"-v -. 'A ~Ç s- tE4 PTBLISl1E4D EVERY SATURDAY MORLNG.a an aciýhn no jg lzna idforent to me."ç- Tance.. WLESILNS 'tl-N SILLL<GS PER ANNUd-I4N DVANCE. THEND0TU VOL. . WIITBY, ANADAWEST, FEBRtUARY 12 153 ND -SIX PENCE -U 4;3l "Iboconujtd iaily tr a dutsease afiecting the Ariitat tTeeth inýtrttd 0onl rin t Pl lttecor Pi vo& JF ront +tse- to anetstire Sett. Office oser Mi.t. si'tt0's ->rifE, coincrof KING and S,4coe Str :ets. Ouhtws, Na v., 1st, 18à 1. 30-ti. XNOtARZY J? BLIÇ, Commissiofer of Ille rour of Quecli's Bench,- *Convcyalice",P'aglhn ISSUER 0r MA[IRIAG ' CNSS N ACCOL'NT7ANT1. Office neai tise Court lotise. Villagec ni MANCHIESTER, 'lo'iivsiip 01 REsC1i, C. W. e L. C. THOM AS, * CONVEVAýNCER A NI? Commissioner 0 Qucoî's Benc/e For laui uc A(Çiavîts. ai BIIOKLIN. FOR-SALE OR f0 LEÂSE.NE G OD , oR %ould bc Excîsog,,eti for a Faim, a___ goodd eirale eî4n lir~7by3,wi it addition ta fariner extensive importa- a odSîttin, Roomi, iîchen and two Bed- rooms; a sgooi Cellar 20 by 30, Store flouse and tions the Suibscriher lias just receiveti the lot of gronnd. The'Properiy 15 a corner Ln,. 1RE~i TEAS, amti well ajtiatet info busiiiess in the village of ('<FFETS, (2oluîmbu-s. Possession cao b-e given-on thgl .20th TOIlACC(OS, of Mlay next. t ALSO--Atn aîIoining raim fos Sale. COPII1i & 11ERPLRiN C, N. ~ t É.MNYi oan. joit Notes or ALSO Motageboîgi.Terma easv. LONG TICI *l SA \Vils TIIOM1AS CLARK. lSLN E LAINES, -uilu.Nov. 13, 1852. 31 -Tr 11 DLSRS Wfld Landto Lcasc. 1N11Ts, 'giflE Sîibscriher ha.- A FEW TIIOUSANÇ ALSO. I' RI>o ildLand Io leastein the iiom--. ANEVLI 0 AP in otî~ipF. Rarhefrrbrjdeer. North. Gadlieî- TE.rL'S TOOLS, &c., hsry BrocA, Thaîrah, illra. rlliî', Tiny, Tay xtst a a ri,CoIIingiroud, ilfariposa, E!don Fn-TIM S Ion, sid li ps. Tht' nst aithese tan& aare of thr MWlîîîbi 1>ýth Nov. 185-2. 3Q2-tf l'est quhli vatiid il lie liMsrd f oir tttelaifiomn ýfiVe 1a seven 'va rs.deppndiisi ttipan the situation. i lots ot trous 20) to 100 acres eacb, to arly 00e slio wjli litmp. clrir.andl fencein a gondi and work-- mîn Il îke msînier,. witliiiîihesl a v Iliîme, a qgttîtiu not less' i lais20> acres on s i hlot. .Ali lettîrs. ;o-ai.îîiint!infoirmatioî con- einitiz assy ni hie 1mArlircitailois in cihfraIthe zios e t, %s i ilib, vil lbe a nswsere i thoi eela . J. T.BU.-l. ', h Jus1111VO 16C Ille VIItl attornev and CoansloratLav. I1(Xsl&i 'OFFICE...ORNO c. & C. &c cpta-£0000 Il I 1TBY.%laSE'(tF if" t.N Ils LA ('1. Il t irs overthe -, uuil 'st5 ttt t Ile teinta of et J r "ir i LtciY yn« LXaw (thaier. is Isesrî sstiî- POLULlS 'nsa BROI'K-.STREET, WiIITflY- 1)S0 r LIA l A(; E ba1'l RE, ut-oiE AL n - - '- s'i; IISONAL PI'M o f'al li.osa k INSU RA N CE O FFI CE. aoal erl sohlrsolil i ÂIE \ALLX.F cg-s a rîl rta eDirecîoisswhos iSsans--S aue a siiificietit etiatitmie Fîhat he has besto appaix ted -Agenst-foi Isle 'sliu îi'ue-"tsi1'ii'i ' teCsî'u * ~ ~ ~ E 11.1VNCALli[1 LERI is .1 N c L avili he coudicied on The most honorable piînci - COMP~NY.elsi. aiz- - sac C. Gt;Ht>or. H'hlier M hitby. 1 t iStiemiser 1 5 1i. 21î:sct .;Jstî-ts. QRKMN .B Of 'kiS& Co 'rhomn 1a nisuauhtt-- -- -- - -----ie-Pesi(lei. W Q , A N rB O 'rH E ,4-ýRobt ,Stnteri. Esq- ------ - - - cand qTic-a. o.36, King Streetý Toronto% t w uIV B Y C . ~. - IThie.s1s' "dlovîtileen awpointeii Aýcrîst aoftise above Co)npany saillI isve peisonal i uln i. '.,C[IOFIEI41) & l , ionot parties dbbirauls r"f efftctiuIis-tsuînce. IMPOTERS0F i'ie, EfeJAS. WALLACE, IMPOTERSOF Fre, ifeand Ges't Iisurai'e Arzrit. BITISH NIANUFACTÊURES.! Ftusiy5, 1852. - 43-tf. \-AlAiILE FAUMS 1-ORPSALE WIliUESIIE ANuD RLTIL. Wh4tby Vulage, Jîmne, IS50. AUML'Sofithse front part ai lot 'No. 57 1 siconi. VA'(HAN,20 scies sm1rovet i mus C A R L E T (J N 1 , d ir taul fufe.e and iLI a hi;4h state ofrîitiivatînn, wittlta '-,o,açti,,Frame- Dwelling flouse ansi -' - ~ (baro, a Lra-i aVei ofwaîeî. A 'lever t'ail i- tig clis * WIIOLESALE AND RICtAIL crose- the loi, 5 RÂLE 1N1I~-S.-1'OIW!tlS' RiV> rVER Aisis 80Iacres, the fronît of lot 1o S lt cati. & c ., &~ - - V A U G I - 5 ,ý N . 6 ,5 a c r e s i n i p r o a e d a i h à D t s , i n g îîîNGlti~, Io'mse nul IiîîidiiZs, yorusZ ors-bard iii full, beur- MANIUFA T'5F'o OLE, UPPER, AND 1 ieeFrs ueiSelda ao-vE. H RMLEATI1ER, &c. 117 mises firom Toronto, in the viciaity of Ri1C H iNOND HILL. --Cath pýfior Hides and Skins. Wheat, AIso. 100 actes the coutis half oainlt No. 4,1011t dots, Pots an¶ Pearl ./shc.s. con, o Rt-ai-h. in the new County af Ontario, 50 -- hiby ilag, 7h ne 13s actres art !tt ciilivao, vith s a eDweliircHouai 'Whtb Vllae,7t Jne,180.) and haro, youit; Orcliarda rs iever faiing5prins Adiite o omsig meuIS of -îAui!sla Ceek. Adiamuits M1 a lettl, a sîeAiso lOOcu-es the vesI lali'of laiNo. 7, 121h con Hr. ubsribr spreared' to mi I etfithe said Tow-nship of EFACU, 15 acresaim- l1cie peird provs dapraeteruno vtrcofl n- T AHDVANCES IN ' ASH on POT AND, apsosnn tgma sircass5- prà IIL ASHES cansisgned t Mortreai ot' ROETI.L 'E'. Also tise aesi Iaif af lat No. 7, 2d. con. CX- Pour W %hithy, lut August, 1850.- BRIDGE. 30 acres iîpraved, saîiti Dweîliin., - iouse-atsd bain on tise prensises. There le a oac W~I8EY 'W~IS EY y Ssaa-.NiILL in pesfectwaouls-sng aider miih a suffi. WMSKY! ISK Y T cienu stîppty af waier, abundance et Plue in the ll ()B'tIIRlLS PORT DoyîtR l1- inmeiisîe neizhlorhoad, snd aiii s1l&miles ~ "key for Sale. very low. isy frtsm a Slipping Pari on Laite Ontario, tai w hich 11 JOIIN M-JRTIN CO. rtisere is reoly access by gond ioadâ ai ait Sea!sons Part VW itisi xî-Ia 31, 1851.' As,15 acres on tise asjoining lot, ail icipiavet and welitenred. ~ ~AIea, a. sialilDavellinsg Hanse ardii l i th SVLLAGEao. BROOKLIN, in the Townmship of TU RA11L WHITBY. -~ Aiea a Building~ Lot in tise VILLAGE af OSH- lDNALI) me -S, Proprieto. AWVA. ii the sa-isiTowvoship o) WHITBY. sA fIltise peceding praperty, for qualillan sd la- ~~ cation me of lise mast desiable chargcter grid sili - SCARBÃ"RO'.hadiegatterlof. TERms la sait purchasers, whiici SCAMÃ"RO'.can bha aecertained on application tu C. M1. KEL- ALII&NER IIOWSO, Popret~. Li'Fsq., RICHMOIND HILL- or-tste Stisci xcetileni accJ'In ru-sdaions for triaveleia. Good ýerîn tise VILLAG~E ai OSHAWA. Alappli- Stablintfor Hanses. i catiu -a, if isy Iter, poiul.paid.. _______________________F. KELLER. A L E X. P I' 1 N G LE. Oshawa, 9ih August, lS52. . ~ 18-il. Norfolk Itesseetger tIocopy. WHI TB Y VILL.i-GE. DýG O S Ille. It.g . ,,nlv --ii., Goeimsniis Ha. lrdwvare & Crockery, (Thelatest rffsio~lw zs n / kWhitby, Apri 9". 1850. J. FOSTElI, T E l $ssrbe r h oon -ban d. n q.umnti ofis Cleblat,EXI '~R.CT of ,!18*PRILL4in qusaitlotl f I OB P 18 2.5, ý5' .4i so i.p for C, ýA Eýit hWT«f-. ~Whitby, taý beihaad aitisef cheapeet rate, attise Emerald House East Windsor. Rfoga Jobnsoual Easst Windsor, Nov. IBis, 1852, -3 FOR7 SALE. TIIOUGLIT SUGGEST1ED IBX THE NEW YEILR The more we live, more brief appmar Our lifP's sucreeding stages1j A fila y tô e hi d hood seerna a yeat, And years like pasuitlg atges. Thi gadeeme curnt of oui yonth, Ere passion yet disorders; Steainla ln!ing like a river smooth, Along ilà grassy bordera. Butes the care'worn cheek grovs wan, A rid orrnws shti fly tbicker ; Yez stais that measule life t0 manB ~hy jieern youi course5c quicker 1i Whrc;noys have loist their bloomi andi breath, Aid 1 l.il.jself la vil iti %Vhy as we reach the Falls of Dealhe Feel we its tîde more rapid 1 It nav be strange-yçt wbo would change- J'imes coiliSe to :ower speeding 1 WVhen oniet'y one otîr friends aie gone, Ani bit aur bosonis bieeminq. C ANAD A Westiru ssuanceCompny, lleavaîî rives Our yemrs of fading slrcngih, WHREslE D DA CT uY ACCompanT, Inleninifyinig leettieu; CIiATERE5 lT AC (î PAlLiKE~'T Msthsse ai youih, a aecniing lenigth, Cal-litai £ U10,000 O; l'ri ahares ni £ 10 eac.*i Propoitifti la their sweeiness. HO0ME OFFICE, TORONTO, From the Paris journal des Debateq. t Oei srnt, trert. -vppasie the cO.- Thse lapait Exprdition. miietu'l Bank. 'Now iliat the Ameitran eipedition sent ['reidei, J.C. GLnoh, sQ. agoainst Japan is înnking ils way acro5s [he Vicv-Preaiteut, iiMAs lIA*o1as.r1ilESQ. Atlantic in t.ils irertiaî, let us taire a rapiti D it l C T OR S. gance at the singisiaranti diaicuit relationst î;-~~r~Miclje, Vs ilia 1Icd~îon.wiicb the J.apanese isoisiwith tise commerce laîsIalv. R[ice, Lewis, ai Europe, or natber iiilîl 6liati, for no John 1-lo-iIIer. A . oaher power than ti is maibas heen permîit- M. '. Iavt-s j Ton Hvrctt.sqs Ited b> tise Cavernmnent ai Jedtitat trade See*1la ns- Ti-cas'y', ROti'T STA N TON, ESq. vtb Japan. As eariy 1ab 1837 the' Unitedi Si A*lI s:s s NGU; OIZRSONs,ESq. States of Aiierica sent an embassy ta Il i il1)R'5P1i~ ~eît irooklýi.1 Japan ta negotiate for the openîng ai rois- Dec 1, 1852 34-y lions witb American comnmerce, but tise niavenient comploiely faileti. Ten jears I~ 0110E.jiater, a second mission, 'sitî [he sanie oh- - jecI, bati theŽ saine resuit. The Dutciso on iN cona.cquîcc of Mîr. Martin having lieir part, in 184-1, likewrise sougbht ta oh- malle aiigezlielil'510-Ieta cire fsrm bî.'es ?5tain a Moptdication ai those restrictions. tIti-t put orf tIti cn'întrv. the Sulsrsbers have5 winîch, eveis ta tiem, were betigeti in witiî <uter niiîed (in. elosing iheir bueiness ai can'iions, aniti aféi-ed in îeîunn compâra- JVh7iiby T'i1hqe and P*isrt Per-ry.i tiveîy iew 'ativantages. William, king ai Anssi 'sosîlil iîsiorm lite Public Ihît il i triî 1Halland, on iiat occasion wrote ta the istil:11ioiust la )spoe of the foilowîing raperi,1r, Ja1ianese Emoperor tisat national recipracit>' viz: :. was rapidi>' cxtending, andti lt it appeareti TH1E TOCK PIF GOllfl AT PORIT PERRI ta iim Japanese commerce cid not long Wlth the luterest ln the Business- remain uninfluenceti b>'tise £novement, '[he Their sail"a bhae been abouti £30)') cnrienrv. pt-r Emperor, in t1anking tise kin; 'aiftise Low manth sli omc neu.Alto, criiet] iCountnies for bis advice, asairreti liii ibM aih il is the tiîwardlisg hss'iless of tise Eoat on ibm.-lais af the empire of Japon being mi- Lakt Scugog. luriiliîes %Xocli, -1c. The Siock Of I mutable, nothingcoulni orviaulbe hocanged Gocds ai Whithy Village avith lne eroNd Vli uîointeohro hn ta.hd rvl mise butilneFs, sales have been about 1£400 curr.- 1ants nira isaatsiiaipealt 11y101011îll. Shotli the abtîve ont be dis)fiarm ail time past. posed o)-1 by pi ivîle sala b brethe Filât daV o-1 At engitiste astounding discoveries of Decrmber, tliey %vill tîsen be disposed of hy treasure stied up tise We.%tern Mllrlrd, Astit'ti. Alto %%v'll be sold ailisee came lime, a iumhir of liai-ses1, lVaggoîss, Sleigise, 1lrness, and isegaîs ta reaci energeticaîll on tise oxen anîl1 cn%1ýa. &c.I destin>' ai tie cowitrwa laieti by the China The unterest in lise lot of Land. 2(0Ù acres, seas. fJile comrncc activit>' vihi, ,nown5f as Lot No. 27 iii ilise lird Conresji sioce thse disceery of tise galti ai Caliior- ai WI'itîy, ons lhe -'seat aide of Sciseog Rondni lava miles i rom the Porl. The fée simple ol au ia . bat spru 'ng up in Anierica, had mucis acre Lai avth a increaxedth ie nuruber ai vessels trainmg in COTTAGE & STABLES the Pacific, atd ,iassinig near tiese hones ai inthe ViIIazeoi >'4ilby. Aliso,a WVaîei Lot with Japan. Tiiese ietermined tise Anierican a gooti dweilling Bouse thereon. .411 w iii ho saisi Gorerisment ta rEnew tota ers semi-barba- gon liberai Terni, which %%Ill be made kusown niana îproposais tise>' hat madie fii'teen anti ai lime of sale. Any information th; i may be Ie er îvosv a nAnl15 requisile in the meantîme, can be obtained ai te er rvos nAr il,18 , the siasrriber's slorFseitherat Whiîby or pîsrIteinbraciLgib e opp<rtunty-af'sending homore -Perîy, or ai tise iice ai James Ctoton, T-- saine .shipwrecked sailons, tise>' sent to sonto, eiîher of) aa-homr are preparedti re;-, Jgpan a stoal expeditian, chargedt t press h amitb parties: -JOHN 1MitRT1N & Ca. for tIse conclusion afi treaty' thici s aoulti eWiitby, 201h October, 1852-. 29-tf permit Atnes-ican siops ta establisis depot. -9 for cool- and refiîîtusg yardls at variaus 3ta- - VO TJCE. tions aitin tise .taanese territan>'. The neply of tise Empui-or ia stili waited fer, T7he .lbove > ia1e andthie Governmest ai tise Unitedi Stateo%, ta isasten tise issue aith affair, bas sn Aîlverîised ta lake place on aIs Dec. je poeîponetiCmooedryt aa ii qai -tilt furîher notice. CmooePry oJpniihasud S. MARTIN & Go' non, wbic s siaîl le abkle todoîandti ie Nov. 26 1852. concessions formerly besoug-bt-con-eâsions vihicis, in tise opinion ai tise Gavernmnent ~~ p ~ aitie Anienican Union, shosidho matie LI 'T1 iICJf1I co niion ta tise traie ai [Le viorîtiat largo. ____Fronstise Annazl. du Commerc- Exte- JUST step iota ni> LAM-%P STOPLE rieur we take lhiskllawiug respocting the (adjoining lihe Ding Store,) anti see tise varie- Duteis trade wiîh Japan. - if yol1"Tise commerce tisai Hoilant Il ,as wius F LUID LAM PS! Japon is not nowv vuiat il vias aet ihe begin- Conssian of.TîpnnedBrîtanns ~aI n nng aof the seveatgentis century during tise ('dceLame. Ilaîg priiasndanletroni siîsand palm>' tiys, of tise Dtch East tips - antifaiyou purrbase andare nôtsatisfied Iisdia Comspany. Sirce then it basinucis triai, you have tise liberty' of ieturning theni. icei h cat ftré*gilioos rai -JAMES IL GERMIE. - -c.Tosh sdsachdeeyý_ Cantiies are desi and diriTj rns Tosspdîptht vr'ys Oi1 Lamnpe are a îegôIerpist, iras Batavia toi thi ltte isiâati aiDec;nia, M yF uiti is dlean and .piely, lying off tise entrelace te tbe.pôrt- ai Nang, Tu-yil, you'5 i nd its tise Iteat.3 Buy thé~ Patent bua; Fli'd, w >sicla for isiilli. su ifiçe ta transacitishet business oi the coin- aacy, ck.epness anti corntai, cannaI he e¶alled. pi'wscpriu. h oae> fts JAMES H. (E- hE iado. for tise s ofai6Ã",00 francs-par Whitby, 251h Nov. 1852. 33-..anm ,ÇiThe Goyernment tsasIe, a we'l as tiat, NOTICE.*f rv~,parties, la ýeq' c*aqsiieated a 1lsereis>' orbid atiy peià on or persons fioto pur the Dutch fà eto».>' t1 :-Iecla ; hbsvever, - csstngnaefo~8iaînït me,drawnin-favorai tisis as ù itder -lê1 , restraià t this Beii,-min Bryan, dated lthe iStisday of August former; ithoùogli ilà i subjet< ana froiji tse natur ofethê tifr iot of saY, one fine-of.battle sbip, three stoarn fr1' gates, âtîd four corvrettes, a completely equippeti equadron, and carry nat legs than 219 guns. lIn like mauner China coacluded ti open lier trade before English cannon, go iuit Japan cave in before the irresistible argu. ments the Americans will emplory. Aie- rica's conduet, it ta iltne, bas tîbout ît an enmsrgy which at firgt glante appears slightly brutal, but lems ta, or the whole, than the barbaîhus usage af tisese Orientais, Who persist in interdieting ý 'andeîing- vessels from access ta their slières, atnt continue ta bold back the progress: ,ao Euîopean civili- zation froni îhüme-vast,'fertitie and populous countries. ~ Viewéd un tlîîiix e-at 'veonnnot but ap-J plaudti iis commffercial erusailo undertaken,î by tfie United States. But IbM imust not3, hinder us from remarking with sentimuents af' regret, that if En-landi bas ait eady set, ber foot on China, an Cachin China, and on zSiam ; if the- Amoricans ore thug foreinog7 thenisel1ves on Japan, France continues taY reniain alien (estrnngere' ta efforts wbicb have for their en(] the certain extension in the Indian Sens af theo sano-,t poiwerfu rivais in calimerco andi industry. KIIWAN TuE M12DERER.ý 7%e capital sentence ag-inst Krasft Irish arti'-t convictei for thse munde;r of;bis aile, ai Imciari's Eve, Ili>as been cernuuiet ta inîpri-onnient for lufe. Since tise crn mustation wras matieknaavn, ofiser tiarkýepi- sotis th ie canaict's ]lite bave conie ta 11i lit. An artist, n'auc-d Boyr-r, who wis knawn ta tbe an intimate torms witb Kir- van, il avas remeîhereti, dîsappeareti irons Dubslin in a mysteniens nia nner sanie years ago. Sitiece kiîuan's convietion, -Mrs. Boa-en, it is ifftici-stoati, bas tenderet i-,. dence calilatt'djo îbow Itiniben suîspicion tupon tise convict. Tbe DublifP, reeman's Journal, ai Januan>' 10, tisas tells' the 5iory Mrs. Bayer, 'aviso bati heem ecei'ng an annuil>' pi £40 pcr annuni frai Kinvan for some >'ears, came iorivamd anti claimiet tbe bouse in wii'.ho b adiscen livinS, in Merioi-street, hagether avitfi atser hocsses, -anti a large portion ai tise frniurc, pic- lunes, hant ornanients, on the -roundti lat Kiwan, wvIo bai been a constant campa- nmon of bier busisanti, viose prapeîty tisey avsre, isatiobtaineti possession aifîiîem fraîn liii ; tisai lier litishanti stitdeni>' anti nys- teriausl isdaappeareil ;'-anti thar Kimavan isat a deed wsveneby, as ho nilegeti, hemi husband ia i niade aven ail hie properl>' ta hlm, but tisatlho agnee otit pay 1NMiS. Bayen tise sain of' £40 per annamn dusi'aglber lfil, She, not iseinu- in condition-to ca-ntest tise point, vas obigedti t acce.pt tise arrange- ment ; but isen bis conviction ai once sioppeti ber annuityA anti seizeti ail tisai vas bis at tise time ta tise use ai tIse Croavn, se threv iserseif upon tise justice anti îercy ai tise law oicers ta regain possessiomi ai avisait seas hors b>' igii. 'Tie examinatton ilitri lte tmutis or faiscisant ai ber strng.e story- bas led îb*ni stop b>' step ta tise unvestiga- tiau, vusici is noav pending, anti if rumour speaks ti-ul>', there aili, ho even fumtier in- vestigationts inot llermysteriaus maiters canneuted ivitiste career of tise cuîprit. TR-E TELIAL 0F MR, BC1WER OF THlE LONDON CHUO2NICLE. Tise triai ai \Ir. I3ower, ion tise nu-rdem af Mr-. Morion (saine mantiss since in Paris) Look place- on Tuestia> basi, isolasetise Court aif.Assizea ai the 0Seine, M., Brisson being the presiding Judge. A - utle after heu o',clock tee Jutiges iaok thuili-seai --anti tisa accused w1105iniroducei. Ho vras d -rseule inhîack, anti appeanedti tinner 'tbsai hae vas accustoissedti ta h sis residing it Parts. Mn. Bover retunneti valuâtarily from London, anti gave imnsai to cuita- dy te stand bis trial. Tuýe Ativoca 'te Gen- eral, Meynai-ido Franc, occupiedth ie seat af tise law afficer for tise prosecution,iand tise celebraieti anti eloquefbart-ie.r, M. Cisaix d'Estanger, vas catinsel for defendant- Tne court vwu crovîleu ait asn onrly iourA Pnd nianj eleganti>' dressed ladies were present., Tise xaminatiQn of' tisa vithessese occupieati ie etire daý,anti thet'mosidient S ummaet up ise e.viulonce. ivitia great minute- n 'u-Tise jury rétined ...at a quýrter te 8 'lac k ta ,delihenate on-tise verdict. Tsa and who has-fnot "s ô£ benjoymuent beeide' wichi the so-nteticed irènrict's camfcr are giaamy andi flightfut 1 If wP would 1iabi- tubate ourselves te, Iook upan the plensant side of thi'ngs, to-tejoiciq over- what we bave and grieve nç1t-for -wha is rmt, vie should find oursclies much muare pleasantlY haDdieti tban we, usually aite" W. conceivtit ta be a shame, and,, wrhei regarded in its con-' nections, a sin, ta be J topîng about unde r such bHight skie-, andi over suýh pleasant fields tvith "«the blues" an. Boys sboutll be tajught ta e'aver «p their melancholy tholughf as they %vould bury ottof si.jht teir dead canaries. 'Girls should'be edu.. catedt' O the notiont4t tedu -"are mlot gqrteel, ant t t 1th e adumpester is no «,bod ,oound!-gf*,r) is vulgar. Just as the tree is'bent, . A geheration we hope for, wbo will 01oît it a religiaus duty ta refleot the happy- tace of nature frani their bappyà faces. Evervthing so univer- sally viheels into the right lineo t asmt and proves that -1 it is ail for the best," that we rerily believe 'a rery long face ought ta be put dorn as a nuisance in the street, andi a boie within doors; andi if that were not suficient ta abate if let it ho author1itatively annoanceti that 'it wiil b e consideredAbte bliKek ilag thrawn out as aLtoken of an evif conscienée. Sorraw is sacreti, andi grief is nat always to be avoideti. But inelauchoiy is a .bunibog a shamn, andi a -. a -, an improper tbîng eeneraliy, and,--mind, we %peak witb a roser ration la avoid the ana., themas af youn- ladies and ,poets7-in aur opinion a vrery unpieasant mental Th'it.- New York Time.s. Th.c Calorie Ship Lfritrnon.-LeLter.from G. TIse Savannahs Republicain p uhîsises tise iuliawing bitter frai G. B. Lama-, Esq., ai Ibis City', in relation ta tise 5mai peoro- onces ai thse Caloric Sisip. As MmI. Lamai posesses tise heaqt posgible facilities fer ai- riviog ah a correct data, bis statenients are itateresting anti rebable. I vill ho noticeti tisat Mr. Laman'a acount refera onl> ta tise first, or eoineer's trial-trp af the vos-. sel: NEw YO1tK, Thîirsday, Jan. 6, 18. W.M.- WVÂDLEY, Esq.-Dea., Sir: Tise ýaloric sbip Ericswn, 250 feei long, Sias been canipieteti an a moast beautiful ani siîh tva engines aio 500 baise powver eacb, voring an the sanie crank ai rigisi angles, (so-[Lit isen one ilataicentre, tise aiber is ai fuIl power,) ont-i-vtiout isoilers, air pumpa, or condensais. Yesterday ase, matie hem enc-nneer's trip, gaing witb, ebb tide anti a loir vusati14 miles tise baur. SSii-vus caugisi ait ise fook in a snov starto, wisicis increased ta a gale anti ren- demed ti h 0thick tisai the pilot caulti not seco asip's bengli aiseati. Cosequentby, se was compeileti ta romain il aigisi ai andîsar.- * Se eturnedi.ag-,ainst the tide anti yvin t ahie rate ai ion miles tise boç, ani is nov lyinug off tise Boiter>' a most saicceas- fui tîiumpis af akili, ingonuit>' anti science. I have seen Capi. Loviser, iser comman- der, [foriemiy~ in tise packet service,]j aince ber retuin anti ho says ho con go ta Ià yri- tpool ini ber under ia i5 days. Sa perfect la ail ber - machiner>', hbe biovea, ilf holadt provisions an board, tisaiLe coulti 4art ta- soi-i-avmoanng. Capi. Ericsson iiseli- diii me-tise hanor te colt aise an Lis retuin. lie assures mse tisai siso Liaheen entireby succesaful: tisattbe onl'point nol pevius 1>' demoastratati hy bis niodel engin"s [viich 'ou a liawUs been estabtiisse t i4"hsentime satisiaciton by daiseoxpeimeni. You, are avare, 5fr, tisi I'nover calcula- ted opth ie nov sbip's eÃceeding eigist »Îlhes -tiheur.. Thsis speeti, with on!>' ene-tnl tisd'-fuel atsteamers of tieseanme pevwer and saving ait veigist of tise voter in tiseu, andi nino-teotis tis pace f'ai-freigbt, tao, wpuld establisis tise- complote suëcess ai the në,%v principile,,over ail other motive powerfiitls- enta oWon. But secan blie euei n'fo tén . XI énia boum on a fit-st erimeez-a faët, unnvie remember tist aeama matie 'ai frstpniy <air miles an lions, wbick places thse new inlvention iipq.Q an irjeg »ble ba- 1 aoireed.ad R. ~P~RRY bas 2,000 C3DAR.]>oSTS - Wisitiy. Api il 15t14 1852. 14' poI e 'f Wte y and U nt-ho lhatbé h4 Mmd îSelet ndGeTig id, lusuancl luurace! th Westensd of J. H. Gerie'. Dttîg Stor tujiid. HE' ,Sù'bsiîts avusg-been - vn. i t erO, he,,WÃŽIl e -isajPY 10 yalt qpon ait LEina A nlitmnnscomi n oFia amiliieu avii l s s upplied wilh a upelrÀtï are prepar.-d tariceive-appiieati'onm -or it.utaee i oCeape tiau a Soebre. Vio t iehiib chaiseler i),tte atove Intitutih -A<SN ua upemimir bacliieà are nov ofrred for tiIssr-' anes t.w tise- lmhbiats ai tIe New Ççssy 0< -Ontario. th' a- o Onteria ihanse,- -. Waitby, 8t Whiîhy, Nov. 12,1851 l. E'1.1éb 8~ derseb.tfhe 8Wio rý or viaithy, o h fZ e4 eay ne. t- tie% Pari si hi$* S, W.- suit- &' in Ca a i . aiios. -t j 1'-* -I ' S, s;. * '1. t - iti -, le -- - 1 i- iausca'."sgodors ta eaat iibeta rconstatitly - purifiedatxprqe. The Erisn, -wîth I utate-rooms, wil costabout $300,0M tiShe ho*_btèn bujit c'9ieflyr by Jôlin B.' ÃtchinE,' Esq., ha, deserves aIl praaaseor- suýpIying the le mea'ns te.-deveIop tise scieiié es-t4 à stoUand th ienutity of Cal iEicson 0e e nificent sa~;Yau icnow lthakzttiag4os* wluid satisfy Ericsson an4 te aobtain- tla4, îe miade Mr. ithn ad~sa.scae he goneraus offer ai-suMrintending t4, con.struction af Lîve more rimiar-vesels, apq îvithout Voatent- fée-tîe firs t ta bé,bult as the inducement for tîmei ta o ~iex- penditure for ibis one.:. The ùnited State'sGoverament bas inot a single stea ter fit to go on the Japan Ei- peditioa." Ail tiée bailera of >the G'qvera. mxent steamers require r-enewal, ,and ýîll fi theni- Many again be burnt out befare tlaey reach Cape HIbm, or do e'ometlaing worgç% rran the accumalatiuq aifsat-ont s io witbin thein. How much waulti ho a(Ãet if the Gd-vernment -haâ, Ibis calaric sh;il~it fuel anti ather inlivitalsle exponses inacident' to steara ina voyage ai Rat baes than 20,. 000 toiles anel back ! The S- isn, sould ge aJapân and back a dozenlimts forleësa than oneof the 1-1. S., steamers wilc-ost, anti ho ready foranyûîbi!r serje à s Jog, as ber huit vill last -t'-is, *tpoi 4witiaoutex- ponding any tinso whaterrto repair.-IiereL. :Inwagthe intitrest.y du toêl ia bs ex- penseènt, Ibave7 lthougbjt ]I ould '_a U' you by a detail oai issccess, winch eau- not h ba s important 'th ' à steam was'!Ãœi]its day. Congress ' ought to Iiuy Cà pt.' ÉdcS son's patent, anti trow it open toa à il.ihe American pople, that bis printple,~uit ha ade'pte.d anti operatèd.!qLz Lenerally a possIle, bath for econany and humax1îïYi -sakéè. 'In iis I tbink you...all iagreeQwith me' tti is thaugat the .Eri'cfsn wiîI jgPL -Lonudon or Liverpool, anti ,tîieacrenf~er ü%h Austreian passenger. tradce. - Y ours.withregard, 'G. B.Là mà R. A VISIT TO THE OU)EBWED Tus ceibrated abode of sin and . wretc1i1- enss, locateti on the IE'Vê_ points -ati! City, ';S naw un thoélands of rissianaijl4 ç,iety. -Wht, it ivas- ia its pa!rny:days ro crime anti risery, May 1ho gained ti reiI1 following- sketch -ôf a visit hy one of thae edi- tors afi the N. Y. C.ourier; We have .çïid, anather vsisit to tbis main- sion aofInisery, anti we mnust !say 1tiat We have nover befare seen soI miacl unalleyed sufferingr. WC went ut midnight, under protection -af ýpo1ice offrers. aadwere ligbt- etI ioit r wY-bftorches,-wbieh were car- ried iii aur bandis. flarný passed throxgh thse Mvrderer's alley, aur captaïn eiùtered a roas, whgrè' was presented tbe fdlowiug spectacle~ The- oom, itseif, wlts more filtby thà an sI>' - in the. fire-pllce1were a fewbidmîia embois, abare wbicb bung a-'k eler-wth a cabisage cooking lia it, tened 1by à a i anti ber à dà ghter. It wai ail they h d *6 eat, anthéLewoian told uegbe Lad aot%"U,4- ed. foodi for twenty-?uourhours. fiw tc. eti being, à appeareti, hatibeen engned fà aflht with aome, bMVè o m 1insu so0 severel>' bruised ber 'face that onêwbt aide 'was literallrwck u ùnd 1 " tt èï ied bier seMe questions and.p4a1uffl ï6Z daugrhter, whe seemed 6baye l*ee!sie go base as te -ýhavé ba tre4 hb breati. Thse 'por moete ~b*stînto teéa", anti wept am if ber he&rtý was brokenîv$-'% à naIT c~omment whichi augbter mae, - 4m AIL M- lia Min lu