etuT9routo-.Twenty. 3W Oe ~ad. id Bt, uri1fatne oclcl a, Webroke onti a stable ini tire rear of <Iaq Mblock of buildings on King-Street, be. twwu East Market place sd Géorge-t. sudt befère it wax got under,, desiUý*yed pro-..à pertïthe i annual value of wlîkeh was --Up- WM of £ 1500, besi des a great amouat- of stock and household effects. tI the ex- téptiun of a few pi M, wlujcl wertý burned, no animal life iras destroyed. Paîson'S & ~OI' Wileox's and S. G. lyni&s stores, nKing LBIi street. were con'sumed, anid the wtîôle block, i Huron, are no inctuding thse Lcadcr and à Alrrar prînting ithe tulowing offieu, ould bave bharecl a tîitnilar fate but The price lI for the.uaeéogino' eflorts of tie fremen, ahe 10 let eqîîali 4eitrd by & ernali biaud engine tbèIon1ing to ihority b Ci.i *Mr BI3Aty, which ws kept in operation on lion go he irif -.the roolfthe building nearestt i.Ians Ocetda Mr. Leak biageswffered a grent îosN in is dcit hîîum eandi. anddiçoap factury, lie ivas insured for swix, m houe t600 in' tihe British - Aneran ; butft thluind 1ha. i wilI flot ncnrly cover 1is Ios'. Parsons & 10btsiljeci If aLirense 'of Milcox weretbîsired £500 in tlie Phoenix ; tlisil 1l S.(. ~ lAyn£500 in theo bui1dîoig an'l £750' <of lipitÃ" i stock i Ile Phoe1nix. Mr. phtt wa'jf4 tl.'t Or ViOt insiired £150 ii hie Nolth Vesteni The ta lir hle.0- ýnnkeepcr% burot. ont w&re IIob)in;nii & tlIrwa h C:rcen, laines Arriott, Ilulln (alw iles. ternis. Goo'rge,1>iat, Steiehn *Stroti%, <îitpw wrigflit, William n uonklhouse aînd .101n r9- Ail pal Peteron. 1'l i>' ihbouse, ily n>ti creced, a~ a kpi%îfied. on %Vi(Ilthiere wait noinsuraîîe1)-orthe Ainrican. ', ," 1 CONSI1IPTION 111 ft0Â('R 13iery body knnwa i. leîgi#eaae.ilrani. uider Zroedli mncepand proirfep &s. jsidiausly. tha lbIelbt ijr a t one i' aware of i, thé lunga are a tisse of ulcers, fiarn. a iroi thon aa sudi1dn ex;aiîre or chanre fr( tom l calld cli,.ropows Ille lo ,ll4teian îililamuusionu and rJin a 1iew <aya or Atçn<4oarr weki siaid. i,ai, sho diîoiulsy Cunsîîmp . VMJ<; 11~ lion. Par ail lruulbk itt i ll (là ilLl liiîcon). lus'atilt plalit, we woqà dd rLeet tflic adcef.i-rtie)n n iic g ,îur. t Iwel. ouîtà Meoi hia (jîprof Jîsoo'a oChernieu'ai xtrari 'hférît'. arf or:,CherrY and Li[itnwr," iiirh us 5i1[o li 1 mrsïrî cerail cue lr liisw(il d'sese.MON U1> HLi as1o-A5ofrIieabi)e 'narned articlcx are A1 ) O', îoo told only Iîy Cont*tock k lrîîîiir, Jil îa.,i New #cou "f j,î -j York, go ishom ail ortils ia firaI hbcdiretIe'. acriu îî,vuî - ~..-. ,....~.. anti baîi, plou TI 11Crertk. Aim- oaIar OOEAt'.TWûVE. 'Stemr(kueItisîruALLISON tvu'thlh.Il Couimanulen,'Nviif ply rui ba yhet ni-en * Once a N'Jeek diii, rlie Seaoru a-f Nr;ia'i,#irrni 'leuavin; l-lriulotî er; t' itr%ant'oru Mtsr.r '1 mlctc u r. tallîr'- .rL %'ellii'ton Ssjî a k-X a. ai. lounai u .V11'i'lVî'. (ntna'a,'t 1Dar- andul'uut.rmecliate l'ailsn flia' Rivet Si. Laaareice. (w.aha etutnri)Raiu ltrouglthe tu'.)e i/Me apidr ncarian, a 5itrfaI i i mnut- bton Pesnesfor Qiateur, ho leair' b>'Ille Mail Lin.' lReturtiti.-'Stie vli lea'e lli1unlfur /t,irn W-lorton 'lhtirrsduy rahnoon.- umiul artiruir trî titi' arrii cfthe4 o-uk C MIlS fitn i 1RI- AI,, tueiiiautail the tahcuyýe iintiined tr, (tAeaîhaa enmtlii a rnia'irgrut iomîcolon i bataditta éraut, n bmlo b"snee.c inf. fl-tcFroight tun Pausgeatpliai thlle .iîtairl an htoarsi, or un i. -nn iltrn. biurritora, Troteiuc Atita5 , 18)2 2) COUNTY OPF ONTAR.81 TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS, T ND lilciedfr ic COURT IIOUSE AND .1AIL, lnofliseTo'.n i l Çli Isv. Pîra aul ieufnaluî - amay te ceeu aiIltle fffireeof taeîandilsgluidlt and icur '%Illlilâ 1.iy tt'311h ir. 1 'r'enaieri,0le bu itlivvr'td entlier et teaMvi.'of hue Arrli4e,i, w "crouiio, anaor betore WE1)Ni-l"S DAY, I $ it N-pemuer. u' nooti. tri ho tiit Rawo Ctar ourf ihie Bildinq Comrrmitha'.') ah Whlbby, oi'hisî" lu$punertto tru ileiu* tdorse'-il'r ur rCourtli4f! x'a.l i, Cuiu'i l>'etofsiaris'. - TIr'e poos ite lia'.ilnita anc mile o! Wh iiiyI HarbuerI 'here eecr>' fuuility'for bhe landinig of tarsarail -ii ie secuires. Dly ilef, NOTICE. fhurrah>' <olutti auy persan anrpedons; (onmpi>'- - lu;; a noIe for L)aiae ian 1 n a-rn BenjaimiBr>'tn. d cinir le h2tls tay of Auigunt bc coitrutle fort lite ,sm" - I&AMUEL %Vix"O Brock, 4ugtl19,)1852, 0. YPRtOVNCIAL EXHIBITIO-N- -T RESul~ bscriberb be-' bave te sttule 'thulr aaueu Viund, and tire pubikgene- raiI'4blhut>' pare mak-nug ver>' ext.uaive prurr- îaliosu,for liregrra.Exl~rhiioti, w1liels faies place en 2Ofli 22nt 23fd asia2 411 BPE R. J. MRPHY & Co. W-eaern flieUt TORONTO. Torentol, IUîhs Mugut, 1832. 04n -îjwMS,-Gktar»S, OHURNS! - HE{I'Subscriber laezs te iliforni the Pubs- lie1 la puerai, aisi Tmen'eitvives in parleti- jaro tha hsvlîngpçjoete tive vntio, ho nId Do0w mssufsebni nt h :*iot cprage.oot lNo. :U, brn i nt 1fH TBY, hit lot. îîîtîîH;F-.30 rin ni'il ti;plý, irnirîici.iH rut Airaî,15 otare %%-1 tu'!aî'l l'i AIs.. a -n VIlLLAGl; îr AI'r a [RUP .XW'A. ihi dic' Ail titi'îan tiii in ouaia Ieo dî'pos0%il tir ',an li ülelri l" ie or IcVIL 1 Catt lit,uifry I 1 si ai î LAltoIBEPARTMENT9 Quebe, 301h Ju.1M 1852. :' i, era'by given, tliat î.$bo r lie CoýînIies of Bruce., Grey and ioi opri, for safe ta acltual Seitîlers on 1 ou lIte len Shill*tnis per acre, Payablei ýAtiial Insluiine.Its, with inierest: alment to b. puid -tipon rreiving anî- fer upon theu Iand>. Actuatl occupa- 'neduuleand> Continuons; 1he land > b It lte raie or rive acre% annially for M acres ulurinz the firet rive yearx; ia usé, at Irit "iclîfeen fleet îy ftvent),- wie.>; îIhîîti'tuber lun be resftîive.> f111 x'een iajil for in fiuil and> prîitetie. aiia on auuy t>eneral ilier duiy lherrcafler; occflip;liflfî, 1101usi,,nullLg wiîhoii ta le 19tîru.i11td; the suie and t he lî-sne ,int bvrme îîîîll randlva 4<lii rasaior flatioi r iy ni tliii' iorcili>nî; 1h. 0'illetîl ta oua iti a'iîlif it Sport .'o- ail Ithe tîoîîîllî içni oI moi e iil acres ta Uc ioUItlu atu>'une pvi son oi inr thiîie Piovmnce lo copy foir ou' i~ ~~OI FlM F01SALE 1 . S' of bute frotlpi-t of lot Nuo. 57 ý,'.XIL; fiA NI 23arres imîîrov'ciison- u.9>1 anood in a higl uat'o ni!iriau iittbi.' Vrarnsn I)aaelliurzointgeandl neci. ilii. front o!friot Nol . ~lit con, - C'i lorries iiraicvsd astîs l) w.'lling lilinit. Vaoaiu%,-urc'hnard b fîillibear- -fl o! waneîr Wa.. rina aie Mi,-tit-d fon Vxa-'arT nu ns rhe-s' ouili lu.IiS or afNo, 4, lotlis ii %ij.i vîtitîa log lssiiu-:ilouati': HUo' ('luc -lu ,> a neyer fsin;uî s4rîig 'a. lli.' s-u's i irfînlt No. 1 I2'1u roui. Iuttip<f t'AChf. 15 armi-C ln mati'il o!\aatrrcroî.tr's sa. r-ct l ,1f of lot Nn. 7. 2-i. non. ir1X. IO arr."inn, ac*cI n D u-)aeIlirnz i il oïl Itéprs.nrisa'sÊ, îren e laa tl pisf-it arkinu* ont,'.' ax-ith a R iri- if wuîivn. irtiutl ain< iv f ille c ii la.- 'illn r't .atr# i lvit o 18 mi'. Por lorl'n L OUi-,tlas i. b .i-rj a nue,<' lav cool uad mil ir aI Ssasiii '>f îl ii'. dj1inir, i >11il raptu ar-t W l Dr-ilut? 1100'. anëtoi lott inrulIip Hîtot fKlIx. in tIr. ranuaçof' rà l .~ u mteVILL,..AG E ni OFS s ain 'I'oaluup nitWII l lii' nu-i hu mhnomeIv. l'o- suoI m larrb. ic trsits rii 'aa'e id vl 'f.I'înat, týiiiu.lanuulïaiara*f.. vrîh OiraI OUi nulîlriaiiîlia l C. NIi. KEtY li~nsN1) 111 LL, oftiflre~rlx' rLLA(;l:nt0f SllAiWA. 'AIl aiujuli-, F. KELL.ER. CROWN LANDS -DEPARIMENT, F%îï.(sls ~ in liereby g-iewl'ti i i it uiri * ie of Coru .lîrgdi aililih t rthé rfirepisc. and a thé-tern- îr j I,4>it't*-l i rrî.c o~I %Vesî of liii' Uuuiîies. i1)liu ljam antd Viniori, il S.'îeuu Slillitî ,g aid i a I'cii.'.per arre.. paya- ll in lvmi rinîriiii wd;îtilt,~v1iiiiril, ut P111111rialuhe tirront'ni*saifr K*S r the it' 'ointv oft Oiltrfn. avuluii Upper (.'iau, Fcuîî Liiiça îîrpv' acre: bInt.'eIle C<ier .41 pi l rie nfiiiaprniro.i-n thé-lire, fui i l Ile St. ta .riefote L'oumîi nI Sa n'uy. and ril oth 0<1 hpi'5. La'-mnce i i he o>ifTh r!Qijlwlc, 5'isd of ihé, Chzaîrditrue INtiu and. IZc'îneiti-s' li,ÃŽ(IrisSiiiîiand.> Sx Ppnrre prr ur-: Ina the I)lilnirl of ii ls..w#sn.t "I ili.' rîier <'haifîit'reand i ,tbic Jtiuii1l* 1'îshil. linzir pci acr.:In-uI xri unto 'h'-I% -ers. Sl, F'rrnit-iî,é ad Mioti-al, tora nai tIi. St ,lî' rtnie> lirt' riîlIaugx pri ocre; Inithmifti W il,<-n (G-uepi.and illimutttv ii rirî.'i. ifsShiling per Arnu' in nah.tiiira " Id' i f i. iin iî anaîi wwu rup'tim, mi h irttcrebt, (mre fittli--rî l ' tirni.o- For Ia,4ili ulîuiiçîrl in valuelipiaiiîi ( Irxa pïte oratv-i, fixe>a Hi4 Fxc'î'iluî.y i>t he 'i 1301' Gi'n.'r.tlin uiurii nîay diriect. .Arinlil orai pirion I o b.' iunî'Iiïîtc an-Irami- nuus, tht lai)îdto-Ibe 'i.aied t t he rate of fi'e acres rînnîatal'.for sitry bhuuulredauresca .ing rive. yeans, andu a dvrcli,îu bouse èeîcied ntct ica titan eighitecn ui 'le iîy-sit feet. '1l'le inaiter ibch. uilpjecrtalu îy "encrai ti'nber ditiv .h ri may bc impoarsl. "he Sale luoiiecrîne nȔ arnd voli inrage ni icingleit OLiotiOl fiio!a-yof the cosndit ions, C The meitier b1e frît 11.'.>in0obisin 4a Pit ulaon warul iîîi ahut thIe.condlîions. Nul nmore iian1lwo huitidi'& acres 1ta Lesold tb arny nue persoli. U'AlI paipcns ünlite ProVince la capy for ane k11V IJI,&C For S,'alte ST l ~iubmèr;bf.r offeri for *ahe las pro- ic T pi-rt>' stuate.>ilu PICKFRING;, 1ix aillesi tram l2nenrismei's Bu>' andt îa'oay-five tram To- r reurue coaa'tsin:cof, ONE RWNDREO ACRES Of -LAND, j on wlriel is a iýmt-rate $aw Miii, 74 fuet lari;, lite upitt anai a gangcf i ,cratar suws for cut' sissLailr, &c., an ~itls n aaenfhot wiser wiIr nieuit Siafis as.> geeing, ahi fitletl up on tli luri orauner wlth ubuniinîcer cfataer theé year round. - COTTAGE HOUTSE,U Saiwyr's Ilotuces, Stailfes 'ke., on fic, prnMlseo, CIJEQITEREI) S 8TOREO IuollWIt l> eLAýYVIjHR L>ESPETF1TL~Y bes ta tonolc qliii qcustomcra and tie inbahit!ntso' rW itby, -P ic'kering, andl the reair 'rawisslcit lue lias (rom Iris former Shops ia Part Witby aund Commercial BuldîninlaWbiîhy Village, to tbe New Chequiered'.Store, Corner of BÉrork aiidKling.l Streets, Whenc, in adidition Ie the etire Stocks from loih Iiefoid stands, ho btas opencilatît a larce asnrimen of New, in Dry Goods, Grocerici, Ikcary and Shei Hardware, Boots 4 Shoes, Liquors, Drugs, 8'c. 4-c. &e. AIl of arliiel lic wili Soue t leAwer Prices fkan Eater. Whiîby Village, 71l h îîr, 82 il-Ir. VBUY IMPORTANT. lMO.\EYWIsPOWERl. ComMaY Of Iihe î,rWe- i A Ty anc still in the fld,and ready la eXr-e'îte ail urjera in thjeir lin. 'o!husint;saoon ýhua sitorteat nofice. (lavi; adale, mare machine' d'Y. ands theïr esbîlshrnent hevinwga ne îhru'îgrh -i a toigh repaire they auolicit a <hareof <public tTlîry wil r iînge chîil fiîrWýoelon OU H 1~i~î"h',î'î~N ..tîNt: y-. 11Wsunabîrf erma. IN A 1"'E DA SIN$1UAED ) M'liJ!flCl(riflg Lst of Pricrcs. l3' I11;IT ilA'I' 1FOR- S. D. attis te aiv in 1de ,J10 1,2 1 t0 DR1. JjOCOCKsSr ýIu'h 1 WulCiin;dPeu polind,t) 2 1-2 Ffi piu zriîinM g*ll di). 0 71-2 For~~ 4i. *1.'tf oî;a uis'Athu, *rn Vnhr work donc in prospoilon. alun, l~ziiuuuiay <tit11uau;uon,, an.iI 11Al?"'n- Oshrawa W~ool (ariinç an.> Clous rinaresinq wili lunrra os I.'1r-î-ut Liuuga. lurcarne.> on by :'40 aixove Fîrm, eâte. , Y. ., sliîtuînuiior l'ou flic it . lte -V'hta'Mi 1,142.5tf andi iitisI, Not-h tAnwrira. - --- li(-), o K* -S WEST B N FIRE INSURANIsE COMPANY, F E.11.1L E 11./1ilE R S. If ir: t5nî'i-t l'Ec'trie.-- A 'iriaiuî uirf l 'entiltau SuppriridIu(Isu ip- I lIeui 'iritt itIe-ns',: lor,isu. r rGrueun sîu'k' lutt'i i[tu't i'ls~nAtIl us. blrîies, anditall Tor'ut n X-.T a-t:;TABLUst MAGIC PAIN DESTRO-VER, tt' i'r S iY. i f Ii-iclo. . Fo:uun fitl tte t kýIc ;fi fil,1- ' l '] A u i . lcas i r u s '.it i iaa f il l t'îtt5 1 it.tlir'i.S ilo uax,'cr '~ir'sSut Lya,$ait Bileina. Sorvîy. UIren,, Piles, x&C. Pi.U ITS EIL $.PLESrRY o.' Ifîilttci w ni i-nru'd 'i1hl'îPles; piepiri.> h)y A îi1A.iyeîiîuî'I. c.- i9ihiyr'iii.IO Na.whuai iieu i uis autt,,n l iorunîtri erîlureiy iniuhii dimucawe. Dr. Uçlani's Feii;iry la a vrttinr rie, a'hslli'r lleeditià r oi IlliiîrîPites;. ileral nor1, xbernnil. andI ali .o r h- *en diîeascq a'.icmritae fcriirlly uil iii COn' jîtruru iaîn ui iries. 710 .1.IJUJED LAqDIES. Tlhe Ellecluîîry ix ;îefei'ily i-afle forPr'uin h.nladi'..îuid l le- - iefiei ri-ull'ti C i liant ie Illat cagi tr>Iesily li equei'l. ax i jl vlintuot uiy tenlineI'llthe 'u le'i a ii un Irait oautr r Ji'î'ue e .a 'itlmounî Puîir. 4r Ilui ilitrunru - elit wili l iuauue an i'aury finie...1 atîfe 41uiîî-t'ua', nord stl ouu uliuîrninua i t ile 0uIh'tp, iu'. Jéi 1n O. 1. 111c 'are ltuIiy nraliied lu learu htlaltii îce lîraieîl Pc-rxonug.î lîittu antiuil 7a pper'ad lioi m idat, arnsh eutlii(l is atrent. inl tveny ton ' siiru îrs'sh xsupîly ntI li* inuuile If.'brr'w llattenr, usat hl il v 'i'iutturcfî oau;lit rifte,.Noa-, icîred ifrauln y liti'er 'tal I 'rin ani tiïktitî-1, wîuuî -i llgisi a ltuiria lbox of thui3 exiu!t lbn Ia,îcr,. turf arptli r) îir' oîî of ia u'olnt lii'j.u îs -ý5c aie lit'in Irs1rus c,airrf-IY v NO. 7. Lifîceu ýi lsis.utsl Casel; oS Rhéltuntiaun, Lame Rrîek 8,,eeak il aies. Litote or St if iJul»ts, Crorriplaints, coinst, S'.aeîhogs, Tumrora, Sprnss, 5~c, al o a'~ie vepmntfilse îutîirdia:sr relimf. by applyiuîg Ici JF.W !hAvit>fer a klebiew Plus- R-DU-20YSI RATEXTERMINATOR. y1') ff1f* SHIALLB1I1 ' Ng r pî-îs Preperufion if jRats an> Mjice. % sou! tn Icave ali0n lu tIsai..> oAtbesu annoyi i'.cliy adeouin y puer slob lte: cnsuwit roralis J3eware of T* H" Stiha.'ribs.r se.sireq i tiîst repeetfully' ta arfi looufirrtlo thiifilitatso n Ux oatrusca, and> tue .uîrrou iiudiî.r 'Ioaa'oipc. tit lhefbai buron dîîly appnirbs.îl A ua7-lr by the Western Assuratnce C'onll- iifi'. lately eorgarîlve>in 'l'orotîto, f0 tae. Riiks agitunst Fi.'. unithe toast reasanable terais. Al*o.. pauluica wieiinga sal.eaard remaunrafîî'e in-. ît'strnri of mnney bave riou-an cpporbuoiiy le tory urouit i totexcueruinut COne Ilunsirud Sitresani l'era 'oîuîîtur per Stiire, labile oiii> Fiee. par catitt or lT'ni Shilliigtaqpe'r Share arc reqltîîreI fa bh. pi. duavo. Tite prolabîlity la, ltai tMe dividende wî'iI pa 111" ueieauer -part of lte Stock subtcniitesî, bi)ýsn heî îxahul extenultbem opera- iii' tri LK if. laru rine Insistrance. But situl- il l'e' Iffnît n.>n.cetr)te la u in a furf ber pier cent- ge~ ai tîtun.'Stock sx'cib~-iei. sixty d-ty. notite avili it. gi tenuPrEOVirlut ut lsidae îui paytn.nt. AIl %viii.:h itr!'petuily aulim rinbe.>, TH-OMAS DULTER. IlIxlritl-e, Apnal 22. 1852. 3I TO BUÃLDERS. lIE Sýubscriber respectflly inforin% par- tiesc Btuilding, ltai he ia piepareul te iupply any quauitifycfi *Theýc Luth will l-e bounsl cheaper, eau le score rnupialy laid on, and> vilI give btther stsfa-lioa tit n hie coamin Spli fluer.! Lath herelafore in lise * ILOB11RT WIGMORE, - No. 14. 51is Con. Picera-ing, Apply la R. Il. LuAWasR, Wlsitlsy. Pînkrirug, .Iuiie16, 1832. 1 n.t;ra- GTRAMMAifit SCHOOLOI 1 îEdu 'es cf theabove Iîsstitulicn wilI Uc *rearimed onaUMt> NJJAYthe 30b Aasm sl. Vousit Gentlemen are prepareai for iimecalîurâuita, &r.. ulto for commencinr L.aior Medical shudics, andifor ettrîo; thie Unirsuity. JAMES IIODGSON, *Priricipel. Fotiris qof Tiiitien, Bout., &o. pet Quarter, uppel> to lite Principal. lhitIY. , us7îh, 185"2, i 3.4*. 170.». PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND. GENIRA IXILtBNVECOMU'ANY.' Cla ;c--Chgrçh St <lt To- -DIRlECTORS. AM.ClýAiitx, Presj4eit Jo. 8OAI», Vre ireidnt, J1. G. Buwvss J * . 'I4yrs, M. D. W. L. PauN.': .1 iiaçfai a~ G. w0wr ,,. . MNoiaazson. , W. irx<oî WX, . cc*xaunn rHIS COMPA1YY e&1esInouutanceatth Hme Offie, <.h iteet, Torongop and et Tie AMutuini Deprh;neat dewsanot pxCeed £500 ofi any ont-. iii, andbfig confine. fi, .nma 534 ' 51(1 < 498 480- 462 4-44 a 42r, ' 408 ' 372 336 ' Andi wbareat tbe amauint of rateable propenty in ltse raidCn un1ty ontania amounfa 1te istm of One Milliîuouylr Huiudre> and Fifty-nin#. j-'5u. sa8-nti Seveus hundre> & ixby l'ou rds itssase.> value for te yPar of our Loid(>ne hhoîisansl kiight huan- Jr..> and> Fitty-oue, an.> it will reluire ltegSearal rates îto thé poilu.> ni.auiiotsesibn the Scbedule bore- Ie anneKe> thsrked A (and, (0fming part cf Ibis BY-Lâ9w), luron sucb raleahle property as a ope- ciai rmie toi the psyzoent ef seul interest, andi for lte creabion aofa a eknc han.>for tho payaient o! lte prindcipal tai nh ban, aecordiusg te lbhe ne- qiîiremeniâftoffu neituntireslandseventY-ceveuiîh fier'iisn o!f it. IUpper Canadla MiiIipa I Corpara- rions Art Of 1849, as amaia!e4hy te Upper Ca. oiada Municipal Coortialn Law aeaeiulmer,î Act of 1851. Be it thurofore enatted by the-Provlianiai Mu-i ricipli crunucil cf fthe County of Ontario, 1iat,-'ti's: call ind msy lie lswlut o and floi ille Provlivil W c f bbc cait!Provisional Munfciea 1 Cô!tciiî,:Ionraîe b>' wsy of Iloin, at a rat"'efîuuercit moiex ceediag six per cert<luai pr Atium, frera itiy porsan or perdons, body corws.a rate or polilue, ,wit alf-~ lie wilinfg fo aslcancte the same upion theffecrdit cftise debentlr*s boreinafier menioticed, a mgai cr moes>'not eixeding la Ihe wboe e a um cf Six Tlieuatid Piiind.4,'an.> te cacaogeia.hema tehoe peit ir'to lte bandit n9 the Pravieloual Treasurerol the'mal.> Provisional Ma- nicipal CinclI. 2nd5-Thaî t isihallan.> May liawful luad for te sala Prouiuialonal Warden ho cause or direct any nuimber of debenulw'fto o de ouit for sncb suao i s um of maney net exceecsln ithe ls.witle te tiaf Sixc Thauuatrd PaumaIf, ai any persan or perions, hîiod corpoaae or polie. shail aqreé tn sîlvanice on lb. creilit etfsîsch dcbentuires, whicb sthah b ta iiue.> usder the cemmoutceae f the mai.> Provihionai eMunicipalcunrU. aundisigne. hy ftho Provisiornal Wsrden andl Proiionual 1tresuner, and mAide cul iùtiteh manner and (atm att. paya-, ble aI sueit per!#la.>.ouf xceedifig twenly yeais,as the taisi Pravuaonal Wardmu shailitieai expoîient; proviileda lwoys uevertbbehcu bisailte saai doheen- leunés shah ntct madIe payable any sucrier thon thia livy-Lait'prorvidrj for raià in; moneofur ibeir 3rd.-'nuîrt theinteresl on sncb siebentur'easait l' aable et (lite saiir cf tbh esiVrivisiona; l'reurer, on rte Seveth day cf Sîrpiamber liii cacit atil evry yar utter lte came are issuéd. r41h. -'l'lat tisum et Tht.. Mundrurd Pounufa, being one-twentiéîh part ci the zaitisuai cf Six *Thouururi.>Pounuls, osiaîbchopai as tIhe sali Proit.- ilenal 1Treaeuirloffciice in eac-h and> every yar lte f ri payint 0IotbcMatie on tiese eveni: day ofSeptemt'onin tise year ofcuir Lord Que hÃ"utsauai eiçiti buinarql ansdiiy-hre 5t i.-Tis 1the isuai of Six Thisand alPournd sahen ce pal.> lai tise band'of tbe.aid Pnvusîosru Tteazoirer, shall hoapplie.> towards dpfrayint tise a-xpen*es of ci-eclirs; a Court Ilouse andsi Uai for lise saai Cotuni>'o! Orîtario, anti et purrisusia; a eiee Gth.-Tisltishe special reeenumeraîeîl lu lii. Scisedule hrh rnxtma; ied> A, shusl i fatal- mi>, cd ollseul n ver and obove ail niben rates tntiieycatestc iamntioneupnoli;ltle- ahi. properfy in hIl.aWcunt fyontario'for lise rp»ntpuyin; thse salt utilnaot'Six Tho)ran.> 1ound'uuad ite lorerest thertona su afreca'ad; ansd lte jrocerda cf suefrispecial rate ithlho op li ieQo,ad heite-res* heroenau ferritail,un- tli tise wlscle of surit dehoneres anm]tei teereii thereon la sfcressld ichall ho psitt i full. 7th.-ThaLtlbs i y-Lsw #alsl ceaie inte f fre andl tait. ePect offt, (nom andsiallfer i bc Serentis dayot-Sutrrifer in ihe year of our Lnrilone (hou- eruadtig efisunareudf .ifty-tu'o.and ie ore. a. 'a 1869. 180. 1871. A 137.14W Toraim, lbii-tEa, of Z«n, thec arum of £6,00o and'btreae, puuuaUIc atlin. Tict!, Ycaur, for fthé Êreetùrn of a Cumrt Ilmae «mi Gaot in ias COUN\TYofONTAIIIO. Wj7L E11AS it is expedient ta maise, by rR Os f Joan, tbe sum cof Six Titouc>ur Pours, fer the plirpose a( deItrylîîg the-expen- sa e61frocfaring a ESue, an.>oi erectinç aCorraT Havitandi Uà oL in iha VILIAG;=ofai Wrtr.V, in the Ontario, an.> iî wili require the suai O(Nille Titousan. Seven Ilundroal aud Eighty Potinais, te o, riifaa apecial rate for the pay- ment cfisnch Lan sd the Inteieat thereof, with- in Twenty Yesrs from the Sevsohh day cf Septouiher, 1852, ai Ieilowc, that la o cay- £600inuthb. ear 1852. 1642 0,' if 1933. 6024 9"f 40 804, 6w do ~1855. 588 ~~1856. 570 " " 1837. 552 '< 18581. WI. Reienred ta in the icreçoing By.1 ig ais tbeeoi. -- IW247 18247 1872 1818 1764 1710 1050ÃŽ7 [dao -i l' 185 a - r/eus. I ~' lefu wnrea Witt Wusunteecu equea ls iee;ipfion"in annaeil £s.i Hoiier and- Lot, 500 0 O 2 large En-ligt Building Lot, 50 0 O 1 Double Jasel HaudtsoteBuggy Mare, 5ycar. clu, 25 O O I Lopine Watt (vood flonue, 7 yeanre 1<1, (fait ftrotter,) 17 10 O 1 Wbielbuu;ov Cutter, 6 5 0 3 Steel tiaci, Single Wsggton, (Iroan mles,> 6 O 3 Steel Spaderi Set Buggy ilartieas, 81gw, b 0> 0 24 Steel Ferka1, Seï Single Hannesa, 3 O O 1 Parlour StOa $et Cart Harneu, 1 15 0 10 Clait and Fe Double Barrot Gan & Mahogany Case, 5 10 o 6 SilkcHais ait Single Barrei Gin, 2 O O ' 6 Tuiry hir New Plosugh, 4 O0(i0 5 Iran M.aesuî Pair lanrwg, aew, 3 o o I35 iTea rrisai WiiiitDeck, - 1i-0 01 I400 other P 2 Lever Watchîea, ca ppe.> je%% - t 550 Prizes, T'he. ave List amnounîi>in 10 5o Pidzei, will h. u lrfn na sin-ua ber..> Tickets put 11110 a WVhet!l Na. 1, corresponîhiiiîIl)ta te'rIýkeIta Wheel'No. 2;- 550.of the slip. iiom.arke.t with ihf severai IlPur ftat each nuînehbas anrqual chjanceê, isas t ensora, iolen natIKihe dia Wilîgfrsm.WlîcarîNo. 1 a nnflhenreul Ticket, inIthersnmWlueel N %vil 'ilithe fate ociourrh nuimier, %A belheraut Iznior a 1Bl.rsk, wbici respectable men ciiosceî (tom ubome pres-ot holding Ticketsa ut tii ,on lhe liat conuiqis af a LOofa!LAhsia. or, hieh is verectel l' a w S the nnder pýçl of which) is fittI..!it as a mancals hp As 32s,24 fettaial bif haîrau-lî ipair.Als;o,asStable 24x.¶ 18 ftr..Worw ex'ellent Weilt wîit ni-v*rew p on the premiss, r:iidinj !timblel of Fi vili rompt l ie .Pl ize. 77rrrc will te 3200 Tiecis ut -N.PLA «k WVhilby,, 141h July, 1M52. îîuurierin endrinilthanks for t h iber-al Jnîi reclrred direct f rom Engiand uta thue largese a)i be t assoricd SI£ STAPLE AND FAINCY Di veri.-P iiaiî-' to Ii thîr'I[là s S'ti>,k of [).y CGoal crraiq Bonnets, Parasols, Ilibbons, PrinLeé-d iMuî,Sli Poplins, H-oyle's Barege of the Lé Ili JsStock eot Dornestic Dry Gocala la very extenaive, an.> lower th; * 36 inck Ile«vy Greyj Collons i5d. ter Glomus in proponlianl. w il.> alto cuill paiticulakatit'iteon ho hie STQCK 0F4"(JLOTII1 CcsIisig iv ýarI of Tweed, Doe-skinsi wliitch were alt imported tiis prin:r andti lIblie colci extrem.iyc Hardware & Crckary li very il, Mpie, andI wiil bie sol.> at plie'esati GEOfl ma %,a 1