Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 19 Feb 1853, p. 2

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- -~tatJ siùoted la lasi~ nd cold tùf-'an arrrwmtetatîe documrt. Litki the api T !§ ~teofue n t~ H4dD prm ns 1h suramouthp 'verse taE e d in G Rm so#anl 'd R s. rtrtlag t n o orkb o e seAU CTIO N SALE thereby do away f'wi t e ne esiity *1êl i Treasuy yteC ndaso êvt tm olatirtgiu g tni hnde b It e m i r e h eia n p o e t. s s' d 'I e - rit o.-O * b s a n . t e ej iô - l a u c n O t In . V l t n . - U a s a t a n e o i i e d ~ t n ~ i o t~ a s ' ca r n ý r ,s n d a c -o i p t l i o t s ë e .' ,* . F -~ v s u B R < . a c u t e t w e e t he s e p A r a t e e cie s e i t h r a o e n h ~ c l C n i d s S w d' r i e 0 u o t u m t 4 > 1 S ri u p e . L sapp0int lef , as ç et - a t betweerr *-tbe a dressai aft .b l wa 4 G O D ,Q R C F R ES ,1A DÃ" lsreeds î em 4V or t e e d d ce bm c o L v S oo.Trs v ryqLe- jn tiw . v nStock ~r b t b f ~ 1 p rra h 1 - Lw a v nag i tT ate. A >lS to t bis sofficeIlle a ut in cverv osy be hpe, and alway s tQ % R a s ga rd y s pa ir a t i~ rb e ot r u - p ro of R assi., Ie ù~ r m ~ d e s& . t t ele p rl t w o d , io ras tbecause .of the i gn tO io u n d n il r n u i1 % . w i 1 As $coBuas bis ftattiral <lceý-,'or to th? was liedta bcliee, ience a( an absindonnDt THRRE wili be offored tfor Sale a esi ent PUILIL bea. r, althe 7 xpd iii nont tohus acm n itepceslr st ens-retn'tl a bbhopk c oeuld leave the Country, lit- went of minsterial pladges and a disreard of ýbo A CTI0O< inlCOLUMBUS8 VILLA GE, oit of advertiuing W -90ld bc eerhifyiog mncinucted. Wthus>t <icam lit E pe or ai A a - i ar n,,,b ts. A dIvanciii- ano 'tlie tè sep iii F R IDI . 1 tih day of F i BR U JAIY . t he ha pe tO f p ieqw 'd jp s a e tria, and from there t t .tTbir(i it fiirirsnàin h poin Andwoutd Canag aian producerew ohe MC visw woufinieethe trlle of ont pennlwiufd; Canadin prorac is %h And stucs i vetum, the .ustrian papers of the minttry conteeded that the proc- dispnsedoralrgan epii assortinent of psek of M. Petroricti a% Deï,el I., de- dure on iî,i*s particular question should be Gonds, comr'risinflarnst etî- .variciY. pi'event colle f romn corru.portdin'g, who correct, prorided vwe 1 r h ra îp uhÇ. î'esyo afîae fi n ~iang~h~ ê s ssrnngilasa it~'~ eidde-te t hechva~tr I'th ami- hai Ecancb af hiré Business. cecaibartins rnay% , 91eeppower.Bu as they add that hê iittîation. 'rhcir polley %vas bad beciu>e he expected. The supettricrir q.atiiy ol bi« Gonds bis corresplondent three-pence or inore batting controt orer thii ae;btjds î-s olteayu~~lb'ttt ab-bout wa nyrymg a Servian 1rneess, nat- ýthey wcre brîd; and beinc sa <bev werc u- i o îel n wo >0r00re aîyortiin<tlirelecir. Ii or, h nyntge nd lo g aso r xp l o to c u lneatii ti n I i' e crssonia u l w ittanwg isonebad'en ta lwjr :ouv hat bh lî'îîh livrall t fil d i lîo tri. loir benefits are siniply Lbesc lut, material re- hear no nenrer rorniirimo ,teA -i bih ia ,thi*t ât t rtè nu nn 1w ilier , theies e !îtefril ait-i <n il;ntiit, uccut.itioni .« %.,~,~L(ii"l ' itory must lbe -invê> ins of titue who %wî,ýti hive b-ell ~r- vieC. i. t I~ r<'>~<;ti irrr aecînfdution in ie rate. (2nd, Te amati ex' con3uiniption tiiereol'titna rsethît i<h'. I'u< ortlco.(' 't. agnW ~h imp~tanee i th Moteri- >. ~ o-:~ ru ivaXl ~ t'~ '~TER3ÏS rpelîes or te d,partW t. front he alitsh- g lanz w are pw rle~iala rrmi- V io î'r nw îtîr r 1".T bereca-n be no doabt a wti nh'3sakrî ugiiýat ur the h-nîm-~ i noiih<fI e " M m e ii in ,rvL. r Q i Ii iltir: t,11 I ,v- v. - . r Ucta£3 ti Ï- 3 thi 0 IrMo thsi; oer ing tltaccou ts. ,anà 3rd, ln the case or Y fCnuanceih nycntylo lie nay1w n4u:iur~ -r1 iv t~ &r~ r - i " "a- ir tr T<OS «~* ad pubicatian sioutd bc prepaid cons&'- là i4%o4itoiaillsDA . Pi (lIbr ol aimsifotes iaucn tvldo ,ýît- . -** o t no: -1l.i olnef tou -k1 . 'sd -ole Il) *CrLuille>lict t. il t11.1-1:."--'î- -i -t. niP 13 nent1 no îoe ta thé depaîtument. ;ate hnbigtergetaIeniia u'ls o' u rvd > ; tioiha ti a iVd.~ --q tirely only maket. oursppysoldg 'rn eauiS ii'ar- itb Co nj- p e u w 'e 1 1 wth e A u b t r ia m a n d .u~ s a n i s . n o , ' -e l oi.v n s a il r n o u , i. tuI".1sa s %V l Iln. iew iii N jB l% nnlvL a.frizniâlial.j3, 'lh u -tt, rtan iibl ntIcotray t thirtur Iro wttthhesten maes u: i pac c;u<i c't ec"v th sncwf ».h It. as lbeen, reomrtedtht -lie i te n i -to r' i U1h a d*iii ti - "" prve.t 'i- 1 sImpioa Goirciaethefour e spo t ern~ -raeiîiyae Iannt. .aae.îîyhaonn devot 300,000 florinsafItlicc propcrty mc< o o' cla ztîioii b-iBritishutaofIaOur te m arteS tii riiIL whicii w a& kIftta him be lis u utcie. ji! (e d it a- l cr ,i liv ch 'e L g slii For Gonds. s u c I ffltyêiw 'pcitio ners are decp es m m j> îaiciu Ca I o e orir pin. <ce poepared cxpecî1 ~y impr s i ytb t e great 'ad m a nifold lea t; titerelore e e f e tn o b e l e c o~ s t u n e t cea'14-ntOr i Rochester. advantages svhich 3nouid resuit rn it teliltsadcn tîsditric1, but a4 bisfriends see i MOre' thli <coin ouoiôp<i5tnî-îon1nctfic Frt rn a.Rcletr ,imrssdpui y ie aada xprerma0mci at.Vow.jr i. rsîn p'<if .Vol ~Postage, by whicii tt;ie' sin,,t- se - i i - tilan'f the arts ai pepee. we fefic itie y icqu 'tîl i l n ite properiy ta . Tct STEANMCIt' niorey îan uormtgaheitir from anypor vrilIl ie dliàipqttA&'n, ope iiiokit bef9;'e ire Pen% rai u ci of the Provincre. Once ~ rtî aaypl icîya ~eta srai breta ttewie "n noaofX? nepl is-arerlurîstiti. aed --r h"nWxh _p 2 -'ol'dfr the unorthe. cî tim a lew ihgve thtcôlb u'è ' aai t-. li o ovr s i tAIrnrkt wiee atci, atiiàu 3r h. a ~~f l - . 'i ii ou 1iu the detih. i a i tOnerren y l'or 4ch lnter unitir hal Most ortl e the he G9ek Chuurclt, 211(l. bruei ta il t r n I-t i uhat tIis toc'e i f n P n y-o ,Ic ete u -t af nd -ordin rta thl d 1 - - C.4PrTAiI oRaRT Keasitati-ouice in weihat. Vaur ptiionrs are ir s rio od a c rr c ii e n l S r p i dI , * c l a y, ,a n d-> ~D r o i i ti: d o h ' 'i ni r i u t - c -st u c i i L t i - It \ Ç L L l e a v e t 'a iiL i G r N S U tt u .' s r rT o ' j l u i ' v p e r u a d e d t b t r t d > r n cs u i e w o ' a d a ll - q l tîi t y a n à p l a c e l i t li c a i i e o i n %c i hiard tbcH e}f, rtid ai i erl' ncrca.se correspond-tIce, -nad fciards cieoljct ol Ptee' rl.at îtîh se -iii:D PJV LE V O %' strIn i h v.riii htasoec-Tt-t.'.idu h 'tiarellnii. (oe'ather ra.niiit &) < r) '-' -'V. enaîts'inteî'cotli'iî beIn-cen <lie ra1îifiy in- aenw~ arpo.et ioîii~ Fi t irttle ta Daniel 1 .- -J ce-tir M t iî~ ihiî tapi. \a ýîI' dyaitl Siliîiarcte'%Ir i a itIar8argo nfarpo n .l b i M r.-onn2i N ach Ir--)ýclna ppltoýo h iritibh tl ihi-sandceauii Musuinans ba .~ncd thein iuan art ofi1îer-tîiirntINuîl riq-ire ta bar carriedtd ni1 th.i5 o'uarTiar 'n.thniec veiter eawsihets t <i- th itrdceiincu Autrn-nCntrîs M..\-eonr.. upit fe- r.hitItî We uVe assr1t ht l ti sr'hef ic' n' cIlýiiiiiinp-l e lhf'a' <theennc o l î " vin i,'î c acs-srFa M' dorrur- ther Country,iand <bus tend -eatly tcb -pr'ides. 'rhat wcmue h G vrlxinhip i tef's n±rîgn ut a hi ai (lThw5arai 'h'tc1 ncacunite thenm omre and flire close4y in tbao' mn i toF Grenu lritain gesw î h ' o 'oiinlCorct 'rk <i 'ri The rLurisî nvrnit'itin îh.in î"v îîii~' bt i in e io t ir e iiS IlePros.1Iil - c fiten thocisand arned me.iar - v shrtlv' In o ii'q i n c a r :'rl~ ic'll Ith.,, C p i ckta nffic, b n sa taen iiympatby and ilwadtîp I.,inria 1 '< d S aes a alw tt ii h t at'ri teh a -cru .es iesf the att4telh, af h3 Mont-'- ti !li--- t ~ir-'t g-iidi 'lorapp~ u--a siineC Xrerrment.Xoiur petitioners woud -] - it1tir imniedate amnn'if ~ - r c . N O T I CErcmiciiac uEparmiculaiis'advert t he ieinu-aluabte ble ,is. La re ne, andi on hn -sor- ai eu' alt'rn n s ai ci C py. n sn -n 0 01uu e01ci-lov-i t il fvilir Seiteso i. l-ta. e ~ ~~an d 4 a n srr- m s sih i citi th e etl < h n iï'n t o f' su -th . a n 13ciin svric k -, N va c i -i n l n e e li i h ur I m c l î u a t ' . i l s c a i - > ocped ntitai'a. Iirrii ba -' < b' lvtua' r lInlel n IND V Ea-rirOr an Penny Pore si-ail I brin- ta 11Lw 1 ve iomTh lbel c ;,ýit. I Il ilet inteu*E ler f ni - n that are yca- ly fG e ~~ntni- :%a-~ I <t rr-s I'ni 1 aan t-a, ni to t n g c r o rt eai iii i cire rir i i a c ifi o Ii i- a s c . t 'L I n n ezte5oi Cti1r'ttir i tru ic iluit tnis uch sirigts Wan.dt1:'A c l afrou 1 n à orr arouecetwia h cair el- .',nccna nist-nue h o'rnun ro f-n niu nooîrlo < 't'vkih -o'drcxeut k uuiu~c. bu fai- rrn)r.k <-ckud iîî~i~able by th ~ li'tîme present higit pondnta .ih e nit ers A n rc n-; a d wi I.hIr ear tht ce rtarnui itint r c i n 'rl e l lion eIgeeatc iate f liiTE il J .-.'îT D.oîrpeiiaes cirfre aresl p-)' o tm crtanpatd avu te ur i m n"' naM.ilii In lt - <hat tacindsneastrehe lit abe adbpted7fhr ce' John3. an Iesvaned feiethe in ecnnnrant o,-on-ihperihi'lth etlGreat uritaOitaan iîe enan"cIini iinyiregardnite Ringdamlta an.' ~aitscf ce <le ~ u-a- ii -oor~<11-- rr< a- tit eqiir îul:îîcue- i ~< ~ ~< .', <îjîsrrtd~. ~ lettr. nd"r alftheoricu ii svri ht. foua n Amctrai imier ut-taan Biîist, u sist bein t~vr ilri rrn tamo n tJiicl- -i'-ith iraa- In s11acll' Lortru ii ii Oli Sut uPairia.-th1a e titîel4rN is mylie se at o,, du r-Jon-a I h eli uar~s a sa<St-t hi n i:n 1îorv-c I tN-Y. ne t-il- e u î usl,_, iai sura.niT l or îL iia-e - ' prcril), 1il *' 1t1ttutheic-aiage6ofCa'n of SVtanvay or :aION IAY tht' 7h0 WtOt-ti1r 1l T - - s <i unciuie-r ha uvitl leinm t fctiri t i Poomcs ie fdt' lt ie irlti tr -a ofJdt ustoot p tran i h e "i u t h atmn i cot hi rrsu- a cntor -lla %' 'ui.. tur; & lits A sial a prsrlea tinpp rt thi(p ay r n th b inelm g o-Yp od cton ud ma -iar hu sivee atclàu e aitIlp a Bit'~o Amhercgt momet s-t - - uthe t'iiibi-itir <11 dl:e aI-i5.clil. 4 s iÈlls, untnnnutlalt.mredIbeenp liunmnnurnucturOfftre mo-stortirn thed'rntedanilidtg thtat j, an u iiîireeh ils (ha-lninîdp c dusl' îrc il tir hai t t 4ar - J, C. 4STERL coonlpotn IleG. .h mii-bv n otei u ndtheosu-, aiasa i îi.ua ybtccir f em t-t ei rebie io n oi( tilu rcaui. 1 '0",ruîua r->aîvc e mai ptido,-%n th qia tAhton e s BI.te Cu iPor Oii Char Y.ofrOnePen- tma'-t ttheuGoy ssia , o~ t ir ,1lI coisqutuc uil li e ir cout.ia% it - r i e tti n n in r t 0t'A'-8lAoLUEn. F.u'. trpetto mssill. 44'2în. tin d m rit, th nlkio da re , a act nîîv n- i omedn- ui'le s n t n lî e e : i v C -- . i - ra oi d s a n.p a n . at-0c . i n i t h a n w oih e r a n tie-- % I l]l it b f o . o n e s b i e s ' io . u t e r c te r r . a l o n , a r ,to nm n n L oii r akNo .tV c sr26 , i s â o ssibièi'inim tta r vsi îe P fIo r a On a) ststtii7pin-' ni tit o iti i h4s *ale lwj As i t p eent U ndSa ir pau i h e n h s vvîihmtir sae .yî t rc - r -kiios s svh t ta eaab diart~ifl -i1bhm p- l Xlel the lF1aie-firatJ re t e gii f h p po s u c tt nu m a cîa tu ed to a co orrlnutthea e PrahetoO fliîo sh M e t taî t u t u t T ya- n îu r îbnic i tr t ; i ?eihi- Y na iiy a pu l s t t n- a e 'c mlleiuear'-e i îc n n iffet a e' u y te lasfoidtae mmpai: cl heeery Sil.ein- onthie t jc.'it-se ducari anll paeint ciidcai<tt rat isen utt roat ch a Mou- v. tan -4bch a i e navl ernct su a a r g Iliygs. Oct tise 1i)tb ituint5tt., tan tionJaîi 6; 85 -fenegro - - . scît i t . -an id(&cee)t eatb.A0ercans o gi-a j inshe o rs mine ntBiu i niirlni î-î hrC tprtin a st ebl~ eshC i ong momh ap - <t . iti , ..inaiiy, iiriilya hiecn i'rt tg-V uî icî-sie ~rr~r . C eraogorht lacasquece at'vili nhlauh o iia i.lprcbills Ioniued, nu rcil tic e tiI 4 isuo a . oI h re ecî t-"n . rtis e c r- h nin rn-aaju d snd f titb r u g'tu ti ni ra ltiofr ut fil a n d l a idr ie f-ri- t ' i a t ie s, yit heit raii , ' Il d ~' m y a h e C u n y o i m o fror dak be O cht- îiu an :ilitnrîrl r~attuiî< ~ '~ 1 ~ ' -a-n rua ricuiaa cu,~iaiecliUiunPeluh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sî.ra! iisu'prtes a îh 1161huerto wiî the FmarNi a<gt-i çoftthe t. thiIabill Wtt r - Llsz.gévinet, thte Lrujit -îN_î - r t- :rn 4 miabited-by peoîple af thé -.u:v rar --- t'- - i't ar r 1Wn nr Vt'iî- <r1 î ltcîn te wt th Fee aig uo olieS. hi biniltn'!ap crIav um ,a-a ari ' -vllgs ithe Anst.!rn Diuiaiii-'o -o - (j - -Lrr . 'h ur" er omini troný il tr - -L srrC . S x tet'ir,.btrie5. Ses-- ifs-se may judge fri nuat le nhe et-s'ct s the1w ulii lt Iuratia ;rin ala th i.-<Vbse cn u'l -- - th V I, 1- 'ý c A ! ,.ii>ili y C wa ., Se r tli- ", ie R e v e n u e ." T h e re p o rt Cl a mn- £ o k le rad ,-it - I li t se p u ar no - ti ! ne f o n j r. B i u ' m . k1w1 y le 1tjust s'uth n-cfo h tLt' AIL a-tolry tutu-hiti-s' .iïrr ci bf thma-r-e Dians cfa dfterentrc"adhngui.th-Lai utI "a rc Innicle urii.l usaare i lite1e ir-rn 'cîyho-t 1 nu b rn estieuolucIIî htr I ie tv cmic h i, cdal'sutic ytc ia netn n i mnany0 ,., r counm4es Iront1783 to 1853, aud presents in -om lin y Aduinistau r ia~~EVaJ SO~ G1N{. AChINE, s-c'avaîleIle mens.W'rctui r.it fluirseltets ta danilit o tbeProvinces ad neigi-- eas. V bls' <'li t. lanlton ExpreSS !natales liaIN~Ir. teti Ileform in rty th'ttie ena<or aictht- i- tutia teoner the ibetGzet"fo utiltr ieo tc terpdgie-b uîcpa <cIt AityI\riBun oiiîsebao4iu ?iurdcjk, cf Aticeterhasivefltad a MtCh- znucîan. su-lu n flue question smal havtse bat-n cntiinent in Gret B iain -pincipaily tg 1 ue nlIîh n aprg es acd Si- Mil fer sowing, cu5,4qlifg- iahpe niî!aîîune lentrol oi cuir L'-uiaueLnrbu oncinba e w elto be attached ta lie PIoutîgli. Titti ie p(atines'oathe opposition.- Openrtantidits- uiagtts ccaiugeetetc urt inrYiie u renudhsenoti f forty>tls'e. In Francevscîttm ar cfci f . M t s-t iule n-itke n 1pa n i ps pot, ti bo îret n theitrhuuer p uin, asnid w aiolpl uheta tlu ib apaofeial-b s oaitiahe hofge fohea -bats' îMaotciauîstaalent, a crrnjac yiu g fue queforc cltheu etîn an ev nt f uaI de' iu s im î e nsîer. M a. Itu IF rraltic ivi izofficorialrîtaa euap ' euta n1 ccauscitittOyiyIilutlu le, ýror turne-d' up. ltere is a L asar C nnudaruus c. rztm wi-le anti an intereat is non auak iied tsa I s-jîtl gý n-but &ttt't sl, wttccb by au sinupleconta <5 s t Ias aira-y been by Mm. B .'¶'mnune nun-ri nat bha nîa e t huîibrtii teet latcranai;irrem e sof ls »cregsmules tbe reqitired ileptihoth, -aitr, tnrrrdcusatiomi; and ti silt be aJi ibciid is reetbihrm est;tôsfrtbePu e Én rndng20ttlJu he e.Fracle ia byT -perenhear iwy-eoutekt o -, 'inciapilaucecf ex0rI &u àth ponaeretif ThI prescrit *iiii 1b raté omhn The aclatag s ta e obtiDid ei- un as a untnacur iht itt ir sU.naeiruiarîzahin-n - -gQoh ün Frnc î, h hybtiI~m cb~u are tluee-fhd.' 1. -n 8n oftht- Clegy Bsr 'is ta be matie a pre- aofecean po-ataoe e ùa-y cs as a prôhbi- ctevIe l -ee m ninl nirfi o'a uaptsm - - -ent fa. Ilttan Pbecm re friena le -o-ç te apecaria liîx. -hei rfirer- a A nd 3 ljo e a %vaY 'aitii ti e ne- ' aie 'ona iians anti ii 4idi "-iti'é1voletIce r, t e u y f u iP y ig uim , - - ~8a '~'ô r r n b - - - tii. wusth->ks-la donc.in-toe e r t - u 1nuJL'utY ILcf tnreomjnn ' taiîîin OceanP Tu)aPi tIa e n ada 5 S. - u To~t ale. eida u >ttmouvut e >oot~ dbW pm tu -e b - sni ~ uîC 0tIt i. 1. iS4uc iw t, is oa reu uw ~1l1aj i peýthii iilro thelurlrw oer- creaétesiat t ft ( Lmerim n adactt w lveaA e ow fr a sQImnirret tstVithe Fite<fduîy, $ç,-xilýfd761 te . ielsptra' tdetl WI ~soiVtua~t&sa u~ & Ï,n u re 4 b ? ct5 prO I t nClI t a itr -- C abs net coinO - r t the 1 qo . wme nsoue aianaiie1tpPsrti'l bulifa ltelterreqiict $ 498 2, hic ifin iimt-sade up s Fan andi y mu it quston i be îegy Ie 4WUIAN IIULNUI I hme MW fon10 oner -a .1~ r ydc Pr iitn fsieo f '- rtnmua teoy 50W ur~, 1V àatthe Pmseteyfr drsotls- -thtien- il IltOf-àC'cury 'ai Satur$hcY -' Q"ýý4 félrnios-e satiOn sfac-iè l ilc ýv 4dyacm ihî h o isai uuaiiniasn. Cndin rtid ot Am TAr il iute acpoi5y, .sac îutTgotasl.QLt tut o moe ksig nt g'th-- Amnu - nt -nuh, dd cies - pa d on the aboÉloe hs. oftaîas nO need' DIVISIOz ciuJrTS.- - - re r le in- Pikrî-.11 canton, lit àMatch. chs ~ hibv~Vii>YVilage, 2r>d do. Dot- mc s- ut xid'cUlrî Village. 4th do. -- ke .51b do.lie do lu- r tie thc %rc Ve care -reque!qted ta smate fr<u u <tIi rp'rur irc -rn.sud of - day alv itir'rna eVo% niockrig occnt'Leio- in part iculu-r nlio vwere ai Sterlcn's. mi h,, oJ'l n itht' 7th oi larît menti>, when the ~ neeve andu I)eputy tteeve wére e!ectett, - - - - -Ithittheiclatter -ofCal. Cameron of Tberah, n ratil, apr-a'n af there, dii1 net enntain ally shimg Card toibar'.tltmt ntI- ie bccanraruuud 'mba apr6o"osutIo silie -an lert -i Ion~jc l Vrsai c-aror »ucke O-uer t-oe l a yo ~oit~O-ut 'rio file Pn<cdl leadiig fromn Wla-siby - nulict -H ul,îert>th i.-.kYC olit a',as was as- qar ruame e'd an iluni occas5ion by'%Vin. . 1MCh- -Th -ttiy el. the abject of it suas te enquîme of thte . - - e oi de P hueComnpany Etbrouxh tie Cauntil] wiat tbui - - na ruc If intention!% wcre 1respettting the comnplMion Tha !:0i' he f Knid Road. The letP % tsusasnw o be sec. ' rpoe Iii ans' pern min lte printeal Minutrs of the gld 2 suirît rnvtr-înai ea ci.L tipl TiirWîrIF .oFr PL!:t..t<iTHE I1I.-C»f-r ntrb ur firsi page mitlibe loîul a fîuil characier, -i agao 1 ýrrîriit anti linenuga ni the feinate of -he' in s. t suIn th<le Finre.,ror-iFraince s«ayq, --he -A r 'LIA. has beu dîr.rteti by Prou-idear"ea"ýfo r thie Sghîîry aifrri e"tii clinri<e fna im us n-. - Slitea;pmfco 1bcnu seinnît Lri- Mentesz '- " i'l13Y <ni :as shr i5 1asionittIy fondc"Bl o fI"iits" hls litimati- n that ushe wiltle fonl -- - a the da'fcider of the' tbrone ir> the hoar aor-- CYtt ttîc ten-of rlin -er". i- maishave a poloteti re:nte te a - - .11 oc-aa lxi Inanti,îtotoiî wl b n'tian ai-. a wil q 1lir no.scast*, In'i!son. Fsq.'Flire are iew snicb pro- tonse %11 p 'r t o a e ma- t s'.in- (lie markaet xt thie - - l v ar On-'P pesînt day. eiter n-us threrard te o mtor -folio ' -'ii tiolu. Ti e junction oi tie Port t itf - a ' a'xnîreine. main îrituik line n-ill lia on g -tridjoiidînýr <bis ted, y grratin .. 1icperty. tI l otyteatu io r -ci -'- -- - i, - _ - - 5 in iSu-oitO , ' 1-1,'e, ke a Ys- Dasl s tespatch- te l'n suulh' Lor-d El5jn, afiJan. 15tb, wU l be'pulihicd- Sifterwardsina iiioîr- mntt. We capy to-day thcc-icq# - ai iff,-red 1 e tcoinients ai timi-roroio L ad6 o 0 n reti, r lie alllee im rattonunn. 3d. - r týat iinprtan do7uennt.Oat tiseu-n; WHcITPYwri» 13u ocKVuî-..L-TheiC ex- l BYe de antihie eprofî r t% s rom 3roekîi ilnlst yitai'anmounted te- -e Bu n £t2,7 1Ir.Tîlose from Whitby amoute& - -- -- kry a--t, on t 2360 erytreCmsâmc sC the cfun- -rukville. 1 cul ettec' Wc wus'cld direct attention Ie the' ýeittg- -c appear- tis- Auction s-ale cf Dry Gootis,' Grocerie -u' aS ex P:es &ce , &c.. rit Co'uumcbtt. on ibe 24th juýSi.. l -ati h t a nl verti*ed ii u-tfo pper.27-4 - r -eru giaili Wè rc rquetealte atal tha th An.-29 al ali o S1,ls*Otxc s.$mnOtt dtae t--~ -y iuuud n in euws tith a - tmer.ie alibte thatn imhéaCtaches te enent- r~ ires redit unl -i " au-ed hw puisoui. - . irl a tinma - clive eroccel- nuavas àO seziea -t sd ec~ ûaarte- r raiS if tbs cao - dose- whiettpretedt*dhnu fle case imund nel'g9 inin eýt1m1 tiÇQ. s -çqnslituts4 onceatI~ît TJi£ ATE 1$CNIÇFT <,&A3.IX »1/tux. -TILuc ain'. uicaset si bmscuïgnies swê ~~~~é bpt no~5W -anppu~,lst-u tne jle tî-as 10 iL-m se air hamou. 4crcoueq ftlè gt e *rte tai bere - ti0,br u ctte 4 -thathoa iq' u'tor te 1M'WîCà l-trit-a

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