Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1857, p. 1

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The ýfouwng is an extract frein tâký Lon-- d6n'Times Cadiz letters state âât the lgàrtr, of Véra Crus f!ýédon tbe boato of the Spanish stemer'*Temlaru4 whme coin- mandérdemanded an explanatîo&4 The Mexicans bout.that they bave seoistance froin the the 'United States; The Neufciutel confedersey would pro. bably tneet on the 25th ult_ Rumii having demanded explânation Of the recent landing $00 Polu and Turks, under Meheme4 Bay, from the Inglish steamer Kangaroo, on the cout of Cir, C"SiO4 the Port hàS '&POiÜtOd A COM* mission of enquiry. An àrMistice of three monthi bu" been +eei upon between the B "h and Pera alanm. An ingurroétion bad océurred in the Pésian Kuris. Diplomatie relations are suqwnded be. tween Austria and Sardinia. TIM LPieda mènt Gazette annbunces the recall - of Count Saal, the Austrian Minister with the whole of bis le. gation frëmTunný The Auttrian cititefis am transferred te tLî pre-à tettion bt thé Ptussian minister. The re- call takes place witheui a rigonm dipW matie rupture. There are reports from ýiî%ples of some relaxation in the prison séverities, " of an imollicial visit of Mr. Planelli te P" te conciliate the WestemPowem Ie British gteanim fdreed'Irort lftre rets, in Japan, Ïj ecausè they were refused admi.,,sion éontt;âry te the tresty. - Com- munications, however, were made te the Emperor, who publi.shed an. edict, giving oýdorg ihai three Ports should be opened; but the crews of any foreign veuels are fOTý bîdden te penetrate te the interiorý- Advices frein Constantinople Mate that civil war was raging in Persia. -The London Gazetk icontains a notice of the Board of Trade, that Denmuk hagen- gaged te abolish the Séund Dues frein the 1 st of April. Arrival of» thé 46-miaguspi The Niagara-arrived Iast night. &XI Aprn loi TU£ ELICTIONS. [-IITBY, C. W-9 17HURS DAYI APRIL 16, »ý7* No. 13. -- kI ci t Ëboor to ihe necistrY OfRée. ;fp 1jFjý MS OF 8I:MýCR1PTION4 TO TIIE i Oranicle, mill bc t2 per tuuiiiiti, ,six lineoi uni under,.. ............... £il. (III With calm Prinied wor 1 payable siltly ln itdN.Puice. ïvery m ubitequ eut inme artion, tj)er line), Os. Id: ,& libernI dienlint allowett to blon4innt-8 luid othe-, Atlvertiming hy the ycàr Thim parer ýlI01% alreAdv'Rn Ininienite cilleulation V O L . 1. w r in the oolaInty, b"ides 1ýclng :Ad 1-w Ovem- bil- Iklleba jului là -ý%'hIby and Its Iieileitý', a fwtter tniddilltu C.ýIIk1 ilut be Isecuilid in this ALPERT SPRING, of (l A rCTlONFFRý ing mo, wili 'pleme ImeJ no thme lin forwarding lx Reucll. ,heir No wi A-. PRINGLE, bediscontintied mitil &il armar- ,bge» We pttw.llp. EXCRANT T,£11.01ii BROC"X STREET, A Wooing. letterlit ruelosing rash, if "'Zlt4tored, will be at Whitby. 1 - ýthè rik of the Publ4hers whella addrr,';Oed 0 1 Iwhen 1 think of you, (jear, IjI(;GINSý&- >fAYF.RIJOFFRIt BrOr, THOMAS DEVERE LL, At once niv voire J)eCompm a amolig! whithy, C. &c.,1(411FE.'Ç STREET, YOIr eYes "0 (Icepiv bloc, dear, whitby, c. m*. Tha elamtering eUrIs thât riehiv t1irng, 'BoOK AND JOB A. C. WILSON, 'Rrvcaling --- Con"aling- pItINTI1,fC.ý ENTAB LISII MENT. P AIN-Trlt, GLAZIFM. ANI) PAPER- The sweellemt charmp of hile nnrl farm, anger. I'Riirt,4, oils, Glass. Putty. Ill%- Yonr fwe's moft graces- i OF TIIE W111Tty 'he eves tfirll awe and lip% tl.int vrarni, llittirili the whit1w, lfan. 19, tý,&t thimy W-eproelired lq(ýtil; of the Illost My thoughtm to jovel, héat new, denr, MANGLING Expand, izuqh o'er, enci swee.p Kýntlg-- n from Nàew York in add - lot ýftrp lt"I)Rrt.,ILI In mente D ONFý, IIN A, AT And, &a 1 think of von, dear, ]BOOK AND JOB PRINTING j--.ý,. Feletz», ('olbornet Street, iienarly At once my voice bCýC.,IT1Cs a sang! "f ver%- description, niiii gimmii1pe tlint wflrlý 1*%f.,Iilýgilp(l W;tll devolion wýj jIý dene in.a lityle ait dis loweptt 3. C. STERTATUi, UCTION Tn ln'%nY a sweet (llj air- 01 A l,(I(iK , Bý lý,irel;nêed one of Nir. ",Ierlit!jrm Afflim) Î' 1- t It (lereýr nIv enj"tiýýTj 111,1,ESSEN .1 AIl orle: ai ;eft ait tlit ïhrrn ici, -'i'. %N' -nLir- %% ill entll'.ed tllent to IlIrIt ont Caral (Ind Cir- t.y. taIRrs in il Cxltt-ditioms tylanner. rIey lave ";treft, licar Ille tý'ýJlari T;iat niiis;t. t)n liand a l-àtýye storir of Illitin mid 1-':tii(-v ('itr(iq. ftationo"..ý &C" %-Lit-h Iwùiý lbýtiýylit ait ý erý lom. BOAClieN TIOTEI., 1 Lut v-m arp like tlie q Iar ysta's, Print "I'Ottille ftiriàbýil at the )fwemt OF AN-D GEORIR TItrongh ilea"%ell'm >111111V den'. C e', eo -J and Ut tile Ithortelzt ilotire. T o-,,re,ý. 1117RON llol*,,,I.', lik-(. -,oVlk1ýr1l 1,V arofeic!f. offlee, wilitby, CAV. 1 . ý P. 'Il W Il 1 T Il Y t nner my v(>ice jxý(,.ýiùcs 'NLLIOTT Fi fre n1av j1cal 11, - IU E1I*1ý :th: ti f 1IaIèIa1ý W',Iile Ileflt:nZ. Frir.; PILKE.Y111i Uv'n itti). Avll Q.M I»iý,p - 10 1*4 lrn% e and 110TEL, "ig f.,'it fillice là lite conri ING STRIXT. ISIIA 4'. W, f"()() 1 Alýlt fêtill'. w(w w.u RLYNOLDS, T'ie 1,,rlg m-.1r tî -1:1 Wj'. NELNON et - L4g,- (Il., ý A'P TIIE COVIIT RAILROAD 11OT1,1L, BIZOCK ST. vf lit-i% -il býzý voti, dear- Plître, Ie;(Illg JOHN HAM PERRÏ9 1ý kilt'. V. r4sq gmat thoughts and untiring Indigigiryl'wc adç"ate Peace,, Progrest, Unowledge, Brotherhood. they should have been so inf ' Atuated as nOt îÏhant aild- the prince »ated lapon his back many articles of elothing would éxceed men, when from narrow circumstances or to perroivm that a tnan in a were loudly checred,' The play procoeded, that for which they could be purchased at negUgent habitA, the rent coat and shaggY Prrfert sypht-P 1 till lie is at the hcad of à family! 1110W the élephant wam marçhed round and rola d the store4 is deemed à suifflcient reason for lacé have made the quite unfit for poli.qheà lapon the stage, The fore lep got- drf, abandoning thoir production at home. In mloons. A man may sec truth, and may frequently ntie inay itec thern now, looking ý in at tile'silop windoirs, with intenne in. 1 withdrew one of the corbm, and treated the inany eue&, however, the time is turned bc thrilledWith beauty, in one costume or terest, at'lîttle liale, coral and belrs, and hind legs, and thon drank the héalth of to no accolant, but absolutely iqquandered. _dwelling #A well M another ; and should baby-jurnpers. Ilow they love to come the audience in a bumper of genuine clé- But the clothing, if not made, must- be respect hhý%elf the inore for'the hardshipq, phant eye whiskey, a brand -by the way, bought; and they whe, might produce it underwhich bis intellettual force has beên home to dInner, and prens that little velvet check to thcýr 'Wa, thr, till then unknnwn. On went the play and must be sustaitied et an equal expenqe, devolopo&-Channini. over music b-aýll'.oqo mçcût to tacir car, as itli on went Ned drinkint. The conclusion whether thoy vroilk or are idle.-Report of 011, lifiw CID,;Cly and mnrch %vu to bc made-the signal wu the Amorican Centrtil Board of FÀuea- Disastet on the Lake..Nine ILIvetq imperceptibly, one by one, that littie plant gilven ; and the fore legs gtaggered towards tion. LoAt. winds its tenf'lrills round the parent stem! the fýont of the stage. The conductor llow en:ri(ýtisly they hang fier ita c.re4ge pulled the en Thé Cobourg Sun, of the 7th insi., con- ýrP of the elophant to the right A Rail*" Pta". vrhen the cheek flus'her, &-id the hp in Ééver- the fi)rû 109R staggered îo the left The 1 tains the melanéboly détails of a supposed The Editc? of the L&adow 07#ýoyaiek fatal accident, on the lake, near Cobourg. pai-Mied; and how witie, and ei»n 'l foot lights - obqtrtictsd the way, and ho an, la the follow;ng teeftnt of an exciting Althnugh fur contemporary infers the cer- long 1% 61la(if1w in tl'icir happy ho.!leol, 'tk; raised hi foot and stopped plump into the scène : liti;e ý--UF-r would C&St , 1 orchestral J)own W#nt the fore logo on tain death of thé parties alluded to, and . . '.iý sir, deprild it, enîd ý the leý%dvr fiddle--,bvtr, of course, turned t& -A railwal race is à suiBrientiy èx(,it- the probibility, We regret to say. favors bai)y é'x ýzcrer - a a a L)ce lieral(li- the c1ephjbný sending the prince and hind ing and interesting ovent ; but it is rarely tho-inferûnce, thffl may still, ire think, s witnessed, and scarcely @ver in perfect ho a -hope that one or boVa of the-boati;, irito Lhe rýlidtile of the pit. Tho inan- a, safety. Betvreen à pair of Weil matched *ith thoir crews have beëri driven into <,or stood horror struck-the prince anel It'- j1;,ý1 pnsitlo thotigh, that F&nry i. locomotives itiroüld ho i;ufilaiently excit- some other Il lay confounded, the bozes arbur, =à. have net yet been tnity br actiimt(,tl 1).% a çpirit of iiiieer con- the ing ; but bet.w'cen la iRew syRteia, thé at- heard from. . Wo ttue it may he so. fhe tr4 . ýi(t:nn -, for, liniýp(,ttiiig in iiome filer ýin coiu!-iioikq, the actors choking with rtadingi, to con-le across îupper's declara- llglltcr. and poor Ned casting one look, àkimpberic, -and its rival, the locomotive, narrative fü"hetl by the Sýn in as f-A. 1- Vie châracter êW4 reputation of bath sys- lows.- litbii. *hat a strange blendinq of drunlz-ennema, grid :5 tems fer speod depmding on the issue, a We have to record t"e a Most 'A 1 'MId . laughter &; the srene, fied. bastily o - ut well matcbed ooitmi would ho or no rom. irnalani-.hniv entl fo&tml moianenoiy *na iam catarnity-periiaps tbe most fatal thet heq ,occurred in the hi.qtory of our town. On Wednesday morning lest, the Igt. inst., nearly &H the fishormen in town manned their bonts, end .sailed out into the lake to, follow their usual &vocation. À violent snow storin came on shortly tPer, but tbey venturod out soma str or savon miles. and cast their A LUIIIMI MIM t;4>1. Muli ale for shore, whicli &H ýftêr mui-%ý ýAIciilty, g. Thest: iwo boits ,i eàrd. of, and it h; thoiroccupants-nine >sL In one boat were his two sons William ne corn- re lacky 'w a be. ýLondon *st two, ilay sny nding at t'O a Doyer wCLA "Viltewb woulu De 01 n mon interest. In this eue wf% wort enoligh to, se@ such a race , and 1 1 lieve any of out readers who leave 1 bridge station at twenty minut« pé and take an Atmor-pheric ticket, ni day sec tho s&me. We were »tan, tbe Forest ILII Station, preparîng t when it waqs an-nounced thst the Train vras in gight! Imme we, (the allmoqpheric train) made p, tiens te starý and wore just in thi starting froni 4he rest when the 1 tive train 11whisked " passed us n,,., blv. seine 3-7) miles an bour. '%Va up t1w goinitiel, aud foi-th LI the follim ing. s"vle Mr. Tiýiii),,r, ailý, y me ta aâk vol". vuti cvr Oire6 a balev méalit tg) Fmv. kiiii voil ever aile j"ecause 'a-fini.171 tloit /.'(I'i -Ind SII.-Il of an Amý,ricaa ta tell von iliai flisit of the theatre, cloâe]y follnved bï ibe loadur m il li the wreck of his fiddle, per- forniii-q varions cut alid thrtist motionâ in the air. The curtain dropped on a setne behind the serne. No more pageant--no more forc legs-but everybody held their sides. Music, actors, piý, boxes asid gal- lery, rushed frcm the theater shrieking, letweeii everv Ilave vou seen rx - ceii thc l'Li t r -L!ý the Lcý, t p,'Cjýiê v "UVVF 1 - a..Ug ý&jL VI rivvugi mdiately nots. They then madi préparer the boats but two, aft à@ &et of çuccecded in rescli;ng. locomo- h«e not since been proba- fenred that they and tl SLrtec-L in nuniber-arcall losi g9vein empires ; but to forni ttbose by locity the Dover train wu a mille ahead of 1 and John, aged 13 and 11 respoétively, and Only a few members have been l' i4l t1hey, itrcraiýcd. %vlhoiii laws are ili%(Ie, arini,., led, and em- l' "' and was i vidently gaining rapidly in another bel, John Irvine, aged 13 year-q- turne'd.. Gencild appearances favor Anâ inimizil lè:Ir,ý 1111,1 jrnrr Iýi Gý-,l 1)(,:"t 1 ? I)igili*t that ý1hapeIcss, goyerned : to -guard a-ainst the speed. However, on we went likq a wbirl- This boat wu owned by Mr; Edgcom!). inerston. flliti>v flappy litile 1'.Iliàz.lllce 1 allude in, wind, and it çoon became ovident that wei bc other Wat wu owned by Mr. Jes, The m v jam- sliglitest taint of bodily infirinity the frail IT Board ef Ttade rettitnt show ah' in, were gaining en our rival. Threc or four and was occupied by Charles Kerr, John rtilk the froni garret to ---ýlar lSfore 'm-hose moral no lesq denr. yet ci-cature i Minutes decided the race. We passed the Niceltown,. ëhùles Parker, and two la&, of 20 per cent olrer lut year. là Will 1). otie Iligli, it IN wz a inoilli) 4ýI1I il ellt;i.21Y Kt thari pli)-sif-al hein- musf bc depylved show à decrease in brtadstuff& - if.t Civr the inotlicr dli-A ai '2 ! CI ! Express train at a rate excecding ber Own George and Johd Hudson, aged là and l' rroin lier ; to inspire those principles, to The London and Eastern liankinl r i hy fifteen or twenty miles %ri hour. Our vous. Mr. Edgcomb leaves a wife and at 1-non, ý,r '2 at niýzllt ', I:t fâct. inculcat) those iIý)iýtrines, to animate those i porations disclosures are unfavorabli '-iu: 11:i1t.1 a', ;'1'1 Lhe lit- > 1 veincity could not then bc less than 60 six children, besides the two sous that which generations, yet unborn Buliion in the Bank of Englimd 1 il k(cil i'., -lusI re ûý cýs rind nations yet Uncivilized shail leurn, to miles an hour. It liras casily and stendily were with him. Mr. Kerr bad a wife and creased £24-,000. Idenç about Babies. ni) 'Iler, IL,ýd the ,Ltý toi . -aed lier to sofien firinness inte mercy and maintained, and wu were over the Bri;çli- six children; John Newton bad a wife and PRAXCM ton viaduct and con.-;ideralÀy beyond it be- two children ; and Charles Parker awife Ï&Y PA \N Y FEIVZ. The Customs Revenub for t6 lioaor, into refinument ; te Qxait the DoY& reiched it." and one child. The boys Hudson were Vk- Ir. 'à f () Ut M-itil its genert»ýit%. iiito virtue : hy soothing cure i tS. Mr. months show a trifling increue. 0 the sole support of thèir aged paTý-n Faiiiiýý'a 4entiiiieiit.ý on this qul., ect are fiSt, (il* 1:( t iz', lor, t%% i:,tcd intola 1'l'ot, or tl- 000 le anguish of the body and the The Spring of Running Water. Jex's boat was new and had no nome. It The ComeâtWs report'on the 1 deride'lly cntit li 'to 1 one were to strits-ein to attract at- f,, .ors, of the mind ; by lier rL' Il 1 M - for the year 1657 is published, 7L ti'liI , 1 was 16 fout keel-ý the body was painted, . I)Î(Iil*t iI I'now, Ly 'testiiief, tn,ý, irciel a-.IV twçl If lier witIfflut a de- to disarin passioa by ber Pu- Tlirec traveilers mut rieur a sprin; of white, with read and yellow stripes, and Revenue-is provided for 1,73li'd lit ail i:l% itatiein v) ride, or ritý- to tiidilipil cliver se.1sýý tf) clie,,,r the running water, situâted by t'le r0'% d-sidèý- black gunwales ; inside red. Mr. -Ed- francs; exillinsés eàtiniàtcâ ât !,il ýe Iýt .1 to ulle- nial il-vt a fil fif LAI--lil scliular sinking uilder his toil ; tu cori!ý;ole A large stone basin catight flic water, and in coulb 8 boat wââ called "Tho -Alma of 000. t1w-, sliic iF, n.aid or init-On. Thr 1 1"(-' llc;i ? 'i t the sL-Lte,,i:àz,.n lor die inp-atitude of, a Inis- the tool of the work-man wlio had execu'ed Cobourg." W# would draw the attention '§7 The Emperor of Russit ùbver of fînt "riii-le li-liich Nie --bâil éluoie j>z ci 13airs Orgl"Il takeii people; to bc compensazion f,)r it had, ut the saine time, èngraved . theqe of our cotemporallies to thèse particulars, to isit Paris, but the Granâ Duý h-r-.viiçý t1w fi-,eiiis t1iat are for happilIcs-S words addressed to tue wayfarer Io enable part-es ut a distànce to recognîze stantîne will, next month. timi Lns away. SUCI-1 is lier voca- . 1 II 1,.SUEMIIEIC MIS l'OCNT.tiN." the missing bouts, if Lhey ýÎck tbem up. py W:!ý :výXt ? tion. 1 hc cougli of tlw (le.,serteti frieA en 1, it is reported tbat, England hm e lia, &W il' -o T'ýleir thirst quenclied, the thrce tmvel- We trust that the g oral grief and sy France Longwood HouÉe ind Nàj le vi -q,ý of die rejei -d Saviour-thuse of are tîkiý.qtreý on IN-hica ber greatest triumplis «i oeil, Didli't fic hâve lers read tke inscriptifj--.i and souglit it3 pathy for thedistressed relatives of the un- Tomb at St-,HeIena. meaning. fortunate qailors will -show îtself in liberal Ilave bcen acliieved. jy Ir yoii mi-ýli to looln- al: rxlin- tw- 'ý,uch is ber destin ' 1 Il It is fi counsel," said the first mbô, by contributionis for thoir support. We un. The Spaniahnaval squadron at R erholv 2rid iil(1lgeýtion, lo* nt ivi tid iiiiiil. that if to Vlý:it tlie foi-snLea, to attend the neg 1 derstand that à movement Ili %1% 011M tak-e a pety at ],)()k h;ýs lenther gaiters, portly figure, and the t dIV 11 C's hus already îs tý -bc relieyed. If lected iiionarclis aban4on, when in thu f.-we of a voulig prQý;«cuteâ, ý-mI 01*11nléics; package which laded his shoulders, one been made in that direction, and we are The first division of the fleet tx eouid recnimize fora rich mercilant. 1111lie sure it will bc responded to. The merci- N(,w 1 froli'l Xlif j4'i' 1*111 ail 01(i cr-ep- vOien bretlirea and disciples flue, to reaiain ! n 1 l'Mexico would sale on the 29th M ever runs, Socs. afar, increases by less winds and waves have shronded from 1 maid nivcif; angt Vin neifficir iile,211v,ýI-,Iv of varii, Havana. 1 uns'aâhen and unchunced, and exhibited in c the wav with a thousand brooh-s, which theïr view, perhaps forever, the deaýoý te clamill- lie( i tii:.-; lovrer N%-oi-Itl a t% Ile of that love, pure, X) t MV i t' ja i i, (j cets of their love, and now, to add io t eïr l'ni going to give vini. (in r. iiiîi";àl(-!) -inil l'avello(isýnC11.1; ý!Liggestive of IL Inake it a river, and it semis to say to use tn constant and ineffable, which in another grief, tte, depand for iqustenance on the Il It iS fitsted, Vis Bérlir,4 ithst XiIsâ 1 iicver want to baby except or it.s first essays ut by its example-'l bc active, never falter, a pelir of» foý.g(.1 ,youn., illotilerI, and w. -in-g-, wlien it nnvig world we are taught to believe, is the test and thou'shalt be prosperour,"' more pittanct of clutrity. Since wriiin- refuses to admit BriÈih donsub atc-i the carpet 1 ke of 'Ilagazine. S BI bon p ru 2kri old man, who carried à book In bis the above, V-ie Town Couneil ha$ W-olved 'ck se&. st.,rL-,Iiine!*' Worn te fi(Idle-striiigs before a rail(»,i- frc-si l'à Shi ising or iý call a publie Xcetin- hand shook hîs hea(l to qk the May they are twc-.i*tv-five! Wlien an old lover ný-vt;- rutriked down on uny pliren- the corner Edacation of Farmers, Daughters. It ha.,4 a higher lej;son," said Ille, Il thi.4 of the citizens to- take 'into consideration It' is reporteil thât, the Chimoe 1 > turns tip lie thinks lie lices his grandi-notlici olotrical chiirt 1 or clutching ai pring the best method of rendering âsslistanc file tui),.eelotll, (ini gging off inksta'. which ofrers itscif to ail who thirst, e to disapproves of the proceedings of t 1 iiistead'of the deur little Mar who tiscil Io Of n In the faniffies of maily farmerS there r' ' t oi thân4 the destitutô wldowg and ôrphans. We niake hhn feel as if lie should crawl outot w- ý,csý tiitniials, and - I'rerei-Nal ]>Iiiloso- y unproductivo hands. In without asking of thora paymen ernor of Cutob,, aM bad gieim hù arc far too Mal". 1 - te conciliatothe English. the tocs of iiis boots! Yes! ruy mind is ý%villI1 ail etIiýYing pro-niscuousièess! ' -says clearly to man-"Do good for the &nticiPate & luge meeting and an, exprès the eliangvs witich since the introduction sake of doing ' d, and seek rio recompense sion of the sympàthy and generosity of r'; quite made up r.ýout iii(itrii.ýï(rtiy; but'as Then, ilialiing for the open door, and tak- of extensive nianiifitetor-les of cotton and 0 goo Liverpool, Üm beyond thysel£" our towngmen." to Che 1- babie«," (soinctimes 1 thiiiL -aid ing a If-.ap" down two paiis of wollen among;us, have tik-en place in our BruàtufÈ, gencral]y diffl wit thon again 1 don't know !) but on the trliole to the as' onishment of John, 13etty in- The two travelléS weïe nileht 1 the third -artivals; I btli.-er, 1 c»r.sider* 'cru a d- ecided and Snlly 1 habits of domustic labor, some of the looked at it *Ïtlibut speaking. Hi was a ternal resources of the farmer have been -Whcat la steady et s'docline of humbit- 1 It's a one-eûleil partnership, Now, Mr. Martin Farquhar Tupper, dried up, and new occuions of expcndi. fair haired yptith who hud parted from his n New York* 8th April 1857. this ni!trriige! the wi il «ieto up all fÀe philc.sopl, i ze, lis beautifully as on ly yo b' tter illustrate mother for the firét timé. Urs companions quarter. .f " turc introduced- 1 cannOt e The atumsbiýp 'canadian arrived at 'S ! 1-noit lioe, but taL. ail Amer;can tcol)zaîls Flour dall; and_ doclined Is i accoffiti this matter th&n by a recurrence to a con- desired, him ta give aho his explanation.- -Portland at half-past ton luf,, night' ýdth 1 wéck. .1lusbard " gets up in the mornin- i a(i'ct'c4, and don*t mention babies 1 vnless , ich 1 liad with one of the Ile cast down bit eyes, bluchod deeply, Liverpool dates March 2ô; a 1 versation wh dorn very dull. and quiet, and à and pays his 1, tleroiêrx" to the looking- j< you'il slzetci from 1,ý/é as 1 (Io! You most reqptrtable farmers in thé couâtry. but at length gr4* bolder; Il To me the The city of Wathinen la glars; curls bis fine head, of hair; puts on iascription of the ràlantain Esys another out 0 1 Oi Gd 0, i S Ls noted. needn't staitzl up for Eiigl-;eli babîu ; theÈre - Sir," Suit) ho to me. 11 1 am a wîdower, thomorninggf.the 23rd ultimo - sailed an inimaculate ,hirt-bcýsoin - tics an oz- all ali;-r, from queen Victoria's Dowx to thing'. Of whai consequence would be the le Sugar quiet and prices sômewhà 1 f. 1 O'Fli and have only one diaugliter at home. 1 again for 'New ý Tork one. hour aft or - the cruciuting cravat; sprinkles his liandker- Mi ;e Lherty's or ur tg Ainerican bu-' Io the titmost extent of eternal motemient of this straam, and the but unchanged. - For lifohum« thi Z5 - . e have gone My water w f some-, Clanadian. rhief wifli colo6,-.ie; Ptows away a French bies! ' lituited lucans for ber educatîon. She is a hich it olforsto our thirst, il The ýi«qarq xiiirod, on the evênihg ôf tic ciliquiiyi and quetations-àm'- les roIý un egg, and aý cup of cofilee; gets into I'm astouished at yeu, 1%fr. Tupper 1 a - nd has every where thingeorrupthadmuddiedit? Thatwhiéh Coffée quietemd wimted. Tes good scholar, a - sti56d ý 1 th e 2 'jrd ý al L ýe the ouinibus, Iûolis ml(iiit,-ndiciilai- ut the 1 poi-, and a pott, too! 1 "ni higli in her classes, and acquîtted herself constitutes its value is its PU7*Y. invitý are barely sustàined, with but prètty girIs and mA-es love Ix-tvreen the 1 eurprised, I am to the satù-ýction of ber instruletors. She îng us to resemble-14 docà not appoui to The Loýd:L11 et quiry- -'S of îeUsineý;s during the fotenoon in ail the common branches of our diligence, or our liberality, but ittella I:n rk was alig-htly pause Origin of 44seeing thz- Elephant.ý9 is expert 98-0 93J fôr BOUtOI04 A education. She mails Latin an.d French - sýto"PreserTe1 Our souls, as cle&rj.ý in drder The second trW of, Jaines X the windows and exclude ail the f1rash air, to, reflect, liké this spring of rt*tnning' wa- Morley. Some th;rty ycars sînce, ut line of the sheuladerstands mineralogy and botany; killin; Mr Walker, Deputy -Wwd 1 LIVERPOOL P- ' (becatise the bnby ha-1 thc "snufiles" in Ph;la(lelpli;a Thcatrcý;, a 'pageant Nras in ter, ail the iowers of earth and 'ai the rays and 1 can show you, with pleasure some of chardsoh, Spence State Prison, which edmmenced D the ni-lit;) and sits g.Wing dovn tio the d Of hearon ýe. ber finencetil day, came. to, a ciose last aisbý 1 lier rehersal, in wilich itwas necessary-to ha.ý eworl., embroidery and r&w- Co., itpart i-Flour duil ut a decline of is ý'ta1jIe more dead than aiive, to rinisit un élephant. No elephant was to bc hâd. inn oiclock, Thq jurn &ftmýtw»-b 1 in fiae loss of ber motlher she 19 mv perbarrel Western Canal, 2ýa. 0 289. ce: but inatçad of wmtinie Digbiee> of Labor, -21111d Tonèmy turris a cure Of hot-cor- The Il wild bensts" ýr. ère ail travelling and whole depeüdtn brought in à vudktdge fec down his bosom; Juliana & tom oir the property man, stage director and man- npon meI am Obliged tghire a servant to 'Ohio 29sý I& SOS. Wbeat Véry duil It is the maiivrho determines the di i- per bushel lower; Red 7s. M Q SiL NSfo% 1 the string of ber school-bonnet; James atrer. almost bail lits when tli!-e Ihou'ýht'Of lwa'uthertotak»cbo-ze wl%;ta5lo 9d (WRn-gii- (7-nrn niiiât &ndýý -OTdan-halm béieu reoivcd'ai icruail joâ Mr. Win. Edgcomb, li OINTAR10 IIOTET., 1 Ir MlýVAZ Jr in(.,C(,(l iý,, tlie lasz, asý;ign&d to wo. N , et r,, 1 '1 1 - ti i r, i i ;, isii, Pl jt whitl'N. NATIONAL IIOTEL. Ll-*Iti; (')F TUE C()UýýTY COUUT, AND t'avr lin Uwln tm' ir' s y J. Il. -FITOMPNON, IRANliLIN 11OU-.r. -W !ý'rT. I'P14'l'IR1 Y-fi r R. CONIFOU. W. PAXTON, Jr., OFFICE AT TIIE COURT T 1 lutine WYATTIN TIOTri.. il. J. 111ACDONELL, TE T Il E OUCIT01t, & 0F TII E COU -1 TY coulieil. Otbee lit Vif Conrt llotilie. 1 0--p Il-!ý y,, ýî OFFICF AT '111F NORTU -VIMRICAN 11OTEL.. L. FAIRBANKS, 117 tiori. Cat the t'q>tl'rl Ilimse. j rnel1hmiý'ý'ef itdrminc Itie, fe4ý-i iý rite! t' i L-, t lie ltir;* hie 1 of 'b.iair 1vill incrit a glinre ue gpORT 111OAT 11OTEL 1 TU E IM A Y N E l'Po 1'm, ri 11rý--'Ai-ý B New Brick iý! ýiIl ii lut; J. V. ]FIA", Sti-mt, C. W. NOUWOOD T1 Iý'n 1 te l ý1 N I'Y t VI T,) N l! T.CT F! 1, 1 t - rie -lo-1 m lie. N. G. 11AM, ANI) ATTOIINFY-AT tilt eA, J. Big0lý,w. tppcý;tt tbc Othe.-, llroelz bt. 1 e, - -- ý LA31àýs 11OTEL. AT LAW, INC, TUE W ýffl'îIitîIr in N'ut-irry 1-utiji-, K illieiv(. FÎM 1 (m, IlÂli- Nc"; îlir- iiitiuýe, Carlef-trd nnd Paiiit-l. ur MACDONELL, :ýn,- tmd %v(-Il i ilz ATTOUNEY'S AT LANV. ilit.1l'ees p1w.-lYs cil litliv, (.11 t1w of tire thr Coillity Coltlicil. t---r4 ptlit-e Cnrs and ait %he Wilig. 0111-ce hour% THOMAS LAMP, Prôprjcýt,,)r. Il, Toronto, lkloL-eh, Iý57,. WILLIALIM POIVMON, lt-4,lLr.OAI) flous-R, -1 ()-R-N- F Bllt )CK AN 1) DU N DAS 1St-ý«, C (I Wý!c Tl-e r!îbpWr'bi'etj'ý,)s tu to tlle iiil:-tl)itaits of BENJAMIN YARN ýl.lIitliv. taiel the (-(,ininlinit%,, that lie (AVN CIJWK AND THEA81,1111111. OF- lins tati'en IlIe jihi)ve firbi, c'.tisq wirich lie liag litteil tip in i ni-v twil cimveniviii mantier, Dîn- cali be lind êtt IL incq1lentiè Dy. R. W. CLARN, iiiitice- All 1.ýiqtiom k-eut (>il tb"e preini.,êýi rire- l warmnte(j tlle oenlf#ý e 4rýý'eje 1,11OM-ki, bo, INU. -ï- V'llithv, 8 TOWN ()Y RUTHER ORD &- -ý-.AUNDL!.ns, y, Cviiiity i (LATE J. STOVrl,) Ur. W. Vî. GAIGE, T A 1 L 0 R S EN ý1 - 5 AND 54, KIN',; STIU.-PT To- and 2d roiito. Alm, 45 Kitig Stl-(!(-t We4t, lizaitil- ý-è Rejtitrv 01!ice. 40 opernfiotis warrhiltell. ton. JAMES-111. WMART, ANI) DRAPE.rs MION W. CRON, TAILOIZ T( tillýlt,.r Ilfffl Bilili. RCIIIT1 eýCT. CIVIT. ENGINFER, AND OWD l1-ý in ti!ý IfL"et wmd All art ielp8 tif clotMilg, Ill-ule AM) CIVIII in--,)Mt fasliionable t4yle, and On tire mllurtestnti- Iîtrert, Whiffiv. imde uf to. NAIR P111LAN*1111111 31. CLAMIK, B.-ock li milil of JJý,ei1aeï iii Ille mirilicil-111- tile fýi;lilti in récit-dines.4 to fittend on 1züt1tIe!;Iý11.- it.1 of the Týeivit of SIa% es tleiiit-il. fo i4 na rzr il t1ý wilich geil M nel, averse, bitt C. 111,-TCIIINS, illitoli'ril, lianll Viey will Laid tire boti .1 j e leý-tsttu Il A XE MAKFIt. A"' I ýs JUMPED ANI) t- tkiilàîro-et nt file sIý(IKest notice. CAxîADA SALOON, -10libilig llc"ttl%- siif)I-ýA RFV-lr, ýNlillTny. r1y JOW -%ortil of loIIýrjýs Ilotel, -1oroek Street, Wiiitb-i. ROCK S-1 it Il a. tu. Ov-: B Ïltirrimon. Frou 1-11011 1 tors, Sardines, &P.- iti ýj54,»Ison. T4c chorcet W.M. m. ROBINSON, brands of IV incs, Liqnors and Ciears. 10 ( ' nui.L, EC.I»A-,11.) Oneekli; SALOONY l' Wiktby. »»;7K J;MCLT, velliTay. AM U EL Pf,1RLEýIG11, lýROPRIETOr., S Tle above SuloOll 19 Weil flttr4 UP tO affor eonvenient and good necominodatlen. Breal Ir'%IZUGGIST. PlIV(à; ANI) fa. 'tijjAý &c.ý a, I)îtàueri, f3àppe-,-, ûIjýps, Stcakj4 03st-er I)va te, int ail jjjýwý, i 3apper; pro,ýidddfor Coti *týys on lintitl.' Ilitindrier; Street, Wikitby. 1 &cý1 ---- pailles, 7 Il. ALLAN98 LIVERY STA13L£Rp Rr.$T.AUR.&" ,, 1WK WMEFT WIIITBY, NF-XT DOOR to telle Regitntry 0111ce. ]BIMARFART PR 0318 17,010..., 101031 nExay, T" fmm 6 t0>3 ............. Is loh ).MNTEU, GLUIE121, PAPERAL-RGEP., tO mýdOi ut al' honnît- &C., whithy. »WL"Câfroni %Vo'n to One -Dailv. JOSEPH CARSISLF. GEORGE BRý,%BAZONI SAMUEL MCCONKEY- '40NVF.'I"AXCFýu. COMMISSIONER Foit lormlio, Yeýrr-xy tnd, IS57. 3 trv griov but 1 tfýý!l , ('u, m-111 ; wl.o val) elevite iLq dim 'Ity. ? sot ý.aI( inn con. icGýn tliat thry are ,) nI. 0 , ý but before we got into motion .1k.e ilot to Icad armies, not to watits his geoZ.raphy eovcïed;" E117a can ad lier satchel ; tht butcher walits, to knov if she'à like -a jéint of . mutton ; the milkman would like his money the ice man wants to speak to ber 11justa niintzte;" the baby swaHowa a bean: busband sends the boy home frpm the store, tq.,-eay his ý.Pfxrtner WHI dine wi ' th hîrn ; thé .)rd ,,k- leaves 11ý all flying," ýo go to hér'«' reisteils !rg, dead baby's'tr'ake," and 'h.usband7a thifi >tri- coat Mist bý ironed beibre Doon. -1ýsUn- sit.'k'nC* and motl«ra!!" Wherc'snýygmel- gd To the foregoîng denuticiation of th ' edn- ânt-ang"1s,ý the following defence fuxniahçE contrast, Babyrearts on narrow side-w4lks m awftil bores, especially te a hurried busi nian." Aré they 1 Suppose, ýoix, and a cer tain pair of'blu e eyes, 1hat you would gWi half yeur'Pàüi"iony te W-in, were-join pýoprktors of thatý baby 1 - ý - I 1 lu 49 ri, 14-1 IY i lit, LIO't r 1-d mi-v- Pi ly agur, ULI&LUISI, 114U IIv.ý " Liula tikzy etluu,3"1, ut Wall; up()ýi. tic& ï ty 01 tue occupation, n t lu Q tue occupation V it. Daýî passed on in the hopeless task of oimy àiry, but-she cannot thmk of mIlk-ý whià mmqures the di ' i tryînoo secure one; but at last Yankee ing ; and as her inother was anxious thst Physicians and surgeons perform opera- Y e ingenuityteiumphed, isindeedit always her,éhilds,ýouldýbe,,aavedfrom all liard- tiolislesselcanly than fali tothelot. of e dom,-and anelephantwas madetoorder, ahîp-for she used say the poor tirl most mechanics. 1 havé seen si -distin.' Vý of wooj, sh-ins, paint and varnisli. Thus wýý'éüId have, enough of týat by and 1 by- 1 guished chemist covered with dust like a far the mattèr was all very wéU, but as yet, îhe'never allowed her to share in heTý la- laborer. SOI these;men were not (le- g they had found, no hieatii to make said -bor ; and therefore she knows no more graded. Their intelligence ý gave dignity iq cèiàýînation traveL Here again ttic gcelus of the carc of dairy or indeed of housez to, their toils i, Let me add, that 1 see little, b of the managers, the stage - director and 1,eeping, than any city milliner ; no that bêt*eênthe difference in point»of dignity, proPertý à strueli out, and t*o 'IbW in fact, 1 lIÏýVe sold ali my cows but oàe. - . %Vhen 1 fieeý& man yario.us vocations ofmen. therW' were, duly installed as legs. Ned This cow Éùpplies us with what milk, we Clerk-spending bis dajsý in adding ý figures, C, one of 'the true and genuine "bhoys," wànt, but 1 buy my butter axid cheesp- 4PR P& _Mercýy'coèyin&" or 4 teller, of A. ýr held thé responsiffile, Istation of fore l-e told ber, a few dýys, since tjiat my atoçkiùp, bat*,,eounting.money, br;,,&menh týsOlI7 Ï a- , and ftir séveral nights he played that hea'vy wore wçwn. out, and . thut 1 had, a geoil d'eal qtýd-'hidcS i --nnot S" in lb 1 eào- t e .,part to tlie entire satisfaction, -of the man- of wool ià the chamber,. -whick 1 "4d'ý -eater mpýeý enùé& th&n,ý f ýtgers and the delight of the audience. shevould card and spin. lier .,iepiÏ. wag, in mmking leu;ther, ahôeg z or furnitum J i re -The part, however,-wu si very "ous in a tOtIe of Uuaffected- I;UrPrù;f, Why, do ilot sçý in tbem -grestér intellectua p> 1 faiheF, n6'yOU1ýg ý4yýdOéý out ami IC-" tivity thnn- in, A Mxn in 1 ii- U_ the elophant wu bbliged to be on the, : , - , ' ' ' ' ýù%dc& , stago for about jiný héur, and Ntd.îwuý ýside&-,it.s0 mu.ch,,CÜier té, r>clncl -the fleld se=$ ý,to havýýnidrô - chanm of i Ne 1,ý L7eaDý-

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