Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 6 Oct 1855, p. 1

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Pi wmddeai faut ta 1gode - Btamtebac ~~~ET E L Watbtl IaiTBY.N w i m.u toi e.tsfLbtaniatteuao, r dXAy. *STa- 12. ne a.lat , .13. . U I4,I:l Aîcaî, Prt As>i PotttasttaSd tbitisy, Muret, ta. IIM lt-t' - 4i.t s '- A N pe nbaeJagt'a*is'Illsà ang r. ii3sr eta i uat ioee mr el".p Petla, ýMtsy, y y6 6 II a lg nbsaiiber S beap ilt>iia ~. ~ t bat bu.cllataca ' liaaatbaaonecnw&4th "ha Win -euW bon a Ii.iLi » tw bi aeb c~c *lase 2tIgal t'w~ aat.~tS ~s~ao~ h - il 'a ai ujIÇai~ A a tjaaaeroi AGE« ['g. 4 /soieîcde .aq Dot~sreu~isi » 'elisrta.i~..-{*. Oahapwa,-?J. O. t) F asc~tsti~y af S 1' Itis, J 000 Wf peaie lt Ill' of y 4 't INim~~ ai' a~ht- iep'lmb >t He f astays stt e etas #a. t AnWhi gthcra.yawatalcaaot, ut Noverntter hiOObrawineui fy to isMndl ,-RAY, 'lb cuespleta t-& WtTtiay. lHe atwayas, ie papêr. - T4ts Ëhl ee t t haî ra Batt ha acwa, Aaad kaswaeachra#tei.tie, Ilitatway. mlista hýi* Pà l«m t 9q8. lly tattitg geosi tad Lt. N~~IEXT t caolt tillthe trttof ca.i'st, ()f ON, lpattry, eoffee,tspa sst. Any kast m atrthtsastio, itegp!sae taise ne sapr. pe DougStre, lisoaglis thast aloSies maisat 1, tt;aas ast limiie'aad cr5 at ar, star e aexpeitsrt Yelt 1Cali RjIA a lifinte, velK in thç uest- Au la.tt um egb aladÊ e operMstar- 'halfhoiisti Sot yataiss ast etote wtt e rtou,1caiq Lqnçermîaithitaper i eslý'fi Iad. Atai ti nsafall ima tg <addtheane' Theretoae l'fi taisîte Jte rr. THeFALL 0F 6EBAST'1OL. (P"rotesilite T.onsdosTittî?icgta SePL 1 ile) 1aon atuayruts>.îe Saitai orSeptemsha'l wîti a afume laya st(ie noaaiverztay ioftisa 9iisg oa i le attirai fortes iatisa Crames *ndfi316-laysafater tise epealag oltlsé h igtag batteries aganta4Iehasiopol, ça the :J tis of Octtihera 1854. a fiaad ictaý mrjûts asaapla vs"4esaie tpnet llae.outbens Part ai this bo. Bert oighî~tIse Filma 'ujle atIl'ale 'pre raafa e cetdt hei titam prat .ft ~. isîau, ateçblsipg supa lhi a tis w tr ,'.sad prittipal wurkaatba hWur lsti1 - ni saaayplaces,a sand0 easeavocaasg te bîtistrse rid irujeacras, the;sbarba.r 1tt fronais tçr grijile apÏq a eof saho asti deii. o flii Seaiuaopal. fi ct stJpeAÀqrpoamiqi*ible as- k~'Arest Oai ie pcetlýcedin s ~euçq< thasgi. ~.gantis ç cçtesk. Wlhe atatatasat OTte aial Sita eatitiaPd ta ap; loarfoid attacla sal"ggtedai ah thae doa. itb eqstatValoar, s tbitoslb sithi aaeqttali itcaSsaagaflesatise cea jf" pciacqsasi pai»tismacisaiedfttfor s.saamlî Ottr i puile T'ibietreetarigst ofthitie t"ajlac alttit ' wwas dirtnil againUatl. hwocb k ealh b ush 0, of tif jtal4,tfia daî,, lici aras at fha, etraaed by cpesg Wla-ai th lie ipotuoaity of Oural lites, aisisgh tbey r ' wi«astlcqueatiy driveek.bock by the irtu rttace, af îhe hlassiasa. 'Thasecond '7 a Vil and iprincipsal aamaito teFcreacrar ail' jagallit ise Malltot!, ebIsras Cavred Çéraa )'torat, and dal jadbputs 68 1h' &~-fte. sat ryOaIofis . a> -at ofteege- Âiat A *ediattaac casuMeale isytiseBciji '4, I ý4the Grien alaa adalalas ast, tico aIèt Isugle tf Ibis fatu ~omideilopcaeta, g iteomltrst qeniti ie mdàd teepet i 4r alc<oM la, t m eaa aliai abalit thy*vertsuabseqacasfty ra tm f ai-it'er the âe cf taeyil Rui"s im tttart rj 2ai eiirbanadt asdtischê ryihag iaw emu aocsamamipreamipmaua; ¶aeh t is aïelt ibea ris aad caaaaderiei (ise selon ad ployai rip~ opts th utin ie. iptof < te * sait af-ptca 4dcMe et i e icsaatOfbin e~ce ".adosmaataW I411t Iit âansa Genitrl col a atimpt te k el' iw, ~ bWstsy I o l t ." 1 a oa~ <bier sta»AjosnIbasot aide oftise lale.jbeen aaitéêloy tbe Baoi eQht"ê ?Tbcseeveais téirailoate lte aiegé of st-, »fetbet aiormy .1ora rot elteka bastolpql, prapeîlf' ao eolied,fei: tise allijed'of Sabaitst, h9 osegroluld <v. analapt bave aciered witiîa tbe Selsttitres crl sîreil aue !tedlaana. d delyabc pgraad abject aoftiacir enterputae.. itaae ta.a httery. Nor cau tubpa i bey bhrewresttd (rama thi.e bisiamilitay,7 Foettaid bueaa mah eaz at~tmn ç paver i ttesam a fartresa wistk 'h b atate af the place; Jet Ibo atteuptvrast iaaverted jota aplace ai ettrassrêy Jud, a oprog tise cautme oai b. aircaglir and defpeoatf~siit mntmasararisrona ~ ikMa. esimtrtMewa4e. basis aiber Lest troaas. 'risc bave an. MhtlalfTacpp val It,tey téIllbmPMI-- nuhlattet lotisav sal powetr oa wbial h t ian, -aad tavas ccopted.bY tisaFteabý relied la secearIlber sspteîacy ia abs troupea bst nmre (ayeouislmtbave elejssa Eaxme<aaàl ta estabultbar a;itrit Irasbeîare tbartiark coltdbave apeaad Wade- the; "lores ut the CG*castts te thse asouleis ire lire agausit the other paet ai h I.l at li. »ma<. -Butat oallthtb byAi theah ir fartssd bastionse iWàWedý aa sssasv'ioaail ccadoiaaasnatiosoft ai trall os theme91tiliaahe k"d .et tisa lise EatadotuiehtPasers para.uaat a ta Rsaas. TuaMlhsf tpiq attt ahb CItWilarepseoaa aLose astla.ataiem aa sd aa tanik ai thKaraiseleia saisons soi a Sbàrhae aisatisma, but abasa. asibrtycipart of Lite tqoaca, poey s eaol Sotaitlis lnioevi,* ot qthils eatggie,,Sw W04L oitshGreat R ie sud Ariiie Riar. besbapo heueia asne the test af sireagllie r ba ilte ratereal lay ath ed hl toop "dt tise rawareof ai caary. Ta tedae ta Geatral De oSaiiees ealtaci a.oneCea' by larces hiailacas tu orertitfliant trot Bastian taiteiaiottagetter, anl hGr. colose salfbjoc ai amaatittratne wiacb a aieajbatttoy, lte Flagataff BlittrSfa5ith ceatary and s all f f opie oad latrigai. arniauttqsatpoeti ils bad calleti matas itia îatal taoaeecased ioupilbe1 Wacls. I' fatt, bya paeo tie aarassha a sud ati (trui,4 . lsais inâtesheatis*Wnt-éab oild epe cue IIirçpe. - WhIlIe aex, raisito inh sooc 0 .la pedtivt a iCrimeâ ofrereai til ! o00#oh ptaceel lut cilbas telat it4 teSteadaoatiage of eîrcamacaiittaag ci g , tise liataia.. vieacrehe tis a wait t 155a aqatre m i tisae aaeays1 " bM'og-b lié a asil ë aillise ittrrors oai ar, samat5 a aAg thtewo1 tterteFishÊ e atrengui 01 ai etitepires onas Bol5t Qitawtig rc êousaig hae tis r vm i l ila a5 iaîala as hlaa Km fotr ieti5i 'hglobeý. l'telsî!be aonlattise ai. 'dOoatajaeataabaeMiod bava* t iStace of"ESoiland 'sud Franêe ha e WpaRiana paftty ttaecntity Wb& 0 tbe st oai etritaaliy dts aaferiga'asthe ihalte- oa*atia neo*-u~ ta i b. pe+aoasth ield.lasu ones,.'; mat *eh eS #Son a~t eta;, Ils reac alj~'otmc b gamh i* ag il iaasîalltsffas tlaeb mad Me .,gtJm n ,mcis men afiler iaolaanadonsahe caise abat Boal ea bas 1 aigi '*ot , 01 tbeir caul in94jmothinrpaepd. ciSelieeaerttcoott we aise oaa, selpo luat agbt aegyte Gartsbak«-.wc aapellelte t tu tie aacaweciag lraaan ciiar>b tise 'jpktation.k tra bteammaefti Émpervor.itus4gl p', ,iraeFa. oeibo, wu-*i h à aprsaqd jal t tta im pihey 'at~ms tlseu ~ ~ diçaaid ta., IIÇ "p ose i a s ait »mate e l f4 la e ld -telincite t.bu ear ned aaashiaaa resalatios ai h e lo.iais it'p pfapîWiBar bstrtedge. pie oi Eagiaalose mia"i s od p wool«»ela, hièe " e lba abat t i,W 4tiags a te ataae foréI ah claose , lyir#6 1. lime etarsle aiftus. eatg; VIOC Sdlertgoetita tise E*a krgke inSqal edde»iy a oc eetetiavoce. amhuSos.# fea nSaiou aset'da. s apqt re bus hI mataistol-Seulasudaaseiseeamam.ttgoaber ïliteor. eat aes, thtedlianai itqemi. greatt de" ~b Budgetamy' te cd exciteiaet bienale aimeet Uattisbeý; reltace thse pimloir tset-bêstima aad mare tisas aace, t aimetaesirîed or it. ta ile&ja1.»c ".gewc tise imtia lest cUWas ide natbe reaalcrpsaig eiss t he.. ai yet isatpatbefac(t Wh.tl&it ' e baie esecqase-Jt 1 laam.1 & eeach a ot t.aletiaesce tbe «M«resofemt j altitdaroames nt ot iaot hels.Crimes a.' t aermd efr#eec1udb qVt4i bt lisse t14e ,bave vol th-tra h deotruchaez hof pa~ tres of "iredsyaa= , =4udc.' T e t aiah reqm u.md w ad -bie escoasa d etthsecivite a4 tus .em cue eeh,a lb abay oite aigramed ley bava areeits t7 aleshda tiu teimp iaet beat o-» aya tera d iêpat"eu pM liroclal aoait asfjrejaatsla taeaaemela'a b pt nul554a a < t ot<t~ aeaL md $ve bcs vot. #r bav recaleS a1ra bqeb a4 ~ ~ ~ b $atisisaEptsta« ili %twe C «". et eu e -"45 Lt y amy ha; ge fret- . f 1"~ to

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