A.IR£Ceptiîlg tay B11 i Rirobti1gc; Promnis- Bry NfOtes,'or (rder for Money, or Goods on Iceont of T&ATh' FO WLER, is Lemses or Côtactors loithe construction of the Port Hope, Liadshy'end Betterton Railway, orý that portion thireofcextending fit or lying betýveea the illege of Milbrook, in the, Township ai Ckvan, in thé dotinty od Dur.-ý ham) and the 'rown of Peterboroùg1,i, signed by the 9t*rni oaI" Tate -and Fowýler," üintas tbe saine he signed çý!Lti the names of each af the Partuers, George Tate and John Fawler, le their awn hand writng; as thse undersigned will in no case hold hihiseif 'veponsible for the payaient ai atty sucis '13111, Note, or Order. GEORGE TATE. Port Hope, à March 26, 1858. 26-lm .Tlie appointinent of Lord Stanley tlhe Earl of Derby's sontot the office' ~ aof Colonial -Ieeretary, ppears ta give . very general satisfaction in Englanîl. Lord Stanley lias heretofore n&ocated eitrerneiy liberaI measore.t, mnd ias Meeing af eaiergency or, Composite caaeldered a ttiorotigh radical-lie svenl it Lag i reaa cepe iao for'free etiucatîon, extended franchiîse, wiîî be liolden oui TUESDAY next, at tIse 'vote by ballot, &c., Tt appears bis utsual tino anal place, ai wbicis tie liretis- reasons for jaining thet Derby Cabinet erm ivill picase take 'notice, andl goverti are ore f a ersoal tân apuble ms"elres accordingi!. are~~~~~~~~~ moec' eeoa io pbi t* By order af thse -M nature. - He -dicted to liii canstitu- J. HIMER GREENWý%OOD, ents wb2!n lie presented'hinielfIfor r- eliection, tbat lie a"epted office solely ______________ b causea, Under the peculia r- circill*r-ý stances in wiich lie was placed, it seem- o 'edto sim tflat he bad no riglit to de-, W RITI NG B Y SO0IT7N D eintu - i )IMANS MANUALorPI OG - IçPiy is awîorko a aoutl100 ýssîges, overy - MARRIED. - oliai, leaf aifstîichis isprintetl froni stone At F-lenaLmore, on tise 2itli tlt., bs- thace sr îg iiî rtigecrie nts Rev. lit. Wilson, ýNew Aberdour, Mr. A enrar wls ivi ise Souk j designa in tes tuider-Clark, New Pitaliga, ta, Jçssîe, ttaitt I 'tIse Use of tItis msanuel, 0imy scitool Soy 'daughter ai Mr. George Taylor, fainer or girl of (ive. or six years and uliwâtrhs, lucre.- - iav lea. iina s urptisintgly Shtort epace ai -- - - tinte ta reiadana write Pîtonagrsîî(ty or WIIITBY MARKISTS. Plionetit slart-Iaîndi, auî, a fles fistt of - itail pracire is aIl tittat is r'qtiredi ha e- -WIHuTtis, April 2 1I858, nbîe ti clilal ai ardiiry ittelii-e 10 P %vi telitootor nare'words lier atintt elThis ÃF,îl1 W'eat, 4s t,î5s Sjsring 'la, "' l r<ttra, of s;îeed i t stifliciesst ta take ,Iawnî or- ta 3s Oda ; Peas, 21 ta 2s Qd ; Bar!ey. 2s ta îlinjîrv strionq, spuecîtes, sadconversation -3e a s, le ta-s i.sd-'lolIuir, per buti-,ns lest as Splu.n. $4 15O ta $5 0 ; Oattuneaý t. t-$,,.) ,0 T "Mor atofai Pionogr.tpit,' 75 cent *<'orntsseil, $5to $50 Iltutua pcr tan, $ Iat tts -'tîlîgitii t1y-i>t Il 2 tlîy 10.to 12 MS',asv 1îraa l$2c-its, ire sceat ta aer e ta-lîtress. bY mail, l> $4 ; Potatoe, 2s ta 2s :11,,Ttrniîu. i posî 1aiei, on receilît oi t1ii priva' iONE 'fa 1(1,; Butter, 61 ta -.il Erg, (Mta o ...t Apples, 2s Gd 10 3sý Jies. -t-piîdi. ee~w Advertiagmen ts. xtmportant to Ts>natt4. L~b 1, t. lot qCof 1 (0 acres tcli. gnd wol i nd 4îsrd WoodI, to L.ease fo- îr01- vcars. -Sece RsIeail Eitale columan .î'î cetltine, thirti page of this lImper. Whatiby, Marcli .dtt, lffl. 1.)6-tf 1, l'lt tagmi c iait i i s ni.tus îe Iiet- POR.TER'S SPIRIT flARPEýýPW'ýRJ,. GODEY>S 'OCR APRIL, Th&e Yankee otioa Store. L ESLIE'S G &ZETTE F FA- 8141ON for .April, AT 7%se Yankee Notion Store. BALLOU'S MAG -ZINE, FOR BAPRLL, AT 7The Yankee Notion Sttoré. CIIICA o AW13 4J,'TRAV.-' teir frorn Chicagothât' A, busy and po. perous season s proniiieâ tu aiana an vessels and shipoNvnîero. It is Weil knowei iliat some' 23 or 2 , Ou sr- Canadian vessels bave'wintered in tbat port, and prwvate lett ers tate that smre--six or sevçà n of thern hive been cbarteil for grain to Montreal, at 20C perbue, andolRnsoiaIuhMc Lennane Esquire, Wblo bas been estaolià hed i business tIiere for the lInt twelve moathts. It io gatifying tofuul IOnt, so large, a nusnbt: t' fotw r .mel Owaers and 'tm(is- ters (titan who' theré î ýnot a more shrewd and dià cerînog.cla» ofi men)tsuve fouad Mr Me Lennas- to'be in a1l res- pect.*, 'the rigit inan in the righit lace.' -W/dilg oE3~Ei 4P~ t ~ -~ 0 rHE WHOLtfth ie Goods ai thîe Estate aà sTrEPIIEN YUFtLI.EI are à ow j for sale rIýdér aà Ieed of As'signTtscft, lit a YIreat Reditction in i the ricca istock, ne taînal, 15 verylarge, consisting ai' FURNJTURE, STOVESt Alo iCl must ha sold at sorne prica ta renlize Caçb, ta aiset thse preseis tics. AUl persons. tîserefore, fiaaine Cash an inrest in tltiscel@d FuiamI of any kind, msty ind it worth thecir wiaile to cnii and inspfectý*e Stock, ais Bargains msyblicexpectcd titan in any ollier Assignien~t inttbIW ~Section. SlA ITON &. ROBERT S . ?ER!,,TT -~~~ e Fr5t Lot North 'ortheTegsr i by. T Ie puFC 19s r M il ha ra qu ir d t a ~~ & r ic jk Bufidil5g enthse ot, the res D.Ii .ifi pp ly ta HAMILTON K vhiby-, Octabçs!îl851. 3 0 __ ~FORI$L~ , m.' 1iiIl eubicrib'e'lising.dltteraiaed :tço t JLdilspofi the fullowiag'cioice Ag- ~~1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ricatittiLots ta visprs o îe~.n etry otterd tise saine fur sl ôua.oeasy, Q ~ternus iiipurehs ~~' dOtiNTY 0F WELLT NGO alà -i (In . ........ -)A-3 Iturne, G reatasr ec. ~23-if Wihsiîby, Mas-cIl 5, 1 i. ýËi BARG~~aN,7RRA1S No. 5, Nordheimer's Building. Toronto1 Street, Toronto, C- W. 1 w . l. .iov uT-\, r uuatteuatt k. s U Counel oliitos: i~MIE SssCâER liias on lian an ssinsisa' tck IGoal' for eslo at Prices, MJAktVI,, aSq. litESSit Rits. t &s'e i j s nl aOtml asi viPrl.%% v-r i a 4 dstratus cal Really Good and Nedicl OffcersCHEAF GOODS!!! ¶ l Ts' itEY & RUSSELL, '77 Bav Srecet Blattk Forns ai A pliaitttits, last At 11nual l-Tirt able oai Rata-s.&c ., Itiiti - ale oraplicltation tai lthe SÉce-sarc a! thte GitriAgiev it Turtaito. t. 'a(W. V 11.STIlt1îl. J. L. S TA 1Uit', 8, ,,, 1,,try. (.cIiaîl,,,i,'*.e-lt,,.'i R. a (IIEv-TZt.Y, t-: ,.Mi 1)h , M ,.î e--si (I tit-cc JA\S. ta. i 1 l, Ia FREEIET DISTRIBUTIO. 'frident Muitîtal In,,irtance (Co. !rtIIIEPrt1q:toss ail'ot-ta'itt ScUtnvOaF TIT N.q,%iil, i Jaîiv na-i-.t kt ai IreIIaslato of $1,000 i mi,.oti, t,..v 'ir euae- Sticariair sit-e- J.A\ tES 0'L. G 1BSON', Aus ,W b .%-t. Ilvory Man 13lm Own Lauadlcrd n""" '"'1 1" v eîtc silsc ipttttsilmIli[lave t i:ee or istaru 'j~OR a large eclection ol Busiling l mn, t ai'ti itrltedteaiîiiîiîa in a t owofs' iWhity. SeIerrys- Frci eti-teassciasl t Rei Fý4tt,'> c ltffn, hid niniithr s t htle t(Ilift, th istisribitlot iiI at- pago tae coînailt, tair cuCr.tt, hîdgasectîaadtîy ti-erasutoffaicitegreat trcr iE sesaralt*t'iî-ks' cf tise Dixit.'on page otkt.FofspsyPet Pcty.I1titat ita tic ruitn liE-siatd on the 28tIu o ,ý 'trsT-ttntt onyo ittv jj~"Pia:eloî,terii a pyannteay.Jale tiet. knosinas tise tace-for a Ca rti iiti'h Iue t'oaty(ofit iec Wlsitisy,; March3h OuS158. 26-t ; the ý',ujj>isja-jij ut.-r, î1usrevtre - - tTlsi:z a'îtest is unde-r tac specisi i iýà trait -ttutiistnd rtirî nS atsrtî h tirss tIliec-% Iteali Mistate 't'r. The 1Inlc. !are iii the lîtskv aiRiehitsoiii, sud i: une, iae- Ieretofairi' Ieesu lotivil Sc luivtotil()a lt ai tise tisst print'ciy ai"the Engîa'5 raving iie'TrVetsurer octiaIe said Counity, undilsio Ill ~ î Peil EaQtttvs aNes iet"far vs'a'ilr. It il îe' natiný ji' e-tila- ' scettforoi psy "iver ta nae ahl fees. J.M..t a vil t-V ectr fiar thie iocauî,r.aîsl(- fiie a in riXfi lltes aad tîotieYS rccvieabie S (ei a -Thîe eitiiatsayr t'u l aii til assi' Fo t.tpiill% van tttitct on ietS :~ t i ý -n ii j4 - -bClerk. as po i db h tatuta', ti avaes u iltting, isii 1soajus soda lus -Ft nent ; more thaultitt<tbai e t tut l'ri utI' ir ' .ca.s. %vi1I. thoatîaitl s '5tif ip tili'tawtit tise alita- Atutaictab hrets s wli.ontht'te t tlttfg Arid ail MagistraLes tif tlit encie Coitiuly îtsg aifSritig ta seek far Iauudea oc4inSa l sc'tltl.itpaîsr int ti aLailt-ta'us aee' mata1-lt dlrta na fthe 'a'i Evearv ptatviî anicilîsiakes As 1r lieasn -l -1,a'ital.e tIti rtsoy l fornatfnoiagiZAaCO c tiititi T8nkn oe the t'id acres th ise m, ty' Suraes ontercid,-iîud sinie laurîsait or andl atier 1saperi 'sanuasateal waa.s ac iaulait eltîter as 5 attýue rÇistmnt or i acataofafIitiets t,.sttart, set' ittcpvsis ta dibui bute thase r55 îsrtfore reisîrucalto tise iYerti utecuring aitlisdependeui liveliliood." $1.000 as foltows : 0( thae Peace purSuanLt ta1.1(e atidSstaute. For a large list oai êeeted landls insnnea Firsa. ire iilîrconfer saIW.i-. TREMAYNE, of tlic ITt i-uslliii n theasPri-ivÃŽ'e. st-c 'RE (71-F't O'$500 IN CASH, tCtias AttonwsiC. 0. a.i>a.rmyi5 Rettl 011 dsCatc.st itade tIsil ttit41'tsi>citr ilu l isc'ii l50iou1, 'u'22- nm. ~nage f tili Itîîter.iutil ublin the neume îoftue sinuingfiîsr, Wîuiîtay, Mît -hoîotts, I SuS. ttii - -h'idantuilsitine-ri'ic' - - - i~~te S(-iûtIi harOT-. Iiîltatasni i P r o0 S P e c t u S Flannels, Blankets, okq and Woolen Goods of every dcsritio~ rints, Shirting , rss oods, Shawls, Silk Clotîs c~~brCs,irpetingsý, Linetws, Ticklig,, L-ices. N ibon4~~iover, lovsIlosiery, and Sînali waîes- fil faut, alinJÃt every article pertaiîsing ta lite Tratde. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES! ~\Vl I i ceiîtotbh'e niica -d estîser lot QUphty or Cheapness- SC'IIOOL PBOOKS!1 At lis ustual rates, namely- -il a Pub)iislicr's Priccf, At n Bargain. Tt is bis intention tc gite renillyG jaietlinitgains, ast ne is dleterttîisted t make a cleaurance of bis present, stock, sa as ta briaîg i4 extensivre Spritig Importationsa. f~'Remnember the addrees -JOEL1 BIGELOW, ]3rock Stree't, W'Iuby. Fatbriary 1S8. il t? I'N to FI'LE UIFT (OF $200 0 u VîtyUuhig& it anud to ihet' %iliscrilwr m hwli lods tae nair lfte hlb iilln- oc i'via,- titirti horses, a- I RI i the wil asvrtaint iutv-t ilai Fi{EE cI ET ou $1()4). nity vof aurN1-rcha:iiitè of 'l'aonts, W iAtong tîtisae wseita tiite namles aifItae tattîl suircanilinug Towisstare Iacomne ~~~~ ~~rpmitstuing itouses vhi lit st.îrte-il atluer ttneîthe ictitis Associ ti-alBolde wotild ut tt itra-c, we s% I distciltjtaa respect'fulîy invite thiie stosa'ke uni a est- FREE lj de-ne-a in ttis Towu, for vrîtieh îiriw-i ~ FREL (.11 0F $100. heo riided sîltalule hIlitations near tIt'e - i eqral parts ; ndS amonng dose vlua lioldlttrn Trusk IlIailwav Station.t'a accoua- tihe namnes of Strses aSich siere asatemasa, imodattheUicnamematls Swihu in Luondon, tisa 1?lI- E II.S ot bt>1 - No. 1:10oare mo tisu 5 I ot tari, use ivilitdistribate un like cnding lites aiftiailsua;là .ave sppmo1iriaued reqîessd 0 ten ai îteh alg 1 R i aurter, tise rensaining as t tîcîr surplus landta' ronth ie Sîstios C'aldies-lîs Bîac, Brocl Striet, on Tu-ad.ty F.EE GIFT 0F $100 ; 0) Build~ggpupises. Tlicy tuaîd a rasi- 131h lssi. IJ ordr, ah ~ te-uce antdchasrge n rentai, sîlicis renital uts titttiusg,'0 îat tgtcîr-e ylîlSa'. an ,t(> illidai sut'cs iraeyearîy Ticket for tise mecuialttt W. il.DOEL, snoî lii'iaeglt,1 ii use. But as5liailway aperatious are no- >'~ , 188. Scretrs IThue dititribution af thie natnes aofalhe W'laitly, ftpaa ' !orsesaminogaur Stibst-ribersss'illSe effeet- poetollaeth nitilutisiecoandury thecoli- rd Sy pntting tîsesîsinoaaa zlasi Salloi-ltox,tistatktsentaivaslfultIs t- rzc MAsuad tskieig tisemttuienrceiatrtirniiultanaotis- veuiLneuvi (at tIse variouil Cas havas uot di- 1 _ l'wth7henubr f hereeptofealrecteal their attention tai. 'W4e proposai ta Betestiful rtuw Brick Cottage lyiitsfiimstn iereritcfeuia rn 10 l i ismier ai $80 eue-h siare.- A iiitu on Blyron Street lina the s $scirmsbaa î~a urbo~s 8,000 or £2,01,é)cummêec, anda utsîiding tTisefisarse tisisdram s irilI, ai course, Se- . aell r fumdtr iepIoits Trout ifWlithy, joiningtiemiaoe the chs"ecositittfaim tisevietory mtiri aJaksoff, Polo & co.hea rtiithea .dence ai Il. J. Naaotî,Esq., andabotnt eteco- onettr.fr fJcsnPt ow hn -50 yetrds Ironi thie ýgpncy ai thse BA-nk 0ofta tIse Yearty Suhascriiser misose nuaiber 15 gouad intereit cati Se aitained 1rmitise almaistu slitît 1c1.plu tîsti Wnys tiseertuolotay. Dtawings aud specifications, &c..- .oteFq Tsîl cotss aealS Fanis deiReily aler, thirt-is-as6r forty hpmses wmlli Ie distribt-t iîh la' pb nsa ieSdsa Esq Tîî cottaet eiislîystata 5aâos n eulrferySuscism;every informsation giron tsy an a pplicationa atal is furatie i Itîsspand S A >ssývtet 1'Painps, Stasap, Cook-ise'use, Oellar-kitcea and alseh SuLscmitaer stili kaaw il le Sas ta, thisaoffice--wheu a enffie-ent nunîber af -arnalt mos eloa, ikiaVeoaal edmaihsrcii lt ie i tue dîîîlia'ate a ihcrshares are applical fot, serip certifirates <laronStale.Wooslia, ti~. 9îI-~tadaI ie ecepi, lîils e sul ormtS l be ~issue oonitise patymeut ai 25 pot condition. Possession Cao bé lhsad on the in alvauce fruai aur books. cent., se> as ta organizathOe eomarnay. By .'first afINMay ne-st Termesta suit Tenant. Tiseadistribution th ie horses' naies tisepayaient af $20 pet sisare, avery ane ,ppy-(ýlylatrt il take place an tise evening of SATU- s-uS nbeit -t o ia hiea paît-paiS)D.Y, tise 24th af JUI>Y, ah aur office, 348Chiansd iaco.AuHtls - ff~. 'RICHARDS, Esq., Broadwvay, New York, ou wielu occasion tera a ad buRet sd An pu l i B adro ý 4Specator Offiae3llamil/oia. irasslI alaso Sistritaute tise namssofItise. i 05 asatdhyagnîas Ipo ' or ta I ,* t1 11 1 sanie hbans ila another, but entirely sapa- paly, iran este fretsya etlyemais o pro-tyt J.IIMR ENWOy atstisis neit undertakiag. Qru~i~,Witby. VFree Gift to Aget of $500, THOS, DODD, %VhItby, Ap ril lot,158 26 aînong thiosas of ont Ratait Agents irIs ArcebReet & Civil Englacter. _____________________________ shaîl have been inthis habit ai selliug tea Wisitisy, Match 12, l8ý8. 24-tf or mata copies ai aur Pppr réguilat]y, far __________y_________ 18AITILON. eigla*t eeks previaus ta sncb distribution;« aSareayextra tan copies ecdi Retail A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O LLprosachrbeatoe ru gent cr Naiisa may sehi, ha shall have OF TEE WHITBY MANUFAGTORTNG bcuering whsat appears .-ovar, George au additioal sisara la tise Agents' Distri- PyET CMA)lH'T~' A - Tae" Sgnitties, or giVIeg humas.y credit bution. TET wbatsos'vGr, on wy accostit, £8 îii0 o t - We take liais mode of rewarding Ont,-TET ele.he ltas ama a, i eller- UDfI ot' Subscribers and Aida, in preferenca ta arnî- 1tTONý lIpýroved aiethoe oai Lubri- 1pruelle. . OHNFOWUR plsyitig Travelling Agents-choosing rat- sating for Oiling Ilaehiuaryl5ba'liug t - R tIser tisas ta give,wseatire sould psaraAy besent t aaa aPatent 18 intendadc Poart Ihope, # 1 i staci expeassasnsd, commissions, ta tise ta ha taktn ont-fat itis Countr'y as' *ell&as9 -Subisstiar buaisaîf By tisis meass, tisa tiseStates. Tise ceof i scb PAtýent la pai-( WIILLIAkM MOABE, Principal ai the Subicribet taçaiveq, for tise usa aubscrip- îng tise -a'rl1,n8g offices seul ainsnt to ome--( y W hithy oauatyr Gratflmar Scisaot tion priea, tiot only bis paper for tia ye r, tbiiglike$0,sda ~l neddt Teme-Tberare fou îr terwitu îi ach yaar but asarge suai in cash, lan- tis abape aoalina fGma nnpttnfy faut snanuiactt-ng tise ar- ,WVxt'er term frai ont iai'y:thsta tise Tues- veruovel and iatercsting gtatuity. à ule ta ssipplystea tsesle sad auy kinýd bqdeiÀ fqw str to iigtaeras rtIse The stîbsaription - prica af PortW#prit of maclsiuatyi acompasiy fýo- tisapuirpase l W.4.elP ~tcrl~tc t tse aslFuaq'is$3a year. Paîlmasitars ane«1 o4ars risapraossl a omSusa caital of ji juse. ssiePrw temInt tmu tise second lurnis btes Tearly Subscriberi, sel, l in ad- 680)d11 ~d *'S Ih p 0 ires Of M]nlay ., sgu4Mt> l69ise!'Sy usaI efora. aition %o tisit preaiun, haen tittad Ioaoe s$8dlaSei~ -nap$csla fr!0a piQ~o~r.4ut44i are rnttiashare for tise Agents' Gift. - hcasnc alôta eltii i 'r 17dallant '1lodTisgfo té Cl o ~se of tlisaSà aiaier ' It 'is Onr predeat inteetiait ta continue inuit be p id do andaiS a egistty of, su& emres thtie 22hd of tDècenuber. Rates ai this isyltani cf.Free GUbts an& spêe. ta 9Ut Shadefisldtst. ma>ts. t'conf-ita tise ~ ~gluhbitchs'I-O S~sribersa sud à gfasira l're D4s4boi- Sittote.As tus s -Ul hea sver' lucrative teir 1fi i bgtdo, Ilisdo.,-(Jreek and thons duriusg te hoigs~dmcaîx coact erntlm rcc rnety 4tgt aslÂt1%hc 05d - 2 ' aecding year ; tefinait ta be decided hy Jz hassociat0iofil ait isexssasthd u0,- i *...TUE EPSOM D0BY8F0859 a Ye&uivlI-ýbe: caIited Y tbe:ôprà -- (»,MB~ na., PXISICLQ , rSt hae1 î 8a' ~ adfrtion ýit mil be apparenttt ~skate gotabe a heerl 'pit sudye-Ie£ >r'fO»lfa AIs cU. eo .Bea2-5 ich tira Âoeric u hôscs dye.n- ttIll $,èal - eâa r tired), and the'othirby -' Y" t!l TgE - .DONCASUR ST LtDGF- D)U eeflt cifr1-geê ,4 'thi estual gtet meeting-tof Kigltd forau Apiementéolte otlw st heFb Y gien.thA ra Rethse Ésil. -Au -in _'both i thse.lut-iaisc il-r "à uQw due, or '*uçii eetingstltere arealwalg bouttwohuii4d ti eddta nehl h rftlfe t! ât ill ttdýh diPi teib a)ti rt" te U-, liARD WAMt STOCK InE Subcr1haroébasg to iInthit totatheir'-Custaasthcs lihs Filei(.irhi tshabve rasnsndbusiness tn TViIJTB Y, WITII A NlÈW AN.iD SPLE-NI)ID STOCK Or ~~1EF & IEAVY 1IÂHRDWVAR a tieS ttîey are dcterrnincd ta êeIl atPric3-S tj gsiittthe tiMle3. Tiscy wo-a nIS iV part Cul ar aittsatito tr stadkof INDIA RIJBBER BELTING, CROSS - tUT, CIRDJJLAR and ILL SAWS, BAR, 11-0IP & BAýND IR0NY Paints, Ois, Glass. Putty, &c., Carpenters, Jotners and 13lacksm-ithis' T ools, Plated Ware, Table and Pocket - Cutlely, &c., &C. Thte 1laice ai thisai Jurnt Stock tlîey are alaost Guuoaivay. J. S. DONALDSON & Co. Late GOLDEN S&w. JN RETURNING; THA.NKS tla tisir nuîru îlrnrcre iii Toivnrtnd Coauntry, for t 8 "2,-4tla "i1..... ... 203 J tinl>aralli4leal succass wla n i rargtnwo ix v l- evs i a'il- a -ccuuîcd ,9ln-23~ lin esse an(1 cg to infur-nithesta tlbat tliey lâve r- a-Itnîw i il ltic t, rl! ui a crîling on C0IJT TY 0F GRPEY DRY.OI) , LOT II G 4 tisC .........10 fcep 1) R G',COU.NTY OF KENT. GIi UE~iS. VE )%'VN611îP' OF, HT.M Y1b ea ¶ YVlIa Rtrhall' 2, 1 OtisConi. .... o c West all3 ltt '4~r n th e.dtobu M u:te itely erectieil hi M r. W M T LL, brt luik Pb(k W e r4t Side O f B & dOOU S r . CRý' SOUTII 0F TIIE1I{ 11 Iý .No 2 - ............ 0 Il. Itil.aIra r thse rcnial ,r aifthefr C0UN'1 0F ON'IAP JU> Preînuatryto itr rcevan tei Spsn lt~tittttro., 13, 5tit Con ....... 00 Acres. Prepaator to teir eceivng teir SringS. 9, thIl..........100 I bEy- .rm 40 )c> la 'P 1:» IL x IC> E1- .0 ~coUNTY O0F VICTORIA. No. land 2 Till's Brick Block. - 1 TOWNSHIIP QF FMNELO. lirociaStree, ht. h.. Iit, î~..N, iis 'n20Ama 10 (,','01,D nro~ GOI)AND SILVEII. COL NI'X 0F UASTTN.\GS, EastcrjCt13,i>attg Cot ..........Cuti 100 Ares. tu ui l-ta Lughit . u as\te t.t.c wAl rk rd. adiîSdisî trî'rY TO NSIP OFt tI1NGrRFORD. o5% ii. itb t.- 0 <e en vt--d antd iarrie! , c ' V oliats l e 3,ChBn...... . 0Ars <<-2 ~ ~ ~~ - iii' výTown aiof itiî, r1i nite Asig es S W t 3,GiCo . 0Ams 1l. j. .M.\ CID) i " :7 .Q. . S- k sae o iiu~tn c to îck l r îOr Pricca aud Ternis oa i anent ftpli1 ta lIf y lutteLrr pct-piiîl id sale, inJthg.. il. FE-RRY. I-cu "~- OL 4SL-ER 'A TCIIE S, Whitby, Oct, 28, 1851. Ont at-Jo Bnk Notice. Jewelery anS Fancy Goods of every dIts- ~ TPR Y lIE St Bank ohs, Sationer, Ochool M CO NT 0eOTAsO îckholersai tie OuarîsPAPEs lIAsNrINS, &G, C. att1 li trletilutEntr 1er ~ ,t. isIl 1s Having pumcinssed lte above a"-a Chaai r,'- LA )FO SA . ilis day dec areal on tise pitiqasrteuîî-iîal durtiota ro-nta he (Noel ric,', tise suýcriber Stoc-k, lîayale on and aftc-r tie VLirýt d.iy is now offrriug sncb - Town Lot, NO 1, Cotrser af Queen --and Wat-r Streetil. Decidcily the niait vaUa ai April hiex. INDUCENIENTS TO 1'UCI «,bl a nt1ewoeT~1 Dy ordei' . u:lll s liste neer Iteen belote affereL» ta tue Q E N S R I: 23-td ~ Publicinuttsis iocaliiy. .îfNBAL L. Lot,&>;. 6 (6 foot front; Lot No. 8, cornet - . . ___ N. .-- tatiaus, 'loks. tuial cweer- 01a Queen anal Perry..Streets ;Lot No. 9, do. Clor-s, nd J wel r LntqNo. 10 Il. 1 . I. 16 à - - Ggra 5'. Sale or Io Lease. T~ WN Lot No. 3, Eat side ai Brock JStreset, lîeing the ficst vacaint lot niacti- oishe Regîstcy 0ffice, 69 leed front andl 1M e-et deep ta a l'anc. A L S O Lot Na. -.6, fotsiecly occuisied Sy -Ai n Livery ýýtnlcs, e-Btock-Stmet, sainie siz as No. 3. For Business Stands those Lots tire eqîsal ta any iu Tairansd wmli Sa sold ott nuit easonabia teris ta parties seIt ivill erec't good Stone- or Brick Building '~ie~hdrd ipet du -ê $aBrock, Sttree -d~irectty opposite "il Byan's iotel, for, a 1er0 aof5, 14, or 21 years, ln a picels ai 20 feat Irontage and tspWatds. Apply toJ. AM FERRY. WlIiitby, 3r5 Match, 1858. 23-tf. WÇV"d 3Ê. Il - z-' lYhlUGG1S'l~ & APOTIIECAP.Y, ~ J3ROCJ-C STRI?~T, >EGS ta lafastmn bis custamers misS tise' ipublieýcnetitl>', thrt lue latends te- ving his business on or about tie lt ai iso, neit, frointha, store ha noir occît- plea,ýtabis ncir store à mer of Diualop &- Broek Sb't'ss, SiImmediatety South or tise rose of brick à 1dings- lately crected upon tise groued etc ho w seatbSttiealout in April, 1857. Thse busineis sel1habc arrneS an asiserata. ée giviag vsftthstactioti ta il ,vho bave N'- sà e irIsere the public caithava )Phyiaiçi- I Fres8iptioIts aSd Retaiptse o aIfaikindi Disde Uý anS Compounded aI' Gennie eo;-phere ai ihsarthento'aI arsy ituiclai iarally tu ba ptirhased in a Drug-Store, no bltained. - W.«l.O., IaIsegs "osalv tisaI bas bis rays an liun4 ci ifflete ai5ortiti-tof mti~ afapf~ct55g5(ais ti A gent)"' mo'v Mar bi VIcoTR~IABUILDINGS.-fi lE 'UN . IGNED bas juil opened tisa largeat, nacit conupletc, and bail selected pI St0 Ck oIe - E~ver brauglt b tls the wnWiithiv -A ConsisiugasfiIsdci~eaamaaEglsAei~saidrni aSsi- 1 hie for tise Seasosi. Ha hLu also attacheS ta lis extensive promises ,ga A,:MILLINKRY -IDIEPi-RTMENT, a whihiclîtha uutder the mmaiediatis a-uperintenhatncof oMissMRa19tJimlo, yonng ladywh seb -aacauducted sinlietut talLadaoftthe ui i op~f Lise4xe Hou3es r on this continent; This dasçartnntt mil comprises a à dclianad -artas4 stockof Englias sud Pensi.taselecteýd goode, attbracing etefy ci ls tise Businei '.4i tillt foÇan style, faslm nd -tuvariety-, mnrj(à ca5 auytht gyetfùtzodlîeal utetwi CaiIiiclt,y._ ,, -OuTPIqTTINGAXD OLOM -,AI TIPNT tl Iu thîs departmaat tisa Stihscriber is delcteiicdngt tô be e'y'an Tor i Cy la Oaunadaoith ie style, fasision, quslity and wok!4 è1- 6'iét>s Ctal1iri., Firîtas otmAihftQ5itW~r espetety1é ti ý,ýïd Èkett rY6beSn sep- cis.lytiaiployç&,.: -"Tt l aranýedtae' tiasieug csthà (Ibe ha iaesthe'tlfupcé1i- atlcnisi-snd ana 'tt hise lcsassarad setfl sraWv1 iaueWs t1f e ~pitiieu - af tisasTastu aI. Wfflj1»y ie iastundi1tioEisry c R'it ý (tt$la de pl ordar.,t5 .., i Tise Vtiee ai avery antidle'matrkid la Plain lFigbre. In, coiclasion, 'the sp riber"wsIld beg1t»stat4Lî l vh ~ p i Setr *iruclf lhc -bas 1srcbase lIe* ýbal46aifbis axtesivi st&,ram Suèji MlCabPbthimJto seI .allGaooale ibis EstabtÛ4hn1ncbIl? _ TIYWYYI P&C-ýOB îi 80etê 51hsi tis n'anualIy ebas'ged csewbhn. ë - . - Âjubess conducted cflttb>sCsh Pi5cle ý,ü é priez, ur-*t1 e ~ Wiaitby, Jnly ist, 1857. i~s h. - -lt î .G - s a - Wth gfor Ttd. d n 1 k Iindof escis. Lot No. 18l'cprner. ai Queen suad Lilla Streets, neatl.y anq-half of an acre. JO UN BE.4LL. All ai the-foregoinilots front o te Mac- -W hittay, M arcît, 1 5 8. 23-3m '-, dcm iz d R at1 a ndsx'e I' ua l* bu zlne Ri ___ __ __ _- -LItLÂ $T riEÈ IiurIelgi t's ilote l, Lots 19O & 56, corft - i f lâila à 6d Nort1l-strei (LATE cENY1'5 oE 171, 11750N-ST.,i'S, i O TISRET 11E undersigned begs ta infoiisis nu- Lots No. 21,' 3, 24, 2', 28, 30, 31, 32, 33i T nirons patrons sud lriatnd, tiat lieatd4,suîsdeiorsStetcti- hma renioveil ta the aboveIliotel, seh-i ng mach oue-&ith af*atacre. .Aise, N ,tl lie lias fitted np in tise serytaest aianner'to 1i 15 uotssdao sasan fck ccoaiai te tise Public. Theh-ouste bas.- -- AYSfBT beed put into s tliorougi s fi t o pait,1 Lots Nt>. 70; .83, S, on l±rSti'eé4 -dee- anal Il "ilê Oom sj a e b *a tewl.r pape :- - au A E 1. S T, - ed an d reno ated. ln the qu aity ofthe c- ST comîssdatian, anS (lie ateusian bestowed n idrU ona tise guùstil, lt Burieigis's, tise proprie- ç=r fW'ater anSCneel test tentures ta à ay, tîsat hisc loteiwill be SVe louaS ta ha second to, aSéie- e'the - CIN'DERELIA;S*I'r-EE-T, provin e. -- - ,- -Lots N 9 , 93, 94, 0.7 und 2091 finely -SAiMUEL I3UtLEIG-II; ,.situa±ad' for Private Resfaleutes. WliibsyNMatch *S1tis 1858. 25 :- 7, OBRT Y A R3 S~ - lIeing part of -Let Namter N!Ninet)i4n t TU AUE otice that Stepheu Fuller, hsitely< 'Kearrying on tise iusincss oflMrchant,*' as wçl ai that oaiSlantiliicturer Of 'andl dealan iu Furoitate and al:~erthtinq,iûtise- 't aire ai Whitby, bas Ibis day mùade an assignaient ta mie (tisaunudersigned Williami Mcphwretsaa5sMerclissp laIseTn na IWhitby aborasaiS) -'ýfOrt ise,,befit aifbi crcdîtors Whis are reisqusted ta; couac la su cmente tise said assigan ênt, wbich 1is nom iu my. office for tisat purpose, WiÃiln si -, mauthi brumte edlsthA atf, isrie they seould ha excludëd fÉroin ail beisfit of, or avaptage nderthe Rssusw. .- Dated tisis lt disa ýMarcL' 1858. 22- -- sisc -Norths. Thig Projsertycis--we1l-i&ii8ted fot 1~w~and, iÈirk £ 8, AnS-seul ha soilsat sncb Frites sud Terins - - tt tounke t an object ho capitii- AÂp vcR~ J. il. PERRY.' -$500J 4O>,-$300,$20 T 0 WIW 0: v S VIL OB~ AE AT TRACTIVE SALB F.Iarming Lanids, TowjiLots,' and mil Fa'iv1igelle of tshgu e isc E state. t of F - . T - erry, aft'e r a le: tthon flI qIos ng vailuble: Ral-, Matte.at sueirpries tisaI will prid'oe atislaltony 'tu, ptwçhsesn -100 Acres,)FEast -Lotý15, ALIs Cnt O(bi liugsea"d. i r10Atesa 'oitt 4Lot 8, ut Coanýii ,Pb rad liaI-, , iI IIIDE AND SEEK, A NOVEL BY Wilkîie Collis, AT Tite Yankee Notion Store. S [1IREBY GIVEN that tht Mayor will 1hold a Court at tise Towît Hall, on, Tuesdiay Morning, at the hour of il a. ni. in eacls week, for thse prrpose ut disposing af ail complaints againet parties for tias contravention ofTown By-Ltswss B. YAIINOLD, CIîr of Police Court- wtîitby, mardli GUI. i S i 3. 2 t V. Tllir NEW 'YORK Life Insurauce Comp'yi 106, BROADWAY, NEW YORKl. Acciamulat'd Cap'! $1.402,966 LAiT A\Nt.#L DiviOEiO 30 'e CENT. -5 t Y-. 's,- r-'- 1 i