t4batt-»n lier mcthieis -t; and <baltninher,-ith, nameel Wjls,, u <bt cil>-, having dieul eltem.tion. _g.- T ~ I . l iihE%4 ~-ÃŽix1~P<c 1 ~ 4 S~ the Courageef dcspair tcrned, and at<empt. oà se' tPickjèri ane~l ie ~< ~ ~. ~isn sato9is4~ ed b reacis ler cabin o-i ti e precicus liehease#'<Jnot carilges o-et-oe t .Corna quit <aI sJight.ad-itane ml, O> flOWpo'Ata <ieî eff < but-dec se bore. -le a atiug, b receire the ubody and PriFio gen~r» quoêtuao..pr1- 1 jr5 _ôp -',.< >'"..em4 In vain! Ai n vain!1 Uttering. a let-ce late it<o tisegrave. Butafaterantunusu&l vicias at ' ' -To aect cê rt4 4r je ci-y tliepanthet- saised himsëlf u th 4l mpy gtged.eo' OWseoe.o -t a s-ad;4 uir haunehes-bhis fore pao-s dug pu is4Ia, hooioe 0)t, cc'tge t-veo1~Ç.<p~091t #b~ <«l'4' 4 dp, intole <lie sut-priafo eyer.ldy., The slu- ~ thie malted gras-aewild, maddened, ancrtien of lhe Mattet- was, <bt a relative tel OaI LDIS R» UE.Èl1CO15.rî.ily andl bis cIao-s oee I-ed nlo t~gu<l Sa td loÃ"o aI <the coi-ps, i hturèy o ~~'1 ~ta$~Jwpi dor cf<ohîlaswm Piging f'»ptbeed thja 'u*y 'percqtle fish Joli W téýin Maggie upcxs tho fragrant, heapa cf. mouas- <ltne over the w0untinaaseêof thée dlad, xc1qëib bp'prnet h h à tng h tain heather, o-hich ga-eo- eyeitryhere, un td lWingMb1ad rthé" .ndat7q<ipet -tonlA, tfotlisAé aich luxtiriane5 Mrs- Glenn Prepared i. lieros, risia -40 ftdif<!üto 'U ~ PIaO "elf forthe dsete an d uneqW strug4 *tgj Uc. yiiidet 'i; gis. Unequel ittdeed, for o-bats was e>a <sîp1folod W3t4>tt4' ià i- cý Q th eu.tà ,cfufrey wmote, ppccad1 ýha<è T. n ftiry cf a rag panther xnte > iore0:'0M Iatned woitha an irczt-grhp iatyg4iI'1U atm; <the biood flowe&in mi<orre* cÀmeiw ï-<w - W iurîTBY, C. W., tIIIU RSDAY, MINAY 14, 1857. _JHITBY ýCHRONICLE IN q 1. 1 d - XO- 17 1 1 'saîd