Ontario Community Newspapers

The Globe, 26 Oct 1889, p. 1

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V')L. XLV.-NUMBER .5571. WHOLIE NUMBER . .......... J= ONTARIO'IS CAPITAL., The Town of Whitby and Its Surround ings. DIPPIN INIO EARLY HISTORY. The Setteruoent of the District by U. E. Loyaier.- CHURCHES AMD) EDU;ATIUNAL INSTIUUTIONS. Publie Spirit ln the Face cf Dscourage Ruent-& & nt4 Boo and Its Cons- saquenc.s-PseLce or muni cipal History. the suijeet of ti.e- sketch. t i-- salitly mtatolj a mile alnd ma hall cortla of lbe hllure@ of LakeO (ntario and thirty miluea ei gof!1. rosbta. denis.iii sme froin the faîmous ol J tovu of %Vbitlîy, ilu Yorkshire, Eliglutud, renderel vworîtiremowned for is jet mttti- factures anti thoe enormous quantities o(Pltitat milierai foutîtil itiils v icinity. Thle Vahi ta y of Yorkshire Wa§, prevîous W the itîcursiolls of the Dignîes, cailed '-treonesbatch ; ut wben the itivadiers took possession tiîey gave it tb. simîple tiLle cf at' (or Wahite Towni, juil as îboy cbalîged tbe Saiouî Nortlîonhblag to Derby. 'lho Wliiby of Canadas a àpeat'e- fui htstory, commeiicitîg a ceîtury &go, vîmen the haril7 sud caurageous pacîeers of %Wtesterni Caialta crossed tbe labo as Niagars, and, follow:îîg ovîî the ebortia, sought selcter on itige. tnks or the. Ieautif ail arbor wvihlahstand. ini frti of the, town. ln hie admirable- Life aistd Trimesu of Josephi Gould, of Uxbridige." Mr W. H. Hiigisis tlîrowm vaînab i litt on the eerly soitleinsiît ai the C;outty of On- "ario, of which NVbîuby la the county town, andtiglie vrîter l ndsbted for lh. valuatle aasaatance giveti by abat vork. A sketc-h of %Vitly vitheait a lîrief bîstoryof thie fertile county ini whlchii I situatced wculd rab it et a groat doal cf iLs lut-enet. TOIRONTO, SATURDAY, I s.tle thore voeem.ragnWg-buing 200 to I400 &cres cf land, sMd 5hrm yearu ration. f rie. l'he ploionsalo1.jf of cthe Most tempting 4upI t emi b e.soe %N'iiîby and .keintlhmffl îh. wo:froDt township@, were Km «tuqd. 'The familyof- B, Wilson 4oiar tok>b. a U. ELL. the finaleimeleis4.8m * con nty. entered the Townshfp of WbhhWjy in 1794 at Port Oshtawa. WÃŽiuom wu a Vermonter. and was born in the Town of I'uluey, in th. Green Mountain 8Sîs. 1por at-ou pie i years thry bal nw otîter or nearer neýghIker thi t ab trou lemsotate Iwii li. l'ime tiret year a baîmn of iîu ea.aoopei clown upîitiie lotie whi.. setticinent sud iierriel offthii.e bole ye-aru provisne -aic itc bauieess 9supplit-l the famitiy te i soiernîttett. l1h. frgteui.tifau'ilyOeil mn borner f rous tbe litai. settlement. suî;img ai a point furibor dowu the lako. af terward.a calied Rtlerse Creek il&it iallngaomî The duel of the tnt>., namo 'N ho allat teen absmîèt mien te settber'a .bauty w&e loote-i andOttis aretursi wua sry angry ai e bhat bath happend. He compelloti tiie Indiamia ta <1v. bac &Hail te pravîaaan. that vaee lof t. &aC ta maie amule pmynwonlu frs.. to the %Wilson. fora eh prties a ba Iteenconnmo. The b.cie! mai, Rave Vîlbon a bolt cf vainpum, &Aaa a peso. boit." tu bang up ilu, hisshan:y, lelliing :b»wbite About thebogbinninq of the century tbe twa Farewell boy. utarted in a canoe f rom York, nov Toronto, and paddled down &long the @bore for tbe purpose of .pying out a aettlement for themmel vos They e iandd at the mouth of Oubawa Creek, and book up and setI.d upon the land wbaere &boy made a hume and atterwards lired for many yearm, anti on which thear de- sumadatestill resid.A. Moody Earewell wu j fiÏ= %Vrto~ Ahraliîam Far.weil, ex-YM. PI., 1888, andti b. ancetor of lb. nunaîenonafatnily of the- Farevella ofi nr. mony. OiMr. Nloody Farewell uet«l to relut-. hw ho vas trequentiy chasied by valves &long ths front roitd, auJ espociaily t hei cedan mwamp nimrartniett, boet Whitby sud Othawa, in Liii>. early dlsys. Up to 1804 thoe w a. no bouse beten Fsi'ewellsa, ei-&» ofOshawa, and Lyndea, aet I.ynmies Creek, vest af the prisent lova ai 'a'hitby. Ji voulal appear froni .s.rly recorda tas slavery existoei in Canad% iii te Couotnai Ontario as lat, as 1803. By the viii of i5oli t-(.urai 1De Gany. dstei1803, ho devibs 200 aCres ai Lot No. 11, lot con- ceasion of Wbiîbyta bis &lave ervaul., Sanon. and bus boira fon ever. anti te bis'ý * aber black servant, John, 200 acres, L4o' 17. it, Lthe 2nd concession, Wahitby. Aul' tho pruivision cf ah. yul nrune sfollova l - i îtahsduty incombhent an mute5 IN OCTOBER 2,1889. ve.d Uas atownîship iii 1791-95, simd the Obrlîest record of township matteru begîne wigh 1801. The names of Woodiruff. ICarr,Jýresbio, Smith anti Lynde are tboe of old settiers wbîch ocutar inî the oId town. 1ship recorda previous to 1312. Jabez Lyndo setîled on time creek, stilli kowa Ly hi. nam*,inmnediuiteiy wept of the town ot -Whlt, in 1804. He w.. employed by'hl' Guvollmenl 10 forward dempatches between Vorkund Kingoton, asud ho almo macie pur- chasilfor the. Govoîîmmeiît commissarit. Wb.n i.i honte, the pregent remiuience of M les Lynde, as the creek. Wall built, it wtiu considered the liest residence iietweeîi King*lon and Toronto. It wa' a mop;uîng Iplace for the t.roop on their inarch, a-1 a pposrst tobave been ueed as a Iloesoiry . A Mimus Cros@ kept the firis bcool in Witb, Townsahip in a littole 10 h ut oipoatte Nighîilîgai&m,. now Mr. Wm. IBIalr'ef&rînla 1811 Mr. Samuel Coeia- PFIJE TIIREE CENTS. 14 1 ýAj -C ras *0tM it a lti Cochrane borne.J mia~ Jobtt li#laad. Johnî Ml.Warren antd . i %Vi alità Wiwi ,LawrenceHayden n sd i~ me Wer I îby betswein oî 849119 tuthe Townshipofaislnn bten o' 1812 end 18M. The oly posîofece on F>bo lHamero Cornera, thon called Crawvord'u Cornmers, wbore Mni. John Sparrili Dc "o- lives. *The neareat tiacor liveti ai Toronto. - Tite Warrens comrnenced slorekoeping in 182 bt lamer's Lornera, and kept the tirni pautofice. Thir, n t hie ouly store Ilouàe* snd blooku aofItou... er. bulit. ionnnc tlo hin tint becaurne they dld îtî;dà Port Hope &ai Toronto at that &aitiaown anîd corner latse hecaànle more, oasîti outltex thaimselves licavîly tu securo I. It ime. Thi.%Varrens vere caile "the tmore valuaille a. the popuistioti iaîuroaseil. a bocaamo îbey have been inla brd luck. ieltimn ".îoSoaachmen *brotherinamed ITite tiret Public varke hal alresmly coin. Thoar morc puisig aeiphbors t.)1h. .NI r ver "M lce11"1 the i. eooogu," meaaued. Tho piank rosu f ront Wliaîly go 1 at sait West hall laid Ra-sdoep lchemne an, i TrBâ4"Ina, urothers, "the tEsgliah- lion:tierry vas untier contstrctin aî td a t-o ofth! e- grade ln the tiorth and f041.. a44 Qi. but quality f lrge amautiioiiey wuas encaloîl for rut) Wluigby of lhe advantsgis wbloh It la a --&*a *1008 lb.ethe constiru-ttou of piers and barbor works. icrîveifroînthe manylfine roade uhicli It trait Id 4ýý~S ,bou gtt ferVr .hos.vre blît ty iîerchautu clos. ini former yoar. b.lped g10 build to bning £on4 goa16 Pm Muweaîa at ta ahippîaîg, builinîgs rose l il JH ireeiolis, tbe îîonlhern fearmer Its w&y. 0"e %lie ôfit: pe: euhMM i Wum. ,oiandi las masy natnral avanttà«ee e.teblilh- The citmmeuis af Whigby ba -ve madie many Wili %Varron belid thoe o ed 1 .Wbùb1y in 198 uas airait ulaas graltefforts ta retines. ihoir loua of Irade. 0*1 - iefr bî*Wfr nMyve à"~a1 ah lippîna port. 'bey iîave offi.red l lhal. ý*bous..esta di*d 1887 a;s at ataibcotl au*. 1%4e 1? --06"V" ilîcorporated lIn hlii. eanma4UUfaCttrret o COrne i. lh. lovaI, De and Meekie. vere early ettions, mas & Und%.cf lite coriporàton cosi. sud %btey bave a standing offer of lia the fainiltes ofai lldgoUole'y pleti 4. Te co.tboifl t the emptc ainmcm taxation ta &Uaul no Pickeil, Hall. McGrecur. N1141111i, Couon l 6 î ouait f«tery vblob in vortby cf attention. hIt b.b ruli, Heny, lDullesa, Artois, Howard, Oftioe aiîd g qXand in 6the hcped gletmaitiiby vili ilu the anen lu- elRus. larl.lott,. 8kae, %Voeti Grand -Trumîk *Ome&PW'oornmuaî. tare lme graîsteti botter railway aooom. Tien he fvg ep@MMo ulI m. kat place..e one oai-the most thriving wd, of r t Vltitby, Mr. Peter Penny, înoet,e1,%amd eesed Ilu b.IghL e"titul tow-ne lu lheProvince of Onlarf v of tb. lieet knowîî anti mon t pi. Wloitby, va:h 1 ut ail uture,. l» e y ' hlv &got ithe late orif Rynj '- k1-- s- -~' S L~. t-st 'f w;~P..uI N eju 1~r -J 4 i.1 J .ud ý- 1 Oitino Coaînty lakea s ante truthe 0osItMssia h&% toaf t, as ted as lthé10 p-ea8 labe wbose caLers cash $te ésucres, v.titevp% u* .tanh,be-e- aied L maeasPore- and formatlbthe t-s. harbons ut icker jboesîsceuftrouble frome sti 1idaa& .Mie- lng. withy at L"c casblimi. lin hetai ste Jssdtatisbot*fl me m esrîdly. a"si ommity oaitheb.souLiL The exteua.Ibra"bs the white Iausill pisUt-dul stspple breash utaithe couaty W oenli hetaiaiatb of of Bah ssdai te. se towahsip, but it entent1. uorthwaruiI Tse iutJsdessî cf tbe varew.a siatyst anale-s. h sebcîmnd aioth l e nala in0090801er lite" «d" et ir. by the Ccuntîy c11 tsO. cm thee ti by alite A-. Mey ramaruc u ai t la&e@ Ontarue, ce Lb.e ose hiy lb. L**s.Ueibroel WVt" vie * e sse W a i Vicoi nd uJ[icama, a" a .v..: etet o. viho <0."vIihh«a' bu?*te by tue Coanty ut!N'or&i, Loes Siman.1atrfue.. (iv.gte INwltas e bon ie e t-aid Conchlcbtug andti beRIUver tboeeris, vhlehdes-.e, th-b. LIne W o> Eeeuew Suit- asle mpaate% atg ramnthe Ueuoty of gMIAM s.i.-. .* . ot.e.d aa adsarrif<e vîlai The .ascraacb teiaofthe w asera cf 1laie S'rge-alCrastoed. cfdlb. Qa..eem leac Simce ontè h taiec di ud amitaives un lte ctitih ut the tcaany S ta aigowen ailp iorth 09ai iJca-îhe averagecuiatai lter. lainag absut muhî mils. ausi lte a.- row vemi puîttstoudlsig ahiua Ã"te Mites« acrosa,tromta ahe Suwom te b ssda, lIit'uofVictoria. Tb. cou"eaifa-te 4thie contry su ah.e * lektrve »td lte mit etly s ricêb isMy 5dey. lu te noli, huycdeti .rldgi.vhlb ru the country about elevmu m"Imm fistsLAe Ontario, tie 1&" la Mmrfs>a 10loiS ahar acier. e etimmt Su e M1 $p&ss5y e IaThe oalyt 4vie e 18 ,im Tai. e4e.Iy h 4l&Wpllo m re as mens-tMr. osS mdWes s0vlW. tàe lsd fl ut« mnhr1 lis esse et i ÇAmb-om. -si mli tUas~s e t"uladîmbostt e u n itt Mq MLsg,1asti .55 ofv WB. tu um1i itid. 1»dJ.r -Jte" ifLlkidab.et bN* I cte , essty lememmietlei&ivs momenwpaIlLief or »dé" eissuind sspa bSs5 .gts .sd Pesuatis M.Ib OM Tien tdM taasosim le"» veesomaj~emPeOd m i *blrdwa- Tb* mod Oafle>m m toee d eY*8WM 54 18» ut#Àâss. slie.te ise o s.v u e e'*smy Mit.' C4so1enuttr louga "-i 1talabdi al$et 'acre uf lonude, wMy tlmtCIk vuatn setvsît, se-ad.rdw i y faoîtly, Lte oi*&. nâauuait eaâti d4eeuî.igebar sud ail ber cbtll- feau iromtai e e Slah utof isaery. in Wb" a . eW à&.a ud ha gi»e ber a&bd aI he«cbctltiru's beta-irlwsloma.ADst l e ote-r t-at gwovksio May lbu made lft &à*e sepr ci taie msatiehrtobda miJibh«, bddr*ee, b*r*bt elpuw. e y maiesarsolm outof ip na-i e wtale Wese asus et Ielve emt. dia,1 pe"*de cevws e«sai P46M ie i. ase ta b«»u.mae-s "*ot &bd aieofua, 6 eailaetm esO .n.i fse1.saisie I gîvb* 0» te endi la tar ow usa mai att lu bis day. lie va& Ihotu grues atM alasi veulag., ie» upleodll bar- oea Kutret-t i LtLk t. gcb--&hmls tshsg r andsti iitly .Sdhed bése o.S5IV, ltai atstusdoeeod 1ae olonse cwln4gho tabe-cfla spal attlrowelIta 1#hmbemu, joimutun wbicb felluveai ah Révolution. îlus la. m.Iàiah b -.sslves la a rlias towh ary War ut 177L Ywu eii ~rry. u p sewhb.o w CIboa.epol«ia eb* u ad ye-ar afà»rari e %% cvl o Nhutày, t issaIr-cduin ot ueh athé.episse. Dioe 01o t,» àafarta s at h.ibDom et lb. usMS pcsupr- j lessa v erssrveyeti"dsti s Wd lu oa i cas Multut4ea ou . b. 114Y tof Quiînt&. ea* abuMle.prime, 4asOb afmess e Soui se amuo epart la. peigtio ia lie sary olitag b*. prevtilWtibutl h dii assa E-rr&ag da .td nupasuieai th.eaitetbi st ast long. l I. 867. qeickiyast eiy. Cd &" miasaiAmitiutgoonder w m salp«esese, ausilt. h>vt 8'"" y~*r-sraun10434 us, n5 le v au 0sua a 't l.ue aeu t.tai* esia4tors ead4eiM ele tsrepu'semie m éir urai*0sg et vot siramseis o e voe*la I&$set o, l. si ww r. hilab, vite, amieru 00< ftb wkst»e t <i. ialuivia-Laoslal. [aIsglisbe-Il Sm ategrsé% of iPatm"d àshie ls iS to Biwu et t s 4 .* y gtdaL Bu. *saitouée aOposut es 5*e rtosi "d & poitteola . »-day f e.y ,.iltble. vii dsirho I.koet blbM lotes vhles U *0 tb. umq*w oruudosos vbheh ismdta cerasw hIM4q a 1@48»160«t bhnm.uent. l vas a paialu.ila -teeet -b.FWlaMîi tauaisbyei la rhi0Ili'i- Ils amsive vitle U iau,îsînbod tovetsansd grasipupoilss ssm«6dçd ly b.autiful ui.plusmgsardi, a.ebilu60 Mb~se Uta Sc abiode lot pimsa". vblk i bstleaa hlls vîlai ltoir Vas'elv0fasiums, chesand me j e;lts grsa4@of*, withtiash lbdîer- alies 4la@gerpui set lsshmWindows, vith th.lr vàrlsîyiêf -supulid"in.sand isa maýg»alc*.S-earvid itatSYSé &il modellisti-ai lo the oid aristeorielétoats e1 Lagiaasd, strîhes os" villi adudratois'0 .etefsgle -bimsti partais Noiblsg in' dosai, 1lbieabob.od vil thmte et em fIS* oy4i bleed et goe site l9W maheaost «sréét té I. om eses Owynoidammsen tis s$tut, sud suer le' 's1" ~it1wê~IQ 'y '1 -3 t r f ý, týl %à-- PW"W-

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