Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 12 Mar 1853, p. 4

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2 -, -~- - ~ - ~ - -~ - - ~ '/ ,W t tb. foliOW4 gmoifrae - ~ AM , tay in pite nta&Ilbar lth", A learLu $nç th 14gbmu'ng ap filaewum oways buiw#al, -Peiwithe'.aqlIpot 4'>uas ,eir#tal acmoo, And th.le tdeof tiis ugiy deç dw"« ou bto ma ruacrs. 0, thtIutp oiuvaIrshoam, r« ov*s4yevowuing rbmun 1 9fltheoflwïiti bies *oade ml tireu. Aodt ethuW as ont, !asy <brt 40d lb. calvesalia àwicked I.klng le -o*mort han IWO feet about, My tIsa, O 'i b rai~it Irliinan, Th* r&ltllag, baùfltlaliMa- letoin sgommch ofLutady oot Tlt used to otatd muille, ; A M L saeof ite, th* fellour'.beci Wu &#a bid as Ibo Deoofa boublo. SO dt.horrible Irwusits- The tbund..rirX. blmadocio, "lsmau ~'b.1qsb~.g d î"înngfmu bia;lsit, thr"e- UÎI ne uat a aterrible nmt lndeed, And b* «buoe e . ptled ba u tubler ot »tmi rO 4RI liOed l fit N aain Tb os ,bftuing lrlua, ct»L.mammy, gummy, brandy, no Tlràiowusfbe bdIboeledy tond, Andhbmke okftêo IbomonetLeait, -tte W&Yo * 1 Thuiq "AMb ya p.a.It ae ah, rtoja lit yel lili1 s t - f <J- Àpaf>' ut, huaterul a (ew deys &go shot 70 Tbbits îjoeady, upon an acre of et Sa Ceead.Thlteyad- been t*A¶by be wtms. fourteen -*hotqpa4four Iudrs d dthirey>. g~~~~ d wnae is; Iamtuit uflidmar Aielas, id a lover. shah WIb. Annsie-. *gatd titi I heceu qrwf. *e fdubwiangg: Do bothbe deeV'. md! 1 Tht.isàthe blst sh. or W rap-ri- C =l Ot400 af1" luut"Takuau>'shap ieMotlerp, said a Iutte ftu.., " rt if'. Of'*b pot. Rm 1 JVC&grwiag ogger ad& pIkr ei'eq dal M T its a gtpl-daa oe ralttu poetry an lbe fbjo'mi ears hibw sPhiId tphla paper: ti iin ;;parui*WW O ori forstore anda bu- so.eru er " uch à stbre «04md - 1 .saeeh4~ét~i~g etlay fttO<o lbe radidANhttvuh! jatroduce them. t. boadreâsof tO5~êpt slwh., <riy sM*eds #1OOJ âd O htnaib gran d botlse fiyo.Vutal ted iL. f * leue'lih.î hNigra*CE COUPA"*. OB@O~MflsO~!@ktt6 v.d-m -eori DIETORS. -J. . CàlbK, rft ni W. L-Psae;K. IJ.,Luxrx oisn J. lLs 1... . C. Moacîsox. ~~ Gaoba uw. .rt.. e . I Home UOffie, Cbarch StreétvtXoroto, and at ais .everu gM css The - Muttal Departent dda *fit eceed £500 on any one risk, aid hein« co*mnl te dotacbed buidane. t u tterby eoereduhu tmcnt sale and The Prop-etaryDepartsnents fuclude- Geanra Risksiiayl.t., M'arine, Iid and Ocean, aatits.poatlas ing aise coofined wlthjn pru. -detIilelit atention of lte Public is cocS. u4"ly calied theroeo. EDWARD G. 0'BRIEN, Tome, tst. 14 1831. lTe undrratçned bavin beea app<inted Agent .1 utuaboe can.y, wil 1iv.peraoi atl<a- tint.partiesdeuîrous ofeftlng Insurance. - TVitby, Peb. 141814. WJ L 44E £Itosy ai Law, Conreliamwr I.., IVHJTBY VILLAGE. Office tit e minforaenT cccupied ua aLaw OEe, by H. J blcDonard, F.sq. HLA"CKSMITH'S (2OAL JUST rcaied, perSteamer Ontro, -W ' hWù6tN.wca.tleNut Cals, 1cr aie by ROBERT I.L L WDER. Whthf Sept. let, 1852. 2ti. FRESH00OYSTERS. jeftâOy««Mst th Natona 6e, Port Whhby mured npt.aider. T 1 m k o 1 a i d o th e r à e b a p p liad ,y HUGI! MeURIA14. Port Whitb, Dec. 23id, 1832. 37-3m. 'gH S*.crber would cali teattention Uof -is c<tmers ad the public to bis ~variêd Stqpkof JL'T iÂR IVED iPat n N#Of AL WhiteCfrspe & Exhibition Shawls Braig de Laies, Musliade Lanes, MusfIIUDresses, Zebra Tweeds, Summer Clotb5, Americau Cotteiis, Price. a shade Iower thaniny auyolcsale Store withie the iumts cf the Couaaty Town. THOMAS DOW., May 28t1a, 1852. 7-tf. buîow oband bis ffevw Iaè tock.COn- taalr&g ailt thé S o.mn Fuc sudAtmalsaHIA ITS Ataoj thé' olebratcsd. Kossu$h -t Dow in sueb rvat demend. etlekmenvisating msant la Canada. JOUX SALT, GOLPIS RAT. Tarente.,April tatI85I. -52- Ici. BEOBE HOTEIL ;3yJE. B. Henry. Tim. j(f c. eauc. ler taff v eilere. t he ba(*W~k~~wu 3-AbM*gT.l AILLY, WILLIÂM BROWN. The :Subseribera lu returniig thaiks te tii. pubie for patfsrors, wouid tetitisoap- 9plnf«ht. Iofo m tbtat havingincreaued unqir busiess, aad .uqpoyed a raumber of compéêteàt wikee, tia*y iuàtend te manufacture the BOtrMU=dile YellowEartkenw re', and tbè oeoaRau. WhR]Cýe, nd they Stter tbeadwes ltai they wil b. iable to gaiveentire satàà«Oto t those whoG uay favor thean with ortiers; and tbey hope, fry ptrnexoatity andi strict attention ,te baoein, go merit a continuance of BAILKY & BROWVN. NOTICE. HIEREBY notify al ibose who purchas- ed et the. CREDIT SALE of the Si4hcriber, on Lot No. 25, Yrd Concession of Whitby, that the Notes wil ho due on the I 6tb joua., anadfoînd on my place,,on said Lot, itutil the 2Sth joui.; af. ter W h hthe l b to q _o C'ol etîcn. hobanded go my- Soiki- JAMES HIOBAT. Whkby. 2W Feruary, 1853. 43-t£. LAND FOR SALE. T gHE Undcrsigned offkrs for Sale, the AEast huif of Lot Ne. 3, in the 6th Con. suld 148,Acres of Lot N.1intefmCo., of GEURGIANA. AMOS WAY. P. 8.-Any person fouod Trespasing on the aboe.Land, wült be prusecia:ed with the utanoar viçor o e w. W.A. W. Uxbrige, Lot No. 3, 7th 38-ti. NOTICE. ly;=oaeq:7ceoftthe Subu.riberç havinq de- terranii t. lseir buina an the 1 slut fDE- CEMXER nexa, tbey are desireus titat ail ac- reutins sboald b. e Wd by that date, and her'rhy giv. notice that ail suchas reniain unacti rîr ah. erJb ote or Cash On that dey, wilI be pot in suit fer colletiona. JOHN MARTIN &Co. Pon lWhitby, No-' Sth, 1852. 31-tf. Ta Mleetng oc ;Lc Prt Whitby and LakeScugog Simce andi Rao..Aati Coaupany heiti on tbe4:tb inst., it wae Resnlv cd, Tha: front Tuesday the4th cf January, 1111 Sien- day te 71h of 3Marëi, 1853, the Toila on the Road ef the. Port ily dLakeasca.gog, Siu&- coe atlid limaROW Comuay, be reduced to one Hal of the. present Rates. AL#o.-ReWoIed, That th. Harbor Telle on Lumber b. reducedt t On. Shilling per Thousand feet froman ad aller tb. - opening of Navigation 'in 1853. J. HAM PERRY, Semreary. Whitby, Oct. 16,1853. 27 2m ADERIS5-T WIL-L BE SOLD by Pnivate Bar- gain that part of Lt17, inthe 2ndconces- aliea cf Whitby, lte Pr9petty efthtie lat. James T. Sontterilte, Esq., heautifuily itnttiaon the Kingston Rad, naarily midway tte thriving ceunty Town cf %Wtiîb), and Oshawa, anti cotni- pting a cenveoient Freine House,. Otitbuildîa.<., Bain, 13 Acres of gocti Land. anti n irai rate Orchard.' Offera for purchau wîilbe reccived untàl tht lat of Jannary, 1853. b>' R. W. CLARTC, M. D. Whithy Village, Acting Trarstee for the Estate. Witbj, Nov. 13? 1552, 31-t Oshawa Fresman, la eip>' until leI Jaîr. 1853, AUCTIONEIER! 1 GEORGE McGILL, Licenied Âuc- tioneer, begato ccptuina the public tatlite is now.preparedte undertake ait business in bis lins, taudoorsor ot,onlte mottreasonable tetnie. Apply et the Reporter OJgce," seherrorderb ntiy h. lait. - GEORGE McGILL, Whiîhy Joue. th1852. î.y NOTICE. ALL thoseehai clamas against the E3- tate cf tue lae eaFot Erg, are reqeti tg b r i n g f o r w a r j l i ene b t t e _s o ru a m ye vssigfrliquidtio. Anti ail iboîe indehieti b aIleltft sar lsiorequàesiet 10make payments cf -the same b>' the STrementioned tmeno 0auto meet the detàinJpirrat tiec tatei, ciiaerwiee ail ontstaudlgdetteafter thés"tifirat of Januarya.zt Wl te litbe p~et hmidsor collection. CARLETOI TaD, SAMUEL COCRRAN, JORNW TOOLE, Exetotaq. Pickeriug, Nv. 27 1352 83-t'r NO0TIcE. MLL penusnsndbted te. the. Saib'serber, eiter b> nolet'boit accouit tare tequested t. caîl sMW Mmte the *am"elthetl. K,ît 01 gant=spg other'wase aitouluta iii noies or &Ç*ç air4 u*t.raiîdate, wall Se handed erer 10 tee uk attw Court lor tetia. WtiUq Dec, 4.1832. 8-f Bey'àD8i omn HotIlantd de DCbcck'd do do Do Ms.leskln du Deo'oeede de Do fflid Cloth do Do Ruse oC'rd <de Nkeule Blackn Cloth Veste, Do BlacIn Satin do De Fancy Satin do De Hclland do Do Faney do Do Velvet do Do Marseilles do Do Barathea do "len'. Cotb Cap*, Boy',à ie 1-4.,> 4 1-2 3 o 6 9 a 9 9 14 4 1-2 -New -style Business Coat.q, in ail M'ateaî DIRY Drab. De Chckn do Do Corduiroy do Do Satinett de Do Cassimerea do- Do Buclnikin d 6 Do Doeskio de 5 Bey'e Drill do j Do Checkd de Do sWolikirt de Do Canada Twee de DO Cassimere do D on T we de d o White ShirtLineu Front, Re Fannel Shirts, Coder Shirts and Drawers, - Mus'in DeLpines, yard wide, frein O 10 1-2 Factory Cotton, 0 f-" 21-2 Priots, fast :olors d do de 0 71-2 White aI. do1- Heavy GinChirn, do do ai . O0 71-2 Strîpoti S irtin g,0 O 31-2 Spedid Bonnet Ribbn, d O.0 7 1-2 Cotton Warp 0 4 41-2 Srraw Bonnets,6 I 1J3 Lailie.' Sa42 G lves, H siery, Ribo o, Laces, Shawla, Han kerc bî f. en 2 6ktis Edgings, Artificiai F iwers. Cap Frenra, M etât ands K"N .tis * S h o t, C te c l'd , a n a& P la in A lp ar a s , - - C o l rs rIl , s ain s . & c.,s Table Linen, Quitta, Ceunierpanes,i Orleans, Cebourrs. DeLainei. le d T c k , a n d T o w e l , j F î g s i î s T m l n . Cra pes and Materiala for Mtourniug, Barque Dresse&, Intacte, Robes, Caps andi Frck Bodes, Sik Warp Alipaca. .7Yo cond rice. BURGESS&LESMN iol.3-.] Cornzer of King4k Churdt Streeft, * nngtseC - i es, Too NïEW LAW OmiTI"BIC !!BIKB RiK MVR@ HAM, Âttoumuy and Barrister at Law, Y the gnn;ng or middle of JLrii next, ý 1 (Iveal er eritttng) Iniere % lie reudyfo AND SOLICITOR INv CHANCERY, Sale ut the WHITBy&OTAO Rc NoT-&AU PUmic, & CO.NTETANCER, R DS ia WURTJayV1LLtý AT THE OPTtCE 0F j. HIM PERRy, rESQ, 200,00 (o 320,ot"8ý8IL>k" & Com- 41-2~ 41- j, 4 4 " 2 6 'j 4 4 41-2 41-2 01 Fit rate Qialîy, lat a Lew Price. Par- t ie s a b o ui t b u ild i n g in t e V l a g c h e e t e B i k I ae t hodraenonly a short distaoce * wili fint ilf ully as cbap te btmid itilh 8Brick u4w Tituber. For furher particular aVpîY1 or JAMXES WALLACE. 100 Conn3 DiR HmLoc Con» WOOD Wanted aItlhe Biicz YÂazs, fer whicb Cash wili b. paid. Wbitby, May 8, 1852 4-tf. A USTA U A .UNE .0...A. 1PACKET AND CLIPPERSNIPS, Tbe attention -of the Canada Public as respect. fily iraviteti totefillowtlg Leteir, tronaDAI EL RO>SS, Esq., et Queb.c, as au assurance tirat the New Lin. ofPackeîsauast Clippers treta New -York to Austratia, itiveiimsd by bMussas. CROCRER & WARREN, of28 Bitosuw £N V., lare "jnuil teitatIenntsade bj àtiht Card& aCrirculare. New ort, -19 N'ov. 1852. R. J. Cummi NG, Eq., .DEAA Srit.-Havang vifiteduto.rsjh;ps' ltIhe prt af 4New- or, bun ti "utrsliaIl as weil uaitafeW miers, wbich have sled l1cr that quarler, I hvene esiatijo b sta ie oëf those fine ' Crack.up"..»ipt Btraciedt tamyat- tentionrmeore than lbenble ahip ilALERT. She is the Oinestupecunen ci Navel Archirectuire that 1 have ueen in Ibis port i-I dg nor meunypur fine CliperShips whsch aie more rcalcaaiated for ast saiiing than anytlmg cee.' Thb "dALERT" lisa amtedium tbeeuthe "CLPPF-',*&MaIlPACUI,» auàd ta witbout an excepien, the beat fasened,fingabed aid fur- niient vessel have aver seen. ThNeloiig ofiter Itcop dock anti cabin, *nd u thei be tween'1 &eots, wib-ir getiezailiigt it, are vets. et ien d-aa on the o u ap p ro v e p an -fr cD f simd v*ntllation, - - lTh. -& ALERT-Iei, in My esîfitnetion a atos sarperior vesaeî for the conveyauce of Passageru le, the Gold-Reeçbo Q_ , p <a A »and 1> w-ould bis yetiel belore tbey engage passfge elSwb.re Toursver>' trldy, For r ne -ddeClOCK1-. Nelzonsteî, afcw hoors Norihof [ingStreet, nearly oppottePLATT'8 HoTzL, and within ball a minute'* walk cf SraouD'a. Toronto, Apri! 10, 1852. 5.1Y. Caunda Wlest .fatrmitr's iUiuaI le Stock Jnourante THE Subscriber bavang been appointed AISUM for tbe shove Company, wilI.,et al imres, bo moihappy to receive applicaiorna. 1 olumusA rane ,18 inep lsolathe FoRMigtion (of Succrs. CLOTII DBESIMG. FOR thre betuefit of the Tababitaîts cf the- BacIn Towitehips, te priretors of te Whttby. Woolen Faretory have matie arrangempnt. with C S. Jeweat ani5 W. Thomnas, Stage - Froprieteri, te forvarld cloU' anti Wooi te* ibetr estasutan 0WhiabY, -Lo -NO- 18, 6th Cen., Wbere tb'aY, with the advunlà ges of a raer «fai!jia Water Power, a Dryiai Hosgocs Workm'.u, &c., &c.,# wiil despalcL. buez thesborestNotice. Pe c. ntrus thi tler C o r Wool t. lt1e care et teéd*foetAe toeuerieM.ay leok for the isains Without dela>', ailthe aime place, IRE or- OHE&AG Tbuy have app.eLnted James VIak', oýnm. hi- Witby nneepe-Ë.-lieiïr dsoiig gns towhe Cl4h orW01 tay bliesent niait>' Iront nilier igeol. srs.Ccv,>', Raarh;P-, Riath; Lilkagber, Manchester: M., Cerqadaie, Prince Alhert; C . .ewiett, andiD. Jeareit, Pont Pejy: . ?aiisyWiow-Meilb, à Noqup oa i t 4M8t a t ult Ihauc4'aCar-. msa; S. OsIer, Riàcdr;InTnkeeper et-Town Hit Mlariposa; Calvin PrMr puPmp SManu-1 fatuai ntnsn swel.famcI.~.y. To Owterg of and Dealers in .Torses.. CARLTONIS FOUNDEIi. OINT- M EN r. Fer abecure et Fc'îoder, Spiit lce, Hof-bouod Hors.,, and centracteti and Feverist Pert, Wourads z Bruis.irî; ist theFleh, Galleti Backs, Cracked-lleels, Scrthes, Culs, Kicks, &c., on Herse*. Caation.-Fiudtd he naine ef J. Carllona Cen- - tockona h. wrapper, or necr boy Carlroa Herse Med icines. CAItLTON'S RING-BONE CURE. Fer the cure cf Ring-Blote, Biood Spavin, Bône Spavlma, Windgalia, and Splint-a certain remed7., CARLTON'S CONDITION' POW- DERS FOR* HORSES AND. CATTLE. Thb. chanwes cof weathaar andi deasen, with the change eofaise andi fecti, bave a very gieat effect upen the blood ann atintis fluidu cf herses. Il ia at these change& tne7 require an assistant te nature te tbrow off amiy disorder etf lb, ibîda of the body tSiî naay bave been inibibeti, and wbicb, if not ai- tendeto e, will esuit in tbe Yellew watei, Heaves,. Wornms, Botts,&É.,.ailof wbach will be preveoleti by givitg ente of thêâe powdera, and will at aoy litte cure,wheo an ysympteos cf disease appears, if used initime. Tbey pnrify the blondi, reinee ail inflanimationanti fever, loosen the skio, cleanse ahe water, anti invigorate the whoie bcdy, eoahling tberato edeonmore work with tbe same feibd. Tbe action of these pewders is direct u pon ail ah. se- cretive glands, ant herefere bave the isaine effect iplbtheHeree,îhe Ox, the Ass,aod ait Hertaiver- olis animai--ail diseases arisi*ng frein or preducini! a bad sraae orthe becd,are sietiy cured by ahet. Renaciner anti ask for Carlto's1 Coatditi#ra Pour- der*, and take no otMert.- CARLTONS NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT FOR HORSES, and for tb. cure ofail i dseases di maneor beast ibat require extemtro application, inti for contracted cords anti muscea, strengthets weak limbs, andtisL ato used for asrains, braises, saddleçcýZls, sacelledà legs, sorea of ail kindà on herses.1 Carlînn*â articles fer berse* and cattie ire pre-1 pareil tram abs recipe ef a very cet.ehrated Enliub Farrier, andl will cure, taioey-oine timremioeut ot one hundred, an yof the aboya ceinpflitts. Tbey have been used by faruter,livet'y.ien,eitage pro. pfetort andi others, with the ment uirkd atit de- radentsu cc Ps. C.*UTlON.-Nnne cao b. genuine unie"a jeu fi-td tbe nine of J. Carlton ý!ornstck o thc wrap-. per cf eîch arttcle. COMSTOCK'S VERMIFUTGEtý This ia the tacet extraordinar7 reinedy for Worm ever usent; it effcctuially eradicates Wornms frein botb adoilraand chiltiren. Itcannôt bartthtcmoal deicate iriantor strongest attult, andi neyer fails to cntapieteiy reetcasîannt destroyal kindotipWorm,. The ceut, 25 et&. per boitte, puis ilt within reach oicf ail, andail parents tubo are withe.îîil atre wantcnl y exPostog tbe ltveu of their chiltiren to those feil j estroyeru of yourh, 41. Wi.mm." 1,Lffk fer ah. naine of- Cemaock it Brother, proprielers, ion ahe. TO THE OLD- AND YOUNG!! - ffo! Ye- Redffeadlsand Grey !!M PHENOMENON IN CH-EMIISTRY !!! EPAST lINDIK RAIE DYE COlours the/sefar, and iwill "so tMe &-j», Thbis Dye Ina>' lie appiied te the hair ever nighl, the fl irihtlurunag the. ligbteàt Rus, or Gazv HAiRel; Park Brown,and by repeatag a second n4iht, ta a Bragit Jet atick. An>' perSOIn mlay, tIherefore , wit Ibhe leu Posible trouble, keep bis heu 'any dark libado or peifect bisek.; witb a pos. live ussurane-tthetI Dye, if appliet* eltestn,_ teli ire! colour il, Dy an occalial applicatton, person turanqgey wiil never lie known, 10 have crey hair. Directions tompiete wi tt article, There is ne colourang i thila statement, as one tn eîuiesfét, tne bt etlmn-h manufactures it; Who is -the celehrated ebemWe, Dr. COzssvocg, aettlof omietoaîs Chemâisr>', ,Ptiosophy, ïnaêotiteu w6,s, and SimLol Books, well known and i %dal eclehratedbylbe:pabli.. - DE~A 1?M1R _i -1 I à e lw i ui epc Jipalqut AiffI,Ues aS the privai. practireia osur counts, bya. asies.. outmher of nividitaluandi familîte. Oral sud MOUe -cetaeiolY fer thte cure of rte PILES, sa i aIee- lenuively and effvc.uatly»as te bàjIWerodulitîY 1e- leus wbèe ifs effeéas are witîeseed £xSueseIIy, in ite fcllnwiog eornJ)linte? - Fur Dropsj,-Giating extrasdiaary itssptie aI once.- - Saoelliags-Reducing tinl a lew louis. diate case. Sour flruea-B.Y Canceri, Ulcers, or Colde. Croup and oopint Cwçh-EieaaUy a&à over the che st. P f*il Bru usr, SPrrns aind Burns-Cuiwtig ia a- few heurs3. Soresanrd Uker-Wbeîteërireikt eo f long: standing, and lever ipoies. la =eaion up9n adulîs and citidreu,m ta l. ing ihuzîcis aellaaga,andkIoeensg eeoîgitsM ' 1 u;banesa of the citeat by relaxaijo of lte puis, bas been surprising beyond conception. Ite eu. mon remark c ol Ioseho he ave used it ite Ie., il;1 "It acts lite a chim. " It z, urwruted te piease aoy person that Witt try it. '- Cautea-Neve bey traImes. you he ltsfa. simile signature of Gomatockil & roaber, Proprio. tors, on te wrapper 01 the gemmcie aitfice. , L'auion.-Ai cf ah. abeve nameti articless are - 801d 0111Y bY Coinstoee & Brother, 2 -8f. Peter' Place, directly ia ceai 5f tite Aator Rouae,bW tween Borcdoyand Veey Biaooiedoýorsomt Bars dlay. and one BehX#mB~adw NW Teck, Io witom ail crders muaitliet irected For Sak le»sby John Msrtjia&C.,?. Witby and Port Perry, and Wi.Neoe.. lin. Soldoniy, in W4iUhýyby et à z, Dury Geen SToi. Reiaeur,-ia"- bt.7 aujyet bis Stere, zf jeu wishlte Gesa(uiae.la R5' tUrftk,bcmu & îrot e'a* . 1.aI at m C'ao.Dy Gofd store.. Sou id Sy W. H. Gias,, Coloambin C.« W, CAUTION. Ex E TR4...Al of teaboya aan»a , rtieW HopSe, l oi Osbawab ae ai; a Harriaon & Co.; in Neweaestle, tay MeNaiu.hab, Huotet ; alun, hy car Agenr ii euC"-yTown inça nade. Enquire for omkàBitwl ite for 1]BU, which will be iVeapzà . f Remembeî'ond neerbuy Grea'iJoied.. cmnes unies. the faltainete .1 ePojmieor. lit wrappeî, J. D&]Lotq 3Tc. oe ~am b Canada. Ttyu»lt ~0?.,a Tbey déra ihot puin, he ji FORSA, S E-FURT ý o thva,>' Fat swd- overha.ulesin ameielletorta«ef« thatmay b.requireti. e mc.stlyfew. Preso mi ai Well lepurchase, aslthe alier« Parlqos, tccnstanîly empioyel. A Pmn rcoinu n«Mýà % - i --t LOLGE[TS' FOR1 AL H L iquarter acre Los sSms ý tete,;tbeceaitbregtab.,m s. Wl end iBeiveîîon. Appytgo Mr. Tbeom ,Slim1 < rietiers ho b.e hîi - ýCeuniaton, ]Bri>ck IttSpt TRE -- I t 1 lisd y t a ao s oos sI»R L R Z j usoJI NU o> DIAL or r ot. cORNltOF BiNG & CH RCII STRL TS, ~ WiQ TIU~-OOtheT kd ffttY, . 4-! reaia}i-tL4 , pre.ribed » aa uee uus - H O t S E , t h ~ # y t e a l a a s e a e m a t :r ~ e p ci to aii ar au d 1 u c ~ IJ S II '. ui4 # B t 5. Il 5 8 tht1 g jer. u , - dapru fes >Iàcst beF-.I is " i (D R O ~~~~~~~~~~1 T O ~~~~~~chut, -anJ this, afer the veryb tme cu e. J e eyfrao'lj bnuri t.wloms t H a v e o n i a n d t i s L a r e s t t i s C h a p e s ; , < mip d l e B u t a s so r t m n t o f a n d t h e a v e t i o n i o f k i a d a n d s o r r o w i n g f i el osp a g . I is a c st i m c u i t f u r w 8 etia l us i u o and nurses, bave failedl te give the urnalles: relief Getralâ Debility, Oie.?«, Wcalkams 01 lts Goeeat T1OSNiIB 0F C N L'PIE Whiloi. As#an niarprs inuem ise il i. um. R EA Y~M DI~ULOTIING tTHOuCoia&NapS OF fer.r. TI É2 2= h m e d c în e s w b ic h w e re sa id t e e. i ,f a tlib le c u res , b s a l si u , F î a . W e e e, D i . ' mb u t w h ic h a v e p ro v e d o u ly p a llia ti v e s , b u t t b.Ui a s w r a t t p à i i e s r a a M e d ic i n i e j s lo t o n ly a p a llia ti v e b u t c u r e f o r tri- t 7 & C . * v er a r a m i t j l a o ( -th e e i e sà ? 5M 4 ýW9M ~~~~~ccruej 1rngs., lt cootains no deicterrous Drugd te oe mliit "l IN CANADA WEST. ~~~and one trial will prove its astonisbing efficary c t ibuîJeuz , red an . IN CAN-ADÀ& WEST. t~er -than aoy ainertions or eertificates in curing con. to b r'ett1yre n o W H O L E SA L E A N D R E T A I~L . Surotingof ad ld sea;rs fpainihe nsidua nd A counterfeit ofthia celebraed Juan Cordial h». -- _____chi, nis/d-swca1s, 4re. 4-c. hecn iusucd, baviog-the usine olUkl t' CFN E hae n w rceied cr ompeteassrtient f N w SRKN & uase at G ons edAhout 1000 of almost miraculous cures perform- on wrapper.. W bavh e n o pec taco, O ur C uum ee assor imn teof c m ped t th &Newu g ndm t FaSb e by ais rM edicine, tof rne oe f tile iret D orlors, R em em ber t at tabe c vut.ve U las t bo m m e onable aiedais and ingreat Or cultoeri wil find t be e0Cl"egymenhe dewMeranhaOnts, haveergben nndsentr usts, bav gienfsntsus fonLetbe wn on he , apeitandthe im* fom ebles rtush, dFread varietv. I-aviog been sidlected wîth great care, and irhiported direct this medicine, but -the publication oft hein look& wrapper, #aTc ITii frei th bot Biaih, reoh, od nterican %larkets, Jay curselves, we cao coofidenrly suhojit [hemn'teenrnucb like Quackery. (will show them te aoyn.tJh tN sk te heinpetin c cr uuomus odrie u'la, as being the modi lashionuble, durable, serviceable person calling ato0cr office.] This medicine wil QnZy .Agents in 4.cà slbIdiM14, and cheapasseýrtment of Read-Made Cothing and Dry Gedâ in Caoada West. pak orite!fandenoug in itown favur were- - Tallorin;, in ellait tts Branches, ecsecute<t with TaIvt e ever i la ci ied. C a u ti o - T h is m e tlte n e i a u t , p it p a Wa g R ! U % . T S d U RUN 39GS URMtIIHD Olu TIM SNO AR EST NOTICE. boule, aud*you mustai th e naie of Coastock 4- Comsock'Nervtand BoeLài*io ww nal- Bru Mher, Proprietrà, New York. on thé splendid ed Ite cure a yease Of ]be uatismet, Cou, Cm - fui A1i î < . 1 orapper around the btte. A lilorders u icu b é trac ed Cord a d X M" e so S luftJ- -, etc l i- f 5 cie rt lb M tle afdressed to Camstock 4~ Brohe, No. 9, John St. COes Weal4 Lim l, &Mdeuble a te * ae rp ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __New York. -'1ped te wlk alin. Comatock-,& Jrem tss, e. .Remerber and never buy it unlesyen ird the prietrs, NewYTork, and »»ne"* geaisewab ~A fl U . M A D E ae on the. wrapper. their a e on ile wjappe. REAY AECLOTHINC ATO.-70MCE à 3.0. t!wlreof adaigerus ountrfe ofthe DR. KILNES DROPS, for te cre.01 Teetit Do ChoueCuitefet baache. I iswah coniee. tat -W* tan lrm 'lega'do B5o0'll1ianuCeas, feido frin HRY4 UNJWRada.JIINO mendi tas an infalhible cure à ialf uses, withst Do CBlck'd c 5Q. o li.do 5 O CORD1LLand -C..RLTON'S FOUNDER aoy injurytathîe teethe ahor.tPicefS ets. De Blackl Alpra du 12 6 Do Satin do - id 0 OIN7',fENTatud RING BONE CURE, offer- Do Prins#olor dc 2 i DCot do 5 0 ed for Sale atathe Dria.-Store, and remernber and - Do Canad essde do 17 6 Doe sied do 4 0 never buy the"c articles in WAitby, 9017 of W.t. CARLTON'S LINIENT FOR TUE~ Do Caoada ltwededo 6Do Ca4 3e0ede5 0O>L.'.ure,at hi Dry Goed stocre, aondavoid ib. coco- 'PILES, c Do Basre Ceh deo 2b0 O Men, MoleskinTrouacru, -9 7 6 efiasyuWldPio. .. ..s .r 1 2. Du Linn fDrill fin àe ILt ^ Ieu là ld Prsex. a t. ,,. the.A a.. nà... l IL BLACK. 4-1 y dg 94 1 ïiEw m 1

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