Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 26 Feb 1853, p. 1

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Rtporter. - .SIE rm4ib)iVERYi xSATURDAY MORNING.? TISN 8'HLLINGS %PMfl ANNt3M- 41VNE $ Iam- a mai%.az"d thiak notlalag bau=-* I&eaOt 10 me.- 2'ttc5. TWELVE SHILLINGS -ÂND SIX - ATt TItE END 0F TUIE TEAIt. VOL8. 1{IBYCANADA WEST FEBRUARY 28e 1858. NO, 4 6-9 MtFrois o4eta nentire Seit. ag*Ïe% i SiT 'R E. S s et otKI> williain 15oweuiî, NOT1ARY PUBLIC, Conveiancer, Draigchtman., * ISSUER-OF MAUA (;E L1CKNSÈS ANDj Osc. ne&r the Court I lOuse, Village af * MA14C1IST2rt, Tuwrish4p of RLACH, C. W. 2t L. C. TLIOM AS, iC ON V E y A N c E n ANDI Commnissioler o QuLei's.Bench Fur f'ilng lffiuhits. L W OFIO.L m- -0. . i M C O E. &r. &r. &C. é A, 1 c-#v iLaw BROCK.STREF.T, W1HITBY. INSU RAN CE OFFICE. À INES ALLACF isegs ta ictirntte %bat bue han heuca appoiiu-tuuIAg-nffor te1.EîI .l i t<. nu th teil b' ,priepure ltncofuit- riiti ai the- arcisia i-v -gare, rn i te NtarrtL. Ptota,n rtr?& MoktRINE j ranc4e$if said iCinccatiy. Wit1*iy, It illipîetnbcr1951. 2t1. WORKMNANB13t(THEWS G o 190> 36,, Kng Street Taronto, wii~.y, çQ. w Tý: u Il. '5îoî01-î:Lî .I) Co., 1 m P() 1,t.E 1 Nc IIET0 IL m 111bY Vittic.Jate 150 s -CARILE'rO.N LY NDEY WHOLTFSALE AND RF:TA]L DILR N ,fIl 1111 , . I.IE AE A L 3O ,.%ItFACTURF.R 0F SOIF. L'PPFR. ANDi IIARNESS. LEATII ER, &c. Coh a purifrIlideçand Skias.- Wkeat. Oqts, *Pot-s vnt! Petir! .shts. -Whitby Village, 71h Jittiu-. m11rO. A - f âre 011itA î oî%c-:t'îs Asýtile lu -tl t;I tF t '.Statîacriber iqPr-a1pé! tn md b AT V~C~IN CAýSll siiPOT ANI) !toIlPiZr Il. LAWDER. Pai-t WhiîtW. I mi 13: '50(Il 1"1t !" OM Pu -R T 9uEfW 11 s ke fr Si,-. V-1Iv Iow. ý JOI-N \MARITIN8c(O SCAIROU'. 4LEIDER TIIIflINi.01Proprielor- featemt sc ii nl ,jn-î lr iravellpe. -GnuI Stahlinz loi lae; *i ýWLUTBV VILLqG'E.1 AlIlordersin isJune îironipi.yeecîitc>d' -Té &lYci Ass'ons alw-cys on hand. Whitby, .prii 19, 1850. * J F "TER, ffl. 4. (Jv n-1i4) inxr,. i"<.qtrept f-44 i 1 Wlu..r lis lnmv (qa,nd. -n .1iMI' isi;Cete-ircîpl FXTR.>CT ni * FOR 1952. -~ , WIIITBY r hsnie vi miiiniaqhand t hp j s-lbet» riiles, mltie isii s.il eheîp for ROB'!RTOART"-ORP.. S j,' thle 'rnwn o tf Wîf - e-j I - romu-'il, a Pes-maieis- lteu.ofmdlc .ssr ti-ise 1I '~ ml-t leuhae bn iruoua ttuîaw rCcuu ted to0tise Ahia thé %p ai rla. Naý . 72h .rau:. X- i he .J o e S l RIlt)GE 31)a-ireu"' (, moti5 ii.cuh Iceli A.Irlm.uispl.Ita msu1e pace on tsi Dec. js epaid 7. 'lbe langnmage ai ihnise a.idrt,.es s auscuse cucul 1 i;lccci-Ii 'l t-ust- e! . l-~-m ie '.1 usuinil i iifuithu-r tnoltie. pliuie suci as ta giî'e eve.y i-oitfor conmfidente >1 1 iiL L. f - 1sa Liu - ici usIt-J a TIN 1 Go' huat Itle pats-erto lue lums gis-i-n toem' uieuhf scsîîily c(stif-alr. Pimihluu, uPut-e sli e Non. 26 1952. - Provincial Parliaunnat uvill ise exerciseit huac u -nis1simc t5rh -muLaie (uiiiîî la îhc-lui ~ - ~__________--- e ssiîhcaution andt faucluemuance towa-dm thse ch-c,. is reaaly #-'s c'i-'i i alle uuihai c ai is (iJ 'f 1(1'T cini andit tteri-sts ai ail classes in thtese Alu. , u-esuus umsjaiiigig acuil inipiOvmt ..1'.T~ 1a l uT il tue twa gmt-at dicifriti'ms. u-ich ai-e aw te bappi- iia t-iai cîs-ci': lltgp;r lt n te ly umiteit, uniter the siagle Legi.laîion unit Aiuui at'prlentoI)umeihcucTOREatîte tu-qi tutCinatit' VI LI.A.G E o: BRIOCLIN - lts te Ise uwi iuip <of J1TS -e i - yLA31 TOI oer-taiCrat; but I1mwi frepeat, S llY.(ildjoII)igue te Diuug Sore.) cad s .ee ihe ati1 e- tîtat il nîst fram a rtiance on ibis cenifi- Alto a Btuildmig Ln in lte VILLAGF. at Oïl]- t' ~ - * ~ W dent antic-ipation, lînuvever stroagi>' they AA-itittelctit 'Fncuu-ip 1)1u'lliBY. LU A Ail te pni'ueilint prrepeilty. foi qaiiy mmcd ln- *-F . may ertain il, Ibat lier .Xiaesty'sucnveif- ratilai is of 1he tîgtideçircutle cs-iaaler'atu It CaueniisiîuuoraiJopanied. Brittanuijam-tlt âd nient Litrc-e t'ot their present decîion, te dtsismcultt uîf. lu-ti etuiti t'atgeris tutu-h (;tasLampa; lIf.vinzm. 1sroiandt, an(,lSdi.e n but becaube tht-y are samisfied. on Mome c can hie 1arertaicicil ou auitlii-atinnn t' . M. KF'L- Lampe:a:ndc if yçuu pmrriasc uiatt ate oisacbufied l aprintipies that hue Parlisarent cf *911-1 L'i5 F,q. RICHMIENtNDIIILL.ar totbc S,uarii- vuiîh te sai-nfrt suitdmronontiy ai the iaml-Wsn ad, and nat Ille (u. Lamment of hé United! ber iut tti- VLL-A-GE ai OSIîAWA. Att ap;sti- trial, you have t he lîibty of rettucuiirrtui'm. King'u iis the lcdy té us-cluh îfutactionft cati- uits, if lislevter, paiml pa id. i JMSH. GERRlg. s'-xan.-In. m # - ' ' F. KELLER3. (>sbawun,. 9mb Autinsi. 552.- I18-lt. uifle Meaîcumfer tua copy. DRY GOODS. lanlic halitie i t-cempnt trate, althlie Emerald flouse Eau Windsor. Easmt 'ndsor, Nov.li tb. 1852, ' ý23M. DOaAR POI-TS- FOR SALE. 'R f.PERRY lias 2,900CEDAR Pos!i-s fo aleI rteap.. lVhÏtiy. Apiii 1511, 1852. I-If. ]fuU8E bit) LOT , OR SALE, zItiln.-ct "fithé, .mraiof i 'olairiuu& ot. ;n'the t.of itWhiluy. 1cm t rcd inr Sate nut ,'csui~IiîS~ natt-,lW-'mi5ct-"f4 eMI. Tiibugulsuu i 3 y 22. witb a snn iuk cts um a-x- i-pu-aitut'utt mit Ist Therpus i.alonus smm ,guidîer! plsot taittu 5-Verat juafiisug fitOittrè« tIluce- -for funiben p.rtiet-àturg apsy ta the pinpriea. tor, ~Mm - W SHAW. OdibincmJ Hakee WRITJJY -Whitby 1pet. 121h, 1852. 43.tf. Caumlli. are ilear amduI drly,f Oit Lamps art- a iegular li'st, M y Fluiti u riran aid pu.ly. T'y it. youlul i li. th, l'n-t. Biy the Puleni humime Flulul, wtuiu-tfor hi 1111- aiimy, ci uapneàs andulconglori. ranni ihm rqma.t euJ. JAM 1ES I. GEI< tlý4 Wbiîby, 2bb Nov. 18M2. 334i. NOTICE. 1 hereby forbiul any prsan or p fi- rn ,pur chaitint- a note for £9 anuinart medrawn In favoe ni Bt-ni min Bryan, dail uicthe21bu duy uf Au lois 1952 . thé rieen matîtha afi t ue, as 1 itIll n;t - le accomîtabie for the samp. SAMUEL W!X~Fl Broch. Afiixisl 28 185%..1 ,NEW GROCERY STORE. T 1E Subseriber begs to amquint the people aof WIi:by ad neinr£hborhood. lIait hpu..b*u- cn.'u a Itwk- neli 'f>mrim, in lte Wsu eu- ni ,1 . aGu.rip,'s Dmug $tnîcitti- trige,ihrp hf i.çlil 1't. hsîlîîy t» wi iuion l thnte rio u~viuwm Lia, iihtht-niv lom. Fresh and go"d I 11b. aao Plate. - MWlitby, Jan'. 151h, 1853. 38-tf a rm public adaiatge bu caaumited. M4. You wiii take an cariy ojportuaityfer eonxnunicaîing ,tie contents oi iis des-. patelitetahUicLç,gsizture, -The Niaara M e#at- ttbe prajectnif cons-eulin; tihifll ing tSe- rents oi Nuagiauta proeute sud l-ae.icml purposes scems te b.- takegàIuold- 81 viti earne4.nnc 'and, seul * The -glortou* oid- cataract b& itaiiîetc .reuminedt uharnesoeît. No cme ha us'daret Iote msert.-curbot suifef betire. a her*ussuv.j.lIfiepi-eof bier uns-tu'àmneîtanitunirestra-inaule power, 'lbe lias plmyed herlfautaîtie freuks ' -mactig in bertraplîts, sbaltng the eurthin u1j" Mie- inentoas tîuusblin.ti, spe'akmg ber- itnc ésý%î thunît ur te ts-c empire%, runî t tcsal* ber- rnape.mith ic mote defiant air, thei.1' FOR SALE OR j 0LEASE. x r'T(p W CLERGY RESERVE DES? ITCII O w ull e ~ e a ge I or a ar . N J . . j V V J ' JO J J k D o W NIN Q 4r S T ., 9 t b Jâg -Y > 1853 O ry udêrbl,-NcrhanZedfotage 37 b a 'M Y LoiD-1 bhave the 11o0l'r taktlow.' a toac dsia MRcnam.Kui h.inieý37dy 30. %A mb I adaditiion ta foi-mur extensive importa- ledge jour desjuatch ai the 22nd ofteptem-! 1 rooms ; a &rooc ('etiar 20 1), 1.Sun, c louseBt-t tiens the Stbieriber bas js receiveti ber la-_t. addre-ssed ta my preuate.-.. and1 th Itof-,ttii. h Po ylauofedLo- REsIjuEst ate tt anu fiT,, lmîui'ml , ' - IeIL' r ~î'rAforwarding an addiress ta the Qda.from taInut w.-ti amtmta-<t fn.cati liess ici miteonjthegru' 'il (XI)FFEES,.lime Comrmons ai Canada. in PrOvhucia of ' uius nec. îm astu imuoiie2ci TBCUParliamnent aseeinblcd, on the subjet tOf the ALSti-An nuijuatiusgr Farm foi Sale. CODFISII & IIERRINGS, Ciergy Reserves. N. I -NtINEY ta Loami. Joit Notes nr ALSO * 2i Th'is address wag ,laid hefore ber Mj Mnratau'abo';h. T-rm esy.LO NGT IIS[ L, esty by my predeceîsor. anl jur.Lord-,bip THil )MAS CLARK. e MUSIiN DE LAI1NE--, i% firobalmly a were froanuvitat bal réclenfly C'numlmiaNnv13.155. 3~tf I-ur;u D LUýS'TfES,. pauseui n titis lubjet, in the IMPO iii Pari- 'WiT1Ld Land to Lease. PRIN'S, * ameaî.îbar ller Niajestys iste adrie had &. - tikea îthe malter çontaineil in it i0t# their '~HFStbsrierha, A FT"W TIICIUSANII ..LSO. coasideration. an-d were prapiouingt t OM- afCR1 'aI %Vilul Luanii tat. mi hlit niw' A NEWV LOI'rOF CARtPEN- anunicate iiith you repecting it. wbeui lise mn Tî~.~îp.R. ch. Uxbr,-îdgv. North GwiIJiu- TE R'-S TOOLTS. & c.. y &eia ecrue nieAmnit'tom bury erock. rt'orah, Motra- Ouillia. 7Iiiy. Tay rertteci =, nteAdiittos N6uXtuuo. Couiniuod, 3(1 ri pusa. LIlion* m. 'H(M SDOW. int. rî'red wji tiuei. inteniioal. ton, amil Oas. Thle mati ni ihette landsa aie of th;. Wiuitbv l8îb Nov. 1952. 3-2-tf 3. la caa'tuqu-enceof a ,i ts? mfft*t4t IP belst qtaiitv. and vilitl,' aiutml for àte! m ni fmans - y dufy ta buing the subjeet under flhe fiesevey'r.lçeimuîpaîeiuln.nC AAattention ai My cioliîta-ues .a tii. carliesl. Is tl,omit 0)ceecutaîn h Welitern Assurance Company, oMotmntaa i 1a- ova uO- 0 wuli orh!.ap. rlir.and l'enue.gna u cood andri Lum -- poilt.aid1hrneteurmyo mumuhlke -P«mntie,.wuhiiih-çta eutiîice,aquantity CHARTERLD tDY ACT Or PAmLLiAMENT, that 11cr MlcuysGui'erment lais deter- mlot l.-sedfuagî 2&terr's on eu-tu tnoi Capital £100,000; in bhatrca ai £10 eaclu. mined on adui>in, lier Majesty to uccede Ail iétemr. poîi-r.ai -ulegirintr infortni ion cars--Inarvn t-ertillceragi),niofi4e ;ucrtlçtlar loian .icher 0I the tae the jrayer ai tAuat adoiress. l rrvn sbovet4wnbhipsc-fil bc anqerel Withotitdelay. 110NIE 0OFFI1C E. 'lO RON TO, at titis deci'ion fbey bave feit it their duly J. T. BUISI.___ ta kecp out of vit-w the question whelber or %V, hOtbtJVel/un;1 .50. On 8r-rl o;cpo)szte thue Cam- nat aîîv aira cn iol at pu-mucent detirabie in T1T~11Dhl1r i-iil BaLnk. the macle ai appi-apri.t-linz the (mund derived e'uîlenf . 1. C t~i~tO.. EQ. ortt ilnseesurueutabiit>ted by thie 3rd -Pres dent . uLaN1011A SQ.TH. LQ. and 41i V'Icto 'ta, ra:uuj. IIR I.uuuAGE . 'ic4. Tiley (,10not deny ithat (bey ::;re un - or TUF t~ lghs, \ iîa und'sn he re-gret exprcssed bi' Lord <ryi i Ilf7Iei /utrir oipn.de-.pattsio Jn27il1t. iht îlye- " JVetcrn .'lsu,-acc EJompny. îama.Bly.illerLeAND , sire ,shnidbe en:ertained ta dista-b a seuîle- 11 -F 1C{1' O RON Oiliveu, l An I oiv lt s etnt d vu-um ivitli a few a rorncile con- IIO ov-îu-:...T RON O. il.P.lia-es loa iawcuttEsqu. 'tlin2 imumcrusîs -'md tellngs aluswh if 'itvas tSrc'cI an d iT,'ra-ç'r 11 o i T '-T A Nl'O N, LSq. hmdihutlaie nca.si h1 I1 object Capial-.£I00 000, I ~ ~ i\ocss'.E-q. bulu-ae ui¶.'î-uttitasmbi&t IN SUtAIRES uF 11i.NPt '\DS iACII. bi>tE1D~XX ~,A.cî lnkyc ut esai e:lt- uoli tit no th seun- -- ' 1'>r 4 I ~ 34.y ducl or Pala i iiinunsrcttry in wiîb- IS Cg lil l'A N 34Y i'nelti'o-tl'arcila____ntof______ T arratsieuî uruccusu cc cic î's m <cia -hruiliir gfrontmhe ib('nadiacn refiethro;xgb tiacu-, i îe1c;cui s-u-ilt tc1IL k.ýbs-sNc g'Qtiteir mepre-.î'taii-. the ruL,,bt ofdealin- a-, iOSrS or DA StAtF* V bFVlFi V I, . A 1, - tht-mai' thinkproperNiti imattersaistrtct- P1ERlSONA L % i't.lniai uits-h as l o a"dcinee ta%-rattu,'Ilis-ita ai alwi'crt».pasclulu' ('orrcpcunuea. ç y <lam'.Mr. Martii-i-eSt Tiit- (011ui u_- ilistissuti l i c, hrBusui i ,N cnuqseie o is . 3arti b raiii atsut a5ta a gi-a clte h - i-flenl ae: ri(i,' uccsuug - lî lbt , thr'- an b1 u-l tic ihq ht it icsiuues'- tcica crn cus irol mit e Couac1 ai#v idetu-rnilied rnu rIý Ilcut si l'a rt-ien f' bi s u ltip r m e iin % ti c rant(Isc :lt tcste nics.lçts5t tuai t ii 'l s i s 'fS t lmuu-u a bsq iilo .n;m.r dn 1 Z. (-ciia. lulhVhby Ui1Iaigeand JPori Pe'ry. trtma tiuu' pros i, Mi is' ieomtiul'ucan'-liti C.sçum i), li_, Nîilrr. Andut î'muld t-plau m Ibe li-lu.- ihalilut s lti tir iat of ni3 1 treor2:e 3md bv wlgi,-b a iThoarn s lia l, 0 tch, ' 1 '. 1Ila s . uiisut-j-itusu.o ic'ae oc lýe lili w îo~ s, ide iscret itn n'aslu-t ta i tiien (anadi.sr Gu'aîgrî 4'îu-lue, %Vri. s, ViOt. ici: I le- i,'a t tre.l Io u-ransi repeal îts pravigmoa. James Beacv. 1lsse Le mu ît, a [TidTf[ 1 - li T iu: PBI 1-car . tslaoi.lIsi utut l.-î1uu,.Tilhteueet', \TD uiAT e isines'I liai lbe ty if ivaN t lviu lit ps-nu-r. in fi'am- Pi ceýèqpflts ,tihe acts ofai 8 if)a ithd,-aw but iti l'fuirna' IL.uuaccs.---- - - - - - -V -Pc"iT' 'htuic aucias e ute-i ausi£3 »u rcrtnq'v. pi-r -relaring if lieu Nlajety'iî Goveracent are- iZlt> * Sàttoc.ls. jý-- -- ----Sec - andul rene. molinci issecicsirsirilut u.u-uî-ubut r.'vertiug ta ihoe gu-aem'al pruaipie-, oi The fi,-, breri iill - iîîtrîi A,'îi îîîs cite aîouriscîus' ai cpolie) îviaicb stre res-ognized inla1791. in s(itu thec a "> l ai-iteSta.tcuth- Thiu. r ie Sciaintni ti iInstance, and twbich liaitbeen hubitually lin buluatac dusîrus,,- u f~îciie i,-ucame. I iýt iîustîitih.u %,th sulcotut£4s)l'ara-muada;îted, andt adhured ta in the Caotnes- JAS. NALLACE. m'y îlier ituii5lui. Sluould trit ve 'viturut iut primîciplec on sm hich aleone tht-ycnce-urad l7ueIi.-. lndGiimuuiUî-'i s-uag.-e Agru-i. ofail'y -us% uts- 'aliis-)fore chu- Ficsi day <o'-Ii l te (overmmeut of Cancia can orouimu ~s-lursici 5 INi2.43-if. tcc Ii', li.- - i '.iii t it- be t>ic1 vuud oni ly l e)niuld d lyIh an -ac i~~ IA.' - tJL A ÊA-lt u-tuei;. A,&'mill Ilue uV.î ai lts- 4aitw iméni. 1 aîIoi, lii-y ulte i ytheito te unalcsoa A i, A 1 L)II 'A .1 111sssscinl,.c ti His -,--e. ii itus. iii li l ides uut'tti* ii! e ti e tso - <tinuîd iît'. Wu. giaya ity ta the Crouîn,an attacbmeiit ta the (\RISof the Ira-lpata o a 7- h ctrsascs a 'fLa.21 sr-.extstinZ onaection with ibis gxeat empire. I1 t s-a.. VAl'ý'Il A N 2<0 arsrciirnît-ul lilu- a siuc as LotiNo. 27 tri chut' iismumiC'aictestams 110iw amimale the caiany can be moit 41-r ernl fi '-.ali] Iliîua ,uiu u,18 cac iuialtivatîi ai Wu0 cthy 11ais he ri- we s de ofi Scuz.oz 4Raism 1îv, c stuhu iisicctlu,'Fracce iiweliir FHause aiçlui le lima îu i ~ishe l'ors. 'l'fhe fer suicile fai aiseflucctuall>- carirw-d, uurl~agi- ui iwaer Ali-Ci iiiig tî-u Lo u i ac'ata 6. 'ibt-v miii heVeCre bc prepareit te crreî,-3 lte luit. jCOTTAGE & STABLESi follow îhieraurse'-Iready iîîdicaled b Lord Aima 8U ma-es. the froaci ilacn'Na 59, 1t iroru. -I" V'At'GH (V)iiaires u ifi-stuti m iuta t>veliiulte Villa2eoliuiii.Alto, a %% arteiLaic%% ut (iîey in lime despatcb above refercidtetanatne 1 siise ntt ibusasc.vssg a- us cCilrat' saitnaddwel!usg Iusuuce ifueius. Ail %%filiie ic ttuy ta rt-commuadIt tarliant uIo [ ja-s iamt Isu!. i-ansImmciimii uîtubs-i<~nas lîhues cl iTerutie, bus-h w tIl iu l1(i fi d h ütuila t, ousinas ta tise ['moi ntil Leuiilacure turnli e i suit-. Arsy iljýis aaious Ifs. t mal-u'Ic .ý 7 ami sui irrani rtoiuicti, iitie i- it iilyi I i - i- (u i i lite ilm ,rn '-rt autluouity te iuke. scsljîct tathe preserva- Alia. MI) iui-c 'h,î - h o1îî cit -îl t u Nari4 1 ), Il -. ta cti.là,' ttic- a1 Jurnl-s-c otiiiu. "- a-,the- maay tltiucifit In lite- sree.t arauinage- s'ai, aI t-eu~'is s ch..ct-v (uus-ty cl llsc.sssu ~ %uis~si , cuiet ai wiua aie sru';uirel0ta"re. iar-tliaieu[eciaL î.îè Cn-rIo IIre'.e acîi uaa. oiîs ttciau. sivî f5ls5~ ~ciseWhicb , 21th Octabie. 1852- 29-cf make ibis u-ýeria.ing soleiy frota Ibm-se con- AlsA atl<crrestîe %vesc iallaf lac No. 7. 121li s-an. i - ~idérittn-,îiofi jubtst- . %% huIch1hi'y rejaice la Li 1 li che i- sd Taiiçlilis af t<t EACHî. là accu-osi i-i. JV'> 7I(JCE. finist5 u'iy rro.nizu-d in tse aidi-u-sucs graine agit jet the r.bellious waters or the upper Lakes dlaim solitary exemrption fzom toil?1 Besides, w4ire is there à stream iiitbsth land that, is not de ci lined iii some sp!'cies Of1 labor 1 the Faits fGenesee taineout much! flour. The majetivtocrrent of the Hudson1 bears a continuoti fleet;é the Ohio and Ms-1 si*sippi, think whia laberx the perforoe-i «great or smail, froin the Miisouri tô the. Sa- quoit, ail are put in requisition-the stout toi carry enormous loads-the imail and weak1 te be daimei and dasbed througb -water wbeels. The lakes, toe, are yokcd, and the Seas ackno-v1edgçe the dominion ni man.-i Niagara alone IaughSu at ail attem ts to con- v'ert bier flood% into a utility. But let ber bewart. 'fhi Yankee 1.1 abro.ad. AI.'edy bas bier territory been sePr*o-siy trencbed upnn. Ahwve. e¶ne 'rachei ta ber rapidq z th . I Mid ofsr M;'st oarchea i 4 Iy i to lher Bii.J avahachde; -art bas spant nuit lier vnSt abysi wilb an avtenae af irani 412uze -an 1 site mar soann inI ber inignin: foam tmirling a million r-pinles, anmt gimi ing in tlËe prison-bouse of the Pbi1ia- It would undoubtediy wound many a rn- mantie heart ta see these nowv joyau1 wate- fettered, and ,te-idily viim. dt the %vieel Mlinv ivili rezard it as an un»u-tiiabie- de- %etinaîi, 'J'lhe Jovers ai t1ic grand nn' s,,bliine hiçe.- roq.;edJ oceans t ta »e Ii> ei.ylihb wn,.I of the iwarld. Vill Ithev n-i corne to see an endl-ss ravi of Ér. isi- mIls 1 The Pen,-il-.%ai artists have b.»eti busy in the impos!'îbl#e attempts ta tranifer uat, adequate imagre af the mizhty s ;eae.- WVill it not be broti.rbt, vithin the limner's akdi or nuînerotîs factorie3 ta set theni,%leii.e down unIlui its-4 ha lrw -.nd aipproi)riale its prr? Pnets have lîIe iheir flazzin!- mu-es in vain, but wIl they try it more, if the ".und ofaiibc grildin; rinieuwith the rair ai the catarici 1 But caîisider, is uhiere tnt more trme grandeur, benay, pae- try, çsiblitnîîy, in seeing tiisrtl.s aoeen- ry strainin,- at the wheels ai lue. workincg Ior practiral -.îNe%. preparing i-aiment andt rond. than ta see it sqîiander ils resistiess hist ineffectivil energies P *The ligiîîningbaiw nasnne ai its dig7nity by rensox, ai ha ,ring, Sranli-endi o t zin-ýport the mail. nor IL the itnder impaireit its mrCjestv, becauxe ia whi-sper% at the end of a wire. Biit how- eveý- ihe wir ai opinion may wage betwee n the 1dealists andt the !:'tl!itarians,- let us hapi. tîmat thouZh- somie au-iarioiis paititer ma yjet catch andt enchain the tleetin-g rolotis oet iat mystic Bow wbicb bias so long arrbrddthe rigine, waters ifst m;i never be draivn down frm,'n il% n itire»h"ine ia work ii studicx,-miI, ioak nul aifsk-VJ.hu. lihamt thpre is4 ealiy. power enoii,h riut;_ great NliiPsîviWere ta carry ail the latbe;' and milistenes in chriçt idoin. no one isba iis been imier IIX %watýry ishaet cai dotibt. Four inlanit serks he-ie concentrate their migbt, anud jain ibeir forces in n romma)n h-sp. Tt wouiJ he clîrielui sperîijiin ta cali-ulate the size nof the ivhevel-i îhe-e io' vrouli turm. or ta L-rtilm-Ite ils va!ue in borse- 1,awer. Andt how mus~t the \tiller or Fa- bricator mnaurn aver lthe ms ai ,)owder iere d-îiyi wnistm'd. 'te extravagant prodigs,àilîv ar Nature nwakes stîrprse. For miny thnusan<l y.ears this% great displny af enerLry hý% been distu-rhing the slumnbers M the iraod, belore there was an mula» ar aàlear ta hear or %ec it. Tbe forte that bas tumb- le]J ai-ir 111sprecipice, if ralbcred iniff an avakh'ibe andt practical forro, woutd carry anIt iiiachinery of theworid fora bundred vears. It bas nereç slept. or frozen over, or dnied up, or giV n out. CemlessIv rrieht and day. Su P~ur andt Wintet, the. 1 'nïtant current bhs bi'lovwed oveir tlie tre-' mentionis gulf. andi jet wated uts pw(r moelinZ no adaption of matliiîery by wbYich, il coulti subserve the interests of Orr ace. 1It bas« pn"lay iai raint lont%#renâ%urh. Now EXTRAORD)IàNARY ASSAUT. Provinces, 3sIaiI leapinitted ioe ~TJajted, - - States fre af duty, wulaan imported directjj On Monday lait,iDr. McDotioAiL, wbo i'rom such Pr-ovinîces, so Ion; as .th8->6l jut retumnetifi-rn u!,ti-ipte' England, mnade enumerated artizles ai-e admûitted iotc'-e an atteing~te kili Dr. CAMPEECLL Witb a 3triti>b North Americàn Picriaces, wI*p carving knife wlici, it appearu, he b'id impo.'ti-i directly fruon ic United SW«fî. brougit f(rom bis futber's botise for the. pur. fred r-f duty, mntil oatherwrise directedti h<l pose ; butalthouglithb baiswas gîven with u Govmrnment of thé intîeit States, ta !vrt: uruclu force, Dr. CamiWel sustained un in---ranflour andt breadîtufi.%of ait. kinda, - try,the point.aI the kinife having struck on seuits, unmaanufactured hemnp. unumanuifactur.. a buckle of.bis suspendei-s. Dr. MeDemitu~tl cd flav. ani to0w, animaIs aoral] kints, aus- being about te retime wus disa'rneml bi' Judgc drie.d fruit, fisb of alikiadq; driemi, smeked,de Campbuelli. wbi-ritb -N.1'. Walater ElIiot bnp- sjalted and fresb mecurs ; Ililies,. sticep pis- tued te lue in Dr. Cu.mpbell's office ette wool, butter, ciese, taliata, farid.bhimn, mime- timm~. ure-. arcetfai kiuuul-u, siane andt mare in iii Aftu'r un lavestigation before tic Mayor, crtmde -or tinmrrked state, i2'ypsttn ga'ouncl or- Dr. iMcDotigul vwas conmiîtt.d - to jait'to ungronnit, astres, fi-rewooil. uýr-nietiltu-mal m takre is trial ut tic auprcachtng 55 .pienments incluii~nie-, fish ail. b:-ôsn coi-n b ins occai-rewcc is inetrliktable amud it l-mabb-k unwrougbt b:irr 5tanmr'. dfr. stifs, rice, 0cisI% a glonn! ci'er the whote tew" D cot!¶en ununanuracture.1otbacco, unrefinaei NICDOUat ty" very iivUfib msef4-mri5'i' hl;i stw.-uvs conducted liseif in quiet ani &fdsbXh1ve the Pres;i!ent cf inol'en-ive mariner. 'Flie deepeut eympathy -the IL aitei1 :-taies siîl .:iiue lu$s proJama- is rct-t for hin affllcteti parents The affitir ,t.aacide-niants; that the- Gox-e'ment of îos-% liVe flue resuit of a-i aluberrattn ai Greast, 3ri!,ain bis --îgreed vith (bhE Initd m-in 1 but vwe mcarty stttefacts-Niagara Stamtes thitiraunsl. hI0wed can-1 -awed tiuulueiu. iikrai-. af ail kilils, anditall M~er et e-m-ciy descrip- t joli, the grawvth al proe 1îuýtion -af the Tge'.SUPPOS91D DAU1PH1I 0F Unite4 - Stti-s. ut-,n exporieitd i.'ectly FRANGI~.tharu-roin 'ta ilie J3uiii5Ii % eât mua h- - lande, cub;!I ulu icg thsc canthi-hancc aof the Late Unitedt Stites pape-s uore a rood reciprocal lirade jProvadeul by th;s murt e-ti Jei accupied with accounS ofa i Cemzyman admWitedit nla iIeporils oai h_ -,nid Islands or Xlissionar'y. the Rey. IE!eazer Wiltiamsq, at'no gir rate of hty îh:!d shalH he im- isba professes ta lue, asud i% bmlies-ed luy ma- posait in t neb poriýs ona,4igni'ar--artitles s-nem 'my ta lie thse lest son of Louis XVI ai imported inca tue said Ilantls fi-arnt6e Franc'.Te . Y. Times sayps- Bitish fÇorth American Provinces. That In -.41 respects, tie case of Dauphin %Vil- on or art. r flust day round. biewacît ni' sawed li-ums pertakes af probAuiiry in a proport;on timber ai ait Li'sdu, àn] l 1ciawtved lumber of seldom vaucitalcîtot sui.h preteaders. Ne- every te-scription. ua'r '-suit antl mauufat- t-tr uvere histoi -c, fatemeats sa neasly la- tureit in an y iay, the growî h and prouto dulumîtible. That the Daupmhin was nat af thse L>ri-tîsl i rhArneriran Provinces; ,rui tin.cd but suughdal -.'oAitierca ; then Iluey >hi by lamm. adm-it into ticsý. that bis exi-stence heu-e wiss known f4 seve- ports, lu-c ofi iuty, th.- articles nanmed iii rai u-f ltme pramincru: royalists oi Fmance,aad lime fi-t sectian c-f tiWc net, -ns her-eun pro- Ihat he remubiialm Genealmittmîd th.ý tact; vi-ied shaHlu e adxi'.-el i mb lie United toat the ideatitfy ai Wiiiazns %vit h tIee bat Statua wbcuî impou-lcs directly frqrm tbi l3uurbaa luis beets substantiateti by a varie- %aid Pramiaice-4 frece aifdcîy so long aus Nimi- ty ai extraardiuary tact!;, visitâ andI other lar articles, the - gro-sih anîi prodiiction ao- coinciduinces; are p.'apasitians strenctlienetd the Ijaitel Stntsu. %iiiu. aben sex port Put di- by -a ~ reat ai buly af circammt.ntiai proof, rectIy fu-am the VUinitdStat. be adnni "ýed th -t the most thorougis rreduliiy ici cia-rger- I ce-sf ditjtv miu lithe parts aoftie United cd. 'l bc- publication aof(lue eviclcnce must Kip-do1m of Greaît Biiwa'»nd Trcland. 'or necis'sî.a1uly prouhice a senýatiai abroid. If uintil otheriuist irete'!'bv the f-"rt'èm w-ml. foran thse itaiIe of discussion ia thç Lon- ofaitic Unitedt Statte--. and]' isen any- duty s don papers. , or %hall be ch-:îr-edi t h ie parts cf tii The lîrince dë loinrille mli be n-ipealed Unitedt Kiagdotn ai Great Britain ndIre ta, ta afirm or deiu bis simare lanflue busi- land tupan sucb articles, to as aforailn- nes. WiII lue responit 1 Proably not. parted directiy fro -autise Uiuited States, If the story bié truc, neitbcr the Bourbon !tise same diute-'aIl be cliargeit on round, nar tise O ltane family bav'e amu jus;ii5eafiq bemed or s.-Iti flamber ai ailtkuis, and al bm-tme m-o.h . ior the crufltv oai i-up- szwed Iurnbi-r af crery decription, undress- thu e ti iu ri. aI we;vli kna-un-.ta - d andi mnnl'm-îîred la any u-a, ien ir- tl.nitfa: umarc thb. al a centitiry, la or- plorted froua said Province irnýectilate tb der to 0 joy tlýe ialssèitancè fcicelegitimate -ports af tbe Unitedt States. but eziledi King. Tiicymilibe conivicteilM tqiarpei-s, -notofi Uic propety of a stiingcr PLA $E'r OSir AWOluxbrko ur&u.-- or ant enemy, but i fne nt ïihdr own bouse- Theb Paris correspondent of hé Courifr . des liotJ; anetabose umsiortunei, if nat bis rigbts, Etati Uni" relates the foleurin - incident-à eaîitlecl him la c4nsiderafîon. It tait) prove inmonectioil with the- chase,etvi.icl the ta bâte been a can-upis'ary ai a tanily agtmînstu$ Freutnh. in imitation ai their nei.ibcimrs one 0h its membttrb; d rayal cons1irarv ta mes-s-ss th;- climnacl, are striia- oink cI-i au-I. An] it lus -am'eIy likely Prince fashiamunble:- ~ t dle Jloinville taili reaicly côrrabo:,ate a-tale!64 One- ofaourrîch fianciers beiltg.-ecentmj wiîcis m-ast 4-canence tht- Bourbons oaietiber imviteita pin an lltisrri-ui sbuatiun Party,- br-anl" -h ifti . 'lime-J a I lre, beut bit the fGorebead of one aofluhe soidierswbo 'aj ýgading thme avenus TALItL .CPIUC1ïY B1ILL. of the ark. -Thtis «pràves -thuat er fimaaniçf -bas not soeïexct un vye for gaffie ashiimý au First -X'iiuaneser the Gos-crament cifefr business. If it baàd beau ataliJicab. (.ra ralirtaun shailagi-cwtth ýtbé(e grn- Wlaneinot bave ?nissed'it, but ticebam.,," miuent of thse United ci;tes (bittthlmu'eoepfe net in its kam. 'Phi, »nfatnaie ibot ws af the Uïtteil States sbullvuijoy amaaleit- icirever, Magnifieently rejicired.' fý . ed the saneriglitas.ta uake fSsii aoferry kinît die i ait receîved tbree gri-nas ofle il 'p- - n is uIf of .ýSt. Lawvrnce,. on the cOa-s bis eyeirow, unî theis luntsinan, as - and shoes of àNewfouadustnd, Nora-Scotia, as he *as unskcitfu1, approac d, t m anid Csqpe lia-în, a News, Brunswick, md et an,i-- io fortunateiy mas very 'si ir nce tldward Islandts, atsd-of'any and aI hburt, ad we are tcf-t spchýete hlm juý,tf eîier orftUic Bu-ishlaupoiCmàoôs îii Ncrth followi , mantier ~'You ste, mun trev- Anmuric, andin iial baysgmfs1 ucki0 .1cetta ygusms44ddw,-- tsaters or-placue f thé sua irderlng on unit bîllit Tme uvile charge beloauo : adjaentte ic rilai asissius a Nrf hta ais amît al~nust 010V ô' ti J Il PENCX~ 1 1

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