Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 9 Feb 1856, p. 2

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'I I i.' a ucqi~ton f w~uiiîand ease, and wiffi idividiuals w'eid bu benefiting thetiaseiv'ýes, the rt'.sult of' their industry wvuuk1 extend hot o le rospcrity of the Courty ah hrg'A. f'hesubjcct wvas une capable of being eexpattiahed tipon tu a grenter lengtiî '.thm.ii any man liad t1power ofseting fot iî. The peu of writers-tiC art of' îiairiters-1ic3 Lluqtence of a dernus- tiienei, %vas indeîj îato ta the prurn unce of the tasle. [Applauise. A have alrcady remarked theo influence of a liailroiad votid be as extensive as I lle rutle on the lako, by casting a stntie 11:, tu the placid water-nnfy, it was Jike te motion of the banitd in the air. I. disturbcd ali the air arourid it-and @Ooe ven said thtut a siimpild nWohun Jîs4ttbed the antmo1'jller oft'hie uni- vCrne. Evory bralrlit uf îndustiry woià il be benetittcd. Na duiubt s0fliC Zaid we wttd have te puy dearlv , )r o1r whi. tic. I will procuv&,J o lay before pou 1111 fuiiOwiii-l figures, and tho calcula- Clins 1ie~sd tiner5uin, wlîiih wiii prove motit coticliusivCly that flot cnily the xiurtherti, but also the southern town- ships cumlwsing thii Couintye will ho matorially bonetitted by thecoonshruc- lion of the road. The Cutinty ccntaiîîs 503,600 acres Whîitby and Pickering coîttain 142e200 Ail the Northern Town- shîjîs contain Of' the above amotit Lier. mere tindur cii- tuyatuou Iii thie Ctt- ty lu 1852, Unuîltivatcd, 'Uncultivuted ln Witby and Pickering, Uiicultivated in ail ilite Nortliern Tw*nsiiins. 361)400 138,256 acres 365e344 * 59,292 306,052 Or, la tiie nou 5 acces uactûtivahed ta eajpim acre uduq ccîihlivatiua. S.tys an Anti- IRatI road Yuan, w. qîlite agree with ya tktthlb. [aiîroad would advuiîhnge ite nirîl, but show Lis, if yoti can, w bat 1u~i,,advault-ge 1h cuuld ic t-o thse tuuvishrps, of Wutîtby aiid--Pickei inig. Welî, the completion of til*e roaâd woid red icethe taxes uf t.hese two taushpsl). (Cr.itu ut Prout.) -Proof -a t roof s ai. bond. Tçasse-Ss$d'v'ltie of lacd j Mura muid l{ame. for wa t e a cre, 0 12 fitt<d Sçt gog p ,racreýt~ 17 S6i Vxbiridge per aqec, -1 17 -10 ~~QrniJeuIongat-a, coto sptO3 -2mile .Ti. ddtlna ec ei 1LT in to%;ýi1g fibtn Lindsay to Fort'PerrIy .tybofroin- 2s- to 2s .6d per thOnis ihnqu.MAkii'i vil 9 of at lesst 2s 6d a thoiund, by takt,»g thé Whitby.rqute 1'itven itý'the difference ini tranait clid w*no%.mt0a .bat sum.Tf the IawMberet ea#-od-çn4y one shilling, or even six- penee-n thousand, wo.uld he not ho like' ly to talS t hat route by which lie coi.ih ~ »~ib~ Mr.F.),was of Opinion 4~nt.ëfchapes here wotild e.de flifty pon~cent betwee[l the two routes. - The saine reasoflifl ..~oi~d bequ1lyapplicable to ail thIe iuntuld..nil.ione of feet of lumnber to bc ,AQLt ifl%'aidirectiîns iupon the waterE - -riht a»d left,,and wlich would act 11. feeders lomucli a Railroad. -*gaili, looktng nurhwnrd frorff thiý * î1seas your ¶nnd point, siee 1Lake .9igco. from yuur lt ito this Couinty. Y1ôurLy6aa w.illtar ibis lake at Beaver- ton, miakinig that flluurishing village fli ëoftmon centre ofthlâlrge and ra pid 1 iâcreoüsi.g troide of tlîat Iake. Truc * the rôld from Turonto,.northwurd, tapé; Lake Sinxcoe -at Bell. Errt, but tlî< -distance frorniTàourto je 53j miles while the rond frein Wh-itby to i3esver- tan w1ll bc buit 45 miles-.. . Flic diita-ncebeitng lessýupon the Bea- verton "route nuétinoure.,for it, nt least ait reJhare of lte firaffie 0f the lake- for uliiwfact shotnld, nevqr be Jot sighl ,hatw t1-oihrtrrie0o o1',a rass te perc additionai le oto at'i.iro addi Io the gv..lonào Of trunsporlatiom there- on, and r.êoeuarilyv must do :JO fur ai] lime to Wome. A Agin,;the bujiîdi iigof this rofd would insure the speedly seulenment of the riortherni towtisiiilîS of thîe County.- 'rhere are 503,600 acres of land in the Cotinty of Ontario, wlîich taken as a wliole, are nut infuriur in qualîty to any lhke quanlity in Cnnadit. Trhe nost of týho land in the northerr townships, lu about the same quality ai that at tit front. A iîd lîow is it thai orfthe 361»400acres vhîch compose the noriheru townst i i utf this COIuntY, 306,- 003 acres Stili reimai i in their prinmy i state of wildnc'ss! Ilow is à-t hat youi Shtrdy sous, whose hearts burn Witli'thE dcesire to hiew ont fur themselves û *home iu the widurness, go West in. .%a ,f north. WhIly lu it tiiat the per. inu * emigran", who secks a liousE %be on, doos not proceed into the î~uLIî rLpa~of your Coun'y, instoad - 1, tsnids of miles wesh ! is, )-utliveio conven ien .01-s ...,mm inicalion with th-i ci~ep iudej it'le northern tovn- d,. an ý the 200,00< pbcute~, wil lie bro. "'lit -,,,to requisi. -tibiî. Cuilstrurt iie roaIl and in si few yç.rsthe nçrtherî ti r 'n 01yoir C"ounty tiouw% a forcat, wil bluciiu ,ke tie rose, Cvqrtrtut this r.ra4 ýi1d -:1a a short ti .'u< Q( #teLd o' tdjes i esowoods 10 * Uc îotlîruî.t~nlîi isto ,eer7 Jacre cuktv~hd msatprsntYubi wiî.firnd, .siiWliidyakd Picker*ig.uwiut t «wo- tilirds of ail thie, Jk.îd under cuitivatlon. ,(2o,îstruit il, làroad. and the iLani Of JIcîccLinanter ini vîich, in niaty in- Huron, an1d1place a bitte o! steamers on ie martng lte i-le suiitouding air, anceiras- dud uuat ook atuIlleimattr in ftigitnib-avlu l t'ameoir stffnces, te assessentlias been tîtadje route, trrutlitue îîortiîern terîtuinuï (faic lie au t ailtk tItat tilltt oudi]%ias alm)ut di:- ail . 'i tisaor tbireego d gi avel rod bcurîsdbttiiCuîi îd iL is difflctit h o make a calcit ai' iutiti- ruad ta lime e isteun shmores ai Lak-es \1 - it-îubing hilue ciuilibrumît aithe unire u rr nae IerIeo pururyi'ui leL xu'ite iioaîe mtCita less yyau base il mîon lte inecaseo tf po- cgaut and SujerIor, as treilias fr, nm i tu'deilted lt iic ulnira road ta i3ear-ertoau emlaucutl just as iîituý1telutt- voti!d bu bei- robe lttî~rsuuttaJassî pu3inN ia ct omi'lattleC.ssutiteru ter-mcnus, Port \V Iilbv a gtn-îoadsue-~ i iuîî1ete %tiiitutEasternle r sui ieî ba i l-e irat t ilie ircoîi aadîic ra-ig scilutto %iliudt sruuld incrcasing in wealth lusterI liait Iii pu- bui i.\\Imy slouidîlîey ;tloL. Lt-e N"II i Coutitueb. \uctoria anîd ail the curili ai Couiîcîl îrotîîd da better la lemîd if.s usis.t- itittîei-esis atillie seitle Cautil-. i ptilatiii t i3t smuyisc thue i ukcp boLiaInlias itady d) eta secure traie îo -Siiitcoe Lad aIr meuîy lucir ie. liiillia uce tu)iltt akimîk o!'good leaditig ronds. aiài aia, ra-, .tly a ytiqug il pa e %il h iir oi wiIl fitd ai Ut[i iId a-aned S ie îlis siýre ,i titui d Ibusc' Ut tLCt Oi i51t usspileî if w-c I l a R ;îuliîoddsItoul J le maude' a t all jtIli te C o îcutitci îut r Iii p. o0 ni ttc s pacoiet netunhlie thert utthtimerus ia ytilndut Illeien ctd t ell yenis tlic assessale 'valuce c, ud-c mtivrof l hilirazys, ntoc Norii i y >jipol ur ded op u L mIme liti uetlcu ia e iei-J'disia îglnsbc e Cxpeî-: n-A l'iiiihit. "o efthue Couîîly £6,4-00,000, reqti'rillg n oSer lieîr 1t-"llay 5tate," but alil orer [-ehic tail Opeises c-nough ta huai- wihittut thte vc tîtl, aput llîcit hatîds itiati ti-i'(,Ur. 1'.) irab dgl t) Ibear tatge tax of only a fraction uver jtof a penntuy N 4".,yLîriaîîd. 'Vic ty oiyuwtaniat aitubemigsdldir1iaVared li ai oktcitueieute îuttla ire tiake uýs ico'iiier iîuguagc. 'ie in the-tpouind tudiscliargo ail Iiatiroad 1>- of!-Newi lIncpàiirc aud Vermout, auJditeon fle Bl3îtIio autd 13uaiit lairoad lmad beueiltîted iy the scimrit', imcy lit!ou ai' iUias si]tt0 i i-t<i abilies. l3iît wbet i te malter i1, a'u*ydeep brou ail rivera af' anactseu d ceasced ta rull lru tit:tue embarrassed i Ci--vidages aiacg the lirc antd w-hit Lite R resoîctiion, clîrllue 1point %iîerée e mîrderstood, tLucec ch i'-ras mî ' Connuecticut have 4t Lpored han-ii-rs tIocutustauîes ou' ilie compmnîuy. '['lie Cobourg roau lever iras at ts lîiglit, tiîcy s5Id Lîetît <tas, i idiulkioi it arcn tax %vIiîat'vcr.LeLt 1hZroa h bîîttjo Boston capital ai tcuerpi ise. OQu i i -t J tilIwi,>'iras sa beaîîii tlebt, ttey trere a0urîospiie-l9iasingilgin etturan p-ch îsiiii the caur niti ns pro'-secdinltac rc-stlutîiuî. bs>eltî rthrrdo ia i>urt a(mCied ta a.sugîurer tlîeiî £ 125,000 counageinent (ci 1irties mihctt hiat couuld Le iîyliîtiun o ut-eotmiu Tl r a beitewacwr ftli iyLiii 111111iii 1 anîd the wil fiîli upolut&ue Stock site lias tappcd te :ýt.Lawrence -4010 itîîIu-s 5tock ah a dibcaunt ai 50 per cent, if given in ait i euitubiemanuer. lîtstciîd cd îrotld b'uld up the Depmtmy il-ee u hold.ers. 1 out îîrcev i dsat aten stiil, site la> slier Ibanuds fle gos-ernuent îrould take it ôff Ibeit £C250,1000 beuîîg suiicicuh, àL vauli reqîtîre and lie askod irni iii goiiî haonetu Lte net eariings of thte road, m'neoebsa- upon the Prescatt andI I3ylowmtroaut, [puy- bauds, Ileard xaotlitng ta îm4uce hbm La£200@000 mu:reindîit irourd be oct- acting stimuenr iir lie would aimevrer for ry, tu keep iL safe, before the si oc klol- Piothie owncrs 8 per cent per acîîum fouilb] aitete tîtat tic secitty was by an 'y means iairly if gemntluemncin bringicg thiese resohu- ai thhis question, li vould asklt dorscamîhanle ac cet, a th sitjuea;d n.kes iL îuîbuîary ta the Ogdeusburi-gtîa good anc-lie Plity Reeve uf Wiitby tians foirai-J. Iad put dam a w inriictfniend ut tie otiier ecd ai tîhe t oidecn deBt ne w cntire be suliietanpe BstnradnLe B1tu1 aageey -coîuecedb îukuistlçne'Jlewhc cmeaschsetaUi mr a pssbi Iav Gmbeglowwa le omg e c traffic on the rouila puay lite itîtceres-t und once gme aglimpse oai your ruad, aundi, 1(r "arrrr-)iri n auldne hting a inargininnur euetualimies. Acothe, tue lpeuple af Scuog for biis oc stnking fund ipon lte Debettres ta be fwtratble geognapicai polion, aud àutc(bite htair-oad i ()il t, n' 'ilt toi- a sum o!fulîîcg tie Cauttly alîhiotégli giving liai! ihe til (iie tîuteuiithte Iteeve O! Seog isseduby iteCoînît 1 Fli-ruwîl 11ml have il, ejthbr by leuse or purcias,£250.000 fls rrIt1iu 1iteeve fi-rmPick- açiual cas.t af'LIre ical wouldt bcL leneuiti d p. el)iri-d w La angeIlle Coucty l What ta the basis of enîcuhution 'j and wiîb h it l e sets a tain si-a! ofthe eniîg iîad obLaIii% i i-uitfaisevera ices, bu an equal nuutîer a! Urectarb nt [lie peîtdîture O! £jQ 00for gravel ia 1h ha beti scetaîted oy uhîtl ~ trade ai tîte gi-caL irL, thie umagnuitude ai auJ w-bm-cw-e lri tiii-'e --inade over lerel bourd, as re'maked by lits fiîctthe liere :apuku iýaan!i ii ica csr penrimeut, thlm. and tinte agnain hestcd, wiicii induces day dreamers ta halk oa! tîat 1trac ts ai'bauds-- uu',L i ice hunes 1 h. amojunt o! Ushiavaitbiaut: a spectal aci. fourlthe wouid lift Lis cOustituelits ta0 that Raliroads do n btrîness amotitli (y iistractabiliiy, t4te conttilîction ai a $iiiç %i ttu ititabit wira rrupasei ta buîild that aonpurpase. '1'le> also î'auîed a cuir Chiarter, cumiatuhe xtenm, lie ivcrued tiies em fron 2q6dto 99pe hïu]fu ec"Canal f-om (Jollingwood ha Torontoa. il-c- indrr dîscussiat, u i, -' oul d pause, lie badthe lehd Charter iras îeîrly txpired. Letl otatcke Nii> ood cure isttite imhabitant liring viil t h te ailrtiad ar g thie west, cai.ticucd 1'tr.1F. l'en-Dû c'stnaîe <t! îîue c c-st lier mile af o! seyr. tlîem wait untîl lte f-aruutes o! the Coucty doîrg-hie ti-u4vcd tiresu gentîctern i' section. Titis calculation holds good ~mît me ta trespasa upon your t tue and pa- aIlfices aiflalway îu mlie UnitedI States w-cru unra better conidimion tiien ai 1reseut, catu-ider tIti, tîalar ery macnau tlîickly scthled cotichries as well as Ibuase tuence long enougb Lu nead a fuir exîraci.s and lte av e csi. of building a road lie trustcd liati. aue getlemnen vi îta bihied ota eheilis o1i) ioti uicarding aC sparcly setîled i and li Englattd as wteIl fromna n article published in lluuîts 3Mer- tîtere, iras *540,000 per mile. 'The if tie to support the rusoilution %rauld poinît omît smanceb antd lue belies-ed tle tuyiromî as America. Take une exampie. ,,ic cltact's AMagazine for -ýeVLe[mber lhasî,%% uicb iiaili-ods 'muthAe 5tates, ïmany of w-ih wene ils eliecl, iILiras ta bc au eccoq-agmeut conlustion lie w-as conrmuced ie Michtigan Cenîtral Railroad, in 1832 gîves sate idea af wha. ire înay exiiedt as let-elasîthe loot , lad" OasL that amount lic did not lîelieî'c lu girimîg thatencaur- resoIut ig ts sieu-c- sed upoaîagO ~d 153,[tninghieaveage dî a rom, n !tew-s.' or er g Lwauld take t est $56,000opanmie tu a gemet-Mermbers a! te Coucicil In faror auJtitat bbc calculatious made itIe MM 83 tkn heaeae i nd tie w e bs abeimo r tpo ibebetda a schias it praoel ft a b iuetresuhmtioc, formethy lucld tLiiin out ta bucorrect- local btiness acitmiitiag ho $; 91 cc-utIsM. nrwsn iaberpr ioth uda o ucashtpooe.Teoftepeet perheu fo cci <eraluliing~î'llîîicammerce Of tic lakes, gives it ah $326,- Rond from Parti1-lpe La Lindsay, lie titat il iras coL goad for a cor-poration: to 3lR. 1"AR-EWELL-ai-ose ta id perhed_ oreac pr--illivngwitlili000 000. 'lhere are ah least 70L)0()()0t baLuJ, on te auciqrity or ihe Engineer take actual stock, and corporationis Ilrougli Coucicilbur w-as assaileti witb ltao iBairoad section. A bîtsicesspy01 on1 yotîr road amnouchingto 9s fu r square iles af tenitery wcst a! the gi-ual cash £10,000 per utile, and the pi-esent thc country iwonhd he found to say it iras Il sjiake," tu-cm lthe Reeves for1u eac pesa liin w'tîin ou Rai-lakes.,Lie resaut ces o! whidhitiLis absoltîte- raad instcad ai being bulît fon £9.50,000 wrang. Did caL theile riof'aithe rusa- anti -,lauva. ruad section, wîîî kecp the - Coucty y imnîpossible ho caîctilate. ler. arc te w-uuhd cast £450,000,--hc laaked upon th's lutimon himseîf adî'use lus corporati nsie M. luMSDit, cuuettddinre clearofnty bo fui Raiiorsdpturosesdeposils of Lead, iroanduJcoîllci-'lotion as an atîemapt ta trap the Coun ti tr~e augo cot hado so (Alr. LFarewrell, troU iad no iglt as'a ep Ther cauhtox a fo tilronwsprpo -.In tue w-ai-d.1 Iu agricuitural rmice's iltasmta a Rtailway andI the Resolihiaiad on denied te sîntemienttihe ords ho tîten Mit. FARELELL aipeîied ta o Thelî ppulation forth or-usui-pased. 1h is the opinion o! tlitiking ,tic lace aifL Lie mark of fraud and de- maile use ai w-ci-c that h w-ouid bu betten den, sho decidcd in laai y' n F ty, u 142, aa 3,00 <ten tîat tic great plains aî'en whîîcb Ile cepion-ile cautd nat believe thai.'bei-e for tLe Caunhfy ta hake stock than la grant rigliît tameîly by tva>' aiexplalatii ty i 1852, w 30,000 I3uffalo now- roams n acauntlcss titousaîtds, w-as a particle ai faunidution for lhe state- a Juan.) (Ma. FAREWELL in rc-pîy, said Shoingan ncras of12àlie cetmust become the gi-eut corn groir- ment that the road cauld bave been bulit AIR. LUMSDEN-cntîuîued,---woüaskjc e idi ve a t e or thc dotmbling once tn 8 years. iîgsertion of no.Ti ertr sfr£250,000. TeCut ol o eteMayar o te\nof lIithy. (Mnr. ians betore tire Council. "lieic ÀYo whireolec. ie eusu ws a-li-ge enougl te make 11 States, îîaîincg safé in gmvîng iLs £125 000. 'l'ice w-as L1awe,y'the eev,-would ask te Rt-v.w-as cat tIi-atm up as a fînalitv, ken lu thîs Counîv in 1850, muid ac . 0,u00 square miles eacb, and capable ai no guanantee and Lue did nett»nk thie ioi tîe 'town of Wlihby, irliat îrould be were ah libirry ta propose aat itY giQn sustaininu a population of 150,000,000.11 County wislmed ho embarrass itseîf te that t-be probable annual volue of. tb;Corp)ora- thcy thouoglit fit. lis abject wva ini 1852. This gives usan opportin nty a as f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ti ventmin le-ic oad ieli iuaLuknaw-n and fertile trust w-i- ainuat. It-eebaheea al titon, and daubted vvhéher iL would be a affli-n a pimcifle. Fi-st--TliaI -r part pf' tic ten year-a <tram 1842 ho soon oi-ward eue coltinuouâ streaîn a! pro- seheme, we wauld be bouud [6 carry ut good security by anyuic-ans ; what wouid be desirable ho construet snob i duce ta the cash, and -brin8 backi in return thhi-ugls,& w-heu al the moc'éy iras spenitwe thein dç ben tui-es seil toci-. Secaudiy---Tliat thc Coucty mhoald 852 -o rte finrathe a~eea-L.valui i-.!Sref in gqods for the west.- wouid tîaýe 'tue step. in and tmnUli tb4'joad la Ida. Row.-I»on'Ltb.alarmed about ling ha anid in uts construction,..a -iin tor dimnatd i mcei On. vast tide, of emugi-alion mua tsýeadily order to save, oucsel ves. He é Idkoed upon Whitby, we'wii buy hem up ounscîves aht equal hae »ilte manugemen t: ari-g1th75tenyars aboe sîated, flow isesîward, untj the eathei-u slape ai it- as a sciieme .tu MlavIrthe County, and par,' ---the risk -and. resp'onsbiiity fid a the lst w ycar, whiîe dun85g0te icky mounhainsîtlail'become tbickiy gnleeeomn ut- inS t wa uronthe , MR, LumsiDEN corclmtded b aig i otdel neetdi f o t 832. latht-wo cg as [f t93 1850)htuddet! with vilages, téwns and cities.- geed ai the County, bc did net thiak tbey wu glad there w-cie se many mea ef wealtb Tiien foliow tiie provi.îaeas seiig te 85] ti.inccae ws ,~~3 erAil tic hues of communication fi-arn une acted bonestly. Thero w-as ne pledge giron ai Wiiby la b. ablo t-o do se-. dtoswuiî o .cmlmdW i ... Y 515 i yar, soêvmg a -More rapidýýia7- point,,,té- tbe.-othèr i ll$iJ ted b " tbgimr tha 14ienod eQU4 Jbe buit -for tim"'0,7'wzoe Undtl"Qd- the SO oI je. mem r ti i eas.e-required. rWlhB akuts ýsaîfytewm Xh: weeeby the projceçeold? h jîr ~~ ~ aiiê -' Wiî'taout - à4 mx1d. Consîraci urnr0dnû r oofÃŽee !ue, "o7- sbnal secrttw» ýan tdv-~ihsd it seeme4 ièysaua i#ýsaaed at1aav y o ef£1 tur "oad"and )or -Iîiie o icea4ca 1«îeIsànc.ÃŽ ron'lake Io lake les-abbout 'chtàls- becgme lhale ond cpiberote tiat bowmmeret I Ù ncldo Ou~~ve T- jf Ma grMater, Accpr4- 2ài miles les tho4 j *yother route WhiàhCunitqeîruaranplee 1%udn$ e in-ta object; but Le bclieved,wl tn~ tLlape ai£6 i an Bl-e,ît~g t, îe ~reein8 bailbc'ecien ocrtheeUpe aad t d pn hotheir ruin. As Io-tbç,couuty measii-e would be Sarriéti before t r ~ ~ ~ 5f,:hgeî thé de Contyý*ÃŽ]4 bWMi.apopulajtion, ai the- peninsular, and beeisse Of îhefavorable having hall' the direction of îhe read, that cil, the Recie f of rkeit-ng vwor4d QW fiQà ye n1ea, f 500. çation of the ro d teebigf ni vsntpssiblethe taw doee not give power Ii bis place in-Poiliatiedt supportn In 1855 thisCowltaxetUdtha,00Oçmn- T1ntic, a portion of the population of neering diffilculties upon any Part of the ho the morhoeage of a Ilailrond te have any lion for the renewal of their cibr jty £4,87X~ 1.9s ad. (0f this smlr the the fronît TIowns5hips cannot Le consid- htîîe._ This is praved by an offer hnving direction wîtlîout a special act eti'ai-lia- would b. impossible for tilemulo b lcnrthern iuWnships paid £29083 16s Sd, ered as belouging te 1theBrailroad dis. been mode te constoct the whole line of men t fon the plrpose, and h tb w-ouid-not be -pi-oposed stock takien up under hh WilileWhitbY, Pickèri-ng &,nd-. Ã"OhaÃŽwo triet, but thore are the Township~s of road for £4,500 a mie. rntd livrane.pprf tsekchtr.T ycmehr o paid 42,789 163 7d, or nearly three Mariposa and Eldon on the.cast, (G-.or- Witb tiiese piregpects before us, wlîy se early en the subject as lie had been gether, and get his able assistan fiftbs of the whole asscssmdnt for the giana on the wesh, anc 0riLha, Medoute, îbould the Councai besitate one moment obliged te--le wusuwladh h ,s'it easmdwsntW e County. Mtc dash, -Tay and 'riU4g -on the about granting the l10414 Let us, nianîfeat& iitîd wlien tbst mruet&-'r i *wulld oreupe postdin h um-e as ti e Presented ini another furm il stands nortîlwesh, a fair proper_îon of which ing thc spirit cf thF Anglo-Saxon race te again te be prepared' -Catvnty should nlot be benefiiedi s hts-all the nothern townships cou- must become tribtary 't thé rod.- which 'ie beloqg,*. etrUit lm m ~ USE.-After* the Iengtlîy1 of à petty local- intercst. Slould ~ ai a acaf~6,40 crs The two These aniottt in round ntliibirs tuouver porta-ut and prefà.t#e undentaking. If speech to which they were treatpd by the we can secune -a lasting benEfi front townships, with the tewn and vil- 400(,000 acres of l'and, anti a popultiaion we hie progressons3 as you aH daim, let Depuîy Reeve of Whîtby,and whîch miglit County arlarge jet local iuitencss 8 luge, contain 142,200 acres, and owing of about 8,000. us show by Ouri- mple thal we bebang to be sonîewiiat curhai!ed, embracing scraps -that grand ajco ht ev f a o the very' great ineqtlalihy in ,hhe vii- The muîcrest on -the Counity the $chooa 0(it uî4àt t Llf o! the nineheenth on educatian, traa phiiosopliy science and laoked at the.-i,atter ini the saine 'Luation of the lands in the norhh, ns lban equal tea per cent' century. [Chbers] -'rere was ne cern- sa lanthilhe wouid nat occapy lte Council stoo -d ready ta sacrifice the iiu¶-ret compared with the soutît, these 142,200 per anntum, anîounts bo £100000 mittal in the t-esoîttans tlîat thie Cotinty ai much length. \Vlin peaple were called entire County te tiioseaofitis 'partc e acres in thte front paid a niuceh langer A butSiness ho Le duine on shauid make, tic rçad by leu<ing the moqey upen laacet in a maLter af' sa much impor- cality.- Let gentlemen cpm-n l thr vsutm itî-to lte Coînhy 'Freasîîfy Lhan Ihe rond equal Lo 9efor and takirke tllme !kst mîtrtgage, letting ai-I tan-ce as the preseut, it ivas only reasonable and ual take sucIL conti-acted view 361,400 acr,.s in lihe northl. - - ci iinhubitant,is 45,000 X 9 £20 000te resporj.%ibilisty ýot on thobe individuals Lta expert tliat a good fouridation, a guod gyreat subject--let ail tleinit-ea Wc ail know the construction o! the Dediiet onc bal£ for work- taking lte required stock, thcre ceuid b. basis wauld ce p14 *ced bet ore'thein. 1h purpose of' formvard- g iis gteat s- railroad w'ould, toa acertain exteut, ng expenses, repiurài &c. 10000 n ik whaîevei-. Every ee new tiiot was presuîndtatp-£25,00stock ' l e gThesuestion that Wlîîtby wasd- eqiîalizc the value cf land lhroughout - - Whiîby vwras maî-jinerested in the projeet taken in Whitby for2,0. 1itltegosetnywaoebur-d -the county. rodaîdvoliLb Net revenue, £ 10,000 titan any otber- p e althe c ounty, and she Lawn or Wiîtby wold take' C50,000 and aiflte Railro%'d hein- a diiclulty Compiete thu oad Sduiold t be t jceu t.ta ean theo Cunnty,%, lîad i-anifested t îl ~e, knew such i'c be t-bat wha t wab called otîter original stock poor rneclianics ih would make thi - unreasonable ta expect huie land of tlle Agaiti, the Miheigan Ccntrr.1l'ori the the case by propc>ging ta take stock te tbe wauld be taken la the amoutiti*f £50,000w,& Ti'heown o! \Viîby cauld pass Norther» towneihips to becone worth limne aýready miarned, did a local bîrsi- amnaunt of £50,000. The whole mater' provided Lisit sdhei"ashin xeîe1iu n bti1Ieanmîî ro1i -$20 an acre 1Inla ry opinion, that stîm - îess amouiiîing ta 8,039 dollars per hi- was laid before thern as cleai-Iy as it was in Ilae the Caunty would take £125,000 ai Loan Fund at thirty yean ti& flot too high, but suppose it uihotîld neal mile, and having a papmratiun of bis power ta go int a subjeci. e! sucb mag- staek-ite [Mu. Lumsdenj could nal uit- Tiîcrc would be no difliculhy in e Sonl y becç>ti wort-h $10 an acre. 27 ta the saquare mile. tittule and iînpq«tancc, and b. udepended denstacd upan whla graunisthie conclusion an net froin thte Legislatune ashoti TJhe effect s£tbis advance would be Tu\. keep yoîir County clear et' nny upan tUai CawnoJtô corne to ajust conuri- was arrived at. thut -tia rtad. would anly tari. With regard ta the backto tatinrease- the taxes of the North tu lax for titis rond, lit *ould only reqîtire sien. Mn. FarewejjLotok bis seat amidat cot £25,000ë Wrre tbé dfflerewt la-w,-uya~4~ai' tlhree-fiP-hs Of the County Assessment a 4tt-qiness thereon ho the anîiotilt of g' eat applause. sci-apes actdf exeuscs alter individuais taken praduce ta imiai ket, and oîany -and reduce the front towiishipsb Iotwo- -1800 dollars per lineal mile, per annutm, i'f- R. PAIR i.ý \ KgcJI]net &îee tle io anirî.ao eoniderznîti a[Mr. Iraretvelhlitey wa -uid net iieâitate ta give the e fiftlis. Snpiposing lte annuai assess- and yamî have a population of' 53 ho the tages wltich t!!,,ro-iti woutd paîsess over bave.] rpliah surprised Itiin till more, ltaIt licii- corporations fan 60 désinabi ment levied by this Couincil ho remaîi square mile, otiters. Bfui,u itb the question lie peopie cotuýJ came before Ille' Counicil and ject. Finally lie case caine l j i abatîLwhat it wu l ast year ; say in Calculation, 1800- -45 $8 1,ooQ wauld dnaw t4 Ill, î,Iion o! the Cou ncii to say thatIllit tad could be bit ati less tian cienltepsino!gntga erouind numbers $20,000-tlie Nortl1 50 per cent off Ibr workitîg the fact tiat uîue '. ' " is in ufavor of £6000 per mile (Mi-r. Farewell and equip- a Joit Stack Company ho car -wouid pay $12000, and the front $S000 expenses, &0. e thle proposed i rvâýI, ere, tut vie were in ed Lao.) lie founil tute Baltimore road grcat pi' tcip!e, anîd wheu bie wen -in otiier words, thme epffect of the con- ---pascssi Otil liý î)rLest avenue t-l t vwauid cash about $60,000 per rnile-but -thene lits constttuî-ýnts fin] laid Lhe mat Estruction of thte roa4lt would but take Net- U00b rng the te o lai.,s ogether, and that iL was a Canal in question î"Iicli îlîy ad tb hefore thln, lie belieî-ed tlîey to $4,000 a year of MÀe County .Assess- Again, in 185-1, ali ta NcW York was te great ti-ade trising iram titis thal purciase- ( laug llter. 'l'lte Cleveland ta thle po!i fori- i. ment o W/itbY,PicL-erirug, a4ed 0Oshaua Railnoads, good, bad, and indiffèrent, would produce a paying troffi. The stock and Conueccicut Rond cost £8000 per M\R. (jANBLE was in favifi a and piuit tat sum upo t/mhe Y&rrtheî-r did a business anioutting to $12:2 dol)- with winch iL was praposed_ ho buiid the mile. 'l'le Cleveland and 1,0lujo £S000(. jectLiii tIcl irbt place being brou Stownships. Ali 1 onys bbc r,ýeeves for jars per mile per week. If 'lhe icavcn- road consibted a01Prit-at. Slock £2-5,000- 'llie Iludgon Rit-r Cm-£150,bttîer1r ad1rprl iesei u ,t Oelha%%-a and Pickering, tbhat would do, ton road do a business arntng ta Ilite The Town cf Wiiîby £50,OWQ; acd othen the way %vus itzavy, andi tîere werce expcn i înîyiiittetnsc er e if* yuwill aot tax us fur the raload- stîtaîl sur ot' $35 per mile per %vc'eý,thoc rigrira stock £50,000. O!f iîe latter sive law suitb, but tukiug "3 or twc'nly- Fri-ui Port W'iîby ta l3eaîerto - Tkaanyprperbausupon Which suoh Coicty is cleur from any tax.£i00 ieknwotigasa wth four différent roads, aund[le average cos ues n a straiglut fine, but c-very matters are cnlculatedi, and w'ilîîc cal- For 45 X 35 X 52 $8 1,9ào stociz Is ho be talien. wlîo the parties are per mile, wotid be founU ta ave:tige itoin dit road could not rui ina di n cuintions have proved limne and imne Off 50 for workin -Y&c., 40900 wlîat ivill lake iL, or wieicr iL mnay be L,)000 ta £ 10,0 e mlbt)aigi and it îvould ucst double thbcama e agointa t be correct, anti you wMill hiee taken at ail. Thei length o! the oadl at t9J30, lie could nit smeaun wat -round culaterl, a that, building the rond tipon lte pnînci- N\Tet, si-I1,ooo whici was îîtated as 45 miles irauld tui-n îiey cametotahie raucluýîoru tîat Ille ruad Nla. PERRY spoke lit las-or o -pies contained ini the resoltitiotis, the B3ase youn calculahion wlial way yeaout ta bc a good deal moi-e,and hue £250,- fortîy-iftve niltes Ii ii li'~rîcould be buili for lulirJit, -cotinty need have no fears of taxation. \vIll, IlIte Cotinty cannaI stiffi'r. - 000 wIVtth yirîil i iL as îiroîbosed hi- build and £;2,50000o.I3ut lie askeèd look nst Canada aund 2Mit. [Bu-A BAZoN caine îîreparc The effect of Itis wo )ld tal)iiia ilL bere itIn a i, auequip il, ol o esicetfrti u-pit ot ie siiiý1c ru-id iliat- lias becu or Itle ttaii a tlC titgi L few yearsthie back t, mîilshî1 oîuldallo%%-aîice of ý the gra!ss caruitigs uti-he pôse. yIf we were ta take the cost af built .for anyîîn lie £.)00 peut.uilje. any ,o,;d-but there was cothiig àpresent te tus wiiat Whilby andt Pick- rond, for expenses and repairs. 1 be- consti-ucticS acy Rallroad butît in tine pro- WhîtL did thîe Great Western Plailîvay cost fore iIti it idruce lin la do( - ring do nosv. , Jidus.try votld unake lieve tram Lie reports ho which I have vitîce, iL would bç foutîd ta bave cast tram no less a sui titan £1 U),00 aile. No lite Citai ci-Le ametidcd aunit tils way imi o theni, and, people vbo arc- access ibiat anditarily it twas s -css îîvru £8,000 tLa-£ 10,000 per tmile. 'l'lie towu doubt there îvcre sorni' c'tpeunii-e cutîings, (lucsîuin ante up in Jutie andb e iow cuimpelled to niake Iheir w'ay ta- lhaI'. One word mor--, anti I cei< tii's aof(Jabauug ças an 1iustance af tie failure of but tic cobl of makitiu emi ol'd nct là id befote titein Le vtuld mak -wards the XXestcrn Stats, mand tri branici of tiie subjeel. W'hy sliutild coi Ralrays un tiltis part ai' theCo(untry, and ainounit ioa o geit a dit ,ýec .l.lneui ther backs OitLeboîter liî-tî î d lte local receipîs of this Beaverton roj( thte deprectitou uf prolierty in tiiat town, staid Ilite Nortiteru Railroad was bu1ilt MRi. PAXTON couISidei'ed hie for waril of te imeaiîs Of ciitii Iea- passi gttogiacau]titrv as IL iljl, sie%% edimlai R iiI.%a>-s wenejnoc favoi-ablelta for $-2 1,000 a uuu'lie (Mr.L) 'voulUj waa ciune of Vital ilrt 'o01 ;ct tinYe ;iuîdi ouhy tne ahvngapotlhit f 3to1Ie qae-lldvuciîtt. A geat deal iad been likc te sec tbe mavr-rof ilite Ru,-)Ilj1, andtii'-, C uîy, lie beil ved thet - oo gvrîmnîî o 'hehttepepl il, e sgratastteloa rcums saud about the trade o i te Nili ah Fenelonplinut ocutanid n-aune auy ailer road.. ilas uitdcdby F. arewe-ll, are depply nttacbed, WoUld br open- ilnnte ihigan Central, ltavilug a Fdlls, anîdthue qutiliîy afluicher made vias said tfiiat Ive as a Cotiit3îy oild i-un nu aui',eq'itable, antd wh vliîbcv-y i1n ed up ta tie scîtlers, and emigrants Nvlîo popuilatitin of only 27 ho the sqiare ilicre, anîd ji~îfroin AbatIlle Deputy risk. 'Ple ouf itns iWltîytui l icould camubcic'tialy apllate f. wouild Le ciily toa glad te liew vdowt otir umitle? 'l'lie quetasion catinot bîc auý-tr- Reeve oai Wtîlisid one srould, think pause before taliig ,an umInount ut £5)000 j iey liuud a d-011--o aiVe>tr c forests, antd bîild Our CàtiCS, If tIlitne- cd. 'Thie triithlu s,it dues appean ilitai ic thah IL sîorîld oa iusd1 if kela Raiiraad ru il vias c i icD:ii-ý)r-atL'd-an infiul tari v re,,ard io tIe bilding c, f t -av c essary mentis ai commnîticattion 'tere rcud tltruitgh Itis Counly oauglit, ai tle inn far sixiiouts ib fthe y'cir, but Ibere *lîcb bec-aiie lte cliief ltiwn ofltlle Cuuiîuy 01 i e~- iPceju uu onl>s estabjluýlîcdtl iîroîîglî atir JoLInt- close uto' tuie first ycar after ils conilîle- irere alre-ady tvo oialiter ou ilumtai rlthetrade by cluatuLice, £5000,o ir %as no sirail aiiVtfgetstptt o u r ty. l ot orily pay heiîtrstutt he oai ual loeiity, by 1'art 1 lape and Lindsay. ainount. It t-as Iila iLard uîuîkiîuIrnW.1- libacik t'vtisbiiji , ît-Ied ta B ,slutîld lite Cuni y lie taxed for Cotîîly Juan, but also a d ividendl b Illie \Vaîlliteguui Ir-a ciett dsusedcuuis fci tId't i-a itul oicily t- uuiy iec lrateil.~--o te w.liole aniotîct, it uwutlci1coi be su sliure1iuIottrs, auîd Uila, itui-! L-asitn g d i c ~£L.typu-,et tend to nuL Uic mani w-lu -oviiod to, Viii utolie pr sttie roluttoun. but vten * ti Itfu' at afai aslia beiî epr'se- al lte alclatonsruae uon he oca tmirve hIe C'auut(ry must I Certainly tîhe %ould be benefiu:ed by Ilespecîtiltion. ho pass a by-law, ta tax Ilte pPe ucti by surne persoits wlio opiuse ithe t ruffi.cI- up1p rocd t uîu omr Va tu 'ceiggi yaThie incelmanIcs aiflic- t-u iI 'tit îîtigu g- roa'is---lie (Mi- a Cil, iront and rear, by uniting with iron )uid ' It t Oild.ýLiame the uhuoe country. (Âp- a rlit îaP. nuhC thte ýber O! -day lie- n un the ccept ion cLuiken f 3rock, Lis ean- ri's vote le (MnI. teulit ta luet onu ogivas oan ex t and Swhiich cn incai- itîemen .y wure )tilU ru- cire uit- presett A basis ni w-auld tsi thc cies aif ickeriiig r. Fanre- e ui'ulI reso lu- solubion enibers teatm oit it would tnoat. lbe w-il- viag on Irav ide J 'I batse 'uchien. bhe con- rthe b.. iMR. 'ICDOUGALL enquired w-bat was ittamît b>'he Aoi-"ciîgiial" in Ilei.i-e- lîmion. 50,000 originial stock. Mn. Fare- 'l'hie rnîSalutioine -were thm, put. TIîe yeas auJ cay- hîaî'iag been cattm-J for, and ireittg a tic-, 7 fan and 7 against tIh. reselu. buous,tl<c \'imrdei w-as called on Le gir. the casîmuîg ol oe, wiiicb he did in favor ni the. yeas,ad thie resoluliamîs mere declared car- riu'd armid gîcat eh ýeing---a large crowdo-f lime cirzecî of Whitby haviog ahiendcd i%. lthe Cmtuncih raam dur-ing th. debate. - Ycas. Niqt,8. Messrs. Ewers, 44 MeDougali, di Farewell, " Paxtoa, '. oeve, SDryden, F rry, Tic CounciltbLeu Mess-s. Brabao. fi Gamble, dé Spears, ci Lumder, adjourned for an Itaur. DEATIT 0F A PENINSULAR ]'ERO! - At Toron to Getiera Ilosp ital, on the. 28th tilt., aged 68, John Speirs, former- uy of Glasgow, one of the surviving he- roes of tegaliant sevcnty-first, from thte effecis ouf a gun-shot wuund receiv- ed at Vittaria, the 2l1st June,, 1813.- An ampttion of Lis lcg becanie ne- cessary, %vhici operation lie onîy stirvi- ved a few days.- The Brtishi fleel, in 'the Seil cf Azo'; ;s st-ated t-o have found a terrible' éeny ini the forun of, a lji-ge and destructive *..M wrorm peculiar te îLes, waters. They &t. tack thc unceppered parts uuder the.w-aber.- lice o! the slîips, and bore' throug hone, witit t-be apidity o! ank olui carpenter land- hîîîg an atiger. Vessels navigatilgthom.e sÇtaers have La bit sheathed to the. waieit.. ilic, or cisc their days ire soon numbered. Celia, a ne gresus, w-as executed.pt rFultoxi à.,on tic 5th itstaüt, for the. murder ef lier -master inOCktoberi lait. Si. confmtsd thq ci-mne, and stahèd tiat when her n»te- came t-o 'ier c btiVa5'>paî,1i'tboii, ptbe devil'got intcbeÈr,, simd sit 4ç a stick tilllihe sv'as dead,*and-thon roNI.dkiiu lut- e cfir, muid burat in up. - - ' . v e -- - J - -- - --4~ - † k j).the matter. -Stock amoisatap t b.I c-het itof tue ,.rcü 4Mi1 b. mr ýte 1ii* té, jàthe charter s-e *anindiYthat t grëe' ÇeiàéiCJ1should bave ao-e'qil vY*o'eis lb. tk JC È th Dfrocorship. The 1 trcsoIstiW , - f 'C ; tbese terme send 8undtiosbigon i -fouad pledwitb ini eVeypriurW bn a mo- -the:County ought te assist in ,the ,coitrnc- Ier. It tien'of the road. It.was * aid' thit-if lve the votted* for these .resolutions, w ,e .wgiil&kbu presecrit n ittfic tohte parsages Ã"oT a ye-law', tu sItO build the road; -,Nu suLch.- tbitqg. What ce; -'but ldt nature'of thatcomminîai bel Lat tiey XVe -soy that the termi being-complied *iÃŽth awboie the County ougiht te gr*ût à'a ban-. Jf, bebause wben Ive ncet in Juine, lhpse terra beatt e when coinç lied with, we are -conîmitted tÏo oth- t o Lte mng. What. cdds dues il inake te u& in lestroY wbat Manner the £50,000 stock will b. Oshîawa taken.uP. Have we any riglît te enquice, ,tan selong as we are satisfied -tLe scurty à$ :soe the satisfactory. Who, he- wouid ask, W., ular lo, ho decide that, in Jane.. 'The membes o f. mdsibis Council. It did app*ear tô l hjm tt sof the there coutl beie kind of conîmittai, Pro- for the vided ail was complied, wîtb in June, the. ruchure. Council could then refuse to&aid. the :pro. na Dt a ject if they ibouglit- fit, and if ail was net instend compicd witb, let erery member of the. with its Council vote against it. i ieol-ici'In spcaking of the expense of conutruct- egener- ilîg United tStates Hailways, lie wouid just credit. say ibis. -T bey set te work ani get a por- 1tinn tion of stock Laken up, luit enough te.t the dîar- *he going, say $ 100,000. Debentpres are issued aed sold at 70 per cent, intorsst having to be paid àn the s1O0,iO0.* 'ft,~ mrî !wouid bi ing crnly .60Qper cent, hu sme ana-th.-rd class, wbickil would bring a .mucb low. ibis, we cr price, inherest Iiaving ho be paid on the boan ta whoie for the fullamnount. 'I'he Council 'y out a would sec that it coutd net be called upoS. ho oro atty furtber ad lance. Ail the remarka her fu about ccuiing te; the Concil again, were idr hurry svolly ifevelant. I1h was acquained ul urivitti 1artiEs who w uld take the cootract t the Pro- -P5, J555 per mile. 'l'ie Reeve of Oshawa iglit for- spoke about the dopreciation ef property te Could tî.il Co bouag, and ùf the people runniug awal ,olution, train the cvilconsequences of a ILailway. was 15 L1te leeve of Pickertngspoke as il lae ne kney "'ere i.ecturinag tiie people of Whiiby, but cet line, neidi Jr of" thein liait 0a bingle argument to )Uni cul- Make use ai in oppo.4itinate tihe mu~as=. Cbugtauk stock to the amouDt of £75,- flec reso- 000 i a road, wich- did net present any- thn-* etefavorable prospect wbîch tbis d ta vote ccrxatilly doeci, that suin wu& subseque.ntit, Vauld do 'cretabed (a £12,000, and tue7 bad Io laid be- r a4tfle r.-,k ai the-dîidends being in.%uicii oe. Let ta pîy the fi-st mortgage, se lar they ope eien th. païredLa Lave done a reasonable traffic, propeuly !it iu îbey had otily hall the required amenat e bp Listotraîhec, it was sulicient to ,.ày the own- eis of the fi-st moi-gage. The. goverument qusinwd-isaCi, etting(tie- earnings of the reait ilim ai a, i1àiý, uiàîîIi wouldl be in the present case, * uîoî Li e arlia *toftraffic ivas et ufficient 'as àii .0 oreac thelicother stockodr.1wa ist muian mot the bubinesâ ai the Couccil te enquire, uathbe Secuîry of lthe stockbolders e but ]ay ýrthî o itat u 'ti uCouluîy, ai risk in the insuer 1 *îdý 14js aout oft he queýjtioin. If the terms ef fested a Uile resoluîîais were flot coiapiied- wilb, of mle .co urbe the (Juuîiii would flot vote for the t.1 f iiabuiC. 'lhii w4s the generous and lair t t pro- couibe ta take. Not a simjîlo reason worth db i t rawr had been -iven by the members of

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