Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1857, p. 4

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A Il 0 TY-8 V., A N D -L STRP.fT.-be*4ou Market, in the Town of IV foet in troist, ând rw» *hi Building is a subxtantW Hono'el two gtorie* ltiell, v feet by 212 fýe! in dc0i. DIRY GSDS9 W11OLMALE IqAUDWARE. YARDS IMT FACTOIZL,% W. ý14. Roulxx0lif ý500 tous, forsale ebeup by joEt B cF HAV OW 1 LOW. FAMILY C.HEMIST (MOU 11171j, a very ]gr and complete stock of Shelf Ueav f3T.UF-ET, un y impoiied direct from Eng- nu 8 8 ElýS-TWO ý>;jONý British America AuqmnS Company land and the States. Tlicir prices are guch as -B cap b,ý Stair Corpetînr., for male ICI' er an Act of the Third wW lnduce thoqe who favor them trial, to cx- TLI lrX4CORPORATED und' tend their orderfi, and tlieirstock wifi always be JOEL SIGELOW- LSPFXI'ft LY RETUR JLSestqion of the Meveut), Provincial Parliament found completc. Il c-t-m ati.d gnitefixl . thankiç to id, y of Upper Canada. R. LEWIS & -VXTRA lirtl'Y AMERICAN and very fiberal imtrýýrapw4 clieup, hy support Ili, h.ýLq etlim'elÃŽ lmÃŽný'e'-tutv- 'e*,di, 41 Kin Street, Toronto. JLJ Sheetilig aud Deuinis, for mal( G rPRtit. Und Ixýg8 t;> UAÀUre ihm CAÈITAL £1001000. J.OEL BWELOW- relv upon the momt o4tr*.et and jerwnud Ane ilieir cot.iinnauls. tfit»tint, to*ther vlài,4 insUrance et-Ideted on Buildingx and tlicir N 1 SCM:109 qualliy ehîî; etýntents. Everý Inforination xuýplied on ap- -ýWAFàý TJOOTS, SIIOES AND IXDIAý plication tý, the, iindersigne(l. iiF.s TiAvE Now 1 X STO( 'X _L> Over shoeu for pale (,'hýap bv' D.ruge »d Chlmiem$4 MarÃŽne Rimks for the Séason or for Port8. T tlie inogt (,ttriplttu and Inr=,t nB4orttll(-,Iit JOEL BIGELOW. To gain an e9fffi Q211"- of th« JOHN AGNEW, t ot'Ilitrilwitre in Canaola, ti) whieli they %VQ&ild in- i-iil,,Iýrni whieh hq law nownthe plt»»Ure 4e -Traveainq Airent, Byron Nireet, fi-hilby. vite buyers' attûiitifýn. GOOI) kli.01wle(luo-l 1 R. LEWIS &- SONN. R SORTMEXTý-fcr gale )4e CheuP bY - Ifie st'f' - C k of pwttmprv, Ttbil,.t Protection against Lons or Damage Japiinry .-0, Brmýhej4, Volubs, Patent Suedicineo hy Fire. JoEL BIGELOIV. %Vr,.çzlrviýv AL-QI-" q %-,,i, Iron PiiginL,. 1- J_ WANTLID IMMEDIATELY,' GUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS 'A aylittle ibéutýTuumithBusim«. Enquire a% this ofnee. 7 1 rrnF. su&qcninEî-oFym Foit s.&LE A the fnllowlng Pro2erty situated ln the Vit- 14m of Utica, Township of Rench vIz A Store ,Well fitted al) with. large back Bliop,«!ýd good cellar. I)WeÃŽling Iloume contaiming ilive Rooms, Ritelien-and wo, od 11011". A Mimpof 11>t- rate Wüter on premLes. Abo Ifi t1ilà aairit block, à large bnop vrell, teà 1;ýr either Shoeulakers, Ilarnemiq âtakem2, î%binet Makùm, Tinstniths, &-c., for all of whieb Trades these arc first-rate openings, nonc being near. A tm-o con, Store Iloume, with 3ý of ILn acre of Land attached. The above leb a very desirable property, aud to any parti" wighing to R-o info thé Sto;e bu.qiness, or any of the above Mcchn- nie-«, prêecnts un opportilnit.ý- mrelv met with. 'Injly £50 *iIl be roluired 6wn. 'the balance in ý.e equal nnimal instalments with interest. Apply (if by letter, post pnid) to JOIEN A. McMILLA Utica Èeaeh. i Cld C) Mid VICTORIA SALOOlf, BROCK STREET,.WUITBY. Jesse 'Vanalike, Propriotbr, B EGS RESPFCTFM.LY- tO IIMRN MS mineere thmks to liiA.utimaroiis patrons end c, for the kind patronnjqe r4o libemlly h,,etpu.vb'ý' u on Iiiin whilé keeping the Centre Ilotel. In Soing go, lie woula beg te state that lie lins become leqi;ee of the premir-es formerly oecnpied by3fr. Cotinor, in Brock Streiot, inclu- dinfrthe Aýneery StAire and Sitloon. The biiilding*hiq been armiijzod nnd fitted np bv him in the very b"t myle, for the - accommo- élàtion of the publie end pWote, jiarties. No epense bas been ipared in making the Victoria Saloon giiited to thé proerems of the age end tbe require- nientéi or tbe Pliblie. ll>oiýWd long ago, yet =de to.Isy, Employi d while otherg. &jeep, Or any w6h to keep. Xy ifirm- is Tatued more tlum gold, Ber'r u3ô 'tis meldom found ; Mauy there be the nome t lint hold, With whom 'Lis nouglit but sonnd. -My Pecond skims the swell.ing Ilood, And noble is lte' air; IL oft has wÃŽtne,,-es'd miglits of blood, And moments of dotpoir. 16Y mliole, 'inid life's tlitreFtaitiR carex, Is molace sweet and kînd. ý11 th. th., £1àépPý w,'10 Mll the blegsing theirs- illti,ýic. utietra iLeaen- le% LbTERN ASSURANCE COMPANNY. i &Ton JI-1plug. ,., )ne il b4"t lýiqItorl Wines niid Çigars, IIITUY FOUNDRY. ilIeil l'atelit 14 But fêw the soloce find. Il le Or to w 1 2.ono ri-et 14, to l', kt,ýt on Ille jireniimeq. 1 -, ' % il 96 reakfiest THOMAS PAXTON, flsq., CAPITAL £100,000. 1), 0i't e . & 4 1 e IlEurir. IlE. suBiý(*I1.TB ri CIt le) 10 Port pârry, Reitàch ERS 1't-IZCIIAÇ- ---- Papirian.s fuir 1 vntill first discover e,4. Surdinelle T ûd Ille ent NCE offected en Buil ing,- ntil tlir.«Lr al ways te) bc- ire Stlerk oftLe IN-IlitbNý Foiliidry Il 1 lit ret),zotiable le niid Compilny. trh-(. tMs ceppor volitetitq. Every inforinatian surqlied ,il A frnit ùf lvliich 1 nm a lover The tindersigued trititts that Iii-ý provione titi- 1-10 1 J 8 E and LOT ri Ott SALE 1 ' , A loird of prry yoli liext Inust nulle tilnitv of* ttle Inliýbitâlltm of 0 tarir application to the il' t e cil niid I)Ies, Tron nagenient of the (4ii)tre Ilote] will lie a j"1011 SAIE IN TITE VIILAGE (IF n'ilil t'lie ý---Iidilitr genernlly, tirait -1011N A(;Nl-'ýW EII)oVS. Tetý4, Crosses, B guarantre to hîs pritri-iis forgood atteuti d Iiii, a Ilolime ûIld lfit?;eenllfi tre nore ili thp t I"*ý' are ir(-Inreýd to fio al] Fitltiligo. For.s.de b% ý of u-;,rk iii That soâring- letiviie tire eloud.% tiellitid Inter to titeir %viediem. iloticc--,.nell jw R. LEW a desire to Tlint lie!ntitetiii- L onth, il,,; geriptitres te Tire uhove IlIarc i4 Iw,:biitifitliv silo- JESSE N'ANLSLYKE. nied, known a- tlie rerqidenre of tlie IptI Win. S T E A M E N G 1 N E S Times and Beacon Assurance Comppy. WI)n *Izziiiist Iti.- tatlier did Nfareh illst, IR57. witil a gond wùIl cf water, 11,4',, (j I, flower voit noix tiiiist hring te, vifu-, 4%tltl)le, d and wffld-lic>uee, &c., there9n. E l'end Pipe I' Saxv and Grist Xill Castings, cýie Btiililing on-] tlirir For farther 1).-trtienlaTg EL , Iv to of every !c'Il. an t'lie litte.'t and nia t irn. Lverv i if,,ri tint ion eupplieti on Of ricli lwrf'iiitiç, ittid erlinsiii line CARD.---CEýNTRE IIOTEL. 1 1 ý( 4 ; es Fittillz,%. rll;(;So. rend in il4vlo lit' m-ork-iniuir4liiiI tliai -> W:trii" olliN !q)J11icAti1ýn to tire Feet and B -Iv iiers, T'a Uqilv. fair ladies, N ou'Il elinbiriet Wliitbv, Ill. W. 1 cannot he by'any other establirileineni IN Peths--Foot IiÃŽttliti, Toi!eteIfiiý- Il-.R(-E 4, 1ýNfAI,0UIN BEU LEAVE TO -aL.ýo, plai Il and ornitinctital JOHN P ijIfýornj tire itul)lie al)(j tire travelling 1iVIiitbý, ApTil 'ith, 1S:;-.. 12-tf. 7ý-atyVinq Art and Join t1le iiiiiiak titey express Cast Ilion ýTindow Clips. &C. if Ii4li. Patent Coffiée-Pit biiiiiiit,% Lliat tliev Juive leillied the above well- 1,'Yrf)là Strfet, Il hilël7y. Bear' 'q and nt lier I>jttelit Filter A joy %ans Ilosilest establislied Ilotef, iviii-rp.tlieýý tile-y will carrý on THE DENT INVUTIMENT YET Sills and 01nlynq ; Graten ; iýle'9lI S!Ifxýs Il the I)IIsille%ý; frOln al d sifilir tire firmt of Aliril. A stranger onve ttirouriii)itt ouT land, lieeti lein niidosie I)v tilleul, tel OFFERED. Kettles, &-t'. Pille o*tje inell et" foi" 1"ROVIý-,-(-IAIý liss'ilR.%NCE COMPANY SI-ire. ",iic,:r tint[ Tca lýoijiî tritýy sbc k-lipir with F;I-î%iIe-ý-ëý, 1.1aligi. and a lilàlf bOtL for wood and ilion Azel Ail Blaïc water Moi render Ille Iloiller emilflirtill'le and jw;omlllle. 1 Nitrswr%- N TIIF FLOURISIIING TOWN OF WIIIT- trel"- TRAINSPOAITION. 1,110%. inibling And iiow hâve fin r 1 - 1 BY assi-Illit ' v iiiill fittelition, keeiiitl&, n jznod ni-, in to he foiind in the joirelime of that Capital £125eOOO. table. and liolle lien t lie b"t Wiliew an(] l.içliiorK, valliable I)r(,pertv on the Base, Linew well kriown vàrietN* ' f 1 '11 -on iiiiii Kaift! Trw Il. y tIl(,ý lie, le le) ilitrit a sliarc e f1liflolie patrojiiWe. atte tire Es NSURANCE elroc-t(-,i art Bijilditigg and tlicir ' Ail aliiittal titatft I)ý,IJ ; i . 1 tate tif the laie CAPTAIN Cooking and parlor'stotrea, Ilot m"nter Jiiom. Travelling Titi TIIEW, and nnv offercd f,>r sale by Iiie k. contentIl. Fvery iijf.,riiiiiti(,Yi MUI)I)Iied titi Fvr Salt 1-v Réverlec Ille. ntll * voir tlIcii will filid ALFRED MALOUIN. tors. Titis lirop-rty con.,iiistit f-r wbicli tlif rire and retail VIE appliention tu tire underiliened. F-ubýtIýiire tlitit to me'.'d i', L-illil; 10 Fîfty-Irwý Acrelî of Land, -Tire Iiiiiit of Stfives Riler fi. nie-, nnd vioill brini, to viAw I Ti,-ftutifillli' sittlittell, !ta% ifilz à Ypontage ou the 4t'.. inè0liner 4'l King I1ý ion wli t lie 1't',ve Delittrt ruent t I, yreet H-h W'y. le%, litre lonnu The eaubi, cl' trade iLMI I101111ili'l'ele t',ý,. PENITENTIARY BOOT AND %1101E porth ofuir.e Uase Litre of Fizl)ty Re KI re, and on CN t.rN !t.scril)tifti of' 11 Ilow Wnre- Whitby, April b, 12 (Il and Caýqh Bo -TORE., Ille West and FýLP* ttidt-ý%, orteil 9 lie 111211dred and 1%. Pasleime lit C"Pl 1 l, Finir Raille, titi tlie Soiitli il i% bouii-ikwi hy tlie i a"(1 11""'! Ul' (Ird tlin (4 BRITANNIA, LIrF iliSIRA,'qCr. Co., E ASSORTM VNT- - !;T IZI,'ET, W Il 1 T 1; 1'. i 1 r(il_ýùi'%v(I :itid f-r .aýp le%- BrilDLit- Alh -ull. Ný'ate-à (if 1'trt Whitliv. Thi:; water froýtAKL Tin, sticet Iron, and Copper Wpre. A t;! u lit me toi i Ii ofmie imn v vol ilablp àA froin llljt:rI-'l Mittfs r'f E. P. llubbard, Co., iiie-ro-w.:iiw e r lier 1'lrt, Ille I vit', I- rual t1ile lil«'(; TI) A N. Wliarf.4te frol'N in une wiil ven- lacloil be quite in - oriiiiiial 1)attpniý. Britanfila 3tutuai Lire As-soelation, î rond i'f the, bligine-- 1 Tlic.% tvolild 1-ro Iav ta eiý1pI- (ý,l in tliq (IN-TITI Ili, 1 N Asi-ý;0RTIENT I)F 1 Ir e: "i ülted t1w t:ib and this froutage 'm'Ill very Mo(en be finite illade- 'wiIIifIý lilisirlt.ý, -f late t4j, li:i%(ý IMI41c.1 lUadOUicePrince.,it-4 St.,Iianklondon. Vi li'lifil lit il) ,i liel.f d"i'r lit S lit(- le) Oié- rtitýtiim-ijriits #if titi, And i larirel% il, tl:rir Mill aird Dry and St-rr, ' t 11(I P ri il-f-,% lotit t Ili% fr)ý,*rwr u i I, N ery me ail lS watited forward f il fi--I! Putteni %Iptk.,r ano .Ieli slliji-bui;(Iiiiiý, ild ('tile.r sn tile-v Ur wirere tlie% intellil h 1,11r i vari, iii . - %vil] Il intiremer litie Ji. .111nonri ine sch-t-liot, (et e exectiteni iiitviiiir jeterTitineil iiinn titqiling Tlicir I'zLtterIlý aeiid -Nilv-iiiiler% il 1-eilt&C lieu, The exports froin Neiv ()rlein.i; to Bos- B otfý, shoes, and Indian Rublxýyst t 4 wlie ri o ýv ri in-otie Titi. iiiidi ýrejýree1ýtý, and neýiie Iiil ilie ti),,,t Iti,ýfl ; r;1Ijeýý, ! SHELF 11LAVY ]TAIN . Il(ý(i ilod t)n amount to tsorne îIV,0ýH),000 a vear. 1 AINO "!*, iý AMAN AN[) INDIAN M00'Aý - S. il « - %te (, j)l1I*ý%N 8 pilipla% Ott. 1 )je,; te) li SIN TER . I; lit-% -q- tri seeiiri, Titi 1.,ttrntiuLrf ")av lie c'ri 1. pérti, iilit-IN in% iii, tliv 1-1-à v tliati li-ilftite rinimint whicIi it wotild produeli if Tt, tll(.ir A bill lins been introduveqI itito the cw ce laid lývt in siiiiell 1--t-. .1. îli. Ille vlir:tit% and etill and ex si% If, ait-] filli-li f tirvir n,,rl:. York Legislature, tu exempt the lib -triait- III llii% iliz 1-id stii, i se Iýrjt-t, no.,I f.irtl!(r ý--riirillnr* II;ýply to en liatid, iiiid fiffiri; fer sale ri rane., 1 itir F( Plongh Cnsting,4 for Sale of every ofeditors, authors and clergymen froin ex- t"'t te, t1int jeur', --f qlir filting Ille %ýr lit e te- R013ERT H. description. or ta 1 itli )tir M1 ý1£1.1..ýNi, E-xe(,Iltnrik. ne Calé i. locution, which strikeg us favorably. ýî NO SIÀ" NI) l,.K]71LtzN -A NN' 11.1 Thev lire- inainif.v. A. 11ARI11ý;iIIN*, I! 'l.ý M TI 1 EV, ri i.,iripti fýf 11(iII21-el. pui jj, TIMAL 1 V. 1 working inan shoiilà not bc del)'n'ved of là "r I'llrnI4litý; afid Mil Wliittbr, Tan. le), 1 7. A. Il.% tools. tilt- C"Il'l Il FE AlN D 11E.ALTH ASSURANCE- A( The LegWattire of Misîiotiri. previotis to B A CON L t,, ç-rilt-r. TIAMS AIND GENERA 10,000 Acres of W ild Lands. toid Axi'tievs 14, Is.-,7. The ijlritish American Friendly Soeict, the adiouriiiiient. m hich look place a fvv Grocery and Proteision Store. 1 Steci Springs, 131ark!,ýmithsl' Vie.ceti, &r. of Cniiada, BELTENG 1 Ili'ITIP A le. SI ÏTAIT.1) IN Tèli, Ti)ýV'l 44ys ago, allopted ail anif-litlinelit ù) lit hiiiijoircs, Constitution, lituIting tlie ýýtate (iel)t tel wid lie,% ý;'r A 11 ý.Blz0wN F()Iý oï r ,-Ii«ý-r fý>r >IL!(. Fiý;Ilr lard 0w ille-al, i JIez&Itjiý by l- -iiii N.-nuitt !,.%, , '0 i-s' Ival alt% il%-.- en liatil. Pr- -4 1-ille n'Ill 'titi j'- ille, 'l w, _' r hItud, raid for -soie. cri 1,0w, anI III kind. ýii*( .,:irýe Cra:n. otii Bijl-k- Parlialuelit. 1 % i'... 64. df-r4frýaII M'I;itc Fimili le% tlis Ilarr*l. tt-t-illie. Indian Rubber Bell They want more laborers in L-;vàý bsrch 'ci' 1 - . 1 -111. ww : CAPITAL STOCK, MI(X),Ooo. Froiti 3 tt, 14 iliv:iell. Tweniv dollars a month with board, art DISSOLUTION OF PARTN FUSIXIP. Ilt-ail (fflivt. rit M. thecoinilloil ivaËes. lte*%%ýeeti 1 Iwi i > MISCELLANEÃ"ÃœS. 1 lit t'le- T,,xvti "f M*Jiiý!.%, a iiiiiiiivir af Tlý%vii liot, ; à le F. roid il. iénder l!iù t - - -- 1 -_ -_ --1- -_ -_ i 5'ý Toris Mir, JJf)ojý, ill'il B:111(1 1 A in Iii,,I) -station is likýr W riaii ire, il.ili i.ii,ý ' Li% Iliiiiti- f-r M'FITT13Y CAR RIA(., iri. DEPOSITORY -%('F"r Fol' ('- V%'-, j - - 1 fr, te% liiiitii;tl the top (if a in,)iieiLiin-everviiodlr 811M, i ilo A. W. 25 Bunelles I>ù»t S amall te) Iiitn, awl Il(- appeau stnaIl Il -ii..i ýIelliLo-f- alid -al iýf'% aIl t-litit.ýis ;4L-.Iiuýt ilit- lire Foqtf-l',4 Mouzli Mould-i. Firiii..Iltiýi till flild it(i,-etitits III. IV. Clark M. D., Iledical itrferee, I î,-ný-1i Anvil-, Viet-lI4, &P., eyerybody else. ýtoý1 F!rtti ,Ire lie I', leuil to t!le ILiýI Et.el-eil (If Sitri For '131,10 Or l'O L-It, There arc 1,etwemi thirtv and foriv à tir. WEITLY MILLS L C. F. ll.%Ilfi. i Il : - . thottriand Jews iii and tiýü%- ITII IM'N Oî rýrWed titbrr iipçti lie-iltil fer .1.,intiarv 1.4, 1.1tely Iîtarted a paperiti San Fr:èli ý\ir;I Iiit, il. Il. LIVING ;ý,TON. râfl iii,)-i of t1w ý:e.,tritilz fer dit 1 t,,irti rliri, 1- pr-p h% ta tieiitý, pawùr 1'.% the lýr-eul Agellt lit hil offit.c. 11ARDWARE AT Ci Eiii:irli,. Tile 'NU I lialle d'elle it«,--l brix rlle 1 1 b 1.1VINCSTON RETURNS Ilis larch lo, 1 a vere tiiiirik-.ý il) tli(-,.inlmbitaiit te ili' milie4I il wax i 1 làt,-t lI;er-tettibeý.- tri lit%-, fer tl;e liberal ?(11111A il, TÏÎi LUVLÏ1ý0OÏ LONDOIN The French Emperor lias now in his Mill ii n:i(l iii ortier. 'T! Ilirin villi'e rarr% ÃŽIIL, (il) 1 lié hiplittesle ý ith . 9. filF 1 . t;, r IlS SPLI stable.,; six vQrv fille Aincrican IIERFTOFoRE flilllm tif on nore tif f:inel nith the S 1 - il- 1 Fire & Life Insurance C,,,,, -r(Ivivql.4to reinoving to his iiiiille-r 0w Firth ifF-I'.Iltll)lLt F. fall. 1,1 tire dii-0,1titi. f il! il & il'!,% letter. J'oelt puid, Il- lit Mintel eý-1 Fi!, ritoek of Sfielf and The two horse-, lie drives in his pliaItt)le o iI:àý iweil Gis elle% elissalved liv ilititilýt] l'illiçl Nlr Hall. lie ivzire. Toille, &v., III r T. Týýù liererifltir will'lie ri - -t.it,-. t;îtlt tir#- ti Ill 1 . 1.11) .1 - 0 ' relijisers of ovér $Il) worth, aile, are Amrricagi, and in France aze covsider- 1't.rt Il rrTý lie 4--rt. le%- Iiiiii on ;il- cm-li i Elli.. 'wùred Ille SJ-_ý7îll!Avt:' of l'allianient. 1 cent. 1'. tý- F. Niajter, %vlio larve 4. i :wrolint. al the '.1il 1 il ledsuperior trottem lý,*Lrllt(ýl'tliiII fer tliii* illIr (Ir titi t'l'e Capital, 2.000,000 Steiting. :ILuiti>t lie, old I'iriii, mili he ýetrv,-I. %Vl)itl-%. ivliere til-ille 1),it thp liest qle,- Catatl>.t 13raii(iN, mille at ('iiif-itin.ili, itlud I'N 1;,e Ili, ait-1 tilt. il. FAR31 Fürlt qALE. I-qi 4, Iý t 'r'h %% iii 1,4- tumeil cul. Brock Mre 1 BOAUD OF I)IRECTil, Ohio, bùen I)ttrelii,,eii it iý, le f. T. Ji. Ei 4) pur gal for to il EAR il;., Tilý: 'il, CI iN E. P. au. 1),efý,jfy (Viieirr,,àan, TO LET. 1 A. SARIN. Il )lit le%, f -il 41, 8 France, for Lliv liiii-lbose of f1w, oritigg fureign 1>1. 1--ei7. - il (.!..il - ' A 1 .1je f fejIItivati.)jIý Ivit «Iiý -if:.; 13 'Il ý - A ;ý- TO- LET INISOLVENT NOTICE. .-f ra'f i,?l tir(, eroliDd. e'Il titi Fire IiimiiranLt- rrue.iv(>cl fl'l. thp The Pul)lit- 1,iIniiniýtrator ý-o1d Dr. TOIIN J.%( Selling Off Cheap for Cateh or on Short rtl--et- veliN entiiiiir Ist AI'LIlst, illid inter- liPlI le Credit 1 il I.ife Fluide T Ivasc fora terni Ier-ýoiwiI prop-rty rit No. -'1 : v.ýt lit) 1 ý,_, île III(. T', eýo ýýf w Lifý ire Iýl, exce9etc Ilorel kiioi Bond strect, lin at nt,(.lion. Ilead Office, Canada Iffriinch, Cýf-,r GLOIE 1101 Iw iiie il tr,,illr %N:;ý."o O it. t!ii- il %NI) ANI) It int.l(lqte(l Ille fi'rn q1àýc i-f Li'.e first and rto *lk-,tih-rt;iil,, j in tire Village of llrrýikiin.- iiI rel-,t,,iiiL 1. N'D IN V0 Il S A 1. E. -irr't, '114,ek ci S Bi 11. IM A l'i' J... jqecond storieg, ni, weli as l')r. Itiirïluil'is d- 1 in*("td t-) wil] Iii-Il ta trille 1.1)n% e ,tt, "*"i", el -iiiti t ilt44l-ril,-,iý, 1 Ï.-l' The prtiiii,,e- are %-pry eniiiiiindi 1-r(-,( lit le titi.,i) iý, Emquir "T'l t'le.% lie à retiring lii%-irr.iiek-s inav I)c lit tl.e 1l",ve res- tlv fitted ty, rend tl)e*>,Jt;jlilllz titi vailled rit ujIvar(lý C.-Ill'i. ire riti'l fý,r 1:24. 04IýI1 2 0 0 Piii-1 i-l' ilil- 1-t iI >pII(-IoIIý miel 'filer ef$mtýf). JI i- that Ille ('uti- taro,, and iii -aïd I,;iiie'. tilt- p-illa"1ý11-r iz niiiý!it-itli:i il) 1,11111ps on Ile exalliiite et t,,ut-liilIk lit%, A . J. il(. Pt>, tý>tlLtý. ailli üffi:etýý. rend Il, he prote(At-d ;i ninglianis will continue te) the Wbilby tel I'f-rt Pertiv and *û truvi J ili -ititated on tlie Mnij cthur parts tel* the house till lit(- Ist of 111-oil a fil'] whitby, Joli. Il", 1s'"Il. -et-ton, 17xbri4li: iroilýk-. l'or: l"E I'vos, for tlk, : to % ', 1, .,f 'avb e>tatçý.1Iiql ci, - (Iiirivrent poitits of trnde t1iroiigh Mrs. leuse E N 7' 1 P, L 1 .1%7 Il 31 1:,' 7, roid lawfu; fiýIbt-. nrid 1 tf roiiýyfi Ille Town. pires. iý,*roiN fitrtli(-r«4n«'%*i- llotiee, Ilint Ille fillie wlieil: SIEFTRIn Is SAW S. DirectIr opposite BrynnIs Ilotel, t lit. itIritter ai' tilt- ý.iý I i-t-tili<tti sliull lie beard. FOR INALE, The Globe Ilotel ile knotvii to 1;,-- 1 Rniti.Qaý.. in an address tre tý, lie oi raid "F CHOICE DJIM, ES THE sine«s stand vl*t!te kirid ivit1ehi the! in Cte aper. publis jogénutir. t .111% :,knuted in an agrictiltui-al fai-ititj- in AE To INTIMATE Mie interieir ofVie biiffiling litu éd lie tilt- W11illiv fifore>aid, t'lie infinth i the %ivinit.% (If tIu. Ter;ii-s I.il>ernl.- The bililding Il, tilt iiiitii)iijti.tii If Wilit1w and tire relihric there is yet -rootu in that Territc)i-,, for a lit lifter :11- di-to Iivýe,,f. A: awl are all! quite nciv. ýiaiieI. thii, lir-1 it-t% lei' Martili, in the vetir ý11f j(AIN Sil ' 1%V, P t!ýl:tt Il(- Ilfv. a Stable at flie iI--,'ýe? ïnîllion and a lialr more of f.,trtjier,.,, lie 10nee. il(, %vill elidt-avier The Puraiturf strcet, Whilby. . 1 thitiks Minnesota FQuie day will produce joIj_ e .1 It. ý-tt. -y-. 1 t inodern N j.ýCKS(ý)N li. Is . a ivioe leï.-Iv 1*.L,.-or hilli tu iti! s of the besi nnd moïse O!Tgtlil)tlsûs with the Iliin more corn and ý%-Iieat than any clther State (Signed in the presence of) f i,:irrN-ii;g cigliteen jKr-xoiisý suiti %ery tion tr) tliti ocenpier. SPLENDID 1 NWESTME NT. 1 i c s. fil, Illin 8111BRIFFeS SALE OF Lt'INM. in the Union. *cet for currilig I1ýüusiir_- jeurt W. H. TREýIAIrNFl itir,. TIte Cible( .0 roprie or in w A duel wnâ, nearNcw Orleans rc- Sol' itor ï 'cr gti-*l .,roin rirZ-,xon. 0 N T A R 1 C) H 0 T E L le COI'N'I'Y OF ONTARIO, Y VIRTUE OF tl;IA desIIýlïlé 1.-rqntl îlr ýn8ifieix, ir5 STIZE.FT, M-111-111 Ton. le N. RA Y 'ro wrr: 13 a Vb«rit of Fiori nient lit ütlier plovnitm. end fils det& cently hy (itor,,e W. Whitc and Pah-en- Facirie nut cf Iler Contit front the btisv Hfe of a floter-keept bain Le Blanc, in whicli the latter 1 il F ()FFI,'P-ý, FOR SAIF iý8 B 'OR' AKERY AND CON- t*c)"t!.'et-',,""týr(ýl'Orýtiorioaufl*tý,., sità directed. lime. 'ri I om ý4 s IB ICA L L, T ti.-.,. I10TEIý ilow aectipied bv ri, Ili SI tlic, Laide of Application perionai ly, or by lettet killed. lie hall fouX ('K STRIUT, Wlil B -flIgii (ira% ýht I)etweeti tliÃŽrtv and JAcon BTC'FÀN-, havilig a frontage on Brock 1-streit Il(, - T Y, death In 1 ýýlhilhiinon Mention, ad- to the proprietor. fortv duels in his lifetime. elà, (If 613 feet. ROBERT Il. LAWDER. J. éxllllillr to jf,,ggrt. Illibba)-d Z. ýL100t and in;t)istratri,,ç, defendant, ofall and eitigitiar, the JOSEPH -WrLIKI WATC11 AND CLOCK MAKRIR , l 1 > Brot In Lotidon there are 62 Gwr-e streett; Whitllv. Ion. 2d. 1 Si»,,. lands and tcnetnentx, riglits and credits ofthe ce 01 110fflT Wl§rMr. - - Tr----ý-I---1 i- Z5 Charles strects and 45 Jolin streetis. hitby, Jan. 21, 1867. - zý"AnLlltn-ED 'FOR Tux or AN Uhefim, pi7>,pt- Dit# ANOS or A!,rl) RMIÉ CINLY Plll*,-Slt-'IASF, lx STA'17Fjýwlio arc- mem4 fjfth-È,,ý île of 8 Weke)r 4a ti,'« innriiin;r. atitit 9 ým,!MtQte and mtmpto.)Dl of biiitmgt. :5t"4 emdi "-ed ill j4 eyr 14 ilaVM,. W>l lit ratire Ili 2 fir -1 a . The, etire evde4 withcmt Iilmucc froir btipitit4ýié.' UNC XEN 7-lFr PAI171:11,UD t1ille- Pet ')Ty"v 4zets -crionq te a sér,!.m of tlif.." vrilo wav ta tl)13 pe, -41, are n-,ýr.:re -of Un-t 1114 tl.t. nemmgýevgtùW ke e neld lin-Imou ritable Abd vzguý tim- inili(l. -& 3&ýsT sçIzý4T1FIC nstr-2--lltýIlt, I-fir tile etI re.,of genital >11ilit, ,turnn] m fore Ilrùperlv know; iimil &-c. enri bc frnril ftfy4--cit ln twerit4- duys, by the ui PVRIF'Y TÛE, BLOOD. 'K. Lilre Pilln and Phoenix BiLtte"; 'e from ali Minerai POL-4ons. :;RFAT rr)1'i'LA!'ýTy P:;aýnix Bitter.. liàv,,W uy t4ir ii ricqter Li (,i)tLr intr) i m or prýjm-nie,._ IlItire tl]ïLi 1ilVinýr the jjjýj!ýd nf rimi ni' jýr4(111q who ligre beeàý,, Cf perff-et krali', bf.- tlitir as 1tîrý iiiýci-(-ire ne- bee"rf- the publir'" f lm Pl 1 Ulomt eve,7 City tad r Me Uni -_;ýa st.'1te7t, Ire mftny» Wh* ,* t, t!--ýLtirv tj tbýL>ir in -rem,.v!ng i t4e wL*àe ovstem renewea X 'lie m, fir ýmpý C'f t'È., làk m.- N'i--xtire of t;lc,4e pur**ý-irig cfree._ý d Agne. Drpepmý4 Lh"ýv, pa,,, ,d mlist 1#11 r-'on %'j'a to thr;r propertim ?;o 1jujjj-jy shi)uld be with_ 1 a3 by tbeir timely me muh uffr4- Il.qe'iÙav be riaved. od bv IVILLLix morr -r fbT7 srje by M. P., ,ew 318t, 1857. ...... 1 el. t - - -- -, mt4ile, ilitir nq U% Pre- nt$ u»tatb, iintl intmAt therer tlle Aalùe. F<>r C"v l t e ré. ?r tbf# muld defoý)& larp two stm, llonp, and corruption." wilitby, Jan. 16, 18&a. lNiý,TIIE Toýv.N oF ývqIITBy IN Ti] feupph« 'Iklzer%" and 'flgrtilot pgrticulgra a l . of JO, 1 ishalt etMor fbr "c'emy 4 )jlI"ý IthO C4)Urt ÃŽM Ïéè in, &)Itrlgo t., t'ftlltrv Ilouew, in flie 'Ton-ii J. HAMF4 Fa;qui ScAxorTy or TouAcco SEED.-Letters 1 - wliolLý,,Ll ntnrd ercetion. WATER LOIS. M amf retnil. Teriu4 mionnble and the Sixtil d" Ot ýê1ght li4m*l, REXOVAL. For tiirtlierli-£rtietllm and tenný$,ftr, v1to modzrak. dreil and - fitly-beven, ýýe the hotir or Twolve Whitby, April2nd, 1837. .reWived in Louisville froin different parts výtý±R; JAMES ô'elock, noon, 1 . . . Il of the %tu report a great demand for To- BEUT, ÃœAIS lt£ý"1()VED lits M)OK IA(A) Acres Wild lend for-ý aml e. -ALSO--,e; -POýt Whitby, G. IiEy"çýOLDs b . occcl ki ed. The'favorable wcather about Te and JewelIrv StOrc ù") t he neiv Brick Bllîld- Marris Mot, im. Sherg 0 TO LUT. itig, two 4,007A C.t;t of, bLe old stand, wjicný he i 181leriff's OMM, J l ý1jithv, Jan. 17. 1 'WhltbillFel). 18 18ri the âSt of last month induced theplanterg rrilgýied fi, do bu,3ittem-., nt4 usiiit4 timt im, ýe Wili 4 HANDSOMF WEI to sowat an carlier period Élan usual, in sell Ili-" IL Cottage in 1ýyran S Goods chenpe on Short credit, POU SALICO galaitirP% SALE OF lýAN»B, lxix consequence of which the plants were ful]Y To eo(-,d plâles, sind very Clieup to anyMy for. ers, Abee,#e ground when that region wag v*oited by îhe late cold spell of %veather. They were nearly aU L-ille4 by the frost, and them is now a genctal onquiry for more see& As much as $5 have been oe fered tor ' a %mnful of the» little sS& , The fint mmiîap of& * Bindoo wido*tbat ever Deçurnd ie Calcutta tooký Place on tý4' The parties of tbis 4wui- n are', of the highogt rSpoetxbnityý thia will prfte a m lied event M the Di- 1 17, 1 Watches, ülockn$ & JeWell«y Cleaned and Repaired by flrîtt-mte Wnrknm, Avery arfiele waffanted to gi ve good latisûwioi mif1dthe7ýlace the Nyw Baitéx Britni-<o ox DLxj)Àâ gnimT. A little Ea-4 of Brock Mram., Wliiiby, Match 1-j je«.' IS 11MUMY GIVEN TRAT TIIE N OU'nudle ' cd have entered fntq a Partner- &o., uù&r the style anderùiOf'ýUw»*1 The buoine" of thé Irim wHI jn,,,cgr#ied on &tUwiie's old@Wre, Brock-$iÏýtk- -- - jolliq M. MwEs. MIR REM EMTIL

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