Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 26 Feb 1853, p. 4

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v RjéT T ir. -mIm NR -m# ofe: tu tbh e uut > l7 taarried, an~d $bc il M ïi vwife. B"sdest it idbocks ail t i0ridèax of PfL.iOO OO mftality tô bear it muad that the- Pr"eait d1çt 0r te SU- tti"is travelting - i ud 1inuch with an other wemau J. S Uobiss, J4e Presft. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J G fn fa Drortcpî*ma . . owli. I3.3J. tHv. yLM. D. -br puder ýe .irpresmio ittthe tht. of .L.P at. J.LcaRoi<o. tw iî iot grand ,enoaigîî, wo van i.%WK9s JC.Matmw high lm crtcutoiytatfui yênor .[S018COMPANY effecta Imsuante at the ec 1t -~al~~and extelleritarti _e.he lom tfcCubSreTontadt tezi. of tiiicb wa3 tkçu from a pai b~ t~vr1 çnis os n xed£O }he Mutual Department nstt xed£O , in bs p#per. on a one rimkk. and beinut continedti t detarbed An tQ*edoté'la tôld of a Scotch $hop- buildin<mit Lu thereby réadcered the mait aie and keeper iV!ho decioned Some requcat npde by deIre lt1ane * opoinê. "D ~ ~The Proprietary Departmenta auclude General ta ~ ,n 110kno>" ~Riàkî in Fsre, Lite, Marine, Inland and can. %mets,. 't ihît I iteBisbop'm m ay1'-ad atm operatiî'nt hein« cao cosifiurd thin pru- Hoot, w-ocan," was the answer, i ol dent limits, teattention o the Pubrii i coatfi. Doot -do it if y$. as bis wife, MUch âes litdetitly catled thereto. Iiys edy'BOr E DWÂRD G. O'BRIEN, 1a 3 i a beaultilO word init s plï*ce, and 8.cretary. ferale is" a proper. word Mn its plice, but Toronto, Oct. 14 1831.e « îther of tbem cmployed fo wife oê women The ufdTi<fld baving been appointed Aceni s locki ng :ast ."-P,omidin - JàÏ o f te aovecaanpny, wil gi vr peimon 1J1atten- 8 in i ct -tîoi tepartiuad.airoue of elleciing Inuitrance. Tbe Note York Eeigpast, lui copy.-~ 'i s ail very welI, exqept the cbirg. in1 ba Ynlgrisùt, wbich la éammon ig Oour *wholesocîety, upon the Deidocratic papera wbich are no mtore gty li the premises than the Whig paperÎ. and ever.y recou-ô f *rrirala at the battis la the nation.- Names aire alwayaentered thus: Iet Ai. Stîh and 1:111, W to r a JrPeter Popkins air aqdy, vwhen, if' an) body siîOnild ce>ai ,Joneài and wOta15t. or, ut N14r. Peter Popkînsg'nd wo- mati," JonesanSmd Popkirss would be tunted iocoruinently out of <ora, The praâtee boc isu. ccnveî,ient for yotmg. gentle- men Who tInve1 i wtJiladieq that iare flot --irca 'îlimt thut bo-ly-snniîciuing.tg ii tlat hecearrtjcd on Ia an ectet i n NI w Yo-rk abotut lalie iît ta p riiut a stop tal'hi.% umhoiy traiat-ini baman flit-c. A rman nama-d Eh Kmsiç, a licenseal <artanan, tees cleteated in tht aci cf lrtuspoî tinZ I4 deadî hoditas over the Sdlavenaue, ta towarde the setileal -pertain_-of the ciny-. , fiT hod'teeronuup- rpvu a atebeiku etplen- f-otna utl - rou4in'ita tcheatcr Lountry, near 1lar. JtAME5 WbALLACE-.L whitby, Ft.14.1821. 4 Allornel nt LaCouveyunter &t.9 WIIITBY VILLAGE. Ofiet in the om oIrmf-ly occupied as a Law Mvby iB J %L: D r-J-. Esq. BLACIKSMITH'S (MAL. U UST receive. per $teamer Ontarjo. 50 cialdrona hbeu Név.'csstic Nut Colas, îot mle hy 1 Whtby. Sept. ROBZKT Il. LAWDEiI. Chequertad Store. lut. 1 852. 21-tf. FREbH OY$TER$S i-1 tibscribe.- kceps aliwa s on han .F~ii Qyqt !rs at the Na:aormai Hoota, Pott W h i Y. aerved up te, nifler. Iav-rLkc 1.r%.1!Jhea can he supplied D: the Cari or ï« IIUGII NlrBRIAN. Port Whitluy. Der. 23rd. 1852. 37-3in. SIJIRls!!1 j 41E .Subscriber voulI cal!l tne attention Sof his customr nd the publie La his Punr9n -ives the fa!ioe,*nn; Iîreetian Io varied-:Stock af ,yôunx izdîýs far fLîîg-je-rfinî - .leie Gooits« WhI)±.s youi arc ulonc. AIt-y$010ac. sne JUS1TARri1-t-Etc F1PT Ït MONTIIEAL, good op -Wortni. -Tint taréi-e rscitîsýt'hle eConsisii n îa crt of are ;ntY0tt tht4 orqa. sticesîs'ul -iwilt t WhiteCrape-& Exhibition Shawls youc fit. A. frtrtnd>s i-aa, mînthtrt Is a Braite de Laitues, diair r-ancseiin îary C .g t. hfi- I ' %slin rde Laines, from aa bd tportjmity.. N emi- le Mus Dosses than once in the samoe vening, as Iilx Dese I Silk & 'Satin Parasols, he. fallinT -o.f-îin thî s!wihay onrir cns fat at, tat a.tu<OtŽan p--i onù Zehra Twe-Is, ly ten oi*bi ouoe-tsco.'Èe Sumniner Claths, v.try'czr- ft.thurelkrc, n'tv- 1 n rik -a aýt Anierîcan Cottons. uniesvoitWICh ont ch an-'Lf ai gçitnkOle- il 9% '"is-. nrtq. iv "- sin - Pa-ces -i shade lowier than nny W Ch1nI %m- twc wthin the limnite rof the County rTwn fetmt--D-alny u:h'iea1.ztlecapricen wbu b>.-o' iiIJMlS DOW~. 'huîbadt* wcl' have onia-dan îîelv tefrsed aiOu. t M 2y -qh, 185e. 7-tÇ Inui teh cases bjýstanaicrs are jrutifiable. KOSSUT.-_ A iwrUer lithe J3àstint( U. S.) Joami. firn Lon-don, of dtte Novurin- ber 11 iiathe following ataëeint of a ne- cent v6di matide otie iltistcriotsi-iaxRngarifnn NEW« RATS! NE RATS! --a. etotally uncoqtnected wiih Eaaropeaus 1' Itnhabiîuunts of Vhîtby atidnigb- poltitce, icci tiue te so-k an intîerview with muthoî are- irfonaned thal th.. Smshcriher Kosïuth- ,He i% living %o qdiattiy bers or ha$aiowîIo bandt hic New -riug toc k.- can- as Lis eneuni-iï,Ptpress 't.has-îunk tioen in- taimrwa»llthae NaewsStylesaîiii.NC.LIRi, FaLICCaa tosih ba :brriyti. ws oly i andIl ATS. Mals, the tos4~4tli uscu-iy that Taetilas nysvrlî n ceau t.îIr i Iii iaVtrida-ily1y h-lieuvud t1itt rin iir itb reat.demanti. Geitlema-c vialaini! Le ia-r. l ali 3tyvemaieu-, buit thia liai P. apa-iiurta, wrliaee tint- gratreat assant- i.attruntt l-cnewxhe-i. ment in Caniada.-, I JOHN SaALT, AN 4tF~ c~'tr.'~' .an fhtr4a - GLDN 41AT- ba lk it~-~ l. a. a-lt acIVa-ar k îut'ii t an i la u ruE th~ ~rri Wt 'rn -lait Unýa.! ntar ýDan- G LO BE~ 1 10TE L dam. lie wItarUaivr içat tdue tuatiom ôcithe ýfit wh he - l arrg-ee lt c îroren soil fell IO K Iu rointhetpi tax-rthe Vit anti truck lain oan .3y E E Henry. - -alie e\r..4 -Eaprra. -Gond accoammodatioan for ,Tbse Ctrlo aruliaînentary election te- TVELLERS , PUBUC PARflE% BALLSI iurtitd in lhê return of 'a M~r. .a.eader, a Derbyite,- amer M1r. S&lîeîr; and &Mr. G"d-. atos ii~ re-e1ecto>d, river AMr. Peréemat, f-ar Excellent Stabling.good IIay ana Oitu, analatten- -- tive IHostl-rs. Oxor - .eri .Tu& NasaRuuxaw NSTae'asCoAcatrb alea ve-iv I Lêroz GG.-t lanet often ýwe haie - 20 notice Such a large production of nature, -as .was broughl le <eut office on Wednesday. -- 'Tis ias a coasmopu hen'a egg,lwhuch -mea- suat-et the long iqaySj itîea, aP& a i' h 5 j loches. in Igtwa0 a-5 tnctîs. Th ..- locale of tht hin w!icb yieided tbis extra. ordinaî-y ègglathetffi ofol ieath-baII, atar Dunafeiest oocuPiedhIîf ,-Mr. IltgIsCroabie, Ms-. Crseabtasaliia tht ben ta occasioality t lbr habiti of tayiai arge eggs, but Ibis is by firthIe !ar-iest ibai evty prôdnced.-VorU Maine, wbich-eb ar (ilqëteil by M90o89andi deutr. are inîskitur a movement tu restraia - tkeir inditcrimiiiatà 4estrwAîtoaiby sports-, H ~KGui.» Fgv-E.--Cons3!deino-tht irmn -15a ai eld se nt -oyer te tis ýCùcnI-sary' ,the iCife Ia1uaý bc àremuing OaiY- he'aiisa, the e gumeer of i4 aa to 4e on las W'ay" tb.: bridge arrom sthe t tapateh tuas, tî .recie the Menai tb caada1, 4dioét ti grant i sed. r'ed m the Brooklin.Nov.18952. Ne wBookm St'ore Tmons BEALLI flOORSELLE R. STATIONER, Pic. P'ire FaeDaelc enalopet Scriprueuloe T. . lfWialy bega leaveto cmi the atteti- tion et tb. P'îbhe, W lutu.ete MIüiiuaaý SC 1100L BOOKS 1w. &c., &a*ionary inlai al iusvarionsu*-ibeau. Fictres &çe Efgrav~ings, (Plain& rolouanea.) M.ftinta,- OU ê Waiii colored Lprifilu, (a îe%.a.tyje.) Litb*giaplî arions mzea, Ior eVeny drartl ,:a. Piture Fr, 3, Uitlain and Ortna- I .itafîm a.~&L njwordm. Wôod.I'iain ansi iOanamental from 5j.i. 10$25 anal Wîwardis. Feeling uatred that no iera ou ca l abal examine auah a rbie variety Of the 4-tiaaafui and bèauiful"ý without feeling hichly gratidAc1, once nmoresoi- cita a cail. WhltyDet4t,183,, -30-tf. NOICE 0F CO-PARTNIRSIIIP. ¶¶HIE bu iness lieretofore câried on at - tt B W & VIL iITR by JA"irst .AiLLywilaielfor hbtC&rra.d oa by ih<tfirm*f 8'Zs'~~5@ J JAMÉS T. BAlLET, -WILLIAM BROWN. Tht lSgbsacribers in returaing thanka to the publie for paît lavons, would take Ibis oppor- tràniiy 1 rto nni theni that having incratsesi their buuiniess, ernd eniployeti a nuanher of computent w-.rkmen, they ititeid 10 manufarture the Rowomamville Yelloio &zrtlware, and the <ommon REDt WARE, end îhey flter tbemmeivemt that th ey wi'l be able toiunie ettire satisfaction la hose wbo nmay taver thean with orderu; and they hope, hy pulmuasliîy ad strict ailetiaon to tItuînmaa, to miéraî a coutinuance of public patrorage. BAlLRT &BIÉOWN. Bow anvilie, Jtine 4, 18b2 15-1 INO0TI1CE. HEREBY notify ail those who purebas. r'dai the CREDIT SALE of the S'.hacriber, on Loi No. 25. 3rd Concession or Whitby. that the Notes will he due on the l61h iraii.. and folind on my place. on saitl Loi. iatit the 201h ans.; af- lei whirh lame they ii ili be handed 10 ny Sulili- tor. for Collection. A SI-GHT Whitby. 2nd February, 1853. 43-ir. LAND FOR SA LE. '*'IIE Underianed offiers for Sale, the *Eas.t baif of Lot Ne. 3, in the 6tlz Con. 0F UXBRIDGE, alid 14ài Ac ea of Lot No. 18 in the firat Con., of AMOS WAY. P. S.-Aaiy perunn feund Treapa.maîne nwe aboya, Latida. xmi b. prusecuteil t"alb the itmial viçor 01 thela Ï4. A. IV.-i Uihride, Lot No3. 7tb ? 38-il. Con..Ybec. 3Uth. 185f2. NO TIC E. 1 N conueqn et- nf ile Silseitibens havine de- tertnated t ioe thitibuaaas inAatelait rf DE- CEiMIIER rs-nOt. ahi-yar i-s -unanstiant ant ac- caurats atiarata be pau b y Ibiatdate.taid hse-tîy uive aatrce th-. al li ichdâ remaiuansaettis-d e-i:h- et b .Vrole or C'ash On that day, î'alI be. pyijr. niatiti-o rik-eation. JOHN MARTIN &Co. Part Wvhitby, Nov isth. 1852. 31-t1. TOULLSREDUCED. A T a a 'lt-lîný r Oî t'Lz P-orl %hitbv and Lakea Sicantog ioe cai hud îiioad Caimparuy-held on tht4thiiwsi.. 't '.as Resat -aie, 'hcî Iroîn Tas.yh4hof Januamy. titllMoai- aiytne 71btou01 t-it tal-53. the Toits n ihe Racal ai thea-PrtH; litby aniaiLmar fu;oan-g.Sint- crac fid RuaactaRoazd Ca.rnpamiy,ka- rtdia-adto une Jfafnft1ha- presa-itiRatas, ALbn-liesotvecd, [bat the IHarbor ToIts on Limmber be reduceai 10 One Shi!ing r.er Thouariil at-et frnan and atttr the- aperuto; of Navigatiaon in 1853. J. IIAM PERRY, Seraury.1 Wjaitbv, Ot, 16, 1853. 27 2m ADVERTISEMENT. %NILL BE SOLD hi' Privat Bar- çaatt tliai part ni' Lot 17. irîtIllte 211dri ces"p ainato n i' iry, thaIteutoraflte lais- James 1'. Somma-n-ailte, Efsq . hna-a.rîfully ràttaaai doua the Knaa2staana oaait, n-aaiv madaaay uta- thaux armg ouuty 'Vowiu uf W hi, la>', aid t>rbaxia. aunaict-rn- priaig a a-onveuuua-ra: Fiameinsus e raa, Oitiuildiaat-s. Btarn, 13 At-re-s a of od Land, and au fret raie 0fls ufor 6Utcarhseavililibe xeceivs-d unîil the 1lit ci'J.auâry, 1853.1 hy IL- W. CLARK, M. jý %'ihyVtllis,-.Aci-gTa istet- lon the Entale.- W4hiby, Nov. 13, 1552. , a-til -Oshawa Freeman, te copy urîtil lut Jaai. 1853 AUCTIONEER!t GERE V GI L censed AwF net' pra-pare.' ta uni-uttak-e ait bauinesa in bis lime,iim donrorar iaion tht Most rea-arable tel tis. Apply at the, ni Reporter Office," whercoirdeub may be la-fi.- WPhiil)yJune 201h 1852. i-y NOT]ICE.À,, ALL those iîaving dlaims agaitust the Es- tale of thetlte Aua Passi E-q. - are raquesttd tac brin-, foitrai the sanie byîte firaît of Jrunkay a-msluinq for liquirtarion. Andait hi b-atimdehted te the uist, aaie allieecta-i to tmake paymens Ofa te saine ta the albiiemetIoaid time, sac iato- mepet tltdemau.àa-.iitust tlitetale. otherim iseil outaltandinrgtiettsçfrei-it i tiof Jantts.ay nexî tejîl h. put iratht proper hauudsfaar collection. HIRAM PObT, CARLFTON LYNDE, SAMNUIE»L COCIIRAN. JOHN T()OLF. Exerutora. Pic-kerimg, i.a.Z 7 1952 3 INOTICE. I LL p4rsons andebtedti t the 4fnb-îer. citiier taî note or bock accouint are- r ùawed ta4alaa eUtle thtmaie iefore thte1r!$40r nt j jjý&y -etherwist &il e'aîtsti Mota"or acceaaaaas altrir Ihet date. teilil ie haaud ceu b thé Olenk ai the Court 1er collection. - R. GARTSHORE. Whitby Dec. 4. 1852.34tf. Slereby gîren, thîlat pilieaîuon tetIl b. Madet tht us-exi meetne cf Parliameni for aua At-t, forthe inronaorasion ai a Company,-ftea-att- -atret a iBa RilDdfmpr t asiwlubyouîLakieOits. Whitby, 4th,, Deetulr 1852, 234-n à ro) close flu A Esatetot thp-lite 'Rea'. CHABLES WINSTANLEY. e3y pubie .t *luctîi', 019 XWffl IlY. 22u4 #QV. At TWREL VB 01 x~'QN The PoPeiy BURGES&ILEISilMAN, CORNEBOF IZ4Ulg &CRURCR STREETS2 JOININQ THE COURT ROUIE, Have onlsand the Lariest, lthe Clseapest, and the -*st assortmevst of READTa ~IA COTHIN IN CANADA WEST. WHOLESALE AND RF/FA IL. IVE have noie ree:ved oui- compiete assortment af Na-tvSîmîtia & Suse a t onne, which, upon inspection, Our enatomera wiii flnd ta bat composeil of. the Newemtitend niait Faaah. onable mateiiali. and i great vanieiy. Havinàt been tplected %wiih rreat a-are, and importa-a direct fîom the hi-at British, French, and Amena-an Markiets, by o)iruelves, xx-e cen conlida-ntly suuumit ihem to the inspectiont of our eataatesanud the pullir, us beiiig the maitltashioîiabla-, dttuaale, aerviceaable and cheaî, amtrtanent 91 Readv-.NaJe Ciothing and IYuy Gooda iii Canada WVeat. T.1loritingj"ail it# liranchi ea, c«ted lwritlg Tasi e U R)JI93 wuII&IggED 031 i-RE SHO!iiEST qDTICE.» ]:OnbonltOU OrI 3iu ' 'urk lOll rrriurt331,. ir~ READY-IYIADE CLOTHING Ml en's Bawmn klland Cnste, Do ( be.ck'al do Do 'Black Alpara do DO Russell card dua I3o Pruc-uia ao do a-ýDa Canadia Twa-ade do Do Broirai Cioth do Do Cassima-e- do Bo le Bioxian Hoiland 410 - I>o citac k'ii do do Do MNlnesklin do Do T*rxxe-ie- do Do Brtwia loth do Don Rannar-li Cîiat de àMe-t'o Blet k Cloth Vetet, Do Bltac-k atan do Do F.uiay Satin do Dm ltnllarad do Do F.aacy do) Do N'eî-a-î ai Do NMartettîts do Do Bfl,-ihaa do ;teccini tCaps. Du la do from D. 4 1-2 u 0 6 6 o 6 9 4 1-2 2 6 1 101-21 31iitîus IParis Satintieh 1 Nce'i- style, Boyî F, an- vsuta, f Do Silk do Dit Setin rde Do cio:h do Do Tii cde, do Dm Ca>îtirn-e-ut MNIera'a M i > a-sLjn Ouseaiu, Di> L na-n Di ail do Do Claaak'd do Dl oCnrliaray do Do Cissimerea <o Do Bi-kslin do Do Dtaskiai do ]Boy'@ Dii do01 Do f'ita-k't dia Do Niolea-kil, aina DO CaailîTwrde (la Do (P.uciinere fia Do Txî--f-li- do 1Wriiîa Shinît, Lina-n Faîolte, Undaidr Shi'tfiaand Di ait-ars, tisa LII;i 'ac it< fi-arn 44 216 44 Dra!) BîîI'sness Cotsti in au h MaIei-als. DRIY Goo0Ws NitinnaLs-ina-s, yard cite, froan 0 10 1-2 Piita. laoat,.noits do do da O 7 1-2 Fla-a-î-Giei-hei nia o tdo tai O0 7 1-2 5lS-mdriBonnetl Ribbons, adi 7 - St-at' Ban-tal, 4 1 3 Ganves., li-t-r. Rimbons. Lai-a-, Etaa.Aftiarirai Flou a-a.. N hnt, Cbaiirk'nl. niai l'lait)tA par-es. Crup"-sandal Neiaia- for~ouuaa IInfant t' Robes, Ca-ps and Frai-k.Bod jeu, 013-1.1 Corner of King 4- Clllzrd1t ATv' j" T U7nv PX X ms'R a -H A IVI Attorney an& Buri3tr at Law, AN-D SOLICITOR IN- CHANCERY, NOTA11Y PUBLIC, & CONtEYANiCER, AT THE OFFICE 0F J. HAM PERiIY, ESQ, nearly oppCcir. PLVT'S 4-IIEL, and wiffiiiu;hall a rinule's walk nDi STFtouibs. Toronto, Alni!10, R1 5212y Canada West ,farmctro llutuat e stock Jnouranci TIE, Subî;ciier la-tgbeen appoituted AGENT foi tht- aboie <Company. i-jî. et cil lieu, hé mosthappy ta neceiva- appiicattonts 1Coînîbtît, A pit 23, 1852 4-t1 Entcrprise illte -Fonation o et ruuw. CLOTII PRESSING# j-O0R the henefit of the Tnhabitarata of tb Bsack' Towtnships. the Propi7ietersýof the Whitby Woolen Façtory have made arneet with C S. Jeweîî an- W. Tinanuei, Stage Prnps if-ors, t form atid CIi: anti Woot to ihçIr testabiishmneîrr in Whihy. L- No- 18, 61h Con'.. wh eeth -Y, wiih the- advaut-e res of a iex-et fâding Waler Pnwer. a 9ryil. lonae, Cond tWnrkmen. &r*. &c , wiîl de*M1ça- business on tht- Shortest Notice. Pevon..atrsîi.~thxtir Cioth îir Wool ibth Ca'e ai tht dif'e, tnt .4eents of tht Sui'acribermmru% look ifor 1ht sam* tarihout delayi at the mama Place, Tbsyhave a Iird Jamea Clatike. of Colm- but, WIàitlbyý nZHem y liff,.oO 6h Conceeson Whilby,liîkaeatppaaais their ida-poailiirîAgenits. to wioCtea Cn r 1Voolrmy b. e mil aily trom Reèaçh;. Galliauher, fanl-hm1p,-;M.- Cat4Ie, Prince Albiert; C. S. Jewetti nid D Jbweu. Port Pen:F..awett. Lindaay; wielow- 1,Veigh,, Nonqi 'ar Roadi; Fi elra ohadmCr nee t S. Osier, Reurh; itkeeper ai Town Hait. ~4npa;Calvin Piravf %Ijripnsa, Pttwp Men- f.ctirnr; Ammrron Pow-e1îý ta mer -Mari":a.: MlAi rf theat AgettawiJItorwardClothor WooI te the S&aairier, ea'Ihparc#l to bc particuilarly, lanelled a,iLoi antonatgaion. auJ nne ci Edart o bc elurtied to, Ail damage ai -risk o1 Aimao Cardin.- aad Clth. Dressing czrei. cd en inc»&4awea Ille SuOL,.igTANa- Fadai-y ('antn, trm O 2 12 Whiie aln ' () 3 '2ý Shap,] Sît ttal,' 0 4 1-2 CL in a.,l p$S . îa 4 4 1-2 LuhaIla.sSîa-u 2 6 Cepp rotit. i jsa:r Calla1iSnii. 1 Sîaas&k- Fa tiai, G:ts p Tinnita SuIlk %arp Alpa,-as 'lad Price. BURGESS &LII- AN t S&et, jonin tl.eCou1 lon-e, Toronto. IDnn: Bu tr .grrt aI-in0:î1 o .Tt;NçF ncxt %eabrp--t i t aa-roai uit luje tady lia ýSalIeZattihe W îV 1*1FBY & ()-lAu1î1x 13 îo 1 iC YARD îs %Vfl-rVVLLAG E tu U Jt'JUj - iO....sîm nI -- -- --- mIn. Bricks, tf Finit ra-t Q-métiiiîy. nîîl a-il aa- ,wPtic-a. Par- ties ahatiat huaaltri i-it i ha- Vil lta- 'where 1thi- BuRi c «,-e i) a- dirat ai a,î.ity ta ihiri aîtit-- r-ill iltti il -fi4ly as-h,-.up t uulwtt- t niucIt as Timîer. >i.asrtauuther pairticuitars auppl " vta JA'IES WALLACE. 100 COuDS DRY lTrtMfLOCu< Cotai' VnoD Wantii t the BR'ICK 'y,%EDs, fii- ix-br- 'at-hwilihbc paint. wbiiby, .May S. 1R52 4-11. %USTR MUA LINE 0 A'PACMET AND The at'emîioux of the- Cmaaala P'ublic ia nespar-i frialY aigiiei tuathauiMIln-.tm,,.iter, irom lDINI- EL R10M. Ecaj.. of Qua-hejats na assurance abat the Na-wLille ut P.wklaus an-i Cipper fit-ornNa-w York io n tsr'it -adlverlutu, by l-ESSes. CROCKER & IARREN. oîf24 BaOq.wav N. Y., are eqiaral to the satetliaentmiade imy their Citrds aad <Juîuuia-n. N-w aîx isk, i.9 Nav182 R.J.CJSiG Eq. p- the pari oif Na-w-yoatk_ bnîuaud tan- Atistru-âia,.' 'te Weil as a fa-u othena, whia-h bav-e saîti tor uhuil quarier, 1 bave rua ha-itai; a)na axsa.îe ontaor rbnse finte -i Crac'ked.asp" shipsaieracia-dI mvtiI- '-muont more than the nîoble ahip -a A LERY.' S'le il Ile fir-ast 8p-iffýeta ai Navel Ari-lujîertutre liat 1 laeve a-e'n Liisaai-t : daait a -r u irie,Cliliper Shipa rhîcl aiaore aitcalculuateaj fit n5t seai 41Z 1îhai- ri;àly liliut t!e. Tha - .aAtaERT" ig a m -liumiýtw"taien tht- CLIPPEIL" anad PA CKE: aa. um aniwttîoîît aay Ex.hioa thteha-at t'asietua-a. flattah-al iiSifai- a-nop dca-kanad t-aliai. aaad the- braighr Iua-we:t- wackshailh hier generaf it ie-mil. are av ua aerinratîal on the anoat cppuamid plr ta ari lad vetilaion. Thé - ALERT"1ià, inu my eaimanon a moiS siupa-ria'r vesl for the ceainîveyama-e oftPassenga-rs -to tihe Gni-IteJnaast f 1- AuLitîra,ai îad Iteonki recaneuaia ny of orCaatauua.tria-ndidcite eamate Toura vesy brialy, DANIEL ROSS, of Qnebe. C-P. For Pas!sage. auldress CR1OCKIL &- WARREN. 29 JBroad-way, N. Y., tor JOIEN MA1 X> LD_(in Canada.) or 1at 167 Broadlway. Nete. ork. or R. J, CUMNIENG,'Aent Nortbern Ratiroid CrÇ. 167 Broadivay. 3 FOR (:-IRîRSV1MAS. AND tIo Oî Ji To Owniers ofanzd Dealers in Miorses. CALTL1ONS FOUiNDEB.Oi-" Ml1IN V. For-lthe i-are -)t Fostiler Spulit inma. looff-bousial Il niasesariidcoirritai tiFi- ver irihFa-at, %Woissad- Bruises raithe Fia-ch, G.allil is-ics Criackatd fHels Ciuaalioit -Ftit the raume of . Carlc-tCom- stock-ai ha- txrppa-r,oriaca'r lnuy C.aiiîoit'sHaree CARLTroNs RING-BONE CURE. Ftor the aair-ure tliani- Botta-. Blond Spaltin. iou:- Sîm.-ti- iait~ric.aidSpita-a certain reniady CARTt)~SCONDITION PONW- DlISFOR111 OISES AND CATlTLE. The chant-,ni weah-n atiienon. îvith the- rhatata- ac- niait11fe-, hav- a veiy vt-m-at t-i il pjil 1 fie ional.11141u Smnaaotaciluuilla of lioi-aiti. 1h i_ te ta h iao iT aisy euiaoiaip-nItit) i-ltils bî ibhe boal i iat oaa v ha va-la-->i rlai bcd.aai ii.-hh . if rut ai- lteid ta, x illita-uali intttha- Valion. %vistr, Ha-ava Worm'. hoa, s&c..rail of whaa-h %wll lia- pi-a-va-tta liv triamît- ateite of liai--a- ;owata-a. aaîd wtll ai cayi itimv t'iae. tvhea- m, yposfad-aeappea-ts. ai aisi-al intitn.Tha-y 1airuiy th--llonsai i-ennova- ail jIiilinrnctrcucnatt-vePr.insitht staita. -las- thi- i'a-. tin nl iîi.oratc tie whoi- bnatv.aaaabltaia i h,-m ta iln m -a- at-i-k x,: i lte- a-e .The ac-tin t h-,a-pot-uSas uta diteratu1apon aihee- i-i-cive glantis, anal tha-ei'ore hava-tht sarnieeafia-- rupon the lHanse-tht >x, the Asecitandtaîl lleriaivet- neas anmcl--all ilisaî-s a iiiaz fa-in or pindrucint: e haid stateaf thpa- la,aie sp-rdilyaanad by ihean-. Rememb-r cianda fanorli, Conditionst loi- dfia raidtake noa a-ahrrcç. i CIUroN-sNERVE AND BONE LTNlMi1ENT FOR, flORUS-'ES, tndfirthe a- t-mata- ofiiiaisears of mac or btut iat na-qrira- rrierneil ippli-aiit, and for comiracted Ico)rdatitliid)uarie. .li rara-theate ak limbit. aarid ti alan ica-aifor i -ratina bruisct, caddie galra, tut-lied anet.oes aI1tatilkinflzý o11lboses. Caarltots au tii-la-s fnbor h-es ci-trlnttle are pre. paa-ul itooum the u îcip- eI a va-iy ar-baiairai Etat-lîah Faari-a-an i.i!l a-tare, iii'iy-auia- tirres nuut ol opi- h-urti-i-dt, mv of the above comptetrals. Titey ihava- haeea tuses!lny firmeris, live-y-nnan,cîa-epro- -taIaunaIau r--, wath the mail anarka-d edai de- a-aied titt-a--ess. I C. -IUTION.-Noop aiatt te !enain- urless yt io !hmdlia n flana- a'lJ CarRit on Coisock on thlwra1,- rCO\ISý-TOCK'.; VERMI1FUGE. Tiis tht most r.xtrcnralinar y na-ma-v fer lWýuria- rva-r ta-ie; tt r-iVa-ually eraudicrates Wornas ffrm boliaiauiteand chiilnren, Ilcanaaaflhan tht moat, deticete iclent or sarantrat aduait, ead nex-er (ails tn a-nmpiately i-ont ona cadiestroy ail kinads nt Worri*. Tite nail, 25 ra. peatlaottieputs ut with ira resais of aIl. and- ail1 pareilsu rtho are u'ithouuî it dre wanton ly expoinar the- tii-tu aitha-in chitdren tb thase fli a estroyera of yaaulh, -ai Wirm."1 Look for the maie of Camrton-k 4- Bruther, preprigtors, on tht- w irapper of each boittle. TO THE OU) AND YotlNG!! Ho ! Ye Red Ilearts à<mdGre y!1! PI-IENO.NON IN CIIENISTtY !!!! E&ST INJDIA HAIR- DYR Colonrai the flair, antil oi/ 50the Skain. This Oye unay Ire ippld In thbhir avern arith Iboe fiatsleht ttritintt li tt Rror Git.&; H--zrtoaair by aepeaitrg.a secondc tha-reroetue t thahe la-ast lî.ssttteî ri;iul k el) lis lati n dardii-shunt or pi ea a-t bhsek; w 1h apoaxa tie anauratre ltaI nthe Dyta if applitetlheskin, leff il aot ror ..-ran occ 1asianatiiaaîaolu lieranmn uruina, nyt-ltaev-er ha- kutnr o hai-t Drvtti-.I)raýc i a-une-n plete w il'h ate artice Ther -in i ,n muorimg ir thi scaeîeiat, tas oaîe rati eaa-iiy ta-st. T'hpt,-efattare xai va niti hy!theetteman wh.u îanifarîure il. ta-hais ite eleai re m bral -Dr: Cactrocx. aîarhorol -ut G.ti-auk's Chas'iîiry - Phln'sniaby, analothet earks. an&l S-hooi to-i.;O teelI known anit slh --enîe s h ahc IDE A PN E SS. MIe D.Laa.i,,Acuul "i ilfor the- c-uré of Dutafau'ss. Aleq, ail <tte risaa;rea-tfa)s noises. 1fi the buizziaîg ciisecîs, failiuutoI taests. whixziuse ot stean, wlttch are syanpiomorna P. tiue bildren 01 -Imem, xpFe"B~ 'p1. IýARZ7FjETTS7JUNo CoRtDIAL orVi crcauave £liXita I ,lf 8 itS ée ti ve i a 1t - i)IjityIl pteOt<ht Y o i Bonpe fl ard @Il irre ,1.tojiiii à- fxanature. asu tw ti proftsai to be, vit: mmemIai *k remedy loi ho~ite lemanriwd mat* wa'be: prn.It la a tel lait n me f«r simiuaIU1. Geuelrai.Dabiity, Gleet,Wekma. ' 0 0oans, Nertvous Affectioatm, LucoIéI Whitcm. Asuan iîiomit acws aem. 4taaled. Almjo. a craim ein foi IJ m e" Couaumption, 1idigeai.j on "ofluiWAM ty, &C'. It is warmnted't. pleualboe ,se inlM r of the above compiajuta, maia 1uiem ,8 to thome withotat uJaagrii'g. cation to be caru'ftly read and ro-- ,nmembered. A coun>terteiÎfthia eelelratpd J'ii Cordial à". heen iaaa&ed, havilig themuammne 09 L.EVI JtpILJ Reaxemibertiat hecouoterfeil bas thlaé sa tS .Lez-i Judscea on the -ial)[.eà. and lthe'lnumr* wrapjàery bouvouR A &BofIiRlt No. 9 John et .S. York, FOR SALE, o b evFasI S84-N tng Schoner O hgbetweea, Whitày nd Oweg, Haià,been-thorewaghly3 Overa-ruîs-a, n-' -X'jelTeîat Ondes- foi any biiaa a at mai' be requise-taHer Sela n R' - uir mastly Net. Pritsa-mhicptl-ai %weil ta puni-base, as - the othez, Partusers ketp ber i-oOaantly fitployM.d Any person pui-haîtsiug.- andrgaHumg Ibo WL- rine-s, teaulti have of biin n er.. Terme eay-mde kva1,n-by aprlyi te a Commercial MoIti, Port _' .itbea. Jane,7, 1852. - IVILLAGE LOTS MFRAL Two 3Mile% !North -f.Ioflnd- emti jt À.LF antiqu arter are uti n tm Stret*t. Iha-greai ,imgfr bter aa tee alA;tBeava-mîrar. >- Appiy tac Mr. 161ihrn ns Pit.eg aao Later bta.tta-'iul Y i ' - i~t Il -'t il COUGJIS iEVD coNd mpON. lia operation is mild, yet etficaci.us;iloaas thte phlegat' wbach createa un mucit d.fficuiay, le. Hueves the cough andi ssitanature to eel (rom the syitemn ail diuaed matter b y expectoration,, producing a delghttul cust in the breathiîag and cheat, iad tbis, after tht very baut imedclimeil and the inventions of kinal andl aorrowing friends and nurses, havefeilttegive the smallest relief to the Coraaumptive muffer-er.1 THioUSÂNqDI 7 OP VONUlPTIVE. " Peraona have been deceived uepeaiedly in bu) 91 inedicirieu whic-h were saialta be iniaUible cure4 but which have provet oaiy palliative-a, but tii mnediiie ia Lu cou only a palliative but curatfor ul- ccriited luuaga. It coiutaaum no deleteriouu DYrugi anad onet triai will prove a asîoaihin; tefficacy be- ter tian arîy assetious o crtitkmtttain ruriing ton- auMpliin n aaamiil iseaea ai the I'asmgt, anch 'mu 31.Ltting of bloud, Catiglr, pafin in the aide and About IOJii ofalint ngraculuscnres penturin- ext by tata media-ina-, tram tome ot the fiuai Dow-t4yrs. Cltergyaneat aand Merchuants, have been sent usalin ibis m'tdic-ine, bout the paatmtiation aI' hemn looks ton mtch like <Q'akery. (xvii eox herm la auy persan callirag etai ouinîfice.] This ma-licirie xvîii slpeata oin iseil'aiid eraot;h iia ils own iavouu xxere ev-r jr lt jui-a. C'atiw.-TIhis media-ineiapuit u dianlrge otitla-. auad ynu nmust fitci te rame otïCaneurk 4 Br-ilher, Pi>lnieîora, Ne-w Ye: k. niat tie s a idli -% lapiier ainiuumd the hlie.,Ail ari-risa iiile aîidim-ss.-d t.> Caisiock 4- Brother, No. 9, John st.. Ne-w Yi k. 11.memiier and il-ver buy it unir-sa you fi-ai the- namne Oitthe wrappei. Da-wre ni a îlaniceruut Ciauniterftit of th.. CIJk2RRY Ar LU.VùttTi. atid the UN CORIAIL :and CARlL 7T)N'8 OADI OIN74'IhNT létti I RNG B UNELURnf-- edt tr S.ale ai ilia-De uSo..na anaaue i never ha.y th.,,.aidces isI lFhhtby. 0ouyaf IVsu. Lss. a iq Dry Gonds sitie,and avoid the couri- RHE UMTISAII. a-a uno.curea- Dy crus' of lihetauausrr, Ctt. oul. e- trat-teaiCrntd lnid ]Jirîcra or >'tifJoints ivzgib- t in mI'aal.Linailas.ardae-s«alI-s ir' slie- ýa re fq4l. ilri<uIp. Ne%%I ok. Pe t roue galuile itihsem ihainuruui-ontr-srier. TO OTHMCHE. DR. KLE~ LP.foria-ureofT.th. actif-. Il tas Miti ana frle tint 1,81at fnesala se m- 'nentlii il asmiae filigralal. 8'im il) taim e at' CARLTrON'S LINIMdENT FoR T*F PILES, &c. Il in now mua-Jd isthe prineir-al bofaltai aeu in t ho- jetivmta- ptae-tuin Our neusilaîr>1-Y san ýiplruam rîrartîter ncitaaiitvu -fi!l:s ael S.ut ce-riairaxty ont iiemureof the Pli FS. atal ah. Er-- ie-uia-l it~l ti.rartl îs ti l 1 ia-eerulit> aloue la-uic tthera-ils a-Ie-r- ai.- i-a- zur.4,t the foi 1l'Mot'ff u-at alinui Fur Lrp3-uttrgextraoudicary sabeortiel Sîa-llingrIle!nche bm in a few bout Rha-urneis-Aaraîor hloîjc, 8 gi rn ime- dicte as--s. Ila,r Tlrrrai-[Dy Cairers. Cle-rs, or (',Oida. Croup and IFkaopia-CnçaExgnlymi oer tiec a-iasi. -411 Bruis$'$, Sprtains aid UZurig--Gurnig lap frit halls.-. sti direz. erii ai t rt e. - lsot-er-atiniasadualtetaand r-bilainen. lan relax- l) huhatir s ae-lraU"I'd 19,08, raja CraI;tha andl iitlitua-Cetor he-»-kijly r.-eaxaiiru of the rtfl, hlts ba--tc esraPiisite), oîd conc tlin. b-a mari n-mrat, k ni hore "ho hava- taieji in ithse Pilest, h IlIlacte ie e ian-,." t> la truw-ranaied te jîlerf-a-aay perniathat-ix ilI îry if. f,) l telsyno ufinal thp fair of ;Orlkcrb& BoffffPreprie- tors. cial lhe ita- naPpr ni tht- geaaaaia.e attis-le. ta:iu-AIl ai thebaU i4atraacd articles. are sold oniy l'y L'nrnutn(rL & lia-rfa-r, M I-. J e1-u. plana-, mlt-titl, nrc b ut' cta. t a-i ara nid ;t rt-y î.¶ - ou-' ala-ofrc-z )t r,- raly tPied orîe-lnck tuanî Eroateîa-ity, NAtx iou0k, Io M i a ci de, r, muai batdirect ni. *Fur' Saleie tnlîly Jnin attni&C. Port Wihitl byaai]arisP1tîu> ,aid M m.NirLol&,Baok SOol. ly,7 in rW4.ii&y. by- Wu$z- La0fg,.î is DRY GaOn STana5î. Ratminer ,-andi bay.lcmwyýat bis Store;, il yau wish the- Gerrtaia,. liea ilIst U;ra-a -vlîy Ueumstk& Broi!aer'a Agent. ]Puymjly ;41tý' hVLAINtG*sDry Gand i Ste. eoÎd am a I .H.Ciss Cotiamitua, C. W, CAUTION. -FXTR-).-Allth, b,,aenme fire alra.- Sola i nii n <shca-b yJmmaLiç;u-ar Hope. ly ! Moî nfis liav-; ia .ntn.vla i-y&iWpor Ilitîiisni, & Un;Go aNaix.ntuî- > JIa Y &W.~ nadaîl.n ls a3 arAt ir n ru-etTowra ir Ca I ad. em'qiiîa- for cGorrnaoa1.& pmotiliFr'Abugs, nac for 185 , x-bi-b xiIlhje u-rg fRaemîua- alaud irner tu c<velor, grats te *11i a-n- irlilass tht fruIt nanâa ai uhe-Poneo n h trnlitefr. J.- CARLvON esre-- Biar -s tii-t-ar bmn'ff'la- e îfluatihi. ita- <rtfunits--ia saîrtr as1 au ve- bu of laie- b&.i -Xr% reîlrtouatfla inio Cada. Tbe.y -.i..-cntnI if>' 1 aruru. Titi-y dur' toi ( i tl vlainew. fer frai q e., ine isèetto SuctPiio irhmr.btyu 1îteranad liaitithe fulli name. - BRITI Whtb' ( I i OaÂ.U - 1- a i 1ITICE.e-' -i i k EU 1% JÂE I I X 4 - euf gri ted tsat bh ranet Whitb) WOR . 1

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