bmctfttrred the other iiay wbicbh &CIO» à @t81itor Brown inf&H bisdefor- lu tMblesalupel ieft himn an oh ýM 4ýgtin teail 'bebolders, that be 9à q git (ot somes dayoi. Wheu Cpmr, C papers with the tele- ur1prt of Di., ph'. apecb reacbed- .ootahinig the unequivocel an- Otnt br im that the mlnistry woutd il -or fali' ontIll question orLseeutart- iig tb, Pfflves, Brown apparcntiy' aaw for the fiht tinte the real enormity of is :edical Crimes. Ili%.bopes were ail daslied liested d'prophecies' wer a&Il exposed, sud stood onît ihideous bolinuess to theasi- tornisted gaze of the whote coutry.- Drownirig men vwitl, it M. said4 catch at rtvaws. The truth of-tlîe taying ha-%j'î-t beeu prore~d in Ilrown's cate. -Deterinined to struggio to th~e ast he wroteoitof, to the Glbeawbole èoluien of the înost deliber- Me and moat palabie failîoods, tae<lhe cf- fet, tbat uacb minster tarefuily confined h s sertion about e aiato ohimself, an4d s ot "pak for Uthetniniibtry as a usdsL. Thinking te tnake tbis story go -dowsa, or at ail eveats te <'mape from the iilemmia ini wlichiit vwould place but b. ac- tua»y dtw :epýa Contradwtsmi ocf the teh'- pglcrepod-, went ta the Jeporter-wbo tte L rory pre m-and andea- pcrsxiýude lriai b ie-nu! ! 'Dr. Uolpb didn't saay ibat ,' aaid lBrown,,'why *that will play theiichief with u,4,iu Upper Catna'H ! !Yhe Reporter 'indignatly re- jected the. bae propos$ai, andi adercd W <the faithfulnega of bis report. Brown raved 1k a mad 1bul. ' It would plny the mis- cief witii oî iii l'pper 'Canada.' What Ilmisohief' i :Sioepiy thîtb-it would assure Reformer, <thitlac Govcrnmcnt were faitl.A fulto their pri )Wei, and tbat 1B>rown had belied be t It ould pay ht1W isclîîc wtb h -$o nand -the Tories Reporter wIPit te Dr. Rolphi and a*ekd bita if the tc-Ieg7ph correctty repretscnted îha' bc bail aai iY'es 1 said1 the Dr., 'and what's inre, Wîs truc.' 't4ucli are UIll mis- eralile taifî tliof hedrowning mian of thf, Globe. Can .ieformer% lic duped by tlii itan any longer TYd zciaa From Latest Liglith ftpets. Io thl, Towr., on Sundsti lth 2binstanit, 1llen Infant ditutr of Mr. Charle. Pieimon, aged one year. e2î "e 6hAuguait Birooitlld, Weut Gwil* limbury, Jeremiah B. Dawsoe, Eq. ;-4a'rvings .a.ved ror mor iban tblrty y... in ber M.jeaty's 23:13 end IOI Rogmeni. CONSUMPTIONH1! livery body lnowuïsa aterndisuse. Itromn- mences and progresse$sa o n$idiougly, ibat before one u aware of it, 1the Iuns are à atsa ofuecra, t hen a odden exposure of change froinibeat to coldi p,!= ,,, ia ,flammOiiOti, end in a few days or weki ~aa'd, ho or th3e died of haaty Caup- lion. For all îr#ulled with cougb or long corn- plaint, we would vra the b.advertisémellt an the outoade of ibis pm per ai Judson's Chemical MExtract of 14Cherry and Lungwor,"e which lsa id 0o0lie a certain cure Sur this awful disetue. Caution .-AiI oS' the above named articles are sold orly %yCoinstocli & Brother,, 9 John s., 'New Yrk,ta w om ail orders xnsthe directedl. NOTICE. NOTICE ist hendîy giVen titat thec Fitl luîs'atmi-nt oron the Stock held in the Pick- erin.- Harhor anîd nd J bint Stock Co,. lu aileit ini a'd p lle- tesulscriter' ofice, he eon 1efiret day oSf October next. tVM, DUNBAR Tre-isurer. N. B.-Aii artrenis of Stock arc resiocifîîlly le- qitatn to bc laid up by tilul lime. By 01<er 0i Ille Direcenra. 1- 4tln91pi - - -w- --14 c-- w Quebse,301A< JMY 1852. Lan4 ýin he otitie qiBruce, Grey andi Huron, are now open for sale toactisal Selliers on th3e iullowing terisvia: The price go lic Ten Shillings p«r acre. payable ini 'l'n eqiai Anual lnstalmeoii, wmth interesi: the first iiostalmeiit toalie paid npon reteiving an- thority go enter Ppnnthe landi. Actual orcuPf- tion ta b. immediate and coutintious; th3e land lo b. cleareet th11e rate of five acres annîîally for .every bnu'tred acre i tiî,ntheba irai Cive yearoq a d welling bouse, ai teatt ..îiçiiien (eet hy t eventy- six, ta he erecied ; i t~hq I crelerve-etuntnl the land bas been paid for iii fulil andi pat..nted. aria to lm subjeci tb aoy grerail inber dut?7 îhareîfter; aLçneof acclpîitiort, noi ma. na>le wilhout ermission, to ha granted; the' saleannd the lî*!ense of ocimîpation ta become nul1- and vaoil in casa cf necieci or violation or' anof th11e condrition£ the Seitier-io tiied itachuiala a Patent irpon rom-' piyiiig with ail the ,.oîdilioins; net more than twn huisdred acres ta b. jold ta aiiy one perçan on the.,e termi. - Cluirmnan.Imuit1. 22.3in- -- - - -- - - -- VOV ( Dî Y'~front Toronto. wili Svieilt VS-llI13 Non Sert,,'au.'Vthe 1lhth inst, -atie wjuli gva instruction in va, ions lashion-d <.blo miy.Ir utf 1)awiiaî and1 Painting.v TriOas &C., mly b e acertaînl#d a! MNio..Mc-.I lczieor ait Mr.Ilierîigeries, Dru- itt.c lliiitby, Gtf Septrmber 1852. 22-2in Quebre and ihflîîlld Rnîlw.îy Companny. 31JETO, undIET, Contsactors for the Works on î le Lina of Jlaitw,à y fromt Quplier 10 RcliniondS alera pred b reccive Ptoîîosald for eJO"14 RI'IIBNG, 1EXCAVAT N<. MASI)NiLY.andI rarin'a iacieedtinns cf hlnk connectvd vwith tbeivay Con.ïtrttr1ia0. l'ayment ilil twc node ini cash Pery forîilît. IIr. R<;-Kic (R"e!cttAgenqt)> uit1l e in ut. . private lietttr <rom Varrtaiv givc the teniatnce at-tCi UiiiVdy qine 41" following accoutt tIti.' egiti or Itle Clio-be, afltrer i15t11 N<ruvjîcnbr, ttireceive propo- lera,0 wbiebh isai present cotiiîîig "iml, ~p.1 82 ravages ia the neiglîlîouriiood of Kaliscluh- - - - 6. Ttwus thougt eapedient soin(.-lime itîce, T-myI InIroi t. tuake saine iraproveineut in tie smail Atortrys aitiLnw, 'nrStb'& tôwa of Lask nvar Kalisch. For iliat pur- * ;lJi'3 NILA . pose it waa founti necessary to make txca- Office- in ttr oorri bcrmerty nccupteti as a La_ vations inthle cemetery wigere the vieîili% Otrice, bi, Il. NtciD)tnail, Eaq of the. choiera of 183z' lia:t en interrrcd. L C SM T 'S c1 . Amlio>t i.amdîabCIînterîvrda Iar Cera tires cnployed in te iork vrere attarked SFrcie.prîanrOnri.i) -with choera, and evelr>' one uo' ubert dieti.,, ch roieic t ersrOnt CaSr it") Siice tbcnit bas apcead, ad i-ïatîtedt > ch II.()sbest r lii ll oiWhrR. witb more ilianor a- a- tortaity."- L'EcTi Nfl0T; -Xniinr1uurýiton rival-(YqurdSw. Jing ii Icn tîti.poecdiîg a i Sixukile WayIu.p.le,13. 1- Bridge, lia.q cu o on Cark, fr i:IJVîbptlt18.21t ?purpse f inquiring îto the case of the A PUBLIC MNEETI FNG dealb cof a young womau namÃed 'Nargaret ~~fcu i h onhpo'IECI h Leigh, wbuo was woîîndedwhen amungM a TO>WN HIALL on TUE,$>AY thee 16t13(1.1v oS' .crowd in thue cil y of Cork at te laite edc- Seji1tembeI)r next i the hot:rof l'i.)o'f'locki<1. :13e lien, wbcn lireakiînw the sihdoivs of âite terîlo un. (in hie I rnmoe îtif aking iiitcimidt-- bouise or Mr. Bible, ontfPopv,,-quay. Titho~ety u rxdn ac o h lauit eqpOft itis entlemnan %vas aeveral tint'm attacked, and bce ias u> to agel polie CIIURCH OFur O A» 10 protert h1d. white lte police were aidini tte eelcti orite bing considrcd s i-crsar' tiire lieoccrrece oakplae. neuI~aproper ta bld such cli.rh îtheit jt is iner, ther theoccurene tok plce. hieut e at he sîd eeting o w altcoulititteeforth tlaem ttred oui, as Wein"noute oilîii, aili-iguprpose 01 carryiuijcgalau cfccî the rflesrtians oS' 'iy, and the c lceased wau wounded and-sub- aati alt!iraag, ali at the-'anme lime Ilatke à vote acquletlr thed g h o ta.Teplc ifthe a ries preeni, as *ta the toclity in wticli tinte~ diei ha ha ospitl. rh polc huawrch siii 10 bcercted, ahould 1e bu-lIteont man o th&-part>' whoa vasin the hbniie t b eai suit thie'wants andi cçnî'enietiics ofthue avare there was net a whole .pauc .of gias% Tovvisliaapt large. LLA PWO. lef intii wiiduv o hu drwia-ront Manrhester Reacia, 26<13 Aucr. 1852. 21.2in. wbere ibeY wcre, anti frain r!bichi ruain _________________ they were obliged to retreat, andi go on the DAGIJERREOTPS8. à aanr; ther-e- were betwveea 200 anti 300 btones. iii the rooni; the bail door waï sa LIWF. fF eT7 would respectfsally infa. i inured tai it coiuid noltlbe uut. 'On Wedü th11e jilaalabitantii W'litlly, andl vi I nil>'that nesday evèuing the case was brouglut 10 a lie bas taken rooinsuÇ 8 w' '0 HOTaL, f. r 'ceaclusian, ând the juay, afler more-titan the next eight dayA, w Mhe is N).ereared bu cEa- two liaurb' tiliberation, returneil a verdict tiistsst S';rtcon n iSi a p iec hi or-naeailaughier" a aat H enry Bible ýîil enable every biodt410emrbrace t hla ajparluot- and Campbell, te poiceman. 'It appears i, y uow off'ered, No victoire* taken awaà y unicat -tbat 13 nienmbers opf the .jury were for Çnd- satisfaction giv-tn. X'-s regardi pait]Iota weatber. * 1g a verdict- of manelauglter againsuilgainat it oms cÙpcn Ar19. 8 .3M.9 Io 5 P . M '1?ery Bic e, and 10 of justifiable homicide ; Jbty nd Spebr 15.2- 1 4 for mansiauglter agpitnthIe> policeman, TIIE Camipbell, andÉ for juatiftalule homicide.-- 1 INDEPENDENT TiIIIOUGMI UNE SEAM~ER -it is uaid tht on.e cf the jurors was anxious to retur a averdict uor-' ilful raurder" ng,inst lioath parties. rieDund.,îs Wlarder iaays hat the titan- Thonupson with wbosîe mysterious disap- pearn, ea year a go, Dr. DiII, now ino w vi- the l'coite nliary va; naid (0 le-coucerneti, basonot yet en fouati; and that the man Nli ew, 1Splenidi; Uper Cabi. aispposed te b. temissing 'fl _iotpson Who Steamer Oceari Wave A LL1SUN WRiII I liveiin the townshrip of Grafraza ileonet tise Commander, will pty rsgularly lietueen Tb7otnpson aftstr aii. H&NILTON and NOL0TIREAL, correct d Ote4frtePfro. Qice a Week turing the Seas;on lit Navi4ation ted cfrex"Yfo' tl&ePatrÃŽt. lavin;flianuilioneery Tu r»A Y l'or Itonï réalait' Toeronto, -Sept.,. 6tà , 18652. 1o'lcti a. -in. catling aI Wellington Squale, Oak sà d 8s il ille agri Port Credit. Flour, perbrl. 1963 lb.. 17 6 te 20 -Lti;itlgHeilIiweill'8 Wbaif, $'oi«oat7 o1eioel *Oatmeai, per bbl 1961 bs 18 9 te_ 20 0 a'uc1i lit aI ITI3BY, 0hhawa, Port Dat lin, Bnd lîdIead,Port floea Caoig, Kiricitu WbVeat, per buîsb 6OOlbs 4 0 o 4 -0O and i ternaciiate porion the River St. Lawreieî I3arley. per bush. 4814, 2 0O110 2>- (eahî amtd-) Lualçtrotg h Rye, per bushel. 561l.5, 2 3 1 2 é' pf lite fiipiis, and air ilBt11n1reai in lune- (laIs, per bush. ilibsy 1 5 to i 6. passengers for Quebec, to leave rY the Mail Lin Peu, per bu-4h GOibx, 2 0 te 2 l 2 Reèturoiniq-4he wili lee ,JlIontreal for lan ?otatdes,, r bushel 1 O 10 2 4I ion on Tliurday atn.on,. andi Lachioie ont 0 e b 4 teo 0 arrivai of the 4 o'elock (CARS (romS MONTUI Beef per 1o0ibst 22 6 to 25 O AL, touclaîn; aI at the sho e tee4P P~k'prOOb. 26 3 ta. 30 O-(weather permitting,) arrlvln* at Toronto c Por,-Pr 10lb, gtuidsy Fe.ienoon, s*ttituILthe Umsaute Ba~con, perloolbsî 37 6 te, 40 O îng. 14utton, per lb>, ?p 2 he Capt lu per quartor, 2 0 to 4 9 obord, o uLAa& tT5r'*Bi CsÂaiL%51H. Sa,499- tSt 0 !vpr b,~1 te -0 5 Tarontot, Augpae 5, 1852. 1F...hRButter per lb, 0 9 14>o 0 Il 0 32 teO0 6- 41' 5 tn .fi n r, ta a ~AU.I1EFAIRMýS LFOR SATL -O.ICI'.--of tie front part af lot No. 57 ë i o.VAU(;IlAN, 2.Jacrrs imipioved un- der good férn"e, and Wa ig Mille otfr S'culttvation, with a ,'mfnrtaiile Franie Dweiting Hiw-s andl bîarn.& a roatvwatioSwater. A neyer Sititi; streant crorses the lot!. Alan 590 acres,. the front aS' lot No. 58. )l con. VAUGIl AN,.65 acres impxoveti witta a Dwcling Biouse nul bhtiiig4s. yoiiig orchard i n it beur- i. aruad wellkof Mwatei &C., ~YagsaT Thiemeaiem# arc ira'cdonY.çtorr , 17 mites rnm Toronto, in the viciniiy of hiCHi- MOIND flILL. A iso. 100 acres the sosth haiS' of lot Ne..,1ltth con. oS' Uent-h in the naw Cmin.ty onitiario. 50 acres tundet rcuivetionwith a log Iiwellini: ilunise Aln liai ri, ynis; i-OrclîarJ, a iiever S'.&uig sjîiiiî, Creela. Alan 10larrex fle %,west lalf;ftAN'o. 7, 1l2uti con. of' flic said Towiatulip oS' IlECI 15 acreg irn- prorcil, a piermanet slream nof' waturr Crosses #1id lo )t. hie Meut liî1S'of lot No. 7, 2.1. con. UX' BIDLGE. 30 acTes imiprovýeti, 'ufli Dm-tingi - lInii* andt barnnoit the premîsea. There la a rgo(nS in is'<-rt workin< oi'ter *-th a aui cient wa':îply ofS'waer. Iuuaneni 'iî.e in the ïmnîedîate lit,î 13l-nflaod, and witl-inî 18 miles frooi a Sîli)ih Port en L.raket.»rOLri o awhicli ihere ie îeaty acCre'- l'y coud roada ai at Seasoisi i Al *o, 1 fi 1e on thr adjoiflinltol,ait irnprovedl Sno, a smral 1wetî f loue -andllut in tha J tAG 1 1n-'BI)OKLIN, in flic Townbhip of' Aiso a 1lii0diOZ .o iii ftie VI ILAÇ;F. nf OSH- n.Vli te iid 'iowvià tilîi nof %v1Si'IIY. Alit he lIt- 'iisiz rprut, ffor qilalir y iiIn- ration. ix nI thi' ioti di.becharacter aiod wli b i..!.els' . 'l'nums: to eu-lt piurchîu4ens. wtiicl ",Iilau be cti»4 r i.luÈ'IGiitaC. ',NIKEL- ber iii thie VI LLAGE oul 3SIIAA. Alil appli. viti- ns, if l'y tetter, pist.îîaid. 1 i -1 I ' Ný;,aitukM Itv o cupy. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT, Qarln'c 6th Augilsi. 1832. NOTJC E isahrb ic tisatfuture - Stua soS'CroNv'ii Lailds 'witli e a! t'le paî's .tud on Ileheais speciu-i din dia teapvctiva local- Ibiee nîent',cliieln' > aVstuS' the cnîaaties ni Duram tiantiVirtorua. at Seveil Shiltin,£& andl Six Plence per acrie, paya- i)e in tea-ainual itistalriaets, wt utrsoa tendhuat thic lime oS' Sazlt. Eu! of tie Conanty ai Oîalarao, witin Upper Canada, olurShittiiige pot acre:- li the 1the Court- rrtOiw.Ttiree Shillings per acte; frona it ine, ntta aS' the St. Lawrenace Ia th. Counny ni Saeu.eraeêy. andi nru!l oS' the St. Lawraence in thee isitrict of Qoielac. eaet oS' the Clrandiie River anti Kcnnebrc RSau, One Shilling ast Six Pana. on racre-, ra the District 'of Qnelec, -«est of the kiver Chautiierea nd Cntiebtea Read. Two Slil- lines per acre: l-1 te IDistricts of TIîree-Rivers, $t. Francis anti Montrral, South ofi1the St. Law. rance, Thie -ýhill1inià par acre: lsit 11e Disticloj Acre, in ait cases payable it SIv--annual aiiutil.. menti, with intereat, anc 1111a h a 1e lime o sale. For lundi enhancati in vaine tir apeciai eircum. %lances, aî:ch exiauprice tuait Se fixait as Ris Exccallenc>' the Goveruaui Generat in Counril may Actual occupation io bce inmediate anti conti- nous, 1the LandtIo1 be cleareti at th3e ruile af five acres annunîl>ý for overy hondreul acres during five years, and aidweiling bouse errectero lesa than eigliiean eat by t'aîrcty-is ic et.- 'The iim'ner tibeh.Saîlject tean>' genera i tinber duit ht m ay lic imposeti. The Sale iai becoime nai andi voici in case oi ncgleu.t or viulaiiti oS'any oS' the condull-ains. -The seittia la le atiilied ta obtain a Patent ulbon.corplyins: with ail the condins, Nul ni c re than Iwo tiundrtd acrej Itbe solti to anty one persaon. tzPAll papers in t1e province lea 04py for one a Whitby Au;. 141h, 1852. 184.Ii AWMILL, &C, For Sale- >-O-mmrir" e i.., rfor sale là i. o- rofela con sy andt wetity-ftve trainTo- SL A -WhLby,1 :kering, i Village, t10the (romu bis rfeisceTSps in Port %Whitby anti Cas New Chequiered Store, Corner of- Brork- and Kingr Streets, or Ne", in Dry Goods, Gruceries, Heavy end' Sheif Hardware, Boots 4"Skoe, *Liquors, Drugs, e. c c. .AlI of which lie wil ,Sdil at ljover yPries than Erer. Whiiliy Village, 7th Auit, 1832. 17tif. VERY lMP*T.ANT. MO0NEY I PO WER. R ELi *F 11Ir 'rIN 11 sU, f L. UL IN A FIiW DAY8, :JNSURED 13 rlEGB iiA F011- DR. LOCOÇIKS. par t lieCil t é of Con;., C.leWAlithma, Brun- ciisi, Ptiltnatnaiy CunsumlptiOli, andi ail Atrée- tiane of' the 1raët assit Liesr. Maîîat'îdly JAMESJOINNTON, Rech- eter, N. Y., soilto p ietor for the Uited Statu a,,d Btîit Nos tir Anierica. ri E .AL E TVAFER S. A certain ctire for.NMensiumtiSappif r st Sip- prese.d Mr f' lerrorilîîggia Difficitil, or Poinfot Mesainî; Amrenarthoe or'paartfai .ieCr. ; Lencî.rît.rea, Flwr Aillus, Whlitco, andl al TuE GrIt2NT VEOETAIILL' MAGIC PAIN DESTROYER, Mnthciidhy J A M ES J>N ROlocla's-ý ter, N. Y. Sole plu1îieti', Foi thie cure ufA40ta in the i-are and reaiit, Abrasioii8 of the 5kmn, SOUS', Sfre EY(CS, U1It RtiM. SCUrvy. UIcCfy, PILES, PILES, PILES,- DR. UNAT~S VEIF.TULE ELECTUTARY, Or intiern;t Renuied r liearPilas; prepareci b>'A UPII ANI,NI. 1V., 19613 lowrte N Yot ka reç- tion a uloainsi.ttircly ta thi saw. e~Dr. Upam'"s lectitar>' lu n certain cure, whetho.'r Bleeding- or Blinid P'i as, Interntor ExIern.l,audatsa for tîh- er diiesesa w'lich are reqitnbly -foant in cots- juocion wih EPiles, To MI.,,JRJEPD LAqDIES LI ACTO avare still 'n :h filid, and readyt o execîte ail urdrs in thîir ino of buisinessr on th shortest notice. Hevii;a.lded more machine- ry, andi their estalishmnt having %nt tbro'îgh a thoroîîs13 repair, ihey soticit a hareof public They 1,111 exekange clii for Weol en reR.1 zone-bic ternis. -1< Manufacturing Lisi of Prioes. Saitlntt, Warp included, 1 101-2 Flannel, do. do. 1 0 T iweed, do. do.. 1 3 Slankets, >'l61 FUll Clatb, 2 0 ýWaai Carding, per pound, 0 2 1.2 Snningt do O7 12 Qîher woIk don fi pri>pd!tian. Os! ar oi (ardin and Clobli Dressing wili a. frid on liy the above Fir. J. C. BO WE R MAN & Ca. Whit6y. May 12, 1M52. * -f IlRAMM AR SCIOOvL. 'I'HE ,^duties Of lhe abore J'nstitution wiil 1 lie reisumed on MONDAY thë 3011. Au-, Cut i,îs. Yuîiîar Gentlemean are Prepared for Commercial îîurcuits, &c., also for commancinc Legal or )lerlical studies, and Sor enering the Foîr ter'ni% of Tuition, Bloard, &e~. pez Quarter, apply tu the Piocipal.3.1 Wbitby. Autust 7î13, 1852. i7Gîn. PROVINCIAL' mm&UA M D GEMRL INSIAiVCE COMPANYT. tffl-ee--Chuvch Street 10-m CAPITAL.- 1OOO0. DImEcroit. A. M. Cz.ann, Prdrsids-nt. J. S. 1IowAD, Viîce Preuidnl, J. G. Bol W; L. Pi J. G. Wc W. ATKI on Ife 40vort L di ,anrrd th e k ast nîiW IA V atharic Ihai ra il on an y ao-bly ha isatai, ais il witl a'lo 11Y temovl'te liiild~in- P=Ie attait lulneau>DsaiswithOutPaia israit or lia ilatiOli, but wtIl eusuî-e atn easy lime, a safe The F dt'ey, and a ooud co<attittii0 in lae uffApring. Riii and tiis c NO. i-, dent lii -Jet' Datid 1wis retuuwd. <atîc Ilie arc iruly .,rattiSicJ tg learo that titis cee liraiad-peionaCeiri» huagaiti appe.ired moue auidot, u arnd supptied hie e4enla ira eVer>' tolwn a'tb a T4e <recta Suppt>' ni hie] farniaum Jleêrew Pluer, that oS'tlaal has lîcaîtiv) mruch Souiglt atter.- Non&, now, nead tioirtoi1 suifer aray1 longer with Vain at,,wiho %whu 'il t o1[ia abox oS' Ihia cxcel!at tplaîter, Wili andi appt> a pardion oS' lis contena to th<le paît dis- -- easati.ait pain is ac;treely eter kttow'ii io axis! whecre Ibsis pliter is kuîowo. N O . * Waxntedliînmteia tely! Litçeno'I'Iiîu4and Cases oS Rheuinatiâm Lsame Bacns, %Veak sacirStiff Joints, Spfr.ui Conîpluitits, Co ns, Swelirigi, Tumols, Sprsinsf &r., ail aof wlich we promise aminedia. relit%, by apptyimag Io J £S DAVID for a Hebrew Pis- ter. .DUgOYS' FREU ar. SHALL &"MST ACNR Ilous end l«,, Building Lot, filandiome BuuggCy Mare, 5 yeari old, Uood Hôrse, 7 yeara ofld, (fat trotter,) Bg nearly gew, lnte Wag;gon, newç, Morde Cart, new, Cutter, single Waggon, iron Rxies,> Set Bugiy Harnes&, newv, Seb Single Harness, Set Carl Harnes&., Double Barrel Gun & 5fabogany Case, Single Bhnel Goia, New Plougb, Pair Harrows, new, Writitig Desk, 2 Lever Watches, cstpped & jew- elled, (new,) £S. D.I 50 0 0l 25 0 0 17 10 0 1à 10 0 b0 0O 1 ib 0 20 00o 24 ýlti 1 Po 35 T 550OPrizes, ................... The abare List amounting to 550 Prizes,--il b. drawn on a si hered Tickets put ia a %Wbeel Ne. 1, carremponding t'> 113e Ticketi Whetl No. 2; 550 of the slip.* being mnarket! witb hae severai Pri that eacbi nurnber haï an (-quai chance, as a person cbosen on the. dmi g rom Wheei Nn. 1 a nurnhered Ticket, then from 11Wbeel wlwil te fate of eacbriunmbei, wbeiber a Prize ar a Blank, wbir respectable men chosen fonu those present holding Tickets at ht on t. list ecoitsaof a LOT of' LAND, on wbict in erected a Two Ibe. nader part of' which is itteil up as a Nrehani's Shop Ali 324fUeet, ail iii th.irouglî repair. Alsio, a Stable 24 x 18 Jr., Wcr exelltent Weil with new Pump on the prernises, anid a nuipber of1 %Till compile one Plize. There icill te 3200 T'Ièkets at Qiça DOLLARt each. 10. clock, A.NL,-preciseZ1J. A Il or Any of the abat'. Prizês niay lie seen on npplication to Whitby, 141h July, M82.______ CUEAP GOO rTIE Subseriber, in tenderino- thanirs lor tbe liber Sfor the. lutîIbrce.years, be;. to 1intiie 1th t be bas Juls recciel direct froni EnC-land ii ilie largest ami' 1*b t assoried STAPLE AND FANCY I Bonnets, Parasols, Ribbons, Printed- Mai Poplins,ý Hoyle's Barege of the Hia Stock uf Dorries*tic Dry Goadis very exrena1ve, anti Sowe 36 inczh Icavy Grey Collons Che r , 0uodt. in proportion. - -Y o &A alto catil partieniar attention Ia bis ' STOCK O1Y (510 Consisfiing inpart of TIweed,.Doe-ski trcher@ ail i n(purted this Springr and %vill lie sold extrena Hardware &Cro4ery il vieiy coinplat a, amil will Ue Sold atPuil roiTs, I . C. Mouaiisox. lstoa Wui. GooDiss.ix COPANY cifrets Insuîanee ai he me Oice. Churcb Street, Tarante, anti ai 'ai Agencies. lMutuai Deparmmeut doeas not èeeti£600 ne rik. andi hein% conlinedti te letscbed tam tuereto. Order, EDWARD 0G. lihy, e.I 4011CE a JAMErs T. BAi liy the Firut i Pole Irlltparautiôn i 1. Bals andti Mce. anti to leave rio effen clearil ti iIesi annoý fecily $aie ila an y pla aîot the cg" witIi ors 1 . - -- - - - - 1 Il 1 ý -- 1 Poultprigiii. §th Sent. 1 A32. 1 Whitby, April 20, 1852-