Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Reporter, 21 Aug 1852, p. 3

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1~vim~oln~conotdrble amont of *il- luf Plte oudin hit posession, a portion, of wbieh h. had' olered for tale. This 'Thomas Wych, it hau been hscertained, oai, li lft Montreal on the day subseqiient te L ie. jHe wau a soldier in the O0th re- met,fi-m whlcli he wusdiseharged UQII, e W Menthe ago, and has ince kept a grog- ç,vyin the aeighibqurhood of tk>barreokta. Frn uldescription of the plate in que$- M«e. reoiveil by Capt. bMcGrath, jeater. day it bsbeen clearlyidntied ut beîng tha proglarty or Louis &aldjo, Esq., -mtolen froȟwi* enceof IL; 0. .ndrewât, Ese. hi. brother-in-law, in Dflousie Square.- Mr. Ald*ô 1 l f esterday (fur new York.--- Mo xtZe(Ird DY TE LESGRAPHI AIRIVAL 0F TEE RANKLIN -Nzw Yoitx, August I7th. TLhe 66 1ràuklin» wlîe-arrivai w. an- nouneed on, Monday night, with 4t days bit er nevw,, briaîg 120 passeng'er, and 600, toni freiglit, with valtiable French goeds. Fleur aid wheat were more firmn, ait the, raitesa of Friaey, while Corn waà sarcet, at là advaftce. X'ellow being quoted a Provisinsn, Were gentrally steady. .Tbe4,oliticai news la interebting. I*<GAND.T110QUIell wax to leaire for ÂAitwer-P o01 4attuday. ne bundred andi *eýrentetoi vessels were up inl the United Kingdom, for -Amîtralia. Tradc at' Mauaî chester hli sosmrihat .lacttd. Fw& ,%,c R-Pejtit ions were cîrcilating uin sevéral of the lepartments in -favour of the e'ýtabIL-*1.bnat of tie hereditary E ta- pire. It is reported hiat Ilhe, official announce- ment of thl arriaige of tim Prenident would be mnade in a fcr days. 'fliec elction for Coumicà- <JeemraI as resumked in (avour of 11ALWAX, Augue 1 fi. TL seausilip Canadawitla Larterpool dlate,-§ tô ie 7th, . arrivedliere Skis ceren- The Ieading paipers notice the fisbery ex-- citeinesit and inmostly blanie Lord Derby. It s I repu rted tat the French l hve tom-1 bartcti nd~ocupid Trjioi t annun- ccd:-tlat Prince Napolten, %on of Marïi)al - eonbas becniranmttut dMinister nt the Court of W.t>,lin*,ton, in place of M. * ~ ~ Livreront.,Aucu.,i7 polatt diue aiuxed more animation in the Corn tadle, paires hIlaai ad van)ced Id ai 2d pier 7011 1l.èon Wheat anmd <idonm Fleur. indian Corn oiînc. in polutioca being pr.ssed on thet market qilotatioli. art tV. S. rare taad mixed whit, Sait1<> a &î; white Ais a- 61 ' 24; Wesîeî n Cavai Flogir 208, ai20* 61,i St, Loquesand Ohin 20à a 24, NMcMaken &Sn ? tote 3d on Wheâat, anad 6J a 9d lu advaascc oe 'leur on the suave. Bacon d'Ilil, quntathnImI aoi- * inai. lIed ggi lork utialtert-t. Laid'dul 58.- Chreee oýtiqnnaaliy atiked for, but îitfetiot lut Per tort. hiadiataîa120s a iàt>s per M 4 im. Flitte ~Meৠpoîk 804 ê' 904.'lier tol.i: 41ca nomia.- Bli q444 a 46à lier c'a . lanias And ifuulders New York, .Aa u st 17. Abra $47% a $4 81ir for pois, $»-0O s5 561-4 forarl$ri. Fkl'anatigin fil ni, gaies 7t)i) lis <.mrno brrst ai$1a 4 191-4c. Ohio $3 64 a $1 1,21-2c for heialed lei fsncY Maehtga*n a4id da sntu,. ilye FIOMand '-* Cn"Mcai ê0carve. igjt li rj) Mlitaîe t e naai.ci uil. rye qTiet a 7j; a'-7c. (l)ais 43 1-2a 44 1-2ë for CLanden- «urn lîme, saeta64 a,"6 1-2c fut uarsoîand, - 71, Ti forwrstrn.aa-cilrtvmssora jeprk un- rgiAtem, ma$19l 57e .a$2X), prime $17 7il- fiu1)er 12 a1.rrOhmio, 13 118c foriW.'iertN. y, Chsqee 4îa6 3 c. *CON$IjïMPTIrON W 1 -1.1 y b , y knîaws traîa i r tiàidaae- IL eorn- 100 acrs he la:souti bâtiraii lot No. 4, 101b con.of ech, n th newCou t tOntario, 50 acres anales emivation, tvith a log Dweltinq aiotise âf t aiun, yotaiîg Otchard, a never fsliing Sprint Alis 104* acres the wett halfof lot No. 7, 121bcoita. or the maid Township of RE ACHR,-1.5 acres in- a eperman"I t aream of water crosses', 4 :&ion the wcst bsal f of lot No. 7, 2d. Con. XX- BRIMUE, 30 acres improved, witb Dwelling lotie and barni on 1h. premises. Tiacre is a good $SwMilL ils p.sfecl workia order wih a suffi- dett i-iiply of waler, abundane of Pite in tie imneofistc nelghborhuod, andl within 18R.mlcs froua a Shippin ç l'rI en Lake Ontailo, t. whicla tbere in realy accesu by ood rosd* a i ail Seasomas AIao, 13 acres on tle adjoitias lot, alli rapaoved aindweill frgced. Atè,a imml DwelIinc Rousea. nd lot linltae- .VILLAGF ol BKOOKLIN, lInlthe Townshbip of AWIa, BuialdingjLo*t inthle VILLAGEZofOSIl- AWA i th iidTownship of WEITBY. -Ail the precedlag properly, for quulity and W. I - ** I IYDPENA~< fIOUGlI LNE ITELIBR OENWAY!. 1IHE New, Splendid UppzrCailafuit-~ , m ashng steamaer OCIEAN WAVE, Ail"ie Wrght. Commanstdr, wilitcommence p1yan; .- tween IHamilten aad Moatreai on U8AY NEXT, tl I(1h instant', leetuin% Hamilton fgr Montrea[leaho'ehochc, a. sm., Cal ta Welling- tnSquare, Otikvtie anad Part C-ui srn 'otammtaa at 10 1-2 o'eiock a. m. taschinq nt WHI"BYt Osiatea, Port Daiingteu, Bond Hlead, Port Hope, Cobxumr, Kington anal iriternicaiate Ports on thictver St. Lawenesce, <wsaîher per- mtttngruussiajthrougi ithehées thticRapida * nd alitntMontreuil inma imsfor tie Quebc fne of Iail Beat$.- For treiiat or passage apph> to thse Captain on baoard. Toronato, Augaitt 15.18. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENTi Quefrc 64: August, 1852. CHETWI-EM }T(iJRE. ROBERT Re LA WDER R> 1SPECrFILLY -becs to anneunce ta i as customers and-the inbh, bitants of Whitby, PiLFckering, anald ther% WiSaptlaa ho bas frouaà mr bi ln Port Whitby analCeommercial Buildings i Whitby Village, lo tie New Cbàequered Store, Corner of Brock and -King Streets, Wiere, lu Oldiio to lte ette Stcks fa-m bcth 4à laed stands, ise hotuopencal out a large ass.rlni@ia Dry Goods, Groceries, Hcacy and Sheif Hardware, Boots- SIsoes, -Liquo>-s, Drugs,. 4-c. 4e. 4-c. Al of çs'lich lhe wili Sei af Lowrer Prices tlsan E ver. 1Wiuby V1aTisuut 852. VERY IMPORTANT. fNO'J11 erh i-t tn future Sales-nf Crown a Lnds will lbeat tie prices. ana oui tise terits seciied intheti respective local- ities u acrtionad Iieow; West of tic Couritica ofDtianmai Victoria,- aI .Suvci Stilliuîgs anal Six Pence per -acre, payaâ- ble lu teèn atinual inbltmmentst, vaithinlterest, oea -tenli at tic lime aSts Eas: t rtise Cauly ut Ontatin, w'lîiilî Upier REI E'F-I'TS NINt E:,C PL Conada, Foursbitliirgs peirce;lI. lIie count- - N IiNM~ /'S IP îy oi Ottawa, Tlirce Sluiliipge per arejfro~nt IN A IW )Y ,IN5B D tictmî r fthse SI. LaNwreisce Io te Cuuuay 13Y T'rîî (W EtlAT r o- 0f Saiguemat.y. lsaitsosua et these t.Lia wreice tuatise E Distielcf itelceeauaiic ~CatieeI.cu herEIN1.lDY and IRennrme fleau, Une SbailngS A muiix Pence 7er acrre trI i te District ef Qtielc, weat rtf tia DR. J'OCOCRK'S. ltivcr Caudiere und Krvam.'îiee 11ud. TtýoShii-1 liais gser acre: in th i »ii-st r me.lvcs St. Pratuci% atuittreul, btiti ol lie St. Law- o h i. fCtgsCls sha loi rnr,1ttere s-ililngs pet acre: lutt ïmise , Fo1 c i t lîeur et Corititis, C nda, aimtotaf- Gaspe aad Cuuilty 09Sacuctaiy, bilme Shîllinc per thu thîe itrrst aidli'ngs. Acre, in al cases î.'al in li ve aitmnaliimitai, Manactuuitd y JAMESJUIINSTON. Roch- ment*, tait i asricet, omie figlîtaitithlimeaco ester. N. Y. "ole ptnoprictar loi telic ted calte Sale. adBfibNrhArein Fiai lundi emhisnced in value ivs1îu-cial aitcomm. u< ats ui ncia *ances, sies exita pria-n ntay b.e fixeti as 111 [EXceelcncy -use G(Ovç-ter General an Caunti ay Pl7 î :w i AS1E LOf'OCK'S dircIt occuptlion fabcW ineaiate antd conti- F A'1 E IV.J E S noua, te 1Lattaitabascleated ns the raie or ive TUEîr. ltatitISPEciric. acre aitaîahi fo u-eiyiurîlîd ues imrng1 A certaitn cure fui Maitsium Suppru'-si, or Stîp- *(ie yests, andta a dauvl-liîîg hotise erretcmhUot less Mu-uses; leatri> ÃŽ Dfcii or Iitant citelçl esi t b t-,eltyâ> etitea.linac Iaitfui Mesruatsion ; Aracmaarma.a.or Partial - 7'le iiýlwrto e sjbjct 0 bly encul î-nierOitftltirlm i(i erjsiIâs Ciltrols, at Gieei Siek- (luiîltmtl traiy be itimoad, ei uu s; LtcmruFtirAibus, 9flIites, antd ail 'Ïe ,aeI e t lu--mtîe ru'A autdavoaiti ia case o et - l teglu*et <r aitflalinra atifariy of flim eneoidaliots. cml leatuar VTe sellier go be eiffmled hto lata a Paienit spilot cutipIitn.«wllm alilticeutNuolms. TUE i1 .iasT x Et;TABLTU monreiliaat wotaundrcd actes Ioube sciai Iti asail), MAG IC PAI N DESTROYER, ont, prisai. a Morafarlurd 1,3'J.MES JUIINSTU N, Ruselsuis. r Is aprinli te 11tt0% ice ta c-epytfar anc tr.NY. SaI.l'Tptmctt. Fot i te culeuafA4r Vhsith.'y Auz4 hIs.1852. 18-l1m. 1 im-rs ut every ktuilituna, firoke r icasts, - - - _____I-ahculiiiii, Coins, f:ystpeias, Fasoits, Prer Caijda Ies jsietaSar J>~i.Sai t Ziaetim. stuî-vv. Ucerf, -, -i -'iles, &-. AGONT forts - alieve Cosnpatuiy, will t ail tmes, alkemîtsb4frpa erecel ce aplîIcatloast oi Iinisuranccs. J. I3LAGK. Cniuutl,us,,Ajiri 29,18:.?2-l BOOKS! IB00KS!! Tgl-Llss rnIeruined lias openrd a - mt-a [.AGE, oe sour FlO t ots f Mi. ilER11I (WR- RIE'S DIZRt GSTORE, wierehe titc u-ils igeofs- issg contaantly 011 hal a 4"at andI wellI ssleuîasd ste nli nIiiooKs, s'rýio:NAnY, PANcYI (;O(iDS, aats IATENT 0NICILS t lid lac wsll solv,- ry tbsw for casis or reaaly psty. - AutilenetiIt lia 4lobtîited on sh'at notce, D. S. STA RR. Wiliby 21st. Juite 1852. 1i-ly.. HOUE &LOT' FQR SALE IN WI-ITBY. 7j111- uabscriber offle.- for ae a Lot) na wlicb ÃŽ1 eCiCclusa iNxw DW GIS Iliai- a with oevery nuesry arrangementt lui coinfoat land ceiavenienrc. For paîticulata am iot ternis, 4-C., aippiy to i<OBT. OÂRTSIIORE. Wittiy, June 19,1852. lO-3n1. For 'sal Tl"; ubsciiber effers tor srta l is pro- petly aaîuatcd lut]PiICERING, .k amiles 1 f rom Frecnlauar's Bay and 5wenly.ftve lien To- a-ente côtislstlnit of - UNE HUNOREO ACRES 0f LANDI on which is a Fuîit-rate Saw Mill, 74 leed long, imsc îapuligt snd a gangr ef Ciieiaiiir Saws fer eut- eeg Latit, &c., tilien iy ans awerahet asieel wtîh metel Siaftu anda gearimag, ail fitîcai up an tic beài mranner aiti aljsunuiance of wataui-tic ycar reundi. Tiere is ai good Aih l iliding are Frame, suhsaamiial, aud have' bfeeaecd withintiselhast lwo yeara. TîtereWl a large qaiantity ot Plate onth lanal, andan sy quianiiiy tleo btild in thi eitghboood ou easy terrma. TIIVM'Eot" TERMS et payaient mobt liseraI., as tis e ulscrîbcr bas ailier maltera requiirîng ail bi tie andl attention. A-pply on the p remises Io ROBT. WIGMORE, Green.'ao, ]Pickering, or lI te olîewpg gen- tîetacu, viz- - R. H. LAWDER, Whilhy, and1 W. il. FEL- - LO "-V, Wellington Sîreet,- Torontfo Piclacring, Juiy 4 1M2. 6t MO 7'l CiE. A.L aties indebted to the. Subscriber 1 eltr by Note or BooklA caeojýaiae bercby natîficda ulenit-shfe tome W ~piaIon or hefore the. FIiST of SEPTEME.R ufxt, a.Choesa*qi id itdSceunîs wil b.- plsadin sthe banals oithAe. Clark of the Cosutfor-collction. i'1E~,PIL SPILES, Or itteanail l-nedy foiar he Ples ; puarpareil by A UP'llAM, M. 1)., 196 BIa'er 1 Ne 1 Ym.'k, a ieg- ulu'i y eu.-attý-d l-'Iyîcian, w 0 dev oIeslis atteim- tausi -inscaf>it eattim-ty Ittis discuis-. Dr. lTpianits FE1ectitay i.' a certain cute, wtier lelecditig or Biiiil i es., tiernai <ar Esterrial, ani aisin:- osi- ei diâeasea w'fi-h are ireq.itety fajicol& c- junctiat ttuities TO.IMIRRJED LAIDIES. Tise Eictaary sl pefet-tly bafe for Preiaut Liadies andmS lit , -oet itaful Ctiartl ictalurais paseiýý bus maed, as it ii t iot nly ternaie thse 1Piles anti ail 1ltisa-niaaty Disesacs, without P'ains or ltmittiott tatas 'aili etiau-uait easy irime, a safe dcliiry, and il.a ouat> otiiuliaî: l sicinuth 4u'inl. NO. 1. Jeu,,David hms returncd. IVut are îruty gratiticaol e cru tuait this eelc- lsrateal peonage lias atuai appearcul in out midst, anal oup1mieil hbis ag~ent, in every towss wii a îîesh tupply nti las fantaus Hatarew Phaer, théit has i.een sos tiauci souglat aftt-i. None, now, necal suÉffr as.'y langer wiîls laima or Wcaknss, wio wio wvii liotaiti a box oftii. excelent piaicie, ad ap;mi> a potioolef its contents te the paît tis- eaa-d, au piaints 15scarrîly eeri kmown te exist hIre tuis piastusr ia Icsowus. NO. 7. Wanted Iuelnedlately 1 Lîfîemt Thecuaand Cases oh Rheumnatismn, Lame Jlaei-a, tVeak aides, Lame or stiu6 Joints, Spir.al Complaitle, vlSatno, Swehlimaga, Tunora, Spraiuts, &c., ail et avilciteepromisie ananediaite -la by appiyim.,te JEw DAliv for a iilebtew Piau- FRENCfI R IAT EXTElMINATOR. rfu iiîS preparatlon laMWai rantcd te Extermntae 1. ltais and Mice., wicnever usedao adalrectel,: snd lu, lear. e t fensive sirmcli onth ie prauilses; clcaruadoi ettsantioyinuave.-min. Itu use<s peri - fectly saite it an y place ana lit ail tirnes, wiei ai aitthls e te itit erdinary remedies fer thia evit.> Cautîin Tie extraaimdinary succeus aitM. Disby'sRat Extermitiatot bas excilsal (bc cupteal iomea, i 7V- N1ON EY sPOWER. T I'F C0111panV' cf the ISIT11Y WocL-' LaiS FAcrout' are atill in tie fitluLausd ready la elite ali aiadi.ra in ther lune of business on tihe shortelit notice. Hvt~ame nraesre ly, anal iheir esaliasment iainegosse tlaieuiizh thorouiir repair, îiscy scilicit a sittre of public ýparossage. i'-hry iill i chdauge Cllh fur Wool un rea- Mfan-ufacturiüg List of .Prices. Sattinoti, Warp i.iau-uded, , 1 10 1-2 Flannel, do. do. 1 O Tweed' do. , adu. 1 3 Elankea's, 1 6 - Pull Clati. 2 0 %Vool Caiditag, per petutal, Oý 2 14- k;litlning, dé). Oý 7 1-2 Utlait wvnik demie ira proportion. osliaws %Vont Carmliugqand Cloin Dreasing will las carritcal on by tite abat-e Frtn. J. ('. BUWERItAN & Co. Whi6y. 'Maay 12. 18.52. h.mf. WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY@ T 'fILE S'ubiacriber desires mostrespectfîmlly to aiutrmo'iiace tu tie iniabitantsof Uxsarmsox, and lie sirrnmitîdtng Townusips, sult he has beei dulyapmitîîud AcEST l'v y tic Western Assurance Comipany, Jately orgarrfzed lu Tei*roitto. te talle Risias a-sainst Pare on the most reasanable termes. A Mso, pallies wiîiitmg a afte atual remuicratîve ilr- Vusitaielttof mnntay have rtoiv ail oploî:ussily te aîmy anotit ti excemraling Une funulred $hies nt Teii Punils per Slitue, wite osily Pive per cent ut Ten Siiillinjs per Shaie are requireIeto be paid duwn. The- jtîoiabilityla, tiat :ie dividentlewili pay off thetreater pari of lte Stock subscribcd, unsihe eompa.'sîyhould extead their opera- tauts ta Ltfe and Marine Insurance. But sieult! it b tac uitaneressmry tlu rai lin a futrier cent- age ai thse-Sock tasricsixty Jays' notice wiil tac givcu previis tu tihe date of paymenl. AHIý: aii a'r.sapecrtully suiralaed, THOMAS BOUTER. tStixridge, Aprl 22. 1852. 3-tf TO BUILDERS. 7J 'E subîirruber respcctfuily inferms par- ties DuildifigtIsai tbu là. prep.tred te supply aty qianlty cf &V IED Loil lit Buitdlc, of lhc usual .Lengtlt. Ticee LatIs wili I-c fouridciteaper,èan tac tmore rstpldly laid ons, atsl-ilf ;ive better asfartien thsa tich commes Split Boa-i. Lath herelefore ini use- SNu. 14. tIi Cent Pickcering, 1 nmita Eas:s>f Tiempun's Hoel. Apply Iu R. H, LAWDal ,Whitiy. , Pickering<. June 16, 1852. 10-3s., T[LIE duties of lthe abeve Institution iil bas resumeal on, MONDAY the. 20thAua- r t itiîst. Vîuiet talemena are praupareal for Leir.l or Mmrdical studica, and fter entcting tise JA MES il ODOSON, Prlincipai. For termes ef Tuitien, Board, &c. pet quarmer, appiy to itePrincipal..-I Whilhy, Aueuat 7(h, 1862. 3.-H. PROVINCIAL MUTUM. A NUGeNeRA 1N8VRANVIE COilWAV5 Offie-O-hurch Btrolet To- rozito. DIRCTOItS. . .CLàiti, PreàirIMai. J. S. HOWARD, Vice Freti, J. G. IJowzs. I J. J. H14y>i, M. D. W. L: Peaiiq. J. LuwciN Rjontsojg. T HI$ CÃ"MPANY effectaIasuianea t h issvrlAgencies. The Mutîtai Deparimnaat alees net a'xceed £0 on a,,y one risk, and beiing cotallneti te letarchet biîdnss, i_tsrereby rendeied the unotsale an A YJAw To raise, &by tay f Locmn, tite ,um tof £6,000 and4 Intergat, payatble with$n TwentijYeas,foraieÉrecion Of a Cogrt #ouff and GaoZ in thLe COUNTYof'ONTARIO& W~HEREÂS it là expedient to rais., bý Wvay Of Lcan, the. sum of Six ToHou&ANI> Pooting, for the, phrpdse et de(rayialiashe e4én;- us. of procuring a Site) andof etecting a Cour Houu andi UAoL in the ViLLAGE Of WUîTBV, in the County of Ontario, andit it lt rTqlire iht Punaf nebon nd Sven Huntired and Eighty Pndlltab lmu i aa aspecial rate for the paay. Luaoo uc n andteInt.iMesut therWe, itk- in Twsnty Years from the Sevenili dIsy of September, 1852, as tollows, liait làt'> nâY-' £66w a instheYcr 1859~. 642 " f"i 1 a. 624 'di*U 1854l. 6M6 dé 1855. 588 la *~18M6. 570 " *' 1857. (652 185a . 534 " M59s. '165 " 1860. 498 1861. 480 1862 M62 di " 180r3. 444 a 864. 429 " 186.5. 408 a 1866. M dé 6 à 1867, 3 72 ,", fi 1868. 3,54 fi do 1869. 3M l fi " 1870. ais8 Il Il 1871, Anad wheri the amunt of raleable propa-ty in lias sa!d Ceunty *1Ontario amour) is 10 tie saunor Onec Million Four Ilisinrei andl Fitly-nahaui Thou- snai Sevn lun-dreal & Sixly Pounals assessei valus for tic yeairvf osr LoidOai. hbousant i Egih ht- dreai anudFit l-uae, and ilwill require tie several iraies lu tie polti irntioned in the $chedule bei-e- to anamexed usarked À (andl torzning parit oet fia IIy-Law>, uron aucis ratcabîs property st a spe-. 1 ciai raie for the payunntof sait! lrtterest, amil for tie tîcatlon ef a %inkini; fund fer thc payrment et tae principal ol stach 10ban, accorilanç 1t he r.- quitecmetîilof the one iundr-d and seveniy-sevcntî Isertioti ut tie Upper C anada Munmtîipal Corpora-, tions Act et 18419, as amenhled l'y liheL'pper ca- nada Muinicipal i urai.tsLaw a iutedment De it uherefatre enaclesl by thse Provlsionl Mu-- nripa (iauncll of tie Couraîy of Ontario,< 155-T saIj:.all andl say hc la*fsal laiandl for tie Provjionmal Warçlen of tef id alIProvisîunal Munficipal Counécli, Io raitesby. wsy ofetin, ai a rase et intereal net cxcwiedlusx per ceîmuaper annuin, grein atay porson or perionu, body corpo- rate or politic, wlmo uuay hewilllig 10 stîancete saine upon tie credit of tic debensurca herejuaîter mentioneal, a surm etmouey uaoî exceediug luntise wholc Ico *in of Sixi Thonsamad Paind, suad ta cause tic saie It e cpaid ÃŽl hel biandht of tie Pr-rasisieuml Treaurcrol flic saisi Provisional Mu- tnicipal Crtil. j2nd.-Tit il shall and lmay hlaiwlul lu aud Ifor lte sait> Proviâional- Wairden in cauae or direct amy nsamber otdebena:ures lo be trade out for suci sumis or satiof mouiey net exceeding in tise wiole flic sai of SikTlîaus.and Pounds, as aiy persolnor 'ersons, body corpotate or polluie. shah aigree lin adance on tic cratdit ut suci dcbcaaires, wiici $hall ticissued utader lie common seual et tsic aaid Previsiotal Municipal Ceuncl, and signed by tic Previsional Waîden 'tissuProvisionail Trea-aurer, and made eut ha suci maisuer anal terni anad paya- ble ait sucit periods not exceedine twenty yeara& thse salal Pravisionai Warlan shahi deetu expedient; pieviaies alwaya aevertiaaiess,lias tise saisi debeai- fitres shail net hc usode payable arly sooner hban titis Bv'-Law proviJez for raisirag aroney fur titeir 3a1d.-Triaat tise intereait on 6uch debentures salal be payabale ut the office e t-ftiailalProviaiemsaii Treatrer, on the Seveitti day et Septêeuzatin eaci andt every ycar after tic saame are ïssaed. 4ti.-Tsat thse su tan hrei-e Hundred Peunds, beinz one-tweulieti part oethlie sid sîum of Six TieusanafPoundai, shahli bépala aitle saisiProvi- sional Trcastïrerls office ins c aidalevery year, tflacftri payment lo e limade on tise Sevesali day of September lu tie ysar et cur Lord ails lhousaud eigithutdrcd anal fty-thrée. bti.-Tiat lie sum ofe Six Thormssa4Poitund& whcn s. pai inlassehie bandseof tic sali!Pwovisienal Treasurer, stiai b. appieal towards defraying thc statansaofi' rcating a fCourt Buan d G satal fav Scsedulul. l ed, levied a rates for the able properl purposeoet PotinIs atia thte Jroceed bc nt ir., ai lti thc whûa thaieeon asa anad take cIf Reterred 10 in hal. part th iDSt of a p 1926i 1872 1818 1764 1602 wlaich wll b. gdhantee.d eu1C icipt naree lieuses anid tôt,- 500 0 0 2 large Englîsia Watcbss, Building Lot, . - 50 0 0 1 Double Caserl Hantîsi; Watcb,> flaudseue Buàcgy Mare, 5 yenrs old, 25 0 O 1 Lepinie Watcla, Good Horde, 7 years olal, (fast trotter,) 17 10 0 WlaeelhuroW, me*, Bugyaearly new, 20 0 0 6 Hiçle-y'a Paient Ghurtas, Do eWaggon, ucw, 17 10 0 15 l'licafis, Horse Cart, new, 10_O O 0 12 Maîtri,;'. WairiiitcclAxed, Cutier, 6 : i O 0 3 s(erflmn-fi, Singcle Waýçon, (irrai 5 0 0'OO -3 Sîcel Sparlea, se Rul fia aie , r O 5 0.24 >?fi e E k5, SeS*rgc an" 3 OO II'arlonriove, Set CaitRamresi, 115i10 ifluiand Fancy Vess, Dotible Barrel Gun & Mlahogasay Case, 5 10 0 6 Silir Hais and Casei, Singéle Barrai Quit, 20 O 6 TDairtyj hou: Brasa Clegka, Newv Ploagla, 4 OO 0 .5Iron Meaies, hall busbel&qaa Pair tfarrows, new, 3- 0 (0 3~5 Tea Traysa; an Bread Trays, 2 Lever Watthca, capped &jw - sleal, <uei,)200 1 Tic abnve List ameunting te 55 0 Prizes, wiii ha dîawn on a simple plan; tiere beia1 beroal Tickets put ni is a Wieei No. 1, correupondatai,_ ta the Tickets solda, sl 321')0slips ir Wheel Nod. 2; 550of shc slips Wing mariacilwithi tie severat Prizea iiaving nofie amberi tiat caci noarrber hais anma equal chanice, as a persora chostr n aaile gspa1wii i attend ecac dtawiigfîroua Wheel No. 1 a numbuired 'fTIcket, s1ien from wbi-l !No. 2 will h4 drawa Wili tell the fate ci each nitiber, wthelher ii Pirîze or a Blarîk, whirla wili be cbeck.d andi respectable meni chesen flot» hoie preisent holin riTckeiisat tsetiuie of drawiiaç. Th on tI. liaIconsistl a sLoT of LASa, ona whieh ifa ecteil a Twe Siory 11iic IloiSa, tie undéer.paît cf whch il flttcd i u as a 4ercianir. Shuip Aise, ai two Siory Pu,% 32r.24 feet,al inut iiiroui repair. Aldo, a-Siablte24a. 18 Il., Wocd Shed26w 18 f.; the ex«-fl1cnt Weil wilh new Puinp on the pîcinisea, andlà numrber of Fruait Trees. Thc wla wil compi lde oeePrize. rlleere will te 3200 Tiekels ai ONri DOLLAR eaCds DraWing 'tg CO% 10 o'0Iock, A.N,, j'csy Ail oraaay o e iaaote Prizts may h. seen on appliCatiUL 5o C. G. -ANDEB Whithy, 141h JuIy, 1852. CHEAcciP GOODS. T ~ ~SuIscriber, ini teîaderiraj thanika for the liberel patronage hc bas to- at tiree yeara, begu le aairiase thi t he lias - JOît tccivçd dirret tmEngIand rUt Nelw Ian thLe larg-« ta;,d br,ýt assortcd Stevfl, of *STAPLE AND FANCY DRY CO< ver m-~e irutathe t i rket. lis Stock of D'y Goaconlinis tinppart of thée foUl Bonnets, Parasols, Ribbons, Priîîted -Mushins, Muslin Gi liSok Poplins, Hoyle's B-arege of the Latest Styles. Ilgtc-of Daueiic Dry Gooda ii Vcry exw-eitave, and lower titan aly cver oifèed fi 36 inch lleavy Grey Cottonts 5d. per yard, Chaerslu nproportion. ,Wiii alito ccil particular aittention teis Cvsistii2lg iipart of Tî.ceed, Doe-skins and Cassimere whiie were aIlit nporied tLsis Sprin g and will be sold extremely cheap. Hi&. Stiwk e Hardware &Crocker avr epi etc, and wiii b. laid et puices Ite ey eospetiîln, Wiîby, April 20, 1852. saàt tie speelal r~ ieretoaniacxca, w uaui-pnllseted tai 44 44 .WA. Ail appia- F. KELLE.R. f-ý

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