Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 9 Feb 1856, p. 1

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i~IL M h ~kIt z-, s- -J ,lVPJBLISHEEU EVERY SATURDAY- MORNIG Vilf 89IILLINGU ER Â qprUM-îN ADVANCE. VOL" O.w Zarn a m'la na thinkào:l HITBY, AAAW ~lNG9 ANU"M -' - - "'.e BUIN~SDrEco11 ~ W H T B J~COM E AND SEi_ _ _ _ _ _ W. -P. D1WNGS, ATTONEY AT LAW WaiaeFcoy j'I L L I J M- 1 Mai~ OCONVEYANCER, &c. &a. 11U Subscriber is Manufacturing, aud-6cae keepa for Sate, alt b New Shops in the Town JW» oiot.ldsdWnoi Èrack, Stteet, W'HITJ3Y. of Wiitby, Carriagea and Sltighn of difforent des- t aà Lsw compeia *'byFeb. PUa, 1853. 43-]y. crPSearn rfuI3 ieddt. A LE . ni GL . he Subecriber Aiso Manufactures Irrnks and O u ONRBOKADCL RE~rrstlikt WBn~rg~pt &L-X R N L . Whips, 1'éam Whips,Riding arid Driving Whipu. OPPOS-ITE TI L L'S CABeI NE T W AR E-R 4eigl hen1 ozly N. RAY. rha us nrrîgtres4 WHITB Y VILL.,q GE. N. B.- Wanted, two A pprentices to theehrick E S blreee tc ~ L ~ 3a» pU WHthVILAG.gHE ubsomier is ju -t e lng argeantL*ll slc'%oý-- 'i Whitb>,i yexg14-edtf:OODS and GROCFIES, which lie Wîfl selp as h~ TA.ig atcsd Fudi on: l-aso an.Parties in tbis place; and at a tnialadvance on first- tüt, he wo ~~-<- -b an examination of hi% stock efore ptn-cbasing ée1sewhere. His F îo 7V K8E~~UIF~~ of Good Quahity and Lfa!ebt 'Styles, and twill bear inspettioq-. ie Lava-floods and ideà <oen ~ ~ ~Plaids, Ladies Large Plaids, Figured Orleans,. (very theap.) 'In 'basnlcail au Ail obey lbe &@me b1e..1 "'~' ~ ~ ae ie ry a splendid afftide of TEA. at 2s. equalj to'lie Il 11lf-dolhr T '.Sie usu adaver- Chester Concyircr p.,E 14tised. AgrsCheese, Ppprand GneRice. MsarAll.,piç' e iosC ~I.ITICESYKINE. 7. BOELO'S T6ftJ~ .~ra er Agres Pepir Gnger MusardRensns, ur- awLeaeaes, aw rstranoLaem rere UOros y it. J.REGELOW99 $TeFFIC, 1RODUCE, Shipping. Commerciali ran(s, Tobacos, (chewing smokinig,) Soaps, Candies, Lamp Oils, Co4fiisbnderagL!heMohefrbadet Wplsr ITBY.UFIE Land. Insurance and General Coin- a splendid article of (rolden ";-rup and every ollier article in the Grocery Business. Erhad ae e eouot W IB mission Avçent nnd Account-snt. dd M ardru-v h Office, No. 5, ]3rock-St. Town of Whitby. (< (p, 1J? jf<>êT* Docile, beauteotus, ara otn JMMAES PL./lTi N. B.-Agenciesand Cori missions respec-fuliy i. VLOURt, GRAIN 'AND PRODUC.E slcîd VI i¶XI Lo! the Eaxth her mihymire, References.-H, Danielis, James rxowe,John 1 V 31 MAI * In ber own appointelpacco CON I N MURAN~T Campbell, Abiahamn Faru:NýcI,John B.W\arren,' lVhitby7,Nov. 19, 1835 23-tf. Yds ie ,C !fUwa~flTEsqui res. her sublime obrdience N.. 4 Froit-Street, N'E W YOR K lWitby, 1.àStI Nov. 18e53. 29-tf. Tu the Law thbat goen sae ~~~~~~~The bestA&dvertising IWedium letWhiW j3ia 1UTTOM A TOML;INSON. H NABA W bet V et And the Godjik-e Sun, eaing 7RauE ALBFjRT, 0. W * Ligbt and Life fiom ceypr */~ê I~- W-~JE.V u E ~ STluII 0T C E.On bis axis, law-directe, hai'Eliez ant UWines and D.4IL YSEM-V EKYAN WEKL ____de Liquoos &c. 4.1I IT NJOYS a cieiîlatieoiifo n ri ~ o ohe IWheeRs majestic evermore.hab _______________________ in (Canada, and steadiy încreisIO R J. I-I.THOMAS,1I{ ]I1i t litFIVE IlUNDtRED t) blscnber "l'laiansOf beN), inlrm he nha- with h 1o0 J.1-.THMA t P E R E'hlb.an1surrounding earg r per moaî'h, or SIX TIIOL'SAN D lier ann'sr, be Townbha1-s, that hie bas pt.rcbased the Flouring Ail the worlds that ro i:hne o D.AGUERREAN ARTIS T, ILSRer took t4 IRST PRE- itig flIyolr lames as hatst as any other Canadiari and G rst -MilIls, knom-n as - . Tucoenplete the awlilcyce MIUM al. tire >Pro%'incjal Exhibition, Of adestiny divine.Jc MRS. 'THOMA~S eld at Londoj, Ç. W. in Sept. 18M4 ; over 1 ,11OCOIEEEKa .t others that were ihere; nelt txcepting McCer Tf D LCO-NITLVt 4ile the Stars and Conseaî TEALCHER 0F MIüsic, rrirk';theorl.ron aimaitp r.en l e y genfleman'q breakfast '.n aiml oinGlowing in eteraaal làgt VAI àlioVus KitsD 0F YANCY WO1&X city of Hamilton C. IV. hy tbInTrnt.TeEî-WssxÇLY and WIiEE- VIa:eofBo iTeach the 1ýajesty of 0e, r il,~t LY editioli5 are read lsy nll classeb lhiouigrout And that LAW ia inirat.R 'W'hî*Lby, July 9, 4-llY. jjjflfl & 15IIs9K7ort. Uplier ('ainada,-ths clerzy, tLe merrhart, and and liopes from bis long cxperience in the INTERNATIONAL ILOTEL Ami ail oîders for wbh haddressed 10 lhem wthe ame, aosaels uaIh irsid f h..rik-business, aîîd unremittlug attention to cus- go the amniortal spirat fi-e, d will be promptlv atiended tu- woodsman, the adtpn huass fwo omers, to receive a éhaie of public patronagte. M tdwt t ot ELST MARKET SQUARE, ;TEP1IEN FULLER uaving been reieIe- N 3Cd adfrWeto 1eao aedwî l otlcoica solicite 1 l'y meveral memrbers of ihe Agricultural ry lit the Mill. Le! it orad it- TORONTO, Socit os e an ageincy1for the above INIa- Nw ftelek Kent Miils, 1Brooklin, iClaima afinil-y with 1oI Ih BYchine, begs nilic htlie has done so for Wee k i vC o i oiStt d une1,13.5-i.rv Ja~ne 3litlieis. tIe County otOntario. 1-e is row in readanesa e Toronto, J une 131h, 1853. 10-tf. Io receive ail orders lu w'hi-h the ut4rsst punctu- Nu oiherjoirn-il in Canada lias sorespectable - - Pouid1y itdisdamus the shc essh alaty and atte-nfion will be pasd. Let orders be and at the sanie lime so uierlai a circulation.Of the rame to -hh-ctauCo JUTir Lffltsent h gnd season. [le vould roter all partes'lie wbholsdte and retail dealer, the tf'ruasu1er, MEDLiIJIC.yLL.4 I iL ~ 0 h ran o~c inteesid b he ollwsas£ gntleen h lse the profe-ssioaal mnan, lise artisan, asud shofe ek1j Anad would fly to heights eeia r 1 utcrased Io the rliii-gtlre n a g tg-rl31msd~ ent, mwall firsd It la sheis i ioies 't s t6, IIJIOC1C STI. W rIITByUo >esaglc~ig d IÂDDLE AND HANVESSIAXErý, 'pucased iused t emachi[ie. ad-verws>e msa tewspa1,er ' hirh ias cellissltu or nerrx po oy'sagei lIENT1RY. JOI FRACISreach Iîle liiý,hest as waliai th('hoJki3ý!es * uk.-II(Mot, ETp FR N IE ' ciy a!ti serent Awhsch a«p-s at.i t he P,1ZOOit TO MR. J. WLKI N SOQN, But the hand of LAW reiinmien YERT description of eoilark, iaddles and JAMES T\XEEDY, Colun 1st pamsse tbrough alithe ediimoris, and s WÂTCHMAlzitk.Nsrrow ils the-wide.tsite el, 1 .T 1 Û .Fcr1 XtsiL '.e~n llalsyI) h des 4 Rt.'cn. S~1WL s.iceiî.H UNDREDS 0F TIJQU7SA-NDS r FE Sishcrber begs to annotince tathe Pull.- 1 e asr o eel ot u 0",PI-\ 'LE?. F RE.qDERS! !rb.lethaspariragv ot of rit rugStre Dr. Nothersill, ýh':ttsy Marclu 9, 18-55. 41-tf. N. B. -To accommodaie a large el assof adver- an s prp t carry on the Di ug busanesbuin HA . removed front Coltambusie > KETCIIUMN'S PATENT w assied, ni exce-dinz fstmi Iisteli csuî fla vissz sserssred shc servicfes or aut experienu-ed oLile the prdoam Ila ing aol a H Gaee-nwood ,Pckering. All Ibose indebted iht aIs3,.prnelon ors.9.er ansd pru.srscal Dis stwel1 k-nown irathie colin- te. ham waiifaaad tlseir accounîs witb Mr. (Ge enf~lX T l~pli s nd is 3. er s ,ericssg , or 3s.9d - prly Iui- ~ ~ I ann ahn w l,6 bleus asîd he sainls er 1,h1t 1 by tie hy 1b tesr Il eauael the say arad g laer r Xmtih of Columbs, who 15 autborizedl Io rect v5 i bred a ie an uw liali 5'5e n n ilDu- uscssdai Ibis tore, w oite and rapture f rombtry *heumme, sud gratat recei PtS. VaTrrnedtll Cut and Spread 10 hi 15 acr' S of e'vsi s ied esile. rî _________ .\llà4,bti an u iide ia r d ylKiS Ulr-tediStates Pate"rî. P.e-scrip:a.oiss aind Recipes carefuilly filled. tcnsehew v gb Mud loitle by OIZSELSilORII, 'îP & CO., J. Dt)EL. i a e h aigbace îb S.nFdLEo.rusale s! y.Ut bts Iong-lostbappy bwra - SSiDNcE afcw rodi south 0f Agent, 4Whsîby. TRsO\vrse ~5Lr t-1llIio Il a el h evalybezs h PRINE ABER WhtbyMath, lt ~5. 4-î~ - 'oe -sY"n.And the scienit ufmea(iwfe.s p PnINCE ALBTEE. ____ . Nu Eîrve o tbsi au j, t .q 11 l .)4 B t if it w ou id - rv e acb \N7esAialn srauM T Y X DIT) POLKAe- Faewell rný itllye: Q d Itis duora'dto fruitless an o . .1 oi s on -js t lirs a na t 0hS rs . i tr)rr M i- i And %w ith tsiccdsng t 1osom ruglsCi 0011 W jrrs i z1 I peae rîAtth Fit& H mepri,3on-doora a vin . a f-,vc c1 lorlsui daio e I. le .Prtgi, o o kssz (t; iti,; r e T - - - le_ _le__n_ _ laI horTiret, -'1 'ti. i rn-i lu,)ine; I.il!y Ise 'Tis oLirIf ogdeulburgh innd. Vermont Ceîîtrîll iilr n u u s » u s D u s ne heelf l ov e-x I'- - In t_7a nl-i - s.rmsidvs Vbmjreh's N. Q. IL.R. Liue, N. y. Kf I'l 1f tsthn s 1 etIA aarnr- oteAndi~if -dcgrd 1 41- alw-1 - - e l- 9 - W V '\\s W lty 1"(,;[;î laKe st i ur S 5 NI% sar that - hw atb liosse ei stablche tie aboe _- -1 S_ - Tlocn of W'it-bîJo place wbhere he will endeavor 10 accomnodite ail Acre uf Land. DR. W. W. GA(;E, w-ho may fia or hi un vwith their orders. The above presenta-si ninug for busiaqes. Nature sisys ther in tbyih, ;sc ~~ B ~~~Ci cave, Mosh respectfully, Iu iniorm the N .FrîCastossasiCriie. slo feeiThou mrusîtfuria hee, or bLtike ut OFFICE 1M< IROCIC STREcET, OVER B irshabilarts of lhilsy ans!.9 litrouusn(ligN. UAY. uuch o ty tp J. BîIGow'S 'STORE, Townsships, that they are preparedI o attenad Whitby, May 23th, 18355. 51-11. A S ow'rro h tpuîhih ep Soireesaras uico PîaeCls a - -- N FO RII of a & cre in tkt Vil- . L 4 p p s- r t e e g s t; O ~ c . th e S h rt e es t i e 1h O E S 0 F T E W~ D ! l la g e o f \ v s w is o w ish ip o f W h itb y , -.. T h oa u M u n I tra v e l lo w e r, l s i r -w r 111 *perations v-.rrated. Rfrue Terrs rsau5r known on applieahion lt___ To JUa SsiHnaealnexeletGadn, 'earEIhueeiîlEmuu n, A.frc ril. ifere IncTi'e V H TL Y.Jwf - h coilu tl oi iit lt osaithe puemses...la A firtril.W H I LEUbarhs woA-0sidLe -1uc rl o I').ai 1it 1for a Mochauic, aie Safer for tier- there lu fasbou tu _________________ ________ port Il la tby (opposute tise St1orse Stie,) or 1to oIi59UeVlag ~as ritnîa - Ne-w ide-as out ut olsi.eqp Trespelassertbs.Jne l ARK, J-OCKni' JiT \V11I'BY, Tities Ind.is-autable. Teel uieo h uahr~ corer o al Fnagent ha partect Lot A,22ion18l5the 1 f~d 3n m $5pzorrrmapîyuEtae co~rsnr ot jressand J hnete- on aialtb iîî yChew-ang aitdsi smokiuti,*oisacco, ci-ar hliîdersfau- Prince Albert ; II...Nlacilonnell, E'q. Q b a o o tra h ýés os4ceuszpa 10 aw. XTon aid loUUILS. pie s-i t ms arl'nde.&.,&.Wlatbr, or te Russ Mitchell &Co.) To- ptu according INiLI iIFALLtJIJf few woodeus pipe beal, real merecbarim By the lurie wmays of rien DAIVID CON\VAY. he-ass, andi me-aechoum huidras. r Othe R ;eaea,Oct..2aiuÂ1855. 21 2t Joel B1o-elow v 'hiîby, Nov. lTtb,1855. 2J. 1 __________________________lm. _______ Yet, oh Sou ! îherels Freednfote, %r_________________________- Thou may'st Win i t ;-nîhei. tIAS just recesred a large- lot of Dry' SýCIIOOL FOEL YOUNG LA DIES. NEW STFORE! NEW GOODS Not on earth witbrnortal vsu In E 113.0 J(Gouds, Groceries, Boots andl Shues, china, vu IN- Ne O Glass and Eartbeuwarr, Schoot Buoks &c., &c. --SRBR hlertinn i - - ~~ ~ f e w ou d call partic lar atention to -a o f cU. V O E c n in e ec cv e 1 -ETB S I I ERIRh l eîî ni g W h re 1 love, tu Ifeel,î u w -aiLo -M I. 'LEcn!nA o -1 su cere thanks -lu Ihofso wbu honored i hm ofth tUnîy R Aricuthre Comu- est StylEs of Slk Flush caps, just rreev- - otflg Ladies for Instruction in wiîb theba cushon , m bile i Beach, begs ou mli- là ho suifer; butt unfelter'dtr Tehling ansinfr i d toa laew ltofreymel Pue-iEuglish, French, Music, and drawing mat@ thaî he ha-s remoyed lo the Towrn Whitby, Tuma'tsrn10ip t, e flltJ i )tarîo, that he hias opened ndaRbher Lace Booit ranti Shoes. in Pelicil and WTater Colors. mihs10 p-eiIeSoea b onro hnw Bitle n ia'rRu<Brock' und King streels, iormerly knowu as the PuiesfroHaeni vfpre hi Ve Bik Building a-r the North Endof ,,,y trie bw $.1 ýrEoA ine Upper Canada. Whîtby, Jan. 5nd, 1356. C heq4 . sSîor (latriy occupird by the Messis Andi Mortalîty and Sîife. - -htb Bryan) witb aeiNel-saelected stock of Dry Goudsi, H ELGra,.eries, &c., wbich he will sel a-t the lowest We thbegét acêommosiation that cmn be pro- D)issolutionPartnership H ALF DOLLAR. TEA, just received ___ prac.us. Deabb as gauler ; belli releaete;rc 0arui wJiIIMsp be founsi. The Building -làb Freth and Fragrant. Can't be "-Those guing tu make purchases in bist Througb bis por'tais thou( ii ee4 114q ,Ad theK1orne ~ u ar. ~OTICE is herehy given, th t trie be-at. For Sale by C. LYNDE. fue, are re"pcîfaally irivitesitu caîl and e-. The pere-clion that -wi pense has besu srpai-e inlurectingsenfle rrccan- .I partnersbipliteretofore existmncrb-- aie i tc.awîahe h Yeaienî Stahing. Parties -honouring the SuIs- îween the undersignesi, ander the 6irm andi style-of F OR S ALIER. Whtby, D)ee. 4th, 18551. 26-tf.-- acati 'wM ~fiîad ee , exrîtoit5this dilI .M. LCE.I hottwrta.loeIce e ~ WbIh ,every Carpe-nter andi Brown,i5 day b scac ecur. theïr comfort. Ai>e rable anud nutuai conset. t-William Carpenter u e-ePOWacrBetoou meek; b exaltetaod rthBît'b te urnishesi with the best that can jjedtosettie and puy ait liabilities due lu andi by wii launds, nransd near B3eavrton, and in £WElon, OOTS AND SHOES.-If you want Deaîlauhalgisre thc.watst.sirva )LOui,,I nd bas eihables o ljs eprv- thesaidli. Utbrlt 85 Tborrab, andiMara. Terme', five 3>lens. àApply B G-ood Boots or Shoes, the cheape-at Loving CJod, andd mnowngiltig, ~4s1~ernr.7~ehare f carelui hosIlers. W ic tmoARETE.HERrW1E, 1T lit. f1.L855. pif5apugaaevror.thr rt. -Cali and tryHNR W-E -. Sl.1!- _1O.LY. £LIAS BRow. Beaverton. >11M, I 4MULy, LARD .t, - *' Beaverton, Nov. î9th, îssl* 23. December lat, Ig5l. 24. - ice oulACrw. ih lit lt4 h Jty N v.,1885. @-tri cou ir C UX Luo *placeBd - 5*m, yinita COUN Y CUNCT~>~ - DUEtyforPlIxent of tbi eletafýbeb8 oaneâdai~ ee .~po Î4 /r keO iaooRqw*r THE RAiLlaOAD . Tlatlatjeo- in t bi WIT-BY- TOB 1 O ItOi a~aIce wi~ mos'rypal4au- %11y ihail grp{s atft, wds rising luJ Inoduce th&-- e arguments Vbiý1a may be a ' 't ue is WýR. i fr te (rom . R e e faot of the piip "l~a -edin -f ir*j eih I sution upop which it. th g Il due défipence t'O hîf t -' ed9~ to t-bat gettlena. I the reW~ui ion- had Lise -the funds neeeýsaîy io '.n .bLie n.pi e.ai ulse srqi e road- u hjtI eei yIaf:lî by the Reeve of Osb.awa, tsey may present the- hjct l the cle-ar, lu 1av turned <sut.to be wrong. Ail the dan tocibe dannr wichone(ifprescut re-su!utiwns contemplated was imprtace nd agItue- he the de-vising a plan te t-arry the object ýnsiderýed in conneclion wiîiî the they had lu'view imb effi-ct. He4asm aunîy interest denands. I wil sbeconder of ltheresolution, woîld fnot it the matter in aà% tangible a forni ti, assume Io bave ail the wisdom of the cansudif herebe ny 1h1n in Couracil, nor tu îhrus ilitse resolution, e resolnîbon which any mernber ofLipt leg Cotincil decmed te be wrong, I %IR. FREWELL. As boelite proposed, ll give the nable-rmy trnost consi- Reýoîtt0jo îwas dniîted that they ýration, and arnend it In anv form the er i - Railra ien hyol unci de-ire e pu ilin. o wold 'ird-as boa plan, and the great obl- ake no objection te any amendment st àcle uieretofore was, members sait!i!" Lt the Council miglît appreve 'of, se nu practIcal sche-uicLas been brought ag as the gi-eat object he itad in view frsi~'q cajI sa a eu cre carried eut. There are twýo sub seaet eie- I tu jab ra by ,s which shatid daim tive ecWc-cial itep'ardén wl'h orid-d wt radttiis Lention of the Counaci! of a Cutv uajdîi& - ographically siltaed like ouîrs, -anîd M.AEELwr uAlare staining a popullation ike unis. The!,e liti he oiielo'f uci aroi d eductioi ad lcal rnpoven5eî~.as the one propused ira bbe resouluins, >gardiug the former, I wiill nly say, ,-as calcaalated te prutiiote hie best in,- this occasion, titat as nman be-cornes be-rcsIs of the Coutaly at airge. acated sp lie rises in the scale of' sa- ihe arouint oh adi-anfage whicb bte. 1 be-ingr above bte brute cre-alionaud Cuinty wotrld de-rivr from tae building -hing this forcibly, is ones re-asoti why of alida r roead, ne persoa eau thurough,- ape) wher tiae pruper tinte shahl ar. îy cuaajrehend aaad de-scribe. 'l ie e for taking action un titis COîanîy's atilities of those best skilied ianBailroad, re of the (Jlergy Reserve faîiid, lthe ruatîers, snd best posted up in Raiiroad atacil may be fouîîd wilhiîag to ap- staîîstics, are itiadaquate te the correct )priabe bte whole of titose mnieys tu1 erfornaace of sue-ta a task. Besides cationai purpeses) sud iii sticit a îîaan- thae dire-ct advantauges te be de-rived b hab Our Com mox Schoois, the Pec- iaere are su man y coîlabeFal aud inca-- s Colleges. m ay becorne more effici- dental inîe-rests bu be promotei at flrst thar. ah presetît. and fwiester, that itlis flot- possible to0- R.egarding local improvements, 1 caîculate the-m. True, persons living jsi. expré;eysdaa iiriono ue sPl- a!ong the lune ut' ltilway, and at cet- jusi msifeîes bylias Cunceto tain Jocalîties would be more beaaefiüted, graveI road spheine. Every speech than titose nul so lu.vornisiy satualed.- de tipen 11ilb subje-et. nrovle,%thR wil- a - __ --,id-FîI" kand eam ha par n ess of bthe Cotinciiltu preceed any tformed swîiout Produciaag benu-fic-ial efý iessnahe leauglt in spprupriatinglise fe-ets te ahi wlhini is amuisite and te- ids o 'f the (uunty, furlthe purpese()j iîltîe inguuace1 It is like the casting srovbtag thaei-oasis, se as tu place the of a stone u ite bososi of a plseid, iabituaiiU et' ite Nortiern Townships late, te agiytation cunîne-nceâ ai a lù' hirct aad esy uînitînca'On s%'îtil tain Po nhl,-anaj tiîuglil l cousinue ta in.- nMarket at the front. Andevery cre-ase, its circie, yel lthe undulation. 3ci mtade yesterday las faveur qof a grow3 1e-ssuîtl hue shore 5 eahs vel ruad scte-me, %vas an arguv1(1nî ec. - the neze-ssily of s Rajiroadd tinîaiii Look ab th,ý nîapi of Craa, aud yot iswýard through tae centýre Of tlita- see no Couaîîy su hlii!y ta bce beaaefitted ulty. la fucî Ihose grave rtuad as a whole, by lthe construaction of a cites are ail Railroaci speeches, ýo Rsilroad, îhrougllouî lis le-ugla, au thç as îlîey apply boulthe Northern Towui- Counîty ut Ontario.lt is a long and -s. Tlis suibje-ct" bciîag oaae Of lthat narrov sbrip of îerratory, sud a road t fnliarlaice-wili wouid lbe ad- ruta ;îrouga aUl1 sceiil 1sruaN,'0 1tI1tciaccuinwo- :cd by e-ver>' me-tuber Of bie Cotiiscii. dtea,1bte nurtiieru .\i js, whelh- -vorld j'rucecd tu treal of lthe advilt1- e-r e-ast_çor csLt fiaiu ruasi. es wlt.cli its conlstrutionwouýd se- It 1is SU âsaîîtateal isUS aIl yOLlcommnice e athe Coiunsty .a de-tail. [R. LumsDnr bjecîe- t i - . Faa 0Latua,1ke jour tut jruveaaeiits, wiaere ui! VL MLW uau; 1rj-part ul Ibsi 1staisuiltseaime. 'le said d bise ame cati beaccolia1ahished iltis e -bratit svas uttase care of lîse-If.- a mnannertbaIlite risk andI reajaOnsl- -'lie hadtuai- slsttt iie Fort Ferry Land conxsected bherewiî l, shahl faIt tapon oMîatly, witica laad exîsended a large individual,% ansi locatities as are issus! i SUIn of iltiey Mut te erectos of Milis y aaîte-resed ini te compleripn ot the i-» leir 'vaitiable îarupe-rty at Port ;an providesialso, 'fila.(lie folloiv- I'eary, oeiirw c yirsîbresed .ondulions staîll bc cum1sîaed vila:- woild taise cure tý1e bu-ataci should be t. i bat one lhai of lise r-o it utcoa- tisace, 1~tLieIrtuai k Le iruceedeti wiîls. ltirg the wole rosad, anti properly-'lTami~ scw il aîatay tintobjectuds btat pou the saune, ho first sutiscribes i atd lt lîtalIsat utH uLindsay a ara stock as foilowva:- - ',Iîî ac as spc Luaî aaext sîaraîtaae-ran- ate Stock sbail be taken in - wi.1 t intIkcl tu scOLlrce tbrade ufthe Witbyramoulitohagb. . . £25000 av buimnoed - tturf WhstitiysrniltaIrutit Lîaasay. - Stock rmunug buo...... £50,00 .ý LeS t'à îuk taîbutitis clOseIy.. ,r original stock shail beSaaaueltPu. o-sdLida. taken amounîing to......£50,000 fluantd î-aseeaasld. skpposp - uur "ing a total oftstock amuaaî - UIbid tu 1L)fLt erry alsu coîia)leted.- îng t0 one haIt of tbè co.%b Ssappus tiat M\r. raii-ape,.li ente-r- of the road .. .. .. .. .. . .£125,000 jsrisau i lro)prietur u t hue ililljs aI Cam-- ad. That responsible p a .rics saîisfac- eroia'1s jFa-ils, incesi d sbilspig 100,000. ta lthe Counhy,«be *me sure-lies .tus &>t îOf* ia[ni l u Truy jr AIbaaay. 'Thle Lir it-- e o- arded.from bté -ornpletion of bthe Wili çroasi, andsipro- t Iluarîîatb os equipasent thsere-of. ý iaiill bu Lake Uîataru0 for sliîiaeut, eith- rd. Tisa. bhe Riilroad Chsarter be a cf ut W Is;by or I'ui liaI e. 'l'ie cost aded as Io give tise Ceuni>' an e-qual i:-u~taslui5aaf-u ltro h antghion las iheDîre-ctorsiîip durîng ts a ibu e purt5Is wg is e-quai. iterest and sningfuad tpon a DscO Va5 tu 'Litidsa'j. 1Now, Mr.' Wallac ~reswbujs aaybe ssu-clbT ise ~ siotiid I unloracIthie scows here, I atil tise cowpletioa ot mueoa . îîst pay te-n -shiîl1ing per t6huan th. That aIl lthe prvlabe and Munic-- fursVad biseiUMmbe-r415 màlés Ove: theê Stock i i- ubscuaedaj ai tRaahroad tu Port Hope. ,-If I tuke a lit- esaid, and îte-Boad ani every1hipt lIOmore time, barnî littil mûre wood euntQ beloaiag, or oasectedl the-re and, liandthLie lumber at Port Ferry,f i.aand àhi îacola1to bç riveg fr<>m ( apaiison Ltbu. Whitby oveir.a Rail-road s. -~ ~13% - J.j If 'j- -. 2

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