Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1857, p. 4

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mu'- V - - - '~s~ ~ - 1 iretbsàlb I, my Pearest 1 - ~ A Altlat ave on «rth ; Tuas tortttaei pri'd of blrti. Yen nhcii, love, imm y 4ust, And prit!, but cause a u'aiet; Then taeth irs 1ftI ffr- A pure sud'lçvlag heanI. Tiie womld muay look on oldly; Weil, let t look eut! frown! !ii. s@un ht mrooeeluaudtad Elas goue ln lustre dovu. TMien sey yea truly love me, Amnd!nnver froua nie part, Ad tae.thb.glft 1leffor-- A truc sud l ing lcart. Thé lords et cart t ua'y revel Iu vealili anti idle ens,, And tlaetsands wershlp Maîtiuula - Vpeu tlieir beadet!koea;. But lwe, tiietgi pour si acot]>'d, Wl]! buar cadi otier'. s touris, Ant, go Cirougli lite t<getlier Wîtia truce and trustlng buats. 'Stocks arc- flr," su ths thietsasid wheu hie had bis ftut in Ihîcr. "l'ow waiter, whet'a to puy ~'t what bae y yu badir ar?"' tT'aîc fsI." IlOniy brought up two air." n"i1lied thre.; two trout, sud one amet." t- FRitz aà-,D GRtEr:.-Ayoung lady troua Use country heing inviteil te a party, was toldby ber city cousin te lfix up, aud put hier lest feet fremost, lu order to ca! ch a beau, 44ah. leokeil 50 green ilulher ceuntry attireoY The, country luas lookcd couical- ly Into the face oftlher tatuen fat! rela- tive and rejiliet! Ilcbtten grecu than with- A Dutch heugeholder, bragging et his Yvurldly puar wites 1,f. get a pig met'aent rve get e pig tog, Ir" get a plg cl and rve got a~ pig bog, rvs got a. pig baby, so pig sud se tai!, Ànd rve gtea pigvite data piggen as a&U. "SQUÀRîtIG, raUiCIect.L-A dcntist bey. ing preseuteil a blli for the tentb time to a richskinflînt, 'It strikes me sait! the latter, 'that titis la a pretty round 1111. l'es, repliedth ie detit, ' Ive sent it round often enough to malte it appear aol end Ive callcd new.to get it squarcd.m - A NxcAu GunaL.-A Frencimuin stopping se ataeru, esitet for Jacob. 'Tiare is ne such porion bine,' sait! the laistlerd, 'Tii note penson I want, sare but the lier warua wlth de poker. "Wcll' answened nine houaI, that la flîp. 'Ah ycs saesyen are iu de rigitI mean P/i-p ' F-'mamat.soxItssa-The New Orleans Sun ~\ tells of a machine which has becu invent- ~ed eut- Southt,' whicls ensiles e man te, tell wlieie hi la1goiug too tar?' t la calleil A 1Çddleometer,, sud gives werning by hitting thc gentleman under tie short rius tht moment ho has got enougis. -&-gentlemeas the other eveuiug, oljectet! te pleying carda with e lady, hoccose,,lhe sait!, sebat!such aeIlwining way about bier." An Irish auctioneer whilst expatiatiug ou tho menits of s telescope sagely obscrv- ed: How ofteu hau the widew's hear t1 1laapt forjoy wlsau ahe bas bcheit!lher bus- et e distance brought near te ber b>' sncb asi instrument as this." An culeor in Arkansas was iately shet CauarÂa,&sEs ÂLTEItcàCS&q.-A donke>', e ladeum vith W4 ual5n- croasbng e brook.-q 'The.w" Mudltetd tisenmtaltnsd ligisteue 1 &eburduui.Hle conwsuniceted his dis-i ~cvlry te,& IseeUer doute>', laden witis «St Tise bWtoe tih aiu6elpel-. nnsd'fount! bis load double ts wsight. The lIoumtwlfe's Fniesl. ueceor m'rL'r. In ciosuiug peulti->, tissýage ofthtie bis-i stise chie! part to b. attendet! te. Anoeh Turkey lies ougis aud redilisit legs; s yuung oeesmothsand biack. rtsh kilîtet th. syca are tuhllsat! clear, eut! tht feetmeust.Wben it lia been kept too long, tise parts abo ite vont beglu te wear e gremnlis diacéoeet!appearsies. Tau* Coxioar Doxms-o Fovas, vIen yong, bave titi lepgand combo sinootit; n-lenoldthey ama re.t4hand on the broet long ins art fouit! insteat! of feathers Fan-eh s td chucena shouhi b. plump oau th. brese t, eon h. bock eut! n-ite- Otton.-Theu bilsansd feet are red wvien o1i4 y$bon- neuyouiug, Fresikilloed, thé e et anepliable,sitwe n-isutue long kept. G....are ealed green wliile (ha>' an ol o r I>' étie4ChWa Duoux-4.IiCwmt efu ad lsdPIbUMP bs-outa5. - kbavea Irish News. CABLOW. Sinon Bpu., who was capture'inluthse attempite teil sheep, -tihe property orMr. Rebert_ flaen, of Grangeord ,was çolçted and! gottnceelW ten eeyars' p sias.vità- d. An order wass1%reat! trou thse Lord Lieutenant te forward the priener te 'the convict depot for haviug violateil his ps., rote. " iy tis anet . rulé t6a iiseer ?wil0 underge penal servitude for seventeen yemi~, baving la addition te hie priasént sentence, seven years et penal servitude te undorgo under the flrst. Constable Dalton wao teund deail in bis box at sevin 'éiock onihýe t uIt., at thse Culalboy crossing, on thse Cayeu brench et the MidIand G(reat Western Railway, auppoed te have bien smethercd. A por- tiou of the box ina burnet]. CLARM There are only 7'5 paupers in thse Coro- fin Werkhouse, sud yct thi rates emount to £500 s year. Mr. Wm VOBrien, fourth son of Cthc lite John O'Brien, M. P, for Limerickt, bas re- ceiveel an appointuient in tise Bengai Ar- tiliery. Jehn Siatterv a silor on board the .Çi'îr Loti', et Limerick, was drowned on te 1Ith uit., by tailing troua the bowspit of thc vessel. Deceaseel was a native cf Kil- kee aud leavesae widow and four cial' dren. 1 WESTIdEATn7. An addres,-s ha been presenteel te John Ennis, Esq., by the Meclisnics' Institute ot A&thione, on the occussion ut thet gentle- man's going te rigside et Balilnahown, near 1thet tewn. otz The Right Rcv. Dr. Wilson, Protestant Bishop et Cenk, dicil et the Episcopal Pa- lace, St. Finu Barrs on Mlonday January 5th. Tise deceaset! prelate watt highly aut! mini],eut! total absence et ail evideuce cf ot sectarisis prejudice, as n-cl as ton tise virtues n-ibis distiugiiseac1ilus private 4iaracter. Tise Rev. T. 6.regg, oet Triait>' Churcis, aeuthie Revs. lHamilton Venacyle are spoken oftas likol>' Co suc- ceedt te tea'cant Sec. A public meeting mas heîd latel>' int Coi-k (o petition agaist tité Incunte t-ex. Mnr William Adams, sou cf tise Bey.f Mn. AdamsosfetCnegg. wn's kilbetounte cveniu f et is t, wvile re-tinning troi Ferme>', ieviug talcu uover Che lettieent eft te bridge.-t Patrick Freiman, a pensionen fi-cmfCite 20th Regiment, n-as drevuet! at Coi-k on Fnit!sy, Januar>' 2ut, having stumblîti off-I Che qtîsy. About a montis since s ai-user nuiued Flabaven, living near. Ferme>', ivent m t hat towsn (o get a gun nrepairet!, cnt eav' t ing in evening -wsa oct hbu-t!oet*On Nu- Yesî's Eve, ion-ovin, tise boty n-as tount iu ti. mili race ettachsedt!o lin. it.ouren'a oileLu inan uichîancce tateof tde- - ,ln agit! noman neumed Ellen Murphy, was tilleul laCe!>' lu Creeshas-cu, beiug runj over byeà herse eut! car un viich Mr.f Jackson, of Ceraigaline. cnt! tome fri-uIs n-ri un a plemuue excursion. Thte herse hew ôofi te occupants oethtie cen, rau an-a>', acn t uls heatloug course ovar- ti-en- andt Ci-mplît! on Chie untortunate deceaset!. Mn. M. Roîthe,. eue etfCiiidirocturs et Cie Coi-k ant! Bandon Reilteay, ha a can- didate ton thc neprosentetien et Baudon. A chevron bas lien anartel te Ilut! Constelle Kennedy, b>' tht btspector-Ge- miral et Constebular>',ton tise active assis- tance reudenet! by hlmeut!dte part>' ot men unden bis cemmaut!, ou tht ooceasien efthCe fine et Leta Ledge. Dtsu-tra. Thse Lord Mayor ut Dublin satee, un being sn-orn ilu hht heoe-t!hie pi-sent position te hie on-n indust-> at! perseve- rane, having leen left witisout a fther et Cie sgte fsix yeas ; andt hat Cie houer contennet! on hlm n-as salis-el>' unsolicilet! on hie pas-t. John giueIsam, Esq., his been appoint- et!Secretari y te iLent! Mayor utofDus- I lin, andth ie Rov. Jeshua Bernant!, t -le- enscourt, Chaplain. Meetings have been heit! on are about te le héld inu-th. principal citiessut! tenus of Inelaut! against tilcoentatx. oui Muutay, Jwn. fthi, tIer.e aus eet- ing et gentlemenitertatet!li tse veifare ot tise murdenet! tsmiIy oftMr. Littte tth. ,Mansion Rousse, Dublin, presidet! es-en b>' h Lent! Mayor. -As lsulesipt!Ou 1lI a es epened, sud UpWe-ds ut £800 n-as suli. secrib>' bythose prtsent,'h'Îdiisg £200 from, tise Midiant! Great W estern Rau-a>' Compuany, Tise arnouut coiectet!i lansd b>' h. Seciet>' ton ýhe propagation ofthtie feitit, troua 3rt Jabuary, 1856, te the OIt, Jan., 1857, n-sA £5 ô& Os. 1 Business n-es tehave been reaumet! lu te lucumbent!Estates Court un tisa 13Cb Jan. viltiste esteteâ-Mr.W. 1L Gfegory, of Celpark hast xn.mbenfr WC> 1WcitY' Of Dibhin,,whicis nas txpecCe4 te Ïroucé usai>' £200,000. N iseromains ftie laCe )MsaKlis- n-ho bai beau - iuilg trous Tiuen for slomelimie nense os-ereon outise 5tis uit itbhriver, betweeftthu bridgoAud tUP i roýn gating in tC is Bls in .esui.. cd d ut hst evervtliingï. T"le holisen le- lanmd, Tise cri-est n-as cahsdhi ls nn1tseas'e whlt-!i ctui's iauaspasutodie con- lougedt o N. John Br.sC;eLesL confessiotn altiionghs i c guilit as not lie- tato ftemslso h rnt Titi I.orti ].FJTtimit. lievedtietie neho htctng thioigit tie- ,t-telnjh evîîî M i ýtsn!]' Itdiitttmg tft Chiefiit anti Th odLieutenant lias tppoiuîiet Mr. 1meteti. lu uccordance n'ith Chas iiprea-ina ifcl>'f Kenman to tie office of Clerk of thie Ci-ownn sion lie teas sent Cc Chie Lunatie Asvluin i-resirationu andi gi-eut iixieV. Tise mont for the cotmty o' c.itriu u inmthirom cf' at hlackweol's Islani holinas sinco nemntu- obavions ç;>-iiiptom cf Chie diseuse las a sen- the laCe Mn. Kernan unclu (o Chie hîesent iecd althoiîgi non conîphetel>'recotucretl -stinîfcregeloilli]tpnCi Clen. fîst n-iaI a hlioet!Ce hve einmerI>'brecst. SornieLitues Cie sufferer finds- Lntiue.felzcl insaulti'. The investigation hans hinseif in sonîie inextricable difficu!Cyv, en- deaveuuring Cc escapie front a mnstir, on, Tic Cunuty Limecrick magisti-ats have telicitied Chis tact Chat te murtor watt real>' resolvedt o memorial for Cie reduîction ut. committet!, as stted 1>' Lan-ler, andthtintPCripl nitnu agro ah tiicontabher' lrceinCis coant' o: h Cîcurestici u ti lcelt>'et ta con--froîn a precipice, ohilo his limbs refuse to one hutnîdret umen. ance and wias Cruchon lu a n-oi'khouae. do Chcir officeunuti!lacie.suihîeni>' akcnsG Ou New' Ycai-s mori- a fine yoong Theconfession et tic crime la supposeil Cci iînseîf 1 by starting trotît lus recuuet nona nme] etsain lauoC ~have been luducet! by ' norse, lut feerful posture, un b>' a ci->'futeCo-ior. Î tiaugter of a suahi faruncresit!ina, et Pea- etiCure cunsequeccon uter bis ai-iest holie oe A naine givin te tisose crochari tlodnarBalysienn-ct e i n'pot egoi -ans.ICis non- prepablo CiîaC Ior shallomv lakes, n-udt extenti ulong tho e filna alyior4et ote ilp hdfi wihil be ssat eI Ce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h dran' tttbetn'Centn-n ntotu iionet Britain fer coaC, andn'hici coutalu nunsereuis emahi natel>', ehe lest ber balance antI fehl m Cntril. isiants; Venice, fui-. instance, la huilt ou the pond, aut thon bhin- nu assistance ait 'Ple opinion acense C c egaining grount! aixt> et tient. To-ardstshCecses, tic isiota hanti, nas druwnncti.hat tise enire chirci propei-ty et Mexico are seunet! b>' dams, natunal or artificiaL f aiter ucaied St. Johni, hanged hlm- ivill le soIt. At Chae proeent ime nei1rlv Pis-ActA&. Amtong tie Atieniaus tee - selfon liilai nI, nei- dari. n l- > unt-aking o u liuîîc tilil>' can le tallets ut irasinscnibet! -ii ihte names qutat 'aslîcîlhi> Ci Coonr ati s'n-sturteel in Mexico withont heing 'finpiee oI f al! tise citizen n e uchcib-ie, n-ho n-ci- tilcC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o wa eunu hth ouitt nenire!>' stoppet! b>'souteunutonîseen duly- qualiflet cnt! n-lling tlubcejud"iel et cit lua ft f tus1eray nsait> jei-difficultin utCe shape ut ights of the cler-- the court ut Ai-copagttn. These tablets oue a!fitup1oe1tepbave bosni e ia- ig>- nero t-ast intuouinevesse! presidot for.thse 1 opurpese seut!sCiteoterne nuoshtrecfriiat- , t iceuse of tie tatal set. Thle grand dinner party b>' tisepresitent proe n tesieInie fhaq On Chie mernmmg of tise 7th et Januci->, ou Jautiar>' 31st, was ici-gel>' atteuulet!y>'ac utdent! bing n-hite ant!al Cie rest a ma nm-e( Michual Gtinanc, nesitige h d ingngDeaoctsGc t ~ ~hle nimesiof tii-on-nintesan te fTn Littenic, tuppe] da aitu' thie foot cf ticheali. Mn Buchanan atsutCi addts nits in waiof.uouseohet!galumnay. n-c-ee-drawn o ut one 1>'onue;sat! tise>' his jioses jnCafter isaving tunishc ie-!ls 'weu eis heg-clhmnr' ne ihiosi naines ivînetrannout togotisen brek-oastth e iesser igits mve noticet Pi-esideut n-iCihohe -bile beans n-ire elected judges At Ch ierc Police-court, Cosal Pionce, Messrsu, Guthrie, Marc>', Campbell rsnaos Cushiug Colis, Faulkner, aud man>'u etaus fNashlrengitt up e young ceunir>' lad otienua.* There is ssttd Cc oe a genuine Arah,, Ma- ', naett!Patrick Minihan, n-houn lie cici-get honmotd Halat nov in Wesltington, sceking niCi baviug i-un an-a>' niCi îhen BuCher O od> nenuFhar' h ediese eut! compensation ton services ] fi-ea h- faise's buseet Bllyise tra icluon Cie Ciorgia rail-oct! met n'iti a near Bailinegai-te. Titi Constelle stted frigittul accident about seventeen miles Caramdtiid bi couthe b>' bisftsen hee fr Ceramausta.!uAibgutc ivai- ben-ecu tis Chat Che youag n-euaan n-es cutitîcdti o a oaAuut. In oCypssnesUnited! Statesuad Tnipoîl in 1804. fortune et £850, and wbcu lie heerd etfn-ire injunot! ameng (hem Goe'cnor John- Caramaîli' wu the rigiittuh bashaw of B (hein Isaviug, ehepet! Se Cicedt! hem eut gon et Teunessse whîo bas an arim Ioken. lth-brtsrba!uupe!ts 1 tound (hem locetet!aet Mrs. Egani's ot!ging- Twe ladies wcro aerilushy wune. ttet utti rsCiamliont I boum ilu Deumant,-street. lec (ei-e anneatet! Ou Frida>' uorinug. Jeu. 301h a destruc- fonces witb Cie Asuenicaus, ant! aidedt! he)OUaI Minihen, aut! eft tise yuung n-oman iu tive fine occuni-ot! t Bath Maine, b>' wiich withs large supplies, '-both ot camols and!SI tengunge lu cari ut Cit people cf Chie ho uai tno fiue brick buildings trontiug tise Part, mono>'. wheu a trient! et ers, Mn. James Dillon, 'nieet!estnoyed. Ontaeofthte buildings TsCu alw-ts erbesss e bruiter, Irougit ier aa-c>tCehis onn as ecciapiet!as Chie nen-spaper ostublisi- otCtewiel u boue ei- h tratt! onn-Ci eeaxtt"men e Ci Seuen arner' dvoatc;rit>'fth ite nth<e -Peith-wet sl il house rere ie treted ler wih tea nd " entofte Steben Fhùstnctedvoab>' Ciaostafollowthe egtlo dng enture wbichie a susahl dinkn," but titi letging-iiousi peu- cnt! nas en-net! iy W. C. Rhodtes. Tithefl ptyosuvorli.oaetc pie baving sent n-ondtteNusis, ito re-captun- office uftie Adutoeate, tegether wt its il ?et, wiso tout aiteiter trous amin-Storm cd ber fi-un- Mr. D illun.- The parents ef booksnd acounts;, veretottaIl' destr*yet!.in a ravine visici saetd t prairie: thse girl uit- sppearlng Ce presecute, tic no insunance. "h> ictt hI-ei pntrsfe bencit directet hat unles(bey camesofon- Rotaint Cxcaci.s.-Al Mies Jackson, ut snon-nigg a stove whosê-p1pe'r uup waert! loeth court rose tht parties principe eoftthe RandalaI's laent! Pime r>'Iougi tise tep of thse tént-ate and t migh liesetet lbery. Dllei Wje ~ Scisool, neeently Cc punish oeefeth. puer Cc aieep. A difficulty ofbresthiainr. - Ss7ad catstontakug hus irlen->' hiînin (paupers), ondi ber h harge,tise party eeny, sud it waudicovered-tis À n-hle h. as ii hage t tse olie. made te chit! put'its tougue agaînst Cthc the ravine bat! dnifted ibçke full, aidt ti P:>t; The Mayor et Limerickt reccivit! a lottes- bot steve. 'Pis is certafnly returnin# Q_ the > n-ws three f e bove the tep ut trous iessrs Kemus, Ci-evuSoillOra, lthe agiet barbarIain. WiII tissv the ent-ant! ise tep of tise pipe. Out of mýitimating hat if h Ministera> moue>' lbe aiowedt te eep lhon place as e -the titieuasveyiuig compan>', ofwitich n-as not-palt befôrei1*Ult, Aa pphica- in tise &chisooL. ty n-ena a pas-t, two e n rose to deatis, tien -ouit! le maie te place the propent>' Teel lm tc eeulgaot't ewaded tise prairie sueirs in steeklttg efthCe Corporation unden sequcafratien. 'fwftenluches in thiekiesu, entait!. tht fiet, istable te il-an -oui their bouts, antd Tii ap~eifra f~uisss.rpeCen-. Railead lotel, Cin nat4 Î, hirh; are lwej, dîsableil, pernmnnt>' or tempora-. neet & Co., Limerick, have presentet! J. two fis one a skip-lack -nite iillter ssiy aie ruigu tiaeteils C. Pam ,, m4 , w a IiflE50llltilv'fr bu& Tiset e i alump et-tht Globe MYuR 1" criet!theenductr; ani! h 8ervico, asas mark of their eateer n O hie (avera with, anotherot the fluas>'tnibe in a omnibus wasffllanit!mure thesn fuIL lt netîs-lng' from te aaé mnte Celigist.place., It le.nt1gerally knewn eontaiued- four ladies, witistiseir gowns fi - hat thesb fiis will thavinmtolilfe'swhenever ansd-petticeatsoverflowigtise seats, eut! Usatisteaelu -a lgitoi for tbge ust *me .a tai-m sun reaihea tisent.foainiu outaut tise wiuaIens. with lalmpe uncitnistîns ve - TIie wee110 divureed auits instituted -Thefolwg ner"onwasoverheard Tite Lui-t!Chaneer hes eppeintct!'in San raniso 4urjisg Che year I65 amqo yemig outeeof the1 ieenidu*, Frede$c iunsiýe 4, Fsq-, of Chaii$ýly Cas- A couple was insniod ia th~e cm ofe!the SSne-night. Two- volunteers w rppe& tl muenagist-ate ,fo te muty uf Memp~hi samd- Charleston RalIresi lsat li blaukets sud IseJtbwid in, mud. 'Vol- - .. -a.L. 1%f .~ 'Rtfi'Mrý. Tho Ir'..t.i... a -*iAw l . A1 '1lnee st l S - 4. -how miiiViii 4tcvohi- r 1- s ~u. I - scriptionuainscuttiug te oven £20lCias boen fmundereel a soung wotnan naemtiMai-tu as6count>, 'hui asobeau aapp(ýelto t e it Sir. Johnu Ribt'o'u, BantL, hasliv alo of laùia!to enet sadiiirohin th. vWl aof CI i i 1 TO CAItPENTERS. .O CARPENTER SIlOh' TO) LET, AF- tI> tu Ciae Sîthecaiber GEOR EYJLE, Jr. titi>', 10ihsFebmuer>, 18.57. 4 VHOLESALE IHARDWARIEu ESTBCRBEt$HAVE NOW 1K STOCK i ver>' large andl completit stock et Shoît Henvy Hardwvare, iniiporteti direct froua Eug- anti tse States. Tîteir prIce are gucu as inuoeeChosiewlw o l'avetnit ti, ecx- Sthîcir oerrandet!tlir stock mill lways b. A comote.- Kis~uzuuw. te payuit oethtie threq hWd yeurîy mat- bave suffroedmuch durîng tht hate avent Mr. Ant!new M'Kern, u. frelye fenso inisters Money, duteOut et the weather; but we observet] th4tit n Rs r b, ik~nyJ'rzi~ et tie rovncilbousses hiabit to the impost, wltbin tht h.- mont!, NorteIk,ý Lynchburg, eto Thî f llanÈ' lies been s e.pôiriteel eccontant te mnitsrGetthseboroui, pCcte29C1 It Se- places, tise corporations eut! pnuvate indu- Wli thse Oienta Bank Cerporatioîne inhaet tomber, 18561. Sheuidth ie delt net le dis. viduals have bien lirai in their appropria- Sýingaper e, e at e aeary et £350 per an- charget! before thOi1]lCh mat., tise Crown tiens fer the relief ot tic destitute. num. S&liciton thmniateied to take gs te eotfrce, The Beston Ifcrald mentions as ontet T"fi Kitaav.its payinent. W. been it 15 tthe intention ts niet tth aoso tra T an A sed sud fatal accident teet place er ofthie Mayor te convint a meeting eotf e mitongtheieluwibth nti I a esCmisoirte set wbat shah! le donc u!fiiu efn! ii lo ing l n xeCspsniow,an alntofdth village puaîp, tendt tisat on tisat eveniug twe Young uaarnied tinder tise circuînsaittcs-Cloninet ('ro. dreve luto town witi sevenal cans ot pure týutu WOiiuineamit! - Fitzel, living near Ardfert, na-a.k 'were ncturning houai ou a cant driven b>' a Mn. -Heal>', S. L, Bor6Wiqksue, bas bren uk. ITEÀTnx.1Tlemao cousin et tlselrs'nemed 1111. As tlsey pas- promotcd trom Cthi raut et (bird clasi te o iSTEShi2-htmnot se ln h0 od l' baht tei ofr and t! tCof second sub-in-îpictor et ceîstcîuîa-mteaii xeests egbe oi' eet!eleu tis ruat!, ztluAC i 240 toit,, andl (bat efthtie Persia, tise he jumpet! eut te get it, wiîch figiteueti ry, Artstaihpytala,80i.n tise herse, anuthie animsal tien rau awny. A large qîîautity et culus hba latcly loniagttan sii e fee,80f. T V Thle womeu wes-e stu'id, eut! jumpet! out. uiicvered uat Kilciahi, ner Cleumel. The Boston Post remarta: Tbç paliers <f Htl Tise cîder, who waa very ncar.hen confine- A resohiitinî m'tn aely passet! b> tise bave been proclaiming for alongý,wlilc hnt vite b tuent, melanchiol>' te se>, was tihlet] on titie Canic --ou'Su. iir Board of Cuiciians hat ea President- Wahter, et Nicaragua, n'as on jan spot, sud the otisen, als0 1u tiee tutnily waly coitii sion hie ap1ointed te ishouatise bis 'last legs.' W. titinktChat Chie>' are senicushy injurnti These wouacn were sis- question of tise dutica anti salaries oftChe t igit, for btis legs appear te ' last' remanka- tirs ct an arnue t t two liretltente; hey varions officirs of Cic union, ecp toftJ wl. wene daugliters te Mn. John Miller, Pniu'h Chei mster ie refu're'd %vith au vieiv Cc ne- Tic oruhlers givcu b>' Cen. Ilai-oc>' ithtFf:) Cier aunti Scoolhiater eftChie Parigi cf! port %n'hîctier atm> or whiut niduction cul, be reeuurd btoe Floritla litiliana, are to Clthe . ' lllyseedy. Tise decessqee, Roteenna litzell, maleini thieru. ehièýt thtat ecd UniCed Stites conîpan>'y lies !eft Cwo yonng c'liltii'cuthc otiier si-W'fhtlui iwli "oîlîuhtlheggeiitcieiut 1- ter was marniet! ast year. A touts uaîned PIatriet Geai-y, of Chie iniscourng Che country f on tiftI>'tiles li On St. Stephen'uî dny there wa a'i ,%uIMynn'ue walk, Wtetrtord, diet lutelu i - areundtiClcir respective stittions. If lu- dit] stag hunt atKUillaruey,witi tie soinu h ie Keper'llospita], frein injuries recciveti 'iait aig o-as tliscevt'ee, it sieulti Ue ot Mi-. Mauice James (YCotnuell TIhe stag b-v tathhiug ou le, et MiU. Dcimy's store. ptiraumed tmp to thc capture on extermminatibni w-as teten efter a spiritet! iun, nejtr Rock- Theti utii.ti examîitietu at MounttMli of Chie Iiliatu. Notice et atm> Inîhian dis- F.."it ficît!, ~ ~ ~ ~ on o> n dats f i 'rf u f rny Colleglate Setmiary wn'rc heltion cover>' shouiti le cotniuticateti pnomtC> ltiy tise getemnnconnected wiitia the cou- Tin'h ' e.lI. Anmong Che stndi'nts C et tatr. Ili ruieiCa i 1 struction otthso Traleceand] Killarno>' Rail- n lo tiistigtighod thietselven uns Mi-. uoltiers sisal! lic sîipplieti with clCime ne- t 'i n'ai'. Browue, et Liiîerii'k, 'ho perfornacti wiCi cessery munuitionse et war. A il Cc urge upon Cie 'Pialec Diupesaî'y Cotn- Tise Itiiiimi of Wetertnnîhl i quite re- Sttts l iin wat 3,707. 'lite averaeotf u iîsttcc the extension etfniedîcai relief; ot covered îronî tIe eli'ccts of lais laCe eacî-l-iaiiities la estimutteti ut $20i,00hc), whii whiiliehosonictinie-s since gave notice. tient. ou-tgive ani aggregatc of Z ;-4, 11it,'it0. On Cte veumlgut tc Si ut.,Mr. han - -~- ---- - -'li probahiitv is, ecitors have receiv-e' n tt'CtCr, ton îuan>' yeasaciet lînattan *, v ~ 'j~abuout '25 per cent. of thteir clailis, ea iii lu charge ot tise Ventny Coast G nard t! Cma lI~ ~"~Ju. fala.bso er> Clou, ivus ecciticttl>' drownd n-ucilu mlit- -gi-eut ttajnriît f uiures oct-ur l is e dry A in- Co pas tise western flirdt] t entry Ri.rixtiitivv.Jsmc'. investigatiotn goots, ratle, owiug to tic tact thit titis - rttnd (witlaiu halea mole of Chie station i lias hein gî'iig ou for sonie timne lu Chia business la trausaciet! altuteat wiiolly on during iigis Cue. cit>' regarinug a tuost singuilar case utcf' i. Ou tise uigist oe Ct l tt., tiCiei.qîe inîni-er conimnitteid severai ycar-n ci-o un --- __ cfMi-. Wallacec, chiaudîi-, in Cie Slu:ire, lneland. John Lawler e soltîler atationeti (1j' Trai-e nd thatClitoetMr. 'î;ruîlv ucat ihoor I ut Betiho&lels ant, arnestecîhhy teau- , fl *5 ( C a n'en entirely dek'troyed 1>' ire. A suis 1Ihoities outChis oit>'on suispicion ot iaving -i" le -t','] t p s t' il".. o, ltu. bt- tanti11 ll'v 'arur, l' rt.tl'ic Si.wî'n s-Fîit lttis, T"îilet tt-iiBt itsuluî'u. »Patenît Cofise-Pets. -ar-t'n and "titir eutut Filturing t 'ttI'ce Pot.;- i liuit ttt -i lttr 11c"u-. "'usI atuiKiit' 'rais. in %'t(tîr . uu Trutv:c'iiug lîttitit4, .&e. IL UFWIS & & S 0N, 4lENig Street, Toronito. foot! anti Cash Boxeç. LARG ii;EAS iTMET-unuitC ze-ý ru- nd e i lat ,i ; -':lie i i I.L EWIS & SON. (cal Purdeniiaus4. N ()Fir'M;N îl UITE:NEW St%1fist"u l't'iu i'u. '.i-snd- Iloha. J.1 e, 4ie- il d tiftr -utii-1.'i IL LEW'IS & SON. ti.-Junutun ttî'. 4 ROUieE AND LOT F01R SALE. T IrE DItlfttSETt l-t.B-v 1RI- vah' liaurtuin. ftiutfluse andl Li~ t u itt ln"t1hit'na ticet i- Iî >'uctupeu 1 Mlu-ittei Mausiit f,(- r.t,'tutu !tmNi'. l îl utds titef rc tuttua te' r t lt it i , i itrgujutituai' Ce etel.. Fr rfuintiiet itrticutua i-suu;ly te W~. Il. BILLINGS, Bai-iaer. or Ce G Eh. W.WLI.AE, Bynon-t liih, .TtuturmaY iiul-5. IIRONICLE JOIIN X. LOIVES Cisnic!c John M. Lones roccries & Crockory. Chroiiicle John 31. Lon-es N INTER GOODS, ýe-AC (leatly Reduccd Price-._gl5 MIE L.ACý.'i:T STOC<K OF DRY 'GtliDS lu W Iitt'. i' tlie ieweut deqgea uIdpat- t Fliunîuî's, &eî.o-Goceecu, (rocker>', wns nuit hiia ',N'arc. 9utdaiStreef, ll/titlty, one doit et qf 'm. La-ua's *uei.. lltly, .lnsary 29itit. 57. 2-im. [iH.PROViISONAT- DItIi-,'TORY 0F TRE Wiulitbv atîdiLake Iltruin htilway Coitipimy tuinseet tiser hî inet uthe Roumuis a-er Cte teuustedtNewsl) re E'tuuliuicnt. <Of- )ce'O ascm dutil>, ( rmttts e'cted), front 10o n te uîoniiiîg, Ce 4 li tîme af1enictî4n. , ý1 M. BUTT IIEWSON. Agent aud ScreCary, Pro Tein. 'm'5iy Jan. 19, 1557. 1 NOTICE. F CI SUBSUttBtEnS TO STATE TIT AT li l reparici ed trent ituparties iiii- Chue rounsîipa rît Pickeringa, Uxbritige ent ScotC,' fo'r the right toniantsfaetitne IIcut!ley's lhîarbleized , Granite, in eliter et aillof titese Tovn-atipt, lue lîsving 'tmriîasc<i liiheixeisi-e riglît trothe tti eeniee ut mnuaureti htis 7LJEAP, DE-1UTIFUL J& DURABLE luilt!iiguaateia fuor te West lunîf cof the Co. of Ontaro. inludýng Che Weat hl it eCaoTon-- ship of WlitCby ;!nut! Chat wcuirn athe Sprlug e Mvi coince thCie marnfacttre cf the artice on e large taie, iiuthtIcTown et Wliîy, tînt 11 itlie utirake to erect buildings 'on Cime -liortea ntie l1u uîthe muaterial înaufactureul ut te Wtorks. For Towimsliip:3 or part ut Townliips, sui t h- nr infonumitien w ~toe clii iittriti of e bult- ugm, mta> le l~ied! et Ci thfle et Amos W. 'nnîs.Ac~tct;sudCivil Engneer Brook utnet Wiity,~brheespeelmeus e0t theoks 'Wbitby, Jeu. l16, 18.5î. A 1WEDIÇýAL RVO 1IO. TUE WQRLD UNA=IOUS h "OLLOW'S îOINTNT 'The Greàit Counter Iffitaut 1 to t~v uthisantornal ci-gamn 'fe ore "lsks T 'nig ,aiilting ud the i i a~sli TuE LI1'ERPOOI 1 BELTING I B. T IiFSTUBSCRIBFRS lînit, cnt ton sale, ît Indian Rubbe Frein aito, 14 20 Cous. Bombtaise>tau Cl4t i 'it ttNails, essot 50Tois Bar, !Ioop, andi UliBîntiuea b.tt Spring lie) Fotmei's !tlîuaghu 31o1ti Ploîigli Betuts, Ans-ils, Vi Haitrdwnare. J. S. DC Wltithy, Janiarv lt, lU ci E-4 WHITlY PF HT SUBSCRIBERS T dthe enCire Stock'< unt Mmititaicttmring Cous tuci>' f iufirning tise anmd tue satrreundlug(C tiv are ureiarcd to'd 41 King Street, Toronto. iEsLtYBCRiBFJtIS m,% 'FNOW IN STOCK ite unost eottpiete an! lajni-t esotme-mt- trtitre in Cenaha, Ctu wh titChey %aottli li- tiavers' attenionf. R1. LEWIS &SON. Troll Pipiug. ()t 1-et Y4uto 1"4 itw u ren'act WcitictiIr-m iptl;e tt 1 1 d 4 i-k rtl i l s r' n turi ii BreI l tu1.11 Muit ii Chor lne, on lIa. bhonteat iotitue-suàeh as S-TEAM ENGINES,ý Saw and Griat hI.ilJ Castiusg, ofety endescription,on thCie hlat su ad mue tu- 'pnovedln, and inistyle ot n-onkinnsttp thit e*pmgt Ib snrpuisset! livas>' ther eatabishmefit -asplain sud onuaentL - Cast Irn Window Cspap. &c. Sýiland! CeIuins; Gretes ;81 Si tu es; Bugar Kettltis, &e. Pipe Boxes, frount-oiachestl fouir andt! shulf iuiches, bliôêfor n-ed sant! iron .&xel They sre nskiljg aàdsowbavoonbnnt, a variaty ett'f ae a re 5t jeanr. tip irsa - v Fire & Life Insui Empowere] by Special A ÇANtýDÀ.I3OÀXD 0 T. B. Anderonl, Esq., , (9iaitn-antt .TAmu 'if enL, Et 1 Il htomtaiuy S. TYLEI, i l Preiinns An Fire huitsirn Clîrte irsutmtilsi Autgt ent iittt aceruiiig ou it .e !'u len! Office, Canadlai J. Il. lMA Instrmnees ty bli cube tîaiile tut-.p)41iti-,a titt c (REC.OJ[y'S BAfE] -FECTIIJN BIIO('K STtEET, (2t't.nt Joor t trsesr. Jflubbai à%7îoc Sffi' Tr IIE SIS'r1 RTr I knowlt'd!ces the fiuiîrs Iv te iiilith'taits o Wetb~ u f(tr te liberil tilitrouipe e hlisiiiesq. lie lias uit ocei ltroek lStreet, nc'xt t','tg 1l'euteiiiarvBlittandt.>11)t inv'ite' tîte attention osf huis p 1-tihe iîet iii totos. Ail kir erm. plita fttrcy tirtai, B kept cotistaitiy ou ltnd. lVeddingsandut SuIiedoit the aliortesttni, tiîat wifll defi nciîpetition. lft-tt, Lrirît, Yocrk and .(x" unC hiaud rý-f G OOD-1B'I'EAD, l'îiu reutenl'er the pis efM 1ht Ilbtird &~Ce' Wtlrtiby, Jan. 19 1Qý7 SHELF & IIEAVY ittui. tiiandi ollhur" t't totrttieutt cd $hîclf tid itlen loiw 'rit-es for (?osl. ( ,ii! tutti examnine bef": W'liitby, -Jan. iI, 1157. WHITBY CAIRRIA(I NLVT PuxntTO Wmat IVTIE PMET)BU %ill &iwt&ys Suld oniiatid a SSoId at Prices thatl !',rtir's mvisilimag itiiprel -11 tuaI examlinea befre~ Wltitli., .jan. 16, hIM51. FOR SALE ...-25 r TN ViIE TOWN 0F1 v it'initv oethCle Mari erectitn. Also-1IIR.EE For (tirtimer pertictilams a 1<1,000l Acres Wld Laut 1 IPROSPECTUS y188.) j WHITBY CHRONIQLE.P', Acts of Patrtileent-IThe !aise of the £7iruaikf i liceh : aractor- 00 sterling. jized nîiliîuriy by tîline-tellig #pultetnuitity.- Whîite rte tTuwîa et.dition w!» llic delivered ";Ku- F »IRLTOBS litly autClhe respective resl0es -o(tiie Subgeri- bere ii Wliti-by b' cglît oeloek Con the ttioritiig Alex. Stnioiti, or Th firsdav 1lu cad wtek-fbt' cou rtry etittion, .DepO12'u4' <."n.indt<ente~ rdr tu plîîce a11the Sitb,êcribvrs oU Ci' Maille htititti STA""itEA E., i*tOtilig.uatt CifeArf ulivèrv, wifl have >rn 11 Ë4it y CiA p M.t N, Esq.-flirwarded, witoii fail, bhi e Msli ottule. mec icceived for t I The. electionis for the 1ete-rs ilh od 'ust, 18,57, and inter- %Wih a vic.w, nlot asserrlv to saissmenlt, but A19C mat, £lV,,74. t., instruiction. 1udeliýàscy or i luora t u en IrnhMnr5sort, %wlictier sinar-ecetted, or, ao t, 7iî--L i t otr ,tr.wi' .114,ltendil>' exclîîded freinthe col- ~lTLXND E'. filn;fthile krünidt'. The. Exclangeasires<4ly jir*iie;d ,errtary. facciired bv tClupro rieto(rn, cmbrléce àStanditrul tedIn the n<vve rvz- .tourniais of Agrieulture, sleMciaitu Ilii-leverv %wcek for t1ue pleasurv. edifics-%tit anid! 1rilt tii. unr Sui*cribers. Selectionts wil J. IIRP.1S>N. le irimte front tho-ze- jotrnnie, eorguod ei, AVient, lIiis nirmnai cssa4,1sprkiignecd(te.-,,palue ~ nd humeonrts 'gasiel ta e. 1'e ~iltlt)lî - ftîrnisli wtekIvn.a etîr asuirnfagr> of Canadiean, ,MY AND CoN.British nd 0 rign New.Iremelfmi ERtY. Ar- MuP1Fcitl rin sand ('attl-F,,ir~,, , W Iu TI y Dornestlc e noinî, 'e.. tke.4WilIreceive i lie ird (1.il uoiantd spec-~1 attention îotte <'roucrle.A Prke <'tr- 'rd Jfi,.' BOO~ relit for tCe Whitby îLîrket, BecLeipteMW udSliip- wil! be madie up witli care, und pibliisbed regu- IIAN A(*-Y lhî-Ir , itli the otiter <'ornîerelal inforfmtion li r betétowei opon itt tue pltptr. Une of the cig features or the by, n tfde tfu (,"' ,n - 1e11lIbc a W eekly Review oft he G rits expite e ai s" in 'î ' M ark t, m ade i p)fromthe]< Ute toft ireL ontdo n ct C it p e i n s e C o rn E x e li a ng g , t h l ~ ( i etit b r s ô f th e C o m m n î c r CW :libird & Co .liîei of Europe, and te demsnd and snippl OC Store, final would ilu thc United St4iteg. UTr LacDOW wi w!!hob*à >atronit te his Crackcrstaifll as rMay ttcexpected fromn mume rouisprL mi1 uda f CkesCrai,-of correnp>ndûiice tront our trient!. tthrugh 1iie Biscuits, &e.., will be countnry. ./ - Te the Tovwn of Wilt1y, the. C7%rnid ll b.- [p*irtics a source of infilnenebth fe (3baty, and of rCp iotico, ani in a style t,tt>on ttide it. The Newspaper ut a Te** i tl; srepremsentzalivo abre.d - andt iiréforîe, -tu W lsitby, whoite tutu re dpentý ou tihe intnodue- <L cnstanlytien frein îtlaont otnddîtiensl capfitiallakilt, la J. hor, lppulation, a vigôrets., hg-rslora AS USUAL. ff'2 L prime isrqattaMnc. An ani icSu-t*ory lto cy nr0cexe.rdo,r .4emth nliaritcemnt. utproperty, sot! the iineresse et 1Bool anCd Shoe. Stere. bttsitiess, ty Cie introdiucti>ofetwéalthand po- G.EO. tGREGORIY. pulat ion, a mtirring, eniterpri#ilig, luented japer Lt wrrtli, iniit4 restait» Ce the bnutness-tann ant -_________ proprtv-hder, titual otinymotfMorley. The. - botia wlthlà laand withaut theIi. uaC zook4 Esters As CONST iNTLY f,, o he Le tpte e~ Whit o srI îpo< ,r sale al coileéte sas- itwhtth hi ,UIb>4î)z e ivy Hardware ait vcry the solid. itenea-ts of Witby, it wifl- alwiys bas' ir pnhain is-prevefted, b4proper men1s; of ile itreto1 reprcsî'nt Whithy asthsetadcnrorig . J HAR<SON, gencral intercstia of teChl. rAt&<'onnty ut Untaria.ý SAgent &j !im* cr.Thae mission of tie Cronit-ce wili hWon ot kiind<: 1 lins andi coneiliation, one ot intelligence sudsa ________ iberalitV. Whte laborlng to conisolidai. the sernltn ac nd!feelings of theê peopleof tCie R DE79S1TORY Coiînty on ail qnestions of general ceaicerfi te - /the.agkregate Mnuainity', it will labor 10a/eterý n 'fltT (>FiTCE, ane cururage the iat<rast of ntry i<tatliLgysbitk ýuV sIGicas CUT- (bu eE, as integral parts u(t t gaggrgte. Thi. f J)cscrpticns. you 1Manuflietares Of Ush&wa aud flrookiin, as s'eu' gon-d assoortment and att Cthofe nif Port Perry land WhIîtba,, o lonç as their rlvalries are actnaleti byea fuir; open, fritcu- defy. Competition. dl>' conîPetitionà, wi»!receive front tihe ChreicZal h Ieirtyaund honsest conmentiationsir ail their brod devotio et1ood of Untariowdtre -fore to-tlae growth o l o mg, m lsut!and.M uni- TOWIN LOTS. cipal centre of Ontario, Whitby, the(Arei - cunnot for a Moment regard it.4 proper offilce as WIIITBY, IN TIIE otîter thtan frasternel towards liestaerton, Ux- kct nnw in course of bridge, Port Perry suditUs'lîawat; towardâ Dur- 'WATEII LOTS. fin's.Creck, Frerietman's'Bey sndt! Fckernr.- ant! ternis a1î to W0 regard the intere.'ttsoft Untarlast a nuitein F. Kea1UL.feet mas Wall "asnla lr-,;landite intereit4 out t.lî TwofW hitbv a* î'kpennestsewe e idfur elle, kuiol& atrdemb)pemei ù thct nisit. in tias F. KELLER. *rlit wc wili dise,ý ons. questions; and claign 1therefore, ,exemption inu sncb discussion frein 1E L- N 1 Cl-the suspicion ut pstry loca ls mn . lat ti e si t!,- ELTNO1! eratiou of Towns-hip mmd Count>' ques-tions vo - , will îtiwavs lei y e u r ewa boient Convie~ IIAVE SOW ON tions ut dis beât lieras!. otthe uisjonity, so far ery low, as Chose interestas hal onîpor*.-, lu hOucsty sud, er fleltinàg, taimiiems,,witlî Chao bselto.r-ights oetChe iiffe-- 4 incbes.. duel or tb«ioealhty. anila R pefro i 1 to The Ja r i d ck w !!! e cndu te t! la b ohbli t s mile ope tomn~CCmelichal sud literary depsrbrntm by mn ,rted izes.ideuXilied vitli ti, ro*perity et the Tolvu sud BaFxud rou, misortet! Coanty. Time tactt t mnfftoutCime onutrv jo.ur- nais et tins Western sCtion ofth iePreo-caar edittili' Troiio u erucIpp.cr, ga Steel, froiu 2U te 2U cithier eie-yTrnoieo eipdirll Trontq ?apers, giwee to'Tervento 0, r4ttsd.iej-gd a,'; , -~. enca ii thc>e mnc f -the- (batr>'. Talc- T-,w OfWbutl<,yMidanti Caty of Ontario bavlig fe ices, iiitereLstlniotmnn wftli, andl aums la hosilit>' i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~gn oî Sieiad heyto îaty o Toromnto, it tl! b. aàtacirt sint >NLSN& s' dvai' g4e lu te Town eut! Cuouîy, Ct ite C.t -i1v! lot be a re-kt.aof Torottoepilî- _______________________'JmI'bthmi î ottrair>, LW an (listarto diii, 'erved'tmp b>' tintari» îssin, and lavured with 't ~ tepraectil ti liluga. Guiinh th ie adaret of itie WhiCby sud laite huiron Rliiwuv. it s'il! Maketiii. achieventent eOftChat greit t teprs s ing tliet ipotat wrk UpoI h lublc il vi Ila otlote ig t oher Isubucts taC geiterîl. lun- i~lx ilin ~l Il TIC isiti t rince. sd ,~rmii hsns'jtî lug< thacar nu 't t-' i-i 1,icuiti s- or, Niý-litiriire. The minie of a il m

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