Tu the Edltor of the WhitbiOolo,"1 The aecrnptnyiâg, o>xtollent and cha- 'âcteriste je ie-W ui rit; ougit to have a Place ini your columns, it was thé coxnposi' ien ottlîe tate Dr'. Wu. McGinn, the ori- glial Esdgn, and tii. last, Morgan O'Do- harty of BIackNvood's Magazine, and ap- peared in theo- Yuctes ki&broianoe for Yours &rý, The Iriuhman. Ther, wuw a lady lived nt Latb, A lady êtylis!î mal, and çosss tIeiratVemftisarn*nrs; tbyofthe 1uamneý a defipnt " im4cuu aitfwefl.nraÃered eonfminnsf tcn<pe- anti maýb'ap tô itnt lacwh;ck ral zomne fleur advanced, civlizantîin, contracted their politiesi esphteecf aie' dcVclopimlg an esilielic fanacy, st-art-e tien, fleur discveriea werc prOfitlft; equalleti by cultivatica la lest favetfr'i and ti Aericaremà laed u.k -en'a tnt able regicus.'flic third, for adreuture amonglte The natural eliaracteristies of a peo- geccrations iipeuedfiiee ~dst>,'f non' pie, are cemp-ised within cettaintpe- disecovcry andi eolcîi4â.i-ii among the> t-muflies cf Govemnmenfieligiona'anti prîncipeul maritime powcrs cf Europe. ai-t,',bnvaî-iabiy assotiatedn-if h theit' Civiiizatioa la fthc child th ficsun- naIe in jiatt-al histeu-y. i1hs: ecu- I3ojjr ' 4,uIit4 W,*(» j4$<ea!ë' QI an iaiits uigcitttîng in rat-e anti natural Egrypfian fancy if gradually recedei set-mt-iy, i-t' poerfuiiy mitted upea byj fi-om I e enaifng influencees of ifs flic climatfe tîtiter i'hieth le nation jtropical cradic-land, uxtil if meflet inl .Amuît hIlu) if dit1liete tht, bt-cornes ff-veoedanti whicli differ. tlîor cbalthfmm cimnes o'fluhe mouth.' - Sîta f4ui ln lovemi 'itîtan iinisutami, fi r A luty tl tislmt ing fmoun flie plysical land tif orgain Hi' flic inlierent vigrcf a noble umak- A wild tî'eiicttdttts Iristiti<n, life, estabui-sl a higlier lanud-of -mental, hot4't hùcOct6 ,Xaeé-et h A cirtgs-t-tntgttîiiptrhttttît, ttt~~ or maural lire?. 1wonid. l'here a btsmteeus cliniate iîmg hrtihitittt. - an iivig imu extreuxe t-limies, wiuere1 clotef ld fiurns cf physical nature 1-ls uî' î'ii ia'vîît ttrtnifîî,natîure I.,; bt-en cither tee semiit or I with rit-h anm 'id v himsaiur Fot r 'wi itîtltîl-Ittx 'tu-titi SciirrXl arros -to î-vrt- lu Aund tht'etulicr if tltte itfI giytti, liollîie'beautier evrrt-at-lu flue ciî'ilized Grcck struuyîîg t uebea- Were t itit i>ttîltitt a nril a(rt-. t- s pei'l't'îiom. Boni fo gaini bis bread tics of lIi. own loely land and foin- O~ he-imitîîut'til lrilîitttt, - i tue -i-ut-ttoni' iis blut- tit ooý;bamneuî r<pred climue, -reafed fiiose nuodels of' Tfit' iiit-ýky l"ti- rtng lrts ilt i-t- I * The' t'reîht c-rttgite. il i hluismw"îtrA lt oîr tr tto t itimitumit -tinl elialeneîlira f o Iuicatbeauft , whiel are noir the< iici. tlictglitiîig,. m Ir* 'ttug 1tati. utliqh)ii'tfoi' thle uuastt-ry tif' laItm e, tage of flic n'old. IRoneuen cl Itsi (hoîîotf lii'.s wtu 10 u 'er'iet l('imventive î>owers iginatioui, buf mure piicficai cujor- Attl lieotter evy mw-t ouititi 111çdt- r. ut iniiml. Il is tntv 'tht'm' an ecoîuo- ing, a simulai- clituate, inhcuitcd fli Ard ht t:tvr u ltSt i'k't-lt'iiitIij'-ittit' iti ttrî- t y-lîls to lis pt t-m ofi!, cuîlture auid arts ut' Grece-, andtiiougli wlire ritilitwo t -itabii tt %- Ic 1u- fi t hbs tîîtrgie-s bave fuml play-or are a comt1(uCrOr in ai-ms ivas ever suibordi-- l [ie raiftlitie, iudii:lrttttt liv"e ti l itat strîmiî- ie f iitlicic'nate un genitîs. Tie lRomaunRace, The i.iuttpitig, raîiitttt. t1t-lî, -ui['it iriut iut i tttturt, iuî- îvhit-lti ht- t- the ruI-tms uf the Nwonld," deî'euupcd tt.ti-tcitg'-.usi f it tLItt ~ itut lis ii> t't -hu t iiaiui. i h-iina hardy elimnafe, sprcad ciî'itization Re t'\t't'i Of1J0.vu-lwlt-fut troîjit':l ri-'iiiuî- na- - f0eî'ery laund. Exclîanging for if flue ilrtotit -ist-, iflît :iiý f , 1 ur avsii-, ir o-itesN- - li111 l.iuxiry ofthfle must efiemiuiatc. Theiun - iua ws l'Ai -t toil'-1 -..-i' thîm laui.tvet-iîastvrs C I-tdcî'- latt, luis be:tiffilt flami G-oece, coulti 0, tit i 't î tlt "' !tî' Mît-tt tîhiterîtitl v ihîttotf Cie fnrnii n uo habitation l'or flicGodI- andi rIlrtaî iitt1 Tliercm't-hleutom-en tuf life' inu tuus <Inca'iLs suibjeets from tt- ic mecî- - tttîllmnitîîr.- tri u - -iit ils tu i liut-tt. 'I.lere :11, uîol-slîip of unature, tÃ" lte Iltt u ing~, h liîii' îrishîtttin. tit lu': îitii tiain uîuinnattiomu u tmitry of n-ni. T' g9rit (-ri- a ' ttii- mtoriluner-h 1' ii- - a irtrN% iit ut:'re ifa tui'>daili- fbodieumî.rat-,-" tspruuîg cf t-amtl*s lirsl lttitt hiitili~ltiti~ \'t'iiî-. lAl (liiî tu Itîtit faiilýJIttî-t1u-11am re- blood"-raimîtd te bttrdy -alour imi fice AndtlwhIîii '-vr lt-' ctuql W, -ta tîs o; at!u:i, 'utefeciukti tr ittrianrus, iîortit, mmd glow-ing inm its imiîenu lît~~r-tI - - tt1qui-:ts inî bis it.wesît tpe or evemi l'ec'donu, trautlultilounlte 1etliumat-î 'hl>(ziît'ttu,!i- , ciIit.t r»ttu 'ik i riilizi-il, siutko umuIt-ndespotismn oftiffaitdecaviug Eutipiiri-, ttîî:itthiitn 'Uit- ' îxr;ti'l riîtiut t[i :'noit'stîat:i. luy ti flic liards' fr'tiiîtil-, riuiiusthet- rtiîs of' Ciristaui- The :Pl% v- igu'ti-ts Sacy t' i l , ' a-tî.i"t"-. îîiîî~î r-m --- -' <iim ' tt 'ttm iiftmtt-ttf ~ iî-tt.t t"~f ti-i uîtîhl-t.tuttIfit' citut eil ' ti i i is ani p t tii Iut"t r i t-t"tp 'in ttu i tlIt-i -t a eIî ri - "i-4 .vitt, ttc lai-tlwt!lt- t.k tstt: toj'gn ii.11t41Iarts, î-î'an u il coutnt'tte oft- li ti - h A id ie-r -fC i-'ltiti-104î'tîrcîît - t' - t t -)hy i ,' - -1 - i- :tt t- îu I l'hb-i ti-h e u'hî'ml frti- n o- tui-tt'r c aoft-IAur -t.t.li à ri titi].uc TeroihMtiiu r tît-t < î nqtttf ti I~ttib i. -- ' '..t Onte' iiticiiitlr lr î 'Il .t -- îtî At tl ii-t ( lt 'it p ii t' vit t i" Ici'ta- Mt mi- , 1~htyLiterary and Scientifie socicty. tii-i -i ý 1 at t i -t Wlîifby-, on h ur yl-t'it iî, ftt't1te 1 et'f're l ic heimtcm'îtîi aibms tf'tIli- q1uesf of te Soi-ieît', at-u as ('itiib- marittn nhiocc-tsioii. 'llite uciisiot-totf tht' Chiuamman î-a:it t-tir of't hetN -g-t afiî'e. QŽuit e t ýlarge numbeuhr if lit- soin 'tî'rc prisenti. XViliaîii tult Esqutir'e, Plt-î'îm pal of' 1ýiP W'ldfli)y Gu'rti>ir Si-hîol, t'c'c'teu 'ui flhtl(Wî-mgil i)t-apr fri-oî 'Thomas Iltitgins, E s(ture, B. A., Coi-- i-cspomîting M1ember ofthlie Stt-îie y at Toromnto, on tf l 1 nflleruce tof'Cliîuîtf- ûn Natioînal Clitunti-tc." 'lTe pitIt-r' is îî'ell andti arefnily ivittent. Wt- - ieiLii fîll: Tint I NF L VEN CE 0 F Cu1.1 MAr1m-LON N IIoDGiNS, Esq., i. A., uFT rim, u-'- Frein flic icy regiuîs oftif f lats', tte lcluxta-antsce-ats oftheli froîîics; fliotheficsca-girt islt-s ut'Biitain, fu flic Ci'itrai plains out' At-ia; Mari flue ap-i peintcd lor'tioftis fuir w onu, andtihie! nolesu.tofifbts!t' etatiirtt-& exitiiis titît a unu't-trsality of 'distribtiin whii'l distinguishet i bîfrinuitht- iest uf fthe breating woild. Ini every land, aund under- ciery chiunet, le appeau's enduw- ed nfi t' atulties, capabîtu of apprecia- tmng the woncs et tas tC.reator-, andoe eliapfinc& tht-m te lis purpu)se; bat yef evcrywluere subjcte t hutte agencies whiel have reuititret ihmtiitWircxnt bn physical aîîd i mrl dîaiacteri t it-tf, c- oi-ding t t lic regipçn hc inlabifs.- Some cf fliese dhau'attcistit-s are trace- ableteoflhe diverse variceties inte whieli man hbu de'uFelped, owiug te flic suc- cessiyc changres lelias Uixdeugcne int-e - c "I fTt nemade left',ihië enteru ci- dle-Imanitiof the race. -SpreadIng frcm fIe plais cf Shinfire, acI band- of nomadeg carried witî ift te germs ofthm u~s storins or habits whlcli have t14t- fil'twti-dt t:-ttt' t t 'rttiî' t -t ' t ttm.-' î' l- l l- tu-l'y -ttthe'citu n:t mi iof ' mitltt'rmî itt\irv -, amud îruceI.. a langîmage froumî v. luse î-tuî- iptt-air i-t nu-ien sUimt- ittu, m utuitspreaduuîg, ~.uit a ssdi ils k ii1- <" iuittuin tItis Ilite'w oridl titi las Itmt" tI.inii A bilstijeî'tuf t lt'e- m'u"i't is I'tiiing jmtînluls, i ti t iirt- wtt'îhtas 1"îtt- il i tItr' la - ut ît.tite là ttt .Iî i l 1ît'- a.u(l c liymli e i uisbitu at-tc. l it s Il. V t!lý a",!itt" tt -rnra--ttit- ional tmuîchtuaretcr of'theit-future outhfis it i iiutthi i tttri-t tiuti u-' hti- - rt'lt Situtc - il s suipli'au ai- P01l0, tiltutt i n- luh.î tt I-i tif' ilotîit' îîîsh tropical abitmnamce, bîut tfl icnî- i-tttit-si-- i I h- i- tI-tii-t-Iatdmîl tnt- lehtr c-uitl'> i-tk at îuhem-ty-, andicitai- 1:t! ci-tu - -'tt'-u ilt lui-t iiitiî of' plicmni o laber for lis snstctiuunc-. t ~ ~ ~ ~ z 'tt .tittliit t t t ieEti1ti i'iisu a lpeople fuill ut' vouth ut l i ît'r.i.,itu tit t Ueciii- anmud lite, a chjînlafe uiternà tirtg, btt -en IV.ý I -îtttîtia i l'A It in iaîbas lu-at anti cotti ait thue nîtfeiials, iý t i-t u l mwidit ait1111mî ltiftillitui uc, atul lt'.rning fi'cintflic xpemientctof a r u igoroîts Chati'. W'itluiche ait tht-y areinaîctteil.muriw-bit-h difilîî, ati l y lre alune, li- pro-i a noble futuire may be developeti. The "uetli'r il tfuît'ailt iiiîef!*orti f eniupei'tfe rtgiuis of flicolti werhd t'onim- f) tht- pnatiacted have produt-ed thosemuiastr mids M t ier.tte a '.exp odig wo -te euit-n huait-tan o tei itý'tin t ice t sgo genius lp tillmi ins ituioat-. fu- -i-htittis tifiJI -t-t l-ttvehop- 3t'Men of ftie higicsf intehlectutîl anti to; ilý ir ttitet iiii bodylandtimiii i nieraI po'r. Frocfi-ouithfle extri-cte t-ttn-tuuts-tlt- ~ îutlenerva- - Vat-c or dîarf flic facuities ofua- 1ing about-af al crenfa we find nef h-oftlîe pefnified remaiuus of tainic ife i For Tonshrlipstor Itîi 'rt antîitittdtith- i t1i lia ul'et roi., adtlebre -tîose rg* sbaebeen the,.home o tufi i n the (min imtt'omuuusiuit lenitedat triicltJa tf btiilul- ni--t-i114 tîmtliti":ited cîtiltis otf tte tties, flie nublest races, thc highcst <iviliza- j1liai-cbeen at one Urne or flic other, PEnsiox vo'TnE RorAL FA3ILY OFtii ' E 5--Arclitccî andti iittiii':tttur ercck tipi-ut ii'i flic ~ ~ ~ " I as dres Oune. -Itis rmmourcd tht despatches ISrtt Wi.briet polaa flte ioc.s f ) 11 t-tpÃulerumîslou, fthc gi-cafest fret-dom, and flic for wlien fuimd le wasf Uly d scd. b -e <can aIse bu SCîmi.tda, y AMS WALAIT t1w stcet-iof uins ltiighest deti-lutpe- i uuret-sreigion cf tht- wunid. hi fthc The murderer n'as evidently son-e hae ecafy eabfyrmmdJahon.ti,16y,1A857.ALAE. mtiti, tnîd of lis vi itouitus co1]et.Sf saune rtagiun, the&sanie races have to eue acquninfcd wifh tthe heuse,-for whitliao penson sa snt i tetro al t AliMb, AL. 16, J81i7. ' 1> agraint tite iatciais i ofnaf u re. Con-- idcvelope flic rcsou.rces, matur-eflic in a store-room nexf the garret wero Ifamepoty cf uuonc tea ct hbal unsca toJiD~ARYOT~b Cîo.'îi 1)y tîe Scamdinaîan w iîh tue geninis, and gi'e an enuigeem- found a tewei, sheet, amdui es if r tetle a cofretse grant120,untsptr TIIE VNAORDMOUS!. ftigiîi zone; and by the- tations of Soubth-t o flich nationailiaiacter cf suncared n'ithf blood, and aise an erdi- annum, and la in perpefuitj'ý IL is said H1OLLOWAY's I TVUNT 1-n i'rîi L-oe, nif h flic on'iuizemne, the' Canada, and with the influences and ni-y shirt, %ith bleod upen one arm, fitteelfrhrap-rs enitn cetri ne lrms flic intellect ual zone et' I examples cf the- nho t-an doubt and marked 1,1Char-les J. Ketchun.- them commutation of fiveaksf i.t- TeOuetCnerIiath the notirher i-min-uisjulît-', lucu'ca moi-e-'tht- îesutt? 'Thc anme n'as printed, and may have pmdfragetriora rpryyed EIU S 0F 'DITSE ASE ,OFTF ecaount-a beaue o a ess Tîcsdy lst huenmbes pt fg»tghaf sum anaually. The grant is tuudeed Ttue3 t ayt klnthe iner.ogn, nature, Onntue, cf beefn lss OnTusdy as emerer o eenpu ter fryhetxpes .rpsiutit i riouh hepoaorg ansetv- fm'tiffui cli mate- yield oîly f0 sfeadyv toil fthc seciefy met again, hèlieli follow- of diveutiug enspicion to fhe belief thaii mout lilierat; but in sut-h cases liberality tu twunà te,"-&à î*i' ttrî grntstu îuaî. ctie an ~ a n's î att s~ oe ~undouhtely the bestp<>icy- rThe Miiusul- rbed in, is titshroflinoui thie saie chan- an rnst in eieadpeu-se- igquestion wsdebâted Whicl i iLas fhec c f sm nentkacwa jumpopulation cf India wiIt view rifh sa- Duce*,unit, rcucitln, ut'e -t cf iufltminnuit-i,' Z:ý prouuptiv muid ititehuîbl,,,simbtiei tu 14 etluer verng abo, oretha le rquies coducs on o teiappiness cf iu the neighberhood. That if lUs 110f tisfacticuioeeof their neble Itmiies secur- . - nth idiv, ê 1 th flic fmi r aluke f~ od l'or bis utatitu-at wantct andtimati: a monarchit-al ci- republican doue for purposes'of rcbbery, ile showua a oito f flenead-dl git> muy otherîtnprtaulcrgue. lt'ititi't- u flue- - -surface -ho- -theii.iterior, ligt lu ù m wtesît Iitr ociltiitate t ight-r flîculties foi-m cf gevernmeuf." , by the fatt thatnothn" hfvr aswrhûf necdnsbe'prsnw islùcumiucrawith eipi(ii' Of ifs nature. The- altci'atiOus Of litat AFFiamiv . N»G&TvE. taken. Ne evidenoe basyef showvn imratgine would wish te se. India aifogether mer rana sses imite fli evreth ifuxu ite cooimd regeueruting in#ftte ant clt, lî cang c ficsesus, Bcua-ug Geewed, any motive 'aunwhr.e forsu han thotaarstPc-y-; anti if there bc an Sk r.Du"audvîaiirul X1 anti fc lsnth aget' tifeli emonste Frcr, MeCeo, togitearistoeracy ia thtoitryit nustbe coe~ac zont-, acf as inceatives te man te sf rug- Klrldand - Mure7, fIat direction. - It wiaa tfempted t fdcuy nsrsorc net T4 a ru. rOnfexen..Y !unie rrisuh M a qii gle, te amnticipat' bad teoultivte flc Rern, f ha~aî -ee.i' st a i18, nt preat, inm>e.sibte Ti R lneut. iýMPlu p8-1 tiuith scalI arts antifutia h ciîilizîiuGa"jin which "driug adveutures, geuerally.Ma- e' -h> e.,dit art ike flic sai- H ui o f eSan- Iie kixisinie W, ween Dr. B urdell and the w 0111811 ommedn sôldi mo aird - ut frthe28 1te - ' t ik the ini 1-etdolithewho -prhuoes toji bM i$ Wift-bnl rthonmbuulves are over, and, caste îcepe r-Ãs ý1tJ ffîýîýe kn h dunavîtînnorthiman, tiien' lis mythe-G>u- ~I m mfaninsayligjksteHae hplepr~r.rmnhali niéI logy foi-e-tnature, andi from a nature H.igia, KIIIL e-ged th",ir.M-.Ekr vh hp per or nuorclant m ilfne, The, --- infiuencing his climat e. The sua- boarded in the Ixuse,, wu ise ià tI ex-King will Iuszicttlrth be itathe plleion 4 ice 'Gud.of tfli liatiou and tflic ice-king Tetmite ' uî.imel m offuthr flieScudiaî'ofn, wi-ct-aquestion o -mate ith ,the wokan, ana thuaïthko f a grýat Eiglish uoWlmau, witlt&namn-sou-es, linomt mîni amo t~.I s ut haâ beeuijealousies between.him ud pie revrenue and esfate-a gocd 'exchangQ prupi-nt e t feur latitudes. But fhe Mr-. IHny'. -Reazin 'wil thê I ren theo decased oi-4hat ri.mi- b ~f k~o da doubMnlil ennà heut. c 1~ pagauusnî cftflicnortî was more rude -cfuBurdeil afates that on Friday iiLit - -B-- - < iesâ Bi xim andi tiidlike flan the mliîfuiïsud na 4- E'r 4f4 bed-ro -lef Éeù 0 Siî PRTOIL RWML4-G(In . sèbôÈtliê'ti teî f«h& £ suai mytllg -fflic, scuthl, andi gave an--at ~3l4e4 ~ ~ iir9I 2<~II~I~tU t -way more' readJy. te I elev ting We cepy from" -c~7, ieè.-i>~ii di~t ~ for some extraord haryauecdofe--aud from w r î-'ï21iT fêi fttIs cOf Cliistianity. sg h.ôoýn< itW ahhuspeiuL!J~~bnln 18lur ti ** rs efhiýt-thi' fuarv If in their inythWlga hie e ws ekAýt" ' __q:glFdPvrs ,M;p9oea alT4 :'a -g- li of F . t(iËudcbut eai-aest consecration of ve'JMS Ef~tD.- >- l â- ~ia1~ge f fai hw1içh se*tl wmui heaiteil (eaf l ,hi& - theni ouf as tbe 4 l e reoev;e-fj e new religion: _Se1 t'ir 1estsùg > m -- ------ tittt4tiUptttfà tcii -Il- tnnuavtake t i ppuir- - tmîti ilt ~ttrnnuîdiîg Cuuuictgcer.tly, 'that lIîi.rc -r-ared 10e do-aUi uinisof i rouk ia EAM ENGINE'8, Satýar sd 31111NUlCash;ings, - cf ' *-v dauirtt~,on thic isteqt tiainot i in- î ipltinq, >tiud !Il aiyie cfonkumatîlip tiit ot cf lxurl)ssÈeLlt-y amy cther csiblisahmeat o'e plaini uI rnunemItai - 'at t rou Wiuudow Caps, &C. id CoInnps; rates-- Sleigiîi$iies; Suu#a ï, , P ipc floxu', luonm onec ieh te fourj un lfinchues, botti for recul and i uon ù l ey are maakiiîg anu "6w have on iuiud, a ty of /- Cookiug anid Parlot Stoves, à hyarepelliug NrhIet> e an utaiutml, vlt Kigôf5'to'es% Gaeiemua River" Riig-up, i iith the Stomrrc!atnmt (lieyare-nut- riu q ofal nmu 116rêew Wrh r -eadeti niantifacteo r ~ outiriye n4 ei Ittl5lî ?Yt-ilhd ' trLiff C AY 4ýl 1, ne hit? Letuh" m f L&-10) ii4 iop mentioned to, thei rper rlins.hL :IO>fF PAN» MjIlJT1!T I L . WIXrW Y neescanho cnduted to advantagc already involved the atbci'ities in iffl indcbtud to thii, citltir 1VAlluiet<0NT A RIO 0 H 'T 1>MIU 'i'.D, T1 foshiewidw ad rmilMr r > iyî fiti to ii' BU11104'11C STiIEET. W1TI fo iawdo nd&M-d-great diecredît. jIfa sei tresut'te,,MOr ggee"e' atten, Mul~~~~~~~~Noe DYrlth f' fFebrtli,'$*Vel z Y.Idirt .MZVr. Tu oa tme une.the rse iqui , we iiay thèi ier LIUtwiii belflot'inSS't to , W1J1'fI<Ug r.111E I.1LCRBge )FFER41 FOU Udtorl .1. u'e', reesondttreeid'Mr.w Witbyl2th put ul, SuMt7 f i'L&llC4.'iIUtt. "'Vful1TI)lt hN welI cenclude that our iwholc systein itibltT ltt.I>'- - .Iuiîlvu' -et't ~eitV it'k I TIhe murder cf Dr. Bur-deIU13e eAuch a crime cannot bc conimitted, at TIIAT 1lVîîh îm l§Gutntt.el ttxd bt'tlt it. T JOEL IVIiib>ELJiiW t"i te lîs'u strict fn per.tialr WiI of the meetst artling' incidents of the sueh a timo and in such a place, with- TT 8 N Q AT 111$ _STORE THE, ...lit lîticr cutututmtIII, trutttimtf. Ifloikrwe sd1 iqi Y &'OOïThe out(SLJvN .ntraces whrncto, a'. slc 'L'rm anufiacj ti inystery that thus far sronsi rxiesgDosnn esr'n iT 0 0 CII 0NA, IJL.XSS, irit- -D1ET~WIT , : rttiii r g'"e an heim;lr'tî Itmt O add gcaty o IS ntrnse hrrr.teileet to thc detection of murdcr. il,'1t AI LES ~ A -;S, l' ors,.t,î.îTîrt 11,-ilt it 11îtt'tttw litttr Our City 11«18 been .a scele cf vcry The first thing that is essentialin iiuli AND E1AF,ýRTIlENW 'w'A.Nl) <it-jt't 'ttt i X tIN< ~~" .t'. t.l~ rnany traedes equ.aily .bloody and a case is the proper questioning of'the $ 101)'- oOI<S ,S ( f r,> t t)412.'n INiim Pa "k tenit't tîit-ine, v. Tth dny sbrotuded in darknes. Sonie ten reproach te any ene when we expressj Spring ittt1tora't't'tîh' t0îl à sW t -21,t'î tI-.. years.since a Mr.Cocrile li Cak1thp11a hi moraEduywi) lt1,MitiyBtrttit' i i1 tiltt itt'tt t ttI i tE 1 )O iJRî~,AND' TRt)dr n îng, in Leonard strêetnear the Cari- h b lcedluthei hall&, of goie 1c* Wiiv pet-t ~ - J ifd ~i~tt't~'!" ANFCOY ton lieuse ijUst -"t dmaskBÉoadway 1son c:f mrater legal experiencc' titan 110 U ND LOT F0 l'M A<1,E. a! .tr6" ...kt-'t being crowded, wias shet dcad-rtnd the Coroner iw'h) las conduIcteti ait rr nI-' lu1') (IF 13' Il T 1 Rn-;t, I UPLE1 fi flot the islightest Che- has evcr yet thiiâ far.-Y Y. 7~Tesm, 4" t i' ttit îtCt u'! ~ ~ r 1! ON- îlt-"t. t' ttt>ttt. à rttit beea obt.aiuue<I te the1&iring murder. :10.1 tt' 1- iii ~~.'. r tl't'rttl litrtnrto' i.tmmImt t14îti' h tt.iil-M t Etti.tt î~tt tK 0 ' i T, 41 -I y til< ptt "t thit- <'.t4tti tlttit le*ti c io'ai Moe ecntyDr. Lvtutner, a wcîî- AR-- îIîhW.-Attht_~ tzl'tt~S:* ' ~t t ~îd~'bi-r.J/,,1/iYri j ( 't Bttti ttd j~~.q îtla tt Xtirmuîr knov. aris',U-î"eltt at10 o.'/c in "ice otWals.at hjs'tior olI*trt, I> ouble and singl Ie tht 10 nng tirPraving f laeSaly in thterWs' .~.~ttofWil MAr«1iùirtOr ttt'tt,'!t . Ih- tmea&c.1,r&C - "CI , in 't à buitdit 0 titon Btioad'r, Zn 1 cir eIp,ý,n lli iP,9 way, in his own roifontig 1n tatInglamd, tflIaiifou'd of a cerîat avrtt-ti .., t~ ~~'~ AHlmîîl.tthiiMmtnIfttnecd -~t tlîrcnged and busy sre r;th rpo t oel having reaisoil f0expecf a 1isit \Vilîtt.itttr -ti.t-'t t[ t'-tl îtttroxt:grIll-tii'tîtlî'-t o- cit lI)erttlictltfin. j frta is to~'l Ii.~ness puepa 'î'I -' ' -- .i ~ fi'tttî!r tattentltin îtid t)t, t4 of the pistol Wa.s heard ; scores of frin11URya3N1('LEs pepre JOhEN 11. LOW1,1 t. e\' tir t-.' lihed ' -1-în 00tttmeît I31 peeple were pass;ing,yct umo reasouablue bi-s btst ruonis inii,; bcst st yle, ai1 i -tt' t1 -i-' ýh- 'rttukt'r'.1 . liii'. ttîntuarv Ith, 18-)., UTS> suspicion of the crime la ht the.n w'aited day b)y dav in fev'emrisit -j v.. f il .t'$i b~ ~ !~- t- __ n1e faîr becui fiistcncd upon 'mxy persun. anxity. One- alfernoon a gcîîft'nîan ; tliroiice John 31. I.owes PR~Y~7:r..î~ît '. Hb >LOSPECTU I It is net a year since B3urke, tUic t anti a voiitli arrivedt at the Ihtîtela cries&O W etdir 'o~nd orte - C Tu Sa porter cf a clotiing âtore, aise t ~aski'tiif roomtu,; cunild be itiatfoi' ttti 1hrNicT Joi' R .-JOOD. S , -t ~t --tî.~~'.tt~ i ll W'lT NtI l3romdwav, n'as fonnd deadi upon fleic igÃ.-,Ait he' st-oantsvtr!.'imTitestt V I N TEfR GO C ElS , ti'î . w"', lieO el.. i nridae ,fo h a dioct' as sure' r pi i-,-T tt t ' LA tt' P(;ti tty L' ute e ang, .ptneta~ skuill terribly beaten ii, marks cf bloui lc ie îseermxî'thefl vounig l>'ttcî- atduetii! rileit upomu ei-irv part tof the roula ant inii thte'tutor ini bis neîvly tir-iv titi traN- i i.,e.-1, t'- trî it!.,,rt-r , el, t-, ' t i t t. 4i,îtn'utionitore&" dicatiomus t-yen' w'erc that lus mortir e ki-t-. Su the besf rooms weruv s1tt-îdi nt 1;1t1H tjt-~t~,r -tî 'ti ttOFr t h aet0 thSili ,b'criberà kt l e hllt bt-en efl'ected umlv afler thelicmto-tt B lvVil o the licgests, anti everiw pos_- 'I ,î I ît'."/îr I'n i& u'x IIDAU. ttlt i wr.ît abty theflini1sttf rfrctd anti desjeat srugî. iltiCe onftrt was addctoi t< rake thitum W il 11. 1ttltr..- t2 I l- 7..tt 1'lF'I ' N~À~'- t"' tt'tt.t ioîi ,iferiztti,:ilie rllttentent r-prcn i t l t'fatt'. tvte ic -e, ail tttreoral'.tetn!tt b* dcci l as yet beeîi ubtaituit, and l'. 1 taini kîuw immg look of ltlaie ait -...d 't"-'.-. Iti ttt' rtut'ii tt1ttcti ett.rtt tijttt iicî&tti)-or ittmtirjý it- stili waiks the waoritl iin complote i iolbha-ti fo its v:l ist 'it-tt.- '4 -l tifi It :tu ttii - Oe Ille tu <rC lttti: 'flt'('trtilt 'it imaug pintsu far as hnmnam pemnalties aet1 t-he .notd4eeC-(ý ndviItcIt'ttcc.11rdb fesaèý ar ih lc iuîîs tt1irn". ni v ut'I1 t . I I tI11' 5. I.ttr Open' t&'ettrc hiwavMcuti f ,lt-.- '111-'f ltA t D"lîutmttTi -e>FNT 111.,Al tituse till lie mreIlEM com'cn<-t. wtluonfan uemi - toxvltigm ît ît \t-- \as- itt-H 'ii4tvcr v eek flor te plectzurie, eii la Mr. Bm'ic' nurdî'r is tuis falt-miasbkun tia l'tmîi- ' -II-'"WI"l"~R~"IPSTR'titd profit Ifl- r'Sh4riet.seleetij<un' ilite Ias mti xlii ed aï iitlier fofct bs 'jimmthe. tî-rim i----- 't"t iefttuLc friiel3,-t)a*ceriii îf t Pa e~ Il- 11ltvielaio te îIr-I- i :î 9-t - it - ti t, tîî î:t taî îemtcmu:e e timu oîîîet's îhît in i rest's t he f~ci r- (Ive" natfb' luit vyrt ti't [tt11Y ti.< V T- mis i i lc~am î vo lîauitt fm'~c'mt loru'a or i"n te-b use atm't i tit ilam-,tl it I- . t-nt'îili"î 'ec attdnding it mît Irmtte for FlicW'tîi iMrn î, lt'wu o lt wt.-m'e hi imîg a lre tinuut-ecr o otxî. "u Etîuot-- LVNkT I 'tttiotimerc- ><.- ilc ir v t att sctŽal oo s u' -bi-b wer' t ul tiîmt i t'.1tb .titi th îaîoŽ'l latt GRANI)TUINK n I t i- "i -t -lt' -JýItij >of tletîit'f:t~~ct asoi wtlt ifi*er ndflroiîîth a Loiîîa ' i-ilfrte mmn t-'uttiîrei < Trut atlOI:wi '--tti- - - -~lI i ~ lt ttfo r l'îtbvuiltc dotitt'cd d m s - sttt'uî." lltb tI iitîîmt', aumîl iii tà i- tii -u 'k e , . t'it r di-t. i. lt-î>wîi'-:iI. fs itlii- titt Sact. Omr eitlnRewil o'cluek~ ft u' î'îillymutr itm Ii -as t îniA'l t pitat lît' titît 1'- I tT RU i * i . i - 11- . Ct" -- -.l-ELt. il îm i nutc ieti fedt Lhrt. nîpilaum i îfthe atin , prOfth e e to Sélar t- ili'îîjîît-îî tri;'7: '1 o Vv. (I F fl(tt-j TI - THE t-, îî-rii t t' i lt i--c ar'-: ýtd m 'L er l btt- t i tf'e. W'u inl'r, tonluit ' w , bile t- )r t i u i - - *'iSn !(InTtNGIl(-\VhbI, wltuî--iil'îiîroe. a d thendvte!oirn tetsuf uflt-ll r-pot e th- eidetscofa.n - t'rThrfleisw ne, a nil iiMater V iù%t& Ie nsuanc Im'iii tuti - iti te4il!stute..Ou iddi imc'~iewkiii it w as ttit ýt-,I-"-t'tl ' f hattt theitiIaucelA an utcet uro tii 11 CIy e oIiheg iià lic fact, o ltl î1". tt/ Jr î[-f.-' t! t - \ f K-ilil'ifJmb~ Ectta L, t amtîttî-m fpoe-y n h nm~ Itiithamel SIhi' ite mm1r the ilt- t ew i s oin r.ie t heitî ri)- tu- u'o -î O' miTi. .it,, i>rin, ' i ýi t itlt f t- . i-ia T I) îo~t t rofiitb,%- te m ici e , thîs theli' ofth cri i o EIî:m .I - i t.d. *- A -.S't 'ttt lý -- i Y . K L LEtiaute ittrv-,t'of ntietc nKeCtit- do ations uthi1 ' tititictit titit iieit- 'Th' lj i-t %v'indl. W, ging rt iou mmiîthe lalv now, LIVERPOOLexîlî 1111î re-tl lr;etatu 'ii,.ortld, à na iiert awa op-mei tt- doz'imidfuittiIttt tt- i - tîîl mfor 4tgthe l i '. a )Il ýt« t(- i- t i rtt - ý-LT ING 1' E T"'-IfritW h i) t e I1 iopk i/Jtu .tur tbi.raon uth t. 'ii'îrepot ofthe evist-mfroneFirn0L e - Lir Insurtîtd Comtîvu b,r, t'c'ct> W titb s, a tItri seul a4tm n tre t. flue star n hiybpart of ourt' repoat ta- copie-('toi--rioiia yi' andtthe ' t 1t7am d tb f 'on t e r p u e e a bl o i Bo 11t" - i h-i,.. A t5'r. tt1îîN.-f. Iid ,l!i,îîN ý3 B lt 0. - t mio thi-u" ie t o j to t " h al basn tiut 'iqmdfielficesia niim.ict, ltd l1c, 'a iata iruch lieeL iYas--1t ! -l -t --'.i- itto..t ii-i cmi-iitum ou thngig ot hn hýrettreln asCap.itall lLs~ itetiih-. ti!c g e elti ri g ta os ltnte- vesel u cuu.iuaiu li1îuls ir3iiiteI1ltiai,:,timivî'ý'.ný' "t1 -rt"' t -'" '.Ppef ril 1,t ii weml intfi-t îm u cIti to ' itbii. ep J' lt i ~ ~ ~ x an iitteewecn estan f in thf eC'.vI -ý; u~1t- ~ IRtIi-~t' ~ f-ti ~j -iîtni'.il egr-z-a terto±'gan of both waihltuadeis t o tm ted nisi a. Ii-ten w nd boup o n 'rio s mfri io t o bu uitomîls nicni'î '<t ~tiiti <. t t i it i ile-î r d ciel ai v t.je - boi', nflited y a nifj or onue ses iti ifs stînîà cî- imî e aî,nhî-rrs u t1 -- 'tl oîpiiit.sUrc i-' t rouic oct-anshe ___an___i caril eld-ye, iitne e îuunu-etu l i slîrp insruzucît lu d 9r 't5 in i tiegtii-i-itîg t r eouu'f>ll'tif .-uîe NOl [ I E- 4-11;-.-'-. triimua h y a Tît e insu- eloitif tie t iem Iocked, a nntifi e y nasui n the e ouf- p- codi g o t e dv lts i th itl' t- r îv r s uîu:Iti: atAiE'1 . ~ ~ t ~ fcaigPome ithe tiOsu , nciCdltm . de.(ttre tupturee of a of lite1eirmtofureiîmi ant mtseafni-lt irie le sull 'ilf i e ig iNd amui1sliti, f ic rsfqa, -fr t't iitt ttità ft'îtt ' cp i cête ii ruutio. Whorlebof i eigeceo vene butshow' ieair i bd aed 'unî icaî- îki u sa oss iictîtrtriit. mit' tA' T 1t. Illut'tiit -lcnnty foi nIiOie laboÃieg t s~o y t-u itd d r'îg li aisi, i angà flu ae l es mfli c lvIt-'ycm- <ttritilii Ie itcttic 'git feittit' 'tcuoî -' bige or eu-m-v ..I»t - lwlepowsu'441 0 -.tcti:re tIti'. I _ _ _ _ a n th fr tabe h ad e trned or ando n sta ias boom wcre tue "intYa>tlti01ailudt.týM*gren oc X id"hj i 'ih:ttî ut tryît~ ~cnt Saud y onn , f~ iehd u-sn Kiepat au uîu"s fio trpe -lcitii 1:1ti Vit' tc tttii.t-ttt'iltetrh V IlfIr1bN U . - ieeCol aen~J~im uc -ilut7c ti htcT-tit - t if) -the anspieièuofpelit LLbo 'a- scor em f-o aw en a ont Wsnchejîav ivdau lors0d44Sbeid ttltitti ;ii' t. IX7ttrrihOt'mIre kiStB(;tBEi uvTtly â-aitimioFoi' lnt 9 i of titctniti'e r ci1art andt quartuz.titla' 1 -1i'caiMilleckcfth> WlthIy t'tmcdi'tVlJlI8MS I i oMei tuu-t-tiu-ctigttic itt ciittiseinlene telrnt wiui aîk mmr-I'Ji-iii ad o uax*crî qtr nhleth4sdmantr -ck remaej tn i U- )CK STEM~, wrn'u Do«u go the Regia Cironk i&. be t-. T - tue, or $24 if paul d dt, quent insertion, fier 'it dimeectnt, éUewed tu e -tîsimug bi the ym'r. r bais lra.l u>ti nemi,ý y,. besi4des1be'igren.d i nu Whîiby "d itkiter meadim niotldluit b li- p le ose nDotme imn s'I bediseffntinuedtimn elosimemle1, if rezixtere h. Puiblithemswhen att INS & MAYERIOYfl' >OK AND JC PIIT-oRS 0F TifF CL41 would respecfiuI 1ev ha-'. procmmed scoe es T.from NewY# 1 D OB PlM ciptic>, a dgmuraaf.- e mu arsupenor fstyle ami pnetorà lusrêpurdisse- W THE COVTNTY & s Office aitite Court Il-i ESON G. BY" - OFFICE ATt IAR. OFFICE 0: [.. ACDO!qEI 0F THE PEACE.- OF THE C013NTNY' O tie, BrokSîet W. PAXTON' Jr . . ACDOxE'1 "R, & CLER OF 'T -Office Mt lte Court1 JOUX SH1EU, y ENGINEER. 0F] FIET DIViSiWc W. H. TUEMÂYI tor-e, opposite the'RP-e N.G. HAM, STER AND ATr(OR1' --othe tut-Sore-of. lie Regisfry Office, Eu 'W. H. BILLINI STE &' ATFOlIN! itou' ina Clmicenu', rer, &C., WhitlC.'%